i.MX Processors Knowledge Base

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i.MX Processors Knowledge Base


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There is GPU SDK for i.MX6D/Q/DL/S: IMX_GPU_SDK.  This is to share the experience when compiling the example code from the SDK with Linux BSP release: L3.0.35_1.1.0_121218 and  L3.0.35_4.0.0_130424 . Minimal profile is using and have been verified on both i.MX6Q SDP and i.MX6DL SDP. To start: Please make sure “gpu-viv-bin-mx6q” has been selected in the Package list and compiled to your rootfs. After finished the compilation of the rootfs, you should find some newly added libraries for GLES1.0, GLES2.0, OpenVG and EGL in <ltib>/rootfs/usr/lib However, you should find libOpenVG.so is actually copied from libOepnVG_3D.so: vmuser@ubuntu:~/ltib_src/ltib/rootfs/usr/lib$ ls -al libOpen* -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 115999 2013-06-06 18:31 libOpenCL.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 515174 2013-06-06 18:31 libOpenVG_355.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 272156 2013-06-06 18:31 libOpenVG_3D.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 272156 2013-06-06 18:31 libOpenVG.so So, in this way, i.MX6D/Q will no use libOpenVG_355.so in the build. Also, if you run NFS, the libOpenVG.so will change to symbolic link:           For example, run on i.MX6Q SDP, it will link to /usr/lib/libOpenVG_355.so                          For example, run on i.MX6DL SDP, it will link to /usr/lib/libOpenVG_3D.so                Then, when you compile the OpenVG example code, it is becoming very confusing.  Thus, it needs to pay attention when doing the compilation.  For example, delete the symbolic link and make copy of the corresponding library: For i.MX6D/Q, please do this: $ sudo /bin/rm libOpenVG.so $ sudo cp libOpenVG_355.so libOpenVG.so For i.MX6S/DL, please do this: $ sudo /bin/rm libOpenVG.so $ sudo cp libOpenVG_3D.so libOpenVG.so To compile the sample code in the GPU SDK, you could refer to iMXGraphicsSDK_OpenGLES2.0.pdf or iMXGraphicsSDK_OpenGLES1.1.pdf in ~/gpu_sdk_v1.00.tar/Documentation/Tutorials to set up the cross compilation environment; which is assuming the LTIB and the rootfs is ready. $ export ROOTFS=/home/vmuser/ltib_src/ltib/rootfs $ export CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/freescale/usr/local/gcc-4.6.2-glibc-2.13-linaro-multilib-2011.12/fsl-linaro-toolchain/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi- For OpenVG: $ cd ~/gpu_sdk_v1.00/Samples/OpenVG $ make -f Makefile.fbdev clean $ make -f Makefile.fbdev $ make -f Makefile.fbdev install The executable will then be copied to this directory: ~/gpu_sdk_v1.00/Samples/OpenVG/bin/OpenVG_fbdev For GLES2.0 $ cd ~/gpu_sdk_v1.00/Samples/ GLES2.0 $ make -f Makefile.fbdev clean $ make -f Makefile.fbdev $ make -f Makefile.fbdev install The executable will then be copied to this directory: ~/gpu_sdk_v1.00/Samples/ GLES2.0/bin/GLES20_fbdev For GLES1.1, please modify the Makefile.fbdev to remove the compilation of example codes "18_VertexBufferObjects" and "19_Beizer" that are not exist. Then, $ cd ~/gpu_sdk_v1.00/Samples/ GLES1.1 $ make -f Makefile.fbdev clean $ make -f Makefile.fbdev $ make -f Makefile.fbdev install The executable will then be copied to this directory: ~/gpu_sdk_v1.00/Samples/ GLES1.1/bin/GLES11_fbdev Finally, you could copy the executable to the rootfs and test on i.MX6Q SDP/SDB or i.MX6DL SDP board. NOTE: the newly added makefiles.tgz contains Makefile.x11 hacked from GLES2.0 example code to make OpenVG to compile and run on Ubuntu 11.10 rootfs.
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In some customers’ design they use the different DRAM from the one used on our reference board. So customers need to customize the DRAM to make it work well on their design. About the i.MX6x hardware design customers can refer to IMX6DQ6SDLHDG.pdf and the section 5 DRAM interface requirements for migration on AN4397. After finishing the hardware design there are two tools important for the DRAM boot up and debug: DRAM Register Programming aid And DRAM Stress Test 1\DRAM Register Programming aid Our expert team create the script to make it easier to work on DDR initialization. You can see all the scripts on different chips and the link is: i.MX Design&amp;Tool Lists The script include 3 sections, when you open it you can see the details. Run basic DDR initialization and test memory and open a debugger memory window pointing to the DDR memory map starting address. Try writing a few words and verify if they can be read correctly. If not, re-check the DDR initialization sequence and if the DDR has been correctly soldered onto the board. It is also recommended to re-check the schematic to ensure the DDR memory has been connected to the SoC correctly. In some cases, a DRAM calibration routine may need to be executed. About the details use and introduction on this script you can refer to Freescale i.MX6 DRAM Port Application Guide-DDR3 After configure the DRAM, you need to use the DRAM Stress Test to perform calibrations the performance and then regulate some parameters. 2\DRAM Stress Test DDR_Stress_Tester is a software application for fine tuning DDR parameters and verifying DDR performance on i.MX6 boards. It performs write leveling, DQS gating, read/write delay calibration on the target board to match the layout of the board and archive the best DDR performance. In addition, the stress test can help the user to verify the DDR performance on their boards. The DDR stress test tool serves two purposes. First, it can perform calibrations for DDR3 to match the MMDC PHY delay settings with PCB for optimal DRAM performance. The process is fully automatic, and therefore the customers can get there DDR3 working in much shorter time. In addition, the tool can run a memory stress test to verify the DDR3 functionality as well as the reliability. The stress test can help verifying the hardware connections, MMDC registers parameters, and DDR3 mode registers setting. The most important purpose of the test is that it allows the customers to verify that the DDR3 operations are stable on their board. The newest version  of DRAM Stress Test tool you can see in our community: i.MX6/7 DDR Stress Test Tool V2.51 And the old version you can see in the follow link: i.MX6 DDR Stress Test Tool V1.0.3 About how to use this tool you can read the use guide. Besides , you also can refer to the Freescale i.MX6 DRAM Port Application Guide-DDR3 By the way, if customers use the different DRAM from our reference design when the use the mfgtool to download the images, they need to build manufacturing images for mfgtool. Take the Linux 3.14.52 BSP as an example: $ bitbake fsl-image-mfgtool-initramfs Hope this can help you.
