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Wireless Connectivity Knowledge Base


 Introduction The KW45-EVK & FRDM-MCX W71 include an RSIM (Radio System Integration Module) module with an external 32 MHz crystal oscillator and 32kHz external oscillator. 32MHz clock source reference is mainly intended to supply the Bluetooth LE Radio peripheral, but it can be used as the main clock source of the MCU as well. This oscillator includes a set of programmable capacitors to support crystals with different load capacitance needs. Changing the value of these capacitors can modify the frequency the oscillator provides, that way, the central frequency can be tuned to meet the wireless protocol standards. This configurable capacitance range is from C: 3.74pF to C: 10.67pF and it is configured through the RFMC Register XO_Test field at the CDAC. The KW45 comes preprogrammed with a default load capacitance value (0x1Eh). However, since there is variance in devices due to tolerances and parasite effects, the correct load capacitance should be checked by verifying that the optimal central frequency is attained.  You will need a spectrum analyzer to measure the central frequency. To find the most accurate value for the load capacitance, it is recommended to use the Connectivity Test demo application. 32kHz clock source reference is mainly intended to run in low power when the 32MHz clock is switched off. This 32kHz clock enable to leave the low power mode and enter in Bluetooth LE events. Adjusting 32MHz Frequency Example   Program the KW45 /MCX W71 Connectivity Test software on the device. This example can be found in SDK_2_15_000_KW45B41Z-EVK_MR5\boards\kw45b41zevk\wireless_examples\genfsk\connectivity_test folder from your SDK package. Baremetal and FreeRTOS versions are available. In case that KW45-EVK board is being used to perform the test, you should move the 15pF capacitor populated in C3 to C4, to direct the RF signal on the SMA connector.                                   3. Connect the board to a serial terminal software. When you start the application,              you will be greeted by the NXP logo screen: Press the enter key to start the test. Then press "1" to select "Continuous tests":          5. Finally, select "6" to start a continuous unmodulated RF test. At this point, you should be able to measure the signal in the spectrum analyzer. You can change the RF channel from 0 to 127 ("q" Ch+ and "w" Ch- keys), which represents the bandwidth from 2.360GHz to 2.487GHz, stepping of 1MHz between two consecutive channels. To demonstrate the trimming procedure, this document will make use of channel 42 (2.402GHz) which corresponds to the Bluetooth LE channel 37. In this case, with the default capacitance value, our oscillator is not exactly placed at the center of the 2.402GHz, instead, it is slightly deflected to 2.40200155 GHz, as depicted in the following figure:         6. The capacitance can be adjusted with the "d" XtalTrim+ and "f" XtalTrim- keys. Increasing the capacitance bank means a lower frequency. In our case, we need to increase the capacitance to decrease the frequency. The nearest frequency of 2.402 GHz was 2.40199940 GHz        7. Once the appropriate XTAL trim value has been found, it can be programmed as default in any Bluetooth LE example, changing the BOARD_32MHZ_XTAL_CDAC_VALUE constant located in the board_platform.h file:   Adjusting 32kHz Frequency Example   You could adjust the capacitor bank on the 32kHz oscillator. You need to observe the 32kHz frequency at pin 45 (PTC7) using an spectrum analyzer or a frequency meter. Inserting this below code in the main(void) in your application: Hello_world application in this example. 32kHz frequency is not active by default on pin45(PTC7). You need to configure the OSC32K_RDY at 1 in the CCM32K register Status Register (STATUS) field to observe the 32kHz frequency at pin 45 (PTC7). Configure the CAP_SEL, XTAL_CAP_SEL and EXTAL_CAP_SEL field available in the CCM32K register 32kHz Oscillator Control Register (OSC32K_CTRL).       XTAL_CAP_SEL and EXTAL_CAP_SEL values are from 0pF (0x00h) to 30pF (0x0Fh). You could configure those 2 registers in the clock_config.c file. Default values are 8pF for both registers.        
Some users want to use SDIO signals on M.2 connector for WiFi card. In default linux bsp, there is no problem using imx8mp-evk-usdhc1-m2.dts, usdch1 driver can normally loaded, and detect WiFi module, But default android bsp doesn't support it, even if using corresponding device tree, usdch1 driver can NOT be loaded correctly, Because default android bsp doesn't load pwrseq_simple.ko, which is used by usdhc1 node. Detailed steps on enabling usdhc1 in the attached document, hope it can help users who wants to use M.2 SDIO WiFi card. [Note] For other android bsp version, users can also refer to the steps in attached document.   Thanks! Regards, Weidong Sun
/*** 2024 July 4th latest disclaimers:  - KW47, MCX W72 is a direct derivative from KW4x - please bookmark this page for future update - this article is for early enablement based on KW45, K32W148, MCX W71 and is pending updates up to wider releases of new KW47 and MCX W72 ---- Datasheet and HW manufacturing files shared on request----  ***/ Please, find the important link to build a PCB using a KW47 or MCX W72 and all concerning the radio performances, low power and radio certification (CE/FCC/IC).     KW47 product NXP web page:  pending release of KW47/MCXW72  MCXW72 product NXP web page: pending release of KW47/MCXW72  KW-MCXW-EVK getting started NXP web page pending release of KW47/MCXW72    HW:     KW47-MCXW72-EVK HW guideline: Available on request        HVQFN48 package specification: SOT619-17(D)   pending release of SOT619-17(DD)       KW47-MCXW72-EVK User Manual pending release of KW47/MCXW72        Minimum BoM (attached file) >> KW45 applicable for KW47 waiting release of KW47/MCXW72      DCDC management guide (AN13831) : KW45/K32W148 - Power Management Hardware (nxp.com) KW45 applicable for KW47 waiting release of KW47/MCXW72      Design-In check list: see attached file at the bottom of this article     RF matching: S parameters (attached file) pending release of KW47/MCXW72    Information: “As RF behavior are dependent of PCB layout & manufacturing; PCB prototypes (based on NXP recommendations) will have to be fine-tuned to insure the expected qualified in RF is reached on the final productized platform.”   Radio:     RF report: KW45 and K32W148 RF System Evaluation Report for Bluetooth LE and K32W148 for 802.15.4 Applications ... pending release of KW47/MCXW72      Radio co-existence: Kinetis Wireless Family Products Bluetooth Low Energy Coexistence with Wi-Fi Application (nxp.com) pending release of KW47/MCXW72      Distance performances: refer to attached file pending release of KW47/MCXW72      Antenna:  Compact Planar Antennas for 2.4 GHz Communication Designs and Applications within NXP EVK Boards Antennas for Channel Sounding Applications     Generic FSK Link Layer Quick Start (attached file)     BLE connectectivity test binary file:  SDK_x_xx_x_KW45B41Z-EVK\boards\kw45b41zevk\wireless_examples\genfsk\connectivity_test\bm\iar\     pending release of KW47/MCXW72       Return loss (S11) measurement: How to measure the return loss of your RF matching (S11)                    part of the RF report (AN13728)     Loadpull: pending release of KW47/MCXW72   SW tools:     IoT Tool box (mobile application)     Connectivity test tool for connectivity products (part of the IoT toolbox)     DTM: How to use the HCI_bb on Kinetis family products a... - NXP Community https://community.nxp.com/t5/Wireless-Connectivity-Knowledge/BLE-HCI-Application-to-set-transmitter-...   Crystal Article 1 :pending release of KW47/MCXW72     LowPower Estimator Tool https://community.nxp.com/t5/Wireless-Connectivity/Kinetis-KW35-38-KW45-amp-K32W1-MCXW71-Power-Profi... pending release of KW47/MCXW72       Low Power Consumption: https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/application-note/AN13230.pdf pending release of KW47/MCXW72     Certification: pending release of KW47/MCXW72  
On the KW45 product, there is a way to enable the 32kHz clock without using a crystal externally. Indeed, a FRO32K can be used instead. this article proposes to show you at a glance how to activate it and which performances to expect in comparison to a 32kHz crystal.  This Crystal-Less mode allows to reduce the cost of the system, without compromising the 32 kHz clock accuracy thanks to a software calibration mechanism called SFC standing for Smart Frequency Calibration. One other advantage of the FRO32K is the shorter start up time, including the calibration. The FRO32K clock is calibrated against the 32 MHz RF oscillator through the Signal Frequency Analyzer (SFA) module of KW45. Software enablement: The Crystal-less feature is available since the SDK version 2.12.7 (MR4) , all measurements in this document are done with softwares based on this version of SDK. To enable the Crystal-Less mode, simply define the compilation flag gBoardUseFro32k_d to 1 in board_platform.h or in app_preinclude.h. In this mode, the SFC module measures and recalibrates the FRO32K output frequency when necessary. This typically happens at a Power On Reset, or when the temperature changes, or periodically when the NBU is running. By using this mode, higher power consumption is expected. The FRO32K consumes more power than the XTAL32K in low power mode (around 350nA), and the NBU wakes up earlier while FRO32K is used, which also entails a higher power consumption.   FRO32K vs Xtal32K performances: For these measurements, we used an early FRO32K delivered feature but, even if it is still in experimental phase, the results below will already give you some information.    Clock accuracy at room temperature:    In steady state, the output frequency of the FRO32K is even more stable than that of the XTAL32K thanks to the SFC module. The clock frequency accuracy of the XTAL32K is a bit better than the FRO32K, however, both are within the permitted accuracy range and are compliant with the Bluetooth Low Energy specification. Clock accuracy after recalibration (triggered by a temperature variation):   This test proved that the FRO32K provided a source clock that is within the target accuracy range even during a temperature variation. Throughput test at room temperature: Throughput measurements are performed using two different clock sources to verify if there is any connection lost due to the potential clock drift entailed by using the FRO32K as a clock source. The BLE_Shell demo application is used for the throughput measurement. (refer to KW45-EVK Software Development Kit). The DUT is programmed with software using either the XTAL32K or the FRO32K as the source clock. After the communication establishment, the bit rate measurement is triggered manually, and the result is displayed on the prompt window.  Results: Two clock configurations show identical performance, which proves that the 32 kHz crystal-less mode presents no disconnection and no performance degradation. Throughput test over a temperature variation: it is the same test set up as above but within a 60 °C temperature variation. The results are identical to previous ones. No disconnection or performance degradation is detected. Conclusion Various tests and measurements proved that the FRO32K can be used as the 32 kHz clock source instead of the XTAL32K, with the help of the SFC module. It is capable of providing an accurate and stable 32 kHz clock source that satisfies the requirements of connectivity standards. However, please note that this feature is still in experimental phase, tests are still ongoing to ensure that the feature is robust in any circumstances. Customers who want to enable this feature in production must validate this solution according to their own use cases. For more detailed information, a draft version of the application note is attached to this article but an updated version will be available on NXP.com website when a new SDK is released.
