This article explains how to implement a custom profile from both server and client side using the NXP BLE stack for the RT1060.
Generic Attribute Profile
To fully understand the procedure of how to implement a custom profile in this platform, we must understand the BLE basics.
The GATT (Generic Attribute Profile) will help us establish in detail the way server and client exchanges data over a BLE connection. All standard BLE profiles are based on GATT and must comply with it to operate correctly.
This means that if we want to have a successful connection and data transfer in our application, we must follow all the GATT procedures successfully.
GATT roles:
Server: This device will store the data to be transported or send and accepts the GATT requests, commands and confirmations from the client.
Client: This device will access the data on the remote GATT server with operations such as read, write, notify or indicate.
Figure 1. GATT Client-Server model
GATT database defines a type of hierarchy to organize attributes. These are named as Profile, Service, Characteristic and Descriptor. The structure is shown in Figure 2.
The profile is a high level definition that determines the behavior of the application as a whole. For example, a Temperature Sensor profile.
This profiles are defined by at least one service. The service defines a specific functionality for the device (e.g. battery service).
The next level in the structure is the characteristic. The service is defined by one or more characteristics that hold individual measurements, control points or other kind of data.
Finally we find descriptors. Characteristics have descriptors that defines how characteristics have to be accessed to read or write information.
Figure 2. GATT database structure
Creating a New Profile
With the GATT basics understood, we can start developing the code for our custom profile.
In this case we will create a potentiometer custom profile. It will read the voltage drop of the potentiometer and send that value to the client every 5 seconds. Please note that in this document we will dismiss all the ADC initialization, the voltage value will be simulated.
For time saving purposes, we will use the peripheral_ht and central_ht SDK examples structure to create this project. This means that the peripheral is going to be the server, the device that has the information. And the central will be the client, the device that gets the information.
In case you don’t want to start this application from a SDK example, it is highly recommended to keep the same structure as in the examples, so if you would like to add your custom profile to an existing application, you have to prepare the project environment so all the new files where your service is declared is allocated in a specific path and avoid problems in the compiling process.
For the case you want to add a new service to your project, it will be needed to create two folders called services and add our service files inside it. The first folder must be in the following route: ${ProjName}/edgefast/bluetooth/include/bluetooth.
Inside this folder let´s create a new header file called pot.h. Note that if you are using the examples, you already have these folders so you only need to create the files.
In this file we will declare the new UUID´s for our potentiometer service and the service characteristic. In this example we are declarin one profile, one service and one characteristic.
To define a 128-bit UUID we are going to be using the macros available in the uuid.h file.
The declarations will look like this:
#define POTENTIOMETER_SERVICE_UUID 0xAA, 0x1C, 0x12, 0x5E, 0x40, 0xEE, 0xA1, 0xF1, 0xEE, 0xF4, 0x5E, 0xBA, 0x22, 0x33, 0xFF, 0x00
#define POTENTIOMETER_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID 0xAA, 0x1C, 0x12, 0x5E, 0x40, 0xEE, 0xA1, 0xF1, 0xEE, 0xF4, 0x5E, 0xBA, 0x22, 0x33, 0xFF, 0x01
In this case we are declaring a service with the 128-bit service UUID and a characteristic with its 128-bit characteristic UUID. These macros are helping us to declare a struct bt_uuid according to a specific UUID.
The other service folder must be allocated in the following route: ${ProjName}/edgefast/bluetooth/source. Inside this folder we have to create a new source file called pot.c (for simplicity we will use the same #include as in hts.c).
There are important configurations and declarations we need to have in this file like the read function callback and the service declaration.
It will look something like this:
static uint8_t pot_level = 0x01U;
/* Read function */
static ssize_t read_plvl(struct bt_conn *conn,
const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf,
uint16_t len, uint16_t offset)
uint8_t lvl = pot_level;
pot_level ++; /* Voltage level simulation */
return bt_gatt_attr_read(conn, attr, buf, len, offset, &lvl,
/* Potentiometer Service Declaration */
BT_GATT_SERVICE_DEFINE(pot, /* Name of the service */
BT_GATT_CCC(NULL, BT_GATT_PERM_READ | BT_GATT_PERM_WRITE), /* Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor */
As you can see we have this variable called pot_level. This variable is the one that has the “sensed” voltage drop of the potentiometer. In this case it is a simulated value. Every time a device requests for the voltage value, pot_level is increased by 1.
