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I write a doc and a demo about LPUART hardware flow control, runs on s32k144 evb board with RTM 3.0.0, the flow control function work normally. If you have any question please contact me. 
The S32K14x MCU ARM Cortex M4F core processor handles fault exceptions using four handlers.   Handlers UsageFault_Handler() Usage faults are caused by an application that incorrectly uses Cortex M4 processor trying to execute an undefined instruction execute an instruction that makes illegal use of the Execution Program Status Register (EPSR), typically, this processor support only Thumb instruction set and it requires that all branch targets should be indicated as odd numbers, having bit[0] set. perform an illegal load of EXC_RETURN to the PC access a coprocessor if the access is denied or privileged only (configurable in CPACR) make an unaligned memory access execute an SDIV or UDIV instruction with a divisor of 0   The detection of the division by zero fault is disabled by default which means that such an operation returns zero and the fault is not detected. Similarly, the Cortex-M4 processor supports unaligned access for certain instructions. The detection on both the division by zero and the unaligned access (for every instruction) faults can be enabled in Configuration and Control Register (CCR).   BusFault_Handler() Bus faults occur when a bus slave returns an error response while stacking for an exception entry unstacking for an exception return prefetching an instruction during floating-point lazy state preservation Beside these faults listed above, there are also bus faults labeled as Precise and Imprecise. Imprecise bus fault occurs when an application writes to buffered memory region and continues executing subsequent instructions before the actual bus fault is detected. Therefore, at the time the exception rises the program counter doesn’t point to the instruction that has caused the bus fault. For debugging purposes, it is necessary to have “precise” program counter value to know which instruction has caused the fault exception. Imprecise bus fault can be forced to be precise by disabling the write buffer in (ACTLR_DISDEFWBUF = 1). This however might decrease the performance.   Note: The S32K144 MCU has its own system Memory Protection Unit which is implemented on the bus. Therefore, any system MPU violation triggers bus faults.   MemManage_Handler() Typically, these exceptions rise on an attempt to access regions that are protected by the core ARM Cortex M4 Memory Protection Unit. attempt to load or store at a protected location instruction fetch from a protected location stacking/unstacking fault caused by violation of the memory protection protection violation during floating-point lazy state preservation   S32K1xx series implements its own system Memory Protection Unit on the bus and therefore an attempt to access a protected region results in a bus fault exception instead. Nevertheless, the system MPU does not protect access to peripheral registers, and as the attached example code shows, an attempt to fetch instruction from a peripheral memory region causes a MemManage fault exception.   