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ccache is a C compiler cache. ccache can save a large amount of compilation time on recurring builds and builds restarted from a clean repository after make clean or git clean. It is well suited for e.g. u-boot and Linux compilation. Caching the host compiler Caching "native" builds is easily done by adding in the beginning of your $PATH a special directory, which contains links to ccache to override the usual compiler. On e.g. Debian this directory is readily available as /usr/lib/ccache, So you can do:   $ export PATH="/usr/lib/ccache:$PATH" Typical links found in this folder are:   c++ -> ../../bin/ccache   cc -> ../../bin/ccache   g++ -> ../../bin/ccache   gcc -> ../../bin/ccache etc... Caching the cross compiler Caching cross-compiled builds can be done in the same way as native builds, provided you create links of the form e.g. arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc pointing to ccache. But there is an even more convenient way for those projects, which rely on a $CROSS_COMPILE environment variable (as is the case for e.g. u-boot and Linux). You can prefix the cross compiler with ccache there in e.g. the following way:   $ export CROSS_COMPILE="ccache arm-linux-gnueabihf-" Monitoring efficiency Now that your builds are cached, you might want to see how much is "spared" with this technique. ccache -s will tell you all sorts of statistics, such as:   cache directory                     /home/vstehle/.ccache   cache hit (direct)                 10852   cache hit (preprocessed)            3225   cache miss                         19000   called for link                    33267   called for preprocessing            9463   compile failed                         3   preprocessor error                     1   couldn't find the compiler           117   unsupported source language          921   unsupported compiler option         2167   no input file                      31681   files in cache                     51694   cache size                           1.3 Gbytes   max cache size                       4.0 Gbytes Here you see a somewhat typical 50%/50% hit/miss ratio. Enjoy! See Also ccache is usually supported natively by build systems, such as Buildroot or Yocto.
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In an earlier topic (Linux fast boot on i.MX6 Sabresd board.) about Linux fast boot on i.MX6 SabreSD board, the demo showed an application startup procedure including u-boot boot, Linux kernel boot, rootfs mount, demo application load and run. Additionally, this demo shows a live video on a LVDS screen from board CSI camera. Its total boot up time is about 1.x seconds. Now, based on Linux fast boot, we integrate it with another demo application: surround view, this demo shows 4 different live videos on LVDS screen from 4 UDP data sockets. In this demo video is drawn by GPU to screen, that means the frame buffers decode by video decoder directly pass to GPU, which is not same as previous demo. The encode video format is also MJPEG in this demo. This demo creates 4 different threads every thread handle one UDP socket, receive buffer, push this buffer to video decoder, get frame buffer from video decoder, pass this buffer to GPU, start GPU render, command GPU draw the render buffer to the screen; this thread needs to occupy one ARM processor to show every video smoothly. So we need a i.MX 6DQ board in this demo. Hardware: i.MX 6DQ SabreSD board Software: 12.09 GA BSP Difference with previous fast boot demo: U-boot difference with previous fast boot demo. 1: Add logo show. (For remove CSI2, V4L2, Capture modules ) Kernel different with previous fast boot demo. 1: Add SMP support. 2: Add Network support. (IPV4, PHY, network driver(FEC)) 3: Remove CSI2, V4L2, Capture. (Remove this need in U-boot procedure Freescale logo show on the screen! ) 4: Add GPU support in kernel. Rootfs difference with previous fast boot demo: 1: Keep rc.s firstly run, while in previous fast boot demo, demo is the firstly running program on rootfs. 2: Get rid of almost all service in rc.conf just keep “mount /proc and /sys” service. Network performance on this demo Software : The default network receive buffer is about 128KB. This default size is too small for this demo; the demo application can't fetch receive buffer in time while kernel network stack will discard some UDP packets if we don't enlarge it. We enlarge this receive buffer through command in inittab before demo running. Hardware: i.MX6 DQ TOI less than 1.2 version has some Ethernet mac layer issue, this issue will also cause some UDP packets lost. So please ensure the SabreSD board i.MX6 DQ chip TOI version is equal 1.2 or more. Attached are some files for your reference. Below patches assume this SabreSD board boot from SD3 and default display port is LVDS1. 1: U-boot and kernel patches based on 12.09. 2: Demo application based on 12.09 vpu test program and vpu test program running configure file. 3: Rootfs startup scripts.
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This is a How-To documentation for OpenCL on i.MX6 using LTIB, there are all necessary steps and sample code to create,  build and run a HelloWorld application.
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This article introduces how to connect a device via Bluetooth to the i.MX8M family of boards.
