Kinetis Software Development Kit Knowledge Base

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Kinetis Software Development Kit Knowledge Base



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Introducing Kinetis SDK v2 Kinetis SDK v2 is available on web page. Click on Build your SDK now to customize the KSDK based on your selection of device or evaluation hardware, RTOS, build system and more.   (Did you see the announcement of MCUXpresso IDE, SDK and Config Tools?  Kinetis SDKv2 is being renamed to MCUXpresso SDK and expanding to cover LPC devices as well.  Check out the MCUXpresso SDK webpage and Community for more information.)   What's New in Kinetis SDK v2? As was true for KSDK v1, v2 is a collection of comprehensive software enablement for NXP Kinetis Microcontrollers. It includes system startup, peripheral drivers, USB and connectivity stacks, middleware, and real-time operating system (RTOS) kernels. The Kinetis SDK also includes getting started and API documentation (online, PDF) along with usage examples and demo applications. However, v2 features several new components and improvements upon v1.   Note: The Kinetis SDK v2.0 Transition Guide provides more details about the differences and things to consider when moving from KSDK v1 to v2.   Updated Peripheral Drivers KSDK v2 eliminates the separate HAL and Peripheral Driver, replacing these two layers with a single driver for each peripheral. The single driver provides both the low-level functionality of the HAL and the non-blocking interrupt-based functionality of the Peripheral Driver. Peripheral drivers in KSDK v2 also eliminate external software dependencies on an OSA, Power Manager, and Clock Manager.  This makes the drivers easier to configure and more suitable for usage outside of the KSDK environment.   Simplified Folder Structure The folder structure of KSDK v2 has been simplified. The image below shows the folder structure for a KSDK v2 build for FRDM-K64F. The boards folder has been elevated to the top level and contains folders for all supported evaluation hardware. Specific board folders contain demo application, driver examples, middleware examples, and RTOS examples—all designed and tested to run on that specific board. The CMSIS folder contains the ARM® CMSIS vendor-independent hardware abstraction layers for Cortex®-M devices including CMSIS-CORE include files and CMSIS-DSP source and libraries.   The devices folder has also been elevated to the top level.  This folder contains sub-folders for each supported Kinetis MCU device.  KSDK v2 does not have a separate platform library.  All peripheral drivers can be found in the drivers folder contained within each device. Here you’ll find all the drivers for the given device.  This greatly simplifies include path requirements and makes it easy to determine which drivers apply to which devices.   You’ll also find middleware, and rtos folders at the top level that contain subfolders with source code for all middleware components and RTOS kernels supported.   RTOS Support One of the most notable changes in KSDK v2 is the focus on FreeRTOS.  All RTOS examples now use the FreeRTOS kernel.  Micrium μC/OS-II and μC/OS-III kernels are also pre-integrated into the KSDK (under an evaluation license).  RTOS peripheral driver wrappers for FreeRTOS and uC/OS-II & III are also provided that leverage native RTOS services (with no OSA).  These are provided for use as-is or as examples for how to integrate KSDK drivers and middleware with other Operating Systems.   The MQX kernel, stacks and middleware have been removed from the Kinetis SDK.  However, MQX Software is still a supported software suite from NXP that is available in the MQX RTOS and MQX for KSDK v1.3 products. New ports of MQX following the “Classic” architecture (i.e. similar style to MQX v4.x) will soon be available for newer Kinetis devices.  From here forward, the Kinetis SDK will focus on open-source RTOS solutions.   Middleware KSDK v2 features a few new and updated middleware packages. The USB stack is new and now offered under an open source, permissive license. lwIP and FatFS are retained as open source solutions or TCP/IP communications and filesystem support, respectively. There are also two optional cryptography packages, available separately, that have been pre-integrated and tested with the Kinetis SDK: wolfSSL and mbedTLS.   Supported Devices A complete list of support devices has been published in the new MCUXpresso Community.     Toolchain Support KSDK v2 supports the latest versions of: Kinetis Design Studio IAR Embedded Workbench Keil MDK Atollic TrueSTUDIO GNU GCC command line usin CMake   Project Generators Kinetis Design Studio (KDS) and Kinetis SDK v2 An update is available for KDS v3.x that adds a Kinetis SDK v2.x New Project wizard.  See this KDS Community post for details on installing the update.   Stand-alone KSDK Project Generator To quickly create new Kinetis SDK projects, or to clone existing projects, use the Kinetis SDK Project Generator   Configuration Tools Unlike KSDK v1, v2 does not have Processor Expert support available.  A new suite of configuration tools is being created that will build on KSDK v2 and will be rolled out throughout 2016.