HardFault_Handler() This handler is the only one that has a fixed priority (-1) and is always enabled. If other handlers are disabled (in the SHCSR register), all faults are escalated to this handler. The escalation take place also when a fault occurs during another fault handling execution or while the vector table is read.   Priority of exception fault handlers   The fault exception handlers’ priorities, besides the HardFault handler (fixed priority -1), are configurable in fields PRI_4, PRI_5 and PRI_6 of SHPR1 register. These fields are byte-accessible and Cortex M4 support 255 priority levels, however, S32K14x MCUs support 16 priority levels only. Therefore, priorities are configurable in the four most significant bits of PRI_4, PRI_5 and PRI_6 only, which is similar to other NVIC IPR registers as shown below.   The lower priority number is set, the higher priority. By default, all handlers have priority set to zero.   Status and address registers for fault exceptions Configurable Fault Status Register (CSFR) consists from three status bit fields for Usage Fault (UFSR), Bus Fault (BFSR), and Memory Management Fault (MMFSR) where each bit represents a fault exception.     There are also two auxiliary address registers. If BFARVALID is set in the BFSR register, Bus Fault Address Register (BFAR) holds the memory access location of a precise bus fault. Similarly, if MMARVALID bit is set in MMFSR register, Memory Manage Address Register (MMAR) holds the address of a MemManage fault.   Example code To demonstrate the debugging process, the following exceptions can be forced: attempt to access an unimplemented memory area attempt to write to a non-gated peripheral register write to read only register fetching an instruction from a protected peripheral memory region division be zero unaligned memory access execution of a non-thumb instruction execution of an undefined instruction   When the program enters an exception handler, the stack frame is pushed onto the stack including the program counter value of the fault instruction. In this example, the exception handlers are declared with __attribute__((nake_)) (fault_exceptions.h), no prologue is generated and the program counter is always offset by 6 words (0x14) from the stack pointer that can be read in the handlers using either the debugger (memory view) or a SW pointer. If an application uses Process Stack Pointer (PSP) as well, it is necessary to find out whether the stack pointer comes from Main Stack Pointer (MSP) or PSP, this information is available in the EXC_RETURN value in the link register. Having a precise program counter address, we can find the fault instruction in Disassembly. This applies to all exception except for imprecise bus faults as explained above, imprecise bus faults can be forced to be precise by disabling the Write buffer.   The CSFR register is read to determine which exception has occurred and, if available, the memory access location that has caused the exception.    References Cortex-M4 Devices Generic User Guide Cortex-M4 Technical Reference Manual
