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i.MX Processors Knowledge Base


Hello everyone, In this document I'll explain on how to build the UUU (Universal Update Utility) using windows 10 PC. This may be useful in case of adding custom commands to run during the flash using built-in scripts, be it for debugging, fuse blowing, etc. First we need to download and install Visual Studio community, for this guide I'll use community 2019, version it is available here: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/thank-you-downloading-visual-studio/?sku=Community&rel=16 For workloads select Universal Windows Platform development.   When installing, make sure to select and install the Git for windows complement, at the top select Individual components, this will display a new list, scroll down to code tools and you will find Git for windows, check this box In case Visual Studio is already installed, you may open the installer again and chose modify, this will let you install the complement as well. After the installation is complete we may run the git commands on the power shell. Now open the windows power shell and type the following commands: git clone https://github.com/NXPmicro/mfgtools.git // clones the MFGTool (UUU) source code from the github cd mfgtools // enters the mfgtools folder we just cloned git submodule init // creates the local configuration file for the submodules git submodule update // set the submodules to the commit specified by the main repository. At this point we can edit the built in scripts to add our custom commands, for this guide I'll add the printenv uboot command at the end of the flashing process. For this I'll enter the folder mfgtools/uuu, and edit emmc_burn_all.lst with any text editor, i.e. Notepad ++, add the command FB: ucmd printenv.   Save and close the editor, it is possible to add most uboot commands like for example the fuse commands to burn eFuses. Then we can now build the tool, opening msvc/uuu-static-link.sln with Visual studio, select solution uuu-static-link.sln   And finally build the solution: The executable (uuu.exe) would be at the following path: mfgtools\msvc\x64\Debug   Finally we run the built in script we modified and check the results. Find attached both the powershell and uboot logs, I tested this using an i.MX8MN with L5.4.47_2.2.0, running the following command: ./uuu.exe -v -b emmc_all imx-boot-imx8mnevk-sd.bin-flash_evk imx-image-full-imx8mnevk.wic Hope this may found useful for anyone trying to achieve something similar.
Symptoms   Customer want to add gps dynamic link library as service in android system,but can not be allowed by Android SE Policy. Diagnosis   Customer didn't set the correct config file.   Solution ① Open the file android_build/device/fsl/imx8q/mek_8q/mek_8q.mk, add gnss service   # GNSS HAL PUALPRODUCT_PACKAGES += \android.hardware.gnss@1.0-impl \android.hardware.gnss@1.0-service     ② Open the file android_build/device/fsl/imx8q/mek_8q/manifest.xml and add gnss hidl     android.hardware.gnsshwbinder 1.0 IGnss default     ③ Open the file android_build/device/fsl/imx8q/mek_8q/BoardConfig.mk, add   #GNSS PUALBOARD_HAS_GPS_HARDWARE := true     ④ Open the file android_build/device/fsl/imx8q/mek_8q/ueventd.freescale.rc, add   /dev/ttyLP1 0660 system gps       Add Selinux permissions     Add in device/fsl/imx8q/sepolicy/system_server.te:   allow hal_gnss_default vndbinder_device:chr_file {read };     After adding the test, there are also permission issues such as write, open, etc., we add it all at once:   allow hal_gnss_default vndbinder_device:chr_file {open read write execute getattr create ioctl map};