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Hi all Kinetis lovers,   Freescale has launched the Kinetis SDK and I believe this is a great opportunity for us to start our new applications using these drivers. The information contained on this post will show you how to use the SPI drivers based on simple master and slave examples.   The examples attached here were developed for KDS IDE using KSDK. To build and run the example you may need to consider the following: Install KSDK: You need to have  KSDK v1.1.0 installed on your machine. You can find it HERE. Build the KSDK library and import the examples: In the KSDK install folder go to the doc folder and look for the Getting Started with Kinetis SDK (KSDK) document. Follow the instructions of the section 5 Run a demo using Kinetis Design Studio IDE. To know how to build and import projects. If you have further question you may find useful information in this posts: OpenSDAv2 Complete information for the OpenSDA v2. Writing my first KSDK1.2 Application in KDS3.0 - Hello World and Toggle LED with GPIO Interrupt excellent post from colleague Carlos_Musich   I hope you can benefit from this post.   If you have questions please let me know   If this post was useful for you do not hesitate to click the Like button.   Best Regards, Adrian Sanchez Cano Technical Support Engineer  
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What is it FreeMASTER?   FreeMASTER is a tool with variety GUIs in one offered free. FreeMASTER is a user-friendly real-time debug monitor and data visualization tool −GUI can be easily extend by multimedia content (charts) and user-modified content (possible mix user´s data with default values) − offers access to target variables, symbols and data types − access over UART, CAN or USB with target-side driver and over BDM − possibility to direct control via variable modifications − addresses parsed from ELF file or provided by target (TSA) − scope graphs with real-time data in [ms] resolution − recorder visualization transitions close to 10[us] resolution     FreeMASTER features Real Time Monitor -Displaying variable values in various formats (Text, Real-Time waveforms, High-speed recorded data) Control Panel - Direct variable value settings and variable stimulation, scribtable in JScript or VBScript Demonstration Platform - Demostration embedded app by HTML pages, display simultaneous real-time data monitoring Easy Project Deployment - Entire project saved to a single file   FreeMASTER communication There are two types of communication. It is possible to communicate via Direct RS232 or selected Plug-in Module. In short: SCI, UART USB – CDC – Kinetis, ColdFire V2 CAN JTAG (56F8xxx only) BDM – Kinetis, PowerPC, ColdFire, HCS with Segger, P&E Micro, CMSIS-DAP…     FreeMASTER usage Real-time debugging - FreeMASTER allows users to debug applications in true real-time through its ability to watch variables. Moreover, it allows debugging at the algorithm level, which helps to shorten the development phase Diagnostic tool - FreeMASTER remote control capability allows it to be used as a diagnostic tool for debugging customer applications remotely across a network Demonstrations - FreeMASTER is an outstanding tool for demonstrating algorithm or application execution and variable outputs. Education - FreeMASTER may be used for educational purposes. Its application control features allow students to play with the application in demonstration mode, learning how to control program execution.   FreeMASTER description of the environment   The FreeMASTER window is divided into 4 parts - Project Tree, Detail View Pane, Commands and Variable Watch Grid. Project Tree is the project, New Block is a root of the project, New Scope is similar to classical Oscilloscope. Scope periodically reads variable values and plots them in real-time. It is limited by the serial communication speed. The recorder is also monitoring and visualising variable values, but the change is much faster. The recorder is running on target board and variable values are sampled into memory buffer on the board and then these sampled data are downloaded from the board to FreeMASTER.   Detail View Area is dynamically changes depending on content which is selected in Project Tree. Detail View Tab can be control page, algorithm block description, scope, recorder or another HTML document whose URL is defined in the Scope or Recorder properties. Commands window is list of commands to send, Variable Stimulus - is the list of defined variables for the defined time. In Variable Watch Grid contains the list of watched variables.   Supported devices FreeMASTER download and support   The installation package you can download from the Official website:   FreeMASTER Official website   You can ask us on Community or you can create new SR according to   More about FreeMASTER   FreeMASTER Official Website   Using FreeMASTER   FREEMASTER:  Remote Server Tutorial   Tutorial: FreeMASTER Visualization and Run-Time Debugging   Let´s continue with reading! Let´s start with KSDK!
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Hello KSDK community:   The Kinetis Software Development Kit is intended to ease evaluation, prototyping and development with Kinetis MCUs. Apart from the Peripheral Drivers, HAL layer, System Services, RTOS abstraction and software stacks, KSDK implements a robust hardware interrupt mechanism.   The attached document is intended to explain the interrupt handling mechanism of KSDK platform and how to use it for baremetal KSDK or "MQX for KSDK" projects. Some of the topics covered are:   >> Interrupt manager >> Installing vector table in Flash or RAM >> Interrupt priorities >> Peripheral IRQ files (fsl_<peripheral>_irq.c) >> Installing, defining or registering ISRs >> Callbacks >> MQX hardware interrupts system >> Interrupts and callbacks with Processor Expert   The last chapter explains the considerations of interrupt handling when using Kinetis Design Studio in 4 different cases:   1) KSDK baremetal project 2) KSDK baremetal + Processor Expert project 3) MQX for KSDK project 4) MQX for KSDK + Processor Expert project   I hope this document is useful for all of you who have already adopted KSDK as development solution.     /*** UPDATE July 1, 2015 ***/   Document updated for KSDK v1.2 and KDS v3.0.0     Regards! Jorge Gonzalez
