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The demonstration aims at how to protect the NDEF messages in the NTAG, here we use OM5569-NT322ER | NTAG I2C plus Explorer Kit + reader | NXP  as this dev kit contains NTAG as well as the NFC reader. The NTAG I2C plus has the unprotected memory starting from page 04h of sector 0, and NDEF messages are stored there. Referring to 8.3.11 of the data sheet, AUTH0 specifies the starting page to be protected, ACCESS[NFC_PROT] enables read&write password protection from NFC interface, PWD and PACK are for password configuration, but before changing any of above , you have to do a password authentication as below: Then you may select sector 0 and read the contents starting from E3h. Here FFh is the default value for AUTH0.  Now you may change the AUTH0,ACCESS[NFC_PROT] , PWD and PACK as you wish, for example, something like below: read the data from E3h to E6h and change the corresponding bytes in one write. The video shows how to read the NDEF message under password protection.  
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Hello NFC Community, This document describes how to write multiple NDEF Text Record by making use of NFC TagWriter app by NXP. First of all, download the TagWriter app from the Play Store: NFC TagWriter by NXP - Apps on Google Play  1) Once downloaded, go to the Write tags section. 2) In this case, a NDEF text record will be written. 3) Write a text message in the TextBox and press the Save & Write Button. 4) Now, press the ADD MORE RECORD Button so that another record can be added to the content to be written in the tag. 5) Select Plain Text again.   6) Same, procedure as in 3. 7) Finally, Tap the card and press the DONE Button. I hope this is of great help! Ivan R.
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When the PNEV5180B cannot work with the Cockpit, you can re-program the firmware to the board. Below are the steps show you how to program the firmware to the board again. 1. If you don't have the MCUXpresso, please download the MCUXpresso from the NXP web first. MCUXpresso Software and Tools for ARM® Cortex®-M cores|NXP  2. Install the MCUXpresso IDE v10.0.0 to your PC. 3. Configure PNEV5180 board to use external power supply J101, and then power up the board. There is 10-pin ARM Cortex header on the PNEV5180B , connect  LPC-Link2 debug probe to it (J7) by using flat cable and also connect debug probe to the PC host over USB mini cable - both jumper on debug probe are open (JP1 and JP2). 4. Start MCUXpresso IDE and import any LPC1769 project from filesystem. For example: This is important to give programmer right definitions. SW3522 can be downloaded from here : NFC Reader Library v4.040.05.011646 R1 for PNEV5180B including all software examples  5. After import the SW3522, you can try to build the example and run the example on your board. e.g. NfcrdlibEx1_BasicDiscoveryLoop. Click LinkServer GUI Flash programmer icon on the main menu. When started programmer tool will check if LPC-Link2 debug probe is attached. 6. Browse to the C:\nxp\NxpNfcCockpit_v4.0.0.0\firmware\Secondary_PN5180\BootLoader_And_Nfcrdlib_SimplifiedAPI_EMVCo_Secondary.bin. Set the Base address to 0x0. 7. Flash Write Done. 8. After this, reset the board and to start NFCCockpit v4.0.0.0. The board will be recognized. P.S. The board is connected to PC via VCOM. If there is any driver issue, please try to re-install the VCOM driver and restart the PC. The VCOM driver can be found in the C:\nxp\NxpNfcCockpit_v4.0.0.0\VCOM.
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Demo for Originality Signature Verification(AN11350)
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As NFC reader library 5.12 also supports PN5180, switching the NFC frontend from CLRC663 to PN5180 is quite easy based on previous porting. The porting also includes the hardware settings and software modification. Hardware Setup for porting: a) Remove resistors on PNEV5180B to disconnect the onboard lpc1769 from PN5180, following steps on page 16 of  b) Connect LPCXpresso board for LPC11U37 with PNEV5180 as below: Software Modification for porting: 1. Make a copy of Board_Lpc11u37Rc663.h , and change its name to "Board_Lpc11u37Pn5180.h", and import it into the DAL/boards folder. 2.Change the source code in the header file as below: 3. Add two more pins' definition and configuration for BUSY and DWL pins of PN5180, and new configuration for reset pin. and modify the reset logic: 4.Change the IRQ interrupt trigger type to rising edge. 5.Include this header file in BoardSelection.h 6.Add this new configuration in ph_NxpBuild_App.h 7.Add this new configuration in phApp_Init.h 8.Add this new configuration in ph_NxpBuild_Platform.h 9.Add this new configuration in Settings. 10.Building result: Testing result:
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Hello NFC community,  as you may know the The PN7462 family consists of 32-bit Arm® Cortex®-M0-based NFC microcontrollers offering high performance and low power consumption. It has a simple instruction set and memory addressing along with a reduced code size compared to existing architectures. PN7462 family offers an all-in-one-solution, with features such as NFC, supporting all NFC Forum modes, microcontroller, optional contact smart card reader, and software in a single chip. It operates at CPU frequencies of up to 20 MHz. and  MIFARE® Ultralight-based tickets offer an ideal solution for low-cost, high-volume applications such as public transport, loyalty cards and event ticketing. They serve as a perfect contactless replacement for magnetic stripe, barcode, or QR-code systems. The introduction of the contactless MIFARE Ultralight® ICs for limited-use applications can lead to reduced system installation and maintenance costs. As you may know the MIFARE family has the Ultralight C tag which is a contactless IC supporting 3DES cryptography is mostly used in limited use applications such smart ticketing, this tag complies with ISO 14443-3 type A and it is defined as type 2 tag. In this document I am going to show you how to modify an example that is provided in the NXP Reader Library