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i.mx8x启动代码定制文档   目录 1    i.MX8X 板级开发包镜像结构... 2 2    创建 i.MX8QXP Linux 4.14.78_ga 板级开发包编译环境... 2 2.1  下载板级开发包... 2 2.2  创建yocto编译环境: 3 3    i.MX8X SC firmware. 11 3.1  SC firmware 目录结构... 11 3.2  SC firmware 启动流程... 12 3.3  SC firmware定制... 12 4    i.MX8X ATF. 18 5    FSL Uboot 定制... 20 5.1  FDT支持... 21 5.2  DM(driver model)支持... 27 5.3  Uboot目录 结构... 40 5.4  Uboot编译... 42 5.5  Uboot初始化流程... 43 5.6  uboot 定制... 53 5.7  uboot debug信息... 60
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Materials: i.MX8M Plus EVK Rev. A USB cable type-C USB cable type-B AC Adapter EA1045CR Micro SD (Optional) 88W8997-based wireless modules Software: Yocto Project Mobaxterm Personal Edition v20.2 Build 4296 This test was done on an i.MX8M Plus EVK with Linux 5.10. Hardknott.   To achieve this, you need to identify your WI-FI module and look for the necessary drivers for that module, in my case I am using the 88W8997 module that comes with the i.MX8M Plus, but you can select any other WI-FI module you want.   In my case I build a basic image on Yocto, following the Yocto users guide, I bitbake just the core boot image that allows me to boot the i.MX8M plus. Deploy your image on an SD or eMMC. These instructions apply to SD and MMC cards although for brevity, and usually, only the SD card is listed. For a Linux image to be able to run, four separate pieces are needed: Linux OS kernel image (zImage/Image) Device tree file (*.dtb) Bootloader image Root file system (i.e., EXT4)   The Yocto Project build creates an SD card image that can be flashed directly. This is the simplest way to load everything needed onto the card with one command. A .wic image contains all four images properly configured for an SD card. The release contains a pre-built .wic image that is built specifically for the one board configuration. It runs the Wayland graphical backend. It does not run on other boards unless U-Boot, the device tree, and rootfs are changed. When more flexibility is desired, the individual components can be loaded separately, and those instructions are included here as well. An SD card can be loaded with the individual components one-by-one or the .wic image can be loaded and the individual parts can be overwritten with specific components. The rootfs on the default .wic image is limited to a bit less than 4 GB, but re-partitioning and re-loading the rootfs can increase that to the size of the card. The rootfs can also be changed to specify the graphical backend that is used. Carry out the following command to copy the SD card image to the SD/MMC card. Change sdx below to match the one used by the SD card. $ sudo dd if=<image name>.wic of=/dev/sdx bs=1M && sync The entire contents of the SD card are replaced. If the SD card is larger than 4 GB, the additional space is not accessible. As this build does not contain the driver integrated we need to add it manually on Linux user space. Follow these instructions to load the driver modules and bring up the 88W8987-based wireless module, more info can be found on the next link: https://www.nxp.com/products/wireless/wi-fi-plus-bluetooth/2-4-5-ghz-dual-band-2x2-wi-fi-5-802-11ac-plus-bluetooth-5-3-solution:88W8997?tab=Documentation_Tab   Use the nano editor included in the pre-built image to edit and verify the module parameters in the wifi_mod_para.conf configuration file.   Add the following lines to the configuration file: PCIE8997 = { cfg80211_wext=0xf wfd_name=p2p max_vir_bss=1 cal_data_cfg=none drv_mode=7 ps_mode=2 auto_ds=2 fw_name=nxp/pcieuart8997_combo_v4.bin } Load the modules in the kernel:   Verify the kernel debug messages in the command output   Verify that the module is now visible to the system:     Now that the module is ready to work, we need to enable it, in my case the Wi-Fi is named mlan0, it could vary on other Linux systems.   In the case you need to see which networks are available you can scan it and select the one you need.   Identify your network and add it to the  WPA supplicant file:     Associate the Wi-Fi with config:   Check if you have right SSID associated:   Use DHPC to get the IP   Ping any public site you know to check the network.   In the case you have a Temporary failure in name resolution you will need to change the default DNS that was assigned by DHCP:     Modify /etc/resolv.conf file and add the DNS of your preference, for my case I add the one that uses Google, as they have access to the most common web pages.   And with that should work.    
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The following document contains a list of document, questions and discussions that are relevant in the community based on amount of views. If you are having a problem, doubt or getting started in i.MX processors, you should check the following links to see if your doubt is in there. Yocto Project Freescale Yocto Project main page‌ Yocto Training - HOME‌ i.MX Yocto Project: Frequently Asked Questions‌ Useful bitbake commands‌ Yocto Project Package Management - smart  How to add a new layer and a new recipe in Yocto  Setting up the Eclipse IDE for Yocto Application Development Guide to the .sdcard format  Yocto NFS &amp; TFTP boot  YOCTO project clean  Yocto with a package manager (ex: apt-get)  Yocto Setting the Default Ethernet address and disable DHCP on boot.  i.MX x Building QT for i.MX6  i.MX6/7 DDR Stress Test Tool V3.00  i.MX6DQSDL DDR3 Script Aid  Installing Ubuntu Rootfs on NXP i.MX6 boards  iMX6DQ MAX9286 MIPI CSI2 720P camera surround view solution for Linux BSP i.MX Design&amp;Tool Lists  Simple GPIO Example - quandry  i.MX6 GStreamer-imx Plugins - Tutorial &amp; Example Pipelines  Streaming USB Webcam over Network  Step-by-step: How to setup TI Wilink (WL18xx) with iMX6 Linux 3.10.53  Linux / Kernel Copying Files Between Windows and Linux using PuTTY  Building Linux Kernel  Patch to support uboot logo keep from uboot to kernel for NXP Linux and Android BSP (HDMI, LCD and LVDS)  load kernel from SD card in U-boot  Changing the Kernel configuration for i.MX6 SABRE  Android  The Android Booting process  What is inside the init.rc and what is it used for.  Others How to use qtmultimedia(QML) with Gstreamer 1.0
