i.MX Processors Knowledge Base

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This document intends to provide an overview of the i.MX8 Boot process and walk you through the process of creating a bootable image.   Boot process Coming out of a reset state the i.MX8 ROM (firmware that is stored in non-volatile memory of the i.MX8) reads the boot mode pins to determine the boot media/device that will be used. The i.MX8 can boot out of the following boot devices: eMMC/SD card FlexSPI Flash NAND Serial Download Protocol (USB) - This is used in manufacturing mode to bring-up a board by downloading an image to RAM and then flashing the on-board boot device.   The following table indicates the available options on a i.MX8QXP, the i.MX8 reads the boot mode pads and based in the configuration selects the desired boot device.   Once the boot device has been identified, ROM configures the boot media and attempts to read the image from a predefined address in the boot device, the following table shows the addresses where the image is expected to be on different boot devices. ROM loads data from the predefined addresses above (depending on the selected boot device) to the System Controller Unit (SCU) internal memory (tightly coupled memory) and parses it to find the image container. It can also boot by downloading an image through USB.   The image container has all the information needed to load all the images to the system, the first images that get loaded are the System Controller Firmware (SCFW) and Security Controller Firmware (SECO). The SECO FW needs to be loaded to refresh the watchdog timer (kick the dog) in the device, if the SECO FW is not loaded before the watchdog expires the device will reset, this usually happens when the device fails to fetch a valid image from the boot media.   Once the SCFW is loaded, ROM jumps to it and starts executing it. The SCFW then initializes the DDR and starts loading the images for the Cortex-M4 (optional) and the Cortex-A cores (optional). Once the images are loaded to their destination memory the SCFW boots the cores and sets them in their start address.   Creating a bootable image As a recap a bootable image is comprised of as minimum the System Controller Firmware and the Security Controller Firmware, optionally it can contain images for the Cortex M4 cores (if more than one available as in the case of QM devices) and Cortex A cores. It is possible to boot an image that only contains the SCFW and SECO FW, this could be useful in the first stages of porting the SCFW to the target board. It is also possible to boot an image with only the Cortex-M4 image (baremetal, FreeRTOS, AutoSAR...), only the Cortex-A image (U-boot or any bootloader) or both Cortex-M4 and Cortex-A images.   Mkimage tool The tool in charge of merging all these images and creating a bootable image for the i.MX8 is called mkimage, and can be obtained in source form in the following repository: https://github.com/nxp-imx/imx-mkimage mkimage is only supported in Linux So the first step is to clone the mkimage repository into our machine and checkout the latest branch, at the time of writing this document the latest release is 4.14.98_02: git clone https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/imx-mkimage cd imx-mkimage git checkout imx_4.14.98_2.0.0_ga‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ You should now be able to see the following folders:   Getting the SCFW Now that you have the mkimage tool you need some actual images to work with, if you are using a custom board you might need to port the SCFW and DDR configuration files for it (depending on how close it follows NXP's reference board).   The following is a compendium of documents on the basics of the SCFW and how to build it from scratch you can go there if you need help getting started with the porting process: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-342654   If you are trying this on one of NXP's reference board you can use a pre-built SCFW binary, this can be obtained through the building process of the Yocto project or by downloading the porting kit and following these steps: Dowload SCFW binaries for release 4.14.98_02 here. chmod a+x imx-sc-firmware-1.2.bin ./imx-sc-firmware-1.2.bin‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ You will prompted to accept a license agreement and after that the binaries will be extracted:   Getting the SECO FW The Security Controller Firmware is only distributed in binary form and can be obtained from the NXP website. Download SECO FW binaries for release 4.14.98_02 here. chmod a+x firmware-imx-8.1.bin ./firmware-imx-8.1.bin‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ You will prompted to accept a license agreement and after that the binaries will be extracted: The SECO FW is under firmware/seco mx8qm-ahab-container.img -----> SECO FW for QM devices mx8qx-ahab-container.img ------> SECO FW for QXP devices   Getting an image for the Cortex-M4 The image for the Cortex-M4 can be generated using the SDK: https://mcuxpresso.nxp.com/en/select Just select the device you are working with and click Build MCUXpresso SDK, then you will prompted to select your IDE and host. Click on Download SDK and a compressed file containing the SDK will be dowloaded to your computer. Now you only need to uncompress the file and follow the steps in the getting started document to generate the image.  The getting started document includes steps to setup the toolchain and build an image for the M4. An M4 binary for the QM and QXP MEKs is also attached in this document, the example outputs a hello world message on the M4 terminal. Getting an image for the Cortex-A  The bootloader for the Cortex-A cores can be obtained through the Yocto BSP: The steps on generating the image for the 4.14.98 release can be found here: https://www.nxp.com/webapp/Download?colCode=imx-yocto-L4.14.98_2.0.0_ga    Some more details on the Yocto BSP can be found here: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-94849   All the required binaries to create a bootable image for the Cortex-A cores on the MEK platforms are attached here.   Building a bootable image Once all the required pieces have been built/obtained, the bootable image can be created. The SCFW, SECO FW and respective Cortex-M4/A images need to be copied to the folder for the target device, i.e. if you are building an image for an i.MX8QX variant copy the binaries for that variant to its folder:   Here is a list of the required files to build a bootable image: scfw_tcm.bin -------------------------------------------- System Controller Firmware binary for the target board mx8qm(qx)-ahab-container.image ---------------- Security Controller Firmware for the QM or QXP variants bl31.bin --------------------------------------------------- ARM Trusted Firmware binary (Required if using u-boot with ATF) Only needed to create Cortex-A image with u-boot u-boot.bin ------------------------------------------------ U-boot binary (optional) m4_image ----------------------------------------------- M4 binary image, the QM variant has 2 Cortex-M4s and in this case to M4 binaries might be required (optional)   Once the required binaries have been copied to the desired variant folder (QXP or QM in this example), you are ready to start building some images.   All the targets for building different images are defined on the soc.mak file contained in each folder, this file contains different examples for creating a lot of the supported bootable images.   Creating a SCFW only image The target used to create a SCFW only image is flash_b0_scfw and it is defined under the soc.mak file of each variant. To invoke this target for QXP from the imx-mkimage directory: make SOC=iMX8QX flash_b0_scfw‍‍‍ To invoke this target for QM from the imx-mkimage directory: make SOC=iMX8QM flash_b0_scfw‍‍‍   The target definition for flash_b0_scfw can be seen below. Definition for QXP: flash_scfw flash_b0_scfw: $(MKIMG) mx8qx-ahab-container.img scfw_tcm.bin ./$(MKIMG) -soc QX -rev B0 -dcd skip -append mx8qx-ahab-container.img -c -scfw scfw_tcm.bin -out flash.bin ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ Definition for QM: flash_b0_scfw: $(MKIMG) mx8qm-ahab-container.img scfw_tcm.bin ./$(MKIMG) -soc QM -rev B0 -dcd skip -append mx8qm-ahab-container.img -c -scfw scfw_tcm.bin -out flash.bin‍‍‍‍‍‍   Creating a Cortex-A image only The target used to create a Cortex-A image only is called flash_b0. To invoke this target for QXP from the imx-mkimage directory: make SOC=iMX8QX flash_b0 ‍‍‍ To invoke this target for QM from the imx-mkimage directory: make SOC=iMX8QM flash_b0‍ ‍‍‍ The target definition for flash_b0 can be seen below. Definition for QXP:   flash flash_b0: $(MKIMG) mx8qx-ahab-container.img scfw_tcm.bin u-boot-atf.bin ./$(MKIMG) -soc QX -rev B0 -append mx8qx-ahab-container.img -c -scfw scfw_tcm.bin -ap u-boot-atf.bin a35 0x80000000 -out flash.bin‍‍‍‍ Definition for QM:   flash_b0: $(MKIMG) mx8qm-ahab-container.img scfw_tcm.bin u-boot-atf.bin ./$(MKIMG) -soc QM -rev B0 -append mx8qm-ahab-container.img -c -scfw scfw_tcm.bin -ap u-boot-atf.bin a53 0x80000000 -out flash.bin‍‍‍‍   Creating a Cortex-M4 image only The target used to create a Cortex-m4 image only is called flash_b0_cm4 on QXP and QM has different targets since there are two M4s available in the system. To invoke this target for QXP from the imx-mkimage directory: make SOC=iMX8QX flash_b0_cm4‍‍ To invoke this target for QM from the imx-mkimage directory: // For Cortex-M4_0 only make SOC=iMX8QM flash_b0‍_cm4‍_0 // For Cortex-M4_1 only make SOC=iMX8QM flash_b0‍_cm4‍_1 // For both Cortex-M4_0 and Cortex-M4_1 make SOC=iMX8QM flash_b0‍_m4‍s_tcm ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍   The target definition for flash_b0_cm4 can be seen below. Definition for QXP: flash_cm4 flash_b0_cm4: $(MKIMG) mx8qx-ahab-container.img scfw_tcm.bin m4_image.bin ./$(MKIMG) -soc QX -rev B0 -append mx8qx-ahab-container.img -c -scfw scfw_tcm.bin -p1 -m4 m4_image.bin 0 0x34FE0000 -out flash.bin‍‍‍‍ Definitions for QM: flash_b0_cm4_0: $(MKIMG) mx8qm-ahab-container.img scfw_tcm.bin m4_image.bin ./$(MKIMG) -soc QM -rev B0 -dcd skip -append mx8qm-ahab-container.img -c -scfw scfw_tcm.bin -p1 -m4 m4_image.bin 0 0x34FE0000 -out flash.bin flash_b0_cm4_1: $(MKIMG) mx8qm-ahab-container.img scfw_tcm.bin m4_image.bin ./$(MKIMG) -soc QM -rev B0 -dcd skip -append mx8qm-ahab-container.img -c -scfw scfw_tcm.bin -p1 -m4 m4_image.bin 1 0x38FE0000 -out flash.bin flash_b0_m4s_tcm: $(MKIMG) mx8qm-ahab-container.img scfw_tcm.bin m40_tcm.bin m41_tcm.bin ./$(MKIMG) -soc QM -rev B0 -dcd skip -append mx8qm-ahab-container.img -c -scfw scfw_tcm.bin -p1 -m4 m40_tcm.bin 0 0x34FE0000 -m4 m41_tcm.bin 1 0x38FE0000 -out flash.bin‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍   The examples above are for M4 images booting from TCM, the M4 is capable of booting and executing from DDR and it is also able to XIP (execute in place) from SPI memory, for examples on this targets please look at the soc.mak for the desired variant. Creating an image with both Cortex-A and Cortex-M4 images The target used to create an image with software for all the cores is called flash_linux_m4. To invoke this target for QXP from the imx-mkimage directory: make SOC=iMX8QX flash_linux_m4‍ ‍ To invoke this target for QM from the imx-mkimage directory: make SOC=iMX8QM flash_linux_m4‍ ‍ The target definition for flash_linux_m4 can be seen below. Definition for QXP: flash_linux_m4: $(MKIMG) mx8qx-ahab-container.img scfw_tcm.bin u-boot-atf.bin m4_image.bin ./$(MKIMG) -soc QX -rev B0 -append mx8qx-ahab-container.img -c -flags 0x00200000 -scfw scfw_tcm.bin -ap u-boot-atf.bin a35 0x80000000 -p3 -m4 m4_image.bin 0 0x34FE0000 -out flash.bin‍‍   Definition for QM: flash_linux_m4: $(MKIMG) mx8qm-ahab-container.img scfw_tcm.bin u-boot-atf.bin m4_0_image.bin m4_1_image.bin ./$(MKIMG) -soc QM -rev B0 -append mx8qm-ahab-container.img -c -flags 0x00200000 -scfw scfw_tcm.bin -ap u-boot-atf.bin a53 0x80000000 -p3 -m4 m4_0_image.bin 0 0x34FE0000 -p4 -m4 m4_1_image.bin 1 0x38FE0000 -out flash.bin‍‍     Flash image This will create a bootable image named flash.bin, to flash this image to the SD card and boot it on your MEK simply do: sudo dd if=iMX8QX/flash.bin of=/dev/mmcblkX bs=1k seek=32‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ If the desired target is a QM variant change if=iMX8QX... to if=iMX8QM. Then match your SD card device on "of=/dev/mmcblkX" you can see how your SD card enumerates by typing lsblk on your console before and after inserting your SD card. Remember from the information above that the i.MX8 will search for the image at 32k on the SD card, that is why we are flashing it there. For more examples please look at the soc.mak file, it includes examples for different boot media (NAND/QSPI) as well as different configurations and usage.   Additional resources Reference Manual Chapter 5 System Boot SCFW API and Port document imx-mkimage README System Controller Firmware 101 
