i.MX Processors Knowledge Base

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i.MX Processors Knowledge Base


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Fast GPU Image Processing in the i.MX 6x by Guillermo Hernandez, Freescale Introduction Color tracking is useful as a base for complex image processing use cases, like determining what parts of an image belong to skin is very important for face detection or hand gesture applications. In this example we will present a method that is robust enough to take some noise and blur, and different lighting conditions thanks to the use of OpenGL ES 2.0 shaders running in the i.MX 6X  multimedia processor. Prerequisites This how-to assumes that the reader is an experienced i.mx developer and is familiar with the tools and techniques around this technology, also this paper assumes the reader has intermediate graphics knowledge and experience such as the RGBA structure of pictures and video frames and programming OpenGL based applications, as we will not dig in the details of the basic setup. Scope Within this paper, we will see how to implement a very fast color tracking application that uses the GPU instead of the CPU using OpenGL ES 2.0 shaders. Step 1: Gather all the components For this example we will use: 1.      i.MX6q ARD platform 2.      Linux ER5 3.      Oneric rootfs with ER5 release packages 4.      Open CV 2.0.0 source Step 2: building everything you need Refer to ER5 User´s Guide and Release notes on how to build and boot the board with the Ubuntu Oneric rootfs. After you are done, you will need to build the Open CV 2.0.0 source in the board, or you could add it to the ltib and have it built for you. NOTE: We will be using open CV only for convenience purposes, we will not use any if its advanced math or image processing  features (because everything happens on the CPU and that is what we are trying to avoid), but rather to have an easy way of grabbing and managing  frames from the USB camera. Step 3: Application setup Make sure that at this point you have a basic OpenGL Es 2.0 application running, a simple plane with a texture mapped to it should be enough to start. (Please refer to Freescale GPU examples). Step 4: OpenCV auxiliary code The basic idea of the workflow is as follows: a)      Get the live feed from the USB camera using openCV function cvCapture() and store into IplImage structure. b)      Create an OpenGL  texture that reads the IplImage buffer every frame and map it to a plane in OpenGL ES 2.0. c)      Use the Fragment Shader to perform fast image processing calculations, in this example we will examine the Sobel Filter and Binary Images that are the foundations for many complex Image Processing algorithms. d)      If necessary, perform multi-pass rendering to chain several image processing shaders  and get an end result. First we must import our openCV relevant headers: #include "opencv/cv.h" #include "opencv/cxcore.h" #include "opencv/cvaux.h" #include "opencv/highgui.h" Then we should define a texture size, for this example we will be using 320x240, but this can be easily changed to 640 x 480 #define TEXTURE_W 320 #define TEXTURE_H 240 We need to create an OpenCV capture device to enable its V4L camera and get the live feed: CvCapture *capture; capture = cvCreateCameraCapture (0); cvSetCaptureProperty (capture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH,  TEXTURE_W); cvSetCaptureProperty (capture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, TEXTURE_H); Note: when we are done, remember to close the camera stream: cvReleaseCapture (&capture); OpenCV has a very convenient structure used for storing pixel arrays (a.k.a. images) called IplImage IplImage *bgr_img1; IplImage *frame1; bgr_img1 = cvCreateImage (cvSize (TEXTURE_W, TEXTURE_H), 8, 4); OpenCV has a very convenient function for capturing a frame from the camera and storing it into a IplImage frame2 = cvQueryFrame(capture2); Then we will want to separate the camera capture process from the pos-processing filters and final rendering; hence, we should create a thread to exclusively handle the camera: #include <pthread.h> pthread_t camera_thread1; pthread_create (&camera_thread1, NULL, UpdateTextureFromCamera1,(void *)&thread_id); Your UpdateTextureFromCamera() function should be something like this: void *UpdateTextureFromCamera2 (void *ptr) {       while(1)       {             frame2 = cvQueryFrame(capture);             //cvFlip (frame2, frame2, 1);  // mirrored image             cvCvtColor(frame2, bgr_img2, CV_BGR2BGRA);       }       return NULL;    } Finally, the rendering loop should be something like this: while (! window->Kbhit ())       {                         tt = (double)cvGetTickCount();             Render ();             tt = (double)cvGetTickCount() - tt;             value = tt/(cvGetTickFrequency()*1000.);             printf( "\ntime = %gms --- %.2lf FPS", value, 1000.0 / value);             //key = cvWaitKey (30);       }       Step 5: Map the camera image to a GL Texture As you can see, you need a Render function call every frame, this white paper will not cover in detail the basic OpenGL  or EGL setup of the application, but we would rather focus on the ES 2.0 shaders. GLuint _texture; GLeglImageOES g_imgHandle; IplImage *_texture_data; The function to map the texture from our stored pixels in IplImage is quite simple: we just need to get the image data, that is basically a pixel array void GLCVPlane::PlaneSetTex (IplImage *texture_data) {       cvCvtColor (texture_data, _texture_data, CV_BGR2RGB);       glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, _texture);       glTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, _texture_w, _texture_h, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, _texture_data->imageData); } This function should be called inside our render loop: void Render (void) {   glClearColor (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);   glClear (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);   PlaneSetTex(bgr_img1); } At this point the OpenGL texture is ready to be used as a sampler in our Fragment Shader  mapped to a 3D plane Lastly,  when you are ready to draw your plane with the texture in it: // Set the shader program glUseProgram (_shader_program); … // Binds this texture handle so we can load the data into it /* Select Our Texture */ glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); //Select eglImage glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES(GL_TEXTURE_2D, g_imgHandle); glDrawArrays (GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6); Step 6: Use the GPU to do Image Processing First we need to make sure we have the correct Vertex Shader and Fragment shader, we will  focus only in the Fragment Shader, this is where we will process our image from the camera. Below you will find the most simple fragment shader, this one only colors pixels from the sample texture const char *planefrag_shader_src =       "#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH                    \n"       "  precision highp float;                            \n"       "#else                                          \n"       "  precision mediump float;                    \n"       "#endif                                        \n"       "                                              \n"       "uniform sampler2D s_texture;                  \n"       "varying  vec3      g_vVSColor;                      \n"       "varying  vec2 g_vVSTexCoord;                        \n"       "                                              \n"       "void main()                                    \n"       "{                                              \n"       "    gl_FragColor = texture2D(s_texture,g_vVSTexCoord);    \n"       "}                                              \n"; Binary Image The most Simple Image Filter is the Binary Image, this one converts a source image to a black/white output, to decide if a color should be black or white we need a threshold,  everything below that threshold will be black, and any color above should be white.               The shader code is as follows: const char* g_strRGBtoBlackWhiteShader =     #ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH                            precision highp float;                            #else                                            precision mediump float;                          #endif                                            varying  vec2 g_vVSTexCoord;                  uniform sampler2D s_texture;                    uniform float threshold;                                                                        void main() {                                    vec3 current_Color = texture2D(s_texture,g_vVSTexCoord).xyz;         float luminance = dot (vec3(0.299,0.587,0.114),current_Color);         if(luminance>threshold)                      \n"             gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0);                \n"           else                                  \n"                          gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0);                \n"       }                                        \n"; You can notice that the main operation is to get a luminance value of the pixel, in order to achieve that we have to multiply a known vector (obtained empirically) by the current pixel, then we simply compare that luminance value with a threshold. Anything below that threshold will be black, and anything above that threshold will be considered a white pixel. SOBEL Operator Sobel is a very common filter, since it is used as a foundation for many complex Image Processing processes, particularly in edge detection algorithms. The sobel operator is based in convolutions, the convolution is made of a particular mask, often called a kernel (on common therms, usually a 3x3 matrix). The sobel operator calculates the gradient of the image at each pixel, so it tells us how it changes from the pixels surrounding the current pixel , meaning how it increases or decreases (darker to brighter values).           