S12 / MagniV Microcontrollers Knowledge Base

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S12 / MagniV Microcontrollers Knowledge Base

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S12(X) MCU Secure: There’s a security byte in the flash memory at address 0xFF0F that should be programmed appropriately. Datasheet says: “The contents of the Flash Protection/Options byte at $FF0F in the Flash Protection/Options Field must be changed directly by programming $FF0F when the device is unsecured and the higher address sector is unprotected. If the Flash Protection/Options byte is left in the secure state, any reset will cause the MCU to return to the secure operating mode.”   If you use CodeWarrior then you can use the syntax as follows: const unsigned char secure @0xFF0F = 0xFC;   If the security is enabled then: - internal flash memory cannot be read via BDM device. - debug features are disabled. For more information see the description of FSEC register in datasheet.   I would like also recommend our application note AN2400 HCS12 NVM Guidelines: http://www.freescale.com/files/microcontrollers/doc/app_note/AN2400.pdf AN2880 Using the Backdoor Access Capability to Unsecure HCS12 MCUs: http://www.freescale.com/files/microcontrollers/doc/app_note/AN2880.pdf http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/download/license.jsp?colCode=AN2880SW     Security at S12(X) MCUs with 180nm Flash: This is related to all S12(X) MCUs with 180nm Flash with ECC (S12G, S12HY, S12P, S12XE, S12XF, S12XHY,  S12XS, MM912G634, MM912H634, MM912J637 and S12VR):   If we load the flash security byte together with other code, ****************** c code example: //set backdoor key and secure the flash (set flash security byte to 0xBD): const unsigned char flash_array[] @0xFF00 = {0xAA,0xAA,0xAA,0xAA,0xAA,0xAA,0xAA,0xAA,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xBD}; ****************** then we have to add following command to preload command file (P&E_Multilink_USB_Preload.cmd if you use PE Multilink):   FLASH NOUNSECURE   This command will ensure that the burner will not change security byte to unsecured state prior to programming. That's normal way: the MCU is erased, flash security byte is programmed to default unsecure state (0xFE) and then the code is loaded. We just have to turn off the programming of security byte.   Why: The cumulative bits within the phrase is not allowed. If the flash security byte at address 0xFF0F is not erased prior to programming of the new value then the ECC checksum of this phrase is corrupted and the MCU will be left in secured state and the flash will be fully protected after next reset.   Datasheet says: "If a double bit fault is detected while reading the P-Flash phrase containing the P-Flash protection byte during the reset sequence, the FPOPEN bit will be cleared and remaining bits in the FPROT register will be set to leave the P-Flash memory fully protected."   "If a double bit fault is detected while reading the P-Flash phrase containing the Flash security byte during the reset sequence, all bits in the FSEC register will be set to leave the Flash module in a secured state with backdoor key access disabled."   The same for D-Flash...   S12(X) unsecure: Unsecure is possible by three ways: 1. Backdoor key access(temporary) 2. Reprogramming the security bits 3. Complete memory erase (special modes) Ad1) For secure and backdoor key you set 16bytes on address 0xFF00. The backdoor key access method allows debugging of a secured microcontroller without having to erase the Flash. This is particularly useful for failure analysis. For unsecure by backdoor key you use special flash command 0C (caption Verify Backdoor Access Key Command in reference manual). No word of the backdoor key is allowed to have the value 0x0000 or 0xFFFF. Unsecure is valid only till reset. If an invalid attempt is made to verify the Backdoor Keys the command will be locked out until a power down occurs.  Ad2) In normal single chip mode (NS), security can also be disabled by erasing and reprogramming the security bits within Flash options/security byte to the unsecured value. Because the erase operation will erase the entire sector from 0xFE00–0xFFFF, the backdoor key and the interrupt vectors will also be erased; this method is not recommended for normal single chip mode. Ad3) Complete mass erase by BDM device(in special mode). In Code Warior debugger menu ->MultilinkCyclonePro->Unsecure… If not work you can use unsecure12 from P&E: http://www.pemicro.com/downloads/download_file.cfm?download_id=16 Unsecure_12 Help Files: http://www.pemicro.com/downloads/download_file.cfm?download_id=14 Note: For downloading is necessary registration.