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    OpenSSL is popular software library for applications that secure communications over computer networks against eavesdropping or need to identify the party at the other end. It is widely used in internet web servers, serving a majority of all web sites. OpenSSL contains an open-source implementation of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols, it is a robust, commercial-grade, and full-featured toolkit for the SSL and TLS protocols. OpenSSL is also a general-purpose cryptography library. Its core library, written in the C programming language, implements basic cryptographic functions and provides various utility functions. Wrappers allowing the use of the OpenSSL library in a variety of computer languages are available. More and more embeded systems, like IoT gateway, ePOS, based on i.MX use OpenSSL for their secure communications and cryptographic operations. But it's cryptography library is pure software implementation which need to occupy lots of CPU resouce and the perfermance is very weak than dedicated hardware IP (like CAAM).    CAAM is the i.MX's cryptographic acceleration and assurance module, which serves as NXP's latest cryptographic acceleration and offloading hardware. It combines functions previously implemented in separate modules to create a modular and scalable acceleration and assurance engine. It also implements block encryption algorithms, stream cipher algorithms, hashing algorithms, public key algorithms (i.MX6UL/i.MX7D/S), and a hardware random number generator.   The official Yocto release (L4.1.15_2.0.0-ga) of the i.MX only enable cryptodev for accelerating symmetric algorithms and hashing algorithms, not support asymmetric algorithms(RSA, ECC). And its engine in OpenSSL(version 1.0.2h) also miss some features which is used to support symmetric algorithms and hashing algorithms, for example, AES ECB, SHA224/256, etc. These patches in the post will close the above gaps for i.MX Linux system. The software environments as the belows: Linux kernel: imx_4.1.15_2.0.0_ga cryptodev: 1.8 OpenSSL: 1.0.2h The patches include the following key features: 1, Add public key cryptography part in CAAM driver, through protocol commands, to implement a number of public (and private) key functions. These are DSA and ECDSA sign/verify, Diffie-Hellman (DH) and ECDH key agreement, ECC key generation, DLC key generation, RSA encryption/decryption, RSA key-generation finalization. 2, Add big number operation and elliptic curve math in CAAM driver to implement addition, subtraction, multiplication, exponentiation, reduction, inversion, greatest common divisor, prime testing and point add, point double, point multiply. 3, Add API in cryptodev to support RSA encryption/decryption, DSA/ECDSA sign/verify, DH/ECDH key agreement, ECC & DLC & RSA key generation and big number operation and elliptic curve math. 4, Add public key cryptography functions, hardware rng, and missing hash symmetric algorithms in OpenSSL crytodev engine. Note: 1, You can refer to ecdhtest.c, ecdsatest.c, dhtest.c, dsatest.c, rsa_test.c for how to use crytodev engine in your applications based on libcryto.so. You can also find their executable programs in folder openssl-1.0.2h/test after compiling. 2, If you want to call crytodev API directly to accelerate public key cryptography operations, please refer to asymmetric_cipher.c in cryptodev-linux-1.8/tests. Current Limitation: 1, CAAM driver don't support AES GCM/CCM but hardware supporting. I plan to add the feature next version. 2, ECDSA sign/verify will fail on some binary curves (sect163r1, sect163r2, sect193r1, sect193r2, sect233r1, sect283r1, sect409r1, sect571r1 and X9.62 binary curves). I will try to find the root cause and fix it.   ==================================== for  some binary curves (sect163r1, sect163r2, sect193r1, sect193r2, sect233r1, sect283r1, sect409r1, sect571r1 and X9.62 binary curves)  are rarely used, so i will try to find the root cause when i'm free.  +++++++++++++++++++++++    updating for Linux-4.14.78-1.1.10 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This updating is for Yocto release of Linux -4.14.78-1.1.10. The new software environments as the belows: Linux kernel: imx_4.14.78_1.1.10 cryptodev: 1.9 OpenSSL: 1.0.2p HW platform: i.MX6UL, i.MX7D/S, i.MX8M/8M Mini, i.MX8/8X. The patches include the following new features: 1, support  RSA key generation but defaultly use openssl build-in function (BN_generate_prime_ex) to create prime p, q for higher security. If need to use CAAM accelerating,  please comment Macro USE_BUILTIN_PRIME_GENERATION, but don't confirm its security. 2, Add Manufacturing-protection feature, and you can refer to manufacturing_protection_test function in asymmetric_cipher.c. 3, Support AES GCM in cryptodev. 4, git clone https://gitee.com/zxd2021-imx/meta-openssl-caam.git, git checkout Linux-4.14.78-1.1.10 and copy meta-openssl-caam to folder <Yocto 4.14.78-1.1.10 dir>/sources/ 5, Run DISTRO=fsl-imx-wayland MACHINE=imx6ulevk source fsl-setup-release.sh -b build-imx6ulevk and add BBLAYERS += " ${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-openssl-caam " into /build-imx6ulevk/conf/bblayers.conf 6, bitbake fsl-image-validation-imx 7, Run the below command on your i.MX6UL EVK board. modprobe cryptodev openssl genrsa -f4 -engine cryptodev 512 -elapsed openssl speed dsa -engine cryptodev -elapsed openssl genrsa -f4 -engine cryptodev 1024 -elapsed openssl speed rsa -engine cryptodev -elapsed openssl genrsa -f4 -engine cryptodev 2048 -elapsed openssl speed ecdsa -engine cryptodev -elapsed openssl genrsa -f4 -engine cryptodev 3072 -elapsed openssl speed ecdh -engine cryptodev -elapsed openssl genrsa -f4 -engine cryptodev 4096 -elapsed openssl speed -evp sha256 -engine cryptodev -elapsed openssl speed -evp aes-128-cbc -engine cryptodev -elapsed openssl speed -evp aes-128-ecb -engine cryptodev -elapsed openssl speed -evp aes-128-cfb -engine cryptodev -elapsed openssl speed -evp aes-128-ofb -engine cryptodev -elapsed openssl speed -evp des-ede3 -engine cryptodev -elapsed openssl speed -evp des-cbc -engine cryptodev -elapsed openssl speed -evp des-ede3-cfb -engine cryptodev -elapsed +++++++++++++++++++++++    updating for Linux-4.14.98-2.3.3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This updating is for Yocto release of Linux -4.14.98-2.3.3. The new software environments as the belows: Linux kernel: imx_4.14.98-2.3.3 cryptodev: 1.9 OpenSSL: 1.0.2p HW platform: i.MX6UL, i.MX7D/S, i.MX8M/8M Mini/8M Nano, i.MX8/8X. The patches include the following new features: 1, git clone https://gitee.com/zxd2021-imx/meta-openssl-caam.git, git checkout Linux-4.14.98-2.3.3 and copy meta-openssl-caam to folder <Yocto 4.14.98-2.3.3 dir>/sources/ 2, Run DISTRO=fsl-imx-wayland MACHINE=imx8mmevk source fsl-setup-release.sh -b build-imx8mmevk and add BBLAYERS += " ${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-openssl-caam " into /build-imx8mmevk/conf/bblayers.conf 3, bitbake fsl-image-validation-imx 4, Run the below command on your i.MX8M Mini EVK board. modprobe cryptodev openssl genrsa -f4 -engine cryptodev 512 -elapsed openssl speed dsa -engine cryptodev -elapsed openssl genrsa -f4 -engine cryptodev 1024 -elapsed openssl speed rsa -engine cryptodev -elapsed openssl genrsa -f4 -engine cryptodev 2048 -elapsed openssl speed ecdsa -engine cryptodev -elapsed openssl genrsa -f4 -engine cryptodev 3072 -elapsed openssl speed ecdh -engine cryptodev -elapsed openssl genrsa -f4 -engine cryptodev 4096 -elapsed openssl speed -evp sha256 -engine cryptodev -elapsed openssl speed -evp aes-128-cbc -engine cryptodev -elapsed openssl speed -evp aes-128-ecb -engine cryptodev -elapsed openssl speed -evp aes-128-cfb -engine cryptodev -elapsed openssl speed -evp aes-128-ofb -engine cryptodev -elapsed openssl speed -evp des-ede3 -engine cryptodev -elapsed openssl speed -evp des-cbc -engine cryptodev -elapsed openssl speed -evp des-ede3-cfb -engine cryptodev -elapsed +++++++++++++++++++++++    updating for Linux-4.19.35-1.1.2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This updating is for Yocto release of Linux 4.19.35-1.1.2​​.  Software environments as the belows: Linux kernel: imx_4.19.35-1.1.2 cryptodev: 1.10 OpenSSL: 1.1.1l HW platform: i.MX6UL, i.MX7D/S, i.MX8M/8M Mini/8M Nano, i.MX8/8X. How to build: 1, git clone https://gitee.com/zxd2021-imx/meta-openssl-caam.git, git checkout Linux-4.19.35-1.1.2 and copy meta-openssl-caam to folder <Yocto 4.19.35-1.1.2 dir>/sources/ 2, Run DISTRO=fsl-imx-wayland MACHINE=imx8mmevk source imx-setup-release.sh -b build-imx8mmevk and add BBLAYERS += " ${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-openssl-caam " into <Yocto 4.19.35-1.1.2 dir>/build-imx8mmevk/conf/bblayers.conf. 3, Run bitbake fsl-image-validation-imx. 4, Run the below command on your i.MX8M Mini EVK board. modprobe cryptodev openssl speed dsa openssl speed rsa openssl speed ecdsa openssl speed ecdh openssl genrsa -f4 -engine devcrypto 512 openssl genrsa -f4 -engine devcrypto 1024 openssl genrsa -f4 -engine devcrypto 2048 openssl genrsa -f4 -engine devcrypto 3072 openssl genrsa -f4 -engine devcrypto 4096 openssl speed -evp sha256 -engine devcrypto -elapsed openssl speed -evp aes-128-cbc -engine devcrypto -elapsed openssl speed -evp aes-128-ecb -engine devcrypto -elapsed openssl speed -evp aes-128-cfb -engine devcrypto -elapsed openssl speed -evp aes-128-ofb -engine devcrypto -elapsed openssl speed -evp des-ede3 -engine devcrypto -elapsed openssl speed -evp des-cbc -engine devcrypto -elapsed openssl speed -evp des-ede3-cfb -engine devcrypto -elapsed +++++++++++++++++++++++    updating for Linux-5.4.70-2.3.4 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This updating is for Yocto release of Linux 5.4.70_2.3.4​​.  Software environments as the belows: Linux kernel: imx_5.4.70_2.3.4 cryptodev: 1.10 OpenSSL: 1.1.1l HW platform: i.MX6UL, i.MX7D/S, i.MX8M/8M Mini/8M Nano/8M Plus, i.MX8/8X. How to build: 1, git clone https://gitee.com/zxd2021-imx/meta-openssl-caam.git, git checkout Linux-5.4.70-2.3.4  and copy meta-openssl-caam to folder <Yocto 5.4.70_2.3.4 dir>/sources/ 2, Run DISTRO=fsl-imx-wayland MACHINE=imx8mmevk source imx-setup-release.sh -b build-imx8mmevk and add BBLAYERS += " ${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-openssl-caam " into <Yocto 5.4.70_2.3.4 dir>/build-imx8mmevk/conf/bblayers.conf. 3, Run bitbake imx-image-multimedia. 4, Run the below command on your i.MX8M Mini EVK board. modprobe cryptodev openssl speed dsa openssl speed rsa openssl speed ecdsa openssl speed ecdh openssl genrsa -f4 -engine devcrypto 512 openssl genrsa -f4 -engine devcrypto 1024 openssl genrsa -f4 -engine devcrypto 2048 openssl genrsa -f4 -engine devcrypto 3072 openssl genrsa -f4 -engine devcrypto 4096 openssl speed -evp sha256 -engine devcrypto -elapsed openssl speed -evp aes-128-cbc -engine devcrypto -elapsed openssl speed -evp aes-128-ecb -engine devcrypto -elapsed openssl speed -evp aes-128-cfb -engine devcrypto -elapsed openssl speed -evp aes-128-ofb -engine devcrypto -elapsed openssl speed -evp des-ede3 -engine devcrypto -elapsed openssl speed -evp des-cbc -engine devcrypto -elapsed openssl speed -evp des-ede3-cfb -engine devcrypto -elapsed     +++++++++++++++++++++++    updating for Linux-5.10.52-2.1.0 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This updating is for Yocto release of Linux 5.10.52_2.1.0​​.  Software environments as the belows: Linux kernel: lf-5.10.y cryptodev: 1.12 OpenSSL: 1.1.1l HW platform: i.MX6UL, i.MX7D/S, i.MX8M/8M Mini/8M Nano/8M Plus, i.MX8/8X. How to build: 1, git clone https://gitee.com/zxd2021-imx/meta-openssl-caam.git, git checkout Linux-5.10.52-2.1.0 and copy meta-openssl-caam to folder <Yocto 5.10.52_2.1.0 dir>/sources/ 2, Run DISTRO=fsl-imx-xwayland MACHINE=imx8mmevk source imx-setup-release.sh -b build-imx8mmevk and add BBLAYERS += " ${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-openssl-caam " into <Yocto 5.10.52_2.1.0 dir>/build-imx8mmevk/conf/bblayers.conf. 3, Run bitbake imx-image-multimedia. 