In this doc will show how to use i.MX8QXP DPU do image warp.   SW: i.MX Linux BSP L5.4.24_2.1.0 bsp release and patch in this doc HW: i.MX8QXP MEK board, ov5640 camera, HDMI display   Introduction Image Warping is the process of digitally manipulating image data such that the image’s projection precisely matches a specific projection surface or shape.   i.MX8QXP DPU controller could do image warp work by its blit engine and display engine. I choose to enable blit engine’s fetchwarp9 unit to do warp work. Check i.MX8QXP RM, Blit Engine support Image Warp as: “Performs a re-sampling of the source image with any pattern. The sample point positions are read from a compressed coordinate buffer.” So you need prepare two input buffers, one buffer store original image data, the other buffer store resample point coordinate, DPU blit engine will read that two buffer by fetchwarp9 unit, then output result image buffer which contain warped image data. Note i.MX8QXP DPU blit engine fetchwarp9 unit, for the input original image buffer, support RGB and YUV 4:4:4 format. The resample point coordinate buffer contents is depend on what kind warp transformation in your use case; and for each resample point coordinate format check i.MX8QXP RM fecthwarp unit description as below. In this doc, using the 2xs12.4 format, each point x coordinate use (12+4) bit, same as y coordinate.   For DPU fetchwarp9 unit, to enable it work for image warp, check i.MX8QXP RM:   2.Patch notes and test code imx8-dpu-warp-kernel.diff contain the kernel side change for drm ioctl api permission and add vmap function of ion dma_buf_ops. libg2d.so contain the binary for adding warp feature. g2d.h is header file which add define for G2D_WARP and G2D_YUV4. imx8-ov5640-dpu-warp-render.c is a sample code which show how to call g2d lib to image warp, need open the G2D_WARP flag. And this code contain some example calculate the coordinate buffer of rotate, swirl, barrel distortion, affine transformation, perspective transformation, wave transformation. And this code will show read camera input frame then add warp process , then render warp image frame to display.   The test cmd usage as below, read 1080P frame from ov5640 camera, do warp then render warp image to drm plane. Note as dpu fetchwarp9 unit support YUV 4:4:4 input image frame, so below cmd need set parameter YUV4, which will ask ISI driver output YUV 4:4:4 image frame. imx8-ov5640-dpu-warp-render  -i /dev/video0 -f YUV4  -S 1920,1080  -M imx-drm -p 91:38 -F XB24  -b 6  -e g2d  -t 5         -i <video-node> set video node (default: /dev/video0)         -f <fourcc>     set input format using 4cc         -S <width,height>       set input resolution         -s <width,height>@<left,top>    set crop area         -M <drm-module> set DRM module         -o <connector_id>:<crtc_id>:<mode>      set a mode         -p <connector_id>:<crtc_id>     output to a plane         -F <fourcc>     set output format using 4cc         -t <warptype>   set 0 neutual 1 rotate 2 swirl 3 divisionmodel 4 affine 5 perpsptive 6 wave         -b buffer_count set number of buffers        3.Example original image:                     Reference: https://www.nxp.com/webapp/Download?colCode=IMX8DQXPRM https://www.nxp.com/webapp/Download?colCode=L5.4.24_2.1.0_MX8QXPC0&appType=license https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image_geometry_correction https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/dri-devel/2012-March/019778.html https://store.kde.org/p/1246558 https://github.com/ImageMagick/ImageMagick        
1. HW Environment:     IMX8mm-evk board.     ITE6122 mipi dsi to lvds bridge board.     B101UAN02.1 1920x1200 LVDS panel   2. SW Environment:     IMX YOCTO 4.14.98-2.0.0ga release.   3. Patch operation:     a. git clone https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/linux-imx.git     b. git checkout -b  imx_4.14.98_2.0.0_ga remotes/origin/imx_4.14.98_2.0.0_ga     c. patch -p1 < ../ite6122_imx8mm_4.14.98ga_18c3fd8837fc3c6_0512.patch   4. Tested on imx8mm-evk board:   5. Attached doc list:      i.MX8MM(MN)_IT6122FN_ user guide_V0.20.pdf ------  ite6122 bridge board HW guide      i.MX8MM(MN)_IT6122FN_V11_20200513.pdf  ------  ite6122 bridge board SCH      ite6122_imx8mm_4.14.98ga_18c3fd8837fc3c6_0512.patch  ------  Linux kernel driver patch      B101UAN02.1_Ver1.0.pdf -------  panel spec              2020/10/30: 6122-hw-version-2010-10-30.zip ------ updated new HW design.        
