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S32 Design Studio Knowledge Base


S32 Design Studio is free-of-charge software that just requires to be activated. The activation process is incorporated into the S32DS installer. Before you proceed to the installation you always need to get an activation code. The activation code is typically sent automatically to your email registered on nxp.com account when you proceed to downloading of S32DS installer. The example of notification email is below:     There are two types of activation you can choose from - online and offline. If your machine is connected to the Internet then in most cases you just select online activation and S32DS gets activated automatically without any additional steps required.   Anyway if the computer that you are installing S32 Design Studio into has no internet access or there are some firewall/antivirus/infrastructure restrictions that voids the online activation you can select offline activation type instead. This document describes the offline activation process step-by-step:   Step 1. S32 Design studio for Arm/Power/Vision installer pops up the "S32DS Activation" dialog  where you first enter your activation ID and select activation type as offline Step 2. The Offline process will require to save an activation request file -"request.xml". Please save this file into a local folder or an USB drive. Step 3. Software will then require an activation response. To get this file move to a station with the Internet connection. We will get back here once we have activation response file ready. Step 4. Look for the Internet connection and take the "request.xml" file with you. Go to https://www.nxp.com/security/login  click on Apps and Services >  "Software Licensing and Support > Click on View Accounts Step 5. In product information page look for the "Offline Activation" option on the left menu. Step 6. Click on "Choose File" and select the "request.xml" file generated in Step 2.  Press "Process" button to get the "activation.xml" file. This file will be downloaded.   Step 7. Save "activation.xml" file and take it to the original offline station, go back to the Activation response dialog described by Step 3. Step 8.  Load file and installation will be finished. S32 design studio will be activated with your activation ID.
Function printf is C library function, which sends formatted output to stdout. Because microcontroller does not contain stdout, it it necessary to redirect it to a different type of output. One of the possible way is using UART. All MPC57xx has LinFlexD module, which supports UART mode.   For proper use the LinFlexD module, it is necessary to initialize it and also create simple functions for transmit and receive data. You can create your own file or use the file uart.c in the attachment. If you want to create your own file, please do not forget to implement the methods, which are called by MW MSL libraries to perform console IO (please look at the attached file uart.c).   In uart.h file, you will find correct function prototypes for functions used in uart.c and also some important enum data types.   Third important file is uart_console_io.c which you find in folder, where S32DS was installed. Open the folder and choose path: S32DS/e200_ewl2/EWL_C/src/sys. This file contains routines which implement low-level console IO routines.   Now, we have all basic files which help us to use printf function. So lets create new project and test printf. Example project is created for MPC5744P.   Create new project, choose EWL library and finish project wizard. Include stdio.h to the file, where you want to call printf function.   Now add uart.c and uart_console_io.c files to the project folder src. Add uart.h file to project folder include.   Initialize system clock and clock for peripherals (look at the attached project). In uart.c file, there are settings for GPIO pins, LinFlex initialization for UART mode and also baud rate calculation (please look at the uart.c file in the attachment).   Now it is possible to use printf function. Important point is, that \n character triggers the data sending. Also, if you do not use this \n character, you will get compile error, but I will explain this further in this tutorial.   Run some terminal emulation, for example Putty and use the following settings:   Now open terminal and  run the code in the microcontroller. This should be the result:   /*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************/   This was the easiest way, how to use printf function. But printf also provides some format characters for printing decimals, floating points, etc. All options you can find in ewl_c_reference.pdf document which is place in S32DS installation folder S32DS/help/pdf.   When you want to use some of the characters mentioned above, you get the following compile error:   When you do not use any format characters in printf argument, function _EWL_CDECL puts(const char_t * s) from puts.c file is called on background. But when you use format characters in printf argument, function int_t _EWL_CDECL printf(const char_t * _EWL_RESTRICT format, ...) from printf.c file is called instead of puts.   Variable result saves value, which function __pformatter returns. But function __pformatter is not implemented. Instead of __pformatter, function __pformatterFP (placed in __printformat.c file) is implemented.   So there are two possible workarounds.   First workaround is place the following code to the Linker flags in project properties: -Xlinker --undefined=__pformatterFP -Xlinker --defsym=__pformatter=__pformatterFP   The code says that there is undefined symbol __pformatterFP (part -Xlinker --undefined=__pformatterFP) and define symbol alias __pformatter=__pformatterFP (-Xlinker --defsym=__pformatter=__pformatterFP ). So from my point of view, symbol __pformatter is replaced by __pformatterFP. Now the correct function is called and the project could be successfully built.     Second workaround is add the printf.c file from S32DS installation folder S32DS/e200_ewl2/EWL_C/src/stdio to the project src folder and exchange __pformatter for __pformaterFP. Clean project and recompile.       I hope this document helps you while implementing printf function in your projects.   Regards, Martin
