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This guide is intended as a reference for creating a demo application using the SLN-VIZN-IOT kit. In this guide, we will be constructing a demo e-lock application using the SLN-VIZN-IOT kit for secure face recognition using liveness detection/anti-spoofing. If you haven’t already, be sure to check out the Getting Started Guide for the SLN-VIZN-IOT kit here. Build Process Our e-lock design will make use of GPIO_AD_B0_2 and GPIO_AD_B0_03 to drive an H-Bridge circuit which actuates a lock using a 9-volt battery. These pins (and our ground) can be found on the serial header located on the front of the kit as shown below: To build our e-lock, we will be modifying the sln_vizn_iot_userid_oobe application found in the SLN-VIZN-IOT SDK. Instructions for downloading the SDK and importing the userid_oobe application can be found in the ‘Get Software’ and ‘Build and Run’ sections of the Getting Started Guide. The following video shows the modifications necessary to implement the E-Lock demo using the sln_vizn_iot_userid_oobe project To enable these pins as GPIOs, we must modify pin_mux.h and pin_mux.c found under the board folder. For simplicity, we contained these initializations in a function called BOARD_InitDoorLockPins. The code to enable these pins was generated using MCUXpresso’s integrated Config Tools, although this is not necessary. The MCUXpresso Config Tools can be read about in-depth here. Next, we need to make sure that the BOARD_InitDoorLockPins function we just created actually gets called so that the GPIOs will work the way we want them to. To do this, we will add the function call inside of our main function in main.c. After adding the door lock initialization to main, we will modify sln_system_state.cpp found under the source folder to add the code which will toggle the GPIO’s we setup in the previous step. To do this, we will make use of the GPIO_PinWrite function found in “fsl_gpio.h.” Using this function requires us to add the line “#include fsl_gpio.h” at the top of sln_system.cpp like shown below: The GPIO_PinWrite functions here will be used to unlock the door whenever a face is recognized (sysStateDetectedKnownUser) and lock the door whenever no known users are in view of the camera (sysStateDetectedNoUser). With the software modifications complete, we need to compile the code and flash our kit with the updated firmware. This can be done by using the ‘Debug’ option found in the Quickstart Panel as shown below. Make sure that the project is compiled and flashed is the sln_vizn_iot_userid_oobe project by verifying the name of the project shown at the top of the Quickstart Panel. For more detailed instructions about flashing the SLN-VIZN-IOT, check out the Flash and Debug SLN-VIZN-IOT Project section under Build, Run in the Getting Started Guide.  With the software modifications complete and the updated firmware installed, all that’s left to do is to add some wires from the GPIO pins to the door lock and power on the kit. Now our e-lock is ready to go! When a user with an unrecognized face (indicated by a red LED) tries to turn the handle nothing happens.  But when a user with a recognized face (indicated by a green LED) tries to turn the handle, the lock is disengaged allowing the latch to move. Conclusion With just a few lines of code and some external hardware, we were able to create a fully-functioning face-controlled e-lock that works entirely offline just by using the SLN-VIZN-IOT. Not to mention the fact that there was no need for any ML experience whatsoever. Because the SLN-VIZN-IOT was designed with flexibility in mind, all sorts of use cases can be supported with only minimal effort when compared to a face recognition implemented from scratch. By using the production-ready software that comes provided with the kit, it’s now possible to add local (no cloud connectivity necessary) face and emotion recognition capabilities to all sorts of products in record time. We hope this guide was helpful in showing you how to jumpstart your face recognition project with the power of the SLN-VIZN-IOT. 
About this demo This Demo contains fully working software to show the implementation of two great features from the QN9080SIP-DK. The BLE in this board provides a Beacon solution to be implemented, based on the SDK example downloaded in the https://mcuxpresso.nxp.com/en/select As previously mentioned, this demonstration is based on the Beacon example from the QN9080 SDK, along with the AN12319SW for using the NT3H2211 Tag. The main objective of this demo software is to write a string in the NTAG memory and be able to read the content using the NTAG stack (from the AN12319 project). Then trigger a message update to be advertised from the beacon. Project Scope Write an NDEF message with a smartphone, using NXP's TagWrite App into the NT3H2211. Be able to start advertising the 6-byte code/message using the BLE stack from the SDK version 2.2.3 into the MCUXpresso v11.2.1. Useful Links Link Description https://mcuxpresso.nxp.com/en/builder SDK Builder https://www.nxp.com/products/wireless/bluetooth-low-energy/fully-certified-module-supporting-bluetooth-and-nfc:QN9080SIP QN9080SIP full documentation https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/application-note/AN12319.pdf A document explaining brief integration for pairing using the NTAG https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/application-note-software/AN12319SW.zip  The respective Software for the AN12319   Required Items Link Description https://www.nxp.com/products/wireless/bluetooth-low-energy/a-highly-extensible-platform-for-application-development-of-qn908x:QN9080DK Board in which the demo was created and tested Android Smartphone Smartphone with IoT Toolbox and TagWriter App IoT Toolbox App https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.freescale.kinetisbletoolbox TagWriter App https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nxp.nfc.tagwriter   Hardware Diagram     Step-by-Step Guide for testing the Demo Get the QN9080 SDK form SDK Builder  Install the QN908x SDK into your MCUXpresso Import the attached file into MCUXpresso on File > Open Projects from File System   Connect properly the NTAG antenna from the kit as shown in the Hardware Diagram. Connect the QN9080SIP-DK using a micro-USB cable. Flash the project into the board and Push Button 1 from the board while running. Open the TagWriter App from your phone and select the Write option. Create a New Plain text element and write any positive float number (< 0.0). Select the Save and Write button. Approach the phone into the NFC antenna. Press Button 1 again to restart the BLE advertising Open the IoT Toolbox App. Select the Beacons option. You should be able to visualize the new payload messages from the device. Note: These messages are representation in decimal from the actual 4-byte (32-bit) number. Each letter is composed of 2, 8-bit numbers. This RAW representation is for proof of concept purposes. This application can be replaced by another BLE device in scanning mode to perform a data post-process.  