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Some of Chinese customer couldn’t normally download android source code from google site, here give a way to download android source from Mirror site of Tsinghua University. Preparations 1. Installing Ubuntu16.04.2 LTS Customer can download ubuntu-16.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso from https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop Then install it to VMware workstation player v12 or PC, after finishing installation, use “Software Update” to update system. In order to compile android9.0.0-2.0.0 BSP, necessary packages should also be installed on Ubuntu 16.04. $ sudo apt-get install gnupg $ sudo apt-get install flex $ sudo apt-get install bison $ sudo apt-get install gperf $ sudo apt-get install build-essential $ sudo apt-get install zip $ sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev $ sudo apt-get install libc6-dev $ sudo apt-get install lib32ncurses5-dev $ sudo apt-get install x11proto-core-dev $ sudo apt-get install libx11-dev $ sudo apt-get install lib32z1-dev $ sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev $ sudo apt-get install tofrodos $ sudo apt-get install python-markdown $ sudo apt-get install libxml2-utils $ sudo apt-get install xsltproc $ sudo apt-get install uuid-dev:i386 liblzo2-dev:i386 $ sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib g++-multilib $ sudo apt-get install subversion $ sudo apt-get install openssh-server openssh-client $ sudo apt-get install uuid uuid-dev $ sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev liblz-dev $ sudo apt-get install liblzo2-2 liblzo2-dev $ sudo apt-get install lzop $ sudo apt-get install git-core curl $ sudo apt-get install u-boot-tools $ sudo apt-get install mtd-utils $ sudo apt-get install android-tools-fsutils $ sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk $ sudo apt-get install device-tree-compiler $ sudo apt-get install gdisk $ sudo apt-get install liblz4-tool $ sudo apt-get install m4 $ sudo apt-get install libz-dev More detail, see Android_User’s_Guide.pdf ( android 9.0.0-2.0.0 BSP documents) 2. Downloading and unpacking Android release package [ For android 9.0.0_2.2.0, see commemts, please!] https://www.nxp.com/support/developer-resources/evaluation-and-developmentboards/ sabre-development-system/android-os-for-i.mx-applicationsprocessors: IMXANDROID?tab=Design_Tools_Tab -- P9.0.0_2.0.0_GA_ANDROID_SOURCE File name is imx-p9.0.0_2.0.0-ga.tar.gz # cd ~ # tar xzvf imx-p9.0.0_2.0.0-ga.tar.gz Downloading Android 9.0.0-2.0.0 source code 1. Getting repo # cd ~ # mkdir bin # cd bin # curl https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/git/git-repo > ~/bin/repo # chmod a+x ~/bin/repo # export PATH=${PATH}:~/bin 2. Modifying repo File Open ~/bin/repo file with 'gedit' and Change google address From REPO_URL = 'https://gerrit.googlesource.com/git-repo' To REPO_URL = ' https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/git/git-repo/ ' 3、Setting email address # git config --global user.email "xxxx@nxp.com" # git config --global user.name "xxxx" [ Email & Name should be yours] 4、Modifying android setup script and Running it Open ~/imx-p9.0.0_2.0.0-ga/imx_android_setup.sh and add a line like below: ... ... if [ "$rc" != 0 ]; then echo "---------------------------------------------------" echo "-----Repo Init failure" echo "---------------------------------------------------" return 1 fi find -name 'aosp-p9.0.0_2.0.0-ga.xml'| \ xargs perl -pi -e 's|https://android.googlesource.com/|https://aosp.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/|g' fi ... ... Then save it and exit. # cd ~/ # source ~/imx-p9.0.0_2.0.0-ga/imx_android_setup.sh Then android_build directory is created at ~/ If fetching errors occur, like below, run “repo sync” again. # repo sync # export MY_ANDROID=~/android_build [Note] imx_android_setup.sh will be in charge of downloading all android source code. 5.Begin to compile android 9.0.0-2.0.0 BSP $ export ARCH=arm64 $ export CROSS_COMPILE=${MY_ANDROID}/prebuilts/gcc/linuxx86/aarch64/aarch64-linuxandroid-4.9/bin/aarch64-linux-android- $ cd ~/android_build/vendor $ cp -r ~/imx-p9.0.0_2.0.0-ga/vendor/* ./ $ cd ~/android_build $ source build/envsetup.sh $ lunch evk_8mm-userdebug $ make –j4 NXP TIC team Weidong sun 2019-05-05
