S32 Design Studio Knowledge Base

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S32 Design Studio Knowledge Base


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      Product Release Announcement Automotive Microcontrollers and Processors S32 Design Studio for ARM® 2.2  Update 1          What is new? SDK S32K1xx RTM SR 3.0.3 (Patch for SDK S32K1xx RTM 3.0.0) AMMCLIB version 1.1.19 for KEAx, for S32K11x, for S32K14x AMMCLIB version 1.1.20 for KEAx, for S32K11x, for S32K14x Installation instructions The update is available for online (via Eclipse Updater) or offline installation (direct download link)  online installation: go to menu "Help" -> "S32DS Extensions and Updates" dialog check boxes next to "S32K1xx development package", "S32K1xx SDK 3.0.3 pakage" and "S32 Design Studio for ARM Devices development package" click "Install/Update 3 item(s)" offline installation:   go to S32 Design Studio for ARM product page -> Downloads section or use direct link to download the update archive zip file go to menu "Help" -> "S32DS Extensions and Updates" dialog select "Go to Preferences" Add a new Software Site Add a new "Archive" repository and browse to select the downloaded update archive .zip file you downloaded in the previous step check boxes next to "S32K1xx development package" and "S32 Design Studio for ARM Devices development package" click "Install/Update 2 item(s)" This will start the update installation process.
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1) Prepare the evaluation board hardware You can use the S32 Debug Probe to download code to target Connect S32 Debug Probe to S32V234 EVB2 using JTAG connector Connect S32 Debug Probe to PC via USB cable OR ethernet (if connected via ethernet, then USB power cable must also be connected) Connect the S32V234 EVB2 to PC via ethernet (typically via LAN) Connect power cable to evaluation board and switch on the power     2) Build the project using the A53 build option. 3) The project is now built, and the ELF file is ready to be loaded to the EVB for execution. Before a debug session can be started, we must complete HOWTO: Setup A Remote Linux Connection in S32DS (S32V234). Start A53 Debug 4) Select the debug drop-down menu and click Debug Configurations     5) Make sure the '{project_name}_Remote_Linux' debug configuration is selected and the Connection (see step 3) is selected (points to the IP address of your EVB). Click Debug     6) The first time you connect to a new IP address (i.e. the first time you debug after creating a new workspace), you will receive a warning message, Click Yes and proceed.     The executable file is copied to Linux file system and gdbserver starts.   You may get an error message on the first try, this is normal. Just try it again and it will work. 7) Once the Linux GDB has started on A53 core and the initial break point is reached in main(), it is almost ready for to start debug on ISP. Click Resume as the A53 must be running before we can attach the ISP debug thread. 😎 Return to the Debug Configurations menu and locate the ISP debug configuration. You will see a debug configuration within the 'S32 Debugger' group (in our example, isp_sonyimx224_csi_dcu_mipi_simple_IPUS0 as shown below). This is the debug configuration we will use, however, it will require some setup.     9) You should notice the error message at the top of the window, just below the title and a red 'X' on the Debugger tab. Click on the Debugger tab to select it. We must setup the Debug Probe Connection before we can proceed. There are two options: Ethernet USB   If connecting the Probe via Ethernet, please refer to the Quick Start Guide or S32 Debug Probe User Guide provided with the S32 Debug Probe for instructions on how to connect it and determine the Hostname or IP address.     If connecting the Probe via USB, then the COM port will appear in the Port selection setting. If you have more than one S32 Debug Probe connected, you will need to determine which COM port is the correct one, otherwise, only the COM port for your S32 Debug Probe will appear.   10) This is already done for our example, but for your application, it may be necessary to setup the symbols for the ISP engine. Go to the Startup tab and:    a) Check the box for 'Load symbols'    b) Select the option for 'Use file', click Workspace... and locate the object file (.opius) for the ISP engine you wish to debug.   11) Click Apply then Debug. It may take a few moments for the ISP core debug to launch.   12) Wait for the ISP debug launch to complete. You may notice the A53 thread has terminated. This is normal and expected since the camera input cannot be suspended. When the launch completes, the context of the Debug window will switch to the ISP debug thread. 13) Enable Instruction Stepping mode and then step one time to load the object file which was setup in step 6. 14) The ISP debugging is now running and you can step through the ISP engine, look at registers, set a break point, etc. Note: only one hardware break point is supported for ISP.