We are also defining the potentiometer service with the macro BT_GATT_SERVICE_DEFINE. The name of our service is “pot” and we are defining the properties, permissions and the read callback for our service.
We have finished with these two files and there is no need to modify them again. These files are used for both server and client.
Finally we need to include the new folder´s to the project path. Once again, note that if you are using the examples, this step is not needed.
To do this we have to open the project properties, and go to Settings of the C/C++ Build option.
In the MCU C Compiler, we have to select the Includes folder and add the previous two paths.
Figure 3. Path including
We should be able the compile our service files without problem.
Let’s start the server code.
We already have out service declared and now we have to create two new files that are going to handle the connections. We will be basing this part in the peripheral_ht SDK example.
The new files should be allocated in the following route: ${ProjName}/source. These files are potentiometer.c and potentiometer.h.
In the header file we will declare our potentiometer task, that is going to be our main task:
void potentiometer_task(void *pvParameters);
In the source file we will need to include the pot.h and potentiometer.h files and declare some new information.
Use peripheral_ht.c as a base.
We have to create and define the advertising and response packets, the connection callbacks and functions related to the connection.
We are going to start declaring the connection variable:
static struct bt_conn *default_conn;
The advertising packet will have the following structure:
static const struct bt_data ad[] = {
We are creating an advertising packet that is general discoverable and Bluetooth basic rate/enhanced data rate is not supported, we are also including the potentiometer service UUID.
The response packet will have the following structure:
#define DEVICE_NAME "pot"
#define DEVICE_NAME_LEN (sizeof(DEVICE_NAME) - 1)
static const struct bt_data sd[] = {
The response packet only has the device name, which in this case is pot.
static void connected(struct bt_conn *conn, uint8_t error)
char addr[BT_ADDR_LE_STR_LEN];
struct bt_conn_info info;
bt_addr_le_to_str(bt_conn_get_dst(conn), addr, sizeof(addr));
if (error)
PRINTF("Failed to connect to %s (err %u)\n\r", addr, error);
error = bt_conn_get_info(conn, &info); /* Getting connection info */
PRINTF("Failed to get info\n\r");
default_conn = conn;
PRINTF("Connected to: %s\n\r", addr);
static void disconnected(struct bt_conn *conn, uint8_t reason)
PRINTF("Disconnected (reason 0x%02x/n", reason);
default_conn = NULL;
static struct bt_conn_cb conn_callbacks = {
.connected = connected,
.disconnected = disconnected,
Let’s keep up with the code.
The connected function is going to run when a device is successfully connected to our server, and the disconnected function is going to restore the connection to NULL every time a device gets disconnected.
static void bt_ready(int error)
char addr_s[BT_ADDR_LE_STR_LEN];
bt_addr_le_t addr = {0};
size_t count = 1;
if (error)
PRINTF("Bluetooth init failed (error %d)\n", error);
PRINTF("Bluetooth initialized\n\r");
/*Start advertising*/
error = bt_le_adv_start(BT_LE_ADV_CONN, ad, ARRAY_SIZE(ad), sd, ARRAY_SIZE(sd));
if (error)
PRINTF("Advertising failed to start (error %d)\n", error);
bt_id_get(&addr, &count);
bt_addr_le_to_str(&addr, addr_s, sizeof(addr_s));
PRINTF("Advertising as %s\n\r", addr_s);
void potentiometer_task(void *pvParameters)
int error, result;
PRINTF("BLE POTENITOMETER [Server] Custom Profile Running...\n\r");
error = bt_enable(bt_ready);
PRINTF("Bluetooth init failed (error %d)\n\r", error);
In the main task, we are going to initialize the BLE components, and then bt_ready is going to run. If the BLE initialization was correct, the advertising will start using the previous advertising and response packets. We will use xTaskCreate to create our new potentiometer task in the main file. Notice that this is the only task created in the main file.
The server is done, we can get connected to it and start to receive the potentiometer voltage.
But as we want two boards connected working in each role, we will also need to modify the code for the client.
In the app_config.h file there should be the following macro defined.
To create the Client part, we will be basing on the central_ht SDK example.
We need to create a new file to handle the connections and initializations like we did before in the server. This file is going to have some similar functions to potentiometer.c. I will be using the same name for simplicity purposes.