Additional Demo Information These next steps are intended to guide the developer to an easier understanding of the modifications that were made from the base project. This example provides a guide to learn the basic functionality of the high-level NTAG stack.   Select the FreeRTOS Beacon example from wireless_examples -> Bluetooth in the QN9080 SDK. After being sure that this demo works properly on our QN9080SIP-DK we need to import from the file system the AN12319 project. For being sure everything works, we can also test this project, inside it there is a file called: app_ntag.c inside the source directory. Inside this file, on the Public Functions section, we are able to modify the NDEF_Pairing_Write() and NDEF_Demo_Write() functions for our purposes. The first function is used as the name mentions, to execute the example for pairing our phone with the board without the need to type any pairing code. The second function writes an NDEF in the NTAG and can be read from the phone App TagInfo or TagWriter. To start with the actual creation of the application I used this project: "qn908xcdk_wireless_examples_bluetooth_hid_device_freertos" and started importing the beacon files needed from the beacon FreeRTOS example. As you can observe, this job facilitates a lot because of the similar structure between both projects, this will simplify the tasks and will help us not to get lost. Due to the fact that we started using the HID Device project, all the NTAG stack was already there so we will only be going to focus on the source directory for the additions and modifications. Starting with the erasing of the hid_device.c and .h, these files won't be required for this project. The beacon.c and .h are required to be in this project for the beacon functionalities and routines, this files depend on the Bluetooth stack, the general framework files, and the common files from the source directory. The app_config file has all the BLE needed configurations to set the parameters and respective structures. This is where the initial advertising message will be configured. For the NTAG configurations, the app_ntag file containing the high-level nTag functions for Read/Write capabilities that depends on the NTAG stack (NTAG_I2C/XXX) The ApplMain had some of the most significant changes due to being the main file that calls the BLE functions at the start and also manages the Interrupt used to trigger our own project functions using FD. The files that changed were, as mentioned above, ApplMain.c and app_ntag.c/.h . This has to do with the fact that we will only are going to change the functions called when a Tag Writer is in the field of the NFC antenna and how this data is processed in order to be read and sent to the aData array by using its structure. As you can see in the app_ntag.c file, the last two functions: NDEF_read_test() and getDataNDEF() represent the main changes in this file. Along with the pin configuration for FD managing in the ApplMain.c
About this demo This demo is based on the Wireless UART example from the SDK available on Welcome | MCUXpresso SDK Builder selecting the QN908X board.  The main idea of this demo is to be able to send commands from one device to another, it could be from a QN9080DK, a phone using our NXP application: IoT Toolbox or even an FRDM-KW41Z, this is possible because of the BLE protocol used in all our devices. The end-device used is a QN9080DK, this board receives the message, does parsing and triggers a PWM function using the values sent from another device. This signal can be used in different applications, typically controlling smart lighting brightness and color, speed of motor controls and audio or video amplifiers. The goal of this demo is to implement a task for our FreeRTOS scheduler in order to be able to control a PWM while the BLE connection is still running and receive new incoming messages.   Video Limitations We only interpret ON, OFF and a string of values for our 3 signal outputs. The string of values has to be in the following syntax: rXXX,gXXX,bXXX. An example of this could be r255,g130,b200. The max value should be 255 in order to achieve 100% of the duty cycle, for this example, we are using is at 100 Hz. The connection is not using pairing or bonding modes, so no device information is saved on the non-volatile memory due to this if the connection is lost we need to follow the initial connection procedure. The amount of bytes that can be sent is limited by the macro: #define gAttMaxMtu_c in the ble_constants.h file from the project, we recommend to leave it as it is.   Useful Links Useful documentation is available in the SDK previously downloaded: <SDK Installation folder>...\SDK_2.2.1_QN908XCDK\docs   Link Description https://www.nxp.com/webapp/Download?colCode=QN908x-DK  QN908xDK User’s Guide Welcome | MCUXpresso SDK Builder  SDK Builder site Wireless Connectivity  NXP Wireless Community Connectivity Software: Implement tickless mode in FreeRTOS  Document for implementing a new task using OSA Abstraction layer of FreeRTOS https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/nxp/data-sheets/QN908x.pdf QN908x Datasheet for pins functions   Required Items Link Description QN908x: Ultra-Low-Power Bluetooth Low Energy System on Chip (SoC) Solution | NXP  It is required at least one as an end-point. Oscilloscope  An Oscilloscope to visualize the PWM. Hardware Diagram Step-by-Step Guide Download de QN908x SDK Download the attached .zip file. Import it into MCUXpresso, for the end node you should only use the qn908xcdk_wireless_uart_peripheral project. If you want to use a second QN board to send the commands it is required to also import the qn908xcdk_wireless_uart_central project. Once the projects are imported, we need to flash each board with a project and connect the PA9, PA10, and PA18 pins to our oscilloscope in order to visualize the signal. Connect the USB cables to the computer and open Teraterm with the following values: 115200, 8 bits, none,1 bit, none. Press the RESET Button (SW3) of the Peripheral board Press the Button1 (SW1) after the message: "Wireless UART starting as GAP Peripheral, press the role switch to change it.", an "Advertising" should appear. If a second QN board is used (central), we need to open a second Teraterm session and set it to the same Serial configurations from point 5. If an Android phone is used we need to have the IoT Toolbox application installed and select the Wireless UART example and connect to the Peripheral board using the interface. To pair the Central board to the Peripheral it is required to press the RESET Button (SW3) of the Central board while the Peripheral board is advertising and then Push the Button1 (SW1). Once the boards are connected, we need to paste the message to our terminal in order to be sent as one message. The message should be seen in the other board terminal. Send "ON" to activate the PWM functionality. Send "r255,g128,b64" to set the PWM pins to 100%, 50%, 25%. This signal must be displayed at 100Hz on the oscilloscope. Send "OFF" to deactivate the PWM functionality.   Further Information The Demo is based on the Wireless UART example, The BleApp_ReceivedUartStream function is modified to compare de received strings. The getValuesRGB converts the string into integer values to be assigned to the global variables red, green, blue. Inside getValuesRGB we use the OSA abstraction layer for FreeRTOS to create the task using: OSA_TaskCreate and creating the task named: vfnTaskPWM. vfnTaskPWM configures the timer and initializes the PWM values using the CTimer driver functions and starts the CTimers.     Results 1. After the QN9080 is flashed and in Advertising mode, we have to connect our Central device, Which in this case is an Android phone. In or Teraterm we should be able to see this message: 2. Then, we get the Connected status from our devices and we should be able to send the ON command and the RGB values, Teraterm indicates the integer values and the string received.         3. When we send the OFF command the PWM signals should be 0 V.   4. Here is another example:    