 Example shows how to configure PE Micro debugger to be able use FlexNVM as  backup for EEEPROM - Emulated EEPROM  (Backup size 64kB, EEEPROM size 4kB) and preserve the backup  memory. Configuration can be found in debugger Advanced Options.  In the example is data structure located in FlexRAM section by linker file.  FlexRAM data change cause flash store on background. Prior each data  change you shall check if previous flash operation is done.  In the example are two ways of FlexRAM (configured as an EEEPROM) usage:  Direct access (up to 4 bytes can be stored once)  IO Functions  By direct access you can store only data up to 4 bytes. There is no way how  to use memory move functions like memcpy/strcpy. In this case you need to  use functions for store arrays or 4 bytes+ types like double.  Part of example is LPIT timer storing runtime counter (seconds) each minute.  PE Micro configuration:  Enable partitioning for the device - code: 0x0204  Preserve memory - range: 10000000-1000FFFF
          Product Release Announcement Automotive Processing S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform v3.4           Austin, Texas, USA Dec 22, 2020   The Automotive Processing's Software Development Tools Engineering Team at NXP Semiconductors is pleased to announce the release of the  S32 Design Studio v3.4 Here are some of the major features: Eclipse Neon 2019.12 Framework GNU tools: GCC version 6.3.1 20170509, build 1620 revision g01b30c3 GCC version 9.2.0 20190812, build 1649 revision gaf57174 NPW support for GCC 9.2 toolchain (available for selected devices only) S32 Configuration Tool framework 1.3 with the Pin, Clock, Peripheral, DCD, IVT, DDR and QuadSPI Configuration tools (SDK/RTD packages required to get support for particular device)  The wizards for creating application, library projects and projects from project examples for the supported processor families The S32DS Extensions and Updates tool S32 Trace Tool S32 Debugger support PEMicro® debugger support Lauterbach Trace32® support Green Hills compiler support S32 Flash Tool Peripheral and System Registers view SDK management Support for importing MCAL configuration to a custom SDK Support for migration: project with GCC 6.3.1 toolchain to GCC 9.2 toolchain S32DS for ARM  projects for S32K1 device to S32DS 3.3, including SDK* * available with S32K1 package, not yet released, more details could be found in Release Notes  Release is available for download on NXP web and from S32DS 3.4. Please make sure that you get new activation ID for this version. Support for S32S247TV and S32V23x is available on public update site and release location. S32V23x support: S32SDK S32V234 RTM 1.0.1  S32 Configuration tools - Pins, Clocks, Peripheral (installed with SDK package) S32 Debugger (with S32 Debug Probe) support for ARM cores S32 Trace for A53 cores GCC version 6.3.1 20170509, build 1574 S32 Flash Tool support AMMCLIB 1.1.20 P&E and Lauterbach debuggers support Note: Vision Extension package 1.2.0 with support for S32 Design Studio 3.4 is not yet available, if you need to work with VSDK and Vision tools - it is recommended to stay on S32DS 3.3 until a new version of Vision Extension package is released   S32S247TV support: Support for S32S247TV new project wizards, GCC 6.3.1 and GHS compilers S32SDK S32S247TV EAR 0.8.1  S32 Configuration tools - Pins, CLocks, Peripheral, DCD, IVT (installed with SDK package) S32 Debugger (with S32 Debug Probe) support  S32 Flash Tool support Lauterbach support S32K1 support: Support for S32K1xx new project wizards, GCC 6.3.1, IAR and GHS compilers NXP GCC version 6.3.1 20170509, build 2017 S32SDK S32K1xx RTM 4.0.1 AMMCLIB 1.1.22 S32 Configuration tools - Pins, CLocks, Peripheral (installed with SDK package) PEmicro, iSystem, Segger, IAR, Lauterbach  debuggers support Support for S32V23x, S32S247TC, S32K1xx is provided on update site and archive SW32_S32DS_3.4.0_D2012.zip for offline use    Complete S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform v3.4 release notes and Installation Guide are attached.   Installation To download the installer please visit the S32 Design Studio product page download section or click the direct here.     The installer requires the Activation ID to be entered. You should receive a notification email including the Activation ID after the download of the installation package starts.   The installer installs just the base tools/package. In order to start development it is necessary to install at least one Development package. Currently the only development packages available are S32S2xxTV and S32V2xx. The application packages are managed by S32DS Extensions and Updates.         Technical Support S32 Design Studio issues are tracked through the S32DS Public NXP Community space. https://community.nxp.com/community/s32/s32ds  
        Product Release Announcement Automotive Microcontrollers and Processors S32 Design Studio for ARM 2018.R1         February 6, 2017 NXP Semiconductors is pleased to announce the release of the S32 Design Studio for ARM 2018.R1 for Automotive and Ultra-Reliable MCUs. The S32 Design Studio is based on the Eclipse open development platform and integrates the Eclipse IDE, GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), GNU Debugger (GDB), and other open-source software to offer designers a straightforward development tool with no code-size limitations. Red highlighted items below are new/updated features in comparison to previous releases/updates. Release content (What is new?) Eclipse Neon 4.6 Framework GNU Tools for ARM® Embedded Processors (Launchpad) build (4.9.3 20150529) ARM64: Linaro GCC 4.9-2015.05 GNU Tools for ARM® Embedded Processors build (6.3.1 20170824) - supported by New Project Wizard for S32K1xx device. See the complete GNU ARM 6.3.1 release notes attached below. GCC Source code package is available here. Libraries included: newlib, newlib-nano and ewl2 (ewl and ewlnano). GDB 7.12.1 with Python P&E Multilink/Cyclone/OpenSDA (with P&E GDB Server) - updated (v3.3.5.201801101746) SEGGER J-Link (with SEGGER GDB Server) - updated (V6.22e_B180108) New Project wizard to create application and library projects for supported devices Fully integrated S32 SDK for S32K14x EAR release v.0.8.6. For the details on the feature set of SDK please refer to SDK Release notes and Reference Manuals. S32 SDK Release notes attached.Please note that S32K SDK has Early Access Release status, that means that there could