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Descriptions on the issue: running “uuu uuu-android-mx8mq-evk-emmc.lst” No any problem, downloading images is OK. running “uuu_imx_android_flash.bat -f imx8mq -a -e” Below lines will be showed on windows console: flash the file of u-boot-imx8mq.imx to the partition of bootloader0 <waiting for any devices>             Then downloading operation stopped. ------------------------------------------------------------------------                 In order to help uses save development time, I tested above 2 commands for downloading images on windows 7 64bit and windows 10 64bit respectively.                 Below is detailed steps for the operation: Hardware Preparations (1) Switch SW802 on i.MX8MQ EMEK, set 1-4 off, 2-3 on i.MX8MQ is at usb serial download mode. (2) Connecting J1701 to PC USB by a USB OTG cable. (3) Connecting J901(usb type c) to PC USB by a USB 3.0 cable. (4) Plugging 12V@3.5A adapter into Power Jack (J902) (5) Power on I.MX8MQ board via SW701 Switch Software Preparations (1) Related windows drivers for i.MX8MQ MEK                 Windows 7 64bit or windows 10 64bit will find new devices and begin to search and install corresponding drivers, like below:                 Probably windows 10 64bit can’t automatically install CP2105 driver from official website of manufacture: https://www.silabs.com/products/development-tools/software/usb-to-uart-bridge-vcp-drivers                 Then installed it manually. (2) Power off i.MX8MQ MEK (3) Installing winusb driver by zadig                 According to method described in uuu.pdf, download zadig tool from https://zadig.akeo.ie/, and install it to windows 7 64bit . [Note] windows 10 64bit doesn’t need to install winusb driver. Press “Install WCID Driver” Button (4) Downloading Android SDK Manager Download SDK Manager from : http://visualgdb.com/android/install_redir?item=SDK After downloading it, decompress it, and run SDK Manager application: Press OK. Then press “Close” Close SDK Manager Installation Guide . Find the directory of SDK Manager installation, and enter into “platform-tools”, like below: D:\i.MX8-Projects\IMX8MQ-MEK-windows-drivers\android-sdk_r24.4.1-windows\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools Copy items in blue rectangle to C:\windows\system Copy items in red rectangle to C:\windows\system32     Beginning to download android images to I.MX8MQ MEK via UUU Tool (1) Downloading android DEMO images for i.MX8MQ MEK https://www.nxp.com/support/developer-resources/software-development-tools/i.mx-developer-resources/evaluation-kit-for-the-i.mx-8m-applications-processor:MCIMX8M-EVK?tab=Design_Tools_Tab After downloading it, decompress it to a directory.  Like below: (2) Downloading UUU Tool https://github.com/NXPmicro/mfgtools/releases After downloading uuu.exe,  copy it to the directory of android 9.0 demo image , see above. (3) Run command “uuu_imx_android_flash.bat -f imx8mq -a -e” ----Power on i.MX8MQ MEK. ----open a command line window ---open Hyper terminal ( set it 115200 bps) ---run “uuu_imx_android_flash.bat -f imx8mq -a -e”           For windows 10 64bit, downloading images will be done without any errors.    But for windows 7 64bit, downloading images will stop at “ waiting for any devices”.    It means Android ADB driver will be needed. Follow the steps below to solve the problem. Right button, click “update driver” Close it.           Then downloading operations will be automatically continued. OK, done. NXP TIC team Weidong Sun 02-25-2019
