i.MX Processors Knowledge Base

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The user interface has limited the use of the tool GUI Guider. Getting an interaction only through a mouse or touchscreen can be enough for some use cases. However, sometimes the use case requires to go beyond its limitations. This video/appnote explores the possibility of integrating voice by creating a bridge between a speech recognition technology, such as VIT, and the interface creator GUI Guider. It uses a universal way to link all the voice recognition commands and a wakeword to any interaction created by GUI Guider. The following video shows the steps necessary to create that connection by creating the voice recognition using VIT voice commands and wakewords, create an interface of GUI Guider using a template, how to connect between them using the board i.MX 93 evk and testing it. For more information consult the following links AppNote HTML: https://docs.nxp.com/bundle/AN14270/page/topics/abstract.html?_gl=1*1glzg9k*_ga*NDczMzk4MDYuMTcxNjkyMDI0OA..*_ga_WM5LE0KMSH*MTcxNjkyMDI0OC4xLjEuMTcxNjkyMDcyMy4wLjAuMA AppNote PDF: https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/application-note/AN14270.pdf Associated File: AN14270SW  
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Debian is a free to use and redistribute Linux distribution that is widely used by the community for industrial and desktop applications.  This distribution started in 1993 as Debian Project with Ian Murdock inviting developers to contribute in one of the first Linux distributions.  Debian takes an important role in Linux world with a clear idea about be a full featured and free distribution with over than 59,000 packages provided as a free to use and distribute that supports a wide range of functionalities.  Currently, Debian 12 supports 9 architectures which makes it in a universal operating system that can be implemented in embedded systems, desktops or servers.  Finally, Debian has been an inspiration for well-known Linux distributions such as Kali and Ubuntu.  In this guide we will check the installation process of Debian 12 for NXP microprocessors i.MX family, specifically for i.MX8M Mini, i.MX8M Nano, i.MX8M Plus and i.MX93.  For this purpose, we divided the document in the following topics: Hardware Requirements Software Requirements Host Preparation SD Card Preparation Copying Bootloader  Copying Kernel and DTB files Debian Installation Configure Base System Boot your target References   Hardware Requirements Linux Host computer (Ubuntu 20.04 or later) USB Card reader or Micro SD to SD adapter SD Card Evaluation Kit Board for the i.MX8M Nano, i.MX8M Mini, i.MX8M Plus or i.MX93   Software Requirements Linux Ubuntu (20.04 and 24.04 tested) or Debian for host BSP version 6.1.55 for your specific target (Embedded Linux for i.MX Applications Processors | NXP Semiconductors)   Host Preparation For Debian installation we will require some specific packages for host.  You can download the packages using the following command: $ sudo apt install debian-archive-keyring debootstrap qemu-user-static We must validate the key to verify the archive using the command: $ sudo apt-key add /usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg If running an older release you need to get the unstable keyring package (because the version in your release is probably too old to have the current key) $ wget http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/d/debian-archive-keyring/debian-archive-keyring_2023.4_all.deb $ sudo dpkg -i debian-archive-keyring_2023.4_all.deb   SD Card Preparation The Linux kernel running on the Linux host assigns a device node to the SD/MMC card reader. The kernel might decide the device node name or udev rules might be used. In the following instructions, it is assumed that udev is not used. To identify the device node assigned to the SD/MMC card, carry out the following command: $ cat /proc/partitions   Partitioning the SD card On most Linux host operating systems, the SD card is mounted automatically upon insertion. Therefore, before running fdisk, make sure that the SD card is unmounted if it was previously mounted (through sudo umount /dev/sdx). Start by running fdisk with root permissions. Use the instructions above to determine the card ID. We are using sdx as an example. $ sudo fdisk /dev/sdx  Type the following parameters (each followed by <ENTER>): $fdisk: p # lists the current partitions $fdisk: d # to delete existing partitions. Repeat this until no unnecessary partitions $fdisk: n # create a new partition $fdisk: p # create a primary partition - use for both partitions $fdisk: 1 # the first partition $fdisk: 20480 # starting at offset sector $fdisk: 1024000 # ending position of the first partition to be used for the boot Images $fdisk: p # to check the partitions $fdisk: n # create a new partition $fdisk: p # create a primary partition $fdisk: 2 # the second partition $fdisk: 1228800 # starting at offset sector, which leaves enough space for the kernel, the bootloader and its configuration data $fdisk: <enter> # using the default value will create a partition that extends to the last sector of the media $fdisk: p # to check the partitions $fdisk: w # this writes the partition table to the media and fdisk exits   Copying Bootloader and Kernel In this section we will copy the bootloader and kernel image to SD card.  First, we can create a new directory to unzip the BSP downloaded from the NXP site.  $ mkdir debian-imx $ cd debian-imx $ unzip ~/Downloads/LF_v6.1.55-2.2.0_images_<board>.zip Where board is: IMX8MPEVK IMX8MNEVK IMX8MMEVK IMX93EVK Then, copy the U-Boot image. $ sudo dd if=<U-Boot_image> of=/dev/sdx bs=1k seek=<offset> conv=fsync Where offset is: 33 - for i.MX 8M Mini 32 - for i.MX 8M Nano, i.MX 8M Plus, and i.MX 9 The sectors of SD/eMMC before the “offset” KB are reserved. It may include the partition table.   Copying Kernel image and DTB files This section describes how to load the kernel image and DTB. The pre-built SD card image uses the VFAT partition for storing kernel image and DTB, which requires a VFAT partition that is mounted as a Linux drive, and the files are copied into it. This is the preferred method. Default: VFAT partition Format partition 1 on the card as VFAT with this command: $ sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdx1 Mount the formatted partition with this command: $ mkdir mountpoint $ sudo mount /dev/sdx1 mountpoint Copy the zImage and *.dtb files to the mountpoint by using cp. The device tree names should match $ sudo cp *.dtb mountpoint/ $sudo cp Image-<board_name>.bin mountpoint/Image Where board_name is: imx8mpevk imx8mnevk imx8mmevk imx93evk the one used by the variable specified by U-Boot. Unmount the partition with this command: $ sudo umount mountpoint   Debian Installation For Debian installation we will use the official tool debootstrap. This tool allows us to install Debian without a disk and run the system using qemu in a different architecture.  