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The example code demonstrates MCU low power modes: STOP and WAIT. For detailed description see main.c file of the project. * - tested on X-VLG-S12ZVC board * - BUSCLK = 6.25MHz based on internal oscillator clock IRCCLK = 1MHz.The PLL set by default in PEI mode. * - Reference documentation: MC9S12ZVCRMV1.pdf (REV 1.9) VLG-MC9S12ZVC-SCH.pdf (Document Number SCH-28038, SPF-28038)
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The bold blue links below provide direct download of SW example packs for MagniV devices based on S12Z core.   S12ZVC Getting Started Exercises (REV 1.0) This file contains four hands-on exercise where you can find basic setup code to enable a quick development in different areas. The file includes CodeWarrior projects demonstrating usage of peripheral modules such as: - Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC), - Controller Area Network (CAN), - Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), - Timer (TIM).   Getting started with S12ZVL32 - S12 MagniV Example Codes (REV 0) The MC9S12ZVC device integrates a battery level (12V) voltage regulator and supply voltage monitoring. This zipped file includes four CodeWarrior examples demonstrating - Overcurrent protection on EVDD pin, - low power STOP mode with API timer and wake-up feature, - Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) - Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) communication.   Many of these examples can be used on various MCU families across the MagniV product line. Check the appropriate device guide for list of modules and its versions.
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In the attached zip file you can find three software examples demonstrating clock module and PLL configuration on MagniV device MC9S12ZVM. The examples are made in CodeWarrior IDE v10.6 (Eclipse). The main.c source file of each project provides detailed description, comments and important notes.   The source code can be used with other devices within MagniV family based on S12Z core such as S12ZVL, S12ZVC, S12ZVH/Y, but the precaution must be considered about the max bus frequency of the device.   p.s. Revision 2: SYNR, REFDIV and POSTDIV values changed in PLL initialization to achieve highest PLL locking time.
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The ADC measurement is always relative – relative to your voltage reference. The most of the applications don't allow to use accurate and expensive voltage reference. In that case, VDDA is used as the reference for ADC measurement. Since the operational VSUP range starts from 3.5V and accuracy of the voltage regulator is limited, we should use internal bandgap reference for compensating ADC voltage results. The bandgap voltage VBG has a narrow variation over temperature and external voltage supply. The example shows how to compensate ADC results by additional bandgap voltage measurement.
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Hello all, sharing the latest version of MagniV Power Dissipation Calculator started by Carlos Vazquez and Anita Maliverney. With this excel sheet is possible estimate the power dissipated for any MCU of S12ZVM, S12ZVL, S12ZC family, considering: supply voltages, digital modules, gate drive unit, charge pump, communication transceivers, etc.   A few features where added, any additional comment or suggestion is appreciated. Regards.
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Have you ever wondered what is the difference between the electric motors included in those two Development Kit with S12 MagniV?     MTRCKTSBNZVM128: 3-phase Sensorless BLDC Development Kit with S12 MagniV S12ZVM MTRCKTSPNZVM128: 3-phase Sensorless PMSM Development Kit with S12 MagniV MC9S12ZVML128 MCU   Well frankly writing none. They include the same motor model 45ZWN24-90       . So the motors are same from physics perspective, only the flux distribution in an air gap is different. It is sinusoidal for PMSM whereas it is trapezoidal for BLDC motor. The powerstage is same for both but what is different however is the control strategy. The Linix motor equipped with the DevKits is in fact somewhere between PMSM and BLDC, The flux is not sinusoidal nor trapezoidal.   Further information and motor parameters can be found at manufacturer product pages:                          http://www.linixmotor.com/3-3-Tool-Motor.html
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The package contains of AN5327_SW ported to S12ZVML-MINIBRD hardware. Just minor changes are introduced, such as removing a button control, moving the LED light to another pin and using internal oscillator. This is just a working version, it is NOT an official release!!! AN5327_SW_CW11_MINIBRD.ZIP CodeWarrior 11.0 and AMMCLib 1.1.13 or higher is required to run this example. If you are not sure about the AMMCLib version, please download the general AN5327_SW from the www.nxp.com/automcdevkits first, install it and then unzip and use the example above.