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Hardware : i.MX8MNLPDDR4EVK Build Yocto Image [Linux 4.14.98_2.3.1] Yocto Project Setup          $: mkdir imx-yocto-bsp          $: cd imx-yocto-bsp                $: repo init -u https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/imx-manifest -b imx-linux-sumo -m imx-4.14.98-2.3.1.xml          $: repo sync  copy marvell bb.file into yocto source         $: cp  0001-Porting-mrvl-8987-wifi.patch   imx-yocto-bsp/sources/meta-fsl-bsp-release/imx/meta-bsp         $: git apply 0001-Porting-mrvl-8987-wifi.patch Image Build         $: DISTRO=fsl-imx-xwayland MACHINE=imx8mnlpddr4evk source fsl-setup-release.sh -b build-xwayland         $:bitbake fsl-image-qt5-validation-imx Enable wifi and BT (These operations is on EVK) WiFi $:insmod /lib/modules/4.14.98-2.3.1+g860ec89/extra/sd8xxx.ko fw_name=/mrvl/sduart8987_combo.bin cal_data_cfg=none cfg80211_wext=0xf BT $:hciattach /dev/ttymxc0 any -s 115200 115200 flow dtron $:hciconfig hci0 reset $:hcitool -ihci0 cmd 0x3f 0x0009 0xc0 0xc6 0x2d 0x00 & $:killall hcitool $:killall hciattach $:hciattach /dev/ttymxc0 any -s 3000000 3000000 flow dtron Build  Android Image[Android P9_2.3.4] These patches in  Android-2.3.4-patch. Getting i.MX Android release source code        $: cd ~ (or any other directory you like)        $: tar xzvf imx-p9.0.0_2.3.4.tar.gz        $: mkdir ~/bin        $: curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo        $: chmod a+x ~/bin/repo        $: export PATH=${PATH}:~/bin        $: source ~/imx-p9.0.0_2.3.0/imx_android_setup.sh        # By default, the imx_android_setup.sh script will create the source code build environemnt        in the folder ~/android_build        # ${MY_ANDROID} will be refered as the i.MX Android source code root directory in all i.MX        Andorid release documentation.        $ : export MY_ANDROID=~/android_build Copy 88W8987 firmware and driver into  Android release code        $:copy -r Android-2.3.4-patch/mrvl    android_build/vendor/nxp/fsl-proprietary  Apply these patches.The name of these patches is the patche installation path.            example:  0001-android_build-hardware-marvell-wlan.patch         $: cp 0001-android_build-hardware-marvell-wlan.patch   android_build/hardware/marvell/wlan            (if not exist android_build/hardware/marvell/wlan, mkdir -p android_build/hardware/marvell/wlan)         $: git apply 0001-android_build-hardware-marvell-wlan.patch  Building Android images          $: cd  android_build          $: source build/envsetup.sh          $: lunch evk_8mn-userdebug          $: make 
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[中文翻译版] 见附件   原文链接: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-343777 
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[中文翻译版] 见附件   原文链接: eIQ Machine Learning Software for i.MX Linux 4.14.y 
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Tested on Android 10 (android_Q10.0.0_1.0.0) After your the first BSP build the kernel sources are at: ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp-opensource/kernel_imx/ For the i.MX8M Mini, You can check the defconfig files being used on: ${MY_ANDROID}/device/fsl/imx8m/evk_8mm/UbootKernelBoardConfig.mk # imx8mm kernel defconfig TARGET_KERNEL_DEFCONFIG := android_defconfig TARGET_KERNEL_ADDITION_DEFCONF := android_addition_defconfig You could change one of them to add the desired configuration. - android_defconfig - is ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp-opensource/kernel_imx/arch/arm64/configs/android_defconfig - android_addition_defconfig - is on the same folder ${MY_ANDROID}/device/fsl/imx8m/evk_8mm/ "merge_config.sh" is called to generate the final defconfig file prior to building the kernel Check out: https://source.android.com/devices/architecture/kernel/config For example, I want to add DEVMEM support on my build: 1. Change the defconfig I add the line below to android_addition_defconfig CONFIG_DEVMEM=y (Or could have added it android_defconfig) 2. Build the kernel ./imx-make.sh kernel -c -j8 3. Verify your change After compiling, you can confirm your change by reading: ${MY_ANDROID}/out/target/product/evk_8mm/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/.config Then rebuild boot.img and reprogram the target.
