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This is a generic script which flashes a Linux System (U-boot, uImage and root filesystem) into a SD card. Steps:     1. Download the script into a Linux system     2. Make the script executable (chmod +x mk_mx_sd)     3. Run it with '-H' to know its usage.     4. Run the script with real parameters, specifying the paths for U-boot, uImage and the root filesystem as seen above     5. Plug the SD into your target, boot the board and change the corresponding U-boot variables $ IMAGE=/data/BSP/L2.6.35_11.09.01_ER/L2.6.35_11.09.01_ER_images_MX5X $ ./mk_mx_sd  -d /dev/sdc \                       -u $IMAGE/u-boot-mx53-loco.bin \                       -k $IMAGE/uImage \                       -r $IMAGE/rootfs     6. In case you only want to flash a single binary (like U-boot), just specify the U-boot parameter (-u)
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NFS and TFTP Boot 1  Introduction This document explains the required steps to boot Linux Kernel and mount a NFS on your target. 2 Requirements A functional Yocto environment (Images generated for your target). Your preferred target.  (SABRE-AI, SABRE-SD) 1 Ethernet Cable 1 Micro USB cable USB to Serial converter depending on your target features. 3 Yocto Folders When you develop your Linux kernel and Root File System with Yocto, different folders are created and each folder contains different information. {YOCTO_BUILD_DIR}/tmp/deploy/images/ {TARGET}/  This directory contains the output images, like Kernel, U-Boot and the File System in a tar file. This directory will be used to fetch the kernel and device tree blob file only. {YOCTO_BUILD_DIR}/tmp/sysroot/{TARGET}/  This folder contains all the development files used to generate our Yocto images. Here we can find all the dynamic libraries and headers used for development. This folder is used as parameter for cross-compilation. {YOCTO_BUILD_DIR}/tmp/work/{TARGET}-poky-linux-gnueabi/{IMAGE}/1.0-r0/rootfs This folder contains the uncompressed rootfs of our target. This folder will be used as entry in the host NFS server. 4 IP Address and Network Setup This section covers how to boot Linux that mounts the root file system (RFS) over the network. Remember that in this scenario, the RFS exists on the laptop hard drive, and the kernel that runs on the target board will mount the RFS over Ethernet. This setup is used for developing and debugging Linux applications. It allows for applications to be loaded and run without having to re-boot the kernel each time. First some packages on your host need to be installed: # apt-get install xinetd tftp tftpd isc-dhcp-server nfs-kernel-server portmap For development, it is best to have a static IP setup for the board and Linux environment. This way U-Boot options won’t change between reboots as you get a new IP address as you would using DHCP. 4.1 Linux Host Setup This section describes how to setup a static IP in your Linux host environment. This is not required but will allow the IP address of your virtual host system to remain unchanged. Because u-boot parameters use specific IP addresses, this step is recommended because u-boot parameters may need to be updated in the future to match your virtual IP address if it should ever change. You could take the existing IP address and make it static, but you would lose the Internet connection in your virtual machine. Instead we want to make use of the virtual environment and add a secondary Ethernet port that is tied to your wired Internet connection, while keeping the original Ethernet port which can use the wireless connection on your laptop. In the Linux virtual environment, type sudo ifconfig and note that you should have one Ethernet adapter (eth0). The other item listed (lo) is a virtual port for loopback mode. Shutdown the Linux virtual machine In VMware Player, go to Edit virtual machine settings. And add a Bridged Network Adapter, choosing only the wired Ethernet port. And click on OK.  See below for example: Start up the Linux VM. Open a terminal and type: sudo ifconfig You should have a new entry (eth1). This is the new Ethernet port you created in the virtual machine, and it is bridged to your wired Ethernet port. This is the port we want to make a static IP address. To set eth1 to a static IP, open /etc/nework/interfaces sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces Add the following to set eth1 to your desired IP address. auto eth1 iface eth1 inet static address      <-- Your HOST IP netmask gateway Save the file Restart eth1 sudo ifdown eth1 sudo ifup eth1 4.2 Target Setup We need to setup the network IP address of our target. Power On the board and hit a key to stop the U-Boot from continuing. Set the below parameters: setenv serverip <-- This must be your Host IP address setenv ipaddr  <-- This must be your target IP addres setenv ip_dyn no The path where the rootfs is placed in our host has to be indicated in the U-Boot: setenv nfsroot /home/usuario/fsl-release-bsp/buildimx6q/tmp/work/imx6qsabresd-poky-linux-gnueabi/fsl-image-gui/1.0-r0/rootfs setenv image zImage setenv fdt_file uImage-imx6q-sabresd.dtb setenv netargs 'setenv bootargs console=${console},${baudrate} ${smp} root=/dev/nfs ip={ipaddr} nfsroot=${serverip}:${nfsroot},v3,tcp' 4.3 TFTP and NFS Configuration Now configure the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server and Networked File System (NFS) server. This is how U-Boot will download (via TFTP) the Linux kernel, and then the kernel will mount (via NFS) its root file system on the computer hard drive. 