4, Run the below command on your i.MX8M Mini EVK board. modprobe cryptodev openssl speed dsa openssl speed rsa openssl speed ecdsa openssl speed ecdh openssl genrsa -f4 -engine devcrypto 512 openssl genrsa -f4 -engine devcrypto 1024 openssl genrsa -f4 -engine devcrypto 2048 openssl genrsa -f4 -engine devcrypto 3072 openssl genrsa -f4 -engine devcrypto 4096 openssl speed -evp sha256 -engine devcrypto -elapsed openssl speed -evp aes-128-cbc -engine devcrypto -elapsed openssl speed -evp aes-128-ecb -engine devcrypto -elapsed openssl speed -evp aes-128-cfb -engine devcrypto -elapsed openssl speed -evp aes-128-ofb -engine devcrypto -elapsed openssl speed -evp des-ede3 -engine devcrypto -elapsed openssl speed -evp des-cbc -engine devcrypto -elapsed openssl speed -evp des-ede3-cfb -engine devcrypto -elapsed   +++++++++++++++++++++++    updating for Linux-5.15.71-2.2.0 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This updating is for Yocto release of Linux 5.15.71-2.2.0​​.  Software environments as the belows: Linux kernel: lf-5.15.71-2.2.0 cryptodev: 1.12 OpenSSL: 3.1.0 HW platform: i.MX6UL, i.MX7D/S, i.MX8M/8M Mini/8M Nano/8M Plus, i.MX8/8X. How to build: 1, git clone https://gitee.com/zxd2021-imx/meta-openssl-caam.git, git checkout Linux-5.15.71-2.2.0 and copy meta-openssl-caam to folder <Yocto 5.15.71_2.2.0 dir>/sources/ 2, Run DISTRO=fsl-imx-xwayland MACHINE=imx8mmevk source imx-setup-release.sh -b build-imx8mmevk and add BBLAYERS += " ${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-openssl-caam " into <Yocto 5.15.71_2.2.0 dir>/build-imx8mmevk/conf/bblayers.conf. 3, Run bitbake imx-image-multimedia. 4, Run the below command on your i.MX8M Mini EVK board. modprobe cryptodev openssl speed sm2 openssl speed dsa openssl speed rsa openssl speed ecdsa openssl speed ecdh openssl genrsa -f4 -engine devcrypto 512 openssl genrsa -f4 -engine devcrypto 1024 openssl genrsa -f4 -engine devcrypto 2048 openssl genrsa -f4 -engine devcrypto 3072 openssl genrsa -f4 -engine devcrypto 4096 openssl speed -evp sha256 -engine devcrypto -elapsed openssl speed -evp aes-128-cbc -engine devcrypto -elapsed openssl speed -evp aes-128-ecb -engine devcrypto -elapsed openssl speed -evp aes-128-cfb -engine devcrypto -elapsed openssl speed -evp aes-128-ofb -engine devcrypto -elapsed openssl speed -evp des-ede3 -engine devcrypto -elapsed openssl speed -evp des-cbc -engine devcrypto -elapsed openssl speed -evp des-ede3-cfb -engine devcrypto -elapsed    
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NXP i.MX 8 series of application processors support running ArmV8a 64-bit and ArmV7a 32-bit user space programs.  A Hello World program that prints the size of a long int is cross-compiled as 32-bit and as 64-bit from an Ubuntu host and then each is copied to MCIMX8MQ-EVK and run. Resources: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Host i.MX 8M Evaluation Kit|NXP  MCIMX8MQ-EVK Linux Binary Demo Files - i.MX 8MQuad EVK L4.9.88_2.0.0_GA release Source Code: Create a file with contents below using your favorite editor, example name hello-sizeInt.c. #include <stdio.h> int main (int argc, char **argv) { printf ("Hello World, size of long int: %zd\n", sizeof (long int)); return 0; }‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ Ubuntu host packages: $ sudo apt-get install -y gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf $ sudo apt-get install -y gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu‍‍‍‍ Line 1 installs the ArmV7a cross-compile tools: arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc is used to cross compile on Ubuntu host Line 2 install the ArmV8a cross-compile tools: aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc is used to cross compile on Ubuntu host Create Linux User Space Applications Build each application and use the static option to gcc to include run time libraries. Build ArmV7a 32-bit application: $ arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -static hello-sizeInt.c -o hello-armv7a‍-static‍‍ Build ArmV8a 64-bit application: $ aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc -static  hello-sizeInt.c -o hello-armv8a‍-static‍‍ Copy Hello applications from Ubuntu host and run on MCIMX8MQ-EVK Using a SDCARD written with images from L4.9.88_2.0.0 Linux release (see resources for image link), power on EVK with Ethernet connected to network and Serial Console port which was connected to a windows 10 PC. Launched a terminal client (TeraTerm) to access console port. Login credentials: root and no password needed. Since Ethernet was connected a DHCP IP address was acquired, on the EVK.  On the Ubuntu host, secure copy the hello applications to EVK: $ scp hello-armv7a-static root@ hello-armv7a-static                           100%  389KB   4.0MB/s   00:00    $ scp hello-armv8a-static root@ hello-armv8a-static                           100%  605KB   4.7MB/s   00:00 ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ Run: root@imx8mqevk:~# ./hello-armv8a-static Hello World, sizeof long int: 8 root@imx8mqevk:~# ./hello-armv7a-static Hello World, sizeof long int: 4‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍
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Building Freescale U-boot The U-boot provided by Freescale can be downloaded in the following link: http://git.freescale.com/git/cgit.cgi/imx/uboot-imx.git/ 1 - Set the cross compiler environment variables. When using Yocto, it can be made by the following command (see more details at Yocto Trainning Yocto Training - HOME ) source /opt/poky/1.7/environment-setup-cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi 2 - Download the source code using "git clone": git clone  http://git.freescale.com/git/cgit.cgi/imx/uboot-imx.git 3 - Create a local branch based on some remote branch. In this example, lets use branch origin/imx_v2014.04_3.14.28_1.0.0_ga cd uboot-imx git checkout -b imx_v2014.04_3.14.28_1.0.0_ga_local origin/imx_v2014.04_3.14.28_1.0.0_ga 4 - Configure the project with the board you want to build. All board are listed on file boards.cfg. Check the exactly name of the choosen board and add "_config" to build the project. In this example, lets use mx6qsabresd make mx6qsabresd_config make 5 - The binary file will be generated and will be located at project root folder. The generated file in this case will be u-boot.imx 6 - More details can be found on files doc/README.imx6 doc/README.imximage README Building Mainline U-boot The U-boot project is developed and maintained by Denx Computer Systems can be downloaded in the following link: http://git.denx.de/?p=u-boot.git;a=summary 1 - Set the cross compiler environment variables. When using Yocto, it can be made by the following command (see more details at Yocto Trainning Yocto Training - HOME ) source /opt/poky/1.7/environment-setup-cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi 2 - Download the source code using "git clone": git clone http://git.denx.de/u-boot.git 3 - Check the name of the board on "configs" folder. In this case lets use mx6qsabresd_config make mx6qsabresd_config make 4 - The binary file will be generated and will be located at project root folder. The generated file in this case will be u-boot.imx
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Sometimes it is helpful/faster to build a i.MX8MM boot binary outside of the Yocto environment. There are instructions on how to accomplish this on different places, this document tries to provide an example for the i.MX8M Mini LPDDR4 EVK, whenever possible pointing how to build for other boards. For the 8MM SoC a boot image is generated by imx-mkimage tool and requires: - u-boot - ARM trusted firmware image - ddr training firmware 1. Download and Build u-boot: mkdir imx-boot-bin cdimx-boot-bin git clone https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/uboot-imx.git cd uboot-imx/ git checkout -b imx_v2019.04_4.19.35_1.1.0 origin/imx_v2019.04_4.19.35_1.1.0 (Optional) Here you can "git log -1" to check that the commit matches SRCREV on the recipe. Next, use the BSP SDK script to setup the cross compilation environment, instructions on how to build it are here. source /opt/fsl-imx-wayland/4.19-warrior/environment-setup-aarch64-poky-linux export ARCH=arm Build make clean Supported boards have configuration files on "configs". Using the LPDDR4 EVK here: make imx8mm_evk_defconfig make 2.   Download and build the ARM Trusted Firmware cd .. git clone https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/imx-atf.git cd imx-atf/ git checkout -b imx_4.19.35_1.1.0 origin/imx_4.19.35_1.1.0 (Optional) Again, you can "git log -1" to check that the commit matches SRCREV on the recipe. https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/meta-fsl-bsp-release/tree/imx/meta-bsp/recipes-bsp/imx-atf/imx-atf_2.0.bb?h=warrior-4.19.35-1.1.0 Build: make PLAT=imx8mm bl31 If you run into this error: aarch64-poky-linux-ld.bfd: unrecognized option '-Wl,-O1' aarch64-poky-linux-ld.bfd: use the --help option for usage information make: *** [Makefile:712: build/imx8mm/release/bl31/bl31.elf] Error 1 try:  unset LDFLAGS make PLAT=imx8mm bl31 3. Download the LPDDR4 training binaries It is on firmware-imx, recipe is here: https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/meta-fsl-bsp-release/tree/imx/meta-bsp/recipes-bsp/firmware-imx?h=warrior-4.19.35-1.1.0 cd .. mkdir firmware-imx cd firmware-imx wget https://www.nxp.com/lgfiles/NMG/MAD/YOCTO/firmware-imx-8.5.bin chmod a+x firmware-imx-8.5.bin ./firmware-imx-8.5.bin 4. Download imx-mkimage and build the boot image cd .. git clone https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/imx-mkimage.git cd imx-mkimage/ git checkout -b imx_4.19.35_1.1.0 origin/imx_4.19.35_1.1.0 (Optional) "git log -1" matches SRCREV on: https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/meta-fsl-bsp-release/tree/imx/meta-bsp/recipes-bsp/imx-mkimage/imx-mkimage_git.inc?h=warrior-4.19.35-1.1.0 Now, you can check the build targets and required binaries at iMX8M/soc.mak For the flash_evk for the imx8mm we will need binaries: u-boot: u-boot-spl.bin, u-boot-nodtb.bin, fsl-imx8mm-evk.dtb  ARM trusted firmware: bl31.bin LPDDR4 files: lpddr4_pmu_train_1d_imem.bin lpddr4_pmu_train_1d_dmem.bin lpddr4_pmu_train_2d_imem.bin lpddr4_pmu_train_2d_dmem.bin mkimage for mkimage_uboot Copy all these to imx-mkimage/iMX8M/ cp ../uboot-imx/spl/u-boot-spl.bin iMX8M/ cp ../uboot-imx/u-boot-nodtb.bin iMX8M/ cp ../uboot-imx/arch/arm/dts/fsl-imx8mm-evk.dtb iMX8M/ cp ../imx-atf/build/imx8mm/release/bl31.bin iMX8M/ cp ../firmware-imx/firmware-imx-8.5/firmware/ddr/synopsys/lpddr4_pmu_train_* iMX8M/ cp ../uboot-imx/tools/mkimage iMX8M/mkimage_uboot Build: make SOC=iMX8MM flash_evk Output binary is on ./iMX8M/flash.bin 5. Program on the SD Card: sudo dd if=iMX8M/flash.bin of=/dev/<path to your sd> bs=1024 seek=33
