S32 Design Studio Knowledge Base

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S32 Design Studio Knowledge Base


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The Vision SDK root is contributed to the Design Studio as a dynamic path variable “S32DS_VSDK_DIR”. Several Design Studio services use this variable to access the resources inside the Vision SDK. By default, this variable points to “${eclipse_home}../S32DS/s32v234_sdk”, i.e. to the Vision SDK shipment bundled with Design Studio. Technically you can change this variable to point to another instance of Vision SDK using the following steps: 1. Go to the main menu "Window -> Preferences" 2. Filter the preference dialog with "sub" keyword or just navigate to "Run/Debug -> String Substitution node. 3. Edit Variable "S32DS_VSDK_DIR" to assign another value to be substituted as Vision SDK root
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This document explains how to change the package of a processor expert project, for example, from S32K144 100LQFP to S32K144 64LQFP.  It does NOT explain how to change processor derivatives (e.g. S32K144 to S32K142). 1. Assuming that the project is opened and active, go to Components Library View and click on Processors     2. Expand the repository folders and double click on your processor (e.g. S32K144) 3. Select new package (e.g.S32K144_64) and click on finish. Now the new variant will be added to your project 4. Go to PinSettings component and click on Switch Configuration. This action will change the pins configuration for new package and will discard the original pin configuration.
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Requirements: SD card with installed Linux image connected to EVB (https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-335023 ) Serial link connection between PC and EVB (HOWTO: Setup A Remote Linux Connection in S32DS for Vision )  EVB connected to network   Procedure: Turn on EVB and connect to EVB via serial link using putty or any other terminal (115200 baud, 8N1). Login as the root user. Edit network interfaces configuration file by command vi /etc/network/interfaces and modify (press INS key to switch vi editor to edit mode) the file by the way as shown on next screenshot. Set IP address from range of your PC machine network settings.      The vi /etc/network/interfaces string is cutoff, because the OS acts during typing. The OS-printed line. [    29.817839] random: nonblocking pool is initialized (it varies with each boot). is written automatically by the OS a few seconds after login.  These characters do not make a difference.  Just enter the string as instructed and press Enter.  You will see the screen as follows.   Save new settings by :w command (press ESC key to switch vi editor to command mode) and exit from vi by :q command.   Restart network by command /etc/init.d/networking restart         Check the IP address by command ifconfig and try ping to your PC machine.        Troubleshooting: If you can't ping to PC machine and IP address is the same as you requested - check IP address on PC side and cable connection. If the IP address on EVB is different than you requested - check if you commented out the dhcp configuration. You may also try to reboot EVB instead of restarting network only.
