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What is LGVL? LVGL is a graphics library to run on devices with limited resources. LVGL is fully open-source and has no external dependencies, works with any modern MCU or MPU, and can be used with any (RT)OS or bare metal setup. https://lvgl.io/   What is Framebuffer? The Linux framebuffer (fbdev) is a Linux subsystem used to show graphics on a display, typically manipulated on the system console   How to write on the frame buffer? The device is listed on de device list typically "fb0" on iMX.   1. Stop the window manager (Weston in our BSP) $ systemctl stop weston   2. Write random data on the frame buffer with the next command: $ cat /dev/urandom > /dev/fb0   You should see colored pixels on the screen   3. Restart the window manager. $ systemctl start weston     Cross-compiling the application   1. On the host computer we will clone the LGVL repo: $ git clone https://github.com/lvgl/lv_port_linux_frame_buffer.git -b release/v8.2 $ cd lv_port_linux_frame_buffer $ git submodule update --init --recursive 2. Configure the screen resolution, rotation, and the touch input.       2.1 The resolution is configured in lines 33 and 34 of the main.c disp_drv.hor_res = 1080; disp_drv.ver_res = 1920;           2.2 Rotation configured is on lines 32 and 57 of main.c. disp_drv.sw_rotate = 3; lv_disp_set_rotation(NULL, LV_DISP_ROT_270);     2.3 The touch input is configured on line 450 of lv_drv_conf.h # define EVDEV_NAME "/dev/input/event2"   Note: In my case is on /dev/input/event2 to check the inputs use the command "evtest"   3. Compile the application using the command "make"   Note: To compile the application on your host computer you have to set the environment.   4. Share the file called "demo" with your board and execute it on the board with the command $ ./demo   Note: You have to stop the weston service to run the application.     Notes: Tested on iMX8MN EVK with BSP 6.1.36 Works on Multimedia and Full image.
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On this tutorial we will review the implementation of Flutter on the i.MX8MP using the Linux Desktop Image. Please find more information about Flutter using the following link: Flutter: Option to create GUIs for Embedded System... - NXP Community Requirements: Evaluation Kit for the i.MX 8M Plus Applications Processor. (i.MX 8M Plus Evaluation Kit | NXP Semiconductors) NXP Desktop Image for i.MX 8M Plus (GitHub - nxp-imx/meta-nxp-desktop at lf-6.1.1-1.0.0-langdale) Note: This tutorial is based on the NXP Desktop Image with Yocto version 6.1.1 – Langdale. Steps: 1. First, run commands to update packages. $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt upgrade 2. Install Flutter for Linux using the following command. $ sudo snap install flutter --classic 3. Run the command to verify the correct installation. $ flutter doctor With this command you will find information about the installation. The important part for our purpose is the parameter "Linux toolchain - develop for Linux desktop". 4. Run the command “flutter create .” to create a flutter project, this framework will create different folders and files used to develop the application.  $ cd Documents $ mkdir flutter_hello $ cd flutter_hello $ flutter create .​ 5. Finally, you can run the “hello world” application using: $ flutter run Verify the program behavior incrementing the number displayed on the window.  
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One of the most popular use cases for embedded systems are projects destinated to show information and interact with users. These views are called GUI or Graphic User Interface which are designed to be intuitive, attractive, consistent, and clear. There are many tools that we can use to achieve great GUIs, mostly implemented for platforms such as Web, Android, and iOS. Here, we will need to introduce the concept of framework, basically, it is a set of tools and rules that provides a minimal structure to start with your development. Frameworks usually comes with configuration files, code snippets, files and folders organization helping us to save time and effort. Also, it is important to review the concept of SDK or Software Development Kit which is a set of tools that allows to build software for specific platforms. Usually supplies debugging tools, documentation, libraries, API’s, emulators, and sample code. Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit by Google that help us to create applications with great GUIs on different platforms from a single codebase. Depends on the reference, you can find Flutter defined as a framework or SDK and both are correct, however, an SDK could be a best definition thanks to Flutter supplies a wide and complete package to create an application in which framework is also included. This article is aimed at those that are in a prototyping stage looking for a different tool to develop projects. Also, this article pretends to be a theoretical introduction explaining the most important concepts. However, is a good practice to learn more about reviewing the official documentation from Flutter. (Flutter documentation | Flutter) Here is the structure used throughout this article: What is Flutter? Flutter details Platforms Programming language Official documentation Flutter for embedded systems What is Flutter? Flutter was officially released by Google in December 2018 with a main aim, to give developers a tool to create applications natively compiled for mobile (Android, iOS), web and desktop (Windows, Linux) from a single codebase. It means that as a developer, Flutter will create a structure with minimal code, configuration files, build files for each operating system, manifests, etc. in which we will add our custom code and finally build this code for our preferred OS. For example, we can create an application to review fruit and vegetable information and compile for Android and iOS with the same code. A basic Flutter development process based on my experience looks like the following diagram: Flutter has the following key features: Cross-platform development. Flutter allows the developer to create applications for different platforms using a single codebase. It means that you will not need to recreate the application for each platform you want to support.   Hot-reload. This feature allows the developer to see changes in real time without restarting the whole application, this results in time savings for your project.   High Performance Flutter apps achieve high performance due to the app code is compiled to native ARM code. With this tool no interpreters are involved.   UI Widgets Flutter supplies a set of widgets (UI components such as boxes, inputs text, buttons, etc.) predefined by UI systems guidelines Material on Android and Cupertino for iOS. Source: Material 3 Design Kit | Figma Community Source: Design - Apple Developer   Great community support. This feature could be subjective but, it is useful when we are developing our project find solutions to known issues or report new ones. Because of Flutter is an open source and is widely implemented in the industry this tool owns a big community, with events, forums, and documentation. Flutter Details Supported Platforms With Flutter you can create applications for: Android iOS Linux Debian Linux Ubuntu macOS web Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge Windows Supported deployment platforms | Flutter Programming Language Flutter use Dart, a programming language is an open-source language supported by Google optimized to use on the creation of user interfaces. Dart key features: Statically typed. This feature helps catching errors making the code robust ensuring that the variable’s value always match with the declared variable’s type. Null safety. All variables on Dart are non-nullable which means that every variable must have a non-null value avoiding errors at execution time. This feature also, make the code robust and secure. Async/Await. Dart is client-optimized which means that this language was specially created to ensure the best performance as a client application. Async/Await is a feature part of this optimization making easier to manage network requests and other asynchronous operations. Object oriented. Dart is an object-oriented language with classes and mixin. This is especially useful to use on Flutter with the usage of widgets. Compiler support of Just-In-Time (JIT) and Ahead-of-Time (AOT) JIT provides the support that enables the Hot Reload Flutter feature that I mentioned before. It is a