Before using debootstrap tool we need to format and mount the second partition of the SD card with the commands below: $ sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdx2 $ sudo mount /dev/sdx2 mountpoint/ debootstrap can download the needed files directly from the archive when you run it. You can substitute any Debian archive mirror for http.us.debian.org/debian in the command below, preferably a mirror close to you network-wise. Mirrors are listed at http://www.debian.org/mirror/list $ sudo debootstrap --arch arm64 --foreign bookworm mountpoint/ http://ftp.debian.org/debian This step takes a while and depends on the resources of your host machine.   Configure Base System Now you’ve got a real Debian system, though rather lean, on disk. chroot into it: $ sudo cp /usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static mountpoint/usr/bin $ sudo LANG=C.UTF-8 chroot mountpoint/ qemu-aarch64-static /bin/bash After chrooting you may need to set the terminal definition to be compatible with the Debian base system, for example: $ export TERM=xterm-color we need to finish the multi-stage boot strap $ /debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage At this point /dev/ only contains very basic device files. For the next steps of the installation, additional device files may be needed. There are different ways to go about this and which method you should use depends on the host system you are using for the installation, whether you intend to use a modular kernel or not, and whether you want to use dynamic (e.g. using udev) or static device files for the new system. A few of the available options are: install the makedev package, and create a default set of static device files using (after chrooting) $ apt install makedev $ mount none /proc -t proc $ cd /dev $ MAKEDEV generic With these next steps we will be setting up the Debian system:   Setting fstab FSTAB is a configuration table designed to ease the burden of mounting and unmounting file systems to a machine. $ nano /etc/fstab # stock fstab - you probably want to override this with a machine specific one /dev/root / auto defaults 1 1 proc /proc proc defaults 0 0 devpts /dev/pts devpts mode=0620,ptmxmode=0666,gid=5 0 0 tmpfs /run tmpfs mode=0755,nodev,nosuid,strictatime 0 0 tmpfs /var/volatile tmpfs defaults 0 0 # uncomment this if your device has a SD/MMC/Transflash slot #/dev/mmcblk0p1 /media/card auto defaults,sync,noauto 0 0   Setting Timezone The following command allows you to choose your timezone. $ dpkg-reconfigure tzdata   Configure apt Debootstrap will have created a very basic /etc/apt/sources.list that will allow installing additional packages. However, you may want to add some additional sources, for example for source packages and security updates: $ nano /etc/apt/sources.list deb http://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm main non-free-firmware deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm main non-free-firmware deb http://deb.debian.org/debian-security/ bookworm-security main non-free-firmware deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian-security/ bookworm-security main non-free-firmware deb http://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm-updates main non-free-firmware deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm-updates main non-free-firmware Make sure to run the apt update after you have made changes to the sources list   Configure locales and keyboard To configure your locale settings to use a language other than English, install the locales support package and configure it. Currently, the use of UTF-8 locales is recommended. $ apt install locales $ dpkg-reconfigure locales To configure your keyboard (if needed): $ apt install console-setup $ dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration Note that the keyboard cannot be set while in the chroot, but will be configured for the next reboot   Adding Users $ apt install sudo $ adduser imx $ usermod -aG sudo imx $ nano /etc/sudoers imx ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL   Tasksel Installation As mentioned earlier, the installed system will be very basic. If you would like to make the system a bit more mature, there is an easy method to install all packages with “standard” priority: $ tasksel install standard $ apt clean $ exit $ sudo umount mountpoint/ $sync   Boot your target Now, you can boot your target from your SD Card. (Review your specific target documentation)   Configure Networking (after booting target) Based on Debian official documentation for new systems the common names for network interfaces such as eth0 or wlan0 are not used. Therefore, we will need to list the interfaces using: $ ls /sys/class/net To have ethernet connection we will need to create a file in the path etc/network/. $ sudo nano etc/network/interfaces Type the following commands on the file: auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto end0 iface end0 inet dhcp   Install Neofetch (Optional) $ apt install neofetch   Outputs  Debian 12 running on i.MX8MP Debian 12 running on i.MX93   References Chapter 1. Definitions and overview. (2021, January). Retrieved May 30, 2024, from https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-faq/basic-defs.en.html Debian GNU/Linux Installation Guide. (2024). https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/i386/install.en.pdf Arm64Port. (n.d.). https://wiki.debian.org/Arm64Port i.MX Linux User's Guide (nxp.com)
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  Some customers want to expose their i3c device on the /dev, In order to develop their i3c APP or operation the i3c device like I2C. But in our default BSP code, we do not support this feature for I3C device, This article will introduce how to make the i3c device expose to the user space. Board : i.MX 93 EVK BSP Version : lf-6.1.55-2.2.0 I3C device : LSM6DSOXTR Step 1 : Rework the i.MX93 EVK Board, Install the R1010.      Step 2 : Apply the add_i3c_device_to_dev.patch file to the linux kernel code              Command : git apply add_i3c_device_to_dev.patch Step 3 : Re-compile the kernel Image file.              Command : make imx_v8_defconfig                                  make Step 4 : Boot your board with "imx93-11x11-evk-i3c.dtb" file and see if you can see the I3C device on the /dev directory. Result : We can see the i3c device is appeared in /dev directory, The i2c-8 is an i2c device mounted to the i3c bus. The i3c is backward compatible with i2c device. It will simulate the I2C signal loading i2c device.                 PS : You can also use the i2ctool detect i2c-8 device. As shown in the following picture:   Note : If you need the patch file, Please contact me any time for free.
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-- DTS for gpio wakeup   // SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0+ OR MIT) /*  * Copyright 2022 NXP  */   #include "imx93-11x11-evk.dts"   / {         gpio-keys {                 compatible = "gpio-keys";                 pinctrl-names = "default";                 pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_gpio_keys>;                   power {                   label = "GPIO Key Power";                   linux,code = <KEY_POWER>;                   gpios = <&gpio2 7 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;                   wakeup-source;                   debounce-interval = <20>;                   interrupt-parent = <&gpio2>;                   interrupts = <7 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;                 };         }; };   &iomuxc {         pinctrl_gpio_keys: gpio_keys_grp {                 fsl,pins = <                         MX93_PAD_GPIO_IO07__GPIO2_IO07  0x31e                 >;         }; }; -- testing the switch GPIO  First check if your gpio dts configuration to make it act as a switch works or not After executing the command - 'evtest /dev/input/event1' Trigger an interrupt by connecting GPIO2 7 to GND, as soon as you do that, you will receive Event logs such as below:- This shows that your dts configuration for GPIO works.     -- Verify the interrupt         -- Go to sleep and then connect the GPIO to GND to trigger a wakeup, in the logs we see that kernel exits the suspend mode    
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Hello, on this post I will explain how to record separated audio channels using an 8MIC-RPI-MX8 Board. As background about how to setup the board to record and play audio using i.MX boards, I suggest you take a look on the next post: How to configure, record and play audio using an 8MIC-RPI-MX8 Board. Requirements: I.MX 8M Mini EVK. Linux Binary Demo Files - i.MX 8MMini EVK. 8MIC-RPI-MX8 Board. Serial console emulator (Tera Term, Putty, etc.). Headphones/speakers. Waveform Audio Format WAV, known for WAVE (Waveform Audio File Format), is a subset of Microsoft’s Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF) specification for storing digital audio files. This format does not apply compression to the information and stores the audio with different sampling rates and bitrates. WAV files are larger in size compared to other formats such as MP3 which uses compression to reduce the file size while maintaining a good audio quality but, there is always some lose on quality since audio information is too random to be compressed with conventional methods, the main advantage of this format is provide an audio file without losses that is also widely used on studio. This files starts with a file header with data chunks. A WAV file consists of two sub-chunks: fmt chunk: data format. data chunk: sample data. So, is structured by a metadata that is called WAV file header and the actual audio information. The header of a WAV (RIFF) file is 44 bytes long and has the following format: How to separate the channels? To separate each audio channel from the recording we need to use the next command that will record raw data of each channel. arecord -D plughw:<audio device> -c<number of chanels> -f <format> -r <sample rate> -d <duration of the recording> --separate-channels <output file name>.wav arecord -D plughw:2,0 -c8 -f s16_le -r 48000 -d 10 --separate-channels sample.wav This command will output raw data of recorded channels as is showed below. This raw data cannot be used as a “normal” .wav file because the header information is missing. It is possible to confirm it if import raw data to a DAW and play recorded samples: So, to use this information we need to create the header for each file using WAVE library on python. Here the script that I used: import wave import os name = input("Enter the name of the audio file: ") os.system("arecord -D plughw:2,0 -c8 -f s16_le -r 48000 -d 10 --separate-channels " + name + ".wav") for i in range (0,8): with open(name + ".wav." + str(i), "rb") as in_file: data = in_file.read() with wave.open(name + "_channel_" + str(i) +".wav", "wb") as out_file: out_file.setnchannels(1) out_file.setsampwidth(2) out_file.setframerate(48000) out_file.writeframesraw(data) os.system("mkdir output_files") os.system("mv " + name + "_channel_" + "* " + "output_files") os.system("rm " + name + ".wav.*") If we run the script, will generate a directory with the eight audio channels in .wav format. Now, we will be able to play each channel individually using an audio player. References IBM, Microsoft Corporation. (1991). Multimedia Programming Interface and Data Specifications 1.0. Microsoft Corporation. (1994). New Multimedia Data Types and Data Techniques. Standford University. (2024, January 30). Retrieved from WAVE PCM sound file format: http://hummer.stanford.edu/sig/doc/classes/SoundHeader/WaveFormat/
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The purpose of this document is to provide a guide on how to export new symbols using the Bazel Android server instead of the build_abi.sh script. For a better reference how to build Android i.MX image please look at the next chapter 3 Building the Android Platform for i.MX in the Android User's Guide 1. Compile full AOSP or only kernel Build full AOSP: $ source build/envsetup.sh $ lunch evk_8mp-eng $ ./imx-make.sh -j8  Only build the kernel: $ ./imx-make.sh kernel -j8 2. Generic Kernel Image GKI Development Download GKI outside of android_build (MY_ANDROID). # Make sure MY_ANDROID is set to the android_build folder. $ export MY_ANDROID=`pwd` # mkdir gki && cd gki (Make sure folder gki is not inside of ${MY_ANDROID}) $ repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/manifest -b common-android14-6.1 $ repo sync $ cd common 3. Export New Symbols Switch the kernel in this common folder from AOSP to its device, and apply the patches required for your project. In this case Android $ cd common $ git remote add device https://github.com/nxp-imx/linux-imx.git $ git remote update $ git fetch device --tags $ git checkout android-14.0.0_1.2.0 $ cd .. $ ln -s ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp-opensource/verisilicon_sw_isp_vvcam verisilicon_sw_isp_vvcam $ ln -s ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp-opensource/nxp-mwifiex nxp-mwifiex $ BUILD_FOR_GKI=yes BUILD_CONFIG=common/build.config.imx $ EXT_MODULES_MAKEFILE="verisilicon_sw_isp_vvcam/vvcam/v4l2/Kbuild" $ EXT_MODULES="nxp-mwifiex/mxm_wifiex/wlan_src" Note: Be sure that your Symbolic Link is pointing to the correct folder Open the Makefile in the following path ../gki/nxp-mwifiex/mxm_wifiex/wlan_src/ and erase some ifreq lines that will generate a No such file or directory error. #Automatically determine Android version from build information to streamline diff --git a/mxm_wifiex/wlan_src/Makefile b/mxm_wifiex/wlan_src/Makefile index 3ec5308..7b6ca47 100644 --- a/mxm_wifiex/wlan_src/Makefile +++ b/mxm_wifiex/wlan_src/Makefile @@ -139,20 +139,7 @@ CONFIG_ANDROID_KERNEL=y ifeq ($(ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT),1) ccflags-y += -DANDROID_SDK_VERSION=$(ANDROID_SDK_VERSION) else -include $(ANDROID_BUILD_TOP)/build/make/core/build_id.mk -ifeq ($(shell echo "$(BUILD_ID)" | cut -c1),R) - ccflags-y += -DANDROID_SDK_VERSION=30 -else ifeq ($(shell echo "$(BUILD_ID)" | cut -c1),S) - ccflags-y += -DANDROID_SDK_VERSION=31 -else ifeq ($(shell echo "$(BUILD_ID)" | cut -c1),T) - ccflags-y += -DANDROID_SDK_VERSION=33 -else ifeq ($(shell echo "$(BUILD_ID)" | cut -c1),U) - ccflags-y += -DANDROID_SDK_VERSION=34 -else - # Default optimization or actions - ANDROID_SDK_VERSION := 0 - ccflags-y += -DANDROID_SDK_VERSION -endif +ccflags-y += -DANDROID_SDK_VERSION=34 endif endif endif -- Then you could update the symbol list by typing the following command. $ tools/bazel run //common:imx_abi_update_symbol_list After the build process is successful, you should get an output like the image below. Build GKI locally. $ tools/bazel run //common:kernel_aarch64_dist  You could follow the next chapters to update the GKI image to your boot image.