The shader is a bit long, since several operations must be performed, we shall discuss each of its parts below: First we need to get the texture coordinates from the Vertex Shader: const char* plane_sobel_filter_shader_src = #ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH                    precision highp float;                          #else                                    precision mediump float;                        #endif                                          varying  vec2 g_vVSTexCoord;                  uniform sampler2D s_texture;                    Then we should define our kernel, as stated before, a 3x3 matrix should be enough, and the following values have been tested with good results: mat3 kernel1 = mat3 (-1.0, -2.0, -1.0,                                          0.0, 0.0, 0.0,                                              1.0, 2.0, 1.0);    We also need a convenient way to convert to grayscale, since we only need grayscale information for the Sobel operator, remember that to convert to grayscale you only need an average of the three colors: float toGrayscale(vec3 source) {                    float average = (source.x+source.y+source.z)/3.0;        return average;              } Now we go to the important part, to actually perform the convolutions. Remember that by the OpenGL ES 2.0 spec, nor recursion nor dynamic indexing is supported, so we need to do our operations the hard way: by defining vectors and multiplying them. See the following code:   float doConvolution(mat3 kernel) {                              float sum = 0.0;                                    float current_pixelColor = toGrayscale(texture2D(s_texture,g_vVSTexCoord).xyz); float xOffset = float(1)/1024.0;                    float yOffset = float(1)/768.0; float new_pixel00 = toGrayscale(texture2D(s_texture, vec2(g_vVSTexCoord.x-  xOffset,g_vVSTexCoord.y-yOffset)).xyz); float new_pixel01 = toGrayscale(texture2D(s_texture, vec2(g_vVSTexCoord.x,g_vVSTexCoord.y-yOffset)).xyz); float new_pixel02 = toGrayscale(texture2D(s_texture,  vec2(g_vVSTexCoord.x+xOffset,g_vVSTexCoord.y-yOffset)).xyz); vec3 pixelRow0 = vec3(new_pixel00,new_pixel01,new_pixel02); float new_pixel10 = toGrayscale(texture2D(s_texture, vec2(g_vVSTexCoord.x-xOffset,g_vVSTexCoord.y)).xyz);\n" float new_pixel11 = toGrayscale(texture2D(s_texture, vec2(g_vVSTexCoord.x,g_vVSTexCoord.y)).xyz); float new_pixel12 = toGrayscale(texture2D(s_texture, vec2(g_vVSTexCoord.x+xOffset,g_vVSTexCoord.y)).xyz); vec3 pixelRow1 = vec3(new_pixel10,new_pixel11,new_pixel12); float new_pixel20 = toGrayscale(texture2D(s_texture, vec2(g_vVSTexCoord.x-xOffset,g_vVSTexCoord.y+yOffset)).xyz); float new_pixel21 = toGrayscale(texture2D(s_texture, vec2(g_vVSTexCoord.x,g_vVSTexCoord.y+yOffset)).xyz); float new_pixel22 = toGrayscale(texture2D(s_texture, vec2(g_vVSTexCoord.x+xOffset,g_vVSTexCoord.y+yOffset)).xyz); vec3 pixelRow2 = vec3(new_pixel20,new_pixel21,new_pixel22); vec3 mult1 = (kernel[0]*pixelRow0);                  vec3 mult2 = (kernel[1]*pixelRow1);                  vec3 mult3 = (kernel[2]*pixelRow2);                  sum= mult1.x+mult1.y+mult1.z+mult2.x+mult2.y+mult2.z+mult3.x+     mult3.y+mult3.z;\n"     return sum;                                      } If you see the last part of our function, you can notice that we are adding the multiplication values to a sum, with this sum we will see the variation of each pixel regarding its neighbors. The last part of the shader is where we will use all our previous functions, it is worth to notice that the convolution needs to be applied horizontally and vertically for this technique to be complete: void main() {                                    float horizontalSum = 0.0;                            float verticalSum = 0.0;                        float averageSum = 0.0;                        horizontalSum = doConvolution(kernel1);        verticalSum = doConvolution(kernel2);            if( (verticalSum > 0.2)|| (horizontalSum >0.2)||(verticalSum < -0.2)|| (horizontalSum <-0.2))                        averageSum = 0.0;                      else                                                    averageSum = 1.0;                    gl_FragColor = vec4(averageSum,averageSum,averageSum,1.0);                }    Conclusions and future work At this point, if you have your application up and running, you can notice that Image Processing can be done quite fast, even with images larger than 640 480. This approach can be expanded to a variety of techniques like Tracking, Feature detection and Face detection. However, these techniques are out of scope for now, because this algorithms need multiple rendering passes (like face detection), where we need to perform an operation, then write the result to an offscreen buffer and use that buffer as an input for the next shader and so on.  But Freescale is planning to release an Application Note in Q4 2012 that will expand this white paper and cover these techniques in detail.
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The following document contains a list of document, questions and discussions that are relevant in the community based on amount of views. If you are having a problem, doubt or getting started in i.MX processors, you should check the following links to see if your doubt is in there. Yocto Project Freescale Yocto Project main page‌ Yocto Training - HOME‌ i.MX Yocto Project: Frequently Asked Questions‌ Useful bitbake commands‌ Yocto Project Package Management - smart  How to add a new layer and a new recipe in Yocto  Setting up the Eclipse IDE for Yocto Application Development Guide to the .sdcard format  Yocto NFS &amp; TFTP boot  YOCTO project clean  Yocto with a package manager (ex: apt-get)  Yocto Setting the Default Ethernet address and disable DHCP on boot.  i.MX x Building QT for i.MX6  i.MX6/7 DDR Stress Test Tool V3.00  i.MX6DQSDL DDR3 Script Aid  Installing Ubuntu Rootfs on NXP i.MX6 boards  iMX6DQ MAX9286 MIPI CSI2 720P camera surround view solution for Linux BSP i.MX Design&amp;Tool Lists  Simple GPIO Example - quandry  i.MX6 GStreamer-imx Plugins - Tutorial &amp; Example Pipelines  Streaming USB Webcam over Network  Step-by-step: How to setup TI Wilink (WL18xx) with iMX6 Linux 3.10.53  Linux / Kernel Copying Files Between Windows and Linux using PuTTY  Building Linux Kernel  Patch to support uboot logo keep from uboot to kernel for NXP Linux and Android BSP (HDMI, LCD and LVDS)  load kernel from SD card in U-boot  Changing the Kernel configuration for i.MX6 SABRE  Android  The Android Booting process  What is inside the init.rc and what is it used for.  Others How to use qtmultimedia(QML) with Gstreamer 1.0
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This patch implements (or exposes) routines to poll the imx uarts. The KGDB drivers need these methods to be implemented or the ttymxc driver is not sufficient. The synthetic CONFIG_CONSOLE_POLL value activates these routines (or CONFIG_SERIAL_MXC_CONSOLE for the polled write). There is still no poll routines in -855-ge067785, which is the September 2010 Linux release from Freescale. Also not in Linux 2.6.36 drivers/serial/imx.c either. $ git diff drivers/serial/mxc_uart.c diff --git a/drivers/serial/mxc_uart.c b/drivers/serial/mxc_uart.c index ae6d2e1..728b607 100644 --- a/drivers/serial/mxc_uart.c +++ b/drivers/serial/mxc_uart.c @@ -1551,6 +1551,28 @@ mxcuart_pm(struct uart_port *port, unsigned int state, unsigned int oldstate)                             clk_enable(umxc->clk);    }  +#ifdef CONFIG_CONSOLE_POLL +/* + * Read a character from the UART. + */ +static inline int mxcuart_console_read_char(struct uart_port *port) +{ +       volatile unsigned int status; +    int ch; + +       do { +               status = readl(port->membase + MXC_UARTUSR2); +       } while ((status & MXC_UARTUSR2_RDR) == 0); +       ch = readl(port->membase + MXC_UARTURXD); +/* Ignore parity errors, etc. */ +/*  status = ch | UART_CREAD_BIT; */ +    ch &= 0xff; + +    return ch; +} +static void mxcuart_console_write_char(struct uart_port *port, char ch); +#endif +    /*!     * This structure contains the pointers to the control functions that are     * invoked by the core serial driver to access the UART hardware. The @@ -1575,14 +1597,18 @@ static struct uart_ops mxc_ops = {                 .config_port = mxcuart_config_port,                 .verify_port = mxcuart_verify_port,                 .send_xchar = mxcuart_send_xchar, +#ifdef CONFIG_CONSOLE_POLL +              .poll_put_char = mxcuart_console_write_char, +              .poll_get_char = mxcuart_console_read_char, +#endif };  -#ifdef CONFIG_SERIAL_MXC_CONSOLE +#if defined(CONFIG_SERIAL_MXC_CONSOLE) || defined (CONFIG_CONSOLE_POLL)     /*     * Write out a character once the UART is ready     */ -static inline void mxcuart_console_write_char(struct uart_port *port, char ch) +static void mxcuart_console_write_char(struct uart_port *port, char ch)    {            volatile unsigned int status;  @@ -1592,6 +1618,10 @@ static inline void mxcuart_console_write_char(struct uart_port *port, char ch)                writel(ch, port->membase + MXC_UARTUTXD);     }  +#endif + +#ifdef CONFIG_SERIAL_MXC_CONSOLE +    /*!     * This function is called to write the console messages through the UART port.     *
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The PICO-PI-IMX7 is a TechNexion board defined here. It is now supported in mainline U-Boot, mainline Kernel, FSL Community BSP and Buildroot. In mainline U-Boot it is supported since v2017.07. In mainline Linux Kernel it is supported since 4.13. To generate an image for PICO-PI-IMX7 using FSL Community BSP, please see: The imx7d-pico board is now supported in FSL Community BSP - i.MXDev Blog. To generate an image for PICO-PI-IMX7 using Buildroot, please see: The imx7d-pico board is now supported in Buildroot - i.MXDev Blog.