Demo The demo session focuses on demonstrating the transport of human voice over the Bluetooth Smart protocol on Kinetis Wireless platforms running the Kinetis Bluetooth Low Energy stack. The intended setup is made up of two Kinetis Wireless KW41Z evaluation boards connected to an audio codec board with a headset (headphones + microphone) connected at each end. The audience can use the headsets for a full duplex voice communication experience. This demo session is aimed at showcasing the performance of the Kinetis KW41Z platform Demo Features Full duplex voice samples transport over Bluetooth LE transport using Kinetis KW41Z enabled with the Kinetis BLE v4.2 stack SGTL5000 audio codec for sample processing and Kinetis K24F for used for compression Interactive component through a pair of headsets for demonstrating the full duplex voice capabilities NXP Recommends Product Link Kinetis® KW41Z-2.4 GHz Dual Mode: Bluetooth® Low Energy and 802.15.4 Wireless Radio Microcontroller (MCU) based on Arm® Cortex®-M0+ Core https://www.nxp.com/products/wireless/thread/kinetis-kw41z-2.4-ghz-dual-mode-bluetooth-low-energy-and-802.15.4-wireless-radio-microcontroller-mcu-based-on-arm-cortex-m0-plus-core:KW41Z?&fsrch=1&sr=1&pageNum=1 Ultra-Low-Power Audio Codec https://www.nxp.com/products/audio/audio-converters/ultra-low-power-audio-codec:SGTL5000?&fsrch=1&sr=1&pageNum=1 Kinetis® K24 120 MHz MCU Tower® System Module TWR-K24F120M|Tower System Board|Kinetis® MCUs | NXP 
Demo         This was a super fun project to work on and is popular around the office and on the road.  Now I have two of these for a truly amazing barrage of Nerf darts!  It's also always a lot of fun to tear things down and the Nerf gun had some cool plastic work and the shooting mechanism is more simple than what I originally guess.  But I digress, this post is about how you can build one of these yourself.  Please leave any questions or comments in the section below and I will try to answer and make refinements to this guide as we go.   The shopping list (aka Bill of Materials or BOM)   If you shop around you might be able to find better prices or substitute parts.   Type Part Qty Price URL UBEC HKU5 1 $             5.33 http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__16663__HobbyKing_HKU5_5V_5A_UBEC.html LiPo TURNIGY 2200mAh 3S 20C 1 $             7.89 http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__8932__Turnigy_2200mAh_3S_20C_Lipo_Pack.html Servo S5030DX 1 $           28.63 http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__18862__Hobbyking_S5030DX_Digital_MG_Servo_X_Large_HV_164g_0_20s_30kg.html Servo HK15138 1 $             3.12 http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__16269__HK15138_Standard_Analog_Servo_38g_4_3kg_0_17s.html Relay PCB COM-11041 1 $             3.95 https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11041 Relay Components Various 1 $             3.00 https://www.sparkfun.com/wish_lists/36307 Nerf Gun Nerf Dart Tag Swarmfire Blaster 1 $           44.99 http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=11267568 Controller FRDM-K64F 1 $           29.00 FRDM-K64F | mbed Servo Arm Double Servo Arm X-Long 1 $             3.20 http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__19468__CNC_Alloy_Double_Servo_Arm_X_Long_Futaba_.html Servo Arm Heavy Duty Alloy Arm 1 $             5.63 http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__18350__Heavy_Duty_Alloy_1in_Servo_Arm_Futaba_Red_.html Servo Linkage Alloy Pushrod with Ball-Link 65mm 1 $             2.10 http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__25834__Alloy_Pushrod_with_Ball_Link_65mm.html Lazy Susan Shepherd 6 in. Lazy-Susan Turntable 1 $             4.49 http://www.homedepot.com/p/Shepherd-6-in-Lazy-Susan-Turntable-9548/100180572#.UYk5UqLql8E Metal Rod 3/8 in. x 36 in. Zinc Threaded Rod 1 $             2.87 http://www.homedepot.com/p/3-8-in-x-36-in-Zinc-Threaded-Rod-17340/202183465#.UYk5pqLql8E Frame 1/2 MDF 2ftx4ft 1 $           10.45 http://www.homedepot.com/p/1-2-in-x-2-ft-x-4-ft-Medium-Density-Fiberboard-Handy-Panel-1508108/202089097?N=btn1#.UYk6CqLql8E   The build   Two main pieces to construct in this phase.  The base turret and the actual hacking of the Nerf gun.   All your base.. The base of the turret is pretty rudimentary, lot's of room for improvement here.  I used 1/2 MDF and some carpentry skills.  Here is some instruction on how to build a MDF box.  Atop the box is a lazy Susan (ball bearing ring) so that the top-plate can rotate smoothly.  We considered leaving this element out, but worried that it would put to much strain on the servo.   On the subject of servos, a few tidbits of wisdom for you as you build this thing.  First, the left/right servo needs to be dead center of the lazy susan, if your off too much things will start to bind which is not good for your servo.  Second, I used large higher torque servos which cost a bit more, they might be overkill, but it certainly performs well.   I did a quick dimensionally accurate rendering of the design in Sketchup. Files are here.   Hacking the Nerf   Now for the fun stuff.   There is no shortage of screws with this Nerf Gun.  So get out your Phillips screwdriver and go to town. There are two electrical systems in the Nerf that we are going to tap into.  One is the power switch and the other is the electrical trigger. This is the electrical trigger.  The trigger goes to our relay, which is either on or off.  We did try at first to use a 7.2V R/C car battery, but the Nerf draws too much power and didn't fire.  Going up to a 11.1V LiPo fixed that right up. This is the power switch. In Nerfinator 1.0 everything was hardwired together, which prevented us from completely pulling the Nerf from the base and made repairs difficult to say the least.  Nerfinator 2.0 we put this handy connector which allowed us to completely and easily remove the Nerf from the base.  Shipping this thing around the country will take a toll on it!  On that subject, Nerf 1.0, stopped cycling to the next position for us at the Austin Mini Maker Faire.  After a through inspection of the operational mechanics inside the Nerf (really cool BTW) it was a little bitty spring that was causing the piston not to fully retract.  We replaced the spring with 1/2 a ballpoint pin spring and to our surprise it all worked again. Electrical Connection Diagram   Added High-Level Block Diagram.  Need to add pinouts.  You'll have to read the code for now to figure it out.     Code   Mbed was the programming tool of choice for this build.   Receive Side (RX) - The receiver is the base side.  This one takes input from the remote and controls the servo movement. NerfGun_nRF24L01P_RX - a mercurial repository | mbed Transmit Side (TX) - The transmitter is the remote side.  This one senses the users movement (accelerometer) and sends that data to the base station. NerfGun_nRF24L01P_TX - a mercurial repository | mbed   Finishing Touches   In the first passes of this build we just used a bare development board as the remote control.  We found that when given the remote they would not orientate it properly, so 3D Printed Controller STL files   Development Team John McLellan - Amplification/Motivation Clark Jarvis - Software/Hardware Iain Galloway and Angus Galloway - Design and print of controller FRDM_case_sunday_PART_REV_001.STL.zip