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The attached file is an example project based on KEA128 for LED flashing by toggle GPIO signals. It was developed   on S32 Design Studio for ARM 1.0.
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1) Prepare the evaluation board hardware You can use the S32 Debug Probe to download code to target Connect S32 Debug Probe to S32V234 EVB using JTAG connector Connect S32 Debug Probe to PC via USB cable OR ethernet (if connected via ethernet, then USB power cable must also be connected) Connect the S32V234 EVB to PC via ethernet (typically via LAN) Connect power cable to evaluation board and switch on the power     2) Build the project using either the A53 or the TEST_A53 build options. 3) The project is now built and the ELF file is ready to be loaded to the EVB for execution. Before a debug session can be started, we must complete HOWTO: Setup A Remote Linux Connection in S32DS (S32V234). Start A53 Debug 4) Select the debug drop-down menu and click Debug Configurations     5) Make sure the Debug_Remote_Linux debug configuration is selected and the connection setup in step 4 is selected (points to the IP address of your EVB). Click Debug     6) The first time you connect to a new IP address (i.e. the first time you debug after creating a new workspace), you will receive a warning message, Click Yes and proceed.     The executable file is copied to Linux file system and gdbserver starts. You may get an error message on the first try, this is normal. Just try it again and it will work. 7) Once the Linux GDB has started on A53 core and the initial breakpoint is reached in main(), we need to set a breakpoint at the function apu_hal_Enable().    This breakpoint has already been created for you, you just need to enable it! Locate the breakpoint in the Breakpoints view. Due to some known issues with Eclipse CDT, it is necessary to enable->disable->enable the breakpoint so it will work properly. The issue only affects this breakpoint, due to the way it is provided, and will not affect breakpoints which you set elsewhere in the code. 😎 Press Resume twice, so that the breakpoint which was set at apu_hal_enable() is reached for the 2nd time. 9) Open Debug Configurations. You will see a debug configuration within the 'S32 Debugger' group (FAST9COLOR as shown below). This is the debug configuration we will use, however, it will require some setup.     10) You should notice the error message at the top of the window, just below the title and a red 'X' on the Debugger tab. Click on the Debugger tab to select it. We must setup the Debug Probe Connection before we can proceed. There are two options: Ethernet USB   If connecting the Probe via Ethernet, please refer to the Quick Start Guide or S32 Debug Probe User Guide provided with the S32 Debug Probe for instructions on how to connect it and determine the Hostname or IP address.     If connecting the Probe via USB, then the COM port will appear in the Port selection setting. If you have more than one S32 Debug Probe connected, you will need to determine which COM port is the correct one, otherwise, only the COM port for your S32 Debug Probe will appear.       11) Click Apply then Debug. It may take a few moments for the APEX core debug to launch.   12) It may take a moment or two before the APEX2 debug thread launch is complete, see the Thread listed within the <kernel_name>[S32 Debugger] in the Debug window. Also note, a new breakpoint is listed in the Breakpoints view. This breakpoint is set for you at the start of the APEX2 graph function. 13) The debugger context is still on the A53 thread. Press RESUME and then select the APEX2 thread to see that it has stopped on the graph function break point. Now you can step through the graph. 14) To step through a kernel, locate the call to the kernel function in the graph function and set a break point on the line. 15) Press RESUME to advance the program counter to the new break point 16) Press STEP INTO to advance the program counter into the kernel. It may take several steps as the optimizations performed by the compiler produce some synchronization inconsistencies. 17) You may need to help the IDE to locate the source files. Now you can see the kernel wrapper function... and the kernel! 18) Step through, monitor variables and registers and set breakpoints.