BSP: L5.4.47-2.2.0-rc2 Board: imx8QM B0 HW:  LVDS2HDMI , MIPIDSI2HDMI. It is the porting of i.MX8QM dpu loopback to isi. to the 5.4.y, with the addition of the MIPI-DSI loopback and the HDMI loopback.  Overview of the DC capture configuration: For enabling the capture: only DC 0 Stream 0  and DC 1 Stream 1 can be captured The pixel link Master address should be set to 3 because the Receiver Address at ISI is 3 and can't be changed. To continue displaying the stream, the Receiver Address at LVDS and DSI or HDMI should be changed to 3. It is possible to change the RA by using GPIO of the modules.   Patches: Create V4L2 device enabling the capture of by the ISI of DC loop-backs. Enable ISI capture from DSI 0 / LVDS 1 in 1920x1080 (at the same time.) Enable ISI capture from HDMI in 2840x2160 (half with even pixel) in 1920x2160. While capturing with the ISI, the captured screen continue to be displayed. Remark: Ov5640 cameras are also enabled in the same dtb. So 4 stream in 1920x1080 can be captured at the same time. Installation and gstreamer command: See readme
Harware: - i.MX7D-SDB board - QCA9880 card with MINI PCIe Interface The Wifi module is connected to the PCIe slot on the board.     Software: - Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Host - L4.19.35_1.1.0 BSP   Tool: - uuu 1.2.68 for linux (run on ubuntu host)   Toolchain: - The toolchain can be obtained from the Yocto BSP. Please read and follow the steps in i.MX_Yocto_Project_User's_Guide to build the BSP and then read the Chapter of "How to build U-Boot and Kernel in standalone environment" in i.MX_Linux_User's_Guide to build the toolchain.   Build the Kernel: # mkdir imx_build # cd imx_build # git clone https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/linux-imx -b imx_4.19.35_1.1.0 # cd linux-imx # source /opt/fsl-imx-fb/4.19-warrior/imx6/environment-setup-cortexa9hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi # export ARCH=arm # make clean # make imx_v7_defconfig # make menuconfig - Select the PCIe driver and the Wifi support - PCI controller drivers--->                    DesignWare PCI Core Support----> - Networking support----->                             Wireless----->   - Select the ath10 driver (it supports QCA988X) Device Drivers---->             Network device support----->                                      Wirless LAN----> - Save and Exit. - Add the firmware in the .config file: Get the firmware file (e.g. firmware-2.bin) from your wifi vendor or download it from the web. Put the firmware in linux-imx/firmware/ folder. Edit the .config file and add these two lines: CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE="board.bin firmware-2.bin" CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE_DIR="/home/jimmy/imx_build/linux-imx/firmware" - Build the kernel # make Then the zImage will be obtained in arch/arm/boot.   Using uuu to program the SD card: - Downloading demo image of L4.19.35_1.10 from the nxp website. - Copy the zImage to the directory - Copy the uuu (V1.2.68) to the directory - Copy the samples/example_kernel_emmc.uuu to imx7d_kernel_emmc.uuu - Modify the image the imx7d_kernel_emmc.uuu - In the demo image, you will see the files like this: - run uuu and the script to program the images.   Wifi driver loaded and wlan0 is up: # dmesg | grep pci   # ifconfig -a   Reference Document: - i.MX_Linux_User's_Guide.pdf - i.MX_Porting_Guide.pdf  
