MPC5xxx Knowledge Base

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MPC5xxx Knowledge Base



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******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * Application performs basic initialization, setup PLL to maximum allowed freq., * initializes interrupts, blinking one LED by interrupt, second LED by software * loop, initializes and display notice via UART terminal and then terminal ECHO. * The example configures the device for maximum performance (OPTIMIZATIONS_ON) * by initialization of instruction cache and enabling of branch prediction. * Example suppose MCU is configured for LSM (Lock-step mode). * Its intention is to offer advanced startup code additional to CW stationery. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:         xPC564xLKIT, PPC5643L Cut3 silicon * Target :         internal_FLASH, RAM * Fsys:            120 MHz PLL0 * Debugger:        Lauterbach Trace32 *                  PeMicro USB-ML-PPCNEXUS * Terminal:        19200-8-no parity-1 stop bit-no flow control via LINFlex0 * EVB connection:  default * ********************************************************************************
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******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * Application performs basic initialization, setup PLL to maximum allowed freq., * setup clock for peripherals. * * This example shows, how to use ADC with ETimer to dim LED diode. Voltage on * the output of the trimmer is converted to digital value which is used to * control duty cycle of the PWM generated by ETimer. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:         MPC5775K-356DS, MPC57xx Motherboard * MCU:             PPC5775KMMY3A 0N76P * Terminal: * Fsys:            PLL0 266MHz *                    Z4 Core 133MHz * Debugger:        Lauterbach Trace32 *                  PeMicro USB-ML-PPCNEXUS * Target:          internal_FLASH (debug mode, release mode) * EVB connection:  UserLED1 connected to P19.4, connected jumper j53 * * * ********************************************************************************
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******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * Application performs basic initialization, setup PLL to maximum allowed freq., * initializes and display notice via UART terminal and then terminal ECHO. It * calculates temperature using TSENS0 and TSENS1 and prints it to the terminal. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:         xPC564xLKIT, PPC5643L Cut3 silicon * Target :         internal_FLASH, RAM * Fsys:            120 MHz PLL0 * Debugger:        Lauterbach Trace32 *                  PeMicro USB-ML-PPCNEXUS * Terminal:        19200-8-no parity-1 stop bit-no flow control via LINFlex0 * EVB connection:  default * ********************************************************************************
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/******************************************************************************** Detailed Description: Configures the FlexCAN 0 to transmit and receive a CAN message Baudrate to is set to 500kbps. In this config, RXFIFO is used to receive a messages. 8 filter elements are defined in the RXFIFO table. Both standard and extended IDs are used. DMA is enabled in component inspector to read RXFIFO. MB9 is moreover used to receive a message with given standard ID and MB8 is used to transmit a message upon buttons press. The callback function is installed as well and is it called each time message is received in MB9, RXFIFO or message is transmitted. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW: DEVKIT-MPC5748G * MCU: PPC5748GSMKU6 0N78S * Target: Debug_FLASH * EVB connection: PCAN-View with PCAN-USB Pro connected to CAN port P5 * Compiler: S32DS.Power.2.1 * SDK release: S32_SDK_S32PA_RTM_3.0.3 * Debugger: OpenSDA, Lauterbach Trace32 ******************************************************************************** Revision History: Ver Date Author Description of Changes 1.0 02-May-2023 Petr Stancik Initial version, based on SDK demo example *******************************************************************************/
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******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * This example content a driver for CGM module configuration. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:  MPC57xx Motherboard + MPC5744PE257DC minimodule, MPC5744P, * silicon mask set 1N65H * Target :  internal_FLASH* ********************************************************************************