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This community post describes how to combine the ADC and DMA using KSDK to simulate a flexible peripheral storing the ADC results into a buffer stored in memory.   In this configuration the MCU uses less resources, only using one ADC and the hardware (DMA) chainging the ADC channel and filling up the memory buffer with the results of the ADC. This way the MCU does not need to read the ADC result register being everything done automatically.                        KSDK The Kinetis Software Development Kit (SDK) is an extensive suite of robust peripheral drivers, stacks, middleware and example applications designed to simplify and accelerate application development on any Kinetis MCU. The addition of Processor Expert technology for software and board support configuration provides unmatched ease of use and flexibility. The Kinetis SDK is complimentary and includes full source code under a permissive open-source license for all hardware abstraction and peripheral driver software.   KINETIS_SDK   FRDM-K64M The FRDM-K64F is an ultra-low-cost development platform for Kinetis K64, K63, and K24 MCUs. The FRDM-K64F hardware is form-factor compatible with the Arduino™ R3 pin layout, providing a broad range of expansion board options. Features: MK64FN1M0VLL12 MCU (120 MHz, 1 MB flash memory, 256 KB RAM) for more information see FRDM-K64F   DMA to Emulate ADC Flexible Scan To emulate flexible scan it is necessary to configure the DMA to change the input ADC channel. The channel numbers are defined in the ADC_mux array. The conversion results are stored in the ADC0_resultBuffer array with the following order:   ADC0_CH12. ADC0_CH13. ADC0_CH23.   The Kinetis K series of microcontrollers also offers a powerfulDMA peripheral with up to 16 channels that can be combined with the ADC to allow the scanning of more than two channels.   System overview ADC Flexible Scan mode requires two DMA channels for one ADC converter. DMA channel 1 with a higher priority transfers the resultant ADC data from the ADC0_RA register to a memory buffer. DMA channel 0 with a lower priority transfers the next ADC channel setting (input multiplexer channel) from the constant buffer. The following figure depicts the application Figure 1. Depicts the application Flow diagram: The example code that accompanies this application note demonstrates a continuous scan conversion from three ADC channels. Each channel is measured four times, so the result buffer size is 3 × 4 = 12 (the real buffer size is 16, to demonstrate that only 12 data field parts are written). The ADC works in hardware trigger mode, with the LPTMR timer serving as the trigger source. Scanning is executed in continuous mode; thus, after a major loop has finished, the result buffer pointer address_0 is reloaded and the conversion begins again from the start buffer address. To calculate and change the frequency, check the macro INPUT_SIGNAL_FREQ to change the frequency value in Hz. The DMA1 is triggered by the ADC, and the DMA0 is triggered by the eLINK of minor   loop of DMA1. In this example the frequency is set to10 Hz, and is the number of samples is 10.   Figure 2. Flow diagram Configuration with SDK Configure the ADC (functions and structures):   The ADC initialization in the application is shown on the following code snippet.   The ADC is in interruption mode. Trigger by LPTMR (HW trigger)                                     Trigger for eDMA enable                                     Fist channel input is 0x0C.  Channel ADC_SE12                                     Select the channel in chnNum                             /*      * Initialization ADC for      * 12bit resolution, interrrupt mode, hw trigger enabled.      * normal convert speed, VREFH/L as reference,      * disable continuouse convert mode.      */ ADC_DRV_StructInitUserConfigForIntMode(&adcUserConfig);     adcUserConfig.hwTriggerEnable = true;     adcUserConfig.continuousConvEnable = false;     adcUserConfig.dmaEnable = true;      ADC_DRV_Init(instance, &adcUserConfig, &gAdcState);      /* Install Callback function into ISR. */    ADC_DRV_InstallCallback(instance, 0U, adc_chn0_isr_callback);      adcChnConfig.chnNum = ADC_INPUT_CHAN;     adcChnConfig.diffEnable = false;     adcChnConfig.intEnable = true;     adcChnConfig.chnMux = kAdcChnMuxOfA;      /* Configure channel0. */     ADC_DRV_ConfigConvChn(instance, 0U, &adcChnConfig);     /* Configure channel1, which is used in PDB trigger case. */      return 0;           To use the DMA driver, follow these steps:   1.  Initialize the DMA module: EDMA_DRV_Init();   2.  Request a DMA channel: DMA_DRV_RequestChannel(); 3.  Configure the TCD:  EDMA_DRV_PrepareDescriptorTransfer(); and EDMA_DRV_PushDescriptorToReg(); 4.  Register callback function: EDMA_DRV_InstallCallback(); 5.  Start the DMA channel: EDMA_DRV_StartChannel(); NOTE: the next two functions are optional for stop and free DMA channel 6.  Stop the DMA channel: EDMA_DRV_StopChannel(); 7.  Free the DMA channel: dma_free_channel().   Initialize the DMA module: EDMA_DRV_Init();   In this function you can select the eDMA channel to use and this function initializes the run-time state structure to provide the eDMA channel allocation release, protect, and track the state for channels. This function also opens the clock to the eDMA modules, resets the eDMA modules and initializes the module to user-defined settings and default settings. kEDMAChannel1;;   userConfig.chnArbitration = kEDMAChnArbitrationFixedPriority; userConfig2.chnArbitration= kEDMAChnArbitrationRoundrobin; userConfig.notHaltOnError = false; userConfig2.notHaltOnError = false;     EDMA_DRV_Init(&state, &userConfig); EDMA_DRV_Init(&state2, &userConfig2);          Request a DMA channel: DMA_DRV_RequestChannel();   This function allocates eDMA channel according to the required channel allocation andcorresponding to the eDMA hardware request, initializes the channel state memory provided by user and fills out the members.   This function provides two ways to allocate an eDMA channel: statically and dynamically. In a static allocation, the user provides the required channel number and eDMA driver tries to allocate the required channel to the user. If the channel is not occupied, the eDMA driver is successfully assigned to the user. If the channel is already occupied, the user gets the return value kEDMAInvalidChn, this is request a channel in a static way, In a dynamic allocation, any of the free eDMA channels are available for use. eDMA driver assigns the first free channel to the user.   //request ADC1// uint8_t requestDMA1 = EDMA_DRV_RequestChannel(kEDMAChannel1, kDmaRequestMux0ADC0, &chnDMA1); if(kEDMAInvalidChannel==requestDMA1)                      {                      printf("EDMAInvalidChannel 1 .  the request is failed.");                      } //request DMA0// uint8_t requestDMA0 = EDMA_DRV_RequestChannel(kEDMAChannel0, kDmaRequestMux0AlwaysOn63, &chnDMA0); if(kEDMAInvalidChannel==requestDMA0)                      {                      printf("EDMAInvalidChannel 0.  the request is failed.");                      }       DMA configurations: is shown on the following code snippet. (edma_transfer_config_t) TCD is a configuration structure, inside has a parameters to change for different types to transfers data.  srcAddr: memory address  pointing to the source data destAddr: memory address pointing to the destination address srcTransferSize: Source data transfer size. destTransferSize: Destination data transfer size. srcOffset: Sign-extended offset applied to the current source address form the next-state value as each source read/write is completed. destOffset: Sign-extended offset applied to the current destination address form the next-state value as each source read/write is completed. srcLastAddrAdjust: Last source address adjustment. destLastAddrAdjust: Last destination address adjustment. Note here it is only valid when scatter/gather feature is not enabled. srcModulo: Source address modulo. destModulo: Destination address modulo.                             