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@S32kUser  The S32K3 family is a highly scalable MCU that include single-core, dual-core, and lock-step core configurations. Meanwhile, NXP provides rich eco-software. For example, NXP provides a powerful IDE: S32 Design Studio(S32DS), which can be used to configure, compiler, debug. And the RTD (Real-Time Drivers) is the software development package, it includes a lot of default example projects. Low power management is always required in auto product since it's powered by battery. K3's power management is quite different with K1. Provide a one-stop application information about S32K3xx family MCU power management features for automotive customer to accelerate their application/product time to market. Besides, the software package in this page provides additional example projects for wakeup use case. All the wakeup example projects mentioned in this page are developed based on RTD/HLD, and the configuration tool is EB tresos Studio and S32 CT. The hardware is based on S32K344 Whiteboard and S32K3X4EVB-Q172. The software is based on RTD V2.0 and S32DS3.4 About the wakeup examples package, it provides very wakeup examples. The below figures summarized the package contents: Example Projects: Application Note: Any questions, please contact me.
This page supports the NXP Tech Days training session AUT-T4978 for "Hands-On Workshop: The Safety Peripheral Driver in the S32K3 - The Next Level to Achieve Safety". The full installation pre-requisites are attached below, as well as the required S32DS demo application project.
  1. Abstract This article also explains the S32DS+EB configuration, RTD400. The MCAL training of other modules will be based on this structure in the future. However, this article will provide a command line version of the code. If you need the command line mode, you can directly copy one under the RTD MCAL code package and use VScode to compile it. The hardware of this article is based on K312-miniEVB, and the board situation is as follows:      Fig 1 Function: In the K312 MCAL code, the UART transceiver function is implemented using DMA. Since RTD400 does not have K312 routines, there is also a process of porting from RTD400 to K312 MCAL. Of course, the previous article has explained it very clearly, and also provided the S32DS project template. This article will be based on the previous S32DS EB project template.  2. Function Implementation 2.1 K312 MINIEVB hardware configuration For the hardware configuration, since this article only uses UART, the structure is very simple, using the pins: LPUART3_TX: PTD2 LPUART3_RX: PTD3 and an external TTL-USB tool to achieve signal communication. 2.2 EB Configuration     Here we list all the modules used in EB tresos related to this article, and focus on the modules that require specific configuration. Fig 2 2.2.1 Mcl module The Dma Logic Channel interface needs to be configured. The main purpose is to configure two DMA channels for LPUART3_TX and RX. (1)dmalogicChannel_Type_0 Fig 3 (2)dmalogicChannel_Type_2 Fig 4 The callback registered here can also be called directly in the code. 2.2.2 Mcu module Mcu->McuClockSettingConfig->McuClockReferencePoint->Lpuart3_clk Fig 5 In fact, it configures the clock source frequency of LPUART to 24Mhz, which comes from AIPS_SLOW_CLK. 2.2.3 Platform module Platform->Interrupt Controller->IntCtrlConfig,Configure 3 channels: Fig 6 Here we only need to pay attention to the LPUART3 interrupt, as well as the DMA0 channel 6 and channel 7 interrupts, because these two DMA channels are configured for UART TX and RX. FlexIO is ignored, it is just a matter of whether it is deleted in the original routine. 2.2.4 Port module Port->PortContainer, add PTD2,PTD3 pins: Fig 7 Fig 8 2.2.5 Uart module There are two places to configure: (1)uart->General Fig 9 (2)uart->uartChannel Fig 10 There are 4 points to note here: Point 1: Select the clock source configured in the mcu Point 2: Configure the baud rate to 115200 Point 3: Select the asynchronous mode as DMA Point 4: Select the two DMA channels configured in the mcl, and you need to match TX and RX to the corresponding DMA channels. 2.2.6 Rm module Rm->DMA MUX Configure 2 DMA_MUX channels: Fig 11 Fig 12 2.3 main code   #include "Mcl.h" #include "Mcu.h" #include "CDD_Uart.h" #include "CDD_Rm.h" #include "Port.h" #include "Platform.h" #include "Lpuart_Uart_Ip_Irq.h" #include "Flexio_Uart_Ip_Irq.h" //#include "check_example.h" #include <string.h> #include "Port_Cfg.h" #define UART_LPUART_INTERNAL_CHANNEL 0U #define UART_FLEXIO_TX_CHANNEL 1U #define UART_FLEXIO_RX_CHANNEL 2U /* Welcome messages displayed at the console */ #define WELCOME_MSG "MCAL UART DMA Helloworld for automotive with S32K312!\r\n" /* Error message displayed at the console, in case data is received erroneously */ #define ERROR_MSG "An error occurred! The application will stop!\r\n" /* Length of the message to be received from the console */ #define MSG_LEN 50U #define UART_BUFFER_LENGTH ((uint32)10U) Std_ReturnType T_Uart_Status; //uint8 Rx_Buffer[UART_BUFFER_LENGTH]; #define UART_START_SEC_VAR_CLEARED_UNSPECIFIED_NO_CACHEABLE #include "Uart_Memmap.h" __attribute__(( aligned(32) )) uint8 Rx_Buffer[UART_BUFFER_LENGTH]; #define UART_STOP_SEC_VAR_CLEARED_UNSPECIFIED_NO_CACHEABLE #include "Uart_Memmap.h" uint32 g_Uart_CallbackCounter = 0U; uint32 g_DmaCh16_ErrorCallbackCounter = 0U; uint32 g_DmaCh17_ErrorCallbackCounter = 0U; //void Uart_Callback (void); void Uart_Callback(const uint8 HwInstance, const Lpuart_Uart_Ip_EventType Event, void *UserData); void Mcl_DmaCh16_ErrorCallback (void); void Mcl_DmaCh17_ErrorCallback (void); void Uart_Callback(const uint8 HwInstance, const Lpuart_Uart_Ip_EventType Event, void *UserData) { if(Event == LPUART_UART_IP_EVENT_END_TRANSFER) { __asm volatile ("nop"); __asm volatile ("nop"); __asm volatile ("nop"); __asm volatile ("nop"); __asm volatile ("nop"); __asm volatile ("nop"); } else if (Event == LPUART_UART_IP_EVENT_TX_EMPTY) { __asm volatile ("nop"); __asm volatile ("nop"); } else if (Event == LPUART_UART_IP_EVENT_RX_FULL) { __asm volatile ("nop"); } else if (Event == LPUART_UART_IP_EVENT_ERROR) { __asm volatile ("nop"); } else { __asm volatile ("nop"); } } void Mcl_DmaCh6_ErrorCallback (void) { g_DmaCh16_ErrorCallbackCounter++; } void Mcl_DmaCh7_ErrorCallback (void) { g_DmaCh17_ErrorCallbackCounter++; } boolean User_Str_Cmp(const uint8 * pBuffer1, const uint8 * pBuffer2, const uint32 length) { uint32 idx = 0; for (idx = 0; idx < length; idx++) { if(pBuffer1[idx] != pBuffer2[idx]) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /** * @brief Main function of the example * @details Initializez the used drivers and uses the Icu * and Dio drivers to toggle a LED on a push button */ int main(void) { Std_ReturnType UartStatus = E_NOT_OK; uint32 RemainingBytes; uint32 Timeout = 0xFFFFFF; Uart_StatusType UartReceiveStatus = UART_STATUS_TIMEOUT; Uart_StatusType UartTransmitStatus = UART_STATUS_TIMEOUT; /* Initialize the Mcu driver */ Mcu_Init(NULL_PTR); Mcu_InitClock(McuClockSettingConfig_0); Mcu_SetMode(McuModeSettingConf_0); /* Initialize Mcl module */ Mcl_Init(NULL_PTR); /* Initialize Rm driver for using DmaMux*/ Rm_Init (NULL_PTR); /* Initialize all pins using the Port driver */ Port_Init(NULL_PTR); /* Initialize IRQs */ Platform_Init(NULL_PTR); /* Initializes an UART driver*/ Uart_Init(NULL_PTR); T_Uart_Status = Uart_AsyncSend(UART_LPUART_INTERNAL_CHANNEL, (const uint8 *)WELCOME_MSG, strlen(WELCOME_MSG)); if (E_OK == T_Uart_Status) { do { /* Get transmission status */ UartTransmitStatus = Uart_GetStatus (UART_LPUART_INTERNAL_CHANNEL, &RemainingBytes, UART_SEND); } while (UART_STATUS_NO_ERROR != UartTransmitStatus && 0 < Timeout--); Timeout = 0xFFFFFF; UartTransmitStatus = UART_STATUS_TIMEOUT; } for(;;) { /* Receive data from the PC - Get 10 bytes in total */ UartStatus = Uart_AsyncReceive (UART_LPUART_INTERNAL_CHANNEL, Rx_Buffer, UART_BUFFER_LENGTH); if (E_OK == UartStatus) { do { /* Get receive status */ UartReceiveStatus = Uart_GetStatus (UART_LPUART_INTERNAL_CHANNEL, &RemainingBytes, UART_RECEIVE); } while (UART_STATUS_NO_ERROR != UartReceiveStatus && 0 < Timeout--); Timeout = 0xFFFFFF; UartReceiveStatus = UART_STATUS_TIMEOUT; } UartStatus = E_NOT_OK; /* Send data to the PC - Echo back the received data */ UartStatus = Uart_AsyncSend (UART_LPUART_INTERNAL_CHANNEL, Rx_Buffer, UART_BUFFER_LENGTH); if (E_OK == UartStatus) { do { /* Get transmission status */ UartTransmitStatus = Uart_GetStatus (UART_LPUART_INTERNAL_CHANNEL, &RemainingBytes, UART_SEND); } while (UART_STATUS_NO_ERROR != UartTransmitStatus && 0 < Timeout--); Timeout = 0xFFFFFF; UartTransmitStatus = UART_STATUS_TIMEOUT; } UartStatus = E_NOT_OK; } Uart_Deinit(); Mcl_DeInit(); // Exit_Example((T_Uart_Status1 == E_OK) && (T_Uart_Status2 == E_OK)); return (0U); }   It should be noted here that according to RTD C:\NXP\SW32K3_S32M27x_RTD_R21-11_4.0.0\eclipse\plugins\Uart_TS_T40D34M40I0R0\doc的RTD_UART_IM.pdf, RTD_UART_UM.pdf. Fig 13 When doing DMA transfer, the buffer needs to be placed in the noncacheable area. That's why this article is:   #define UART_START_SEC_VAR_CLEARED_UNSPECIFIED_NO_CACHEABLE #include "Uart_Memmap.h" __attribute__(( aligned(32) )) uint8 Rx_Buffer[UART_BUFFER_LENGTH]; #define UART_STOP_SEC_VAR_CLEARED_UNSPECIFIED_NO_CACHEABLE #include "Uart_Memmap.h"   3. Test Result Use UART3, pin UART3_TX:PTD2, UART3_RX:PTD3 After the chip is reset, send first: Helloworld for automotive with S32K344! Then wait for reception. After receiving 10 bytes of data, generate uart_callback interrupt and enter LPUART_UART_IP_ENET_END_TRANSFER. You can see that the data received in RX_Buffer is consistent with the data sent. Then, the code will loop back the received data. The test situation is as follows: The figure below shows two groups of tests: PC sends: 1234567890, after MCU receives it, loop it back. PC sends: 0987654321, after MCU receives it, debug stops at the breakpoint, you can check the received buffer situation, you can see that the buffer data is correct. Fig 14 Fig 15 Attached are two code packages: (1) Uart_TS_T40D34M40I0R0_miniK312_3.zipEB MCAL command line method After unzip the code, put it in: C:\NXP\SW32K3_S32M27x_RTD_R21-11_4.0.0\eclipse\plugins, and then you can compile it directly using the command line : Fig 16 (2)Mcal_UARTDMA_S32K312_RTD400_S32DS.zip:The way to import into S32DS, of course, it already contains the EB project: Fig 17  
1. Abstract The S32K344 ADC is a SAR ADC with a resolution which can up to 14 bits. It has a variety of software and hardware triggering methods, supports various external trigger sources, and introduces BCTU so that the trigger resources can be externally connected to multi-channel EMIOS and TRIGMUX, adding more ADC trigger sources. This article mainly explains the following ADC software and hardware triggering methods, and provides supporting codes.     Fig 1 It is mainly divided into 5 parts: (1) SW+ADC: software trigger, by adding timer PIT, the software trigger ADC is called regularly to complete channel sampling, and the collected value is printed out through UART printf. (2) SW+BCTU+ADC: software trigger, by adding timer PIT, the software trigger BTCU is called regularly to complete ADC channel sampling, and the collected value is printed out through UART printf. (3) PIT+TRIGMUX+ADC: hardware trigger, connect PIT to ADC through TRIGMUX, trigger ADC channel sampling through PIT hardware, and print the conversion value after the sampling conversion is completed. (4) EMIOS+BCTUHW+ADC: hardware trigger, through EMIOS timing trigger BCTU to complete the corresponding ADC single channel sampling, due to the high sampling rate, only the BCTU sampling value is printed regularly. (5) EMIOS+BCTUHWLIST+ADC: hardware trigger, through EMIOS timing trigger BCTU to complete ADC list channel sampling, due to the high sampling rate, the list channel value sampled by BCTU is printed regularly. 2. ADC SW HW Trigger 2.1 Hardware and software platform SW: RTD400 LLD,S32DS3.5 HW:S32K3X4EVB-T172 2.2 SW+ADC software trigger     In fact, the original ADC demo of RTD400 already has ADC software and BCTU software trigger. This article adds PIT timing software trigger based on this function, and prints it out through UART printf, making it more convenient to check the ADC test value through serial port printing. The block diagram structure of the software triggering ADC in this article is as follows:     Fig 2      The S32K344EVB board has a potentiometer connected to ADC1_S10, PTA11:   Fig 3 Therefore, the software trigger in this section is mainly used to collect ADC1_S10. The UART printing port uses the serial port of the onboard emulator: LPUART6_RX PTA15, LPUART6_TX PTA16, with a baud rate of 115200. For the software trigger demo in this article, the main configuration involves the following modules: (1)Pins:   Fig 4 ADC1_s10: PTA11 is the voltage of the onboard potentiometer to be tested, which is adjustable. PTA29: Connect the onboard D13 red light to test the PIT timer interrupt and enter the flashing state, used as the breathing light of the PIT. PTA16: UART6_TX, used to send the collected ADC value. (2)clocks Used to configure the system clock. You need to pay attention to the UART6 clock source of 40Mhz, the ADC1 clock source of 160Mhz, and the PIT0 clock source of 40Mhz (3)Peripherals Involved peripheral modules Siul2_Port,Siul2_Dio, Pit, Lpuart_Uart, Adc_Sar_Ip, IntCtrl_Ip. Siul2_Port: Add 4 pins ADC PTA11 MSCR 11, RED LED PTA29 MSCR 29, UART6_RX PTA15 MSCR 15, UART6_RX PTA16 MSCR 16. Siul2_Dio: Add the module mainly to allow related API functions to come in, so as to control GPIO pins. Pit: Used to generate 1S timing, the main configuration is as follows:   Fig 5                                                             Fig 6 Lpuart_Uart: Fig 7 Adc_Sar_Ip:   Fig 8                                                                         Fig 9 It should be noted here that ADC calibration prescale and Adc prescaler vale need to meet the following conditions, which can be found on S32K3RM:   Fig 10 Since the clock source of ADC1 is 160MHz, the calibration division is configured as 4 and the conversion division is configured as 2. IntCtrl_Ip:   Fig 11 The purpose is to open the interrupt of PIT and LPUART6, and register the corresponding handler. CT configuration is completed, and the code is generated. Next, move to the main function and add the following code: void AdcEndOfChainNotif1(void) { notif_triggered1 = TRUE; data1 = Adc_Sar_Ip_GetConvData(ADCHWUNIT_1_BOARD_INITPERIPHERALS_INSTANCE, 34); /* Checks the measured ADC data conversion */ // while (ADC_TOLERANCE(data, ADC_BANDGAP)); } void Pit0ch0Notification(void) { toggleLed = 1U; Siul2_Dio_Ip_TogglePins(LED_Q172_PORT, (1<<LED_Q172_PIN)); } int main(void) { StatusType status; uint8 Index; Clock_Ip_StatusType clockStatus; /* Initialize and configure drivers */ clockStatus = Clock_Ip_Init(&Clock_Ip_aClockConfig[0]); while (clockStatus != CLOCK_IP_SUCCESS) { clockStatus = Clock_Ip_Init(&Clock_Ip_aClockConfig[0]); } Siul2_Port_Ip_Init(NUM_OF_CONFIGURED_PINS_PortContainer_0_BOARD_InitPeripherals, g_pin_mux_InitConfigArr_PortContainer_0_BOARD_InitPeripherals); /* set PIT 0 interrupt */ IntCtrl_Ip_Init(&IntCtrlConfig_0); IntCtrl_Ip_EnableIrq(PIT0_IRQn); status = (StatusType) Adc_Sar_Ip_Init(ADCHWUNIT_1_BOARD_INITPERIPHERALS_INSTANCE, &AdcHwUnit_1_BOARD_InitPeripherals); while (status != E_OK); IntCtrl_Ip_InstallHandler(ADC1_IRQn, Adc_Sar_1_Isr, NULL_PTR); IntCtrl_Ip_EnableIrq(ADC1_IRQn); for(Index = 0; Index <= 5; Index++) { status = (StatusType) Adc_Sar_Ip_DoCalibration(ADCHWUNIT_1_BOARD_INITPERIPHERALS_INSTANCE); if(status == E_OK) { break; } } Adc_Sar_Ip_EnableNotifications(ADCHWUNIT_1_BOARD_INITPERIPHERALS_INSTANCE, ADC_SAR_IP_NOTIF_FLAG_NORMAL_ENDCHAIN | ADC_SAR_IP_NOTIF_FLAG_INJECTED_ENDCHAIN); /* Initialize PIT instance 0 - Channel 0 */ Pit_Ip_Init(PIT_INST_0, &PIT_0_InitConfig_PB_BOARD_InitPeripherals); /* Initialize channel 0 */ Pit_Ip_InitChannel(PIT_INST_0, PIT_0_CH_0); /* Enable channel interrupt PIT_0 - CH_0 */ Pit_Ip_EnableChannelInterrupt(PIT_INST_0, CH_0); /* Start channel CH_0 */ Pit_Ip_StartChannel(PIT_INST_0, CH_0, PIT_PERIOD); Lpuart_Uart_Ip_Init(UART_LPUART_INTERNAL_CHANNEL, &Lpuart_Uart_Ip_xHwConfigPB_6_BOARD_INITPERIPHERALS); printf("S32K344 PIT TRIGMUX ADC demo RTD400.\r\n"); while(1) { #if 1 if( toggleLed == 1) { toggleLed = 0; /* Start a SW triggered normal conversion on ADC_SAR */ Adc_Sar_Ip_StartConversion(ADCHWUNIT_1_BOARD_INITPERIPHERALS_INSTANCE, ADC_SAR_IP_CONV_CHAIN_NORMAL); /* Wait for the notification to be triggered and read the data */ while (notif_triggered1 != TRUE); notif_triggered1 = FALSE; printf("ADC1_s10 ch34 data = %d .