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Attachment is the UDS bootloader solution of S12Z, S32K1xx and S32K3xx. The package include projects and user guide. All projects are verified over ECU BUS(0.2.22). Unified bootloader V2.1 Vs V2 1. Integrated S32K312, S32K314, S32K324, S32K344 PC tool(https://github.com/frankie-zeng/ECUBus😞 1. ECU BUS 2. Add CAN FD support 3. Easy of use 4. The tool only support PEAK Disclaimer: 1. All projects/source code are demo code          
******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * * This example shows how to use the back-to-back mode of the PDB to trigger * sequence of ADC channels conversion. 4 PDB channel pre-triggers/triggers are * generated upon single PDB SW trigger. The first trigger is started by the PDB, * no delay is used. Next 3 triggers start after corresponding acknowledgment is * received from ADC. * * DMA is configured to read the ADC result registers. * Within DMA major interrupt the new conversion scan is started via PDB SW request. * * Converted data is used to change color of the EVB led based on Trimmer position. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:         FRDM-S32K144 * MCU:             PS32K144HFVLL 0N77P * Fsys:            160MHz * Debugger:        S32DS * Target:          internal_FLASH * ********************************************************************************
The S32K14x MCU ARM Cortex M4F core processor handles fault exceptions using four handlers.   Handlers UsageFault_Handler() Usage faults are caused by an application that incorrectly uses Cortex M4 processor trying to execute an undefined instruction execute an instruction that makes illegal use of the Execution Program Status Register (EPSR), typically, this processor support only Thumb instruction set and it requires that all branch targets should be indicated as odd numbers, having bit[0] set. perform an illegal load of EXC_RETURN to the PC access a coprocessor if the access is denied or privileged only (configurable in CPACR) make an unaligned memory access execute an SDIV or UDIV instruction with a divisor of 0   The detection of the division by zero fault is disabled by default which means that such an operation returns zero and the fault is not detected. Similarly, the Cortex-M4 processor supports unaligned access for certain instructions. The detection on both the division by zero and the unaligned access (for every instruction) faults can be enabled in Configuration and Control Register (CCR).   BusFault_Handler() Bus faults occur when a bus slave returns an error response while stacking for an exception entry unstacking for an exception return prefetching an instruction during floating-point lazy state preservation Beside these faults listed above, there are also bus faults labeled as Precise and Imprecise. Imprecise bus fault occurs when an application writes to buffered memory region and continues executing subsequent instructions before the actual bus fault is detected. Therefore, at the time the exception rises the program counter doesn’t point to the instruction that has caused the bus fault. For debugging purposes, it is necessary to have “precise” program counter value to know which instruction has caused the fault exception. Imprecise bus fault can be forced to be precise by disabling the write buffer in (ACTLR_DISDEFWBUF = 1). This however might decrease the performance.   Note: The S32K144 MCU has its own system Memory Protection Unit which is implemented on the bus. Therefore, any system MPU violation triggers bus faults.   MemManage_Handler() Typically, these exceptions rise on an attempt to access regions that are protected by the core ARM Cortex M4 Memory Protection Unit. attempt to load or store at a protected location instruction fetch from a protected location stacking/unstacking fault caused by violation of the memory protection protection violation during floating-point lazy state preservation   S32K1xx series implements its own system Memory Protection Unit on the bus and therefore an attempt to access a protected region results in a bus fault exception instead. Nevertheless, the system MPU does not protect access to peripheral registers, and as the attached example code shows, an attempt to fetch instruction from a peripheral memory region causes a MemManage fault exception.   