be some limitations and issues. The S32K SDK is available for Windows host only. There is limitation on the supported GreenHills compiler version – the SDK released with GreenHills v2014.4, but due to GreenHills plugin limitation support for GreenHills compiler v2017.1 integrated, so new project wizard would not provide possibility to create SDK project with GreenHills compiler. SDK management included Sample Drivers for KEA family (Evaluation grade) FreeMASTER Serial Communication driver for KEA and S32K families Automotive Math and Motor Control Libraries for KEA,S32K and S32V234 devices supporting the ARM Cortex-M4 core v1.1.11 (the particular version availability for a device could be limited by supported compiler versions) Import projects from CodeWarrior for MCU v.10.6 and Kinetis Design Studio for respective supported processors IAR v7.x and v8.11.2 compiler support by new project wizard GreenHills v2017.1.4 compiler support by new project wizard iSystem, Lauterbach and IAR debuggers support by new project wizard. Kernel Aware debugging for FreeRTOS, OSEK. MQX 4.2 for MAC57D54H with possibility to create project from example Devices supported SKEAZN8, SKEAZN16, SKEAZN32, SKEAZN64, SKEAZ128, SKEAZ64 S32K144 v2.0, S32K142, S32K146, S32K148 S32V234 MAC57D54 Getting started page to allow the centralized access to documentation and additional materials Bug Fixes Updated header and register description files to fix issues and synchronize with latest Ref Manual versions [S32DS-4629] Clean rule doesn't work after particular user actions in "C/C++ Build -> Behavior" [S32DS-301] After some debugging work (using BP, Stepping, Resume...) Disassembly view content disappears. [S32DS-1093] Debugging session hangs when "c" step over is done on a loop statement that has its entire block in a single line. [S32DS-273] Can not suspend after set condition of breakpoint = 0 and resume [S32DS-61] Breakpoint properties disappeared after right-click into breakpoint [S32DS-6072] Unable to export S32K144 SDK project into ProjectInfo.xml The complete S32 Design Studio for ARM 2018.R1 release notes are attached below. Installation Notes Please visit the S32DS for ARM product page - download section to download the installer. The installer requires the NEW Activation ID to be entered during the installation. You should receive an email that includes your Activation ID after starting the download. Technical Support S32 Design Studio issues are tracked through the S32DS Public NXP Community space: https://community.nxp.com/community/s32/s32ds    
Application based on FreeRTOS S32DS example performs prinf/scanf functionality in FreeRTOS. Application runs in two modes - standard run-time mode with two tasks maintained by scheduler and command mode implementing basic memory monitor. Application was tested with putty terminal (http://www.putty.org/). Putty serial terminal settings: 115200 8N1, no HW control. USAGE: In run-time mode is green LED blinking and on terminal are shown task counter values. To enter into COMMAND MODE - press button (next to LED diode). LED light switches to red and you can enter commands. Available commands: =================== F show free heap memory A set memory address V print value on address M set address to main() P previous mem page N next mem page ? help X Exit from command mode Putty configuration: Terminal output:
Installation & Activation HOWTO: Activate S32 Design Studio   HOWTO: S32 Design Studio - Offline Install of Extensions and Updates  S32DS Extensions & Updates: Explanation and How To Use  HOWTO: Install Lauterbach TRACE32 debugger plug-in into S32 Design Studio HOWTO: Install GHS Compiler Plugin    Getting Started S32DS Quick Start Guide  S32 Design Studio 3.5 Tips and Tricks HOWTO: S32 Design Studio - Create a New S32DS Project from Example  HOWTO: S32 Design Studio - Create a New Application Project  HOWTO: Create a Blinking LED example project using S32K1xx RTD with AUTOSAR HOWTO: Create a Blinking LED example project using S32K1xx RTD without AUTOSAR HOWTO: Create a Blinking LED application project for S32G using S32 RTD No AUTOSAR HOWTO: Create a Blinking LED application project for S32G using S32 RTD with AUTOSAR HOWTO: Create a Blinking LED application project for S32M2xx using S32 RTD with AUTOSAR  HOWTO: Create a Blinking LED application project for S32M2xx using S32 RTD No AUTOSAR  HOWTO: Create a Blinking LED application project for S32R45 using S32 RTD No AUTOSAR HOWTO: Create a Blinking LED application project for S32R45 using S32 RTD with AUTOSAR HOWTO: Create a Blinking LED application project for S32R41 using S32 RTD No AUTOSAR  HOWTO: Create a Blinking LED application project for S32R41 using S32 RTD AUTOSAR HOWTO: Create a simple blinking LED project using S32 Config Tool (S32V2xx)  HOWTO: Create APEX2 Project From Example in S32DS for S32 Platform  HOWTO: Create An ISP Project From Example in S32DS for S32 Platform HOWTO: Create New Project from Example ‘RSDK_S32DS_template’    Build tools & Standard libraries  HOWTO: Add a static library file into S32 Design Studio GCC project HOWTO: Link a binary file(s) into the application project using GNU build tools   HOWTO: Display Percentage Of Memory Usage At End Of Build    Debug  & Flash Programming HOWTO: Setup S32V234 EVB for debugging with S32DS for Vision and Linux BSP  Using GDB Server Monitor Commands from Eclipse GDB Console HOWTO Build a Project and Setup Debugging with GDB PEMicro Debugging Interface  HOWTO: Setup static IP address for S32 debug probe  HOWTO: Start S32 Debugger from S32 Design Studio on S32G274A EVB HOWTO: Start S32 Debugger from S32 Design Studio on S32R45 EVB  HOWTO: Start S32 Debugger from S32 Design Studio on S32R41 EVB HOWTO: Command Line GDB Debugging with S32 Debug Probe for S32G2xx HOWTO: Command Line GDB Debugging with S32 Debug Probe for S32R45  HOWTO: Command Line GDB Debugging with S32 Debug Probe for S32R41 HOWTO: JTAG Flash Programming with S32 Debugger and S32 Debug Probe for S32G274A EVB HOWTO: JTAG Flash Programming with S32 Debugger and S32 Debug Probe for S32R45 EVB  HOWTO: JTAG Flash Programming with S32 Debugger and S32 Debug Probe for S32R41 EVB  HOWTO: Secure Debugging from S32DS IDE with S32 Debugger and S32Debug Probe  HOWTO: Start Trace with S32 Debugger and S32 Debug Probe on S32G2xx HOWTO: Start Trace with S32 Debugger and S32 Debug Probe on