i.MX Processors Knowledge Base

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i.MX Processors Knowledge Base


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The following document contains a list of document, questions and discussions that are relevant in the community based on amount of views. If you are having a problem, doubt or getting started in i.MX processors, you should check the following links to see if your doubt is in there. Yocto Project Freescale Yocto Project main page‌ Yocto Training - HOME‌ i.MX Yocto Project: Frequently Asked Questions‌ Useful bitbake commands‌ Yocto Project Package Management - smart  How to add a new layer and a new recipe in Yocto  Setting up the Eclipse IDE for Yocto Application Development Guide to the .sdcard format  Yocto NFS & TFTP boot  YOCTO project clean  Yocto with a package manager (ex: apt-get)  Yocto Setting the Default Ethernet address and disable DHCP on boot.  i.MX x Building QT for i.MX6  i.MX6/7 DDR Stress Test Tool V3.00  i.MX6DQSDL DDR3 Script Aid  Installing Ubuntu Rootfs on NXP i.MX6 boards  iMX6DQ MAX9286 MIPI CSI2 720P camera surround view solution for Linux BSP i.MX Design&Tool Lists  Simple GPIO Example - quandry  i.MX6 GStreamer-imx Plugins - Tutorial & Example Pipelines  Streaming USB Webcam over Network  Step-by-step: How to setup TI Wilink (WL18xx) with iMX6 Linux 3.10.53  Linux / Kernel Copying Files Between Windows and Linux using PuTTY  Building Linux Kernel  Patch to support uboot logo keep from uboot to kernel for NXP Linux and Android BSP (HDMI, LCD and LVDS)  load kernel from SD card in U-boot  Changing the Kernel configuration for i.MX6 SABRE  Android  The Android Booting process  What is inside the init.rc and what is it used for.  Others How to use qtmultimedia(QML) with Gstreamer 1.0
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1. HW Environment:     IMX8mp-evk board.     ITE6151 mipi dsi to eDP bridge board.   2. SW Environment:     IMX YOCTO 5.4.24-2.1.0 release.   3. Patch operation:     a. git clone https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/linux-imx.git     b. git checkout -b  imx_5.4.24_2.1.0 origin/imx_5.4.24_2.1.0     c. patch -p1 < ../ite6151_mipi2edp_linux_5.4.24_20200921.patch   4. Tested on imx8mp-evk board with DP monitor on 1080p mode: 5. Attached doc list:     IT6151 demo board user guide v1.0.pdf ------  ite6151 bridge board HW guide     it6151_qfn48_v20_20190905-01_end.pdf  ------  ite6151 bridge board SCH     imx8mp_ite6151_mipi2edp_linux_5.4.24_20200921.patch ------  Linux kernel driver patch     Image + imx8mp-evk-it6151.dtb  ------  test image and dtb  
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This documents describes how to add the NFC support to i.MX8M mini evk running Android Pie. Hardware setup: The i.MX8M mini evk (see i.MX 8M Mini Evaluation Kit | NXP) featuring Raspberry Pi compliant connector, the OM5578/RPI PN7150 demo kit can be used to perform this porting (see NFC Development Kits for Arduino and more|NXP). However a small modification must be done because some of the signals required by PN7150 are not mapped to i.MX8M mini expansion connector pins. OM5578 IRQ signal must be mapped to Raspberry Pi connector pin #19 and OM5578 VEN signal must be mapped to Raspberry Pi connector pin #21. See below a picture of the modification: Then, the two boards can fit together as shown in the picture below: Quick start using demo image: The demo image including support for PN7150, is based on Android P9.0.0 Pie (P9.0.0_1.0.0, 4.14 kernel) i.MX software release (see i.MX Software | NXP). Related documentation can be downloaded from here: https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/supporting-information/android_p9.0.0_1.0.0-ga_docs.zip. Just flash the demo image (downloaded from here:https://www.nxp.com/lgfiles/updates/NFC/ANDROID_P9-0-0_PN7150_IMAGE_8MMEVK.zip) following guidelines from i.MX_Android_Quick_Start document (part of Android P9.0.0_1.0.0 Documentation package mentioned above). The NFC support is then included in the device settings, as shown in below screenshot of the device: Approaching the NFC tag, provided as reference in the OM5578 demo kit, to the NFC Antenna will trigger a sound notification: Unfortunately the Android demo image doesn't embed a web browser, so it won't be automatically open when the NFC tag content (an URL to the demo kit web page) is read. Otherwise (if a web browser is installed) you could see such page opening on the device: Adding PN7150 support to imx-android-pie release: If you wish to add PN7150 support to your imx-android-pie environment, just apply the patches (imx-p9.0.0_1.0.0-ga_pn7150_patches.tar.gz file attached) from the ${MY_ANDROID} source code root folder (refer to i.MX_Android_User_Guide document part of Android P9.0.0_1.0.0 Documentation package mentioned above).  $ patch -p1 -d device/fsl/ <device_fsl.patch  $ patch -p1 -d packages/apps/Nfc <packages_apps_Nfc.patch  $ patch -p1 -d hardware/nxp/nfc <hardware_nxp_nfc.patch  $ patch -p1 -d vendor/nxp <vendor_nxp.patch  $ patch -p1 -d vendor/nxp-opensource/kernel_imx/ <vendor_nxp-opensource_kernel_imx.patch When building, the PN7150 support will then be included to the android image, as shown in the demo image described above. Reference: This porting have been done (demo image and patches creation) following guidelines provided in AN11690_NXP-NCI_Android_Porting_Guidelines document.
