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i.MX Processors Knowledge Base


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In defaut Linux BSP, NXP implemented LVDS to HDMI(it6263) and MIPI-DSI to HDMI(adv7535) bridge chip drivers. And these drivers need read the EDID from display, then apply the timing parameters to DRM driver. But for the use case that bridge chip -> Serializer -> Deserializer -> LCD Panel use case, there is no EDID. The attached are reference patches for such use case, it combined the bridge chip to panel directly, and no EDID is needed. The patches are tested on iMX8QXP MEK with bridge chip + panel mode, both of them can see the fb0 device under /sys/class/graphics/ folder, also can see card under  /sys/class/drm/. Display works fine with DTS selected 720P panel mode. [2020-06-24]: Add patches for L4.14.98 kernel: Android_Auto_P9.0.0_GA2.1.0_Kernel_No_EDID_IT6263.patch L4.14.98-iMX8QXP-MEK-ADV7535-MIPI-DSI-to-HDMI-bridge-chip-com.patch
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When working with IPU applications, sometimes image format converter is needed to check images generated by IPU that are not readable by PC (e.g. RGB565, common i.MX framebuffer format -> png or jpg) or generate a RGB picture from an encoded file to be read by IPU (e.g. png -> RGB565 framebuffer). There are some useful tools on Linux and some also available on Windows that can perform these conversions. I listed 5 tools with some usage examples below. IMAGEMAGICK // Display a 800x600 rgb image display -size 800x600 -depth 8 rgb:output.rgb // Show information of output.rgb identify -size 1296x972 -depth 8 output.rgb // Convert a 640x480 grayscale raw rgb file to png convert -size 640x480 -depth 8 imagefile.rgb image.png // To list all available color formats identify -list format For more information about Imagemagick and its format support. access: http://www.imagemagick.org/script/formats.php FFMPEG // List available formats for ffmpeg ffmpeg -pix_fmts // Convert raw rgb565 image to png ffmpeg -vcodec rawvideo -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb565 -s 1024x768 -i freescale_1024x768.raw -f image2 -vcodec png screen.png // Convert png to raw rgb565 ffmpeg -vcodec png -i image.png -vcodec rawvideo -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb565 image.raw // Convert a 720x480 NV12 (YUV 420 semi-planar) image to png ffmpeg -s 720x480 -pix_fmt nv12 -i image-nv12.yuv -f image2 -pix_fmt rgb24 image-png.png // Convert a 640x480 uyvy422 image to png ffmpeg -s 640x480 -pix_fmt uyvy422 -i image-uyvy422.yuv -f image2 -pix_fmt rgb24 image-uyvy422.png MENCODER http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/HTML/en/encoding-guide.html TRANSCODING http://www.transcoding.org/cgi-bin/transcode?Examples GRAPHICSMAGICK http://www.graphicsmagick.org/
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Freescale does not have a specific GStreamer element to do JPEG encoding, so the standard 'jpegenc' should be used. Image Capture With a web camera gst-launch v4l2src num-buffers=1 ! jpegenc ! filesink location=sample.jpeg With an embedded camera gst-launch mfw_v4lsrc num-buffers=1 !  jpegenc ! filesink location=sample.jpeg More pipelines on GStreamer i.MX6 Pipelines
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Hardware connection: there are two board-to-board connectors on E-INK daughter card IMXEBOOKDC4, while there is only one on i.MX7D Sabre board, as the picture below. This might be a bit confusing to connect the two: Checked with internal, the original design was trying to wire both eLCDIF and EPDC bus out to one daughter card, add the flexibility to have different configurations on one display daughter card(LCD/EPD). On i.MX7D Sabre board, only one connector is available for EPDC bus. Here is how we connect i.MX7D Sabre and IMXEBOOKDC4: Software setup: here we use pre-build L3.14.38_6UL7D_Beta Linux as our boot-image, steps to setup/boot/test EPDC: 1. download and decompress BSP pre-build image package "L3.14.38_beta_images_MX6UL7D.tar.gz", you should be able to find the SD image in it -- "fsl-image-gui-x11-imx7dsabresd.sdcard" 2. program the SD image on your SD card(>800 MBytes) with command(I'm running this in Ubuntu): "dd if=fsl-image-gui-x11-imx7dsabresd.sdcard of=/dev/sdb;sync" 3. insert SD card to the slot(J6) on i.MX7D Sabre board, connect debug-UART and power-on the board 4. modify the u-boot environment variables as below:      a.) setenv fdt_file imx7d-sdb-epdc.dtb           (originally this is "fdt_file=imx7d-sdb.dtb")      b.) setenv mmcargs 'setenv bootargs console=${console},${baudrate} root=${mmcroot} epdc video=mxcepdcfb:E060SCM,bpp=16'           (originally this is "mmcargs=setenv bootargs console=${console},${baudrate} root=${mmcroot}") 5. boot into Linux kernel, run unit-test: "/unit_tests/mxc_epdc_fb_test.out", should be able to have test patterns running on EPD.