minorLoopCount: Minor bytes transfer count. Number of bytes to be transferred in each service request of the channel. majorLoopCount: Major iteration count.   //////////configuration and ELINK DMA channel 1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////        config[kEDMAChannel1].srcAddr = (uint32_t)(&ADC0_RA);  /*!< Memory address pointing to the source data. */        config[kEDMAChannel1].destAddr = (uint32_t)(&ADC0_resultBuffer[0]);/*!< Memory address pointing to the destination data. */        config[kEDMAChannel1].srcTransferSize = kEDMATransferSize_2Bytes;   /*!< Source data transfer size. */        config[kEDMAChannel1].destTransferSize = kEDMATransferSize_2Bytes;  /*!< Destination data transfer size. */        config[kEDMAChannel1].srcOffset = 0;         /*!< Sign-extended offset applied to the current source address to                                            form the next-state value as each source read/write is completed. */        config[kEDMAChannel1].destOffset = 2;        config[kEDMAChannel1].srcLastAddrAdjust = 0;    /*!< Last source address adjustment. */        config[kEDMAChannel1].destLastAddrAdjust = -24;   /*!< Last destination address adjustment. Note here it is only valid when scatter/gather feature is not enabled. */        config[kEDMAChannel1].srcModulo = kEDMAModuloDisable;       /*!< Source address modulo. */        config[kEDMAChannel1].destModulo = kEDMAModuloDisable;       /*!< Destination address modulo. */        config[kEDMAChannel1].minorLoopCount = 2;    /*!< Minor bytes transfer count. Number of bytes to be transferred                                             in each service request of the channel. */        config[kEDMAChannel1].majorLoopCount = 12;    /*!< Major iteration count. */   stcdDmaChn1.NBYTES.MLNO=0x02; /////////////////////////////Elink on/////////////////LINKCH/////major loop chn1// stcdDmaChn1.BITER.ELINKNO= (DMA_BITER_ELINKNO_ELINK_MASK|0x0000|0x0C); stcdDmaChn1.CITER.ELINKNO= (DMA_CITER_ELINKNO_ELINK_MASK|0x0C); stcdDmaChn1.ATTR= (DMA_ATTR_SSIZE(1)|DMA_ATTR_DSIZE(1)); stcdDmaChn1.CSR=(DMA_CSR_MAJORLINKCH(0)|DMA_CSR_MAJORLINKCH_MASK | DMA_CSR_INTMAJOR_MASK);   uint16_t statusChnn1 = EDMA_DRV_PrepareDescriptorTransfer(&chnDMA1, &stcdDmaChn1, &config[kEDMAChannel1], true, false);   if(kStatus_EDMA_Success == statusChnn1)        {          statusChnn1 = EDMA_DRV_PushDescriptorToReg(&chnDMA1, &stcdDmaChn1);        }         EDMA_DRV_PrepareDescriptorTransfer(); This function sets up the basic transfer for the descriptor.   EDMA_DRV_PushDescriptorToReg(); This function copies the software TCD configuration at for the hardware TCD. You needs fill up the structure stcd, and this function do transfer  all structure data in  DMA registers, is use a especial configuration In this case, the structure is filling up to configuration ELINK mode. The ELINK mode is a configuration of eDMA for triggers other DMA channel in each minion loop transfer is complete.   This is a registers of structure,  the mask to enable put on ElINKON mode  and for select channel to link and for put on the major loop to finishing trigger channel. stcd.BITER.ELINKNO= (DMA_BITER_ELINKNO_ELINK_MASK|0x0000|0x0C); stcd.CITER.ELINKNO= (DMA_CITER_ELINKNO_ELINK_MASK|0x0C);         DMA_BITER_ELINKNO_ELINK_MASK it’s a mask to active the channel-to-channel linking on minor-loop complete. As the channel completes the minor loop, this flag enables linking to another channel, defined by theLINKCH field. The link target channel initiates a channel service request via an internal mechanism You can see more information in Reference manual. ///////configuration DMA channel0 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////     config[kEDMAChannel0].srcAddr = (uint32_t)(&ADC_mux[0]);     /*!< Memory address pointing to the source data. */        config[kEDMAChannel0].destAddr = (uint32_t)(&ADC0_SC1A);   /*!< Memory address pointing to the destination data. */        config[kEDMAChannel0].srcTransferSize = kEDMATransferSize_1Bytes;   /*!< Source data transfer size. */        config[kEDMAChannel0].destTransferSize = kEDMATransferSize_1Bytes;  /*!< Destination data transfer size. */        config[kEDMAChannel0].srcOffset = 1;         /*!< Sign-extended offset applied to the current source address to                                            form the next-state value as each source read/write is completed. */        config[kEDMAChannel0].destOffset = 0;        config[kEDMAChannel0].srcLastAddrAdjust = -3;    /*!< Last source address adjustment. */        config[kEDMAChannel0].destLastAddrAdjust = 0;   /*!< Last destination address adjustment. Note here it is only valid when scatter/gather feature is not enabled. */        config[kEDMAChannel0].srcModulo = kEDMAModuloDisable;       /*!< Source address modulo. */        config[kEDMAChannel0].destModulo = kEDMAModuloDisable;       /*!< Destination address modulo. */        config[kEDMAChannel0].minorLoopCount = 1;    /*!< Minor bytes transfer count. Number of bytes to be transferred                                             in each service request of the channel. */        config[kEDMAChannel0].majorLoopCount = 3;    /*!< Major iteration count. */         uint16_t statusChnn0 = EDMA_DRV_PrepareDescriptorTransfer(&chnDMA0, &stcdDmaChn0, &config[kEDMAChannel0], true, true);        if(kStatus_EDMA_Success == statusChnn0)        {               statusChnn0 = EDMA_DRV_PushDescriptorToReg(&chnDMA0, &stcdDmaChn0);        }         The function drivers in main file:          hardware_init();        dbg_uart_init();        OSA_Init();        init_adc(ADC_INST); init_trigger_source(ADC_INST);        config_DMA();   Open your terminal (baud rate 115200)    The results will appear on the terminal software.   Figure 3. Screen serial You can also see the results in the debugger window. Figure 4.  result buffer Steps to include ADC Flexible Scan software to KSDK   In order to include this demo in the KSDK structure, the files need to be copied into the correct place. The adc_dma_demo folder should be copied into the <KSDK_install_dir>/demos folder. If the folder is copied to a wrong location, paths in the project and makefiles will be broken. When the copy is complete you should have the following locations as paths in your system: <KSDK_install_dir>/demos/ adc_dma_demo /iar <KSDK_install_dir>/demos/ adc_dma_demo /kds <KSDK_install_dir>/demos/ adc_dma_demo /src In addition, to build and run the demo, it is necessary to download one of the supported Integrated Development Enviroment (IDE) by the demo: Freescale Kinetis Design Studio (KDS) IAR Embedded Workbench   Once the project is opened in one of the supported IDEs, remember to build the KSDK library before building the project, if it was located at the right place no errors should appear, start a debug session and run the demo.