Default init case By default, when no country regulatory setting is defined, we use WW (World Wide safe setting, meaning we only transmit on bands which are allowed worldwide, with the TX power compatible with all countries regulations)   Setting country 1/ When operating in AP mode: - we usually set country code (ex : country_code=JP) in hostapd.conf to define the country. - this country definition will be advertised to all connected STA if ieee80211d=1 is set in hostpad.conf - the country can also be set with "iw reg set" command   2/ When operating in STA mode - country code can be set with "iw reg set" command or in wpa_supplicant.conf (ex : country=jp) - once connected to the AP (with 80211d enabled), the STA will switch to the AP country setting (this behaviour can be disabled by adding country_ie_ignore=1 driver parameter)   Once country is set: - we will only transmit on channels allowed for that country - with country maximum TX power - we might use DFS feature on channels declared as DFS channels for that specific country   TX power settings   1/ By default, using Linux regulatory settings (/lib/firmware/regulatory.db, generated from db.txt) These settings define allowed channels, DFS flags and max TX power on a country basis See section "Regulatory db" further.   2/ Linux regulatory settings can be overwritten by: a. cntry_txpwr=0 and txpwrlimit_cfg=nxp/txpower.bin driver param (generated from txpower.conf (channel/MCS->txpower), see AN13009) Same setting for all countries (static). Using channels/flags from db.txt, and minimum TX power between db.txt and txpower.bin/rgpower.bin b. cntry_txpwr=1 (look for nxp/txpower_XX.bin files (generated from txpower.conf (channel/MCS->txpower), see AN13009) Need one txpower_XX.bin file for each country XX (dynamically loaded, for instance with iw reg set XX) Using channels/flags from db.txt, and minimum TX power between db.txt and txpower_XX.bin   cntry_txpwr txpwrlimit_cfg TX power limit Method 0 nxp/txpower.bin nxp/txpower.bin (static) V1 1 - nxp/txpower_XX.bin (dynamic) V1 cfg     We have default TX power tables, but customer can tune these TX power settings, based on their HW. Please refer to "AN13009 Wi-Fi Tx Power Management in Linux"       Regulatory db   Source https://wireless.wiki.kernel.org/en/developers/Regulatory/wireless-regdb   Wifi regulatory setting (allow channels, etc) are defined in db.txt, then converted to regulatory.db (store in /lib/firmware) We can get official db.txt from here, and build regulatory.db with below command   git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/wens/wireless-regdb.git make   Kernel regulatory.db integrity is checked by the Linux kernel. Disabling REGDB signature check with the folllowing kernel config: CONFIG_EXPERT=y CONFIG_CFG80211_CERTIFICATION_ONUS=y # CONFIG_CFG80211_REQUIRE_SIGNED_REGDB is not set   Rebuilding kernel and flashing scp Image root@      iw reg command examples and other notes   root@imx8mqevk:~# iw reg get global country 00: DFS-UNSET         (2402 - 2472 @ 40), (N/A, 20), (N/A)         (2457 - 2482 @ 20), (N/A, 20), (N/A), AUTO-BW, PASSIVE-SCAN         (2474 - 2494 @ 20), (N/A, 20), (N/A), NO-OFDM, PASSIVE-SCAN         (5170 - 5250 @ 80), (N/A, 20), (N/A), AUTO-BW, PASSIVE-SCAN         (5250 - 5330 @ 80), (N/A, 20), (0 ms), DFS, AUTO-BW, PASSIVE-SCAN         (5490 - 5730 @ 160), (N/A, 20), (0 ms), DFS, PASSIVE-SCAN         (5735 - 5835 @ 80), (N/A, 20), (N/A), PASSIVE-SCAN         (57240 - 63720 @ 2160), (N/A, 0), (N/A) root@imx8mqevk:~# iw reg get global country FR: DFS-ETSI         (2400 - 2483 @ 40), (N/A, 20), (N/A)         (5150 - 5250 @ 80), (N/A, 23), (N/A), NO-OUTDOOR, AUTO-BW         (5250 - 5350 @ 80), (N/A, 20), (0 ms), NO-OUTDOOR, DFS, AUTO-BW         (5470 - 5725 @ 160), (N/A, 26), (0 ms), DFS         (5725 - 5875 @ 80), (N/A, 13), (N/A)         (57000 - 66000 @ 2160), (N/A, 40), (N/A)   By default (if no country is set), we are using the world domain. this is the most restrictive. Then you can set the country (using driver module parameter, wpa_supplicant.conf, etc) or get the country automatically provided by the access point (80211d). This will update the regulatory domain, meaning the allowed channels, etc. You can check the country settings with "iw reg get" command.   The regulatory domain has priority, compared to the channel list you would set in the wpa_supplicant.conf.  