As of this writing, April 2015, the default sdcard image created from a Yocto Project build has all the software images nicely aligned to create a SDCARD. 10/7/2020: Update - SDCARD image names have been updated to images ending with .wic as the default from Yocto Project.  The process is the same for both .sdcard and .wic files.   There are two partitions within the image: A W95 FAT32 (LBA) partition that contains the Linux zImage, and various device tree binary (dtb) files A Linux root file system. Each partition can be mounted from your Linux host computer, then you can read or write the partition contents. Here are the steps based on the core-image-base recipe for the imx6sxsabresd machine using Yocto Project release L3.14.28_1.0.0_GA.   The name of the image: core-image-base-imx6sxsabresd.sdcard Run the fdisk command to view the contents of the image: $ fdisk -l core-image-base-imx6sxsabresd.sdcard Disk core-image-base-imx6sxsabresd.sdcard: 100 MB, 100663296 bytes 4 heads, 32 sectors/track, 1536 cylinders, total 196608 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disk identifier: 0x00074663 Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System core-image-base-imx6sxsabresd.sdcard1 8192 24575 8192 c W95 FAT32 (LBA) core-image-base-imx6sxsabresd.sdcard2 24576 188415 81920 83 Linux   Determine the byte offset into the sdcard image of where each partition starts:  core-image-base-imx6sxsabresd.sdcard1 starts at sector 8192. One sector unit is 512 bytes.                8192 * 512 = 4194304 core-image-base-imx6sxsabresd.sdcard2 starts at sector 24576. 24576 * 512 = 12582912   Mount Partitions First create mount points: $ sudo mkdir /mnt/{mp1,mp2}    sdcard1 partition $ sudo mount -o loop,offset=4194304 core-image-base-imx6sxsabresd.sdcard /mnt/mp1 NOTE: An alternate method for determining the offset, see below: $ sudo mount -o loop,offset=$((512 * 8192)) core-image-base-imx6sxsabresd.sdcard /mnt/mp1 sdcard2 partition $ sudo mount -o loop,offset=12582912 core-image-base-imx6sxsabresd.sdcard /mnt/mp2 View the contents of each mounted partition $ ls /mnt/mp1 imx6sx-sdb.dtb imx6sx-sdb-lcdif1.dtb imx6sx-sdb-reva.dtb imx6sx-sdb-sai.dtb imx6sx-sdb-emmc.dtb imx6sx-sdb-m4.dtb imx6sx-sdb-reva-ldo.dtb zImage $ ls /mnt/mp2 bin boot dev etc home lib lost+found media mnt proc run sbin sys tmp usr var   When done release the mount points and remove them from /mnt $ sudo umount /mnt/{mp1,mp2} $ sudo rm /mnt/{mp1,mp2}  
To enable USB 2.0 port on BB for USB OTG, you need to apply below two changes: device/fsl.git   diff --git a/imx8q/mek_8q/init.usb.rc b/imx8q/mek_8q/init.usb.rc index af4e388..0f3ab0b 100644 --- a/imx8q/mek_8q/init.usb.rc +++ b/imx8q/mek_8q/init.usb.rc @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ on early-boot      mount functionfs mtp /dev/usb-ffs/mtp rmode=0770,fmode=0660,uid=1024,gid=1024,no_disconnect=1      mount functionfs ptp /dev/usb-ffs/ptp rmode=0770,fmode=0660,uid=1024,gid=1024,no_disconnect=1      setprop sys.usb.mtp.device_type 3 -    setprop vendor.usb.config "5b110000.usb3" +    setprop vendor.usb.config "ci_hdrc.0"      write /sys/module/libcomposite/parameters/disable_l1_for_hs "y"      symlink /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1 /config/usb_gadget/g1/os_desc/b.1   vendor/nxp-opensource/kernel_imx.git           revert below patch:           commit 2f9586c120971312e61df464264993899cf34536           Author: yang.tian <yang.tian@nxp.com>           Date:   Tue Jan 7 13:30:02 2020 +0800       MA-15242 Set usb2.0 port as usb host only for mek_8q  