*All of the source code placed is for example use only. Document listed is only for your information only. NXP does not accept liability for use of this code or document in the user’s application. Map: https://bra.in/3vGE9q Resource: My Brain (thebrain.com) Links Community relative for S32K S32K S32DS: S32 Design Studio S32K SDK: S32 SDK S32K Safety: SafeAssure NDA Model-based Design: NXP Model-Based Design Tools Documentation Reference Manual Rev12.1 Data Sheet Rev12 Hardware Design Guide: AN5426, Hardware Design Guidelines for S32K1xx Microcontrollers  (REV 4)  Errata Application Note Tool & Software Design & Solution  S32DS IDE for ARM S32k1: S32 Design Studio IDE for Arm® based MCUs | NXP   S32SDK for ARM S32K1: Automotive S32 SDK for Arm® devices | NXP  Embedded Software Unified Bootloader Framework Unified bootloader stack based on UDS and CAN/LIN TP protocol. AUTOSAR MCAL Tips/FAQ  Safety Process to apply access to Safety Docs and Support: Functional Safety documents AVAILABLE | Require access to the SafeAssure NDA group S32K Safety Enablement: https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K/S32K-safety-documents-and-demo-code-with-SDK/m-p/1156735#M8231 Hard Fault Fault handling on S32K144  AN12522, S32K1xx ECC Error Handling – Application note  (REV 0) S32K1xx系列MCU的常见内核异常(Fault Exception)及处理详解(以S32K144为例介绍) [FAQ] AUTOSAR MCAL   Where can I find compiler and compiler option info for specific MCAL package? Can I use different compiler version or compiler options for specific MCAL package? Where can I download MCAL package? How to get latest MCAL HF version from your NXP website account if you have already registered and applied MCAL SW package. What does HF(Hot Fix) mean? Can we use it for production? How to calculate current (power consumption) of S32K? S32K Power Estimation Tool (PET) released Enwei Hu 公众号 "汽车电子expert成长之路"原创: 历史文章分类列表目录(点击文章标题直接跳转,截止2020年4月20日)  1. 汽车电子ECU bootloader开发系列 汽车电子ECU bootloader开发要点详解 汽车电子ECU bootloader开发之S32K1xx系列MCU NVM驱动独立安全bootloader开发详解 S32K1xx ECU bootloader开发之RAM NVM驱动(S19文件)生成与集成调用和测试详解 汽车电子ECU bootloader开发之S32K144的CAN bootloader开发详解(工程源代码开源供大家参考) 汽车电子ECU bootloader开发开发之S32K1xx系列MCU bootloader开发要点详解 汽车电子ECU BootLoader开发之基于CAN总线通信的MPC574xP系列MCU bootloader开发详解 汽车电子ECU BootLoader开发之基于CAN总线通信的S12(X) 系列MCU独立NVM驱动安全bootloader  浅谈嵌入式软件开发之Qorivva MPC57xx和S32R系列多核MCU启动配置与bootloader开发要点详解 Qorivva MPC56xx系列MCU启动过程全解析(基于CW IDE应用工程--EAB I、链接文件、启动文件和map文件) 浅谈嵌入式MCU软件开发之startup过程详解(从复位向量到main函数之前的准备工作) 浅谈嵌入式MCU软件开发之S32K1xx系列MCU启动过程及重映射代码到RAM中运行方法详解 CodeWarrior IDE使用Tips之利用prm链接文件实现储存器数据填充和代码编译结果CRC校验和自动生成详解 汽车电子ECU BootLoader开发系列相关文章链接与资源汇总; 2. 浅谈嵌入式MCU软硬件开发系列 浅谈嵌入式MCU开发中的三个常见误区 浅谈嵌入式 MCU 软件开发之应用工程的堆与栈 浅谈嵌入式MCU软件开发之中断优先级与中断嵌套 浅谈嵌入式MCU软件开发之代码风格与代码优化 深入浅出谈嵌入式MCU 内核之ARM Cortex-M系列CPU内核功能特性概述与对比(强烈推荐!!!) 