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The Linux L4.9.51 and SDKv2.3 for i.MX 8MQuad(mScale850D) RFP(GA) release files are now available. Linux on IMX_SW web page, Overview -> BSP Updates and Releases ->Linux L4.9.51 for i.MX 8MQuad GA. SDK on https://mcuxpresso.nxp.com/ web page.   Files available: Linux: # Name Description 1 fsl-yocto-L4.9.51_mx8mq-ga.tar.gz L4.9.51 i.MX 8MQuad GA Linux BSP Documentation. Includes Release Notes, User Guide. 2 L4.9.51-ga_images_mx8mq.tar.gz Linux Binary Demo files for i.MX 8MQuad EVK 3 L4.9.51_8mq-ga_mfg-tools.tar.gz Manufacturing Toolkit for Linux L4.9.51 i.MX8MQuad GA 4 L4.9.51_8mq-ga_gpu-tools.tar.gz VivanteVTK file for L4.9.51 i.MX8MQuad GA 5 imx-aacpcodec-4.3.4.tar.gz AAC Plus Codec for L4.9.51 of iMX 8MQuad GA   SDK:   On https://mcuxpresso.nxp.com/, click the Select Development Board to customize the SDK based on your configuration then download the SDK package. CMSIS pack is also supported.   Target board: i.MX 8MQuad EVK   What’s New/Features: Please consult the Release Notes.   Known issues For known issues and more details please consult the Release Notes.   More information on changes of Yocto, see: README: https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/imx-manifest/tree/README?h=imx-linux-morty ChangeLog: https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/imx-manifest/tree/ChangeLog?h=imx-linux-morty  
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OpenCV is a computer vision library originally developed by Intel. It is free for commercial and research use under the open source BSD license. The library is cross-platform. It focuses mainly on real-time image processing; as such, if it finds Intel's Integrated Performance Primitives on the system, it will use these commercial optimized routines to accelerate itself. Application OpenCV's application areas include: * 2D and 3D feature toolkits * Egomotion estimation * Face Recognition * Gesture Recognition * Human-Computer Interface (HCI) * Mobile robotics * Motion Understanding * Object Identification * Segmentation and Recognition * Stereopsis Stereo vision: depth perception from 2 cameras * Structure from motion (SFM) * Motion Tracking To support some of the above areas, OpenCV includes a statistical machine learning library that contains: * Boosting * Decision Trees * Expectation Maximization * k-nearest neighbor algorithm * Naive Bayes classifier * Artificial neural networks * Random forest * Support Vector Machine Installing OpenCV on i.MX 51 EVK Board running Ubuntu Linux Assuming that you already have the Ubuntu Linux running on your board, you can use this wiki page to guide you to get your USB camera running on your system in order to use real time image processing features of this library. In a brand new installation of Ubuntu some libraries is not installed by default, so you need to install them by your own hands (use synaptic to do that), here is the list of these libraries: libgtk2.0-dev libjpeg62-dev zlib1g-dev libpng12-dev libtiff4-dev libjasper-dev libgst-dev libgstreamer0.10-dev If you already have some of those libraries installed, make sure that is the DEV version. After installing those libraries you can download the stable OpenCV version here. Install it following the procedure below: 1 - untar the opencv package tar -xvzf opencv-1.1pre1.tar.gz  2 - change to OpenCV folder cd opencv-1.1.0  3 - configure the installation enabling gstreamer and letting to compile demo apps later ./configure --with-gstreamer --disable-apps You will get the following results: General configuration ================================================       Compiler:                         g++       CXXFLAGS:       DEF_CXXFLAGS:             -Wall -fno-rtti -pipe -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer       PY_CXXFLAGS:               -Wall -pipe -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer       OCT_CXXFLAGS:             -fno-strict-aliasing -Wall -Wno-uninitialized -pipe -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer        Install path:                      /usr/local  HighGUI configuration ================================================       Windowing system --------------       Use Carbon / Mac OS X:        no       Use gtk+ 2.x:                        yes       Use gthread:                         yes       Image I/O ---------------------       Use ImageIO / Mac OS X:       no       Use libjpeg:                            yes       Use zlib:                                yes       Use libpng:                             yes       Use libtiff:                               yes       Use libjasper:                          yes       Use libIlmImf:                          no             Video I/O ---------------------       Use QuickTime / Mac OS X:     no       Use xine:                                no       Use gstreamer:                        yes       Use ffmpeg:                             no       Use dc1394 & raw1394:     no       Use v4l:                                   yes       Use v4l2:                                 yes       Use unicap:                             no     Wrappers for other languages =========================================       SWIG Python                          no       Octave                                    no       Additional build settings ============================================       Build demo apps                      no Now run make ... 4 - Build OpenCV ./make 5 - Install OpenCV ./sudo make install if all steps above were executed properly, now you can compile the sample applications: 1 - change to samples/c directory cd samples/c 2 - change the build_all script mode to +x chmod +x build_all.sh 3 - run the script ./build_all.sh Now you can test. The results below were taken from the Laplacian filter sample processing in real-time images grabbed from an USB camera: Laplacian filter with USB Camera capture device Also, you can see how is it performance on a 3 windowed application performing color conversion and canny edge detection at the same time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9yQgdABT7c EOF !