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We are pleased to announce that Config Tools for i.MX v15.1 are now available. Downloads & links To download the installer for all platforms, please login to our download site via:  https://www.nxp.com/design/designs/config-tools-for-i-mx-applications-processors:CONFIG-TOOLS-IMX Please refer to  Documentation  for installation and quick start guides. For further information about DDR config and validation, please go to this  blog post. Release Notes Full details on the release (features, known issues...)   Version 15.1 • On MacOS aarch64, the missing Overview is fixed. • TEE – Pin tables now only contain items for specific configuration (mask/security/interrupts).
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P3T1755DP is a ±0.5°C accurate temperature-to-digital converter with a -40 °C to +125 °C range. It uses an on-chip band gap temperature sensor and an A-to-D conversion technique with overtemperature detection. The temperature register always stores a 12-bit two's complement data, giving a temperature resolution of 0.0625 °C P3T1755DP which can be configured for different operation conditions: continuous conversion, one-shot mode, or shutdown mode.   The device has very good features but, unfortunately, is not supported by Linux yet!   The P31755 works very similarly to LM75, pct2075, and other compatibles.   We can add support to P3T1755 in the LM75.c program due to the process to communicate with the device is the same as LM75 and equivalents.   https://github.com/nxp-imx/linux-imx/blob/lf-6.1.55-2.2.0/drivers/hwmon/lm75.c route: drivers/hwmon/lm75.c   The modifications that we have to do are the next:    1. We have to add the configurations to the kernel on the imx_v8_defconfig file CONFIG_SENSORS_ARM_SCMI=y CONFIG_SENSORS_ARM_SCPI=y CONFIG_SENSORS_FP9931=y +CONFIG_SENSORS_LM75=m +CONFIG_HWMON=y +CONFIG_I2C=y +CONFIG_REGMAP_I2C=y CONFIG_SENSORS_LM90=m CONFIG_SENSORS_PWM_FAN=m CONFIG_SENSORS_SL28CPLD=m    2. Add the part on the list of parts compatible with the driver LM75.c enum lm75_type { /* keep sorted in alphabetical order */ max6626, max31725, mcp980x, + p3t1755, pct2075, stds75, stlm75,   3. Add the configuration in the structure lm75_params device_params[]. .default_resolution = 9, .default_sample_time = MSEC_PER_SEC / 18, }, + [p3t1755] = { + .default_resolution = 12, + .default_sample_time = MSEC_PER_SEC / 10, + }, [pct2075] = { .default_resolution = 11, .default_sample_time = MSEC_PER_SEC / 10,   Notes: You can change the configuration of the device using .set_mask and .clear_mask, see more details on LM75.c lines 57 to 78   4. Add the ID to the list in the structure i2c_device_id lm75_ids and of_device_id __maybe_unused lm75_of_match    { "max31725", max31725, }, { "max31726", max31725, }, { "mcp980x", mcp980x, }, + { "p3t1755", p3t1755, }, { "pct2075", pct2075, }, { "stds75", stds75, }, { "stlm75", stlm75, },   + { + .compatible = "nxp,p3t1755", + .data = (void *)p3t1755 + },   5. In addition to all modifications, I modify the device tree of my iMX8MP-EVK to connect the Sensor in I2C3 of the board.  https://github.com/nxp-imx/linux-imx/blob/lf-6.1.55-2.2.0/arch/arm64/boot/dts/freescale/imx8mp-evk.dts   }; }; + + p3t1755: p3t1755@48 { + compatible = "nxp,p3t1755"; + reg = <0x48>; + }; + };   Connections: We will use the expansion connector of the iMX8MP-EVK and J9 of the P3T1755DP-ARD board.   P3T1755DP-ARD board   iMX8MP-EVK   P3T1755DP-ARD ----> iMX8MP-EVK J9              ---------->            J21 +3v3 (Pin 9) ---> +3v3 (Pin 1) GND(Pin 7) ---> GND (PIN 9) SCL (Pin 4) ---> SCL (Pin 5) SDA (Pin 3) ---> SDA (Pin 3)     Reading the Sensor We can read the sensor using the next commands:   Read Temperature: $ cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/temp1_input Reading maximum temperature: $ cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/temp1_max Reading hysteresis: $ cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/temp1_max_hyst   https://www.nxp.com/design/design-center/development-boards-and-designs/analog-toolbox/arduino-shields-solutions/p3t1755dp-arduino-shield-evaluation-board:P3T1755DP-ARD    
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Sometime need standalone compile device tree. Only Linux headers and device tree directory are needed.         