浅谈嵌入式MCU软件开发之内存分配详解--链接文件与map文件中段的分配使用和使用注意事项 浅谈嵌入式MCU硬件设计之MCU最小系统电路 浅谈嵌入式MCU软件开发之startup过程详解(从复位向量到main函数之前的准备工作) 浅谈嵌入式MCU软件开发之S32K1xx系列MCU启动过程及重映射代码到RAM中运行方法详解 浅谈嵌入式MCU软件开发之S32K1xx系列MCU CPU内核性能优化方法详解 浅谈嵌入式软件开发之Qorivva MPC57xx和S32R系列多核MCU启动配置与bootloader开发要点详解 浅谈嵌入式系统软件开发之S32K1xx系列MCU的MPU配置与使用详解 浅谈嵌入式软件开发之MagniV S12Z系列MCU内核Machine Exception异常原理与恢复 浅谈嵌入式软件开发之重定向标准输入输出设备使用printf()函数格式化输出调试信息(基于S32DS IDE和MPC5744P) 浅谈嵌入式MCU软件开发之startup过程详解(在CodeWarrior 5.1 中实现RAM自定义初始化) 嵌入式软件开发之S12(X)系列MCU的far和near函数指针调用详解(S12G128 CW 5.x Project) 浅谈嵌入式MCU软件开发之S12(X)系列MCU 中断ISR在CodeWarrior 5.1 IDE 中的三种写法 浅谈嵌入式软件开发之Qorivva MPC56/57xx系列MCU的Power e200内核寄存器功能和内核调试技巧介绍 嵌入式软件开发之调试器(Debugger)使用--PEMicro Multilink功能介绍与使用FAQ 浅谈嵌入式MCU软件开发之MCU芯片内部Bandgap参考电压(带隙基准)和集成温度传感器的工作原理和使用详解 浅谈嵌入式MCU软件开发之条件断点的设置与使用详解(以S32DS IDE + U-Multink debugger为例介绍) 浅谈嵌入式软件开发之使用Srecord工具实现S19文件数据填充和CRC校验和自动计算与存储方法详解 浅谈嵌入式MCU软件开发之使用makefile脚本编译和调试NXP S32 SDK应用工程详解 3. 外设使用Tips系列 S32K1xx系列MCU使用Tips之SDK软件架构和使用详解 S12(X)系列MCU的片上存储器资源与分页访问机制详解(一) S12(X)系列MCU的片上存储器资源与分页访问机制详解(二) S12(X)系列MCU的加密(Secure)原理和解密(Unsecure)方法 Qorivva MPC56xx系列MCU的Flash加密解密原理与工程实现方法详解 使用 Cyclone 离线编程器对 S12(X)和 MagniV S12Z 系列 MCU 片上 NVM 编程  S32K1xx系列MCU使用Tips--功能介绍及软件开发和硬件设计FAQ  S32K1xx系列MCU使用Tips--Flash加密后不断复位无法连接调试器的问题解决 S32K14x系列MCU使用Tips之硬件FPU特性介绍和使用详解 外设使用Tips之Qorivva MPC56xx_57xx系列MCU内核异常(IVORx)与IRQ中断处理详解 外设使用Tips之Qorivva MPC56xx/57xx系列MCU的模式控制与切换(片上外设资源使能与功耗控制) 外设使用Tips之MCU内部集成IRC时钟工作原理、特性和trim原理及方法详解(以KEA系列MCU的ICS为例) 外设使用Tips之S12G系列MCU Startup之前的复位过程详解(COP看门狗复位和时钟监测复位中断识别与处理)  外设使用Tips之MPC57xx系列MCU C55 Flash模块详解及其SSD(标准软件驱动)使用 外设使用Tips之MSCAN接收ID滤波器设置 外设使用Tips之TIM定时器使用FAQ和使用经验 外设使用Tips之MPC574xP系列汽车级MCU的SWT看门狗定时器配置与使用 NXP汽车MCU开发详解之KEA系列汽车MCU开发指南 S32K1xx系列MCU应用指南之芯片锁死(lockup)复位原因分析与恢复方法详解 关于使用J-LINK开发S32K1xx系列MCU应用程序的使用说明和注意事项 NXP S12G_XE系列汽车MCU软件开发指南 资料分享--S12XE 系列MCU XGATE协处理器开发常见问题(Q&A) S32K1xx系列MCU应用指南之相同封装不同型号(part number)间相互替换的软件与硬件设计注意事项 4. S32K SDK使用详解系列 S32K SDK使用详解之S32 SDK软件编程思想详解 S32K SDK使用详解之S32 SDK软件架构详解 S32K SDK使用详解之Keil MDK开发S32K1xx系列MCU应用程序(使用Processor Expert配置SDK) S32K SDK使用详解之GHS Multi(Eclipse插件)开发S32K1xx系列MCU应用程序(使用PE配置SDK) 浅谈嵌入式MCU软件开发之使用makefile脚本编译和调试NXP S32 SDK应用工程详解 浅谈嵌入式MCU软件开发之S32K1xx系列MCU CPU内核性能优化方法详解 S32DS GNU GCC编译优化选项与配置方法详解及S32 SDK代码编译优化选项设置建议 S32K系列MCU应用开发详解直播ppt高清pdf版本下载与直播视频回放链接 S32DS使用Tips--SDK使用常见问题(FAQ)答疑 S32K SDK使用详解之interrupt_manager组件配置与使用详解 S32K SDK使用详解之Flash驱动组件使用(FTFC Flash控制器功能详解与使用FAQ & Tips) S32K SDK使用详解之PinSettings组件配置与使用详解(S32K1xx PORT 和GPIO模块) 5. S32K1xx应用指南系列 S32K1xx系列MCU的常见内核异常(Fault Exception)及处理详解(以S32K144为例介绍) S32K1xx系列MCU应用指南之芯片锁死(lockup)复位原因分析与恢复方法详解 S32K1xx系列MCU的EEE(Emulated EEPROM)使用详解 S32K1xx系列MCU应用指南之FlexIO和CSEc硬件加密模块的使用详解 S32K1xx系列MCU应用指南之WDOG看门狗模块使用详解 S32K1xx系列MCU应用指南之存储器ECC功能使用详解(一) S32K1xx系列MCU应用指南之存储器ECC功能使用详解(二) S32K1xx系列MCU应用指南之RTC模块使用详解 S32K1xx系列MCU应用开发指南之IAR toolchain样例工程及使用常见问题(FAQ) S32K1xx系列MCU的低功耗实现要点详解(基于S32K144 EVB-Q100x Rev C测试) 6. 细说汽车电子通信总线系列 细说汽车电子通信总线之CAN 2.0 总线协议详解 细说汽车电子通信总线之CAN-FD 总线协议详解 细说汽车电子通信总线之LIN总线协议详解 细说汽车电子通信总线之常见汽车电子串行通信总线(CAN、LIN、DSI、ISO-9141、SWCAN、J 1850)对比 7. S32DS IDE使用Tips系列 S32DS使用Tips--S32DS for Power V1.2 链接文件和启动过程详解 S32K1xx系列MCU使用Tips之SDK软件架构和使用详解 S32DS GNU GCC编译优化选项与配置方法详解及S32 SDK代码编译优化选项设置建议 S32DS IDE使用Tips--应用程序开发实战实用技巧总结与详解(工欲善其事必先利其器) S32DS使用Tips--SDK使用常见问题(FAQ)答疑 S32DS IDE使用Tips--应用工程调试常见问题(FAQ)答疑 S32DS IDE使用Tips之Classic CW(2.10)和EclipseCW(10.x和11.x)应用工程移植指南 S32DS 使用Tips之S32DS for Power不同版本之间的GNU工具链差异与外设寄存器位域访问问题总结 S32DS使用Tips之S32DS