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Using a USB Touchscreen on Ubuntu   This example uses a XENARC 706TSA monitor http://www.xenarc.com/product/706tsa.html To use a USB touchscreen on i.MX51 EVK, disable all touchscreen drivers on menuconfig and build the kernel: Device Drivers  --->        Input device support  --->        [ ]   Touchscreens  ---> Download xserver-xorg-input-evtouch (0.8.8-ubuntu3 version) from http://launchpadlibrarian.net/24760784/xserver-xorg-input-evtouch_0.8.8-0ubuntu3_armel.deb. X crash is found if using latest 0.8.8-ubuntu6.1 version. For the details. See https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xf86-inputevtouch/+bug/511491 On MX51 EVK board, run “sudo dpkg –i xserver-xorg-input-evtouch_0.8.8-0ubuntu3_armel.deb” to install debian package. Add fdi file by "sudo vi ./usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/20thirdparty/50-eGalax.fdi": <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <deviceinfo version="0.2">    <device>       <match key="info.product" contains="eGalax">          <match key="info.capabilities" contains="input">             <merge key="input.x11_driver" type="string">evtouch</merge>             <merge key="input.x11_options.minx" type="string">130</merge>             <merge key="input.x11_options.miny" type="string">197</merge>             <merge key="input.x11_options.maxx" type="string">3945</merge>             <merge key="input.x11_options.maxy" type="string">3894</merge>             <merge key="input.x11_options.Rotate" type="string">CCW</merge>             <merge key="input.x11_options.Swapy" type="string">true</merge>             <merge key="input.x11_options.taptimer" type="string">30</merge>             <merge key="input.x11_options.longtouchtimer" type="string">750</merge>             <merge key="input.x11_options.longtouched_action" type="string">click</merge>             <merge key="input.x11_options.longtouched_button" type="string">3</merge>             <merge key="input.x11_options.oneandhalftap_button" type="string">2</merge>             <merge key="input.x11_options.movelimit" type="string">10</merge>             <merge key="input.x11_options.touched_drag" type="string">1</merge>             <merge key="input.x11_options.maybetapped_action" type="string">click</merge>             <merge key="input.x11_options.maybetapped_button" type="string">1</merge>          </match>       </match>    </device> </deviceinfo> Save above configuration. Calibrating Calibration in made by clicking on System -> Administration -> Calibrate Touchscreen Follow the on screen instructions and reboot the system. Calibrating using Xinput Calibrator Xinput_calibrator is another option to calibrate touchscreen. It can be downloaded at: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/xinput_calibrator On i.MX5x Ubuntu, unpack the source code: tar -xzvf xinput_calibrator-0.7.5.tar.gz Install xorg-dev, it's required to build xinput_calibrator sudo apt-get install xorg-dev Configure, build and install xinput_calibrator ./configure ./make ./make install Execute xinput_calibrator. A four-point calibration screen will be shown. Follow the instructions on screen and after complete xinput_calibrator will return the calibration parameters. Replace the given calibration parameters on file /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/20thirdparty/50-eGalax.fdi and reboot the system.
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[中文翻译版] 见附件   原文链接: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-341570 
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(DEPRECATED. Please check this document for Real Time Streaming) A server can be streaming video and a client, in this case a i.MX6 target, is receiving and decoding it. For example, a server with GStreamer and a web camera connected, can be streaming with the following command: $ # Pipeline 1 $ gst-launch v4l2src ! 'video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc)I420, width=(int)1280, height=(int)800' ! ffenc_mpeg4 ! tcpserversink host=$CLIENT_IP port=$PORT and on the target, the client receives, decodes and display with $ # Pipeline 2 $ gst-launch tcpclientsrc host=$SERVER_IP port=$PORT  ! 'video/mpeg, width=(int)1280, height=(int)800, framerate=(fraction)10/1, mpegversion=(int)4, systemstream=(boolean)false' ! vpudec ! mfw_isink The filter caps between the tcpclientsrc and the decoder (vpudec) depend on the sink caps coming from the server encoder (ffenc_mpeg4), so these may change depending on your needs. Running the above pipelines require the environment variables SERVER_IP, CLIENT_IP and PORT. In case you want the i.MX6 to act as a server, just change the video source (either mfw_v4lsrc of v4l2src) and the encoder (vpuenc), so $ # Pipeline 3 $  gst-launch v4l2src  !  'video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc)I420, width=(int)640, height=(int)480, interlaced=(boolean)false, framerate=(fraction)10/1'  ! vpuenc ! tcpserversink host=$CLIENT_IP port=$PORT For testing purposes, set SERVER_IP=, CLIENT_IP= and PORT=500, and run pipeline 3 and 2 in two different consoles. Check with 'top' the  CPU usage and see that VPU is actually doing most of the work.
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This example uses the touchscreen that comes with i.MX51 EVK's parallel LCD Download xserver-xorg-input-evtouch (xserver-xorg-input-evtouch_0.8.8-3build1_armel.deb) from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/armel/xserver-xorg-input-evtouch/0.8.8-3build1 On i.MX51 EVK board, run “sudo dpkg –i xserver-xorg-input-evtouch_0.8.8-3build1_armel.deb” to install debian package. Remove evdev config file: sudo rm /usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf.d/05-evdev.conf Change the content of 10-evtouch.conf to: sudo vi /usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evtouch.conf Section "InputClass"            Identifier "touchscreen catchall"            MatchIsTouchscreen "on"            Driver "evtouch"            Option "SwapY" "1"            Option "MinX" "32"            Option "MinY" "46"            Option "MaxX" "1001"            Option "MaxY" "967" EndSection   The MinX, MinY, MaxX and MaxY values can be changed to match the exact configuration of your touchscreen Save above configuration and reboot the system.