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So you've just installed the S32DS and are using it for the first time and would like to see how it works. Here is a quick and simple project to get you started. Prerequisite Before following the steps in this HOWTO, ensure you have the S32V2xx development package installed to S32DS. 1. Launch S32DS for Vision 2. Select 'S32DS Application Project' 3. Enter a name for the project 4. Select the 'A53 Linux' processor option 5. Click Next 6. Click the '...' next to the SDKs field 7. Check the box next to 'VSDK_MODULE_WIN' for Windows OS or 'VSDK_MODULE_LINUX' for Linux OS and click OK. 8. Click Finish 9. Build the project for Debug 10. Project is now built, ELF file is ready to be loaded to EVB for execution. However, if we have not prepared the EVB, we must first complete HOWTO: Setup S32V234 EVB2 for debugging with S32DS and Linux BSP. 11. Once the EVB is properly prepared, we must complete HOWTO: Setup A Remote Linux Connection in S32DS (S32V234)  12. With the project debug configuration and remote linux connection selected, select the debug dropdown menu and click Debug Configurations 13. Make sure the Debug_Remote_Linux debug configuration is selected and the connection setup in step 10 is selected (points to the IP address of your EVB). Click Debug 14. The first time you connect to a new IP address (i.e. the first time you debug after booting the board), you will receive a warning message, Click Yes and proceed. 15. The executable file is copied to Linux file system and gdbserver starts. 16. The Debug perspective is opened. You can now step through the code*     *Only debugging of the A53 code is supported by Linux GDB. For multicore debugging, including ISP and APEX2, additional debugger and probe(S32 Debugger with S32 Debug Probe, Lauterbach, etc) will be required.
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        Product Release Announcement Automotive Microcontrollers and Processors S32 Design Studio for Power v1.2, Update 2             What is new? AMMCLIB v1.1.9 support for MPC56xx (MPC560xB, MPC560xP, MPC5643L, MPC567xF, MPC567xK) and for MPC57xxx (MPC574xC, MPC5748G, MPC574xP, MPC574xR, MPC577xC, MPC577xK, MPC577xM) updated PEmicro Eclipse Plugin Update v1.6.9 which fixes HSM mass erase problem for MPC5748G (see e.g.MPC5748G can not attach JTAG )   Installation instructions The update is available for online (Eclipse Updater) or offline (direct download link) installation.   online installation: go to menu "Help" -> "Install New Software..." dialog select predefined NXP S32 Design Studio update repository http://www.nxp.com/lgfiles/updates/Eclipse/S32DS_POWER_1_2/com.freescale.s32power.updatesite  select all available items and click "Next" button   offline installation: go to S32 Design Studio product page -> Downloads section or use the direct download link to download the "S32 Design Studio for Power v1.2 - Update 2" file.   Start S32DS and go to "Help" -> "Install New Software..." Add a new "Archive" repository and browse to select the downloaded Update 2 archive file: Select all available items and click "Next" button.
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In this document, we show the steps to use the New Project Wizard to create a new application project for APEX2, ISP, or both.   1. Launch S32DS for Vision 2. Select File -> New -> S32DS Application Project 3. Enter a name for the project 4. Select the 'A53 APEX2/ISP Linux' processor option 5. Click Next 6. Select the APEX2/ISP options you need.       a. APEX2 programming - will add support to your project for an APEX2 application, you need this for any new APEX2 project       b. ISP programming - will add support to your project for an ISP application, you need this for any new ISP project       c. ISP visual modeling - will create a separate project for your ISP data flow diagram, you will not need this if you plan to use an existing graph diagram. This can also be created later. 7. Select the SDK(s) as appropriate for your setup. For example, 'VSDK_MODULE_WIN' for Windows OS or 'VSDK_MODULE_LINUX' for Linux OS, the one which corresponds to your OS is selected for you by default. 7. Click Finish 8. You now have a project or set of projects for development on the S32V234.
