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This guide is intended as a reference for creating a demo application using the SLN-VIZN-IOT kit. In this guide, we will be constructing a demo e-lock application using the SLN-VIZN-IOT kit for secure face recognition using liveness detection/anti-spoofing. If you haven’t already, be sure to check out the Getting Started Guide for the SLN-VIZN-IOT kit here. Build Process Our e-lock design will make use of GPIO_AD_B0_2 and GPIO_AD_B0_03 to drive an H-Bridge circuit which actuates a lock using a 9-volt battery. These pins (and our ground) can be found on the serial header located on the front of the kit as shown below: To build our e-lock, we will be modifying the sln_vizn_iot_userid_oobe application found in the SLN-VIZN-IOT SDK. Instructions for downloading the SDK and importing the userid_oobe application can be found in the ‘Get Software’ and ‘Build and Run’ sections of the Getting Started Guide. The following video shows the modifications necessary to implement the E-Lock demo using the sln_vizn_iot_userid_oobe project To enable these pins as GPIOs, we must modify pin_mux.h and pin_mux.c found under the board folder. For simplicity, we contained these initializations in a function called BOARD_InitDoorLockPins. The code to enable these pins was generated using MCUXpresso’s integrated Config Tools, although this is not necessary. The MCUXpresso Config Tools can be read about in-depth here. Next, we need to make sure that the BOARD_InitDoorLockPins function we just created actually gets called so that the GPIOs will work the way we want them to. To do this, we will add the function call inside of our main function in main.c. After adding the door lock initialization to main, we will modify sln_system_state.cpp found under the source folder to add the code which will toggle the GPIO’s we setup in the previous step. To do this, we will make use of the GPIO_PinWrite function found in “fsl_gpio.h.” Using this function requires us to add the line “#include fsl_gpio.h” at the top of sln_system.cpp like shown below: The GPIO_PinWrite functions here will be used to unlock the door whenever a face is recognized (sysStateDetectedKnownUser) and lock the door whenever no known users are in view of the camera (sysStateDetectedNoUser). With the software modifications complete, we need to compile the code and flash our kit with the updated firmware. This can be done by using the ‘Debug’ option found in the Quickstart Panel as shown below. Make sure that the project is compiled and flashed is the sln_vizn_iot_userid_oobe project by verifying the name of the project shown at the top of the Quickstart Panel. For more detailed instructions about flashing the SLN-VIZN-IOT, check out the Flash and Debug SLN-VIZN-IOT Project section under Build, Run in the Getting Started Guide.  With the software modifications complete and the updated firmware installed, all that’s left to do is to add some wires from the GPIO pins to the door lock and power on the kit. Now our e-lock is ready to go! When a user with an unrecognized face (indicated by a red LED) tries to turn the handle nothing happens.  But when a user with a recognized face (indicated by a green LED) tries to turn the handle, the lock is disengaged allowing the latch to move. Conclusion With just a few lines of code and some external hardware, we were able to create a fully-functioning face-controlled e-lock that works entirely offline just by using the SLN-VIZN-IOT. Not to mention the fact that there was no need for any ML experience whatsoever. Because the SLN-VIZN-IOT was designed with flexibility in mind, all sorts of use cases can be supported with only minimal effort when compared to a face recognition implemented from scratch. By using the production-ready software that comes provided with the kit, it’s now possible to add local (no cloud connectivity necessary) face and emotion recognition capabilities to all sorts of products in record time. We hope this guide was helpful in showing you how to jumpstart your face recognition project with the power of the SLN-VIZN-IOT. 
Explore the MC34937, an industrial-grade 3-phase gate pre-driver for BLDC and PMSM motor control. The MC34937 can support 12V, 24V, and 36V motor control applications and easily interfaces to standard MCUs and DSPs. The demo shows the implementation of the MC34937 with Kinetis Microcontrollers E in a 36V battery-operated electric bike (eBike) application. This same system can be modified to be used in other industrial applications such as electric garden tools, industrial fans and pumps, and electric wheelchairs. Features Demo shows capability of Kinetis KE02 connecting to an MC34937 Motor Driver MC34937 able to drive 12V, 24V, 36V, 48V systems Featured NXP Products Kinetis E - KE02Z64 MC34937 3-phase gate pre-driver Block Diagram MC34937 Schematics and Software:
Demo Owner: Derek Snell   This demo combines several solutions from NXP and our partners. The demo is a thermostat application, using the Kinetis family as a communication gateway between a ZigBee network and connecting to the cloud. The demo runs on the MQX Real-Time Operating System (RTOS). It also uses the NXP PEG graphics library for the user interface displayed on an LCD. The ZigBee communication uses NXP’s BeeStack ZigBee stack, and connects with an NXP wireless development board programmed as a remote temperature sensor. The demo will also connect with an off-the-shelf ZigBee light bulb, and wirelessly controls it. The demo network connection is setup for Wi-Fi, using a Wi-Fi module from Qualcomm. The cloud connection allows the thermostat to be monitored and controlled remotely with mobile devices, and uses a solution provided by deviceCloud.io.     NXP Products Product Link Shield Adapter Module for the Tower System Shield Adapter Module for the Tower System | NXP  Kinetis® KW2x Tower System Modules TWR-KW2x|Tower System Board|Kinetis® MCUs | NXP  Kinetis K70 120 MHz Tower System Module TWR-K70F120M|Tower System Board|Kinetis MCUs | NXP  Serial (USB, Ethernet, CAN, RS232/485) Tower System Module Serial (USB, Ethernet, CAN, RS232/485) Tower System Module | NXP  Graphical LCD Tower System Module with RGB Interface Graphical LCD Tower Module with RGB Interface | NXP    Design Resources Getting Started Guide Development Tools Thermostat Demo Software Firmware updated to v1.0 on 9/9/14      - DCIO Cloud agent now uses SSL from WolfSSL.  This improves WebSocket connections to cloud server through some protected networks. Firmware updated to v0.8 on 7/15/14      - Updated to support latest GT202 shield hardware from Qualcomm.  Rev 1.3 and newer boards changed pinout of CHIP_PWD signal. Firmware updated to v0.7 on 6/20/14      - Updated to use new SNTP server.  Previous server stopped responding and prevented cloud connection. Getting Started guide updated to v0.4 on 7/15/14
This post entry provides a guide to designing antennas for the NTAG I2C plus. This article has been structured as follows: How the NTAG I2C plus works The NTAG I2C plus is what we call a connected NFC tag. It combines a memory, a passive NFC interface and a contact I2C interface. Additionally, it has more features such as: A field detection pin, to send a wake-up signal to a connected MCU The Energy harvesting, able to power external devices The SRAM, a memory without writing cycles limitation The pass-through mode, for fast data exchange between interfaces Memory access control options, available from both NFC and I2C interfaces And the originality signature, to protect your brand against clones As such, it supports bidirectional communication between an NFC-enabled device and the host MCU and it is an ideal solution for Industrial applications, IoT nodes, meters, consumer electronics and accessories among others.  To enable the NFC interface, the chip needs to be connected to an antenna coil using the two dedicated antenna pins. How to design this coil is the main goal for today. NTAG I2C plus antenna design files The NTAG I2C plus support package includes development kits, demo apps, sample code, application notes, and, the design files of the Class 4 PCB antenna, and the Class 6 Flex antenna, which are available for direct and free download from the website.   These design files include: The schematics  The Gerbers The BoM Therefore, if you do not have any antenna size or shape constrains in your application, the easiest is to just copy & paste these reference antennas. On the other hand, if you need to design your custom antenna, NXP also offers a coil design Excel sheet to help you. I will talk more about it along the article. Basic antenna theory for NTAG I2C plus tags The NTAG I2C plus is an 8-pin package, with: The field detection pin The Vout pin The I2C serial clock and data Iines to the MCU The ground The VCC wo antenna pins NTAG I2C plus electrical input capacitance The NTAG I2C plus equivalent circuit can be represented with: A resistor, representing its current consumption And a parallel capacitor, representing the chip internal capacitance For the NTAG I2C plus, this capacitance is 50pF for both the 1k and 2k memory versions. Precisely, the chip capacitance is the most important factor for the antenna tuning. Antenna coil electrical equivalent circuit The antenna coil itself is a resonant circuit with an input impedance. The electrical equivalent model of the antenna coil consists of: An inductance A capacitance And some resistive losses of the loop antenna itself. The actual impedance value depends on:  The antenna material The thickness of the turns, mainly affecting the resistance  The distance between the windings, mainly affecting the capacitance The number of turns, mainly affecting the inductance  And the nearby environment Tag with an NTAG I2C plus electrical equivalent circuit When the NTAG I2C chip and the antenna coil are assembled, we can consider a parasitic resistance and capacitance generated by the connections between the chip and the antenna. This parasitic impedance depends on the assembly process used and the antenna material.  As a result, what we can observe in the schematic of the figure is that the NTAG I2C plus capacitance together with the parasitic connection capacitance and the antenna capacitance forms a resonance circuit with the inductance of the antenna coil.   