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[中文翻译版] 见附件   原文链接: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-342420 
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After rework the board, enable two OTG controllers in Linux DTB file and disable VBUS valid comparator when in suspend mode by clear USB_OTGx_PHY_CTL2 bit 16.  Then we get the following power data on suspend mode  Suspend Mode     ****  The page is under internal check ****
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When you do long test (days or weeks) test on i.MX board and your test fails, you often wants to know what has happen with a JTAG probe. The problem is when you have 50 boards running in parallel, you don't have the budget to have 50 JTAG debug probe. If you do a "hot plug" of your JTAG probe, you have roughly one chance out 2 to reset your board... so you'll have to wait another couple of hour to resee the problem. Anyway to have a reliable JTAG plug with no reset, it is really simple... cut the RESET line on your cable! then you'll still be able to "attach" to your i.MX. On the MEK board, with a 10-pin JTAG connector, you have the cut the cable line 10 of the ribbon cable: On the cable, cut the reset line like this: With my Lauterbach JTAG  probe, when I do a "hot plug" I never have a reset of my i.MX. BR Vincent
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This guide is about how to use EVIS to create user nodes and kernels in OpenVX to implement image processing on NPU(i.MX8MP)/GPU(i.MX8QM). Take gaussian filter as an example. It is tested on i.MX8QM and i.MX8MP. User Node Creation from User Kernel 1. Define a user node Register a user kernel by its ID or name For example, #define VX_KERNEL_NAME_GAUSSIAN "com.nxp.extension.gaussian" #define VX_KERNEL_ENUM_GAUSSIAN 100 Get the kernel reference by the ID or name For example, vx_kernel kernel = vxGetKernelByName(context, VX_KERNEL_NAME_GAUSSIAN); vx_kernel kernel = vxGetKernelByEnum(context, VX_KERNEL_ENUM_GAUSSIAN ); Create a user node vx_node node = vxCreateGenericNode(graph, kernel); Set input/output node parameters For example, vx_status status = vxSetParameterByIndex(node, index++, (vx_reference)in_image); status |= vxSetParameterByIndex(node, index++, (vx_reference)out_image); 2. Create InputValidator/OutputValidator functions for the node The validators are only used for graph verification. For example, static vx_status VX_CALLBACK vxGaussianInputValidator(vx_node node, vx_uint32 index) static vx_status VX_CALLBACK vxGaussianOutputValidator(vx_node node, vx_uint32 index, vx_meta_format metaObj) ToDo: a. InputValidator: Get the reference to the parameter object   vx_parameter paramObj = NULL; vx_image imgObj = NULL; paramObj=vxGetParameterByIndex(node, index); vxQueryParameter(paramObj, VX_PARAMETER_REF, &imgObj, sizeof(vx_image)); Check meta-data restriction vxQueryImage(imgObj, VX_IMAGE_FORMAT, &imgFmt, sizeof(imgFmt)); Check consistency with other parameters if (VX_DF_IMAGE_U8==imgFmt) status = VX_SUCCESS; else status = VX_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE; b. OutputValidator Set the meta_format object with expected meta-data for the output status |= vxSetMetaFormatAttribute(metaObj, VX_IMAGE_FORMAT, &imgFmt, sizeof(imgFmt)); status |= vxSetMetaFormatAttribute(metaObj, VX_IMAGE_WIDTH, &width, sizeof(width)); status |= vxSetMetaFormatAttribute(metaObj, VX_IMAGE_HEIGHT, &height, sizeof(height)); 3. Create Initializer function for the node. The initializer is used to specify workdim, global work size and local work size for the user kernel. These parameters are similiar to that in OpenCL. For example,                                                                                    /* workdim, globel offset, globel scale, local size, globel size */ vx_kernel_execution_parameters_t shaderParam = {2,               {0, 0, 0},        {0, 0, 0},        {0, 0, 0},   {0, 0, 0}}; vx_status VX_CALLBACK vxGaussianInitializer(vx_node nodObj, const vx_reference *paramObj, vx_uint32 paraNum) Set attribute to the node vxSetNodeAttribute(nodObj, VX_NODE_ATTRIBUTE_KERNEL_EXECUTION_PARAMETERS, &shaderParam, sizeof(vx_kernel_execution_parameters_t)); Note: The links below are guides about OpenCL on GPU, which are helpful to understand OpenVX implemented on GPU/NPU. OpenCL Work Item Ids: Global/Group/Local OpenCL Programming Guide OpenCL Resources Introduction to OpenCL 4. Create Deinitializer function for the node (Optional) It is used to de-allocate memory allocated at initializer. User Kernel on NPU/GPU Creation 1. Create description of a user kernel For example, vx_kernel_description_t vxGaussianKernelVXCInfo = { VX_KERNEL_ENUM_GAUSSIAN, VX_KERNEL_NAME_GAUSSIAN, nullptr, vxGaussianKernelParam, (sizeof(vxGaussianKernelParam)/sizeof(vxGaussianKernelParam[0])), vxGaussianValidator, nullptr, nullptr, vxGaussianInitializer, nullptr }; 2. Register the new kernel For example, static vx_kernel_description_t* kernels[] = { &vxGaussianKernelVXCInfo, }; 3. Write kernel source implemented on NPU/GPU For example, char vxcKernelSource[] = { "#include \ \n\ \n\ \n\ __kernel void gaussian\n\ ( \n\ __read_only image2d_t in_image, \n\ __write_only image2d_t out_image \n\ ) \n\ { \n\ int2 coord = (int2)(get_global_id(0), get_global_id(1)); \n\ int2 coord_out = coord; \n\ vxc_uchar16 lineA, lineB, lineC, out;\n\ int2 coord_in1 = coord + (int2)(-1, -1);\n\ VXC_OP4(img_load, lineA, in_image, coord_in1, 0, VXC_MODIFIER(0, 15, 0, VXC_RM_TowardZero, 0));\n\ int2 coord_in2 = coord + (int2)(-1, 0);\n\ VXC_OP4(img_load, lineB, in_image, coord_in2, 0, VXC_MODIFIER(0, 15, 0, VXC_RM_TowardZero, 0));\n\ int2 coord_in3 = coord + (int2)(-1, 1);\n\ VXC_OP4(img_load, lineC, in_image, coord_in3, 0, VXC_MODIFIER(0, 15, 0, VXC_RM_TowardZero, 0));\n\ int info = VXC_MODIFIER_FILTER(0, 13, 0, VXC_FM_Guassian, 0);\n\ VXC_OP4(filter, out, lineA, lineB, lineC, info); ;\n\ VXC_OP4_NoDest(img_store, out_image, coord_out, out, VXC_MODIFIER(0, 13, 0, VXC_RM_TowardZero, 0)); \n\ }\n\ " }; Note: the source is written by EVIS instructions with less latency. But the EVIS instructions are limited. These fucntions defination can be found in "cl_viv_vx_ext.h" located at "/usr/include/CL/cl_viv_vx_ext.h". Read back the processed data by GPU/NPU to check if the operations are correct. For example, status = vxCopyImagePatch(vx_out_image, &rect, 0, &addressing, data2, VX_READ_ONLY, VX_MEMORY_TYPE_HOST); 4. Build the NPU/GPU source code runtime For example, programObj = vxCreateProgramWithSource(ContextVX, 1, programSrc, &programLen); vxBuildProgram(programObj, "-cl-viv-vx-extension"); 5. Add kernel to the program For example, ... kernelObj = vxAddKernelInProgram(programObj, kernels[i]->name, kernels[i]->enumeration, kernels[i]->numParams, kernels[i]->validate, kernels[i]->initialize, kernels[i]->deinitialize ); ... for(vx_uint32 j=0; j < kernels[i]->numParams; j++) { status = vxAddParameterToKernel(kernelObj, j, kernels[i]->parameters[j].direction, kernels[i]->parameters[j].data_type, kernels[i]->parameters[j].state ); 6. Finalize the kernel creation For example, status = vxFinalizeKernel(kernelObj); Exercise The example is attached. You can build and test it on i.MX8QM or i.MX8MP. Results on i.MX8QM: References: Khronosdotorg/resources.md at master · KhronosGroup/Khronosdotorg · GitHub  Further Reading: OpenVX Vision Image Extension API Introduction - Basic API OpenVX Vision Image Extension API Introduction - DP Dot Products
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The Register Programming Aid (RPA) provides a default DRAM PLL setting (DRAM frequency) based on the default setting supported in u-boot.  It is highly recommended to use the default DRAM frequency settings in the RPA for ease of use and to align with u-boot.  Otherwise, in addition to updating the RPA for the new DRAM frequency, the u-boot SPL code itself will need to be manually updated with the new DRAM PLL setting.   Should the user wish to change the DRAM frequency, the following steps are required:   First, the user needs to update the RPA Register Configuration worksheet tab Device Information table “Clock Cycle Freq (MHz)“ setting to the desired DRAM frequency       2. Next, in the RPA DDR stress test file worksheet tab search for “memory set 0x30360054”.  The address “0x30360054” is for the DRAM PLL register address and its setting needs to be updated to the desired frequency.        Note that there is another place where the DRAM frequency is also updated “freq0 set 0x30360054” but it is automatically updated based on the setting above.    Below is a table of various frequencies to choose from.  For frequencies not listed in the table below, it is up to the user to calculate a new register setting based on the formula:     (24MHz x m)/(p x 2^s)   Where “m” represents the PLL_MAIN_DIV, “p” represents the PLL_PRE_DIV, and “s” represents the PLL_POST_DIV.  NOTE:  The DRAM frequency is double the DRAM PLL frequency DRAM_freq = DRAM_PLL x 2   The DRAM PLL register and bit settings are shown below:          The following table provides examples of the various settings to create the desired frequency:       For example, in the i.MX 8M Mini LPDDR4 RPA where the default DRAM frequency is 1500MHz, let’s assume that the user instead wants 1200MHz.    First, the user changes the RPA Register Configuration worksheet tab Device Information table “Clock Cycle Freq (MHz)“ setting to 1200.   Next, in the RPA DDR stress test file worksheet tab search for “memory set 0x30360054” and replace “0xFA080” (original setting from DRAM frequency 1500MHz) with “0x000C8022” (updated for DRAM frequency 1200MHz).  Note that for a DRAM frequency of 1200MHz, the DRAM PLL is configured for 600MHz, as the DRAM frequency is double the DRAM_PLL.   The steps outlined above are sufficient in order to create a DDR script for use with the DDR stress test tool to run the calibration and execute the DDR stress test.  However, to deploy the generated code in SPL, more steps are needed as the u-boot SPL DDR driver does not automatically change the DRAM PLL according to the generated code. Hence the user will need to manually modify related code in u-boot.  