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Introduction Time Synchronization stands for the alignment of time within distributed nodes, pretty critical for real-time applications, control and measurement systems as voice and video networks; all of them being embedded applications. It needs the synchronization of frequency, phase and time between all the nodes and offers action coordination, high precision triggers and event reference or timestamping. [1] A Time Synchronization resource it's the ethernet standard for time PTP or IEEE 1588 standard, its study begin with the physical representation of time information: PPS; Pulse Per Second. An squared wave timed by the capable MACs, in i.MX families we have two MACs of which. Background Customers are interested in this signal, we have an i.MX 8M Plus kernel 5 resource but there is a new processor family using the next major kernel version; 6. [2] We will go through demonstrating PPS on i.MX 93 EVK in both MACs; FEC and EQOS. HW setup i.MX 93 EVK boot over eMMC. Connect power and debug receptacles. Hands-on for FEC or eth0 MAC uSDHC2 pin group conflicts with the pps output pin and you are ought to remove the uSDHC2 nodes and assign the event0 out pin to the FEC pin group as shown below. --- imx93-11x11-evk.dts 2024-08-23 18:19:56.344798901 +0200 +++ imx93-11x11-evk-pps.dts 2024-09-02 21:31:46.569477421 +0200 @@ -100,18 +100,6 @@ regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>; }; - reg_usdhc2_vmmc: regulator-usdhc2 { - compatible = "regulator-fixed"; - pinctrl-names = "default"; - pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_reg_usdhc2_vmmc>; - regulator-name = "VSD_3V3"; - regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>; - regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>; - gpio = <&gpio3 7 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; - off-on-delay-us = <12000>; - enable-active-high; - }; - reg_vdd_12v: regulator-vdd-12v { compatible = "regulator-fixed"; regulator-name = "reg_vdd_12v"; @@ -770,21 +766,6 @@ status = "okay"; }; -&usdhc2 { - pinctrl-names = "default", "state_100mhz", "state_200mhz", "sleep"; - pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_usdhc2>, <&pinctrl_usdhc2_gpio>; - pinctrl-1 = <&pinctrl_usdhc2_100mhz>, <&pinctrl_usdhc2_gpio>; - pinctrl-2 = <&pinctrl_usdhc2_200mhz>, <&pinctrl_usdhc2_gpio>; - pinctrl-3 = <&pinctrl_usdhc2_sleep>, <&pinctrl_usdhc2_gpio_sleep>; - cd-gpios = <&gpio3 00 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; - fsl,cd-gpio-wakeup-disable; - vmmc-supply = <&reg_usdhc2_vmmc>; - bus-width = <4>; - status = "okay"; - no-sdio; - no-mmc; -}; - &usdhc3 { pinctrl-names = "default", "state_100mhz", "state_200mhz", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_usdhc3>, <&pinctrl_usdhc3_wlan>; @@ -860,14 +842,15 @@ MX93_PAD_ENET2_RD1__ENET1_RGMII_RD1 0x57e MX93_PAD_ENET2_RD2__ENET1_RGMII_RD2 0x57e MX93_PAD_ENET2_RD3__ENET1_RGMII_RD3 0x57e MX93_PAD_ENET2_RXC__ENET1_RGMII_RXC 0x58e MX93_PAD_ENET2_RX_CTL__ENET1_RGMII_RX_CTL 0x57e MX93_PAD_ENET2_TD0__ENET1_RGMII_TD0 0x57e MX93_PAD_ENET2_TD1__ENET1_RGMII_TD1 0x57e MX93_PAD_ENET2_TD2__ENET1_RGMII_TD2 0x57e MX93_PAD_ENET2_TD3__ENET1_RGMII_TD3 0x57e MX93_PAD_ENET2_TXC__ENET1_RGMII_TXC 0x58e MX93_PAD_ENET2_TX_CTL__ENET1_RGMII_TX_CTL 0x57e + MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA0__ENET1_1588_EVENT0_OUT 0x31e >; }; @@ -887,6 +870,7 @@ MX93_PAD_ENET2_TD3__GPIO4_IO16 0x51e MX93_PAD_ENET2_TXC__GPIO4_IO21 0x51e MX93_PAD_ENET2_TX_CTL__GPIO4_IO20 0x51e + MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA0__GPIO3_IO03 0x31e >; }; @@ -998,75 +982,6 @@ >; }; - pinctrl_reg_usdhc2_vmmc: regusdhc2vmmcgrp { - fsl,pins = < - MX93_PAD_SD2_RESET_B__GPIO3_IO07 0x31e - >; - }; - - pinctrl_usdhc2_gpio: usdhc2gpiogrp { - fsl,pins = < - MX93_PAD_SD2_CD_B__GPIO3_IO00 0x31e - >; - }; - - pinctrl_usdhc2_gpio_sleep: usdhc2gpiogrpsleep { - fsl,pins = < - MX93_PAD_SD2_CD_B__GPIO3_IO00 0x51e - >; - }; - - /* need to config the SION for data and cmd pad, refer to ERR052021 */ - pinctrl_usdhc2: usdhc2grp { - fsl,pins = < - MX93_PAD_SD2_CLK__USDHC2_CLK 0x1582 - MX93_PAD_SD2_CMD__USDHC2_CMD 0x40001382 - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA0__USDHC2_DATA0 0x40001382 - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA1__USDHC2_DATA1 0x40001382 - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA2__USDHC2_DATA2 0x40001382 - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA3__USDHC2_DATA3 0x40001382 - MX93_PAD_SD2_VSELECT__USDHC2_VSELECT 0x51e - >; - }; - - /* need to config the SION for data and cmd pad, refer to ERR052021 */ - pinctrl_usdhc2_100mhz: usdhc2-100mhzgrp { - fsl,pins = < - MX93_PAD_SD2_CLK__USDHC2_CLK 0x158e - MX93_PAD_SD2_CMD__USDHC2_CMD 0x4000138e - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA0__USDHC2_DATA0 0x4000138e - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA1__USDHC2_DATA1 0x4000138e - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA2__USDHC2_DATA2 0x4000138e - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA3__USDHC2_DATA3 0x4000138e - MX93_PAD_SD2_VSELECT__USDHC2_VSELECT 0x51e - >; - }; - - /* need to config the SION for data and cmd pad, refer to ERR052021 */ - pinctrl_usdhc2_200mhz: usdhc2-200mhzgrp { - fsl,pins = < - MX93_PAD_SD2_CLK__USDHC2_CLK 0x15fe - MX93_PAD_SD2_CMD__USDHC2_CMD 0x400013fe - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA0__USDHC2_DATA0 0x400013fe - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA1__USDHC2_DATA1 0x400013fe - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA2__USDHC2_DATA2 0x400013fe - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA3__USDHC2_DATA3 0x400013fe - MX93_PAD_SD2_VSELECT__USDHC2_VSELECT 0x51e - >; - }; - - pinctrl_usdhc2_sleep: usdhc2grpsleep { - fsl,pins = < - MX93_PAD_SD2_CLK__GPIO3_IO01 0x51e - MX93_PAD_SD2_CMD__GPIO3_IO02 0x51e - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA0__GPIO3_IO03 0x51e - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA1__GPIO3_IO04 0x51e - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA2__GPIO3_IO05 0x51e - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA3__GPIO3_IO06 0x51e - MX93_PAD_SD2_VSELECT__GPIO3_IO19 0x51e - >; - }; - /* need to config the SION for data and cmd pad, refer to ERR052021 */ pinctrl_usdhc3: usdhc3grp { fsl,pins = < The driver also needs the following rework. --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fec_ptp.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fec_ptp.c @@ -184,7 +184,8 @@ static int fec_ptp_enable_pps(struct fec_enet_private *fep, uint enable) val |= (1 << FEC_T_TF_OFFSET | 1 << FEC_T_TIE_OFFSET); val &= ~(1 << FEC_T_TDRE_OFFSET); val &= ~(FEC_T_TMODE_MASK); - val |= (FEC_HIGH_PULSE << FEC_T_TMODE_OFFSET); + // val |= (FEC_HIGH_PULSE << FEC_T_TMODE_OFFSET); + val |= (FEC_TMODE_TOGGLE << FEC_T_TMODE_OFFSET); writel(val, fep->hwp + FEC_TCSR(fep->pps_channel)); /* Write the second compare event timestamp and calculate After booting the board, run these commands: $ ptp4l -A -4 -H -m -i eth0 & $ echo 1 > /sys/class/ptp/ptp0/pps_enable These will get the SD2_DATA0 or TP1009 running a square wave at 0.5 Hz through setting the ptp0 port with: -A    Select the delay mechanism automatically. Start with E2E and switch to P2P when a peer delay request is received. -4    Select the UDP IPv4 network transport. This is the default transport. -H    Select the hardware time stamping. -m    Print messages to the standard output. Run the next command to set the pps (1 Hz signal): $ echo "0 $(date +%s) 100000000 1 0" > /sys/class/ptp/ptp0/period The last because the current driver needs the actual date and a future start; in this case the signal will start within 100 ms, in order to work. You can try with different start times until the optimal value is found. [3]   Hands-on for EQOS or eth1 MAC This is reduced to the proper devicetree changes, and it does not have driver rework nor pps_enable control file. It uses SD2_CLK or TP1008, so DTS need this adjustment: --- imx93-11x11-evk.dts 2024-08-23 18:19:56.344798901 +0200 +++ imx93-11x11-evk-pps.dts 2024-09-02 21:31:46.569477421 +0200 @@ -100,18 +100,6 @@ regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>; }; - reg_usdhc2_vmmc: regulator-usdhc2 { - compatible = "regulator-fixed"; - pinctrl-names = "default"; - pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_reg_usdhc2_vmmc>; - regulator-name = "VSD_3V3"; - regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>; - regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>; - gpio = <&gpio3 7 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; - off-on-delay-us = <12000>; - enable-active-high; - }; - reg_vdd_12v: regulator-vdd-12v { compatible = "regulator-fixed"; regulator-name = "reg_vdd_12v"; @@ -770,21 +766,6 @@ status = "okay"; }; -&usdhc2 { - pinctrl-names = "default", "state_100mhz", "state_200mhz", "sleep"; - pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_usdhc2>, <&pinctrl_usdhc2_gpio>; - pinctrl-1 = <&pinctrl_usdhc2_100mhz>, <&pinctrl_usdhc2_gpio>; - pinctrl-2 = <&pinctrl_usdhc2_200mhz>, <&pinctrl_usdhc2_gpio>; - pinctrl-3 = <&pinctrl_usdhc2_sleep>, <&pinctrl_usdhc2_gpio_sleep>; - cd-gpios = <&gpio3 00 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; - fsl,cd-gpio-wakeup-disable; - vmmc-supply = <&reg_usdhc2_vmmc>; - bus-width = <4>; - status = "okay"; - no-sdio; - no-mmc; -}; - &usdhc3 { pinctrl-names = "default", "state_100mhz", "state_200mhz", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_usdhc3>, <&pinctrl_usdhc3_wlan>; @@ -822,14 +802,15 @@ MX93_PAD_ENET1_RD1__ENET_QOS_RGMII_RD1 0x57e MX93_PAD_ENET1_RD2__ENET_QOS_RGMII_RD2 0x57e MX93_PAD_ENET1_RD3__ENET_QOS_RGMII_RD3 0x57e MX93_PAD_ENET1_RXC__CCM_ENET_QOS_CLOCK_GENERATE_RX_CLK 0x58e MX93_PAD_ENET1_RX_CTL__ENET_QOS_RGMII_RX_CTL 0x57e MX93_PAD_ENET1_TD0__ENET_QOS_RGMII_TD0 0x57e MX93_PAD_ENET1_TD1__ENET_QOS_RGMII_TD1 0x57e MX93_PAD_ENET1_TD2__ENET_QOS_RGMII_TD2 0x57e MX93_PAD_ENET1_TD3__ENET_QOS_RGMII_TD3 0x57e MX93_PAD_ENET1_TXC__CCM_ENET_QOS_CLOCK_GENERATE_TX_CLK 0x58e MX93_PAD_ENET1_TX_CTL__ENET_QOS_RGMII_TX_CTL 0x57e + MX93_PAD_SD2_CLK__ENET_QOS_1588_EVENT0_OUT 0x31e >; }; @@ -849,6 +830,7 @@ MX93_PAD_ENET1_TD3__GPIO4_IO02 0x31e MX93_PAD_ENET1_TXC__GPIO4_IO07 0x31e MX93_PAD_ENET1_TX_CTL__GPIO4_IO06 0x31e + MX93_PAD_SD2_CLK__GPIO3_IO01 0x31e >; }; @@ -998,75 +982,6 @@ >; }; - pinctrl_reg_usdhc2_vmmc: regusdhc2vmmcgrp { - fsl,pins = < - MX93_PAD_SD2_RESET_B__GPIO3_IO07 0x31e - >; - }; - - pinctrl_usdhc2_gpio: usdhc2gpiogrp { - fsl,pins = < - MX93_PAD_SD2_CD_B__GPIO3_IO00 0x31e - >; - }; - - pinctrl_usdhc2_gpio_sleep: usdhc2gpiogrpsleep { - fsl,pins = < - MX93_PAD_SD2_CD_B__GPIO3_IO00 0x51e - >; - }; - - /* need to config the SION for data and cmd pad, refer to ERR052021 */ - pinctrl_usdhc2: usdhc2grp { - fsl,pins = < - MX93_PAD_SD2_CLK__USDHC2_CLK 0x1582 - MX93_PAD_SD2_CMD__USDHC2_CMD 0x40001382 - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA0__USDHC2_DATA0 0x40001382 - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA1__USDHC2_DATA1 0x40001382 - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA2__USDHC2_DATA2 0x40001382 - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA3__USDHC2_DATA3 0x40001382 - MX93_PAD_SD2_VSELECT__USDHC2_VSELECT 0x51e - >; - }; - - /* need to config the SION for data and cmd pad, refer to ERR052021 */ - pinctrl_usdhc2_100mhz: usdhc2-100mhzgrp { - fsl,pins = < - MX93_PAD_SD2_CLK__USDHC2_CLK 0x158e - MX93_PAD_SD2_CMD__USDHC2_CMD 0x4000138e - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA0__USDHC2_DATA0 0x4000138e - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA1__USDHC2_DATA1 0x4000138e - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA2__USDHC2_DATA2 0x4000138e - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA3__USDHC2_DATA3 0x4000138e - MX93_PAD_SD2_VSELECT__USDHC2_VSELECT 0x51e - >; - }; - - /* need to config the SION for data and cmd pad, refer to ERR052021 */ - pinctrl_usdhc2_200mhz: usdhc2-200mhzgrp { - fsl,pins = < - MX93_PAD_SD2_CLK__USDHC2_CLK 0x15fe - MX93_PAD_SD2_CMD__USDHC2_CMD 0x400013fe - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA0__USDHC2_DATA0 0x400013fe - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA1__USDHC2_DATA1 0x400013fe - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA2__USDHC2_DATA2 0x400013fe - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA3__USDHC2_DATA3 0x400013fe - MX93_PAD_SD2_VSELECT__USDHC2_VSELECT 0x51e - >; - }; - - pinctrl_usdhc2_sleep: usdhc2grpsleep { - fsl,pins = < - MX93_PAD_SD2_CLK__GPIO3_IO01 0x51e - MX93_PAD_SD2_CMD__GPIO3_IO02 0x51e - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA0__GPIO3_IO03 0x51e - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA1__GPIO3_IO04 0x51e - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA2__GPIO3_IO05 0x51e - MX93_PAD_SD2_DATA3__GPIO3_IO06 0x51e - MX93_PAD_SD2_VSELECT__GPIO3_IO19 0x51e - >; - }; - /* need to config the SION for data and cmd pad, refer to ERR052021 */ pinctrl_usdhc3: usdhc3grp { fsl,pins = < After boot, issue these commands: $ ptp4l -A -4 -H -m -i eth1 & $ echo "0 $(date +%s) 1000000000 1 0" > /sys/class/ptp/ptp1/period You will have an squared wave of 1 Hz running within 1 s with the same settings as the FEC setup.   Conclusion Both PPS can run in the same image changes and DTS changes, proven in imx-linux-nanbield branch, with the manifest imx-6.6.3-1.0.0.xml. And it's the start of testing IEEE 1588 and syncing capabilities of this i.MX 9 series processors. Sources [1] http://events17.linuxfoundation.org/sites/events/files/slides/elc_insop_2015.pdf [2] https://community.nxp.com/t5/i-MX-Processors-Knowledge-Base/i-MX8-serials-IEEE1588-1pps-test-procedure/ta-p/1490634 [3] https://github.com/nxp-imx/linux-imx/blob/b586a521770e508d1d440ccb085c7696b9d6d387/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-ptp#L2
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Customer proposed to debug code on A core during development stage.  HW: i.MX93/i.MX8MP SW: L6.1.36, Real-time edge Feature: Besides debugging code, enabled compiling image by eclipse. cpu0 boot, then kick off/halt other secondary cpu, debug code on secondary cpu core. Auto reset board and connect jlink to be convenient for restarting debugging.  