HardFault_Handler() This handler is the only one that has a fixed priority (-1) and is always enabled. If other handlers are disabled (in the SHCSR register), all faults are escalated to this handler. The escalation take place also when a fault occurs during another fault handling execution or while the vector table is read.   Priority of exception fault handlers   The fault exception handlers’ priorities, besides the HardFault handler (fixed priority -1), are configurable in fields PRI_4, PRI_5 and PRI_6 of SHPR1 register. These fields are byte-accessible and Cortex M4 support 255 priority levels, however, S32K14x MCUs support 16 priority levels only. Therefore, priorities are configurable in the four most significant bits of PRI_4, PRI_5 and PRI_6 only, which is similar to other NVIC IPR registers as shown below.   The lower priority number is set, the higher priority. By default, all handlers have priority set to zero.   Status and address registers for fault exceptions Configurable Fault Status Register (CSFR) consists from three status bit fields for Usage Fault (UFSR), Bus Fault (BFSR), and Memory Management Fault (MMFSR) where each bit represents a fault exception.     There are also two auxiliary address registers. If BFARVALID is set in the BFSR register, Bus Fault Address Register (BFAR) holds the memory access location of a precise bus fault. Similarly, if MMARVALID bit is set in MMFSR register, Memory Manage Address Register (MMAR) holds the address of a MemManage fault.   Example code To demonstrate the debugging process, the following exceptions can be forced: attempt to access an unimplemented memory area attempt to write to a non-gated peripheral register write to read only register fetching an instruction from a protected peripheral memory region division be zero unaligned memory access execution of a non-thumb instruction execution of an undefined instruction   When the program enters an exception handler, the stack frame is pushed onto the stack including the program counter value of the fault instruction. In this example, the exception handlers are declared with __attribute__((nake_)) (fault_exceptions.h), no prologue is generated and the program counter is always offset by 6 words (0x14) from the stack pointer that can be read in the handlers using either the debugger (memory view) or a SW pointer. If an application uses Process Stack Pointer (PSP) as well, it is necessary to find out whether the stack pointer comes from Main Stack Pointer (MSP) or PSP, this information is available in the EXC_RETURN value in the link register. Having a precise program counter address, we can find the fault instruction in Disassembly. This applies to all exception except for imprecise bus faults as explained above, imprecise bus faults can be forced to be precise by disabling the Write buffer.   The CSFR register is read to determine which exception has occurred and, if available, the memory access location that has caused the exception.    References Cortex-M4 Devices Generic User Guide Cortex-M4 Technical Reference Manual
@S32kUser  The S32K3 family is a highly scalable MCU that include single-core, dual-core, and lock-step core configurations. Meanwhile, NXP provides rich eco-software. For example, NXP provides a powerful IDE: S32 Design Studio(S32DS), which can be used to configure, compiler, debug. And the RTD (Real-Time Drivers) is the software development package, it includes a lot of default example projects. Low power management is always required in auto product since it's powered by battery. K3's power management is quite different with K1. Provide a one-stop application information about S32K3xx family MCU power management features for automotive customer to accelerate their application/product time to market. Besides, the software package in this page provides additional example projects for wakeup use case. All the wakeup example projects mentioned in this page are developed based on RTD/HLD, and the configuration tool is EB tresos Studio and S32 CT. The hardware is based on S32K344 Whiteboard and S32K3X4EVB-Q172. The software is based on RTD V2.0 and S32DS3.4 About the wakeup examples package, it provides very wakeup examples. The below figures summarized the package contents: Example Projects: Application Note: Any questions, please contact me.