This document is a user guide for the GStreamer version 1.0 based accelerated solution included in all the i.MX 8 family SoCs supported by NXP BSP L5.4.24_1.1.0. Some instructions assume a host machine running a Linux distribution, such as Ubuntu, connected to i.MX 8 device. These commands were tested using Ubuntu 18.04 LTD, and while Ubuntu is not required on the host machine, other distributions have not been tested. These instructions are targeted for use with the following hardware: • i.MX 8MQ EVK • i.MX 8MN EVK • i.MX 8MN EVK • i.MX 8QXP MEK B0 • i.MX 8QM MEK B0   Release History v1.0 - Mar 2020 - Initial release. v2.0 - Sep 2020: Added the following content: - Mux/Demux Examples - Audio Examples - Image Examples - Transcode Examples - Streaming Examples - Multi-Display Examples - Scaling and Rotation Examples - Zero-copy Examples - Debug Examples Maintainers: . Marco Franchi . Pedro Jardim
1. HW Environment:     IMX8mp-evk board.     ITE6151 mipi dsi to eDP bridge board.   2. SW Environment:     IMX YOCTO 5.4.24-2.1.0 release.   3. Patch operation:     a. git clone https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/linux-imx.git     b. git checkout -b  imx_5.4.24_2.1.0 origin/imx_5.4.24_2.1.0     c. patch -p1 < ../ite6151_mipi2edp_linux_5.4.24_20200921.patch   4. Tested on imx8mp-evk board with DP monitor on 1080p mode: 5. Attached doc list:     IT6151 demo board user guide v1.0.pdf ------  ite6151 bridge board HW guide     it6151_qfn48_v20_20190905-01_end.pdf  ------  ite6151 bridge board SCH     imx8mp_ite6151_mipi2edp_linux_5.4.24_20200921.patch ------  Linux kernel driver patch     Image + imx8mp-evk-it6151.dtb  ------  test image and dtb  
After following instructions on how to change DRAM PLL frequency, here is a quick comparison of Stream, running on the i.MX 8MM. Normalized to LPDDR4-3000, based on 5.4.24_2.1.0​ BSP Stream LP4-3000 LP4-2400 DDR4-2400 LPDDR-1866 Copy: 1 0.810 0.735 0.497 Scale: 1 0.896 0.765 0.756 Add: 1 0.899 0.683 0.762 Triad: 1 0.902 0.680 0.767      
Description       This doc explain how to enable the plugin boot on i.MX6Q/6DL and which used for change the pll2 clock and add the spread spectrum support to pass the EMI test. we still list the source codes of 3.0.35 and 4.1.15. to explain the dts/non-dts kernel support.       本文旨在说明如何在i.MX6Q/6DL上实现plugin启动,以支持展频和改变pll2的频率,其目的是为了通过 EMI测试。也附上了基于3.0.35和4.1.15的源代码,以供参考   Products Product Category NXP Part Number URL MPU i.MX6 Family https://www.nxp.com/products/processors-and-microcontrollers/arm-processors/i-mx-applications-processors/i-mx-6-processors:IMX6X_SERIES   Tools NXP Development Board URL i.MX6 SabreSDP https://www.nxp.com/design/development-boards:EVDEBRDSSYS#/collection=softwaretools&start=0&max=25&query=typeTax%3E%3Et633::archived%3E%3E0::Sub_Asset_Type%3E%3ETSP::deviceTax%3E%3Ec731_c380_c127_c126&sorting=Buy%2FSpecifications.desc&language=en&siblings=false          Version: MX6Q_PLUGIN_FC_SSC_V7-20200915_chn..pdf(chinese version)add baidou support MX6Q_PLUGIN_FC_SSC_V7-20170504_eng-chapter-imx6dl.doc+MX6Q_PLUGIN_FC_SSC_V3-20170309_eng.doc(english version)      
- In LTIB generate a rootfs.jffs2 with a erase block size of 16KB: ./ltib -c ---Target Image Generation   Options ---> ---Choose your root file system image type     Target image: (jffs2) --->   (16) jffs2 erase block size in KB - Copy the generated rootfs.jffs2 to /tftpboot : cp rootfs.jffs2 /tftpboot - Program 200732 Redboot binary. The 200732 Redboot is available in the 20071008 BSP iso. After mounting the iso go to the bootloaders directory, extract the redboot_200732.tar.gz file and use the pre-built mx31ads_redboot.bin inside the bin directory. - Boot from NAND and setup the network parameters fis init load -r -b 0x100000 /tftpboot/zImage fis create -l 0x200000 kernel load -r -b 0x100000 /tftpboot/rootfs.jffs2 fis create -l 0x1d000000 root - Pass the following kernel command line: fis load kernel exec -b 0x100000 -l 0x200000 -c "noinitrd console=ttymxc0,115200 root=/dev/mtdblock6 rootfstype=jffs2 init=linuxrc ip=none mtdparts=mx" You need to replace mtdblock6 with your rootfs partition, see below: mx31# cat /proc/mtd dev:    size  erasesize  name mtd0: 00040000 00020000 "RedBoot" mtd1: 001a0000 00020000 "kernel" mtd2: 0001f000 00008000 "FIS directory" mtd3: 00001000 00008000 "RedBoot config" mtd4: 00040000 00004000 "RedBoot" mtd5: 00200000 00004000 "kernel" mtd6: 01d00000 00004000 "root" mtd7: 00003000 00004000 "FIS directory" mtd8: 00001000 00004000 "RedBoot config" mx31#