complex mechanism, but Dart “detects” changes in your code and execute only these changes avoiding recompiling all the code. AOT compiler produces efficient ARM code improving start up time and performance. Official documentation Flutter has a rich community and documentation that goes from UI guidelines to an Architectural Overview. You can find the official documentation at the following links: Flutter Official Documentation: Flutter documentation | Flutter Flutter Community: Community (flutter.dev) Dart Official Documentation: Dart documentation | Dart Flutter for embedded systems So far, we know all the excellent features and platforms that Flutter can support. But, what about the embedded systems? On the official documentation we can find that Flutter may be used for embedded systems but in fact there is no an official supported platform. This SDK has been supported by their community, specially there is one repository on GitHub supported by Sony that provides documentation and Yocto recipes to support Flutter on embedded Linux. To understand the reason to differentiate between Flutter for Linux Desktop with official support and to create a specific Flutter support for embedded Linux is important to describe the basics of Flutter architecture. Based on the Flutter documentation the system is designed using layers that can be illustrated as follows:   Source: Flutter architectural overview | Flutter We can see as a top level “Framework” which is a high-level layer that includes widgets, tools and libraries that are in contact with developers. Below “Framework,” the layer “Engine” is responsible of drawing the widgets specified in the previous layer and provides the connection between high-level and low-level code. This layer is mostly written in C++ for this reason Flutter can achieve high performance running applications. Specifically for graphics rendering Flutter implements Impeller for iOS and Skia for the rest of platforms. The bottom layer is “Embedder” which is specific for each target and operating system this layer allows Flutter application to run as a native app providing the access to interact with different services managed by the operating systems such as input, rendering surfaces and accessibility. This layer for Linux Desktop uses GTK/GDK and X11 as backend that is highly dependent of unnecessary libraries and expensive for embedded systems which have constrained resources for computation and memory. The work around founded by Sony’s Flutter for Embedded Linux repository is to change this backend using a widely implemented backend for embedded systems Wayland. The following image illustrates the difference between Flutter for Linux Desktop and Flutter for Embedded Linux.   Source: What's the difference between Linux desktop and Embedded Linux · sony/flutter-embedded-linux Wiki · GitHub   Source: What's the difference between Linux desktop and Embedded Linux · sony/flutter-embedded-linux Wiki · GitHub Here is the link to the mentioned repository: GitHub - sony/flutter-elinux: Flutter tools for embedded Linux (eLinux) Finally, I would like to encourage you to read the official Flutter documentation and consider this tool as a great option compared to widely used tools on embedded devices such as Qt or Chromium. Also, please have a look to a great article written by Payam Zahedi delving into the implementation of Flutter for Embedded Linux measuring performance and giving conclusions about the usage of Flutter in embedded systems. (Flutter on Embedded Devices. Learn how to run Flutter on embedded… | by Payam Zahedi | Snapp Embedded | Medium).    
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SoC: i.MX8MP LDP: Ubuntu22.04 and Ubuntu 20.04 Yocto: 6.1.22 mickledore   This doc includes two parts: 1)How to enable qt5 in LDP 2)How to enable qt5 in Yocto Linux 6.1.22     How to use qt5 in LDP(Linux Distribution Poc): The gcc and glibc is diffrent from Yocto Linux and Linux Distribution Poc. To cross compile the file between Linux and Ubuntu, we need to care about that.   To full enable the GPU usage of QT lib, please use "-gles" libs by apt-get command. Qt source code is not suggested, for it has not been tested. Building Qt5, for example: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get -y install libqt5gui5-gles sudo apt-get -y install libqt5quick5-gles sudo apt-get -y install qtbase5-gles-dev   opengles test case glmark: sudo apt-get -y install glmark2-es2-wayland How to find the missing lib for apt-get: sudo apt-get install apt-file apt-file search xx   open wifi if needed NXP internal internet has limitation: sudo modprobe moal mod_para=nxp/wifi_mod_para.conf   and add "nameserver" in vi /etc/resolv.conf. You can also try:  echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf > /dev/null   some times system time is not automatically update, and that cause apt-get update fail User and choose manually configure it by: sudo date -s "2023-08-31 14:00:00"   For Chinese support for ubuntu, please use: sudo apt-get install ttf-wqy-microhei ttf-wqy-zenhei xfonts-wqy   possible env path you need to export: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/run/user/1000" export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland   User can choose root login by command like: user@imx8mpevk:~$ sudo passwd New password: Retype new password:   please use qmake to build qt project: 1)qmake -o Makefile HelloWorld.pro 2)make   some other qt libs: sudo apt-get install -y qtwayland5 sudo apt-get install -y qml-module-qtquick-controls sudo apt-get install -y qml-module-qtquick-controls2 sudo apt-get install -y qml-module-qtcharts sudo apt-get install -y libqt5multimedia5 sudo apt-get install -y libqt5serialport5 sudo apt-get install -y libqt5script5 sudo apt-get install -y qml-module-qt-labs-settings sudo apt-get install -y qml-module-qt-labs-platform sudo apt-get install -y qml-module-qtmultimedia sudo apt-get install -y libqt5webengine5 sudo apt-get install -y qml-module-qtwebengine sudo apt-get install -y qml-module-qtquick-dialogs     How to enable qt5 in Yocto 6.1.22: 1.download meta-qt5 git clone https://github.com/meta-qt5/meta-qt5.git git checkout origin/mickledore   copy Yocto version 5.10.72_2.2.0 sources\meta-imx\meta-sdk\dynamic-layers\qt5-layer to the same path of Yocto 6.1.22   2.apply two patches qt5-1.patch: modify the path from qt6 to qt5 qt5-2.patch: modify the qt5 related in meta-imx, including: 1)Yocto grammer update,from "_" to ":";  2)NXP grammer,from mx8 to mx8-nxp-sdk;  3)remove gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-qt, for qt5 has been natively added into gst-plugin-good-1.22(which is not in 1.18)   3.after input command like "DISTRO=fsl-imx-xwayland MACHINE=imx8mp-lpddr4-evk source imx-setup-release.sh -b build-xwayland", comment the "meta-nxp-demo-experience"   # i.MX Yocto Project Release layers BBLAYERS += "${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-imx/meta-bsp" BBLAYERS += "${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-imx/meta-sdk" BBLAYERS += "${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-imx/meta-ml" BBLAYERS += "${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-imx/meta-v2x" #BBLAYERS += "${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-nxp-demo-experience"      
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On customer design, they may need to fine tune LVDS driver strength for different case, for example, PCB impedance does not match, or the value of terminal resistor in panel side is lower or bigger. In IMX8MPRM.pdf, it has reg for this feature:         LVDS is constant current source, when voltage on terminal or panel side is lower than spec, you need to increase output current to get higher voltage to meet spec. otherwise ,you need to reduce it There is no detail description for these bits, pls refer to below: CC_ADJ = 000b => 3.5mA as default CC_ADJ = 001b => 3.5mA + 0.215mA x 1 CC_ADJ = 010b => 3.5mA + 0.215mA x 2 CC_ADJ = 011b => 3.5mA + 0.215mA x 4 CC_ADJ = 100b => 3.5mA - 0.215mA x 4 CC_ADJ = 101b => 3.5mA - 0.215mA x 3 CC_ADJ = 110b => 3.5mA - 0.215mA x 2 CC_ADJ = 111b => 3.5mA - 0.215mA x 1   Thanks, Lambert
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  Platform: i.MX8MP EVK , L6.1.22-2.0.0 LT9211 is a chip that can realize the conversion of MIPI DSI signals to LVDS signals. This patch is based on this mainline driver:https://github.com/nxp-imx/linux-imx/blob/lf-6.1.y/drivers/gpu/drm/bridge/lontium-lt9211.c Keypoint Move lt9211_host_attach function to lt9211_attach to skip bridge attach error.  