      The article will describe how to configure Access Point Based On NXP platform and WIFI chipset step by step. Users can easily make her AP based on NXP WIFI module work normally by following steps in the article. 1. Environment for the validation - Hardware Platform     i.MX8MN-EVK - Software    Kernel version: L5.4.70_2.3.0    rootfs : imx-image-multimedia -WiFi module   AW-CM358SM: NXP 88W8987 chipset 2. Diagram for Connections   For More detailed information, See attached document, please!   NXP CAS-TIC Wireless MCU team Weidong sun 04-16-2021  
CMSIS, the ARM Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard, can be used to distribute software components in standard package format. CMSIS compliant software components allow: • Easy reuse of example applications or template code • Combination of SW components from multiple vendors CMSIS packages available here: https://www.keil.arm.com/packs/ NXP WiFi package available here: https://www.keil.arm.com/packs/wifi-nxp/versions/   Getting NXP WiFi/BT software   Please find the minimal setup required to download the NXP WiFi/BT software CMSIS packs: First, get cpackget binary from the Open CMSIS Pack toolbox binaries Then, install the NXP WiFi and Bluetooth packages and their dependencies using below commands cpackget add NXP::WIFI@2.0.0 cpackget add NXP::WIRELESS_WPA_SUPPLICANT@2.0.0 cpackget add NXP::EDGEFAST_BT_BLE@2.0.0   Please note that the CMSIS software packs are installed in below directory: ~/.cache/arm/packs/NXP/   Building NXP WiFi/Bluetooth software   Using combined WiFi+Bluetooth application on i.MXRT1060-revC board, as an example.   Prerequisite Follow below steps to install all the required tools to get CMSIS packages and build them . <(curl https://aka.ms/vcpkg-init.sh -L) . ~/.vcpkg/vcpkg-init vcpkg new --application vcpkg add artifact arm:cmsis-toolbox vcpkg add artifact microsoft:cmake vcpkg add artifact microsoft:ninja vcpkg add artifact arm:arm-none-eabi-gcc vcpkg activate Refer to CMSIS toolbox installation documentation    Activate required tools . ~/.vcpkg/vcpkg-init vcpkg activate Install the NXP i.MXRT1060-REVC Bluetooth examples and their dependencies cpackget add NXP::MIMXRT1060-EVKC_EDGEFAST_BLUETOOTH_Examples@1.0.0 Workaround: current NXP SW is aligned with ARM::CMSIS@5.8.0, and does not support latest ARM::CMSIS@6.0.0, so we need to use older version with below commands cpackget rm ARM::CMSIS@6.0.0 cpackget add ARM::CMSIS@5.8.0 List the installed packages cpackget list Building combined WiFi+BT example application Copy example application to local directory and provide write permissions mkdir -p ~/test cp -r ~/.cache/arm/packs/NXP/MIMXRT1060-EVKC_EDGEFAST_BLUETOOTH_Examples/1.0.0/boards/evkcmimxrt1060/edgefast_bluetooth_examples/wifi_cli_over_ble_wu/ ~/test/ cd ~/test/wifi_cli_over_ble_wu/ && chmod -R u+w .   Build the application csolution convert wifi_cli_over_ble_wu.csolution.yml cbuild wifi_cli_over_ble_wu.flexspi_nor_debug+armgcc.cprj Convert elf to bin for flashing cd armgcc/flexspi_nor_debug arm-none-eabi-objcopy wifi_cli_over_ble_wu.elf -O binary wifi_cli_over_ble_wu.bin
Generality on the Oscillation Margin Outline It is a margin to the oscillation stop and the most important item in the oscillation circuit. This margin is indicated by ratio based on the resistance of crystal, and it shows how amplification oscillation capability the circuit has. The oscillation circuit can theoretically operate if the oscillation margin is 1 or more. However, if oscillation margin is close to 1, the risk of operation failure will increase on module due to a too long oscillation start up time and so on. Such problems will be able to be solved by a larger oscillation margin. It is recommended to keep 3 times or more as oscillation margin during the startup of the oscillation. Factor of 10 is commonly requested for Automotive at startup and 5 for IoT market. However, some providers accept to have 3 times as oscillation margin for steady state. Here below is an oscillation example to explain better the phenomenon: At start up, the configuration is set internally by the hardware in order to be sure to start the oscillation, the load capacitor is 0pF. After this time, it is the steady state and the load capacitor from the internal capabank is taken into account.     If load capacitor is not set correctly with the right oscillator gain, the oscillation will not be maintained after the start up.   The oscillator gain value will also depend on the resisting path on the crystal track.  A good way to evaluate it is to add a resistor on the crystal path and try to launch the oscillation. In the SDK, the gain and the load capacitor can set directly in the application code.   Calculation The oscillation margin is able to be calculated as follows: The oscillation margin calculation is based on the motional resistor Rm by formula below :               Example: for the EVK board’s 32kHz crystal (NX2012SE) ESR   80000,0 ohm Rm1   79978,2 ohm Lm1    3900 H Cm1   6,00E-15 F C0      1,70E-12 F CL      1,25E-08 F fr        32901,2 Hz fosc    32771 Hz Series Resistor Rsmax      7,50E+05 Ohm Oscillation Margin   10,3   Measurement Requirements for measurement PCB Crystal unit (with equivalent circuit constants data) Resistors (SMD) Measurement equipment (Oscilloscope, Frequency counter or others capable to observe oscillation) Add a resistor to the resonator in serial and check if the oscillation circuit works or not. If the oscillation is confirmed by 2), change the resistor to larger. If there is no oscillation, change the resistor to smaller. Find out the maximum resistor (=Rs_max) which is the resistor just before the oscillation stop. Measure the oscillating frequency with Rs_max. Calculate the oscillation margin based on the Rs_max.   Notes The Oscillation margin is affected not only by crystal characteristics but also parts that compose the oscillation circuit (MCU, capacitor and resistor). Therefore, it is recommended to check the oscillation margin after the MCU functionality is checked on your module. The series resistor is only for the evaluation. Please do not use this resistor in actual usage. It is recommended to check the functionality of your module also. It is possible that the module does not work correctly due to a frequency shift on oscillation circuit and so on. Jig and socket could be used in measurement, but stray of them will give influence for oscillation margin.   KW45/K32W1 product oscillation margin overview 32MHz crystal NXP recommends to use the quartz NDK NX1612SA (EXS00A-CS14160) or NDK NX2016SA (EXS00A-CS14161) to be compliant with the +/-50ppm required in Bluetooth LE. Using the current SDK, NXP guarantees an oscillation margin of 10 for startup commonly used by Automotive customers and 3 for steady state. Higher oscillation margin can be reached by using higher ISEL and CDAC parameters with some drawback respectively on the power consumption and the clock accuracy. ( the load capacitance bank (CDAC) and the oscillator amplifier current (ISEL)) NDK recommended / target values for oscillation margin is informed case by case. On general basis requested oscillation margin has to be between recommended value and 3 times this value. "NDK quartz provider (FR) explains this oscillation margin specification is only mandatory at the start-up phase, not at the steady state. Starting the oscillation is the phase that needs more energy. That's why the gain of the oscillator gain is at the maximum value which means not optimal consumption. When the oscillation stability is reached, the gain could be reduced to save power. The oscillation will not be affected.  Keep in mind a quartz oscillates by mechanical effect. So, when the oscillation is starting you need the highest energy to emulate it. By its own inertial, you need less energy to maintain the mechanical oscillation. NDK provides a good picture of this. Starting up a crystal into oscillation is like a train what you would like to start moving. At the beginning the train is stopped and you need a lot of energy to start running. When the train is running at its nominal speed, you need less effort to maintain that movement and a very big effort to stop it completely."   Example: for the oscillation margin 10 (Series Resistor Rsmax = 560W) The CDAC/ISEL area where the oscillation starts and propagates in the internal blocks is defined (‘oscill’) in the table below.     32kHz crystal NXP recommends to use the quartz NDK NX2012SE (EXS00A-MU01517) or NDK NX2012SA (EXS00A-MU00801) to be compliant with the +/-500ppm required in Bluetooth LE. using the current SDK, the oscillation margin with this quartz is 10 with some limitation on the Crystal load capacitance selection (Cap_Sel) and the Oscillator coarse gain amplifier (ESR_Range) values, with some drawback respectively on the power consumption and the clock accuracy. For an oscillation margin at 10 for instance, the Capacitor value from the databank (CapSel) is limited (green area) as shown in the graph below: Example:  for an oscillation margin at 6.4, if the load cap is set at 14pF and the ESR_Range to 3, the 32kHz frequency accuracy will be around 91ppm. From this point, the oscillation margin can be enlarged to 10.3 by decreasing the load cap to 10pF but the accuracy will be degraded (183ppm). For an Oscillation margin at 10, the graph below is showing the ESR_Range versus the load cap. The possible load cap variation range (in green) is larger when the ESR_Range increases:   Example: at oscillation margin 10.3, the clock accuracy can be improved from 213ppm to 183ppm by setting the ESR_range 2 to an ESR_Range 3 but the current consumption will be increased to 169.5nA. An other important point is that for a given ESR_Range value, getting higher the load cap is much more increasing the current than in the example above.   Remark: Under a high oscillation margin condition, the crystal voltage will be smaller.   Other possible ways to improve the oscillation margin exist: - Use external capacitor instead of internal capacitor banks. Oscillation margin goes up to 10. - Use the internal 32kFRO is supported for BLE (target:+/-500ppm)
       The article will describe how to configure A2DP audio application Based On NXP platform and WIFI/BT chipset step by step. Users can easily make her A2DP audio based on NXP WIFI module work normally by following steps in the article. Environment for the validation Hardware Platform        i.MX8MN-EVK Software Kernel version: L5.4.70_2.3.0 rootfs : imx-image-multimedia WiFi module        AW-CM358SM: NXP 88W8987 chipset   For more detailed information, see attachment, please!   NXP CAS-TIC wireless MCU team Weidong Sun    
This article describes how to use the tcpdump tool to capture wireless network data packets. The test block diagram is as follows: For more detailed information, See attachment,please!   NXP CAS-TIC Wireless MCU team Weidong Sun
Based on i.MX8MN-EVK And Linux 5.4.70_2.3.0 BSP As an example of NXP Bluetooth Bluetooth application, this article describes how to use Bluetooth to realize file transfer between windows PC and i.MX8MN-EVK (linux), and between Android mobile phone and i.MX8MN-EVK. The test architecture used in this example is as follows: The following steps are for the application example: Step 1 Preparation  --Downloading DEMO Image For i.MX8MN-EVK  --Downloading uuu tool  --Compiling L5.4.70_2.3.0 BSP for i.MX8MN-EVK  --Copying rootfs to the DEMO Image directory  --Modifying example_kernel_emmc.uuu as uuu programming script  --Programming images to i.MX8MN-EVK board  Booting i.MX8MN-EVK board Step 2 Loading WIFI/BT driver and Enable Bluetooth Step 3 File Transter between Windows 10 PC and i.MX8MN-EVK board Step 4 File Transter between Android Mobile and i.MX8MN-EVK board [Summary] More detailed information, see attachment, please!