to authenticate to a not personalized Mifare Ultralight C and perform a Read operation. Materials: PN7462 or PNEV7462 ( this is the evaluation board  from NXP) PN7462 Reader library Mifare Ultralight C Mifare Ultralight C Data sheet MCUXpresso First we are going to go to  NfcrdlibEx4_MIFAREClassic.c, I am going to explain as much as I can with comments in the code and add some information here we are going to  add the following include: #define MFULC_READ_DATA_SIZE 16 /* Number of bytes that is read by MIFARE Ultralight Read command */ #define MFULC_USER_MEMORY_BEGIN 0x04 /* Number of bytes that is read by MIFARE Ultralight Read command */ #define MFULC_PAGE_SIZE 0x04 /* Size of page of MIFARE Ultralight card */ #define KEYCOUNT 0x7FU /* number of keys */ #define KEYVERSIONS 0x01U /* number of key versions */ #define RAND_KEY_2K3DES_ADDRESS 0x01U /* Random 2K3DES key address in keystore */ #define RAND_KEY_2K3DES_VERSION 0x00U /* Random 2K3DES key version in keystore */ #define UL_C_KEY_ADDRESS 0x02U /* Ultralight C key address in keystore */ #define UL_C_KEY_VERSION 0x00U /* Ultralight C key version in keystore */ #define KEY_POSITION 0x00U /* Key position */ ‍ ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ after this in the Global Variable declaration section we will have to add the following: phCryptoSym_Sw_DataParams_t cryptoEnc; /* CryptoSym parameter structure for ENC */ phCryptoSym_Sw_DataParams_t cryptoSymRng; /* CryptoSym parameter structure for SymRng */ phCryptoRng_Sw_DataParams_t cryptoRng; /* CryptoRng parameter structure for Rng */ phKeyStore_Sw_DataParams_t keyStore; /* KeyStore parameter structure */ static uint8_t gaUlcKey[] = {0x49, 0x45, 0x4D, 0x4B, 0x41, 0x45, 0x52, 0x42, 0x21, 0x4E, 0x41, 0x43, 0x55, 0x4F, 0x59, 0x46}; phacDiscLoop_Sw_DataParams_t * pDiscLoop; /* Discovery loop component */ void *psKeyStore; void *psalMFUL; void *ppalMifare;‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ the variable static uint8_t gaUlcKey[] = {0x49, 0x45, 0x4D, 0x4B, 0x41, 0x45, 0x52, 0x42, 0x21, 0x4E, 0x41, 0x43, 0x55, 0x4F, 0x59, 0x46}; this is the key for default in the Mifare Ultralight c as stated in the datasheet section 7.5.6 this is a reference for the key we should be using. Then we are going to change the PAL variables /*PAL variables*/ phKeyStore_Sw_KeyEntry_t aKeyEntry[KEYCOUNT]; phKeyStore_Sw_KeyVersionPair_t aKeyVersion[KEYCOUNT * KEYVERSIONS]; phKeyStore_Sw_KUCEntry_t aKeyUsageCounter[KEYCOUNT]; uint8_t bDataBuffer[DATA_BUFFER_LEN]; /* universal data buffer */ uint8_t bSak; /* SAK card type information */ uint16_t wAtqa; /* ATQA card type information */ ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ then we are going to change this in line 131 psalMFC = phNfcLib_GetDataParams(PH_COMP_AL_MFC);‍‍‍ to psalMFUL = phNfcLib_GetDataParams(PH_COMP_AL_MFUL);‍‍‍ so this get the MIFARE Ultralight AL-Components, then after this line we are going to add  ppalMifare = phNfcLib_GetDataParams(PH_COMP_PAL_MIFARE);‍‍‍  then we are going to erase the Mifare classic  functionality to avoid any kind of error due to Mifare classic not being present in the field.and add the following: First we are going to proceed with the Authentication part, we are going tu use the API phalMful_UlcAuthenticate(pDataParams, wKeyNumber, wKeyVersion);  the first  parameter is the structure pointing to the tag that was activated by the discoveryloop, then the key address and last the  version of the key. as you can see we do not send the key we only tell the tag where is the key stored and the version if it was updated. to ensure the confidentiality of the communication. /* Authenticate with the Key even if no memory of Ultralight Card is restricted by Authentication access Authentication with correct key provides access to any part of the memory (beside key storage) . */ /* Send authentication for entire Ultralight C */ status = phalMful_UlcAuthenticate(psalMFUL, UL_C_KEY_ADDRESS, UL_C_KEY_VERSION); /* Check for Status */ if ((status & PH_ERR_MASK) != PH_ERR_SUCCESS) { /* Print Error info */ DEBUG_PRINTF("\nAuthentication Failed!!!"); DEBUG_PRINTF("\nPlease correct the used key"); DEBUG_PRINTF("\nExecution aborted!!!\n"); break; } DEBUG_PRINTF("\nAuthentication Successful"); /* ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ after this the status should be  OK  and no error found, if you have an error in this please check that the card you are using was not tampered before and changed the key or if you distributor delivered a configured key please be sure to use the correct key. then we are going to proceed to the Read operation: phalMful_Read(pDataParams, bAddress, pData) as you can see  the first parameter is the same as authentication because we are still talking to the same tag,  the MFULC_USER_MEMORY_BEGIN its value is 04 this is because as you can see in the datasheet section 7.5 Memory organization the user memory starts in page 4 and ends in page 39 so we just want to read the first page of the tag and the bDataBuffer variable will store the received information. /* *************** READ operation ****************************** */ /* Empty the bDataBuffer */ memset(bDataBuffer, '\0', DATA_BUFFER_LEN); DEBUG_PRINTF("\n\nRead data from page %d, %d, %d, %d", MFULC_USER_MEMORY_BEGIN, MFULC_USER_MEMORY_BEGIN + 1, MFULC_USER_MEMORY_BEGIN + 2, MFULC_USER_MEMORY_BEGIN + 3); /* Read data from custom */ status = phalMful_Read(psalMFUL, MFULC_USER_MEMORY_BEGIN, bDataBuffer); /* Check for Status */ if (status != PH_ERR_SUCCESS) { /* Print Error info */ DEBUG_PRINTF("\nRead operation failed!!!\n"); DEBUG_PRINTF("\nExecution aborted!!!\n\n"); break; /* Break from the loop*/ } DEBUG_PRINTF("\nRead Success"); DEBUG_PRINTF("\nThe content of page %d is:\n", MFULC_USER_MEMORY_BEGIN); phApp_Print_Buff(&bDataBuffer[0], MFULC_READ_DATA_SIZE);‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ and that is all of our project, this is a simple project but can help a lot of people to understand how to work with Mifare Ultralight C using the PN7462 and then help people to start doing more complex examples based on this project. if you want to know how to configure a Mifare Ultralight c product using our PEGODA reader please check the document I posted called "Mifare Ultralight C - Changing default password and protecting page address". if you have any questions please let me know. BR Jonathan