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There are 2 methods to run; GUI, and terminal window. GUI Method 1) Make sure EVB is powered and connected to PC via USB (micro to USB) 2) Launch DDR Stress Test Tool, C:\NXP\S32DS_Vision_v2.0\utils\ddr_stresstool\DDR_Tester.exe 3) Load Image (C:\NXP\S32DS_Vision_v2.0\utils\ddr_stresstool\bin\s32v234_ddr_test.bin) 4) Load Init Script (C:\NXP\S32DS_Vision_v2.0\utils\ddr_stresstool\scripts\S32V234_LDDR2_MMDC0_2Gb.inc) 5) Select COM port 6) Press Download, then wait for it to complete. (may temporarily show 'not responding') 7) In 32bit Memory Read/Write section, enter address 80000000 in ADDR field. 😎 Change SIZE to 32 WORD 9) Click Read 10) See results 11) In DDR Stress Test section, enter 533 in both Start Freq and End Freq fields 12) Click Stress Test 13) See results 14) Results can be saved (C:\NXP\S32DS_Vision_v2.0\utils\ddr_stresstool\log) Terminal window Method (JTAG) This checks what settings are already uploaded in MMDC module 1) Make sure EVB is powered and connected to PC via PEMicro (Universal Multilink) or Lauterbach AND via USB cable. 2) In S32DS, create a simple project a. File->New->S32DS Application Project b. Enter name 'test' c. Select S32V234 Cortex-A53 d. Next e. Uncheck boxes for cores 2-4 f. Finish 3) Setup debug configuration a. Run->Debug Configurations… b. Select test_A53_1_PNE c. Change C/C++ Application to C:\NXP\S32DS_Vision_v2.0\utils\ddr_stresstool\ddr-test-uboot-jtag-s32v234.elf d. Select Debugger tab e. Click Advanced Options f. Check box for Enable initialization script g. Browse to find C:\NXP\S32DS_Vision_v2.0\eclipse\plugins\com.pemicro.debug.gdbjtag.pne_3.1.3.201709051622\win32\gdi\P&E\supportFiles_ARM\NXP\S32Vxxx\S32V234M100_DDR.mac h. OK 4) Click Debug. You will see error message indicating the source file could not be found. This is expected. 5) Open terminal (such as PuTTY.exe) and connect a serial line using the USB port you have connected to the EVB, speed set to 115200, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity or flow control. 6) Click Resume in S32DS Debugger. 7) In terminal window, you will see the test script has started. 😎 Select the MMDC channel (for example, enter 1 for MMDC1) 9) Select the DDR density (for example, enter 6 for 32MB) 10) Enter 'n' to decline the DDR Calibration 11) Enter 'y' to accept the DDR Stress Test 12) Enter Start and End frequencies (for example, enter 533, as was done in GUI method) 13) Enter 0 to run only once 14) See the results
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This example performs basic initialization, sets PLL to maximum allowed frequency 200MHz, sets clock for peripherals, GPIO pins, PIT timer and interrupt controller. After initialization it blinks LED2 in the main loop using timeout counter variable. PIT timer generates periodical interrupts and toggles LED1 with 1s period. Test HW: MPC5746R-252BGA, MPC57xxMB Motherboard MCU:  PPC5746R 1N83M Fsys: PLL0 266MHz       Z4 Core 200MHz Debugger: PeMicro USB-ML-PPCNEXUS IDE/Compiler: S32DS for Power 2017.R1 / GCC Target: internal_FLASH - debug, release              internal_SRAM - debug_ram EVB connection:   Default EVB jumper setup   Connect LED1 to P14.3 on motherboard   Connect LED2 to P14.4 on motherboard
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      Product Release Announcement Automotive Microcontrollers and Processors S32 Design Studio for Power Architecture 2017.R1 Update 1          What is new? S32 SDK for Power Architecture 0.8.2 EAR (Early Access Release) for MPC574x-B-C-G and MPC574xP derivatives (see attached release notes for more details) MPC5744B, MPC5745B, MPC5746B MPC5744C, MPC5745C, MPC5746C - 1N84S (Cut 2.1), MPC5747C, MPC5748C MPC5746G, MPC5747G, MPC5748G - 0N78S (Cut 3.0) MPC5741P, MPC5742P, MPC5743P, MPC5744P - 1N15P (Cut 2.2B) S32 SDK  Power Architecture v0.8.2 Examples - "Create S32DS Project from Example" Installation instructions The update is available for online (via Eclipse Updater) or offline installation (direct download link) online installation:  go to menu "Help" -> "Install New Software..." dialog  select predefined update site "S32DesignStudio - http://www.nxp.com/lgfiles/updates/Eclipse/S32DS_POWER_2017.R1/updatesite" select all available items and click "Next" button   offline installation:   go to S32 Design Studio for ARM product page -> Downloads section or use  direct link to download the update archive zip file Start S32DS and go to "Help" -> "Install New Software..." Add a new "Archive" repository and browse to select the downloaded update archive zip file you downloaded in the previous step Select all available items and click "Next" button.   This will starts the update installation process.