S32R45  HOWTO: Start Trace with S32 Debugger and S32 Debug Probe on S32V2xx  Sharing Debug Configuration with Eclipse Debugging the Startup Code with Eclipse and GDB | MCU on Eclipse  HOWTO: Add a new debugger configuration to an existing project  HOWTO: Command Line JTAG flash programming with S32 Debug Probe on S32G274A EVB HOWTO: Command Line JTAG flash programming with S32 Debug Probe on S32R45 EVB  HOWTO: Command Line JTAG flash programming with S32 Debug Probe on S32R41 EVB HOWTO: Use FlashSDK to add support for QuadSPI flash memory devices for S32 Flash Tool  HOWTO: Program Serial RCON using S32 Debug Probe  Secure Debug Support on S32K3 | PEmicro  HOWTO: Debugging LAX on S32R45 Using S32 Debugger HOWTO: Debugging SPT on S32R45 Using S32 Debugger HOWTO: Debugging BBE32 DSP on S32R45 Using S32 Debugger HOWTO: Debugging SPT on S32R41 Using S32 Debugger S32Debugger Zephyr Thread Awareness User Manual    S32 Configuration Tools HOWTO: Use DCD Tool To Create A Device Configuration Data Image  HOWTO: Use IVT Tool To Create A Blob Image HOWTO: Use IVT Tool To Create A Blob Image S32G274A HOWTO: Use IVT Tool To Create A Blob Image S32R45    Real-Time Drivers (RTD), S32 SDK & Other SDKs HOWTO: Working with AMMCLib SDKs  HOWTO: Add custom SDK into existing project  HOWTO: Migrate S32K1xx SDK project from SDK v4.0.1 to v4.0.2  HOWTO Use FreeRTOS OS Awareness with S32Debugger and PEMicro  Implementing FreeRTOS Performance Counters on ARM Cortex-M | MCU on Eclipse  HOWTO: Move FreeRTOS Heap into DTCM memory - S32K3xx + RTD   General Usage HOWTO: S32 Design Studio Command Line Interface  HOWTO: Generate S-Record/Intel HEX/Binary file  HOWTO: Migrate Application Projects from S32DS for Vision 2018.R1 to S32DS 3.x  HOWTO: Add user example into S32DS   Troubleshooting Troubleshooting: Incompatible JVM Error When Launching S32 Flash Tool v2.1 Troubleshooting: PEmicro Debug Connection: Target Communication Speed  Troubleshooting: Indexer errors on header file  Troubleshooting: PEMicro Debugging: PIT and STM modules cannot count when Debug Mode is entered  Troubleshooting: PEMicro Debugging: Problems resuming from breakpoint in vTaskDelay  Troubleshooting: Quick Fix Option in Problems View  Troubleshooting: S32 Design Studio exits unexpectedly or Installer rolls back immediately following activation code entry  Troubleshooting: Activation fails with error message FNP ERROR 0  Troubleshooting: Can't See AMMCLib for S32K3 in S32DS Extensions and Updates Troubleshooting: Java Error When Config Tools Used From Command Line    
This document shows the step-by-step process to create a simple 'Blinking_LED' project. There is also a video which demonstrates the same steps. This project uses the S32K144EVB-Q100 EVB, connected to a PC through USB (OpenSDA) connection. 1. New S32DS Project OR 2. Provide a name for the project, for example 'S32K144_Blinking_LED'. The name must be entered with no space characters. 3. Expand Family S32K1xx, Select S32K144 4. Click Next 5. Click '…' button next to SDKs 6. Check box next to S32K144_SDK. 7. Click OK 8. Click Finish, wait for project generation wizard to complete 9. Notice Processor Expert views have opened. 10. Make sure the project is selected in Project Explorer view, then from the Components - S32K144_Blinking_LED view, select: Components -> pinmux:PinSettings 11. From the Routing tab, select the GPIO pin routing group and scroll the list until PTD Pin 15 and Pin 16 are visible 12. Click on the fields in the Pin/Signal Selection and Direction columns to set the following:       a. Row: Pin 15, Pin/Signal Selection: PTD15, Direction: Output       b. Row: Pin 16, Pin/Signal Selection: PTD16, Direction: Output 13. Click Save 14. Project -> Generate Processor Expert Code OR, click the button from the Components view 15. The main.c file from 'Sources' folder should be already open, if not, then in the project window click to expand the project folder then Sources, and finally double click the main.c file to open it. 16. Expand the clock_manager component in the Components Window, then locate CLOCK_DRV_Init 17. Drag and drop the CLOCK_DRV_Init function into main, after the comment 'Write your code here' 18. Now we need to supply an argument so the CLOCK_DRV_Init() function knows what clock settings to use. With clockMan1:clock_manager selected in the Components view, look at the Components Inspector and locate the name of the only clock configuration listed, 'clockMan1_InitConfig0'. 19. Enter the name of the clock configuration, with address operator, to the input arguments of CLOCK_DRV_Init(). Notice the name is shaded grey and a mouse-hover reveals the definition. 21. Expand the pin_mux:PinSettings component  in the Components Window 22. Drag and drop the PINS_DRV_Init function into main, below the clock configuration  24. Drag and drop the PINS_DRV_SetPinsDirection function into main immediately after PINS_DRV_Init 25. Drag and drop the PINS_DRV_SetPins function into main 26. Drag and drop the PINS_DRV_ClearPins function into main 27. For each of the PINS_DRV functions, there are 2 arguments, first is always PTD (which is macro defined in SDK), the second is defined as follows: PINS_DRV_SetPinsDirection: OR-ing of LEDRGB_RED and LEDRGB_GREEN = 1 << 15U | 1 << 16U PINS_DRV_SetPins: Bit shift of LEDRGB_RED = 1 << 15U PINS_DRV_ClearPins: Bit shift of LEDRGB_GREEN = 1 << 16U 28. Include an infinite loop after these functions 29. Drag and drop the PINS_DRV_TogglePins function in to main, and place it inside the 'for' loop. 30. Again, the first argument will be PTD and the second is the same as for PINS_DRV_SetPinsDirection above. 31. Within the 'for' loop, and prior to the PINS_DRV_TogglePins function, add a delay of 720000 cycles int cycles = 720000; while(cycles--); 32. Build 'Blinking_LED_S32DS'. Select the project name in 'C/C++ Projects' view and then press 'Debug_RAM'. Or you can build for Debug_FLASH, but programming RAM won't overwrite anything you already have in FLASH. 33. After the build completes, check that there are no errors. 34. Open Debug Configurations and select 'Blinking_LED_S32DS_Debug_RAM' OR 35. Check the Debugger settings and ensure that 'OpenSDA Embedded Debug - USB Port' is selected for interface. Or select the settings which are appropriate for your hardware configuration. 36. Click Debug 37. Set breakpoint on PINS_DRV_TogglePins. Double-click on the blue shaded area at left on the line of code to set breakpoint. 38. Step through initialization calls 39. To see the output register bits change, go to 'EmbSys Registers' tab and expand 'GPIO', then 'PTD' and 'PDOR'. Double-click on PDOR to enable reading of the values. 40. Click resume to advance to the breakpoint, see the LED on board change color. 41. Click resume again and see LED change to other color
