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Trimming internal reference clock of ICS (internal clock source) module using OSDA connection Pavel Šádek, Rožnov, Czech Republic   Simple apps does not require crystal driven clock precision. Internal reference clock based timing of MCU can be used instead.   Manufacturing process yealds to frequency deviation, that is why all MCU devices are factory programmed with a trim value in a reserved memory location. This value is uploaded to the ICS_C3 register and ICS_C4[SCFTRIM] during any reset initialization. For finer precision, trim the internal oscillator in the application and set ICS_C4[SCFTRIM] accordingly.   The TRIM bits effect the ICSOUT frequency if the ICS is in FLL engaged internal (FEI), FLL bypassed internal (FBI), or FLL bypassed internal low power (FBILP) mode.   The internal reference clock can be trimmed also in program time of the device to any value between 31.25 and 39.062kHz, this allows also achieving exotic bus frequencies.  The value applied in Processor Expert does not propagate into Pemicro connection manager. No matter if Processor expert is used or not , we need to configure it it by ourselves in connection of OSDA (same for debugging or programming). So this is a guide how to do so.   In the program initialization we need to initialize the ICS_C3 register and ICS_C4[SCFTRIM]. It can be done siply this way:   /* System clock initialization */   if ( *((uint8_t*) 0x03FFU) != 0xFFU) {     ICS_C3 = *((uint8_t*) 0x03FFU);     ICS_C4 = (ICS_C4 & 0xFEU) | ((*((uint8_t*) 0x03FEU)) & 0x01U);   }   Then hit   flag, choose debug configuration and you will see configuration of your connectons, I have here only OSDA for my Kinetis E Freedom board (it is similar across families of Kinetis, ColdFire or S08 just connection would be SWD, Jtag or BDM) You will get new window   Choose „Advanced Programming Options“ button     Enable calculating of Trim value and programming into Flash location. If the TRIM frequency is different from default, check the box to use custom one in valid range – the one you(or Processor Expert) have used for your timing calculations. Hit DONE and your effort is done!   Next, when you will launch debugging session by hitting bug on button these values will be applied.   My RESULT:   ICS_C3 was trimmed to value of 0x57 for 39.062kHz and 0x9B for 31.250kHz for my Kinetis E Freedom board. Precision is better then 1% in room temp. This is ok for serial comunication without need of crystal for example. Note: Values out from my discovered range of 0x57 – 0x9B leads to frequencies that are out of specification of ICS and should not be used for this exact device.  The limits will be slightly different for every single device.
Bootloader是一种面向用户应用程序的引导代码,可以在没有烧写器的情况下烧录用户程序,也可以用于在线更新程序。飞思卡尔提供了三种实现bootloader的方式,分别为: 1.预烧写在ROM中的bootloader     这种方式是MCU中内置了专用的ROM来存放bootloader,目前支持ROM型bootloader的Kinetis系列MCU包括KL03,KL17,KL27和KL43等。其中KL03和KL17的ROM bootloader包含SPI/UART/IIC三种接收方式,KL27和KL43还增加了USB的方式。 2.预烧写在FLASH中一次性bootloader     这种类型的bootloader在芯片出厂前预写在FLASH中,因此可以像ROM型bootloader一样直接使用。但与ROM型不同的是,上电后bootloader会从FLASH搬移到RAM 中运行,再将FLASH整片擦除并烧写用户程序,因此这种bootloader是一次性的。其优点是不需要片内ROM且方便量产烧写,缺点是无法支持以后的程序更新。目前支持预烧写在FLASH中一次性bootloader的Kinetis系列MCU包括K22、K24和KV3x等。 3.开放源码的bootloader     这种方式将FLASH空间分为两个部分,一部分用于存储bootloader代码;另一部分用于存储用户应用程序代码。这种方式的bootloader方便客户定制自己的代码。     目前飞思卡尔提供开放源代码的Kboot,支持UART/SPI/IIC/USB HID 几种接口方式,其网址链接为:     除了Kboot,还有以下独立版本的bootloader,包括:     1)AN2295(开发人员的串行引导加载程序)         文档下载地址为:         代码下载地址为:        另外FAE Yang Liang 对其进行了移植,目前已经支持FRDM-KE02,KE06,KL25,KL26,KL43,KL46, TWR-K60, KV4x, KV10.下载地址为:Kinetis/AN2295_Bootloader · GitHub     2)AN4767 (Kinetis E 系列上的UART Boot Loader 设计)         文档下载地址为:         基于AN2295,没有提供代码。     3)AN4775 (Kinetis E 系列上的IIC Boot Loader设计)         文档下载地址为:         代码下载地址为:     4)AN4368 (USB 大容量存储设备主机引导加载程序)          文档下载地址为:          代码下载地址为:GitHub - Wangwenxue/USB_MSD_Host_Bootloader_K60: This is usb msd Bootloader for K60 (For K60)                                        GitHub - Wangwenxue/USB_MSD_Host_Bootloader_K64: This USB MSD bootloader for K64 (For K64)     5)AN4379  (Freescale USB大容量存储设备引导加载程序)          文档下载地址为:          代码下载地址为:     6)AN4764   (USB Human Interface Device Boot Loader for ColdFire Plus, Kinetis K, and Kinetis L MCUs)          文档下载地址为:          代码下载见附件     7)AN4370   (用于 MCU 的 USB DFU 引导加载程序)         文档下载地址为:         代码下载地址为:       8)AN4367   (用于 MCU 的 以太网引导加载程序)         文档下载地址为:         代码下载地址为:         最新的代码请到FNET官网下载:    9)Kinetis Bootloader to Update Multiple Devices in a Network - for Cortex-M0+         代码及文档下载地址为:            
The 5V Kinetis E series MCUs are designed to maintain high robustness for complex electrical noise environments and high-reliability applications. Kinetis EA series MCUs using the same architecture with automotive level operation temperature range, are various used for auto body electrical application. There was a reality customer requirement to let KEA core running the application (light a LED) within 20ms from power up. It need to know the whole startup processing for KE/KEA product. Please check below picture to get more info about boot sequence: During the power up phase, after VDD rising to VPOR voltage threshold, there with about 15us delay before internal IRC start oscillating. T2 interval is FLL acquisition time to make FLL generating clock. The Reset_b pin is released and then the system is released from reset. After that, the NVM starts internal initialization. Flash Controller is released from reset and begins initialization operations while the core is still halted before the flash initialization completes. When the flash Initialization completes (16 μs) , the core sets up the stack, program counter (PC), and link register (LR). The processor reads the start SP (SP_main) from vector-table offset 0. The core reads the start PC from vector-table offset 4. LR is set to 0xFFFF_FFFF. The CPU begin to execute the first instruction. Overview the whole power up processing, FLL acquisition time is the longest time interval almost 1ms, then following power up time about 0.1ms (using 17KV/sec VDD ramp-up slew rate). There seems a lot of time left to run the chip initialization code and application code. Customer requirement (power up to light a led within 20ms) should be matched without any problem. While, during customer test, there seems it need to take more than 30ms to find the LED be lighten after power up. In order to check the issue, we get the customer test code and find there with below clock initialization code: void Clk_Init() {                 ICS_C1|=ICS_C1_IRCLKEN_MASK; /* Enable the internal reference clock*/                 ICS_C3= 0x90;                                    /* Reference clock frequency = 31.25 KHz*/                       while(!(ICS_S & ICS_S_LOCK_MASK));  /* Wait for FLL lock, now running at 40 MHz (1280 * 31.25Khz) */                                               ICS_C2|=ICS_C2_BDIV(1)  ;                    /*BDIV=2, Bus clock = 20 MHz*/                 ICS_S |= ICS_S_LOCK_MASK ;              /* Clear Loss of lock sticky bit */      } We do a test to check the Clk_init() function execution time and find it will take almost 25ms. We toggle a GPIO pin and almost 25ms for checking ICS status register [LOCK] be asserted. KE/KEA product using ICS module as clock source, which default mode is FEI. In general, during the chip initialization, using ICS status register [LOCK] bit to check if the FLL cock is stable or not. From KE/KEA product datasheet, the Max. FLL acquisition time is 2ms. Why the ICS_S[LOCK] bit be asserted need take more than 25ms? After double check with ICS IP owner, we get below info: The FLL_S[LOCK] bit act as “LOCK detection”, the LOCK bit will be set if FLL clock frequency stays within the tolerance 6% for 20ms~30ms. After acquisition time (max. 2ms) FLL achieved clock accuracy as same as LOCK bit be asserted. After ICS configuration modified, customer can call a 2ms delay routine to make sure FLL acquisition clock successfully before executing the application code. 