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        Product Release Announcement Automotive Microcontrollers and Processors S32 Design Studio v3.1         Austin, Texas, USA April 4, 2019    The Automotive Microcontrollers and Processors' Embedded Tools Team at NXP Semiconductors is pleased to announce the release of the S32 Design Studio v3.1.  Here are some of its major features: NXP GCC toolchains for ARM32 and aarch64 bareboard and Linux targets (GCC version 6.3.1 20170509, build 1574 revision g924fb68) S32 Debug Probe support provided with S32 Debugger and S32 Trace tool for S32V234 S32 Trace tool is integrated to provide software analysis features (profiling, code coverage, and other) P&E Debugger support for S32V23x Lauterbach Trace32® support S32 Flash Tool is delivered to support Flash/SD/MMC memory programming for S32V234 S32 SDK for S32V23x 0.9.0 Beta is integrated. Release notes here. The S32DS Extensions and Updates S32 Configuration Tool framework (EAR7) with the Pin, Clock, Peripheral, DCD, IVT, and DDR Configuration tools S32 Design Studio Versions Versioning convention has changed. The version of this release identified in red box below: Complete S32 Design Studio v3.1 release notes are available here.   Installation To download the installer please visit the S32 Design Studio product page download section or click the direct here.     The installer requires the Activation ID to be entered. You should receive a notification email including the Activation ID after the download of the installation package starts. The installer installs just the base tools/package. In order to start development it is necessary to install at least one Development package. Currently the only application package available is Vision S32V2xx  (Other packages are coming soon). The application packages are managed by S32DS Extensions and Updates. Technical Support S32 Design Studio issues are tracked through the S32DS Public NXP Community space. https://community.nxp.com/community/s32/s32ds  
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Example shows how can be expanded default 512kB flash memory by 64 kB using FlexNVM as a program/data flash. In FlexNVM are stored two ASCII images and function PrintImage. FlexNVM is divided into 32kB data section and 32kB code section in the linker file. Output is printed on terminal. As a output device you can use putty or any other serial terminal. Terminal settings: 9600, 8N1 - no flow control. In debugger settings you have to Enable partitioning device with code 0F0C. This value is written into FCCOB4 and FCCOB5 registers before flashing. Putty settings: Test HW: S32K144EVB, MCU: S32K144 Debugger: OpenSDA Target: internal_FLASH (debug mode and release mode)
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      Product Release Announcement Automotive Microcontrollers and Processors S32 Design Studio 3.1  Update 190508          What is new? S32 Design Studio Platform Package 3.1.1 S32 Design Studio Platform Tools Package 3.1.1 Updated S32 Debugger and S32 Flash tool to support S32S247TV S32S2xxTV Development Package 3.1.0 S32V2xx Development Package 3.1.0 Vision Extension Package for S32V2xx 1.0.0 This is a cumulative update - it is applicable to S32 Design Studio 3.1 Installation instructions The update is available for online (via Eclipse Updater) or offline installation (direct download link)  online installation:  go to menu "Help" -> "S32DS Extensions and Updates" dialog  select all available items and click "Install/Update" button   offline installation:   go to S32 Design Studio product page -> Downloads section or use direct link to download the update archive zip file Start S32 Design Studio and go to "Help" -> "S32DS Extensions and Updates" Add a new "Add.." S32DS Software Site and browse to select the downloaded update archive .zip file you downloaded in the previous step          Select all available items and click "Install/Update" button.   This will start the update installation process.