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The S12Z MCU has linear address space therefore constant, variable, code placement is easier in compare with older S12 or S12X MCUs. But still, there are several ways and potential issues.   The object placement is made by Smart Linker. The linker configuration is defined by settings in project *.prm file and also by linker command line options (menu - Project – Properties – C/C++ Build – Settings – S12Z Linker). The detail information about linker options may be found in MCU_Build_Tools_Utilities.pdf with default path: "c:\Freescale\CW MCU v10.7\MCU\Help\PDF\MCU_Build_Tools_Utilities.pdf"   We may define memory segments in *.prm linker file. The default prm file contains segments for RAM, EEPROM, and ROM (Flash). The sizes of these segments typically reflect our MCU derivative physical memory map, but we may redefine that and use more virtual segments per our needs. The physical/virtual segments definition in prm linker file is located at: SEGMENTS // segments definition END‍‍‍‍‍‍   The general data placement may be divided into two main approaches: Manual – the programmer will specify fix address for some of the data Automatic – the placement will be driven automatically by Smart Linker   Manual placement The first option is an exact specification of specific content at a specific address. This may be managed for a small amount of data by FILL linker command in *.prm linker parameter file. For example: SEGMENTS //… ROM_CONST       = READ_ONLY   0xFE0000 TO 0xFE0000 FILL 0x5A;  //insert 0x5A value at address 0xFE0000 //… END‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ Such placement isn’t very comfortable, but it might be simply used for some configuration data out of project code. Note: you may use more than one bytes (e.g. FILL 0x0A 0x34). If segment size is bigger than a number of specified bytes, the bytes will be used as a pattern for filling whole target segment. Note: The potential linker placement will overlap such defined data.   The next option is using address specification by an @ qualifier directly in C code. For example: unsigned const int rom_const @0xFE0100 = 0x5AA5;‍‍ This may be used also for more complex types than simple byte – typically arrays,...   Since such type of placement is still manual, the linker parameters must be configured for avoiding possible overlapping. Be aware! The default CW project has disabled memory overlapping warnings. So, we must exclude target memory area from linker using. For example, in the *.prm file: SEGMENTS //… ROM_1           = READ_ONLY   0xFE0000 TO 0xFE00FF //ROM_CONST  = READ_ONLY   0xFE0100 TO 0xFE0101;            //we use the 0xFE0100 byte for rom_const ROM_2           = READ_ONLY   0xFE0102 TO 0xFFFDFF //… END‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ Note: We use qualifiers for define memory access type. READ_ONLY is used for Flash, READ_WRITE for RAM and NO_INIT for RAM where we do not want to initialize data after reset. Sections placed in an NO_INIT segment should not contain any initialized variables (variable defined as int c = 8).   Note: The manual placement may be also implemented by assembler code. For example: XDEF MyVariable MyVariable: equ $1100‍‍‍‍ However, also in this case, we must exclude target memory area from linker use like in the case of @ qualifier for avoiding memory overlapping.   Automatic placement by linker The PLACEMENT block allows us to physically place each section from the application in a specific memory area (segment). The sections specified in a PLACEMENT block may be linker-predefined sections (like DEFAULT_ROM, DEFAULT_RAM, COPY, SSTACK,…) or user sections specified in one of the source file building the application (like MY_RAM,…). PLACEMENT // section(s) INTO segment(s); MY_CODE INTO ROM_1; END‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ Note: Since the linker is case sensitive, the name of the section names specified in the PLACEMENT block must be valid predefined or user-defined section names. Note: There is quite mess in ELF/Freescale section/segment terminology. Please take this information as simplified as possible. Please look at MCU_Build_Tools_Utilities.pdf for more details about predefined segments/sections. Note: We may place a various number of sections into a various number of segments. The “,” is used as section/segment delimiter. Note: In general, the placement order is given by simple list order (first specified section will be allocated from first specified segment, after that next section …). But, there are still few limitations for sections list order. The error is generated in the case of wrong list order – for example: ERROR L1122: only checksum section may be behind .copy in the section list.   