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AN13189 provides guidelines for the integration of PN7160 NXP NCI-based NFC controller to an Android platform from software perspective. But some developers found some compile issues when integrating PN7160 NFC package into Android 11.   This article describes how to fix the build error when you integrating PN7160 NXP NCI-based NFC controller to Android 11 system.  You need to follow the AN13189 (PN7160 Android porting guide ) first.  After you run the installation script, the following modification should be added to the source code. 1) Open package/apps/Nfc/nci/jni/Android.bp Add  "-DNXP_EXTNS=TRUE",   2 )  open system/nfc/src/Android.bp Add   "-DNXP_EXTNS=TRUE",     3 )   open packages/apps/Nfc/src/com/android/nfc/ And add this: between isNfcSecureEnabled and setNfcSecure methods:             @Override         public IBinder getNfcAdapterVendorInterface(String vendor) {             if(vendor.equalsIgnoreCase("nxp")){                     return (IBinder) mNfcAdapter;             } else {                    return null;             }         }     Next, follow AN13189, complete the following steps in section 4.2. Then you can build the package successfully.  Thanks  @andraz_skupek .      
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This post contains a guide of how to use the NFC Reader Library with LPC845 using the Basic Discovery Loop example. The vanilla Basic Discovery Loop example is larger than the flash size of LPC845 (64KB), so the project needs to be reduced in size as well. How to reduce the size is explained in section “Porting the NFC Reader Library and reducing the size of project” A ready to use package “lpcxpresso845max_Basic_Discovery_Loop” example from the NFC Reader Library to be run on LPC845 and CLRC663 plus frontend is attached with this document. This document is structured as follows:   Overview of LPC845 The LPCXpresso-MAX family of boards provides a powerful and flexible development system for NXP's low-end Arm® Cortex®-M0+ based MCUs. They can be used with a range of development tools, including the MCUXpresso IDE toolchain. The LPCXpresso845-MAX board was created to enable evaluation of and prototyping with the LPC84x family of MCUs. Based on the Arm® Cortex®-M0+ core, LPC845 is a low-cost, 32-bit MCU family operating at frequencies of up to 30 MHz. The LPC845 MCU contains 64 KB of flash memory and 16 KB of SRAM.  Hardware Requirements Following hardware is required to run the project: LPCXpresso845-MAX development board. CLEV6630B board or BLE-NFC-V2 board. Both boards contain CLRC663 plus frontend. Here we use BLE-NFC-V2.   Connections Connect the two boards as follows: Porting the NFC Reader Library and reducing the size of Project: The porting of Basic Discovery Loop Example (NFC Reader Library) to LPC845 Max was done following the procedure mentioned in “NFC Reader Library Porting to i.MX RT1050” document. However, after completing the porting and building the project, the size of the binary, which is 134.264 KB, is greater than the size of Flash of LPC845 which is 64KB of flash. To reduce the size of the project, the following two steps were taken: 1. Apply compiler optimization for size. This can be done in the MCUXpresso by: Opening properties of project. Right Click project-   >Properties Go to Settings->Optimization. For Optimization Level choose “Optimize for Size” Building the project after this step results in a successful build but the project takes up 93% of all Flash, leaving very little space for adding more functionality. 2. The vanilla Basic discovery loop example detects all types of NFC tags. This increases our code size, so further size reduction can be achieved by limiting the number of protocols used. To limit our Basic Discovery loop to only look for Type A tags, do the following: Open the file “ph_NxpBuild_App.h” file which is inside in the “intfs” folder. This file defines the protocols (types) which are detected by the Basic Discovery Loop example. The type A cards uses the “ISO 14443-3A” protocol, so comment out all other protocol definitions except for “ISO 14443-3A” protocol as shown in Figure.   Building the project after this step takes up only 42.784KB of space consuming 65% of the Flash, leaving sufficient amount of space for adding application code.   Running Basic Discovery Loop on LPC845 If this is the first time you’re using the LPCXpresso845 Max board, follow the getting started guide first ->  LPC845Max | NXP . Make sure to install the SDK package LPCXpresso845 Max which is required for the project below to run. Download the “lpcxpresso845max_Basic_Discovery_Loop” package which you will find attached to this post. Drag and drop the downloaded package to the “Project Explorer” tab of your MCUXpresso IDE workspace (If you don’t have MCUXpresso, it can be downloaded for free from here: ) Now that the package has been imported to the MCUXpresso IDE (via drag and drop), click on Debug icon from the Quickstart panel to begin a debug session. Once the debug session has started, click on the run icon to run the code: After step 4, the project should be running now. The output “BasicDiscoveryLoop Example” can be seen in the console. The project contains basic discovery loop functionality. Bring any NFC card near the frontend’s RF antenna and the output console will show the detection and type of the card. Running other examples from NFC Reader Library on LPC845: Once the “lpcxpresso845max_Basic_Discovery_Loop” project is running on the LPC845, running other examples from NFC Reader Library is simple. Here we use the “NfcrdlibEx9_NTagI2C” example from the reader library to describe the process. In “intfs” folder remove everything except the “phaApp_Init.h” file. Then go to the “intfs” folder of the NFC Reader Library example you want to run (“NfcrdlibEx9_NTagI2C” in this case), and copy all the files except “phaApp_Init.h” and paste them in the original “intfs” folder.  In line 57 of the “ph_NxpBuild_App.h” file in “intfs” folder, replace  Go to “source” folder and remove every file except “phApp_Init.c“ and “semihost_hardfault.c” files. Then go to “src” folder of the example you want to run (“NfcrdlibEx9_NTagI2C” in this case) and copy all the files except “phaApp_Init.c” and paste them into the “source” folder.  Finally, copy the main file of the example you want to run (NfcrdlibEx9_NTagI2C in this case) and paste it into the “source” folder as well. The project is ready to build and run on LPC845. Available Resources: Porting NFC Reader Library to i.MX RT1050. (Detailed Description of porting) NFC Reader Library  NFC Reader Library | NXP  LPC845 Max  LPCXpresso845-MAX Board for LPC84x Microcontrollers (MCUs) | NXP 