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      Product Release Announcement Automotive Microcontrollers and Processors S32 Design Studio 3.2  Update 191226          What is new? Vision Extension Package for S32V234 1.1.0 with VSDK 1.5.0 integrated.(VSDK Release Notes) This is a cumulative update (includes previous updates: Update 191219) Installation instructions The update is available for online (via Eclipse Updater) or offline installation (direct download link)  online installation:  go to menu "Help" -> "S32DS Extensions and Updates" dialog  select from available items and click "Install/Update" button   offline installation:   go to S32 Design Studio product page -> Downloads section or use direct link to download the update archive zip file Start S32 Design Studio and go to "Help" -> "S32DS Extensions and Updates" Add a new "Add.." S32DS Software Site and browse to select the downloaded update archive .zip file you downloaded in the previous step         Select from available items and click "Install/Update" button. This will start the update installation process.
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This document details how to create a new project in S32 Design Studio and build using the existing code and makefile provided within the NXP Vision SDK example projects. If you are creating a new makefile project with code from any other source, the procedure may be different. Before creating a new makefile project from existing code we need to add some paths to the environment variable PATH and a couple of new environment variables. There are 3 main methods for adding these paths and variables. Which method depends upon your needs. Method 1 The paths and variables can be added to each project individually. This is useful if you only want these changes to affect a small number of projects. Or if your projects require different paths and variables. Note: these changes would be made after the project is created (shown in steps 15 - 17 below) Method 2 The paths and variables can be added to the entire workspace within S32DS . These will not be visible outside of S32DS and therefore will not affect the entire Windows environment. This is useful if you have a large number of projects with common requirements for paths and variables and do not want them visible any tools outside of S32DS. Method 3 The paths and variables can be added globally to the Windows environment and will affect all installed tools. This method is not recommended. Once you have selected a method, add the following paths to the PATH variable (paths shown using the default installation settings for S32DS): C:\NXP\S32DS.3.1\S32DS\build_tools\gcc-6.3-arm32-eabi\bin C:\NXP\S32DS.3.1\S32DS\build_tools\gcc-6.3-arm64-eabi\bin C:\NXP\S32DS.3.1\S32DS\build_tools\gcc-6.3-arm64-linux\bin C:\NXP\S32DS.3.1\S32DS\build_tools\msys32\mingw32\bin or if within Eclipse (can use variables, which don't need to be updated should the layout of S32DS installation change in a future release) ${S32DS_ARM32_TOOLCHAIN_DIR} ${S32DS_ARM64_LINUX_TOOLCHAIN_DIR} ${S32DS_ARM64_TOOLCHAIN_DIR} ${S32DS_GCC_TOOCHAIN_DIR} It is also necessary to add the following Windows system variables: Variable Name: S32V234_SDK_ROOT Variable Value: C:\NXP\S32DS_Vision_v2018.R1\S32DS\s32v234_sdk Variable Name: APU_TOOLS Variable Value: C:\NXP\S32DS_Vision_v2018.R1\S32DS\APUC The following steps demonstrate the procedure based on Method 1 above. 1) Launch S32DS for Vision 2) Click New 3) Select 'Makefile Project with Existing Code' 4) Select Next 5) Enter a name for the project. 6) For 'Existing Code Location',    a) Select 'Browse...' and then select the directory  C:\NXP\S32DS.3.1\S32DS\software\VSDK_S32V2_RTM_1_3_0\s32v234_sdk\demos\isp\isp_sonyimx224_rgb_yuv_gs8    b) Click OK 7) For 'Toolchain for Indexer Settings', select the option which matches your desired build configuration. For our example here, we will select 'ARM Linux 64-bit Target Binary Toolchain'. See the Vision Extension Package User Guide for more details on the toolchain options. This sets up some toolchain paths, but later we will set more for the specific needs of the VSDK examples. 