for Power v1.1应用工程升级到v1.2重新编译运行程序跑飞问题解决 S32DS 使用tips--S32DS for ARM v1.3工程到S32DS for ARM V2.0迁移升级方法和注意事项 S32DS 使用 tips--工程属性配置(编译选项和C编译器、汇编器及链接器设置) S32DS使用Tips--如何编译生成和调用静态库 S32DS使用Tips--如何通过创建新的编译目标(Build Target)在同一个S32DS工程中同时编译静态库和应用程序 S32DS使用Tips--如何配置和使能Attach功能定位软件程序bug和完成bootloader与应用程序工程的联合调试 CodeWarrior与S32DS IDE使用 Tips之如何在应用工程中保留定义但未使用的全局常量、变量(用于参数标定) S32DS 使用 tips--使用Flash from file下载S19或elf文件 S32DS for ARM v2018.R1安装IAR Eclipse插件调用IAR工具链开发S32K系列MCU应用程序详解 浅谈嵌入式MCU软件开发之条件断点的设置与使用详解(以S32DS IDE + U-Multink debugger为例介绍) S32DS IDE使用Tips之配置objcopy选项生成S3行的S19文件和指定每行S19文件的最大数据长度的方法和步骤详解 8. CodeWarrior IDE使用Tips系列 CodeWarrior IDE使用tips之bug定位绝技--hotsync与attach调试 CodeWarrior IDE使用Tips之Qorivva MPC56xx新建应用工程选项、调试高级选项及下载过程控脚本详解 CodeWarrior IDE使用tips之prm链接文件详解(自定义存储器分区以及自定义RAM数据初始化与在RAM中运行函数) CodeWarrior IDE使用Tips-Qorivva MPC56xx应用工程map文件全解析(CW 2.10/10.x ) CodeWarrior IDE使用tips之map文件详解 CodeWarrior IDE 版本选择与 License功能(feature)和价格,授权形式差异、激活方法与安装使用 答疑解惑之Win10操作系统中CodeWarrior IDE USB dongle  license安装问题解决方法详解 CodeWarrior IDE使用Tips之利用Hiwave读取S12(X)系列MCU片上NVM命令脚本(CW 5.x IDE) CodeWarrior IDE使用Tips-如何编译生成和调用静态库 CodeWarrior与S32DS IDE使用 Tips之如何在应用工程中保留定义但未使用的全局常量、变量(用于参数标定) CodeWarrior IDE使用Tips之如何通过prm文件指定汇编代码函数、全局变量和常量的储存地址 CodeWarrior IDE使用Tips之利用prm链接文件实现储存器数据填充和代码编译结果CRC校验和自动生成详解 CodeWarrior IDE使用Tips之burner工具使用详解(实现不同类型存储器地址间的转换和NVM编程格式文件的输出) CodeWarrior IDE使用Tips--使用burner将elf文件转换生成HEX和BIN文件的方法和步骤详解 CodeWarrior IDE使用Tips之利用Hiwave读取S12(X)系列MCU片上NVM命令脚本(CW 5.x IDE) S32DS IDE使用Tips之Classic CW(2.10)和EclipseCW(10.x和11.x)应用工程移植指南 9.   汽车ECU参数标定系列 汽车ECU参数标定之配置e200系列CPU内核MMU实现Qorivva MPC56xx_57xx系列MCU的参数在线实时标定 汽车ECU参数标定之配置Overlay RAM实现Qorivva MPC57xx系列MCU参数在线标定和代码重映射原理和方法详解 CodeWarrior IDE使用Tips之如何通过prm文件指定汇编代码函数、全局变量和常量的储存地址 CodeWarrior与S32DS IDE使用 Tips之如何在应用工程中保留定义但未使用的全局常量、变量(用于参数标定) CodeWarrior IDE使用tips之prm链接文件详解(自定义存储器分区以及自定义RAM数据初始化与在RAM中运行函数) CodeWarrior IDE使用tips之map文件详解 S32DS使用Tips--S32DS for Power V1.2 链接文件和启动过程详解 10.  工欲善其事必先利其器系列 工欲善其事必先利其器之NXP汽车MCU系列产品家族(Family)功能特性及应用介绍 工欲善其事必先利其器之NXP汽车MCU开发资料和开发软件获取与使用指南 11.  答疑解惑系列 疑难答疑之S12G系列MCU使用Hiwave和BDM调试器debug时无法使用逻辑地址查看和保存P-flash问题的解决 疑难答疑之S32DS IDE调试启动过程详解与调试目标复位方法和步骤详解 答疑解惑之S12(X)系列MCU的CodeWarrior 5.x应用工程下载调试过程详解以及如何保护NVM存储器不被擦除 答疑解惑之Win10操作系统中CodeWarrior IDE USB dongle  license安装问题解决方法详解 12. 产线批量Flash编程与ESD/EOS保护系列 使用 Cyclone 离线编程器对 S12(X)和 MagniV S12Z 系列 MCU 片上 NVM 编程 使用Cyclone 离线编程器对S32K1系列MCU进行NVM(P-Flash, D-Flash和EEE)编程的方法与步骤详解 13.  其他 汽车电子expert成长之路微信公众号原创技术分享文章全集-2019年度精编版 汽车电子expert成长之路微信公众号原创技术分享文章集合2017~2018年 最新最全的NXP Techday和Connect(原Freescale FTF)技术培训资料下载链接 汽车以太网(100BASE-T1)转工业以太网(100BASE-TX)转换器工作原理介绍 使用关键词回复功能找到感兴趣的公众号原创技术文章    
********************************************************************************  Detailed Description:  Example shows how to use FlexCAN 0 Pretended networking mode to allow FlexCAN  module to wake up MCU from STOP mode using SDK.  Wake up by Timeout and wake up by Match events are enabled.  Also pin interrupt can be used to exit STOP mode.  So MCU enters STOP mode by pressing SW3 button.  