It is highly recommended to work with a software engineer familiar with u-boot when making the following modifications.    3. Modify DRAM PLL configuration in uboot-imx/drivers/ddr/imx8m.c, specifically the code highlighted below (function call dram_pll_init).  Note that the files and file paths in u-boot change frequently, so if this particular file (or file path) does not exist in the current u-boot, simply search for dram_pll_init or ddr_init.   void ddr_init(struct dram_timing_info *dram_timing) { ……    debug("DDRINFO: cfg clk\n");      if (is_imx8mq())           dram_pll_init(DRAM_PLL_OUT_800M);      else          dram_pll_init(DRAM_PLL_OUT_750M); ……  }   In the above code, the user should update the macro “DRAM_PLL_OUT_750M” with the new DRAM PLL value.  Note that the default DRAM_PLL_OUT_750M results in the DRAM frequency of 1500MHz, where the DRAM frequency is double the DRAM PLL (as previously stated above).   For example, if the user desires to run the DRAM at 1200MHz, they would change the above to: dram_pll_init(DRAM_PLL_OUT_600M);   Note that DRAM_PLL_OUT_600M is a supported macro in the dram_pll_init() API.  If the desired DRAM PLL configuration does not exist in dram_pll_init(), you will need to add support in uboot-imx/arch/arm/mach-imx/imx8m.c  (as stated above, if this file path does not exist in the current u-boot simply search for dram_pll_init):   void dram_pll_init(enum dram_pll_out_val pll_val) { …… }   Related Links i.MX8 MSCALE SERIES DDR Tool Release (V3.10) 
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NOTE: Always de-power the target board and the aggregator when plugging or unplugging smart sensors from the aggregator. NOTE: See this link to instrument a board with a Smart Sensor. Overview The i.MX Power Profiler system consists of one to fourteen "smart" current sensors, an aggregator shield, and a Kinetis FRDM board (the FRDM-KL25 has been used in prototyping but the FRDM-K64F and FRDM-K66F should also be fully compatible). One of the biggest improvements of this system over its preceeding dual-range measurement system is that the microcontroller on each sensor board allows near-simultaneous measurement of all instrumented rails on a board. The dual range profiler has only a single MCU for all sensors, so only one measurement can be made at a time.  It is intended to be used to instrument one to fourteen rails of a target i.MX appliation board. Ideally, the target board will have been designed with a matching/mating power sense footprint for each rail to be measured.  Each smart sensor can sense current in three ranges with three current sense amplifiers. They are "smart" because each sensor board has a Kinetis KL05Z on it to control the switching FETs and to digitize the analog signals (the sense amplifier outputs and the target's power supply rail voltage). A 1% voltage regulator on each smart sensor provides a good voltage reference right next to the KL05Z to ensure better ADC accuracy. Each smart sensor board communicates via I2C. The aggregator shield has three I2C bus extenders (PCA9518) which essentially provide a dedicated I2C bus for each of the connected smart sensors. The FRDM board's I2C is also connected to one of the bus extenders ports. Individual GPIO lines are routed to each smart sensor's connected along with a ganged reset and trigger line for all of the connected smart sensors. A boost regulator generates almost 12V from the FRDM board's 5V supply, which is used for all the switching FETs on the smart sensor boards. The FRDM board's 5V rail is also routed to each smart sensor, which is regulated down to 3.3V locally on each connected smart sensor. Here is a photo of the very first prototypes after moving to 10-pin 0.05" spaced headers and ribbon cables instead of FFC: The smart sensor is intended to mate with through-hole current sense tap points on the target i.MX application board. Three holes spaced at 0.05" each. When not instrumented with sensor, a short needs to be placed across the outer two pins so that the board will function normally. The through hole connections provide physical protection to the target board, keeping traces from getting ripped off. The ground connection in the center provides a reference for meauring the rail voltage on the target board. A partial layout example of the implementation of the current sense footprint is below, where two 0805 shorting resistors in parallel are placed on each side of the holes. The top trace connects to the regulator output and the bottom to the load, usually an i.MX power supply rail. To include the current sense footprint into a board during the design phase, it should be configured as in the following partial schematic:  Every effort should be made to place the feedback on the i.MX side of the sense points so that the regulator compensates for the additional series resistance of the smart sensor, which effectively eliminates the additional series resistance the smart sensor adds. The Feedback should be before the smart sensor if the switching supply won't tolerate the additional series resistance (i.e., output becomes unstable).