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******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * Application performs basic initialization, setup PLL to maximum allowed freq., * initializes interrupts, blinking one LED by interrupt, second LED by software * loop, initializes and display notice via UART terminal and then terminal ECHO. * The example configures the device for maximum performance (OPTIMIZATIONS_ON) * by initialization of instruction/data cache and enabling of branch prediction. * Example suppose MCU is configured for DPM (Decoupled-parallel mode). * Its intention is to offer advanced startup code additional to CW stationery. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:        MPC5675KEVB * MCU:            PPC5675KFMMSJ in Decoupled-parallel mode * Fsys:           180/150 MHz CORE_CLK * Debugger:       Lauterbach Trace32 *                 PeMicro USB-ML-PPCNEXUS * Target:         RAM, internal_FLASH * Terminal:       19200-8-no parity-1 stop bit-no flow control on eSCI_A * EVB connection: default * ********************************************************************************
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******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description:   * Example shows MCU's temperature measurement with the help of TSENS. * Calibration constants for TSENS are read from TSENS registers and * eQADC is set to measure Vbg and TSENS outputs. eQADC calibration is also done. * Calculated internal temperature can be displayed on the Terminal. * * See results on PC terminal (19200, 8N1, None). You should see following text * (with different values for sure) * *    fsys = 150MHz * *    TSENS temperature calculation * *    Calibration constants read from TSENS registers * *    T_LOW = 25 *    T_HIGH = 145 *    TSENS_CODE_T_LOW = 5441 *    TSENS_CODE_T_HIGH = 7305 *    VBG_CODE_T_LOW = 4010 * * *                 (TSENS_CODE_T*beta - TSENS_CODE_T_LOW)*(T_HIGH - T_LOW) *    T = T_LOW - --------------------------------------------------------- [degC] *                       (TSENS_CODE_T_HIGH - TSENS_CODE_T_LOW) * * *    VBG_CODE_T (ch45)  = 3959 => beta = 1.01288 *    TSENS_CODE_T (ch128) = 5608 * *    Temp = 31.80 degC *    * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:        XPC564AKIT208S and XPC564AKIT324S * MCU:            SPC5644AMMG1,0M14X and SPC5644AMVZ1,0M14X * Fsys:           150/132/120/12 MHz * Debugger:       Lauterbach Trace32 *                 PeMicro USB-ML-PPCNEXUS * Target:         RAM, internal_FLASH * Terminal:       19200-8-no parity-1 stop bit-no flow control on eSCI_A * EVB connection: default * ********************************************************************************
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******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * Example dimmes LED1 according on board potentiometr. LED2 and LED3 demostrates * ADC watchdog functionality. LED2 is turned on when signal level is below LOW * threshold, LED3 is turned on when signal is above HIGH threshold. * Example also displays coverted results to the terminal window. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:         XPC560B 100LQFP, XPC56XX EVB MOTHEBOARD Rev.C * MCU:             PPC5604BE MLL 1M27V * Terminal:        19200-8-no parity-1 stop bit-no flow control on LINFLEX_0 * Fsys:            64/48 MHz * Debugger:        Lauterbach Trace32 *                  PeMicro USB-ML-PPCNEXUS * Target:          RAM, internal_FLASH * EVB connection:  - initialize PB[8] as ANS0: connect potentiometer to PB[8]                      pin, remove J30 jumper and connect J30.2 with P2.9                    - header J8 (LED_EN) fully fitted ********************************************************************************
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******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * This example demonstrates how to configure CGM )clock generation module) * and supply by clock all main peripherals. * Example demonstrate FCCU fake fault injection for fault 15. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:  MPC57xx EVB + MPC5777M minimodule * Maskset:  0N50N * Target :  internal_FLASH * Fsys:     200 MHz PLL * ******************************************************************************** Revision History: 1.0     Nov-04-2014     b21190(Vlna Peter)  Initial Version 1.1     Feb-04-2016     b21190(Vlna Peter)  Fixed Clock configuration 1.2    Feb-06-2017    b21190(Vlna Peter)  FCCU fake fault injection *******************************************************************************/
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******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * Read attached document "How to use Register Protection on MPC5748G.pdf" * for detailed explanation. * This example shows how to lock and unlock register MC_ME.RUN_MC[3].R. * One option is to write directly to memory via pointers, second option is * to use macros from header file reg_prot.h. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:         MPC574XG-324DS Rev.A + MPC574XG-MB Rev.C * MCU:             PPC5748GMMN6A 1N81M * Fsys:            160 MHz PLL * Debugger:        Lauterbach Trace32 * Target:          internal_FLASH * ********************************************************************************