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Recently I published this i.MX Dev Blog post about the Gateworks plugin gst-variable-rtsp-server support for i.MX 6. Now, you can check how to use it on i.MX 8 SoCs as well. 1. Preparing the image In order to use gst-variable-rtsp-server plugin, prepare your machine and distro: Add the following line to conf/local.conf: IMAGE_INSTALL_append += "gstreamer1.0-rtsp-server gst-variable-rtsp-server" Download the attached patch and apply it by doing: $ cd <yocto_path>/sources/meta-fsl-bsp-release/ $ git am ~/Download/0001-Add-RTSP-support-for-i.MX-8-L4.14.78_ga1.0.0-or-olde.patch Note: This patch is not necessary for L4.14.98_ga2.0.0 BSP! Then, build the image with bitbake and deploy it to the SD card. 2. Video Test Source Example Server $ gst-variable-rtsp-server -p 9001 -u "videotestsrc ! v4l2h264enc ! rtph264pay name=pay0 pt=96" Client 2. Camera Example Server $ gst-variable-rtsp-server -p 9001 -u "v4l2src device=/dev/video0 ! video/x-raw,width=640,height=480 ! v4l2h264enc ! rtph264pay name=pay0 pt=96" Client In order to use VLC or other application as the client, just enter the URL as shown in the image below:
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Environment:   VMware player 15 + ubuntu 18.04 LTS Reference document: i.MX_Yocto_Project_User's_Guide.pdf 1. Software packages for the compilation # sudo apt-get install flex bison gperf build-essential zlib1g-dev # sudo apt-get install lib32ncurses5-dev x11proto-core-dev # sudo apt-get install libx11-dev lib32z1-dev libgl1-mesa-dev # sudo apt-get install tofrodos python-markdown libxml2-utils xsltproc # sudo apt-get install uuid-dev:i386 liblzo2-dev:i386 gcc-multilib g++-multilib # sudo apt-get install subversion openssh-server openssh-client uuid uuid-dev zlib1g-dev # sudo apt-get install liblz-dev lzop liblzo2-2 liblzo2-dev git-core curl # sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip python3-pexpect python3-git python3-jinja2 pylint3 # sudo apt-get install u-boot-tools mtd-utils android-tools-fsutils # sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk device-tree-compiler aptitude # sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev nss-updatedb # sudo apt-get install chrpath texinfo gawk cpio diffstat # sudo apt-get install libncursesw5-dev libssl-dev libegl1-mesa # sudo apt-get install net-tools python libsdl1.2-dev xterm socat # sudo apt-get install icedtea-netx-common icedtea-netx 2. downloading yocto bsp (L5.4.24_2.1.0) # rm -rf ~/bin # mkdir ~/bin # curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo # chmod a+x ~/bin/repo # export PATH=~/bin:$PATH   # mkdir imx-yocto-bsp-5.4.24-2.1.0 # cd imx-yocto-bsp-5.4.24-2.1.0 # repo init -u https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/imx-manifest -b imx-linux-zeus -m imx-5.4.24-2.1.0.xml # cd .repo/manifests # gedit imx-5.4.24-2.1.0.xml          Modify git to https like below:   <remote fetch="https://git.yoctoproject.org/git" name="yocto"/>   <remote fetch="https://github.com/Freescale" name="community"/>   <remote fetch="https://github.com/openembedded" name="oe"/>   <remote fetch="https://github.com/OSSystems" name="OSSystems"/>   <remote fetch="https://github.com/meta-qt5"  name="QT5"/>   <remote fetch="https://github.com/TimesysGit"  name="Timesys"/>   <remote fetch="https://github.com/meta-rust"  name="rust"/>   <remote fetch="https://git.openembedded.org"  name="python2"/>   <remote fetch="https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx" name="CAF"/> Save it and exit. # cd ~/ imx-yocto-bsp-5.4.24-2.1.0 # repo sync          Begin to compile i.MX8MQ BSP: # DISTRO=fsl-imx-wayland MACHINE=imx8mqevk source imx-setup-release.sh -b build-wayland          If users want to use chromium, do it like below, otherwise omit the step.        Add CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL += "chromium-ozone-wayland" to local.conf        And use 8 thread to compile BSP # gedit ./conf/local.conf …… BB_NUMBER_THREADS =”4” PARALLEL_MAKE =”-j 4” CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL += "chromium-ozone-wayland" ……          Save it and exit. [comment]          If your ubuntu has 8GB DDR, BB_NUMBER_THREADS can be set to “2”, PARALLEL_MAKE can be set to “-j 2”. # bitbake chromium-ozone-wayland -c fetch # bitbake imx-image-full Use ulimit -n 4096 to solve the issue. Then continue. # bitbake imx-image-full chromium compilation error:          Compile chromium-ozone-wayland separately. # bitbake chromium-ozone-wayland -c cleansstate # bitbake chromium-ozone-wayland -c compile          Use the command to solve the problem. # gedit ../sources/meta-imx/meta-sdk/dynamic-layers/browser-layer/recipes-browser/chromium/chromium-ozone-wayland_%.bbappend DEPENDS += "\         libxkbcommon \         virtual/egl \         wayland \         wayland-native \          mesa         \ "          Add mesa to DEPENDS          Save and exit.          Continue to compile it. # bitbake chromium-ozone-wayland -c compile          done, continue to compile full image   # bitbake imx-image-full Attachment is document in pdf format, which should be clear. NXP TIC team Weidong Sun 08/21/2020
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  1.overwrite the sources/meta-freescale/recipes-security/optee-imx with optee-imx.zip 2.add below code to conf/local.conf DISTRO_FEATURES_append += " systemd" DISTRO_FEATURES_BACKFILL_CONSIDERED += "sysvinit" VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_init_manager = "systemd" VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_initscripts = "systemd-compat-units" MACHINE_FEATURES_append += "optee" DISTRO_FEATURES_append += "optee" IMAGE_INSTALL_append += "optee-test optee-os optee-client optee-examples" 3.bitbake optee-examples or bitbake imx-image-xxx You can directly install optee-examples_3.11.0-r0_arm64.deb in your device.  