The self-resonance frequency of a system is given when the imaginary part of the circuit equivalent impedance is null, and the system is only purely resistive. Considering the antenna loop inductance, the parallel equivalent capacitance and the parallel equivalent resistance of the tag, the resonance frequency and the quality factor of the tag can be calculated by these formulas. Antenna design procedure for NTAG I2C plus tags The antenna design procedure for the NTAG I2C plus tags is:  Design the antenna coil. This is about the antenna specs in terms of number of turns, track width, spacing, shape, etc according to your application requirements. Characterize the antenna coil and find its R, L, and C parameters. Calculate the parallel capacitor value required to adjust the tag resonant frequency Assemble the calculated capacitor and measure the results. If the results are not accurate enough, fine-tune the capacitor value, assemble and measure again as needed. Design the antenna coil  As part of the ISO14443 standard, six PICC antenna classes are defined. Per each of the antenna class, the physical characteristics and dimensions are defined. For instance, Class 1 is the largest, with a size comparable to the size of a regular credit card, and Class 6, which is the smaller one. In addition, Class 3 to Class 6 define two antenna shapes: a rectangular and a circular one. However, tag manufacturers are not constrained to conform to any of these dimensions. Therefore, its use is optional and rather intended to improve interoperability. As such, you may consider using these antenna sizes as a reference for your designs. The major parameter of the antenna coil is the inductance. This inductance can be estimated based on geometrical parameters and the material properties such as: The diameter for a round antenna or the overall length and width for a rectangular shape. The track width The gap between track The thickness And the number of turns To avoid cumbersome formulas, NXP offers you an Excel-based coil calculation tool to estimate the inductance of rectangular and circular antennas. This tool uses some parameters related to the material used and the antenna dimensions. And with it, it estimates the antenna inductance for you. Typically, the coil design steps include: An estimation of the electrical parameters, like the operating frequency and the chip capacitance The definition of the target inductance, we define the dimensions, the track width, the gap between track, the thickness, etc that achieves our target inductance. The production of prototypes. Based on the matrix run, with different inductance values deviated between 10-20% plus and minus the original value. Characterization of the coil prototypes. Based on this characterization, select the one with the best parameters for your application.  If needed, you can execute a second matrix run, with new prototypes, based on the first results. Measure the antenna coil parameters The antenna characterization can be done using a network analyzer connected to the antenna pads, isolated from the rest of the circuit. For our case, a low-end solution, such as the miniVNA PRO is sufficient. This device is cheap compared with the high-end devices like Agilent but still, accurate enough for our needs.  As a remark, it is fundamental that this characterization is done with the antenna placed at its final mounting position, so that all environment effects, like metal plates or others, are considered. Calculate the resonant capacitor value We use a network analyzer to measure the system resonant frequency after connecting the NTAG I2C plus to the antenna coil. As I explained before, the self-resonant frequency of the tag is given when the system is purely resistive. Most likely, the actual resonant frequency will not be 13.56MHz as we would like, but some other value. If that is your case, calculate the system capacitance at the current resonant frequency based on the equation derived from the NFC tag equivalent circuit shown previously. At this point: We know the current resonant frequency We know the antenna inductance, because we measured it before with the network analyzer And, as design parameter, we define the target resonant frequency With this data, we can use once again, this formula to calculate which is the resulting capacitance that would make our tag resonate to our target resonant frequency. Knowing the required total capacitance and the actual capacitance, we can calculate the extra capacitance missing. This is given by this formula: Regarding the target resonant frequency, for single tag operation, a tuning slightly above 13.56 MHz would lead to maximum read-/write distance. However, due to manufacturing tolerances, a nominal frequency up to 14.5 MHz would still operate well. Assemble and measure resonant frequency Therefore, the last steps are: Solder the capacitor in parallel Connect the network analyzer And measure the new resonant frequency  If the resonant frequency measured is not the target one, repeat the process by fine tuning the capacitor value.  If the frequency is higher than expected, you can increase the capacitor value. On the other hand, if the frequency is lower than expected, you can decrease it. Example: Tuning for a 54x27mm PCB antenna Based on a real lab exercise, this section illustrates the steps to adjust the tuning of an antenna for the NTAG I2C plus. As described before, we need to start by characterizing our antenna coil. In this lab exercise, we have used a PCB antenna of 54 by 27 mm and, we have connected our miniVNA PRO to the antenna pads. The results that we have obtained from this measurement are that our PCB antenna has an inductance around 895 nH. After characterizing the antenna coil: We have soldered the NTAG I2C plus chip to this PCB antenna. Right after, we connect again the miniVNA PRO to measure the actual resonant frequency.  In this case, it returns a resonant frequency near 24 MHz. Using the formula, we calculate that the tag capacitance at 24 MHz is almost 50 pF. Note that, the actual capacitance is basically the chip capacitance as the antenna and connection capacitance is usually not impacting significantly. Obviously, a resonant frequency of 24MHz is way too high for a ISO14443 NFC tag like our NTAG I2C plus. Therefore, we need to add some capacitance to the system so that we can bring this resonant frequency down. As an example, for this lab exercise, we are adjusting the tag to around 13.6 MHz, intentionally a bit higher than the NFC operating frequency. With a target resonant frequency to 13.6MHz and an antenna inductance is around 895nH,  the result is that the tag needs a total capacitance of around 153 pF. This means that we need to solder an extra capacitance of 100pF to bring down the resonant frequency.  So we go to our component box, and select the closer commercial value (100pF). As a last step, it is worth to measure how well adjusted is our system after adding the 100pF. We connect the miniVNA to the system including the IC, the antenna and the 100pF. Now, the results obtained are that the resonant frequency is 13.8 MHz. In our case, we consider this as good enough. However, you are always free to repeat this process as many times as needed until you obtain the accuracy that you need. Summary The antenna tuning steps for the NTAG I2C plus that we followed are: Design the antenna coil. You can use the NXP reference antennas or design your own antenna coil using the NXP Excel-based calculation tool. Measure the antenna coil. Use a network analyzer connected to the antenna pads, without any other circuitry Calculate the extra capacitance. Measure the current resonant frequency, and we calculate the extra capacitance needed to achieve the desired operating frequency. Solder and measure. If the results are sufficient, you are done. Otherwise, repeat the process with a new capacitance value As you can see, the antenna tuning process is quite straight forward. Basically, it is a matter of adjusting the capacitance of the tag until the operating frequency is the right one. Further information You can find more information about NFC in: NTAG I2C plus website http://www.nxp.com/products/:NT3H2111_2211 NTAG antenna design guide support package https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/application-note/AN11276.zip NXP technical community: https://community.nxp.com/community/identification-security/nfc NXP design partners: https://nxp.surl.ms/NFC_AEC Video recorded session On 25 July 2018, a live session explaining this topic was delivered. You can watch the recording here:
This post entry provides a detailed description of how the Device-to-device communication demo was developed so that you can leverage this knowledge to integrate NFC into your own system. This document has been structured as follows:   Introduction Device-to-device communication demo functionality NFC for communication with a batteryless unit NFC for communication between two devices mounted in close proximity NFC for communication with a rotating part as a cable replacement solution Hardware details Base board based on CLRC663 plus Rotating disk based on NTAG I2C plus Application logic Reader module to rotating disk communication Rotating disk to reader module communication MCU code details NTAG I2C plus pass-through mode data exchange synchronization considerations Reader module MCU code NTAG_Device2DeviceDemo  application workflow Rotating disk MCU code NTAG_I2C _Explorer_01_LEDs_ButtonXample application workflow Video recorded session Available resources Introduction The Device-to-device communication demo shows how NFC can be used as a cable replacement between two units or devices. It is based on the CLRC663 plus NFC Frontend and the NTAG I 2 C plus connected tag solutions. It demonstrates how NFC is used for: Wireless communication with a batteryless unit. Wireless communication between two devices mounted in close vicinity that need to be completely isolated (e.g. dust or water proof). Wireless communication with a rotating part and as a cable replacement solution.   Device-to-device communication demo functionality The purpose of the demo is to illustrate how to enable device-to-device communication via NFC. It consist of: A base board of 14x12 cm, which embeds the CLRC663 plus NFC reader IC for the RF field generation. A sensor embedded on a separate, rotating sensor disk of 8 cm diameter, which embeds the NTAG I 2 C plus connected tag.   The base board and the rotating sensor disk communicate via NFC and optionally, a tablet display can be connected via a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) connection (the BLE connection is beyond the scope of this post entry).     NFC for communication with a batteryless unit The first scenario demonstrates the use of NFC for communication with a batteryless unit or sensor. Energy from the RF field generated by an NFC reader can be harvested to power up small devices so that a battery or other power supply no longer needs to be included.   In this demo, only the base board is powered using a 5V supply input (e.g. USB battery bank) while the rotating disk electronics are powered using only the harvested energy from the RF field generated by the base board. To maximize energy transfer and avoid possible interference caused by the electronics, both the rotating disk and base board antennas are placed on the edges. In the following video, you can observe how as soon as the base board is supplied, it starts generating an RF field and automatically. Then,  all the electronics on the rotating disk are powered and its LED turns GREEN.   