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Hello everyone, this document will explain on how to use the UUU (Universal Update Utility) tool to flash Linux to an i.MX device (i.MX 8MM).   Requirements:   MX 8M Mini EVK UUU tool documentation, available here Linux Binary Demo Files - i.MX 8MMini EVK UUU 1.2.135 binary Serial console emulator (tera term or putty)   UUU auto script For this example is used the L4.14.98_2.0.0_ga demo image for the i.MX 8MM, inside the demo image we will find the auto script, which by default flash the eMMC of the board, the structure of the script is as following   /***********************************************************************************/ uuu_version 1.2.39   # This command will be run when i.MX6/7 i.MX8MM, i.MX8MQ SDP: boot -f imx-boot-imx8mmevk-sd.bin-flash_evk   # This command will be run when ROM support stream mode # i.MX8QXP, i.MX8QM SDPS: boot -f imx-boot-imx8mmevk-sd.bin-flash_evk   # These commands will be run when use SPL and will be skipped if no spl # SDPU will be deprecated. please use SDPV instead of SDPU # { SDPU: delay 1000 SDPU: write -f imx-boot-imx8mmevk-sd.bin-flash_evk -offset 0x57c00 SDPU: jump # }   # These commands will be run when use SPL and will be skipped if no spl # if (SPL support SDPV) # { SDPV: delay 1000 SDPV: write -f imx-boot-imx8mmevk-sd.bin-flash_evk -skipspl SDPV: jump # }   FB: ucmd setenv fastboot_dev mmc FB: ucmd setenv mmcdev ${emmc_dev} FB: ucmd mmc dev ${emmc_dev} FB: flash -raw2sparse all fsl-image-validation-imx-imx8mmevk.sdcard FB: flash bootloader imx-boot-imx8mmevk-sd.bin-flash_evk FB: ucmd if env exists emmc_ack; then ; else setenv emmc_ack 0; fi; FB: ucmd mmc partconf ${emmc_dev} ${emmc_ack} 1 0 FB: done /***********************************************************************************/    In short, when the board goes into serial downloader mode UUU downloads the bootloader to internal RAM, once done and uboot is running, through fastboot utility it will flash .sdcard file and uboot to the eMMC on the board.   More information about the protocol UUU use please refer to the UUU documentation (UUU.pdf) section 5 Supported protocol.   Running the tool In order to run the tool the binary of uuu needs to be downloaded, the binary files can be downloaded from the link above, uuu.exe is for Windows and uuu is for Linux. Once downloaded it can be placed inside the same file as the demo image, this so it is easy to run and cleaner on the shell commands.   Windows In windows OS the tool should be run using the Windows PowerShell in administrator mode, once open we will run the next commands: > .\uuu.exe uuu.auto   Linux >$ sudo ./uuu uuu.auto   The tool will start running and should be waiting for any i.MX device to be detected by host pc   Preparing the board For the board to be flashed it is needed to be in download mode, the switch configuration (i.MX 8MM EVK) is as following: SW1101  -  1010XXXXXX SW1102  -  XXXXXXXXX0   Connect a USB cable from the host pc which will run the tool to the USB OTG/TYPE C port, usually specified as download, on the board.   Connect a USB cable from the host to the OTG-to-UART for console output, usually specified as debug, on the board.   Open terminal emulator program with the following settings: Bits per second - 115200 Data bits - 8 Parity - None Stop bits - 1 Flow control - None   Power on the board, the download will start and the serial prompt will show the progress in uboot, wait until the tool show success.   Finally power off the board and change the switch configuration to boot from the eMMC, power on the board again and it should boot successfully!   Built in scripts One can use the built in scripts using the -b option to burn the bootloader  and the rootfs to the target flash, just type the command accordingly to the target flash device.    SD Write bootloader only: Windows: > .\uuu.exe -b sd <bootloader> Linux: $ sudo ./uuu -b sd <bootloader>   Replace <bootloader> for your .imx/.bin file, example using the i.MX 8MM for Windows and Linux respectively below. > .\uur.exe -b sd imx-boot-imx8mmevk-sd.bin-flash_evk $ sudo ./uuu -b sd imx-boot-imx8mmevk-sd.bin-flash_evk    Write whole Linux image Windows: > .\uuu.exe -b sd_all <bootloader> <rootfs>.sdcard Linux: $ sudo ./uuu -b sd_all <bootloader> <rootfs>.sdcard   Replace <bootloader> and <rootfs> for the name of your .imx/.bin and .sdcard files respectively, example using the i.MX 8MM below. > .