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The document to descript change the u-boot environment variables under the Linux rootfs.  Also provide a demo on i.MX6ull evk of sdcard mirror.  Linux fw_printenv fw_setenv to access U-Boot's environment variables.pdf  --- the document fw_printenv_fw_setenv_demo_iMX6ullevk_L4.14.98_2.0.0_ga.sdcard  --- demo sdcard mirror
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UPDATE: Note that this document describes eIQ Machine Learning Software for the NXP L4.14 BSP release. Beginning with the L4.19 BSP, eIQ Software is pre-integrated in the BSP release and this document is no longer necessary or being maintained. For more information on eIQ Software in these releases (L4.19, L5.4, etc), please refer to the "NXP eIQ Machine Learning" chapter in the Linux User Guide for that specific release.  Original Post: eIQ Machine Learning Software for iMX Linux 4.14.y kernel series is available now. The NXP eIQ™ Machine Learning Software Development Environment enables the use of ML algorithms on NXP MCUs, i.MX RT crossover processors, and i.MX family SoCs. eIQ software includes inference engines, neural network compilers, and optimized libraries and leverages open source technologies. eIQ is fully integrated into our MCUXpresso SDK and Yocto development environments, allowing you to develop complete system-level applications with ease. Source download, build and installation Please refer to document NXP eIQ(TM) Machine Learning Enablement (UM11226.pdf) for detailed instructions on how to download, build and install eIQ software on your platform. Sample applications To help get you started right away we've posted numerous howtos and sample applications right here in the community. Please refer to eIQ Sample Apps - Overview. Supported platforms eIQ Machine learning software for i.MX Linux 4.14.y supports the L4.14.78-1.0.0 and L4.14.98-2.0.0 GA releases running on i.MX 8 Series Applications Processors. For more information on artificial intelligence, machine learning and eIQ Software please visit AI & Machine Learning | NXP.
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Summary: The i.MX 8M-Mini can boot from QSPI flash using a dedicated boot image. The boot config settings are not correctly documented in the EVK Board Hardware User's Guide Rev 0 from 02/2019. In the document i.MX_Linux_User's_Guide.pdf  in the BSP documentation 4.14.98 the settings are correctly given in Table 38 Details: To generate a bootable file for the QSPI with Yocto, you need to include the following setting into local.conf: UBOOT_CONFIG = "fspi" If you don't want/need to make a complete build, just rebuild u-boot: bitbake -c deploy u-boot-imx Alternatively the file imx-boot-imx8mmevk-fspi.bin-flash_evk_flexspi included already in the BSP demo packages will work as well Program the image into QSPI: With UUU:   uuu -b qspi imx-boot-imx8mmevk-fspi.bin-flash_evk_flexspi With u-boot: u-boot=> fatls mmc 0:1 14557696   Image    …   1446848   imx-boot-imx8mmevk-fspi.bin-flash_evk_flexspi 11 file(s), 0 dir(s) u-boot=> sf probe SF: Detected n25q256a with page size 256 Bytes, erase size 4 KiB, total 32 MiB u-boot=> fatload mmc 0:1 0x40480000 imx-boot-imx8mmevk-fspi.bin-flash_evk_flexspi 1446848 bytes read in 79 ms (17.5 MiB/s) u-boot=> sf erase 0x0 0x200000 SF: 2097152 bytes @ 0x0 Erased: OK u-boot=> sf write 0x40480000 0x0 0x200000 device 0 offset 0x0, size 0x200000 SF: 2097152 bytes @ 0x0 Written: OK u-boot=> sf read 0x50000000 0x0 0x200000 device 0 offset 0x0, size 0x200000 SF: 2097152 bytes @ 0x0 Read: OK u-boot=> cmp.b 0x40480000 0x50000000 0x200000 Total of 2097152 byte(s) were the same u-boot=> Set boot config jumpers correctly and power on the board (no SD-card in the slot) 8M-Mini Rev A and Rev B boards:  01xxxxx0 0000x001 8M-Mini Rev C boards: 0110xxxxxx 00100x0010
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The Android P9.0.0_2.0.0 GA (4.14.98 kernel) is now available on IMX software landing page. Overview -> i.MX BSP Updates and Releases -> Android -> Android P9.0.0_2.0.0 (4.14.98 kernel)    Files available:   # Name Description 1 android_p9.0.0_2.0.0-ga_docs.zip Android P9.0.0_2.0.0 Documentation 2 imx-p9.0.0_2.0.0-ga.tar.gz i.MX Android proprietary surce code for Android P9.0.0_2.0.0 3 android_p9.0.0_2.0.0-ga_image_8mmevk.tar.gz Prebuilt images with NXP extended features for the i.MX 8M Mini EVK 4 android_p9.0.0_2.0.0-ga_image_8mqevk.tar.gz Prebuilt images with NXP extended features for the i.MX 8M Quad EVK 5 android_p9.0.0_2.0.0-ga_image_8qmek.tar.gz Prebuilt images with NXP extended features for the i.MX8QMax and 8QXPlus MEK 6 fsl_aacp_dec_p9.0.0_2.0.0-ga.tar.gz AAC Plus Codec for P9.0.0_2.0.0_GA   Supported boards: i.MX 8MMini MEK Board i.MX 8MQuad EVK Board i.MX 8QuadMax MEK i.MX 8QuadXPlus MEK   Features and Known issues For features and known issues, please consult the Release Notes in detail.  ======================================================================================= The Android P9.0.0_2.1.0_AUTO GA (4.14.98 kernel) is now available on IMX software landing page. Overview -> i.MX BSP Updates and Releases -> Android AUTO-> Android P9.0.0_2.1.0_AUTO   Files available:   # Name Description 1 android_p9.0.0_2.1.0-auto-ga_docs.zip Android P9.0.0_2.1.0_AUTO  Documentation 2 imx-p9.0.0_2.1.0-auto-ga.tar.gz i.MX Android Automotive proprietary source code for Android P9.0.0_2.1.0_AUTO 3 android_p9.0.0_2.1.0-auto-ga_image_8qmek.tar.gz Prebuilt images with NXP extended features with the EVS function enabled in the Cortex-M4 CPU core for the i.MX 8QuadMax/8QuadXPlus MEK 4 android_p9.0.0_2.1.0-auto-ga_image_8qmek2.tar.gz Prebuilt images with NXP extended features for the i.MX8QMax and 8QXPlus MEK, without the EVS in M4 Core.   Supported boards: i.MX 8QuadMax MEK i.MX 8QuadXPlus MEK   Features and Known issues For features and known issues, please consult the Release Notes in detail.
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Hello everyone, We have recently migrated our Source code from CAF (Codeaurora) to Github, so i.MX NXP old recipes/manifest that point to Codeaurora eventually will be modified so it points correctly to Github to avoid any issues while fetching using Yocto. Also, all repo init commands for old releases should be changed from: $ repo init -u https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/imx-manifest -b <branch name> [ -m <release manifest>] To: $ repo init -u https://github.com/nxp-imx/imx-manifest -b <branch name> [ -m <release manifest>] This will also apply to all source code that was stored in Codeaurora, the new repository for all i.MX NXP source code is: https://github.com/nxp-imx For any issues regarding this, please create a community thread and/or a support ticket. Regards, Aldo.
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This is a quick article focused on how to add the support of the ssh on the i.MX devices using Yocto to add that packages.   Refer to the pdf attached.
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This documents describes how to add the NFC support to i.MX8M mini evk running Yocto. Hardware setup: The i.MX8M mini evk (see i.MX 8M Mini Evaluation Kit | NXP) featuring Raspberry Pi compliant connector, the OM5578/RPI PN7150 demo kit can be used to perform this porting (see NFC Development Kits for Arduino and more|NXP). However a small modification must be done because some of the signals required by PN7150 are not mapped to i.MX8M mini expansion connector pins. OM5578 IRQ signal must be mapped to Raspberry Pi connector pin #19 and OM5578 IRQ signal must be mapped to Raspberry Pi connector pin #21. See below a picture of the modification: Then, the two boards can fit together as shown in the picture below: Quick start using demo image: The demo image including support for PN7150, is based on i.MX Linux 4.14.78_1.0.0 BSP software release (see i.MX Software | NXP). Related documentation can be downloaded from here: https://www.nxp.com/webapp/Download?colCode=L4.14.78_1.0.0_LINUX_DOCS. Just flash the demo image (downloaded from here: https://www.nxp.com/lgfiles/updates/NFC/LINUX_L4-14-78_IMAGE_MX8MMEVK.zip) following guidelines from i.MX_Linux_User's_Guide document (part of L4.14.78_1.0.0_LINUX Documentation package mentioned above). Then in a terminal you can run the demo application included in the image executing the command:    # nfcDemoApp poll Approaching the NFC tag, provided as reference in the OM5578 demo kit, to the NFC Antenna will trigger such display: Adding PN7150 support to imx-linux-sumo release: Pre-condition is to have L4.14.78_1.0.0 release installed and already built as described in i.MX Yocto Project User's Guide (part of L4.14.78_1.0.0_LINUX Documentation package mentioned above) :     $ repo init -u https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/imx-manifest  -b imx-linux-sumo -m imx-4.14.78-1.0.0_ga.xml     $ repo sync     $ MACHINE=imx8mmevk DISTRO=fsl-imx-xwayland source fsl-setup-release.sh -b build_dir     $ bitbake fsl-image-validation-imx Then to add PN7150 support to your imx-linux-sumo environment, follow below step by step guidelines: In the sources directory, download the meta-nxp-nfc layer from https://github.com/NXPNFCLinux/meta-nxp-nfc     $ git clone https://github.com/NXPNFCLinux/meta-nxp-nfc.git  Define hardware connection between CPU and PN7150 in device-tree adding the following lines to file build_dir/tmp/work-shared/imx8mmevk/kernel-source/arch/arm64/boot/dts/freescale/fsl-imx8mm-evk.dts: @@ -227,6 +227,8 @@                         fsl,pins = <                                 MX8MM_IOMUXC_I2C3_SCL_I2C3_SCL                  0x400001c3                                 MX8MM_IOMUXC_I2C3_SDA_I2C3_SDA                  0x400001c3 +                               MX8MM_IOMUXC_ECSPI2_MOSI_GPIO5_IO11             0x41 +                               MX8MM_IOMUXC_ECSPI2_MISO_GPIO5_IO12             0x41                         >;                 };   @@ -747,6 +749,13 @@         pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_i2c3>;         status = "okay";   +       pn54x: pn54x@28 { +               compatible ="nxp,pn547"; +               reg = <0x28>; +               interrupt-gpios = <&gpio5 11 0>; +               