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Attached is a chunk of the filesystem for the Linux Image https://community.freescale.com/docs/DOC-93887
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This document provides the steps to patch and build a fastboot Linux System. This document assumes the BSP 3.0.35_1.1.0 and a  i.MX6Q platform. For more information about what the patches do, please check this link. Install LTIB and move to the ltib folder Download the ltib patch from this document and patch it (patch -p1 < 0001-set-imx6_ssd_lite_defconfig-as-default-kernel-config.patch) Go to the LTIB configuration menu (./ltib -m config), select mx6q platform and min profile Select mx6q_sabresd as u-boot board Fetch and Patch: u-boot: Prepare u-boot source code (./ltib -m prep -p u-boot) Move to u-boot folder (cd rpm/BUILD/u-boot-2009.08) Download u-boot attached patches Patch code (for p in *.patch; do patch -p1 < $p;done) kernel: Prepare kernel source code (./ltib -m prep -p kernel) Move to kernel folder (cd rpm/BUILD/linux) Download attached kernel patches Patch code (for p in *.patch; do patch -p1 < $p;done) Build  (./ltib) Add  an application to run first after boot in rootfs/etc/inittab (see example inittab file, it captures data from the MIPI Camera) Create necessary devices nodes under rootfs/dev. For example terminal: sudo mknod ttymxc0 c 207 16 video capture nodes: sudo mknod video0 c 81 5; sudo mknod video1 c 81 6 video display nodes: sudo mknod video16 c 81 0; sudo mknod video17 c 81 1 frame-buffers: for i in 0 1 2 3 4; do sudo mknod fb$i c 29 $i; done Package rootfs (cd rootfs; sudo tar --numeric-owner -cvfj ../rootfs.tar.bz2 *; cd ..) On a windows machine, download latest Manufacturing tool and uncompress it. Move rootfs.tar.bz2, rootfs/boot/uImage and rootfs/boot/u-boot.bin into the corresponding Manufacturing folder (Profiles\MX6Q Linux Update\OS Firmware\files) Choose a sabresd-eMMC profile and flash the board Boot the board using the eMMC
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INTRODUCTION REQUIREMENTS KERNEL DRIVER DEVICE NODE NFC LIBRARY TESTING NFC READER REFERENCES 1. INTRODUCTION This document is a step by step guide of the AN11697 PN7120 Linux Software Stack Integration Guidelines application note that can be downloaded from http://www.nxp.com/documents/application_note/AN11697.pdf . It explains how to add the PN7120 driver and NFC libraries to a Linux OS running in the i.MX6Q. 2. REQUIREMENTS The board used in this document is the Udoo Board thanks to the easy pin access. More information about this board can be found at Ultimate Single Board Mini PC for Android and Linux - UDOO A modified FSL L3.14.28 BSP. The modifications can be found in these 2 documents Basic Device Tree for the Udoo Board and  U-Boot Migration Example . If you have followed the previous documents, you already have a working yocto image and toolchain (meta-toolchain), if not you must follow this awesome training first Yocto Training - HOME . The OM5577/PN7120S demonstration kit. You can find more details of this board at http://www.nxp.com/documents/user_manual/UM10878.pdf 3. KERNEL DRIVER According to the AN11697.pdf we must follow the below steps: From the Linux source directory: $ cd drivers/misc $ git clone https://github.com/NXPNFCLinux/nxp-pn5xx.git Add the below line in the Makefile of the current directory obj-y += nxp-pn5xx/ Include the driver config in the drivers/misc/Kconfig file source "drivers/misc/nxp-pn5xx/Kconfig" Export the environment variables $ source source /opt/poky/1.7/environment-setup-cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi $ export ARCH=arm $ export CROSS_COMPILE=$TARGET_PREFIX $ make imx_v7_defconfig Using menuconfig include the driver as module (<M>).  Compile the modules and install the .ko files into the target rootfs. $ make  modules You can send the .ko files with scp $ make  INSTALL_MOD_PATH=~/Desktop/modules modules_install $ cd ~/Desktop/modules $ sudo scp -r lib/modules/3.14.28+g91cf351/kernel root@<board_ip>:/lib/modules/3.14.28+g91cf351/ 4. DEVICE NODE The PN7120 interfaces with an MCU or MPU via I2C interface, therefore the device must be described into a i2c node. The signals used in the PN7120 are shown below: As you can see besides power, ground and I2C lines, an IRQ and Reset pins are needed. These pins must be configured as GPIO and one must generate an interrupt to the iMX6Q. The chosen connection is shown below: To achieve the above configuration, the device tree must be changed. The changes consist on adding a device node in the corresponding I2C bus, describing the PN7120. &i2c1 {         clock-frequency = <100000>;         pinctrl-names = "default";         pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_i2c1>;         status = "okay";         pn547: pn547@28 {                 compatible = "nxp,pn547";                 reg = <0x28>;                 clock-frequency = <400000>;                 interrupt-parent = <&gpio6>;                 interrupt-gpios = <&gpio6 2 0>;                 enable-gpios = <&gpio5 22 0>;         }; }; The pinctrl_i2c1 phandle contains the I2C pins configuration. Make sure that the PADs connected to the PN7120 are not used in other device node. &iomuxc {         imx6q-udoo {                       ...                 pinctrl_i2c1: i2c1grp {                         fsl,pins = <                         MX6QDL_PAD_GPIO_5__I2C3_SCL             0x4001b8b1                         MX6QDL_PAD_GPIO_6__I2C3_SDA             0x4001b8b1                         >;                 };         }; }; After this you can generate the dtb file and send it with scp make dtbs sudo scp arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6q-udoo.dtb root@<board_ip>:/run/media/mmcblk0p1/imx6q-udoo.dtb NOTE: Attached you can find the complete dts and dtsi files used in this document. 5. NFC LIBRARY     To work with the PN7120 in Linux the libnfc-nci stack is needed. You can find more details in http://www.nxp.com/documents/application_note/AN11697.pdf​ . This sections explains how to cross-compile the libray and install the required files in the target (The below steps must be performed in the host). Get the library $  git clone https://github.com/NXPNFCLinux/linux_libnfc-nci.git Generate the configuration script $ ./bootstrap Mount the target rootfs to /mnt in the host. $ sudo mount /dev/sdX2 /mnt Generate the Makefile $ ./configure --host=arm-none-linux --prefix=/opt/poky/1.7/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr --sysconfdir=/mnt/etc Build and install the source code $ make $ make install After a succesful bulding the libraries and a application demo are built in .libs directory. Copy the libaries to /usr/lib directory of the target and nfcDemoApp to /usr/sbin $ cd linux_libnfc-nci/.libs $ sudo cp * /mnt/usr/lib/ 6. TESTING NFC READER     To test the application you have to follow the below steps on the target: Install the .ko file $ insmod /lib/modules/3.14.28+g91cf351/kernel/drivers/misc/nxp-pn5xx/pn5xx_i2c.ko Run the nfcDemoApp $  nfcDemoApp poll You should get a console output like the shown below when placing a NFC tag next to the NFC reader. 7. REFERENCES     Integrating NFC Controller library with KSDK http://www.nxp.com/documents/application_note/AN11697.pdf http://www.nxp.com/documents/user_manual/UM10878.pdf
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There is GPU SDK for i.MX6D/Q/DL/S: IMX_GPU_SDK.  This is to share the experience when compiling the example code from the SDK with Linux BSP release: L3.0.35_1.1.0_121218 and  L3.0.35_4.0.0_130424 . Minimal profile is using and have been verified on both i.MX6Q SDP and i.MX6DL SDP. To start: Please make sure “gpu-viv-bin-mx6q” has been selected in the Package list and compiled to your rootfs. After finished the compilation of the rootfs, you should find some newly added libraries for GLES1.0, GLES2.0, OpenVG and EGL in <ltib>/rootfs/usr/lib However, you should find libOpenVG.so is actually copied from libOepnVG_3D.so: vmuser@ubuntu:~/ltib_src/ltib/rootfs/usr/lib$ ls -al libOpen* -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 115999 2013-06-06 18:31 libOpenCL.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 515174 2013-06-06 18:31 libOpenVG_355.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 272156 2013-06-06 18:31 libOpenVG_3D.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 272156 2013-06-06 18:31 libOpenVG.so So, in this way, i.MX6D/Q will no use libOpenVG_355.so in the build. Also, if you run NFS, the libOpenVG.so will change to symbolic link:           For example, run on i.MX6Q SDP, it will link to /usr/lib/libOpenVG_355.so                          For example, run on i.MX6DL SDP, it will link to /usr/lib/libOpenVG_3D.so                Then, when you compile the OpenVG example code, it is becoming very confusing.  