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Hello KSDK team!   I created helpful tutorial, how to install new version of KSDK.   1) Go to and click to Download button 2) Now choose the Kinetis SDK v2 & v1.3 click Download button 3) At the moment you are redirected to the Kinetis Expert Site, please go to Build an SDK 4) Please, sign in and click Sign in 5) Select MCU for the work and click Select Configuration 6) Selected MCU is supported by KSDK 2.0, you can download the package, choose the toolchain and Operation System. (Also you can add µC/OS-II and µC/OS-III to your package), click on Build SDK Package 7) Done, check Software Vault tab 😎 Please, go to Preferences 9) Please, fill the Preferences and don´t forget Save 10) After successful filling Preferences you are able to see the package in the window 11) Read the Software Terms and Conditions and agree with them 12) Save the package and you can start with KSDK 2.0   SDK API Documentation v.2.0 is located Kinetis SDK 2.0 API Reference Manual: Introduction Enjoy KSDK 2.0!   All feedbacks are very welcome!   Best Regards, Iva
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Hi all,   there is a simple modification of ftm driver example based on KSDK 1.3, KDS 3.0 on FRDM-K22F.   enabling clocks for PORTs in hardware_init.c   void hardware_init(void) {    /* enable clock for PORTs */   CLOCK_SYS_EnablePortClock(PORTA_IDX);   CLOCK_SYS_EnablePortClock(PORTD_IDX);   CLOCK_SYS_EnablePortClock(PORTE_IDX);    PORT_HAL_SetMuxMode(PORTA,1u,kPortMuxAlt3);//red   PORT_HAL_SetMuxMode(PORTA,2u,kPortMuxAlt3);//green   PORT_HAL_SetMuxMode(PORTD,5u,kPortMuxAlt4);//blue    /* Init board clock */   BOARD_ClockInit();   dbg_uart_init(); } function for converting HSV to RGB color palette downloaded from hsv2rgb.cpp - shiftpwm - Arduino library to PWM many outputs with chained shift registers. - Google Project Hosting   setting ftm parameters for red, green and blue color, for red color: ftm_pwm_param_t ftmParamR = {         .mode                   = kFtmEdgeAlignedPWM,         .edgeMode               = kFtmLowTrue,         .uFrequencyHZ           = 24000u,         .uDutyCyclePercent      = 0,         .uFirstEdgeDelayPercent = 0,     };   setting PWM output for each color in infinite loop         FTM_DRV_PwmStart(BOARD_FTM_INSTANCE, &ftmParamR, 6);         FTM_DRV_PwmStart(BOARD_FTM_INSTANCE, &ftmParamG, 7);         FTM_DRV_PwmStart(BOARD_FTM_INSTANCE, &ftmParamB, 5);   forwarding parameters to hsv2rgb() hsv2rgb(hue,255,255,&red,&green,&blue,255);   changing hue and checking overflow of hue         hue++;         if(hue>=360)hue=0;   normalizing from 0-255 to 0-100 percent of PWM pulse width for each color         ftmParamR.uDutyCyclePercent = (uint8_t)(((float)red/255.0)*100.0);         ftmParamG.uDutyCyclePercent = (uint8_t)(((float)green/255.0)*100.0);         ftmParamB.uDutyCyclePercent = (uint8_t)(((float)blue/255.0)*100.0);   That´s all!   Importing example extract to C:\Freescale\KSDK_1.3.0\examples\frdmk22f\driver_examples Go to KDS, import file and choose .wsd file After then don´t forget compile library first and then project.     I hope you will enjoy the demo 🙂   Iva
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Created DAC Sinus example is PIT triggered with own buffer and is for FRDM-K64F.   adding analog component fsl_dac peripheral driver to project setting Voltage reference - Reference 2 for dac component (daConv1:fsl_dac) adding timer component fsl_pit peripheral driver to project setting period on 1 ms and enabling interrupts for timer component (pitTimer1:fsl_pit) setting buffer for sinusoidal in Sources -> Events.c #define DAC_TEST_BUFF_SIZE  (120U) uint16_t dac_buffer[DAC_TEST_BUFF_SIZE] =     {         0x7ff, 0x86a, 0x8d5, 0x93f, 0x9a9, 0xa11, 0xa78, 0xadd, 0xb40, 0xba1,         0xbff, 0xc5a, 0xcb2, 0xd08, 0xd59, 0xda7, 0xdf1, 0xe36, 0xe77, 0xeb4,         0xeec, 0xf1f, 0xf4d, 0xf77, 0xf9a, 0xfb9, 0xfd2, 0xfe5, 0xff3, 0xffc,         0xfff, 0xffc, 0xff3, 0xfe5, 0xfd2, 0xfb9, 0xf9a, 0xf77, 0xf4d, 0xf1f,        0xeec, 0xeb4, 0xe77, 0xe36, 0xdf1, 0xda7, 0xd59, 0xd08, 0xcb2, 0xc5a,         0xbff, 0xba1, 0xb40, 0xadd, 0xa78, 0xa11, 0x9a9, 0x93f, 0x8d5, 0x86a,         0x7ff, 0x794, 0x729, 0x6bf, 0x655, 0x5ed, 0x586, 0x521, 0x4be, 0x45d,         0x3ff, 0x3a4, 0x34c, 0x2f6, 0x2a5, 0x257, 0x20d, 0x1c8, 0x187, 0x14a,         0x112, 0xdf, 0xb1, 0x87, 0x64, 0x45, 0x2c, 0x19, 0xb, 0x2,         0x0, 0x2, 0xb, 0x19, 0x2c, 0x45, 0x64, 0x87, 0xb1, 0xdf,         0x112, 0x14a, 0x187, 0x1c8, 0x20d, 0x257, 0x2a5, 0x2f6, 0x34c, 0x3a4,         0x3ff, 0x45d, 0x4be, 0x521, 0x586, 0x5ed, 0x655, 0x6bf, 0x729, 0x794       }; uint16_t index = 0; void pitTimer1_IRQHandler(void) {   /* Clear interrupt flag.*/   PIT_HAL_ClearIntFlag(g_pitBase[FSL_PITTIMER1], FSL_PITTIMER1_CHANNEL);   /* Write your code here ... */    DAC_DRV_Output(FSL_DACONV1,dac_buffer[index++]);   if(index==DAC_TEST_BUFF_SIZE)       index = 0;  }‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍   FRDM-K64F with SALEAE   sinusoidal output     Enjoy! 🙂