enable-gpios = <&gpio5 12 0>; +       }; +         pca6416: gpio@20 {                 compatible = "ti,tca6416";                 reg = <0x20>; Add the meta-nxp-nfc layer to the build definition updating file build_dir/conf/bblayers.conf with: BBLAYERS += " ${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-nxp-nfc" Add the meta-nxp-nfc layer components to the image definition updating file build_dir/conf/local.conf with: IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " kernel-module-nxp-pn5xx nxp-nfc-bin " Re-build the linux kernel:     $ bitbake -f -c compile linux-imx && bitbake -f -c deploy linux-imx Build meta-nxp-nfc layer:     $ bitbake nxp-nfc Re-build the complete image to include the modifications:     $ bitbake fsl-image-validation-imx Then you can flash the updated image to your i.MX8M mini evk and run the demo application as described in above "Quick start using demo image" chapter. Reference: This porting have been done (demo image and instructions) following guidelines provided in AN11679_PN71xx_Linux_Software_Stack_Integration_Guidelines document.
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  Anyone who want to use this solution should get reference design and firmware from Lontium. Hardware Here is the block diagram of LT9611UXC Demo Board. As the MIPI port of our EVK can provide 5V, 3V3 and 1V8.We can remove useless DC-DC chips from reference design. Below is the LT9611UXC Demo Board. Software Download the firmware into LT9611UXC. In Linux side, we need to drive the MIPI to output signals with standard timings of 1080P. Panel type diff --git a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/freescale/imx8mp-evk.dts b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/freescale/imx8mp-evk.dts index 1732b5c72380..c6a829be541f 100644 --- a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/freescale/imx8mp-evk.dts +++ b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/freescale/imx8mp-evk.dts @@ -696,13 +716,17 @@ &ldb_phy { &mipi_dsi { status = "okay"; + panel@0{ + compatible = "nxp,lt9611uxc"; + reg = <0>; + status = "okay"; }; }; &snvs_pwrkey { diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/panel/panel-simple.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/panel/panel-simple.c index 4f78bbf63f33..90d99f12515b 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/panel/panel-simple.c +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/panel/panel-simple.c @@ -4997,6 +4997,34 @@ struct panel_desc_dsi { unsigned int lanes; }; +static const struct drm_display_mode lt9611_panel_mode = { + .clock = 148500, + .hdisplay = 1920, + .hsync_start = 1920 + 88, + .hsync_end = 1920 + 88 + 44, + .htotal = 1920 + 88 + 44 + 148, + .vdisplay = 1080, + .vsync_start = 1080 + 4, + .vsync_end = 1080 + 4 + 5, + .vtotal = 1080 + 4 + 5 + 36, +}; + +static const struct panel_desc_dsi lt9611_panel = { + .desc = { + .modes = &lt9611_panel_mode, + .num_modes = 1, + .bpc = 8, + .size = { + .width = 62, + .height = 110, + }, + .connector_type = DRM_MODE_CONNECTOR_DSI, + }, + .flags = MIPI_DSI_MODE_VIDEO_HSE | MIPI_DSI_MODE_VIDEO | MIPI_DSI_MODE_NO_EOT_PACKET | MIPI_DSI_MODE_VIDEO_SYNC_PULSE, + .format = MIPI_DSI_FMT_RGB888, + .lanes = 4, +}; + static const struct drm_display_mode auo_b080uan01_mode = { .clock = 154500, .hdisplay = 1200, @@ -5201,6 +5229,9 @@ static const struct panel_desc_dsi osd101t2045_53ts = { static const struct of_device_id dsi_of_match[] = { { + .compatible = "nxp,lt9611uxc", + .data = &lt9611_panel, + },{ .compatible = "auo,b080uan01", .data = &auo_b080uan01 }, {
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Note: This guide is specifically for use with Segger software. For steps to use with the MCUXpresso extension for VSCode please refer to How to Use Segger J-Link Plus with i.MX 8M Process... - NXP Community This guide aims to be a technical reference to start using the SEGGER J-Link Plus debug probe on the i.MX 8M Family processors. The board used for this guide specifically is the i.MX 8M Nano EVK, but it also applies to all processors of the i.MX 8M Family. Here we will describe the process using the following structure: Hardware requirements Software requirements How to find, build, and download the i.MX SDK Host setup Build an example application Target setup Run an example application Hardware requirements Evaluation Kit for the i.MX8M Nano Applications Processor (i.MX 8M Nano Evaluation Kit | NXP Semiconductors) Quick Start Guide for i.MX8M Nano (I.MX 8M Nano EVK Quick Start Guide (nxp.com)) J-Link Plus JTAG/SWD debug probe with USB interface (SEGGER J-Link PLUS) Features Download speed up to 1MB/s Unlimited breakpoints in flash memory Supports direct download into RAM and flash memory Supported NXP Devices Supported Devices - Search results "nxp" (segger.com) 9 Pin Cortex-M Adapter (9-Pin Cortex-M Adapter (segger.com)) Description Adapts from the 20-pin 0.1'' JTAG connector to a 9-pin 0.05'' Samtec FTSH connector as defined by Arm. Software requirements Windows 10 OS (host) J-Link Software and Documentation Pack for Windows (https://www.segger.com/products/debug-probes/j-link/models/j-link-plus/) i.MX 8M Nano SDK (Welcome | MCUXpresso SDK Builder (nxp.com)) MinGW CMake GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain Terminal Emulator for serial port connection (Tera Term, PuTTY, etc.)   