This document contains the instructions how to download separate elf/srec/hex file to the microcontroller using S32 Design Studio and USB PE Micro Universal Multilink/OpenSDA debug probes. This could be used in case you get an executable/binary image file only without any project or source code. There are basically three ways: flash programming support in IDE. This is only useful for programming the device. (it is available in S32DS ARM v1.3+, S32DS Power v1.2+) Create a new configuration, adjust its name and browse for elf/srec/hex file: Select MCU and specific core you are targeting: Select where the Flash Configuration should be saved into - workspace metadata (local file) or as a specific file e.g. part of an existing project (shared file). This way the config could be e.g.transferred with this project. Click on "Flash" button to proceed to programming. As soon as the device is programmed it's disconnected. 2. Executable file importer. Go to menu File -> Import -> Select "Executable File Importer"  this starts the wizard. This is for programming and debugging an executable elf object file only. Select the MCU/core you are targeting and browse for the .elf file Adjust the project name and create a debug/launch configuration (PEMicro GDB server example). If the .elf file is built on another machine and the source files are available but located in a different folder the source path could be adjusted. Source-level debugging is then possible. Finish the wizard and new "container" project for your elf is created. Its debug configuration opens automatically. "Debug" button starts the load/debug of the selected elf file. 3. reuse an existing project debug configuration or create a new dummy project for loading .elf/srec/hex Create new project which will provide basic debug settings Compile the project Copy the required .elf file to the created project Debug folder Open new project Debug configuration Choose correct project and set the correct .elf/srec/hex you want to download Click Apply button and then Debug button. The debug window with correct .elf file will be opened. Program is downloaded and you are able to debug or run it.
        Product Release Announcement Automotive Processing S32 Design Studio for ARM 2.2         January 31, 2020   The Automotive Processing's Embedded Tools Team at NXP Semiconductors is pleased to announce the release of the S32 Design Studio for Arm® v2.2.  Here are some of its major features: GNU Bare-Metal Targeted Tools for Arm® 32-bit Embedded Processors (GCC version 6.3.120170509, revision g7fea41d) GNU Tools for Arm® Embedded Processors (Launchpad) (GCC version 4.9.3 20150529,revision 227977) Libraries: NewLib, NewLib Nano, EWL, and EWL Nano Semihosting for Arm® 32-bit Bare-Metal Targeted toolchain MSYS2 32bit version 1.0.0 GDB 7.12.1 with Python support The wizards for creating application, library projects and projects from project examples The S32DS Extensions and Updates tool Support for importing projects from CodeWarrior for MCU v.10.6 and Kinetis Design Studio Support for importing MCAL configuration to a custom SDK IAR v7.x and v8.11.2 compiler support Green Hills compiler support SEGGER J-Link (with SEGGER GDB Server) iSystem, Lauterbach and IAR debuggers support PEMicro debugger support (P&E Multilink/Cyclone/OpenSDA) Kernel Aware debugging for FreeRTOS, OSEK MQX 4.2 for MAC57D54H EmbSys Registers view support FreeMASTER Serial Communication Driver v2.0 Sample Drivers for KEA family (Evaluation grade) Integrated S32SDK RTM 3.0.2 Integrated AMMCLIB SDKs 1.1.18 The Getting Started page   NOTE Support for S32V234 was moved to S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform 3.x and not included into S32 Design Studio for ARM anymore. The complete S32 Design Studio for ARM 2.2 release notes are attached below.   Installation Notes Please visit the S32 Design Studio for ARM product page - download section or direct link to download the installer. The installer requires the NEW Activation ID to be entered during the installation. You should receive an email that includes your Activation ID after starting the download.   Technical Support S32 Design Studio issues are tracked through the S32 Design Studio Public NXP Community space: https://community.nxp.com/community/s32/s32dsS32 Design Studio    
Installation & Activation HOWTO: Install Lauterbach TRACE32 debugger plug-in into S32 Design Studio HOWTO: Install IAR Eclipse plug-in into S32 Design Studio for ARM  HOWTO: Activate S32 Design Studio     Getting Started HOWTO: Create a New Project in S32 Design Studio for ARM  HOWTO: Create S32DS Project from Example 'Hello World' for S32K144 (w/o SDK)    Build tools & Standard libraries  HOWTO: Build a Project and Setup a Debug Configuration for debugging in S32 Design Studio  HOWTO: Add a static library file into S32 Design Studio GCC project HOWTO: Place custom data into flash memory  HOWTO: Link a binary file(s) into the application project using GNU build tools HOWTO: Execute a library function from RAM memory using GNU build tools  NEW!   Debug  & Flash Programming HOWTO: download separate elf/srec/hex file to microcontroller using S32 Design Studio  HOWTO: Update OpenSDA Firmware on EVB Using GDB Server Monitor Commands from Eclipse GDB Console  HOWTO: Debug multiple elf files in S32 Design Studio with GDB  HOWTO: Reset MCU in S32 Design Studio debugger (Pemicro/OpenSDA interface) Debugging the Startup Code with Eclipse and GDB | MCU on Eclipse   https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-345344  HOWTO: Program multiple memory types in single debug session NEW!   