Hi All, This Kinetis Design Tips and Tricks document is used for those needing to have a checklist or troubleshooting document for their Kinetis hardware designs.  This will be a living document that is updated as needed. Enjoy all! Please give any and all feedback on this forum. Mike Steffen
Porting FatFs file system to KL26 SPI SD card code 1 Abstract      Without the SDHC module, Kinetis KL series need to use the SPI interface to communicate with the SD card. Normally, when customer use the SD card, they are not only want to write and read the SD card, but also prefer to create files(eg, text file, csv file,etc.) in the SD card to record some important data. Use the file to record the data, then the data can be read easily by the PC. MCU need to use the file system to operate the files, the file system should realize the function of file creating, file deleting, file reading and writing, etc. FatFs is a generic FAT/exFAT file system module for small embedded systems. This document mainly describe how to port a FatFs file system to the KL26 SPI SD card code, SD card SPI interface hardware circuit and the SD card basic operation code. 2 FatFs file system introduction 2.1 FatFs feature Windows compatible FAT/exFAT file system. Platform independent. Easy to port. Very small footprint for program code and work area. Various configuration options to support for: Multiple volumes (physical drives and partitions). Multiple ANSI/OEM code pages including DBCS. Long file name in ANSI/OEM or Unicode. exFAT file system. RTOS envilonment. Fixed or variable sector size. Read-only, optional API, I/O buffer and etc... 2.2 FatFs file system organizations   From the above pictures, we can see that in a project with Fatfs module, there mainly 4 parts: application, Fatfs, Disk I/O layer and the Media(SD card). (1) Application, user just need to call the FatFs API function to realize the file creation, read, write and delete. (2) FatFs module, this module contains 6 important files which customer need to use, it is: diskio.c, diskio.h, ff.c, ff.h, ffconf.h, integer.h.  diskio.c and diskio.h is used to call the SD card operation function from the Disk I/O layer, user need to modify this file to match the disk I/O layer, or write the disk I/O layer match this file. ff.c,ff.h is the FatFs file system layer, it defines the API function, user don’t need to modify it. ffconf.h is the system configuration file. integer.h is the data type define file, user don’t need to modify these two files. (3) Disk I/O layer, there has mmc.c and spi.c, actually, the detail name can be defined by the user, it is not fixed. Mmc.c is used to realize the SD card function, eg, SD initialization, SD block writing and reading.  Spi.c is the MCU SPI interface file, it realize the SPI communication function, because the Kinetis series don’t have the SDHC interface, then it use the SPI interface to communicate with the SD card. (4) Media, it can be SD,MMC, USB, NAND flash, here we use the SD card. More details, please refer to FatFs Module application note. 2.3 Common API function f_mount - Register/Unregister a work area of a volume f_open - Open/Create a file f_close - Close an open file f_read - Read data f_write - Write data f_lseek - Move read/write pointer, Expand size f_truncate - Truncate size f_sync - Flush cached data More functions, please go to this link: 3 SPI SD operation 3.1 Hardware       This document use the YL_KL26 as the testing board, customer also can add an external SD card circuit to the FRDM-KL26 board. The board is using the TF card, SD SPI interface circuit is:   The pin assignment in the YL-KL26 board is defined as follows: KL26 pin SPI name PTC4 SPI_CS0 PTC5 SPI_SCK PTC6 SPI_MOSI PTC7 SPI_MISO 3.2 Softwave      The test code project is based on the MDK5.1x. 3.3 SD I/O Layer 3.3.1 SD card initialization The communication speed for SD card initialization can’t exceed 400kb/s, if the speed is higher than 400kbps, user need to add the delay in the initialization code, otherwise the initialization will be failure. After the initialization is successful, user can increase the SD card communication speed. Initialization process: (1)  Initialize the SPI interface which connect to the SD card, down to low speed. (2)  Power on delay 72clks, wait for the SD card ready (3)  Go idle state, CMD0, this command will trigger the SD card to use the SPI interface. (4)  Get SD card information, CMD8, get the SD card version. (5) Active the SD card,  with CMD55+CMD41 (6) Read OCR data,CMD59. (7) Set SD card block size to 512Byte. CMD16 (8) Read CSD, get other information, CMD9 (9) Change to high speed and disable the CS uint8 MMCInit(void) {                 uint8 i = 0,k = 0,tmp = 0;                 uint16 cnt=0;                 uint8  buff[512];                                 SSP0LowSpeed();                                      // low speed                 MMCDelayUs(5000);                                                                                   for (i=0; i<0x0F; i++)                               {                    Send_Byte(0xFF);          // send 72 clocks                 }                 // Send Command CMD0 to SD/SD Card  enter idle                 do                 {                     tmp = MMCWriteCmd(CMD0,0x00,0x95);   // CMD0                      k++;                 }while ((tmp != 1) && (k < 200));                                   if(k == 0)                 {                   MMCCS(1);           //cs pullup, disconnect                   Send_Byte(0xFF);                   printf("\n SD reset fail");                   return 1;//                 }                                              //get SD card version                  tmp = MMCWriteCmd( CMD8,0x1AA,0x87 );                  printf( "SD_CMD8  return  %d........\n\n", tmp );  if(tmp == 1)// 2.0 card {          cnt=0xffff;                    do    {     MMCWriteCmd( CMD55, 0, 0xff );     tmp = MMCWriteCmd( CMD41,0x40000000, 0xff);//CMD41      cnt--;    } while ((tmp) && (cnt));                  //Get OCR information                  tmp = MMCWriteCmd(CMD58, 0, 0 );    if ( tmp != 0x00 )    {                   MMCCS(1);           //cs pullup, SD card disconnect                                 printf( "\nSD_CMD58 return  %d....\n", tmp );                   return 1;//    }      for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )    {     buff[ i ] = Get_Byte();    }    MMCCS(1);    printf( "OCR return: %x %x %x %x....\n\n", buff[0],buff[1],buff[2],buff[3] );      if ( buff[0] & 0x40 )    {                                  SD_Type = SD_TYPE_V2HC;      printf( "card is V2.0 SDHC.....\n\n" );    }    else {                                  SD_Type = SD_TYPE_V2;      printf( "card is V2.0.....\n\n" );    }              while(MMCWriteCmd(CMD16,512,0xff)!=0);                  MMCWriteCmd(CMD9,0,0xff);   }                 SSP0HighSpeed();                    //back to high speed                 MMCCS(1);                             return 0;                        } 3.3.2 Read one SD card block The block size is 512Byte, the read process is: Send CMD17 and wait the response Receive the start token 0XFE Receive the 512Byte data Receive 2 bytes CRC Disable the CS pin   uint8 MMCReadSingleBolck(uint32 addr,uint8 *buf) {                 uint16 i;                 uint8 sta;                 if(SD_Type!=SD_TYPE_V2HC)                 {                       addr= addr<<9;                 }                 sta = MMCWriteCmd(CMD17,addr,0x01);                 while(sta !=0)                 {                   sta = MMCWriteCmd(CMD17,addr,0x01);                 }                   while (Get_Byte() != 0xFE){;}                   if(sta == 0)                 {                   for (i=0; i<512; i++)                        {                     buf[i] = Send_Byte(0xFF);                   }                            }                 Send_Byte(0xFF);                                                                  Send_Byte(0xFF);                 MMCCS(1);                 return 0; } 3.3.3 Read multiple SD card block uint8 MMCReadMultipleBolck(uint32 addr,uint8 *buf,uint8 count) {          uint16 i;                 if(SD_Type!=SD_TYPE_V2HC)                 {                     addr= addr<<9;                 }                                                 if (MMCWriteCmd(CMD18,addr,0xFF) != 0x00)                    {                     return 1;                                          }                                 MMCCS(0);                 do                 {                     while (Send_Byte(0xFF) != 0xFE){;}                     for (i=0; i<512; i++)                                         {                         *buf++ = Send_Byte(0xFF);                     }                     Send_Byte(0xFF);                                                                                         Send_Byte(0xFF);                                 }while (--count);                 MMCCS(1);                 MMCWriteCmd(CMD12,0x00,0xFF);                   Send_Byte(0xFF);//delay                 return 0; } 3.3.4 Write one SD card block The procedure is: Send CMD24 and wait the response Receive the start token 0XFE Send the 512Byte data Send 2 bytes CRC Disable the CS pin   uint8 MMCWriteSingleBlock(uint32 addr,const uint8 *buf) {                 uint16 i,retry ;                 uint8  temp;                                 if(SD_Type!=SD_TYPE_V2HC)                 {                      addr=addr<<9 ;                 }                                              if (MMCWriteCmd(CMD24,addr,0x01) != 0x00)                         {                     return 1;                                                  }                 MMCCS(0);                 //wait SD card ready                 Send_Byte(0xFF);                          Send_Byte(0xFF);                 Send_Byte(0xFF);                 Send_Byte(0xFE);                               for (i=0; i<512; i++)                                 {                     Send_Byte(buf[i]);                 }                 //Dummy CRC                 Send_Byte(0xFF);                                                                              Send_Byte(0xFF);                 temp = Send_Byte(0xFF);                                                        temp &= 0x1F;                        if (temp != 0x05)                 {                     MMCCS(1);                     return 1;                                                                                                  }                                                 while (Send_Byte(0xFF) == 0x00)                 {                      retry++;                      if(retry>0xfffe)                     {                       MMCCS(1);                        return 1 ;                      }                 }                 MMCCS(1);                 Send_Byte(0xFF);                 return 0; } 3.3.5 Write multiple SD card block uint8 MMCReadMultipleBolck(uint32 addr,uint8 *buf,uint8 count) {     uint16 i;                 if(SD_Type!