\uuu.exe -b sd_all  imx-boot-imx8mmevk-sd.bin-flash_evk fsl-image-validation-imx-imx8mmevk.sdcard $ sudo ./uuu -b sd_all  imx-boot-imx8mmevk-sd.bin-flash_evk fsl-image-validation-imx-imx8mmevk.sdcard   eMMC Write bootloader only Windows: > .\uuu.exe -b emmc <bootloader> Linux: $ sudo ./uuu -b emmc <bootloader>   Example using i.MX 8MM > .\uuu.exe -b emmc imx-boot-imx8mmevk-sd.bin-flash_evk $ sudo ./uuu -b emmc imx-boot-imx8mmevk-sd.bin-flash_evk   Write whole Linux image Windows: > .\uuu.exe -b emmc_all <bootloader> <rootfs>.sdcard Linux: $ sudo ./uuu -b emmc_all <bootloader> <rootfs>.sdcard   Example using i.MX 8MM > .\uuu.exe -b emmc_all imx-boot-imx8mmevk-sd.bin-flash_evk fsl-image-validation-imx-imx8mmevk.sdcard $ sudo ./uuu -b emmc_all imx-boot-imx8mmevk-sd.bin-flash_evk fsl-image-validation-imx-imx8mmevk.sdcard   Hope this will helpful for everyone who is starting to use this flashing tool.
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Instrumenting A Board To instrument a board, the connection between the power supply and the target device needs to be broken, usually via a series resistor that's placed on the board. Sometimes the inductor needs to be lifted if no series resistor was included on the rail by the board's designer. In the ideal case, through-hole connections were also provided on the board for the connection of these off-board sensors. Here are three close-up photos that show several boards that have been instrumented: In all three cases, the sensors stand in place via the two outer current carrying wires. The middle and right used insulated wires where as the one on the left used bare wires. In all three cases, the sensor's + connection needs to go towards the power supply and the - connection goes to the target device. The outer wires here are 24-26 gauge. (The relatively heavy gauge wire is used to keep the series resistance of inserting a smart sensor to a minimum.) The ground connection is the middle hole of the smart sensor. In the left and middle photos, a 30 gauge wire connects to the middle hole ground connection on the  board. In the right photo, the ground wire was more conveniently added to a big cap just below the bottom of edge of the photo. Here are wider angle view photos of two of the boards above: The sensors on the left are free-standing since the current carrying wires are stiff enough to hold them upright. Care must be taken since too much flexing will cause a wire to break. Too much bending can also cause a short to the board (and that's why insulated wires were used on these boards). The board on the right has the sensors laying parallel to the board. They are not affixed to the board, but a wire is wrapped around the bundle of ribbon cables out of view past the right edge of the photo. For boards without the through hole connections, the smart sensors need to be immobilized to keep from pulling the SMT pads off the board. If there is room on the board or sides of connectors or large components, the sensors may be attached down with foam double-sticky tape (see photo below, sensor affixed on top i.MX7ULP): For boards where there are no convenient unpopulated areas or there are too many sensors, some other means needs to be devised to immoblize the smart sensors. In the left photo below, two inductors per sensor have been flipped and the two sensors inserted to instrument the two rails. The solder pads on the inductors would easily be broken off by any movement of the smart sensors, so a cage with clamps to hold the ribbon cables was 3D printed. On the back side, there is room for the aggregator to be zip tied to the bottom plate, so the instrumented board can be moved as a single unit with minimal flexing of the ribbon cables.
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[中文翻译版] 见附件   原文链接: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-345644 
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[中文翻译版] 见附件   原文链接: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-343761 
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For the board imx8M Quad EVK running the Linux 4.14.78-1.0.0_ga version BSP, the resolutions 3840x2160,1920x1080, 1280x720, 720x480 are support in our default BSP. For the other resolutions how to make it work? This patch used to do support for a non-default resolution on i.MX 8MQ EVK. Basically, the customer needs to change the clocks accordingly to the display requirements,  it to be used as a base to the display support.
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