  Overview NXP’s Motion Control and Robotics solution provides the computing performance, embedded connectivity, low latency and a real-time open source operating system to address the requirements for multi-axis motion control and robotics applications.  This solution is based on an i.MX RT1050, which controls four steppers motors that activates the different kind of movement of the robotic arm for the 3D printer to function. This solution also counts with the FreeMASTER GUI for easy debugging and a better presentation and control of the system. Use Cases Our robust product portfolio makes motor and robotics control more precise, secure and effective for the creation of end-products with applications like: 3D printers Industrial applications: Welding machines Material handling Painting and drilling Assembly machines Surgical assistants Block Diagram Products Category MCU Product URL i.MX RT1050 Crossover MCU with Arm® Cortex®-M7 core  Product Description The i.MX RT1050 is the industry's first crossover MCU and combines the high-performance and high level of integration on an applications processors with the ease of use and real-time functionality of a microcontroller.   Category Motor Driver Product URL GD3000: 3-Phase Brushless Motor Pre-Driver  Product Description The GD3000 is a gate driver IC for three-phase motor drive applications providing three half-bridge drivers, each capable of driving two N-channel MOSFETs.   Category Power Management Product URL PCA9412: 3.0 MHz, 300 mA, DC-to-DC boost converter  Product Description The PCA9412 and PCA9412A are highly efficient 3.0 MHz, 300 mA, step-up DC-to-DC converters.
This is a quick video for demonstration purposes of the i.MX RT1060 Evaluation Kit capability for running an Embedded Wizzard GUI application and a Neural Network Model as an inference engine.
About this demo This demo shows the usage of a Neural Network (NN) applied for handwritten digit recognition, the NN model runs on the i.MX RT1060 MCU. The main idea of the demonstration is to show the i.MX RT capability to manage a graphical user interface while applying a NN model to recognize handwritten numbers to determine whether a password is correct or wrong. The demonstration is tested by setting a 4-digit password to a 4.3" LCD Panel, then the user must enter the correct password to unlock device; when the password is provided, the digits recognized by the NN are displayed on the screen. A 'Clear' button will erase the previous numbers for the user to try a new password to unlock the device. Technical Introduction and Acknowledgment The demo is available using two different approaches for the model creation and inference engines: TensorFlow Lite and CMSIS-NN using Caffe Framework.   TensorFlow Lite The application note AN12603 describes handwritten digit recognition on embedded systems through deep learning. The digit recognition is performed by a TensorFlow Lite model trained with the MINST dataset containing 60,000 handwritten grayscale images and 10,000 testing examples. This application note, deep dives into every step to achieve the application using Tensorflow Lite and build a GUI using Embedded Wizard.   CMSIS-NN using Caffee Framework The application note AN12781 explores the usage of Deep Neural Networks created in Caffe Framework, this framework allows creating a model and convert it to CMSIS-NN functions to be exported to the i.MX RT platform as source files. The model is also trained for the digit recognition using the MNIST dataset. The document describes the procedure to create, train and deploy the model; in the final step the model is exported a C source files using CMSIS-NN functions and weights that are exported to the i.MX RT1060 project. Video     Hardware setup   Recommended Products i.MX RT1060 Evaluation Kit | NXP  4.3" LCD Panel RK043FN02H-CT | NXP    Further Information                                           The NXP ® eIQ ™ software environment enables the use of ML algorithms on NXP MCUs, i.MX RT crossover MCUs, and i.MX family SoCs. eIQ software includes inference engines, neural network compilers and optimized libraries. Additionally,  the models can be optimized through techniques like quantization and pruning, AN12781 explores the possibility of optimization by creating a new model using Caffe with a quantization to simplify the floating-point data. By reducing the 32-bit floating-point data to an 8-bit and fixed-point format, the memory allocation got reduced and this resulted in a lower-processing power.   Transfer Learning Transfer learning gives machine learning models the ability to apply past experience to quickly and more accurately learn to solve new problems. This technique has become very important in deep learning. AN12892 describes how to perform transfer learning in TensorFlow and a use case example, which aims to improve the performance of the application from AN12603.    Useful Links   Links  AN12603 AN12603 Software AN12781 AN12781 Software AN12892 AN12892 Software eIQ™ for TensorFlow Lite | NXP  Caffe | Deep Learning Framework  Embedded Wizard | Simplify Your GUI Development  What is a Container? | App Containerization | Docker 
About this demo   Heads up! This article contains instruction updates due to changes in NXP's SDK and also on AWS website.   This demo will focus on the WIFI enablement and cloud connectivity through AWS by using MCUXpresso and an Amazon Alexa.   Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform, offering over 165 fully-featured services from data centers globally. Millions of customers —including the fastest-growing startups, largest enterprises, and leading government agencies—trust AWS to power their infrastructure, become more agile, and lower costs. The LPC5500 used for this demo is the LPCXpresso55S69 development board which provides the ideal platform for evaluation of and development with the LPC55S6x MCU based on the Arm® Cortex®-M33 architecture. The board includes a high performance onboard debug probe, audio subsystem and accelerometer, with several options for adding off-the-shelf add-on boards for networking, sensors, displays, and other interfaces. The Alexa Skills Kit is a collection of self-service APIs, tools, documentation, and code samples that makes it easier to start building Alexa skills. Skills are like apps for Alexa, enabling customers to perform everyday tasks or engage with your content naturally with voice.   