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i.MX6DQ HDMI dongle board uses BCM4330 which is SDIO interface as wireless module. When we try to run Ubuntu oneiric on HDMI dongle board, after correctly insmod bcm4330.ko, we found Ubuntu NetworkManger can't recognize this interface: the /var/log/syslog shows the following error: Jan  1 00:01:08 linaro-ubuntu-desktop NetworkManager[4787]:    SCPlugin-Ifupdown: devices added (path: /sys/devices/virtual/net/wlan0, iface: wlan0) Jan  1 00:01:08 linaro-ubuntu-desktop NetworkManager[4787]:    SCPlugin-Ifupdown: device added (path: /sys/devices/virtual/net/wlan0, iface: wlan0): no ifupdown configuration found. Jan  1 00:01:08 linaro-ubuntu-desktop NetworkManager[4787]: <warn> /sys/devices/virtual/net/wlan0: couldn't determine device driver; ignoring... After using Google search, we found /sys/devices/virtual/net/wlan0 directory dose not has directory "device", this "device" directory should be exist at network interface, without it, NetworkManager will get error "couldn't determine device driver; ignoring...",  the "device" is just this network interface come from, and it should link to the real device under one hardware bus. While the bcm4330 Linux driver from Broadcom does not setup network interface real "device" so we need add this real "device" before the driver registers a network interface. Refer to the attached diff file for this modification
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The OpenSSL recipe halts saying it can't find find.pl . How to resolve this problem?   From the blog, linked below : create file find.pl in /etc/perl.   Missing find.pl compiling OE - Kemp's blog    "find.pl" content :   warn "Legacy library @{[(caller(0))[6]]} will be removed from the Perl core distribution in the next major release. Please install it from the CPAN distribution Perl4::CoreLibs. It is being used  at @{[(caller)[1]]}, line @{[(caller)[2]]}.\n";   # This library is deprecated and unmaintained. It is included for # compatibility with Perl 4 scripts which may use it, but it will be # removed in a future version of Perl. Please use the File::Find module # instead.   # Usage: #              require "find.pl"; # #              &find('/foo','/bar'); # #              sub wanted { ... } #                            where wanted does whatever you want. $dir contains the #                            current directory name, and $_ the current filename within #                            that directory. $name contains "$dir/$_". You are cd'ed #                            to $dir when the function is called. The function may #                            set $prune to prune the tree. # # For example, # # find / -name .nfs\* -mtime +7 -exec rm -f {} \; -o -fstype nfs -prune # # corresponds to this # #              sub wanted { #               /^\.nfs.*$/ && #               (($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid) = lstat($_)) && #               int(-M _) > 7 && #               unlink($_) #               || #               ($nlink || (($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid) = lstat($_))) && #               $dev < 0 && #               ($prune = 1); #              } # # Set the variable $dont_use_nlink if you're using AFS, since AFS cheats.   use File::Find ();   *name                            = *File::Find::name; *prune                            = *File::Find::prune; *dir                            = *File::Find::dir; *topdir                            = *File::Find::topdir; *topdev                            = *File::Find::topdev; *topino                            = *File::Find::topino; *topmode              = *File::Find::topmode; *topnlink              = *File::Find::topnlink;   sub find {   &File::Find::find(\&wanted, @_); }   1;
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The Linux L4.9.11_1.0.0 RFP(GA) for i.MX6 release files are now available on www.nxp.com    Files available: # Name Description 1 L4.9.11_1.0.0-ga_images_MX6QPDLSOLOX.tar.gz i.MX 6QuadPlus, i.MX 6Quad, i.MX 6DualPlus, i.MX 6Dual, i.MX 6DualLite, i.MX 6Solo, i.MX 6Solox Linux Binary Demo Files 2 L4.9.11_1.0.0-ga_images_MX6SLEVK.tar.gz i.MX 6Sololite EVK Linux Binary Demo Files 3 L4.9.11_1.0.0-ga_images_MX6UL7D.tar.gz i.MX 6UltraLite EVK, 7Dual SABRESD, 6ULL EVK Linux Binary Demo Files 4 L4.9.11_1.0.0-ga_images_MX6SLLEVK.tar.gz i.MX 6SLL EVK Linux Binary Demo Files 5 L4.9.11_1.0.0-ga_images_MX7ULPEVK.tar.gz i.MX 7ULP EVK Linux Binary Demo Files  6 L4.9.11_1.0.0-ga_mfg-tools.tar.gz i.MX Manufacturing Toolkit for Linux L4.9.11_1.0.0 BSP 7 L4.9.11_1.0.0-ga_gpu-tools.tar.gz L4.9.11_1.0.0 i.MX VivanteVTK file 8 bcmdhd- The Broadcom firmware package for i.MX Linux L4.9.11_1.0.0 BSP. 9 imx-aacpcodec-4.2.1.tar.gz Linux AAC Plus Codec for L4.9.11_1.0.0 10 fsl-yocto-L4.9.11_1.0.0.tar.gz L4.9.11_1.0.0 for Linux BSP Documentation. Includes Release Notes, User Guide.   Target boards: i.MX 6QuadPlus SABRE-SD Board and Platform i.MX 6QuadPlus SABRE-AI Board i.MX 6Quad SABRE-SD Board and Platform i.MX 6DualLite SABRE-SD Board i.MX 6Quad SABRE-AI Board i.MX 6DualLite SABRE-AI Board i.MX 6SoloLite EVK Board i.MX 6SoloX SABRE-SD Board i.MX 6SoloX SABRE-AI Board i.MX 7Dual SABRE-SD Board i.MX 6UltraLite EVK Board i.MX 6ULL EVK Board i.MX 6SLL EVK Board i.MX 7ULP EVK Board (Beta Quality)   What’s New/Features: Please consult the Release Notes.   Known issues For known issues and more details please consult the Release Notes.   More information on changes, see: README: https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/fsl-arm-yocto-bsp/tree/README?h=imx-morty ChangeLog: https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/fsl-arm-yocto-bsp/tree/ChangeLog?h=imx-morty