MCU exits STOP mode when one of following happens:  - no CAN message comes in 8sec (CAN PN timeout event)  - message with standard ID 0x554 or 0x555 comes (CAN PN match event)  - SW2 button is pressed (PTC12 interrupt)  In run mode blue LED is dimming and the rate is different for each wakeup event  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Test HW: S32K116EVB-Q48  MCU: PS32K116LAM 0N96V  Compiler: S32DS.ARM.2.2  SDK release: S32SDK_S32K1xx_RTM_3.0.0  Debugger: Lauterbach, OpenSDA  Target: internal_FLASH ********************************************************************************
Greetings, if you want to use the open source EmbSysRegView plugin in your Eclipse environment: this article describes how to add the S32K CMSIS-SVD files to it: Adding CMSIS-SVD Files to EmbSysRegView 0.2.6.r192 and Eclipse Happy SVDing 🙂 Erich
You can find here a reference code for a march c software test in order to test RAM memories
******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * This simple example shows how to force function to RAM memory in S32 Design * Studio and how to perform flash functions (Erase flash sector and Program * phrase command in this case). * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:         FRDM-S32K144 * MCU:             PS32K144HFVLL 0N77P * Fsys:            default * Debugger:        Lauterbach Trace32 * Target:          internal_FLASH * ********************************************************************************
******************************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * LPIT_ch0 triggers DMA_ch0 periodically (1ms). * Every trigger starts a minor DMA loop (8 bytes) transfer to the LPSPI1 TX FIFO. * There are 8 minor loops per one major loop (64 bytes in 8ms). * LPSPI1 sends two 32bit frames every 1ms. * LPSPI1 RX data are masked, they are not stored in the RX FIFO. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW: S32K144EVB-Q100 * MCU: S32K144 0N57U * Debugger: S32DS 2.2, OpenSDA * Target: internal_FLASH ********************************************************************************************
******************************************************************************** Detailed Description: This example shows the use of SRAM retention after SW reset. The SW reset is triggered by pressing the SW3 button on the S32K144 EVB The reset is delayed in RCM module: 514 LPO cycles. In the RCM interrupt, SRAMU_RETEN and SRAML_RETEN are cleared allowing to retain SRAM data during the reset. After software reset, SRAMU_RETEN and SRAML_RETEN are set to1 to allow accesses to SRAM.  During software initialization in the startup_S32K144.S, ECC RAM initialization is skipped.  After that, we can check the written data before reset are still placed in the SRAM.