http://wpc.08c9.edgecastcdn.net/0008C9/twistage-production/f54/f54337d597118_12181097.mp4?d273d3b84ae78c6b0b40b4df7e407772944048591ee44914b69449116aeb54387b9f NFC for communication between two devices mounted in close proximity The second scenario demonstrates the use of NFC for communication between two devices mounted in close proximity. For instance, any machine or device where sensors are inside or in close vicinity and the sensor needs to be completely sealed (e.g. waterproof, dustproof, etc).   In this demo, the bidirectional communication between the two units is demonstrated using push buttons, which light up LEDs on the opposite unit. For the base board to rotating disk communication direction: While action button 1 is pressed, the LED on the rotating disk turns BLUE. While action button 2 is pressed, the LED on the rotating disk turns RED. While action button 1 and button 2 are pressed, the LED on the rotating disk turns WHITE.   http://wpc.08c9.edgecastcdn.net/0008C9/twistage-production/912/912db3bd13b06_12160248.mp4?d273d3b84ae78c6b0b40b4df7e407772944048591ee44914b69449116aeb54387c99 With the other way around, for the rotating disk to base board communication direction: While action button 3 is pressed, a pattern on the LED circle will appear.   http://wpc.08c9.edgecastcdn.net/0008C9/twistage-production/d0b/d0b0072da0120_12160391.mp4?d273d3b84ae78c6b0b40b4df7e407772944048591ee44914b69449116aeb54387e98   NFC for communication with a rotating part as a cable replacement solution The third and last scenario demonstrates the use of NFC to communicate wirelessly with two moving parts where cables may break. For instance, any solution consisting of a main unit and a sensing part recording mechanical-stress readings on moving parts.   In this demo, the accelerometer on the rotating disk continuously sends its coordinates to the base board, which lights up a specific LED according to the calculated angle between the two units. In the following video, you can see that the LED circle "follows" the movement of the rotating disk.   http://wpc.08c9.edgecastcdn.net/0008C9/twistage-production/c0e/c0e3daf347aed_12160349.mp4?d273d3b84ae78c6b0b40b4df7e407772944048591ee44914b69449116aeb5438709a   Hardware details This section shows the architecture and main components of the base board and rotating disk.  The PCB schematics are attached at the end of this post entry.   Base board based on CLRC663 plus The disk has been dismounted so you can better appreciate the different components of the base board. The base board is driven by an LPC11U68 MCU, which is a low-cost Cortex-M0 USB solution, with 256 kB of flash memory, up to 80 GPIOs and several host interfaces (more details on the LPC11U68 product website).   From the LPC11U68 MCU, some of the GPIOs are used to connect the action buttons and the 12 LEDs of the circle, an SPI port is used to connect the CLRC663 plus NFC Frontend and, a USART port is used for connecting a BLE chip based on NXP's QN9021 chip.     The NFC functionality is provided by our CLRC663 plus reader IC, an NXP high performance multi-protocol reader. It is the evolution of CLRC663, with a larger LPCD detection range, more output power (2x times higher transmitter current), larger temperature operating range and pin-to-pin compatibility with the former version.   Rotating disk based on NTAG I 2 C plus The rotating disk is based on NXP solutions as well. This PCB board is driven by an LPC11U24 MCU, which is a low-cost Cortex M0 32 bit MCU, with 32 kB of flash memory, up to 40 GPIOs and several host interfaces (more details on the LPC11U24 product website).   From the LPC11U24 MCU, some of the GPIOs are used to connect the action button 3 and the RGB LED. In addition, an I 2 C interface port is shared to connect a temperature sensor, the accelerometer and the NTAG I 2 C plus.     The NTAG I 2 C plus is a family of connected NFC tags that combines a memory, a passive NFC interface with a contact I 2 C interface.  Functionally, the NTAG I 2 C plus behaves as a dual port memory. Therefore, the data can pass from an external NFC device to the embedded system. In addition, to this dual interface solution, it has more features: A field detection pin, to send a wake up signal The Energy harvesting, to power external devices The SRAM, a memory without writing cycles limitation The pass-through mode, for fast data exchange between interfaces Several memory access management settings from both NFC and I2C interfaces And an originality signature, to protect against clones.   Application logic This section describes how data is exchanged between the reader module (base board) and the rotating disk using NTAG I 2 C plus as a bridge (pass-through mode) between the two embedded systems.   Reader module to rotating disk communication In this demo, the reader module sends data to the rotating disk when any of its two action buttons are pressed. The NTAG I 2 C plus is configured in pass-through mode and the SRAM memory is used as conduit between the twto units.  The figure below illustrates a simplified representation of NTAG I 2 C plus memory seen from the NFC perspective (organized in pages of 4 bytes each). The red area represents the EEPROM memory while the yellow one represents the SRAM memory location. While the button 1 is pressed: The GPIO 4 of the LPC11U68 is in high level. The CLRC663 plus writes one byte into the SRAM memory (last page, value = 0x01). The LPC11U24 on the rotating disk reads the SRAM. The LPC11U24 changes the GPIO 18 status to high level. The RGB LED turns blue.   The operation that takes place while button 2 is pressed is pretty similar. Basically, it changes: the data written by the CLRC663 plus in the SRAM and the GPIO activated by the LPC11U24 on the rotating disk. More precisely, the steps are: The GPIO 5 of the LPC11U68 is in high level. The CLRC663 plus writes one byte into the SRAM memory (last page, value = 0x02). The LPC11U24 on the rotating disk reads the SRAM. The LPC11U24 changes the GPIO 16 status to high level and sets GPIO 18 to low level. The RGB LED turns red.     In the same way, while the two buttons are pressed at the same time: The LPC11U68 detects that GPIO 4 and 5 are in high level The CLRC663 plus programs a different value on the last SRAM byte (0x03). The LPC11U24 on the rotating disk reads the SRAM. The LPC11U24 sets to high the three GPIOs (16,17,18) controlling the RGB LED. The RGB LED turns white The key message is that: what it is written in the SRAM controls the behavior of the rotating disk LED, demonstrating wireless data exchange between the two embedded systems.   Rotating disk to reader module communication In this demo, the rotating disk keeps sending data to the reader module for as long as it is powered by the RF field. Precisely, it continuously sends the disk position (via the accelerometer axis coordinates) and the measured temperature value. Additionally, an extra byte is sent while the button 3 is pressed. The actual steps are: First, the LPC11U24 MCU triggers a read operation to the temperature sensor and accelerometer. The temperaturre reading occupies 2 bytes while the accelerometer axis coordinates occupy 6 bytes. This data is transfered the LPC11U24 via the I 2 C shared bus. The LPC11U24 writes these 8 bytes into the SRAM in page addresses 0xFD, 0xFE and 0xFF (see the figure below). The CLRC663 plus reads the SRAM when the LPC11U24 has finished writing it. With the read information, the LPC11U68 base board MCU calculates the angle and sets the appropriate GPIO to high level. Since the LED circle contains 12 LEDs, the base board is able to represent position changes of 30 degrees (360º / 12 LEDs).   As mentioned, this data transfer keeps going for as long as the disk is powered. The key concept here is that the LED circle operation is directly controlled by the disk position and the axis coordinates which are exchanged via the NTAG I 2 C plus SRAM at any given moment. To illustrate this, the disk is rotated 90 º clockwise. The steps that take place are: The LPC11U24 MCU triggers the next reading command, the accelerometer axis coordinates have changed to different ones representing the new disk position (in red in the memory map figure below). The LPC11U24 writes into the SRAM again these 8 bytes (now with the updated accelerometer axis coordinates) The CLRC663 plus reads the SRAM when the LPC11U24 has finished writing it. With this new reading, the LPC11U68 MCU recalculates the angle and applies a different GPIO configuration (which leads to a different LED turned on in the circle).     Last, while button 3 is pressed: The LPC11U24 GPIO 12 is set to high value. The LPC11U24 checks GPIO 12 pin status before writing into the SRAM. While it is high level, it adds an additional byte into the SRAM (third byte on page 0xFF- value=0x01). The CLRC663 plus reads the SRAM, getting the latest data from the moving part. With the current firmware, while the third byte on page address 0xFF is set to 0x01, the LPC11U68 performs a LED pattern activating all the GPIOs simultaneously (all the LEDs are ON).     MCU code details This section explains the firmware implementation details for both the base board (CLRC663 plus) and the rotating disk (NTAG I 2 C plus). Before going into the firmware implementation details, a few considerations for data exchange synchronization when using the NTAG I 2 C plus pass-through mode are explained.   NTAG I 2 C plus pass-through mode data exchange synchronization considerations In the demo, the pass-through mode is used to exchange data between the base board and the rotating disk. The pass-through mode provides the SRAM for data communication and the mechanisms for the synchronization of the data transfer. This signalling can be done through the field detection pin or by polling the equivalent registers over the I 2 C interface. For the NFC to I 2 C direction, the synchronization can be done: By checking the SRAM_I2C_READY register to learn if new data has been written by the RF interface. By checking the filed detection pin changing from HIGH to LOW voltage.   For I 2 C interface to NFC direction, the synchronization can be done: By checking the SRAM_RF_READY register to learn if new data has been written by the I 2 C interface. By checking the filed detection pin changing from LOW to HIGH voltage.   The following table includes register bits which can be used for communication synchronization. In addition, there is a dedicated application note providing more details on how NTAG I 2 C plus can be used for bidirectional data communication.   