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BlueZ5 provides support for the core Bluetooth layers and protocols. It is flexible, efficient and uses a modular implementation. BlueZ5 has implemented the Bluetooth low level host stack for Bluetooth core specification 4.0 and 3.0+HS which includes GAP, L2CAP, RFCOMM, and SDP. Besides the host stack, BlueZ5 has also supported the following profiles itself or via a third party software. Profiles provided by BlueZ: A2DP 1.3 AVRCP 1.5 DI 1.3 HDP 1.0 HID 1.0 PAN 1.0 SPP 1.1 GATT (LE) profiles: PXP 1.0 HTP 1.0 HoG 1.0 TIP 1.0 CSCP 1.0 OBEX based profiles (by obexd): FTP 1.1 OPP 1.1 PBAP 1.1 MAP 1.0 Provided by the oFono project: HFP 1.6 (AG & HF)Supported Profiles BlueZ5 has been supported in the latest Freescale Linux BSP release, so it would be pretty easy to generate the binaries for Bluetooth core stack and its profiles. In order to support A2DP sink on a SabreSD board, the following software should be downloaded and installed onto the target rootfs too. sbc decoder version 1.3 (http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/bluetooth/sbc-1.3.tar.gz) PulseAudio 5.0 (http://www.freedesktop.org/software/pulseaudio/releases/pulseaudio-5.0.tar.xz) PulseAudio package has some dependencies with bluetooth and sbc packages, and pulseaudio will detect if the two packages have been built and then decide which pulse plugin modules to be generated. So the building order will be 1) bluez5_utils or bluez_utils   2) sbc   3) pulseaudio. After compile and install the above software onto the target rootfs, you should be able to see the following executable under the directory /usr/bin From BlueZ5: bluetoothctl, hciconfig, hciattach (Needed by operating a UART bluetooth module) From PulseAudio: pulseaudio, pactl, paplay If the building dependency has been setup correctly, the following pulse plugin modules should be located under the directory /usr/lib/pulse-5.0/modules module-bluetooth-discover.so      module-bluetooth-policy.so        module-bluez5-device.so   module-bluez5-discover.so Edit the file /etc/dbus-1/system.d/pulseaudio-system.conf, and add the following lines in red: <policy user="pulse">     <allow own="org.pulseaudio.Server"/>    <allow send_destination="org.bluez"/>     <allow send_interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager"/> </policy> Edit the file /etc/dbus-1/system.d/bluetooth.conf, and add the following lines: <policy user="pulse">      <allow send_destination="org.bluez"/>      <allow send_interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager"/> </policy> Adding the following settings at the bottom of the pulseaudio system configuration file which locates in /etc/pulse/system.pa ### Automatically load driver modules for Bluetooth hardware .ifexists module-bluetooth-policy.so load-module module-bluetooth-policy .endif .ifexists module-bluetooth-discover.so load-module module-bluetooth-discover .endif load-module module-switch-on-connect load-module module-alsa-sink device_id=0 tsched=true tsched_buffer_size=1048576 tsched_buffer_watermark=262144 On the system that can automatically detect the alsa cards, the above line #13 should be removed.  Also make sure "auth-anonymous=1" is added to the following line, which can resolve the issue: "Denied access to client with invalid authorization data". load-module module-native-protocol-unix auth-anonymous=1 Selecting a audio re-sampling algorithm and configuring the audio output by adding the following settings to the file daemon.conf locating in /etc/pulse resample-method = trivial enable-remixing = no enable-lfe-remixing = no default-sample-format = s16le default-sample-rate = 48000 alternate-sample-rate = 24000 default-sample-channels = 2 Pulseaudio can be started as a daemon or as a system-wide instance. To run PulseAudio in system-wide mode, the program will automatically drop privileges from "root" and change to the "pulse" user and group. In this case, before launching the program, the "pulse" user and group needs to be created on the target system.  In the example below, "/var/run/pulse" is the home directory for "pulse" user. adduser -h /var/run/pulse pulse addgroup pulse-access adduser pulse pulse-access Because PulseAudio needs to access the sound devices, add the user "pulse" to the "audio" group too. adduser pulse audio Starting bluetoothd and pulseaudio: /usr/libexec/bluetooth/bluetoothd -d & pulseaudio --system --realtime & To verify if the pulseaudio has been set up correctly, you can play a local wave file by using the following command. If you can hear the sound, the system should have been configured correctly. paplay -vvv audio8k16S.wav After setting up the pulseaudio, launch bluetoothctl to pair and connect to a mobile phone. After connecting to a mobile phone, you should be able to see the following information in bluetoothctl console: [bluetooth]# show Controller 12:60:41:7F:03:00         Name: BlueZ 5.21         Alias: BlueZ 5.21         Class: 0x1c0000         Powered: yes         Discoverable: no         Pairable: yes         UUID: PnP Information           (00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)         UUID: Generic Access Profile    (00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)         UUID: Generic Attribute Profile (00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)         UUID: A/V Remote Control        (0000110e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)         UUID: A/V Remote Control Target (0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)         UUID: Message Notification Se.. (00001133-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)         UUID: Message Access Server     (00001132-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)         UUID: Phonebook Access Server   (0000112f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)         UUID: IrMC Sync                 (00001104-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)         UUID: OBEX File Transfer        (00001106-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)         UUID: OBEX Object Push          (00001105-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)         UUID: Vendor specific           (00005005-0000-1000-8000-0002ee000001)         UUID: Audio Source              (0000110a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)         UUID: Audio Sink                (0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)         Modalias: usb:v1D6Bp0246d0515         Discovering: no If you can see the audio sink UUID, you are ready to enjoy the bluetooth music now.