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To prepare an SD card for a Linux boot, it is necessary to connect the SD card to a machine with Linux OS. If a Linux OS machine is not available, then a virtual machine installed to a Windows OS machine may be used. If you have access to a Linux OS machine, skip to step 4. Procedure 1) Download and install a virtual machine VMware Workstation Player Virtual Box 2) Download Ubuntu. This tutorial uses the Ubuntu version 14.04.5.  The image will be ubuntu-14.04.5-desktop-amd64.iso. 3) Launch VMware or Virtual Box and create a new virtual machine Use downloaded Ubuntu image when requested for installer disc image file Hit Next and select Linux as the guest operating system and select Ubuntu for the version. Hit Next and name your virtual machine and specify where you want to store it. Increase the disk size to 40 GB Hit Finish and install VMware Tools for Linux, if asked 4) Within C:\NXP\S32DS_Vision_v2.0\S32DS\s32v234_sdk\os extract 'build_content.tar.gz', then extract 'build_content.tar' and navigate to the 'v234_linux_build' folder 5) Start virtual machine May need to manually connect USB-mounted SD card reader Log in to virtual machine 6) In files, go to 'Home' directory and create a folder "VSDK" 7) Within VSDK folder, copy the files image, u-boot.s32, s32v234-evb.dtb, and rootfs.tar from the 'v234_linux_build' folder.  Note: The file s32v234-evb.dtb and u-boot.s32 will have names with XXXXX-suffix for the schematic number printed on the evaluation board (EVB) you are using. Be sure to use the files which correspond to your EVB. 😎 Load the card into the reader. If you are using a virtual machine, it is recommended to use a USB adapter instead of a built-in reader in the PC. 9) Within the virtual machine, launch the terminal program 10) Within the terminal program, enter command 'cat /proc/partitions' to view the names of the partitions and identify the names of the partitions on your SD card. Perhaps it is named 'sdb'. 11) Delete all existing partitions.    a) Enter command 'sudo fdisk /dev/sdb'.    b) Enter command 'd' and then the number of the partition to delete. Repeat as necessary until all partitions have been deleted 12) Create new partitions    a) Enter command 'n' for new    b) Enter 'p' (or just hit <enter>, as this is the default) for primary    c) Enter '1' (or just hit <enter>, as this is the default) for partition number 1.    d) Press <enter> to select the default value for the First sector    e) Enter '+255M' to set the size    b) Enter command 'n' again, for partition number 2, however, press <enter> to select the default value for the 'Last sector' 13) Set the partition type    a) Enter command 't' for type    b) Enter '1' for partition number 1    c) Enter 'c' for partition type FAT32    d) Enter command 't' again, for partition number 2, however, enter '83' for partition type LINUX If you get error 16: Device or resource busy, as shown above, use commands 'umount /dev/sdb1' and 'umount /dev/sdb2' to free the pre-existing partitions. Then try again and should be ok now 14) Write the new configuration, enter 'w' 15) Try to setup the filesystems. Enter 'sudo mkfs.vfat -n boot /dev/sdb1'. If you get the error '/dev/sdb1 contains a mounted filesystem', you will need to unmount the partition first. To save time, unmount both /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb2. Enter 'umount /dev/sdb1' and then 'umount /dev/sdb2' Now try 'sudo mkfs.vfat -n boot /dev/sdb1' again 16) It worked, so now enter 'sudo mkfs.ext3 -L rootfs /dev/sdb2'. It will take a minute or two for this to complete. Wait until you get the command prompt again. 17) Now it's time to load the BSP content from the VSDK. But first, change the directory to the one we created earlier for the BSP files. Enter 'cd /home/user/VSDK' or 'cd VSDK'. Enter the following commands: sudo dd if=u-boot.s32 of=/dev/sdb bs=512 seek=8 conv=fsync sudo cp Image /media/user/boot sudo cp s32v234-evb.dtb /media/user/boot 18) Now we need to extract the root filesystem, change the directory to its location 19) Enter command 'sudo tar -xvf /home/user/VSDK/rootfs.tar' 20) Once the files are extracted, enter command 'sync'   Now the SD card is ready to be used in the S32V234-EVB.