Block Diagram List of Products LPCXpresso55S69 WiFi 10 CLICK   Alexa Echo Dot USB A-to-Micro USB cable Step by Step Guides First, we need to create an account AWS and generate the “thing” that will be linked to the platform, this information can be followed step-by-step on this manual. Import AWS remote control WiFi Demo from the SDK Builder Select the LPCXpresso Board, click on the "Add software component" button, then select "Select All". Download the SDK Open MCU Xpresso and Import SDK examples, and then select the LPCXpresso 55 board and import into the aws_exaples find the aws_remote_control_wifi and also click on the UART for debugging. On the project find the amazon-freertos example, then demos and open the aws_clientcredential.h and change: The AWS IoT broker endpoint (Under thing settings “Interact” section) Write the “Things Name” And WiFi credentials. Replace the aws_clientcredential_keys.h with the one generated by the certification configuration tool from AWS, You can drag and drop it into the folder and then click overwrite. Build and download the application into your board. Video   External Links NXP Product Link LPCXpresso55S69 https://www.nxp.com/products/processors-and-microcontrollers/arm-microcontrollers/general-purpose-mcus/lpc5500-cortex-m33/lpcxpresso55s69-development-board:LPC55S69-EVK WIFI 10 CLICK https://www.mikroe.com/wifi-10-click Amazon Web Services https://aws.amazon.com/?nc2=h_lg Alexa Skills Kit https://developer.amazon.com/en-US/alexa/alexa-skills-kit   Demo instructions update for 09/25/2020 Due to NXP's SDK updates, some file routes have changed inside the MCUXpresso project: The CertificateConfiguration Tool is located now on: SDKPackages\SDK_2.8.0_LPCXpresso55S69.zip\rtos\freertos\tools\certificate_configuration\ •Location of wifi_shield_silex2401.h \wifi_qca\port\shields\silex2401\wifi_shield_silex2401.h has changed location to wifi_qca\port\boards\lpcxpresso55s69\freertos\silex2401\wifi_shield_silex2401.h Additionally, there is now a clickboard define file available and these changes are already applied: #define BOARD_INITWIFI10CLICKSHIELD_PWRON_PIN 5U //Already done #define WIFISHIELD_WLAN_PINT_CONNECT (kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin18ToPintsel) // IRQ Alexa_RC_json_skill.json.zip file changes:             AMAZON.StopIntent { "name": "AMAZON.StopIntent", "samples": [] },                
Demo Owner AngelC This demo shows the ability to control various wireless devices within a home network with a smart phone / Tablet. This is done by having a so-called gateway system consisting in Tower System TWR K60 Kinetis development module connected via Ethernet/Wi-Fi with a wireless router,  plus a Kinetis KW2x MCU device controls a ZigBee-based home automation 1.2 and a TCP/IP network using a single radio (Dual PAN) . In brief, the Android application running in the tablet connects via Wi-Fi to the gateway, which translates every command to both ZigBee HA 1.2 and TCP/IP networks, thus enabling any Wi-Fi enabled device to control several devices even if using different communication protocols. Features ZigBee and TCP/IP connection Android application Featured NXP Products Product Link Kinetis® K60-100 MHz, Mixed-Signal Integration Microcontrollers based on Arm® Cortex®-M4 Core Arm® Cortex®-M4|Kinetis K60 100 MHz 32-bit Microcontrollers|NXP | NXP  Kinetis K60 100 MHz MCU Tower System Module TWR-K60D100M|Tower System Board|Kinetis MCUs | NXP 
Memtool is a useful debug tool which can read/write some i.MX register. It is default supported in Linux while not supported in Android. This article describse how to integrate memtool into i.MX8MM Android 12 platform, which is also similar in other i.MX new android platform.  
Overview Bluetooth® and WiFi are popular technologies in wireless headphones and speakers. These technologies require the smartphone to be paired with the audio devices to enable the connection, and NFC is a simple and reliable solution for this. Tap your phone to a Bluetooth speaker or headphone, and the two are securely paired automatically, without searching for a connection or typing a code. NFC is also an excellent choice for easy pairing wireless speakers together and creating a multispeakers audio system.   Block Diagram     Product Description PN7150  High performance NFC controller with integrated firmware for smart devices PN7120  NFC controller with integrated firmware and NCI interface for Home appliances   Documents NXP-NCI MCUXpresso example   Bluetooth & Wi-Fi pairing with NFC  
该Demo运行在MIMXRT1062-EVK上。MIMXRT1062跨界处理器 运行FreeRTOS操作系统,系统同时创建 88W8801 wifi stack 任务和 LVGL v7.3 GUI库任务,能够在LCD屏幕上实现GUI输入输出。用户可以通过LCD触摸操作,对WiFi的SSID和密码进行输入,从而完成设备入网Provision的功能。 Product Category NXP Part Number URL MCU   WiFi SoC MIMXRT1060   88W8801 https://www.nxp.com/products/processors-and-microcontrollers/arm-microcontrollers/i-mx-rt-crossover-... 88W8801: 2.4 GHz Single-Band 1x1 Wi-Fi 4® (802.11n) Solution | NXP Semiconductors   SDK SDK Version URL MCUXpresso SDK mcuxpresso.nxp.com   Demo Video
Overview   NXP is a one-stop partner for the different technologies needed to power major home appliances. They need a robust, reliable and attractive user interface, a powerful motor control optimized for efficiency and low noise as well as secure and accurate environment sensing. NXP portfolio counts with multiple processing solutions ranging from MCUs to multicore MPUs enabling motor control, system control and advanced HMI. This solution is based on a Kinetis Ke1xF-168 MHz MCU. This 5 V solution with the high-performance Cortex-M4 core running up to 168 MHz, integrates CAN 2.0B compliant FlexCAN and provides a highly reliable serial communication interface for industry applications. Block Diagram Products Category MCU Product URL KE1xF: Kinetis KE1xF-168MHz, Performance with CAN 5V Microcontrollers based on Arm® Cortex®-M4  Product Description Kinetis KE1xF MCUs are the high end series MCUs in Kinetis E family, providing robust 5V solution with the high performance Arm® Cortex®-M4 core running at up to 168 MHz.   Category Power Management Product URL 1 TEA19363LT: GreenChip SMPS Primary Side Control IC with QR/DCM Operation and Active x-Capacitor Discharge  Product Description 1 The TEA19363LT is a member of the GreenChip family of controller ICs for switched mode power supplies. Product URL 2 MC33813: One Cylinder Small Engine Control IC  Product Description 2 The NXP® MC33813 is an engine control analog power IC delivering a cost-optimized solution for managing one and one-cylinder engine.   Category Driver Product URL PCA9959: 24-Channel SPI Serial Bus 63 mA/5.5 V Constant Current LED Driver  Product Description The PCA9959 is a daisy-chain SPI-compatible 4-wire serial bus controlled by a 24-channel constant preset current LED driver optimized for dimming and blinking 63 mA Red/green/blue/amber (RGBA) LEDs.   Category Sensor Product URL PCT2075: I2C-Bus Fm+, 1 Degree C Accuracy, Digital Temperature Sensor And Thermal Watchdog  Product Description The PCT2075 is a temperature-to-digital converter featuring ±1 °C accuracy over ‑25 °C to +100 °C range.
