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This document shows the step-by-step process to create a simple blinking LED application for the S32R45 device using the S32 RTD non-AUTOSAR drivers. For this example used for the S32R45 EVB, connected via ethernet connection through S32 Debugger. Preparation Setup the software tools Install S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform Install the S32R45 development package and the S32R45 RTD AUTOSAR 4.4. Both of these are required for the S32 Configuration Tools. Launch S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform Procedure New S32DS Project OR Provide a name for the project, for example 'Blinking_LED_RTD_No_AUTOSAR'. The name must be entered with no space characters. Expand Family S32R45, Select S32R45 Cortex-M7 Click Next And Click '…' button next to SDKs   Check box next to PlatformSDK_S32RXX_4_0_0_S32R45_M7_0. (or whichever latest SDK for the S32R45 is installed). Click OK Now, uncheck the selection mark for other core, i.e. for Cortex-M7-1 , Cortex-M7-2   Click Finish. Wait for project generation wizard to complete, then expand the project within the Project Explorer view to show the contents. To control the LED on the board, some configuration needs to be performed within the Pins Tool. There are several ways to do this. One simple way by double-click on the MEX file. By default, the Pins tool is then presented. For the Blinking LED example, one pin must be configured as output. The S32R45 EVB has an user LED connected pin is PD_05. From the Peripheral Signals tab left to the Pins tool perspective layout, locate Open the Siul2_0 from the peripheral signals tab. And from the drop down menu select “gpio,53 PD_05” option as per shown in the following image. We are using PD_05 for the GPIO usage, so we are routing SIUL2_0 GPIO signal to this pin. Select gpio53 -> PD_05 as shown below : The Direction required! menu will appear. Select Output then OK. In Routing Details view, notice a new line has been added and highlighted in yellow. Add ‘LED’ to the Label and Identifier columns for the PORTD 5 pin. Code Preview Go to Peripherals tool and add Siul2_Dio to enable LED blinking, it adjacent to the user LED on S32R45 EVB. Click on the Peripherals Tool icon from the Eclipse Perspective navigation bar. From the Components view, click on ‘Add a new configuration component…’ button from the Drivers category. This will bring up a list of all configuration components. Locate and then select the ‘Siul2_Dio’ component from the list and click OK. Do not worry about the warning message. It is only indicating that the driver is not already part of the current project. The associated driver package will be added automatically. Note: It may be necessary to change the selection at the top from ‘Present in the tool-chain project’ to ‘All’. The DIO driver provides services for reading and writing to/from DIO Channels. The Gpio_Dio driver requires no further configuration. Click Save to store all changes to the .MEX file. Now the device configurations are complete and the RTD configuration code can be generated. Click ‘Update Code’ from the menu bar. To control the output pin which was just configured, some application code will need to be written. Return to the ‘C/C++’ perspective. If not already open, in the project window click the ‘>’ next to the ‘src’ folder to show the contents, then double click ‘main.c’ file to open it. This is where the application code will be added. Before the pin can be controlled, it needs to be initialized using the configuration information that was generated from the S32 Configuration tools. Initialize all pins using the Port driver by adding the following line: Insert the following line into main, after the comment 'Write your code here': /* Initialize all pins using the Port driver */ Siul2_Port_Ip_Init(NUM_OF_CONFIGURED_PINS0, g_pin_mux_InitConfigArr0); Now, add logic for the LED turn and off. To turn the pin on and off with some delays in-between to cause the LED to blink. Make the delays long enough to be perceptible. Add line to initialize variable uint8 i = 0; Change the code within the provided for loop, and add the following lines: //logic for blinking LED 10 times while (i++ < 10) {        Siul2_Dio_Ip_WritePin(LED_PORT, LED_PIN, 1U);        TestDelay(4000000);        Siul2_Dio_Ip_WritePin(LED_PORT, LED_PIN, 0U);        TestDelay(4000000); } Before the 'main' function, add a delay function as follows: void TestDelay(uint32 delay); void TestDelay(uint32 delay) {    static volatile uint32 DelayTimer = 0;    while (DelayTimer<delay)    {        DelayTimer++;    }    DelayTimer=0; } Update the includes lines at the top of the main.c file to include the headers for the drivers used in the application: Remove #include "Mcal.h" Add #include "Siul2_Port_Ip.h" #include "Siul2_Dio_Ip.h" Build 'Blinking_LED_RTD_No_AUTOSAR'. Select the project name in 'C/C++ Projects' view and then press 'Build'. After the build completes, check that there are no errors. Open Debug Configurations and select 'Blinking_LED_RTD_No_AUTOSAR_Debug_RAM'. Make sure to select the configuration which matches the build type performed, otherwise it may report an error if the build output doesn’t exist. Now, you need to Select the Interface (Ethernet or USB) by which the S32 Debug Probe is connected. If connected via USB and this option is selected for interface, then the COM port will be detected automatically (in the rare event where 2 or more S32 Debug Probes are connected via USB to the host PC, then it may be necessary to select which COM port is correct for the probe which is connected to the EVB) If connected via Ethernet, enter the IP address of the probe. See the S32 Debug Probe User Manual for ways to determine the IP address. Click Debug To see the LED blink, click ‘Resume'. This code as it will blink the LED 10 times, you can make changes in for loop condition to blink it infinitely.
This document shows the step-by-step process to create a simple blinking LED application for the S32G family using the S32 RTD AUTOSAR drivers. This example used for the S32G-VNP-RDB2 EVB, connected via ethernet connection through S32 Debugger. Preparation Setup the software tools Install S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform Install the S32G development package and the S32 RTD AUTOSAR 4.4. Both of these are required for the S32 Configuration Tools. Launch S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform Procedure New S32DS Project OR Provide a name for the project, for example 'Blinking_LED_RTD_With_AUTOSAR'. The name must be entered with no space characters. Expand Family S32G2, Select S3G274A_Rev2 Cortex-M7 Click Next Click '…' button next to SDKs   Check box next to PlatformSDK_S32XX_2022_07_S32G274A_Rev2_M7_0. Click OK And also, uncheck the other cores Cortex_M7_1 ,  Cortex_M7_2.   Click Finish. Wait for project generation wizard to complete, then expand the project within the Project Explorer view to show the contents. To control the LED on the board, some configuration needs to be performed within the Pins Tool. There are several ways to do this. One simple way by double-click on the MEX file. Select the overview tab and disable Pins tool. Make sure to overview tab windows shows settings shown as below.  Here, we are disabling pin tools and using MCAL driver from peripheral tools for using AUTOSAR drivers. Now from Overview menu, select peripheral tools and double click to open it. In the driver sections, “Siul2_Port_1 driver” is the non-AUTOSAR version driver and so it must be replaced. Right click on ‘Siul2_Port_1’ and remove it. Keep the osif_1 driver as it is. Click on the ‘+’ next to the MCAL box. Locate and then select the ‘MCU’ component from the list and click OK. Click on the ‘+’ next to the MCAL box again, and Locate and then select the ‘Dio’ component from the list and click OK. Click on the ‘+’ next to the MCAL box again, and Locate and then select the ‘Port’ component from the list and click OK. Now components tab should show like below : Now we required to configure the different MCAL drivers that we added. Starting with Dio configuration, open the Dio configuration. Now, open the ‘DioGeneral’ tab, and select checkmark as per shown below: Now, open the ”DioConfig” tab. In that, select  “+” sign adjacent to Dio Channel. Then edit Name to Digital_Output_LED and “Dio Channel Id”  to ‘6’ instead of ‘0’. From the schematic for S32G-VNP-RDB2 EVB, we can select signal line based on your choice for the LED color for the multicolor RGB LED. Now, checking for blue user LED from the schematic, channel 6 is connected to blue LED signal, so we use channel 6 signal line to the chip on the blue LED. Similarly, so you can select signal line based on LED color you select. Now Select Port tab for Port configuration. And open the Port Configuration tab, and from that open “PortConfigSet” tab. Change the PortPin Mscr to 6 , PortPin Direction to PORT_PIN_INOUT. After change it should be as below. At the bottom you will find the “UnTouchedPortPin ’’ . Click on “+’’ and add PortPins. Now add 4 port pins as per below configuration. Pins 0, 1, 4, and 5 should be setup. Now configure MCU component. Select Mcu component in MCAL, and then open the Mcu configuration. In Mcu configuration select “McuModesettingConf” from the dropdown menu as shown below. Select ‘McuPartition0Config’ and deselect checkbox for CM7_0 Under MCU Control, CM7_1 Under MCU Control, CM7_2 Under MCU Control as marked below. And it should show as below Now select the Mcupartition1Config and uncheck checkmarks from the selection boxes as shown below Now the device configurations are complete and the RTD configuration code can be generated. Click ‘Update Code’ from the menu bar. To control the output pin which was just configured, some application code will need to be written. Return to the ‘C/C++’ perspective. If not already open, in the project window click the ‘>’ next to the ‘src’ folder to show the contents, then double click ‘main.c’ file to open it. This is where the application code will be added. Before anything else is done, Initialize the clock tree and apply PLL as system clock, Apply a mode configuration, Initialize all pins using the Port driver by adding – editing code before write code here comment in main function.          Mcu_Init(&Mcu_Config_BOARD_InitPeripherals);     /* Initialize the clock tree and apply PLL as system clock */     Mcu_InitClock(McuClockSettingConfig_0);     /* Apply a mode configuration */     Mcu_SetMode(McuModeSettingConf_0);     /* Initialize all pins using the Port driver */     Port_Init(NULL_PTR); Now replace the logic of for loop as shown below code section, which will enable the LED blinking for 10 times: First define the variable volatile uint8 level; globally above the main function. You also need to declare and initialize the loop variable uint8 i = 0U. Then replace the code as below: while (i++ < 10) {       Dio_WriteChannel(DioConf_DioChannel_Digital_Output_LED, STD_HIGH);       level = Dio_ReadChannel(DioConf_DioChannel_Digital_Output_LED);       TestDelay(2000000);       Dio_WriteChannel(DioConf_DioChannel_Digital_Output_LED, STD_LOW);       level = Dio_ReadChannel(DioConf_DioChannel_Digital_Output_LED);       TestDelay(2000000); } Before the 'main' function, add a delay function as follows: void TestDelay(uint32 delay); void TestDelay(uint32 delay) {     static volatile uint32 DelayTimer = 0;     while(DelayTimer<delay)     {         DelayTimer++;     }     DelayTimer=0; } Update the includes lines at the top of the main.c file to include the headers for the drivers used in the application: Add #include "Mcu.h" #include "Port.h" #include "Dio.h" Build 'Blinking_LED_RTD_AUTOSAR'. Select the project name in 'C/C++ Projects' view and then press 'Build'. After the build completes, check that there are no errors. Open Debug Configurations and select 'Blinking_LED_RTD_with_AUTOSAR_Debug_RAM'. Make sure to select the configuration which matches the build type performed, otherwise it may report an error if the build output doesn’t exist. And make selection as shown in screenshot below. You need to select the ethernet connection for S32 debugger and provide its IP address Click Debug To see the LED blink, click ‘Resume' This code as it is will blink the LED 10 times, you can make changes in for loop condition to blink it infinitely.