The default variable/constant/code placement may be changed by #pragma commands. Note: Most of these pragma commands are not limited to the single file. Therefore, we should keep it in complementary pairs. An example of placing code into specific section: #pragma CODE_SEG MY_CODE void f(void) { //… } #pragma CODE_SEG DEFAULT‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ The #pragma DATA_SEG modifies variable placement. For example: #pragma DATA_SEG MY_RAM unsigned int counter; //… #pragma DATA_SEG DEFAULT‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍   The #pragma CONT_SEG modifies variable placement. For example: #pragma CONT_SEG MY_ROM const unsigned int my_parameter; //… #pragma CONT_SEG DEFAULT‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍   Note: The shorter option for directly allocating variables in a named segment, rather than using a #pragma may be used. For example: unsigned int counter@"MY_RAM";‍‍ However, even in such case, the #pragma command like #pragma DATA_SEG MY_RAM must be used at least once prior that variable declaration.   Note: The S12Z compiler/linker allows to use also already predefined sections like DEFAULT_ROM, DEFAULT_RAM or ROM_VAR as target sections in #pragma commands (not possible in the case of older S12(X) compiler/linker).     More details about #pragma commands may be found in MCU_S12Z_Compiler.pdf with default path: "c:\Freescale\CW MCU v10.7\MCU\Help\PDF\MCU_S12Z_Compiler.pdf" Data alignment Sometimes we need to keep allocated data aligned. This is for example typical requirement for ADC command and result list where DMA is used for transfer data between ADC module and memory. The simplest method is using alignment attribute. For example: volatile unsigned long adc0_cmdlist[NR_A_CH] __attribute__ ((aligned (4))); //max 256 bytes = 64 commands per 4-byte entries volatile unsigned int adc0_results[NR_A_CH] __attribute__ ((aligned (4)));  //max 128 bytes = 64 results per 2-byte entries‍‍‍‍ I hope it helps you. Best regards Radek
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Example code pack for S12G contains simple code examples how to initialize and how to use MCU module/feature. List of examples: G128-API_wakeup_from_Stop_Mode G128-Clock and COP examples G128-Interrupt_catcher-CW51 G128-LIN-CW51 G128-PLL_PEEmode-CW51 G128-Security-CW51 G240-API+STOP-CW51 G240-API-CW51 G240-ATD+GPIO-CW51 G240-ATD-Continuous_conversion_with_interrupt-CW51 G240-ATD-Multichannel_single_conversion-CW51 G240-ATD-Single_conversion-CW51 G240-Checksum-CW51 G240-Flash-CW51 G240-PLL-PBE_mode-CW51 G240-PLL-PEE_mode-CW51 G240-PLL-PEI_mode-CW51 G240-TIM_50us_interval-CW51 G240-TIM_50us_period-CW51 GN32-EEPROM-EW-CW51 GN32-LIN-CW51 GN32-PWM16b_GPIO GN32-PWM_8bit-CW51 GN32-SCI_SPI_Gateway-CW51 GN32-SCI_wake_up_from_stop-CW51   Oct-22-2013 Update: I added G128-CAN-CW51, G240-SPI-MC33810-CW51, G240-SPI-Slave examples. I added PLL calculator. I fixed error in GN32-EEPROM-EW-CW51 example code.   Aug-21-2015 Update: Updated G240-Flash-CW51 example code. Removed image files and object code from projects (9MB->2MB size)
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How to get device ID and write program once field without programming application to the S12Z device in the CodeWarrior (Eclipse).   Even the datasheet does not present the device ID it can be read at address 0x1FC000. The device ID is size of 8 bytes from 1F_C000 to 1F_C007. The meaning of the field is confidential information. Of course, other "reserved" fields on higher addresses can also be read but their meaning is also confidential. The ID is not presented in the documentation because it has reason for company only. However, some users require unique identification of the device. It is possible to use this number. In order to read the ID, it is enough to create simple project in the CodeWarrior and connect to the device without programming it and run “mem” command in the debug shell window. If you do not want to remember address ranges, then it is better to prepare command file and execute it.   Of course, we can also simply use memory window.   It is a different story if we want also to see program once field. In this case we have to execute a set of commands to get it. As an example of command file which can be executed to get device ID and program the program once field I present two command files. They can be executed in the debugger window – see and test attached project. They are AAA_Read_Device_ID_And_OTPROM.cmd  and AAA_ProgramOnceField.cmd. The project which also presents reading and writing program once field is not relevant but should be created for the device we want to play with. It is not required to be code (simple code, enough to use what is generated by wizard) loaded into the MCU’s memory. However, necessary is the debugger is connected to a memory. Because of this it is enough to set:   …. And press debug   In the debug enable “Debugger Shell”:   Before continuing please modify flash clock setup in both files to value suitable for programming on the basis of the oscclk you use. In the files search for lines    Write into debugger shell command which runs the AAA_Read_Device_ID_And_OTPROM.cmd: source "c:\D\CODING & SW\ECLIPSE\S12ZVMC-FLASH-WRITEONCEFIELD-CW106\AAA_Read_Device_ID_And_OTPROM.cmd" (it is possible you have different path to the file…please change it)   The command will execute and shows: Device ID And Program field phrase 0. If you want to see another phrase you should modify AAA_Read_Device_ID_And_OTPROM.cmd line set PHRASE 1. Change 1 to the phrase you want to see and run the command presented above “source …..” again. It is enough to press arrow up on the keyboard to see and use previous commands.   