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The latest NFC reader library for CLRC663 just supports LPCXpresso1769 and FRDM-K82 boards, so when customers want to porting the library to other host controller, they have to make a custom board at first, or use OM26630FDK and make a little hardware modification by following the steps described in to connect the frontend board with host controller board, but today we will discuss an alternative way. The CLEV663B Blueboard is a pure NFC frontend board, and it supports connecting with LPCXpresso board not limited with LPC1769, the main difference with OM26630FDK is the reader IC, which is CLRC663 not CLRC663 plus, but fortunately they are pin to pin compatible, so we may replace it with CLRC663 plus, and use that board for porting purpose. Before: After: please forgive my poor soldering skill... With this new board and LPC1769 Xpresso board, you may run the latest 5.12 NFC reader library, for example, the NfcrdlibEx1_BasicDiscoveryLoop demo. but you might have the following issue: This is due to ver 5.12 use another set of IO pins to connect with the reader IC, modify pin definitions in Board_Lpc1769Rc663.h can fix this issue. The final result is as below: Please note, it is recommended using NFC reader library ver 4.03 to test the hardware including CLEV663B and LPC1769Xpresso before replacing with CLRC663 plus, and you know, CLEV663B Blueboard is just optimized for CLRC663 , so the matching circuit is not the best for CLRC663 plus, it is just good enough to run the demo, so that we may know if the porting is successful, but if you want to have the best performance with CLRC663 plus, you have to redo the antenna tuning, and you may refer to for more details on that topic.
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Please kindly refer to the attachment for details.   Hope that helps,
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The code is based on the application note It mostly shows how to communicate between LPC1769 and RC663 via SPI based on board CLEV6630B without library and which Register have to be set to send a REQA (NTAG21x).
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--The document consists of the following: Step 1. Connections And Firmware Version Step 2. Updating FW On PC Windows 10 Step 3. Updating FW On VMplayer16.0 + Ubuntu 20.04 Step 4. Updating FW On i.MX8MN-EVK With Embedded L5.4.70_2.3.0 BSP Step 5. Confirming whether update is successful using cockpit4.8 --About Cockpit There are several different versions of cockpit, and each version can only recognize the same version of firmware. --Reference Materials 1. 2.       NXP CAS-TIC team Weidong Sun 04-15-2021  
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This post contains step by step guide of how to use NTAG I²C plus with i.MX RT MCUs. The goal of this post is to enable developers to start developing their NFC Applications using NTAG I²C plus and i.MX RT MCUs quickly and easily. Attached with this post are two ready to use packages: ‘evkbimxrt1060_ntagI2C’ is to be used with MIMXRT1060-EVK and NTAG I²C plus kit for Arduino pinout. ‘evkbimxrt1050_ntagI2C’ is to be used with MIMXRT1050-EVK and NTAG I²C plus kit for Arduino pinout. Both packages contain the same example code but are configured for the two different boards. The example code demonstrates the following basic operations: Reading the EEPROM of NTAG I²C plus. Writing NTAG messages to NTAG I²C plus. Reading SRAM of NTAG I²C plus. Writing to SRAM of NTAG I²C plus. Using Field detect pin as interrupt to turn on an LED when an RF field is detected by the NTAG I²C board. The document has been structured as follows: NTAG I²C plus kit for Arduino pinout The NTAG I²C plus Arduino kit consist of two PCBs stacked together: The upper PCB is the antenna board with the connected tag The lower PCB is an interface adaptor board to the Arduino pinout This kit can be used to connect and evaluate the NTAG I²C plus  into many popular MCUs with Arduino compliant headers, for example:  Kinetis (e.g. KW41Z, i.MX (e.g. UDOO Neo, i.MX 6UL, i.MX 6 ULL, i.MX 7D), LPC MCUs (e.g. LPCXpresso MAX, V2 and V3 boards) and i.MX RT boards (e.g. i.MX RT1050, i.MX RT1060) The kit support package includes several software examples. The OM29110ARD is a generic interface board which offers support for connection to any PCB implementing Arduino connectors. It exposes: 3.3V and 5V power supply pins. I2C, SPI and UART host interfaces. Generic GPIOs (e.g. to be used for field detect, interrupts, reset pins or others) As such, it allows the NTAG I²C plus to be plugged into Arduino devices seamlessly. Hardware Requirements EVKB-IMXRT1050 board or EVKB-IMXRT1060 board. NTAG I²C plus kit for Arduino pinout (OM23221ARD) Cables: Micro USB cable 6 jumper wires Male to Female (Only required if using EVKB-IMXRT1050 board) Using NTAG I²C plus kit for Arduino pinout with EVKB-IMXRT1060 Hardware Connections The hardware connections are simple. Both the EVKB-IMXRT1060 board and OM23221ARD (NTAG I²C plus) board have Arduino interface. So simply connect both as shown in figure:  Running the Demo Follow the below mentioned steps to run the demo: Download the ‘evkbimxrt1060_ntagI2C’ package which you will find attached to this post.  