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P3T1755 Demo   In this space I want to show you the things that you can create usign our products.   In  this demo I demostrate a use case creating a GUI for a Temperature Sensor.   We can create modern GUIs and more with LVGL combined with our powerful processors.               CPU USAGE As we can see  the CPU usage for this demo is around 2%   Pictures         This demo is based on the previous publused articles.   References: https://community.nxp.com/t5/i-MX-Processors-Knowledge-Base/Adding-support-to-P3T1755-on-Linux/ta-p/1855874 https://community.nxp.com/t5/i-MX-Processors-Knowledge-Base/How-to-run-LGVL-on-iMX-using-framebuffer/ta-p/1853768  
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Ftrace is powerful tracing utility embedded in Linux kernel. It provides a very good method for kernel developer to get insights of the kernel behavior. While official kernel doc for ftrace is somehow long and complex, this document provides a quicker and simpler way to get start with ftrace.
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This guide is a continuation from our latest Debian 12 Installation Guide for iMX8MM, iMX8MP, iMX8MN and iMX93. Here we will describe the process to install the multimedia and hardware acceleration packages, specifically GPU, VPU and Gstreamer on i.MX8M Mini, i.MX8M Plus and i.MX8M Nano. The guide is based on the one provided by our colleague Build Ubuntu For i.MX8 Series Platform - NXP Community, which requires to previously build an image using Yocto Project with the following distro and image name. Distro name - fsl-imx-wayland Image name – imx-image-multimedia For more information please check our BSP documentation i.MX Yocto Project User’s Guide.   Hardware Requirements Linux Host Computer (Ubuntu 20.04 or later) USB Card reader or Micro SD to SD adapter SD Card Evaluation Kit Board for the i.MX8M Nano, i.MX8M Mini, i.MX8M Plus   Software Requirements Linux Ubuntu (20.04 tested) or Debian for Host Computer BSP version 6.1.55 built with Yocto Project   After built the image we can start the installation by following the steps below:   GPU Installation The GPU Installation consists of copy the files from packages imx-gpu-g2d, imx-gpu-viv, libdrm to the Debian system. As our latest installation guide, we will continue naming “mountpoint” to the directory where Debian system is mounted on our host machine. Regarding the path provided on each step, we put labels <build-path> and <machine> that you will need to change based on your environment. These are the paths that Yocto Project uses to save the packages. However, this could change on your environment and you can find the work directory from each package using the following command: bitbake -e <package-name> | grep ^WORKDIR= This command will show you the absolute path of the package work directory. 1. Install GPU Packages $ sudo cp -Pra <build-path>/tmp/work/armv8a-<machine>-poky-linux/imx-gpu-g2d/6.4.11.p2.2-r0/image/* mountpoint $ sudo cp -Pra <build-path>/tmp/work/armv8a-<machine>-poky-linux/imx-gpu-viv/1_6.4.11.p2.2-aarch64-r0/image/* mountpoint $ sudo cp -Pra <build-path>/tmp/work/armv8a-<machine>-poky-linux/libdrm/2.4.115.imx-r0/image/* mountpoint   2. Install Linux IMX Headers and IMX Parser $ sudo cp -Pra <build-path>/tmp/work/armv8a-<machine>-poky-linux/linux-imx-headers/6.1-r0/image/* mountpoint $ sudo cp -Pra <build-path>/tmp/work/armv8a-poky-linux/imx-parser/4.8.2-r0/image/* mountpoint   3. Use chroot $ sudo LANG=C.UTF-8 chroot mountpoint/ qemu-aarch64-static /bin/bash   4. Install Dependencies $ apt install libudev-dev libinput-dev libxkbcommon-dev libpam0g-dev libx11-xcb-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev libxcb-composite0-dev libxcursor-dev libxcb-shape0-dev libdbus-1-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev libsystemd-dev libpixman-1-dev libcairo2-dev libffi-dev libxml2-dev kbd libexpat1-dev autoconf automake libtool meson cmake ssh net-tools network-manager iputils-ping rsyslog bash-completion htop resolvconf dialog vim udhcpc udhcpd git v4l-utils alsa-utils git gcc less autoconf autopoint libtool bison flex gtk-doc-tools libglib2.0-dev libpango1.0-dev libatk1.0-dev kmod pciutils libjpeg-dev   5. Create a folder for Multimedia Installation. Here we will clone all the multimedia repositories.  $ mkdir multimedia_packages $ cd multimedia_packages   6. Build Wayland $ git clone https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/wayland/wayland.git $ cd wayland $ git checkout 1.22.0 $ meson setup build --prefix=/usr -Ddocumentation=false -Ddtd_validation=true $ cd build $ ninja install   7. Build Wayland Protocols IMX $ git clone https://github.com/nxp-imx/wayland-protocols-imx.git $ cd wayland-protocols-imx $ git checkout wayland-protocols-imx-1.32 $ meson setup build --prefix=/usr -Dtests=false $ cd build $ ninja install   8. Build Weston $ git clone https://github.com/nxp-imx/weston-imx.git $ cd weston-imx $ git checkout weston-imx-11.0.3 $ meson setup build --prefix=/usr -Dpipewire=false -Dsimple-clients=all -Ddemo-clients=true -Ddeprecated-color-management-colord=false -Drenderer-gl=true -Dbackend-headless=false -Dimage-jpeg=true -Drenderer-g2d=true -Dbackend-drm=true -Dlauncher-libseat=false -Dcolor-management-lcms=false -Dbackend-rdp=false -Dremoting=false -Dscreenshare=true -Dshell-desktop=true -Dshell-fullscreen=true -Dshell-ivi=true -Dshell-kiosk=true -Dsystemd=true -Dlauncher-logind=true -Dbackend-drm-screencast-vaapi=false -Dbackend-wayland=false -Dimage-webp=false -Dbackend-x11=false -Dxwayland=false $ cd build $ ninja install   VPU Installation To install VPU and Gstreamer please follow the steps below: 1. Install firmware-imx $ sudo cp -Pra <build-path>/tmp/work/all-poky-linux/firmware-imx/1_8.22-r0/image/lib/* mountpoint/lib/   2. Install VPU Driver $ sudo cp -Pra <build-path>/tmp/work/armv8a-<machine>-poky-linux/imx-vpu-hantro/1.31.0-r0/image/* mountpoint $ sudo cp -Pra <build-path>/tmp/work/armv8a-<machine>-poky-linux/imx-vpuwrap/git-r0/image/* mountpoint   3. Use chroot $ sudo LANG=C.UTF-8 chroot mountpoint/ qemu-aarch64-static /bin/bash   4. Install dependencies for Gstreamer Plugins $ apt install libgirepository1.0-dev gettext liborc-0.4-dev libasound2-dev libogg-dev libtheora-dev libvorbis-dev libbz2-dev libflac-dev libgdk-pixbuf-2.0-dev libmp3lame-dev libmpg123-dev libpulse-dev libspeex-dev libtag1-dev libbluetooth-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev librsvg2-dev libsbc-dev libsndfile1-dev   5. Change directory to multimedia packages. $ cd multimedia-packages   6. Build gstreamer $ git clone https://github.com/nxp-imx/gstreamer -b lf-6.1.55-2.2.0 $ cd gstreamer $ meson setup build --prefix=/usr -Dintrospection=enabled -Ddoc=disabled -Dexamples=disabled -Ddbghelp=disabled -Dnls=enabled -Dbash-completion=disabled -Dcheck=enabled -Dcoretracers=disabled -Dgst_debug=true -Dlibdw=disabled -Dtests=enabled -Dtools=enabled -Dtracer_hooks=true -Dlibunwind=disabled -Dc_args=-I/usr/include/imx $ cd build $ ninja install   7. Build gst-plugins-base $ git clone https://github.com/nxp-imx/gst-plugins-base -b lf-6.1.55-2.2.0 $ cd gst-plugins-base $ meson setup build --prefix=/usr -Dalsa=enabled -Dcdparanoia=disabled -Dgl-graphene=disabled -Dgl-jpeg=disabled -Dopus=disabled -Dogg=enabled -Dorc=enabled -Dpango=enabled -Dgl-png=enabled -Dqt5=disabled -Dtheora=enabled -Dtremor=disabled -Dvorbis=enabled -Dlibvisual=disabled -Dx11=disabled -Dxvideo=disabled -Dxshm=disabled -Dc_args=-I/usr/include/imx $ cd build $ ninja install   8. Build gst-plugins-good $ git clone https://github.com/nxp-imx/gst-plugins-good -b lf-6.1.55-2.2.0 $ cd gst-plugins-good $ meson setup build --prefix=/usr -Dexamples=disabled -Dnls=enabled -Ddoc=disabled -Daalib=disabled -Ddirectsound=disabled -Ddv=disabled -Dlibcaca=disabled -Doss=enabled -Doss4=disabled -Dosxaudio=disabled -Dosxvideo=disabled -Dshout2=disabled -Dtwolame=disabled -Dwaveform=disabled -Dasm=disabled -Dbz2=enabled -Dcairo=enabled -Ddv1394=disabled -Dflac=enabled -Dgdk-pixbuf=enabled -Dgtk3=disabled -Dv4l2-gudev=enabled -Djack=disabled -Djpeg=enabled -Dlame=enabled -Dpng=enabled -Dv4l2-libv4l2=disabled -Dmpg123=enabled -Dorc=enabled -Dpulse=enabled -Dqt5=disabled -Drpicamsrc=disabled -Dsoup=enabled -Dspeex=enabled -Dtaglib=enabled -Dv4l2=enabled -Dv4l2-probe=true -Dvpx=disabled -Dwavpack=disabled -Dximagesrc=disabled -Dximagesrc-xshm=disabled -Dximagesrc-xfixes=disabled -Dximagesrc-xdamage=disabled -Dc_args=-I/usr/include/imx $ cd build $ ninja install   9. Build gst-plugins-bad $ git clone https://github.com/nxp-imx/gst-plugins-bad -b lf-6.1.55-2.2.0 $ cd gst-plugins-bad $ meson setup build --prefix=/usr -Dintrospection=enabled -Dexamples=disabled -Dnls=enabled -Dgpl=disabled -Ddoc=disabled -Daes=enabled -Dcodecalpha=enabled -Ddecklink=enabled -Ddvb=enabled -Dfbdev=enabled -Dipcpipeline=enabled -Dshm=enabled -Dtranscode=enabled -Dandroidmedia=disabled -Dapplemedia=disabled -Dasio=disabled -Dbs2b=disabled -Dchromaprint=disabled -Dd3dvideosink=disabled -Dd3d11=disabled -Ddirectsound=disabled -Ddts=disabled -Dfdkaac=disabled -Dflite=disabled -Dgme=disabled -Dgs=disabled -Dgsm=disabled -Diqa=disabled -Dkate=disabled -Dladspa=disabled -Dldac=disabled -Dlv2=disabled -Dmagicleap=disabled -Dmediafoundation=disabled -Dmicrodns=disabled -Dmpeg2enc=disabled -Dmplex=disabled -Dmusepack=disabled -Dnvcodec=disabled -Dopenexr=disabled -Dopenni2=disabled -Dopenaptx=disabled -Dopensles=disabled -Donnx=disabled -Dqroverlay=disabled -Dsoundtouch=disabled -Dspandsp=disabled -Dsvthevcenc=disabled -Dteletext=disabled -Dwasapi=disabled -Dwasapi2=disabled -Dwildmidi=disabled -Dwinks=disabled -Dwinscreencap=disabled -Dwpe=disabled -Dzxing=disabled -Daom=disabled -Dassrender=disabled -Davtp=disabled -Dbluez=enabled -Dbz2=enabled -Dclosedcaption=enabled -Dcurl=enabled -Ddash=enabled -Ddc1394=disabled -Ddirectfb=disabled -Ddtls=disabled -Dfaac=disabled -Dfaad=disabled -Dfluidsynth=disabled -Dgl=enabled -Dhls=enabled -Dkms=enabled -Dcolormanagement=disabled -Dlibde265=disabled -Dcurl-ssh2=disabled -Dmodplug=disabled -Dmsdk=disabled -Dneon=disabled -Dopenal=disabled -Dopencv=disabled -Dopenh264=disabled -Dopenjpeg=disabled -Dopenmpt=disabled -Dhls-crypto=openssl -Dopus=disabled -Dorc=enabled -Dresindvd=disabled -Drsvg=enabled -Drtmp=disabled -Dsbc=enabled -Dsctp=disabled -Dsmoothstreaming=enabled -Dsndfile=enabled -Dsrt=disabled -Dsrtp=disabled -Dtinyalsa=disabled -Dtinycompress=enabled -Dttml=enabled -Duvch264=enabled -Dv4l2codecs=disabled -Dva=disabled -Dvoaacenc=disabled -Dvoamrwbenc=disabled -Dvulkan=disabled -Dwayland=enabled -Dwebp=enabled -Dwebrtc=disabled -Dwebrtcdsp=disabled -Dx11=disabled -Dx265=disabled -Dzbar=disabled -Dc_args=-I/usr/include/imx $ cd build $ ninja install   10. Build imx-gst1.0-plugin $ git clone https://github.com/nxp-imx/imx-gst1.0-plugin -b lf-6.1.55-2.2.0 $ cd imx-gst1.0-plugin $ meson setup build --prefix=/usr -Dplatform=MX8 -Dc_args=-I/usr/include/imx $ cd build $ ninja install   11. Exit chroot $ exit   Verify Installation For verification process, boot your target from the SD Card. (Review your specific target documentation) 1. Verify Weston For this verification you will need to be root user. # export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/0 # weston   2. Verify VPU and Gstreamer Use the following Gstreamer pipeline for Hardware Accelerated VPU Encode. # gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! video/x-raw, format=I420, width=640, height=480 ! vpuenc_h264 ! filesink location=test.mp4   Then you can reproduce the file with this command: # gplay-1.0 test.mp4   Finally, you have installed and verified the GPU, VPU and Multimedia packages. Now, you can start testing audio and video applications.