This article describes how to compile the Linux BSP of the i.MX platform under ubuntu 18.04, 20.04 LTS and debian-10. This is a necessary step to integrate WIFI/BT to the I.MX platform. See the attachment for detailed steps.
This article describes the detailed steps for integrating 88W8801 to i.MX6ULL-EVK and L5.4.70_2.3.0. If you are not proficient in compiling Linux BSP for I.MX platform, you can refer to this link: https://community.nxp.com/t5/Wireless-Connectivity-Knowledge/WiFi-BT-Integretion-Linux-BSP-compilation-for-iMX-platform/ta-p/1277199 For more detailed information, see attachment, please!  
[Summary]        This article demonstrates two ways to compile the driver for x86 linux kernel: Compile the driver for 4.19.35 kernel. Compile the current kernel of the driver for ubuntu 16.04.        If setting CROSS_COMPILE and ARCH, the driver can be generated with make command, but the bin_sd8978 subdirectory will not be generated. The utility needs to be compiled separately. Only for x86 arch, when compiling the driver using make build, the bin_sd8978 directory will be generated. Users need to pay attention to this.     3. For USB drivers of IW416, The usb.h in the original ubuntu 16.04 kernel has no update, struct usb_interface structure, lack of pm_usage_cnt members, so we must update the ubuntu kernel. More detaled information, see attachment, please!
The document discusses how to enable MAYA_160(IW416) bluetooth on i.MX8MM UART2. 1. Hardware connections 2. how to change device tree 3. compiling mass market driver and getting firmware 4. starting bluetooth and setting bandrate to be 3Mbps More detailed information, see attachment, please!   NXP global CAS connectivity team weidong sun 12-29-2021
The document is for 88w9098 users who is running lower version of linux kernel. just a reference for them. Driver version:      PCIE-WLAN-UART-BT-9098-U16-X86-17.68.1.p81-17.26.1.p81-MXM5X17277_V0V1-MGPL   NXP global CAS connectivity team Weidong Sun 12-29-2021
This article explains how to implement a custom profile from both server and client side using the NXP BLE stack for the RT1060.   Generic Attribute Profile To fully understand the procedure of how to implement a custom profile in this platform, we must understand the BLE basics. The GATT (Generic Attribute Profile) will help us establish in detail the way server and client exchanges data over a BLE connection. All standard BLE profiles are based on GATT and must comply with it to operate correctly. This means that if we want to have a successful connection and data transfer in our application, we must follow all the GATT procedures successfully. GATT roles: Server: This device will store the data to be transported or send and accepts the GATT requests, commands and confirmations from the client. Client: This device will access the data on the remote GATT server with operations such as read, write, notify or indicate. Figure 1. GATT Client-Server model   GATT database defines a type of hierarchy to organize attributes. These are named as Profile, Service, Characteristic and Descriptor. The structure is shown in Figure 2. The profile is a high level definition that determines the behavior of the application as a whole. For example, a Temperature Sensor profile. This profiles are defined by at least one service. The service defines a specific functionality for the device (e.g. battery service). The next level in the structure is the characteristic. The service is defined by one or more characteristics that hold individual measurements, control points or other kind of data. Finally we find descriptors. Characteristics have descriptors that defines how characteristics have to be accessed to read or write information. Figure 2. GATT database structure   Creating a New Profile With the GATT basics understood, we can start developing the code for our custom profile. In this case we will create a potentiometer custom profile. It will read the voltage drop of the potentiometer and send that value to the client every 5 seconds. Please note that in this document we will dismiss all the ADC initialization, the voltage value will be simulated. For time saving purposes, we will use the peripheral_ht and central_ht SDK examples structure to create this project. This means that the peripheral is going to be the server, the device that has the information. And the central will be the client, the device that gets the information. In case you don’t want to start this application from a SDK example, it is highly recommended to keep the same structure as in the examples, so if you would like to add your custom profile to an existing application, you have to prepare the project environment so all the new files where your service is declared is allocated in a specific path and avoid problems in the compiling process. For the case you want to add a new service to your project, it will be needed to create two folders called services and add our service files inside it. The first folder must be in the following route: ${ProjName}/edgefast/bluetooth/include/bluetooth. Inside this folder let´s create a new header file called pot.h. Note that if you are using the examples, you already have these folders so you only need to create the files. In this file we will declare the new UUID´s for our potentiometer service and the service characteristic. In this example we are declarin one profile, one service and one characteristic. To define a 128-bit UUID we are going to be using the macros available in the uuid.h file. The declarations will look like this: #define POTENTIOMETER_SERVICE_UUID 0xAA, 0x1C, 0x12, 0x5E, 0x40, 0xEE, 0xA1, 0xF1, 0xEE, 0xF4, 0x5E, 0xBA, 0x22, 0x33, 0xFF, 0x00 #define POTENTIOMETER_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID 0xAA, 0x1C, 0x12, 0x5E, 0x40, 0xEE, 0xA1, 0xF1, 0xEE, 0xF4, 0x5E, 0xBA, 0x22, 0x33, 0xFF, 0x01 #define POTENTIOMETER_SERVICE BT_UUID_DECLARE_128(POTENTIOMETER_SERVICE_UUID) #define POTENTIOMETER_CHARACTERISTIC BT_UUID_DECLARE_128(POTENTIOMETER_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID)   In this case we are declaring a service with the 128-bit service UUID and a characteristic with its 128-bit characteristic UUID. These macros are helping us to declare a struct bt_uuid according to a specific UUID. The other service folder must be allocated in the following route: ${ProjName}/edgefast/bluetooth/source. Inside this folder we have to create a new source file called pot.c (for simplicity we will use the same #include as in hts.c). There are important configurations and declarations we need to have in this file like the read function callback and the service declaration. It will look something like this: static uint8_t pot_level = 0x01U; /* Read function */ static ssize_t read_plvl(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf, uint16_t len, uint16_t offset) { uint8_t lvl = pot_level; pot_level ++; /* Voltage level simulation */ return bt_gatt_attr_read(conn, attr, buf, len, offset, &lvl, sizeof(lvl)); } /* Potentiometer Service Declaration */ BT_GATT_SERVICE_DEFINE(pot, /* Name of the service */ BT_GATT_PRIMARY_SERVICE(POTENTIOMETER_SERVICE), /* Primary sevice UUID */ BT_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC(POTENTIOMETER_CHARACTERISTIC, BT_GATT_CHRC_READ | BT_GATT_CHRC_NOTIFY, BT_GATT_PERM_READ, read_plvl, NULL, NULL), /* Potentiometer characteristic */ BT_GATT_CCC(NULL, BT_GATT_PERM_READ | BT_GATT_PERM_WRITE), /* Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor */ );   As you can see we have this variable called pot_level. This variable is the one that has the “sensed” voltage drop of the potentiometer. In this case it is a simulated value. Every time a device requests for the voltage value, pot_level­ is increased by 1. We are also defining the potentiometer service with the macro BT_GATT_SERVICE_DEFINE. The name of our service is “pot” and we are defining the properties, permissions and the read callback for our service. We have finished with these two files and there is no need to modify them again. These files are used for both server and client. Finally we need to include the new folder´s to the project path. Once again, note that if you are using the examples, this step is not needed. To do this we have to open the project properties, and go to Settings of the C/C++ Build option. In the MCU C Compiler, we have to select the Includes folder and add the previous two paths. Figure 3. Path including We should be able the compile our service files without problem. Let’s start the server code.   