4.3.1 TFTP Setup Next setup the TFTP server. The following commands show that we are logged in as root (#). If you are not root ($) then precede each instruction with “sudo”. Edit /etc/xinetd.conf gedit /etc/xinetd.conf Add and save the following lines in the file service tftp { socket_type = dgram protocol = udp wait = yes user = root server = /usr/sbin/in.tftpd server_args = -s {YOCTO_BUILD_DIR}/tmp/deploy/images/ {TARGET}/  disable = no } Notice that {YOCTO_BUILD_DIR}/tmp/deploy/images/ {TARGET}/   has to be written as absolute path. Restart the xinetd service service xinetd restart Test that TFTP is working tftp localhost tftp> get {An Image found in the tftp folder} tftp> quit 4.3.2 NFS Setup Edit the /etc/exports file gedit /etc/exports Add the path where the rootfs is found in your host. {YOCTO_BUILD_DIR}/tmp/work/{TARGET}-poky-linux-gnueabi/{IMAGE}/1.0-r0/rootfs *(rw,no_root_squash)                                                                 NOTE:      {YOCTO_BUILD_DIR}/tmp/work/{TARGET}-poky-linux-gnueabi/{IMAGE}/1.0-r0/rootfs may work most of the times,        but it is recommended to untar the {IMAGE}.bz2 in an exported           folder keeping using sudoand keeping the chmod of each file.     3. Restart the NFS service sudo service portmap stop sudo service nfs-kernel-server stop sudo service portmap start sudo service nfs-kernel-server start 5 Host Final Configuration and Booting Linux over NFS In your host, under the images folder {YOCTO_BUILD_DIR}/tmp/deploy/images/ {TARGET}/ create the below links ln -s zImage_imx_v7_defconfig zImage      2. In U-boot type the below command:                run netboot After a pair of minutes you should get a Linux working system on your target.
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Platform: Ubuntu 12.04 Board: Freescale MCIMX6Q-SDP  and  MCIMX-LVDS1 Screen BSP: L3.0.35_4.1.0_ER_SOURCE_BSP Other device: PC , One Router, 3 Network Cable and 2 usb-otg lines The  platform is as follow: Boot form NFS is very convenient in porting and debugging, and will value us much time. If the customers have modified the kernel and rebuild the kernel to generate the uImage running on board, he can directly download the uImage to the board by TFTP network. It is fast and can avoid the normal operation ,  first customers need to copy the images to the mfgtool specified directory and download the u-boot, uImage and file sytem again to the flash device in board, and then change to boot up mode to boot up the board. If customers are doing debug this operation will waste lot of time. So use the NFS is vey convenient. Beyond this, in the target board customers can also read the files and content in host machine. In a word, use NFS it will help save much time and also convenient. So the follows is introduce and show how to set NFS and then boot up the board. 1 Preparation (1)Build the BSP Build up the L3.0.35_4.1.0_ER_SOURCE_BSP use LTIB on the Ubuntu12.04, you can refer to our user guide document here no details. The u-boot, uImage and file system are all under the directory of litb. Boot up from NFS, so when build uImage some items are needed, here you can see the build details in the section of  Setting Target Linux Image to use NFS in this articel. (2)Download the u-boot to the target board Use the mfgtool Mfgtools-Rel-4.1.0_130816_MX6Q_UPDATER to download the u-boot to the SD card of MCIMX6Q-SDP board or use dd command to write the u-boot to SD card.( By the way, writing to the EMMC is also OK) 2 Setting the NFS Environment Set host machine 1 - Install NFS Service on host typing:     $sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server       2 - Create symbolic link to ltib/rootfs     $sudo ln -s <ltib instalation folder>/rootfs /tftpboot/rootfs       3 - Setup exports typing:     $sudo gedit /etc/exports       and add the following line:     /tftpboot/rootfs/ *(rw,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check,async) 4 - Restart the NFS server:     $sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart       Now the host is ready to use NFS Setting Target Linux Image to use NFS       1. Run LTIB configuration by typing: $cd <ltib instalation folder>       $./ltib -c       2. On first page menu, go to "Target Image Generation -> Options"       3. Select the option NFS only and exit LTIB configuration to compile with the new configuration. 4. LTIB should start new compiling and create a new Linux image on /<ltib instalation folder>/rootfs/boot/uImage      5. Copy the created image on /<ltib instalation folder>/rootfs/boot/uImage to /tftpboot/uImage 6. The system is ready to run with NFS. The root file system on target will be located on host on /<ltib instalation folder>/rootfs/ 3 Setting the u-boot command line (1)Download the u-boot to the target board fist according to the section 1 (2) Download the u-boot to the target board. Then give the power to the board, boot up board, u-boot boot up. (2)Configuration the Network Configure the Network and IP , to make the target board and the host machine IP are in the local area network of Router. (3)Set the u-boot command line As follow is my setting for you to refer to : 4 Boot up the board Running the “run bootcmd” after setting the u-boot parameters then boot up the kernel and file system. We can see that the board download the uImage by the TFTP from host machine, then boot up the kernel and finally mount the NFS in the kernel. As follows is the details: Downloading the uImage success and boot up kernel: Input root and access the system. Test: Create a new file in the host machine directory, you can see in the next picture: Then open the target board, in the terminal go to the same directory  in the unit_test we can see the same name. So as we can see in the above operation we can see it is very convenient and fast use the NFS. It will help save time and speed the development time.