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Hello community:   This document shows how to integrate a basic NFC (Near Field Communication) library to a KSDK project and explain its use with a simple demo project.   INTEGRATING NFC CONTROLLER LIBRARY   These instructions are based in the files usually present in a KSDK project. If your project has a custom source file structure, just add the referenced code accordingly.   1- Open the file gpio_pins.c and add 2 pin configurations: 1 input pin called NFCCirqPin and 1 output pin called NFCCvenPin:   gpio_input_pin_user_config_t NFCCirqPin = {    .pinName = kGpioNFCCirq,    .config.isPullEnable = false,    .config.pullSelect = kPortPullUp,    .config.isPassiveFilterEnabled = false,    .config.interrupt = kPortIntDisabled, }; gpio_output_pin_user_config_t NFCCvenPin = {    .pinName = kGpioNFCCven,    .config.outputLogic = 1,    .config.slewRate = kPortSlowSlewRate,    .config.driveStrength = kPortLowDriveStrength, };‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍   2-  In the file gpio_pins.h add 2 extra elements to the gpio enumeration. Also add extern declarations for the 2 pins defined in the previous step.   NOTE: In this example the selected pins are PTB16 as IRQ and PTB17 as VEN. The pins depend on your routing from the Kinetis MCU to the NFC Controller board.   enum _gpio_pins {    kGpioLED1 = GPIO_MAKE_PIN(GPIOD_IDX,  5),  /* FRDM-KL43Z RBG LED Green LED */    kGpioLED2 = GPIO_MAKE_PIN(GPIOE_IDX, 31),  /* FRDM-KL43Z RBG LED Red LED   */    kGpioSW1 = GPIO_MAKE_PIN(GPIOA_IDX,  4),  /* FRDM-KL43Z SW1 */    kGpioSW3 = GPIO_MAKE_PIN(GPIOC_IDX,  3),  /* FRDM-KL43Z SW3 */    kGpioNFCCirq = GPIO_MAKE_PIN(GPIOB_IDX,  16), /* GPIO for NFCC IRQ pin */    kGpioNFCCven = GPIO_MAKE_PIN(GPIOB_IDX,  17), /* GPIO for NFCC VEN pin */ }; extern gpio_input_pin_user_config_t NFCCirqPin; extern gpio_output_pin_user_config_t NFCCvenPin;‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍   3- In the file pin_mux.c define a function to configure the MUX setting of the required GPIO and I2C pins to interface with the NFC controller.   NOTE: The configured pins must correspond to the routing from the Kinetis MCU to the NFC controller board. In this case PTB16/PTB17 are set as GPIOs while PTE0/PTE1 are configured for I2C functionality. For I2C pins also check the MUX number in the device's Reference Manual (e.g. PTE0/PTE1 in KL43 have the I2C function in ALT6.   void configure_nfcc_pins(void) {    /** I2C_SDA **/    PORT_HAL_SetMuxMode(PORTE,0u,kPortMuxAlt6);    /** I2C_SCL **/    PORT_HAL_SetMuxMode(PORTE,1u,kPortMuxAlt6);    /* NFCC IRQ */    PORT_HAL_SetMuxMode(PORTB,16u,kPortMuxAsGpio);    /* NFCC VEN */    PORT_HAL_SetMuxMode(PORTB,17u,kPortMuxAsGpio); }‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍   4- Add the prototype of the function to header file pin_mux.h.   /* ** =================================================== **     Method      :  configure_nfcc_pins */ /*! **     @brief **         Set mux configuration for I2C and GPIO pins **         to interface with the NFC Controller. */ /* ==================================================*/ void configure_nfcc_pins(void);‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍   5- Add the NfcLibrary and TML folders with all its subfolders and files to your project's tree, so the library is part of the build. Also add the include paths to your compiler for the inc folders. Below an example with Kinetis Design Studio:                - Now the project is ready to use the NFC controller library. The library uses the next conditional compilation macros, add or remove these symbols from the compiler's preprocessor settings as required:   CARDEMU_SUPPORT: The NFC Controller host (MCU) emulates a contactless card which can be accessed by an external Reader/Writter. P2P_SUPPORT: The host MCU can establish a 2-way communication accesing to or sending information to an external Reader/Writter. RW_SUPPORT: With this mode the host can access a remote contactless tag/card via the NFC Controller. NCI_DEBUG: If defined, all information transfered between the host MCU and the NFC Controller Interface (commands, responses, notifications, data) is echoed to console for debug purposes.     DEMO PROJECT   The attached project is based on the application note AN11658 NXP-NCI NullOS integration example. So you can refer to the appnote for detailed information.   Software The project was developed with the next software versions:   - KSDK v1.3 - KDS v3.0.0 :smileyinfo: NOTES: -The KSDK platform library for the KL43 must be built before the example project. Otherwise the build fails due to library file missing (libksdk_platform.a). - Once the example project is imported please verify that the build variable PROJECT_KSDK_PATH is pointing to your KSDK v1.3 installation path.   Hardware - For the NFC part, I used the NFC Controller board from the OM5577, which is a demonstration kit for the PN7120 NFC controller Interface chip. - To interface with the NFC Contoller I used a FRDM-KL43Z Freedom board.     How to use the demo   R/W mode:   -  Placing a tag with a single text, URI or vCard NDEF record next to the NFC reader. Examples:                P2P mode:   - Bring an android phone with NFC enabled close to the NFC controller antenna and use the "beaming" feature. In the case below the NXP home page is "beamed" from the adroid phone's explorer:                     CARD EMULATION mode     For this mode it is required to remove the P2P_SUPPORT macro and rebuild/reprogram the project.   - Bringing an android phone set to read a NFC tag close to the NFC controller board:     I hope you like this document. Any questions or doubts please let me know in the comments.   Jorge Gonzalez NXP Technical Support