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The i.MX 6 D/Q/DL/S/SL Linux 3.10.17_1.0.0 GA release is now available on www.freescale.com Files available Name Description L3.10.17_1.0.0_LINUX_DOCS i.MX 6 D/Q/DL/S/SL Linux 3.10.17_1.0.0 GA BSP documentation. y L3.10.17_1.0.0_iMX6QDLS_Bundle i.MX 6 D/Q/DL/S  Linux 3.10.17_1.0.0 GA BSP Binary Demo Files L3.10.17_1.0.0_iMX6SL_Bundle i.MX 6 SL  Linux 3.10.17_1.0.0 GA BSP Binary Demo Files i.MX_6_Vivante_VDK_150_Tools Vivante VTK 1.5 Codec for the i.MX 6 D/Q/DL/S/SL Linux 3.10.17_1.0.0 GA BSP    y L3.10.17_1.0.0_AACP_CODECS AAC Plus Codec for the i.MX 6 D/Q/DL/S/SL Linux 3.10.17_1.0.0 GA BSP y IMX_6_MFG_L3.10.17_1.0.0_TOOL Manufacturing Tool and Documentation for Linux 3.10.17_1.0.0 GA BSP y Target HW boards o   i.MX6DL  SABRE SD board o   i.MX6Q  SABRE SD board o   i.MX6DQ SABRE AI board o   i.MX6DL SABRE AI board o   i.MX6SL EVK board New  Features o   Main BSP New Features on MX6DQ, MX6DL and MX6SL from L3.10.9_1.0.0 GA: SD3.0 reset USB HSIC HWRNG security feature on MX6SL VIIM OTP Fuse in uboot Battery charge LED U-boot USB mass storage support USB Camera on host mode X backend: Adaptive HDMI display support backed by XRandR Main Codec New Features on MX6DQ, MX6DL and MX6SL from L3.10.17_1.0.0 Beta: Bug fix Main Codec New Features on MX6DQ, MX6DL and MX6SL from L3.10.17_1.0.0 Beta: Bug fix Other features not supported found during testing: UART: only support some baud rates like 9600, 115200, can't support high to 4000000 Known issues For known issues and limitations please consult the release notes located in the BSP documentation package.
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The Linux L4.9.88_2.0.0 Rocko, i.MX7ULP Linux/SDK2.4 RFP(GA) release files are now available. Linux on IMX_SW web page, Overview -> BSP Updates and Releases ->Linux L4.9.88_2.0.0 SDK on https://mcuxpresso.nxp.com/ web page.   Files available: Linux:  # Name Description 1 imx-yocto-L4.9.88_2.0.0.tar.gz L4.9.88_2.0.0 for Linux BSP Documentation. Includes Release Notes, User Guide. 2 L4.9.88_2.0.0_images_MX6QPDLSOLOX.tar.gz i.MX 6QuadPlus, i.MX 6Quad, i.MX 6DualPlus, i.MX 6Dual, i.MX 6DualLite, i.MX 6Solo, i.MX 6Solox Linux Binary Demo Files 3 L4.9.88_2.0.0_images_MX6SLEVK.tar.gz i.MX 6Sololite EVK Linux Binary Demo Files 4 L4.9.88_2.0.0_images_MX6UL7D.tar.gz i.MX 6UltraLite EVK, 7Dual SABRESD, 6ULL EVK Linux Binary Demo Files 5 L4.9.88_2.0.0_images_MX6SLLEVK.tar.gz i.MX 6SLL EVK Linux Binary Demo Files 6 L4.9.88_2.0.0_images_MX8MQ.tar.gz i.MX 8MQuad EVK Linux Binary Demo files 7 L4.9.88_images_MX7ULPEVK.tar.gz i.MX 7ULP EVK Linux Binary Demo Files  8 L4.9.88_2.0.0-ga_mfg-tools.tar.gz Manufacturing Toolkit for Linux L4.9.88_2.0.0 iMX6,7 BSP 9 L4.9.88_2.0.0_mfg-tool_MX8MQ.tar.gz Manufacturing Toolkit for Linux L4.9.88_2.0.0 i.MX8MQ BSP 10 imx-aacpcodec-4.3.5.tar.gz Linux AAC Plus Codec for L4.9.88_2.0.0   SDK:   On https://mcuxpresso.nxp.com/, click the Select Development Board to customize the SDK based on your configuration then download the SDK package.    Target board: i.MX 6QuadPlus SABRE-SD Board and Platform i.MX 6QuadPlus SABRE-AI Board i.MX 6Quad SABRE-SD Board and Platform i.MX 6DualLite SABRE-SD Board i.MX 6Quad SABRE-AI Board i.MX 6DualLite SABRE-AI Board i.MX 6SoloLite EVK Board i.MX 6SoloX SABRE-SD Board i.MX 6SoloX SABRE-AI Board i.MX 7Dual SABRE-SD Board i.MX 6UltraLite EVK Board i.MX 6ULL EVK Board i.MX 6SLL EVK Board i.MX 7ULP EVK Board i.MX 8MQ EVK Board   What’s New/Features: Please consult the Release Notes.   Known issues For known issues and more details please consult the Release Notes.   More information on changes of Yocto, see: README: https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/imx-manifest/tree/README?h=imx-linux-rocko ChangeLog: https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/imx-manifest/tree/ChangeLog?h=imx-linux-rocko
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Splash Screen on U-boot for i.MX25 PDK Having a bitmap on the LCD a few seconds after boot is a requirement on several embedded systems, u-Boot supports this feature. However, currently, the code provided on Freescale's BSP only implements support for the LCD controller on Linux. This page provides instructions to add support for the LCDC on the u-boot. 1 - Install Freescale i.MX25 BSP, SDK 1.7 It is available on www.freescale.com. If needed follow the getting started section instructions. 2 - Update u-boot source After installing the BSP and running LTIB for the first time, it's time to update u-boot: - Download u-Boot patch and spec file. - Replace the file "u-boot.spec.in" located at <ltib_path>/config/platform/imx by the one downloaded - Copy the "u-boot-2009.08-1273860148.patch" downloaded to /opt/freescale/pkgs 3 - Extract and rebuild u-boot - To extract the source and aply the patch run: <Ltib_path>$ ./ltib -p u-boot -m prep - Now Build:     <Ltib_path>$ ./ltib -p u-boot -m scbuild    After completing this step an u-Boot binary (u-boot.bin) will be saved at <ltib_path>/rpm/BUILD/u-boot-2009.08 4 - Program the SD card Program a SD card with the new u-Boot binary and a bitmap image to be displayed. Insert the SD and run:      $sudo dd if=<ltib_path>/rpm/BUILD/u-boot-2009.08/u-boot.bin of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=512 "/dev/mmcblk0" should replaced according to your host, use "dmesg" after inserting the SD to find out where is the SD on your host. Unmount it before issuing the dd command. $sudo dd if="your_image".bmp of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=512 seek=608 Argument seek 608, skips the first 608 blocks of the SD (608x512) where the uboot is stored. If you need to relocate the image, update also the environment variable "splashimage_mmc_init_block", see step 6. 