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Platform: i.mx8qm/qxp OS: imx-yocto-L4.14.98_2.0.0_ga Camera: max9286 deserializer <=> max96705 serializer  + ar0144 or: max9286 deserializer <=> max96705 serializer + ov9284 Note that currently only one camera is support and the serializer should be connected to the IN0 of max9286. Data format: ar0144: mono raw 12bit. ov9284: mono raw 10bit. On imx8qm/qxp the data will be recieved as raw 16bit and the valid data bit start from bit[13] to LSB. for mono raw 12bit the valid data bit is 0bxxdd_dddd_dddd_ddxx for mono raw 10bit the valid data bit is 0bxxdd_dddd_dddd_xxxx max9286 and max96705 configuration: dbl bws PXL_CRC/edc hven hibw lccen him should be the same on both sides, this can be achieved by pin or register configurations. The crossbar function of max96705 can be used to fix the reversed data bit. for example, reversed 12bit with dbl to 1. 0x20 0xb 0x21 0xa 0x22 0x9 ....... 0x2b 0x0 0x30 0xb 0x31 0xa .... 0x3b 0x0 0x20 to 0x2b and 0x30 to 0x3b are the registers of max96705. Patch apply: 1. push the kernel-patch to the kernel source and apply it. 2. reconfig the kernel setting, make sure there is only CONFIG_MAX9286_AR0144 or        CONFIG_MAX9286_WISSEN(ov9284) enabled, all other max9286 related are disabled. You can run menuconfig to achieve this. 3. For testing copy the vulkan-v4l2.tar to the board, and run vulkan-v4l2.     the source code is at https://github.com/sheeaza/vulkan-v4l2 branch ar0144 for ar0144, branch ov9284 for ov9284. =========== updated patch for data format.
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L5.4.3_1.0.0 release is now available on IMX_SW landing page: BSP Updates and Releases -> Linux ->Linux L5.4.3_1.0.0. Documentation -> Linux -> Linux 5.4.3_1.0.0 Documentation Files available: # Name Description 1 imx-yocto-LF_L5.4.3_1.0.0.zip i.MX L5.4.3_1.0.0 for Linux BSP Documentation. Includes Release Notes, User Guide. 2 LF_v5.4.y-1.0.0_images_MX6QPDLSOLOX.zip i.MX 6QuadPlus, i.MX 6Quad, i.MX 6DualLite, i.MX 6Solox Linux Binary Demo Files 3 LF_v5.4.y-1.0.0_images_MX6SLLEVK.zip i.MX 6SLL EVK Linux Binary Demo Files 4 LF_v5.4.y-1.0.0_images_MX6UL7D.zip i.MX 6UltraLite EVK, 7Dual SABRESD, 6ULL EVK Linux Binary Demo Files 5 LF_v5.4.y-1.0.0_images_MX7ULPEVK.zip i.MX 7ULP EVK Linux Binary Demo Files  6 LF_v5.4.y-1.0.0_images_MX8MMEVK.zip i.MX 8M Mini EVK Linux Binary Demo Files  7 LF_v5.4.y-1.0.0_images_MX8MNEVK.zip i.MX 8M Nano EVK Linux Binary Demo Files  8 LF_v5.4.y-1.0.0_images_MX8MQEVK.zip i.MX 8M Quad EVK Linux Binary Demo files 9 LF_v5.4.y-1.0.0_images_MX8QMMEK.zip i.MX 8QMax MEK Linux Binary Demo files 10 LF_v5.4.y-1.0.0_images_MX8QXPMEK.zip i.MX 8QXPlus MEK Linux Binary Demo files 11 imx-scfw-porting-kit- System Controller Firmware (SCFW) porting kit v1.2.10.1 for L5.4.3_1.0.0   Target board: MX 8 Series MX 8QuadXPlus MEK Board MX 8QuadMax MEK Board MX 8M Quad EVK Board MX 8M Mini EVK Board MX 8M Nano EVK Board MX 7 Series MX 7Dual SABRE-SD Board MX 7ULP EVK Board MX 6 Series MX 6QuadPlus SABRE-SD and SABRE-AI Boards MX 6Quad SABRE-SD and SABRE-AI Boards MX 6DualLite SDP SABRE-SD and SABRE-AI Boards MX 6SoloX SABRE-SD MX 6UltraLite EVK Board MX 6ULL EVK Board MX 6ULZ EVK Board MX 6SLL EVK Board   What’s New/Features: Please consult the Release Notes.   Known Issues: For known issues and more details please consult the Release Notes.   More information on changes of Yocto, see: README: https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/imx-manifest/tree/README?h=imx-linux-zeus ChangeLog: https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/imx-manifest/tree/ChangeLog?h=imx-linux-zeus      
