Users can now get the AMMCLib for S32K3 in S32DS 3.4 if they manually add the following URL to the list of “Available S32DS Software Sites”: (the URL will be auto-added with the upcoming S32DS 3.5 release).
From within S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform 3.4, launch S32DS Extensions and Updates menu (Help -> S32DS Extensions and Updates), then select 'Add Update Sites'.
Please note that the S32K3XXMCLUG.pdf User’s Guide incorrectly indicates that the library is available as a standalone SDK, which is incorrect. AMMCLib for S32K3 is part of the “PlatformSDK” system which means that users must use the RTD for S32K3 in their S32DS project to gain access to AMMCLib:
Then they must activate the „S32 Configuration Tool“ (CT):
Within the CT, they must click on the „Peripherals“, then „Libraries“, and select „AMMCLib“ from the list:
Then they must click on „Update code“, to update the paths in the project: