Connects - Training Material

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Connects - Training Material

Training Sessions Material


Silicon Valley 2019 - Automotive Presentation Files

Communication Infrastructure

Edge Intelligence


Mobile, Wearable & Computing

IoT Smart Home

Hardware & Software Solutions

Silicon Valley 2019 - Industrial & IoT, Mobile, & Communication Infrastructure Presentation Files


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This session will cover Smart Home Applications and how sensors can be utilized to create such applications. Some key applications include Smart Door, Window Tamper Detect, Door Knock Detect, Smart HVAC filter, Smart Pill Box, Smart pool Pump, Smart Torch, Smart Stove and many more.
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This session will cover NXP's complete sensor portfolio for both Automotive and IoT markets. This session will also provide an overview of the various target applications for sensors in both automotive and IoT domains.  Applications ranging from Airbags, Tire Pressure Monitors to low power activity monitoring and asset tracking will be covered in the session.
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Hands-on workshop using the low cost KIT-HGDRONEK66 HoverGames drone reference platform for small autonomous vehicles. Learn about the open source PX4 flight stack vehicle manangement unit, NuttX RTOS, Mavlink, DDS RTPS services, associated Linux companion computer and Qgroundcontrol groundstation for vehicle configuration and flight logging and planning. Learn by example compiling the code and adding new functions within the PX4 modular software framework. Discover interfacing to Rapid-IOT via MAVLINK.
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