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This document details how to create a new project and build using the existing code and makefile provided within the NXP Vision SDK example projects. If you are creating a new makefile project with code from any other source, the procedure may be different. Before creating a new makefile project from existing code we need to add some paths to the environment variable PATH and a couple of new environment variables. There are 3 main methods for adding these paths and variables. Which method depends upon your needs. Method 1 The paths and variables can be added to each project individually. This is useful if you only want these changes to affect a small number of projects. Or if your projects require different paths and variables. Method 2 The paths and variables can be added to the entire workspace within S32DS . These will not be visible outside of S32DS and therefore will not affect the entire Windows environment. This is useful if you have a large number of projects with common requirements for paths and variables and do not want them visible any tools outside of S32DS. Method 3 The paths and variables can be added globally to the Windows environment and will affect all installed tools. This method is not recommended. Add the following paths to the PATH variable (assuming the default installation settings for S32DS for Vision were used): C:\NXP\S32DS_Vision_v2018.R1\Cross_Tools\gcc-6.3-arm64-eabi\bin C:\NXP\S32DS_Vision_v2018.R1\Cross_Tools\gcc-6.3-arm64-linux\bin C:\NXP\S32DS_Vision_v2018.R1\Cross_Tools\gcc-6.3-arm32-eabi\bin C:\NXP\S32DS_Vision_v2018.R1\utils\msys32\mingw32\bin It is also necessary to add the following Windows system variables: Variable Name: S32V234_SDK_ROOT Variable Value: C:\NXP\S32DS_Vision_v2018.R1\S32DS\s32v234_sdk Variable Name: APU_TOOLS Variable Value: C:\NXP\S32DS_Vision_v2018.R1\S32DS\APUC Now we are ready to create the new project. 1) Launch S32DS for Vision 2) Click New 3) Select 'Makefile Project with Existing Code' 4) Select Next 5) For 'Existing Code Location', select 'Browse...' and then select the directory  C:\NXP\S32DS_Vision_v2018.R1\S32DS\s32v234_sdk\demos\isp\isp_sonyimx224_rgb_yuv_gs8 6) Click OK 7) For 'Toolchain for Indexer Settings', select the option which matches your desired build configuration. Select:    Linux builds: 'Standard S32DS Linux toolchain for ARM Cortex-A'    Standalone builds: 'Standard S32DS toolchain for ARM Cortex-A' This sets up some toolchain paths, but later we will set more for the specific needs of the VSDK examples. 😎 Click Finish 9) Change to C/C++ perspective, click on 'Switch to C/C++ Development' 10) Right-click on the project from the Project Explorer. Select Properties 11) Go to section 'C/C++ Build' and make sure that Generate Makefiles automatically is unchecked:  12) Go to the 'Behavior' tab and in the field next to 'Build', enter:    ISP examples: 'allsub'    APEX examples: 'APU_COMP=nxp allsub' 13) In the field next to 'Clean', enter 'clean' 14) Go to 'Builder Settings' tab, in 'Build location' section change the path for the 'Build directory'. Click on 'Workspace...' button 15) In the Folder selection menu, select the subfolder 'build-v234ce-gnu-linux-d' and click OK 16) Go to section 'Environment' 17) Select the environment variable 'PATH' and click 'Edit...' 18) Add the paths to the value field, each separated by a comma ';' C:\NXP\S32DS_Vision_v2018.R1\Cross_Tools\gcc-6.3-arm64-eabi\bin C:\NXP\S32DS_Vision_v2018.R1\Cross_Tools\gcc-6.3-arm64-linux\bin C:\NXP\S32DS_Vision_v2018.R1\Cross_Tools\gcc-6.3-arm32-eabi\bin C:\NXP\S32DS_Vision_v2018.R1\utils\msys32\mingw32\bin Click OK 19) Click 'Add...' 20) Enter the variable name 'S32V234_SDK_ROOT' and value 'C:\NXP\S32DS_Vision_v2018.R1\S32DS\s32v234_sdk' Click OK 21) Click 'Add...' again and this time enter variable name 'APU_TOOLS' and value 'C:\NXP\S32DS_Vision_v2018.R1\S32DS\APUC' Click OK 22) Click OK to close the Properties menu. 23) Click on 'Build' 24) Once the build is complete, the binary file (ELF) will be created If you like to create release version - add another build configuration and select release build folder. Right click on project name->Properties:  Switch configuration to Release and select build folder:  Exclude release build when Default (you can rename it to Debug) configuration is selected and vice versa.  Right click on Release build folder (that one which ends with -o). Choose Resource configuration and select exclude from build:  Right click on Debug build folder (that one which ends with -d) -> Resource Configuration -> Exclude from build and select Release:  Select Build target to Release and build it: 