Server: We already have out service declared and now we have to create two new files that are going to handle the connections. We will be basing this part in the peripheral_ht SDK example. The new files should be allocated in the following route: ${ProjName}/source. These files are potentiometer.c and potentiometer.h. In the header file we will declare our potentiometer task, that is going to be our main task: void potentiometer_task(void *pvParameters);   In the source file we will need to include the pot.h and potentiometer.h files and declare some new information. Use peripheral_ht.c as a base. We have to create and define the advertising and response packets, the connection callbacks and functions related to the connection. We are going to start declaring the connection variable: static struct bt_conn *default_conn;   The advertising packet will have the following structure: static const struct bt_data ad[] = { BT_DATA_BYTES(BT_DATA_FLAGS, (BT_LE_AD_GENERAL | BT_LE_AD_NO_BREDR)), BT_DATA_BYTES(BT_DATA_UUID128_SOME, POTENTIOMETER_SERVICE_UUID), };   We are creating an advertising packet that is general discoverable and Bluetooth basic rate/enhanced data rate is not supported, we are also including the potentiometer service UUID. The response packet will have the following structure: #define DEVICE_NAME "pot" #define DEVICE_NAME_LEN (sizeof(DEVICE_NAME) - 1) static const struct bt_data sd[] = { BT_DATA(BT_DATA_NAME_COMPLETE, DEVICE_NAME, DEVICE_NAME_LEN), };   The response packet only has the device name, which in this case is pot. static void connected(struct bt_conn *conn, uint8_t error) { char addr[BT_ADDR_LE_STR_LEN]; struct bt_conn_info info; bt_addr_le_to_str(bt_conn_get_dst(conn), addr, sizeof(addr)); if (error) { PRINTF("Failed to connect to %s (err %u)\n\r", addr, error); } else { error = bt_conn_get_info(conn, &info); /* Getting connection info */ if(error) { PRINTF("Failed to get info\n\r"); return; } default_conn = conn; PRINTF("Connected to: %s\n\r", addr); } } static void disconnected(struct bt_conn *conn, uint8_t reason) { PRINTF("Disconnected (reason 0x%02x/n", reason); if(default_conn) { bt_conn_unref(default_conn); default_conn = NULL; } } static struct bt_conn_cb conn_callbacks = { .connected = connected, .disconnected = disconnected, };   Let’s keep up with the code. The connected function is going to run when a device is successfully connected to our server, and the disconnected function is going to restore the connection to NULL every time a device gets disconnected. static void bt_ready(int error) { char addr_s[BT_ADDR_LE_STR_LEN]; bt_addr_le_t addr = {0}; size_t count = 1; if (error) { PRINTF("Bluetooth init failed (error %d)\n", error); return; } PRINTF("Bluetooth initialized\n\r"); bt_conn_cb_register(&conn_callbacks); /*Start advertising*/ error = bt_le_adv_start(BT_LE_ADV_CONN, ad, ARRAY_SIZE(ad), sd, ARRAY_SIZE(sd)); if (error) { PRINTF("Advertising failed to start (error %d)\n", error); return; } bt_id_get(&addr, &count); bt_addr_le_to_str(&addr, addr_s, sizeof(addr_s)); PRINTF("Advertising as %s\n\r", addr_s); } void potentiometer_task(void *pvParameters) { int error, result; PRINTF("BLE POTENITOMETER [Server] Custom Profile Running...\n\r"); error = bt_enable(bt_ready); if(error) { PRINTF("Bluetooth init failed (error %d)\n\r", error); return; } while(1) { } }   In the main task, we are going to initialize the BLE components, and then bt_ready is going to run. If the BLE initialization was correct, the advertising will start using the previous advertising and response packets. We will use xTaskCreate to create our new potentiometer task in the main file. Notice that this is the only task created in the main file. The server is done, we can get connected to it and start to receive the potentiometer voltage. But as we want two boards connected working in each role, we will also need to modify the code for the client. In the app_config.h file there should be the following macro defined. #define CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL 1​   Client: To create the Client part, we will be basing on the central_ht SDK example. We need to create a new file to handle the connections and initializations like we did before in the server. This file is going to have some similar functions to potentiometer.c. I will be using the same name for simplicity purposes. We need to import the potentiometer service by adding the the pot.c and pot.h files we did on previous steps. First thing to do is create the new variables. static struct bt_conn *default_conn; static struct bt_uuid_128 uuid = BT_UUID_INIT_128(0); static struct bt_gatt_discover_params discover_params; static struct bt_gatt_read_params read_params; static uint8_t connection_success; static uint8_t data_received;   Using central_h.c as reference, we need to modify some functions as it follows: static uint8_t read_func(struct bt_conn *conn, uint8_t err, struct bt_gatt_read_params *params, const void *data, uint16_t length) { if ((data != NULL) && (err == 0)) { data_received = *(uint8_t*)data; PRINTF("Read successful - Pot voltage level: %d\n\r", data_received); } else { PRINTF("Read Failed\n\r"); } return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; } static int bt_get_pot_lvl(void) { return bt_gatt_read(default_conn, &read_params); } static uint8_t discover_func(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params) { int32_t err; if (!attr) { PRINTF("Discover complete, No attribute found \n\r"); (void)memset(params, 0, sizeof(*params)); return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; } if (bt_uuid_cmp(discover_params.uuid, POTENTIOMETER_SERVICE) == 0) { /* Potentiometer service discovered */ /* Next, Potentiometer characteristic */ PRINTF("POT service UUID found: 0x"); for(int i = 0; i<sizeof(BT_UUID_128(POTENTIOMETER_SERVICE)->val) ; i += sizeof(uint16_t)) { PRINTF("%X", uuid.val[i]); PRINTF("%X", uuid.val[i + 1]); } PRINTF("\n\r"); memcpy(&uuid, POTENTIOMETER_CHARACTERISTIC, sizeof(uuid)); discover_params.uuid = &uuid.uuid; discover_params.start_handle = attr->handle + 1; discover_params.type = BT_GATT_DISCOVER_CHARACTERISTIC; err = bt_gatt_discover(conn, &discover_params); if (err) { PRINTF("Discover failed (err %d)\n\r", err); } } else if(bt_uuid_cmp(discover_params.uuid, POTENTIOMETER_CHARACTERISTIC) == 0) { PRINTF("POT characteristic UUID found: 0x"); for(int i = 0; i<sizeof(BT_UUID_128(POTENTIOMETER_CHARACTERISTIC)->val) ; i += sizeof(uint16_t)) { PRINTF("%X", uuid.val[i]); PRINTF("%X", uuid.val[i + 1]); } PRINTF("\n\n\r"); /* Read Potentiometer */ read_params.func = read_func; read_params.handle_count = 0; /* Selects the UUID characteristic handle */ read_params.by_uuid.start_handle = 0x0001; read_params.by_uuid.end_handle = 0xffff; read_params.by_uuid.uuid = &uuid.uuid; /* Potentiometer characteristic */ err = bt_gatt_read(conn, &read_params); if(err) { PRINTF("Read failed (err %d)\n\r", err); } else { connection_success = 1; } return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; } return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; }   The read_func function is going to be the callback for the read parameters. The bt_get_pot_level function is going to use the read parameters to read the potentiometer value. The discover_func function is going to find every advertising device in the advertising channel. In this function we are going to force the connection to the potentiometer service, so if there is one device advertising with the potentiometer service UUID, we will verify if it has the characteristic we are interested in. In this case the potentiometer charactersic, and if this device also has this characteristic, we are going to read the data. static void connected(struct bt_conn *conn, uint8_t conn_err) { char addr[BT_ADDR_LE_STR_LEN]; int32_t err; bt_addr_le_to_str(bt_conn_get_dst(conn), addr, sizeof(addr)); if (conn_err) { PRINTF("Failed to connect to %s (err %u)\n\r", addr, conn_err); bt_conn_unref(default_conn); default_conn = NULL; /* Restart scanning */ scan_start(); return; } PRINTF("Connected to peer: %s\n\r", addr); if (conn == default_conn) { memcpy(&uuid, POTENTIOMETER_SERVICE, sizeof(uuid)); discover_params.uuid = &uuid.uuid; discover_params.func = discover_func; discover_params.start_handle = 0x0001; discover_params.end_handle = 0xffff; discover_params.type = BT_GATT_DISCOVER_PRIMARY; /* Start service discovery */ err = bt_gatt_discover(default_conn, &discover_params); if (err) { PRINTF("Discover failed(err %d)\n\r", err); } else { PRINTF("Starting service discovery\n\r"); } } } ​   In the device_scanned function we are going to create a connection with the server, so we need to compare the UUID we are scanning and check if there is a device with the potentiometer service UUID. static bool device_scanned(struct bt_data *data, void *user_data) { bt_addr_le_t *addr = user_data; struct bt_uuid_128 uuid_temp; int err; int i; char dev[BT_ADDR_LE_STR_LEN]; bool continueParse = true; /* return true to continue parsing or false to stop parsing */ switch (data->type) { case BT_DATA_UUID16_SOME: break; case BT_DATA_UUID16_ALL: break; case BT_DATA_UUID128_SOME: { if (data->data_len % sizeof(uint16_t) != 0U) { PRINTF("AD malformed\n\r"); return true; } uuid_temp.uuid.type = BT_UUID_TYPE_128; for(i = 0; i < data->data_len ; i += sizeof(uint32_t)) { uuid_temp.val[i] = data->data[i]; uuid_temp.val[i + 1] = data->data[i + 1]; uuid_temp.val[i + 2] = data->data[i + 2]; uuid_temp.val[i + 3] = data->data[i + 3]; } /* Search for the Potentiometer Service in the advertising data */ if ((bt_uuid_cmp(&uuid_temp.uuid, POTENTIOMETER_SERVICE) == 0)) { /* found the Potentiometer service - stop scanning */ err = bt_le_scan_stop(); if (err) { PRINTF("Stop LE scan failed (err %d)\n", err); break; } bt_addr_le_to_str(addr, dev, sizeof(dev)); PRINTF("Found device: %s\n\r", dev); /* Send connection request */ err = bt_conn_le_create(addr, BT_CONN_LE_CREATE_CONN, BT_LE_CONN_PARAM_DEFAULT, &default_conn); if (err) { PRINTF("Create connection failed (err %d)\n", err); scan_start(); } continueParse = false; break; } break; } /*CASE UUDI128_SOME*/ default: { break; } } return continueParse; }   The device_found stays very similar to the example, we are just deleting the PRINTF’s functions because we don’t want to see every device found, we are just interested in our server. static void device_found(const bt_addr_le_t *addr, int8_t rssi, uint8_t type, struct net_buf_simple *ad) { /* We're only interested in connectable events */ if (type == BT_GAP_ADV_TYPE_ADV_IND || type == BT_GAP_ADV_TYPE_ADV_DIRECT_IND) { bt_data_parse(ad, device_scanned, (void *)addr); } } ​   The scan_start and disconnected stays the same. static int scan_start(void) { struct bt_le_scan_param scan_param = { .type = BT_LE_SCAN_TYPE_PASSIVE, .options = BT_LE_SCAN_OPT_NONE, .interval = BT_GAP_SCAN_FAST_INTERVAL, .window = BT_GAP_SCAN_FAST_WINDOW, }; return bt_le_scan_start(&scan_param, device_found); } static void disconnected(struct bt_conn *conn, uint8_t reason) { PRINTF("Disconnected reason 0x%02x\n\r", reason); int32_t err; connection_success = 0; if (default_conn != conn) { return; } bt_conn_unref(default_conn); default_conn = NULL; /* Restart scanning */ err = scan_start(); if (err) { PRINTF("Scanning failed to start (err %d)\n\r", err); } else { PRINTF("Scanning started\n\r"); } }   The bt_ready is almost the same. static void bt_ready(int error) { if (error) { PRINTF("Bluetooth init failed (error %d)\n\r", error); return; } PRINTF("Bluetooth initialized\n\r"); bt_conn_cb_register(&conn_callbacks); /*Scan Starting*/ error = scan_start(); if(error) { PRINTF("Scanning failed to start (error %d)\n\r", error); return; } PRINTF("Scanning started\n\r"); }   The last thing we are going to modify is the potentiometer task. We are going to read the potentiometer value every 5 seconds. void potentiometer_task(void *pvParameters) { int error, result; PRINTF("BLE POTENITOMETER [Client] Custom Profile Running...\n\r"); error = bt_enable(bt_ready); if(error) { PRINTF("Bluetooth init failed (error %d)\n\r", error); return; } while(1) { vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(5000)); if(connection_success) { error = bt_get_pot_lvl(); } } }   Finally, we need to add some macros to enable some scanning and discover functions, please confirm you do have them defined in the preprocessor or another file like app_config.h : #define CONFIG_BT_OBSERVER 1 #define CONFIG_BT_CENTRAL 1 #define CONFIG_BT_GATT_CLIENT 1   Please take in mind that if there are other BT macros defined in the app_config.h file that weren’t mentioned in this article, the example may not run as expected. Additional modifications might be needed to make it work.   Testing To test this application we are going to use the following: 2 x RT1060 EVK (Client and Server) AW-CM358-uSD (88W8987) AW-AM457-uSD (IW416)   Take in mind that to run BT and BLE applications there might be some connections or reworking needed in your board and wireless module. For more information take a look to the Hardware Rework Guide for EdgeFast BT PAL document. It is important to take in mind the version of EVK that we will be using since there might be some differences in the supported modules. In this case, the test is with the A revision of the RT1060 EVK.   Figure 4.  Server and client application running   Figure 5. Terminal output of the server (IW416)   Figure 6. Terminal output of the client (88W8987)
       The article describes how to integrate 88W8997 PCIE to Linux 5.4.24_2.1.0 based on i.MX8MM-EVK platform, and how to solve issues encountered during the integration. [Contents] Chapter 1 Connections & environments Connections Environments Hardware devices Software M.2 NGFF KEY E interface on i.MX8MM-EVK Chapter 2 Preparation For Software        2.1 Cross Compile Toolchain        2.2 Demo Image for iMX8MM-EVK        2.3 L5.4.21_2.1.0 kernel source code        2.4 88W8997 PCIe Driver source code        2.5 uuu manufacturing Tool Chapter 3 Steps For Integration        2.1 Cross compiling L5.4.21_2.1.0 kernel source code Copying Image to Demo Image directory On windows 2.2 Cross compiling 88W8997 PCIe driver Copying mlan.ko & pcie8xxx.ko to windows directory Copying Firmware to windows to windows directory 2.3 Burning Linux Images to iMX8MM-EVK board        2.4 Copying .ko and firmware files to iMX8MM-EVK board via MobaXterm        2.5 Loading 88W8997 driver Chapter 4 Troubleshooting        4.1 PCIe card can’t be found via lspci command        4.2 Errors on MSI interrupt when using PCIe Switch AW-CM276MA (88W8997 Inside)  
The QN9090 is a Bluetooth Low Energy device that achieves ultra-low-power consumption and integrates an Arm ® Cortex ® -M4 CPU with a comprehensive mix of analog and digital peripherals. If the developer is working with the Development platform for QN9090 wireless MCUs for the first time, it is recommended to follow the QN9090-DK Development kit Getting Started (this guide can be found in QN9090DK Documentation section). This Quick Start document provides an overview about the QN9090 DK and its software tools and lists the steps to install the hardware and the software. For this document, Temperature Sensor and Temperature Collector examples will be used to demonstrate the implementation of a custom profile (both examples can be found in the SDK). This article will explain how to add the Humidity Profile and how to modify the code to get the Humidity Sensor and Collector working.   Introduction   Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) GATT defines the way that profile and user data are exchanged between devices over a BLE connection. GATT deals with actual data transfer procedures and formats. All standard BLE profiles are based on GATT and must comply with it to operate correctly, making it a key section of the BLE specification since every single item of data relevant to applications and users must be formatted, packed and sent according to the rules. There are two GATT roles that define the devices exchanging data: GATT Server This device contains a GATT Database and stores the data transported over the Attribute Protocol (ATT). The Server accepts ATT requests, commands and confirmations sent by the Client; and it can be configured to send data on its own through notifications and indications. GATT Client This is the “active” device that accesses data on the remote GATT Server via read, write, notify, or indicate operations. Notify and indicate operations are enabled by the client but initiated by the server, providing a way to push data to the client. Notifications are unacknowledged, while indications are acknowledged. Notifications are therefore faster, but less reliable. GATT Database establishes a hierarchy to organize attributes and is a collection of Services and Characteristics exposing meaningful data. Profiles are high level definitions that define how Services can be used to enable an application; Services are collections of Characteristics. Descriptors define attributes that describe a characteristic value.   Server (Sensor)   The Temperature Sensor project will be used as base to create our Humidity Custom Profile Server (Sensor). BLE SIG profiles Some Profiles or Services are already defined in the specification, and we can verify this in the Bluetooth SIG profiles document. Also, we need to check in the ble_sig_defines.h files (${workspace_loc:/${ProjName}/bluetooth/host/interface}) if this is already declared in the code. In this case, the Service is not declared, but the Characteristic of the humidity is declared in the specification. Then, we need to check if the Characteristic is already included in ble_sig_defines.h. Since the characteristic is not included, we define it as shown: /*! Humidity Characteristic UUID */ #define gBleSig_Humidity_d                   0x2A6FU GATT Database The Humidity Sensor will act as GATT Server since it will be the device containing all the information for the GATT Client. Temperature Sensor demo already implements the Battery Service and Device Information, so we only have to change the Temperature Service to Humidity Service.   