Register bit Use PTHRU_ON_OFF Detects if the pass-through mode is still enabled (gets reset in case of RF or I2C power down). TRANSFER_DIR Defines the data flow direction for the data transfer. I2C_LOCKED Detects if memory access is currently locked to I2C. RF_LOCKED Detects if Memory access is currently locked to RF. SRAM_I2C_READY Detects if there is data available in the SRAM buffer to be fetched by the I²C side. SRAM_RF_READY Detects if there is data available in the SRAM buffer to be fetched by the RF interface. RF_FIELD_PRESENT Shows if a RF field strong enough to read the tag is there.   Reader module MCU code The MCU firmware was developed using our LPCXpresso platform, which provides a complete development environment for LPC MCU and LPC boards. In the source code, there are five project folders: The FreeRTOS project folder, which is an open source real-time operating system (RTOS) for embedded systems supporting many different architectures and compiler toolchains The Lpc_chip_11u6x_lib and nxp_lpcxpresso_11u68b project folders, which belong to the LPCOpen libraries supporting the LPC11U68 MCU and PCB board, the MCU chip integrated in the Explorer board. If you use another MCU, you should replace them by the specific LPCOpen libraries. The NTAG_Device2DeviceDemo  project folder, which implements the logic supporting the device-to-device communication demo for the reader module. The NxpNfcRdLib project folder, which is the NXP's NFC Reader Library software stack supporting the implementation of the demo, the contactless protocols, the LPC MCU host interfaces and the CLRC663 drivers.   The reader module MCU code leverages on the NFC Reader Library. The NFC Reader Library is a software stack for creating and developing contactless applications for NXP's NFC readers. This API facilitates the most common operations required in NFC applications such as: reading or writing data into contactless cards, exchanging data with other NFC-enabled devices and emulating cards.   In order to use the NFC Reader Library, a stack of components has to be built up from the bottom to the top layer. Precisely, the application requirements define which modules need to be enabled and which do not. For the reader module firmware: The FreeRTOS is used. The SPI is used as host interface. A CLRC663 plus reader IC is used. And, communication with NTAG I 2 C plus is needed ( ISO14443 Type A card and NFC Forum Type 2 Tag compliant)   As a result, the software components that need to be enabled within the NFC Reader Library are depicted in the following picture: NTAG_Device2DeviceDemo  application workflow The reader module firmware starts its execution as soon as it is connected to the power bank. The firmware initializes the GPIOs, the UART for the tablet connection and the NFC Reader Library for the contactless operation. After all these initializations, the firmware code generates a new thread in charge of dealing with the disk operation. In this separate thread, the discovery loop for detection of Type A and Type V cards is configured and started. After that, the firmware keeps listening until the NTAG I 2 C plus is detected (i.e. the disk is mounted). On detection, the operation with the rotating disk starts: The reader module waits until the SRAM is available for the RF interface. The SRAM is available for the RF interface while the pass-through mode is enabled (PTHROUGH_ON_OFF register is set) and the RF to I 2 C direction is set (TRANSFER_DIR register bit). The board buttons are checked and the SRAM is written with the corresponding information.   At this point, the program awaits to receive data from the rotating disk. For that, it keeps polling if new data was written in the SRAM by the I 2 C interface (SRAM_RF_READY register bit is set). If new data is available, the SRAM is read and the data is processed: The accelerometer axis coordinates are read, the angle is calculated and the appropriate LED on the circle is activated. While the button 3 is pressed, the MCU triggers the LED pattern on the circle. Optionally, if the tablet connection is established, data is also sent using the BLE channel.   The following figure depicts the reader module application workflow in detail:   Rotating disk MCU code The MCU firmware was also developed using the LPCXpresso platform.  In the source code, there are four project folders: The Lpc_chip_11uxx_lib and nxp_lpcxpresso_11u24h_board_lib project folders belong to the LPCOpen libraries supporting the LPC11U24 MCU and PCB board, the MCU chip integrated in the Explorer board. If you use another MCU, you should replace them by the specific LPCOpen libraries. The NTAG_I 2 C _API project folder is a library providing a set of functions and procedures that allow you to communicate with the NTAG I 2 C from the I 2 C interface. Among others, functions to perform memory operations on EEPROM, SRAM, registers and for enabling the pass through mode The NTAG_I 2 C _Explorer_01_LEDs_ButtonXample project folder implements the logic for the rotating disk of this demo.   NTAG_I 2 C _Explorer_01_LEDs_ButtonXample application workflow The rotating disk firmware starts its execution as soon as it harvests enough energy from the reader's module RF field. The first operation taken is to enable the pass-through mode. Then, the firmware stays on a loop for as long as it is energized.   In this loop, it sets the SRAM into RF to I 2 C direction (TRANSFER_DIR register bit) and waits until the base board has written data. After data has been written from the RF side, it reads the SRAM and checks the last byte: While the last byte value is 0x01, it means the button 1 is pressed and the firmware sets the RGB LED to blue While the last byte value is 0x02, it means the button 2 is pressed and the firmware sets the RGB LED to red While the last byte value is 0x03, it means the button 1 and 2 are pressed and the firmware sets the RGB LED to white.   After receiving data from the base board, it prepares to send data back. For that: it checks the button status, it reads the temperature value and the accelerometer position. Once all the data has been collected: It changes the SRAM to I 2 C to RF direction (TRANSFER_DIR register bit). It writes into the SRAM and waits until the RF has read the data (SRAM_RF_READY register is cleared).   This loop is repeated for as long as the disk is powered. The following figure depicts the rotating disk application workflow in detail:     Video recorded session On 9 March 2017, a live session explaining the device-to-device communication demo was recorded. You can watch the recording here:   http://wpc.08c9.edgecastcdn.net/0008C9/twistage-production/149/149fee5f5e282_12181079.mp4?d273d3b84ae78c6b0b40b4df7e407772944048591ee44914b69449116aeb5439ff51 Available resources   Schematics Please see attached in the separate attachment section below. Device-to-device demo source code Please see attached in the separate attachment section below. Quick-start guide for showing the demo Please see attached in the separate attachment section below Android app The android app can be used on a tablet or smart phone connected via BLE to this demo to show additional parameters, and to have a bigger screen for demonstrations. You find it in Google play ("device2devicedemo") and attached below.  
This doc explain how to build a PFE master project on M7 and how to integration. chinese version. 目录 1 需要的软件与工具 ...................................................... 2 2 Master Demo编译说明 ............................................... 2 2.1 安装RTD_MCAL驱动 ............................................. 2 2.2 安装PFE_MCAL驱动 .............................................. 3 2.3 编译PFE master工程 .............................................. 3 3 修改为支持RDB板的RGMII接口 ................................ 4 3.1 硬件连接 ................................................................. 4 3.2 软件修改 ................................................................. 5 4 Master Demo测试 ...................................................... 7 4.1 硬件连接 ................................................................. 7 4.2 PFE_EMAC1(RGMII)测试过程 ............................... 7 5 Master Demo代码说明 ............................................... 8 6 集成中注意点 ........................................................... 11 6.1 PFE_PreInit .......................................................... 11 6.2 S32G3中的GENCTRL1的配置 ............................. 12 6.3 RX CLOCK重新锁定 ............................................ 13 7 Demo Debug建议 .................................................... 14 7.1 PFE相关寄存器说明 ............................................. 14   Contents 1 Required software and tools ...................................... 2 2 Master Demo compiling ............................................. 2 2.1 Install RTD_MCAL driver........................................ 2 2.2 Install PFE_MCAL driver ........................................ 3 2.3 Compile PFE master project .................................. 3 3 Change the demo to support RDB3 board RGMII port4 3.1 Hardware design .................................................... 4 3.2 Software modification ............................................. 5 4 Master DemoTest ...................................................... 7 4.1 Hardware design .................................................... 7 4.2 PFE_EMAC1(RGMII) test steps ............................. 7 5 Master Demo code flow ............................................. 8 6 Notes in integration .................................................. 11 6.1 PFE_PreInit .......................................................... 11 6.2 The GENCTRL1 configruation of S32G3 ............. 12 6.3 RX CLOCK relock ................................................ 13 7 Demo Debug suggestion ......................................... 14 7.1 PFE related registers ........................................... 14
  本文说明S32G  RDB2板Linux板级开发包BSP32 的ATF细节,以帮助客户了解S32G的ATF是如何运行的,以及如何修改到客户的新板上。   从BSP32开始,默认启动需要ATF支持,所以部分定制需要移动到ATF中,Uboot会简单很多。 请注意本文为培训和辅助文档,本文不是官方文档的替代,请一切以官方文档为准。   目录如下: 目录 1    S32G Linux文档说明... 2 2    创建S32G RDB2 Linux板级开发包编译环境... 3 2.1  创建yocto编译环境: 3 2.2  独立编译... 8 3    NXP ATF 原理... 13 3.1  AArch64 Exception Leve: 13 3.2  ATF原理... 14 3.3  ATF目录 结构... 16 3.4  ATF初始化流程... 25 3.5  NXP ATF的SCMI支持... 28 3.6  NXP ATF的PSCI支持... 32 3.7  NXP ATF OPTEE接口(未来增加)... 36 4    ATF 定制... 36 4.1  修改 DDR配置... 36 4.2  修改调试串口与IOMUX定制说明... 39 4.3  启动eMMC定制说明... 48 4.4  I2C与PMIC定制说明... 58
This project include the codes and doc to support optimize the EMI of S32G by frequency changing and SSC. Contents as follows: 目录 1 展频的基本概念 ......................................................... 2 2 获取测试用uboot源代码 ............................................. 5 3 DDR_PLL的改频 ........................................................ 5 4 DDR_PLL的展频 ........................................................ 9 5 总结修改后的源代码 ................................................ 17