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Test HW: S32K144EVB-Q100 MCU: S32K 0N57U Debugger: S32DSR1 ********************************************************************************
******************************************************************************************************** Detailed Description: On WDOG timeout, the WDOG module requests reset in the Reset Control Module (RCM). The reset request to RCM can be delayed by 128 bus clock cycles if the WDOG interrupt is enabled (WDOG_CS[INT] = 1). If enabled, the WDOG interrupt vector is fetched or it becomes pending in NVIC. After the delay, the reset is requested in RCM. Independently of the WDOG interrupt, the RCM can again delay the reset by up to 514 LPO additional clock cycles if the corresponding RCM_WDOG interrupt is enabled (RCM_SRIE[GIE, WDOG] = 1). If so, instead of forcing reset immediately, the module requests the RCM interrupt in NVIC and forces the reset after the additional delay (RCM_SRIE[DELAY]). Either way, the reset is forced, it can’t be stopped only delayed. This example enables the WDOG interrupt in the WDOG_CS register but leaves this interrupt disabled in NVIC. That means that this interrupt becomes pending in NVIC on the WDOG timeout, it sets the WDOG_CS_FLG, but the vector doesn’t get fetched. The RCM interrupt is enabled and it gets asserted in NVIC after the WDOG interrupt delay (2.67us (48MHz BUS CLK)). The WDOG flag (WDOG_CS_FLG) is read in the RCM ISR instead. The execution stays in an infinite loop for 514 LPO (128kHz) cycles (~ 4ms) until the reset is forced. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test HW: S32K144EVB-Q100 MCU: S32K144 0N57U Debugger: S32DSR1 OpenSDA Target: internal_FLASH ********************************************************************************************************
******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * RAM self-test is performed after reset in startup_S32K144.s file. * The RAM self-test should be executed right after reset, so it does not destroy * data loaded to RAM by init functions. The code is inserted after * initialization of core registers. RAM initialization is commented out because * the same operation is done by the self-test. * The test flow is: * 1. Write pattern 0x55AA55AA to first word in RAM * 2. Read the data back * 3. Compare the data and increment error counter if not equal * 4. Write inverse pattern 0xAA55AA55 to first word in RAM * 5. Read the data back * 6. Compare the data and increment error counter if not equal * 7. Clear the first word in RAM to leave whole RAM erased to ‘0’ at the end of test * This procedure is repeated for whole RAM. * If the error counter is different from zero at the end, the program stays in * endless loop until watchdog reset. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:         S32K144EVB-Q100 * MCU:             FS32K144UAVLL 0N57U * Fsys:            Default * Debugger:        Lauterbach Trace32 * Target:          internal_FLASH * ********************************************************************************
******************************************************************************** Detailed Description: Configures the FlexCAN 0 to transmit and receive message into RXFIFO. LOOPBACK mode is enabled. Two IDs are set into RXFIFO ID table. DMA is configured to read the message from RXFIFO. Within DMA major interrupt the new message is send according to which Identifier Acceptance Filter was hit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Test HW:         S32K144 EVB-Q100  