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1.Test environment Board: i.MX8MPlus, RM67199 BSP: uboot 2022.04, linux-6.1.1-1.0.1 2.Modification of uboot  In uboot, you need comment the video_link_shut_down and dm_remove_devices_flags in announce_and_cleanup function. #if defined(CONFIG_VIDEO_LINK) //video_link_shut_down(); #endif board_quiesce_devices(); printf("\nStarting kernel ...%s\n\n", fake ? "(fake run for tracing)" : ""); /* * Call remove function of all devices with a removal flag set. * This may be useful for last-stage operations, like cancelling * of DMA operation or releasing device internal buffers. */ // #ifndef CONFIG_POWER_DOMAIN // dm_remove_devices_flags(DM_REMOVE_ACTIVE_ALL | DM_REMOVE_NON_VITAL); // /* Remove all active vital devices next */ // dm_remove_devices_flags(DM_REMOVE_ACTIVE_ALL); // #endif cleanup_before_linux(); }  After doing this, the uboot logo will not be cleaned before Linux PM framework. 3.Modification of Linux You need add  CONFIG_LOGO=n into defconfig file to disable kernel logo.  3.1 Disable the power down of mediamix and mipi-dphy in gpcv2.c Please add below code into the beginning of  imx_pgc_power_down function if ((strcmp(genpd->name, "mipi-phy1") == 0) || (strcmp(genpd->name, "mediamix") == 0)) { return 0; }  3.2 Only reset lcdif in the last call of drm framework Please modify imx_lcdifv3_runtime_resume function like this. The imx_lcdifv3_runtime_resume function will be called two times, thus the lcdif will be reset two times.We can let it only reset last time,which before the rootfs mount. bool rst = false; ////////////////////////////// static int imx_lcdifv3_runtime_resume(struct device *dev) { int ret = 0; struct lcdifv3_soc *lcdifv3 = dev_get_drvdata(dev); if (unlikely(!atomic_read(&lcdifv3->rpm_suspended))) { dev_warn(lcdifv3->dev, "Unbalanced %s!\n", __func__); return 0; } if (!atomic_dec_and_test(&lcdifv3->rpm_suspended)) return 0; /* set LCDIF QoS and cache */ if (of_device_is_compatible(dev->of_node, "fsl,imx93-lcdif")) regmap_write(lcdifv3->gpr, 0xc, 0x3712); request_bus_freq(BUS_FREQ_HIGH); ret = lcdifv3_enable_clocks(lcdifv3); if (ret) { release_bus_freq(BUS_FREQ_HIGH); return ret; } ////////////////////////////// if (rst) { /* clear sw_reset */ writel(CTRL_SW_RESET, lcdifv3->base + LCDIFV3_CTRL_CLR); rst = false; } rst = true; ////////////////////////////// /* enable plane FIFO panic */ lcdifv3_enable_plane_panic(lcdifv3); return ret; } 4.Conclusion The uboot logo will be cleaned at log "imx-drm 1.0.0 20120507 for display-subsystem on minor 1". The boot time of  systemd service on evk is very long. For weston.service, it needs 3 seconds. From log here we test, the pcie and ethernet probe after drm system also cost about 1 second. If you want to reduce the boot time of other modules, you can try to reduce the system service and disable pcie/ethernet drivers if you don't need them. [ 2.505616] [drm] Initialized imx-drm 1.0.0 20120507 for display-subsystem on minor 1 [ 2.620324] imx6q-pcie 33800000.pcie: iATU unroll: enabled [ 2.620335] imx6q-pcie 33800000.pcie: iATU regions: 4 ob, 4 ib, align 64K, limit 16G [ 2.720689] imx6q-pcie 33800000.pcie: PCIe Gen.1 x1 link up [ 2.820996] imx6q-pcie 33800000.pcie: PCIe Gen.2 x1 link up [ 2.821003] imx6q-pcie 33800000.pcie: Link up, Gen2 [ 2.821010] imx6q-pcie 33800000.pcie: PCIe Gen.2 x1 link up [ 2.821112] imx6q-pcie 33800000.pcie: PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00 [ 2.821119] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [bus 00-ff] [ 2.821126] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io 0x0000-0xffff] [ 2.821133] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x18000000-0x1fefffff] [ 2.821161] pci 0000:00:00.0: [16c3:abcd] type 01 class 0x060400 [ 2.821176] pci 0000:00:00.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0x00000000-0x000fffff] [ 2.821187] pci 0000:00:00.0: reg 0x38: [mem 0x00000000-0x0000ffff pref] [ 2.821232] pci 0000:00:00.0: supports D1 [ 2.821237] pci 0000:00:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D1 D3hot D3cold [ 2.824664] pci 0000:01:00.0: [1b4b:2b42] type 00 class 0x020000 [ 2.824725] pci 0000:01:00.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0x00000000-0x000fffff 64bit pref] [ 2.824761] pci 0000:01:00.0: reg 0x18: [mem 0x00000000-0x000fffff 64bit pref] [ 2.825066] pci 0000:01:00.0: supports D1 D2 [ 2.825072] pci 0000:01:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D1 D3hot D3cold [ 2.835499] pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0x18000000-0x180fffff] [ 2.835511] pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 15: assigned [mem 0x18100000-0x182fffff pref] [ 2.835519] pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 6: assigned [mem 0x18300000-0x1830ffff pref] [ 2.835530] pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0x18100000-0x181fffff 64bit pref] [ 2.835561] pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 2: assigned [mem 0x18200000-0x182fffff 64bit pref] [ 2.835590] pci 0000:00:00.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01-ff] [ 2.835598] pci 0000:00:00.0: bridge window [mem 0x18100000-0x182fffff pref] [ 2.835899] pcieport 0000:00:00.0: PME: Signaling with IRQ 218 [ 2.897767] Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 135x120 [ 3.098361] imx-drm display-subsystem: [drm] fb0: imx-drmdrmfb frame buffer device [ 3.111239] pps pps0: new PPS source ptp0 [ 3.316650] fec 30be0000.ethernet eth0: registered PHC device 0 [ 3.323645] imx-dwmac 30bf0000.ethernet: IRQ eth_lpi not found [ 3.329593] imx-dwmac 30bf0000.ethernet: force_sf_dma_mode is ignored if force_thresh_dma_mode is set. [ 3.340074] imx-dwmac 30bf0000.ethernet: User ID: 0x10, Synopsys ID: 0x51 [ 3.346883] imx-dwmac 30bf0000.ethernet: DWMAC4/5 [ 3.351684] imx-dwmac 30bf0000.ethernet: DMA HW capability register supported [ 3.358825] imx-dwmac 30bf0000.ethernet: RX Checksum Offload Engine supported [ 3.365966] imx-dwmac 30bf0000.ethernet: Wake-Up On Lan supported [ 3.372113] imx-dwmac 30bf0000.ethernet: Enable RX Mitigation via HW Watchdog Timer [ 3.379778] imx-dwmac 30bf0000.ethernet: Enabled L3L4 Flow TC (entries=8) [ 3.386573] imx-dwmac 30bf0000.ethernet: Enabled RFS Flow TC (entries=10) [ 3.393373] imx-dwmac 30bf0000.ethernet: Enabling HW TC (entries=256, max_off=256) [ 3.400950] imx-dwmac 30bf0000.ethernet: Using 34 bits DMA width [ 3.608045] xhci-hcd xhci-hcd.1.auto: xHCI Host Controller [ 3.613580] xhci-hcd xhci-hcd.1.auto: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1 [ 3.621621] xhci-hcd xhci-hcd.1.auto: hcc