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i.MX93 eMMC Secondary Boot          i.MX93 eMMC Secondary Boot.zip   i.MX8MP eMMC Secondary Boot           i.MX8MP eMMC Secondary Boot.zip i.MX8MM SDCARD Secondary Boot Demo https://community.nxp.com/t5/i-MX-Processors-Knowledge-Base/i-MX8MM-SDCARD-Secondary-Boot-Demo/ta-p/1500011   i.MX8QXP eMMC Secondary Boot https://community.nxp.com/t5/i-MX-Community-Articles/i-MX8QXP-eMMC-Secondary-Boot/ba-p/1257704#M45    i.MX6 SDCARD Secondary Boot Demo           i.MX6_SDCARD_Secondary_Boot_Demo.pdf      
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We are pleased to announce that Config Tools for i.MX v16.0 are now available. Downloads & links To download the installer for all platforms, please login to our download site via:  https://www.nxp.com/design/designs/config-tools-for-i-mx-applications-processors:CONFIG-TOOLS-IMX Please refer to  Documentation  for installation and quick start guides. For further information about DDR config and validation, please go to this  blog post. Release Notes Full details on the release (features, known issues...) The product is based on Eclipse 2023-12 Framework – Enable the Peripherals tool in the Config Tools for i.MX – Enable the Clocks tool in the Config Tools for i.MX – A new command-line argument (- UpdateCode) has been added. It performs the same action as the Update Code button in the user interface. It must be used with -HeadlessTool. DDR tool – CA bus driver strength and ODT configuration for the mScale processors are added. – [MX 93/MX 91] The UART configuration from UI is added. – MX 91 DDR tool update for Config tools – MX 93 PF 09 DDR tool support is added. SerDes tool – MX 95 SerDes tool support is enabled. Pins tool – Simultaneous routing detection (routing of one signal may result in multiple signals being routed based on the same register settings) is added. In that case, such signals are offered to be added into the configuration. – Support of internal pins that are not available in the package is added.
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Hello, here Jorge. On this post I will explain how to enable MQS1 on i.MX8ULP. As background about how to setup the environment to build the image using Yocto, please take a look on our i.MX Yocto Project User's Guide: Requirements: i.MX 8ULP EVK. Serial console emulator (Tera Term, Putty, etc.). USB Type-C cable. Micro USB cable. Headphones/speakers. Linux PC. Build done in Linux 6.6.23_2.0.0. i.MX8ULP audio subsystem. i.MX 8ULP extends audio capabilities on i.MX 7ULP by adding dedicated DSP cores for voice trigger and audio processing, enabling lower latency and power efficiency to support variety of audio applications. Some of hardware blocks implemented on 8ULP to support audio use cases are the next: Cadence Fusion F1 DSP processor. Cadence HiFi4 DSP processor. PowerQuad hardware accelerator with fixed and floating + FFT. Digital Microphone interface with support of up-to 8 PDM channels. Up-to 8 independent SAI instances. Up-to 2 Medium Quality Sound (MQS). Sony/Philips Digital interface (SPDIF). As is described before, MQS0 and MQS1 are part of real time domain and application domain respectively. I’m going to focus this post on how to enable MQS1 on application domain. Medium Quality Sound (MQS)  This module is basically generates a PWM from PCM audio data. For the major part of typical audio applications will require an external CODEC to deliver the audio quality but, sometimes where the application does not demand this quality, MQS can provide a medium quality audio via GPIO pin that can directly drive the audio output to a speaker or headphone via inexpensive external amplifier/buffer instead of CODEC. The design of the MQS can be described as follows: Input the PCM audio data (from SAI) into a 16-bit register. Up-sample data to match PWM switching frequency. Perform a simple 2nd order Sigma-Delta smooth on the current data versus previous data. Convert the PCM register into a 6-bit PWM width register and output through a GPIO pin.   How to enable it? By default, our BSP does not enable clock for MQS1. This clock is controlled on CGC1 (AD), specifically on MQS1CLK (Multiplexer to select the audio clock connected to the MQS clock input). So, it is needed to modify imx8ulp-clock.h and clk-imx8ulp.c. Please take a look on patch attached at the end of this post to see the modification in drivers easily. These drivers have the definition/configuration for MQS1_SEL in CGC1 and needs to be added as follows: MQS1_SEL definition needs to bed added in imx8ulp-clock.h: #define IMX8ULP_CLK_MQS1_SEL 56 #define IMX8ULP_CLK_CGC1_END 57 MQS1_SEL configuration needs to be added in imx8ulp_clk_cgc1_init of clk-imx8ulp.c: clks[IMX8ULP_CLK_MQS1_SEL] = imx_clk_hw_mux2("mqs1_sel", base + 0x90c, 0, 2, sai45_sels, ARRAY_SIZE(sai45_sels)); Also, it is necessary to configure MQS1 on device tree of i.MX8ULP. Add this in soc: soc@0 of imx8ulp.dtsi: mqs1: mqs@0x29290064 { reg = <0x29290064 0x4>; compatible = "fsl,imx8qm-mqs"; assigned-clocks = <&cgc1 IMX8ULP_CLK_MQS1_SEL>; assigned-clock-parents = <&cgc1 IMX8ULP_CLK_SPLL3_PFD1_DIV1>; clocks = <&cgc1 IMX8ULP_CLK_MQS1_SEL>, <&cgc1 IMX8ULP_CLK_MQS1_SEL>; clock-names = "core", "mclk"; status = "disabled"; }; And create a new device tree, in this case is going to be named imx8ulp-evk-mqs.dts and is as follows: #include "imx8ulp-evk.dts" / { sound-simple-mqs { compatible = "simple-audio-card"; simple-audio-card,name = "imx-simple-mqs"; simple-audio-card,frame-master = <&sndcpu>; simple-audio-card,bitclock-master = <&sndcpu>; simple-audio-card,dai-link@0 { format = "left_j"; sndcpu: cpu { sound-dai = <&sai4>; }; codec { sound-dai = <&mqs1>; }; }; }; }; &cgc1 { assigned-clock-rates = <24576000>; }; &iomuxc1 { pinctrl_mqs1: mqs1grp { fsl,pins = < MX8ULP_PAD_PTF7__MQS1_LEFT 0x43 >; }; }; &mqs1 { #sound-dai-cells = <0>; pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_mqs1>; status = "okay"; }; &sai4 { #sound-dai-cells = <0>; assigned-clocks = <&cgc1 IMX8ULP_CLK_SAI4_SEL>; assigned-clock-parents = <&cgc1 IMX8ULP_CLK_SPLL3_PFD1_DIV1>; status = "okay"; }; Let’s apply these changes on our BSP, in my case I’m going to create a new layer in Yocto to add these modifications with a patch that can be found at the end on this post, here the steps: Install essential Yocto Project host packages: $ sudo apt install gawk wget git diffstat unzip texinfo gcc build-essential chrpath socat cpio python3 python3-pip python3-pexpect xz-utils debianutils iputils-ping python3-git python3-jinja2 python3-subunit zstd liblz4-tool file locales libacl1 Install the “repo” utility: $ mkdir ~/bin $ curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo $ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo $ export PATH=~/bin:$PATH Set up Git: $ git config --global user.name "Your Name" $ git config --global user.email "Your Email" $ git config –list Download the i.MX Yocto Project Community BSP recipe layers and create build folder: $ mkdir imx-yocto-bsp $ cd imx-yocto-bsp $ repo init -u https://github.com/nxp-imx/imx-manifest -b imx-linux-scarthgap -m imx-6.6.23-2.0.0.xml $ repo sync $ DISTRO=fsl-imx-wayland MACHINE=imx8ulp-lpddr4-evk source imx-setup-release.sh -b 8ulp_build Create the new layer: $ cd ~/imx-yocto-bsp/sources $ bibake-layers create-layer meta-mqs $ cd meta-mqs conf/layer.conf should be as follows: BBPATH .= ":${LAYERDIR}" BBFILES += "${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bb \ ${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bbappend" BBFILE_COLLECTIONS += "meta-mqs" BBFILE_PATTERN_meta-mqs = "^${LAYERDIR}/" BBFILE_PRIORITY_meta-mqs = "6" LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_meta-mqs = "nanbield" Let’s change the recipe: $ sudo rm -r recipes-example $ mkdir -p recipes-kernel/linux/files 0001-8ULP-MQS-Enable.patch should be copied to ~/imx-yocto-bsp/sources/meta-mqs/recipes-kernel/linux/files Add an append (on this case is called “linux-imx_%.bbappend”)to change the recipe with next content: FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:" SRC_URI += "file:// 0001-8ULP-MQS-Enable.patch " addtask copy_dts after do_unpack before do_prepare_recipe_sysroot do_copy_dts () { if [ -n "${DTS_FILE}" ]; then if [ -f ${DTS_FILE} ]; then echo "do_copy_dts: copying ${DTS_FILE} in ${S}/arch/arm64/boot/dts/freescale" cp ${DTS_FILE} ${S}/arch/arm64/boot/dts/freescale/ fi fi } The next step is add the layer and build the image: $ cd ~/imx-yocto-bsp/8ulp_build $ bitbake-layers add-layer ~/imx-yocto-bsp/sources/meta-mqs Confirm that the layer has been added: $ bitbake-layers show-layers Build the image: $ bitbake imx-image-multimedia i.MX8ULP EVK limitations The i.MX8ULP has the next MQS1 pins available: But, in the EVK board, the mayor part of these pins are used for other functions such as: - Push button: - MIPI DSI:  - Etc… So, take the output signal of MQS1 pins of EVK board is difficult, in this article, I’m going to configure PTF7 only (MQS1_left) for practicality. If you are working with this board and you need to use these pins for MQS function you will need to manipulate the traces and take the required signals. If you are designing a custom board, planning is essential to avoid this issue. Flash the board. One the build has been finished, we will have the necessary files to flash the board and test it. If you are not too familiarized with this process I suggest you take a look on this post. First, put the board in serial download mode changing the boot configuration switches on the board:   The next step is connecting the power cable, micro-USB cable on the debug port and USB-C type cable to USB0 connector on the board. Then, turn-on the board and run the next command in terminal of build directory: uuu -b emmc_all imx-boot-imx8ulpevk-sd.bin-flash_singleboot_m33 imx-image-multimedia-imx8ulpevk.wic Now, power-off the board, change the boot mode to single boot-eMMC and power it on to test it. Test MQS1 in i.MX8ULP. To test MQS1 it is needed to change the device tree we created, we can do it with the next commands in U-boot: u-boot=> setenv fdtfile imx8ulp-evk-mqs.dtb u-boot=> saveenv u-boot=> boot Now we can test MQS1 on i.MX8ULP EVK, let's confirm that the clock is active in MQS module with the next command: $ cat /sys/kernel/debug/clk/clk_summary -n As you can see mqs1_sel is active and running at 24576000 Hz: And the card appears if we run the next command: $ aplay -l To play audio through MQS we can do it as any sound card: $ speaker-test -D sysdefault:CARD=imxsimplemqs -c 2 -f 48000 -F S16_LE -t pink -P 3 The signal should look like this in the pin output: And like this after a filter, for example the filter used in i.MX93 EVK.   With this post we have been able check the general operation of MQS, configure and compile the image with the required changes to enable MQS1 on EVK board and measure the output on the board. There is a considerable limitation on EVK board since we cannot test left and right outputs without intervene the base board, but this can be helpful as a reference to who would like to use this audio output on i.MX8ULP processor. Best regards. References. Yocto Project customization guide - NXP Community How to add a new layer and a new recipe in Yocto - NXP Community Flashing Linux BSP using UUU - NXP.  i.MX8ULP reference manual. Embedded Linux Projects Using Yocto Project Cookbook.