In order to program selected field use and run command “source” with the file: AAA_ProgramOnceField.cmd source "c:\D\CODING & SW\ECLIPSE\S12ZVMC-FLASH-WRITEONCEFIELD-CW106\AAA_ProgramOnceField.cmd"   The same note as previosly, the path you have could be different so adjust it. The same line as in previous file should be changed to select the phrase you want to program. As a result, you will see programming algorithm and also read back of the field, example of output: %>source "c:\D\CODING & SW\ECLIPSE\S12ZVMC-FLASH-WRITEONC EFIELD-CW106\AAA_ProgramOnceField .cmd" ############################ Programming Field = 2 ############################ cmdwin::mem 0x0386 %x = 0x30 cmdwin::wait 1000 cmdwin::mem 0x0382 %x = 0x05 cmdwin::mem 0x038C %x = 0x07 cmdwin::mem 0x038D %x = 0x00 cmdwin::mem 0x038E %x = 0x00 cmdwin::mem 0x038F %x = 2 cmdwin::mem 0x0390 %x = 0xA2 cmdwin::mem 0x0391 %x = 0xB2 cmdwin::mem 0x0392 %x = 0xC2 cmdwin::mem 0x0393 %x = 0xD2 cmdwin::mem 0x0394 %x = 0xE2 cmdwin::mem 0x0395 %x = 0xF2 cmdwin::mem 0x0396 %x = 0xA3 cmdwin::mem 0x0397 %x = 0xB3 cmdwin::mem 0x0386 %x = 0x80 cmdwin::wait 1000 ############################ Read back Programmed Field = 2 ############################ cmdwin::mem 0x0386 %x = 0x30 cmdwin::wait 1000 cmdwin::mem 0x0382 %x = 0x01 cmdwin::mem 0x038C %x = 0x04 cmdwin::mem 0x038D %x = 0x00 cmdwin::mem 0x038E %x = 0x00 cmdwin::mem 0x038F %x = 2 cmdwin::mem 0x0386 %x = 0x80 cmdwin::wait 1000 cmdwin::mem 0x0390 8      390  $a2 $b2 $c2 $d2 $e2 $f2  $a3 $b3   . . . . . . . .    Now the question, where to find commands to be able to prepare such a command files, can be asked. 1) The first information source is the CodeWarrior help. For example, search for keyword DW and it could find a command list. 2) Tcl Reference Manual  3) http://www.tcl.tk/    Finally, in the attached project can be seen also approach how to write program once field by SW. Of course, mentioned cmd files are also part of the project.
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Interrupt catcher example code catches all unexpected interrupts. It can be used for debugging or directly in the application software. The Machine Exception routine is used here as example of expected interrupt.   A few notes: 1. For each expected interrupt you must remove a code line for given interrupt     from the part of the code "A Set of unimplemented interrupts" and     create your own service routine as it is, for example, made     for interrupt 5 void Machine_Exception_ISR(void)   2. All interrupt vectors have 32bit size, however, addresses have only 24bit,     therefore the most significant byte in interrupt vector is not used.     Definitions with the keyword "interrupt XX" where XX represents vector     order in the interrupt vector is used to define interrupt service function.      3. Interrupt number 0 is assigned to POR reset vector,                      1 is assigned to Unimplemented page1 op-code trap vector                      2 is assigned to Unimplemented page2 op-code trap vector                      3  ...                      4  ...     Interrupt number = (0x1FC-Vector Address)/4. See Table 1-11. Interrupt     Vector Locations at RM(page 62-65).     For Example: Interrupt number of SCI0 = (0x1FC-0x19C)/4 = 0x18 = 24.     So you can use either form                interrupt VectorNumber_Vsci0 void SCI0_isr(void)     or                interrupt 24 void SCI0_isr(void)     or                interrupt ((0x1FC-0x19C)/4) void SCI0_isr(void)       Note: VectorNumber_Vsci0 is defined in mc9s12zvl32.h      