params 0x0220fe6d hci version 0x110 quirks 0x0000002001010010 [ 3.631059] xhci-hcd xhci-hcd.1.auto: irq 226, io mem 0x38200000 [ 3.637197] xhci-hcd xhci-hcd.1.auto: xHCI Host Controller [ 3.642698] xhci-hcd xhci-hcd.1.auto: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2 [ 3.650365] xhci-hcd xhci-hcd.1.auto: Host supports USB 3.0 SuperSpeed [ 3.657695] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 3.661473] hub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected [ 3.665669] usb usb2: We don't know the algorithms for LPM for this host, disabling LPM. [ 3.674445] hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 3.678220] hub 2-0:1.0: 1 port detected [ 3.683428] imx-cpufreq-dt imx-cpufreq-dt: cpu speed grade 7 mkt segment 2 supported-hw 0x80 0x4 [ 3.693184] Hot alarm is canceled. GPU3D clock will return to 64/64 [ 3.702683] sdhci-esdhc-imx 30b50000.mmc: Got CD GPIO [ 3.703346] mxc-mipi-csi2-sam 32e40000.csi: supply mipi-phy not found, using dummy regulator [ 3.716645] : mipi_csis_imx8mp_phy_reset, No remote pad found! [ 3.722602] mxc-mipi-csi2-sam 32e40000.csi: lanes: 2, hs_settle: 13, clk_settle: 2, wclk: 1, freq: 500000000 [ 3.739353] mmc1: SDHCI controller on 30b50000.mmc [30b50000.mmc] using ADMA [ 3.752018] isi-m2m 32e00000.isi:m2m_device: Register m2m success for ISI.0 [ 3.759172] cfg80211: Loading compiled-in X.509 certificates for regulatory database [ 3.768303] cfg80211: Loaded X.509 cert 'sforshee: 00b28ddf47aef9cea7' [ 3.787598] platform regulatory.0: Direct firmware load for regulatory.db failed with error -2 [ 3.795171] ALSA device list: [ 3.796227] platform regulatory.0: Falling back to sysfs fallback for: regulatory.db [ 3.799186] No soundcards found. [ 3.819630] EXT4-fs (mmcblk2p2): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Quota mode: none. [ 3.828212] VFS: Mounted root (ext4 filesystem) on device 179:2. [ 3.834944] devtmpfs: mounted
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In this article, I will explain how to set up the iMX8M Plus to use the 4K Dart BCON Basler Camera module. Requirements: Evaluation Kit for the i.MX 8M Plus Applications Processor. (i.MX 8M Plus Evaluation Kit | NXP Semiconductors) Basler Camera for i.MX 8M Plus (4K dart BCON for MIPI camera module for i.MX 8M Plus | NXP Semiconductors). Embedded Linux for i.MX Applications Processors (Embedded Linux for i.MX Applications Processors | NXP Semiconductors) (For this example we will use BSP version Linux 5.15.71_2.2.0) Serial Console Emulator Basler Camera Specifications and Manuals: Basler Camera Specifications at this link: Embedded Vision Kits daA3840-30mc-IMX8MP-EVK - Embedded Vision Kits (baslerweb.com). Basler Manual to identify and setting up the hardware at this link: daA3840-30mc-IMX8MP-EVK | Basler Product Documentation (baslerweb.com) Basler Camera Module out-of-box with i.MX 8M Plus Applications Processor. (Video: Basler Camera Module out-of-box with i.MX 8M Plus Applications Processor | NXP Semiconductors) Steps After setting up the hardware we will need to turn on the iMX8M Plus and follow these steps: 1. Stop the boot process on Uboot by pressing any key. 2. Use the following command to list interfaces. => mmc list Output example => FSL_SDHC: 1 (SD) => FSL_SDHC: 2 The above command will show you the device number in this example for SD, the device number is 1. 3. Then use fatls <interface> <device[:partition]> [<directory>] fatls mmc 1:1 (Device 1 : Partition 1) With this command, we will be able to list device tree files. => fatls mmc 1:1 4. Select imx8mp-evk-basler.dtb or imx8mp-evk-dual-basler.dtb and use the command editenv fdtfile.  => editenv fdtfile Output example edit: imx8mp-evk-basler.dtb 5. In edit command line put the selected device tree (*.dtb). 6. Use saveenv command to save environment and continue with the boot process. 7. Using the terminal and go to /opt/imx8-isp/bin and execute the script run.sh. $ ./run.sh -c basler_1080p60 -lm 8. Use the command gst-device-monitor-1.0 to list devices. Here you will find the path to the camera device. $ gst-device-monitor-1.0 Output example Device found: name : VIV class : Video/Source caps : video/x-raw, format=YUY2, width=[ 176, 4096, 16 ], height=[ 144, 3072, 8 ], pixel-aspect-ratio=1/1, framerate={ (fraction)30/1, (fraction)29/1, (fraction)28/1, (fraction)27/1, (fraction)26/1, (fraction)25/1, (fraction)24/1, (fraction)23/1, (fraction)22/1, (fraction)21/1, (fraction)20/1, (fraction)19/1, (fraction)18/1, (fraction)17/1, (fraction)16/1, (fraction)15/1, (fraction)14/1, (fraction)13/1, (fraction)12/1, (fraction)11/1, (fraction)10/1, (fraction)9/1, (fraction)8/1, (fraction)7/1, (fraction)6/1, (fraction)5/1, (fraction)4/1, (fraction)3/1, (fraction)2/1, (fraction)1/1 } ... properties: udev-probed = true device.bus_path = platform-vvcam-video.0 sysfs.path = /sys/devices/platform/vvcam-video.0/video4linux/video2 device.subsystem = video4linux device.product.name = VIV device.capabilities = :capture: device.api = v4l2 device.path = /dev/video2 v4l2.device.driver = viv_v4l2_device v4l2.device.card = VIV v4l2.device.bus_info = platform:viv0 v4l2.device.version = 393473 (0x00060101) v4l2.device.capabilities = 2216693761 (0x84201001) v4l2.device.device_caps = 69206017 (0x04200001) gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device=/dev/video2 ! ... 9. Finally, use gstreamer to verify proper operation. (With this gstreamer pipeline you will see a new window with the camera output. Then, just rotate the lens to acquire the correct focus) $ gst-launch-1.0 -v v4l2src device=/dev/video2 ! "video/x-raw,format=YUY2,width=1920,height=1080" ! queue ! imxvideoconvert_g2d ! waylandsink Basic description of Gstreamer Pipeline gst-launch-1.0 -v: The option -v enables the verbose mode to get detailed information of process. v4l2src device=/dev/video2: Select input device in this case the camera is on path /dev/video3. "video/x-raw,format=YUY2,width=1920,height=1080": Received format from camera. queue: This command is a buffer between camera recording process and the following image process, this command help us to interface two process and prevent blocking where each process has different speeds, in other words, when a process A is faster than process B. imxvideoconvert_g2d: This proprietary plugin uses hardware acceleration to perform rotation, scaling, and color space conversion on video frames. waylandsink : This command creates its own window and renders the decoded frames processed previously. 10. Result     I hope this article will be helpful. Best regards, Brian.