Overview   NXP Home Appliances is dedicated to provide intelligent, reliable and appealing solutions to make everyday life a bit easier. Home appliances are part of our daily lives and have been evolving with us. Our wireless MCUs add HAN, WiFi and NFC and along our security devices ensure high-quality wireless connectivity. We have a wide range of precise sensors and complete solutions to simply add voice control to any home appliance. From gas cooktops to inductive and RF cooking; electric toothbrushes with low-energy consumption and battery charging; blenders with efficient, reliable and robust motor control, and all of them need to have sensing options and secure connectivity to offer a personalized and optimal experience. Block Diagram   Products Category MCU Product URL KE1xZ: up to 72MHz, 5V main stream CM0+ MCU with NXP Touch (TSI) and CAN control  Product Description KE1xZ MCUs are based on the Arm® Cortex®-M0+ core, running up to 72 MHz.   Category Power Management Product URL TEA19363LT: GreenChip SMPS Primary Side Control IC with QR/DCM Operation and Active x-Capacitor Discharge  Product Description The TEA19363LT is a member of the GreenChip family of controller ICs for switched mode power supplies.   Category Drivers Product URL 1 PCA9955BTW: 16-channel Fm+ I²C-bus 57 mA/20 V constant current LED driver  Product Description 1 The PCA9955B is an I2C-bus controlled 16-channel constant current LED driver optimized for dimming and blinking 57 mA Red/Green/Blue/Amber (RGBA) LEDs in amusement products. Product URL 2 PCF8579: LCD column driver for dot matrix graphic displays  Product Description 2 The PCF8579 is a low power CMOS LCD column driver, designed to drive dot matrix graphic displays at multiplex rates of 1:8, 1:16, 1:24 or 1:32. Product URL 3 NX5P2924CUK: Logic controlled high-side power switch  Product Description 3 The NX5P2924C is a high-side load switch which features a low ON resistance N-channel MOSFET with controlled slew rate that supports 2.5 A of continuous current.   Category RTC Product URL PCA85073A: Automotive tiny Real-Time Clock/Calendar with alarm function and I2C-bus  Product Description The PCA85073A is a CMOS1 Real-Time Clock (RTC) and calendar optimized for low power consumption. An offset register allows fine-tuning of the clock.  
Overview   NXP smart amplifier is a high efficiency boosted Class-D audio amplifier with a sophisticated SpeakerBoost acoustic enhancement and Protection algorithm in on-Chip DSP with temperature and excursion protection. The internal adaptive DC-to-DC converter raises the power supply voltage, providing ample headroom for major improvements in sound quality. NXP portfolio counts with multicore solutions for multimedia and display applications with high-performance and low-power capabilities that are scalable, safe, and secure. This solution is based on an i.MX 8M Family MCU. This application processor provides industry-leading audio, voice and video processing. Block Diagram Products Category MPU Product URL i.MX 8M Family - Arm® Cortex®-A53, Cortex-M4, Audio, Voice, Video  Product Description The i.MX 8M family of applications processors based on Arm® Cortex®-A53 and Cortex-M4 cores provide industry-leading audio, voice and video processing for applications.   Category Wireless Product URL 1 QN9090/30(T): Bluetooth Low Energy MCU with Arm®Cortex®-M4 CPU, Energy efficiency, analog and digital peripherals and NFC Tag option  Product Description 1 The QN9090 and QN9030 are the latest microcontrollers in the QN series of Bluetooth low energy devices that achieve ultra-low-power consumption and integrate an Arm®Cortex®-M4 CPU with a comprehensive mix of analog and digital peripherals. Product URL 2 88W8987: 2.4/5 GHz Dual-Band 1x1 Wi-Fi® 5 (802.11ac) + Bluetooth® 5 Solution  Product Description 2 The 88W8987 is a highly integrated Wi-Fi (2.4/5 GHz) and Bluetooth single-chip solution specifically designed to support the speed, reliability and quality requirements of Very High Throughput (VHT) products. Product URL 3 NTAG I2C plus: NFC Forum Type 2 Tag with I2C interface  Product Description 3 The NTAG I2C plus combines a passive NFC interface with a contact I2C interface.   Category Power Management Product URL 1 TEA1833LTS: GreenChip SMPS Control IC  Product Description 1 The TEA1833LTS is a low-cost Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) controller IC intended for flyback topologies. Product URL 2 PCA9450: Power Manage IC (PMIC) for i.MX 8M Mini/Nano/Plus  Product Description 2 The PCA9450 is a single chip Power Management IC (PMIC) specifically designed to support i.MX 8M family processor in both 1 cell Li-Ion and Li-polymer battery portable application and 5 V adapter nonportable applications.   Category RF Amplifier Product URL BGS8324: WLAN LNA + switch  Product Description The BGS8324 is, also known as the WLAN3001H, a fully integrated Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA) and SP3T switch for Bluetooth path and transmit path.   Category Peripherals Product URL 1 PCT2075: I2C-Bus Fm+, 1 Degree C Accuracy, Digital Temperature Sensor And Thermal Watchdog  Product Description 1 The PCT2075 is a temperature-to-digital converter featuring ±1 °C accuracy over ‑25 °C to +100 °C range. Product URL 2 PCA9955BTW: 16-channel Fm+ I²C-bus 57 mA/20 V constant current LED driver  Product Description 2 The PCA9955B is an I2C-bus controlled 16-channel constant current LED driver optimized for dimming and blinking 57 mA Red/Green/Blue/Amber (RGBA) LEDs in amusement products.