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This article is rather short that only mentions the script that is needed to make an iMX93EVK act as a USB mass storage device so that whenever you connect your iMX device to a windows/linux system via USB, it should get enumerated something like a usb drive.  The storage that is used in this example is mmc so the expectation is that you have inserted a mmc card in the slot. Below is the script:- #!/bin/sh   # This composite gadget include function: # - MASS STORAGE     # # Exit status is 0 for PASS, nonzero for FAIL # STATUS=0   # Check if there is udc available, if not, return fail UDC_DIR=/sys/class/udc if test "$(ls -A "$UDC_DIR")"; then echo "The available udc:" for entry in "$UDC_DIR"/* do echo "$entry" done else STATUS=1 echo "No udc available!" exit $STATUS; fi   id=1; udc_name=ci_hdrc.0 #back_file=/dev/mmcblk1 back_file=/tmp/lun0.img   mkdir /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/g$id cd /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/g$id   # Use NXP VID, i.MX8QXP PID echo 0x1fc9 > idVendor echo 0x12cf > idProduct   mkdir strings/0x409 echo 123456ABCDEF > strings/0x409/serialnumber echo NXP > strings/0x409/manufacturer echo "NXP iMX USB Composite Gadget" > strings/0x409/product   mkdir configs/c.1 mkdir configs/c.1/strings/0x409   echo 5 > configs/c.1/MaxPower echo 0xc0 > configs/c.1/bmAttributes   mkdir functions/mass_storage.1 echo $back_file > functions/mass_storage.1/lun.0/file ln -s functions/mass_storage.1 configs/c.1/   echo $udc_name > UDC First execute the script. After that insert the g_mass_storage module in the kernel by executing :- modprobe g_mass_storage file=/dev/mmcblk1 removable=1 In the dmesg output, you will see something like below:-   After that you can connect a C type USB cable to the USB1 port of imx93evk and the other end to any USB ports of a laptop. The moment it is connected, you would be able to see a USB drive similar to what you get when we connect a pen-drive. 
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What is LGVL? LVGL is a graphics library to run on devices with limited resources. LVGL is fully open-source and has no external dependencies, works with any modern MCU or MPU, and can be used with any (RT)OS or bare metal setup. https://lvgl.io/   What is Framebuffer? The Linux framebuffer (fbdev) is a Linux subsystem used to show graphics on a display, typically manipulated on the system console   How to write on the frame buffer? The device is listed on de device list typically "fb0" on iMX.   1. Stop the window manager (Weston in our BSP) $ systemctl stop weston   2. Write random data on the frame buffer with the next command: $ cat /dev/urandom > /dev/fb0   You should see colored pixels on the screen   3. Restart the window manager. $ systemctl start weston     Cross-compiling the application   1. On the host computer we will clone the LGVL repo: $ git clone https://github.com/lvgl/lv_port_linux_frame_buffer.git -b release/v8.2 $ cd lv_port_linux_frame_buffer $ git submodule update --init --recursive 2. Configure the screen resolution, rotation, and the touch input.       2.1 The resolution is configured in lines 33 and 34 of the main.c disp_drv.hor_res = 1080; disp_drv.ver_res = 1920;           2.2 Rotation configured is on lines 32 and 57 of main.c. disp_drv.sw_rotate = 3; lv_disp_set_rotation(NULL, LV_DISP_ROT_270);     2.3 The touch input is configured on line 450 of lv_drv_conf.h # define EVDEV_NAME "/dev/input/event2"   Note: In my case is on /dev/input/event2 to check the inputs use the command "evtest"   3. Compile the application using the command "make"   Note: To compile the application on your host computer you have to set the environment.   4. Share the file called "demo" with your board and execute it on the board with the command $ ./demo   Note: You have to stop the weston service to run the application.     Notes: Tested on iMX8MN EVK with BSP 6.1.36 Works on Multimedia and Full image.
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  Some customer need to config different I2C bus for their PMIC in DDR test period. There is a simple method can complete this, that is NXP DDR Config Tool. The tool download link is below: https://www.nxp.com/design/development-boards/i-mx-evaluation-and-development-boards/config-tools-for-i-mx-applications-processors:CONFIG-TOOLS-IMX I'm going to use the i.MX 93 EVK board here as a demonstration. On i.MX 93 EVK board, the default PMIC I2C Bus is I2C2, I will show you how to change I2C2 to I2C1, the other i2c bus is same.  Step 1 : Rework the board and make sure the PMIC is connected to I2C1. Remove R714 R715, connnect I2C1_SCL(C20) to U701 pin 41  and I2C1_SDA(C21) tp U701 pin 42. Step 2 : Setup I2C1 PinMux: Config Tool UI:   Advance -> IOMUX config   Command:           Address                Size               Value memory   set     0x443c0170            32                   0x10 memory   set     0x443c0174            32                   0x10 memory   set     0x443c0320            32                   0x40000b9e memory   set     0x443c0324            32                   0x40000b9e Step 3 : Set PMIC VDDQ as 1.1 V Config Tool UI:   Advance -> Custom PMIC initialization enabled   #  PMIC commands        Value 0         pmic_cfg             0x0025       /*I2C bus 1,  PMIC address 0x25 */ (0 for I2C1, 1 for I2C2, 2 for I2C3, 3 for I2c4 …) 1         pmic_set             0x0C29       /* BUCKxOUT_DVS0/1, preset_buck1=0.8V, preset_buck2=0.7V, preset_buck3=0.8V PCA9451_BUCK123_DVS, 0x29 */ 2         pmic_set             0x1118      /*  BUCK1OUT_DVS0=0.9V   PCA9451_BUCK1OUT_DVS0, 0x18 */ 3         pmic_set             0x1718      /*  BUCK3OUT_DVS0=0.9V   PCA9451_BUCK3OUT_DVS0, 0x18 */ 4         pmic_set             0x1428      /*  Set VDDQ to 1.1V  PCA9451_BUCK2OUT_DVS0, 0x28  */ PS : About pmic register, The first two bytes are the register address and the next two bytes are the register setting. Step 4 : Run the DDR "Firmware init test" and see the test result. The success log is as follows: DEBUG memtool.comm.serial_channel ==================hardware_init======================= DEBUG memtool.comm.serial_channel DEBUG memtool.comm.serial_channel Power up ddr... DEBUG memtool.comm.serial_channel DEBUG memtool.comm.serial_channel DDRMIX power on done... DEBUG memtool.comm.serial_channel DEBUG memtool.comm.serial_channel DDRPHY coldreset... DEBUG memtool.comm.serial_channel DEBUG memtool.comm.serial_channel DEBUG memtool.comm.serial_channel DEBUG memtool.comm.serial_channel ********Found PMIC PCA945X********** DEBUG memtool.comm.serial_channel DEBUG memtool.comm.serial_channel Set VDDQ to 1.1V for LPDDR4 DEBUG memtool.comm.serial_channel DEBUG memtool.comm.serial_channel ==================hardware_init exit==================    
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The table below contains notable updates to the current release of the Reference Manual. The information provided here is preliminary and subject to change without notice. Affected Modules Issue Summary Description Date - - No issues noted -