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Abstract The paper describes basic scaling procedure of a six-step BLDC motor control application with focus on S12ZVM MCU devices.  Abstract Introduction BLDC six-step control Speed scaling Timing Commutation periods Speed calculation Application note links Calculation accuracy Real applications Resources Introduction Based on the various questions regarding the BLDC speed calculation, I've decided to write this document to make the scale calculation clear. Please use it for your reference and comment in case there is something to be explained in more details. BLDC six-step control This document is linked with the six-step control of BLDC motors, known for the trapezoidal back-EMF shaped voltage. The key is to create a torque using DC current in two phases while the third phase is not connected. As the rotor is moving, the phases are switched (commutated) to keep the stator flux ahead the rotor flux. The principles are well described in many application notes, such as AN4718 or AN4704. The instant of the commutations can be driven by Hall sensors or by the back-EMF signal monitoring (so-called "sensorless"). For field-oriented control, please refer to the PMSM control discussed in AN5135 or AN5327. Speed scaling It's more benefitial to describe in details the sensorless algorithm over the hall-sensor-based control. However, the approach is almost the same. Timing The motor speed is calculated based on the zero-cross detection of BEMF voltage on a non-active phase. These zero-cross events times are measured by capturing a timer (TIM0CNT) register at the time the ADC routine detects a zero-cross (or when the Hall sensor commutation event occurs). That means, the time is scaled by the timer TIM0 settings. There is no general guidance how to set up the timer. However, the timer should be set to cover some reasonable number of ticks between two commutations (which is linked to the speed precission at high speeds) and should be able to cover two commutations "far away" from each other at very low speeds, without the timer overflow. A good practice would be: at least 100 timer ticks between two commutations maximum 16bit = 65535 ticks between two commutations The same aproach can be followed using the Hall-sensor events. Commutation periods In the application, zero-cross (or hall-sensor) periods are captured with periodZC_F_PhA, periodZC_R_PhA, etc. or periodZC[6], defined as tU16 (16 bit unsigned). The periods are captured using a timer, as mentioned above. In electric motor theory, we recognize "electrical" and "mechanical" speed. The "electrical" speed is linked with the rotational field. The mechanical speed is connected directly with the rotor speed. The relation between these two speeds is determined by number of poles or pole-pairs: (1)   mechanical speed = electrical speed / number of pole-pairs = electrical speed / ( number of poles / 2 ) In the following text, 3-phase BLDC motor is discussed. Speed calculation To calculate one "electrical" revolution of a motor = 6 commutations (or 6 zero-crosses), all the 6 commutation time periods shall be summed. For that case, the resulting "period6ZC" is defined, formated as tU32 (or unsigned long) to prevent an overflow if all six 16-bit zero-cross periods are summed. If you sum all the 6 zero-cross periods, you'll get the number of timer ticks per single "electric" revolution. That means, if the motor is 2-pole motor ( = 1 pole-pair motor), it would be the time per single "mechanical" revolution of the rotor. In thsi case: (2)   mechanical speed = electrical speed; You can easily get the time per mechanical revolution for higher-pole motor simply by multipling it by number of pole-pairs. (3)   time per mechanical revolution = period6ZC * number of pole-pairs  The period per 6 zero-crosses "period6ZC" is calculated within the control loop, usually in the 1 ms timer interrupt routine. Since the speed (rotor frequency) is just an inverted time period, we can use following code line to calculate the actualSpeed: (4) actualSpeed = SPEED_CALC_NUMERATOR / period6ZC; Now, how to read it's scale and what is the SPEED_CALC_NUMERATOR? Let's assume the "actualSpeed" is tFrac32 (1.31 formated signed 32bit number). It would mean the maximal fraction number is 1.0, which is represented by its integer value 2^31 = 2,147,483,648. Why to use 32-bit number over 16-bit is obvious - since the period6ZC is 32-bit value, the result should be of the same resolution or width. The task is to find the right SPEED_CALC_NUMERATOR. Let's consider the S12ZVM device and the timer TIM0 used to capture the zero-cross events times. The prescaler is set to 16 (TIM0TSCR2_PR = 4) and the bus clock is 12.5MHz, the timer tick is 12.5MHz / 16 = 781.25 kHz, in time scale it is 1.28us. Let's assume the maximum mechanical speed of the motor is 10,000 RPM and the motor has 6-pole-pairs. That would give us (5)   (10,000 RPM) / (60 seconds) = 166.67 revolutions per second, (6)   166.67*(6 pole-pairs) = 1000 electrical revolutions per second, so (7)   1000 * (6 commutations) = 6000 commutations/zero-crosses per second. (8)   That would make 1/6000 = 166.67us per one commutation. (9)   Ticks per one period at max speed = 166.67 us / 1.28us = 130.28 With our 1.28us timer, we can catch upto 130 periods at maximal speed. For maximal speed of the motor 10,000 RPM, we can simply rearrange the "actualSpeed" calulation shown in (4) into (13) and (14), assuming that: (10)   actualSpeed = FRAC32(1.0) = 2,147,483,648 (11)   period6ZC = 6 periods * 130 = 780 (rounded down, since the value is still an integer) In case of S12ZVM device, it