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Hello everyone, We have recently migrated our Source code from CAF (Codeaurora) to Github, so i.MX NXP old recipes/manifest that point to Codeaurora eventually will be modified so it points correctly to Github to avoid any issues while fetching using Yocto. Also, all repo init commands for old releases should be changed from: $ repo init -u https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/imx-manifest -b <branch name> [ -m <release manifest>] To: $ repo init -u https://github.com/nxp-imx/imx-manifest -b <branch name> [ -m <release manifest>] This will also apply to all source code that was stored in Codeaurora, the new repository for all i.MX NXP source code is: https://github.com/nxp-imx For any issues regarding this, please create a community thread and/or a support ticket. Regards, Aldo.
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Platform: i.MX8MP EVK BSP: Linux Customer reported UI on HDMI monitor is abnormal and has more line on left side when doing HDMI hot-plug on i.MX8MP running with L5.   This issue can’t be reproduced on latest BSP such as 5.10 and above, several patch for HDMI from latest BSP can fix this issue.  
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This doc will show: i.MX8DXL EVK board without connect  hardware LCD display, using FreeRDP to share screen to remote PC which is in same network,  PC take this shared screen could  run any command on i.MX8DXL EVK board.   HW: i.MX8DXL EVK board,  PC  SW: i.MX8DXL Linux 5.15.32 BSP release, and code change in this doc   1> i.MX8DXL Linux kernel side, just use imx8dxl-evk-lcdif.dts, but did not connect any LCD display,  so Linux kernel could create related drm device, and weston could be start. But on 8DXL EVK board, ENET1_RGMII_TXD3 and ADMA_LCDIF_D03 pin conflict,  so need code change as 5.15.32-imx8dxl-evk-lcdif.dts.diff.   2> yocto/bld/conf/local.conf, add below line, as freerdp depend on ffmpeg. LICENSE_FLAGS_ACCEPTED+="commercial"   3> For i.MX8DXL,  weston use software pixman render, to use NEON optimization,  pixman need switch to  latest 0.42.0,  enter folder (yocto/bld/tmp/work/armv8a-poky-linux/pixman/1_0.40.0-r0/pixman-0.40.0),  git clone (https://github.com/freedesktop/pixman.git) and checkout to latest 0.42.0:  Also chaneg related build flag at bb file as pixman_0.40.0.bb.diff.     4> Default  freerdp need switch to 2.8.0, enter folder (yocto/bld/tmp/work/armv8a-poky-linux/freerdp/1_2.4.1-r0/git),  git clone (https://github.com/FreeRDP/FreeRDP.git), check out to 2.8.0; And to use neon accelerate freerdp related function, such as color space conversion, image codec encoding ,  need apply patch  freerdp-codechange-neon.diff. And related bb file compile flag change as freerdp_2.4.1.bb.diff     5> bitbake -c compile ffmpeg bitbake -c install ffmpeg   bitbake -c compile pixman  bitbake -c install pixman    bitbake -c compile  freerdp bitbake -c install  freerdp   Copy  generated new libs to default released i.MX8DXL rootfs, make sure ffmeg , pixman, freerdp related libs are  from your build, for example: libfreerdp-client2.so.2 -> libfreerdp-client2.so.2.8.0 libfreerdp2.so.2 -> libfreerdp2.so.2.8.0 libwinpr-tools2.so.2 -> libwinpr-tools2.so.2.8.0 libwinpr2.so.2 -> libwinpr2.so.2.8.0   6> i.MX8DXL Linux rootfs:  file /etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini,  change start-on-startup to true: [screen-share] command=/usr/bin/weston --backend=rdp-backend.so --shell=fullscreen-shell.so --no-clients-resize --rdp-tls-cert=/etc/freerdp/keys/serve start-on-startup=true   7> i.MX8DXL Linux OS, run below cmd: winpr-makecert -path $PWD copy generated files to /etc/freerdp/keys/server.crt and /etc/freerdp/keys/server.key   8> reboot i.MX8DXL EVK board,  make sure  EVK board and PC in the same network; check i.MX8DXL Linux OS , there are two process name as "weston", one process is weston rdp backend to share screen to PC.   9> PC side, get wfreerdp.exe from  https://github.com/FreeRDP/FreeRDP/wiki/Prebuilds PC side run cmd as: wfreerdp.exe /v:ipaddress_of_8DXLEVK     Reference: 1>https://www.nxp.com/design/software/embedded-software/i-mx-software/embedded-linux-for-i-mx-applications-processors:IMXLINUX#design-resources 2>https://github.com/FreeRDP 3>https://github.com/freedesktop/pixman 4>https://github.com/DLTcollab/sse2neon  
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On behalf of Gopise Yuan. This is an update for the DRM framebuffer capture tool I used to share with the team. Some enhancement added. Might be useful for debugging some display related issues.   Some special notes: Behavior of DRM subsystem is different between L4.x and L5.x. For L4.x, you can capture the RGB buffer without any problem. But, there’s no API for YUV (multi-plane) buffer. To capture YUV, need to apply “kernel_0001-drm-Add-getfb2-ioctl_L4.14.98.patch”. For L5.x, mapping/capturing the internal buffer is not allowed by default due to security reason. A simple change in “0001-drm-enable-mapping-of-internal-object-for-debugging_L5.x.patch” can disable this guard. Capture raw data only. RGB and YUV (packed/planar, 420/422) supported. Support de-tile on “Amphion tile” (VPU, NV12 only) and “Super tile” (Vivante GPU). Please use “-t” to enable this. Other tile might not be supported. This is a static linked binary. You can run it on any ARM64 based Linux/Android system in theory (prerequisites in item #1). If you need source code, come to me.   To get more details on how to use it, use “-?” option: DRM screen capture DRM based screen capture program Usage:     ./drmfbcap [OP] [ARG] [OP] OPeration (optional):     -v Show version.     -? Show help information.     -i Show information about target DRM device only (no capture).     -t Perform de-tile for tile format.     -d DRM device to open. [ARG] should contain the path to the device node. Default: '/dev/dri/card0'     -o Output folder. [ARG] should contain the path to the output folder. Default: '.'     -p Specific plane # to capture. [ARG] should contain the plane number. If no '-p' specified, capture all planes   Example:     ./drmfbcap   Capture all planes on default DRM device.     ./drmfbcap -d /dev/dri/controlD64   Capture all planes on '/dev/dri/controlD64' device.     ./drmfbcap -p 44 -t -o /sdcard   Capture plane 44, do de-tile after capture and then output to /sdcard/.   Raw buffer capture will be done for each enabled/target plane and one file for each. Captured file will be saved to './' if not specified. --- By Gopise, 2022/08   Updated_2023_10_16: continuous capture (repeat mode) support with this link: https://community.nxp.com/t5/i-MX-Processors-Knowledge-Base/DRM-screen-capture-tool/ta-p/1725363