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S32DS for Vision contains many example projects from which you can learn how S32DS for Vision can be used with the help of the Vision SDK to develop vision applications. The example projects contain generated and hand-written code, which utilize the Vision SDK to demonstrate a workflow using S32DS for Vision. In this document, the procedure for creating a project from one of the provided APEX2 examples through to execution on the EVB is detailed. 1) Launch S32DS for Vision 2) Select 'New S32DS Project from example' 3) Select apex2_fast9 project 4) Click Finish 5) Change to C/C++ perspective, click on 'Switch to C/C++ Development' 6) Select apex2_fast9: A53 in the Project Explorer panel. Build the project using build config 'TEST_A53'. 7) Start a debug session using method as described in HOWTO: Create A53 Linux Project in S32DS for Vision, beginning at step 9. 😎 Click Resume  Should see something similar to what is pictured below There are green diamonds at the corners in the image as identified by the fast9 corner detection algorithm
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There are a number of existing ISP Graph diagrams provided within the VSDK. It is possible to import them into S32DS for Vision and use them in a new C/C++ project. The steps to do this are detailed in this document. 1) Launch S32DS for Vision 2) Select File -> New -> S32DS Application Project or select "S32DS Application Project" from the toolbar. 3) Enter a project name, such as: ISP_ISP_Generic_demo 4) Select 'A53 APEX/ISP Linux' 5) Click Next 6) Unselect the APEX2 options and 'ISP Visual Modeling' option. 7) Click Finish 😎 Select File -> New -> S32DS Project from Example or select "S32DS Project from Example" from the toolbar. 9) Select isp_generic. 10) Select Finish 11) Open isp_generic in the project explorer 12) Double-click ISP data flow ; isp_generic. The ISP data flow graph will appear in the editor 13) Define a new configuration for emitting code from the graph       a) Create a folder in the application project to receive the emitted code. Right-click on the application project and select New -> Folder.       b) Enter a name for the folder and click Finish       c) Right-click in the ISP data flow window and select Emit As -> Emit Configurations...       d) Select ISP Emitter       e) Select New Launch Configuration       f) Enter a name       g) Select the graph, Browse Workspace       h) Expand each item until you can select the .isp file. Click OK       i) Select the location of the emitted output to the application project, select Browse Workspace       j) Select the name of your application project, then OK       k) Write A53_gen to the Dynamic sequences sources folder box. This is the folder within the target project that generated code will be stored. Check the box for Emit host code.       l)Now select the location to store the configuration file. Go to the Common tab, select Shared file and click Browse       m) Select the folder name you created earlier inside ISP_ISP_Generic_demo and click OK       n) Click Apply and Emit. Dialog box will appear when code generation is successful              o) Expand the folders within ISP_ISP_Generic_demo, A53_gen, src and inc, to see the newly generated output files 14) Change to C/C++ perspective, click on ‘C/C++ Development’ 15) Build the project 'ISP_ISP_Generic_demo' for ISP 16) Open file 'ISP_ISP_Generic_demo/A53_inc/isp_user_define.h' and change '#define __DCU_BPP' to "#undef __DCU_BPP" 17) Using the method detailed in steps 8 - 10, create the example project 'isp_sonyimx224_csi_dcu'. Take from this project the file 'isp_sonyimx224_csi_dcu/A53_src/main.cpp' and use it to replace the file 'ISP_ISP_Generic_demo/A53_src/main.cpp' in the current project. Then make the following modifications:  On line 40, change <#include "mipi_simple_c.h"> to <#include "isp_generic_c.h">. On line 303, change <gpGraph_mipi_simple> to <gpGraph> AND <gGraphMetadata_mipi_simple> to <gGraphMetadata> On line 330, change <FDMA_IX_FastDMA_Out_MIPI_SIMPLE> to <FDMA_IX_ISP_OUTPUT>. Please see C:\NXP\S32DS_Vision_v2.0\S32DS\s32v234_sdk\docs\drivers\SDI_Software_User_Guide.pdf for details on what this code is for. 18) In Project Explorer, right-click on "...\A53_gen\src\isp_process.cpp" and select Build path -> Remove from -> A53 19) Select 'ISP_ISP_Generic_demo:A53' in the Project Explorer panel, then Build for A53 20) Run it remotely on the target using the method fromHOWTO: Create A53 Linux Project in S32DS for Vision. Should get results similar to this:
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S32DS for Vision contains many example projects from which you can learn how S32DS for Vision can be used with the help of the Vision SDK to develop vision applications. The example projects contain generated and hand-written code, which utilize the Vision SDK to demonstrate a workflow using S32DS for Vision. In this document, the procedure for creating a project from one of the provided ISP examples through to execution on the EVB is detailed. 1) Launch S32DS for Vision 2) Select "New S32DS Project from example" 3) Select isp_sonyimx224_csi_dcu project    In this particular project, the ISP graph diagram is included. If you wish to view it, go to the Project Explorer panel and expand 'isp_sonyimx224_csi_dcu_graph'. Then double click on 'ISP data flow : isp_sonyimx224_csi_dcu_graph'. The ISP graph diagram will appear in the editor panel. 4) Change to C/C++ perspective, click on 'Switch to C/C++ Development' 5) Select isp_sonyimx224_csi_dcu: A53 in the Project Explorer panel 6) Build project for A53  7) Start a debug session using method as described in HOWTO Create A53 Linux Project in S32DS for Vision, beginning at step 9. 😎 Should get results similar to this:
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One of the many great features of the S32DS for Vision is the ability to access the Linux BSP file system on the SD card in the S32V234-EVB. Once connected, you can drag and drop files between your PC and the EVB. Once you have completed HOWTO: Setup S32V234 EVB for debugging with S32DS for Vision and Linux BSP and HOWTO: Setup A Remote Linux Connection, you are ready to setup the Remote Systems view to connect to the Linux files system to view and access the file system. 1) Go to 'Window -> Show View -> Other' 2) Expand 'Remote Systems', then select "Remote Systems' and click OK 3) Click 'Define a connection to remote system' button OR right-click in the Remote Systems window and select 'New -> Connection' from the list 4) Select 'SSH Only' 5) Enter the IP address noted from HOWTO: Setup A Remote Linux Connection for Host name and click Finish 6) Right-click on the connection name in the Remote Systems window and select 'Connect' OR expand the folders under the connection name until the login window appears: Connection_name -> Sftp Files -> Root (window appears) 7) Enter "root" for User ID 😎 Click OK 9) The Linux file system is now visible in the Remote Systems window. You can drag and drop files to and from here.
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So you have created a project in S32DS for Vision with target of S32V234 Cortex-A53 APEX2/ISP Linux . You have built the project and now want to execute it on the S32V234-EVB, which is running the Linux BSP from the VSDK on a SD card. There are many ways to do this, however, the simplest is to use the built-in support within S32DS to run and/or debug over an Ethernet connection to the Linux BSP OS running on the EVB. In order for S32DS to connect to the Linux BSP OS, the following steps should be followed: 1) First, we must complete the steps to Setup S32V234 EVB for debugging with Linux BSP. 2) With the Linux running on the EVB, start a terminal program (for ex. PuTTY) on your PC 3) Set Connection type to Serial 4) Set speed to 115200, Data bits 8, Stop bits 1, Parity None 5) Set Serial line to the COM port associated with the USB port setup in step 1 of this document. (for ex. COM3) 6) Click Open to start the terminal session 7) Press enter key to bring up login prompt 😎 Log into Linux (login name is "root") 10) Get IP address, enter command:    ifconfig       Make note of the IP address 11) Launch S32DS for Vision. From the C/C++ Perspective, select Run->Debug Configurations... 12) From 'C/C++ Remote Application'. Select '<project_name>_Remote_Linux' debug configuration. 13) Select New to create new debug connection. 14) Select SSH 15) Enter the IP address noted earlier 16) Enter user ID as "root". The Linux BSP uses Password based authentication, but by default, no password is set. So the password can be left blank. 17) Select Finish 19) Select Apply, and then if you wish, Debug