is more convenient to use 16-bit (tFrac16) calculations than 32-bit. Hence, we can do a trick with the scaling to use 32-bit actualSpeed to prevent an overflow use the same 32-bit number as 16-bit number just by scaling it correctly benefit from the 16bit calculation, which is good enough and fast enough at the same time The trick is hidden in the casting of the actualSpeed from Frac32 to Frac16: (12)   speedErr = requiredSpeed - (tFrac16) actualSpeed; That means, only the lower 15 bits are considered the speed (assuming the actualSpeed will never exceed 32767 so the 16th "sign" bit will always be zero). For maximum speed and the SPEED_CALC_NUMERATOR determination, the "actualSpeed" should be 32767 (which is the range of signed tFrac16). Equation (4) can be used to calculate the SPEED_CALC_NUMERATOR as follows: (13)   32767 = SPEED_CALC_NUMERATOR / 780 (14)   SPEED_CALC_NUMERATOR  = 780 * 32,767 = 25,558,260 Thus  #define SPEED_CALC_NUMERATOR 25558260 Using the equation (4), the speed for the minimum period6ZC would be: (15)   actualSpeed = SPEED_CALC_NUMERATOR / period6ZC = 25,558,260 / 780 = 32,767; Masking that value by lower 15 bits and casting it to tFrac16 would give us 1.0. Since the speed scale has been determined by the maximum speed of the motor 10,000 RPM, we can calculate the real speed simply by: (16)   RealScaleSpeedRPM = (tFrac16)actualSpeed / 32,767 * MAX_SPEED = (tFrac16)actualSpeed / 32,767 * 10,000. Application note links In the application note AN4704, there are several macro constants used to control the application. These constants should be calculated using following definitions, with a little help of the SPEED_SCALE - floating point representation of the real scale of the speed. #define SPEED_SCALE 10000.0  // Used for correct calculation of the following: #define REQUIRED_RUN_SPEED FRAC16(2000.0/SPEED_SCALE) // 2000 rpm #define MIN_SPEED FRAC16(500.0/SPEED_SCALE) // 500 rpm minimal speed for Down button control (should be min 10% of nominal motor speed) #define MAX_SPEED FRAC16(5000.0/SPEED_SCALE) // 5 krpm maximum speed for Up button control #define SPEED_STEP FRAC16(100.0/SPEED_SCALE) // 100 rpm, Up/Down step for button controls   If the application uses FreeMASTER to display or control, the scales shall be updated in the FreeMASTER project as well. The new FM scales for AN4704 are: Variable name Variable watch settings requiredSpeed Real type transformation: Linear: a = SPEED_SCALE = 10,000; b = 0 actualSpeed Signed int, Size = 4 Show as: REAL Bit fields maks with: word (0xffff) Real type transformation: Linear: a = SPEED_SCALE / 32767.0 = 0.3051851; b = 0  Calculation accuracy Now, let's have a look on the speed resolution (or accuracy): At the full speed, if one period changes by 1 tick, then you'll get the period6ZC from 780 to 781 at max speed, which makes 12.8041 RPM difference. The higher the SPEED_SCALE is, the higher the error is. If the assumption would be a change in all of the 6 periods (thus the period6ZC would change from 780 to 786), the resulting change to the speed would be 76.336 RPM. That makes the speed error 10,000 RPM +- 76, which is 0.76%. In terms of accuracy, it makes sense to set the maximum speed (or the SPEED_SCALE) to the maximal speed of the application instead of copying some high number from the datasheet of the motor. Well, the max speed of the application should not exceed the max speed of the motor, but it doesn't help if the speed scale is unnecessarily high. Real applications In real applications, the calculated speed (actualSpeed) reflects all the deviations and changes of the period6ZC. Therefore, it is a good practice to do some kind of filtering of the period6ZC, either by averaging or using a low-pass filter. In case of one or more zero-crosses are lost, there should a mechanism to process and detect if the motor is stalled (mechanical speed loses lock with the commutation) or if it is just a disturbance to the signal. The stall detection or the Hall-signal fault/damage detection is one of the challenges towards high quality application. Resources S12ZVM MCU - NXP main S12ZVM page AutoMCDevKits - NXP Automotive Motor Control Development Solutions AN4718 - 3-Phase BLDC Hall Sensor Application Using S12ZVM AN4704 - 3-phase Sensorless BLDC Motor Control Kit with the S12 MagniV MC9S12ZVM AN5201 - Integrating the LIN driver with BLDC sensorless motor controller In the S12ZVM128 device AN5330 - Migration Guide for S12ZVM Devices
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A project presents control of the HD44780 driven display where it is assumed that RW pin of the LCD is permanently connected to “Write” level (GND). The SW contains mirror(s) of the LCD display as array of characters stored within RAM. Both read and write function can be used because writing is performed to the display and also to the array. Read functions are directed to the character array stored within RAM.