\r\n", data1); } #endif } } The test results are printed as follows:   Fig 12 This section content supporting code: S32K344_PIT_SW_ADC_RTD400.zip   2.3 SW+BCTU+ADC Software trigger BCTU Based on SW+ADC trigger, add BCTU, and use BCTU software trigger to complete ADC sampling. The block diagram structure is as follows:   Fig 13 This section uses BCTU software to trigger ADC0 sampling. The sampling channel does not actually use external pin input, but collects the bandgap value of ADC0. The software trigger calls the software trigger function through the PIT 1S cycle, and prints the ADC sampling conversion value to UART after completion. In the CT tool, the main modification points are peripherals, adding ADC0 in adc_sar_lp, and configuring it as BCTU trigger.   Fig 14                                                        Fig 15 Here we can see that in Figure 14, the adc ctu mode is: trigger mode. Add the Bctu_Ip module and configure it as follows:   Fig 16 The corresponding selected BCTU channel is 48, which corresponds to the internal bandgap module.   Fig 17 The typical value is 1.2V, so the reference voltage is 5V, and the corresponding 14-bit ADC bandgap expected value is: (2^14)*1.2/5=3932 around. After completing the CT configuration code generation, add the following code in main.c: void AdcEndOfChainNotif(void) { notif_triggered = TRUE; data = Adc_Sar_Ip_GetConvData(ADCHWUNIT_0_BOARD_INITPERIPHERALS_INSTANCE, ADC_SAR_USED_CH); } void Pit0ch0Notification(void) { toggleLed = 1U; Siul2_Dio_Ip_TogglePins(LED_Q172_PORT, (1<<LED_Q172_PIN)); } void BctuWatermarkNotif(void) { uint8 idx; notif_triggered = TRUE; for (idx = 0u; idx < BCTU_FIFO_WATERMARK; idx++) { data_bctu = Bctu_Ip_GetFifoData(BCTUHWUNIT_0_BOARD_INITPERIPHERALS_INSTANCE, BCTU_USED_FIFO_IDX); } } int main(void) { StatusType status; uint8 Index; Clock_Ip_StatusType clockStatus; /* Initialize and configure drivers */ clockStatus = Clock_Ip_Init(&Clock_Ip_aClockConfig[0]); while (clockStatus != CLOCK_IP_SUCCESS) { clockStatus = Clock_Ip_Init(&Clock_Ip_aClockConfig[0]); } Siul2_Port_Ip_Init(NUM_OF_CONFIGURED_PINS_PortContainer_0_BOARD_InitPeripherals, g_pin_mux_InitConfigArr_PortContainer_0_BOARD_InitPeripherals); Bctu_Ip_Init(BCTUHWUNIT_0_BOARD_INITPERIPHERALS_INSTANCE, &BctuHwUnit_0_BOARD_INITPERIPHERALS); status = (StatusType) Adc_Sar_Ip_Init(ADCHWUNIT_0_BOARD_INITPERIPHERALS_INSTANCE, &AdcHwUnit_0_BOARD_InitPeripherals); while (status != E_OK); /* set PIT 0 interrupt */ IntCtrl_Ip_Init(&IntCtrlConfig_0); IntCtrl_Ip_EnableIrq(PIT0_IRQn); /* Install and enable interrupt handlers */ IntCtrl_Ip_InstallHandler(ADC0_IRQn, Adc_Sar_0_Isr, NULL_PTR); IntCtrl_Ip_InstallHandler(BCTU_IRQn, Bctu_0_Isr, NULL_PTR); IntCtrl_Ip_EnableIrq(ADC0_IRQn); IntCtrl_Ip_EnableIrq(BCTU_IRQn); /* Call Calibration function multiple times, to mitigate instability of board source */ for(Index = 0; Index <= 5; Index++) { status = (StatusType) Adc_Sar_Ip_DoCalibration(ADCHWUNIT_0_BOARD_INITPERIPHERALS_INSTANCE); if(status == E_OK) { break; } } Adc_Sar_Ip_EnableNotifications(ADCHWUNIT_0_BOARD_INITPERIPHERALS_INSTANCE, ADC_SAR_IP_NOTIF_FLAG_NORMAL_ENDCHAIN | ADC_SAR_IP_NOTIF_FLAG_INJECTED_ENDCHAIN); /* Start a SW triggered conversion on BCTU using a single trigger */ Bctu_Ip_SetGlobalTriggerEn(BCTUHWUNIT_0_BOARD_INITPERIPHERALS_INSTANCE, TRUE); Bctu_Ip_EnableNotifications(BCTUHWUNIT_0_BOARD_INITPERIPHERALS_INSTANCE, BCTU_IP_NOTIF_FIFO1); /* Initialize PIT instance 0 - Channel 0 */ Pit_Ip_Init(PIT_INST_0, &PIT_0_InitConfig_PB_BOARD_InitPeripherals); /* Initialize channel 0 */ Pit_Ip_InitChannel(PIT_INST_0, PIT_0_CH_0); /* Enable channel interrupt PIT_0 - CH_0 */ Pit_Ip_EnableChannelInterrupt(PIT_INST_0, CH_0); /* Start channel CH_0 */ Pit_Ip_StartChannel(PIT_INST_0, CH_0, PIT_PERIOD); Trgmux_Ip_Init(&Trgmux_Ip_xTrgmuxInitPB);// Lpuart_Uart_Ip_Init(UART_LPUART_INTERNAL_CHANNEL, &Lpuart_Uart_Ip_xHwConfigPB_6_BOARD_INITPERIPHERALS); printf("S32K344 PIT TRIGMUX ADC demo RTD400.\r\n"); while(1) { if( toggleLed == 1) { toggleLed = 0; Bctu_Ip_SwTriggerConversion(BCTUHWUNIT_0_BOARD_INITPERIPHERALS_INSTANCE, BCTU_USED_SINGLE_TRIG_IDX); while (notif_triggered != TRUE); notif_triggered = FALSE; printf("ADC0_bandgap ch48 data_bctu = %d .\r\n", data_bctu); } } } Test result: Fig 18 It is close to the typical expected value, indicating that it has been successfully run. Used demo code:S32K344_PIT_TRIGMUX_BCTUSW_ADC_printf_RTD400.zip   2.4 PIT+TRIGMUX+ADC hardware PIT TRIGUMX trigger This section is about hardware triggering. PIT is used in combination with TRIGMUX to directly trigger ADC1 channel 34, i.e. ADC1_S10 sampling. The trigger structure diagram is as follows:   Fig 19 Also based on the previous code, you need to add an additional module Trgmux_Ip in the CT peripherals, and the rest of the configuration remains unchanged.   Fig 20 Here, the input of Trigmux is selected as PIT0_CH0 and the output is ADC1. The code is also much simpler. Add the following code in main: Trgmux_Ip_Init(&Trgmux_Ip_xTrgmuxInitPB);// while(1) { if(notif_triggered1 == TRUE) { notif_triggered1 = FALSE; printf("ADC1_s10 ch34 data = %d .\r\n", data1); } } In While(1), we can see that there is no software-triggered call. We can directly check the ADC1 conversion completion flag and then print the data. The test results are as follows: Fig 21 It can be seen that as the external potentiometer changes, the sampled value of ADC1_S10 also changes. Used demo:S32K344_PIT_TRIGMUX_ADC_printf_RTD400.zip   2.5 EMIOS+BCTUHW+ADC hardware EMIOS BCTU trigger The block diagram structure of this section is as follows:   Fig 22 Use eMIOS0_CH0 to generate a 10Khz clock to trigger BCTU to complete the sampling of ADC0_48 channel, that is, bandgap. In the CT tool, add Emios_Mcal_Ip and configure it as follows:       Fig 23 Change the BCTU configuration to enable HW triggering. The configuration is as follows:   Fig 24 Main code related codes are as follows: Emios_Mcl_Ip_Init(EMIOS_INST0, &Emios_Mcl_Ip_0_Config_BOARD_INITPERIPHERALS); while(1) { if( toggleLed == 1) { toggleLed = 0; printf("ADC0_bandgap ch48 data_bctu = %d .\r\n", data_bctu); } } Since the sampling rate is triggered at a frequency of 10Khz, the frequency is relatively fast, so the printing here is still based on 1s. The printing results are as follows:   Fig 25 As you can see, the result is also a variable bandgap value. Used demo:S32K344_PIT_TRIGMUX_BCTUHW_EMIOS_ADC_printf_RTD400.zip   2.6 EMIOS+BCTUHW LIST+ADC hardware EMIOS BCTU trigger LIST This section is similar to the EMIOS BCTU hardware trigger above, except that the BCTU is configured in the form of LIST, which can trigger the conversion of multiple channels at once. The main modifications are in the BCTU module:   Fig 26 Add the corresponding main code as follows: #define BCTU_FIFO_WATERMARK 3U void BctuWatermarkNotif(void) { uint8 idx; notif_triggered = TRUE; for (idx = 0u; idx < BCTU_FIFO_WATERMARK; idx++) { data_bctu[idx] = Bctu_Ip_GetFifoData(BCTUHWUNIT_0_BOARD_INITPERIPHERALS_INSTANCE, BCTU_USED_FIFO_IDX); } } while(1) { if( toggleLed == 1) { toggleLed = 0; printf("ADC0_bandgap ch48 data_bctu = %d .\r\n", data_bctu[0]); printf("ADC0_vrefl ch54 data_bctu = %d .\r\n", data_bctu[1]); printf("ADC0_vrefh ch55 data_bctu = %d .\r\n", data_bctu[2]); } } Test result is: Fig 27 It can be seen that the results are consistent with the collected bandgap, VREFL, and VREFH, indicating that the code function is running normally. Code in this section:S32K344_PIT_TRIGMUX_BCTUHWLIST_EMIOS_ADC_printf_RTD400.zip  
1 Abstract After learning S32K3 PWM and have written some MCAL codes, this is the first MCAL article record starts with the combination of K344 EMIOS+ICU+TRIMUX+LCU, which can involve comprehensive configurations such as PORT, DIO, EMIOS, interrupt ICU, TRIGMUX, LCU, etc. The board platform is still based on NXP official S32K344EVB, RTD400, and the function is: use two channels of EMIOS0 and one channel of EMIOS1. After one channel of EMIOS 0 outputs PWM, it connects LCU through TRIGUMX to generate a set of complementary PWM, and the other channel can realize hardware interrupt control of PWM duty cycle through SW5 PT26 button. One channel of EMIOS1 is directly connected to the PTA29 onboard red light, and the brightness is gradually changed by changing the PWM duty cycle, and then the breathing light effect is realized by directly changing the on and off cycle. At the same time, when the PWM turns off the red light, the onboard green light is turned on through DIO, and when the PWM turns on the red light, the DIO turns off the onboard green light. Text description is always less intuitive than graphic description, so here is the picture:      Fig 1 2. Function realization This article is based on porting the MCAL code to the S32DS demo. Then, on the S32DS platform, MCAL related modules are configured through EB, and then compiled and downloaded for simulation through S32DS. Of course, if you like the command line mode, you can directly use the xmd file configured by EB, and then compile with VScode. The process is also very simple. This article will not go into details about the command line method.     