Drag and drop the downloaded package to your MCUXpresso IDE workspace (If you don’t have MCUXpresso, it can be downloaded for free from here: Now that the package has been imported to the MCUXpresso IDE, click on Debug icon from the Quickstart panel to begin a debug session. Once the debug session has started click on the run icon to run the code:                                 Note:  If this is your first time using IMXRT1060EVK board, it is recommended to follow the getting started guide first ( i.MX RT1060 Evaluation Kit | NXP  ) To see the output, you need to have a terminal application installed (like Tera term or PuTTY). The output looks like this:                                                    Using NTAG I²C plus kit for Arduino pinout with EVKB-IMXRT1050 Hardware Connections In case of EVKB-IMXRT1050, the I2C pins on the Arduino interface’s J24 pin 9 and 10 are only connected to the i.MX RT slave I²C port, not to a master I²C port. So, we cannot just plug in the NTAG I²C plus kit, instead we need to connect two boards with the help of jumper wires. The connections required are show in figure below.                                Running the Demo Download the ‘evkbimxrt1050_ntagI2C’ package which you will find attached to this post. Drag and drop the downloaded package to your MCUXpresso IDE workspace (If you don’t have MCUXpresso, it can be downloaded for free from here: Now that the package has been imported to the MCUXpresso IDE, click on Debug icon from the Quickstart panel to begin a debug session. Once the debug session has started click on the run icon to run the code:                                Note:  If this is your first time using IMXRT1050EVK board, it is recommended to follow the getting started guide first ( i.MX RT1050 Evaluation Kit | NXP  ) To see the output, you need to have a terminal application installed (like Tera term or PuTTY). The output looks like this:                                            Porting the Package to any other i.MX RT Boards    If you want to use NTAG I²C plus with i.MX RT boards other than the i.MX RT1050 or the i.MX RT1060, then you’ve       to port the example package. This is fairly straightforward and the procedure is described below: Import the ‘hello world’ project from the SDK of the board to which you want to port the package. (SDKs for every board are freely available for download from the MCUXpresso SDK Builder website).We will modify this ‘hello world’ project adding code from attached packages, to make it work on the desired board.                                     Copy the following folders from the attached ‘evkbimxrt1060_ntagI2C’ or ‘evkbimxrt1050_ntagI2C’ package to the ‘hello world’ project imported in step 1:                               Copy the two files to the ‘drivers’ folder of ‘hello world’ project: Delete the ‘hello_world.c’ file from the source folder: Now copy the following preprocessor micros from ‘evkbimxrt1060_ntagI2C’ or ‘evkbimxrt1050_ntagI2C’ package to ‘hello world’ project:      Preprocessor settings can be found by right clicking Project-Properties>C++Build > Settings  Now we need to change the project configuration:        a.  Add the newly copied folders to source location; Right click on Project->Properties and add the following        folders:    b.  Include paths to the added libraries in the project. These can be copied from the from ‘evkbimxrt1060_ntagI2C’ or ‘evkbimxrt1050_ntagI2C’ package. Open project->properties and copy the following in the respective places as shown in the images:  Change pin configurations according to the board pins you are using:             a. For changing field detect pin, the code can be found in the source file:                   b. For I2C instance, the lines of code are in app_ntag->app_ntag.h:              c. These pins also need to be initialized which can be done through the pin initialization tool of MCUXpresso or code can be added to the ‘board.c’ file in ‘board’ folder. Once these changes are done, porting is complete. Build the project, it should build without any errors. Available resources BLE pairing with NFC on KW41 and NTAG I²C plus source code NTAG I²C plus kit for Arduino pinout    
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DISCLAIMER APPLICABLE TO THIS DOCUMENT CONTENTS: This post contains a guide of how to use i.MXRT1050 demoboard with other NXP demoboards to demonstrate Secure access to industrial IOT, using NFC, embedded secure element and MCU (see picture below). A ready to use package including preparation of a secure element, and of a MIFARE DESFire EV2 card can be used as 3-step authentication example using symmetric AES keys; a session key will be generated inside SE050 which will be exported to i.MXRT1050 which will handle contactless communication thru CLRC663 plus frontend. This document is structured as follows: Hardware Requirements: Following hardware is required to run the project: i.MXRT1050 EVKB development board plus referred TFT LCD Display BLE-NFC-V2 arduino-friendly board. OM-SE050ARD, embedded secure element arduino-friendly R3 board.   1. Overview of i.MXRT1050 EVKB: The i.MXRT1050 EVKB development board provides the ideal platform for evaluation of and development with the i.MX RT1050 crossover processor, featuring NXP’s advanced implementation of the Arm ® Cortex ® -M7 core. The i.MX RT1050 EVK is a 4-layer through-hole USB-powered PCB. The board includes a high performance onboard debug probe, audio subsystem and accelerometer, with several options for adding off-the-shelf add-on boards for networking, sensors, display and other interfaces. This core operates at speeds up to 600 MHz to provide high CPU performance and best real-time response. Support for Amazon FreeRTOS ™ available within the MCUXpresso SDK.The i.MX RT1050 EVK board is now supported by Arm ® Mbed ™ OS and Zephyr ™ OS, both open source embedded operating systems for developing the Internet of Things. i.MXRT1050 EVKB board supported devices Processors and Microcontrollers i.MX RT Series i.MX-RT1050 : i.MX RT1050 Crossover Processor with Arm ® Cortex ® -M7 core Sensors 6-Axis FXOS8700CQ : Digital Motion Sensor - 3D Accelerometer (±2g/±4g/±8g) + 3D Magnetometer Interfaces USB PD-PHY and CC-Logic PTN5110 : USB PD TCPC PHY IC Power Management Load Switches NX3P190UK : Logic controlled high-side power switch NX5P3090UK : USB PD and type C current-limited power switch The i.MXRT1050 EVKB is fully supported by the MCUXpresso suite of tools, which provides device drivers, middleware and examples to allow rapid development, plus configuration tools and an optional free IDE. MCUXpresso software is compatible with tools from popular tool vendors such as Arm and IAR, and the i.MXRT1050 EVKB may also be used with the popular debug probes available from SEGGER and P&E Micro.   