This doc explain how to support a new QSPI nor for boot, SDK and Linux, Contents as follows: 目录 1 硬件设计 .................................................................... 2 2 所需工具和相关资料 .................................................. 5 3 ROM Code的启动流程 ............................................... 5 4 S32G QSPI NOR flash配置表头定制 ......................... 7 4.1 S32G QSPI NOR启动配置表信息 .......................... 7 4.2 目前支持的配置表头分析说明 ............................... 10 4.3 LUT构成与Flash write Data说明 ........................... 16 4.4 具体分析已有的配置表头的LUT与Flash write Data的 配置方法 ...................................................................... 22 4.5 支持一款新的QSPI NOR Flash示例1:Micron........ 28 4.6 支持一款新的QSPI NOR Flash示例2:Winbond .... 31 5 使用IVT打包配置头 .................................................. 33 6 使用IVT工具中的flash image工具烧写镜像到QSPI NOR 中 34 7 软件定制M7 ............................................................. 35 8 软件定制uboot ......................................................... 37 9 软件定制Linux Kernel .............................................. 40 9.1 支持美光8bit DDR 模式(未验证) .......................... 44 9.2 支持1bit SDR fast read 模式 ............................... 46 10 Debug过程中需要注意的几点 .................................. 49 10.1 启动时ROM Code读取QSPI NOR时钟仅有12Mhz左 右 49 10.2 比较大的镜像如果不加参数头,无法从QSPI-NOR上启 动 55   add a new doc for lauterbach driver: S32G How to Develop the QSPI-Nor Lauterbach Script 目录 1    背景和参考资料... 2 1.1  背景说明... 2 1.2  参考资料... 2 2    高速读开发流程... 3 2.1  时钟相关修改... 5 2.2  Lut配置说明... 6 2.3  QSPI NOR控制器配置... 12 2.4  QuadSPI_Write32BytesDOPI读函数分析... 15 2.5  增加AHB read寄存器配置... 17 2.6  测试结果... 18 3    高速写开发流程... 19 3.1  Erase lut分析及调用... 19 3.2  Write lut分析及调用... 21 3.3  测试结果... 22 3.4  Lauterbach烧写镜像脚本说明... 22
This doc explain our Linux BSP driver and how to custom them. Contests as follows: include bsp30/32 目录 1 S32G Linux文档说明 ................................................. 2 2 创建S32G RDB2 Linux板级开发包编译环境 .............. 2 2.1 创建yocto编译环境: ................................................ 2 2.2 独立编译 ................................................................. 8 3 Device Tree ............................................................. 11 3.1 恩智浦的device Tree结构 ..................................... 11 3.2 device Tree的由来(no updates) ............................ 13 3.3 device Tree的基础与语法(no updates) ................. 15 3.4 device Tree的代码分析(no updates) .................... 37 4 恩智浦S32G BSP 包文件目录结构 .......................... 70 5 恩智浦Linux BSP的编译(no updates) ...................... 72 5.1 需要编译哪些文件 ................................................ 72 5.2 如何编译这些文件 ................................................ 73 5.3 如何链接为目标文件及链接顺序 ........................... 74 5.4 kernel Kconfig ...................................................... 76 6 恩智浦BSP的内核初始化过程(no updates) .............. 76 6.1 初始化的汇编代码 ................................................ 78 6.2 初始化的C代码 ..................................................... 82 6.3 init_machine ......................................................... 94 7 恩智浦BSP的内核定制 ............................................. 97 7.1 DDR修改 .............................................................. 98 7.2 IO管脚配置与Pinctrl驱动 .................................... 100 7.3 新板bringup ........................................................ 121 7.4 更改调试串口 ...................................................... 125 7.5 uSDHC设备定制(eMMC flash,SDcard, SDIOcard) 129 7.6 GPIO驱动 ........................................................... 137 7.7 GPIO_Key 驱动定制 .......................................... 145 7.8 GPIO_LED 驱动定制 ......................................... 150 7.9 芯片内thermal驱动 ............................................. 155 7.10 CAN接口驱动 ..................................................... 157 7.11 I2C及外设驱动 .................................................... 162 7.12 SPI与SPI Slave驱动 ........................................... 183 7.13 Watchdog test. ................................................... 190 7.14 汽车级以太网驱动定制 (未验证) (未完成) ........... 191
About this demo This Demo contains fully working software to show the implementation of two great features from the QN9080SIP-DK. The BLE in this board provides a Beacon solution to be implemented, based on the SDK example downloaded in the https://mcuxpresso.nxp.com/en/select As previously mentioned, this demonstration is based on the Beacon example from the QN9080 SDK, along with the AN12319SW for using the NT3H2211 Tag. The main objective of this demo software is to write a string in the NTAG memory and be able to read the content using the NTAG stack (from the AN12319 project). Then trigger a message update to be advertised from the beacon. Project Scope Write an NDEF message with a smartphone, using NXP's TagWrite App into the NT3H2211. Be able to start advertising the 6-byte code/message using the BLE stack from the SDK version 2.2.3 into the MCUXpresso v11.2.1. Useful Links Link Description https://mcuxpresso.nxp.com/en/builder SDK Builder https://www.nxp.com/products/wireless/bluetooth-low-energy/fully-certified-module-supporting-bluetooth-and-nfc:QN9080SIP QN9080SIP full documentation https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/application-note/AN12319.pdf A document explaining brief integration for pairing using the NTAG https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/application-note-software/AN12319SW.zip  The respective Software for the AN12319   Required Items Link Description https://www.nxp.com/products/wireless/bluetooth-low-energy/a-highly-extensible-platform-for-application-development-of-qn908x:QN9080DK Board in which the demo was created and tested Android Smartphone Smartphone with IoT Toolbox and TagWriter App IoT Toolbox App https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.freescale.kinetisbletoolbox TagWriter App https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nxp.nfc.tagwriter   Hardware Diagram     Step-by-Step Guide for testing the Demo Get the QN9080 SDK form SDK Builder  Install the QN908x SDK into your MCUXpresso Import the attached file into MCUXpresso on File > Open Projects from File System   Connect properly the NTAG antenna from the kit as shown in the Hardware Diagram. Connect the QN9080SIP-DK using a micro-USB cable. Flash the project into the board and Push Button 1 from the board while running. Open the TagWriter App from your phone and select the Write option. Create a New Plain text element and write any positive float number (< 0.0). Select the Save and Write button. Approach the phone into the NFC antenna. Press Button 1 again to restart the BLE advertising Open the IoT Toolbox App. Select the Beacons option. You should be able to visualize the new payload messages from the device. Note: These messages are representation in decimal from the actual 4-byte (32-bit) number. Each letter is composed of 2, 8-bit numbers. This RAW representation is for proof of concept purposes. This application can be replaced by another BLE device in scanning mode to perform a data post-process.  Additional Demo Information These next steps are intended to guide the developer to an easier understanding of the modifications that were made from the base project. This example provides a guide to learn the basic functionality of the high-level NTAG stack.   Select the FreeRTOS Beacon example from wireless_examples -> Bluetooth in the QN9080 SDK. After being sure that this demo works properly on our QN9080SIP-DK we need to import from the file system the AN12319 project. For being sure everything works, we can also test this project, inside it there is a file called: app_ntag.c inside the source directory. Inside this file, on the Public Functions section, we are able to modify the NDEF_Pairing_Write() and NDEF_Demo_Write() functions for our purposes. The first function is used as the name mentions, to execute the example for pairing our phone with the board without the need to type any pairing code. The second function writes an NDEF in the NTAG and can be read from the phone App TagInfo or TagWriter. To start with the actual creation of the application I used this project: "qn908xcdk_wireless_examples_bluetooth_hid_device_freertos" and started importing the beacon files needed from the beacon FreeRTOS example. As you can observe, this job facilitates a lot because of the similar structure between both projects, this will simplify the tasks and will help us not to get lost. Due to the fact that we started using the HID Device project, all the NTAG stack was already there so we will only be going to focus on the source directory for the additions and modifications. Starting with the erasing of the hid_device.c and .h, these files won't be required for this project. The beacon.c and .h are required to be in this project for the beacon functionalities and routines, this files depend on the Bluetooth stack, the general framework files, and the common files from the source directory. The app_config file has all the BLE needed configurations to set the parameters and respective structures. This is where the initial advertising message will be configured. For the NTAG configurations, the app_ntag file containing the high-level nTag functions for Read/Write capabilities that depends on the NTAG stack (NTAG_I2C/XXX) The ApplMain had some of the most significant changes due to being the main file that calls the BLE functions at the start and also manages the Interrupt used to trigger our own project functions using FD. The files that changed were, as mentioned above, ApplMain.c and app_ntag.c/.h . This has to do with the fact that we will only are going to change the functions called when a Tag Writer is in the field of the NFC antenna and how this data is processed in order to be read and sent to the aData array by using its structure. As you can see in the app_ntag.c file, the last two functions: NDEF_read_test() and getDataNDEF() represent the main changes in this file. Along with the pin configuration for FD managing in the ApplMain.c
Demo The driver does not use a steering wheel or pedals to control a car on a race. All he uses is the movement of his head to turn the car and his mouth to accelerate and stop.       Featured NXP Products   K64_120 |Kinetis K64 120 MHz MCUs|NXP Freedom Development Platform for Kinetis|NXP Sensor Fusion|NXP   Links Arrow SAM Project   Videos          
This MQX demo re-uses the standard MQX web_hvac demo with the GT202 Wi-Fi module setup in SoftAP mode. This example shows MQX RTCS, DHCP server, and web server running in the Kinetis MCU with the Atheros drivers. The client will be able to connect to the Soft Access Point, receive an IP address, and then use a web browser to view the web_hvac web pages.  The User Guide is included in the ZIP file.