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For iMX6DQ, there are two IPUs, so they can support up to 4 cameras at the same time. But the default BSP can only support up to two cameras at the same time.     The attached patch can make the BSP support up to 4 cameras based on 3.10.53 GA 1.1.0 BSP.   The 4 cameras can be: - 1xCSI, 3xMIPI - 2xCSI, 2xMIPI - 4xMIPI   For 4xMIPI case, the four cameras should be combined on the single MIPI CSI2 interface, and each camera data should be transfered on a mipi virtual channel.   In this patch, we given the example driver for Intersil ISL79985. The input to ISL79985 is four CVBS camera. There are four patches: 0001-IPU-update-IPU-capture-driver-to-support-up-to-four-.patch      Updated IPU common code to support up to four cameras.   0002-Add-Intersil-ISL79985-MIPI-Video-Decoder-Driver-for-.patch      ISL79985 driver, which can support both 1 lanes and 2 lanes mode.   0003-Remove-the-page-size-align-requirement-for-v4l2-capt.patch      With this patch, the mxc_v4l2_tvin test application can use overlay framebuffer as V4l2 capture buffer directly.   0004-IPU-CSI-Drop-1-2-frame-on-MIPI-interface-for-interla.patch      This patch is option, it will drop one field data, so for each camera, the input will be 720*240 30 FPS.   For 720P HD solution, it is based on Maxim MAX9286: iMX6DQ MAX9286 MIPI CSI2 720P camera surround view solution for Linux BSP   How to builld the kernel with ISL79985 support:       make imx_v7_defconfig       make menuconfig (In this command, you should select the ISL79985 driver:             Device Drivers  --->                   <*> Multimedia support  --->                         [*]   V4L platform devices  --->                               <*>   MXC Video For Linux Video Capture                                       MXC Camera/V4L2 PRP Features support  --->                                           <*>Intersil ISL79985 Video Decoder support                                           <*>mxc VADC support                                           <*>Select Overlay Rounting (Queue ipu device for overlay library)                                           <*>Pre-processor Encoder library                                           <*>IPU CSI Encoder library)       make zImage       make dtbs   The built out image file:       arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6q-sabresd.dtb       arch/arm/boot/zImage   "mxc_v4l2_tvin.zip" is the test application, test command to capture the four cameras and render on 1080P HDMI display: /mxc_v4l2_tvin.out -ol 0 -ot 0 -ow 960 -oh 540 -d 1 -x 0 -g2d & /mxc_v4l2_tvin.out -ol 960 -ot 0 -ow 960 -oh 540 -d 1 -x 1 -g2d & /mxc_v4l2_tvin.out -ol 0 -ot 540 -ow 960 -oh 540 -d 1 -x 2 -g2d & /mxc_v4l2_tvin.out -ol 960 -ot 540 -ow 960 -oh 540 -d 1 -x 3 -g2d &   2015-10-10 Update: Updated the test application "mxc_v4l2_tvin_isl79985.tar.gz" to fix the Yocto build errors. Updated ISL79985 register setting "page5, isl79985_write_reg(0x07, 0x46)" in patch "0002-Add-Intersil-ISL79985-MIPI-Video-Decoder-Driver-for-.patch", which can fix the green line issue.   