2.1 Hardware and software platform Board:S32K344EVB,also can use other K3 boards. IDE:S32DS3.5 RTD: K344 RTD 400 MCAL tool: EBtresos Studio 29.0 2.2 Software control process Before talking about the specific MCAL configuration, here is the software flow chart of the functions in this article:                                                                             Fig 2 Here you can see that the default situation is the one configured through MCAL, and then the PWM frequency is also modified in the code, and the PWM duty cycle is modified by keystrokes and loop delays. 2.3 Resource Allocation Overview The hardware resources and functions used in this article are listed as follows: Fig 3 The configuration of emios related buses is as follows: Fig 4 It should be noted here that for the master bus and bus mode in MCL emios, it is necessary to select the appropriate PWM mode and counter bus in the PWM module, otherwise either the configuration will be wrong or the correct PWM waveform cannot be generated. From the official S32K3 RM, you can check the clock channel and bus type: Fig 5 For example, if EMIOS_CH23 is selected in PWM0, then this bus corresponds to bus A, and this clock can be used for all channels, so PWM0 is CH12 and can use Bus A. CH22 corresponds to bus F, and this clock can also be used for all channels, so it is no problem to select Bus F for PWM1 CH4. CH0 corresponds to bus B, and this clock corresponds to channels 0-7, so it can also be used for PWM2 is CH2. When selecting the counter bus clock source for your EMIOS channel, you must consider the channel coverage of the counter bus. In addition to the selection of the counter bus, there is also the PWM mode selection, which is easier to handle. For clock counting up, select OPWMB, and for clock counting up and down, select OPWMCB center-aligned PWM.      In actual use, the mode selection is usually determined based on one's own PWM requirements, and then based on the following RM table: Fig 6 You can find the channel types that the corresponding mode can support, and then select the corresponding channel, counter bus, etc. according to the channel type in Figure 5. With these basic knowledge, we can directly enter the EB configuration. 2.4 EB configuration    Here we list all the modules used in EB tresos related to this article, and focus on the modules that require specific configuration. Fig 7 2.4.1 Dio module The DioPort interface needs to be configured. The main purpose is to configure PTA30, onboard green light, select DioPort Id=1, Dio Channel Id=14. The rules for DioPortId and Dio Channel Id are as follows:     Channel = DioChannelId + DioPortId∗16 For S32K3X4 derivatives – Port AL=0 – Port AH=1 – Port BL=2 – Port BH=3 – Port CL=4 – Port CH=5 – Port DL=6 – Port DH=7 – Port EL=8 – Port EH=9 – Port FL=10 – Port FH=11 – Port GL=12 – Port GH=13 PTA30=>30=DioChannelId(14)+DioPortId*16 2.4.2 Icu module First, configure IcuSiul2, the goal is to enable the input interrupt of onboard SW5, PTB26. PTB26 corresponds to EIRQ[13], Then, the corresponding interrupt situation is as follows: Fig 8 Fig 9 (1) Icu->IcuSiul2->IcuSiul2Channels:13 (2) Icu->IcuChannel configuration is: Fig 10 Select IcuChannelRef as the previously configured IcuSiul2Channels, and add the interrupt notification function: User_EdgeDetect, note that this function is the name of the user interrupt processing function that needs to be added in the code.    (3)Icu->IcuHwInterruptConfigList-> ICU Peripheral ISR Name: SIUL2_0_IRQ_CH_13,IcuIsrEnable enable 2.4.3 Mcl module This module is mainly used to configure emios counting clock, trgmux, and LCU configuration. (1)Mcl->Trgmux Logic Instance->Hardware Instance: TRGMUX_IP_HW_INST_0   (2) Mcl->Trgmux Logic Group: Fig 11 The main purpose is to connect PWM1 Emios0_ch4 to LCU0_IN0 through Trigmux. (3)Mcl->LCU Configuration Here is the configuration of the LCU module. The main function is to configure the logic input and logic output. There is one input IN0 and two outputs OUT0 and OUT1. Fig 12 Fig 13 Fig 14 OUTPUT0  value is 0XAAAA=43690, OUTPUT1 value is 0X5555=21845 The purpose of this is to generate a pair of complementary PWMs from the input PWM. Fig 15 (4)Mcl->Emios Common Add two Emios, EMIOS_0 and EMIOS_1, which means two EMIOS are used. EMIOS0 is configured with two master bus channels: CH_22 and CH_0, and has different mode types, counting up and down and counting up. EMIOS1 is configured with one master bus channel: CH_23, counting up Corresponding to Figure 4. Fig 16 Fig 17 Note that the channel here is not the actual PWM output channel, but the counter bus channel of the PWM channel, which has the ability to provide clocks. 2.4.4 Mcu module   This module is the basis for the entire MCU to configure the clock. When using the default setting of the original RTD PWM demo, there is only one point that needs attention Mcu->McuClockSettingConfig_0->McuClockReferencePoint->McuClockReferencePoint_0->core clock 48MHZ. This clock is the source of the EMIOS clock. With the clock source, it is not difficult to calculate the actual PWM frequency according to the set period. For example, if a 1Khz PWM is required, you can configure period=48M/1K=48000 2.4.5 Platform module Platform->Interrupt Controller->IntCtrlConfig0, enable SIUL_1_IRQn, and add Handler as: SIUL2_EXT_IRQ_8_15_ISR Note that this SIUL2_EXT_IRQ_8_15_ISR is not written randomly, but must correspond to the one in Siul2_Icu_Ip_Irq.c, otherwise an error will be reported. Fig18 Different interrupts have different interrupt service functions. You need to find the function name defined in the code and fill it into EB. EB configuration is as follows: Fig 19 2.4.6 Port module The configuration of 8 pins is as follows: Fig 20 As you can see, there are 3 main EMIOS PWMs, one input interrupt, one output GPIO, and two output LCU complementary PWMs. 2.4.7 Pwm module Mcl configures the counter clock channel of EMIOS. The PWM channels to be output need to be configured in the Pwm module and linked to the MCU clock source and the emios counter bus source in Mcl. (1) Pwm->PwmEmios Add two groups for the corresponding EMIOS modules. For example, this article uses EMIOS0 and EMIOS1, so two need to be added: Fig 21 For PwmEmios_1, there is one channel, and the configuration is as follows: Fig 22 PwmEmiosBusRef: /Mcl/Mcl/MclConfig/EmiosCommon_1/EmiosMclMasterBus_0 Fig 23 As you can see, the busRef of PwmEmios_1 here is Emios_ch_23 in Mcl, that is, BusA. That is to say, the bus reference clock used by EMIOS1_CH12 comes from EMIOS1_CH23, that is, Bus A. There are two channels configured in PwmEmios_0, and the configuration is as follows: Fig 24 Fig 25 The bus reference clock used by EMIOS0_CH4 comes from EMIOS0_CH22, which is Bus F. Another EMIOS0 channel: Fig 26 Fig 27 The bus reference clock used by EMIOS0_CH2 comes from EMIOS0_CH0, that is, Bus B, so select Bus BCDE. At this point, we can clearly understand the relationship between the real PWM output channel and the internal MCL Emios counter bus channel. (2)Pwm->PwmEmios With the specific information of PWM configured above, we can directly configure the PWM channels. There are three channels in total: PWM0, PWM1, PWM2, which are also the flags needed in the code. Fig 28 2.5 main code   #include "Pwm.h" #include "Mcu.h" #include "Port.h" #include "Mcl.h" #include "Platform.h" #include "Dio.h" #include "Icu.h" //#include "check_example.h" #define NUM_BLINK_LED (uint32)10U #define DELAY_TIMER (uint32)5000000U #define MCL_EMIOS_1_CH_23 (uint16)279U #define MCL_EMIOS_0_CH_22 (uint16)22U Mcl_LcuSyncOutputValueType PWM_OutputList[2]; volatile uint8 UserCountIrqCH0; void TestDelay(uint32 delay); void TestDelay(uint32 delay) { static volatile uint32 DelayTimer = 0; while(DelayTimer<delay) { DelayTimer++; } DelayTimer=0; } void User_EdgeDetect(void) { /* increment IRQ counter */ UserCountIrqCH0++; if(UserCountIrqCH0 % 2 == 0) { Pwm_SetDutyCycle(PwmChannel_2, 0X6000); } else { Pwm_SetDutyCycle(PwmChannel_2, 0X2000); } } int main(void) { uint8 num_blink = 0U, i = 0; uint16 duty_cnt = 0; UserCountIrqCH0 = 0U; /* Initialize the Mcu driver */ Mcu_Init(&Mcu_Config_VS_0); /* Initialize the clock tree */ Mcu_InitClock(McuClockSettingConfig_0); /* Apply a mode configuration */ Mcu_SetMode(McuModeSettingConf_0); Platform_Init(NULL_PTR); /* Initialize all pins using the Port driver */ Port_Init(&Port_Config_VS_0); /* Initialize Mcl driver */ Mcl_Init(&Mcl_Config_VS_0); /* Initialize the Icu driver */ Icu_Init(NULL_PTR); Icu_EnableEdgeDetection(IcuChannel_0); Icu_EnableNotification(IcuChannel_0); /* Initialize Pwm driver , after that Led on*/ Pwm_Init(&Pwm_Config_VS_0); /* PTA29 duty cycle is 50% */ Pwm_SetDutyCycle(PwmChannel_0, 0X4000); // PTB16,pwm1 , emios0_ch4, use trigmux LCU output 2 Complementarity PWM Mcl_LcuSyncOutputValueType lcuEnable[2U]; lcuEnable[0].LogicOutputId = 0; lcuEnable[0].Value = 1U; lcuEnable[1].LogicOutputId = 1; lcuEnable[1].Value = 1U; Mcl_SetLcuSyncOutputEnable(lcuEnable, 2U); TestDelay(DELAY_TIMER); /* Set new period for all channels used external counter bus */ Mcl_Emios_SetCounterBusPeriod(MCL_EMIOS_1_CH_23, 4800, FALSE); // pwmchannel_0 10Khz Mcl_Emios_SetCounterBusPeriod(MCL_EMIOS_0_CH_22, 1200, FALSE);// for PwmChannel_1, 20Khz // PWM0: 10kHZ //PWM1: 20KHZ //PWM2:1KHZ // PTA29 10kHZ /* PTA29 duty cycle is 50% */ Pwm_SetDutyCycle(PwmChannel_0, 0X4000); /* Setup new duty cycle to the pin*/ Pwm_SetDutyCycle(PwmChannel_1, 0x4000); for(i=0; i <= 10; i++) { duty_cnt = i * 0x800; Pwm_SetDutyCycle(PwmChannel_0, duty_cnt); TestDelay(DELAY_TIMER); } /* Using duty cycle 0% and 100% to Blink LED */ while(1) { /* pwm1 when duty cycle is 75% */ Pwm_SetDutyCycle(PwmChannel_1, 0X6000); //Led off Pwm_SetDutyCycle(PwmChannel_0, 0X0000); //red off Dio_WriteChannel(DioConf_DioChannel_Digital_ledgreenPTA30, STD_HIGH); //green on TestDelay(DELAY_TIMER); /* pwm 1 when duty cycle is 25% */ Pwm_SetDutyCycle(PwmChannel_1, 0X2000); //Led ON Dio_WriteChannel(DioConf_DioChannel_Digital_ledgreenPTA30, STD_LOW); //Green OFF Pwm_SetDutyCycle(PwmChannel_0, 0X8000); //RED ON TestDelay(DELAY_TIMER); num_blink++; } /* De-Initialize Pwm driver */ Pwm_DeInit(); //Exit_Example(TRUE); return 0U; }   3. Test Result After power-on, the onboard red light flashes, then gradually turns bright from off, and flashes alternately with the green light. Test PWM1 PTB16: EMIOS0_CH4, the waveform is 20Khz after stabilization, and the duty cycle changes alternately between 25% and 75%. PWM2 PTB14: EMIOS0_CH2, after stabilization, the frequency is 1KHZ, and as the onboard SW5 is pressed, the duty cycle changes alternately between 25% and 75%. Test PTD3, PTD2, it can be seen that it is a pair of complementary waveforms, and the frequency is the same as PTB16, and the duty cycle change rule is also the same. It can be seen that the key interrupt, 3 main PWM, and 2 LCU PWM in this article are already working. Fig 29 Fig 30  
[S32K3 Tools Part] How to port RTD's existing MCAL demo to other K3 chips  1. Abstract     From the release notes of NXP's RTD4.0.0, we can see that the supported chip models are very complete: Fig 1 From this point, we can know that RTD4.0.0 can cover all S32K3 series chips. But if you want a ready-made demo, such as MCAL demo, you can see it under the ready-made demo path, for example: C:\NXP\SW32K3_S32M27x_RTD_R21-11_4.0.0\eclipse\plugins\Dio_TS_T40D34M40I0R0\examples\EBT Just S32K344,S32K358,S32K388,S32K396,S32M276。 Therefore, if you use other S32 chips, such as K312, in actual use, although it is within the range supported by RTD, but there is no ready-made demo to use, you need to do the porting by yourself. This article will explain how to port the RTD4.0.0 K344 MCAL demo to S32K312 and configure the corresponding EB project. First, implement the execution in the command line. After success, port the working MCAL code EB project to S32DS. 2. Platform and migration steps 2.1 Platform Description This article is based on RTD4.0.0: SW32K3_S32M27x_RTD_R21-11_4.0.0 For other versions with patch or HF, the operation process is the same! Hardware platform: S32K312 mini EVB or S32K312EVB Other official EVBs, such as S32K31XEVB, or the customer's own S32K3 hardware board also have the same steps. Due to the lack of official EVB boards, this article is based on S32K312 mini EVB, combined with P&E Multilink simulator download simulation. The platform situation is as follows: Fig 2 2.2 Migration steps The reference demo can be any existing demo in RTD4.0.0. In order to simplify the process, this article takes DIO as an example: C:\NXP\SW32K3_S32M27x_RTD_R21-11_4.0.0\eclipse\plugins\Dio_TS_T40D34M40I0R0\examples\EBT\S32K3XX\Dio_Example_S32K344 2.2.1 Copy the project and configure Copy the project In order not to affect the original RTD default demo, here we directly copy a Dio_TS_T40D34M40I0R0 and open the path: C:\NXP\SW32K3_S32M27x_RTD_R21-11_4.0.0\eclipse\plugins Copy Dio_TS_T40D34M40I0R0 and save it in a folder named: Dio_TS_T40D34M40I0R0_miniK312_doc The process for other chips is similar. You only need to change the chip name and related configuration to the required chip. Open folder: C:\NXP\SW32K3_S32M27x_RTD_R21-11_4.0.0\eclipse\plugins\Dio_TS_T40D34M40I0R0_miniK312_doc\examples\EBT\S32K3XX Copy Dio_Example_S32K344 to Dio_Example_S32K312 Fig 3    Open path: C:\NXP\SW32K3_S32M27x_RTD_R21-11_4.0.0\eclipse\plugins\Dio_TS_T40D34M40I0R0_miniK312_doc\examples\EBT\S32K3XX\Dio_Example_S32K312\TresosProject  Modify the EB project Dio_Example_S32K344 to Dio_Example_S32K312 Fig 4 Configure the project Enter the newly created Dio_Example_S32K312, open the path with VScode, and save the VScode workspace to this path. Modify project_parameters.mk: GCC_DIR = C:/NXP/S32DS.3.5_RTD400/S32DS/build_tools/gcc_v10.2/gcc-10.2-arm32-eabi TRESOS_DIR = C:/EB/tresos_29_0_0 PLUGINS_DIR = C:/NXP/SW32K3_S32M27x_RTD_R21-11_4.0.0/eclipse/plugins EXAMPLE_DERIVATIVE = S32K312 TRESO_PROJECT_NAME = Dio_Example_S32K312 ​ Fig 5 Fig 6 Check_build_params.mk, delete the following code: ifeq ("$(wildcard $(T32_DIR)/bin/windows/t32marm.exe)","") $(error Invalid path set to Trace32. \ The provided path: from project_parameters.mk T32_DIR=$(T32_DIR) is invalid!) endif This part is used for lauterbach trace32. If it is not deleted, an error will be reported. 2.2.2 EB project configuration The following is the configuration of the EB project. Open the EB tresos Studio 29.0 software and import the project. File->Import->General->Existing Projects into Workspace, add the EB project path: C:\NXP\SW32K3_S32M27x_RTD_R21-11_4.0.0\eclipse\plugins\Dio_TS_T40D34M40I0R0_miniK312_doc\examples\EBT\S32K3XX\Dio_Example_S32K312\TresosProject\Dio_Example_S32K312 Note, do not click copy projects into workspace!!! Select the project Dio_Example_S32K344, right-click the mouse, and rename it to: Dio_Example_S32K312 Fig 7 Double-click someId to open the configuration module. Open the Resource module, General->ResourceSubderivative select the target chip partbumber, here select: s32k312_hdqfp172 Fig 8 After saving, you will find many errors reported as follows: Fig 9 There is no need to worry too much here, because if you analyze it carefully, you will find that it is actually because there are many modules on K344 that K312 does not have. So enter the error prompt location and delete the missing K312 module. Mcu->McuModeSettingConf->McuPeripheral If you click in, you can find that if the K312 does not have a module, there is a red cross in front of the peripheral Name. Fig 10 The direct method is to delete all the error items, a total of 41. After deleting, you can find that all the problems are gone: Fig 11 Select someId in the project, right-click, and click Generate Code. You can see that the project can be generated without any errors. Fig12 Don't take it lightly here. Although the code can be generated without error, there is still a place that needs to be modified. Here, we can firstly close the EB tresos tool, then open terminal->new terminal in VScode and enter: Fig13 We can see the error content is : mcucgm0_clockMux0/McuClockMux0Divider5, McuClockMux0Divider6, McuClkMux0Div5_En, McuClkMux0Div6_En. Open S32KRM here, and you can see that K312 actually does not have MUX_0_5,6. Fig 14 At this time, when I opened the EB tresos software again, there was indeed such an error on the interface, and there was no divider 5,6 option in mcucgmClockMux0. Fig 15 Don't worry at this time, there is a way to fix this problem. Close the EB tresos tool and open the text: C:\NXP\SW32K3_S32M27x_RTD_R21-11_4.0.0\eclipse\plugins\Dio_TS_T40D34M40I0R0_miniK312_doc\examples\EBT\S32K3XX\Dio_Example_S32K312\TresosProject\Dio_Example_S32K312\config\ Mcu.xdm file. Directly turn off the enablement and value configuration of divider 5 and 6 in the file. Modify the following code:Modified