As final touch to this demonstrator, one LCD display will be added in order to show "access control" check result when approaching a MIFARE DESFire EV2 card to the Reader antenna, without the use of a computer console.Connection between i.MXRT1050 EVKB board and LCD Display requires attachment of two flat cables, one for touch-screeen functionality and the other for controlling Display itself.   Click here to order Touchscreen LCD Display thru buy direct:                                          P/N: RK043FN02H-CT 12NC:935358709598   2. BLE-NFC-V2: It is easier to use the BLE-NFC-V2 board due to four Arduino compliant male connectors. Current version has only double row-male connectors which imposes that BLE-NFC-V2 board will be the last board stacked on top of other arduino boards. The following figure shows the pin mapping between the two boards.   Pin Function i.MXRT1050  (Arduino connector # - Pin #) CLRC663 plus NFC BLE V2 (Arduino connector # - Pin #) MOSI J24-5 MOSI J10-P14 MISO J24-4 MISO J10-P12 SPI CLK J24-6 SCK J10-P10 SPI CS J24-3 SSEL J10-P16 RESET J22-6 CLRCL_NRST J12-P6 IRQ J22-5 IRQ J12-P8 IFSEL0 J24-7 GND IF0 Via R11 IFSEL1 J25-4 VCC IF1 Via R9 GND J25-6 GND GND J11-P11   Connections between i.MXRT1050 EVKB Board and NFC BLE V2   3 OM-SE050ARD: SE050 Arduino ® Compatible Development Kit The OM-SE050ARD is the flexible and easy-to-use development kit for the EdgeLock™ SE050 Plug & Trust product family. It can be used in various ways for example via the Arduino interface compatible to any board featuring an Arduino compatible header, including many i.MX, LPC and Kinetis ® boards, or via a direct I 2 C connection. This kit allows evaluation of the SE050 product family features and simplifies the development of secure IoT applications. More information can be found in the respective Application Note AN12395. Preparing hardware for "Secure Access to Industrial IOT demo" at i.MXRT1050 EVKB   Reworking i.MXRT1050 EVKB: It is necessary to short circuit 4 empty resistor pads: R278, R279, R280 and R281 – they connect SPI from i.MX1050 until Arduino SPI pads, which will be used by NFC BLE V2 board.   Reworking NFC-BLE V2 board: It is necessary to cut at least one male pin to avoid conflict with OM-SE050ARD board (better would be to cut first 2 pins):   Configuring OM-SE050ARD board jumpers:     Final HW configuration of these three boards altogether: Since NFC BLE V2 has only male connectors, OMSE050ARD board is first connected to i.MX1050 EVKB, then NFC BLE V2 is plugged on top of this latest pcb.       Running "Secure Access to Industrial IOT demo" at i.MXRT1050 EVKB:   If this is the first time you’re using i.MXRT1050 EVKB board, follow this link  i.MXRT1050 board overview . Make sure to install the SDK package for i.MXRT1050 EVKB which is required for the project below to run. Download the following zip package This file is split in two parts and includes 3 functionalities in one MCUxpresso project: Preparation of MFDFEV2 card The touch screen display will offer three functionalities. By default, the first screen will be "Authenticate" functionality. When you choose the arrow to the right, you'll find TAB with word START, that you'll touch when you need to prepare a MIFARE DESFire EV2 card with suitable application and AES keys used for demonstrator. Just place a virgin card on top of Reader antenna, and press "START" button and check with Terminal on MCUxpresso to check sequence of actions to personalize one DESFire EV2 card. You may also use Teraterm to monitor the execution of DESFire card personalization, by inspecting the COM number used by i.MXRT1050 board.     Preparation of SE050 with proper keys    When you choose the arrow to the left once, you'll find TAB with word Authenticate; if you do it again, then you'll the word "START", which you will touch when you need to prepare a virgin OM-SE050ARD demoboardcard with suitable application and AES keys used for demonstrator. Just press "START" button and check with Terminal on MCUxpresso to check sequence of actions to personalize one SE050 board. You may also use Teraterm to monitor the execution of SE050 key provisioning, by inspecting the COM number used by i.MXRT1050 board. After steps 2.a and 2.b have been done to obtain preparation of one Secure element as well as preparation of one MIFARE DESFire EV2 card, then select using < and > keys the Default Display menu, containing word "Authenticate" : just place DESFire EV2 card on top of NFC antenna and press "Authenticate". If the DESFire EV2 card is the one you have personalized, you'll see a Locker icon that will show "Open locker" , that is "Access granted action". If you place other cards, "Locker icon"will stay closed, that is "Access denied". Again, use MCUxpresso Terminal or use Teraterm to monitor the execution of DESFire EV2 authentication steps with SE050 by inspecting the COM number used by i.MXRT1050 board. Available Resources: Application Note Secure Access to Industrial IoT:  Quick start guide to integration of SE050 with i.MXRT1050 i.MXRT1050 EVKB i.MX RT1050 Evaluation Kit | NXP  BLE-NFC-V2 SE050: Porting guidelines of P&T MW to other non-NXP MCU's:  In the attachment area, you'll find:  one bundle zip file split in 2 files: Access and download both files, unzip them in one laptop directory, then you may re-zip them and import in MCUxpresso. They include draft of all three functionalities of secure access to industrial iot hands-on: DESFire EV2 card preparation, SE050 trust provisioning (with keys) and authentication of card with current installed SE050.
