Example MPC5604B ADC-Pot-ADCWatchDog-INTC-printf CW210

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Example MPC5604B ADC-Pot-ADCWatchDog-INTC-printf CW210

Example MPC5604B ADC-Pot-ADCWatchDog-INTC-printf CW210

* Detailed Description:
* Example dimmes LED1 according on board potentiometr. LED2 and LED3 demostrates
* ADC watchdog functionality. LED2 is turned on when signal level is below LOW
* threshold, LED3 is turned on when signal is above HIGH threshold.
* Example also displays coverted results to the terminal window.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Test HW:         XPC560B 100LQFP, XPC56XX EVB MOTHEBOARD Rev.C
* MCU:             PPC5604BE MLL 1M27V
* Terminal:        19200-8-no parity-1 stop bit-no flow control on LINFLEX_0
* Fsys:            64/48 MHz
* Debugger:        Lauterbach Trace32
*                  PeMicro USB-ML-PPCNEXUS
* Target:          RAM, internal_FLASH
* EVB connection:  - initialize PB[8] as ANS0: connect potentiometer to PB[8]
                     pin, remove J30 jumper and connect J30.2 with P2.9
                   - header J8 (LED_EN) fully fitted

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Last update:
‎02-24-2017 12:38 AM
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