to:The main thing is to change the enable and frequency value of Mux0Divider5,6 hidden in the file. Reopen it and you can see that the error disappears. Right-click on the EB project someId, generate project, and the code can be generated normally without error. Here is a little trick: In order to prevent the mismatch between the previously generated code and the latest EB project, you can also change: C:\NXP\SW32K3_S32M27x_RTD_R21-11_4.0.0\eclipse\plugins\Dio_TS_T40D34M40I0R0_miniK312_doc\examples\EBT\S32K3XX\Dio_Example_S32K312\generate Folder:src,include clean it,then regenerate in EB tresos when generating a project. Close the EB software and enter make generate again in the terminal of the Vscode project You can see that there are no problems at this time: Fig 16  3.Command line compilation and result testing From the above steps, the code and EB configuration migration of an existing RTD K344 project to a K312 MCAL project has been completed. Now, through VScode, command line form, generate main.elf, and then download and test. Command: make generate make build the main.elf can be found in the following folder path: C:\NXP\SW32K3_S32M27x_RTD_R21-11_4.0.0\eclipse\plugins\Dio_TS_T40D34M40I0R0_miniK312_doc\examples\EBT\S32K3XX\Dio_Example_S32K312\out Regarding testing, because there is a main.elf file and PE Multilink, you can create a new K312 project in S32DS. The debug interface is PE Multilink. After compiling and generating the code, copy main.elf to the Debug_FLASH folder of the new project. In the S32DS debug configuration, directly replace the C/C++ application with main.elf and download it for testing.  Fig 17 As you can see, you can enter the debug interface, and the LED light on the actual test board can flash successfully. This means that the MCAL code has been successfully ported to K312. 4. S32DS project migration and testing       In the previous document: https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K-Knowledge-Base/S32K3-Tools-Part-How-to-import-RTD-EB-project-into-S32DS/ta-p/1966207 Previously, the RTD MCAL EB project was transplanted to the K344 project of S32DS. Simply modify the project name, project chip model, ld file, driver file inclusion, etc., then clean the project and compile the project.      It is assumed here that you already have an RTD MCAL project imported into the S32DS project, and then modify it based on this. 4.1 S32DS Project Configuration     Because the folder was copied under the original RTD folder, there is a newly created folder in the S32DS project Mcal_Plugins->Link_Source. This folder needs to be excluded from compilation: Select Dio_TS_T40D34M40I0R0_minik312_doc, right-click Build path->remove from->Debug_FLASH.      Fig 18 Rename the project from Mcal_Dio_S32K344_RTD400 to Mcal_Dio_S32K312_RTD400. Modify the following project configuration, project->properties: (1)preprocessor S32K344->S32K312 Fig 19   (2) Sstandard S32DS C Linker->General Modify "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Platform${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/build_files/gcc/linker_flash_s32k344.ld" To "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Platform${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/build_files/gcc/linker_flash_s32k312.ld" After modification, click apply and close Now, change the main.c content to the content in path:  C:\NXP\SW32K3_S32M27x_RTD_R21-11_4.0.0\eclipse\plugins\Dio_TS_T40D34M40I0R0_miniK312_doc\examples\EBT\S32K3XX\Dio_Example_S32K312\src\main.c Add header file: #include "Port_Cfg.h" Comment code: // #include "check_example.h" // Exit_Example(TRUE);   4.2 EB project replacement Copy: C:\NXP\SW32K3_S32M27x_RTD_R21-11_4.0.0\eclipse\plugins\Dio_TS_T40D34M40I0R0_miniK312_doc\examples\EBT\S32K3XX\Dio_Example_S32K312\TresosProject\Dio_Example_S32K312\config All the .xdm file to the S32DS EB folder, replace the old file: Mcal_Dio_S32K312_RTD400\Tresos_Project\Mcal_Dio_S32K344_RTD400\config Use the EB tresos open the above project, then Generate project,after the code is generated, close the EB project, back to the S32DS side. 4.3 MCAL S32DS project testing clean project:project->clean project,  then build the project Fig 20 You can see that it can be compiled successfully, then RUN->debug configuration selects the downloaded code xxx_Debug_FLASH_PNE. Note that you need to change the Device from S32K344 to S32K312 Fig 21 After successful configuration, click debug, download the code and simulate. The results are as follows: Fig 22 As you can see, we can successfully enter debug, and the light on the board is actually blinking, which means that the RTD MCAL project demo can be successfully ported to S32K312 S32DS.          
[S32K3 Tools Part] How to use VScode to compile EB MCAL project       For EB configured MCAL code, it is usually based on RTD and then compiled using the command line. When I first started learning, I always opened the relevant files directly to modify them, and then used the window cmd method to type commands. This method is very clumsy. Therefore, this article will show how to use VScode to open and compile a RTD4.0.0 S32K344 MCAL project. Of course, for MCAL EB projects, before compiling, you need to use the EB tool to open the configuration file of the corresponding project, and then close it after the project is generated. 1 VScode tool and configuration VScode download link: https://code.visualstudio.com/Download After downloading, install it. Here are some installation plug-ins I often use:   Fig 1 Fig 2 You can search in extensions and install it directly. 2. Use VScode to compile the RTD MCAL project This article takes RTD4.0.0, SW32K3_S32M27x_RTD_R21-11_4.0.0 as an example, and the platform is the official S32K344-EVB board. The code takes Dio_TS_T40D34M40I0R0 project as an example. In order not to affect the original routine, Dio_TS_T40D34M40I0R0 is copied and saved as Dio_TS_T40D34M40I0R0_vscode 2.1 Use EB tresos generate the configuration Open EB tools, import the project in path: C:\NXP\SW32K3_S32M27x_RTD_R21-11_4.0.0\eclipse\plugins\Dio_TS_T40D34M40I0R0_vscode\examples\EBT\S32K3XX\Dio_Example_S32K344\TresosProject Fig 3 Double-click someId, then right-click. If you do not need to make custom configurations, just click generate project. Wait for the generation to complete without errors and close the EB IDE. Fig 4 2.2 VScode  open project    First open VScode and select the project path in open Folder: C:\NXP\SW32K3_S32M27x_RTD_R21-11_4.0.0\eclipse\plugins\Dio_TS_T40D34M40I0R0_vscode\examples\EBT\S32K3XX\Dio_Example_S32K344 Fig 5 After opening, you can see that all the files in the path have been put in: Fig 6 You can save the workspace so you don't need to open the folder every time. File->Save workspace as, save to the path: C:\NXP\SW32K3_S32M27x_RTD_R21-11_4.0.0\eclipse\plugins\Dio_TS_T40D34M40I0R0_vscode\examples\EBT\S32K3XX\Dio_Example_S32K344   2.3 Modify mk file The project mk file needs to be modified to specify gcc, tresos paths, etc. Modify points:project_parameters.mk GCC_DIR = C:/NXP/S32DS.3.5_RTD400/S32DS/build_tools/gcc_v10.2/gcc-10.2-arm32-eabi TRESOS_DIR = C:/EB/tresos_29_0_0 PLUGINS_DIR = C:/NXP/SW32K3_S32M27x_RTD_R21-11_4.0.0/eclipse/plugins Fig 7 Modify points: check_build_params.mk Delete ifeq ("$(wildcard $(T32_DIR)/bin/windows/t32marm.exe)","") $(error Invalid path set to Trace32. \ The provided path: from project_parameters.mk T32_DIR=$(T32_DIR) is invalid!) Endif Fig 8 Then save all files:File->save all 2.4 Compile the file Terminal->New Terminal Enter the following command: >make generate >make build Fig 9 Fig 10 As you can see, after make build, an elf file has been generated in the out folder. This elf file can be directly downloaded using two methods: (1) S32DS empty project link to elf to download (2) Lauderbach directly download elf file   2.5 debug the generated elf file Since the S32K344-EVB has an onboard opensda tool, we directly use the S32DS empty project to link to the generated main.elf file to download and debug. Create a new S32DS project, and the interface is PE Multilink, then directly change the elf file to main.elf in the debug configuration, and then put the previously generated elf file into the folder of the new S32DS project:  \Debug_FLASH Fig 11 Then, enter debug mode, the results are as follows: Fig 12 As you can see, the chip has entered debug mode and can run successfully. Running at full speed, you can see the onboard red light flashing, so at this point, VSCode has compiled the MCAL code and run successfully.  