How to connect i.MX51 and Ubuntu using USB cable: i.MX51 Side Plug in USB cable. getprop debug.adb.usb - Shows that debug.adb.usb are not set by default setprop persist.service.adb.enable 0 -> disable adb setprop debug.adb.usb 1 - adb will be through USB (for Ethernet, use setprop debug.adb.usb 0) setprop persist.service.adb.enable 1 -> enable adb Example: # getprop debug.adb.usb  # # # setprop persist.service.adb.enable 0 disabling adb # adb_release android_usb gadget: high speed config #1: android setprop debug.adb.usb 1 # # setprop persist.service.adb.enable 1 enabling adb # adb_open adb_release adb_open android_usb gadget: high speed config #1: android # Ubuntu Side On Ubuntu side, the most important tip is regarding permission. ADB server MUST be started with root right. Example of right mistake: $ sudo <AND_SDK_DIR>/android-sdk-linux_86/tools/adb devices List of devices attached ????????????    no permissions  $ sudo <AND_SDK_DIR>/android-sdk-linux_86/tools/adb shell error: insufficient permissions for device How to proceed to get permission: $ sudo <AND_SDK_DIR>/android-sdk-linux_86/tools/adb kill-server $ sudo <AND_SDK_DIR>/android-sdk-linux_86/tools/adb start-server * daemon not running. starting it now * * daemon started successfully * $ sudo <AND_SDK_DIR>/android-sdk-linux_86/tools/adb devices List of devices attached 0123456789ABCDEF    device  $ sudo <AND_SDK_DIR>/android-sdk-linux_86/tools/adb shell ADB over Ethernet/Wi-Fi To make ADB work in i.MX51 using TCP: In your host machine: - Install Android SDK - export ADBHOST=BOARD_IP (setenv ADBHOST=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) - adb kill-server In your board: - make sure that ro.secure property is *not* set when the adbd daemon is launched, so edit the file default.prop - make sure that /dev/android_adb or /dev/android do *not* exist - stop adbd - start adbd Now you will be able to list the device: hamilton@saygon:/opt/work/androidsdk/android-sdk-linux_86/tools$ ./adb kill-server hamilton@saygon:/opt/work/androidsdk/android-sdk-linux_86/tools$ ./adb devices * daemon not running. starting it now * * daemon started successfully * List of devices attached emulator-5554   device
Creating an image A kernel image and a root file system can be created using LTIB, or compiling the kernel and setting the correct set of files. Create a root file system image from a set of files converting the files to a jffs2 file system. For this, install the package mtd-tools. In Ubuntu type apt-get install mtd-tools For making an root file system for flash, use the jffs2 file system like: mkfs.jffs2 -r rootfs -e 0x40000 -s 0x800 -n -o rootfs.jffs2 Where rootfs/ is the original set of file for the file system and rootfs.jffs2 is the output image file. Flashing Some connection errors can be avoided by Configuring RedBoot. The process below uses TFTP to copy the files between host and target. Copy the kernel image and the root file system image to the TFTP dir. For example, in All Boards LTIB dir, type sudo cp ./rootfs/boot/zImage /tftpboot sudo cp rootfs.jffs2 /tftpboot/ Where /tftpboot is the dir configured for TFTP The next steps