S32 SDK & Other SDKs HOWTO: Create FreeRTOS project in S32 Design Studio How to change package on S32DS Processor Expert  HOWTO: Create the Blinking LED example project using S32K144 SDK  HOWTO: Show FreeRTOS Threads in Eclipse Debug View with Segger J-link and NXP S32 Design Studio  Tutorial: FreeRTOS 10.0.1 with NXP S32 Design Studio 2018.R1  Using custom FreeRTOS with S32K SDK and OSIF for ARM | MCU on Eclipse  Implementing FreeRTOS Performance Counters on ARM Cortex-M | MCU on Eclipse  HOWTO: Change the CPU Derivative in an SDK-Based Application Project  HOWTO: Working with AMMCLib SDKs  HOWTO: Working with FreeMASTER SDKs  HOWTO: Add custom SDK into existing project   HOWTO: Use SDK based example code as standalone (usable for GIT, SVN...)  NEW!   General Usage HOWTO: S32 Design Studio Command Line Interface  HOWTO: Add user example into S32DS HOWTO: Generate S-Record/Intel HEX/Binary file  HOWTO: Update S32 Design Studio  HOWTO: Set project optimization level  HOWTO: Export S32DS Project to IAR EW (S32K14x/S32K11x)  NEW!   Troubleshooting Troubleshooting: PEmicro Debug Connection: Target Communication Speed  Troubleshooting: Indexer errors on header file  S32 Design Studio Offline activation issue hot fix  Troubleshooting: Installer rolls back immediately following activation code entry  Troubleshooting: Activation fails with error message FNP ERROR 0 
This example shows how to use EEEPROM without SDK. The example is very similar to this one  Example: S32K144 EEEPROM usage  DFLASH partitioning is done by EEE_Init() function. If the MCU is already partitioned - please check Preserve partitioning for the device checkbox.  - NOTE - there is bug in PE Micro script and this option causes pegdbserver crash.  Target MCU: S32K144 Debugger: OpenSDA
Installation & Activation HOWTO: Install Wind River compiler Eclipse plug-in into S32 Design Studio  HOWTO: Install Lauterbach TRACE32 debugger plug-in into S32 Design Studio  HOWTO: Install PLS UDE debugger plug-in into S32 Design Studio HOWTO: Activate S32 Design Studio    Getting Started HOWTO: Create a Blinking LED Project (MPC5748G)  HOWTO: Build a Project and Setup a Debug Configuration for debugging in S32 Design Studio   Build tools & standard libraries HOWTO: Run a routine from RAM in S32 Design Studio   HOWTO: Use printf() function and EWL library  HOWTO: Migrate project created in S32DS Power v1.x into v1.2+  HOWTO: Add a static library file into S32DS GCC project  HOWTO: Link a binary file(s) into the application project using GNU build tools  HOWTO: Execute a library function from RAM memory using GNU build tools  NEW!   Debug & Flash Programming HOWTO: download separate elf/srec/hex file to microcontroller using S32 Design Studio  HOWTO: Program data flash (DFLASH) in S32 Design Studio for Power  HOWTO: Program DCF record into UTEST flash in S32 Design Studio for Power  HOWTO: debug multi-core project in S32 Design studio  HOWTO: Update OpenSDA Firmware on EVB  HOWTO: MPC5777C - Low/Mid Flash block erase via PE Micro   HOWTO: Use RappID BL tool with MPC5744p EVB  HOWTO: Debug multiple elf files in S32 Design Studio  HOWTO: Reset MCU in S32 Design Studio debugger (Pemicro/OpenSDA interface)  HOWTO: Program multiple memory types in single debug session  NEW!   SDKs HOWTO: Working with AMMCLib SDKs  HOWTO: Working with FreeMASTER SDKs  HOWTO: Add custom SDK into existing project  HOWTO: Use SDK based example code as standalone (usable for GIT, SVN...) NEW!   General Usage HOWTO: S32 Design Studio Command Line Interface  HOWTO: Add user example into S32DS  HOWTO: Generate S-Record/Intel HEX/Binary file  HOWTO: Update S32 Design Studio  How to export Generated Code to S32 Design Studio IDE (applicable for MBDT for MPC5744P v2.0)   HOWTO: Install update from 3rd party vendor  S32 Design Studio for Power Architecture v2.1 Migration Guide  HOWTO: Set project optimization level    Troubleshooting Troubleshooting: Issue opening documents from Getting Started page  Troubleshooting: PEmicro Debug Connection: Target Communication Speed  Troubleshooting: Indexer errors on header file  S32 Design Studio Offline activation issue hot fix  Troubleshooting: Installer rolls back immediately following activation code entry  Troubleshooting: Activation fails with error message FNP ERROR 0 
Problem description When installing S32 Design Studio using the offline activation method (Offline activation on S32 ) the installer may pop up an error dialog: " Error: "Invalid offline response, ResponseType"." This typically occurs on the computers that have no previous installation of S32 Design Studio.   Affected versions S32DS for ARM v1.1, v1.2, v1.3 S32DS for Power v1.1 S32DS for Vision v1.0 Newer versions should include the fix already. Solution Option A) Easiest solution is to use online method instead of offline. But in some cases it may not be possible (LAN restrictions, computer is not connected to the Internet or there is some other network obstacle etc.) Option B) Apply the hot fix attached. See the instructions below how to proceed for Windows and Linux (Ubuntu) users   Windows users Download and extract the attached archive file "licfix.zip" to your local machine (same package for Windows and Linux) Run "clean.bat" to reset trusted storage  Run "setts.bat" to run the activation fix and enter your activation ID for the product you need to activate Select offline activation type and save generated "request.xml" file Submit generated "request.xml" to your nxp.com account offline activation section and generate activation response "activation.xml" Save the created activation response, refresh the Activation response dialog and select the saved file The script is then successfully terminated and now you should be able to install S32 Design Studio Linux (Ubuntu) users Download and extract the attached archive file "licfix.zip" to your local machine (same package for Windows and Linux) Add the executable right to configure.sh script chmod 777 configure.sh Run the script as admin with parameter "install" to install appropriate libraries sudo ./configure.sh install Run the script as admin with parameter "reset" to reset trusted storage into its initial state  sudo ./configure.sh reset Run the script as admin with parameter "activate" to proceed to activation process sudo ./configure.sh activate Enter your activation ID for the product you need to activate Select offline activation type and save generated "request.xml" file Submit generated "request.xml" to your nxp.com account offline activation section and generate activation response "activation.xml" After this step the script should be terminated without any error message.   Now you should be able to install S32 Design Studio on your computer. Special thanks to Denis Robert and zhongzheng liu for your help with fix testing and to all of you who reported this nasty issue. Thank you!!! Stan