How to find, build, and download the i.MX 8M Nano SDK Enter Welcome | MCUXpresso SDK Builder (nxp.com) Click on "Select Development Board"  Select EVK-MIMX8MN (MIMX8MN6xxxJZ) from Boards -> i.MX -> EVK-MIMX8MN Click on the Build MCUXpresso SDK button Click on Download SDK, you'll be redirected to the MCUXpresso SDK Dashboard Look for the i.MX 8M Nano SDK and click on Download SDK Click on Download SDK archive and documentation, accept the Software Terms and Conditions and the .zip file for the SDK will be downloaded.   Host Setup J-Link Software and Documentation Pack for Windows Download J-Link Software and Documentation Pack for Windows (https://www.segger.com/products/debug-probes/j-link/models/j-link-plus/) Execute .exe file downloaded and then click on "Next" Follow the installation wizard with default parameters and click on "Finish".   MinGW Download the MinGW installer from MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows - Browse /Installer at SourceForge.net. Follow the installer instructions leaving all options in their default values. Click on Continue when the installer finishes. A MinGW Installation Manager window will pop up, select mingw32-base and msys-base from basic setup. Click on the Installation menu and select Apply Changes. On the next window, click on Apply and wait for the package to finish downloading. Add the appropriate item to the Windows operating system path environment variable. It can be found under Control Panel->System and Security->System->Advanced System Settings in the Environment Variables... section. The path is: \bin. Assuming the default installation path, "C:\MinGW". If the path is not set correctly, the toolchain does not work. Note: If you have C:\MinGW\msys\x.x\bin in your PATH variable (as required by KSDK 1.0.0), remove it to ensure that the new GCC build system works correctly.   CMake Download CMake Windows x64 Installer from  Download CMake. Scroll down to find the latest release for the installer: Run the installer and follow the instructions. Make sure to check the Add CMake to system PATH for all users option during the installation process. Restart your PC to apply changes. GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain Download the GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain installer from Downloads | GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain Downloads – Arm Developer, scroll down to find the latest release for the installer: Follow the installer instructions and check the Add to PATH option at the end of the process. Add a new system environment variable named ARMGCC_DIR with the GNU ARM embedded Toolchain installation path as its value ARMGCC_DIR=ARMGCC_DIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain\10 2021.10​   Build and example application Press the Windows Key and search for GCC Command Prompt and run it. Change the directory to the example application project directory (inside the armgcc folder), for example: C:\Users/<user>\Documents\8MNANO\boards\evkmimx8mn\demo_apps\hello_world\armgcc Type build_debug.bat on the command line or double click the build_debug.bat file (inside the armgcc folder of the application project) through Windows Explorer Wait for the building process to end and make sure no error messages are shown. Target Setup Connect the debug cable (USB-UART) to the board and the other end to your PC. Connect the power cable to the second USB-C port and to a wall socket. Don't turn on the board yet. Connect the JLink Plus to your PC with the USB cable. Connect the JLink Plus to the JTAG of the i.MX 8M Nano EVK board In this part we will need to identify pin number 1 from the 9 Pin Cortex-M adapter and from the i.MX 8M Nano EVK board. For the first one identify pin 7 identifiable by a "Non-connect pin". For the i.MX 8M Nano, you can identify easily with a number 1 in one corner of the connectors.    The whole setup should look similar to this: Run an example application Open a terminal application (TeraTerm, PuTTY, etc.) on your host PC and set it to the serial debug port with the lowest numbered port with the following settings: Speed: 115200 Data: 8-bit Parity: none Stop bits: 1 bit Flow Control: none Start SEGGER J-Link GDB Server. On section “Target Device” select MIMX8MN6_M7 and click “OK”. You will see the following window. Open a new instance of GCC Command Prompt. Change to the directory with the example previously compiled. Here is the path to folder that contains the files: <install_dir>/boards/<boad_name>/<example_type>/<application_name>/armgcc/debug​ Run the command: arm-none-eabi-gdb.exe <application_name>.elf.​ Example: At this point you are in the GDB Command Prompt, run the following commands: target remote localhost:2331 monitor reset monitor halt load monitor go The application will be now running and you can see the “hello world” on your terminal (PuTTY,Tera Term, etc.).  