Thus, it needs to pay attention when doing the compilation.  For example, delete the symbolic link and make copy of the corresponding library: For i.MX6D/Q, please do this: $ sudo /bin/rm libOpenVG.so $ sudo cp libOpenVG_355.so libOpenVG.so For i.MX6S/DL, please do this: $ sudo /bin/rm libOpenVG.so $ sudo cp libOpenVG_3D.so libOpenVG.so To compile the sample code in the GPU SDK, you could refer to iMXGraphicsSDK_OpenGLES2.0.pdf or iMXGraphicsSDK_OpenGLES1.1.pdf in ~/gpu_sdk_v1.00.tar/Documentation/Tutorials to set up the cross compilation environment; which is assuming the LTIB and the rootfs is ready. $ export ROOTFS=/home/vmuser/ltib_src/ltib/rootfs $ export CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/freescale/usr/local/gcc-4.6.2-glibc-2.13-linaro-multilib-2011.12/fsl-linaro-toolchain/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi- For OpenVG: $ cd ~/gpu_sdk_v1.00/Samples/OpenVG $ make -f Makefile.fbdev clean $ make -f Makefile.fbdev $ make -f Makefile.fbdev install The executable will then be copied to this directory: ~/gpu_sdk_v1.00/Samples/OpenVG/bin/OpenVG_fbdev For GLES2.0 $ cd ~/gpu_sdk_v1.00/Samples/ GLES2.0 $ make -f Makefile.fbdev clean $ make -f Makefile.fbdev $ make -f Makefile.fbdev install The executable will then be copied to this directory: ~/gpu_sdk_v1.00/Samples/ GLES2.0/bin/GLES20_fbdev For GLES1.1, please modify the Makefile.fbdev to remove the compilation of example codes "18_VertexBufferObjects" and "19_Beizer" that are not exist. Then, $ cd ~/gpu_sdk_v1.00/Samples/ GLES1.1 $ make -f Makefile.fbdev clean $ make -f Makefile.fbdev $ make -f Makefile.fbdev install The executable will then be copied to this directory: ~/gpu_sdk_v1.00/Samples/ GLES1.1/bin/GLES11_fbdev Finally, you could copy the executable to the rootfs and test on i.MX6Q SDP/SDB or i.MX6DL SDP board. NOTE: the newly added makefiles.tgz contains Makefile.x11 hacked from GLES2.0 example code to make OpenVG to compile and run on Ubuntu 11.10 rootfs.
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Introduction The "smart" package management system is available in  Yocto Project for managing  packages on a target machine. A host is configured as a server for the packages and on the target the "package-management" feature is enabled for working with the packages. The steps for setup and usage are described below. Resources The Yocto Project package management system will work with many hosts and targets. The following were used for creating this document: Host: Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit Target: MCIMX6Q-SDP Freescale Yocto Project Release Documentation: Linux 3.14.38_6ul BSP & Multimedia Codecs Documentation (fsl-yocto-L3.14.38_6ul-ga.tar.gz) Host You have successfully installed a Freescale Yocto Project release. (Refer to Freescale Yocto Project Release Documentation). There are two steps for adding package management and then building: 1. Modify conf/local.conf EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES = "debug-tweaks package-management" ‍ 2. Build the image: bitbake core-image-minimal ‍ The core-image-minimal recipe provides an image enabling the target board to boot and support a serial console. 3. Create SDCARD: $ cd <build>/tmp/deploy/images/imx6qsabresd $ sudo dd if=core-image-minimal-imx6qsabresd.sdcard of=/dev/sdb bs=4M && sync ‍‍ Note - verify location of SDCARD on your host, /dev/sdb in this example. Examine 'cat /proc/partitions' 4. Setup web server and add link to rpm packages A web server, lighttpd, is installed. $ sudo apt-get install lighttpd ‍ Provide user write capability in /var/www $ sudo chmod 777 /var/www ‍ Create a soft link in the default web server directory to the rpm directory from the build. Note: Please update $HOME/<build> to your actual location: $ ln -s $HOME/<build>/tmp/deploy/rpm /var/www/imx6qsd ‍‍‍ Target Insert the SDCARD created from step 3 above, connect power and console cable  and power on the MCIMX6Q-SDP. Login using the "root" id, no password required. The /usr/bin/smart application is now used to setup the channels and perform package commands. For all smart options: smart --help ‍ 1. Add channels To add the packages from the host to your target, the smart  channel --add is used: Please enter the IP adress of your server, replacing SERVERIP below: smart channel --add all type=rpm-md name=all baseurl= http://SERVERIP/imx6qsd/all smart channel --add cortexa9hf_vfp_neon type=rpm-md name=cortexa9hf_vfp_neon baseurl= http://SERVERIP/imx6qsd/cortexa9hf_vfp_neon smart channel --add imx6qsabresd type=rpm-md name=imx6qsabresd baseurl= http://SERVERIP/imx6qsd/imx6qsabresd ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ Check  the added channels: root@imx6qsabresd:~# smart channel --list all imx6qsabresd rpmsys cortexa9hf_vfp_neon ‍‍‍‍‍ 2. Update  local package cache Once the chanels have been added, the local package cache is updated. Note  SERVERIP below will be the host IP address in your network. root@imx6qsabresd:~# smart update Loading cache... Updating cache...               ######################################## [100%] Fetching information for 'all'...                                           -> http://SERVERIP/imx6qsd/all/repodata/repomd.xml                          repomd.xml                      ######################################## [ 16%]                                                                             Fetching information for 'imx6qsabresd'... -> http://SERVERIP/imx6qsd/imx6qsabresd/repodata/repomd.xml                 repomd.xml                      ######################################## [ 41%]                                                                             Fetching information for 'cortexa9hf_vfp_neon'... -> http://SERVERIP/imx6qsd/cortexa9hf_vfp_neon/repodata/repomd.xml          repomd.xml                      ######################################## [ 66%] Updating cache...               ######################################## [100%] Channels have no new packages. 3. Searching for packages Let us look at all packages containing the string client root@imx6qsabresd:~# smart search client* Loading cache... Updating cache...               ######################################## [100%] libice-dbg - ICE: Inter-Client Exchange library - Debugging files libice-dev - ICE: Inter-Client Exchange library - Development files libice-doc - ICE: Inter-Client Exchange library - Documentation files libice-staticdev - ICE: Inter-Client Exchange library - Development files (Static Libraries) libice6 - ICE: Inter-Client Exchange library libsm-dbg - SM: Session Management library - Debugging files libsm-dev - SM: Session Management library - Development files libsm-doc - SM: Session Management library - Documentation files libsm-staticdev - SM: Session Management library - Development files (Static Libraries) libsm6 - SM: Session Management library libx11-6 - Xlib: C Language X Interface library libx11-dbg - Xlib: C Language X Interface library - Debugging files libx11-dev - Xlib: C Language X Interface library - Development files libx11-doc - Xlib: C Language X Interface library - Documentation files libx11-locale - Xlib: C Language X Interface library libx11-staticdev - Xlib: C Language X Interface library - Development files (Static Libraries) libx11-xcb1 - Xlib: C Language X Interface library libxau-dbg - Xau: X Authority Database library - Debugging files libxau-dev - Xau: X Authority Database library - Development files libxau-doc - Xau: X Authority Database library - Documentation files libxau-staticdev - Xau: X Authority Database library - Development files (Static Libraries) libxau6 - Xau: X Authority Database library python-netclient - Python Internet Protocol clients xtrans-dbg - XTrans: X Transport library - Debugging files xtrans-dev - XTrans: X Transport library - Development files xtrans-doc - XTrans: X Transport library - Documentation files ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ Adding openssh client to core-image minimal The core-image-minimal does not provide openssh client applications like ssh or scp. Let's add them on the host then update the target cache of packages and then install. Host Run bitbake to exercise all the tasks for packagegroup-core-ssh-openssh $ bitbake packagegroup-core-ssh-openssh ‍ After building a package individually, always update the package-index $ bitbake package-index ‍ Target Run smart to update the local cache which will pickup the new packages from the bake above. root@imx6qsabresd:~# smart update Loading cache... Updating cache...               ######################################## [100%] Fetching information for 'all'...                                              -> http://SERVERIP/imx6qsd/all/repodata/repomd.xml                           repomd.xml                      ######################################## [ 16%] -> http://SERVERIP/imx6qsd/all/repodata/primary.xml.gz                       primary.xml.gz                  ######################################## [ 25%] -> http://SERVERIP/imx6qsd/all/repodata/filelists.xml.gz                     filelists.xml.gz                ######################################## [ 33%]                                                                                Fetching information for 'imx6qsabresd'... -> http://SERVERIP/imx6qsd/imx6qsabresd/repodata/repomd.xml                  repomd.xml                      ######################################## [ 50%] -> http://SERVERIP/imx6qsd/imx6qsabresd/repodata/primary.xml.gz              -> http://SERVERIP/imx6qsd/imx6qsabresd/repodata/filelists.xml.gz            filelists.xml.gz                ######################################## [ 58%] primary.xml.gz                  ######################################## [ 66%]                                                                                Fetching information for 'cortexa9hf_vfp_neon'... -> http://SERVERIP/imx6qsd/cortexa9hf_vfp_neon/repodata/repomd.xml           repomd.xml                      ######################################## [ 83%] -> http://SERVERIP/imx6qsd/cortexa9hf_vfp_neon/repodata/primary.xml.gz       primary.xml.gz                  ######################################## [ 91%] -> http://SERVERIP/imx6qsd/cortexa9hf_vfp_neon/repodata/filelists.xml.gz     filelists.xml.gz                ######################################## [100%] Updating cache...               ######################################## [100%] Channels have 15 new packages. Saving cache... ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ Examine information about local cache: root@imx6qsabresd:~# smart stats Loading cache... Updating cache...               ######################################## [100%] Installed Packages: 80 Total Packages: 3586 Total Provides: 6580 Total Requires: 1611 Total Upgrades: 3565 Total Conflicts: 25 ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ See what ssh packages are now available: root@imx6qsabresd:~# smart search *ssh* Loading cache... Updating cache...               ######################################## [100%] openssh - Secure rlogin/rsh/rcp/telnet replacement openssh-dbg - Secure rlogin/rsh/rcp/telnet replacement - Debugging files openssh-dev - Secure rlogin/rsh/rcp/telnet replacement - Development files openssh-doc - Secure rlogin/rsh/rcp/telnet replacement - Documentation files openssh-keygen - Secure rlogin/rsh/rcp/telnet replacement openssh-misc - Secure rlogin/rsh/rcp/telnet replacement openssh-ptest - Secure rlogin/rsh/rcp/telnet replacement - Package test files openssh-scp - Secure rlogin/rsh/rcp/telnet replacement openssh-sftp - Secure rlogin/rsh/rcp/telnet replacement openssh-sftp-server - Secure rlogin/rsh/rcp/telnet replacement openssh-ssh - Secure rlogin/rsh/rcp/telnet replacement openssh-sshd - Secure rlogin/rsh/rcp/telnet replacement packagegroup-core-ssh-openssh - OpenSSH SSH client/server packagegroup-core-ssh-openssh-dbg - OpenSSH SSH client/server - Debugging files packagegroup-core-ssh-openssh-dev - OpenSSH SSH client/server - Development files ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ Install openssh root@imx6qsabresd:~# smart install openssh Loading cache... Updating cache...               ######################################## [100%] Computing transaction... Installing packages (9):   openssh-6.7p1-r0@cortexa9hf_vfp_neon                                            openssh-keygen-6.7p1-r0@cortexa9hf_vfp_neon                                     openssh-scp-6.7p1-r0@cortexa9hf_vfp_neon                                        openssh-ssh-6.7p1-r0@cortexa9hf_vfp_neon                                        openssh-sshd-6.7p1-r0@cortexa9hf_vfp_neon                                       shadow-4.2.1-r0@cortexa9hf_vfp_neon                                             shadow-base-4.2.1-r0@cortexa9hf_vfp_neon                                        shadow-securetty-4.2.1-r3@imx6qsabresd                                          util-linux-sulogin-2.25.2-r1@cortexa9hf_vfp_neon                              1.4MB of package files are needed. 3.2MB will be used. Confirm changes? (Y/n): y Fetching packages...                                                           -> http://SERVERIP/imx6qsd/.../openssh-6.7p1-r0.cortexa9hf_vfp_neon.rpm      -> http://SERVERIP/imx6qsd/.../shadow-securetty-4.2.1-r3.imx6qsabresd.rpm    shadow-securetty-4.2.1-r3.imx.. ######################################## [ 11%] -> http://SERVERIP/imx6qsd/.../openssh-scp-6.7p1-r0.cortexa9hf_vfp_neon.rpm openssh-scp-6.7p1-r0.cortexa9.. ######################################## [ 22%] openssh-6.7p1-r0.cortexa9hf_v.. ######################################## [ 33%] -> http://SERVERIP/imx6qsd/.../openssh-sshd-6.7p1-r0.cortexa9hf_vfp_neon.rpm openssh-sshd-6.7p1-r0.cortexa.. ######################################## [ 44%] -> http://SERVERIP/imx6qsd/.../shadow-4.2.1-r0.cortexa9hf_vfp_neon.rpm       -> http://SERVERIP/imx6qsd/.../openssh-ssh-6.7p1-r0.cortexa9hf_vfp_neon.rpm openssh-ssh-6.7p1-r0.cortexa9.. ######################################## [ 55%] -> http://SERVERIP/imx6qsd/.../shadow-base-4.2.1-r0.cortexa9hf_vfp_neon.rpm shadow-base-4.2.1-r0.cortexa9.. ######################################## [ 66%] shadow-4.2.1-r0.cortexa9hf_vf.. ######################################## [ 77%] -> http://SERVERIP/.../util-linux-sulogin-2.25.2-r1.cortexa9hf_vfp_neon.rpm util-linux-sulogin-2.25.2-r1... ######################################## [ 88%] -> http://SERVERIP/.../openssh-keygen-6.7p1-r0.cortexa9hf_vfp_neon.rpm       openssh-keygen-6.7p1-r0.corte.. ######################################## [100%]                                                                                Committing transaction... Preparing...                    ######################################## [  0%]    1:Installing openssh-ssh     ######################################## [ 11%] Output from openssh-ssh-6.7p1-r0@cortexa9hf_vfp_neon:                          update-alternatives: Linking /usr/bin/ssh to /usr/bin/ssh.openssh                 2:Installing openssh-scp     ######################################## [ 22%] Output from openssh-scp-6.7p1-r0@cortexa9hf_vfp_neon:                          update-alternatives: Linking /usr/bin/scp to /usr/bin/scp.openssh                 3:Installing shadow-secure.. ######################################## [ 33%]    4:Installing shadow-base     ######################################## [ 44%] Output from shadow-base-4.2.1-r0@cortexa9hf_vfp_neon:                          update-alternatives: Linking /usr/bin/newgrp to /usr/bin/newgrp.shadow         update-alternatives: Linking /usr/bin/groups to /usr/bin/groups.shadow update-alternatives: Linking /bin/login to /bin/login.shadow update-alternatives: Linking /bin/su to /bin/su.shadow    5:Installing util-linux-su.. ######################################## [ 55%] Output from util-linux-sulogin-2.25.2-r1@cortexa9hf_vfp_neon:                  update-alternatives: Linking /sbin/sulogin to /sbin/sulogin.util-linux            6:Installing openssh-keygen  ######################################## [ 66%]    7:Installing shadow          ######################################## [ 77%] Output from shadow-4.2.1-r0@cortexa9hf_vfp_neon:                               update-alternatives: Linking /usr/bin/passwd to /usr/bin/passwd.shadow         update-alternatives: Linking /usr/bin/chfn to /usr/bin/chfn.shadow update-alternatives: Linking /usr/bin/chsh to /usr/bin/chsh.shadow update-alternatives: Linking /usr/sbin/chpasswd to /usr/sbin/chpasswd.shadow update-alternatives: Linking /sbin/vipw to /sbin/vipw.shadow update-alternatives: Linking /sbin/vigr to /sbin/vigr.shadow Output from openssh-sshd-6.7p1-r0@cortexa9hf_vfp_neon:                         Removing any system startup links for sshd ...                                Running useradd commands... NOTE: Performing useradd with [ --system --no-create-home --home-dir /var/run/sshd --shell /bin/false --user-group sshd] and 10 times of retry    8:Installing openssh-sshd    ######################################## [ 88%] Adding system startup for /etc/init.d/sshd.                                   Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd   generating ssh RSA key...   generating ssh ECDSA key...   generating ssh DSA key...   generating ssh ED25519 key... done.    9:Installing openssh         ######################################## [100%] ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ Check for the scp command: root@imx6qsabresd:~# which scp /usr/bin/scp ‍‍ Summary To add a new package on the server host, run bitbake <recipe> then bitbake package-index to update the rpm tracking information. On the target board, run smart update and then smart install <package>. Use smart search <regular expression string> to hunt for a package to install.