=SD_TYPE_V2HC)                 {                                   addr= addr<<9;                 }                                                 if (MMCWriteCmd(CMD18,addr,0xFF) != 0x00)                    {                     return 1;                                          }                                 MMCCS(0);                 do                 {                     while (Send_Byte(0xFF) != 0xFE)                     {                         ;                                                                                    }                                     for (i=0; i<512; i++)                                         {                         *buf++ = Send_Byte(0xFF);                     }                                     Send_Byte(0xFF);                                                                                         Send_Byte(0xFF);                                 }while (--count);                                 MMCCS(1);                 MMCWriteCmd(CMD12,0x00,0xFF);                   Send_Byte(0xFF);//delay                 return 0; } 4 FatFs file system porting 4.1 FatFs source code download Go to FatFs official website download the source code, the link is: The latest version is FatFs R0.12.    Unzip it, like the following picture, just need 6 files, user can copy it to the project SPI driver folder, and create a new folder named as fatfs. 4.2 Modify diskio.c file We need to modify these functions: disk_initialize:Disk initialize disk_status     :Get the Disk status disk_read       :Read Disk block disk_write      :Write Disk block disk_ioctl       :control device character get_fattime    :Get current time 4.2.1 disk_initialize function DSTATUS disk_initialize (                 BYTE pdrv                                                 ) {                 DSTATUS stat;                    stat=MMCInit();  //SD card initialization                  if(stat == STA_NODISK)                    {                         return STA_NODISK;                     }                 else if(stat != 0)                   {                         return STA_NOINIT;                   }               else                {                      return 0;                         } } 4.2.2 disk_status  function DSTATUS disk_status (                 BYTE pdrv                 /* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */ ) {        if(pdrv)     {         return STA_NOINIT;      }                 return RES_OK; } 4.2.3 disk_read function DRESULT disk_read (                 BYTE pdrv,                                /* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */                 BYTE *buff,                               /* Data buffer to store read data */                 DWORD sector,        /* Sector address in LBA */                 UINT count                               /* Number of sectors to read */ ) {     DRESULT res;     if (pdrv || !count)     {            return RES_PARERR;      }                           if (count == 1)                  {                                 res = MMCReadSingleBolck(sector,buff);                 }                 else                           {                                 res = MMCReadMultipleBolck(sector,buff,count);                 }     if(res == 0x00)     {         return RES_OK;     }     else     {         return RES_ERROR;     } } 4.2.4 disk_write function DRESULT disk_write (                 BYTE pdrv,                                                /* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */                 const BYTE *buff,      /* Data to be written */                 DWORD sector,                        /* Sector address in LBA */                 UINT count                                               /* Number of sectors to write */ ) {                 DRESULT res;                   if (pdrv || !count)     {            return RES_PARERR;      }     if(count == 1)     {         res = MMCWriteSingleBlock(sector, buff);     }     else     {         res = MMCWriteMultipleBlock(sector, buff, count);     }     if(res == 0)     {         return RES_OK;     }     else     {         return RES_ERROR;     } }   4.2.5 disk_ioctl function DRESULT disk_ioctl (                 BYTE pdrv,                                /* Physical drive nmuber (0..) */                 BYTE cmd,                /* Control code */                 void *buff                /* Buffer to send/receive control data */ ) {                 DRESULT res;                 BYTE n, csd[16];                 DWORD csize;                  if (pdrv)                  {                         return RES_PARERR;                  }                 res = RES_ERROR;                 switch (cmd)                 {                     case CTRL_SYNC       : res = RES_OK; break;                     case GET_SECTOR_COUNT: /* Get number of sectors on the disk (WORD) */                                                                 if((MMCWriteCmd(0x49,0x00,0x95) == 0) && MMCCSD_CID(0x49, csd))                                                                 {                                                                 if((csd[0] >> 6) == 1) /* SDC ver 2.00 */                                                                 {                                                                 csize = csd[9] + ((WORD)csd[8] << 😎 + 1;                                                                 *(DWORD*)buff = (DWORD)csize << 10;                                                                 }                                                                 else /* MMC or SDC ver 1.XX */                                                                 {                                                                 n = (csd[5] & 15) + ((csd[10] & 128) >> 7) + ((csd[9] & 3) << 1) + 2;                                                                 csize = (csd[8] >> 6) + ((WORD)csd[7] << 2) + ((WORD)(csd[6] & 3) << 10) + 1;                                                                 *(DWORD*)buff = (DWORD)csize << (n - 9);                                                                 }                                                                 res = RES_OK;                                                                 }                                                                 break;                     case GET_SECTOR_SIZE : /* Get sectors on the disk (WORD) */                                                                    *(WORD*)buff = 512;                                                                    res = RES_OK;                                                                    break;                     case GET_BLOCK_SIZE  :                                                             if ((MMCWriteCmd(0x49,0x00,0x95) == 0) && MMCCSD_CID(0x49, csd)) /* Read CSD */                                                        {                              *(DWORD*)buff = (((csd[10] & 63) << 1) + ((WORD)(csd[11] & 128) >> 7) + 1) << ((csd[13] >> 6) - 1);                                                                        res = RES_OK;                                                        }                                            break;                       default              : res = RES_PARERR; break;                 }                   return res; } 4.2.6 Get_fattime function   This function is used to get the current time, and write it in the file attribute when create, modify the files. It should associate with the RTC, this project didn’t add this function, so just write the code like this: DWORD get_fattime (void) { return 0; } 4.2.7 include SD.h file Comment usb, ATA include files, and add the user SD.h file, this is the SD card IO layer header file. #include "diskio.h"                   /* FatFs lower layer API */ //#include "usbdisk.h"              /* Example: Header file of existing USB MSD control module */ //#include "atadrive.h"            /* Example: Header file of existing ATA harddisk control module */ //#include "sdcard.h"                               /* Example: Header file of existing MMC/SDC contorl module */ #include "SD.h" /* Definitions of physical drive number for each drive */ //#define ATA                           0              /* Example: Map ATA harddisk to physical drive 0 */ //#define MMC                        1              /* Example: Map MMC/SD card to physical drive 1 */ //#define USB                          2              /* Example: Map USB MSD to physical drive 2 */ 4.3 Modify main function This project function is to create two files: Test.csv and Test.txt.  Write four items in these files: Test1, Test2, Test3, Test4. int main (void) {                 uint16 i,j;                 FATFS fs;                               FRESULT fr;                 FIL          fil;                                                            UINT bw;                 char file_name1[12]="Test.csv";                 char file_name2[12]="Test.txt";                 System_init();                 spiInit(SPI0_BASE_PTR , Master);                 fr= f_mount(&fs,file_name1,0);                 if(fr)                 {                                 printf("\nError mounting file system\r\n");                                 for(;;){}                 }                 fr = f_open(&fil, file_name1, FA_WRITE | FA_OPEN_ALWAYS);//create csv file                 if(fr)                 {                                 printf("\nError opening text file\r\n");                                 for(;;){}                 }                 fr = f_write(&fil, "Test1 ,Test2 ,Test3 ,Test4 \r\n", 29, &bw); //write data to the excel file                 if(fr)                 {                                 printf("\nError write text file\r\n");                                 for(;;){}                 }                  fr = f_close(&fil);                 if(fr)                 {                                 printf("\nError close text file\r\n");                                 for(;;){}                 }                 fr= f_mount(&fs,file_name2,0);                 if(fr)                 {                                 printf("\nError mounting file system\r\n");                                 for(;;){}                 }                              fr = f_open(&fil, file_name2, FA_WRITE | FA_OPEN_ALWAYS);//create txt file                 if(fr)                 {                                 printf("\nError opening text file\r\n");                                 for(;;){}                 }                 fr = f_write(&fil, "Test1 ,Test2 ,Test3 ,Test4 \r\n", 29, &bw); //write data to the txt file                 if(fr)                 {                                 printf("\nError write text file\r\n");                                 for(;;){}                 }                 fr = f_close(&fil);                 if(fr)                 {                                 printf("\nError close text file\r\n");                                 for(;;){}                 }            while(1)                 {                          for(i=0;i<10;i++) for(j=0;j<65535;j++);                         printf("\ntest_sd\n");//                 } } Add FatFs header files in the main.h. #include "spi.h" #include "SD.h" #include "diskio.h" #include "ff.h" 5 Test result     After download the code to the KL26 board, then insert a 8G microSD card which already format with the Fat32, press the reset button on the board, user can find the following printf log from the com port: It means the SD card is identified.      Now, take out the SD card and insert it to the PC, user will find there has two files: Test.csv and Test.txt. Open these files, data Test1, Test2, Test3, Test4 can be find in it,  it means the FatFs file system is porting successfully.