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So you've just installed the S32DS for Vision and are using it for the first time and would like to see how it works. Here is a quick and simple project to get you started.   1. Launch S32DS for Vision 2. Select 'S32DS Application Project' 3. Enter a name for the project 4. Select the 'A53 Linux' processor option 5. Click Next 6. Click Finish 7. Change to C/C++ perspective, click on 'Switch to C/C++ Development' 8. Build the project for Debug 9. Project is now built, ELF file is read to be loaded to EVB for execution. However, if we have not prepared the EVB, we must first complete HOWTO: Setup S32V234 EVB for debugging with S32DS for Vision and Linux BSP. 10. Once the EVB is properly prepared, we must complete HOWTO: Setup A Remote Linux Connection in S32DS for Vision. 11. With the project debug configuration and remote linux connection selected, select the debug dropdown menu and click Debug Configurations 12. Make sure the Debug_Remote_Linux debug configuration is selected and the connection setup in step 10 is selected (points to the IP address of your EVB). Click Debug 13. The first time you connect to a new IP address (i.e. the first time you debug after booting the board), you will receive a warning message, Click Yes and proceed. 14. The executable file is copied to Linux file system and gdbserver starts. 15. The Debug perspective is opened. You can now step through the code*     *Only debugging of the A53 code is supported by Linux GDB. For multicore debugging, including ISP and APEX2, additional debugger and probe(S32 Debugger with S32 Debug Probe, Lauterbach, etc) will be required.
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Before you can start debugging an S32DS for Vision project for S32V234 Cortex-A53 APEX2/ISP Linux target on the S32V234-EVB, we must first setup the hardware connections and start the Linux BSP OS. 1) Connect (1) S32V234 USB Micro B port to (2) USB A port on your PC. This allow you to connect to the Linux BSP OS via a terminal program to issue commands and to obtain the IP address. 2) Insert microSDHC card (with U-boot, Linux kernel, devicetree, and root file system loaded*) into (3) the S32V234 SD card slot   3) Connect (1) Ethernet port on S32V234 daughter card to (2) LAN**. This will allow S32DS to communicate with the Linux BSP OS for flashing and GDB debugging.   4) Connect the power supply to (3) S234V234 EVB 5) Turn on the (4) power switch, this will start the Linux BSP OS *Instructions for preparing the SD card are provided in the VisionSDK document: ..\S32DS_Vision_v2.0\S234DS\s234v234_sdk\docs\vsdk\S32V234-EVB_SetupGuide.pdf or refer to https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-335023  **Ensure PC is connected to LAN as well (either hardwired or wireless)
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This document describes, how to create FreeRTOS project for S32K144 microcontroller using S32 Design Studio v1.3 ARM and S32K144_SDK_gcc 1.0.0 RTM. Be sure, you have correctly installed all available updates. S32 Design Studio for Arm v1.3 - Update 1 available  S32 Design Studio for Arm v1.3 - Update 2 available  S32 Design Studio for Arm v1.3 - Update 3 &amp; 4 available  1) Create new project. Choose S32K144 microcontroller. Click Next. 2) Choose NewLib Nano Library, and choose S32K144_SDK_gcc RTM 1.0.0. Click Finish. 3) Open project properties and click Target Processor tab. For Float ABI, choose FP instructions (hard). 4) Open Component Library, right click FreeRTOS component and add this component to project. 5) Last, Generate Processor Expert Code and compile project. Now, you can use FreeRTOS component in your project. Another way is to create FreeRTOS proejct from example. Click New S32DS Project from Example. Choose freertos in S32K144 RTM SDK v1.0.0 Example Projects folder. Best Regards, Martin
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        Product Release Announcement Automotive Microcontrollers and Processors S32 Design Studio for Power v1.2, Update 1 1            What is new? The S32 Software Development Kit (S32 SDK v0.8.0 EAR) which is an extensive suite of peripheral drivers, RTOS, stacks and middleware designed to simplify and accelerate application development on NXP Power MPC5748G and MPC5746C microcontrollers. Release notes are available here: http://www.nxp.com/docs/en/release-note/C55_SDK_EAR_0.8.0-RN.pdf  Installation instructions The update is available for online (Eclipse Updater) or offline (direct download link) installation.   online installation: go to menu "Help" -> "Install New Software..." dialog select predefined NXP S32 Design Studio update repository http://www.nxp.com/lgfiles/updates/Eclipse/S32DS_POWER_1_2/com.freescale.s32power.updatesite  select all available items and click "Next" button offline installation: go to S32 Design Studio product page -> Downloads section or use the direct download link to download the "S32 Design Studio for Power v1.2 - Update 1" file.   Start S32DS and go to "Help" -> "Install New Software..." Add a new "Archive" repository and browse to select the downloaded Update 1 archive file: Select all available items and click "Next" button.