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The table below contains notable updates to the current release of the Reference Manual. The information provided here is preliminary and subject to change without notice. Affected Modules Issue Summary Description Date - - No issues noted -
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Why SWPDM?   In order to process human voice, it is required to have the best audio resolution in the incoming data captured by the microphones. This mean, having a resolution of 16bits is not enough to capture all the information to properly process the voice. Voice processing requires a peripheral capable of capture data on a 32bits resolution within the range of the most common sample rates (16kHz, 44.1kHz, 48Khz, etc.). On the i.MX8M family there is a peripheral which fulfill those requirements and is called MICFIL. MICFIL is a peripheral which convert PDM (Pulse Density Modulation) data to PCM (Pulse-Code Modulation) data. The PDM format encode the analog signal in just one bit. Where 1 means the signal is increasing in amplitude while 0 means the opposite. In the other hand, the PCM format encode the data in 8, 16, or 32 bits. The advantage of PDM is that the creation of microphones is cheaper than having PCM microphones but then you will need a software or hardware which do the conversion for PDM to PCM since PDM cannot be processed. This is the reason of the MICFIL peripheral. However, not all the MICFIL's on the difference SOMs are the same. While the i.MX8MPLUS has a resolution of 32bits its smaller brothers do not. i.MX8MMINI and i.MX8MNANO have a MICFIL which only allows a resolution up to 16bits. For most of the cases it will be enough but not for voice processing. Nevertheless, not everything is lost; As mentioned previously, the PDM to PCM conversation can be done by hardware or by software. NXP also have the algorithm in software to do the conversation. Therefore, if a Mini or Nano is being used for voice processing it is fully recommended to use the ALSA SWPDM Plugin and avoid MICFIL peripheral.   Using the Plugin   In order to use the plugin, it is required to change the DTB to  imx8mm-evk-8mic-swpdm.dtb , when using the i.MX8MM or  imx8mn-evk-8mic-swpdm.dtb , when using the i.MX8MN. In order to do so follow the next steps: Please notice below example if for Mini. For Nano will be the same just changing the DTB name to imx8mn-evk-8mic-swpdm.dtb. # Stop at U-boot u-boot=> edit fdtfile edit: imx8mm-evk-8mic-swpmd.dtb u-boot=> saveenv u-boot=> boot   The change in the DTB is required to disable MICFIL so Linux can receive the raw data and sent it to the plugin. However, the plugin is not enabled by default, users need to explicit add the plugin to their ALSA pipeline. The way of doing so is by adding the following device to  /etc/asound.conf : pcm.cic { type cicFilter slave "hw:imxswpdmaudio,0" delay 100000 gain 0 OSR 48 }   Where: pcm.cic : Is an arbitrary name which allow ALSA to find the requested devices when setting the  -D  flag with  arecord  or  aplay . type cicFilter : This is the plugin type which is named with the algorithm name. slave: Name of the physical or virtual device which will be controlled by the cicFilter plugin. The recommendation is to always have the actual hardware connected to this plugin. delay : Amount of time in microsecond which the plugin won't write to the buffer, but it still does the conversion. The value could be between 100us to 1'000,000us. By removing the property from the structure, the delay will be set to 0. gain : A value between 0 and 100. OSR : Is related to the quality of the signal by increasing the PDM sample rate. With a higher valuer a best quality on the audio can be achieved. However, keep in mind than having a higher value will also require more memory to store all the new data due to the oversampling. The valid values for the OSR are: 48, 64, 96, 128, and 192. With all being said, the only thing left is to test the plugin by running the following command: $ arecord -D cic -c4 -r16000 -f s32_le --period-size=96 -d5 -v test.wav   Integration With AFE   The next and final step is integrating the plugin with AFE and VoiceSeeker. The integration of SWPDM requires to apply a patch to the SWPDM repository. The patch changes the amount of period sizes allowed on the plugin. By default, the plugin only allows certain values which are:  48 Samples = 3ch x 4bytes format x 16samples = 192 bytes. 48 Samples = 2ch x 4bytes format x 48samples = 384 bytes. 48 Samples = 4ch x 4bytes format x 48samples = 768 bytes. 96 Samples = 4ch x 4bytes format x 96samples = 1,536 bytes. Although, AFE and VoiceSeeker are extremely configurable, 48 or 96 samples for the algorithm is too small. Meaning that the SWPDM should support a bigger period size, not all the way around. By applying the attached file, the plugin can have a period size from 64 bytes (1ch and 16 samples) up to 16,384 bytes (4ch and 1024 samples). However, the number of samples can vary depending on the OSR value and the number of channels. Once the patch has been applied in must be installed on: /usr/lib/alsa-lib (if the repository is being built on a standalone environment). AFE opens a device called mic  for capture the microphones' input. This device can have anything below it. By default, have the following definition on /etc/asound.conf  (after following the steps described on the TODO.md file). # mic represents the physical source (capture) pcm.mic { type plug slave.pcm "hw:micfilaudio,0" }   The devices opens the MICFIL driver, but on this case MICFIL is disable, which means the definition of the device must change. From above cic  device the definition can be copy and paste and then tweak one parameter. The delay must be set to 0 by removing the property or setting it explicitly on the structure. If this step if forgotten this might cause some underrun issues. The device definition will be: pcm.mic { type cicFilter slave "hw:imxswpdmaudio,0" delay 0 gain 0 OSR 48 }   The last thing to do will be running AFE with VoiceSeeker as usual. $ /unit_tests/nxp-afe/voice_ui_app & $ /unit_tests/nxp-afe/afe libvoiceseekerlight &   Considerations and Restrictions With all that said, there are few things left to mention, which are the considerations and restrictions on the plugin itself. These are good things to know before adding the plugin into any application. The plugin is supported from the Linux BSP 5.15.32. Currently the plugin only supports up to 4 channels. Plugin only outputs a S32_LE format (if required another format please use MICFIL). By applying above patch, the period size must be a multiple of 16, due to a limitation on the algorithm itself, rather than the plugin. The driver only allows to have one microphone per data-line while MICFIL allows to have two microphones per data-line. The SWPDM Plugin is based on the External Plugin: I/O Plugin. This means it also have the restriction of this ALSA plugin, being the following restriction the most important one: "The I/O-type plugin is a PCM plugin to work as the input or output terminal point, i.e. as a user-space PCM driver". In other words, there can't be any device/plugin on top of it, not even a "plug" type. 