******************************************************************************** Detailed Description: Configures the FlexCAN 0 to transmit and receive a CAN message Baudrate to is set to 500kbps. In this config, RXFIFO is used to receive a messages. 16 filter elements are defined in the RXFIFO table. Both standard and extended IDs are used. DMA is enabled in component inspector to read RXFIFO. MB10 is moreover used to receive a message with given standard ID and MB11 is used to transmit a message upon button press. The callback function is installed as well and is it called each time message is received in MB10, RXFIFO or message is transmitted. Note: EVB must be powered by 12V to have SBC's CAN transceiver active * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:        S32K144EVB-Q100 * MCU:            FS32K144UAVLL 0N57U * Target:         Debug_FLASH * EVB connection: PCAN-View with PCAN-USB Pro connected to CAN port J13 * Compiler:       S32DS.ARM.2018.R1 * SDK release:    S32SDK_S32K1xx_RTM_3.0.0 * Debugger:       Lauterbach Trace32 ******************************************************************************** Revision History: Ver    Date           Author          Description of Changes 0.1    Apr-04-2019    Petr Stancik    Initial version *******************************************************************************/
******************************************************************************** Detailed Description: Configures the FlexCAN 0 to transmit and receive message into RXFIFO. LOOPBACK mode is enabled. Two IDs are set into RXFIFO ID table. DMA is configured to read the message from RXFIFO. Within DMA major interrupt the new message is send according to which Identifier Acceptance Filter was hit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Test HW:         S32K144 EVB-Q100  MCU:             PS32K144HFVLL 0N77P  Fsys:            160MHz  Debugger:        Lauterbach  Target:          internal_FLASH ******************************************************************************** Revision History: 1.0     Sep-4-2017     Petr Stancik    Initial Version *******************************************************************************
************************************************************************************************ Detailed Description: WDOG tested in SystemInit() function (system_S32K116.c) after POR. For debugging purposes: - WDOG counter reference clock is pre-scaled to slow the test (CS_PRES = 1). - During CNT_LOW test, BLUE LED (PTE8) ON. - During CNT_HIGH test, RED LED (PTD16) ON. - Once both tests have passed, GREEN LED (PTD15) ON. If either of the test fails, WDOG will stay in its default configuration and rest the MCU. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test HW: S32K116EVB-Q048 REV.B MCU: S32K116 0N96V Debugger: S32DSR1, OpenSDA Target: internal_FLASH ************************************************************************************************
************************************************************************************************ * Detailed Description: * The example shows how to skip an instruction * that causes uncorrectable ECC fault exception during C40_Ip_Read(). * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Test HW: S32312EVB-Q172 * MCU: S32K312 * Debugger: S32DS 3.4, PEMicro Multilink * Target: internal_FLASH *************************************************************************************************
*******************************************************************************************************  Detailed Description:  Configures the MCU to run system clock from XOSC.  LPUART1 is set to respond to LIN header sent from master.  Based on ID received the LPUART1 either receive frame's data and compare checksum  or publish requested data with calculated checksum. Enhanced checksum is used.  Interrupt is used for RX and TX operation and 2 versions of interrupt routine are available.  VER 1 ... during response transmission receiver disabled and transmit interrupt enabled  VER 2 ... during response transmission receiver is kept enabled  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Test HW: S32K116 EVB-Q048  MCU: PS32K116LAM 0N96V  Fsys: 40MHz  Debugger: Lauterbach  Target: internal_FLASH ******************************************************************************************************
******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * This simple example shows how to force function to RAM memory in S32 Design * Studio and how to perform flash functions (Erase flash sector and Program * phrase command in this case). * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:         FRDM-S32K144 * MCU:             PS32K144HFVLL 0N77P * Fsys:            default * Debugger:        Lauterbach Trace32 * Target:          internal_FLASH * ********************************************************************************
******************************************************************************** Detailed Description: The S32K144 MCU is secure if SEC bits are set to non 0b10 value in Flash Secure Register (FSEC). And can be unsecure using either Mass Erase or Verify Backdoor Access Key command provided they are enabled, again indicated by bits KEYEN and MEEM in the FSEC register. The FSEC register is a read-only register and is loaded with the content of the flash security byte in the Flash Configuration Field located in program flash memory during the reset sequence. The configuration field holds the Backdoor comparison key as well and is configurable in startup_S32K144.S file. The attached example code shows use of Verify Backdoor Access Key flash command. The MCU is secured in the Flash configuration field and therefore once the application has been loaded the debugger does not have access to the MCU which must be run stand-alone. The state of the SEC bits is indicated by LEDs. The RED LED indicates the MCU is secure (SEC != 0b10) after reset. After a delay loop, the Verify Backdoor key command is executed which will unsecure the device and the LED will turn BLUE (SEC = 0b10). NOTE: The Verify Backdoor key command is executed from RAM to avoid simultaneous access to the PFlash block. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test HW:      S32144EVB-Q100 MCU:           S32K144 0N47T Debugger:    S32DS1.3, OpenSDA Target:          internal_FLASH ******************************************************************************** 2.0     Sep-30-2017     Daniel ********************************************************************************
*******************************************************************************  The purpose of this demo application is to present a usage of the  UART IP Driver for the S32K3xx MCU.  The example uses LPUART6 for transmit & receive five bytes using the DMA.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW: S32K3X4EVB-T172 * MCU: S32K344 * Compiler: S32DS3.5 * SDK release: RTD 3.0.0 * Debugger: PE micro * Target: internal_FLASH ********************************************************************************     Putty output :--  
*******************************************************************************  The purpose of this demo application is to present a usage of the  UART IP Driver for the S32K3xx MCU.  The example uses LPUART6 for transmit & receive five bytes using the DMA.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW: S32K3X2EVB-Q172 * MCU: S32K312 * Compiler: S32DS3.5 * SDK release: RTD 3.0.0 * Debugger: PE micro * Target: internal_FLASH ********************************************************************************    
*******************************************************************************  The purpose of this demo application is to present a usage of the  ADC_SAR and BCTU IP Driver for the S32K3xx MCU.  The example uses the PIT0 trigger to trigger BCTU conversion list to  perform parallel conversions on ADC0/ADC1. Three ADC channels  are selected to be converted on each ADC:  ADC0: S8 , P0, S8  ADC1: S10, S13, S17  Converted results from BCTU FIFO are moved by DMA into result array.  ADC channel S10 is connected to board's potentiometer, and converted value is  used to dim board's LED.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW: S32K3X4EVB-Q172 * MCU: S32K344 * Compiler: S32DS3.5 * SDK release: RTD 3.0.0 * Debugger: Lauterbach * Target: internal_FLASH ********************************************************************************
What is “Flash Driver” (The following content is taken from Klaus Emmert->“FLASH Bootloader User Manual Version 2.7”) “The Flash Driver(actual flash algorithm) is the hardware dependent code for performing the flash functions.In most cases, programming flash memory from flash is not possible.Therefore the Flash Driver is downloaded and executed into RAM to allow programming of the application.The advantage of downloading the flash algorithm into RAM is that updates to the flash algorithms are possible without the need to reprogram the primary bootloader. The algorithm is cleared from RAM upon completion of the download to avoid accidental calls to the flash functions while in application. In special cases the flash algorithms are kept in flash memory and copied to RAM when needed. Of course the possibility of changing the flash algorithms is no longer available when this configuration is used. Moreover, there is a risk that the flash memory will be unintentionally erased from an accidental call to these functions. A remedy to correct this would be to encrypt the corresponding program code, such as e.g an XOR or the like.”   Regarding the demos -The software is using “S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform V3.4” and the SDK is “RTM 4.0.3” - Hardware based on S32K142-EVB -two demo provided, one for making “flash driver”, another is for testing the flash driver image     ·“Flash_Driver_Source_Project”  this routine used for making flash driver image.     ·“Flash_Driver_Source_Project_Test” this routine used for testing flash driver image.   ·Flash driver image making process 1.Create a new project and add the flash component       Refer to the demo provided and modified main.c file. Note 1 define function index table in main.c 2.Modify the link file Note 2 modified S32K142_32_flash.ld file   Note 3 modified S32K142_32_flash.ld file 3.Add “attribute” commands for the functions necessary to operate flash   Note 4 add "attribute" to function,like this         If another function is referenced in a function, then we also need to add “attribute” to the referenced function. 4.Compile the project and check the xx.map file to confirm whether the allocated address space is correct.   Note 5 check Flash_Driver_Source_Project.map 5.Make flash driver   Note 6 create flash image   Note 7 choose image format   Note 8 make flash driver image       New a “xx.s19” file and then copy the data which range of 0x1fffe000~0x1ffffffff into this file   Note 9 change link order if necessary       If some functions are distributed in different files, the function address allocated can be changed by changing the link order.   The process of testing the flash driver image 1.Create a new project without adding flash component.       You still need to create a new project, but you don’t need to add the Flash component to it. 2.Modify the link file as before. 3.Refer to the provided demo and modify main.c file. 4.Compile the project, check the .map file, and confirm whether the address space of the allocated array location is correct   Note 10 make sure Function_TABLE already put on the right place 5.Enter debug section, import the prepared flash driver image.   Note 12 import flash driver image before operate flash module 6.Test whether the flash driver can work normally.   Note 13 check the test result So far, we know how to make a flash driver image and how to test the flash driver image. This method is not limited to making functions related to flash operations, and other functions can also be used in this way, but there are few applications with such application scenarios.