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Eclipse caches some settings within the workspace directory. After installing a new version of S32DS, some settings in old workspaces may not match the requirement of the new version. The result is often errors reported on new as well as previously existing projects located in an existing workspace which you selected when launching S32DS. The best way to resolve this is to create a new workspace and then import your projects. This will ensure the workspace is created using all the correct settings for the version you have installed.
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Requirements: SD card with installed Linux image connected to EVB (HOWTO: Prepare A SD Card For Linux Boot Of S32V234-EVB Using BSP From VSDK ) Configured network connection between EVB and PC machine (HOWTO: S32V234 EVB Linux - Static IP address configuration ) S32DS for Vision Procedure: Build your Linux project. On main menu bar click Run->Debug configurations. Select C/C++ Remote Application in debug window main tab. Create new connection by clicking on New... button.  Select SSH connection type and fill connection details - IP address and user  name.    When done - click to apply and start debug session. Your elf file will be upload to SD card and executed by gdbserver on target machine. 
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        Product Release Announcement Automotive Microcontrollers and Processors S32 Design Studio for Power v1.2             S32 Design Studio for Power v1.2 (Windows/Linux) has been released. This is a complete installer which does not require any previous version to be installed. To download the installer please visit download section: www.nxp.com/s32ds What is new? New devices: • MPC5632M, MPC5633M, MPC5634M • MPC5642A • MPC5674F • MPC5673K, MPC5674K, MPC5675K • S32R372 New features: • Compiler update – see details in compiler release notes attached below • View for the Special Purpose Registers added • Improvements for Peripherals Register view • Added support for Semihosting/Debug console for single core devices • RESET functionality added, the hardware reset2 is executed for main/boot core and individual core reset for secondary cores. • Improvements for SPT diagram to display instruction labels and key parameters • SDK mechanism improvements to support SDK per build configuration • FreeMaster Serial Communication driver 2.0 integrated • iSystem debugger support added to New Project Wizard • SPT assembler update • Updated P&E debug plugins and drivers to the latest and greatest versions Note: The plugins to support GreenHills, IAR, iSystem, Lauterbach are not included and have to be installed from corresponding update site or installation. S32DS release notes are available here. GCC Build tools release notes are here.   Installation Notes The installer requires NEW Activation ID to be entered during the installation. You should receive an email including the Activation ID after starting the download process e.g:    
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        Product Release Announcement Automotive Microcontrollers and Processors S32 Design Studio for ARM v1.3, Update 4             S32 Design Studio for ARM v1.3 Update 4 has been just released. This update is applicable for S32 Design Studio for ARM v1.3 hosted on Windows and Linux and does not require any previous update to be installed. Note: Update 3 (which is available as a separate update) includes S32K148 support only. Update 4  contains update 3 so you don't have to install it separately.   What is new? Update 4 contains: Device support for S32K148 and S32K14x_SDK_EAR_0.8.3 which supports S32K148 & S32K144. More information can be found in the release notes for the SDK attached.   Installation instructions The update is available for online (Eclipse Updater) or offline (direct download link) installation.   online installation: go to menu "Help" -> "Install New Software..." dialog select predefined NXP S32 Design Studio update repository http://www.nxp.com/lgfiles/updates/Eclipse/S32DS_ARM_1_3/com.freescale.s32arm.updatesite select all available items and click "Next" button offline installation: go to S32 Design Studio product page -> Downloads section or use the direct download link to download the "S32 Design Studio for ARM v1.3 - Update 4" file.   Start S32DS and go to Help -> Install New Software... Add a new "Archive" repository, browse to select the downloaded Update 4 archive file. Select all available items and click "Next" button.  