This document shows the step-by-step process to create a simple blinking LED application for the S32G family using the S32 RTD non-AUTOSAR drivers. For this example used for the S32G-VNP-RDB2 EVB, connected via ethernet connection through S32 Debugger. Preparation Setup the software tools Install S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform Install the S32G development package and the S32 RTD AUTOSAR 4.4. Both of these are required for the S32 Configuration Tools. Launch S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform Procedure New S32DS Project OR Provide a name for the project, for example 'Blinking_LED_RTD_No_AUTOSAR'. The name must be entered with no space characters. Expand Family S32G2, Select S32G274A_Rev2 Cortex-M7 Click Next Now, uncheck the selection mark for other two cores.    Click '…' button next to SDKs   Check box next to PlatformSDK_S32XX_2022_07_S32G274A_Rev2_M7_0. (or whichever latest SDK for the S32G is installed). Click OK Click Finish. Wait for project generation wizard to complete, then expand the project within the Project Explorer view to show the contents. To control the LED on the board, some configuration needs to be performed within the Pins Tool. There are several ways to do this. One simple way by double-click on the MEX file. By default, the Pins tool is then presented. For the Blinking LED example, one pin must be configured as output. The S32G-VNP-RDB2 EVB has an RGB LED for which each color is connect to a separate pin on the S32G-VNP-RDB2 EVB. For the blue LED the desired pin is PA_06. From the Peripheral Signals tab left to the Pins tool perspective layout, locate Open the Siul2_0 from the peripheral signals tab. And from the drop down menu select “gpio,6 PA_06” option as per shown in the following image. We are using PA_06 for the GPIO usage, so we are routing the SIUL2_0 GPIO signal to this pin. (This pin is also available for other modules like -FR, FTM, SPI_1) . The Direction required! menu will appear. Select Output then OK. In Routing Details view, notice a new line has been added and highlighted in yellow. Add ‘LED’ to the Label and Identifier columns for the PORTD 0 pin. Code Preview Go to Peripherals tool and add Siul2_Dio to enable LED blinking, it adjacent to the Blue LED on S32G-VNP-RDB2 EVB. Click on the Peripherals Tool icon from the Eclipse Perspective navigation bar. From the Components view, click on ‘Add a new configuration component…’ button from the Drivers category. This will bring up a list of all configuration components. Locate and then select the ‘Siul2_Dio’ component from the list and click OK. Do not worry about the warning message. It is only indicating that the driver is not already part of the current project. The associated driver package will be added automatically. Note: It may be necessary to change the selection at the top from ‘Present in the tool-chain project’ to ‘All’. The DIO driver provides services for reading and writing to/from DIO Channels. Also, select the Siul2_Port_1 tab and select the check mark against ‘Siul2 IP Port Development Error Detect’ option as below. The Gpio_Dio driver requires no further configuration. Click Save to store all changes to the .MEX file. Now the device configurations are complete and the RTD configuration code can be generated. Click ‘Update Code’ from the menu bar. To control the output pin which was just configured, some application code will need to be written. Return to the ‘C/C++’ perspective. If not already open, in the project window click the ‘>’ next to the ‘src’ folder to show the contents, then double click ‘main.c’ file to open it. This is where the application code will be added. Before the pin can be controlled, it needs to be initialized using the configuration information that was generated from the S32 Configuration tools. Initialize all pins using the Port driver by adding the following line: Insert the following line into main, after the comment 'Write your code here': /* Initialize all pins using the Port driver */ Siul2_Port_Ip_Init(NUM_OF_CONFIGURED_PINS0, g_pin_mux_InitConfigArr0); Now, add logic for the LED turn and off. To turn the pin on and off with some delays in-between to cause the LED to blink. Make the delays long enough to be perceptible. Add line to initialize variable uint8 i = 0; Change the code within the provided for loop, and add the following lines: //logic for blinking LED 10 times for (i=0; i<10; i++) {       Siul2_Dio_Ip_WritePin(LED_PORT, LED_PIN, 1U);       level = Siul2_Dio_Ip_ReadPin(LED_PORT, LED_PIN);       TestDelay(2000000);       Siul2_Dio_Ip_WritePin(LED_PORT, LED_PIN, 0U);       level = Siul2_Dio_Ip_ReadPin(LED_PORT, LED_PIN);       TestDelay(2000000); } return (0U); And add this line above the main() function to initialize the variable volatile uint8 level; Before the 'main' function, add a delay function as follows: void TestDelay(uint32 delay); void TestDelay(uint32 delay) {    static volatile uint32 DelayTimer = 0;    while (DelayTimer<delay)    {        DelayTimer++;    }    DelayTimer=0; } Update the includes lines at the top of the main.c file to include the headers for the drivers used in the application: Remove #include "Mcal.h" Add #include "Siul2_Port_Ip.h" #include "Siul2_Dio_Ip.h" Build 'Blinking_LED_RTD_No_AUTOSAR'. Select the project name in 'C/C++ Projects' view and then press 'Build'. After the build completes, check that there are no errors. Open Debug Configurations and select 'Blinking_LED_RTD_No_AUTOSAR_Debug_RAM'. Make sure to select the configuration which matches the build type performed, otherwise it may report an error if the build output doesn’t exist. Now, you need to Select the Interface (Ethernet or USB) by which the S32 Debug Probe is connected. If connected via USB and this option is selected for interface, then the COM port will be detected automatically (in the rare event where 2 or more S32 Debug Probes are connected via USB to the host PC, then it may be necessary to select which COM port is correct for the probe which is connected to the EVB) If connected via Ethernet, enter the IP address of the probe. See the S32 Debug Probe User Manual for ways to determine the IP address. Click Debug To see the LED blink, click ‘Resume'. This code as it will blink the LED times, you can make changes in for loop condition to blink it infinitely.
S32 Design Studio (S32DS) supports IAR Eclipse plug-in that enables users to build and debug a S32DS project with IAR toolchain for ARM. This document describes how to install this plugin and how to enable IAR in the new project wizard. Current version of S32DS 3.4 supports IAR compilers v9.x. After the IAR eclipse plugin installation is finished you should be able to create, build and debug a new S32DS project (including SDKs) using IAR compiler/debugger interface directly under S32DS Eclipse environment.   Installation instructions First of all make sure you have IAR Embedded Workbench installed with a valid license from IAR. Now let's proceed to eclipse plug-in installation. 1. Install IAR Plugin manager  Go to menu "Help" -> "Install New Software"         Click on "Add..." button to add a new IAR repository located here: http://eclipse-update.iar.com/plugin-manager/1.0                   Tick "I Accept the terms of the license agreement" and click "Finish" to accept unsigned content software Finally you proceed to the installation. When the plugin is installed you will be asked to restart S32DS Again, go to menu "Help" -> "Install New Software" and  click on "Add..." button to add a new IAR repository located here: http://eclipse-update.iar.com/arm/9.10/                   Tick "I Accept the terms of the license agreement" and click "Finish" to accept unsigned content software Finally you proceed to the installation. When the plugin is installed you will be asked to restart S32DS Anytime you create a new workspace you will be asked to enter path to IAR Embedded Workbench IDE. Go to menu "Window" -> "Preferences", click on "IAR Embedded Workbench" menu, select “IAR Toolchain for Arm – (9.x)” in the “Installed IAR Toolchains”, and then input the IAR Embedded Workbench IDE installation path.            2. Configure IAR plugins in IAR Embedded Workbench plugin manager Start the IAR plugin manager (Menu "Help" -> "IAR Embedded Workbench plugin manager")          Select the ARM version (9.10-) and click "Install" button.           Select all the IAR components displayed and proceed to installation by clicking "Next" button.   3. New IAR project in the project wizard You can now create a new project in S32DS and select IAR toolchain for ARM instead of default GCC compiler.          There should appear a new item it the Debugger selection - "IAR plugin Debugger". Please choose this option if you intend to debug using IAR supported probes (e.g. I-jet)          IAR specific panels and settings are now displayed in the project properties for a new S32DS project with the IAR options enabled (see below).          There is a new category "IAR C-SPY Application" in the debug configurations panel that contains all the debug configurations for projects with IAR debug plugin option selected.          The Debugger perspective now offers several IAR specific Views and features.   Enjoy building and debugging with IAR Eclipse plug-in in S32DS!
The Port_Ci_Port_Ip_Example in S32K1 RTD 1.0.1 lacks GPIO interrupt function. Port_Ci is part of Icu(Input Capture Unit), the main function of the example should have been: use the Icu and Dio drivers to toggle a LED on a push button. But it doesn't. So this document will show the step-by-step process to add 'GPIO interrupt' function in Port_Ci_Port_Ip_Example using the S32K1xx RTD and the S32 Configuration Tools. This example is for the S32K144EVB-Q100 EVB, connected to a PC through USB (OpenSDA) connection. Preparation Setup the software tools Install S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform Install the S32K1xx development package and the S32K1 RTD AUTOSAR 4.4. Both of these are required for the S32 Configuration Tools.   Launch S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform   Procedure 1. Import Port_Ci_Port_Ip_Example_S32K144 example File->New->S32DS Project from Example Although the main function mentions the example use the Icu and Dio drivers to toggle a LED on a push button, it actually just waits in a loop for a delay to blink the LED. Not sure why the implementation of GPIO interrupts(Port_Ci_Icu) is missing.   2. Add push button and LED in Pins tool Add the pins for user buttons (SW2 PTC12 and SW3 PTC13) and LEDRGB_RED (RGB_RED PTD15) according to the S32K144EVB schematic RB1.   3. Add IntCtrl_Ip component Go to Peripherals tool. Here we can see that the ‘Gpio_Dio’ and ‘Port’ components are already added. From the Components view, click on ‘Add a new configuration component…’ button from the Drivers category. This will bring up a list of non-AUTOSAR components. Locate and then select the ‘IntCtrl_Ip’ component from the list and click OK. Keep the default setting after add ‘IntCtrl_Ip’ component, we will call IntCtrl_Ip_InstallHandler and IntCtrl_Ip_EnableIrq those two APIs to install and enable the PORTC IRQ separately. (Here we didn't change the settings of ‘IntCtrl_Ip’, nor use IntCtrl_Ip_Init and IntCtrl_Ip_ConfigIrqRouting API to enable interrupts and install handlers in IntCtrl_Ip.)   4. Add Port_Ci_Icu component Locate and then select the ‘Port_Ci_Icu’ component from the list and click OK. Follow the steps below to configure it. Selecting PORT_2 for ICU Peripheral ISR Name and select IcuIsrEnable at step 6 actually refers to PORT C used in this example. In order to use the GPIO interrupts of the onboard SW2 (PTC12) and SW3 (PTC13) buttons, you need to add one more channel in step 9, and select Port CI Hardware Module and Hardware channel in steps 8 and 10. The button circuit has a pull-down resistor, and it will be pulled high after being pressed, so the rising edge trigger is selected. In step 14, add IcuSignalNotification for PTC12 and PTC13 respectively, that is, the notification after the corresponding GPIO pin input captures the rising edge (there is no need to clear the interrupt flag here, the RTD driver has already done it).   5. Include the headers for the drivers used in the application   6. Add Port_Ci_Icu drivers Port_Ci_Icu_Ip_Init initialize the rising edge of PTC12 and PTC13 set by the S32 Configuration Tools. Port_Ci_Icu_Ip_EnableNotification enable the Callback of PTC12 and PTC13 respectively, and we toggle the blue and red LEDs in the corresponding Callback.   7. Add IntCtrl drivers IntCtrl_Ip_InstallHandler installs the PORT_CI_ICU_IP_C_EXT_IRQ_ISR interrupt handler generated by the S32 Configuration Tools.