😎 Click Finish 9) Right-click on the project from the Project Explorer. Select Properties 10) Go to section 'C/C++ Build' 11) Go to the 'Behavior' tab and in the field next to 'Build', enter:    ISP examples: 'allsub'    APEX examples: 'APU_COMP=nxp allsub' 12) Go to 'Builder Settings' tab, in 'Build location' section change the path for the 'Build directory'. Click on 'Workspace...' button 13) In the Folder selection menu, select the subfolder 'build-v234ce-gnu-linux-d' and click OK 14) Go to section 'Environment' 15) Select the environment variable 'PATH' and click 'Edit...' 16) Add the path variables to the value field, each separated by a comma ';' ${S32DS_ARM32_TOOLCHAIN_DIR} ${S32DS_ARM64_LINUX_TOOLCHAIN_DIR} ${S32DS_ARM64_TOOLCHAIN_DIR} ${S32DS_GCC_TOOCHAIN_DIR} Click OK 17) Click 'Add...' 18) Click 'Add...' and enter variable name 'APU_TOOLS' and value '${S32DS_APU_TOOLCHAIN_DIR}' Click OK 19) Click OK to close the Properties menu. 20) Click on 'Build' 21) Once the build is complete, the binary file (ELF) will be created
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This document describes, how to add software site and how to install update from the 3rd party software site. 1) In S32DS, click Help->Install New Software 2) Click Available Software Sites. 3) Select required site, if available. 4) Select required site in Work with line: 5) Available updates will appear in the window below. Check GNU E200 PEMicro Interface Debugging Support 6) Click Next and new window will appear. Select required software and click Next. 7) Accept the license terms and click Finish. New software will be downloaded and installed. Hope it helps. Martin
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        Product Release Announcement Automotive Microcontrollers and Processors S32 Design Studio for Vision 2018.R1          Austin, Texas, USA November 23, 2018 The Automotive Microcontrollers and Processors’ Embedded Tools Team at NXP Semiconductors, is pleased to announce the release of the S32 Design Studio for Vision  2018.R1. The S32 Design Studio enablement simplifies and accelerates the deployment of ADAS vision and neural network solutions in automotive, transportation and industrial applications. Here are some of its major features: Release Content S32 Debugger ISP Graph Tool APEX2 Graph Tool NXP GCC Compiler 6.3 NXP Compiler for APU Vision SDK 1.2.0 Complete S32 Design Studio for Vision 2018.R1 release notes are available here. Installation To download the installer please visit the S32 Design Studio product page downloads section or click the direct here. The installer requires the Activation ID to be entered. You should receive a notification email including the Activation ID after the download of the installation package starts. For more information about the product installation see S32DS Vision Installation Manual.   Technical Support S32 Design Studio issues are tracked through the S32DS Public NXP Community space. https://community.nxp.com/community/s32/s32ds  
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S32DS contains many example projects from which you can learn how S32DS can be used with the help of the Vision SDK to develop vision applications. The example projects contain generated and hand-written code, which utilize the Vision SDK to demonstrate a workflow using S32DS. In this document, the procedure for creating a project from one of the provided ISP examples through to execution on the EVB is detailed. This project was run using S32DS version 3.2 and VSDK version 1.5.0.   1) Launch S32DS 2) Select 'File -> New -> S32DS Project from Example' 3) Select 'isp_h264dec_single_stream' project    In this particular project, the ISP graph diagram is included. If you wish to view it, go to the Project Explorer panel and expand 'isp_h264dec_single_stream_graph'. Then double click on 'ISP data flow : h264dec_single_stream'. The ISP graph diagram will appear in the editor panel. 4) If not in the C/C++ Perspective, switch over by clicking on the icon showed below (Hovering over the correct icon should display 'C/C++'). The current perspective is displayed on the top bar. 5) Select isp_h264dec_single_stream: A53 in the Project Explorer panel 6) Build project for A53  7) Start a debug session using method as described in HOWTO Create A53 Linux Project in S32DS for Vision, beginning at step 9. 😎 Click Resume  The program takes the input H264 encoded image img_1280x960.h264 located in the /home/root/vsdk/data/common folder on the Linux BSP and outputs it on the display The output image should look like below.