     In fact, this topic has been written by many people before, and it is well written. However, in actual operation, you may encounter some pitfalls, so this article will not write the article steps in detail, but will provide a real and direct operation video process. The main reference article source link is: https://www.wpgdadatong.com.cn/blog/detail/74936 The method is very useful. I have tried the existing RTD4.0.0 MCAL code and also imported it into my own configured MCAL code. The method is reliable and effective. Platform:     SW32K3_S32M27x_RTD_R21-11_4.0.0 S32DS3.5 EB tresos Studio 29.0 S32K344-EVB Attach the video directly: The main steps are as follows: STEP 1. Create a new S32DS project STEP 2. S32DS project configuration Including folder deletion, addition, filter condition addition, include files, link files, optimization conditions, macro definitions, etc. STEP 3. Create a new EB project Configure, or copy the existing RTD configuration to avoid unnecessary problems and errors. STEP 4. Compile and download The following are some related files that need to be copied: MCAL_Plugins->Link Source Resource Filters   Fig 1 Includes   Fig 2 "${ProjDirPath}/Generate/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Adc${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Ae${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/BaseNXP${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/header" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/BaseNXP${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Can_43_FLEXCAN${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/CanIf${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/CanTrcv_43_AE${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Crc${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/CryIf${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Crypto_43_HSE${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Csm${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Dem${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Det${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Dio${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Dpga${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/EcuM${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Eth_43_GMAC${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/EthIf${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/EthSwt${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/EthTrcv${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Fee${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Gdu${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Gpt${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/I2c${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/I2s${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Icu${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Lin_43_LPUART_FLEXIO${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/LinIf${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/LinTrcv_43_AE${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Mcl${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Mcu${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Mem_43_EEP${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Mem_43_EXFLS${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Mem_43_INFLS${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/MemAcc${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/MemIf${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Ocotp${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Ocu${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Os${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Platform${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Platform${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/startup/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Port${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Pwm${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Rm${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Rte${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Sent${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Spi${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Uart${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Wdg${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/WdgIf${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include" "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Zipwire${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/include"   Preprocessor   Fig  3 S32K3XX S32K344 GCC USE_SW_VECTOR_MODE D_CACHE_ENABLE I_CACHE_ENABLE ENABLE_FPU   Linker   Fig  4 "${MCAL_PLUGIN_PATH}/Platform${MCAL_MODULE_NAME_SUFFIX}/build_files/gcc/linker_flash_s32k344.ld" optimization   Fig 5 -fno-short-enums -funsigned-char -fomit-frame-pointer -fstack-usage   main.c Comment: #include "check_example.h #Exit_Example(TRUE);    
What is S32K1‘s IDLE feature: IDLE is set when the LPUART receive line becomes idle for a full character time after a period of activity.When CTRL[ILT] is cleared, the receiver starts counting idle bit times after the start bit. Why write this demo? Because the RTM driver does not support Lpuart's IDLE detect. What needs to be modified? -1.add "UART_EVENT_DMA_IDLE = 0x04U" to “callbacks.h”   -2 add "LPUART_DRV_RxIdleCallback" to ".lpuart_driver.c"   -3 Define “LPUART_DRV_RxIdleCallback” function   static void LPUART_DRV_RxIdleCallback(uint32_t instance) { DEV_ASSERT(instance < LPUART_INSTANCE_COUNT); LPUART_Type *base = s_lpuartBase[instance]; lpuart_state_t * lpuartState = (lpuart_state_t *)s_lpuartStatePtr[instance]; LPUART_ClearStatusFlag(base,LPUART_IDLE_LINE_DETECT); if(lpuartState->transferType == LPUART_USING_DMA) { lpuartState->rxSize = EDMA_DRV_GetRemainingMajorIterationsCount(lpuartState->rxDMAChannel); LPUART_DRV_StopRxDma(instance); lpuartState->rxCallback(lpuartState,UART_EVENT_DMA_IDLE,NULL);/*UART_EVENT_DMA_IDLE : 0x04*/ } }     -4 add below code to "LPUART_DRV_IRQHandler" and be sure these code must  be put before "LPUART_DRV_ErrIrqHandler(instance)" /* Handle idle line interrupt */ if (LPUART_GetIntMode(base, LPUART_INT_IDLE_LINE)) { if (LPUART_GetStatusFlag(base, LPUART_IDLE_LINE_DETECT)) { LPUART_DRV_RxIdleCallback(instance); } }   -5 configure IDLE releated register in main function. LPUART1->CTRL |= LPUART_CTRL_ILT(1); LPUART1->CTRL |= LPUART_CTRL_IDLECFG(7); LPUART1->CTRL |= LPUART_CTRL_ILIE(1);   Test environment: Hardware is base on S32K144EVB-Q100 Software is S32 Design Studio for Arm V 2.2 + RTM 3.0.X Demo Description:           The baud rate of the serial port is set to 19200, and the function implemented is to send back the received data using DMA methods .      
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW: S32K3 T-BOX * MCU: S32K324 * Compiler: S32DS3.5 * SDK release: RTD 3.0.0 * Debugger: PE Micro * Target: internal_FLASH ********************************************************************************  The purpose of this demo application is to present a usage of the  SPI-HAP of S32K3xx MCU to download firmware to SJA1110. SPI using Interrupt working code :-- S32K324_SPI_DMA_SJA1110_Load_firmware__Working__SPI__Interrupt.zip SPI using DMA working code :-- S32K324_SPI_DMA_SJA1110_Load_firmware__SPI_DMA_not_working.zip Firmware image of the SJA1110 is stored inside the S32K3 flash memory.. See the linker file of S32K3, we specify the location where the firmware image is present. This this firmware attached to be loaded to SJA1110, any one of the firmware can be selected and renamed to flash_image.bin  :-- 1>  flash_image.bin  --> Green LED blink on SJA1110 2> flash_image_RED.bin  --> Green LED blink on SJA1110 If you use your proprietary SJA1110 binary firmware, then this example to work, you have to change this MACO, in SJA1110_APP.h file  :-- You can get the size of the SJA1110 image from the MAP file of the attached project. Check for this __sja1110_BIN_SIZE, Symbol in MAP file :--   Switch connection to S32K3 SPI pins :--   LED connected to these pins of SJA1110, on T-BOX hardware :---  
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW: S32K3 T-BOX * MCU: S32K324 * Compiler: S32DS3.5 * SDK release: RTD 3.0.0 * Debugger: PE Micro * Target: internal_FLASH ******************************************************************************** S32K3 T-BOX : SJA1110 Firmware update using SPI HAP : S32DS-3.5 : RTD-3.0.0 :-- https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K-Knowledge-Base/S32K3-T-BOX-SJA1110-Firmware-update-using-SPI-HAP-S32DS-3-5-RTD/ta-p/1939324
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW: S32K3X4EVB-Q172 * MCU: S32K312 * Compiler: S32DS3.5 * SDK release: RTD 3.0.0 * Debugger: PE Micro * Target: internal_FLASH ******************************************************************************** For S32K312, please use this correct clock HSE to AIPS clock should be ½. Please make these changes in the below all example code clock setting. HSE clock to 60 MHZ.   S32K312 PIT BTCU ADC-1 BCTU_ADC_DATA_REG DMA :-- https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K-Knowledge-Base/Example-S32K312-PIT-BTCU-ADC-1-BCTU-ADC-DATA-REG-DMA-DS3-5/ta-p/1787778 S32K312 UART Transmit & Receive Using DMA :-- https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K-Knowledge-Base/Example-S32K312-UART-Transmit-amp-Receive-Using-DMA-DS3-5-RTD300/ta-p/1787799 S32K312 EIRQ Interrupt :-- https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K-Knowledge-Base/Example-S32K312-EIRQ-Interrupt-DS3-5-RTD300/ta-p/1787860 S32K312 SPI Transmit & Receive Using DMA :-- https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K-Knowledge-Base/Example-S32K312-SPI-Transmit-amp-Receive-Using-DMA-DS3-5-RTD300/ta-p/1787856 S32K312 CAN Transmit & Receive Using Polling mode :-- https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K-Knowledge-Base/Example-S32K312-CAN-Transmit-amp-Receive-Using-Polling-mode-DS3/ta-p/1789191 S32K312 CAN Transmit & Receive Using MB & FIFO DMA :-- https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K-Knowledge-Base/Example-S32K312-CAN-Transmit-amp-Receive-Using-MB-amp-FIFO-DMA/ta-p/1789196 S32K312 ADC :-- https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K-Knowledge-Base/Example-S32K312-ADC-DS3-5-RTD300/ta-p/1789282 S32K312 Switch Debouncing :-- https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K-Knowledge-Base/Example-S32K312-Switch-Debouncing-DS3-5-RTD300/ta-p/1789290 S32K312 UART Freemaster :-- https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K-Knowledge-Base/Example-S32K312-UART-Freemaster-DS3-5-RTD300/ta-p/1789306 