Overview   As gaming application needs real time, quick and fast reaction, user would like to have low latency solution for gaming application. Existing BT solution has higher latency. Also power consumption is critical in the design with limited battery capacity. NXP’s gaming headset solution combined with low latency and lower power consumption than competitors. We provide two platforms. One use KL27 MCU and the other one use LPC5528 MCU as processor. The key different feature between these two MCU platform is the audio resolution support. KL27 platform supports 48K sampling rate and LPC5528 platform supports USB audio up to 96K sampling rate. We design USB dongle and headset side solution, either module or Arduino interface H/W design. Also PMIC is important in the headset side. NXP can provide MCU, BLE and PMIC for this application. Block Diagram Products Category MCU Product URL 1 KL2x: Kinetis® KL2x-72/96 MHz, USB Ultra-Low-Power Microcontrollers (MCUs) based on Arm® Cortex®-M0+ Core  Product Description 1 The Kinetis® KL2x is an ultra-low-power MCU family that adds a full-speed USB 2.0 On-the-Go (OTG) controller or a full-speed crystal-less USB 2.0 device controller in addition to the Kinetis KL1x series. Product URL 2 LPC552x/S2x: Mainstream Arm® Cortex®-M33-based Microcontroller Family  Product Description 2 The LPC552x/S2x MCU family further expands the world’s first general purpose Cortex-M33-based MCU series   Category Power Management Product URL PCA9420: PMIC for Low Power Applications  Product Description The PCA9420 is a highly integrated Power Management IC (PMIC), targeted to provide power management solution for low-power microcontroller applications or other similar applications powered by Li-ion battery.   Category Wireless Product URL NXH3670: Ultra-low Power, Low Latency Audio for Wireless Gaming Headphone  Product Description The NxH3670 constitutes a highly integrated, single-chip ultra-low-power 2.4 GHz wireless transceiver with embedded MCU (Integrated Arm® Cortex®-M0 processor), targeted at wireless audio streaming for gaming headphones, delivering low latency audio and ultra-low power consumption.
Overview   Smart, integrated building systems empower users to improve energy efficiency, lower maintenance costs and conveniently control environments from smartphones and advanced HMIs. Their interconnected features house a platform of big data to make smarter, environmental-friendly decisions while ensuring maximum comfort and performance. NXP® delivers all-encompassing solutions engineered to meet the environmental, longevity and energy-efficient requirements of smart buildings, from lighting to HVAC, networking to building access and beyond. Our integrated product features are helping to drive the next wave of intelligent buildings, lower system costs and speed time-to-market.   Use Cases   Smart Control and Access Building Safety HVAC Lighting Security Surveillance Connectivity   Block Diagram   Products Category MCU Product URL K70_120: Kinetis® K70-120–150 MHz, High-Speed USB, Ethernet, DDR and Anti-Tamper Microcontrollers based on Arm® Cortex®-M4 Core  Product Description The Kinetis® K70 MCU family offers industry-leading low power and mixed-signal analog integration for applications such as industrial control panels, navigational displays, point-of-sale terminals, and medical monitoring equipment.   Category Power Management Product URL 1 TEA1723FT: HV Start-up Flyback Controller with Integrated MOSFET for 11 W Applications, F~Burst = 1750 Hz  Product Description 1 The TEA1723 is a small and low cost module Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) controller IC for low power applications (up to 11 W) and operates directly from the rectified universal mains input. Product URL 2 NTS0104: Dual supply translating transceiver; open drain; auto direction sensing  Product Description 2 The NTS0104 is a 4-bit, dual supply translating transceiver with auto direction sensing, that enables bidirectional voltage level translation.   Category Zigbee Product URL JN5189/88 (T): High Performance and Ultra-low power MCUs for Zigbee® and Thread with Built-in NFC option  Product Description The JN5189 portfolio is designed to power the next generation of very low current wireless devices, supporting Zigbee 3.0, Thread, and IEEE 802.15.4.   Category Sensors Product URL 1 PCF85063A: Tiny Real-Time Clock/calendar with alarm function and I2C-bus  Product Description 1 The PCF85063ATL is a CMOS Real-Time Clock (RTC) and calendar optimized for low power consumption. Product URL 2 PCT2075: I2C-Bus Fm+, 1 Degree C Accuracy, Digital Temperature Sensor And Thermal Watchdog  Product Description 2 The PCT2075 is a temperature-to-digital converter featuring ±1 °C accuracy over ‑25 °C to +100 °C range.   Category Drivers Product URL 1 PCF85176: 40 x 4 universal LCD driver for low multiplex rates  Product Description 1 The PCF85176 is a peripheral device which interfaces to almost any Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) with low multiplex rates. Product URL 2 PCA9633: 4-bit Fm+ I²C-bus LED driver  Product Description 2 The PCA9633 is an I²C-bus controlled 4-bit LED driver optimized for Red/Green/Blue/Amber (RGBA) color mixing applications.   Category Interfaces Product URL 1 SC16IS752_SC16IS762: Dual UART with I²C-bus/SPI interface, 64 bytes of transmit and receive FIFOs, IrDA SIR built-in support  Product Description 1 The SC16IS752/SC16IS762 is an I²C-bus/SPI bus interface to a dual-channel high performance UART offering data rates up to 5 Mbit/s, low operating and sleeping current; it also provides the application with 8 additional programmable I/O pins. Product URL 2 TDA5051AT: Home automation modem  Product Description 2 The TDA5051A is a modem IC, specifically dedicated to ASK transmission by means of the home power supply network, at 600 baud or 1200 baud data rate. It operates from a single 5 V supply. Product URL 3 PCA9848: 8-channel ultra-low voltage, Fm+ I2C-bus switch with reset  Product Description 3 The PCA9848 is an ultra-low voltage, octal bidirectional translating switch controlled via the I²C-bus. Product URL 4 PCA6408A: Low-voltage, 8-bit I²C-bus and SMBus I/O expander with interrupt output, reset, and configuration registers  Product Description 4 The PCA6408A is an 8-bit general purpose I/O expander that provides remote I/O expansion for most microcontroller families via the I²C-bus interface. Product URL 5 PCA9629APW: Fm+ I2C-bus advanced stepper motor controller  Product Description 5 The PCA9629A is an I²C-bus controlled low-power CMOS device that provides all the logic and control required to drive a four phase stepper motor.  