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Background   Wake-on-LAN ( WoL) is an Ethernet computer networking standard that allows a computer to be turned on or awakened from sleep mode by a network message. The message is usually sent to the target computer by a program executed on a device connected to the same local area network. Ethernet connections, including home and work networks, wireless data networks, and the Internet itself, are based on frames sent between computers. WoL is implemented using a specially designed frame called a magic packet, which is sent to all computers in a network, among them the computer to be awakened. The magic packet contains the MAC address of the destination computer. This is an identifying number, built into each network interface controller (NIC)/Ethernet Controller, that enables the NIC/EnetController to be uniquely recognized and addressed on a network What is a WOL Magic packet? The magic packet is a frame that is most often sent as a broadcast and that contains anywhere within its payload 6 bytes of all 255 (FF FF FF FF FF FF in hexadecimal), followed by sixteen repetitions of the target computer's 48-bit MAC address, for a total of 102 bytes. it is typically sent as a UDP datagram to port 0 (reserved port number), 7 (Echo Protocol) or 9 (Discard Protocol) or directly over Ethernet using EtherType 0x0842   Configure iMX93EVK to wake up on an Ethernet Wake On LAN Magic Packet   Pre-requisite:- Install 'Wake on  LAN' utility on windows from the Microsoft Store. This utility uses Port 7 to send magic packet as a broadcast to the devices on the network.   Step-1 Make the dts change to enable wake-up functionality on eth1   In the following dts:- arch/arm64/boot/dts/freescale/imx93-11x11-evk.dts   You would see the node entry for the corresponding ethernet, eth1 as eqos. Add fsl,magic-packet; to the node     After building the changes, boot with the imx93evk image.   Step-2 Enable wake on LAN By default in linux user-space the wake-on-lan is disabled, to enable the wake-on-lan run:  ethtool -s eth1 wol g     Now you are all set to wake up imx93evk via Ethernet WOL packet. Put the iMX93 to deep sleep via 'echo mem > /sys/power/state'   Step-3 Send WOL magic packet via Wake On LAN windows utility to wake up iMX93EVK   Make sure the devices are connected to the same local network like imx93evk and laptop connected to the same L2 switch. Add your imx93evk device to Wake on LAN software, you have to give iMX93EVK's MAC address of the ethernet that the RJ45 cable is connected to[you can get this from 'ifconfig -a' output].     After adding the device, it will look something like below:-     Right-click on the 'imx' device which is registered on Wake on LAN UI and click on 'Send WOL(magic packet)'. The moment you do that the WOL packet is sent to your iMX from your Laptop/PC on the same network and the iMX is woken up from deep sleep.     Hope you found it helpful. Please drop in any questions/comments just in case. 