are performed in a Minicom session, and happens on the board. Formatting the flash: fis init Flashing kernel Load kernel image (zImage) using the command below. Remember to modify the host IP address: load -r -b 0x100000 /tftpboot/zImage -h The address 0x100000 is used as a temporary location Create the kernel fis create -f 0x100000 kernel Flashing root file system Load root file system image (rootfs.jffs2) to the temporary address. Remember to modify the host IP address: load -r -b 0x100000 /tftpboot/rootfs.jffs2 -h Create the root file system in the right address (0x600000, for i.MX35 PDK) fis create -f 0x600000 root You can now load your kernel in the flash by typing: fis load kernel To know if the root file system written in the flash was correctly saved, execute the NFS file system and mount the flash. For load the the root file system by NFS, type: exec -b 0x100000 -l 0x200000 -c "noinitrd console=ttymxc0,115200 root=/dev/nfs nfsroot= init=/linuxrc ip=" Wait the system go up, then mount the flash at /mnt. Reminde that the flash has a jffs2 file system. mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock8 /mnt ls /mnt List the /mnt contents. The output must be the right file system. Modifying the initial script Reset the board and press CTRL-C. Type fc to modify the configurations and insert the initialization script. RedBoot> fc Run script at boot: true Boot script: Enter script, terminate with empty line >> fis load kernel >> exec -c "noinitrd console=ttymxc0,115200 root=/dev/mtdblock8 rw rootfstype=jffs2 ip=dhcp" >> Boot script timeout (1000ms resolution): 1 Use BOOTP for network configuration: false Gateway IP address: Local IP address: Local IP address mask: Default server IP address: Board specifics: 0 Console baud rate: 115200 Set eth0 network hardware address [MAC]: false GDB connection port: 9000 Force console for special debug messages: false Network debug at boot time: false Update RedBoot non-volatile configuration - continue (y/n)? y ... Read from 0x07ee0000-0x07eff000 at 0x00080000: . ... Erase from 0x00080000-0x000a0000: . ... Program from 0x07ee0000-0x07f00000 at 0x00080000: . RedBoot> Remember to save the configuration in the flash by typing y Reset the system. To certify that the board is loading the system from flash, remove the Ethernet cable.
In order to get USB cameras (web cams) working on i.MX 51 EVK board running Ubuntu, a few steps must be followed, and they are: Enable USB Camera's drivers on Kernel Test it using Gstreamer or another compatible software (as Cheese) Kernel Driver USB cameras (web cameras) on Linux work over GSPCA driver, to enable this driver you need to go to: ./ltib -c   [*] Configure the kernel     Device Drivers -->          Multimedia Devices -->               [*] Video Capture Adapters -->                    [*] V4L USB Devices -->                         <*> USB Video Class (UVC)                                      [*] UVC input events device support                         <*> GSPCA Based WebCams --> From this point, you need to choose your specific driver. If you don't know, you can select all of those options as a built-in module "<*>" that will work. GSPCA Drivers USB Camera Detection Connect your USB camera to the USB Host port on i.MX 51 EVK board and then type "dmesg", and also check if there is a video0 device using: ubuntu@ubuntu-desktop:~$ ls /dev/video0 /dev/video0 USB Camera Detection Gstreamer Command Line In order to test your USB camera using Gstreamer plugin, use the following command line to perform it: ubuntu@ubuntu-desktop:~$ gst-launch-0.10 v4l2src ! ffmpegcolorspace ! ximagesink and the results: Hi there !!! EOF !