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The Linux Kernel is just another recipe for Yocto, so learning to patch it you learn to patch any other package. In the other hand, Yocto **should not** be used for package development, but in those rare cases follow the below steps. It is assumed that you have already build the package you want to patch. 1. Create the patch or patches. In this example we are patching the Linux kernel for [wandboard-dual](http://www.wandboard.org/) machine; in other words, the value of MACHINE on the `build/conf/local.conf` is `MACHINE ??= 'wandboard-dual'`. In case you already have the patches, make sure these can be nicely applied with the commands `git apply --check <PATCH_NAME>`, and jump this step build $ cd tmp/work/wandboard_dual-poky-linux-gnueabi/linux-wandboard/3.0.35-r0/git build $ # Edit any files you want to change build $ git add <modified file 1> <modified file 2> .. # Select the files you want to commit build $ git commit -s -m '<your commit's title>' # Create the commit build $ git format-patch -1 # Create the patch 2. Create a new layer (see document i.MX Yocto Proyect: How can I create a new Layer?) 3. On the new layer (e.g `meta-fsl-custom`) , create the corresponding subfolders and the `.bbfile` sources $ mkdir -p meta-fsl-custom/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-wandboard-3.0.35/ sources $ cat > meta-fsl-custom/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-wandboard_3.0.35.bbappend FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}-${PV}:" SRC_URI += "file://0001-calibrate-Add-printk-example.patch" PRINC := "${@int(PRINC) + 1}" # SEE NOTE BELLOW ^d (The PRINC variable is not needed starting at Yocto 1.6 ([RFC] base.bbclass: Deprecate the PRINC logic - Patchwork)) 4. Move the patch to the new layer sources $ cp \ ../build/tmp/work/wandboard_dual-poky-linux-gnueabi/linux-wandboard/3.0.35-r0/git/0001-calibrate-Add-printk-example.patch \ meta-fsl-custom/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-wandboard-3.0.35 5. Setup the enviroment and clean previous package's build data (sstate) fsl-community-bsp $ . setup-environment build build $ bitbake -c cleansstate linux-wandboard 6. Compile and Deploy build $ bitbake -f -c compile linux-wandboard build $ bitbake -c deploy linux-wandboard 7. Insert the SD into your Host and copy the `uImage` into the first partition. Do not forget to unmount the partition before removing the card! build $ sudo cp tmp/deploy/images/uImage /media/Boot\ wandbo/ 8. Insert the SD into your board and test your change.
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1. Description     1) Support HDMI interlaced display mode, the followed format had been verified.         CEA format 5: 1920x1080i @60Hz         CEA format 6&7: 720(1440)x480i @60Hz         CEA format 20: 1920x1080i @50Hz         CEA format 21&22: 720(1440)x576i @50Hz     2) Support LCD interface for interlaced display mode, 1920x1080i @50Hz(CEA format 20)        had been verified. 2. File List -- 0001-IPUv3-support-interlaced-display-mode.patch    Patch to support interlaced display output for iMX6 ipuv3. -- 0002-iMX6-HDMI-support-interlaced-display-mode.patch    Patch to support interlaced display mode for iMX6 HDMI driver. -- 0003-iMX6-LCD-interface-supports-1920x1080i50-mode.patch    Patch to support interlaced display mode for iMX6 LCD interface driver.    -- readme.txt    this file, please refer to it before use the patches 3. Requirement - iMX6 SabreSD board. - L3.0.35_4.1.0_GA_iMX6DQ kernel. 4. How to use -- Copy the patch files to kernel folder.     $ cd ~/ltib/rpm/BUILD/linux-3.0.35/     $ git apply ./0001-IPUv3-support-interlaced-display-mode.patch     $ git apply ./0002-iMX6-HDMI-support-interlaced-display-mode.patch     $ git apply ./0003-iMX6-LCD-interface-supports-1920x1080i50-mode.patch -- Build the new kernel image:     $ cd ~/ltib/rpm/BUILD/linux-3.0.35     $ export CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/freescale/usr/local/gcc-4.6.2-glibc-2.13-linaro-multilib-2011.12/fsl-linaro-toolchain/bin/arm-fsl-linux-gnueabi-     $ export ARCH=arm     $ make imx6_defconfig     $ make uImage -- Uboot parameters for video mode    Output 1080i50 display mode on HDMI:       "video=mxcfb0:dev=hdmi,1920x1080Mi@25,if=RGB24,bpp=32"    Output 1080i60 display mode on HDMI:       "video=mxcfb0:dev=hdmi,1920x1080Mi@30,if=RGB24,bpp=32"    Output 576i50 display mode on HDMI:       "video=mxcfb0:dev=hdmi,1440x576Mi@25,if=RGB24,bpp=32"    Output 480i60 display mode on HDMI:       "video=mxcfb0:dev=hdmi,1440x480Mi@30,if=RGB24,bpp=32"    Output 1080i50 display mode on LCD interface:       "video=mxcfb0:dev=lcd,LCD-1080I50,if=RGB565,bpp=32"       -- Switch HDMI interlaced mode    $ echo S:1920x1080i-50 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/mode    $ echo S:1920x1080i-60 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/mode    $ echo S:1440x480i-50 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/mode    $ echo S:1440x576i-60 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/mode 5. Know issue     1) When the interlaced display and another display work on same IPU,        blank and unblank the interlaced display will get the followed IPU        warning, but the display still works due to IPU can revover from the error.     imx-ipuv3 imx-ipuv3.0: IPU Warning - IPU_INT_STAT_5 = 0x00800000     imx-ipuv3 imx-ipuv3.0: IPU Warning - IPU_INT_STAT_10 = 0x00080000 2015-05-13 update: Replace the fourth patch to make interlace display mode follow CEA-861-specification The patch "0004-IPU-fine-tuning-the-interlace-display-timing-for-CEA.patch" was fine tuned for CEA-861-D specification on interlaced mode display. Please use this patch to replace the old 0004 patch. 2016-05-20 Update: For 3.0.35 BSP, add patch 0005-IPU-update-interlaced-video-mode-parameters-to-align.patch      Align the interlaced video mode parameters to progressive mode. 0006-IPU-update-IDMAC-setting-for-interlaced-display-mode.patch      Udate the IDMAC setting for interlaced display mode, output odd field data from memory first, it aligns with IPU DI timing, odd field first. For 3.14.52 BSP, created the new patch L3.14.52_1.1.0_GA_HDMI_Interlaced_Mode_Patch_2016_05_20.zip.