2016-01-25 Update: Added de-interlace support, L3.10.53_ISL79985_Surroundview_Patch_20160125.tar.gz New test capplication for de-interlance: mxc_v4l2_tvin_isl79985_vdi_20160125.tar.gz New test commands: /mxc_v4l2_tvin.out -ol 0 -ot 0 -ow 960 -oh 540 -d 1 -x 0 -g2d -m & /mxc_v4l2_tvin.out -ol 960 -ot 0 -ow 960 -oh 540 -d 1 -x 1 -g2d -m & /mxc_v4l2_tvin.out -ol 0 -ot 540 -ow 960 -oh 540 -d 1 -x 2 -g2d -m & /mxc_v4l2_tvin.out -ol 960 -ot 540 -ow 960 -oh 540 -d 1 -x 3 -g2d -m &   Note:  with the 0005-Add-interlaced-mode-capture-for-ISL79985.patch, the V4l2 capture driver will return 720x480 video size, but only odd lines have the video data, they are filled in line skip line mode.     2016-11-21 Update: Added ISL79987 support, L3.10.53_ISL7998x_Surroundview_Patch_20161121.zip New test capplication for de-interlance support: mxc_v4l2_tvin_isl7998x.tar.gz   Test commands (without de-interlace): /mxc_v4l2_tvin.out -ol 0 -ot 0 -ow 960 -oh 540 -d 1 -x 0 -g2d & /mxc_v4l2_tvin.out -ol 960 -ot 0 -ow 960 -oh 540 -d 1 -x 1 -g2d & /mxc_v4l2_tvin.out -ol 0 -ot 540 -ow 960 -oh 540 -d 1 -x 2 -g2d & /mxc_v4l2_tvin.out -ol 960 -ot 540 -ow 960 -oh 540 -d 1 -x 3 -g2d &   Test commands (with de-interlace, for ISL79987 only): /mxc_v4l2_tvin.out -ol 0 -ot 0 -ow 960 -oh 540 -d 1 -x 0 -m 1 -g2d & /mxc_v4l2_tvin.out -ol 960 -ot 0 -ow 960 -oh 540 -d 1 -x 1 -m 1 -g2d & /mxc_v4l2_tvin.out -ol 0 -ot 540 -ow 960 -oh 540 -d 1 -x 2 -m 1 -g2d & /mxc_v4l2_tvin.out -ol 960 -ot 540 -ow 960 -oh 540 -d 1 -x 3 -m 1 -g2d &     Now the same patch can support both ISL79985 and ISL79987, with NTSC CVBS camera, for ISL79985, it captures 60fps 720*240; for ISL79987, it captures 30fps 720*480.   2016-11-22 Update: Added patch for L4.1.15 BSP, it supports both ISL79985 and ISL79987, L4.1.15_ISL7998x_Surroundview_Patch_20161122.zip Test capplication mxc_v4l2_tvin_isl7998x.tar.gz is re-used.
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Most i.MX8QXP/QM customers already work on L4.14.98 GA for their Auto product, like C-V2X TBOX, Car infortainment system. Some customers also want to adopt OP-TEE in their security design, but OP-TEE on i.MX8QXP/QM platform don't support HW cryptography accelerating which base on CAAM module. So I worked on the issue last week and fixed it. The package meta-optee-add-on_4.14.98_2.0.0_ga.tgz is Yocto layer which includes all patches for fixing the issue. Software environments as the belows: Linux kernel: imx_4.14.98_2.0.0_ga HW platform:  i.MX8QM/QXP MEK. How to build: 1, decompress meta-optee-add-on_4.14.98_2.0.0_ga.tgz and copy meta-optee-add-on to folder (Yocto 4.14.98_2.0.0_ga dir)/sources/ 2, Run DISTRO=fsl-imx-wayland MACHINE=imx8qxpmek source fsl-setup-release.sh -b build-optee and add BBLAYERS += " ${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-optee-add-on " into (Yocto 4.14.98_2.0.0_ga dir)/build-optee/conf/bblayers.conf  3, Run bitbake fsl-image-validation-imx. 4, You can run xtest or xtest -l 1 4007 on your MEK board to test optee crypto feature after completing build image. You can find it only take about one second comparing no CAAM accelerating when test "regression_4007.11 Generate RSA-2048 key".
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This document provide an overall guide how to get started with i.MX6 development. There are several chapters: 1. how to get necessary docs from freescale website; 2. how to setup environment and build your own images;3. Hardware design consideration;4. How to get help. I hope the doc will bring you in i.MX world more easily, and hope you all have a fun in it.