This release of S32K116 Bootloader was compiled and tested with the following development tools: S32DS Rappid Bootloader  Tested on the hardware: Development Board S32K116EVB – Q048 Processor  PS32K116MLF- Q048   Supported communication: UART0 (Pin PTB0-PTB1) CAN0 (Pin PTE4-PTE5)
This release of S32K144W Bootloader was compiled and tested with the following development tools: S32DS Rappid Bootloader  Tested on the hardware: Development Board S32K14XCVD – 0064 Processor  PS32K144WAWLH 0P64A – CTZW2009B   Supported communication: UART1 (Speed:115200b/s): J16 on the S32K-MB Motherboard. CAN_A (Speed: 500Kb/s): J72 on the S32K-MB Motherboard.
Users can now get the AMMCLib for S32K3 in S32DS 3.4 if they manually add the following URL to the list of “Available S32DS Software Sites”: http://www.nxp.com/lgfiles/updates/Eclipse/AMMCLIB/S32DS_3.5 (the URL will be auto-added with the upcoming S32DS 3.5 release). From within S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform 3.4, launch S32DS Extensions and Updates menu (Help -> S32DS Extensions and Updates), then select 'Add Update Sites'. Please note that the S32K3XXMCLUG.pdf User’s Guide incorrectly indicates that the library is available as a standalone SDK, which is incorrect. AMMCLib for S32K3 is part of the “PlatformSDK” system which means that users must use the RTD for S32K3 in their S32DS project to gain access to AMMCLib:   Then they must activate the „S32 Configuration Tool“ (CT):   Within the CT, they must click on the „Peripherals“, then „Libraries“, and select „AMMCLib“ from the list:   Then they must click on „Update code“, to update the paths in the project:    
After installation of S32 Flash Tool 2.1, try to start the GUI and get below error : We noticed this behavior on some PCs – either OS setup or security rules do not allow the installer to create a link to the JRE (Java 11) that is installed with Flash Tool. A quick fix is to set the path manually by adding the following lines to “S32FlashTool_2.1\GUI\ s32ft.ini”
This document shows the step-by-step process to create a simple 'Blinking_LED' application using the S32K1xx RTD and the S32 Configuration Tools. This example is for the S32K144EVB-Q100 EVB, connected to a PC through USB (OpenSDA) connection. Preparation Setup the software tools Install S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform Install the S32K1xx development package and the S32K1 RTD AUTOSAR 4.4. Both of these are required for the S32 Configuration Tools. Launch S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform Procedure New S32DS Project OR Provide a name for the project, for example 'Blinking_LED_RTD_AUTOSAR'. The name must be entered with no space characters. Expand Family S32K1xx, Select S32K144 Under Toolchain, select NXP GCC 9.2 Click Next Click '…' button next to SDKs Check box next to PlatformSDK_S32K1_2022_02_S32K144_M4F. Click OK Click Finish. Wait for project generation wizard to complete, then expand the project within the Project Explorer view to show the contents. To control the LED on the board, some configuration needs to be performed within the Pins Tool. There are several ways to do this. One simple way by double-click on the MEX file. By default, the Pins tool is then presented. Since the AUTOSAR drivers will be used, click the switch to disable this tool from the Overview tab. Once the Pins tool is disabled, the Config Tools Overview menu appears. Select the Peripherals tool. After the Peripherals tool opens, look to the Components tab. By default, new projects are created with the osif and Port_Ip drivers. Leave the osif driver, but remove the Port_Ip driver.  This will be replaced by AUTOSAR version. Right-click on the Port_Ip box and select Remove. Add the AUTOSAR version of the Port driver. Click on the ‘+’ next to the MCAL box. This will bring up a list of AUTOSAR components. Locate then select ‘Port’ and click OK. Do not worry about the warning message. It is only indicating that the driver is not already part of the current project. The associated driver package will be added automatically. There are a couple of other drivers needed. Click the ‘+’ next to MCAL again and this time select ‘Dio’. Once more, click the ‘+’ and select ‘Mcu’. Select the ‘Dio’ component. Now select the DioConfig tab. Under DioPort_0, change the Dio Port Id to 3. Click ‘+’ next to DioChannel to add a channel. Select the ‘Port’ component. Now select the PortConfigSet tabl. Under PortPin, change the setting for PortPin_0, PortPin Pcr from 0 to 96. Then change the setting PortPin Direction from PORT_PIN_IN to PORT_PIN_OUT. Change the setting PortPin Level Value from PORT_PIN_LEVEL_HIGH to PORT_PIN_LEVEL_LOW. Under UnTouchedPortPin, click ‘+’ and add the following 5 PortPin Pcr numbers: 4, 5, 10, 68, 69 Now select the PortGeneral tab, uncheck ‘Port Ci Port Ip Development Error Detect’. Now the device configurations are complete and the RTD configuration code can be generated. Click ‘Update Code’ from the menu bar. To control the output pin which was just configured, some application code will need to be written. Return to the ‘C/C++’ perspective. If not already open, in the project window click the ‘>’ next to the ‘src’ folder to show the contents, then double click ‘main.c’ file to open it. This is where the application code will be added. Before anything else is done, initialize the mcu driver, the clock tree, and apply PLL as system clock. Insert the following line into main, after the comment 'Write your code here': Mcu_Init(&Mcu_Config_BOARD_InitPeripherals); Mcu_InitClock(McuClockSettingConfig_0); while ( MCU_PLL_LOCKED != Mcu_GetPllStatus() )     {         /* Busy wait until the System PLL is locked */     } Mcu_DistributePllClock(); Mcu_SetMode(McuModeSettingConf_0); Before the pin can be controlled, it needs to be initialized using the configuration information that was generated from the S32 Configuration tools. Initialize all pins using the Port driver by adding the following line: Port_Init(NULL_PTR); Turn the pin on and off with some delays in-between to cause the LED to blink. Make the delays long enough to be perceptible. Within the provided for loop, add the following lines: Dio_WriteChannel(DioConf_DioChannel_DioChannel_0, STD_HIGH); TestDelay(2000000); Dio_WriteChannel(DioConf_DioChannel_DioChannel_0, STD_LOW); TestDelay(2000000); Before the 'main' function, add a delay function as follows: voidTestDelay(uint32 delay); voidTestDelay(uint32 delay) {     staticvolatile uint32 DelayTimer = 0;     while(DelayTimer<delay)     {         DelayTimer++;     }     DelayTimer=0; } Update the includes lines at the top of the main.c file to include the headers for the drivers used in the application: Remove #include "Mcal.h" Add #include "Mcu.h" #include "Port.h" #include "Dio.h" Build 'Blinking_LED_RTD_AUTOSAR'. Select the project name in 'C/C++ Projects' view and then press 'Build'. After the build completes, check that there are no errors. Open Debug Configurations and select 'Blinking_LED_RTD_AUTOSAR_Debug_FLASH'. Make sure to select the configuration which matches the build type performed, otherwise it may report an error if the build output doesn’t exist. Confirm the EVB is connected to the PC via USB cable, then check the Debugger tab settings and ensure that 'OpenSDA Embedded Debug - USB Port' is selected for interface. Click Debug To see the LED blink, click ‘Resume'
The NXP device S32R41 has accelerators that can be programmed. The S32 Debugger included within the S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform IDE with the S32 Debug Probe provides the ability to debug these accelerators. The accelerator covered in this document: Signal Processing Toolbox (SPT).   Section map: Preparation             Setup the software tools             Setup the hardware Procedure             Create A New Debug Configuration                                Start A Debug Session                         Multi-Core Preparation Setup the software tools Install S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform Install the S32R41 development package and the Radar extension package for S32R41. Both of these are required for the SPT3.5 accelerator. Setup the hardware Confirm the setup of the S32R41 evaluation board. Connect the power supply cable Setup the S32 Debug Probe. Refer to the S32 Debug Probe User Guide for installation instructions. Connect the S32 Debug Probe to the evaluation board via JTAG cable. Connect the S32 Debug Probe to the host PC via USB cable OR via Ethernet cable (via LAN or directly connected and configured for static IP address) and power supply connected to USB port. Launch S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform Open existing project or create a new project and check that it successfully builds. If creating a new project, be sure the S32 Debugger is selected in the New Project Wizard.   Procedure The procedure for starting a debug session and accessing the associated accelerator-specific registers is detailed here. Debugging SPT is only conducted through the multi-core method. The SPT executable is included within A53 executable, the A53 application loads the SPT executable to the SPT core and both A53 and SPT core are available for debugging. The debug connection is made to the two cores through the Baremetal/Bareboard method. The debugger connects to both the A53 and SPT cores using the probe over JTAG. Before a debug session can be started a debug configuration must exist.   Create A New Debug Configuration If the New Project Wizard was used to create the project using the S32DS Application Project option, then there was an opportunity to select the desired debugger from within the wizard. If the desired debugger option was selected at this time, then the needed configuration already exists and will only require adjustments to the hardware connection settings.   If the New Project Wizard was not used to create the project OR the currently desired debugger was not the one selected at the time of project creation, a new debug configuration must be created. With the existing project selected in Project Explorer, open the Debug Configurations Menu: Run -> Debug Configurations Having the existing project selected in the Project Explorer view will make the creation of a new launch configuration easier as many settings will be imported from the selected project. To select a project, click on it so it becomes highlighted. Next, select the debugger for which the new debug configuration will be created. To create the new configuration, either click on the ‘New launch configuration’ button from the toolbar at the top and to the left, or right-click on the ‘S32 Debugger’ and select ‘New Configuration’ from the menu. Once the configuration is created it will be displayed and any errors with the configuration will be shown. If the project was selected in the Project Explorer, then the Name of the debug configuration will contain the project’s name and the Project and C/C++ Application fields may be populated as well. The C/C++ Application field will only be populated if the build output executable exists. Confirm these values are correct before moving on. If the C/C++ Application field is empty, just click ‘Browse..’ button (The ‘Search Project…’ button is setup to identify standard executable file types, not the SPT’s ‘aspt’ file type) and navigate to the folder containing the build output <project name>.aspt. If you like, the tool already knows the project directory path, so you could shorten the path to start with from the ‘Debug’ folder, as shown here. There is an error showing that the Device core ID is not specified on the Debugger tab. Switch to the Debugger tab and click on the button ‘Select device and core’. From the Select Target Device and Core window, expand the listing until all cores are listed. Notice that all supported cores on the S32R41 are listed. Select the SPT35 core and click OK. Now that the device and core are selected, the attach script is selected automatically. The attach script will allow to start debugging on a core that is already initialized. This is correct for the SPT core as it is always launched in multicore scenario. Refer to the document 'README.txt' located in the same folder as these script files for details on all of the provided scripts. Confirm the setting of the ‘Initial core’ checkbox. This box should be checked within the debug configuration that establishes the first connection to the target device via S32 Debug Probe. When this box is checked, the Debug Probe Connection interface and GDB Server settings become available. The probe connection only needs to be configured once and only one GDB Server needs to be running for each debug session. When debugging the SPT3.5 core, the A53 core will always launch first, so this box should be checked for the A53 debug configuration and should not be checked for the SPT debug configuration. Check that the GDB Client section has the correct path to the SPT GDB executable. It should point to the variable ‘S32DS_R41_GDB_SPT_PATH’. Startup tab check the following settings Load image is NOT checked for multicore debugging. Basically, if it is loaded by A53 core (SPT executable is contained within A53 ELF file), then it does not need to be loaded. Load symbols is NOT checked. The SPT source file is assembly code, so there are no symbols to load. Set breakpoint at main and Resume are NOT checked for multicore debugging. After saving the new configuration with the ‘Apply’ button, SPT debugging can be performed. Start A Debug Session For convenience, the S32DS Application Project wizard was used to create a new project for demonstrating multi-core A53/SPT debugging. The SPT core does not support standalone debugging. For instructions on loading this example project to your workspace, see ‘HOWTO: S32 Design Studio - Create New Application Project’, selecting instead the Processor option Family S32R41 -> S32R41xxx Cortex-A53 SPT3 from the wizard menu. A53 / SPT Multi-Core For multi-core debugging, the A53 core is running an executable which also contains the SPT code. The A53 code will make a call into the SPT to load the SPT code to memory and to start the SPT execution. So the A53 must be started first. The EVB settings are irrelevant as the debugger will take control of the target via the JTAG connection. Before beginning the debug sessions, be sure each project is built clean. Start A53 debug. From the menu at the top, select Run -> Debug Configurations… In the Debug Configurations menu, from the configuration list, look for the ‘S32 Debugger’ group and select the A53 Debug_RAM configuration for the project to be debugged. In the case of our example, the ‘New_S32R41_SPT_Project_A53_Debug_RAM_S32Debug’ configuration. On the Debugger tab, check that the Debug Probe Connection settings match with the current hardware connection configuration for the S32 Debug Probe. Use the ‘Test connection’ button to confirm. Click Debug to start debugging on the A53 core. The debugger will launch and execute until the first executable line in main(). See Debugger tab in Debug Configurations menu to adjust this setting. Once the A53 debug session is running, advance the program counter to a line after the desired SPT kernel is loaded to memory but before the SPT kernel is launched. In the example here, this would be in ‘main.c’, line 57, where ‘StartSptProgram()’ function is called. This can be done by setting a breakpoint on the line and clicking Resume.  After the breakpoint is reached, the SPT debug session can be started. Return to the Debug Configurations menu, select the SPT debug configuration. In the case of this example, ‘New_S32R41_SPT_Project_SPT35_Debug_S32Debug’, and click Debug. Wait for the SPT debug session to launch and stop in the disassembly. Use the Step Over command one time in the A53 debug thread to complete the SPT launch. Select the SPT debug thread to change the context of the Disassembly, Registers and etc.views. Notice the SPT code is not loaded yet. Enable Instruction Stepping Mode and step one time. Notice the SPT code is now loaded. Now you can step through the assembly code, access registers, etc.