Although most of us have a basic understanding of how an ADC works and how to understand some of the basic figures that define an ADC performance, that is far from really understanding how to fully interpret and use the figures depicted in a datasheet ADC section. With all those numbers it is easy to get lost on which ones to look at when we want to know how it will react to conditions such as frequency, signal amplitude, temperature, etc; having such knowledge would allow us to better fit a specific ADC to your application and take full advantage of its features. Having this in mind I took the time to compile some information related to what the most common figures that describe an ADC performance depicted in a datasheet mean, most of the material can be found in any Analog to Digital Conversion theory book; as I mentioned before this is just a general compilation of knowledge I hope will help you better understand those specifications. It assumes those of us who use datasheets are somehow familiar with the basic working of ADCs, so I will spare the basic concepts. Now down to business, this is a extract of a typical ADC section from a microcontroller's datasheet: I am almost certain not a lot of people who use microcontrollers, and more specifically ADCs; have a clear idea of what Total Unadjusted Error, Integral Non-Linearity or Differential Non-Linearity describe in the behavior of an ADC. Even though I will try to describe in detail the most common parameters I might miss some others and there is the possibility some of the information might not be as accurate as I would like it to be, if any of you reading this brief document have specific questions regarding any parameter I describe or miss by all means comment. Common ADC electrical characteristics depicted in datasheets EQ          Quantization error      Since the analog input to an ADC can take any value, but the digital output is quantized, there may be a difference of up to ½ Less Significant Bit between the actual analog input and the exact value of the digital output. This is known as the quantization error or quantization uncertainty as shown below. In ac (sampling) applications this quantization error gives rise to quantization noise. SINAD, SNR and ENOB (Signal to Noise plus Distortion, SIgnal to Noise Ratio and Effective Number of Bits)      Signal-to-Noise-and Distortion (SINAD, or S/(N + D) is the ratio of the rms signal amplitude to the mean value of the root-sum square (rss) of all other spectral components, including harmonics, but excluding dc. SINAD is a good indication of the overall dynamic performance of an ADC      as a function of input frequency because it includes all components which make up noise (including thermal noise) and distortion. It is often plotted for various input amplitudes. SINAD is equal to THD + N if the bandwidth for the noise measurement is the same. SINAD is often converted      to effective-number-of-bits (ENOB) using the relationship for the theoretical SNR of an ideal N-bit ADC: SNR = 6.02N + 1.76 dB, the equation is solved for N, and the value of SINAD is substituted for SNR.      Effective number of bits (ENOB) is a measure of the dynamic performance of an analog to digital converter and its associated circuitry. The resolution of an ADC is specified by the number of bits used to represent the analog value, in principle giving 2 N signal levels for an N-bit signal. However, all real ADC circuits introduce noise and distortion. ENOB specifies the resolution of an ideal ADC circuit that would have the same resolution as the circuit under consideration. Often ENOB is calculated using the relationship for the theoretical SNR of an ideal N-bit ADC: SNR =      6.02N + 1.76 dB, the equation is solved for N, and the value of SINAD is substituted for SNR. SFDR      Spurious Free Dynamic Range     One of the most significant specification for an ADC used in a communications application is its spurious free dynamic range (SFDR). SFDR of an ADC is defined as the ratio of the rms signal amplitude to the rms value of the peak spurious spectral content measured over the bandwidth      of interest. SFDR is generally plotted as a function of signal amplitude and may be expressed relative to the signal amplitude (dBc) or the ADC full-scale (dBFS) as shown in Figure n. For a signal near full-scale, the peak spectral spur is generally determined by one of the first few harmonics of the fundamental. However, as the signal falls several dB below full-scale, other spurs generally occur which are not direct harmonics of the input signal. This is because of the differential nonlinearity of the ADC transfer function as discussed earlier. Therefore, SFDR      considers all sources of distortion, regardless of their origin. INL      Integral Non-Linearity     Integral nonlinearity (acronym INL) is the maximum deviation between the ideal output of an ADC and the actual output level (after offset and gain errors have been removed). The transfer function of an ADC should ideally be a line and the INL measurement depends on the ideal line selected. Two often used lines are the best fit line, which is the line that minimizes the INL result and the endpoint line which is a line that passes through the points on the transfer function corresponding to the lowest and highest input code. In all cases, the INL is the maximum distance between the ideal line selected and the actual transfer function. DNL        Differential Non-Linearity      Differnetial NonLinearity relates to the linearity of the code transitions of the converter. In the ideal case, a change of 1 LSB in digital code corresponds to a change of exactly 1 LSB of analog signal. In an ADC there should be exactly 1 LSB change of analog input to move from one           digital transition to the next. Differential linearity error is defined as the maximum amount of deviation of any quantum (or LSB change) in the entire transfer function from its ideal size of 1 LSB. Where the change in analog signal corresponding to 1 LSB digital change is more or less than 1 LSB, there is said to be a DNL error. The DNL error of a converter is normally defined as the maximum value of DNL to be found at any transition across the range of the converter. The following figure shows the non-ideal transfer functions for an ADC and shows the effects of the DNL error.      A common result of excess DNL in ADCs is missing codes resulting from DNL < –1 LSB. THD      Total Harmonic Distortion Total harmonic distortion (THD) is the ratio of the rms value of the fundamental signal to the mean value of the root-sum-square of its harmonics (generally, only the first 5 are significant). THD of an ADC is also generally specified with the input signal close to full-scale, the harmonics of the input signal can be distinguished from other distortion by their location in the frequency spectrum. The second and third harmonics are generally the only ones specified on a data sheet because they tend to be the largest. EFS     Full Scale Error Full-scale error can be defined as the difference between the actual value triggering the transition to full-scale and the ideal analog full-scale transition value. Full-scale error is equal to the offset error + gain error Offset error The transfer characteristics of both DACs and ADCs may be expressed as a straight line given by D = K + GA, where D is the digital code, A is the analog signal, and K and G are constants. In a unipolar converter, the ideal value of K is zero. The offset error is the amount by which the actual value of K differs from its ideal value. Gain error The gain error is the amount by which G differs from its ideal value, and is generally expressed as the percentage difference between the two, although it may be defined as the gain error contribution (in mV or LSB) to the total error at full-scale. TUE      Total Unadjusted Error This is the result of performing conversions without having calibrated the ADC, it is dominated by the uncalibrated gain and uncalibrated offset terms in the data sheet. Although most devices will be well within the data sheet limits, it should be noted that they are not centered around zero and full range of the incoming analog signal is not guaranteed. Therefore, an uncalibrated ADC will always show unknown levels of gain and offset error, thus reflecting the worst case of conversion error the module can provide.