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******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * Application performs basic initialization, setup PLL to maximum allowed * frequency * * User can choose, which low power mode should be entered. There is LPU_MODE * macro defined, which allows to choose STOP, STANDBY or LPU_RUN mode. * * If LPU_RUN mode is selected, user can use macro LPU_STOP_SLEEP_STANDBY, * which allows to choose LPU_STOP, LPU_SLEEP or LPU_STANDBY mode. * * Ther is also RTC initialized, which wakeup microcontroller using WKPU after * 5 seconds from some of the LPU is entered. RTC uses FIRC as a source clock, * so FIRC must be enabled in all low power modes. * * * Modified files: mem.ld, sections.ld, startup.s, added file z2_restart.s * * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:         MPC5748G-324DS, MPC574xG Motherboard * MCU:             PPC5748GMMN6A 0N78S * Fsys:            PLL0 160MHz * Debugger:        Lauterbach Trace32 *                  PeMicro USB-ML-PPCNEXUS * Target:          internal_FLASH (debug mode, release mode) * EVB connection:  USER LED1 to A1 *                    USER LED2 to A2 * * * ********************************************************************************
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******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * Application performs basic initialization, setup PLL to maximum allowed freq., * initializes interrupts, blinking one LED by interrupt, second LED by software * loop, initializes and display notice via UART terminal and then terminal ECHO. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:        XPC563MKIT * MCU:            PPC5633MMLQ80 * Fsys:           80/60/40/12 MHz * Debugger:       Lauterbach Trace32 *                 PeMicro USB-ML-PPCNEXUS * Target:         RAM, internal_FLASH * Terminal:       19200-8-no parity-1 stop bit-no flow control on eSCI_A * EVB connection: default * ********************************************************************************
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******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * Application performs basic initialization, setup PLL to maximum allowed freq., * setup clock for peripherals, * * Initializes the MCU including the FlexCAN peripherals. * Configures the FlexCAN to transmit and receive a CAN message. * * In this config, CAN_0 transmits a message. CAN_2 receives the message. * CAN_0 MB0 is configured to send data. * * CAN_2 MB0 is configured to receive a message, interrupt is used. * * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:         MPC5746R-176LQFP, MPC57xx Motherboard * MCU:             PPC5743R 1N83M * Fsys:            PLL0 200MHz * Debugger:        Lauterbach Trace32 *                  PeMicro USB-ML-PPCNEXUS * Target:          internal_FLASH (debug mode, debug_ram mode) * EVB connection: * * Jumpers j37 and j38 on motherboard must be in position 2-3 * * Connect CAN P5.2 to CAN2 P4.2 on motherboard * Connect CAN P5.1 to CAN2 P4.1 on motherboard * * ******************************************************************************** Revision History: Version  Date         Author              Description of Changes 1.0      Jun-07-2017  Martin Kovar      Initial version
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******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * * This example shows how to use SPI module in extended SPI mode * - DSPI3 is configured as a master * - SPI1 is configured as a slave * - Frame size is configured to 32bit * - Two writes are necessary to load one 32bit frame to TX FIFO * - For more details about the timing settings see application note AN4830 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:         MPC574XG-324DS Rev.A + MPC574XG-MB Rev.C * MCU:             PPC5748GMMN6A 1N81M * Fsys:            160 MHz PLL * Debugger:        Lauterbach Trace32 * Target:          internal_FLASH ********************************************************************************