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This short video demonstrates a path through NXP website to the CodeWarrior v5.1 download link. On the final place other downloads are available such as service packs, updates, patches etc. Login to NXP site is required.
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For debug purposes, it is possible to read and write the user data and the ECC value directly from/to the SRAM memory. For these debug accesses a register interface is available.   By the debug access and writing incorrect data + ECC values into the system memory,  the single and double bit ECC errors may be simulated for checking the software error handling.   The debug registers may be modified only in a special mode.   The tested address 0x3000 is excluded from linker use - see prm linker file.   I hope it helps you. Radek
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Work with pushbuttons and 7 segment display. Write assembly (ASM) and C programs for the HCS12, as well as to work with the pushbuttons and 7-segment display on the Dragon12-JR board.  The programs find the largest and smallest numbers from an arbitrary list of eight 8-bit unsigned numbers and displays them on the 7-segment display as outlined in the following.   1. Write a program to do the following, in both ASM and C. Do not use MINA, MINM, MAXA, and MAXM instructions.            a. Load an array of eight 8-bit unsigned numbers into RAM.            b. Find the largest of these numbers and store it.            c. Find the smallest of these numbers and store it.            d. Wait for the pushbuttons (S1 or S2) to be pressed.            e. The first time S1 is pressed, display the high nibble of the largest number; the second time S1 is pressed, display the low nibble of the largest number.                For example, if the largest number is 0x3F, the 7-segment display should show “3” the first time S1 is pressed and “F” the second time it is pressed.            f. Do the same for S2, except use the smallest number.  2. Explain why debouncing is used with switches. Optional: Implement software debouncing for switch used above.   Hints: These are unsigned numbers that your program will be searching through.  Make sure you are using the unsigned branch instructions in your ASM code. Your TA will be changing the numbers in your array to make sure it works for arbitrary 8-bit values. Please make sure the array is somewhere near the top of your program file. For interfacing to LEDs, 7 segment Displays, and pushbuttons see the schematic and manual of your development board. The type of the 7-segment LED on the Dragon12-JR board is common anode. All cathodes are driven individually by an output port and all anodes are internally connected together. The Dragon12-JR board uses port H to drive 7-segment cathodes. Skeleton files are provided to help you complete the asseignment. The 7-segment display communicates with the board via Port H whose address is $0260 (PTH).  Its data direction (input or output) is controlled by writing to Data Direction H register whose address is $0262 (DDRH). In order for PTH to be output (i.e. displaying something), you must set DDRH to $FF first (all bits high, all bits output).  The skeleton code does this for you this time. Almost every I/O port on the board works similarly to PTH; that is, you must set the direction of data on a corresponding data direction register before writing to or reading from it. The two pushbuttons (S1 and S2) are connected to PM6 and PM7. S1à PM6, S2à PM7 A subroutine that displays the low nibble of register A is included with the skeleton ASM code. Just store a value in register A and issue jsr seg7_out to display the low nibble of A. You are required to understand how it works and to write a similar routine for the C version of your code.   This document was generated from the following discussion: Professional Way to solve this HCS12 Dragon12-JR,Work with pushbottons and 7 segment display
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TIC example code, v.1.1 * The SW: * demonstrates FLASH programming as a part of application * uses adjusted routines from AN2720 * writes a few words into FLASH locations Pages FE and E0~EF may be used for data storage.   Other pages are used for program storage (see PRM file)      * tested on: HCS12X STARTER KIT * OSCCLK = 16MHz, BUSCLK = 8MHz * Reference to documentation: MC9S12XDP512V2 Rev.2.17 Original Attachment has been moved to: XDP512-FLASH-E_W-CW47.ZIP
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The example code shows how to invoke single or double bit RAM ECC error at S12Z devices.   Some basic overview about S12Z ECC codes may be found in thread AM/FLASH ECC Error handling .
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