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This document is about to build an image by Yocto , and it will disable a function that normal user can’t use command line of “ su ”.
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Preface With i.MX android, it is often infeasible to directly build an OTA package with a newer android version and apply that OTA package to a device running old version of Android. For example, the OTA package buit with i.MX android-13.0.0_2.0.0 release for evk_8mm cannot be direclty applied on the evk_8mm board running the image built with i.MX android-11.0.0_1.0.0. In this article, the reason why directly cross-version OTA is infeasible in i.mx android is firstly explained. Then what should be takein into consideration and done before cross-version OTA are described.   The way Google update the system for its device Once Google first time releases a device, it is called a "launch device". it has: codename. Take pixel 3a xl as an example, the codename is bonito Android version. For pixel 3a xl, it's Android 9.0 kernel version. For pixel 3a xl, it's 4.9 PRODUCT_SHIPPING_API_LEVEL. For pixel 3a xl, it is set to be 28, the same as the SDK version of that Android version. FCM target level. For pixel 3a xl, it's 3 After the system code is updated to a new version, an OTA package can be built with the lunch target aosp_bonito-user or aosp_bonito-userdebug for pixel 3a xl, let's call the updated device "retrofit device" codename is not changed. its device configuration still can be found in "device/google/bonito/" Android version. it is the version the OTA updated to. Four android versions are supported, here they are android 9, 10, 11, 12, which means pixel 3a xl can at most upgraded to android12. "device/google/bonito/" is introduced in android9, and removed in android13. kernel version. not changed after OTA PRODUCT_SHIPPING_API_LEVEL. Not changed in OTA, so after the OTA, the value of property "ro.product.first_api_level" is different from the SDK version. FCM target level. not changed after OTA. The FCM target level is in the device manifest.xml, corresponds to a specific version of system compatibility.matrix.xml, so HALs provided by this device does not need to have much changes if the FCM target level is not changed. This is the way Google maintains the system for their devices. This is not the way i.MX Android devices are maintained. The way i.MX Android update the system to a new version for maintained device when the code is upaded to a new version for maintained imx devices, all the device are taken as "launch device", so compaired to the previous version, in the new system for the device: the kernel version is changed PRODUCT_SHIPPING_API_LEVEL is changed FCM target level is changed. Physical partitions may also be changed The FCM target level change means there may be some big changes in the HALs provided by this device. The PRODUCT_SHIPPING_API_LEVEL change means quite many code logic based on the property "ro.product.first_api_level" execute in different flow. Fro the partition changes, the OTA package directly build with this updated code often cannot be applied, for example, a new image for the new partition cannot be applied on the board running old system, as it does not have the partition for the image. Things cannot be changed during OTA To make things more clear that why direct cross-version OTA is infeasible, it is necessary to know that there are things cannot be changed during OTA. 1. physical partitions cannot be changed during OTA. related features are: * dynamic partition * gki * boot header version 2. user data on theuserdata partition should not be changed, or data loss may occur during OTA. the related features are: * encryption options encryption options should not be changed, to make new version of android can recognize the data encrypted by the old version of android. For some  fs_mgr encrypt options, the product_shipping_api_level impacts on the final encryption parameters passed to the kernel. take a look at the following code, even with the same fs_mgr encryption option, if the first_api_level is different, the final encryption parameter is different in different android version. android10 system/extras/libfscrypt/fscrypt.cpp if (filenames_encryption_mode == FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CTS) { // Use legacy padding with our original filenames encryption mode. return FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4; } else if (filenames_encryption_mode == FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_ADIANTUM) { // ...snip... return (FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16 | FS_POLICY_FLAG_DIRECT_KEY); } // ...snip... return FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16; android11 system/extras/libfscrypt/fscrypt.cpp if (!is_gki && options->version == 1 && options->filenames_mode == FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_CTS) { options->flags |= FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4; } else { options->flags |= FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16; } android12 system/extras/libfscrypt/fscrypt.cpp if (first_api_level <= __ANDROID_API_Q__ && options->version == 1 && options->filenames_mode == FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_CTS) { options->flags |= FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4; } else { options->flags |= FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16; }  The fscrypt version will also impact the result. If not sepcified, the default "version" would be "v1" if the "product_shipping_api_level <= 29" or the default "version" would be "v2". Some fscrypt functions like "casefold" and "project id" will depend on fscrypt "v2", these functions are enabled by including the "$(call inherit-product, $(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/emulated_storage.mk)" in "device/nxp". The "emulated_storage.mk" must not be included if fscrypt "v1" is used.  * the userdata partition filesystem type ext4 (used before i.mx android 13.0.0) f2fs (used from i.mx android 13.0.0) * The filesystem for the emulated storage on the userdata partition sdcardfs fuse 3. The boot control info in misc partition should be able to be recognized before and after OTA related feature is: * bootcontrol HAL 4. The bootargs passed by u-boot to kernel cannot be changed if the bootloader is not updated The related feature is: * bootconfig is used to pass boot args from android12.0.0_1.0.0. used with vendor boot header v4.   it should be known that if dual bootloader of postinstall is used, bootloader can be updated.   For these related features. Google does not implement or change them for a "retrofit device", just imlement for change the features for a "launch device", makes direct cross-version OTA feasible for them, because things cannot be changed during OTA are the same between different android versions. For i.mx android, to implement new features for all maintaied devices, things can be changed during OTA are often changed when update to a new version of android. which makes direct cross-version OTA infeasible.    For the ease of reference, list some feature change history here: * physical partition change history   P9.0.0_2.3.0 10.0.0_1.0.0 10.0.0_2.0.0 11.0.0_1.0.0 12.0.0_1.0.0 12.1.0_1.0.0 13.0.0_1.0.0 14.0.0_1.0.0 bootloader_a/b 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 16MB 16MB 16MB dtbo_a/b 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB boot_a/b 48MB 48MB 64MB 64MB 64MB 64MB 64MB 64MB init_boot_a/b - -   -   - 8MB 8MB vendor_boot_a/b - -   64MB 64MB 64MB 64MB 64MB misc 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB metadata 2MB 2MB 2MB 2MB 16MB 16MB 64MB 64MB presistdata 1MB 1MB 1MB 1MB 1MB 1MB 1MB 1MB super - - 7168MB 3584MB 4096MB 4096MB 4096MB 4096MB fbmisc 1MB 1MB 1MB 1MB 1MB 1MB 1MB 1MB vbmeta_a/b 1MB 1MB 1mb 1MB 1MB 1MB 1MB 1MB system_a/b 2560MB 1536MB - -   - - - vendor_a/b 256MB 512MB - -   - - - product_a/b - 1792MB - -   - - -   boot_a/b: 48MB → 64MB, Image becames bigger ater enabling some debug options vendor_boot_a/b: boot header v3. Vendor boot and boot header v3 are MUST to enable GKI feature.  init_boot_a/b: The init binary in ramdisk is moved from boot.img to init_boot.img. flash gki image from Google does not impact on the vendor modifications on init.   for the metadata partition: 2MB → 16MB, requirement of vts "-m vts_gsi_boot_test -t MetadataPartition#MinimumSize" 16MB → 64MB, to make the partition be formated as f2fs, 32MB is not enough, 64MB is used. metadata partition was firstly mounted in android11, when enable the user data checkpoint feature * gki feature history Firstly introduced in android11. Some codes are built into modules, put the modules in vendor_boot_a/b partition. vendor_boot_a/b partitions are also firstly introduced in android11 GKI prebuilt binary was integrated from android12   The way to handle cross-version OTA for i.mx android Here are the steps align the partitions within the OTA base code and the OTA target code if the product may be in the development stage, and the OTA base  code can be modified: reserve partitions in OTA base code. for example, OTA from 10 to 11, reserver the vendor_boot partition in android10 partitiont able although there is not vendor_boot.img. change the selinux rules to have update_engine to be able to update this partition. enlarge some partitions in the OTA base code as in the OTA target code. for examples, the bootloader partitions is 16MB in android13. if OTA from android12 to android13 and the android 12 code can be modified, enlarge the bootloader partition to 16MB. as data in userdata and metadata partition is not touched during OTA, modify the mount options of userdata and metadata partitions in OTA target code to be the same as the one in OTA base code. if the product partitions are already shipped, only the OTA target code can be modified:  as data in userdata and metadata partition is not touched during OTA, modify the mount options of userdata and metadata partitions in OTA target code to be the same as the one in the OTA base code. change the partition size to align with the OTA base code partitions like vendor_boot and/or init_boot may need to be removed. remove/change the features related to the removed or changed partitions if dual bootloader is not used: recently in android version update, vendor_boot and init_boot partitions are added, this is related to boot image header version, the images in these partitions are loaded and verified by uboot, so if dual bootloader is not used, uboot code related to these things need to be changed. check the code related to "struct boot_img_hdr" in uboot. the a/b slot metadata format may be changed between the OTA base code and the OTA target code , this a/b slot metadata is accessed by both Android bootctrl HAL and uboot, as dual bootloader is not used, uboot is not upaded, the updated Android bootctrl HAL should also use the same format to access the file. a postinstall mechanism can be used to update the uboot images, but as there is no fallback for the update failure, the risks need to be evaluated. check whether the OTA package can be applied and whether the updated system can boot up an failure example: OTA from android10 to android12, the system fail to boot up because of the PRODUCT_SHIPPING_API_LEVEL/"ro.product.first_api_level" value difference, different encryption options are used for userdata partitions. so the PRODUCT_SHIPPING_API_LEVEL value need to be changed to be the same as the one in the OTA base code. as PRODUCT_SHIPPING_API_LEVEL is changed, the FCM target version and related HALs may also need to be changed, including changes in device manifest.xml and compatibility_matrix.xml. need to check the commit history about what is changed together with the FCM target version change.   For dynamic partitions, there are something to be noticed: OTA from the image without dynamic partitions to use dynamic partitions: Refer to the code in android10.0.0_2.0.0, there is a demonstration to update 10.0.0_1.0.0 to 10.0.0_2.0.0. In 0.0.0_1.0.0, dynamic partition is not enabled. check the variable "TARGET_USE_RETROFIT_DYNAMIC_PARTITION" and related configurations. OTA from dynamic partitions to virtual A/B, for example, OTA from android10 to android11 inherit the file "build/make/target/product/virtual_ab_ota_retrofit.mk" the first time when update from android10 to android11 with OTA, inherit the "build/make/target/product/virtual_ab_ota_retrofit.mk", the BOARD_NXP_DYNAMIC_PARTITIONS_SIZE is set as dynamic paritition is used. the second time, the device is runing android11 with retrofit virtual A/B feature, this time OTA again, but not cross version, inherit "build/make/target/product/virtual_ab_ota.mk" instead, and the BOARD_NXP_DYNAMIC_PARTITIONS_SIZE  can be set as virtual A/B feature is used. Devices that were upgraded to dynamic partitions can’t retrofit virtual A/B. if there are new dynamic partitions in OTA target code, like vendor_dlkm, no additional changes need to be made for it. Then the customers need to do full xTS test to guarantee the quality.  