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The NXP-NCI example is based on NXP-NCI lib and LPCopen lib, and due to the good consistency, the porting is mainly focus on LPCopen lib switching.   Software setup download lpcopen package via  download SW3241 via;appType=license&amp;location=null&fsrch=1&sr=3&pageNum=1&Parent_n…  import NXP-NCI_LPC11Uxx_example by LPCXpresso v8.1.4.   LPCopen porting remove *.h and *.c in the folder of LPC11Uxx/inc and LPC11Uxx/src. 2.import header files and c files from lpc_chip_11u6x/inc and lpc_chip_11u6x/src to LPC11Uxx/inc and LPC11Uxx/src 3. repeat step 2 , import source files and header files from lpc_board_nxp_lpcxpresso_11u68/inc and lpc_board_nxp_lpcxpresso_11u68/src to Drivers/inc and Drivers/src. 4.Change MCU settings 5.Change project settings. 6.compiling error fixes: 6.1 solution: replace with i2c_11u6x.h 6.2 solution: 6.3 solution: create a template project for LPC11U6x and import the source file of "cr_startup_lpc11u6x.c"   Porting Result   This porting guide is for LPC11U68 Xpresso v2 Rev C, and can also be used a reference when you try to port NXP-NCI examples to other lpcxpresso boards.   Please kindly refer to the attachment for details. Original Attachment has been moved to:
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This post contains a step by step guide of how to use PN7150 with i.MX RT1060. This document is structured as follows: Overview of PN7150 PN7150 is a Plug-and-Play all-in-one NFC solution for easy integration into any OS environment like Linux and Android, reducing Bill of Material (BoM) size and cost. The embedded Arm® Cortex®-M0 microcontroller core is loaded with the integrated firmware, simplifying the implementation as all the NFC real-time constraints, protocols and the device discovery (polling loop) are processed internally. In few NCI commands, the host SW can configure the PN7150 to notify for card or peer detection and start communicating with them. It has the following salient features: Full NFC forum compliancy with small form factor antenna Embedded NFC firmware providing all NFC protocols as pre-integrated feature Direct connection to the main host or microcontroller, by I2C-bus physical and NCI protocol Ultra-low power consumption in polling loop mode Highly efficient integrated power management unit (PMU) allowing direct supply from a Battery Hardware Requirements      1. OM5578/PN7150ARD      2. i.MX RT1060 EVK Evaluation Board + usb micro cable        Using PN7150 with i.MX RT1060 Hardware Connections The hardware connections are simple. Both the EVKB-IMXRT1060 board and OM5578/PN7150ARD board have an Arduino interface. So, mount the PN7150ARD board with male Arduino connector onto the female Arduino connector of the EVKB-IMXRT1060 board.  Running the Demo If this is the first time you’re using EVK-MIMXRT1060 board, follow the getting started guide first: i.MX RT1060 Evaluation Kit | NXP . Make sure to install the SDK package for EVK-MIMXRT1060 board which is required for the project to run.   Download the ‘evkbimxrt1060_PN7150’ package which you will find attached to this post. Drag and drop the downloaded package to the “Project Explorer” tab of your MCUXpresso IDE workspace (If you don’t have MCUXpresso, it can be downloaded for free from here: Now that the package has been imported to the MCUXpresso IDE (via drag and drop), click on Debug icon from the Quickstart panel to begin a debug session. Once the debug session has started, click on the run icon to run the code: After step 3, the project should be running now. The project contains basic discovery loop functionality. Here is how the output looks in the console tab on MCUXpresso: Bring any NFC card near the PN7150 board’s antenna and the output console will show the detection and type of the card. For example, in the picture below, we can see that type 4 card was detected: Available Resources AN11990 NXP-NCI MCUXpresso example document. ( The example project explained in this project was ported to i.MX RT1060 using section 5.3 and 6 of the above mentioned document. PN7150 datasheet ( PN7150 User Manual ( PN7150 NFC Controller SBC Kit User Manual  (
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SPIM module is one of the master interfaces provided by PN7462 , which is a 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0-based NFC microcontroller, and users may use this interface to connect with up to two SPI slave devices. The NFC reader library provides SPIM driver code in phHal/phhalSPIM, and users may directly use the following APIs in their application to implement simple SPI transaction, just like what is done  in the demo of "PN7462AU_ex_phExHif". While this demo has limitation with some SPI nor flash devices, which need a write-read operation in one NSS session, for example, the SPI nor flash device on OM27462 as below: Please note to solder R202 and connect it to 3V3 to make sure nHold pin has pull-up out of POR. The following is one of the command sets this device supports: This command contains 1 write(9F) followed by 3 read operations in one NSS session, but if you implement it with phhalSPIM_Transmit() and phhalSPIM_Receive() as below: status = phhalSPIM_Transmit(PH_EXHIF_HW_SPIM_SLAVE, PH_EXHIF_HW_SPIM_INIT_CRC, PH_EXHIF_HW_SPIM_APPEND_CRC, PH_EXHIF_HW_SPIM_CRC_INIT, 2, cmd_buf, PH_EXHIF_HW_SPIM_CRC_OFFSET);    status = phhalSPIM_Receive(PH_EXHIF_HW_SPIM_SLAVE, PH_EXHIF_HW_SPIM_INIT_CRC, PH_EXHIF_HW_SPIM_CRC_INIT, data_length, dst, PH_EXHIF_HW_SPIM_CRC_OFFSET);" You will have the following result: expected: NSS   \__________________________/ MOSI     CMD A7-A0 MISO                            DATA       actual:                         NSS   \____________||______________/ MOSI     CMD A7-A0 MISO                           DATA so the pulse between the write and read is the problem, and here we have to handle the NSS line manually, with the help of NSS_VAL and NSS_CONTROL bits in SPIM_CONFIG_REG. so the code should be like this:   Assert NSS   