The S32 Debugger included within the S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform IDE provides the capability to access the flash programming capabilities of the S32 Debug Probe via GTA command line and the GDB. This instruction details the steps to perform flash programming of the S32R41 EVB via the JTAG interface with the S32 Debug Probe.   Note: currently only QSPI flashing is supported.   Preparation Setup the software tools Install S32 Design Studio IDE Install the Development Package for the device you are debugging. In this case, the S32R41 development package. This is important as the S32 Debugger support within it contains the device-specific Python scripts required for initialization of the cores. Setup the hardware Confirm the setup of the S32R41 evaluation board. Connect the power supply cable Setup the S32 Debug Probe Connect the S32 Debug Probe to the evaluation board via JTAG cable. Refer to the S32 Debug Probe User Manual for installation instructions. Connect the S32 Debug Probe to the host PC via USB, or Ethernet (via LAN or directly connected and configured for static IP address) and power supply connected to USB port. Launch S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform Create new or open existing project and check that it successfully builds. If creating a new project, be sure the S32 Debugger is selected in the New Project Wizard. Procedure Launch GTA server. From command prompt or Windows File Explorer run the command:{S32DS Install Path}\S32DS\tools\S32Debugger\Debugger\Server\gta\gta.exe Should see a window appear like this: Ensure Environment Variable for Python is set. From command prompt, run the command: set PYTHONPATH={S32DS Install Path}\S32DS\build_tools\msys32\mingw32\lib\python2.7;{S32DS Install Path}\S32DS\build_tools\msys32\mingw32\lib\python2.7\site-packages Start GDB. In a command window, run the command: Windows OS: {S32DS Install Path}\S32DS\tools\gdb-arm\arm32-eabi\bin\arm-none-eabi-gdb-py.exe (for arm32) OR {S32DS Install Path}\S32DS\tools\gdb-arm\arm64-eabi\bin\aarch64-none-elf-gdb-py.exe (for arm64) Linux OS: arm-none-eabi-gdb-py A (gdb) prompt should now be displayed in the command window: Configure the EVB's Boot Mode switches for Serial Boot. Issue the following commands, replacing the PROBE_IP address and FLASH_NAME, as appropriate: source {S32DS Install Path}/S32DS/tools/S32Debugger/Debugger/scripts/gdb_extensions/flash/s32flash.py py _FLASH_TYPE = "qspi" py _PROBE_IP="" py _JTAG_SPEED=20000 py _GDB_SERVER_PORT=45000 py _GDB_TIMEOUT=7200 py _REMOTE_TIMEOUT=30 py _RESET_DELAY=1 py _RESET_TYPE="default" py _INIT_SCRIPT="{S32DS Install Path}/S32DS/tools/S32Debugger/Debugger/scripts/s32r41/s32r41_generic_bareboard.py" py _FLASH_NAME="W25Q64J" py _IS_LOGGING_ENABLED=False py flash() Note: Replace the {S32DS Install Path} in the commands above with the actual path to your installation of S32 Design Studio. Now flash commands may be used. fl_blankcheck -- blank check fl_close -- close command fl_current -- current device command fl_dump -- dump command fl_erase -- erase section of memory command, will erase whole sectors starting from 'offset' through 'size' contiguously, so to erase only one sector, ensure that the 'offset' address is within the desired sector and 'size' does not extend into the following sector fl_erase_all -- erase all memory command fl_info -- info command, shows list of registered devices fl_protect -- protect section of memory command fl_unprotect -- unprotect section of memory command fl_write -- write memory command, hex or binary are supported, options to erase first and verify after write fl_write_elf -- write elf file to memory command, options to erase first, verify after, and rearrange flash base Type 'help fl_<command>' to print the help info on the specified command Type 'help support' to print a list of the fl_ commands For example, you may wish to write a binary file: fl_write -e 0x0 C:\\Users\\<userid_folder>\\workspaceS32DS\\hello_world\\Debug_RAM\\hello_world_blob.bin Happy flashing with S32DS Flash Programmer!
The S32 Debugger included within the S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform IDE provides the ability to access the flash programming and debugging of the S32 Debug Probe via GDB command line. This document provides only the necessary commands specific to launching a debug session on NXP devices. It does not cover general GDB command line operations, these are covered in detail in the GNU communities and other public websites which are not associated with NXP. Preparation Setup the software tools Install S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform Install the Development Package for the device you are debugging. In this case, the S32R41 development package. This package is important as the S32 Debugger support component contains the device-specific Python scripts required for initialization of the cores. Setup the hardware Confirm the setup of the S32R41 evaluation board. Connect the power supply cable Setup the S32 Debug Probe. Refer to the S32 Debug Probe User Manual for installation instructions. Connect the S32 Debug Probe to the evaluation board via JTAG cable. Connect the S32 Debug Probe to the host PC via USB OR via Ethernet (via LAN or directly connected, and configured for static IP address) and power supply connected to USB port. Launch S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform Create new or open existing project and check that it successfully builds. If creating a new project, be sure the S32 Debugger is selected in the New Project Wizard   Procedure As separate debug threads need to be started for each core to be debugged, and the method for launching a debug thread differs depending upon whether it is a primary core or secondary core and if the executable image will be loaded or if the executable is already running and the debugger just needs to be attached. These scenarios will be covered by the following 3 sections: Primary Core Load Image and Run: The application image will be loaded directly to memory by the debugger and then initialized and started. The primary core will launch any secondary cores used by the application. Secondary Cores: The primary core has launched a secondary core, it is now running and the debugger will connect through the attach method. Primary Core Image Already In Memory and Running: The primary core has already been initialized and launched by other means, such as via a Linux OS on the target, so the debugger will connect through the attach method without initializing or loading the image to memory. Please proceed with the section which applies to the core for which you are starting a debug thread. Primary Core Load Image and Run Prepare the initialization script for the core(s) to be debugged. Open the core initialization Python script: {S32DS Install Path}\S32DS\tools\S32Debugger\Debugger\scripts\s32r41\s32r41_generic_bareboard_all_cores.py Uncomment the following lines: # _JTAG_SPEED = 16000 # _GDB_SERVER_PORT = 45000# _RESET_TYPE = "default" # _PROBE_IP = "s32dbg" # _CORE_NAME = 'M7_0' # _RESET_DELAY = 1 # _REMOTE_TIMEOUT = 110 # _IS_LOGGING_ENABLED = False # _SOC_NAME = "S32R41" This file is used by the S32 Debugger within the S32 Design Studio IDE where the settings are provided from the GUI, so these lines are commented out in order to allow the GUI settings to have control. The commented lines are provided so the script could more easily be run by the command line method. Update the IP address line (_PROBE_IP) to match the IP address of the S32 Debug Probe which is connected to your PC. See the user guide for the S32 Debug Probe for details on how to obtain the IP address. Update the core name (_CORE_NAME), if necessary. See s32r41_context.py for complete list of supported cores. Save the file with a new name to preserve the original. For example, s32r41_gen_bb_all_c_my_probe.py. This ensures the S32 Debugger will still function correctly. Launch GTA server. From command prompt or Windows File Explorer run the command: {S32DS Install Path}\S32DS\tools\S32Debugger\Debugger\Server\gta\gta.exe Should see a window appear like this: Ensure Environment Variable for Python is set. From command prompt, run the command: set PYTHONPATH={S32DS Install Path}\S32DS\build_tools\msys32\mingw32\lib\python2.7;{S32DS Install Path}\S32DS\build_tools\msys32\mingw32\lib\python2.7\site-packages Start GDB. In a command window, run the command: Windows OS: {S32DS Install Path}\S32DS\tools\gdb-arm\arm32-eabi\bin\arm-none-eabi-gdb-py.exe (for arm32) OR {S32DS Install Path}\S32DS\tools\gdb-arm\arm64-eabi\bin\aarch64-none-elf-gdb-py.exe (for arm64) Linux OS: arm-none-eabi-gdb-py A (gdb) prompt should now be displayed in the command window: From (gdb) prompt, enter the following commands(in this order): source {S32DS Install Path}\\S32DS\\tools\\S32Debugger\\Debugger\\scripts\\s32r41\\s32r41_gen_bb_all_c_my_probe.py This specifies the script for initialization. py board_init() This initializes the board. It should only be called for the initial core. In a multicore debugging workflow, the debugger launch for additional cores would omit this step. py core_init() This initializes the core specified in the initialization script in step 1. Now standard GDB commands may be used. For example, you may wish to load an ELF file: file {S32DS Workspace Path}\\New_S32R_Project_M7_0\\Debug_RAM\\New_S32R_Project_M7_0.elf load Secondary Cores After completing the launch of debug for the primary core, it is possible to perform multicore debug by launching GDB debugging on the secondary cores. Some additional steps will need to be performed from within the primary core GDB session, enter the following commands: set *0x34100000 = 0x34200000 set *0x34100004 = 0x34100025 set *0x34100024 = 0xFFFEF7FF b main c These lines prepare the environment for launching debugging on secondary cores. This will allow for multicore debugging in the case of separate ELF files for each core. These can be found in the Run Commands field of the Startup tab on the Debug Configuration for the primary core within S32 Design Studio IDE, of any multicore project created from the New Application Project Wizard. Note: If there is just one ELF file for all cores, then these 'set *0x... = 0x...' commands should be skipped. In general, it will be correct to set the break-point at main, as shown, but this might need to be changed depending on when the secondary cores are