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This is the procedure and patch to set up Ubuntu 13.10 64bit Linux Host PC and building i.MX6x L3.0.35_4.1.0. It has been tested to build GNOME profile and with FSL Standard MM Codec for i.MX6Q SDB board. A) Basic Requirement: Set up the Linux Host PC using ubuntu-13.10-desktop-amd64.iso Make sure the previous LTIB installation and the /opt/freescale have been removed B) Installed the needed packages to the Linux Host PC $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install gettext libgtk2.0-dev rpm bison m4 libfreetype6-dev $ sudo apt-get install libdbus-glib-1-dev liborbit2-dev intltool $ sudo apt-get install ccache ncurses-dev zlib1g zlib1g-dev gcc g++ libtool $ sudo apt-get install uuid-dev liblzo2-dev $ sudo apt-get install tcl dpkg $ sudo apt-get install asciidoc texlive-latex-base dblatex xutils-dev $ sudo apt-get install texlive texinfo $ sudo apt-get install lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 lib32bz2-1.0 $ sudo apt-get install libc6-dev-i386 $ sudo apt-get install u-boot-tools $ sudo apt-get install scrollkeeper $ sudo apt-get install gparted $ sudo apt-get install nfs-common nfs-kernel-server $ sudo apt-get install git-core git-doc git-email git-gui gitk $ sudo apt-get install meld atftpd $ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/librt.so   /usr/lib/librt.so C) Unpack and install the LTIB source package and assume done on the home directory: $ cd ~ $ tar -zxvf L3.0.35_4.1.0_130816_source. tar.gz $ ./L3.0.35_4.1.0_130816_source/install      After that, you will find ~/ltib directory created D) Apply the patch to make L3.0.35_4.1.0 could be installed and compiled on Ubuntu 13.10 64bit OS $ cd ~/ltib $ git apply 0001_make_L3.0.35_4.1.0_compile_on_Ubuntu_13.10_64bit_OS.patch What the patch is doing: a) The patch modifies the following files:    dist/lfs-5.1/base_libs/base_libs.spec    dist/lfs-5.1/m4/m4.spec    dist/lfs-5.1/ncurses/ncurses.spec b) Add the following files to the pkgs directory:    pkgs/m4-1.4.16-1383761043.patch    pkgs/m4-1.4.16-1383761043.patch.md5 E) Then, it is ready to proceed the rest of the LTIB env setup process: $ cd ~/ltib $ ./ltib -m config $ ./ltib Reference: L3.0.35_4.1.0_130816_docs/doc/mx6/Setting_Up_LTIB_host.pdf https://community.freescale.com/message/332385#332385 https://community.freescale.com/thread/271675 https://community.freescale.com/message/360556#360556 m4 compilation issue: 1. https://github.com/hashdist/hashstack/commit/f6be2a58de62327d05e052d89c9aa931d4c926b3 2. https://github.com/hashdist/hashstack/issues/81 rpm-fs package failed to build issue: https://community.freescale.com/message/355771#355771 scrollkeeper is for the gnome-desktop compilation NOTE: When compiling gstreamer, this warning was pop up.  Just ignore it seems okay.
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[中文翻译版] 见附件   原文链接: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-343715 
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The original implementation is from Frias Renato for Sabreauto board. How to define the booting time? The booting time we defined here is from the board be powered up to the main application working and main application be showed directly to the end user, for example: for the media play purpose board, the booting time count to the first video frame be shown on the screen. For minimizing the booting time, some methods be tried. Optimizing for performance. Remove unnecessary modules at boot time. Start main application at the first time after the kernel be boot up. Optimizing for performance: U-Boot:   1:Enable MMU and L2-Cache.   2:Optimizing memset and memcpy.   3:Implementation of SDMA, accelerate copying data from NOR flash to memory.   4:Implementation of uSDHC’s ADMA, improve performance for SD card read. Kernel:   1:Optimizing _memcpy_fromio function at  arch/arm/kernel/io.c Remove unnecessary modules: U-Boot:   1: Disable uart output at u-boot procedure and add quiet parameter to Kernel boot.   2: Remove boot up delay at u-boot.   3: Disable I2C, SPI, SPLASH_SCREEN at u-boot. Kernel: Below removing unnecessary modules just for Sabresd board boot up through SD card and MIPI camera overlay on LVDS screen application, for other special board and special board usage application please don’t use below directly.   1: Modify arch/arm/mach-mx6/board-mx6q_sabresd.c just keep necessary module initialization at  mx6_sabresd_board_init : iomux configuration, uart0, voda, ipu, ldb, v4l2, mipi-csi, i2c1, uSDHC1, pwm0, dvfs, mipi camera clock.   2: Update Linux kernel configuration file. Try to just keep necessary module and configuration to keep minim size. Build necessary modules from external to Kernel itself. Create uImage from Image instead of zImage to reduce Kernel self extraction time. Use ext4 file system on SD card to accelerate rootfs mounting.    