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[中文翻译版] 见附件   原文链接: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-343273 
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Here is a quick summary at booting Linux on the i.MX 6 sabre sd platform. This assumes you already have u-boot working on your platform as described here. This implies you already have a "working" Linux development environment with some ARM cross-compilers at hand (e.g. Debian + Emdebian). Get Linux sources We will use git to fetch Linux sources:   $ git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git This should create a linux directory with all the latest sources (after a while). Note that for more stability you might want to checkout a release instead of the latest version; to do so, list the available release tags with e.g. git tag -l 'v*', and git checkout <the-desired-tag>. Compile Assuming your cross compiler is called e.g. arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc, you can compile by doing:   $ cd linux   $ export ARCH=arm   $ export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf-   $ make imx_v6_v7_defconfig   $ make You then need to supply a LOADADDR (as joowonkim pointed out); do:   $ make uImage LOADADDR=0x10008000 This should create a number of files, including arch/arm/boot/uImage and arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6q-sabresd.dtb. Put on SD We need a proper FAT partition on the SD card, from which u-boot will be able to load the kernel and dtb. Also, we need to make sure we leave some space for u-boot starting from offset 1024B. Here is an example SD card layout:   +-----+------+--------+-----+----------------   | MBR |  ... | u-boot | ... | FAT partition ...   +-----+------+--------+-----+----------------   0     512    1024           1M (offsets in bytes) Here is an example SD card layout, as displayed by fdisk:   Device    Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System   /dev/sdc1            2048     8054783     4026368    c  W95 FAT32 (LBA) (units: 512B sectors) You can format the FAT partition, mount, copy and unmount with:   $ mkfs.vfat /dev/<your-sd-card-first-partition>   $ mount /dev/<your-sd-card-first-partition> /mnt   $ cp arch/arm/boot/uImage arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6q-sabresd.dtb /mnt/   $ umount /mnt Your SD card first partition is typically something in /dev/sd<X>1 or /dev/mmcblk<X>p1. Note that you need write permissions on the SD card for the command to succeed, so you might need to su - as root, or use sudo, or do a chmod a+w as root on the SD card device node to grant permissions to users. Also, be sure to have u-boot on the SD card as explained in this post. Boot! That's it; u-boot already knows how to deal with your kernel by default so you are good to go. Insert the SD card into the SD card slot of your i.MX6 sabre sd platform, connect to the USB to UART port with a serial terminal set to 115200 baud, no parity, 8bit data and power up the platform. You should see u-boot messages:   U-Boot 2013.07-rc1-00014-g74771f4 (Jun 21 2013 - 16:27:39) u-boot should load the uImage and dtb from SD card and boot the kernel:   (...)   reading uImage   4215344 bytes read in 449 ms (9 MiB/s)   Booting from mmc ...   reading imx6q-sabresd.dtb   22818 bytes read in 22 ms (1012.7 KiB/s)   ## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 12000000 ...      Image Name:   Linux-3.10.0-rc6      Image Type:   ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed)      Data Size:    4215280 Bytes = 4 MiB      Load Address: 10008000      Entry Point:  10008000      Verifying Checksum ... OK   ## Flattened Device Tree blob at 11000000      Booting using the fdt blob at 0x11000000      Loading Kernel Image ... OK   OK      Using Device Tree in place at 11000000, end 11008921   Starting kernel ... The kernel should boot:   Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x0   Linux version 3.10.0-rc6 (vstehle@debian) (gcc version 4.7.2 (Debian 4.7.2-5) ) #1 SMP Fri Jun 21 18:09:26 CEST 2013 By default, the kernel will try to mount a root filesystem from the SD card second partition, as can be read in the default kernel command line:   (...)   Kernel command line: console=ttymxc0,115200 root=/dev/mmcblk1p2 rootwait rw ...but we did not prepare a root filesystem partition, so after a number of boot messages the kernel will wait indefinitely:   (...)   mmc1: new SDHC card at address b368   (...)    mmcblk0: p1   (...)   Waiting for root device /dev/mmcblk1p2... We will see in another post how to prepare this root filesystem on the second SD card partition. Enjoy! See also... If you plan to compile Linux often, you might want to use a C compiler cache; see this post. Once you have Linux booting on your platform the next step is to give it a root filesystem. See this post for a Debian root filesystem, this post for a minimal busybox filesystem and this post for generating a root filesystem with buildroot.
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The D-PHY PLL (in the red circle in the picture below) is the PLL that drives the MIPI Clock lane. It must be set in accordance with the video to be sent to the display.   Calculating the video bandwidth The video bandwidth is calculated with the following equation: Pixels per second = Horizontal res. x Vertical res. x Frame rate x Bits per pixel Taking as example the 1080p60 OLED display RM67191: Pixels per second = 1920 x 1080 x 60 x 24 Pixels per second = 2985984000 = 2,98Gpixels/sec Pixel clock calculation The Display pixel clock can be obtained on the display driver. In this example for RM67191, the pixel clock is 132Mpixel/sec, see file: panel-raydium-rm67191.c\panel\drm\gpu\drivers - linux-imx - i.MX Linux kernel  Line 530: .pixelclock = { 66000000, 132000000, 132000000 }, Or the number can be obtained with the following equation: pixel clock = (hactive + hfront_porch + hsync_len + hback_porch) x (vactive + vfront_porch + vsync_len + vback_porch) x frame rate pixel clock = (1080 + 20 + 2 +34) × (1920 + 10 + 2 + 4) x 60 pixel clock = 132000000 (rounded up) Bit clock calculation (clock lane) The mipi-dphy bit_clk is the output clock and is calculated on file sec-dsim.c (line 1283): sec-dsim.c\bridge\drm\gpu\drivers - linux-imx - i.MX Linux kernel  Bit clock can be calculated with the following equation: bit_clk = Pixel clock * Bits per pixel / Number of lanes In the case of 1980p60 (Raydium display), It is:   bit_clk = pixel clock * bits per pixel / number of lanes bit_clk = 132000000 * 24 / 4 bit_clk = 792000000 Other important timing parameters like 'p', 'm', 's' are obtained on the table in the following header file: sec_mipi_dphy_ln14lpp.h\imx\drm\gpu\drivers - linux-imx - i.MX Linux kernel 
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Here is a quick summary at booting a Linux system on the i.MX 6 Sabre SD platform, through USB. This assumes you have a "working" Linux development environment at hand (e.g. Debian), and that your are able to build a working Linux system with buildroot already, as explained in this post. You will also need libusb-1.0 development files (headers and libraries), as well as root/sudo permissions to access USB peripherals. Also, we will use the fine imx_usb_loader tool that the nice folks at Boundary Devices have developed for their i.MX 5/6 boards, as it works fine for Sabre sd as well. Get buildroot sources We will use git to fetch buildroot sources: $ git clone git://git.busybox.net/buildroot This should create a buildroot directory with all the latest sources (after a while). Note that for more stability you might want to checkout a release instead of the latest version; to do so, list the available release tags with e.g. git tag -l '201*', and git checkout <the-desired-tag>. Compile buildroot The beauty of buildroot is that it will take care of everything for you, including preparing a cross compiler. You can configure buildroot for Sabre SD by doing: $ cd buildroot $ make freescale_imx6sabresd_defconfig By default this would generate binaries suitable for booting with an SD card, so we need to tweak a few settings to obtain a ramdisk, which u-boot will like. Summon the configuration menu with the following command: $ make menuconfig Descend into the "Filesystem images" submenu, and select the following buildroot options: cpio the root filesystem (for use as an initial RAM filesystem) Compression method (gzip) Create U-Boot image of the root filesystem Exit, saving your configuration. You might want to verify that you have indeed the the correct options in your .config: $ grep '^BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_CPIO' .config This should return the following: BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_CPIO=y BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_CPIO_GZIP=y BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_CPIO_UIMAGE=y You may then proceed with the build: $ make This should download and build everything, so it will take a while. Note that, as bryanthomas pointed out, there are no files for the sabre sd in the boards folder. This is because no patches or custom kernel configurations are needed outside of what is defined in the defconfig. So the only place the sabre sd board lives in buildroot is in the configs directory. At the time of writing we still need a small final hack to have Linux boot on /init instead of its default /linuxrc for proper boot on ramdisk, though. Hopefully this should be addressed in a future buildroot version, and a patch is on his way, but for now we change the boot script in our target filesystem with: $ cd output/target $ ln -svf init linuxrc $ cd ../.. $ make All build results will fall under the output/images folder. We are most interested in the following pieces: output/images/ +- imx6q-sabresq.dtb +- rootfs.cpio.uboot +- u-boot.imx `- uImage Get imx_usb_loader sources We will use git to fetch imx_usb_loader