The DOC focuses on how to access SDRAM based on K65 SDRAM controller, it describes the hardware connection especially the address connection, the SDRAM controller initialization,the code to access SDRAM.
Hi Community members! Here you can find the source code of the MSD Host Bootloader implemented on the AN4368 document using the TWR-K70F120M and CodeWarrior 10.6 and a document that describes the migration process of the original source code for the TWR-K60N512 to a TWR-K70F120M and the steps to use the application. Attached you will find a image.s19 file created to be used with the bootloader application as an example. :smileyinfo: This document and code are intended to demonstrate the use of the AN4368 source code on a 120 MHz device and CodeWarrior 10.6 but is not replacing the work done on the application note. I hope this can be helpful for you! Best Regards, Adrian :smileyplus: If it was useful for you do not forget to click on the Like button. It would be nice!
Kinetis Programming using PE multilink Connect All the VDD to +3.3V and all VSS to GND. Connect 10K pullup resistor to RESET_b pin of the controller. If the controller have the option of JTAG/SWD/EZport make sure to connect 10K pullup resistor to NMI_b or EZP_CS_b pin. NMI_b pins selects the interrupt to highest priority so the controller won't enter into programming mode and EZP_CS_b pin is used for selecting Ezport programming method.   At factory reset condition, all the controller is in the continuous watchdog enabled mode and constantly resetting and the voltage level on the reset pin will be approx 1.64V after adding the pullup resistor as mentioned in point 2. Do not add any filter capacitor on the reset pin while programming the controller for the first time. As it will not let the logic level go low while programming. Which is essential. On probing the reset pin to the oscilloscope the following will be the pattern Before programming we need to mass erase the controller otherwise it will be in continuous reset mode. And to do that we need to configure SWD/JTAG mode. The following configurations for K20P48 LQFP in SWD mode. For mass erase following steps we need to follow. Search for thunderbolt icon in code warrior ie flash programmer and click on the drop-down menu on the icon.     Click on edit then      After configuring the above settings then click on the erase whole device option shown on step 9. If the microcontroller have JTAG/SWD and EZPORT then connect the microcontroller to JTAG port using PORT B of multilink with 20 pin headder. Try avoiding jumpers instead connect the 20 pin cable provided with PE multilink programmer. As all GND pins need to be connected on board's GND.   If the problem still persist then refer to this link Freescale community programmer
Foreword This document is a supplement and revision of AN4379 Freescale USB Mass Storage Device Bootloader written by dereksnell in 2011. The original version was programmed with CW for Flexis JM/ColdFire MCF522XX/Kinetis K60. It has not been updated for 2 years. In 2013, I selected FSL MKL25Z as my prefer platform for USB host/OTG application, because it has on chip OTG module, instead of regular device module in its competitors have. I can develop some USB host applications. IAR is selected among commercial compilers for KL2X and other MCU development, since IAR can offer 32KB limited edition for ARM. In order to make AN4379 work on my FRDM-KL25Z, it involves porting efforts between compilers (from CW to IAR EW) and hardware platforms (from K60 to KL25). Reused Sources I gave up the original release since I found FSL USB stack has been improved in many ways between v4.0.3/v4.1.1 and Derek's base. The MSD application from USB stack are reused as baseline. I also merge flash and serial port driver from AN2295 Serial bootloader, as well as some helper functions for debug purpose. The printf( ) sometimes is more helpful than debugger, since it can reveal information during full speed run time. However, don't print out too many characters, since it occupies many resources. Don't print message everywhere, use it only when necessary and remove them in your final release. Bootloader Project & Sources A working bootloader project should include following files and paths. X:\Freescale USB Stack v4.0.3\Source\Device\app\msd_bootloader X:\Freescale USB Stack v4.0.3\Source\Device\app\common X:\Freescale USB Stack v4.0.3\Source\Device\source\driver\kinetis X:\Freescale USB Stack v4.0.3\Source\Device\source\class\usb_msc*.* X:\Freescale USB Stack v4.0.3\Source\Device\source\common Since I have not touched any code in Device\source folder and it is part of USB stack. You can unzip them into a separate folder and merge them into your existing USB stack tree. Be careful, since I have changed some code in common folder. It is up to you to merge them with compare tool. And MSD bootloader and MSD user application indeed have differences in main( ). Open the attached project in IAR EW, rebuild it and download into debugger. Then you can connect its user USB port to PC, the OS will prompts MSC device connecting and BOOTLOADER driver is shown later on. You can drag and drop , copy and paste or enter in command prompt to copy any user application S-record file into BOOTLOADER driver. If your application code is designed for MSD bootloader, it will run after reset. For what is designed for MSD bootloader, please check the following chapter. First Thing First The bootloader must have conditional jump to user application. The condition could be push button or timeout counter. As a result, the GPIO and timer must be initialized as first step. According to Cortex-M's nature, MCG should be initialized as well in some cases. However, I find multiple calls to MCG initialization routines may cause system hangs on it. The detail logic has not been recovered so far. But I would like to recommend to initial GPIO and LPTMR only, without touching too much on MCG pll_init( ). Default Operation The bootloader will check if PTA2 has been grounded after reset. It will drops to bootloader anyway if it is connected to ground. Otherwise, it will check 0x8000~0x8004 for SP/PC checking. If there is a valid user application, it will transfer control to user application. If not, bootloader will enumerate an MSD driver called BOOTLOADER. There is a file called READY.TXT inside the driver. Custom Bootloader The bootloader can be used directly, or you can custom it. That's why I still keep the revised bootloader as open source. You can rename the driver label, download and run, more firmware format like intel hex, use another ISP push button, resize the driver, add CDC for debug purpose, add driver inf file for custom driver installation, add bi-directional communication over file system, add more features. However, you must understand FAT16 and make modification by yourself. You have to help yourself. Demo User Application Project Another attachment FRDM_KL25ZDemo_freedom.srec is demo project from Kinetis L family release and its S19 file, linked with modified ICF link file. The starting address of an user application is heavily device dependent, which basically related to its 32bit flash protection registers. Since MKL25Z128VLK4 has 128KB flash memory, the minimal protected flash block is 128K/32=4KB. The existing MSD bootloader release is 22KB (0x597F). So 0x6000 could be the start address of an application. Considering potential integrated features and data storage in future releases, 0x8000 is recommended as application start address. General Purpose ICF files During my development with AN2295(Serial) / AN4370(DFU) / AN4379(MSC device) bootloaders, I prepared more linker file. The only differences are the starting addresses, aka relocated vector address, ranges from 0x4000 / 0x8000 / 0xA000. The attachment Pflash_128KB_0x8000.icf explains itself from its name You can easily find necessary modifications for your ICF files in AN2295/AN4370/AN4379 documets. We can put three versions of ICF file in your linker script folder for easy development. Unnecessary Flash Protection Bytes By inspecting the S-Record file, I found the flash protection bytes are still reserved in user applications. Furthermore, the area between 0x80C0 and 0x83FF is kept as 0xFF, blank bytes. The flash protection bytes from 0x8410 to 0x841F are unnecessary since these flash protection bytes are useless in a relocated flash address besides 0x410~0x41F. We can remove the definitions and free some flash memories for user code and EEPROM emulation. In order to free these bytes, we must search source file and icf file who might hold them. This topic has not been covered here. Debug Skills You can debug both bootloader as well as user application with FRDM-KL25Z. Amazing ! It is easy for debug bootloader, since it is a regular application. How to debug a relocated user application? You can download the firmware by bootloader. After bootloader transfers control to the user application, you have to debug it in disassembly Window. Or you can download the user firmware as a regular application in debugger. The debugger will stop at main( ) of user application. If you want to debug the code before running main. Simply add more breakpoint, press reset. The debugger will tell you if you want to stop running to main. Click "stop", you will be forwarded to the address of user PC points to. By using these skills, I found my bootloader pll_init( ) has some side-effects on user application's pll_init( ). The debugger is very helpful in debugging both bootloader and relocated user firmware. Compare to IAR's debugger, Eclipse's debug Window is a mess. It has not reset button at all. That is why I usually use IAR for development and port to GCC later on. More Features FSL bootloaders only offers a basic framework. The users will need more features in future development. I am preparing following features when I am available. License file Including SNR and installation, activation, authentication as well as user API. By this license program, the firmware developers can monetize their IPR investment. User files Support emulated file with on-chip flash memories, Including drivers, html and other files. It is a handy feature since the users can access the related driver easily. And these files can be read-only and virus-proof. This files can also be used as keys for access control and other security applications. ROM API Since bootloader can be used as part of user application, we can integrate some important ROM API, like authentication, serial communication, and any other algorithms. It is simple to implement, define a dedicated code section, and use KEEP directive avoid optimization by the compilers. Limitations I have changed some code during this release. Like bootloader_task.c .FlashConfig should be updated to protect 32KB or 24KB. The current figure 0xFFFFFFFE only protects one block, aka 4KB.  And it is heavily device dependent. (Please correct me if I am wrong) So maybe there are still a lot of bugs. Feel free to leave your comment. I only tested it with S-record file, you are free to test it with CW binary and raw binary files. Even the S-record file, I have not tested those files with memory gaps in the file. Maybe you should padding the gaps with 0xFF before download.