started within the project. Prepare the initialization script for the secondary core to be debugged. Open the core initialization Python script: {S32DS Install Path}\S32DS\tools\S32Debugger\Debugger\scripts\s32r41\s32r41_attach.py This is a different script than the one used for the primary core. It is designed to launch a debug session on a core which is already initialized and running. Edit the script for the secondary core to be debugged. Since this script is setup for the primary core, some adjustments need to be made to setup for a secondary core Uncomment the following lines: # _JTAG_SPEED = 16000 # _GDB_SERVER_PORT = 45000 # _RESET_TYPE = "default" # _PROBE_IP = "s32dbg" # _CORE_NAME = 'M7_0' # _RESET_DELAY = 1 # _REMOTE_TIMEOUT = 110 # _IS_LOGGING_ENABLED = False # _SOC_NAME = "S32R41" Make the following changes to the lines: _JTAG_SPEED = 16000 ->  None _GDB_SERVER_PORT = 45000 _RESET_TYPE = "default" _PROBE_IP = "s32dbg" -> None _CORE_NAME = 'M7_0' -> 'M7_1' (this should be set to match the name of the core to be debugged, see s32r41_context.py for complete list) _RESET_DELAY = 1 _REMOTE_TIMEOUT = 110 _IS_LOGGING_ENABLED = False -> ‘True’ _SOC_NAME = "S32R41" Save the file with a new name to preserve the original. For example, s32r41_attach_my_probe_core1.py. This ensures the S32 Debugger will still function correctly. The existing GTA server is used, so do not launch a new one. Open an new command window and follow similar steps as done for the primary core. Setup the Python environment variable, if not done globally set PYTHONPATH={S32DS Install Path}\S32DS\build_tools\msys32\mingw32\lib\python2.7;{S32DS Install Path}\S32DS\build_tools\msys32\mingw32\lib\python2.7\site-packages Start GDB Windows OS: {S32DS Install Path}\S32DS\tools\gdb-arm\arm32-eabi\bin\arm-none-eabi-gdb-py.exe (for arm32) OR {S32DS Install Path}\S32DS\tools\gdb-arm\arm64-eabi\bin\aarch64-none-elf-gdb-py.exe (for arm64) Linux OS: arm-none-eabi-gdb-py A (gdb) prompt should now be displayed in the command window: From (gdb) prompt, enter the following commands (in this order): source {S32DS Install Path}\\S32DS\\tools\\S32Debugger\\Debugger\\scripts\\s32r41\\s32r41_attach_my_probe_core1.py This specifies the script for initialization. We will not execute the py board_init() as this was already done for the primary core. py core_init() This initializes the core specified in the initialization script in step 2. Now standard GDB commands may be used. For example, you may wish to load an ELF file: file {S32DS Workspace Path}\\S32R_Multicore\\S32R_Multicore_M7_1\ \Debug_RAM\\S32R_Multicore_M7_1.elf load Primary Core Image Already in Memory and Running The core is running and does not need to be initialized. Prepare the initialization script for the core to be debugged. Open the core initialization Python script: {S32DS Install Path}\S32DS\tools\S32Debugger\Debugger\scripts\s32r41\s32r41_attach.py This is a different script than the one used for the primary core. It is designed to launch a debug session on a core which is already initialized and running. Edit the script for the secondary core to be debugged. Since this script is setup for the primary core, some adjustments need to be made to setup for a secondary core Uncomment the following lines: # _JTAG_SPEED = 16000 # _GDB_SERVER_PORT = 45000 # _RESET_TYPE = "default" # _PROBE_IP = "s32dbg" # _CORE_NAME = 'M7_0' # _RESET_DELAY = 1 # _REMOTE_TIMEOUT = 110 # _IS_LOGGING_ENABLED = False # _SOC_NAME = "S32R41" Make the following changes to the lines: _JTAG_SPEED = 16000 _GDB_SERVER_PORT = 45000 _RESET_TYPE = "default" _PROBE_IP = "s32dbg" -> (enter the IP address of your probe) _CORE_NAME = 'M7_0' (this should be set to match the name of the core to be debugged, see s32r41_context.py for complete list) _RESET_DELAY = 1 _REMOTE_TIMEOUT = 110 _IS_LOGGING_ENABLED = False -> ‘True’ _SOC_NAME = "S32R41" Save the file with a new name to preserve the original. For example, s32r41_attach_my_probe_core0.py. This ensures the S32 Debugger will still function correctly. Launch GTA server. From command prompt or Windows File Explorer run the command: {S32DS Install Path}\S32DS\tools\S32Debugger\Debugger\Server\gta\gta.exe Should see a window appear like this: Ensure Environment Variable for Python is set. From command prompt, run the command: set PYTHONPATH={S32DS Install Path}\S32DS\build_tools\msys32\mingw32\lib\python2.7;{S32DS Install Path}\S32DS\build_tools\msys32\mingw32\lib\python2.7\site-packages Start GDB. In a command window, run the command: Windows OS: {S32DS Install Path}\S32DS\tools\gdb-arm\arm32-eabi\bin\arm-none-eabi-gdb-py.exe (for arm32) OR {S32DS Install Path}\S32DS\tools\gdb-arm\arm64-eabi\bin\aarch64-none-elf-gdb-py.exe (for arm64) Linux OS: arm-none-eabi-gdb-py A (gdb) prompt should now be displayed in the command window: From (gdb) prompt, enter the following commands(in this order): source {S32DS Install Path}\\S32DS\\tools\\S32Debugger\\Debugger\\scripts\\s32r41\\s32r41_attach_my_probe_core0.py This specifies the script for debugger initialization. Do not execute the py board_init() as this will initialize the board, and reset the currently executing application, which is not desired for this case. py core_init() This initializes the debugger connection to the core specified in the initialization script in step 1. Now standard GDB commands may be used. For example, you may wish to load an ELF file: file {S32DS Workspace Path}\\ New_S32R41_Project\\New_S32R41_Project_M7_0\\Debug_RAM\\New_S32R41_Project_M7_0.elf load After completing the launch of debug for the primary core, it is possible to perform multicore debug by launching GDB debugging on the secondary cores. See section ‘Secondary Cores’ for each additional core to be debugged.
The S32 Debugger included within the S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform IDE provides the capability to access the flash programming capabilities of the S32 Debug Probe via the S32 Debugger.   Note: currently only QSPI flashing is supported. Preparation Install S32 Design Studio IDE Install the Development Package for the device you are debugging. In this case, the S32R41 development package. This package is important as the S32 Debugger support component contains the device-specific Python scripts required for initialization of the cores. Open the application project from which the flash image will be generated. Follow the steps in HOWTO: Generate S-Record/Intel HEX/Binary file, selecting the 'Raw Binary' option. Build the project, generating the binary executable. This will be our application binary input to the IVT Tool. The IVT Tool must be used to generate the BLOB image which can be programmed to flash memory device and loaded to the RAM by the BootROM. Follow the steps in HOWTO: Use IVT Tool To Create A BLOB Image S32R41. The resulting BLOB image file is what can be flashed to the device. Procedure Open Debug Configuration menu Select 'S32 Debugger Flash Programmer', then right-click and select New. Enter an name for the new configuration and click Add... to add the file to be flashed. Click Browse... to select the project from the workspace where the application binary is located Select the project and click OK By default, the ELF file is found. Click Search in project to select the binary file. Select the .bin file and click OK Now we must enter the base address. Typically, this could be 0, but you may have other requirements. Click OK. Now we are ready to configure the debugger connection settings. Click on the Debugger tab. Starting from the top and working our way down, click on Select device. Select the device and click OK The correct Initialization script will automatically be set. Set the Debug Probe Connection settings to match your setup. When done, click Apply To start the flashing, click Debug Flashing progress will be displayed. When complete, the Debug perspective will show at terminated thread. Happy flashing with GDB! Note, to debug this application since it will be subsequently started by the BootROM: use 's32r41_attach.py' in the Initialization script field on the debugger tab of the Debug Configurations menu Make the following adjustments on the Startup tab within the Debug Configurations menu: Uncheck "Load image" Check “Set program counter at:” and enter the value “Reset_Handler”
S32 Design Studio (S32DS) supports Eclipse plug-in of Green Hills Software (GHS) compiler to compile S32DS projects via GHS compiler. This document describes how to install this plug-in and enable GHS in the new project wizard. After the GHS Eclipse plug-in is installed successfully, you can be able to create and build S32DS project using GHS compiler under S32DS Eclipse environment if the device and SDKs support GHS compiler.   Installation instructions To able to use GHS compiler, you need to make sure that GHS compiler is installed with a valid license. Follow the steps below to install eclipse plugin: Install GHS Eclipse plug-in On S32DS graphical user interface, go to menu "Help" -> "Install New Software"   In the "Install" dialog appears, click on "Add" button. In the "Add Repository" dialogappears, click on "Local". Navigate to the eclipse directory located in your MULTI compiler installation(eg: C:\ghs\comp_202114\eclipse) In the Name box, enter "GHS Eclipse". Click on "Add" button.  In the Name/Version list, expand the Green Hills MULTI for Eclipse item. Select GreenHills MULTI for Eclipse corresponding to your target architecture(eg: Green Hills MULTI for Eclipse(ARM) and Green Hills MULTI for Eclipse(ARM64)). If you have MULTI licenses for more than one architecture, you can select all the targets you are licensed for. Click Next until you see the license acceptance page.  If you accept the terms of the feature license, select I accept the terms in the license agreement. And click on "Finish" button.   If the Security Warning window appears, click on "Install anyway".   In the "Software Updates" dialog box appears, click on "Restart Now" to restart S32DS.- Go to "Window" -> select "Preference" -> "S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform" -> "S32DS Variables". Set your GHS installation path for S32DS_GHS_PATH variable (ex "C:\ghs\comp_202114").   Create new S32DS project using GHS in the project wizard. Now you can create a new S32DS project and select GHS toolchain for the device andSDKs support GHS toolchain.   And you can see the GHS settings are showed in the S32DS project properties.    