Demo Advantages of i.MX6 Dual/Quad Plus Features Memory bandwidth utilization greatly improved On-die caches for GPU Multi-source GPU composition Featured NXP Products i.MX6DP i.MX6QP
This post entry provides a detailed description of how a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) pairing solution via NFC was developed using two of our reference development boards: The NTAG I 2 C plus kit for Arduino pinout The Freedom KW41Z board. This document has been structured as follows: NFC for easy one-tap pairing solution NFC pairing is one popular feature you can find in cameras, speakers, printer, routers, wearables and many more. Just bringing two NFC-enabled devices close together is all it takes to create a connection. Just to mention a few of examples, with just a swipe you can: Connect your phone to a wireless speaker. Connect your new devices to the home network. Connect accessories to the control unit. In all these scenarios… NFC and Bluetooth are a perfect combination, since the pairing process with NFC becomes: Faster compared to the traditional pairing methods. Easier, reducing technical support More reliable, making sure you connect to the right device. The technical basis for this “tap to connect” process is provided in the NFC Connection Handover specification running atop the NFC Forum protocol stack. It defines a framework of messages and data containers that allow bootstrapping of alternative (i.e., other than NFC) carrier connections in a standardized way. For this reason, NFC pairing solution offers a unified user experience and interoperability across different manufacturers.  NFC solutions to implement secure simple pairing There are two types of solutions recommended to add NFC pairing functionality to designs: NFC static pairing with NTAG 213 The first solution is embedding an NTAG 213 NFC label. In such a case, the pairing credentials need to be previously loaded in to the tag memory as well as in the device MCU during manufacturing. NFC dynamic pairing with NTAG I2C plus The second solution is embedding an NTAG I 2 C plus tag. In such a case, the pairing credentials can be dynamically updated by the device MCU during the product lifetime. In addition, other features such as an automatic wake-up field detection signal are possible. Precisely, the combination of a passive NFC interface with a contact I2C interface allows the product to behave as a tag and be read via NFC and to connect to a host or application processor via  I 2 C. In addition, NDEF messages can be generated and updated by the host MCU depending on the application requirements. Later, these NDEF messages can be read by any NFC phone, including iOS devices with the latest OS version. Hardware setup Mapping the previous diagram to the demo hardware, we have: The NTAG I 2 C plus tag, using the Arduino pinout kit The MCU, using Kinetis KW41Z. The applicatiob logic, which updates the NDEF contents based on different use cases. Some details about the hardware used in the next sections: Kinetis KW41Z The Kinetis KW41Z is a high integrated chip with multi-protocol radio features enabling Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and 802.15.4 radio protocols such as Thread. KW41Z has as large memory of 512KB that can support multiple radio protocols running in a single application instace and implements nine low-power modes and a wide operating voltage range (0.9V/4.2V), for optimum current consumption. Finally, the software support package includes: BLE, Thread and 802.15.4 generic network stacks, several sample demo apps, support for RTOS and full integration in MCUXpresso. The Kinetis KW41Z evaluation is supported with the FRDM-KW41Z development board. The board main components are: a reference crystal, an accelerometer, an Arduino header, some LEDs and buttons, a JTAG and OpenSDA connectors,and an external flash memory. NTAG I2C plus kit for Arduino pinout The NTAG I 2 C plus Arduino kit consist of two PCBs stacked together: The upper PCB is the antenna board with the connected tag The lower PCB is an interface adaptor board to the Arduino pinout. This kit can be used to connect and evaluate the NTAG I 2 C plus  into many popular MCUs with Arduino compliant headers, for example:  Kinetis (e.g. KW41Z, i.MX (e.g. UDOO Neo, i.MX 6UL, i.MX 6 ULL, i.MX 7D) and LPC MCUs (e.g. LPCXpresso MAX, V2 and V3 boards). The kit support package includes several software examples, including the BT pairing example based on KW41Z.  The OM29110ARD is a generic interface board which offers support for connection to any PCB implementing Arduino connectors. It exposes: 3.3V and 5V power supply pins. I 2 C , SPI and UART host interfaces. Generic GPIOs (e.g. to be used for field detect, interrupts, reset pins or others) As such, it allows the NTAG I 2 C plus to be plugged into Arduino devices seamlessly. Once the NTAG I 2 C plus  board is stacked on the KW41Z, the pining routing between the two boards is as follows. It uses:  The  I 2 C  interface pins. The 3.3V supply pin. One GPIO is routed for the field detection pin. The Vout, for the energy harvesting pin. The ground reference. BLE pairing with NFC on KW41Z and NTAG I2C plus This section details how the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) pairing with NFC on KW41Z and NTAG I 2 C plus works. The following block diagram is a simplified representation of the demo that shows: The Bluetooth and NFC interfaces The buttons and LEDs involved in the process. Starting BLE advertising After SW4 is pressed: The application goes from IDLE to searching mode, advertising the BLE device The LED 3 starts blinking in RED color. Writing BLE pairing NDEF message Once the BLE advertising is activated, the next step is for the KW41 to write the pairing message into the NTAG I 2 C  plus memory. After SW3 is pressed: The KW41 uses the  I 2 C interface with the NTAG I 2 C plus to load a pre-defined NDEF message with the BLE pairing details. At the same time, the LED 4 is set to GREEN. Pairing with the BLE device While the LED 4 is set to green, the BLE pairing message is exposed through the NTAG I 2 C plus  RF interface. During this interval, any NFC-enabled device: Can read out the NDEF pairing message. Pass the BT credentials to the Android system or the host processor. And automatically create a Bluetooth link according to the exchanged network credentials. In case of an Android system, no third-party implementation is needed on this part as long as the pairing message follows the NFC Forum specifications. Writing default NDEF message Once the pairing information is read out of the NTAG I²C plus, the KW41Z removes the pairing content and turns back to normal operation mode. In addition, in this specific demo, the NDEF pairing message is programmed to remain in the NTAG I²C plus memory for only ten seconds. After these 10 seconds: The green LED is switched off. And the pairing NDEF message is overwritten by the default NDEF about the NTAG I²C plus demo app. Video The following video shows how the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) pairing with NFC on KW41Z and NTAG I 2 C plus works. How to integrate NTAG I2C plus into FRDM-KW41Z hid_device sample project In this section, we describe, step by step, how NFC is integrated in an existing default demo application taken from the KW41Z support package.   FRDM-KW41Z startup In the board website, there are very clear instructions on how to get started www.nxp.com/demoboard/FRDM-KW41Z. For instance: How to test KW41Z. How to get the tools, in our case: MCUXpresso, and the SDK for KW41Z. How to import, build and runn the examples included in the SDK for KW41Z, in our case: the ones inside the wireless_examples folder Importing FRDM-KW41Z SDK and hid_device sample project After that, we import the FRDM-KW41Z SDK and we import the sample project used as a basis for adding NTAG I 2 C plus support, this is the hid_device example located under the wireless/Bluetooth folder. Importing NTAG I2C plus middelware The NTAG I 2 C plus  middleware can be easily imported as a new folder in the project tree using the MCUXpresso File / Import menu. Once imported, the internal structure of the middleware should have this structure: HAL_I2C: The HAL_I2C files support access to the Kinetis I 2 C interface. HAL_ISR:  The HAL_ISR files support the interrupt handling and callback registration for the Kinetis MCU. HAL_NTAG: The HAL_NTAG source files provide an API that allow you to communicate with the NTAG chip and implements the NTAG command set to perform memory access operations from the I 2 C interface.  For instance, this API can be used to perform: Read / Write memory operations on EEPROM and SRAM (for example, to read data, you just need to indicate the memory address and length of the data to be read) Read / Write access to NTAG I 2 C plus registers (for example, you just need to indicate the register macro to be read). Functions for enabling the pass-through mode and handling the data exchange between interfaces (setting the data transfer direction is as easy as using this function). HAL_TMR: The HAL_TMR files support access to the timing hardware of the Kinetis MCU. Adding / changing GPIO pin settings All pin and GPIO settings are defined within the pin_mux.c file. For our application, the I 2 C pins need and a GPIO for the field detection need to be enabled.  Regarding the host interface: the I 2 C  pins for NTAG communication are configured using the BOARD_InitI2C() function, it sets the required I 2 C  port (port 0 for this MC) and set the right mode for the clock (SCL) and data (SDA) lines. Regarding the field detection: it is defined within the source code even though it is not used so far. It is left defined for future use. Within the pin_mux.c file, there are other functions which initialize; for instance, the buttons, LEDs, etc. These functions are called during the hardware initialization. NTAG I2C plus software and hardware initialization We move to the main_application, where some pieces of code need to be added. All code that has been added, is inside the #ifdef NTAG_I2C clause. First, we added: The I 2 C_driver and the ntag_app header files . The ntag_handle handler declaration. Then, the HW initialization is performed calling I2C_initDevice and the NFC_Initdevice() function is called to fill the  ntag_handle software handler. HID_device demo extensions The BLE demo application is written in the hid_device.c file and the whole behavior is handled in this file. The C-code printout in the blue box  below shows the content of the BleApp_HandleKeys() function, which handles the BLE activity and the changes made related to the NFC use case. Similarly, all new code additions are within the #ifdef NTAG_I2C clause. Mainly, the BleApp_HandleKeys() function function was extended to: Copy the pairing NDEF message to the NTAG I 2 C plus chip when the button SW3 is pressed. Set the LED 3 to green while the pairing NDEF message is available. Start a timer counter from the moment the SW3 button is pressed In addition, when the time counter is expired (expiration was defined to 10 seconds): The memory content of the NTAG I 2 C plus chip is overwritten by default NDEF message. The LED 3 is set to off. NDEF message for BLE pairing definition The last part missing to cover the NFC integration into the KW41Z refers to the files created within the application to declare the NDEF pairing and NDEF messages. The NFC Data Exchange