When you go with your laptop to a public place and you don't have a wi-fi connection available you can connect your cellphone in the USB port of your computer, turn on the USB tethering feature of your smartphone and you get full acess to the internet using your carrier data plan. The USB tethering uses the the RNDIS protocol and is easy to implement on a laptop.   But how to connect a Kinetis to the internet using a cellphone?   I'm sharing the the first version of the implementation I made of the RNDIS protocol.It's based in the KSDK 1.3 + MQX + LwIP and it can be used for reference in other projects. It's only a first release and I plan some additional implementation, bugfixes and support for other Kinetis boards in the near future but it already can be useful in some projects. Initially it only supports FRDM-K22F and FRDM-K64F but it can be implemented in any MCU with USB controller and enough FLASH. It's a low-cost and simple way to connect your MCU to the internet when you don't have a Ethernet cable available or an Wi-fi connection or a 4G module available in your board.   Introduction   This project implements the RNDIS protocol on the top of the USB Host Stack and in the bottom of the LwIP (TCP/IP stack). When a cellphone is connected to a freedom board, it acts as a USB device and the Freedom board acts as a host.   * Software implementation * Cellphone connected to a FRDM-K64F providing internet connection to the board   The user can design his own software in the top of the TCP/IP stack (LwIP) like if it's connected through an ethernet cable.   Demonstration   To run the demo you will need the KDS 1.3 (   To load all the projects needed to your project you have to extract the .zip file and in KDS go to File -> Import, Project of Projects -> Existing Project Sets, and browse to the *.wsd file present in the folder:   USB_RNDIS\KSDK_1.3.0\examples\[your board]\demo_apps\lwip\usb_tethering_demo\usb_tethering_demo_mqx\kds   It will import all the needed project in to your workspaces so you will be able to build all the projects and flash it into your board.   With the application flashed, open a Serial terminal with 115200kbps, 8N1 for the CDC interface of OpenSDA.When the board starts, it will display:     Connect your cellphone in to the USB of the MCU. After connect the phone turn on the USB tethering feature and wait some seconds:   The Freedom Board will be connected to the internet. As an example, this demo connects to an HTTP server in the internet, download to MCU some data (Lastest news from an newspaper website) and displays it through the Serial connection.   You can modify this demo for your own application, using the TCP/IP and UDP/IP provided by the LwIP.   Typical Aplications   - Low-cost temporary internet connectivity to the MCU. - Remote updat (i.e.: bootloader through USB downloading the new firmware direct from the web) - Remote control - Remote diagnostics   Known Issues and Limitations: - This first version was only full implemented for FRDM-K22F and FRDM-K64F. I can implement for other boards through requests. - It was tested on Android Phones (Samsung Galaxy, Motorola G, Motorola X). I don't have a iPhone to test yet. - Some cellphones need additional current to detect that is attached to a host.A external power is needed in this situation.For FRDM-K64F I suggest to use the J27 footprint to provide 5V and short the diode D13. - Not all the RNDIS messages was implemented yet, only the most fundamental ones. - There's a flash size limitation due the size of the TCP/IP stacks ( that requires a considerably space of flash). It can adapted in the future for stacks with smaller footprint. - Only support KDS 3.0 at this time. And it only supports MQX at this time.   Let me  know if you have any question. Hope it can be useful!   1-      With the application flashed, open a Serial terminal with 115200kbps, 8N1 for the CDC interface of OpenSDA.When the board starts, it will display:
This example shows a FRDM-KL46Z interfacing with a Bluetooth-serial board BT_BOARD V1.05, it uses FREEMASTER to graph temperature and light sensor variables. Check how to connect, configure Bluetooth, and freemaster in attached document contains                            srec file                            firmware                            fremaster project (.pmp) Luis
By Paolo Alcantara RTAC Americas Mexico 2012 USB device firmware update (DFU) bootloader provides an easy and reliable way to load new user applications to devices having preloaded the USB DFU bootloader. After loaded, the new user application is be able to run in the MCU. The USB DFU bootloader requires an application running on a PC (USB DFU PC application). The DFU PC application supports loading the firmware to the device by using specific requests as stated in the USB DFU specification class. The USB DFU bootloader is able to enumerate in two ways: -USB composite device mode: also know as run time mode. It’s formed of a DFU device plus another USB device class. For this implementation, human interface device (HID) mouse device is used to avoid increasing the bootloader memory size. The MCU must be in the following conditions prior to enter to this mode: MCU doesn’t contain a valid firmware image or doesn’t contain firmware. An external action is applied to MCU such as pressing a button during a reset event. This is dependant of the USB DFU bootloader implementation. -DFU device mode: used when DFU is ready to upload or download firmware images by a request made from the USB DFU PC Application. Prior to this mode, the MCU was in USB composite device mode. A bootloader is a small application that is used to load new user applications to devices. Therefore, the bootloader needs to be able to run in both, the user application and bootloader mode. As an example: After reset, the device attempts to run the user application. If the user application is not found or corrupted, the device automatically runs into bootloader mode. In case the application is valid and user wants to run bootloader program, external intervention is required such as pressing a specific key at reset time to force the device entering to bootloader mode. Full application note and software attached.