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Sometimes we need to use an SPI bus to communicate with sensors or another device. Unfortunately, by default on iMX8MN-EVK, we have the ECSPI2 disabled on our BSP.   We can use that peripheral on Linux enabling it in the device tree.   To enable the ECSPI2 on the device tree we have to add the next on imx8mn-evk.dtsi:     status = "okay"; }; +&ecspi2 { + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <0>; + fsl,spi-num-chipselects = <1>; + pinctrl-names = "default"; + pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_ecspi2 &pinctrl_ecspi2_cs>; + cs-gpios = <&gpio5 13 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; + status = "okay"; + + spidev0: spi@0 { + reg = <0>; + compatible = "rohm,dh2228fv"; + spi-max-frequency = <500000>; + }; +}; + &fec1 { pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_fec1>;   On iomux node:   + pinctrl_ecspi2: ecspi2grp { + fsl,pins = < + MX8MN_IOMUXC_ECSPI2_SCLK_ECSPI2_SCLK 0x82 + MX8MN_IOMUXC_ECSPI2_MOSI_ECSPI2_MOSI 0x82 + MX8MN_IOMUXC_ECSPI2_MISO_ECSPI2_MISO 0x82 + >; + }; + + pinctrl_ecspi2_cs: ecspi2cs { + fsl,pins = < + MX8MN_IOMUXC_ECSPI2_SS0_GPIO5_IO13 0x40000 + >; + }; + pinctrl_ir_recv: ir-recv { fsl,pins = < MX8MN_IOMUXC_GPIO1_IO13_GPIO1_IO13 0x4f    after modifying and compiling the device tree you can see the device active like this:     Connection:   Test: spidev_test -D /dev/spidev1.0 -v       You can use the devsheell of yocto to make the changes:   https://community.nxp.com/t5/i-MX-Processors-Knowledge-Base/How-to-use-Devshell-to-compile-device-tree-files/ta-p/1727428
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Hey everyone !! This piece covers how to configure the iMX93EVK board to wake up Cortex A55[ running Linux] from Cortex M33 core[running a bare metal application].    We will be using UART console on Cortex M33 to signal Cortex A55 via RPMSG to wake-up from deep sleep.   This can be done as follows:-   1. Boot iMX93EVK with RPMSG enabled DTB and load M33 binary via UBOOT   After booting to Uboot terminal, set the fdtfile variable to <rpmsg dtb> that will help us enable rpmsg in the kernel.   u-boot=> setenv fdtfile imx93-11x11-evk-rpmsg.dtb u-boot=> setenv bootargs ${jh_clk} ${mcore_clk} console=${console} root=${mmcroot}   then, load the M33 binary from the eMMC partition    u-boot=> fatload mmc 0:1 0x80000000 imx93-11x11-evk_m33_TCM_power_mode_switch.bin 18996 bytes read in 14 ms (1.3 MiB/s)   u-boot=> cp.b 0x80000000 0x201e0000 0x4a34 u-boot=> saveenv Note:-  Do not run the M33 core via bootaux at this point, instead just boot to Linux   u-boot=> boot         2. Starting the Cortex M33 core from Cortex A55[running Linux]   Once linux is up, load the elf of Cortex M33 power mode switch application.   echo ~/power_mode_switch.elf > /sys/devices/platform/imx93-cm33/remoteproc/remoteproc0/firmware   start the M33 core   echo start > /sys/devices/platform/imx93-cm33/remoteproc/remoteproc0/state   On console of Cortex M33 you will see the output as below:-   The log below shows the output of the power mode switch demo in the terminal window: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Start SRTM communication Task 1 is working now #################### Power Mode Switch Task #################### Build Time: Nov 10 2023--15:15:16 Core Clock: 200000000Hz Select the desired operation Press A to enter: Normal RUN mode Press B to enter: WAIT mode Press C to enter: STOP mode Press D to enter: SUSPEND mode Press W to wakeup A55 core Press M for switch M33 Root Clock frequency between OD/ND. Waiting for power mode select.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   M33 at this point is ready to wake up the A55 core.     3. Put A55 core to deep sleep and trigger a wakeup from M33 console   To put A55 to deep sleep   echo mem > /sys/power/state you will see something like below on linux console:-     At this point, A55 core is in deep sleep power saving mode. So the A55 console will not respond to any of the key presses. Go on, give it a try 🙂   Now to wake up this core, go to M33 serial console and type 'W'  This will wake up A55 core and you will see the logs denoting that the core has woken up:-   That's it! that's how you exercise UART wake-up functionality on imx93evk. Please feel free to drop any follow-up questions or additional thoughts on this.
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This article introduces the overall functionality of i.MX8X security. Simulate the process of i.MX8X signature through OpenSSL provides readers with a deeper understanding of this process.   Because lots of limitation for attachments. Have to do following.  1. download                       T4549-i.MX8X security overview and AHAB deep dive.zip.001.zip                      T4549-i.MX8X security overview and AHAB deep dive.zip.002.zip                      T4549-i.MX8X security overview and AHAB deep dive.zip.003.zip 2. decompress                T4549-i.MX8X security overview and AHAB deep dive.zip.001.zip                T4549-i.MX8X security overview and AHAB deep dive.zip.002.zip                T4549-i.MX8X security overview and AHAB deep dive.zip.003.zip 3. Put together and decompress         T4549-i.MX8X security overview and AHAB deep dive.zip.001    T4549-i.MX8X security overview and AHAB deep dive.zip.002    T4549-i.MX8X security overview and AHAB deep dive.zip.003  
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  Environment i.MX8MP EVK, SDK2.15   The default rpmsg buffer size in SDK is 512Bytes(16 Bytes header + 496Bytes payload). This knowledge base will try to change the default buffer size in rpmsg framework. Steps:   1.Modify rpmsg payload size in SDK PATH: SDK\evkmimx8mp_rpmsg_lite_str_echo_rtos_imxcm7\rpmsg_config.h     //! RL_BUFFER_PAYLOAD_SIZE //! //! Size of the buffer payload, it must be equal to (240, 496, 1008, ...) //! [2^n - 16]. Ensure the same value is defined on both sides of rpmsg //! communication. The default value is 496U. #define RL_BUFFER_PAYLOAD_SIZE (1008)     2. Modify buffer size in rpmsg linux framework and buffer pool in dts. PATH: drivers/rpmsg/virtio_rpmsg_bus.c            arch/arm64/boot/dts/freescale/imx8mp-evk-rpmsg.dts   Test steps:   Modify the send buffer in imx_rpmsg_tty.c     #define MSG "hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world! hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world! hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!"       Modify buffer limitation in SDK PATH: evkmimx8mp_rpmsg_lite_str_echo_rtos_imxcm7\main_remote.c     /* Globals */ static char app_buf[1024]; /* Each RPMSG buffer can carry less than 512 payload */       Terminal output We can see that the MAX buffer size received in SDK is not limited to 512Bytes     Nameservice sent, ready for incoming messages... Get Message From Master Side : "hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world! hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world! hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!" [len : 674]       If we use a larger buffer like 2022 Bytes, we will see error when driver load.     [ 2673.447384] imx_rpmsg_tty virtio0.rpmsg-virtual-tty-channel-1.-1.30: message is too big (2022) [ 2673.456271] imx_rpmsg_tty virtio0.rpmsg-virtual-tty-channel-1.-1.30: rpmsg_send failed: -90 [ 2673.465556] imx_rpmsg_tty virtio0.rpmsg-virtual-tty-channel-1.-1.30: rpmsg_dev_probe: failed: -90 [ 2673.474496] imx_rpmsg_tty: probe of virtio0.rpmsg-virtual-tty-channel-1.-1.30 failed with error -90          
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