Format (NDEF) is the NFC Forum specification defining an interoperable, common data format for information stored in NFC tags and NFC devices. The spec also details how to enable tags to deliver instructions to an NFC device so that the device will perform a specific action when a particular tag is read (open a browser, initiate a phone call, pairing, etc.). Every NDEF message can be automatically processed by any NFC device and execute the appropriate action without requiring the installation of any customized software / application and independently of the hardware manufacturer. There are several NDEF record formats that you can use in your implementation. Each NDEF record indicates to the application processor which kind of payload the message carries. In our demo app, the default NDEF message used belongs to a smart poster record and the NDEF pairing message, follows the protocol defined in the NFC Forum connection handover specification. Going to the source code, two application files for the NDEF handling were created: The app_ntag.h declares the two NDEF messages used in this demo. The app_ntag.c, implements a function which writes the NDEF message into the tag. As mentioned, the NDEF used for this BLE pairing was built according to the Connection Handover and BT secure simple pairing specifications and rules. On the image below, we copied the declaration of the NDEF pairing message. This is actually the hex bytes that are written into the tag memory. To highlight son relevant parts: We find the capability container and the NDEF TLV. These two fields are used by the NFC device to detect if the tag is loaded with NDEF formatted data into a Type 2 tag (like the NTAG I 2 C plus). After that, we find the record type name. This is the MIME type for the Bluetooth out of band pairing (written in its ASCII representation). It is followed by the device Bluetooth MAC address, and the complete local name (Freescale HID). The terminator TLV In case you are interested to know more about the NDEF message structure, you can check the NFC Forum specifications The data (MAC address 00:04:9F:00:00:04 & device name FSL_HID) read by the NFC device is sent to the Bluetooth controller to establish the Bluetooth connection. Default NDEF message definition  The NDEF used as thedefault_ndef message consist of two records: The first record was built according to the SmartPoster specification from the NFC Forum, which describe how to store a plain message followed by an URL. The second record is what is called Android Application record. On the image below, we copied the declaration of the NDEF default message. To highlight son relevant parts:   As the NDEF BLE message, the first data fields we find correspond to the container and the NDEF TLV structure for a Type 2 Tag. Then, we find the smart poster record, which includes a text field. In this example, it codes the text “NTAG I2C Explorer”  and a URI field which codes a the NTAG Explorer kit website URL. After that, we find the Android application record, which is used to automatically launch the app  or, if the app is not installed, redirect the user to Google Play. Finally, the terminator TLV. After 10 seconds, the application removes the BLE pairing NDEF and replaces it by the above described NDEF message. This can be easily demonstrated by tapping the phone after these 2 seconds, and validate that the NTAG I 2 C plus demo is automatically opened. Video recorded session   Available resources BLE pairing with NFC on KW41 and NTAG I 2 C plus source code www.nxp.com/downloads/en/snippets-boot-code-headers-monitors/SW4223.zip NTAG I 2 C plus kit for Arduino pinout www.nxp.com/demoboard/OM23221ARD FRDM-KW41Z board www.nxp.com/demoboard/FRDM-KW41Z
Android Open Accessory support allows external USB hardware (an Android USB accessory) to interact with an Android-powered device in a special accessory mode. When an Android-powered powered device is in accessory mode, the connected accessory acts as the USB host (powers the bus and enumerates devices) and the Android-powered device acts in the USB accessory role. This ADK library is based on NXP Kinetis Microcontroller KL26, It implements some functions to communicate with android phone.  
NFC Tandem offers best of both worlds: An NFC reader and a passive connected tag sharing one antenna. A user can interact with the device when it is powered off (through the NTAG I²C plus); when the device is powered, it can interact with cards, P2P devices or other connected tags.                                                             NFC Tandem Uses Cases and Applications: One-touch pairing WiFi with phone, or card Bluetooth with phone, headset, speaker IoT network node commissioning User identification with badge or phone Authentication and configuration of consumable and accessory Zero-power parametrization Zero-power firmware update Zero-power diagnosis and maintenance NFC Tandem Demo: NFC Tandem concept is demonstrated using NFC Tandem reference board: The demo can run on either: UDOO Neo Download UDOO Neo demo image or Raspberry Pi Download Raspberry Pi demo image Video of the demo: <script src="https://players.brightcove.net/6153537070001/default_default/index.min.js"></script>(view in My Videos) NFC Tandem References: PN7150 High performance NFC controller, supporting all NFC Forum modes, with integrated firmware and NCI interface NTAG I²C plus NFC Forum Type 2 Tag with I²C interface NFC Tandem Documents: User Manual and reference schematics are attached to this document
Demo Needs for insuring availability of Electrical Power is increasing. Batteries are spreading into automotive, electrical storage systems. This demo will demonstrate the Battery Management Product Family from NXP.   Most scalable and comprehensive battery management solutions Automotive robustness and in-house manufacturing process Designed for Functional Safety   Featured NXP Product 14-Channel Li-ion Battery Cell Controller IC|NXP   Target Applications Automotive Battery Chargers and Management 48V battery applications High-voltage battery management systems (> 800 V) Industrial Energy Storage Systems Uninterrupted power supply (UPS) E-bikes, E-scooters   Block Diagram
The demo from FirstView Consultants is a wearable medical EKG alert with Wi-Fi connection to enable Cloud reporting and diagnosis. The demo consists of an SCM-i.MX 6SoloX V-Link device (i.MX6SoloX/PF0100/512MB LPDDR2) + Firstview V-Link Top board with 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth     SCM V-Link technology is ideal for handheld/space-constrained applications allowing customers to integrate vertically.   Features: AFIB detection with diagnosis and report to Cloud via Wi-Fi. Top board contains: Wi-Fi/BT module (802.11 b/g/n), NXP 6-axis sensor and SPI NOR Flash 1 GB. Base SCM device: 15.5x15.5mm. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Featured NXP Products: Single Chip System Modules (SCM)|NXP Partner Firstview Consultants NXP FXOS8700CQ 6-axis Sensor
This post entry provides a detailed description of how to port the NFC Reader Library to Kinetis K64F MCU. It is used a real porting example exercise to show the steps required to adapt the NFC Reader Library to a sample target MCU. The goal of this post is to serve as a guide for software developers requiring to port the NFC Reader Library to their MCU of choice for their designs. NFC Reader Library overview The NFC Reader Library is a software stack for creating and developing contactless applications for NXP’s NFC frontends and NFC controllers with customizable firmware. This library provides an API facilitates the most common operations required in NFC applications such as: reading or writing data into contactless cards, exchanging data with other NFC-enabled devices or emulating cards. The NFC Reader Library: It is based on a modular approach It has been designed with a flexible and multilayered architecture It is written in ANSI-C programming language It is supported in multiple design environments and platforms and it has been developed with a strong focus on portability. It is available for free download. The NFC Reader Library v5.02.00 currently supports: All our NFC frontends (CLRC663 plus PN5180) and PN7462 NFC controller. Their corresponding development boards, used as NXP reference HW (CLEV6630B, PNEV5180B, PNEV7662B) And built-in MCU support for LPC1769, LPC11U68, FRDM-K82F and Raspberry Pi. In addition, the release includes several examples to get familiar with the library and which can be used as reference for your developments and, it is also included an HTLM-based API documentation for all the components, which is generated from source-code annotations. NFC Reader Library architecture The NFC Reader Library is encapsulated into layers, differentiated by colors, and components, differentiated in boxes. From top to bottom, we have: The Application Layer (AL), which implements the command sets to interact with MIFARE cards and NFC tags. The NFC activity, which implements a configurable Discovery loop for the detection of contactless cards, NFC tags or other NFC devices. Next to it, the HCE and P2P components, for the emulation of Type 4 tags and P2P data exchange respectively. The protocol abstraction layer (PAL), which contains the RF protocol implementation of the ISO14443, Felica, vicinity and NFC standards. One level down, the hardware abstraction layer (HAL), which implements the drivers for controlling the NFC frontends RF interface and capabilities. Below, the Driver Abstraction Layer (DAL), newly introduced in the latest release, which implements the GPIO pinning, the timer configuration and the physical interface (BAL) between the host MCU and the reader IC. Finally, the OSAL module, in charge of abstracting the OS or RTOS specifics (handles tasks such as timers, events, semaphores and threads) This layered architecture is helpful for several reasons: The eleven software examples, the Application Layer (AL) and the Protocol Abstraction Layer (PAL) are HW-independent, so that can be used on top of any NFC frontend. The the Application Layer (AL), the Protocol Abstraction Layer (PAL) and the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) are platform-independent, so that can run in any MCU without any additional change. In case the reader MCU is part of the built-in support, the examples can be directly imported and executed straight forward. On the other hand, in case the reader MCU is not supported by default, the major advantage is that only adaptations in the DAL and OSAL layers are required, while the rest of the layers can be used without any modification. The NFC Reader Library structure can be seen more clearly when imported in the MCUXpresso development environment. After completing the import wizard, all projects are listed in the “Project Explorer” window. As can be seen in the screenshot, it contains different folders: API documentation folder Driver Abstraction Layer FreeRTOS support The platform support (in the screenshot, corresponding to the LPC support) The software examples (11) The Reader Library implementation And the OS abstraction layer NFC Reader Library porting to FRDM-K64F steps In the existing NFC Reader Library v5.02.00 release there is no native support for Kinetis K64F. However, it is included a pre-compiled package for Kinetis K82F MCU. We use the K82F NFC Reader Library package as a reference project to start the porting to K64F MCU. This