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Dear S32DS users, S32 Design Studio for ARM v1.3 Update 2 has been just released. What is new? The main new feature is production grade RTM version of S32K SDK v1.0.0. Attached are the release notes. Installation instructions The update 2 is available for online / offline installation. online installation: select predefined NXP S32 Design Studio update repository in "Help" -> "Install New Software..." dialog and proceed to installation.     offline installation: go to S32 Design Studio product page -> Downloads section and download the "S32 Design Studio for ARM v1.3 - Update 2" file.   Start S32DS and go to Help -> Install New Software... Add a new "Archive" repository, browse to select the downloaded Update 2 file.   Tick all the update items and proceed to installation.  
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NOTICE: This may NOT work with the newer versions of PEmicro eclipse plugin (e.g. with S32DS for Power 2017.R1). Please use an alternative way described here: https://community.nxp.com/thread/486662?commentID=1068206#comment-1068206 This document describes how to program DCF record into UTEST flash with S32DS for Power v1.1+ using PEMICRO Probe (OpenSDA, USB Multilink, USB Multilink FX...) In  S32 Design Studio for Power v1.2+  the Pemicro plugin update step is not required since it's already included so you can skip  Step 1) Step 1) Update Pemicro Plugin.  See the post below - it's about ARM version of S32DS but the update process for S32DS for Power is exactly the same. You just need is to select e200 component instead of ARM  error while dubbing: "ERROR loading to the device" Step 2) Download and extract Flash programming algorithms for MPC5xxx directly from PEMICRO website into your computer. http://www.pemicro.com/downloads/download_file.cfm?download_id=422 Step 3) Create or reuse an existing S32DS project to connect to the board and inspect the existing content of UTEST/DCF user area memory section. See e.g. MPC5644P example below. Next available address for DCF record of this specific chip is 0x0040_0220 .. 0x0040_0227   Step 3a)  You can export this 64bit free region into a srecord file e.g. MyNewDCF.srec Step 3b)  Adjust Srecord file created to match with DCF record you intend to write. Don't forget to re-calculate Srec checksum. e.g. NOP 0x00000000 00000000   S3 0D 004002200 0000 0000 0000 0000 90 Step 4) Create/clone an existing debugger configuration that will load DCF into UTEST and adjust its parameters. Step 4a) Change the debugger configuration Name and enter the srecord path + file name adjusted in step 3b) as a C/C++ application. Step 4b) Debugger Tab -> Advanced Options - select Use Alternative Algorithm and browse the location where you extracted flash algorithms at step 2)  E.g. Freescale_MPC5744P_1x32x4k_UTest.pcp Step 4c)  Adjust Startup options - Disable Load Symbols and Run on Reset since this configuration is only for programming DCF record and not for debugging. Step 5) Now press Debug button and it should program your DCF record into UTEST flash memory. After debug session is established you can check if the DCF has been programmed correctly into DCF user area in Memory View. Note: The device will process these DCF records during the system reset sequence before the CPU leaves reset.
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