sources: $ git clone git://github.com/boundarydevices/imx_usb_loader.git This should create an imx_usb_loader directory with all the latest sources. Compile imx_usb_loader Assuming your Linux development environment has the necessary libusb-1.0 headers and libraries, you can simply build by doing: $ cd imx_usb_loader $ make This should compile an imx_usb tool in the current folder. Prepare your payload and configuration First, copy all the necessary buildroot generated items to the imx_usb_loader directory. You will need: u-boot.imx uImage imx6q-sabresd.dtb rootfs.cpio.uboot Now we need to explain to imx_usb what we want to download to the i.MX romcode through USB. Add the following lines in the end of the mx6_usb_work.conf: ... u-boot.imx:dcd,plug uImage:load 0x12000000 rootfs.cpio.uboot:load 0x12C00000 imx6q-sabresd.dtb:load 0x18000000 u-boot.imx:clear_dcd,jump header The first line with dcd, plug uses u-boot header to configure the DDR3 memory, allowing us to download contents to the Sabre SD memory. This is exactly what the three subsequent lines with load directives do. The last line re-uses u-boot one more time to find out the address where to jump (jump header directive), but not touching the DDR configuration any more thanks to the clear_dcd directive (thanks jeanmariepons-b46892 for the tips) . Look at the comments in mx6_usb_work.conf for (a bit) more details on the various directives available. Also, note that all the absolute addresses mentioned above are what u-boot needed at the time of writing. Hopefully this should be fairly stable. Boot through USB! We are all set for booting now. Connect to the USB to UART port with a serial terminal set to 115200 baud, no parity, 8bit data. Connect also your PC to the USB OTG port of the Sabre SD, and make sure you have no SD card inserted and power up the platform. The Sabre SD should not boot into an operating system, but rather wait for a payload to download through USB. You might want to verify that it is indeed waiting with the following command: $ lsusb In the resulting output, there should be a line like the following: Bus 001 Device 098: ID 15a2:0054 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. i.MX 6Dual/6Quad SystemOnChip in RecoveryMode On your PC, start the download of our "payload" to your Sabre SD with: $ sudo ./imx_usb (Note that you need proper permissions to do that.) After download of all the pieces, u-boot should start in its "mfgtools mode", as reflected by the following messages on UART: ... Boot from USB for mfgtools Use default environment for mfgtools Run bootcmd_mfg: run mfgtool_args;bootm ${loadaddr} ${initrd_addr} ${fdt_addr}; ... The Linux kernel should then start, and your buildroot system should reach a prompt: ... Welcome to Buildroot buildroot login: From there you may login as root. Enjoy! See also... This post details the buildroot steps a bit more. This post explains how to build a ramdisk for i.MX6 with busybox directly. AdeneoEmbedded - Whitepaper on USB loader for i.MX6 platforms imx_usb_loader README on github Buildroot: making embedded Linux easy
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[中文翻译版] 见附件   原文链接: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-343518 
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Pre-Sales: i.MX8/8X applications in automotive(Chinese Version) https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-345825 i.MX8X website design resource guide: (Chinese Version) https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-345676 After-Sales: i.MX8X memory configuration&test application notes: (Chinese Version) https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-345803 i.MX8X hardware design guide: (Chinese Version) https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-346582 i.MX8X_4.19.35_bootloader customization application notes: (Chinese Version) https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-345713 i.MX8X_4.19.35_kernal customization application notes: (Chinese Version) https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-345714 i.MX8X_4.14.98_bootloader customization application notes: (Chinese Version) https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-342448 i.MX8X_4.14.98_kernal customization application notes: (Chinese Version) https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-344217 i.MX8X_5.4.24_bootloader customization application notes: (Chinese Version) https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-347131
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In this article, some experiments are done to verify the capability of i.MX6DQ on video playback under different VPU clocks. 1. Preparation Board: i.MX6DQ SD Bitstream: 1080p sunflower with 40Mbps, it is considered as the toughest H264 clip. The original clip is copied 20 times to generate a new raw video (repeat 20 times of sun-flower clip) and then encapsulate into a mp4 container. This is to remove and minimize the influence of startup workload of gstreamer compared to vpu unit test. Kernels: Generate different kernel with different VPU clock setting: 270MHz, 298MHz, 329MHz, 352MHz, 382MHz. test setting: 1080p content decoding and display with 1080p device. (no resize) 2. Test command for VPU unit test and Gstreamer The tiled format video playback is faster than NV12 format, so in below experiment, we choose tiled format during video playback. Unit test command: (we set the frame rate -a 70, higher than 1080p 60fps HDMI refresh rate)     /unit_tests/mxc_vpu_test.out -D "-i /media/65a78bbd-1608-4d49-bca8-4e009cafac5e/sunflower_2B_2ref_WP_40Mbps.264 -f 2 -y 1 -a 70" Gstreamer command: (free run to get the highest playback speed)     gst-launch filesrc location=/media/65a78bbd-1608-4d49-bca8-4e009cafac5e/sunflower_2B_2ref_WP_40Mbps.mp4 typefind=true ! aiurdemux ! vpudec framedrop=false ! queue max-size-buffers=3 ! mfw_v4lsink sync=false 3. Video playback framerate measurement During test, we enter command "echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor" to make sure the CPU always work at highest frequency, so that it can respond to any interrupt quickly. For each testing point with different VPU clock, we do 5 rounds of tests. The max and min values are removed, and the remaining 3 data are averaged to get the final playback framerate. #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Min Max Avg Dec Playback Dec Playback Dec Playback Dec Playback Dec Playback Playback Playback Playback 270M unit test 57.8 57.3 57.81 57.04 57.78 57.3 57.87 56.15 57.91 55.4 55.4 57.3 56.83 GST 53.76 54.163 54.136 54.273 53.659 53.659 54.273 54.01967 298M unit test 60.97 58.37 60.98 58.55 60.97 57.8 60.94 58.07 60.98 58.65 57.8 58.65 58.33 GST 56.755 49.144 53.271 56.159 56.665 49.144 56.755 55.365 329M unit test 63.8 59.52 63.92 52.63 63.8 58.1 63.82 58.26 63.78 59.34 52.63 59.52 58.56667 GST 57.815 55.857 56.862 58.637 56.703 55.857 58.637 57.12667 352M unit test 65.79 59.63 65.78 59.68 65.78 59.65 66.16 49.21 65.93 57.67 49.21 59.68 58.98333 GST 58.668 59.103 56.419 58.08 58.312 56.419 59.103 58.35333 382M unit test 64.34 56.58 67.8 58.73 67.75 59.68 67.81 59.36 67.77 59.76 56.58 59.76 59.25667 GST 59.753 58.893 58.972 58.273 59.238 58.273 59.753 59.03433 Note: Dec column means the vpu decoding fps, while Playback column means overall playback fps. Some explanation: Why does the Gstreamer performance data still improve while unit test is more flat? On Gstreamer, there is a vpu wrapper which is used to make the vpu api more intuitive to be called. So at first, the overall GST playback performance is constrained by vpu (vpu dec 57.8 fps). And finally, as vpu decoding performance goes to higher than 60fps when vpu clock increases, the constraint becomes the display refresh rate 60fps. The video display overhead of Gstreamer is only about 1 fps, similar to unit test. Based on the test result, we can see that for 352MHz, the overall 1080p video playback on 1080p display can reach ~60fps. Or if time sharing by two pipelines with two displays, we can do 2 x 1080p @ 30fps video playback. However, this experiment is valid for 1080p video playback on 1080p display. If for interlaced clip and display with size not same as 1080p, the overall playback performance is limited by some postprocessing like de-interlacing and resize.
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I've done some research in Android boot optimization in the past months and have some getting. This page is for recording and sharing purpose only. It's target to provide some hints and directions for Android optimization. It's NOT a Freescale official document or patch release. The code/doc inside is only for reference. Background:      1. I've used SabreSD + Android KK 4.4.2 GA 1.0 as a reference platform.      2. I'm not doing some popular optimization way such as "hibernation", "suspend". I'm trying to "optimize" the boot process by re-arranging the boot process and make GUI related process run earlier and fine tune some boot code for running faster.      3. It's target to the Android IVI product. So, some features that will never be used in a IVI environment will be disabled or removed. Minor of them. I've come out with a patch package (latest is milestone 4 which is "_m4" in the version for short) and  a training document. I didn't find any confidential information from the patch or doc, so I'm open the sharing here. Updated on 2016/01/08 for new version (milestone m5): --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Change log against previous (milestone 4) version:      1. BSP base changed to Android KK 4.4.3 GA 2.0 which has a Linux kernel 3.10.53      2. Linux kernel and uboot optimization added. Kernel boot time (POR -> Android init entry) is less than 1.5s.      3. Some bug fixes.      4. Document updated accordingly. Total boot time tested on SabreSDP is about 8s.
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