We need to import the potentiometer service by adding the the pot.c and pot.h files we did on previous steps.
First thing to do is create the new variables.
static struct bt_conn *default_conn;
static struct bt_uuid_128 uuid = BT_UUID_INIT_128(0);
static struct bt_gatt_discover_params discover_params;
static struct bt_gatt_read_params read_params;
static uint8_t connection_success;
static uint8_t data_received;
Using central_h.c as reference, we need to modify some functions as it follows:
static uint8_t read_func(struct bt_conn *conn,
uint8_t err, struct bt_gatt_read_params *params,
const void *data, uint16_t length)
if ((data != NULL) && (err == 0))
data_received = *(uint8_t*)data;
PRINTF("Read successful - Pot voltage level: %d\n\r", data_received);
PRINTF("Read Failed\n\r");
static int bt_get_pot_lvl(void)
return bt_gatt_read(default_conn, &read_params);
static uint8_t discover_func(struct bt_conn *conn,
const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr,
struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params)
int32_t err;
if (!attr)
PRINTF("Discover complete, No attribute found \n\r");
(void)memset(params, 0, sizeof(*params));
if (bt_uuid_cmp(discover_params.uuid, POTENTIOMETER_SERVICE) == 0)
/* Potentiometer service discovered */
/* Next, Potentiometer characteristic */
PRINTF("POT service UUID found: 0x");
for(int i = 0; i<sizeof(BT_UUID_128(POTENTIOMETER_SERVICE)->val) ; i += sizeof(uint16_t))
PRINTF("%X", uuid.val[i]);
PRINTF("%X", uuid.val[i + 1]);
memcpy(&uuid, POTENTIOMETER_CHARACTERISTIC, sizeof(uuid));
discover_params.uuid = &uuid.uuid;
discover_params.start_handle = attr->handle + 1;
err = bt_gatt_discover(conn, &discover_params);
if (err)
PRINTF("Discover failed (err %d)\n\r", err);
else if(bt_uuid_cmp(discover_params.uuid, POTENTIOMETER_CHARACTERISTIC) == 0)
PRINTF("POT characteristic UUID found: 0x");
for(int i = 0; i<sizeof(BT_UUID_128(POTENTIOMETER_CHARACTERISTIC)->val) ; i += sizeof(uint16_t))
PRINTF("%X", uuid.val[i]);
PRINTF("%X", uuid.val[i + 1]);
/* Read Potentiometer */
read_params.func = read_func;
read_params.handle_count = 0; /* Selects the UUID characteristic handle */
read_params.by_uuid.start_handle = 0x0001;
read_params.by_uuid.end_handle = 0xffff;
read_params.by_uuid.uuid = &uuid.uuid; /* Potentiometer characteristic */
err = bt_gatt_read(conn, &read_params);
PRINTF("Read failed (err %d)\n\r", err);
connection_success = 1;
The read_func function is going to be the callback for the read parameters.
The bt_get_pot_level function is going to use the read parameters to read the potentiometer value.
The discover_func function is going to find every advertising device in the advertising channel. In this function we are going to force the connection to the potentiometer service, so if there is one device advertising with the potentiometer service UUID, we will verify if it has the characteristic we are interested in. In this case the potentiometer charactersic, and if this device also has this characteristic, we are going to read the data.
static void connected(struct bt_conn *conn, uint8_t conn_err)
char addr[BT_ADDR_LE_STR_LEN];
int32_t err;
bt_addr_le_to_str(bt_conn_get_dst(conn), addr, sizeof(addr));
if (conn_err)
PRINTF("Failed to connect to %s (err %u)\n\r", addr, conn_err);
default_conn = NULL;
/* Restart scanning */
PRINTF("Connected to peer: %s\n\r", addr);
if (conn == default_conn)
memcpy(&uuid, POTENTIOMETER_SERVICE, sizeof(uuid));
discover_params.uuid = &uuid.uuid;
discover_params.func = discover_func;
discover_params.start_handle = 0x0001;
discover_params.end_handle = 0xffff;
discover_params.type = BT_GATT_DISCOVER_PRIMARY;
/* Start service discovery */
err = bt_gatt_discover(default_conn, &discover_params);
if (err)
PRINTF("Discover failed(err %d)\n\r", err);
PRINTF("Starting service discovery\n\r");
In the device_scanned function we are going to create a connection with the server, so we need to compare the UUID we are scanning and check if there is a device with the potentiometer service UUID.