      Product Release Announcement Automotive Microcontrollers and Processors S32 Design Studio for ARM® 2018.R1  Update 11          What is new? S32K1xx SDK RTM-SR 3.0.2: SBC driver now supports UJA1169 as well as both UJA1168 and UJA1168A SBC variants (S32 SDK release notes) AMMCLIB v.1.1.18 for S32K1xx, KEA and S32V234 (AMMCLIB release notes) This is a cumulative update - it includes all the content of previous updates (Update 1, Update 2, Update 3, Update 4, Update 5, Update 6, Update 7, Update 8, Update 9, Update 10  ) Installation instructions The update is available for online (via Eclipse Updater) or offline installation (direct download link)  installation:  go to menu "Help" -> "Install New Software..." dialog  select predefined update site "S32DesignStudio - http://www.nxp.com/lgfiles/updates/Eclipse/S32DS_ARM_2018.R1/updatesite" select all available items and click "Next" button   offline installation:   go to S32 Design Studio for ARM product page -> Downloads section or use direct link to download the update archive zip file Start S32DS and go to "Help" -> "Install New Software..." Add a new "Archive" repository and browse to select the downloaded update archive .zip file you downloaded in the previous step Select all available items and click "Next" button.   This will starts the update installation process.
S32 Design Studio (S32DS) for ARM supports IAR Eclipse plug-in that enables users to build and debug a S32DS project with IAR toolchain for ARM. This document describes how to install this plugin and how to enable IAR in the new project wizard. Current version of S32DS for ARM 2018.R1 supports IAR compilers  v7.x and v8.x. After the IAR eclipse plugin installation is finished you should be able to create, build and debug a new S32DS project (including SDKs) using IAR compiler/debugger interface directly under S32DS Eclipse environment.   Installation instructions First of all make sure you have IAR Embedded Workbench installed with a valid license from IAR. Now let's proceed to eclipse plug-in installation.   1. Install IAR Plugin manager  go to menu "Help" -> "Install New Software" and  click on "Add..." button to add a new IAR repository located here: http://eclipse-update.iar.com/plugin-manager/1.0 Tick " I Accept the terms of the license agreement" and click "OK" to accept unsigned content software Finally you proceed to the installation. When the plugin is installed you will be asked to restart S32DS Anytime you create a new workspace you will be asked to enter path to IAR Embedded Workbench IDE   2. Configure IAR plugins in IAR Embedded Workbench plugin manager Run IAR plugin manager (Menu "Help" -> "IAR Embedded Workbench plugin manager...") Select the ARM version (8.x) and click "Install" button.  Select all the IAR components displayed and proceed to installation by clicking "Next" button.   3. New IAR project in the project wizard You can now create a new project in S32DS and select IAR toolchain for ARM instead of default GCC compiler. There should appear a new item it the Debugger selection - "IAR plugin Debugger". Please choose this option if you intend to debug using IAR supported probes (e.g. I-jet) IAR specific panels and settings are now displayed in the project properties for a new S32DS project with the IAR options enabled (see above). There is a new category "IAR C-SPY Application" in the debug configurations panel that contains all the debug configurations for projects with IAR debug plugin option selected. The Debugger perspective now offers several IAR specific Views and features. Enjoy building and debugging with IAR Eclipse plug-in in S32DS!
This document describes, how to create FreeRTOS project for S32K144 microcontroller using S32 Design Studio v1.3 ARM and S32K144_SDK_gcc 1.0.0 RTM. Be sure, you have correctly installed all available updates. S32 Design Studio for Arm v1.3 - Update 1 available  S32 Design Studio for Arm v1.3 - Update 2 available  S32 Design Studio for Arm v1.3 - Update 3 &amp; 4 available  1) Create new project. Choose S32K144 microcontroller. Click Next. 2) Choose NewLib Nano Library, and choose S32K144_SDK_gcc RTM 1.0.0. Click Finish. 3) Open project properties and click Target Processor tab. For Float ABI, choose FP instructions (hard). 4) Open Component Library, right click FreeRTOS component and add this component to project. 5) Last, Generate Processor Expert Code and compile project. Now, you can use FreeRTOS component in your project. Another way is to create FreeRTOS proejct from example. Click New S32DS Project from Example. Choose freertos in S32K144 RTM SDK v1.0.0 Example Projects folder. Best Regards, Martin
S32 Design Studio (S32DS) supports Lauterbach’s “loos coupling” version of Eclipse plug-in to debug S32DS projects via a Lauterbach probe + TRACE32 standalone application. This configuration uses Eclipse IDE for development and standalone TRACE32 for debugging.    This plug-in supports the features below: Start TRACE32 from an Eclipse launch configuration Support for multiple projects (multi-core) Synchronization of breakpoints between Eclipse and TRACE32 Open source file' functionality from TRACE32 to Eclipse and vice versa See the Lauterbach document for additional information about the plug-in.   Installation instructions First of all make sure you have TRACE32 installed. Now let's proceed to eclipse plug-in installation.   First of all make sure you have TRACE32 installed. Now let's proceed to eclipse plug-in installation.   go to menu "Help" -> "Install New Software"    Click on the arrow to bring up the list.  Select ‘LauterbachGmbHUpdateSite - http://www.lauterbach.com/eclipse‘                 Check the box next to the Lauterbach TRACE32 Eclipse Loose Coupling and click "Next"   Check "I Accept the terms of the license agreement" and Select all Lauterbach certificates to trust. Finally you proceed to the installation. When the plugin is installed you will be asked to restart S32DS   Now you should be able to use the New Project Wizard create an application project with Lauterbach Debugger support:     Or manage (create, delete, adjust) Lauterbach eclipse debug configurations:   Enjoy debugging with TRACE32 Eclipse plug-in in S32DS!  