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Overview The purpose of this document is to provide a guide on how to enable Dual Ethernet with the GKI Development. Reference: How to enable dual ethernet on Android 11 For a better reference how to build Android i.MX image please look at the next chapter 3 Building the Android Platform for i.MX in the Android User's Guide 1. Build the Android Image with the next modifications The 2nd ethernet port is DWMAC from synopsys and phy used is realtek RTL8211F. To add them into the SharedBoardConfig.mk and remove the camera drivers. diff --git a/imx8m/evk_8mp/SharedBoardConfig.mk b/imx8m/evk_8mp/SharedBoardConfig.mk index f68eb49e..3e95708e 100644 --- a/imx8m/evk_8mp/SharedBoardConfig.mk +++ b/imx8m/evk_8mp/SharedBoardConfig.mk @@ -82,7 +82,12 @@ BOARD_VENDOR_KERNEL_MODULES += \ $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/rtc/rtc-snvs.ko \ $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/pci/controller/dwc/pci-imx6.ko \ $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/net/phy/realtek.ko \ - $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fec.ko + $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fec.ko \ + $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/net/phy/micrel.ko \ + $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/net/pcs/pcs_xpcs.ko \ + $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/net/ethernet/stmicro/stmmac/dwmac-imx.ko \ + $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/net/ethernet/stmicro/stmmac/stmmac.ko \ + $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/net/ethernet/stmicro/stmmac/stmmac-platform.ko ifeq ($(POWERSAVE),true) BOARD_VENDOR_KERNEL_MODULES += \ $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/soc/imx/lpa_ctrl.ko \ @@ -219,15 +224,12 @@ BOARD_VENDOR_RAMDISK_KERNEL_MODULES += \ $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/perf/fsl_imx8_ddr_perf.ko \ $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/cpufreq/cpufreq-dt.ko \ $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/cpufreq/imx-cpufreq-dt.ko \ - $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/media/i2c/ov5640.ko \ $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/staging/media/imx/imx8-capture.ko \ $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/staging/media/imx/imx8-isi-capture.ko \ $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/staging/media/imx/imx8-isi-hw.ko \ $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/staging/media/imx/imx8-isi-mem2mem.ko \ $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/staging/media/imx/imx8-mipi-csi2-sam.ko \ $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/dma/imx-sdma.ko \ - $(TARGET_OUT_INTERMEDIATES)/VVCAM_OBJ/basler-camera-driver-vvcam.ko \ - $(TARGET_OUT_INTERMEDIATES)/VVCAM_OBJ/os08a20.ko \ $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/staging/media/imx/imx8-media-dev.ko \ $(TARGET_OUT_INTERMEDIATES)/VVCAM_OBJ/vvcam-dwe.ko \ $(TARGET_OUT_INTERMEDIATES)/VVCAM_OBJ/vvcam-isp.ko \​ To let the Android framework's EthernetTracker and EthernetNetworkFactory know which interfaces to manage, the framework level configure config_ethernet_iface_regex config_ethernet_interfaces must be overlay in device/nxp/imx8m/evk_8mp/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml: diff --git a/imx8m/evk_8mp/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml b/imx8m/evk_8mp/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml index 298d50cc..63f6787e 100644 --- a/imx8m/evk_8mp/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml +++ b/imx8m/evk_8mp/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml @@ -22,7 +22,12 @@ <resources> <!--For Android we support eth0 now --> - <string translatable="false" name="config_ethernet_iface_regex">eth0</string> + <string translatable="false" name="config_ethernet_iface_regex">eth\\d</string> + + <string-array translatable="false" name="config_ethernet_interfaces"> + <item>eth0;12,13,14,15,16,18,19</item> + <item>eth1;12,13,14,15,16,18,19</item> + </string-array> <!-- List of regexpressions describing the interface (if any) that represent tetherable USB interfaces. If the device doesn't want to support tething over USB this should -- Apply the patch 0001-PATCH-Add-defines-for-ETH-support-drivers.patch Build the Android Image # Change to the MY_ANDROID Directory $ source build/envsetup.sh $ lunch evk_8mp-userdebug $ ./imx-make.sh -j4 2>&1 | tee build-log.txt​   GKI Development Follow and apply the next community post: Export new symbols of GKI development Android 14 Set the GKI repo $ repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/manifest -b common-android14-6.1 $ repo sync $ git remote add device https://github.com/nxp-imx/linux-imx.git $ git remote update $ git fetch device --tags $ git checkout android-14.0.0_1.2.0 $ cd .. #Be sure that symbolic links are created correctly $ ln -s ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp-opensource/verisilicon_sw_isp_vvcam verisilicon_sw_isp_vvcam $ ln -s ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp-opensource/nxp-mwifiex nxp-mwifiex $ BUILD_FOR_GKI=yes $ BUILD_CONFIG=common/build.config.imx $ tools/bazel run //common:imx_abi_update_symbol_list Apply the following changes in the GKI Kernel tree: gki/common: Patch: 0001-PATCH-GKI-Kernel-tree-Drivers-for-the-ETH1-Interface.patch Build the GKI Image tools/bazel run //common:kernel_aarch64_dist​ Follow the build android boot.img and system_dlkm.img $ cp out/kernel_aarch64/dist/boot.img ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp/fsl-proprietary/ gki/boot.img $ cd ${MY_ANDROID} $ TARGET_IMX_KERNEL=true make bootimage # Change directory to the gki folder $ cp out/kernel_aarch64/dist/system_dlkm_staging_archive.tar.gz ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp/fsl-proprietary/gki/system_dlkm_staging_archive.tar.gz $ cd ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp/fsl-proprietary/gki $ tar -xzf system_dlkm_staging_archive.tar.gz -C system_dlkm_staging $ cd ${MY_ANDROID} $ make system_dlkmimag​e Create the tar.gz file for flash the android image (*.img, *.bat, *.sh, *.bin, *.imx) Boot the image and type lsmod to ensure the drivers are installed. Regards, Mario    
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The HSM Coding-Signing is new. When we follow the instructions in Code-Signing Tool User’s Guide , still has something to overcome, most of them are related to the OS. Actually, Code-Signing Tool User’s Guide  can not give detail every “obvious” step. The purpose of this document is to share the experiences on my system. Hope those experience can give you some clues on your system.     25JUL2024 - add pkcs11 proxy                         HSM Code-Signing Journey_25JUL2024.pdf                          HSM Code-Signing Journey_25JUL2024.txt  
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  Introduction   MATTER chip-tool android APK is a very useful tool for commission, control the MATTER network by smart phone. Vendor can add various features into the APK. It supports build by Android Studio and command line. The official build steps can be found here: https://github.com/project-chip/connectedhomeip/blob/master/docs/guides/android_building.md But the official guide does not cover how to build in a non-GUI linux distribution (without Android Studio installed). This article describes how to build under Ubuntu server. Install Android SDK  Install SDK command line from: https://developer.android.com/studio, And follow the steps: https://developer.android.com/tools/sdkmanager to install.  Install the Android-26 SDK and 23 NDK: $./sdkmanager "platforms;android-26" "ndk;23.2.8568313"  Export env  $export ANDROID_HOME=<SDK path>  $export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=<SDK path>/ndk/23.2.8568313/   Install kotlin (1.8.0)  $curl -s https://get.sdkman.io | bash  $sdk install kotlin 1.8.0  $whereis kotlin  $export PATH=$PATH:<patch of bin of kotlin>    Configure proxy for gradle  $ cat ~/.gradle/gradle.properties  # Set the socket timeout to 5 minutes (good for proxies)  org.gradle.internal.http.socketTimeout=300000  # the number of retries (initial included) (default 3)  org.gradle.internal.repository.max.retries=10  # the initial time before retrying, in milliseconds (default 125)  org.gradle.internal.repository.initial.backoff=500  systemProp.http.proxyHost=apac.nics.nxp.com  systemProp.http.proxyPort=8080  systemProp.http.nonProxyHosts=localhost|*.nxp.com  systemProp.https.proxyHost=apac.nics.nxp.com  systemProp.https.proxyPort=8080  systemProp.https.nonProxyHosts=localhost|*.nxp.com    Configure proxy  Configure proxy for download packages during build export FTP_PROXY="http://apac.nics.nxp.com:8080"  export HTTPS_PROXY="http://apac.nics.nxp.com:8080"  export HTTP_PROXY="http://apac.nics.nxp.com:8080"  export NO_PROXY="localhost,*.nxp.com"  export ftp_proxy="http://apac.nics.nxp.com:8080"  export http_proxy="http://apac.nics.nxp.com:8080"  export https_proxy="http://apac.nics.nxp.com:8080"  export no_proxy="localhost,*.nxp.com"    Patch for gradle java option  This step can be skipped if using OpenJDK16.  Otherwise if you're using OpenJDK 17 (Java 61), you have to upgrade the gradle from 7.1.1 to 7.3, and add java.io open to ALL-UNNAMED:  diff --git a/examples/android/CHIPTool/gradle.properties b/examples/android/CHIPTool/gradle.properties  index 71f72db8c8..5bce4b4528 100644  --- a/examples/android/CHIPTool/gradle.properties  +++ b/examples/android/CHIPTool/gradle.properties  @@ -6,7 +6,8 @@  # http://www.gradle.org/docs/current/userguide/build_environment.html  # Specifies the JVM arguments used for the daemon process.  # The setting is particularly useful for tweaking memory settings.  -org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx4096m -XX:MaxPermSize=2048m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8  +#org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx4096m -XX:MaxPermSize=2048m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8  +org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx4096m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8  --add-opens=java.base/java.io=ALL-UNNAMED  # When configured, Gradle will run in incubating parallel mode.  # This option should only be used with decoupled projects. More details, visit  # http://www.gradle.org/docs/current/userguide/multi_project_builds.html#sec:decoupled_projects  diff --git a/examples/android/CHIPTool/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties b/examples/android/CHIPTool/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties  index 05679dc3c1..e750102e09 100644  --- a/examples/android/CHIPTool/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties  +++ b/examples/android/CHIPTool/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties  @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@  distributionBase=GRADLE_USER_HOME  distributionPath=wrapper/dists  -distributionUrl=https\://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-7.1.1-bin.zip  +distributionUrl=https\://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-7.3-bin.zip  zipStoreBase=GRADLE_USER_HOME  zipStorePath=wrapper/dists    Build & Install Clone all the modules from github: $git clone --single-branch --recurse-submodules https://github.com/project-chip/connectedhomeip.git Enviroment setup: $source scripts/bootstrap.sh Build: ./scripts/build/build_examples.py --target android-arm64-chip-tool build Install built apk into phone: $adb install out/android-arm64-chip-tool/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk  
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The document will cover three parts, which include: A brief introduction to RSA algorithm How to compile boot image including OP-TEE-OS for Boot media - QSPI The steps to sign and verification The SoC for this experiment is based on i.MX8MP-EVK
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Hello everyone! In this document you'll find an example on how to setup your own recipe for Yocto Project to add your own custom changes, such as custom device tree, patches, custom drivers, etc. Linux kernel used in this guide 6.1.36_2.1.0 At least 120(250)GB HDD in the host PC Ubuntu 20.04 or later host PC ##Host Setup $ sudo apt install gawk wget git diffstat unzip texinfo gcc build-essential chrpath socat cpio python3 python3-pip python3-pexpect xz-utils debianutils iputils-ping python3-git python3-jinja2 libegl1-mesa libsdl1.2-dev python3-subunit mesa-common-dev zstd liblz4-tool file locales -y $ sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 ##Setup Repo utility $ mkdir ~/bin (this step may not be needed if the bin folder already exists) $ curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo $ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo $ export PATH=~/bin:$PATH ##Git Setup $ git config --global user.name "Your Name" $ git config --global user.email "Your Email" $ git config --list ##Yocto Setup $ mkdir imx-yocto-bsp $ cd imx-yocto-bsp $ repo init -u https://github.com/nxp-imx/imx-manifest -b imx-linux-mickledore -m imx-6.1.36-2.1.0.xml $ repo sync $ DISTRO=fsl-imx-wayland MACHINE=imx8mp-lpddr4-evk source imx-setup-release.sh -b buildwayland ##Create the new layer $ cd ../sources $ bitbake-layers create-layer meta-newlayer ##Add the new layer to the bblayers.conf in the build directory $ bitbake-layers add-layer meta-newlayer ##Check that it has been added correctly $ tree -L 4 ./meta-newlayer ##Edit the new layer and delete the samples created by yocto $ cd meta-newlayer $ rm -r recipes-example $ rm conf/layer.conf ##Use any text editor to create the layer configuration $ nano conf/layer.conf ##Add the following to the layer configuration file BBPATH .= ":${LAYERDIR}" BBFILES += "${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bb \             ${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bbappend" BBFILE_COLLECTIONS += "meta-newlayer" BBFILE_PATTERN_meta-newlayer := "^${LAYERDIR}/" BBFILE_PRIORITY_meta-newlayer = "8" LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_meta-newlayer = "mickledore" ##Prepare bbappend files so the patches get applied $ mkdir -p recipes-kernel/linux $ cd recipes-kernel/linux $ nano linux-imx_%.bbappend ##Add the following to the .bbappend file FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:" SRC_URI += "file://001-add-imx8mp-dts-test.patch" PACKAGE_ARCH = "${MACHINE_ARCH}" KERNEL_DEVICETREE:append = " freescale/imx8mp-evk-test.dtb" ##Copy the patches to the layer file path, for this example I have created a simple patch to just rename the default device tree. $ mkdir files $ cp ~/patches/001-add-imx8mp-dts-test.patch files ##Make sure that the layers is created correctly $ bitbake-layers show-layers  ##Finally we bitbake our image $ cd ~/imx-yocto-bsp/buildwayland $ bitbake imx-image-multimedia #All the images built should appear at  <build directory>/tmp/deploy/images/<machine> Hope everyone finds this useful! For any question regarding this document, please create a community thread and tag me if needed. Saludos/Regards, Aldo.  
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