Notice: Kernel configuration remove NETWORK support, it includes Unix Domain Socket, the udev mechanism need it, so this kernel configuration can't support rootfs udev dynamic /dev/ nodes and all /dev/ nodes must be created before boot up at rootfs. Start main application at the first time after the kernel boots up. As normal boot up procedure, the init process will handle sysinit script firstly, this script will do some initialization and preparation for most of the user process, But this script normally will be executed for about 1~5 seconds, so now try do main application before the sysinit, while the necessary preparation of main application will be handle by this application internally. See below example for MIPI camera overly on LVDS screen: /etc/inittab ::once:/unit_tests/mxc_v4l2_overlay.out -iw 640 -ih 480 -it 0 -il 0 -ow 1024 -oh 768 -ot 0 -ol 0 -r 0 -t -1 -d 0 -fg -fr 30 ::once:/etc/rc.d/rcS ::once:/sbin/getty -L ttymxc0 115200 vt100 # GENERIC_SERIAL Test result of fast boot on Sabresd board for MIPI camera overly on LVDS screen: The main application be executed from the board be powered up is about 958ms.    Running Bootloader [0.356417 0.356417] [ 0.046637] _regulator_get: get() with no identifier [ 0.958425  0.602008] starting pid 21, tty '': '/unit_tests/mxc_v4l2_overlay.out -iw 640 -ih 480 -it 0 -il 0 -ow 1024 -oh 768 -ot 0 -ol 0 -r 0 -t -^@ [0.969609 0.011184] starting pid 22, tty '': '/etc/rc.d/rcS' [0.973368 0.003759] g_display_width = 1024, g_display_height = 768 [0.977540 0.004172] g_display_top = 0, g_display_left = 0 [0.980927 0.003387] starting pid 23, tty '': '/sbin/getty -L ttymxc0 115200 vt100 ' [1.048454 0.067527] Mounting /proc and /sys [1.089526 0.041072] Setting the hostname to freescale [1.116635 0.027109] Mounting filesystems [1.527320 0.410685] sensor chip is ov5640_mipi_camera [1.530627 0.003307] sensor frame size is 640x480 [1.533482 0.002855] sensor frame format is UYVY [1.640221 0.106739] frame_rate is 30 [1.642249 0.002028] [1.642270 0.000021] frame buffer width 0, height 0, bytesperline 0 [1.989728 0.347458] [1.990761 0.001033] arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc (Freescale MAD -- Linaro 2011.07 -- Built at 2011/08/10 09:20) 4.6.2 20110630 (prerelease) [2.001161 0.010400] root filesystem built on Tue, 11 Sep 2012 11:43:24 +0800 [2.006249 0.005088] Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. [2.009394 0.003145] [2.009531 0.000137] freescale login: Please see below fast boot video. I also attached sample code for U-boot and kernel for your reference. Patch code based on L3.0.35_12.09.01_GA.
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The i.MX 6 D/Q L3.035_1.0.3 patch release is now available on www.freescale.com ·         Files available # Name Description 1 L3.0.35_1.0.3_TEMP_PFD_PATCH This patch release is based on the i.MX 6Dual/6Quad Linux   12.09.01 release. The purpose of this patch release is update thermal sensor   calibration routine and correct the PFD workflow in U-Boot. More details in   the release notes.
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gst-launch is the tool to execute GStreamer pipelines. Task Pipeline Looking at caps gst-launch -v  <gst elements> Enable log gst-launch --gst-debug=<element>:<level> gst-launch --gst-debug=videotestsrc:5 videotestsrc ! filesink location=/dev/null
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1. To setup the Yocto environment, from the BASE folder run fsl-community-bsp $ . setup-environment build 2. Build the toolchain build $ bitbake meta-toolchain # Other toolchains: # Qt Embedded toolchain build: bitbake meta-toolchain-qte # Qt X11 toolchain build: bitbake meta-toolchain-qt 3. Install it on your PC build $ sudo sh \   tmp/deploy/sdk/poky-eglibc-x86_64-arm-toolchain-<version>.sh 4. Setup the toolchain environment build $ source \   /opt/poky/<version>/environment-setup-armv7a-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi 5. Get the Linux Kernel's source code. $ git clone git://git.freescale.com/imx/linux-2.6-imx.git linux-imx $ cd linux-imx 6. Create a local branch linux-imx $ BRANCH=imx_3.0.35_4.0.0 # Change to any branch you want,   # Use 'git branch -a' to list all linux-imx $ git checkout -b ${BRANCH} origin/${BRANCH} 7. Export ARCH and CROSS_COMPILE linux-imx $ export ARCH=arm  linux-imx $ export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-poky-linux-gnueabi- linux-imx $ unset LDFLAGS 8. Choose configuration and compile linux-imx $ make imx6_defconfig  linux-imx $ make uImage  9. To Test your changes, copy the `uImage` into your SD Card linux-imx $ sudo cp arch/arm/boot/uImage /media/boot 10. If case you want your changes to be reflected on your Yocto Framework, create the patches following the document i.MX Yocto Project: How can I patch the kernel?