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  Anyone who want to use this solution should get reference design and firmware from Lontium. Hardware Here is the block diagram of LT9611UXC Demo Board. As the MIPI port of our EVK can provide 5V, 3V3 and 1V8.We can remove useless DC-DC chips from reference design. Below is the LT9611UXC Demo Board. Software Download the firmware into LT9611UXC. In Linux side, we need to drive the MIPI to output signals with standard timings of 1080P. Panel type diff --git a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/freescale/imx8mp-evk.dts b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/freescale/imx8mp-evk.dts index 1732b5c72380..c6a829be541f 100644 --- a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/freescale/imx8mp-evk.dts +++ b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/freescale/imx8mp-evk.dts @@ -696,13 +716,17 @@ &ldb_phy { &mipi_dsi { status = "okay"; + panel@0{ + compatible = "nxp,lt9611uxc"; + reg = <0>; + status = "okay"; }; }; &snvs_pwrkey { diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/panel/panel-simple.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/panel/panel-simple.c index 4f78bbf63f33..90d99f12515b 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/panel/panel-simple.c +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/panel/panel-simple.c @@ -4997,6 +4997,34 @@ struct panel_desc_dsi { unsigned int lanes; }; +static const struct drm_display_mode lt9611_panel_mode = { + .clock = 148500, + .hdisplay = 1920, + .hsync_start = 1920 + 88, + .hsync_end = 1920 + 88 + 44, + .htotal = 1920 + 88 + 44 + 148, + .vdisplay = 1080, + .vsync_start = 1080 + 4, + .vsync_end = 1080 + 4 + 5, + .vtotal = 1080 + 4 + 5 + 36, +}; + +static const struct panel_desc_dsi lt9611_panel = { + .desc = { + .modes = &lt9611_panel_mode, + .num_modes = 1, + .bpc = 8, + .size = { + .width = 62, + .height = 110, + }, + .connector_type = DRM_MODE_CONNECTOR_DSI, + }, + .flags = MIPI_DSI_MODE_VIDEO_HSE | MIPI_DSI_MODE_VIDEO | MIPI_DSI_MODE_NO_EOT_PACKET | MIPI_DSI_MODE_VIDEO_SYNC_PULSE, + .format = MIPI_DSI_FMT_RGB888, + .lanes = 4, +}; + static const struct drm_display_mode auo_b080uan01_mode = { .clock = 154500, .hdisplay = 1200, @@ -5201,6 +5229,9 @@ static const struct panel_desc_dsi osd101t2045_53ts = { static const struct of_device_id dsi_of_match[] = { { + .compatible = "nxp,lt9611uxc", + .data = &lt9611_panel, + },{ .compatible = "auo,b080uan01", .data = &auo_b080uan01 }, {
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On behalf of Gopise Yuan. In case some customer may make mistake in mechanical design, they may need to flip/mirror the screen. DPR in DPU can do this in a simple way. This patch demonstrate how to enable VFLIP and HFLIP in DPR to do a V+H flip (=180 rotate) of the screen
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This is simple known-how for how to implement "boot animation" with DRM under i.MX8/X + Linux:   Code to refer to: ========================================================================= 1. kmscube: Either open source one or the customized on for i.MX will be OK: https://cgit.freedesktop.org/mesa/kmscube/ https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/kmscube-imx/ 2. Android display HAL: KmsDisplay.cpp   Known-how: ========================================================================= 1. Only one application can grab the master role of the DRM device. If need to control DRM from two applicaiton simultanously, possible solution:     A, Use "controlD" node instead of "card" node in /dev/dri/. This requires L4.14 or before. This device node was removed by two commits in L4.14.x:           8a357d10043c75e980e7fcdb60d2b913491564af           6449b088dd51dd5aa6b38455888bbf538d21f2fc     Can be brought back by reverting these two commits in L4.14.98.     B, Use framebuffer emulator to emulate a FB device (/dev/fb0). (not recommended due to lack of vsync). 2. Some kernel functions will re-config the DRM device during boot. This will cause display abnormal after user application has configured the DRM device. Better to disable these kernel features:       CONFIG_DRM_FBDEV_EMULATION       CONFIG_FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE 3. Use atomic mode of KMS API instead of legacy mode for any dynamically screen drawing application, such as video, game and etc. Atomic mode will have much better performance compare to legacy mode. The kmscube has sample code for both mode. 4. Better to do commit checking before doing any real commit, especially when doing display during boot. Sometimes some internal component in DRM is not fully ready after card device is present.       DRM_MODE_ATOMIC_ALLOW_MODESET 5. If video playback will be used, some points to remind:     a, Sample code for direct video decoding (in unit-test): imx-test/test/mxc_v4l2_vpu_test/     b, VPU in i.MX8/X only support tiled NV12 output and it has pixel alignment requirement (128). Need to use CPU or G2D to do un-tile, CSC and cropping. Sample code: <android>/vendor/nxp/fsl_imx_omx/OpenMAXIL/src/component/v4l2_common/G2dProcess.cpp If using G2D under Linux, it will support un-tile directly (through OpenCL internally).