5 - Boot Boot the image from the SD. Personality Board settings:   12345678 SW22 -> 00000000 SW21 -> 11000000    Debug Board settings: SW5,6,7,8,9,10 -> OFF      12345678 SW4 -> 10000001 Turn on the board and stop at u-boot prompt: MX25 U-Boot > 6 - u-Boot environment variables Update u-Boot environment variables for the splash screen to work: The address in memory to load the splash screen from: MX25 U-Boot > setenv splashimage 0x80800000 The SD device on the board: MX25 U-Boot > setenv splashimage_mmc_dev 0 The block on the SD where the bitmap is stored, this must match the block on step 4. MX25 U-Boot > setenv splashimage_mmc_init_block 0x260  The amount in blocks to be read from the SD card, this depends on the bitmap size, i.e. for a 308278 bytes bitmap, 0x2B5 blocks are enough on a 512 bytes per block SD, (308278 / 512). MX25 U-Boot > setenv splashimage_mmc_blkcnt 0x2b5 The SD card block size in bytes: MX25 U-Boot > setenv splashimage_mmc_blksize 512 Save the environment variables: MX25 U-Boot > saveenv Now reboot the board and you should see the splash screen on the LCD. 7 - Booting Linux When Linux takes control of the board it initializes the LCD controller and Framebuffer again. To maintain the splash screen on the LCD you can replace the Linux Logo with the figure used for the splash screen, the side effect is a blink when Linux takes over the LCDC. To achieve this, create a new image in Gimp and save it as ".ppm". Copy it to Linux "logo" folder <ltib_path>/rpm/BUILD/linux-2.6.31/drivers/video/logo Run: $ ppmquant -mapfile clut_vga16.ppm "my_image.ppm" | pnmnoraw > logo_linux_vga16.ppm where: logo_linux_vga16.ppm is the current logo being used by Linux. Recompile the kernel and boot it.
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The OpenSSL recipe halts saying it can't find find.pl . How to resolve this problem?   From the blog, linked below : create file find.pl in /etc/perl.   Missing find.pl compiling OE - Kemp's blog    "find.pl" content :   warn "Legacy library @{[(caller(0))[6]]} will be removed from the Perl core distribution in the next major release. Please install it from the CPAN distribution Perl4::CoreLibs. It is being used  at @{[(caller)[1]]}, line @{[(caller)[2]]}.\n";   # This library is deprecated and unmaintained. It is included for # compatibility with Perl 4 scripts which may use it, but it will be # removed in a future version of Perl. Please use the File::Find module # instead.   # Usage: #              require "find.pl"; # #              &find('/foo','/bar'); # #              sub wanted { ... } #                            where wanted does whatever you want. $dir contains the #                            current directory name, and $_ the current filename within #                            that directory. $name contains "$dir/$_". You are cd'ed #                            to $dir when the function is called. The function may #                            set $prune to prune the tree. # # For example, # # find / -name .nfs\* -mtime +7 -exec rm -f {} \; -o -fstype nfs -prune # # corresponds to this # #              sub wanted { #               /^\.nfs.*$/ && #               (($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid) = lstat($_)) && #               int(-M _) > 7 && #               unlink($_) #               || #               ($nlink || (($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid) = lstat($_))) && #               $dev < 0 && #               ($prune = 1); #              } # # Set the variable $dont_use_nlink if you're using AFS, since AFS cheats.   use File::Find ();   *name                            = *File::Find::name; *prune                            = *File::Find::prune; *dir                            = *File::Find::dir; *topdir                            = *File::Find::topdir; *topdev                            = *File::Find::topdev; *topino                            = *File::Find::topino; *topmode              = *File::Find::topmode; *topnlink              = *File::Find::topnlink;   sub find {   &File::Find::find(\&wanted, @_); }   1;
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Header 1 Header 2 Video rendering gst-launch videotestsrc ! mfw_v4lsink Audio rendering gst-launch audiotestsrc ! alsasink WAV Audio rendering gst-launch filesrc location=test.wav ! wavparse ! alsasink Video rendering selecting caps gst-launch videotestsrc ! capsfilter name='video/x-raw-yuv,format=(fourcc)I420' ! mfw_v4lsink gst-launch videotestsrc ! 'video/x-raw-yuv,format=(fourcc)I420' ! mfw_v4lsink
