Tools & Enablement: The Software Enablement of BlueBox v2.0: ADAS Enablement
This session will go into the detail of the software enablement around the BlueBox v2.0, aka “BlueBox Mini” or “BLBX2”. Suited for level 2/3 autonomous drive. From an engineering perspective topics will include: 1. The BlueBox v2.0 hardware layout. 2. BSP content with middleware; Linux config and Ubuntu rootfs; Linux options between and inter-communication between them; Discussion of middleware options (including ROS versions, and others). 3. How ADAS is supported. 4. Combined to achieve level 2/3 ADAS with AutonomouStuff. 5. Apollo versions ported and benchmarking of the planning module. 6. Future offerings with hardware support and systems-level safety and orchestration. 7. Technical lecture explaining the internals of this enablement.