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******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * * Example shows how to trigger ADC conversion on falling edge of PWM signal. * eMIOS ch1 is set to SAIC mode and a flag generated on selected edge detection * triggers BCTU channel which starts conversion of ADC1 ch9. On this channel * the board's trimmer is connected. * * EVB connection: * * J3.1 .. PA[1] - connect external PWM signal * J3.3 .. PA[2] - toggled in BCTU interrupt after ADC measurement * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW: DEVKIT-MPC5748G * Maskset: 0N78S * Target : FLASH * Fsys: 160 MHz PLL * Debugger: Lauterbach * ******************************************************************************** Revision History: 1.0 Nov-5-2019 Petr Stancik Initial Version *******************************************************************************/
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Detailed Description:                      This config tool simplifies DCF records calculation for MPC5744P device.                 Look at HowToUse sheet for simple guideline, then work with DCF sheet                 Notes: - Macros have to be enabled!         BR, Petr
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Detailed Description:                      This config tool simplifies DCF records calculation for MPC5775K device.                 Look at HowToUse sheet for simple guideline, then work with DCF sheet                 Notes: - Macros have to be enabled!         BR, Petr
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******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * Application performs basic initialization, setup PLL to maximum allowed freq., * setup clock for peripherals. * * This example shows, how to use some of ETimer modes. Channel 0 is set to * Fixed-Frequency PWM Mode and generates PWM signal with approximate frequency * 507Hz. This signal is routed to the UserLED1. * * Channel 1 is set to Count mode and generates 0,25 second interrupt. * In the interrupt service routine, duty cycle is increased from 0% to 100% * with step 6.25%. This shows for example, how can be controlled the brightness * of the LED. * * Channel 2 is set to Variable-Frequency PWM Mode and generates PWM signal with * frequency 10KHz. This signal is routed to the UserLED2. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:         MPC5775K-356DS, MPC57xx Motherboard * MCU:             PPC5775KMMY3A 0N76P * Terminal: * Fsys:            PLL0 266MHz *                    Z4 Core 133MHz * Debugger:        Lauterbach Trace32 *                  PeMicro USB-ML-PPCNEXUS * Target:          internal_FLASH (debug mode, release mode) * EVB connection:  UserLED1 connected to P19.0 *                     UserLED2 connected to P19.2 * * ********************************************************************************
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******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * Initializes eQADC module, performs calibration and cyclically converts PMC * internal channel as specified by macros CHOOSEN_PMC_ADC_CHNL, * CHOOSEN_PMC_ADC_SCALE and CHOOSEN_PMC_ADC_COMMAND to check particular voltage * level, displaying it into terminal window. * Example configures decimation filter to scale signal down by 1/16, this is * achieved by FIR filter (user could choose real filter by proper coeficient * selection). * Example also sums filtered samples by integrator that is configured to be * triggered and zeroed by eTPU signal (for simplicity it uses general purpose * outputs). Integrated values are displayed in terminal window as well. * No external connection required excluding terminal via eSCI. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:         XPC567XKIT516 - MPC567xADAT516 Rev.D, MPC567XEVBFXMB Rev.C * MCU:             PPC5676RDMVY1 3N23A * Terminal:        19200-8-no parity-1 stop bit-no flow control on eSCI_A * Fsys:            180MHz * Debugger:        Lauterbach Trace32 *                  PeMicro USB-ML-PPCNEXUS * Target:          RAM, internal_FLASH * EVB connection:  default ********************************************************************************
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******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * This example content a basic PMPLL initialization and *  configuration of Mode Entry module and Clock Generation *  module for core1 and start of core0 and core0s from Core_Init function. * Also containts Lauterbach multicore multi-Trace32 view script for multicore * debugging puproses ******************************************************************************** * Test HW:  Test HW:  MPC57xx Motherboard + MPC5777M_512DS minimodule, MPC5777M, * Test HW:  MPC57xx * Maskset:  1N83M (cut 2.0B) * Target :  internal_FLASH * Fsys:     200MHz PLL0 as system clock ******************************************************************************** Revision History: 1.0     Jun-09-2015     b21190(Vlna Peter)  Initial Version 1.1     Sep-20-2016     b21190(Vlna Peter)  core0+core0s boot function added *******************************************************************************
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