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In this post we see how to setup a Debian server, to allow booting the i.MX6 sabre sd platform (mostly) from the network. Booting from the network instead of e.g. the SD card is very handy for day to day development and testing, as it eliminates almost all physical interactions with the board and saves much time. Also, fortunately for us, both u-boot and Linux for i.MX6 support network booting out of the box. Boot sequence principles Before we setup the server, here are some more details on the boot sequence we will obtain in the end: i.MX6 boots, loads u-boot from SD card. u-boot starts, loads its environment (boot commands) from SD card. u-boot obtains its network address by DHCP, loads a Linux kernel uImage and a dtb by TFTP. Linux boots; obtains its network address by DHCP (again), mounts its root filesystem on NFS. Setting up DHCP and TFTP One can easily setup a Debian server to act as DHCP and TFTP server with Dnsmasq; just install the dnsmasq package. The default configuration is mostly empty; so we need to enhance it a bit. For the following we will assume that your Debian server has IP address on the network where it sees the i.MX6 sabre sd platform. You can add some options to a dnsmasq config file such as e.g. /etc/dnsmasq.d/my-custom-config-file:   dhcp-range=,,12h   enable-tftp   tftp-root=/var/ftpd This informs dnsmasq to act as a DHCP server for addresses range and act as TFTP server, which serves files under /var/ftpd. That means you will need to copy a Linux uImage and an imx6q-sabresd.dtb under /var/ftpd/. See this post for more details about compiling Linux to obtain those two files. Setting up NFS If we want the root filesystem to be mounted on the network we will need to export some folders with NFS from the Debian server. We need to install the nfs-kernel-server package and setup /etc/exports with a line such as:   /tftpboot       192.168.111.*(rw,no_root_squash,subtree_check) This allows clients on the network to access filesystems under the /tftpboot folder. So you will need to create a /tftpboot folder on the server, and install some "filesystem" under there. For this example we assume you will have a busybox installed under a /tftpboot/busybox/ folder. That means we want to have under there all folders such as bin, dev, etc... See this post for details on how to compile busybox to populate this folder. Do not forget to restart the NFS server after configuration, with:   # /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart We are now setup on the server side. Setting up u-boot At the time of this writing we need to help u-boot a bit when booting the i.MX6 sabre sd platform from the network. Stop at u-boot prompt and configure a few things:   env default -a   setenv netargs $netargs rw   setenv serverip   setenv nfsroot /tftpboot/busybox   setenv bootcmd run netboot   saveenv Reset your board; it should now boot from the network:   U-Boot 2013.07-rc1-00210-gc623eb0 (Jun 27 2013 - 21:10:47)   (..)   Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0   Booting from net ...   BOOTP broadcast 1   DHCP client bound to address   Using FEC device   TFTP from server; our IP address is   Filename 'uImage'.   Load address: 0x12000000   Loading: #################################################################            #################################################################            #################################################################            #################################################################            ##########################            4 MiB/s   done   Bytes transferred = 4185600 (3fde00 hex)   BOOTP broadcast 1   DHCP client bound to address   Using FEC device   TFTP from server; our IP address is   Filename 'imx6q-sabresd.dtb'.   Load address: 0x11000000   Loading: ##            2.7 MiB/s   done   Bytes transferred = 22818 (5922 hex)   ## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 12000000 ...      Image Name:   Linux-3.10.0-rc7   (..)   Starting kernel ...   Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x0   Linux version 3.10.0-rc7 (jenkins@debian) (gcc version 4.7.2 (Debian 4.7.2-5) ) #1 SMP Tue Jun 25 08:28:31 CEST 2013   (..)   Kernel command line: console=ttymxc0,115200 root=/dev/nfs ip=dhcp nfsroot=,v3,tcp rw   (..)   fec 2188000.ethernet eth0: Freescale FEC PHY driver [Generic PHY] (mii_bus:phy_addr=2188000.ethernet:01, irq=-1)   IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready   libphy: 2188000.ethernet:01 - Link is Up - 1000/Full   IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link becomes ready   Sending DHCP requests ., OK   IP-Config: Got DHCP answer from, my address is   IP-Config: Complete:        device=eth0, hwaddr=00:04:9f:02:b7:fd, ipaddr=, mask=, gw=        host=, domain=, nis-domain=(none)        bootserver=, rootserver=, rootpath=        nameserver0=   ALSA device list:     No soundcards found.   VFS: Mounted root (nfs filesystem) on device 0:11.   devtmpfs: mounted   Freeing unused kernel memory: 292K (806d5000 - 8071e000)   Please press Enter to activate this console. Enjoy! Bonus: updating u-boot by the network One last piece remains on the SD card: u-boot. If you do not want to move your SD card out of its slot any more, here is a method for you to update even u-boot from the network. You will need to copy u-boot.imx under /var/ftpd. See this post for details on how to compile u-boot and obtain u-boot.imx. Then, at u-boot prompt, do:   dhcp $loadaddr u-boot.imx   mmc dev 1   mmc write $loadaddr 2 600 This will download a new u-boot.imx from the network and flash it to your SD card; reboot your board and you are done. Note that we give 600 as the number of SD card blocks to write; this is a rough estimate of ~300KB, which should work in most of the cases as writing a bit "too much" blocks does not harm. If you are very picky, you can compute the exact number of blocks by dividing your u-boot.imx size by 512 and rounding it up. See also... Did you know that dnsmasq primary role is to be used to "relay" the DNS queries? A feature that come very handy when you want to let your i.MX6 platform "see" the internet.