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On power-up of a system, the bootloader performs initial hardware configuration, and is responsible for loading the Linux kernel in memory. Several bootloaders are available which support i.MX SoCs: Barebox (http://www.barebox.org/) RedBoot (http://ecos.sourceware.org/redboot/) U-Boot (http://www.denx.de/wiki/U-Boot/) Qi (http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Qi)
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Dithering Implementation for Eink Display Panel by Daiyu Ko, Freescale Dithering a.          Dithering in digital image processing Dithering is a technique used in computer graphics to create the illusion of color depth in images with a limited color palette (color quantization). In a dithered image, colors not available in the palette are approximated by a diffusion of colored pixels from within the available palette. The human eye perceives the diffusion as a mixture of the colors within it (see color vision). Dithered images, particularly those with relatively few colors, can often be distinguished by a characteristic graininess, or speckled appearance. Figure 1. Original photo; note the smoothness in the detail http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Dithering_example_undithered_web_palette.png Figure 2.Original image using the web-safe color palette with no dithering applied. Note the large flat areas and loss of detail. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Dithering_example_dithered_web_palette.png Figure 3.Original image using the web-safe color palette with Floyd–Steinberg dithering. Note that even though the same palette is used, the application of dithering gives a better representation of the original b.         Applications Display hardware, including early computer video adapters and many modern LCDs used in mobile phonesand inexpensive digital cameras, show a much smaller color range than more advanced displays. One common application of dithering is to more accurately display graphics containing a greater range of colors than the hardware is capable of showing. For example, dithering might be used in order to display a photographic image containing millions of colors on video hardware that is only capable of showing 256 colors at a time. The 256 available colors would be used to generate a dithered approximation of the original image. Without dithering, the colors in the original image might simply be "rounded off" to the closest available color, resulting in a new image that is a poor representation of the original. Dithering takes advantage of the human eye's tendency to "mix" two colors in close proximity to one another. For Eink panel, since it is grayscale image only, we can use the dithering algorism to reduce the grayscale level even to black/white only but still get better visual results. c.          Algorithm There are several algorithms designed to perform dithering. One of the earliest, and still one of the most popular, is the Floyd–Steinberg dithering algorithm, developed in 1975. One of the strengths of this algorithm is that it minimizes visual artifacts through an error-diffusion process; error-diffusion algorithms typically produce images that more closely represent the original than simpler dithering algorithms. (Original) Threshold Bayer   (ordered)                                     Example (Error-diffusion): Error-diffusion dithering is a feedback process that diffuses the quantization error to neighboring pixels. Floyd–Steinberg dithering only diffuses the error to neighboring pixels. This results in very fine-grained dithering. Jarvis, Judice, and Ninke dithering diffuses the error also to pixels one step further away. The dithering is coarser, but has fewer visual artifacts. It is slower than Floyd–Steinberg dithering because it distributes errors among 12 nearby pixels instead of 4 nearby pixels for Floyd–Steinberg. Stucki dithering is based on the above, but is slightly faster. Its output tends to be clean and sharp. Floyd–Steinberg Jarvis,   Judice & Ninke Stucki                         Error-diffusion dithering (continued): Sierra dithering is based on Jarvis dithering, but it's faster while giving similar results. Filter Lite is an algorithm by Sierra that is much simpler and faster than Floyd–Steinberg, while still yielding similar (according to Sierra, better) results. Atkinson dithering, developed by Apple programmer Bill Atkinson, resembles Jarvis dithering and Sierra dithering, but it's faster. Another difference is that it doesn't diffuse the entire quantization error, but only three quarters. It tends to preserve detail well, but very light and dark areas may appear blown out. Sierra Sierra   Lite Atkinson                              2.     Eink display panel characteristic a.       Low resolution Eink only has couple resolution modes for display      DU                  (1bit, Black/White)      GC4                (2bit, Gray scale)      GC16              (4bit, Gray scale)      A2                   (1bit, Black/White, fast update mode) b.      