This document describes a way how to execute a selected function(s) out of RAM memory for a project running out of  Flash memory. Create a custom linker section in the linker file (.ld) where a routine(s) should be placed into. This step is optional if you don't care where exactly in RAM the function should be placed. In such case default sections could be used instead. MEMORY {       flash_rchw : org = 0x00FA0000,   len = 0x4     cpu0_reset_vec : org = 0x00FA0000+0x10,   len = 0x4     cpu1_reset_vec : org = 0x00FA0000+0x14,   len = 0x4     cpu2_reset_vec : org = 0x00FA0000+0x04,   len = 0x4                  m_my_flash :     org = 0x01000000, len = 4K       // optional - this is dedicated section for the RAM function rom image     m_text :         org = 0x01001000, len = 5628K    // default section for code       m_my_ram :       org = 0x40000000, len = 4K       // optional - specific section where a RAM routine(s) should be copied into     m_data :         org = 0x40001000,  len = 764K    // default section for data/stack/heap }‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ If it's intended to keep routine(s) that should be executed from RAM within a specific custom section: SECTIONS { ... .MyRamCode : {    MY_RAM_START = .;       // this symbol is optional    KEEP (*(.MyRamCode))    // KEEP - avoid dead stripping if an object is not referenced    MY_RAM_END = .;         // this symbol is optional } > m_my_ram AT>m_my_flash // the section above is linked into m_my_ram and Rom image is stored into m_my_flash‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ Otherwise you can use the default memory areas for code/data if you don't care about the location of the routine(s): SECTIONS { ... .MyRamCode  : {     MY_RAM_START = .;     // this symbol are optional     KEEP (*(.MyRamCode))  // KEEP - avoid dead stripping if an object is not referenced     MY_RAM_END = .;       // this symbol are optional }  > m_data  AT>m_text    // the section is linked into default data memory area and its rom image is placed into the default code memory ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ add the __attribute__ statements to the RAM function prototypes. The function attribute "longcall" is required to be able to call this RAM function from flash. __attribute__ ((section(".MyRamCode")))              // place the function below into .MyRamCode section int test_RAM(int arg1) __attribute__ ((longcall));   // declare the function as "far"‍‍‍‍ Default S32DS project startup initializes just the default data sections. Therefore it's necessary to perform section copy-down manually if the functions are placed into a custom section. This must be done before a RAM routine gets called e.g. at the beginning of main() or in the startup routine.       You can create some linker symbols (.MyRamCode RAM and ROM addresses and size) and import them to the module where copy-down is implemented. __MY_RAM_ADR = ADDR (.MyRamCode); __MY_RAM_SIZE = SIZEOF (.MyRamCode); __MY_RAM_ROM_ADR = LOADADDR (.MyRamCode);‍‍‍‍‍‍ The final source file may look like this: #include <string.h> extern unsigned long __MY_RAM_ADR; extern unsigned long __MY_RAM_ROM_ADR; extern unsigned long __MY_RAM_SIZE; __attribute__ ((section(".MyRamCode")))              // place the function below into .MyRamCode section int test_RAM(int arg1) __attribute__ ((longcall));   // declare the function as "far" ... void main(void) {    int counter = 0;    memcpy(&__MY_RAM_ADR , &__MY_RAM_ROM_ADR, &__MY_RAM_SIZE);  // copy the function from flash to RAM    counter = test_RAM(counter);                                // call the function ... }‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ Hope it helps! Stan
      Product Release Announcement Automotive Microcontrollers and Processors S32 Design Studio for ARM® 2.2  Update 1          What is new? SDK S32K1xx RTM SR 3.0.3 (Patch for SDK S32K1xx RTM 3.0.0) AMMCLIB version 1.1.19 for KEAx, for S32K11x, for S32K14x AMMCLIB version 1.1.20 for KEAx, for S32K11x, for S32K14x Installation instructions The update is available for online (via Eclipse Updater) or offline installation (direct download link)  online installation: go to menu "Help" -> "S32DS Extensions and Updates" dialog check boxes next to "S32K1xx development package", "S32K1xx SDK 3.0.3 pakage" and "S32 Design Studio for ARM Devices development package" click "Install/Update 3 item(s)" offline installation:   go to S32 Design Studio for ARM product page -> Downloads section or use direct link to download the update archive zip file go to menu "Help" -> "S32DS Extensions and Updates" dialog select "Go to Preferences" Add a new Software Site Add a new "Archive" repository and browse to select the downloaded update archive .zip file you downloaded in the previous step check boxes next to "S32K1xx development package" and "S32 Design Studio for ARM Devices development package" click "Install/Update 2 item(s)" This will start the update installation process.