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Overview As more and more communication required between online and offline, the QR code is widely used in the mobile payment, mobile small apps, industry things identification and etc. The i.MX6UL/ULL has the IP of CSI and PXP for camera connection and image CSC/FLIP/ROTATION acceleration. A LCDIF IP is supporting the display, but no 3D IP support. This means this low power and low end AP is very suitable for the industry HMI segment, which does not require a cool 3D graphic display, but a simple and straightforward GUI for interaction. QR code scanner is one of the use cases in the industry segment, which more and more customer are focusing on. The i.MX6UL CPU freq of i.MX6UL is about 500Mhz, and it does not have GPU IP, so a lightweight GUI and window system is required. Here we recommend the QT with wayland backend (without X11), which would make the window system small and faster than traditional X11 UI. Why chose QT is because of it has open source version, rich components, platform independent, good performance for embedded system and strong development staffs like QtCreator for creating application. How to enable the QT development environment, check this: Enable QT developement for i.MX6UL (v2)  Here I made a QR code scanner demo based on QT5.6 + QZXing (QR/Bar code scan engine) running on the i.MX6UL EVK board with a UVC camera (at least 640x480 resolution is required) and 480x272px LCD. Source code is open here (License Apache2.0): https://github.com/muddog/QRScanner  Implementation To do camera preview and capture, you must think on the gstreamer first, which is easy use and has the acceleration pads which implemented by NXP for i.MX6UL. Yes, it's very easy for you to enable the preview in console like: $ gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device=/dev/video1 ! video/x-raw,format=YUY2,width=640,height=320 ! imxvideoconvert_pxp ! video/x-raw,format=RGB16 ! waylandsink It works under the i.MX6UL EVK, with PXP IP to do color space convert from YUY2 -> RGB16 acceleration, also the potential scaling of the image. The CPU loading of this is about 20-30%, but if you use the component of "videoconvert" to replace the "imxvideoconvert_pxp", we do CSC and scale by CPU, then the loading would increase to 50-60%. The "/dev/video1" is the device node for UVC camera, it may different in your environment. So our target is clear, create such pipeline (with PXP acceleration) in the QT application, and use a appsink to get preview images, do simple "sink" to one QWidget by drawing this image on the widget surface for preview (say every 50ms for 20fps). Then in other thread, we fetch the preview buffer in a fixed frequency (like every 0.5s), then feed it into the ZXing engine to decode the strings inside this image. Here are the class created inside the source code: ScannerQWidgetSink It act as a gstreamer sink for preview rendering. Init the pipeline, create a timer with timeout every 50ms. In the timer handler, we use appsink to copy the camera buffer from gstreamer, and tell the ViewfinderWidget to do update (re-draw event). ViewfinderWidget This class inherit from the QWidget, which draw the preview buffer as a QImage onto it's own surface by using QPainter. The QImage is created at the very begining with the image buffer created by the ScannerQWidgetSink. Because QImage itself does not maintain the image buffer, so the buffer must be alive during it's usage. So we keep this buffer during the ScannerQWidgetSink life cycle, copy the appsink buffer from pipeline to it for preview. MainWindow Create main window, which does not have title bar and border. Start any animation for the red line scan bar. Create instance of DecoderThread and ScannerQWidgetSink. Setup and start them. DecoderThread A infinite loop, to wait for a available buffer released by the ScannerQWidgetSink every 0.5s. Copy the buffer data to it's own buffer (imgData) to avoid any change to the buffer by sink when doing decoding. Then feed this copy of buffer into ZXing engine to get decoder result. Then show on the QLabel. Screenshot under wayland (weston) desktop: Customize Camera instance Now I use the UVC camera which pluged in the USB host, which device node is /dev/video1. If you want to use CSI or other device, please change the construction parameters for ScannerQWidgetSink(): sink = new ScannerQWidgetSink(ui->widget, QString("v4l2src device=/dev/video1")); Image resolution captured and review Change the static member value of ScannerQWidgetSink class: uint ScannerQWidgetSink::CAPTURE_HEIGHT = 480; uint ScannerQWidgetSink::CAPTURE_WIDTH = 640; Preview fps and decoding frequency Find the "framerate=20/1" strings in the ScannerQWidgetSink::GstPipelineInit(), change to your fps. You also have to change the renderTimer start timeout value in the ::StartRender(). The decoding frequency is determined by renderCnt, which determine after how many preview frames showed to feed the decoder. Main window size It's fixed size of main window, you have to change the mainwindow.ui. It's easy to do in the QtCreate Designer. FAQ Why not use CSI camera in demo? Honestly, I do not have CSI camera module, it's also DNP when you buying the board on NXP.com. So a widely used UVC camera is preferred, it's also easy for you to scan QR code on your phone, your display panel etc. Why not use QCamera to do preview and capture? The QCamera class in the Qtmultimedia component uses the camerabin2 gstreamer plugin, which create a very long pipeline for different usage of viewfinder, image capture and video encoder. Camerabin2 would eat too much CPU and memory resource, take picture and recording are very very slow. The preview of 30fps would eat about 70-80% CPU loading even I hacked it using imxvideoconvert_pxp instread of software videoconvert. Finally I give up to implement the QRScanner based on QCamera. How to make sure only one instance of QT app is running? We can use QSharedMemory to create a share memory with a unique KEY. When second instance of app is started, it would check if the share memory with this KEY is created or not. If the shm is there, it means there's already one instance running, it has to exit(). But as the QT mentioned, the QSharedMemory can not be destroyed correctly when app crashed, this means we have to handle each terminate signal, and do delete by ourselves: static QSharedMemory *gShm = NULL; static void terminate(int signum) {    if (gShm) {       delete gShm;       gShm = NULL;    }    qDebug() << "Terminate with signal:" << signum;    exit(128 + signum); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {    QApplication a(argc, argv);    // Handle any further termination signals to ensure the    // QSharedMemory block is deleted even if the process crashes    signal(SIGHUP, terminate ); // 1    signal(SIGINT, terminate ); // 2    signal(SIGQUIT, terminate ); // 3    signal(SIGILL, terminate ); // 4    signal(SIGABRT, terminate ); // 6    signal(SIGFPE, terminate ); // 8    signal(SIGBUS, terminate ); // 10    signal(SIGSEGV, terminate ); // 11    signal(SIGSYS, terminate ); // 12    signal(SIGPIPE, terminate ); // 13    signal(SIGALRM, terminate ); // 14    signal(SIGTERM, terminate ); // 15    signal(SIGXCPU, terminate ); // 24    signal(SIGXFSZ, terminate ); // 25    gShm = new QSharedMemory("QRScannerNXP");    if (!gShm->create(4, QSharedMemory::ReadWrite)) {       delete gShm;       qDebug() << "Only allow one instance of QRScanner";       exit(0);    } .....