Slow update time For 800x600 panel size (per frame)      DU                  300ms                              GC4                450ms                              GC16              600ms                               A2                   125ms 3.       3.     Effect by doing dithering for Eink display panel a.       Low resolution with better visual quality By doing dithering to the original grayscale image, we can get better visual looking result. Even if the image becomes black and white image, with the dithering algorism, you will still get the feeling of grayscale image. b.      Faster update with Eink’s animation waveform Since the DU/A2 mode could update the Eink panel faster than grayscale mode, with dithering, we can get no only the better visual looking result, but also we can use DU/A2 fast update mode to show animation or even normal video files. 4.       4.     Our current dithering implementation a.       Choose a simple and effective algorism Considering Eink panel’s characteristics, we compared couple dithering algorism and decide to use Atkinson dithering algorism. It is simple and the result is better especially for Einkblack/white display case. b.      Made a lot of optimization so that it will not affect update time too much With the simplicity of the Atkinson dithering algorism, we can also put a lot of effort to do the optimization in order to reduce the dithering processing time and make it practical for actual use. c.       Current algorism performance and result Currently, with Atkinson dithering algorism, our processing time is about 70ms. 5.       5.     Availability a.       We implemented both Y8->Y1 and Y8->Y4 dithering with the same dithering algorism. b.      Implemented into our EPDC driver with i.MX6SL Linux 3.0.35 version release. c.       Also implemented in our Video for Eink demo 6.       6.     References a.       Part of dithering introduction from www.wikipedia.org
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The Linux L4.14.98_1.0.0_GA; and SDK2.5 for 8QM/8QXP Post GA, SDK2.5.1 for 7ULP GA3 release are now available. Linux on IMX_SW web page, Overview -> BSP Updates and Releases -> Linux L4.14.98_2.0.0 SDK on https://mcuxpresso.nxp.com Files available: Linux:  # Name Description 1 imx-yocto-L4.14.98_2.0.0_ga.zip L4.14.98_2.0.0 for Linux BSP Documentation. Includes Release Notes, User Guide. 2 L4.14.98_2.0.0_ga_images_MX6QPDLSOLOX.zip i.MX 6QuadPlus, i.MX 6Quad, i.MX 6DualPlus, i.MX 6Dual, i.MX 6DualLite, i.MX 6Solo, i.MX 6Solox Linux Binary Demo Files 3 L4.14.98_2.0.0_ga_images_MX6SLLEVK.zip i.MX 6SLL EVK Linux Binary Demo Files 4 L4.14.98_2.0.0_ga_images_MX6UL7D.zip i.MX 6UltraLite EVK, 7Dual SABRESD, 6ULL EVK Linux Binary Demo Files 5 L4.14.98_2.0.0_ga_images_MX7DSABRESD.zip i.MX 7Dual SABRESD Linux Binary Demo Files  6 L4.14.98_2.0.0_ga_images_MX7ULPEVK.zip i.MX 7ULP EVK Linux Binary Demo Files  7 L4.14.98_2.0.0_ga_images_MX8MMEVK.zip i.MX 8MMini EVK Linux Binary Demo Files  8 L4.14.98_2.0.0_ga_images_MX8MQEVK.zip i.MX 8MQuad EVK Linux Binary Demo files 9 L4.14.98_2.0.0_ga_images_MX8QMMEK.zip i.MX 8QMax MEK Linux Binary Demo files 10 L4.14.98_2.0.0_ga_images_MX8QXPMEK.zip i.MX 8QXPlus MEK Linux Binary Demo files 11 imx-scfw-porting-kit-1.2.tar.gz System Controller Firmware (SCFW) porting kit of L4.14.98_2.0.0 12 imx-aacpcodec-4.4.5.tar.gz Linux AAC Plus Codec v4.4.5 13 VivanteVTK-v6.2.4.p4.1.7.8.tgz Vivante Tool Kit v6.2.4.p4.1.7.8   SDK: On https://mcuxpresso.nxp.com/, click the Select Development Board, EVK-MCIMX7ULP//MEK-MIMX8QM/MEK-MIMX-8QX to customize the SDK based on your configuration then download the SDK package.  Target board: MX 8 Series MX 8QuadXPlus MEK Board MX 8QuadMax MEK Board MX 8M Quad EVK Board MX 8M Mini EVK Board MX 7 Series MX 7Dual SABRE-SD Board MX 7ULP EVK Board MX 6 Series MX 6QuadPlus SABRE-SD and SABRE-AI Boards MX 6Quad SABRE-SD and SABRE-AI Boards MX 6DualLite SDP SABRE-SD and SABRE-AI Boards MX 6SoloX SABRE-SD and SABRE-AI Boards MX 6UltraLite EVK Board MX 6ULL EVK Board MX 6ULZ EVK Board MX 6SLL EVK Board What’s New/Features: Please consult the Release Notes.   Known issues For known issues and more details please consult the Release Notes.   More information on changes of Yocto, see: README: https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/imx-manifest/tree/README?h=imx-linux-sumo ChangeLog: https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/imx-manifest/tree/ChangeLog?h=imx-linux-sumo#