The NXP device S32R45 has accelerators that can be programmed. The S32 Debugger included within the S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform IDE with the S32 Debug Probe provides the ability to debug these accelerators. The accelerator covered in this document: BBE32. Section map: Preparation Setup the software tools Setup the hardware Procedure Create A New Debug Configuration Simulator Physical Hardware Start A Debug Session Standalone Multi-Core Debugging BBE32 DSP Once Debug Session is Started Preparation Setup the software tools Install S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform Install the S32R4xx development package, the Radar extension package for s32R4xx, and the BBE32 DSP Add-On Package for S32R45. Setup the hardware Confirm the setup of the S32R45 evaluation board. Connect the power supply cable Setup the S32 Debug Probe. Refer to the S32 Debug Probe User Manual for installation instructions. Connect the S32 Debug Probe to the evaluation board via JTAG cable. Connect the S32 Debug Probe to the host PC via USB cable OR via Ethernet cable (via LAN or directly connected and configured for static IP address) and power supply connected to USB port. Launch S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform Open existing project or create a new project and check that it successfully builds. If creating a new project, be sure the S32 Debugger is selected in the New Project Wizard. Procedure The procedure for starting a debug session and accessing the associated accelerator-specific registers is detailed here. The BBE32 DSP debugging requires some additional setup beyond the installation of the BBE32 DSP Add-On Package for S32R45. The BBE32 has a different license from the one for S32 Design Studio. This license must be located using the ‘LM_LICENSE_FILE’ environment variable, as instructed within the provided document "{S32DS Install DIR}\Release_Notes\BBE32_DSP_Release_Notes.pdf". Debugging the BBE32 DSP is performed on physical hardware. This is conducted through one of two methods: Standalone: the BBE32 DSP executable is loaded by a debugger over JTAG using a probe and only the BBE32 DSP core is executed and available for debugging. Multi-core: the BBE32 DSP executable is included within A53 executable, the A53 application loads the BBE32 DSP executable to the BBE32 DSP core and both A53 and BBE32 DSP core are available for debugging. The debug connection is made to the two cores through one of two methods: Baremetal/Bareboard: the debugger connects to both the A53 and BBE32 DSP cores using the probe over JTAG. Linux BSP: the debugger connects to the A53 core, which is running Linux BSP, using a remote Linux connection over Ethernet and then connects to the BBE32 DSP core using the debug probe over JTAG. Before a debug session can be started a debug configuration must exist. Create A New Debug Configuration If the New Project Wizard was used to create the project using the S32DS Application Project option, then there was an opportunity to select the desired debugger from within the wizard. If the desired debugger option was selected at this time, then the needed configuration already exists and will only require adjustments to the hardware connection settings. If the New Project Wizard was not used to create the project OR the currently desired debugger was not the one selected at the time of project creation, a new debug configuration must be created. With the existing project selected in Project Explorer, open the Debug Configurations Menu: Run -> Debug Configurations Having the existing project selected in the Project Explorer view will make the creation of a new launch configuration easier as many settings will be imported from the selected project. To select a project, click on it so it becomes highlighted. Next, select the debugger for which the new debug configuration will be created. To create the new configuration, either click on the ‘New launch configuration’ button from the toolbar at the top and to the left, or right-click on the ‘S32 Debugger’ and select ‘New Configuration’ from the menu. g configuration will contain the project’s name and the Project and C/C++ Application fields will be populated as well. The C/C++ Application field will only be populated if the build output executable exists. Confirm these values are correct before moving on. There is an error showing that the Device core ID is not specified on the Debugger tab. Switch to the Debugger tab and click on the button ‘Select device and core’. From the Select Target Device and Core window, expand the listing until all cores are listed. Notice that all supported cores on the S32R45 are listed. Select the desired BBE32 DSP core and click OK. Now that the device and core are selected, a generic initialization script associated with the BBE32 DSP is selected automatically, however, this may not be the correct one. If debugging Standalone, meaning only BBE32 DSP core will be debugged, then the automatic selection ‘s32r45_generic_bareboard_all_cores.py’ is correct. This script will initialize all of the cores so the BBE32 DSP can execute properly. If debugging Multicore, meaning both A53 and BBE32 DSP will be debugged, then the A53 and BBE32 DSP cores will already be initialized by the time the debugging on BBE32 DSP begins. So a different script that doesn't initialize all of the cores is needed. Click ‘Browse’ and navigate to ‘{install_dir}\S32DS.3.4\S32DS\tools\S32Debugger\Debugger\scripts\s32r45’ and select the script ‘s32r45_attach.py’. The attach script will allow to start debugging on a core that is already initialized. Refer to the document 'README.txt' located in the same folder as these script files for details on all of the provided scripts. Confirm the setting of the ‘Initial core’ checkbox. This box should be checked within the debug configuration that establishes the first connection to the target device via S32 Debug Probe. When this box is checked, the Debug Probe Connection interface and GDB Server settings become available. The probe connection only needs to be configured once and only one GDB Server needs to be running for each debug session. Therefore, this box should be checked for standalone BBE32 DSP debugging or for multicore debugging where A53 core is debugged via Remote Linux. If the A53 and BBE32 DSP cores are debugged bareboard (no Linux) via the S32 Debug Probe, then this box should be checked for the A53 debug configuration and should not be checked for the BBE32 DSP debug configuration. If the initial core box is checked, then setup the Debug Probe Connection. Select either USB or Ethernet, depending upon your hardware setup. If USB is selected, the COM port for the S32 Debug Probe will automatically be detected (unless not connected or more than one probe is connected). If Ethernet is selected, then enter either the hostname (fsl + last 6 digits of MAC address) or IP address. It is highly recommended to press the ‘Test connection’ button to confirm the hardware connection is correctly configured. See the included ‘S32_Debug_Probe_User_Guide.pdf’ for more details on the setup of the S32 Debug Probe. Check that the GDB Client section has the correct path to the BBE32 DSP GDB executable. It should point to the variable ‘S32DS_R45_GDB_XTENSA_PY_PATH’. Startup tab check the following settings Load image is checked for standalone debugging, NOT checked for multicore debugging. Basically, if it is loaded by A53 core (contained in A53 ELF file), then it does not need to be loaded. Load symbols is checked. The only time you would not check this box is if there is no project binary containing symbols available. Set breakpoint at main and Resume are checked for standalone debugging, NOT checked for multicore debugging. Now you are ready to start debugging. Start A Debug Session For convenience, the example project for S32 Design Studio from the RSDK, ‘RSDK_S32DS_template’, will be used to demonstrate standalone BBE32 DSP and multi-core A53/BBE32 DSP debugging. For instructions on loading this example project to your workspace, see ‘HOWTO: Create New Project from Example RSDK_S32DS_template from Radar SDK’. Standalone For the standalone bareboard debugging of only BBE32 DSP core using the RSDK_S32DS_template example, here are the steps which would be required. Click on the BBE32 project so it is highlighted, then build it to ensure it builds clean and that the executable exists. From the menu at the top, select Run -> Debug Configurations… Select the standalone debug configuration for BBE32 core. In the case of the RSDK_S32DS_template example project, only the multi-core debug configuration is supported. In this case, the standalone configuration will need to be created. Right click on the multi-core configuration and select Duplicate. This will create an identical configuration. Change the name as desired and then select the Debugger tab. Click Browse next to Initialization script and navigate to the directory ‘{install_dir}\S32DS.3.4\S32DS\tools\S32Debugger\Debugger\scripts\s32r45’. Select the script ‘s32r45_generic_bareboard_all_cores.py’. Adjust the Debug Probe Connection settings to match your HW setup. Use the Test connection button to confirm. Select the Startup tab. For standalone debugging the image file will not be loaded by the A53 core, so it must be loaded by the S32 Debugger. Check the boxes for Load image, Set breakpoint at: and Resume. Click Debug to start the debug session. All of the settings made will be applied and the debug session will be launched. The BBE32 will execute to the first line in main(). A53 / BBE32 DSP Multi-core For multi-core debugging, the A53 core is executing an application on the Linux BSP. The EVB should be setup to boot from a flash device which has been loaded with the S32R45 Linux BSP. Before beginning the debug sessions, be sure to load the driver dependencies (oal_driver, rsdk_spt_driver, and rsdk_lax_driver) as described in the RSDK User Manual, RSDK Offline Example section ‘Running the application’. Start A53 debug. From the menu at the top, select Run -> Debug Configurations… In the Debug Configurations menu, from the configuration list, expand the ‘C/C++ Remote Application’ group and select the ‘RSDK_S32DS_template_A53_Debug’ configuration. On the Main tab, create a new connection for using the IP address of the EVB. The IP address could be determined either by issuing a Linux command over the serial connection, such as ‘ifconfig’, by accessing the local network connected device list, or perhaps the EVB was setup with a static IP address and it is already known. Click New… in the Connection section. Select ‘SSH’ for connection type. Enter the IP address in Host: field, use ‘root’ in User: field, and leave password field empty. Click Debug to start debugging on the A53 core. The debugger will launch and execute until the first executable line in main(). See Debugger tab in Debug Configurations menu to adjust this setting. Once the A53 debug session is running, advance the program counter to a line after the desired DSP kernel is loaded to memory but before the DSP kernel is launched. In the example here, this would be in ‘spt_bbe32_proc.c’, line 355, where ‘ExampleLaunchSptKernel()’ function is called. This is best done by setting a breakpoint on the line and clicking Resume. After the breakpoint is reached, the BBE32 DSP debug session can be started. Return to the Debug Configurations menu, select the BBE32 DSP debug configuration ‘RSDK_S32DS_template_BBE32_attach’, confirm the Debug Probe Connection settings and click Debug. Wait for the BBE32 debug session to launch and stop in the code. Select the BBE32 debug thread to change the context of the Source, Disassembly, Registers and etc.views. Now you can step through the assembly code, access registers, etc. To see this source code, it may be necessary to locate the file from the RSDK installation folder.