Recently I was told that there really lack of enough document && demo regarding the lwIP stack with SDK. So I would like to share more detail regarding this topic, and hope it will been helpful and useful. Introduction Small independent implementations of the TCP/IP protocol suite One of the most widely used TCP/IP stack Under a BSD-style license Support run in both bare metal and RTOS environment Suitable for use in embedded system with tens of free RAM and room for around 40 kilobytes of code ROM lwIP stack on KSDK     - <ksdk_install_dir>/middleware/tcpip/lwip lwIP stack on KSDK - Code Structure lwIP code structure is shown as below: src     This subfolder includes the latest stable lwIP 1.4.1 source code which can be downloaded from this link: port     This subfolder includes the adapter code which adapts lwIP stack to SDK. lwIP stack on KSDK - Source Code Structure of source code under is shown below: lwIP stack on KSDK – Adapter code <ksdk_install_dir>/middleware/tcpip/lwip/port <ksdk_install_dir>/middleware/tcpip/lwip/port/arch These Adapter code could be divided into four types:         Ethernet driver adapter code         OSA adapter code         Additional code         lwIP stack configuration code Ethernet Driver Adapter Code Provide Ethernet relevant interface including    − Ethernet hardware initialization    − Network interface initialization    − Send packet to Ethernet hardware    − Receive packet from Ethernet hardware    − Pass packet to lwIP stack Both polling and interrupt mode are provided for packet receiving     - In <ksdk_install_dir>/platform/drivers/inc/fsl_enet_driver.h,          #define ENET_RECEIVE_ALL_INTERRUPT 0 to enable polling mode.          Or set          #define ENET_RECEIVE_ALL_INTERRUPT 1 to enable interrupt mode. Ethernet driver adapter code provides ENET_receive API for polling mode Under RTOS environment, a separate task executing ENET_receive for packet receiving is created in Ethernet hardware initialization code for polling mode Under Bare Metal environment the ENET_receive API need to be called endlessly to do packet receiving OSA Adapter Code Provide OS dependent types and interface for RTOS environment (configured NO_SYS = 0)    −Semaphore    −Mutex    −Mailbox    −Thread Provide time tick for bare metal environment(NO_SYS = 1) sys_now to get the current time sys_assert to print an assertion messages and abort execution. Additional Code Provide definition and interface for:    −Typedefs    −Compiler hints for packing and platform specific    −Diagnostic output lwIP Stack Configuration Code Provides a way to override much of the behavior of lwIP based on opt.h.     − Module support (Code size)           Default inclusions:     ARP (LWIP_ARP)     UDP (LWIP_UDP) and UDP-Lite (LWIP_UDPLITE)     TCP (LWIP_TCP) -- this is a big one!     Statistics (LWIP_STATS)          ……          Default exclusions:    DHCP (LWIP_DHCP)    AUTOIP (LWIP_AUTOIP)    SNMP (LWIP_SNMP)    IGMP (LWIP_IGMP)    PPP (PPP_SUPPORT)    − Memory management (RAM usage)              lwIP’s custom heap-based mem_malloc              C standard library malloc and free              Memory pools lwIP Stack Porting Guide    Possible Situation for Porting New Soc with Limited RAM In current KSDK, the main RAM consumption for lwIP is show below: If resource on the new platform is not enough, could reduce ram consumption for ram_heap and pbuf_pool.         In lwip/port/lwipopts.h: #define MEM_SIZE                (12*1024)    /**the size of ram_heap/ #define PBUF_POOL_SIZE          10      /*the number of buffers in the pbuf pool. */ #define PBUF_POOL_BUFSIZE       1518 /* the size of each pbuf in the pbuf pool. */ pbuf_pool also support dynamically allocate from ram_heap.        In lwip/include/opt.h:          #define MEMP_MEM_MALLOC     1 /*Use mem_malloc/mem_free to do allocate*/ Use libc malloc/free to manage the memory allocation instead of mem_malloc/mem_free, memory definition for ram_heap is not needed.         #define MEM_LIBC_MALLOC       1 /*Use malloc/free/realloc provided by C-library*/   New Soc NOT Support PIT timer OSA adapter code should provide Bare metal lwIP stack with a 1ms period timer. Current the code use pit timer to do this and the definition in sys_arch.c is as below: #define HWTIMER_LL_DEVIF    kPitDevif      // Use hardware timer PIT #define HWTIMER_LL_SRCCLK   kBusClock     // Source Clock for PIT #define HWTIMER_LL_ID       3 #define HWTIMER_PERIOD          1000      // 1 ms interval If the new platform does not provide PIT, we could use other hardware timers to implement the 1ms period timer. Lightweight TCP/IP (lwIP) Stack Porting v Lightweight TCP/IP (lwIP) Stack Porting Guide Lightweight TCP/IP (lwIP) Stack Porting Guide
USB secondary ISP bootloader for LPC11U68  Overview        A Secondary Bootloader (SBL) is a piece of code that allows a user application code to be downloaded using alternative channels other than the standard UART0 used by the internal bootloader (on chip). Possible secondary bootloaders can be written for USB, Ethernet, SPI, SSP, CAN, and even I/Os. The secondary bootloader utilizes IAP as a method to update the user’s application code.        The internal bootloader is the firmware that resides in the microcontroller’s boot ROM block and is executed on power-up and resets. After the boot ROM’s execution, the secondary bootloader would be executed, which will then execute the user application.      The purpose of this document is to use USB as an example for developing the secondary bootloader and the code was tested using the LPCXpresso 11U68 evaluation board.       The MSCD presents easy integration with a PC‘s operating systems. This class allows the embedded system’s flash memory space be represented as a folder in Windows/Linux. The user can update the flash with the binary image using drag and drop, so the following sections will present a guideline for development and implementation of the USB secondary bootloader design, configuration, and test.      USB secondary bootloader code is base on the USB Mass Storage Class demo. However in this application note, we do not attempt to explain how the Mass Storage Class is implemented. Fig 1 LPCXpresso Board for LPC11U68 Setup file (sbl_config.h)       This file configures the secondary bootloader. The user should change this according to their application.       Some definitions and explanation: MAX_USER_SECTOR – This parameter is device dependent. In a 256 KB device, it will be 29 sectors, however the size of the last 5 sectors become the 32 KB instead of the 4 KB, so in the application, MAX_USER_SECTOR chooses 23 (Fig 2). CRP – Code Read Protection. This parameter allows select the desired CRP level. Choosing CRP3, the primary bootloader’s entry mechanism check will be bypassed. Fig 3 for CRP details. Fig 2 Flash sectors in LPC11U68 Fig 3 Code Read Protection (CRP) Secondary bootloader entry        The boot sequence shown below is used when entering the secondary USB bootloader. Fig 4 Using an entry pin      The secondary USB bootloader will check the status of a GPIO pin to determine if it should enter into programming mode. This is the easiest way since no post processing is needed. And this secondary bootloader uses P0.16. Automatic secondary bootloader entry       If the secondary USB bootloader detects that no user application is present upon reset, it will automatically enter programming mode. ISP entry disabled     If the secondary USB bootloader detects that a user application has already been installed and that CRP is set to level 3, then it will not enter ISP mode. Bootloader size        Since the bootloader resides within user programmable flash, it should be designed as small as possible. The larger the secondary USB bootloader is the less flash space is available to the user application. By default, the USB bootloader has been designed to fit within the first two flash sectors (Sector 0-1) so that the user application can start from sector 2. Code placement in flash       The secondary bootloader is placed at the starting address 0x0 so that it will be executed by the LPC11U68 after reset. Flash programming is based on a sector-by-sector basis. This means that the code for the user application should not be stored in any of the same flash sectors as the secondary bootloader and for efficient use of the flash space, the user application should be flashed into the next available empty sector after the bootloader.        In the application, the start sector is 3 (0x0000_3000) which is used to store the user application code. User application execution        If the SW2 button is not depressed, the secondary bootloader will start the execution of the user application. Execution of the user application is performed by updating the stack pointer (SP) and program counter (PC) registers. The SP points to the new location where the user application has allocated the top of its stack .The PC on the other hand contains the location of the first executable instruction in the user application. From here on the CPU will continue normal execution and initializations specified on the user application. By default, the bootloader uses 2 flash sectors. Therefore, to utilize the remaining flash, the secondary bootloader will look for the user application at 0x00003000 Handing interrupts      The LPC11U68 contains a NVIC (Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller) that handles all interrupts. When an interrupt occurs the processor uses the vector table to locate the address of the handler.      