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I created easy tutorial for UART KSDK blocking demo which works as echo. The demo works with KSDK 1.1. and is created for KDS 2.0.   Because it could be problem if was used this pin by this reason was chosen UART 3, which is available to use and is routed to PTC16,PTC17 connection on Arduino header for this case is use ALT3 function (PTC16, PTC17)   Final output from terminal Physical connection between FRDM-K64F and USB to Serial Converter The unzipped folder must be located in example folder at C:\Freescale\KSDK_1.1.0\demos\
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This video shows how to use Processor Expert to configure the KSDK GPIO Peripheral Driver with the component fsl_gpio in Kinetis Design Studio. The steps show how to blink the red and blue LEDs while reading the SW2 button input of a FRDM-K64F. The procedure can be replicated for any KSDK supported board and also with PE Driver Suite. Enjoy!
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The tutorial shows how to toggle LED with KSDK 1.1.0 in KDS 2.0 and Processor Expert using a Timer Output for FRDM-KL03Z. Guide is prepared for red LED which is connected to Timer/PWM Module 0 (TPM0), channel 1. Create new project Create new project in KDS 2.0 with KSDK 1.1.0 Type the project name, choose board. e.g. FRDM-KL03Z, mark off options Kinetis SDK and Processor Expert Now, the structure looks like this: Set Processor Expert Settings Now, go to Components Library, find fsl_tpm component and by double click add the component to Component View. Rename the component tpmTmr:fsl_tpm to e.g. RedLed. Double click on RedLed:fsl_tpm in Components View and see Component Inspector Follow these steps: Set frequency and duty cycle. Debug configuration DONE!
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Examples for current KSDK 1.3 are located under C:\Freescale\KSDK_1.3.0\examples examples for middleware (tcpip, filesystem) under C:\Freescale\KSDK_1.3.0\middleware   There are more examples, which were created:   KSDK 1.3 Rainbow color using FTM PWM with KSDK 1.3 How to use printf() to print string to UART in KDS3.0 + KSDK1.3 Driving 16x2 LCD using KSDK drivers Integrating NFC Controller library with KSDK KL43Z support for sLCD and Touch sense using KDS3.0 +KSDK1.3.0 + Processor expert   KSDK 1.2 Using DMA to Emulate ADC Flexible Scan Mode with KSDK Writing my first KSDK1.2 Application in KDS3.0 - Hello World and Toggle LED with GPIO Interrupt Controlling speed in DC motors and position in servomotors with KSDK [FTM + GPIO] Line scan camera with KSDK [ADC + PIT + GPIO] A simple way to detect the track's center for the Freescale Cup Smart Race FatFs + SDHC data logger with KSDK in Kinetis Design Studio Segment LCD Example for KSDK KSDK GPIO driver with Processor Expert DAC Sinus Demo (using PEx + KSDK 1.2 + KDS 3.0) How to start customized KSDK project based on KSDK demo code   KSDK 1.1 An example project for FIR function implement on KV31 with SDK and CMSIS How to toggle LED in KDS 2.0 with KSDK 1.1.0 and Processor Expert KSDK SPI Master-Slave with FRDM-K64F Configuring Kinetis Software Development Kit (KSDK) to measure distance with ultrasonic transducers A demo project of USB HID bi-directional generic device for Kinetis SDK 1.1.0 Configuring Kinetis Software Development Kit (SDK) to measure distance with infrared (IR) sensor Writing my first KSDK Application in KDS - Hello World and GPIO Interrupt   KSDK 1.0 Writing your first toggle LED application with FRMD-K64F + KDS 1.1.0 + KSDK 1.0.0 Non-Processor Expert Low Power Application Using the SDK KSDK I2C EEPROM Example
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Because of proliferating questions to “how can I work with copy of KSDK example” or “I am not successful with creation new MQX project with SDK, what I do wrong?”   I decided to do this this short step by step tutorial.   To do this procedure is needed the script, which creates Anthony Huereca and bat file created by me. Thanks to it is possible to create copy of any example which is based on KSDK. This script allows to work with real copy of KSDK example, which is choosen. It can be called like working copy. It is possible to edit any example and  build on this demo user´s own application. It is also much easier than e.g. creating new MQX project, which is quite lengthy process – always must think of correct settings paths, including libraries etc. In this situation is everything copyied (compiler settings, linker, preprocessor…) First of all is describe the utilization of the script. The script renames the original name of the demo to new one. So, user gets full-fledged copy. The main essence of the matter is that the script must be in location with other examples. I hope it helps a lot of us. Iva