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This is the procedure and patch to set up Ubuntu 13.10 64bit Linux Host PC and building i.MX28 L2.6.35_1.1.0_130130. It has been tested to build GNOME profile and with FSL Standard MM codec. A) Basic Requirement: Set up the Linux Host PC using ubuntu-13.10-desktop-amd64.iso Make sure the previous LTIB installation and the /opt/freescale have been removed B) Installed the needed packages to the Linux Host PC $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install gettext libgtk2.0-dev rpm bison m4 libfreetype6-dev $ sudo apt-get install libdbus-glib-1-dev liborbit2-dev intltool $ sudo apt-get install ccache ncurses-dev zlib1g zlib1g-dev gcc g++ libtool $ sudo apt-get install uuid-dev liblzo2-dev $ sudo apt-get install tcl dpkg $ sudo apt-get install asciidoc texlive-latex-base dblatex xutils-dev $ sudo apt-get install texlive texinfo $ sudo apt-get install lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 lib32bz2-1.0 $ sudo apt-get install libc6-dev-i386 $ sudo apt-get install u-boot-tools $ sudo apt-get install scrollkeeper $ sudo apt-get install gparted $ sudo apt-get install nfs-common nfs-kernel-server $ sudo apt-get install git-core git-doc git-email git-gui gitk $ sudo apt-get install meld atftpd $ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/librt.so   /usr/lib/librt.so C) Unpack and install the LTIB source package and assume done on the home directory: $ cd ~ $ tar -zxvf L2.6.35_1.1.0_130130_source.tar.gz $ ./L2.6.35_1.1.0_130130_source/install After that, you will find ~/ltib directory created D) Apply the patch to make L2.6.35_1.1.0_130130 could be installed and compiled on Ubuntu 13.10 64bit OS $ cd ~/ltib $ git apply 0001_make_L2.6.35_1.1.0_130130_compile_on_ubuntu_13.10_64bit_OS.patch What the patch is doing: a) The patch modifies the following files: dist/lfs-5.1/base_libs/base_libs.spec dist/lfs-5.1/elftosb/elftosb.spec dist/lfs-5.1/lkc/lkc.spec dist/lfs-5.1/mux_server/mux_server.spec dist/lfs-5.1/ncurses/ncurses.spec b) Add the following files to the pkgs directory: pkgs/elftosb- pkgs/elftosb- pkgs/lkc-1.4-lib.patch pkgs/lkc-1.4-lib.patch.md5 E) Then, it is ready to proceed the rest of the LTIB env setup process: $ cd ~/ltib $ ./ltib -m config $ ./ltib Reference: L2.6.35_1.1.0_130130_docs/doc/mx28/Setting_Up_LTIB_Host_on_Ubuntu_9_04.pdf https://community.freescale.com/docs/DOC-93394 https://community.freescale.com/message/332385#332385 https://community.freescale.com/thread/271675 https://community.freescale.com/message/360556#360556 scrollkeeper is for the gnome-desktop compilation elftosb compilation issue fixed by added -lm to LIBS in the elftosb- NOTE: When compiling gstreamer, this warning was pop up.  Just ignore it seems okay.
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The document includes the following contents: (1)document how to port ov5646 to android jb4.2.2 (2) ov5645 driver for Linux 3.0.35 (3) ov5645 schematic based on i.MX6Q/DL (4)ov5645 for android camera HAL   [Note:]      P5V29A-0JG is a camera module based on OV5645, and PAO532-0JG is based on OV5640, both manufactured by NINGBO SUNNY OPOTECH CO.LTD (China), If customer wants to use them on i.MX6 platform, can send me email to ask for datasheets of P5V29A & PAO532 , or discuss corresponding questions on porting.   Email: weidong.sun@freescale.com
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How to connect i.MX51 and Ubuntu using USB cable: i.MX51 Side Plug in USB cable. getprop debug.adb.usb - Shows that debug.adb.usb are not set by default setprop persist.service.adb.enable 0 -> disable adb setprop debug.adb.usb 1 - adb will be through USB (for Ethernet, use setprop debug.adb.usb 0) setprop persist.service.adb.enable 1 -> enable adb Example: # getprop debug.adb.usb  # # # setprop persist.service.adb.enable 0 disabling adb # adb_release android_usb gadget: high speed config #1: android setprop debug.adb.usb 1 # # setprop persist.service.adb.enable 1 enabling adb # adb_open adb_release adb_open android_usb gadget: high speed config #1: android # Ubuntu Side On Ubuntu side, the most important tip is regarding permission. ADB server MUST be started with root right. Example of right mistake: $ sudo <AND_SDK_DIR>/android-sdk-linux_86/tools/adb devices List of devices attached ????????????    no permissions  $ sudo <AND_SDK_DIR>/android-sdk-linux_86/tools/adb shell error: insufficient permissions for device How to proceed to get permission: $ sudo <AND_SDK_DIR>/android-sdk-linux_86/tools/adb kill-server $ sudo <AND_SDK_DIR>/android-sdk-linux_86/tools/adb start-server * daemon not running. starting it now * * daemon started successfully * $ sudo <AND_SDK_DIR>/android-sdk-linux_86/tools/adb devices List of devices attached 0123456789ABCDEF    device  $ sudo <AND_SDK_DIR>/android-sdk-linux_86/tools/adb shell ADB over Ethernet/Wi-Fi To make ADB work in i.MX51 using TCP: In your host machine: - Install Android SDK - export ADBHOST=BOARD_IP (setenv ADBHOST=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) - adb kill-server In your board: - make sure that ro.secure property is *not* set when the adbd daemon is launched, so edit the file default.prop - make sure that /dev/android_adb or /dev/android do *not* exist - stop adbd - start adbd Now you will be able to list the device: hamilton@saygon:/opt/work/androidsdk/android-sdk-linux_86/tools$ ./adb kill-server hamilton@saygon:/opt/work/androidsdk/android-sdk-linux_86/tools$ ./adb devices * daemon not running. starting it now * * daemon started successfully * List of devices attached emulator-5554   device
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