On the LPC11U68 the vector table is located in the same area of flash memory as the secondary bootloader. The secondary bootloader is designed to be permanently resident in flash memory and therefore it is not possible to update the contents of the vector table every time a new application is downloaded.       The Cortex-M3 core allows the vector table to be remapped; however this is not the case with the Cortex-M0. Because of this, the secondary bootloader has been designed to redirect the processor to the handler listed in a vector table located in the application area of flash memory, see Fig 5. Fig 5 User application       To execute the user application the secondary USB bootloader will load the new SP and PC values into their respective registers, allowing the CPU to execute the new code correctly. Therefore, the user application must be built so that it can run from that starting address. In the application, this address is 0x00003E00. So relocate the user application storage area by following corresponding IDE’s User Guide.  Testing  Creating the binary file             In this application, I build the demos_switch_blinky which is from the LPCOpen library to create the binary which is compatible with the secondary USB bootloader. 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1E 64 19 22 60 24 1D 1B 1F 04 2B FA D2 25 00 9E 07 01 D5 22 80 AD 1C 0B 40 00 D0 2A 70 03 68 00 1D 00 2B E7 D1 70 BC 70 47 10 B5 07 49 79 44 18 31 06 4C 7C 44 16 34 04 E0 08 1D 0A 68 89 18 88 47 01 00 A1 42 F8 D1 10 BD 08 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 9D FF FF FF 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 F0 0B F8 00 28 01 D0 FF F7 DE FF 00 20 00 BF 00 BF FF F7 0C FD 00 F0 02 F8 01 20 70 47 80 B5 00 F0 02 F8 01 BD FE E7 07 46 38 46 00 F0 02 F8 FB E7 FE E7 20 21 09 03 26 31 18 20 AB BE F9 E7 01 48 80 47 01 48 00 47 D9 09 00 00 C5 09 00 00 00 BF 00 BF 00 BF 00 BF FF F7 D2 FF 00 1B B7 00 00 80 00 00 80 B5 FF F7 DF FD 01 BD FE E7 FE E7 FE E7                                                    Table 1 Drag and drop the binary file Running the secondary bootloader, and connect a USB cable between the PC and the J3, see Fig 6; Fig 6 Drag and drop the binary file to the driver, see Fig 7;    Fig 7 Review the values of the user application in the relative area , see Fig 8; Fig 8
This is an adaptation I made for the original SMTP protocol implementation provided with the KSDK1.3, with the addition of the secure connection using WolfSSL. The example software is currently ported to the FRDM-K64F Kinetis board but it can be implemented for other boards.This demo sends a e-mail using the Gmail SMTP server ( , port 465) through a SSL channel.   How to run the example:   1 - Download the example software attached. You will need to have KDS 3.0 and KSDK1.3 previously installed on the machine. 2 - In KDS, go to File -> Import, select the folder Project of Projects -> Existing Project Sets, then open the file mqx_smtp_ssl_demo.wsd located in the folder \SMTP_SSL_demo_KSDK_1.3.0\examples\frdmk64f\demo_apps\security\smtp_wolfssl\smtp_wolfssl_mqx\kds 3- Build all the libraries and run the example project. 4- To allow SMTP + SSL , you will need to change your Gmail account settings 5- Using a Serial terminal (115200 bps,8N1) connected to the OpenSDA CDC interface (COM port), connect it to see the shell.Type ipconfig init and ipconfig dhcp to init the Ethernet interface and get a valid IP from the router.   6- Type help to see all the commands available. 7- To send a e-mail using the secure channel, you will need a valid gmail account and use the command:        sec_email -f < > -t <> -s <> [-u <Username>] [-p <Password>] [-j <"email subject">] [-m <"text of email message"]>   For example:        sec_email -f -t -s -u -p mypassword -j "email subject" -m "text of email message"   Some additional notes:   - The Certificate Authority (CA) file from Equifax, used for Gmail, is decoded in hexadecimal to a c array and it is located in the file rtcs_smtp_ssl.c , in the \middleware\tcpip\rtcs\source\apps folder:     - To connect to other servers with SSL support, you will need to obtain a valid Certificate Authority file for this server. You can do it in three steps: 1) Verify what is the certificate authority used by the server. One way to do it is using OpenSSL ( OpenSSL  ) ,  with s_client and the option -showcerts to see the server certificates and check the certificate Authority.Gmail uses Equifax as CA 2) After you know the Certificate Authority of the server, you can get the certificate file in pem file format on a e-mail client for PC (e.g. Outlook).In this case , Outlook has the Equifax certificate file.All the certificate files need to start with -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and to finish with -----END CERTIFICATE----- ,as below 3) You need to convert your CA file to a c language array. You can use Bin2h to do the task.        PEM file generated by Equifax before to be converted to a c array   All the files used to build the demo are included on the file attached. The SSL connection using the WolfSSL software is made on the file rtcs_smtp_ssl.c.
The following document contains a list of documents , questions and discussions that are relevant in the community based on the amount of views they are receiving each month. If you are having a problem, doubt or getting started in Kinetis processors or MCUXpresso, you should check the following links to see if your doubt have been already solved in the following documents and discussions. MCUXpresso MCUXpresso Supported Devices Table FAQ: MCUXpresso Software and Tools  Getting Started with MCUXpresso and FRDM-K64F  Generating a downloadable MCUXpresso SDK v.2 package  Quick Start Guide – Using MCUXpresso SDK with PINs&amp;CLOCKs Config Tools  Moving to MCUXpresso IDE from Kinetis Design Studio Kinetis Microcontrollers Guides and examples Using RTC module on FRDM-KL25Z  Baremetal code examples using FRDM-K64F Using IAR EWARM to program flash configuration field Understanding FlexIO  Kinetis K80 FAQ How To: Secure e-mail client (SMTP + SSL) with KSDK1.3 + WolfSSL for FRDM-K64F  Kinetis Bootloader to Update Multiple Devices in a Network - for Cortex-M0+  PIT- ADC- DMA Example for FRDM-KL25z, FRDM-K64F, TWR-K60D100 and TWR-K70  USB tethering host (RNDIS protocol) implementation for Kinetis - How to use your cellphone to provide internet connectivity for your Freedom Board using KSDK Write / read the internal flash Tracking down Hard Faults  How to create chain of pbuf's to be sent? Send data using UDP.  Kinetis Boot Loader for SREC UART, SD Card and USB-MSD loading  USB VID/PID numbers for small manufacturers and such like  Open SDA and FreeMaster OpenSDAv2  Freedom OpenSDA Firmware Issues Reported on Windows 10 Let´s start with FreeMASTER!  The Kinetis Design Studio IDE (KDS IDE) is no longer being actively developed and is not recommended for new designs. The MCUXpresso IDE has now replaced the Kinetis Design Studio IDE as the recommended software development toolchain for NXP’s Kinetis, LPC and i.MX RT Cortex-M based devices. However, this documents continue to receive considerable amount of views in 2019 which means it could be useful to some people. Kinetis Design Studio New Kinetis Design Studio v3.2.0 available Using Kinetis Design Studio v3.x with Kinetis SDK v2.0  GDB Debugging with Kinetis Design Studio  KDS Debug Configurations (OpenOCD, P&amp;E, Segger) How to use printf() to print string to Console and UART in KDS2.0  Kinetis Design Studio - enabling C++ in KSDK projects  Using MK20DX256xxx7 with KDS and KSDK  Kinetis SDK Kinetis SDK FAQ  Introducing Kinetis SDK v2  How to: install KSDK 2.0  Writing my first KSDK1.2 Application in KDS3.0 - Hello World and Toggle LED with GPIO Interrupt 
We always received a question as below: “Where can I find the Altium footprint for Kinetis device XYZ?” First you can download the CAD file from the link below: Kinetis Symbols, Footprints and Models|NXP    It need to download an Ultra Librarian tool and install it: On Kinetis Symbols, Footprints and Models|NXP  I search for my device: I select the device and download the BXL file: In the Ultra Librarian tool, I load that *.bxl file, select my CAD tool of choice (Eagle) and export it: After exporting, a report is shown with the information where the files are stored (the duplicated folders are strange?) and instructions how to import it into Eagle: Following these steps, I have now the footprint in Eagle : Summary Finally, I can get footprints from NXP for the Kinetis Devices. It requires downloading multiple files and a converter. But this is fine, as it offers flexible conversion to many different CAD and PCB Layout tools, including the popular Eagle and Altium.
This is a Processor Expert project created by CodeWarrior for MCUs v10.6 which implements the charge-discharge time of a RC circuit for measuring capacitance. The charge-discharge sequence is performed by TPM0 operating in PWM mode, while the time is measured by TPM1 operating in Input Capture mode. A 100K ohm series resistor is being used, and the result is expressed on nF. It is also using the LCDHTA component from Erich Styger for showing the measurements on a 16x2 LCD, connected to the FRDM-KL05Z through a proto shield. The project is attached, and the pictures shows the measurements of three different capacitors: 10nF, 47nF and 1uF.
This is an update to the KE0x Driver Library package with the example projects ported to Kinetis Design Studio (KDS).  These examples support the following boards: FRDM-KE02 FRDM-KE04 FRDM-KE06 The examples were tested with KDS v3.0.0