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i.MX6Q Automotive board has one ADV7180 analog video decoder with 2 video inputs. By default, only input 1 is used (connector J42).     To connect 2 analog video sources and switch the display between them, the following changes are needed:   1 - Create a new IOCTL on V4L2_capture and ADV7180 device drivers to receive the information from user space application on what input will be selected. 2 - In this new IOCTL, use the "Fast Switch Script" for ADV7180 described at Analog Devices site: ADV7180 Fast Switch Script | EngineerZone  3 - Create a user space application to call the IOCTL mentioned on step 1.   See attached:   1 - 0001-ADV7180-Adding-input-switch-IOCTL.patch.zip - Patch to be applied on NXP kernel 4.1.15_1.0.0_ga 2 - example2.c.zip - Source code example of user space application. It changes the video input in each 2 seconds. (See it working on attached video) 3 - example2.zip - User space application executable file  4 - Makefile.zip - Makefile of user space application to be used as example 5 - adv7180_switch.mp4 - Video showing the application   In the application, VIDIOC_S_CHIP_INPUT IOCTL is called to change the input:   int input = 0; if (ioctl(fd_capture_v4l, VIDIOC_S_CHIP_INPUT, &input) < 0) { printf("VIDIOC_S_CHIP_INPUT failed\n"); return TFAIL; }‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍   This IOCTL calls the ADV7180 Fast Switch Script, added on ADV7180 driver (see attached patch).
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Question: What’s the best way to rotate a MX6 image 90 degrees, thought the IPU correct? IPU is limited to 1024x1024. Apparently we don’t support frame buffer rotation in the IPU, so we have to use some middleware. I know that Android’s surface flinger uses the GPU but do you know what we can use in Linux that uses H/W acceleration also? It looks look like X-server can rotate only when the Vivante driver is not  loaded, which means the hardware is not implementing rotations. Answer: it should be possible to split the picture into two halves and rotate them separately. Well, two halves if you can reduce the line count to 1024 … otherwise it would be 4 rotates. X11 Xrandr will be implemented on GPU sometime this year. It's in the R&D queue but as low priority. They could use GC320 low level API to rotate (if they use linux frame buffer). It implies a blit but it would be done by GC320 they will probably need to use virtualFB too. The API documentation is the BSP documentation (iMX6.2D.API.pdf) Attached a simple source using the 2D low level API. VirtualFB: https://community.freescale.com/message/289198
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目录 1 创建 i.MX8QXP Linux 5.4.24 板级开发包编译环境 ..... 3 1.1 下载板级开发包 ....................................................... 3 1.2 创建yocto编译环境: ................................................. 4 1.3 独立编译 ................................................................. 9 2 Device Tree .............................................................. 16 2.1 恩智浦的device Tree结构 ..................................... 16 2.2 device Tree的由来(no updates) ............................ 19 2.3 device Tree的基础与语法(no updates) ................. 22 2.4 device Tree的代码分析(no updates) ..................... 44 3 恩智浦i.MX8XBSP 包文件目录结构 .......................... 77 4 恩智浦i.MX8XBSP的编译(no updates) ..................... 79 4.1 需要编译哪些文件 ................................................. 79 4.2 如何编译这些文件 ................................................. 80 4.3 如何链接为目标文件及链接顺序 ............................ 81 4.4 kernel Kconfig ....................................................... 83 5 恩智浦BSP的内核初始化过程(no updates) .............. 83 5.1 初始化的汇编代码 ................................................. 85 5.2 初始化的C代码 ...................................................... 89 5.3 init_machine........................................................ 102 6 恩智浦BSP的内核定制 ........................................... 105 6.1 DDR修改 ............................................................. 106 6.2 IO管脚配置与Pinctrl驱动 ..................................... 107 6.3 新板bringup......................................................... 123 6.4 更改调试串口 ...................................................... 132 6.5 uSDHC设备定制(eMMC flash,SDcard, SDIOcard)137 6.6 LVDS LCD 驱动定制 ........................................... 147 6.7 LVDS LDB SerDas驱动支持 ............................... 150 6.8 MiPi DSI SerDas驱动支持 .................................. 156 6.9 V4L2框架汽车级高清摄像头/桥驱动:数字/模拟 . 160 6.10 GPIO_Key 驱动定制 .......................................... 177 6.11 GPIO_LED 驱动定制 ......................................... 181 6.12 Fuse nvram驱动 .................................................. 184 6.13 SPI与SPI Slave驱动 ........................................... 185 6.14 USB 3.0 TypeC 改成 USB 3.0 TypeA(未验证) .... 193 6.15 汽车级以太网驱动定制 ........................................ 193 6.16 i.MX8DX MEK支持 .............................................. 212 6.17 i.MX8DXP MEK支持 ........................................... 212 6.18 NAND Flash支持与烧录 ...................................... 213
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This link contains the scripts, U-boot commands, and patch code shown on the application note AN5409 titled 'i.MX6 Dual/6 Quad Power Consumption Measurement'.
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