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Check new updated version for with Morty here Step 1 : Get iMX Yocto AVS setup environment Review the steps under Chapter 3 of the i.MX_Yocto_Project_User'sGuide.pdf on the L4.X LINUX_DOCS to prepare your host machine. Including at least the following essential Yocto packages $ sudo apt-get install gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip texinfo \   gcc-multilib build-essential chrpath socat libsdl1.2-dev u-boot-tools Install the i.MX NXP AVS repo Create/Move to a directory where you want to install the AVS yocto build enviroment. Let's call this as <yocto_dir> $ cd <yocto_dir> $ repo init -u https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imxsupport/meta-avs-demos -b master -m imx7d-pico-avs-sdk_4.1.15-1.0.0.xml Download the AVS BSP build environment: $ repo sync Step 2: Setup yocto for Alexa_SDK image with AVS-SETUP-DEMO script: Run the avs-setup-demo script as follows to setup your environment for the imx7d-pico board: $ MACHINE=imx7d-pico DISTRO=fsl-imx-x11 source avs-setup-demo.sh -b <build_sdk> Where <build_sdk> is the name you will give to your build folder. After acepting the EULA the script will prompt if you want to enable: Sound Card selection The following Sound Cards are supported on the build: SGTL (In-board Audio Codec for PicoPi) 2-Mic Conexant The script will prompt if you are going to use the Conexant Card. If not then SGTL will be assumed as your selection Are you going to use Conexant Sound Card [Y/N]? Install Alexa SDK Next option is to select if you want to pre-install the AVS SDK software on the image. Do you want to build/include the AVS_SDK package on this image(Y/N)? If you select YES, then your image will contain the AVS SDK ready to use (after authentication). Note this AVS_SDK will not have WakeWord detection support, but it can be added on runtime. If your selection was NO, then you can always manually fetch and build the AVS_SDK on runtime. All the packages dependencies will be already there, so only fetching the AVS_SDK source code and building it is required. Finish avs-image configuration At the end you will see a text according with the configuration you select for your image build. Next is an example for a Preinstalled AVS_SDK with Conxant Sound Card support and WiFi/BT not enabled. ==========================================================   AVS configuration is now ready at conf/local.conf             - Sound Card = Conexant                                     - AVS_SDK pre-installed                                       You are ready to bitbake your AVS demo image now:               bitbake avs-image                                        ========================================================== Step 3: Build the AVS image Go to your <build_sdk> directory and start the build of the avs-image There are 2 options Regular Build: $ cd <yocto_dir>/<build_sdk> $ bitbake avs-image With QT5 support included: $ cd <yocto_dir>/<build_sdk> $ bitbake avs-image-qt5 The image with QT5 is useful if you want to add some GUI for example to render DisplayCards. Step 4 : Deploying the built images to SD/MMC card to boot on target board. After a build has succesfully completed, the created image resides at <build_sdk>/tmp/deploy/images/imx7d-pico/ In this directory, you will find the imx7d-pico-avs.sdcard image or imx7d-pico-avs-qt5.sdcard, depending on the build you chose on Step3. To Flash the .sdcard image into the eMMC device of your PicoPi board follow the next steps: Download the bootbomb flasher Follow the instruction on Section 4. Board Reflashing of the Quick Start Guide for AVS kit to setup your board on flashing mode. Copy the built SDCARD file $ sudo dd if=imx7d-pico-avs.sdcard of=/dev/sd bs=1M && sync $ sync Properly eject the pico-imx7d board: $ sudo eject /dev/sd NXP Documentation Refer to the Quick Start Quide for AVS SDK to fully setup your PicoPi board with Synaptics 2Mic and PicoPi i.mx7D For a more comprehensive understanding of Yocto, its features and setup; more image build and deployment options and customization, please take a look at the i.MX_Yocto_Project_User's_Guide.pdf document from the Linux documents bundle mentioned at the beginning of this document. For a more detailed description of the Linux BSP, u-boot use and configuration, please take a look at the i.MX_Linux_User's_Guide.pdf document from the Linux documents bundle mentioned at the beginning of this document.
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Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) is a specification that prescribes a set of low-level routines for performing common linear algebra operations such as vector addition, scalar multiplication, dot products, linear combinations, and matrix multiplication. OpenBLAS is an optimized BLAS library which is uesd for deep learning accelerator in Caffe/Caffe2. I enable it in Yocto (Rocko) by adding bb file. And I build on i.MX6QP, i.MX7ULP and i.MX8MQ and also run its test example successfully. You can find test example(openblas_utest) under folder image/opt/openblas/bin of OpenBLAS work directory. Currently, version 0.3.0 is supported in the bb file. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ update to v 0.3.6 and enable mutli-thread by set USE_OPENMP=1 and USE_THREAD=4 when compiling this library.
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[中文翻译版] 见附件   原文链接: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-341641 
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