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  From L5.4 BSP, the iMX8QM HDMI RX feature is removed from BSP, but it is added back in L5.10.52 2.1.0 BSP. The followed is the detail steps to use HDMI RX.   We need enable the followed kernel config to make hdmirx driver work:     CONFIG_IMX8_MEDIA_DEVICE=y     CONFIG_MHDP_HDMIRX=y apply the attached kernel patch. put hdmi firmware “hdmirxfw.bin” and “hdmitxfw.bin” to SD card’s FAT partition test command:     gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device=/dev/video2 ! autovideosink   Note: To test the hdmi feature, the display should also use the HDMI TX. And in Uboot, to load the hdmirx firmware, we can run the followed commands first, then run the "boot" command:     run loadhdprx     hdprx load 0x9c800000     setenv fdt_file imx8qm-mek-hdmi-rx.dtb  
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This is based on L5.10.35 BSP where you have to install QT static build: Qt 5.15 static build: Assuming your sysroot is at "/sysroot-cross" and your toolchain is at "/Toolchain" your qt-source is at /Qt-5.15 PATH=/sysroot-cross/bin:/sysroot-cross/sbin:/Toolchain/bin mkdir /Qt-5.15/mkspecs/qws/linux-imx6-g++ create in this dir the textfile "qmake.conf" with this content: ####################### snip qmake.conf ############################## include(../../common/linux.conf) include(../../common/qws.conf) # modifications to g++.conf QMAKE_CC                = arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc QMAKE_CFLAGS            = -pipe -isystem /sysroot-cross/include -isystem /sysroot-cross/usr/include QMAKE_CXX               = arm-linux-gnueabi-g++ QMAKE_CXXFLAGS          = -pipe -isystem /sysroot-cross/include -isystem /sysroot-cross/usr/include QMAKE_INCDIR            = /sysroot-cross/include /sysroot-cross/usr/include QMAKE_LIBDIR            = /sysroot-cross/lib /sysroot-cross/usr/lib QMAKE_LINK              = arm-linux-gnueabi-g++ QMAKE_LINK_SHLIB        = arm-linux-gnueabi-g++ QMAKE_LFLAGS            = -L/sysroot-cross/lib -L/sysroot-cross/usr/lib -Wl,-rpath-link -Wl,/sysroot-cross/lib QMAKE_LFLAGS           += -Wl,-rpath-link -Wl,/sysroot-cross/usr/lib #Opengl QMAKE_INCDIR_OPENGL = /Vivante/include QMAKE_INCDIR_OPENGL += /Vivante/include/GL QMAKE_INCDIR_OPENGL += /Vivante/include/EGL QMAKE_INCDIR_OPENGL += /Vivante/include/GLES2 QMAKE_LIBDIR_OPENGL = /Vivante/lib QMAKE_INCDIR_OPENGL_ES1 = $$QMAKE_INCDIR_OPENGL QMAKE_LIBDIR_OPENGL_ES1 = $$QMAKE_LIBDIR_OPENGL QMAKE_INCDIR_OPENGL_ES1CL = $$QMAKE_INCDIR_OPENGL QMAKE_LIBDIR_OPENGL_ES1CL = $$QMAKE_LIBDIR_OPENGL QMAKE_INCDIR_OPENGL_ES2 = /Vivante/include QMAKE_INCDIR_OPENGL_ES2 += /Vivante/include/EGL QMAKE_INCDIR_OPENGL_ES2 += /Vivante/include/GLES2 QMAKE_LIBDIR_OPENGL_ES2 = $$QMAKE_LIBDIR_OPENGL QMAKE_INCDIR_EGL = $$QMAKE_INCDIR_OPENGL_ES2 QMAKE_LIBDIR_EGL = $$QMAKE_LIBDIR_OPENGL QMAKE_LIBS_EGL = -lEGL -lGAL -lGLESv2 -lGLES_CM QMAKE_LIBS_OPENGL_ES2 = -lEGL -lGAL -lGLESv2 -lGLES_CM QMAKE_LIBS_OPENGL = -lEGL -lGAL -lGLESv2 -lGLES_CM QMAKE_LIBS_OPENGL_QT = -lEGL -lGAL -lGLESv2 -lGLES_CM QMAKE_LIBS_OPENGL_ES1 = QMAKE_LIBS_OPENGL_ES1CL = # modifications to linux.conf QMAKE_AR                = arm-linux-gnueabi-ar cqs QMAKE_OBJCOPY           = arm-linux-gnueabi-objcopy QMAKE_STRIP             = arm-linux-gnueabi-strip QMAKE_CFLAGS_RELEASE   = -pipe -isystem /sysroot-cross/include -isystem /sysroot-cross/usr/include load(qt_config) ####################### snip qmake.conf ############################## create in the same dir the text file "qplatformdefs.h" ####################### snip qplatformdefs.h ############################## #include "../../linux-g++/qplatformdefs.h" ####################### snip qplatformdefs.h ############################## now goto dir /Qt-5.15 cd /Qt-5.15 call configure with ./configure -opensource -confirm-license -release -no-rpath -no-fast \     -no-sql-ibase -no-sql-mysql -no-sql-odbc -no-sql-psql -no-sql-sqlite2 \     -no-qt3support -no-mmx -no-3dnow -no-sse -no-sse2 -no-sse3 -no-ssse3 \     -no-sse4.1 -no-sse4.2 -no-avx -no-optimized-qmake -no-nis -no-cups -pch \     -reduce-relocations -force-pkg-config -prefix /usr -no-armfpa -make libs \     -nomake docs -little-endian -embedded armv6 -qt-decoration-styled \     -depths all -xplatform qws/linux-imx6-g++ -iconv -largefile -qt-gfx-linuxfb \     -qt-gfx-multiscreen -qt-mouse-pc -qt-mouse-linuxinput -qt-libpng \     -plugin-gfx-directfb -system-zlib -no-accessibility -no-gfx-transformed \     -no-gfx-qvfb -no-gfx-vnc -no-kbd-tty -no-kbd-linuxinput -no-kbd-qvfb \     -no-mouse-linuxtp -no-mouse-tslib -no-mouse-qvfb -no-libmng -no-libtiff \     -no-gif -no-libjpeg -no-freetype -no-stl -no-glib -no-openssl -no-egl \     -no-xmlpatterns -no-exceptions -no-multimedia -no-audio-backend -no-phonon \     -no-phonon-backend -no-webkit -no-script -no-scripttools -no-svg -no-script \     -no-declarative -no-sql-sqlite -no-qdbus -no-opengl -static -nomake tools \     -nomake examples -nomake demos when configuring is finished call make after a looong time, when everything goes right, we have a staticly compiled Qt. DO NOT call "make install". We will install manually: copy from /Qt-5.15/bin the files moc, uic, rcc and qmake to somewhere in PATH, eg. /sysroot-cross/bin copy the contents of dir /Qt-5.15/mkspecs to /sysroot-cross/usr/mkspec copy the contents of dir /Qt-5.15/plugins to /sysroot-cross/usr/plugins copy the contents of dir /Qt-5.15/include to /sysroot-cross/usr/include copy the contents of dir /Qt-5.15/lib to /sysroot-cross/usr/lib Test application camtest: if you don't have/want directfb plugin remove from camtest.pro the lines LIBS += -L/sysroot-cross/usr/plugins/gfxdrivers QTPLUGIN += QDirectFBScreen and the lines from main.cpp #include <QtPlugin> Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(qdirectfbscreen) generate makefile by typing /sysroot-cross/bin/qmake -spec /sysroot-cross/usr/mkspecs/qws/linux-imx6-g++ camtest.pro then make you should set and activate your framebuffers with this script ################# snip ################################ fbset -fb /dev/fb0 -g 1024 768 1024 2304 16 echo -n 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/blank fbset -fb /dev/fb1 -g 1024 768 1024 1536 32 echo -n 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb1/blank modprobe galcore modprobe uvcvideo modprobe mxc_v4l2_capture ################# snip ################################ if you use directfb then your /etc/directfbrc file should look like this: ######################## snip /etc/directfbrc ############# system=fbdev fbdev=/dev/fb1 mode=1024x768 depth=32 pixelformat=ARGB no-cursor window-surface-policy=systemonly ######################## snip /etc/directfbrc ############# to start the application with directfb: ./camtest -qws -display directfb without directfb using linuxfb: ./camtest -qws -display linuxfb:/dev/fb1 Notes about application: 1. The application shows 2 webcams in background-framebuffer (BG-FB). The foreground-framebuffer (FG-FB) shows the qt-gui. FG-FB is configured to be fully opaque and uses color-keying. On the BG-FB one cam is overlayed on the other cam using IPU. Optimization possibilities: the app copies the frames from the cams with memcpy. This wouldn't be necessary, when the kernel usb-webcam interface (uvc) would support V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR method. through this way, you could pass the mapped IPU mmapped inbufs directly to v4l2 output buffers. If you get errors like NOSPC (-28) from uvc, this is a limitation of USB. My board is a MX6QSabre, where the two webcams are connected to the same usb-controller. With both webcams I had to limit the frame size to 320x250 and 160x120 at 25Hz. You might try higher res if you have other type of webcams (not usb). Have fun  