status = phhalSPIM_Transmit(PH_EXHIF_HW_SPIM_SLAVE, PH_EXHIF_HW_SPIM_INIT_CRC, PH_EXHIF_HW_SPIM_APPEND_CRC, PH_EXHIF_HW_SPIM_CRC_INIT, 2, cmd_buf, PH_EXHIF_HW_SPIM_CRC_OFFSET);    status = phhalSPIM_Receive(PH_EXHIF_HW_SPIM_SLAVE, PH_EXHIF_HW_SPIM_INIT_CRC, PH_EXHIF_HW_SPIM_CRC_INIT, data_length, dst, PH_EXHIF_HW_SPIM_CRC_OFFSET);"   De-assert NSS The NSS line assert and de-assert function can be implemented with register bit level APIs, just like below:             PH_REG_SET_BIT(SPIM_CONFIG_REG, NSS_VAL);//de-assert NSS             PH_REG_SET_BIT(SPIM_CONFIG_REG, NSS_CTRL);             PH_REG_CLEAR_BIT(SPIM_CONFIG_REG, NSS_VAL);//assert NSS Please also include the following header files in your application code. #include "ph_Reg.h" #include "PN7462AU/PN7462AU_spim.h" Please notice that phhalSPIM_Transmit() and phhalSPIM_Receive() are Rom based function, which clear NSS_CTRL bit by default. We can not change ROM API's behave but fortunately we have phhalSPIM_TransmitContinue() and phhalSPIM_ReceiveContinue() instead. so the final solution will be like below: Assert NSS   status = phhalSPIM_TransmitContinue(1, cmd_buf);    status = phhalSPIM_ReceiveContinue(3, dst);   De-assert NSS This doesn't mean phhalSPIM_Transmit() and phhalSPIM_Receive() are useless, because they can also help up to configure the SPI master interface, if you don't want to use register bit level API to initial the SPIM module manually. Please note to use 1 byte for write/read length to make these two functions work properly. so the whole pseudo code is like below: phhalSPIM_Init(PH_HW_SPIM_TIMEOUT) ; phhalSPIM_Configure(PH_HW_SPIM_SLAVE, PH_HW_SPIM_MSB_FIRST,                 \                                     PH_HW_SPIM_MODE, PH_HW_SPIM_BAUDRATE,  \                                     PH_HW_SPIM_NSSPULSE, PH_HW_SPIM_NSSPOL) ; status = phhalSPIM_Transmit(PH_EXHIF_HW_SPIM_SLAVE, PH_EXHIF_HW_SPIM_INIT_CRC, PH_EXHIF_HW_SPIM_APPEND_CRC, PH_EXHIF_HW_SPIM_CRC_INIT, 1, cmd_buf, PH_EXHIF_HW_SPIM_CRC_OFFSET);    status = phhalSPIM_Receive(PH_EXHIF_HW_SPIM_SLAVE, PH_EXHIF_HW_SPIM_INIT_CRC, PH_EXHIF_HW_SPIM_CRC_INIT, 1, dst, PH_EXHIF_HW_SPIM_CRC_OFFSET);" Assert NSS   status = phhalSPIM_TransmitContinue(1, cmd_buf);    status = phhalSPIM_ReceiveContinue(3, dst);   De-assert NSS The following steps show how to create a new project based on NFC reader library, please refer to  on how to import the NFC reader library. 1. Create a new project after importing the NFC reader library. 2. if you installed PN7462 support package, you will see this: 3. add a link to NFC reader lib: 4. add path and enable NFC reader lib in the project: 5. delete cr_startup.c and create the main code as well as the header file: 6. Build result: 7.Debug result: To fetch the ready demo, please submit a private ticket via the guide of . Hope that helps, Best regards, Kan
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Example sends Wi-Fi credentials from phone to IoT device, so it can join the Wi-Fi network.  Using: iOS and Android phone with NXP's TagWriter app PN7462 NFC Reader device on PNEV7462B eval board, part of kit OM27462CDK Host Card Emulation mode example based on NfcrdlibEx8_HCE_T4T example from NFC Reader Library Example will also print out other NDEF messages received.  NDEF formats include: Contacts / Business Cards URL link Wi-Fi network and credentials Bluetooth MAC address for pairing Email address Phone number Geo location Launch application on host OS Plain text SMS (sorry the audio is horrible)
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This post contains step by step guide of how to use the NTAG I²C plus with LPC55S69. This is easy and straightforward to do, since the MCUXpresso SDK Builder tool has an option to add NTAG I²C plus example directly to SDK of LPC55S69. Hardware Needed: LPC55S69-EVK NTAG I²C plus explorer kit Follow the following simple steps to use NTAG I²C plus with LPC55S69: Download and install MCUXpresso IDE (if you don’t have it already). It can be download for free by clicking here: Next step is to use the MCUXpresso SDK Builder tool to build and download the SDK for LPC55S69. For this: Go to  the MCUXpresso SDK Builder website: Select the LPC55S69 board and then click on ‘Build MCUXpresso SDK’ button: Click on ‘Add Software component’, then select the NTAG I2C component, click ‘Save changes’ and then download the SDK. Drag and drop the downloaded SDK to the installed SDK’s tab in the MCUXpresso IDE to install it. Click on the ‘Import SDK example(s)’ in the Quickstart Panel in the MCUXpresso IDE. Then select LPC55S69, ‘check the ntag_i2c_plus_example’ box and hit ‘Finish’. Connect the LPC55S69 and NTAG I²C plus boards together. Details of these connections can be found in the “readme.txt” file in the “doc” folder of the project: Finally click on debug in the Quickstart Panel to build the project, flash it to the MCU, and start debugging. This is how the output looks like in the Console tab of IDE: Bring any active nfc device (e.g. an NFC phone with NFC enabled) near the ntagi2c board. The program will detect it and consequently blink the LED as well as display a message on the console: Read the “readme.txt” file for more details regarding the project. Available Resources: BLE pairing with NFC on KW41 and NTAG I²C plus source code NTAG I²C plus kit for Arduino pinout
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The NFC reader library is supporting multiple frontends. For a customer this might become a more difficult to use, if only the part for one of the frontend chips is needed. To enhance the readability and usability, you can remove the support for not used reader ICs by simply removing the folders below NxpRdLib/comps/phhalHw/src. For instance: if you only want to use the RC663, you could simply delete the folders Pn5180, Rc523. The result would be a library that only supports RC663. This short screen recording shows the steps to reduce the number of supported Frontends.
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