package can be downloaded from www.nxp.com/pages/:NFC-READER-LIBRARY. The steps required to port the library to Kinetis K64F are: Prearing the HW (i.e the pining between the Kinetis and the NFC reader board). Setting up the development environment (i.e workspace). Perfoming some changes in project configuration settings Performing some code modifications in the DAL and application code for adding Kinetis K64F support. NFC Reader Library porting to FRDM-K64F - Preparing the hardware The hardware used for this porting exercise is: A CLEV6630B board (CLRC663 plus) as an NFC transceiver  A FRDM-K64F board (Kinetis K64F) as host MCU, used to load and run the application logic. The CLRC663 plus evaluation board is connected by default to an LPC1769 µC via SPI. However, the board is made in such a way that the LPC1769 MCU can be bypassed to connect an external MCU easily. For doing so: Six resistors from the board need to be removed. These are highlighted in red. Use the SPI pin connectors available on the left hand side, on the board edge. Next, to connect the two boards together, the pining routing was done as follows: We use the Kinetis K64F jumper 2 pin line for the MOSI, MISO, chip select and clock lines of the SPI communication. The IRQ, interface selection and reset pins of CLRC663 plus are connected in jumper 1 pin line. And, one ground pin used for reference. Therefore no complex HW manipulation was required since all interfaces are easily accessible via dedicated headers or test points. NFC Reader Library porting to FRDM-K64F - Setting up the development environment Once the HW connection is prepared, we can move to setting up the development environment and workspace. Get the latest NFC Reader Library release From the software perspective, first we need to download the latest NFC Reader Library package. To do so: Go to NXP dot com slash pages slash NFC Reader Library (www.nxp.com/pages/:NFC-READER-LIBRARY) Go to the Downloads tab and click on the download button Click download on the NFC Reader Library for Kinetis K82Fpackage. Generate a downloadable SDK package for FRDM-K64F board As part of the NXP support, an SDK with drivers, middleware, RTOS demos and more is available for any of its Kinetis and LPC micros.We need to build the corresponding one to K64F SDK. For that: Navigate to www.mcuxpresso.nxp.com and select SDK builder option. Then, use the drop-down menus to customize your SDK configuration, middleware and optional software components be included in the package. Select Request build. In a few minutes, you will receive an email with a link to download the SDK package, very similar to the one showed in the figure below. Import the NFC Reader Library into MCUXpresso workspace Next step to configure the development environment is to import the library package in the workspace. The easiest way is to use the Quick Start Panel on the left hand side. Click on Import project from file system Then, browse the library package in your file system. Click Finish to import it all to your workspace. Install and link FRDM-K64F SDK into MCUXpresso workspace The last step is to import the K64F customized SDK we configured from the MCUXpresso tools. To do so: Just drag and drop the SDK into the installed SDKs tab of the MCUXpresso IDE. (It will appear in the bottom part, in the center) Import the SDK into the workspace and link it with the software examples. It will appear as another folder in the project explorer window. If the K64F SDK has been properly imported in the workspace, we should see a new drop-down menu for K64F. From there, we should select K64F and click Apply so that the memory details for K64F are set to the project example NFC Reader Library porting to FRDM-K64F - Project configuration changes At this point we have the hardware and the workspace for software development ready. In this step, we will start porting the NfcrdlibEx1_BasicDiscoveryLoop  software example provided as part of the NFC Reader Library release. Select FRDM-K64F SDK in the project MCU settings One of the first configurations to be changed is the project MCU settings. These settings indicate which target host device is running the application code. These settings can be found if: You right click on the project example > Properties In the left-hand list of the Properties window, open “C++ build” and select “MCU settings” In the right-hand panel, we can observe the corresponding settings for K82F micro. The left figure indicates the project configuration settings used by the default SW example prepared for K82F while the right figure indicates the final project configuration settings used by the SW example ported to K64F. Define FRDM-K64F SDK preprocessor symbols in the project After that, we need to change the compiler preprocessor settings, which can be found in C++Build > Settings. In the project examples of the NFC Reader Library, the conditional directives like #ifdef and #ifndef are used to include or exclude portions of the code from the actual compilation. The conditional codes are included in the program compilation only if the MACROs are defined in the project compiler preprocessor settings. In the left side we can see the defined macros for the original project. Among them, includes one which defines that the HW used is PN518 and K82F board. Therefore, in the ported project, we need to replace the macros corresponding to K82F with the new ones corresponding to K64F.  For instance, the PHDRIVER_K64_CLRC663 macro includes in the compilation the files related to the new HW used in the ported project (for the board pin and GPIO config, SPI settings or timers). Precisely, these files are included inside BoardSelection.h file in the Driver Abstraction Layer (DAL). Add include paths for FRDM-K64F SDK files When including header files into our project, the compiler must be told which directories must be searched to find those files. To do this: Open the project properties. In the left-hand list, open “C++ Build” and Select “Settings”. In the right-hand pane, choose the “Includes” section. Click the “Add icon”. In the left figure, we see the compiler include paths for the K82F SDK of the original example. In the ported example, the K64F SDK sources will not yet compile since we did not tell the compiler about all the new include paths. Therefore, we need to add the new include paths pointing to the K64F SDK and put them into the MCUXpresso IDE project. In the right figure, you can see the paths we included for this purpose. Mainly, these paths reference to the board system init, board drivers, CMSIS files and debug utils. Add include path for FRDM-K64F MCU assembler The last MCUXpresso settings to be changed is in the MCU Assembler. This can be found in the right-hand panel, choose the “MCU Assembler” and select “General”. In the original source code, a path is used to the K82F SDK. In the ported example, we just need to remove the previous include path and replace it with the corresponding one pointing to the K64F SDK in our workspace. NFC Reader Library porting to FRDM-K64F - Code changes So far, we have the HW, the development environment prepared and the project configuration settings changed. At this point, there are only a few code changes to be done before the porting is completed and the software example can be run in K64F. DAL driver adaptation for FRDM-K64F The layered architecture of the NFC Reader Library makes porting easier since only the lower drivers need to be adapted. This driver includes functions for: The physical link connection establishment between the CLRC663 plus and K64F The init functions for timers and interrupts so they are correctly used by the application layer. Going to the NfcrdlibEx1-BasicDiscovery loop project structure, it contains several folders. If we open the DAL > board folder, we can observe one source file per each supported platform (LPC with PN5180 and CLRC663, and the same for Raspberry Pi and Kinetis K82F). Our task for the porting would be to create an equivalent source file for the new supported board, the K64F together with the CLRC663 (e.g. Board_FRDM_K64FRc663.h). This file includes The related board pin and GPIO configurations The SPI configuration The timer configuration In addition, we need to include the board, pin_mux and clock config files. Use SDK examples to get FRDM-K64F board specific configuration Implementing these board specific files, in some cases, could be time consuming and may require experience. However, you do not need to do so but rather use the existing source files. For that, you can use any of the existing SDK software examples. You can easily import one SDK example by: Clicking the “Import SDK” example in the quick start menu > select the FRDM-K64F board. Selecting the demo example. Each example application has its own unique copy of the board, pin mux, and clock config files that you can reuse for the porting (Note: this process could be different depending on the MCU used). Add FRDM-K64F macro definitions in the source code Next, along the project tree, we need to add the #ifdef directives, indicating that K64F board files that need to be compiled. This is the case for: The BoardSelection.h file The ph_NxpBuild_App.h, which links the board with the reader IC by enabling the CLRC663 plus module in the HAL layer. The ph_AppInit.h so that the board is initialized when the reader device boots. Add FRDM-K64F CPU initialization code The ph_AppInit.h  file takes care of the code initialization and code specific to the HW used to run the example. As part of this ph_AppInit.h file, there is a function in charge of initialization the host MCU. Here, we need to implement the corresponding function for the K64F init, based on the SDK example source code selected earlier. If we look within this routine, we actually find functions for: Configuring the MCU clocks. Configuring the MCU pins. Configuring the interrupts (PIT). NFC Reader Library porting to FRDM-K64F: NfcrdlibEx1_BasicDiscoveryLoop execution After following the previous steps, the source code is succesfully ported to K64F. The following video demonstrates the correct execution of the NfcrdlibEx1_BasicDiscoveryLoop example in FRDM-K64F host MCU connected to CLRC663 plus NFC frontend (CLEV6630B). The video includes a webcam, which records the HW, including all the witing wiring between the K64F and the CLRC663 plus antenna. After the code is built and compiled, the video shows how some tags are tapped to validate that the example is working as expected (tag's UIDs are displayed in the MCUXpresso console). . General considerations to port the NFC Reader Library to your target MCU Overall, the general steps required to port the NFC Reader Library to your target MCU are: Adapt the MCU drivers to the DAL layer in the NFC Reader Library. This typically includes: timers, interrupts, pining and host interface configuration between the NFC reader and host MCU sides. Adapt the OS layer (i.e. you might need to port the FreeRTOS or to your target OS platform). Adapt the source code examples: project settings (macros, include paths, MCU configuration) and perform the required code modifications (Code for HW initialization, board files, etc). Available resources NFC Reader Library:  www.nxp.com/pages/:NFC-READER-LIBRARY CLRC663 plus: www.nxp.com/products/:CLRC66303HN CLRC663 plus development kit: www.nxp.com/demoboard/OM26630 FRDM-K64F board: www.nxp.com/demoboard/FRDM-K64F Video recorded session