Hi all, Recently, we completed S32K Sound Mixer reference code and demo, and glad to share this demo at here.   Some key feature of this demo:  - Demo HW based on S32K344/S32K148 + audio codec SGTL5000 + QSPI flash MX25L6433.  - Demo SW based on S32K3 RTD RTM 2.0.0 and S32K1 RTD RTM 1.0.0.  - Demo provided 2 kinds of sound mixing algorithm realization code, and corresponding audio materials and codec SGTL5000 driver.  - Demo showed how to programming QSPI flash and its AHB accessing via audio storage and playing process.  - Demo used mono audio as source for processing, and output stereo audio (I2S format) via SAI HW FIFO combine (Line_Mux) function with nearly no extra cost.   HMI/Cluster apps need multiple audio sources (usually warning sounds) be played simultaneously, which brings sound mixing ability requirement. However, S32K1/3 lack of this HW/SW feature support. With the demand from local key customer, and considering potential customer requirements, we planned to enable a SW sound mixer with scheduled peripherals, to enhance the S32K family audio mixing ability. It shall be easy of using/porting on S32K1/3, and use QSPI flash (AHB mode read) to store the music. Attachment the Sound Mixer package includes 2 sound mixing examples based on S32K344 EVB and S32K148 T-Box RDB, and some slides to introduce this implementation and quick start guide.    Thanks and welcome any comment from you. Best Regards, Shuailin Li
Due to K3 hasn't been mass-produced yet, this content is moved to S32K3 Internal forum: https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K3-Internal-Community/S32K3-Low-power-lab/ta-p/1280219 Any question, pls contact Jeremy.he@nxp.com.
******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * * This example shows how to init DMA for simple memory to memory copy. * Eight 16-bit values are copied upon SW start. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:         FRDM-S32K144 * MCU:             PS32K144HFVLL 0N77P * Fsys:            default * Debugger:        S32DS * Target:          internal_FLASH * ******************************************************************************** Original Attachment has been moved to: Example-S32K144-DMA-RAM2RAM-test-v1_0-S32DS.zip
**************************************************************************************** Detailed Description: This is a rather simple example that shows LPI2C0 in Master mode. MPL3115A2 sensor is used as a slave device. I2C bus at PTA2 SDA, PTA3 SCL (2-pin open drain mode), external pull-up resistors on BRKTSTBC-P3115 board. BRKTSTBC-P3115 supplied from P3V3 (J3.7). Baud rate 400kHz, source SIRCDIV2 8MHz. The master reads periodically MPL3115A2 status register (every 200ms) and temperature / altitude data once they are ready. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test HW: S32K144EVB-Q100, BRKTSTBC-P3115 MCU: S32K144 0N57U IDE: S32DSR1, OpenSDA Target: internal_FLASH ****************************************************************************************
******************************************************************************************************************************************** Detailed Description: This example shows use of RTC in VLPS mode. The MCU is put into the VLPS mode (Sleep-On-Exit). RTC alarm interrupt brings it to VLPR every 3s and toggles BLUE LED (PTD0). Since it works in the Sleep-On-Exit mode, after the ISR, the MCU goes to VLPS again without calling the WFI instruction. When BTN0 (S32K144 EVB) is pressed, the power mode switch from VLPS to VLPR and other way round. Interrupt is triggered on rising edge (PTC12), filtered by digital filter (clocked from LPO). In VLPR, RTC seconds interrupt is enabled as well and toggles RED LED (PTD15) in the ISR. RTC_CLKOUT (1Hz) and CLKOUT (bus_clk) can be monitored at PTD13 and PTD14 respectively. CLKOUT is not available in VLPS. The MCU needs to be power-cycled and run stand-alone. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test HW: S32K144EVB-Q100 MCU: S32K 0N57U Debugger: S32DS_ARM_2.2, OpenSDA Target: internal_FLASH ********************************************************************************************************************************************