static bool device_scanned(struct bt_data *data, void *user_data)
bt_addr_le_t *addr = user_data;
struct bt_uuid_128 uuid_temp;
int err;
int i;
char dev[BT_ADDR_LE_STR_LEN];
bool continueParse = true;
/* return true to continue parsing or false to stop parsing */
switch (data->type)
if (data->data_len % sizeof(uint16_t) != 0U)
PRINTF("AD malformed\n\r");
return true;
uuid_temp.uuid.type = BT_UUID_TYPE_128;
for(i = 0; i < data->data_len ; i += sizeof(uint32_t))
uuid_temp.val[i] = data->data[i];
uuid_temp.val[i + 1] = data->data[i + 1];
uuid_temp.val[i + 2] = data->data[i + 2];
uuid_temp.val[i + 3] = data->data[i + 3];
/* Search for the Potentiometer Service in the advertising data */
if ((bt_uuid_cmp(&uuid_temp.uuid, POTENTIOMETER_SERVICE) == 0))
/* found the Potentiometer service - stop scanning */
err = bt_le_scan_stop();
if (err)
PRINTF("Stop LE scan failed (err %d)\n", err);
bt_addr_le_to_str(addr, dev, sizeof(dev));
PRINTF("Found device: %s\n\r", dev);
/* Send connection request */
err = bt_conn_le_create(addr, BT_CONN_LE_CREATE_CONN,
if (err)
PRINTF("Create connection failed (err %d)\n", err);
continueParse = false;
return continueParse;
The device_found stays very similar to the example, we are just deleting the PRINTF’s functions because we don’t want to see every device found, we are just interested in our server.
static void device_found(const bt_addr_le_t *addr, int8_t rssi, uint8_t type,
struct net_buf_simple *ad)
/* We're only interested in connectable events */
if (type == BT_GAP_ADV_TYPE_ADV_IND ||
bt_data_parse(ad, device_scanned, (void *)addr);
The scan_start and disconnected stays the same.
static int scan_start(void)
struct bt_le_scan_param scan_param = {
.options = BT_LE_SCAN_OPT_NONE,
return bt_le_scan_start(&scan_param, device_found);
static void disconnected(struct bt_conn *conn, uint8_t reason)
PRINTF("Disconnected reason 0x%02x\n\r", reason);
int32_t err;
connection_success = 0;
if (default_conn != conn)
default_conn = NULL;
/* Restart scanning */
err = scan_start();
if (err)
PRINTF("Scanning failed to start (err %d)\n\r", err);
PRINTF("Scanning started\n\r");
The bt_ready is almost the same.
static void bt_ready(int error)
if (error)
PRINTF("Bluetooth init failed (error %d)\n\r", error);
PRINTF("Bluetooth initialized\n\r");
/*Scan Starting*/
error = scan_start();
PRINTF("Scanning failed to start (error %d)\n\r", error);
PRINTF("Scanning started\n\r");
The last thing we are going to modify is the potentiometer task. We are going to read the potentiometer value every 5 seconds.
void potentiometer_task(void *pvParameters)
int error, result;
PRINTF("BLE POTENITOMETER [Client] Custom Profile Running...\n\r");
error = bt_enable(bt_ready);
PRINTF("Bluetooth init failed (error %d)\n\r", error);
error = bt_get_pot_lvl();
Finally, we need to add some macros to enable some scanning and discover functions, please confirm you do have them defined in the preprocessor or another file like app_config.h :
Please take in mind that if there are other BT macros defined in the app_config.h file that weren’t mentioned in this article, the example may not run as expected. Additional modifications might be needed to make it work.
To test this application we are going to use the following:
2 x RT1060 EVK (Client and Server)
AW-CM358-uSD (88W8987)
AW-AM457-uSD (IW416)
Take in mind that to run BT and BLE applications there might be some connections or reworking needed in your board and wireless module. For more information take a look to the Hardware Rework Guide for EdgeFast BT PAL document.
It is important to take in mind the version of EVK that we will be using since there might be some differences in the supported modules. In this case, the test is with the A revision of the RT1060 EVK.
Figure 4. Server and client application running
Figure 5. Terminal output of the server (IW416)
Figure 6. Terminal output of the client (88W8987)
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