In order to create the demo, we need to define a Service that must be the same as in the GATT Client, this is declared in the gatt_uuid128.h. If the new service is not the same, Client and Server will not be able to communicate each other. All macros, functions or structures in the SDK have a common template which helps the application to act accordingly. Hence, we need to define this service in the gatt_uui128.h as shown next: /* Humidity */ UUID128(uuid_service_humidity, 0xfe, 0x34, 0x9b, 0x5f, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0xfa, 0x10, 0x10) Units All the Services and Characteristics are declared in gatt_db.h. Descriptor are declared after the Characteristic Value declaration, but before the next Characteristic declaration. In this case the permission is the CharPresFormatDescriptor that have specific description by the standard. The Units for Humidity Characteristic is Percentage, defined in the Bluetooth SIG profiles document as 0x27AD. Descriptor Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor (CCCD) is a descriptor where Clients write some of the bits to activate Server notifications and/or indications. PRIMARY_SERVICE_UUID128(service_humidity, uuid_service_humidity)        CHARACTERISTIC(char_humidity, gBleSig_Humidity_d, (gGattCharPropNotify_c))              VALUE(value_humidity, gBleSig_Humidity_d, (gPermissionNone_c), 2, 0x00, 0x25)              DESCRIPTOR(desc_humidity, gBleSig_CharPresFormatDescriptor_d, (gPermissionFlagReadable_c), 7, 0x0E, 0x00, 0xAD, 0x27, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)              CCCD(cccd_humidity) Humidity service and interface Create a folder named “humidity” in path ${workspace_loc:/${ProjName}/bluetooth/profiles}. In the same path you can find the “temperature” folder; copy the temperature_service.c file and paste it inside the “humidity” folder with another name (humidity_service.c). After this, go back to the “temperature” folder and copy the temperature_interface.h file; paste it inside the “humidity” folder and rename it (humidity_interface.h). You will need to include the path of the created folder. Go to Project properties > C/C++ Build > Settings > Tool Settings > MCU C Compiler > Includes: Humidity Interface The humidity_interface.h file should include the following code, where the Service structure contains the Service handle and the initialization value: /*! Humidity Service - Configuration */ typedef struct humsConfig_tag {        uint16_t serviceHandle;        int16_t initialHumidity; } humsConfig_t; /*! Humidity Client - Configuration */ typedef struct humcConfig_tag {        uint16_t hService;        uint16_t hHumidity;        uint16_t hHumCccd;        uint16_t hHumDesc;        gattDbCharPresFormat_t humFormat; } humcConfig_t; Humidity service At minimum, humidity_service.c file must contain the following code: /*! Humidity Service - Subscribed Client*/ static deviceId_t mHums_SubscribedClientId; The Service stores the device identification for the connected client. This value is changed on subscription and non-subscription events. Initialization Initialization of the Service is made by calling the start procedure. This function is usually called when the application is initialized. In this case, this is done in the BleApp_Config() function. bleResult_t Hums_Start(humsConfig_t *pServiceConfig) {     mHums_SubscribedClientId = gInvalidDeviceId_c;     /* Set the initial value of the humidity characteristic */     return Hums_RecordHumidityMeasurement(pServiceConfig->serviceHandle,                                             pServiceConfig->initialHumidity); } Stop & Unsubscribe On stop function, the unsubscribe function is called. bleResult_t Hums_Stop(humsConfig_t *pServiceConfig) {     /* Stop functionality by unsubscribing */     return Hums_Unsubscribe(); } bleResult_t Hums_Unsubscribe(void) {     /* Unsubscribe by invalidating the client ID */     mHums_SubscribedClientId = gInvalidDeviceId_c;     return gBleSuccess_c; } Subscribe The subscribe function will be used in the main file to subscribe the GATT client to the Humidity Service. bleResult_t Hums_Subscribe(deviceId_t clientDeviceId) {     /* Subscribe by saving the client ID */     mHums_SubscribedClientId = clientDeviceId;     return gBleSuccess_c; } Record Humidity Depending on the complexity of the Service, the API will implement additional functions. For the Humidity Sensor will only have one Characteristic. The measurement will be saved on the GATT Database and send the notification to the Client. This function will need the Service handle and the new value as input parameters. bleResult_t Hums_RecordHumidityMeasurement(uint16_t serviceHandle, int16_t humidity) {        uint16_t handle;        bleResult_t result;        bleUuid_t uuid = Uuid16(gBleSig_Humidity_d);        /* Get handle of Humidity characteristic */        result = GattDb_FindCharValueHandleInService(serviceHandle,                      gBleUuidType16_c, &uuid, &handle);        if (result == gBleSuccess_c)        {              /* Update characteristic value */              result = GattDb_WriteAttribute(handle, sizeof(uint16_t), (uint8_t *)&humidity);              if (result == gBleSuccess_c)              {                     /* Notify the humidity value */                     Hts_SendHumidityMeasurementNotification(handle);              }        }        return result; } Remember to add/update the prototype for Initialization, Subscribe, Unsubscribe, Stop and Record Humidity Measurement functions in humidity_interface.h. Send notification After saving the measurement on the GATT Database by using the GattDb_WriteAttribute function, we can send the notification. To send this notification, first we have to get the CCCD and check if the notification is active after that; if it is active, then we send the notification. static void Hts_SendHumidityMeasurementNotification (              uint16_t handle ) {        uint16_t hCccd;        bool_t isNotificationActive;        /* Get handle of CCCD */        if (GattDb_FindCccdHandleForCharValueHandle(handle, &hCccd)                     != gBleSuccess_c)              return;        if (gBleSuccess_c == Gap_CheckNotificationStatus                     (mHums_SubscribedClientId, hCccd, &isNotificationActive) &&                     TRUE == isNotificationActive)        {              GattServer_SendNotification(mHums_SubscribedClientId, handle);        } } Remember to add or modify the prototype for Send Humidity Measurement Notification function.   Main file There are some modifications that need to be done in the Sensor main file: Add humidity_interface.h in main file /* Profile / Services */ #include "humidity_interface.h" Declare humidity service There are some modifications that have to be done in order to use the new Humidity Profile in the Sensor example. First, we need to declare the Humidity Service: static humsConfig_t humsServiceConfig = {(uint16_t)service_humidity, 0};   Rename BleApp_SendTemperature -> BleApp_SendHumidity static void BleApp_SendHumidity(void); After this, we need to add or modify the following functions and events: Modify BleApp_Start /* Device is connected, send humidity value */        BleApp_SendHumidity();   Ble_AppConfig Start Humidity Service and modify the Serial_Print line. /* Start services */ humsServiceConfig.initialHumidity = 0; (void)Hums_Start(&humsServiceConfig); (void)Serial_Print(gAppSerMgrIf, "\n\rHumidity sensor -> Press switch to start advertising.\n\r", gAllowToBlock_d);   BleApp_ConnectionCallback events - Event: gConnEvtConnected_c (void)Hums_Subscribe(peerDeviceId);   - Event: gConnEvtDisconnected_c (void)Hums_Unsubscribe();   Notify value in BleApp_GattServerCallback function /* Notify the humidity value when CCCD is written */ BleApp_SendHumidity(); Add the Hums_RecordHumidityMeasurement function and modify the initial value update in BleApp_SendHumidity function /* Update with initial humidity */ (void)Hums_RecordHumidityMeasurement((uint16_t)service_humidity,                                            (int16_t)(BOARD_GetTemperature())); Note: in this example, the Record Humidity uses the BOARD_GetTemperature to allow the developer to use the example without any external sensor and to be able to see a change in the collector, but in this section, there should be a GetHumidity function.   