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In the i.MX 8M Plus LPDDR4 EVK board there are two Type-C port design. For the port0 is used to power supply no usb function, for the port1 used for USB function but without PD function. But in customer’s design, customer only use one USB design on their board, how to make the one USB work with the PD and USB function, we need to make the hardware design and software modify. This article only give method to realized it and have tested and realized the port1 PD function. 1 Introduction of the USB interface on i.MX8MP         There are two USB 3.0 TypeC controllers with integrated PHY interface on the i.MX8MP: Backward compatibility with USB 2.0 Spread spectrum clock support   The USB on the i.MX8MP supports USB3.0 and is compatible with USB2.0 downward. We can see that the upper layer is the universal layer for USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 operations. This is a common interface, buffer management block, list processor, used to schedule and control the status register (CSR) function: USB 2.0 physical layer and MAC layer USB 3.0 physical layer, link layer and MAC layer   Features of USB 3.0: USB compliant version 3.0 (xHCI compatible) Supports operation as a stand-alone USB host controller USB dual role operation, configurable as host or device Ultra high speed (5Gbit/s), high speed (480Mbit/s), full speed (12Mbit/s) and low speed (1.5Mbit/s) operation. Support independent single port USB operation Support for four programmable bidirectional USB endpoints Support system memory interface with 40 bit addressing capability   2 Design of USB on Development Board         The i.MX 8M Plus processor includes two USB 2.0/3.0 controllers and two integrated USB PHYs. USB supports both running as an independent USB host controller and dual role USB operation, and can be configured as a host or device. Therefore, the design of these two functions is implemented on the development board of i.MX8MP.   We can see that on the development board, one USB1 is used for the USB Type-C port and the other USB2 is used for the USB 3.0 host port. USB Type-C port 0 (J5) is only used for power supply. It does not support USB data transfer. It is the only power port, so the system must always be powered.   On the CPU side of the schematic diagram, we can also see that USB1 is the port for USB Type-C, and USB2 is the host for USB3.0.    USB1 is designed as USB Type-C:   USB2 USB3.0 Host design:   Power design of the USB Type-C port:   3 Only one USB interface is used in the design (compatible with both USB PD function and USB dual roles function)         Two USB Type-C ports are used on our development board. One is used to power the board separately, and the other is used as the function of USB Type-C. However, due to the limited design cost and chip layout and space on the board, some customers will use a USB interface to realize the dual role function of power supply and USB. How to achieve this? USB Device(Download mode):     USB Host mode(power+device Need the hub support PD function):     The specific implementation and design are as follows: 3.1 Hardware realize PTN5110 To realize the USB Type-C support power supply function, PTN5110 (USB PD TCPC PHY IC) chip is required to realize Type-C data logic and power control and management. The selection of PTN5110 is critical and important.   PTN5110 is a single port USB PD (power supply) PHY IC that conforms to TCPC. It integrates Type-C configuration channel (CC) interface and USB PD physical layer functions into Type-C port manager (TCPM) that handles PD policy management. It complies with USB PD, Type-C and TCPC specifications.   The IC is mainly aimed at applications in system platforms (such as laptops, desktops, Chromebooks, tablets, flip notebooks, etc.). Other application cases may be feasible, depending on the application architecture, such as docking stations, displays, accessories, cable adapters, smartphones, etc.   It can support various Type-C applications: Sink, Source, Sink with accessory support or DRP. It executes Type-C CC simulation part (i.e. Rd/Rp/Ra detection, Rd/Rp indication) and PD Tx/Rx PHY and protocol state machine. PTN5110 supports TCPM in the system implementation of the following PD roles.   PTN5110 integrates VCONN load switch, programmable current limit, reverse leakage current blocking and over temperature protection (OTP). It is equipped with two enable control outputs to control the load switch/FET in the VBUS pull and/or sink path. It can also perform VBUS voltage monitoring/measurement, VBUS forced discharge and discharge discharge.   PTN5110 provides the main IO related functions for the main processor/TCPM, so that Type-C/PD interfaces can be easily controlled and managed through the TCPC interface.   PTN5110 supports a wide range of power input voltages, providing platform integrators with great flexibility. PTN5110 can run on VBUS to support specific system use cases that require no power operation.https://www.nxp.com/products/interfaces/usb-interfaces/usb-type-c/usb-pd-phy-and-cc-logic/usb-pd-tcpc-phy-ic:PTN5110   The design only use the USB1:   Here, it is required to weld R53 or R54. You can refer to this design completely. 