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Download from Software Development Kit for Kinetis MCUs|NXP   How to: install KSDK 2.0 Using Kinetis Design Studio v3.x with Kinetis SDK v2.0   Kinetis SDK 2.0 API Reference Manual: Introduction   For older versions KSDK, KDS: Kinetis Design Studio Videos, Part 1: Installation of KDS and Kinetis SDK Kinetis Design Studio Videos, Part 2: Installation of OpenSDA Firmware on Freedom Board Kinetis Design Studio Videos, Part 3: Debugging with Kinetis Design Studio Kinetis Design Studio Videos, Part 4: Using Processor Expert in KDS   Installing Kinetis SDK into KDS Kinetis Design Studio V3.0.0- User´s Guide   other documentations you can download from Software Development Kit for Kinetis MCUs|NXP
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Hello to all,   This document explains how to drive a 16x2 LCD using the KSDK Drivers using the FRDM-KL25Z.     Project Generator, KSDK1.3 and KDS3.0 are used in this example.   I hope you find it useful. David
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Hi all,   Please find attached the new version of this document using KDS3.0 and KSDK1.2.0.   For more information about using Interrupts please see the following document from Jorge_Gonzalez Interrupt handling with KSDK and Kinetis Design Studio   For information about creating a new KSDK project with MQX please see the following document. How To: Create a New MQX RTOS for KSDK Project in KDS   For information about creating a new C++ project in MQX for KSDK1.2 please see the following document. How to Create a C++ Project Using MQX RTOS for KSDK1.2   For information about getting started with FreeRTOS and KSDK1.2 see the following document. How to: Create a New FreeRTOS for KSDS1.2 Project in KDS3.0     I hope it is useful.   Regards, Carlos Technical Support Engineer
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Hi everybody,   You can find the new version of this document using KDS2.0 and KSDK1.1.0 is in the following link: Writing my first KSDK1.2 Application in KDS3.0 - Hello World and Toggle LED with GPIO Interrupt   Best regards, Carlos Technical Support Engineer
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The one way how to set TAD shell is to use current example shell for e.g. FRDM-K64F, modified it and use it.   1. Open demo Shell (located at C:\Freescale\KSDK_1.2.0\middleware\tcpip\rtcs\examples\shell\build\kds\shell_frdmk64f) in KDS, as .wsd file 2. Open demo_cmd.c (located at /shell_frdmk64f/Source/demo_cmd.c) and add the line for shell tad, { "echosrv",   Shell_echosrv},     { "echo",      Shell_echo},     { "email",     Shell_smtp },     { "gate",      Shell_gate },     { "gethbn",    Shell_get_host_by_name },     { "getname",   Shell_getname },     { "getrt",     Shell_getroute },     { "ipconfig",  Shell_ipconfig },     { "llmnr",  Shell_llmnrsrv }, { "tad",  Shell_tad },   3. Open tad.c (located at /mqx_frdmk64f/MQX_Generic/tad/tad.c) and remove at the first line:         #if MQX_USE_IO_OLD and last line        #endif // MQX_USE_IO_OLD and included fio library       #include <fio.h>    4. Build libraries first, then build demo shell_frdmk64 5. Set the Tera Term and after typing tad in Tera Term, you will see the output:   Enjoy!   Iva
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Documentation for current KSDK 1.3 is located under C:\Freescale\KSDK_1.3.0\doc Application Notes and another documents are located under Software Development Kit for Kinetis MCUs|NXP   There are more documents, which were created:   KSDK 2.0 How to: install KSDK 2.0 Introducing Kinetis SDK v2 Using Kinetis Design Studio v3.x with Kinetis SDK v2.0   KSDK 1.3 How to add SD card support in the composite msd_cdc demo[KSDK 1.3] KSDK Clock configurations and Low Power modes with Processor Expert New Kinetis SDK Project Generator v2 is available! KSDK Project Generator - BUG workaround KSDK 1.3 Documents Plugin in KDS - is available now! KSDK 1.3.0 Documents Plugin for KDS 3.0.0   KSDK 1.2 Interrupt handling with KSDK and Kinetis Design Studio Creating a New USB project with KSDK and Processor Expert support in KDS IAR MQX TAD solution for "Unknown error" in Task error code (with KSDK) How to Add lwIP to KDS3.0 Project How to: Create a New FreeRTOS for KSDK1.2 Project in KDS3.0 How to Create a C++ Project Using MQX RTOS for KSDK1.2 How to implement a USB Device MSD demo based on KSDK PEx components and KDS 3.0 How to: execute the demo HVAC on lwIP TCP/IP Stack in KSDK Kinetis SDK FAQ Adding TAD shell in KSDK shell demo FRDM-KL43Z and KL33Z - standalone package New KSDK 1.2. is available! Getting started with KSDK: Building the demo applications   KSDK 1.1 KSDK 1.1 Release How to create copy of KSDK example in KDS UART Example with KSDK   KSDK 1.0 Create new KSDK Projects Kinetis SDK and FRDM-K64F Sharing one documentation issue in KSDK 1.0 demo user guide
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