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Use case: iMX8QXP system can be a video input source to another system.   Hardware Pins: LCDIF_D00 ~ LCDIF_D07 LCDIF_CLK LCDIF_VSYNC LCDIF_HSYNC LCDIF_EN   Reference patch: It is based on L5.4.70_2.3.0 GA BSP.  File: L5.4.70_2.3.0-iMX8QXP-LCDIF-add-YUV422-8-bits-output.patch Customer can change the timing parameters in file "panel-lcdif-yuv422.c" as needed, the default timing is a 1280x720 P30 mode: static const struct display_timing yuv422_lcd_timing = {     .pixelclock = { 74250000, 74250000, 74250000 },     .hactive = { 1280, 1280, 1280 },     .hfront_porch = { 220, 220, 220 },     .hback_porch = { 110, 110, 110 },     .hsync_len = { 40, 40, 40 },     .vactive = { 720, 720, 720 },     .vfront_porch = { 20, 20, 20 },     .vback_porch = { 5, 5, 5 },     .vsync_len = { 5, 5, 5 },     .flags = DISPLAY_FLAGS_DE_HIGH, };   Test application: drm_test_yuv.zip: it can set framebuffer to UYVY mode, in this case, no CSC is needed, the data in framebuffer memory will be same as output on display data interface. drm_test_rgb.zip: it can set framebuffer to RGBA mode, in this case, RGB to YUV CSC is needed, application can draw RGB data into framebuffer as normal, the LCDIF will convert it to YUV422 format on the fly, then output the YUV data to display interface.    
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This doc share one OpenGL ES sample code, it is running on i.MX8 MEK board with QNX SDP7.1. HW: i.MX8 MEK board, HDMI display SW: QNX SDP7.1, i.MX8 MEK board BSP, and this sample code   This sample code will draw 3D object model, and with some animation. Reference: https://www.nxp.com/products/processors-and-microcontrollers/arm-processors/i-mx-applications-processors/i-mx-8-processors/i-mx-8-family-arm-cortex-a53-cortex-a72-virtualization-vision-3d-graphics-4k-video:i.MX8 https://github.com/NXPmicro/gtec-demo-framework https://github.com/syoyo/tinyobjloader-c https://github.com/nothings/stb https://3dhaupt.com/futuristic-car-game-ready-download/ https://wallpapersafari.com/w/Y5JZNh https://www.pngwing.com/en/free-png-ysaus https://www.shadertoy.com/view/Ms2SWW#
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In this doc will show how to use i.MX8QXP DPU do image warp.   SW: i.MX Linux BSP L5.4.24_2.1.0 bsp release and patch in this doc HW: i.MX8QXP MEK board, ov5640 camera, HDMI display   Introduction Image Warping is the process of digitally manipulating image data such that the image’s projection precisely matches a specific projection surface or shape.   i.MX8QXP DPU controller could do image warp work by its blit engine and display engine. I choose to enable blit engine’s fetchwarp9 unit to do warp work. Check i.MX8QXP RM, Blit Engine support Image Warp as: “Performs a re-sampling of the source image with any pattern. The sample point positions are read from a compressed coordinate buffer.” So you need prepare two input buffers, one buffer store original image data, the other buffer store resample point coordinate, DPU blit engine will read that two buffer by fetchwarp9 unit, then output result image buffer which contain warped image data. Note i.MX8QXP DPU blit engine fetchwarp9 unit, for the input original image buffer, support RGB and YUV 4:4:4 format. The resample point coordinate buffer contents is depend on what kind warp transformation in your use case; and for each resample point coordinate format check i.MX8QXP RM fecthwarp unit description as below. In this doc, using the 2xs12.4 format, each point x coordinate use (12+4) bit, same as y coordinate.   For DPU fetchwarp9 unit, to enable it work for image warp, check i.MX8QXP RM:   2.Patch notes and test code imx8-dpu-warp-kernel.diff contain the kernel side change for drm ioctl api permission and add vmap function of ion dma_buf_ops. libg2d.so contain the binary for adding warp feature. g2d.h is header file which add define for G2D_WARP and G2D_YUV4. imx8-ov5640-dpu-warp-render.c is a sample code which show how to call g2d lib to image warp, need open the G2D_WARP flag. And this code contain some example calculate the coordinate buffer of rotate, swirl, barrel distortion, affine transformation, perspective transformation, wave transformation. And this code will show read camera input frame then add warp process , then render warp image frame to display.   The test cmd usage as below, read 1080P frame from ov5640 camera, do warp then render warp image to drm plane. Note as dpu fetchwarp9 unit support YUV 4:4:4 input image frame, so below cmd need set parameter YUV4, which will ask ISI driver output YUV 4:4:4 image frame. imx8-ov5640-dpu-warp-render  -i /dev/video0 -f YUV4  -S 1920,1080  -M imx-drm -p 91:38 -F XB24  -b 6  -e g2d  -t 5         -i <video-node> set video node (default: /dev/video0)         -f <fourcc>     set input format using 4cc         -S <width,height>       set input resolution         -s <width,height>@<left,top>    set crop area         -M <drm-module> set DRM module         -o <connector_id>:<crtc_id>:<mode>      set a mode         -p <connector_id>:<crtc_id>     output to a plane         -F <fourcc>     set output format using 4cc         -t <warptype>   set 0 neutual 1 rotate 2 swirl 3 divisionmodel 4 affine 5 perpsptive 6 wave         -b buffer_count set number of buffers        3.Example original image:                     Reference: https://www.nxp.com/webapp/Download?colCode=IMX8DQXPRM https://www.nxp.com/webapp/Download?colCode=L5.4.24_2.1.0_MX8QXPC0&appType=license https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image_geometry_correction https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/dri-devel/2012-March/019778.html https://store.kde.org/p/1246558 https://github.com/ImageMagick/ImageMagick        
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