The NXP device S32R45 has accelerators that can be programmed. The S32 Debugger included within the S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform IDE with the S32 Debug Probe provides the ability to debug these accelerators. The accelerator covered in this document: Signal Processing Toolbox (SPT). Section map: Preparation Setup the software tools Setup the hardware Procedure Create A New Debug Configuration Start A Debug Session Multi-Core Preparation Setup the software tools Install S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform Install the S32R4xx development package and the Radar extension package for s32R4xx. Both of these are required for the SPT accelerator. Setup the hardware Confirm the setup of the S32R45 evaluation board. Connect the power supply cable Setup the S32 Debug Probe. Refer to the S32 Debug Probe User Manual for installation instructions. Connect the S32 Debug Probe to the evaluation board via JTAG cable. Connect the S32 Debug Probe to the host PC via USB cable OR via Ethernet cable (via LAN or directly connected and configured for static IP address) and power supply connected to USB port. Launch S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform Open existing project or create a new project and check that it successfully builds. If creating a new project, be sure the S32 Debugger is selected in the New Project Wizard. Procedure The procedure for starting a debug session and accessing the associated accelerator-specific registers is detailed here. Debugging SPT is only conducted through the multi-core method. The SPT executable is included within A53 executable, the A53 application loads the SPT executable to the SPT core and both A53 and SPT core are available for debugging. The debug connection is made to the two cores through one of two methods: Baremetal/Bareboard: the debugger connects to both the A53 and SPT cores using the probe over JTAG. Linux BSP: the debugger connects to the A53 core, which is running Linux BSP, using a remote Linux connection over Ethernet and then connects to the SPT core using the debug probe over JTAG. Before a debug session can be started a debug configuration must exist. Create A New Debug Configuration If the New Project Wizard was used to create the project using the S32DS Application Project option, then there was an opportunity to select the desired debugger from within the wizard. If the desired debugger option was selected at this time, then the needed configuration already exists and will only require adjustments to the hardware connection settings. If the New Project Wizard was not used to create the project OR the currently desired debugger was not the one selected at the time of project creation, a new debug configuration must be created. With the existing project selected in Project Explorer, open the Debug Configurations Menu: Run -> Debug Configurations Having the existing project selected in the Project Explorer view will make the creation of a new launch configuration easier as many settings will be imported from the selected project. To select a project, click on it so it becomes highlighted. Next, select the debugger for which the new debug configuration will be created. To create the new configuration, either click on the ‘New launch configuration’ button from the toolbar at the top and to the left, or right-click on the ‘S32 Debugger’ and select ‘New Configuration’ from the menu. Once the configuration is created it will be displayed and any errors with the configuration will be shown. If the project was selected in the Project Explorer, then the Name of the debug configuration will contain the project’s name and the Project and C/C++ Application fields will be populated as well. The C/C++ Application field will only be populated if the build output executable exists. Confirm these values are correct before moving on. There is an error showing that the Device core ID is not specified on the Debugger tab. Switch to the Debugger tab and click on the button ‘Select device and core’. From the Select Target Device and Core window, expand the listing until all cores are listed. Notice that all supported cores on the S32R45 are listed. Select the SPT31 core and click OK. Now that the device and core are selected, the attach script is selected automatically. The attach script will allow to start debugging on a core that is already initialized. This is correct for the SPT core as it is always launched in multicore scenario. Refer to the document 'README.txt' located in the same folder as these script files for details on all of the provided scripts. Confirm the setting of the ‘Initial core’ checkbox. This box should be checked within the debug configuration that establishes the first connection to the target device via S32 Debug Probe. When this box is checked, the Debug Probe Connection interface and GDB Server settings become available. The probe connection only needs to be configured once and only one GDB Server needs to be running for each debug session. Therefore, this box should be checked for multicore debugging where A53 core is debugged via Remote Linux. If, however, the A53 and SPT cores are debugged via the S32 Debug Probe, then this box should be checked for the A53 debug configuration and should not be checked for the SPT debug configuration. If the ‘Initial core’ box was checked in the previous step, setup the Debug Probe Connection. Select either USB or Ethernet, depending upon your hardware setup. If USB is selected, the COM port for the S32 Debug Probe will automatically be detected (unless not connected or more than one probe is connected). If Ethernet is selected, then enter either the hostname (fsl + last 6 digits of MAC address) or IP address. It is highly recommended to press the ‘Test connection’ button to confirm the hardware connection is correctly configured. See the included ‘S32_Debug_Probe_User_Guide.pdf’ for more details on the setup of the S32 Debug Probe. Check that the GDB Client section has the correct path to the SPT GDB executable. It should point to the variable ‘S32DS_R45_GDB_SPT_PATH’. Startup tab check the following settings Load image is NOT checked for multicore debugging. Basically, if it is loaded by A53 core (SPT executable is contained within A53 ELF file), then it does not need to be loaded. Load symbols is NOT checked. The SPT source file is assembly code, so there are no symbols to load. Set breakpoint at main and Resume are NOT checked for multicore debugging. After saving the new configuration with the ‘Apply’ button, SPT debugging can be performed. Start A Debug Session For convenience, the example project for S32 Design Studio from the RSDK, ‘RSDK_S32DS_template’, will be used to demonstrate multi-core A53/SPT debugging. The SPT core does not support standalone debugging. For instructions on loading this example project to your workspace, see ‘HOWTO: Create New Project from Example RSDK_S32DS_template from Radar SDK’. A53 / SPT Multi-Core For multi-core debugging, the A53 core is executing an application on the Linux BSP. The EVB should be setup to boot from a flash device which has been loaded with the S32R45 Linux BSP. Before beginning the debug sessions, be sure to load the driver dependencies (oal_driver, rsdk_spt_driver, and rsdk_lax_driver) as described in the RSDK User Manual, RSDK Offline Example section ‘Running the application’. Start A53 debug. From the menu at the top, select Run -> Debug Configurations… In the Debug Configurations menu, from the configuration list, expand the ‘C/C++ Remote Application’ group and select the ‘RSDK_S32DS_template_A53_Debug’ configuration. On the Main tab, create a new connection for using the IP address of the EVB. The IP address could be determined either by issuing a Linux command over the serial connection, such as ‘ifconfig’, by accessing the local network connected device list, or perhaps the EVB was setup with a static IP address and it is already known. Click New… in the Connection section. Select ‘SSH’ for connection type. Enter the IP address in Host: field, use ‘root’ in User: field, and leave password field empty. Click Debug to start debugging on the A53 core. The debugger will launch and execute until the first executable line in main(). See Debugger tab in Debug Configurations menu to adjust this setting. Once the A53 debug session is running, advance the program counter to a line after the desired SPT kernel is loaded to memory but before the SPT kernel is launched. In the example here, this would be in ‘spt_bbe32_proc.c’, line 318, where ‘ExampleLaunchSptKernel()’ function is called. This is best done by setting a breakpoint on the line and clicking Resume. After the breakpoint is reached, the SPT debug session can be started. Return to the Debug Configurations menu, select the SPT debug configuration ‘RSDK_S32DS_template_SPT31_attach’, confirm the Debug Probe Connection settings and click Debug. Wait for the SPT debug session to launch and stop in the disassembly. Select the SPT debug thread to change the context of the Disassembly, Registers and etc.views. Now you can step through the assembly code, access registers, etc.
The NXP device S32R45 has accelerators that can be programmed. The S32 Debugger included within the S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform IDE with the S32 Debug Probe provides the ability to debug these accelerators. The accelerator covered in this document: Linear Algebra Accelerator (LAX). Section map: Preparation Setup the software tools Setup the hardware Procedure Create A New Debug Configuration Simulator Physical Hardware Start A Debug Session Standalone Multi-Core Debugging LAX Once Debug Session is Started Multi-thread LAX Debugging: IPPU & VCPU Multi-LAX-core Debugging   Preparation Setup the software tools Install S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform Install the S32R4xx development package and the Radar extension package for S32R4xx. Both of these are required for the LAX accelerator. Setup the hardware Confirm the setup of the S32R45 evaluation board. Connect the power supply cable Setup the S32 Debug Probe. Refer to the S32 Debug Probe User Manual for installation instructions. Connect the S32 Debug Probe to the evaluation board via JTAG cable. Connect the S32 Debug Probe to the host PC via USB cable OR via Ethernet cable (via LAN or directly connected and configured for static IP address) and power supply connected to USB port. Launch S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform Open existing project or create a new project and check that it successfully builds. If creating a new project, be sure the S32 Debugger is selected in the New Project Wizard.                           Procedure The procedure for starting a debug session and accessing the associated accelerator-specific registers is detailed here. Application code executing on the LAX accelerator can be debugged using a simulation as well as on physical hardware. Debugging using simulation occurs entirely on the PC and no physical hardware is required. When debugging LAX on physical hardware, this is primarily conducted through one of two methods: Standalone: the LAX executable is loaded by a debugger over JTAG using a probe and only the LAX core is executed and available for debugging. Multi-core: the LAX executable is included within A53 executable, the A53 application loads the LAX executable to the LAX core and both A53 and LAX core are available for debugging. The debug connection is made to the two cores through one of two methods: Baremetal/Bareboard: the debugger connects to both the A53 and LAX cores using the probe over JTAG. Linux BSP: the debugger connects to the A53 core, which is running Linux BSP, using a remote Linux connection over Ethernet and then connects to the LAX core using the debug probe over JTAG. Before a debug session can be started a debug configuration must exist. Create A New Debug Configuration If the New Project Wizard was used to create the project using the S32DS Application Project option, then there was an opportunity to select the desired debugger from within the wizard. If the desired debugger option was selected at this time, then the needed configuration already exists and will only require adjustments to the hardware connection settings (no hardware settings for LAX Simulator).   If the New Project Wizard was not used to create the project OR the currently desired debugger was not the one selected at the time of project creation, a new debug configuration must be created. With the existing project selected in Project Explorer, open the Debug Configurations Menu: Run -> Debug Configurations Having the existing project selected in the Project Explorer view will make the creation of a new launch configuration easier as many settings will be imported from the selected project. To select a project, click on it so it becomes highlighted. Next, select the debugger for which the new debug configuration will be created. Simulator To create the new configuration, either click on the ‘New launch configuration’ button from the toolbar at the top and to the left, or right-click on the ‘LAX Simulator’ and select ‘New Configuration’ from the menu. Once the configuration is created it will be displayed and any errors with the configuration will be shown. If the project was selected in the Project Explorer, then the Name of the debug configuration will contain the project’s name and the Project and C/C++ Application fields will be populated as well. The C/C++ Application field will only be populated if the build output executable exists. Confirm these values are correct before moving on. There is an error showing that the Device core ID is not specified on the Debugger tab. Switch to the Debugger tab and click on the button ‘Select device and core’. From the Select Target Device and Core window, expand the listing until all cores are listed. Since the LAX Simulator only supports LAX cores on the S32R45, that is all which is listed. Select the desired LAX core and click OK. Now that the device and core are selected, the only correct initialization script associated with the LAX is selected automatically. No further changes are required. Click Apply to save the changes or if you are ready to debug with the LAX Simulator, then click Debug and the changes will be saved and the debug session will launch. Physical Hardware To create the new configuration, either click on the ‘New launch configuration’ button from the toolbar at the top and to the left, or right-click on the ‘S32 Debugger’ and select ‘New Configuration’ from the menu. Once the configuration is created it will be displayed and any errors with the configuration will be shown. If the project was selected in the Project Explorer, then the Name of the debug configuration will contain the project’s name and the Project and C/C++ Application fields will be populated as well. The C/C++ Application field will only be populated if the build output