S32K312 PIT BTCU parallel ADC FIFO DMA  :-- https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K-Knowledge-Base/Example-S32K312-PIT-BTCU-parallel-ADC-FIFO-DMA-DS3-5-RTD300/ta-p/1789908 S32K312 placing variables in DCTM & code in ICTM  :-- https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K-Knowledge-Base/Example-S32K312-placing-variables-in-DCTM-amp-code-in-ICTM-DS3-5/ta-p/1790101 Example S32K312 Standby mode & Standby RAM and PAD keeping DS3.5 RTD300 :-- https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K-Knowledge-Base/Example-S32K312-Standby-mode-amp-Standby-RAM-and-PAD-keeping-DS3/ta-p/1797713 Example S32K312 SWT DS3.5 RTD300 :-- https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K-Knowledge-Base/Example-S32K312-SWT-DS3-5-RTD300/ta-p/1800559 Example S32K312 Printf Semihosting DS3.5 RTD300 :--- https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K-Knowledge-Base/Example-S32K312-Printf-Semihosting-DS3-5-RTD300/ta-p/1801354 Example S32K312 I2C Transmit & Receive Using DMA DS3.5 RTD300 :-- https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K-Knowledge-Base/Example-S32K312-I2C-Transmit-amp-Receive-Using-DMA-DS3-5-RTD300/ta-p/1801357 Example S32K312 HARDFAULT Handling Interrupt DS3.5 RTD300 :-- https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K-Knowledge-Base/Example-S32K312-HARDFAULT-Handling-Interrupt-DS3-5-RTD300/ta-p/1806259 Example S32K312 Bootloader to Application Jump DS3.5 RTD300 :-- https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K-Knowledge-Base/Example-S32K312-Bootloader-to-Application-Jump-DS3-5-RTD300/ta-p/1809810 Example S32K312 PIT timer Toggle LED DS3.5 RTD300 :-- https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K-Knowledge-Base/Example-S32K312-PIT-timer-Toggle-LED-DS3-5-RTD300/ta-p/1809932 Example S32K312 HARDFAULT Interrupt Handling using a script DS3.5 RTD300 :-- https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K-Knowledge-Base/Example-S32K312-HARDFAULT-Interrupt-Handling-using-a-script-DS3/ta-p/1818507 Example S32K312 UART Transmit & Receive Using Interrupt DS3.5 RTD300 :-- https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K-Knowledge-Base/Example-S32K312-UART-Transmit-amp-Receive-Using-Interrupt-DS3-5/ta-p/1818775 Example S32K312 CAN Transmit & Receive Using MB Interrupt DS3.5 RTD300 :-- https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K-Knowledge-Base/Example-S32K312-CAN-Transmit-amp-Receive-Using-MB-Interrupt-DS3/ta-p/1818790 Example S32K312 STANDBY wake up using CAN-0-RX and GPIO Switch DS3.5 RTD300 :-- https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K-Knowledge-Base/Example-S32K312-STANDBY-wake-up-using-CAN-0-RX-and-GPIO-Switch/ta-p/1891411 Example S32K312 STANDBY wake up using RTC DS3.5 RTD300 :-- https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K-Knowledge-Base/Example-S32K312-STANDBY-wake-up-using-RTC-DS3-5-RTD300/ta-p/1930115  
*******************************************************************************  The purpose of this demo application is to present a usage of the  POWER & WKUP IP Driver for the S32K3xx MCU. In current example :-- SW-6 = PTB-19 -----> PRESS to enter the STANDBY mode. SW-5 = PTB-26 = WKUP[41] --> PRESS to exit the STANDBY mode. RTC --> Wakeup source-1 The example uses PIT-0 timer, to generate the periodic interrupt. T ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW: S32K3X2EVB-Q172 * MCU: S32K312 * Compiler: S32DS3.5 * SDK release: RTD 3.0.0 * Debugger: PE micro * Target: internal_FLASH ********************************************************************************   Make following settings, SIRC enabled in Standby mode :--    
******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * CM7_0 starts CM7_2 using Power_Ip or directly in MC_ME (macro USE_RTD_POWER_IP). * Disconnect the debugger and power-cycle the MCU. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW: S32K3x8EVB-Q289 * MCU: S32K358 * Debugger: S32DS_ARM_3.5, S32K3_RTD_4_0_0_P24_D2405 * Target: internal_FLASH ********************************************************************************
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW: S32K3X4EVB-Q172 * MCU: S32K312 * Compiler: S32DS3.5 * SDK release: RTD 3.0.0 * Debugger: PE Micro * Target: internal_FLASH ******************************************************************************** S32K324 SPI Transmit & Receive, using Interrupt :-- https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K-Knowledge-Base/Example-S32K324-I2C-Transmit-amp-Receive-Using-DMA-DS3-5-RTD300/ta-p/1818631 Example S32K324 Bootloader to Application Jump DS3.5 RTD300 :-- https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K-Knowledge-Base/Example-S32K324-Bootloader-to-Application-Jump-DS3-5-RTD300/ta-p/1832649 Example S32K324 STANDBY wake up using GPIO Switch DS3.5 RTD300 :-- https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K-Knowledge-Base/Example-S32K324-STANDBY-wake-up-using-GPIO-Switch-DS3-5-RTD300/ta-p/1892849 Example S32K324 STANDBY wake up using CAN-0-RX and GPIO Switch DS3.5 RTD300 :-- https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K-Knowledge-Base/Example-S32K324-STANDBY-wake-up-using-CAN-0-RX-and-GPIO-Switch/ta-p/1911972
*******************************************************************************  The purpose of this demo application is to present a usage of the  POWER & WKUP IP Driver for the S32K3xx MCU. In current example :-- SW-5 = PTB-26  -----> PRESS to enter the STANDBY mode. SW-6 = PTB-19 = WKUP[38] --> PRESS to exit the STANDBY mode. CAN-0-RX = PTA-6 = WKUP[15] --> send CAN message to exit the STANDBY mode The example uses PIT-0 timer, to generate the periodic interrupt. The example uses FLEXCAN-0 for transmit & receive using following Message buffer :-- #define RX_MB_IDX_0 10U #define RX_MB_IDX 11U #define TX_MB_IDX 12U BAUDRATE : 500 KBPS  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW: S32K3X4EVB-T172 * MCU: S32K324 * Compiler: S32DS3.5 * SDK release: RTD 3.0.0 * Debugger: PE micro * Target: internal_FLASH ******************************************************************************** CAN BUS :--   Push Buttons :---         Wake-up source, SW-6 GPIO:--   Wake-up source, CAN-0-RX :-- According to the IOMUX table in RM, for example, PTA6 can be used as WKPU15 and CAN0_RX. It means that the WKPU15 input doesn't require specific MSCR configuration. So if its input buffer is enabled and the corresponding WKPU input channel is enabled/configured in the WKPU, it should be able to act as wake-up input.   Standby entry :--   STandby clock :--   Enter Standby mode :--   ********* If you use external BJT on your board to generate 1.5 volts *******************     I tested on Our T172 EVB, with NPN external Ballast transistor is selected to supply the V15_MCU domain. I am able to wake up from standby mode. If we select 2-3 in J31 then NPN external Ballast transistor is selected to supply the V15_MCU domain & wakeup is ok on T172 EVB You have to make following settings in code :--      
*******************************************************************************  The purpose of this demo application is to present a usage of the  POWER & WKUP IP Driver for the S32K3xx MCU. In current example :-- SW-6 = PTB-19 -----> PRESS to enter the STANDBY mode. SW-5 = PTB-26 = WKUP[41] --> PRESS to exit the STANDBY mode. CAN-0-RX = PTA-6 = WKUP[15] --> send CAN message to exit the STANDBY mode. The example uses PIT-0 timer, to generate the periodic interrupt. The example uses FLEXCAN-0 for transmit & receive using following Message buffer :-- #define RX_MB_IDX_0 10U #define RX_MB_IDX 11U #define TX_MB_IDX 12U BAUDRATE : 500 KBPS  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW: S32K3X2EVB-Q172 * MCU: S32K312 * Compiler: S32DS3.5 * SDK release: RTD 3.0.0 * Debugger: PE micro * Target: internal_FLASH ********************************************************************************     Push button :--   Wake-up source, CAN-0-RX :-- According to the IOMUX table in RM, for example, PTA6 can be used as WKPU15 and CAN0_RX. It means that the WKPU15 input doesn't require specific MSCR configuration. So if its input buffer is enabled and the corresponding WKPU input channel is enabled/configured in the WKPU, it should be able to act as wake-up input. Wake-up source, SW-5 GPIO:-- Standby entry :--   STandby clock :-- Enter Standby mode :--  
Question As we know, the TPPSDK supports S32K144 MCU and various Kinetis MCUs to initialize GD3000 in NXP MC solutions. Because of the release of S32K3 and related SW RTD, it’s necessary to expand the capability of TPPSDK to support S32K3 MC based RTD LLD driver or MCAL driver. Unfortunately, the AA team will not maintain the TPPSDK anymore.  How could we configure the GD3000 chip for S32K3 platform?   Answer I took some time to finish this work. Here I'd like to share you the The Expanded TPPSDK Based on S32K3 RTD that is suitable for S32K3 MC application. You can find the Application Note, the source code of new TPPSDK (GD3000 driver), two examples in the attachment. I hope these materials can help you get start with the expanded TPPSDK on S32K3.
******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * The example updates th UART TX buffer for continuous transfer. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Test HW: S32K344EVB-Q172 * MCU: S32K344, RTD 4.0.0 P24 * Debugger: S32DS_ARM_3.5 * Target: internal_FLASH ********************************************************************************
*******************************************************************************  The purpose of this demo application is to present a usage of the  POWER & WKUP IP Driver for the S32K3xx MCU. In current example :-- SW-5 = PTB-26  -----> PRESS to enter the STANDBY mode. SW-6 = PTB-19 = WKUP[38] --> PRESS to exit the STANDBY mode. The example uses PIT-0 timer, to generate the periodic interrupt.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW: S32K3X4EVB-T172 * MCU: S32K324 * Compiler: S32DS3.5 * SDK release: RTD 3.0.0 * Debugger: PE micro * Target: internal_FLASH ******************************************************************************** Push Buttons :---     Wake-up source, SW-6 GPIO:--     ********* If you use external BJT on your board to generate 1.5 volts *******************   I tested on Our T172 EVB, with NPN external Ballast transistor is selected to supply the V15_MCU domain. I am able to wake up from standby mode. If we select 2-3 in J31 then NPN external Ballast transistor is selected to supply the V15_MCU domain & wakeup is ok on T172 EVB You have to make following settings in code :--      