Overview   NXP Home Appliances is dedicated to provide intelligent, reliable and appealing solutions to make everyday life a bit easier. Bringing solutions that listen, learn and adapt into the places we call home for more comfort, safety and convenience. Our robust product portfolio provides MCU, sensor, wireless connectivity, interface solutions, and anti-tamper products for your temperature metering and control applications. This solution is based on the i.MX RT1060 series. This new series introduces additional features ideal for real-time applications.   Block Diagram Products Category MCU Product URL i.MX RT1060 Crossover MCU with Arm® Cortex®-M7 core  Product Description The i.MX RT1060 is the latest addition to the industry's first crossover MCU series and expands the i.MX RT series to three scalable families.   Category Wireless Product URL 1 NTAG I2C plus: NFC Forum Type 2 Tag with I2C interface  Product Description 1 The NTAG I2C plus combines a passive NFC interface with a contact I2C interface. Product URL 2 88W8977: 2.4/5 GHz Dual-Band 1x1 Wi-Fi® 4 (802.11n) + Bluetooth® 5 Solution  Product Description 2 The 88W8977 System-on-Chip (SoC) is a highly integrated single-chip solution that incorporates both Wi-Fi (2.4/5 GHz) and Bluetooth technology.   Category Secure Element Product URL  EdgeLock™ SE050: Plug & Trust Secure Element Family – Enhanced IoT security with maximum flexibility  Product Description The EdgeLock SE050 product family of Plug & Trust devices offers enhanced Common Criteria EAL 6+ based security, for unprecedented protection against the latest attack scenarios.   Category Peripherals Product URL 1 PCF85063A: Tiny Real-Time Clock/calendar with alarm function and I2C-bus  Product Description 1 The PCF85063ATL is a CMOS Real-Time Clock (RTC) and calendar optimized for low power consumption. Product URL 2 PCT2075: I2C-Bus Fm+, 1 Degree C Accuracy, Digital Temperature Sensor And Thermal Watchdog  Product Description 2 The PCT2075 is a temperature-to-digital converter featuring ±1 °C accuracy over ‑25 °C to +100 °C range. Product URL 3 NX3P1108UK: Logic controlled high-side power switch  Product Description 3 The NX3P1108 is a high-side load switch which features a low ON resistance P-channel MOSFET that supports more than 1.5 A of continuous current.
Overview   NXP Home Appliances is dedicated to provide intelligent, reliable and appealing solutions to make everyday life a bit easier. Bringing solutions that listen, learn and adapt into the places we call home for more comfort, safety and convenience. Home appliances are part of our daily lives and have been evolving with us. NXP´s i.MX families, offer reliable and robust motor control with HMI capabilities. Our wireless MCUs add HAN, WiFi and NFC and along our security devices ensure high-quality wireless connectivity. We have a wide range of precise sensors and complete solutions to simply add voice control to any home appliance.   Use Cases Refrigerators Dishwasher Washing machines RF Cooking Dryers Voice-controlled appliances Thermostat   Block Diagram Major Home Appliance Small & Medium Appliance   Products   Category MCU/MPU Product URL 1 i.MX 8M Mini - Arm® Cortex®-A53, Cortex-M4, Audio, Voice, Video  Product Description 1 The i.MX 8M Mini is NXP’s first embedded multicore applications processor built using advanced 14LPC FinFET process technology, providing more speed and improved power efficiency. Product URL 2 i.MX 8M Nano - Arm® Cortex®-A53, Cortex-M7  Product Description 2 NXP's i.MX 8M Nano applications processor provides cost-effective integration and affordable performance for smart, connected, power-efficient devices requiring graphics, vision, voice control, intelligent sensing and general-purpose processing. Product URL 3 i.MX RT1060 Crossover MCU with Arm® Cortex®-M7 core  Product Description 3 The i.MX RT1060 is the latest addition to the industry's first crossover MCU series and expands the i.MX RT series to three scalable families. Product URL 4 i.MX RT1050 Crossover MCU with Arm® Cortex®-M7 core  Product Description 4 The i.MX RT1050 is the industry's first crossover MCU and combines the high-performance and high level of integration on an applications processors with the ease of use and real-time functionality of a microcontroller.   Category Wireless Product URL 1 NTAG® 5 link: NFC Forum-compliant I2C bridge for IoT on demand  Product Description 1 NXP’s NTAG 5 link lets designers of sensor-equipped systems add an NFC interface with a wired host interface that’s configurable as an I2C master/slave, a Pulse Width Modulator (PWM), or a General-Purpose I/O (GPIO). Product URL 2 88W8977: 2.4/5 GHz Dual-Band 1x1 Wi-Fi® 4 (802.11n) + Bluetooth® 5 Solution  Product Description 2 The 88W8977 System-on-Chip (SoC) is a highly integrated single-chip solution that incorporates both Wi-Fi (2.4/5 GHz) and Bluetooth technology. Product URL 3 88W8887: 1x1 Dual-band Wi-Fi®5 (802.11ac) and Bluetooth®4.2 Combo Solution  Product Description 3 The 88W8887 is a highly integrated connectivity solution enabling 1x1 802.11 ac Wi-Fi 5 and Bluetooth 5.0 in a single-chip.   Category Power Management Product URL 1 TEA19363LT: GreenChip SMPS Primary Side Control IC with QR/DCM Operation and Active x-Capacitor Discharge  Product Description 1 The TEA19363LT is a member of the GreenChip family of controller ICs for switched mode power supplies. Product URL 2 PCA9450: Power Manage IC (PMIC) for i.MX 8M Mini/Nano/Plus  Product Description 2 The PCA9450 is a single chip Power Management IC (PMIC) specifically designed to support i.MX 8M family processor in both 1 cell Li-Ion and Li-polymer battery portable application and 5 V adapter nonportable applications.   Category Peripherals Product URL 1 PCAL6408A: Low-voltage translating, 8-bit I²C-bus/SMBus I/O expander  Product Description 1 The PCAL6408A is an 8-bit general purpose I/O expander that provides remote I/O expansion for many microcontroller families via the I²C-bus interface. Product URL 2 PCA9955BTW: 16-channel Fm+ I²C-bus 57 mA/20 V constant current LED driver  Product Description 2 The PCA9955B is an I2C-bus controlled 16-channel constant current LED driver optimized for dimming and blinking 57 mA Red/Green/Blue/Amber (RGBA) LEDs in amusement products. Product URL 3 PCT2075: I2C-Bus Fm+, 1 Degree C Accuracy, Digital Temperature Sensor And Thermal Watchdog  Product Description 3 The PCT2075 is a temperature-to-digital converter featuring ±1 °C accuracy over ‑25 °C to +100 °C range.