executable exists. Confirm these values are correct before moving on. There is an error showing that the Device core ID is not specified on the Debugger tab. Switch to the Debugger tab and click on the button ‘Select device and core’. From the Select Target Device and Core window, expand the listing until all cores are listed. Notice that all supported cores on the S32R45 are listed. Select the desired LAX core and click OK. Now that the device and core are selected, a generic initialization script associated with the LAX is selected automatically, however, this may not be the correct one. If debugging Standalone, meaning only LAX core will be debugged, then the automatic selection ‘s32r45_generic_bareboard_all_cores.py’ is correct. This script will initialize all of the cores so the LAX can execute properly. If debugging Multicore, meaning both A53 and LAX will be debugged, then the A53 and LAX cores will already be initialized by the time the debugging on LAX begins. So a different script that doesn't initialize all of the cores is needed. Click ‘Browse’ and navigate to ‘{install_dir}\S32DS.3.4\S32DS\tools\S32Debugger\Debugger\scripts\s32r45’ and select the script ‘s32r45_attach.py’. The attach script will allow to start debugging on a core that is already initialized. Refer to the S32 Debugger User Guide, or the document 'README.txt' located in the same folder as these script files for details on all of the provided scripts. Confirm the setting of the ‘Initial core’ checkbox. This box should be checked within the debug configuration that establishes the first connection to the target device via S32 Debug Probe. When this box is checked, the Debug Probe Connection interface and GDB Server settings become available. The probe connection only needs to be configured once and only one GDB Server needs to be running for each debug session. Therefore, this box should be checked for standalone debugging or for multicore debugging where A53 core is debugged via Remote Linux. If the A53 and LAX cores are debugged via the S32 Debug Probe, then this box should be checked for the A53 debug configuration and should not be checked for the LAX debug configuration. If this is a standalone debugging of only the LAX core, setup the Debug Probe Connection. Select either USB or Ethernet, depending upon your hardware setup. If USB is selected, the COM port for the S32 Debug Probe will automatically be detected (unless not connected or more than one probe is connected). If Ethernet is selected, then enter either the hostname (fsl + last 6 digits of MAC address) or IP address. It is highly recommended to press the ‘Test connection’ button to confirm the hardware connection is correctly configured. See the included ‘S32_Debug_Probe_User_Guide.pdf’ for more details on the setup of the S32 Debug Probe. Check that the GDB Client section has the correct path to the LAX GDB executable. It should point to the variable ‘S32DS_R45_GDB_LAX_PATH’. Startup tab check the following settings Load image is checked for standalone debugging, NOT checked for multicore debugging. Basically, if it is loaded by A53 core (contained in A53 ELF file), then it does not need to be loaded. Load symbols is checked. The only time you would not check this box is if there is no project binary containing symbols available. Set breakpoint at main and Resume are checked for standalone debugging, NOT checked for multicore debugging. Now you are ready to start debugging. If debugging Standalone, click ‘Debug’. If debugging Multicore, switch to the A53 debug configuration (either C/C++ Remote Application or S32 Debugger) and start the A53 debug session first. Once the A53 debug session is running, advance the program counter to the line just after LAX is initialized. Start A Debug Session Starting a LAX debug session are different depending upon whether Standalone or Multi-core debugging is required. The steps for each method are detailed in separate sections below. For convenience, the example project for S32 Design Studio from the RSDK, ‘RSDK_S32DS_template’, will be used to demonstrate multi-core A53/LAX debugging. Note: Unfortunately, this example project is not setup for standalone debugging because there is no main() executing on LAX to call the LaxVectorAddGraph(). So the standalone debugging steps will be presented only to highlight the different setup required. For instructions on loading this example project to your workspace, see ‘HOWTO: Create New Project from Example RSDK_S32DS_template from Radar SDK’. Standalone If the standalone bareboard debugging of only LAX core was supported by the RSDK_S32DS_template example, here are the steps which would be required. Click on the LAX project so it is highlighted, then build it to ensure it builds clean and that the executable exists. From the menu at the top, select Run -> Debug Configurations… Select the standalone debug configuration for LAX core. In the case of the RSDK_S32DS_template example project, only the multi-core debug configuration is supported. In this case, the standalone configuration will need to be created. Right click on the multi-core configuration and select Duplicate. This will create an identical configuration. Change the name as desired and then select the Debugger tab. Click Browse next to Initialization script and navigate to the directory ‘{install_dir}\S32DS.3.4\S32DS\tools\S32Debugger\Debugger\scripts\s32r45’. Select the script ‘s32r45_generic_bareboard_all_cores.py’. Adjust the Debug Probe Connection settings to match your HW setup. Use the Test connection button to confirm. Select the Startup tab. For standalone debugging the image file will not be loaded by the A53 core, so it must be loaded by the S32 Debugger. Check the boxes for Load image, Set breakpoint at: and Resume. Click Debug to start the debug session. All of the settings made will be applied and the debug session will be launched. A53 / LAX Multi-Core For multi-core debugging, the A53 core is executing an application on the Linux BSP. The EVB should be setup to boot from a flash device which has been loaded with the S32R45 Linux BSP. Before beginning the debug sessions, be sure to load the driver dependencies (oal_driver, rsdk_spt_driver, and rsdk_lax_driver) as described in the RSDK User Manual, RSDK Offline Example section ‘Running the application’. Start A53 debug. From the menu at the top, select Run -> Debug Configurations… In the Debug Configurations menu, from the configuration list, expand the ‘C/C++ Remote Application’ group and select the ‘RSDK_S32DS_template_A53_Debug’ configuration. On the Main tab, create a new connection for using the IP address of the EVB. The IP address could be determined either by issuing a Linux command over the serial connection, such as ‘ifconfig’, by accessing the local network connected device list, or perhaps the EVB was setup with a static IP address and it is already known. Click New… in the Connection section. Select ‘SSH’ for connection type. Enter the IP address in Host: field, use ‘root’ in User: field, and leave password field empty. Click Debug to start debugging on the A53 core. The debugger will launch and execute until the first executable line in main(). See Debugger tab in Debug Configurations menu to adjust this setting. Now that the A53 is launched, it is necessary to execute the A53 code until just after the LAX core is initialized and buffers are allocated. Open ‘lax_processing.c’ from the ‘src’ folder in the A53 project and set a breakpoint on line 100. One way is by double-click in the space on the left side of source code editor. This is the executable line just after ‘RsdkLaxInit()’ is called. Now press ‘Resume’ from the toolbar to advance the program counter to the breakpoint. Wait for the breakpoint to occur. Return to the Debug Configurations menu, select the ‘RSDK_S32DS_template_LAX_0_attach’ debug configuration and select the Debugger tab. Adjust the Debug Probe Connection settings to match your HW setup. Use the Test connection button to confirm. Click Debug to start the LAX debug session. Wait for the LAX debug session to launch and stop in the disassembly. Set a breakpoint in the source code. For our example, place one in ‘lax_custom_graph.c’ on line 97, where the kernel ‘ Rsdk_LA_add_VV’ is called. Select the LAX debug thread and press Resume so it will be ready to run to the breakpoint which was just setup. Select the A53 debug thread and press Resume to allow execution to resume and then wait for the breakpoint to be reached in the LAX code. The breakpoint in the LAX code has been reached. Now it is possible to perform some debugging activities on the LAX core. Debugging LAX Once Debug Session is Started Once the LAX debug session is started, it will be stopped and only disassembly can be viewed. Select the LAX debug thread to see. Open the C code source file and set a breakpoint within the kernel of interest. Press Resume on the LAX debug thread. Now switch back to the A53 debug thread and press Resume. The breakpoint you set in LAX will be reached and you can now start stepping through and looking at registers, etc. Multi-thread LAX Debugging: IPPU & VCPU Load a project which uses both IPPU and VCPU and start the debug session on LAX using one of the methods provided. Once the debug session is started on LAX, set a breakpoint on the line containing RSDK function ‘Rsdk_AU_sync_i()’ Press Resume to advance the program counter to the breakpoint. When the breakpoint is reached, the second thread appears. The first thread contains the VCPU and the second thread contains the IPPU. Select the second thread to see the IPPU disassembly. Now instruction stepping can be performed on the IPPU. Registers can be viewed as well. To see the opcodes, do not use the codes shown in the disassembly view. The disassembly view does not handle cases where many opcodes are packed into a single address. Instead, use the Memory Spaces view. If the memory spaces view is not already present, then add it from the menu Window -> Show View -> Memory Spaces. To add a memory space, right click in the panel on the left or click on the + button at the upper right. Multi-LAX-core Debugging The S32R45 device contains 2 LAX cores: LAX_0 and LAX_1. To debug the additional LAX core, simply add a new debug configuration and setup for LAX_1. Create a new debug configuration for LAX_1 by first duplicating the existing debug configuration for LAX_0. Rename the configuration to reference LAX_1, but the project name and application file (ELD) will remain the same. On the Debugger tab, use ‘Select device and core’ button to change the core to LAX_1, change the initialization script to ‘<device>_attach.py’, and uncheck the box next to Initial core. Depending on how you started the debug session for LAX_0, you may need to adjust the Startup tab. The settings on Startup tab should be set to match the LAX_0 debug configuration. Start the LAX_0 debug session first, then the LAX_1 debug session. Stepping within each can be conducted independently.
Included in the Radar Software Development Kit (RSDK) is an example project ‘RSDK_S32DS_template’. This example shows an example radar application which uses the Arm Cortex-A53 and accelerators SPT, LAX and BBE32 DSP. The A53 core is used to execute the Linux application and launches the SPT, LAX, and BBE32 DSP cores. In this HOWTO, we will show how to load the project into the S32 Design Studio workspace and build. Debugging instructions, using the S32 Debugger and S32 Debug Probe are provided in separate documents for each accelerator. Preparation Setup the software tools Install S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform Install the S32R4xx development package, the Radar extension package for s32R4xx, and the BBE32 DSP Add-On Package for S32R45.   Install the ‘S32R45_RSDK_0.9.4_D2112’ last. It contains the ‘RSDK_S32DS_template’ example project. This package must be downloaded from the NXP website. If the .exe version is used, then the RSDK installer will install an XML file containing the install path of the RSDK into the S32 Design Studio installation directory. A prompt during the installation process will request the user to locate the S32DS installation directory. If the S32DS installation folder doesn’t exist, then it can’t be selected and the file will be missed. So, it is important to install this after installing S32 Design Studio and to use the .exe version. Once installed, S32 Design Studio will be able to locate the project from the New Project from Example wizard. If the .zip version is used, then the XML file must be updated manually and then placed in the S32DS installation folder. For example, with the 0.9.4 version of the RSDK: Locate the XML file in the RSDK installation folder. It is located in the base installation folder: "C:\NXP\S32R45_RSDK__0.9.4\swm.rsdk.s32r45.0.9.4.xml" Edit the following line by inserting the path to the RSDK: <variable name="RSDK_S32R45_0_9_4_DIR" value="${{RSDK_INSTALL_DIR}}" /> change to: <variable name="RSDK_S32R45_0_9_4_DIR" value="C:/NXP/S32R45_RSDK__0.9.4" /> Copy file to S32DS install folder. For example, if S32 Design Studio v3.4 installed: “C:\NXP\S32DS.3.4\S32DS\integration” Procedure Create the Project. Launch S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform and execute the following command: File -> New -> New S32DS Project from Example OR from the Dashboard Enter search text ‘rsdk’. The RSDK_S32DS_template project will be shown. Select it and click Finish. Examine the project Notice there are separate projects for each core. This project structure is due to the separate compilers, linkers, and assemblers required for each core type. When the A53 project is built, it will automatically build the other projects and then include the executable outputs into the A53 executable output. This way the code for all cores is loaded at one time and each core can be launched by the A53 core.
A vulnerability in the Apache Log4j was identified in the articles posted: CVE-2021-44228 and CVE-2021-45046 NXP has performed an analysis of this vulnerability with regard to the S32 Design Studio. Our conclusion is that the S32 Design Studio (all versions) is NOT IMPACTED. Although the Log4j is used by S32 Design Studio, the version used is 1.x and the vulnerability was introduced in version 2.12 with a combination of Java versions 9/10/11 where LDAP policy is enabled by default (CVE-2021-45046). The S32Design Studio installation environment is independent and based on Java 8 version, which is common for all tools running under S32Design Studio IDE. In addition, the S32 Design Studio does not use JMSAppender, so it is not affected by the identified log4j 1.x usage concern (CVE-2021-44228). When we determine an upgrade of the Log4j and/or Java version is required for a future release of S32 Design Studio, then this vulnerability will be addressed. Please see the attached presentation for details on other tools owned by NXP Automotive Processing Software Tools.