2 Software modify Modify the BPS of the software: Take the newest released Linux 5.15.32_2.0.0​ as example: In the u-boot /board/freescale/imx8mp_evk/imx8mp_evk.c     It can be seen that the PD function of the port is turned off, so if you want to use USB1 for power supply, remove the following commands and turn on the PD function of USB1. “-   .disable_pd = true,” Use the above action to enable Port1 PD function. Kernel section modify: Kernel section modify towards to PTN5110. Type-C Configure channel (CC) interface: root/drivers/usb/typec/tcpm/tcpci.c @@ -524,6 +524,7 @@ static int tcpci_vbus_force_discharge(struct tcpc_dev *tcpc, bool enable)  static int tcpci_set_vbus(struct tcpc_dev *tcpc, bool source, bool sink)  {        struct tcpci *tcpci = tcpc_to_tcpci(tcpc); +      unsigned int reg;        int ret;          if (tcpci->data->set_vbus) { @@ -533,16 +534,20 @@ static int tcpci_set_vbus(struct tcpc_dev *tcpc, bool source, bool sink)                         return ret < 0 ? ret : 0;        }   +      ret = regmap_read(tcpci->regmap, TCPC_POWER_STATUS, &reg); +      if (ret < 0) +              return ret; +        /* Disable both source and sink first before enabling anything */   -       if (!source) { +      if (!source && (reg & TCPC_POWER_STATUS_SOURCING_VBUS)) {                 ret = regmap_write(tcpci->regmap, TCPC_COMMAND,                                     TCPC_CMD_DISABLE_SRC_VBUS);                 if (ret < 0)                         return ret;        }   -       if (!sink) { +      if (!sink && (reg & TCPC_POWER_STATUS_SINKING_VBUS)) {                 ret = regmap_write(tcpci->regmap, TCPC_COMMAND,                                     TCPC_CMD_DISABLE_SINK_VBUS);                 if (ret < 0)   Type-C port manager managed by PD (TCPM): root/drivers/usb/typec/tcpm /tcpm.c @@ -340,6 +340,7 @@ struct tcpm_port {         */        bool vbus_vsafe0v;   +      bool vbus_keep;        bool vbus_never_low;        bool vbus_source;        bool vbus_charge; @@ -3662,7 +3663,8 @@ static void tcpm_reset_port(struct tcpm_port *port)        port->rx_msgid = -1;          port->tcpc->set_pd_rx(port->tcpc, false); -       tcpm_init_vbus(port);     /* also disables charging */ +      if (!port->vbus_keep) +              tcpm_init_vbus(port);  /* also disables charging */        tcpm_init_vconn(port);        tcpm_set_current_limit(port, 0, 0);        tcpm_set_polarity(port, TYPEC_POLARITY_CC1); @@ -5834,6 +5836,9 @@ static void tcpm_init(struct tcpm_port *port)          port->tcpc->init(port->tcpc);   +      port->vbus_present = port->tcpc->get_vbus(port->tcpc); +      if (port->vbus_present) +              port->vbus_keep = true;        tcpm_reset_port(port);          /* @@ -5872,7 +5877,10 @@ static void tcpm_init(struct tcpm_port *port)         * Some adapters need a clean slate at startup, and won't recover         * otherwise. So do not try to be fancy and force a clean disconnect.         */ -       tcpm_set_state(port, PORT_RESET, 0); +      if (!port->vbus_keep) +              tcpm_set_state(port, PORT_RESET, 0); + +      port->vbus_keep = false;  }    static int tcpm_port_type_set(struct typec_port *p, enum typec_port_type type) Note: The software just needs to modify these two parts. You also need to mention to the proper the I2C port use, if not proper the driver of the PTN5110 can not driver. 4 Test         In our i. MX8MP EVK development board show that R53 and R54 in the USB1 part of our development board are in DNP status, so VBUS_ IN is disconnected and no power comes in. Here, connect R53 or R54 with solder, so that VBUS_ IN, the power comes in again. After the power is connected. The board can be powered through USB1. 4.1 Download images to the emmc on the Board: Power from the USB1, set the boot mode to serial download mode, then go to download images finished. 4.2 Boot up the board from the EMMC Change the boot mode to boot up from EMMC,the board boot up, the log file is as following show:   It will stop at the TCPC for the section of PTN5110 driver. By default, the PD function of port1 in the u-boot is turned off, so if you want to use USB1 for power supply, remove the following commands and turn on the PD function of USB1. “-   .disable_pd = true,” After the PD function is turned on, the board can be started normally, but the whole part running to the kernel will be powered down, so the kernel part of PTN5110 still needs to be modified. After the patch modification of the above kernel part, the board can run normally.         I also did the same experiment on the i.MX8MM EVK development board. The same phenomenon occurs when the kernel starts. Therefore, similar modifications to the above i. MX8MP can work normally. Summary: In one word i.MX8MP and i.MX8M series can realize the role of using a USB for power supply and USB Dual. The hardware design refers to our development board, and we must use the logic chip PTN5110. For software, refer to the above code modification.  
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