MCU:             PS32K144HFVLL 0N77P  Fsys:            160MHz  Debugger:        Lauterbach  Target:          internal_FLASH ******************************************************************************** Revision History: 1.0     Sep-4-2017     Petr Stancik    Initial Version *******************************************************************************
******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * * This example shows how to use the back-to-back mode of the PDB to trigger * sequence of ADC channels conversion. 4 PDB channel pre-triggers/triggers are * generated upon single PDB SW trigger. The first trigger is started by the PDB, * no delay is used. Next 3 triggers start after corresponding acknowledgment is * received from ADC. * * DMA is configured to read the ADC result registers. * Within DMA major interrupt the new conversion scan is started via PDB SW request. * * Converted data is used to change color of the EVB led based on Trimmer position. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:         FRDM-S32K144 * MCU:             PS32K144HFVLL 0N77P * Fsys:            160MHz * Debugger:        S32DS * Target:          internal_FLASH * ********************************************************************************
********************************************************************************  Detailed Description:  Example shows how to use FlexCAN 0 Pretended networking mode to allow FlexCAN  module to wake up MCU from STOP mode.  Wake up by Timeout and wake up by Match events are enabled.  Also pin interrupt can be used to exit STOP mode.  So MCU enters STOP mode by pressing SW3 button.  MCU exits STOP mode when one of following happens:  - no CAN message comes in 8sec (CAN PN timeout event)  - message with standard ID 0x554 or 0x555 comes (CAN PN match event)  - SW2 button is pressed (PTC12 interrupt)  In run mode blue LED is dimming and the rate is different for each wakeup event  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Test HW: S32K144 EVB-Q100  MCU: FS32K144UAVLL 0N57U  Fsys: 160MHz  Debugger: Lauterbach, OpenSDA  Target: internal_FLASH ********************************************************************************
****************************************************************************************************************** Detailed Description: The example code shows CMP in Round-robin mode. CMP is clocked (125kHz) and triggered (80ms) by LPTMR, operates in VLPS. Input channels are CMP0_IN1 (PTA1), CMP0_IN2 (PTC4), CMP0_IN3 (PTE8), CMP0_IN4 (PTC3). The initial state of CMP outputs is 0 (Input analog pins < DAC input (Vin1/2)) The input pins are pulled down internally for debugging purposes. CPM will wake up the MCU if an input has changed. BLUE LED flashes 1x if CMP_IN1 has changed, 2x CMP0_IN2, 3x CMP0_IN3, 4x CMP0_IN4. After that, the MCU goes back to VLPS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test HW: S32144EVB-Q100X MCU: S32K144 (0N47T) Debugger: S32DS2.0, OpenSDA Target: internal_FLASH ******************************************************************************************************************