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PEmicro’s GDB Server can take advantage of four useful SWO debug tools: Power Measurement SWO ITM Console SWO Data capture Real-Time Expressions. This document describes how to enable and use these features. Note: To set up streaming for SWO debug features, the user should check the “Enable Streaming” checkbox in Debug Configurations during setup. Then the port should be specified in the Streaming Server Port text box. Hardware Requirements The following versions (or later) of PEmicro hardware interfaces are required to take advantage of SWO streaming functionality: Multilink FX Rev. C Multilink Universal Rev. D Multilink ACMP Rev. B Real-Time Power Measurement To enable Power Measurement capture, an active debug session must already be in process. Click the Gear Icon on the title bar of the PEmicro "Power Measurement” window. Select the frequency of data capture and check the Enable box. After clicking OK, Power Recording is now active. Note:    The Multilink FX debug probe is required for Real-Time Power Measurement Power Configuration Dialog The next time the target MCU is run, real-time power measurement readings will be shown. The user can start/stop power recording, zoom, export data, and more SWO Printf Console The SWO Printf Console will display messages which are streamed through the SWO pin and captured by the Multilink. There are two main configuration steps needed to leverage this feature. First, the project must be configured to re-direct the printf() statements to the SWO Printf peripheral. This is done at project creation time. Second, the green "Play" button on the SWO ITM Console needs to be clicked during an active debug session. This will cause data collection of SWO printf information to occur on the next Resume. Once data is streaming, the red “Stop” button will stop data streaming. Printf() Statements Displayed In SWO ITM Console The Multilink automatically measures the data communication rate on the SWO pin and adjusts to it automatically. This auto-detect sequence is done each time the processor is stopped in debug mode. If the running code changes the core frequency, a breakpoint should be set after the frequency change so the Multilink can adjust to the new SWO communications rate (which is a function of the core frequency). SWO Data capture The SWO Data view allows the user to configure variables to be tracked such that any reads and writes to these variables are captured and streamed to the Multilink via the SWO pin. This view shows all of the realtime access which have occurred along with the timing of the different accesses. For SWO data, there is a bit more setup.  The user needs to select the 'Eyeglasses+' symbol which will bring up a popup of Add datawatch items.  Simply enter the information of the different variables to be tracked. Up to four separate variables can be tracked simultaneously. In this example, we select that we wish to capture read and writes of the ledsOn and seconds variables. Once added, the user needs to select which watches data will be captured by checking the "Enable trace" boxes in the SWO Data window and then click the Green Arrow to set the program to start capture on Resume.Upon resuming the application, the right side of the window will show the access which are occurring. Note that this happens in real-time; the microcontroller is not stopped when accesses occur (i.e. the is separate from data breakpoints). Variable Read/Writes Displayed In Real Time The Multilink automatically measures the data communication rate on the SWO pin and adjusts to it automatically. This auto-detect sequence is done each time the processor is stopped in debug mode. If the running code changes the core frequency, a breakpoint should be set after the frequency change so the Multilink can adjust to the new SWO communications rate (which is a function of the core frequency). Real-Time Expressions This view is similar to the standard Eclipse "Expressions" window with the exception that its contents will update in real-time without the device being halted in debug mode. Just add the appropriate variables to the Real Time Expressions window and you will see them updating in real-time. Add Variables To Real-Time Expressions Windows
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      Product Release Announcement Automotive Microcontrollers and Processors S32 Design Studio 3.1  Update 190708          What is new? S32 Design Studio Platform Package 3.1.2 S32 Design Studio Platform Tools Package 3.1.2 Updated S32 Debugger and S32 Flash tool to support S32S247TV NXP GCC for Arm Embedded Processor build 1620 S32S2xxTV Development Package 3.1.2 Integrated S32 SDK EAR 0.8.0 for S32S (Windows only), S32 Configuration Tool IVT and DCD tools S32V2xx Development Package 3.1.1 Integrated S32 SDK for S32V23x RTM 1.0.0 (Windows only) Vision Extension Package for S32V2xx 1.0.0 This is a cumulative update - it is applicable to S32 Design Studio 3.1 Installation instructions The update is available for online (via Eclipse Updater) or offline installation (direct download link)  online installation:  go to menu "Help" -> "S32DS Extensions and Updates" dialog  select from available items and click "Install/Update" button   offline installation:   go to S32 Design Studio product page -> Downloads section or use direct link to download the update archive zip file Start S32 Design Studio and go to "Help" -> "S32DS Extensions and Updates" Add a new "Add.." S32DS Software Site and browse to select the downloaded update archive .zip file you downloaded in the previous step         Select from available items and click "Install/Update" button. This will start the update installation process.
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