app_config.c file There are some modifications that need to be done inside app_config.c file: Modify Scanning and Advertising Data {     .length = NumberOfElements(uuid_service_humidity) + 1,     .adType = gAdComplete128bitServiceList_c,     .aData = (uint8_t *)uuid_service_humidity }   *Optional* Modify name {     .adType = gAdShortenedLocalName_c,     .length = 9,     .aData = (uint8_t*)"NXP_HUM" }   Modify Service Security Requirements {     .requirements = {         .securityModeLevel = gSecurityMode_1_Level_3_c,         .authorization = FALSE,         .minimumEncryptionKeySize = gDefaultEncryptionKeySize_d     },     .serviceHandle = (uint16_t)service_humidity }   Client (Collector)   We will use the Temperature Collector project as base to create our Humidity Custom Profile Client (Collector). BLE SIG profiles As mentioned in the Server section, we need to verify if the Profile or Service is already defined in the specification. For this, we can take a look at the Bluetooth SIG profiles document and check in the ble_sig_defines.h file (${workspace_loc:/${ProjName}/bluetooth/host/interface}) if this is already declared in the code. In our case, the Service is not declared, but the Characteristic of the Humidity is declared in the specification. Then, we need to check if the Characteristic is already included in ble_sig_defines.h. Since the Characteristic is not included, we need to define it as shown: /*! Humidity Characteristic UUID */ #define gBleSig_Humidity_d                    0x2A6FU GATT Database The Humidity Collector is going to have the GATT client; this is the device that will receive all new information from the GATT Server. The demo provided in this article works in the same way as the Temperature Collector. When the Collector enables the notifications from the Sensor, received notifications will be printed in the seral terminal. In order to create the demo, we need to define or develop a Service that must be the same as in the GATT Server, this is declared in the gatt_uuid128.h file. If the new Service is no the same, Client and Server will not be able to communicate each other. All macros, functions or structures in the SDK have a common template which helps the application to act accordingly. Hence, we need to define this service in the gatt_uui128.h as shown next: /* Humidity */ UUID128(uuid_service_humidity, 0xfe, 0x34, 0x9b, 0x5f, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0xfa, 0x10, 0x10) Includes After that, copy the humidity profile folder from the Sensor project and paste it into the Collector project inside ${workspace_loc:/${ProjName}/bluetooth/profiles}. Also, include the path of the new folder.   Main file In the Collector main file, we need to do some modifications to use the Humidity Profile Include humidity_interface.h /* Profile / Services */ #include "humidity_interface.h"   Modify the Custom Info of the Peer device humcConfig_t     humsClientConfig;   Modify BleApp_StoreServiceHandles function static void BleApp_StoreServiceHandles {     APP_DBG_LOG("");     uint8_t i,j;     if ((pService->uuidType == gBleUuidType128_c) &&              FLib_MemCmp(pService->uuid.uuid128, uuid_service_humidity, 16))     {         /* Found Humidity Service */        mPeerInformation.customInfo.humsClientConfig.hService = pService->startHandle;         for (i = 0; i < pService->cNumCharacteristics; i++)         {             if ((pService->aCharacteristics[i].value.uuidType == gBleUuidType16_c) &&                     (pService->aCharacteristics[i].value.uuid.uuid16 == gBleSig_Humidity_d))             {                 /* Found Humidity Char */             mPeerInformation.customInfo.humsClientConfig.hHumidity = pService->aCharacteristics[i].value.handle;                 for (j = 0; j < pService->aCharacteristics[i].cNumDescriptors; j++)                 {                     if (pService->aCharacteristics[i].aDescriptors[j].uuidType == gBleUuidType16_c)                     {                         switch (pService->aCharacteristics[i].aDescriptors[j].uuid.uuid16)                         {                             /* Found Humidity Char Presentation Format Descriptor */                             case gBleSig_CharPresFormatDescriptor_d:                             {                                 mPeerInformation.customInfo.humsClientConfig.hHumDesc = pService->aCharacteristics[i].aDescriptors[j].handle;                                 break;                             }                             /* Found Humidity Char CCCD */                             case gBleSig_CCCD_d:                             {                                 mPeerInformation.customInfo.humsClientConfig.hHumCccd = pService->aCharacteristics[i].aDescriptors[j].handle;                                 break;                             }                             default:                                 ; /* No action required */                                 break;                         }                     }                 }             }         }     } }   Modify BleApp_StoreDescValues function if (pDesc->handle == mPeerInformation.customInfo.humsClientConfig.hHumDesc) {        /* Store Humidity format*/        FLib_MemCpy(&mPeerInformation.customInfo.humsClientConfig.humFormat,                     pDesc->paValue,                     pDesc->valueLength); }   Implement BleApp_PrintHumidity function static void BleApp_PrintHumidity (     uint16_t humidity ) {     APP_DBG_LOG("");     shell_write("Humidity: ");     shell_writeDec((uint32_t)humidity);     /* Add '%' for Percentage - UUID 0x27AD.        www.bluetooth.com/specifications/assigned-numbers/units */     if (mPeerInformation.customInfo.humsClientConfig.humFormat.unitUuid16 == 0x27ADU)     {         shell_write(" %\r\n");     }     else     {         shell_write("\r\n");     } }   Modify BleApp_GattNotificationCallback function if (characteristicValueHandle == mPeerInformation.customInfo.humsClientConfig.hHumidity) { BleApp_PrintHumidity(Utils_ExtractTwoByteValue(aValue)); }   Modify CheckScanEvent function foundMatch = MatchDataInAdvElementList(&adElement, &uuid_service_humidity, 16);   Some events inside BleApp_StateMachineHandler need to be modified: BleApp_StateMachineHandler - Event: mAppIdle_c if (mPeerInformation.customInfo.humsClientConfig.hHumidity != gGattDbInvalidHandle_d)   - Event: mAppServiceDisc_c if (mPeerInformation.customInfo.humsClientConfig.hHumDesc != 0U)  mpCharProcBuffer->handle = mPeerInformation.customInfo.humsClientConfig.hHumDesc;   - Event: mAppReadDescriptor_c if (mPeerInformation.customInfo.humsClientConfig.hHumCccd != 0U)   Modify BleApp_ConfigureNotifications function mpCharProcBuffer->handle = mPeerInformation.customInfo.humsClientConfig.hHumCccd;   Demonstration   In order to print the relevant data in console, it may be necessary to disable Power Down mode in app_preinclude.h file. This file can be found inside source folder. For this, cPWR_UsePowerDownMode and cPWR_FullPowerDownMode should be set to 0. Now, after connection, every time that you press the User Interface Button on QN9090 Humidity Sensor is going to send the value to QN9090 Humidity Collector. Humidity Sensor   Humidity Collector  
This document describes how to update and sniff Bluetooth LE wireless applications on the USB-KW41 Programming the USB-KW41 as sniffer   It was noticed that there are some issues trying to follow a Bluetooth LE connection, even if the sniffer catches the connection request. These issues have been fixed in the latest binary file which can be found in the Test Tool for Connectivity Products or newest.   After the Test Tool Installation, you’ll find the sniffer binary file at the following path. C:\NXP\Test Tool\images\KW41_802.15.4_SnifferOnUSB.bin   Programming Process. 1. Connect the USB-KW41Z to your PC, and it will be enumerated as Mass Storage Device 2. Drag and drop the "KW41_802.15.4_SnifferOnUSB.bin" included in Test tool for Connectivity Products.    "C:\NXP\Test Tool\images\KW41_802.15.4_SnifferOnUSB.bin"   3. Unplug the device and hold the RESET button of the USB-KW41Z, plug to your PC and the K22 will enter in bootloader mode. 4. Drag and drop the "sniffer_usbkw41z_k22f_0x8000.bin" included in Test tool for Connectivity Products.    "C:\NXP\Test Tool\images\sniffer_usbkw41z_k22f_0x8000.bin"   5. Then, unplug and plug the USB-KW41Z to your PC.                                                                                                          Note: If the USB-KW41 is not enumerated as Mass Storage Device, please look at the next thread https://community.nxp.com/thread/444708   General Recommendations   Software Tools  Kinetis Protocol Analyzer Wireshark version (2.4.8) Hardware Tools 1 USB-KW41 (updated with KW41_802.15.4_SnifferOnUSB.bin from Test Tool 12.8 or later)   The Kinetis Protocol Analyzer provides the ability to monitor the Bluetooth LE Advertisement Channels. It listens to all the activity and follows the connection when capturing a Connection Request.   Bluetooth LE Peripheral device transmits packets on the 3 advertising channels one after the other, so the USB-KW41 will listen to the 3 channels one by one and could or not catch the connection request.   Common use case The USB-KW41 will follow the Bluetooth LE connection if the connection request happens on the same channel that It is listening. If is listening to a different channel when the connection request is sent, it won't be able to follow it.   A Simple recommendation is the Bluetooth LE Peripheral should be set up to send the adv packets only to one channel and the sniffer just capturing on the same channel.   Improvement Use 3 USB-KW41, each of them will be dedicated to one channel and will catch the connection request.   Configure Kinetis Protocol Analyzer and Wireshark Network Analyzer   Note: For better results, address filter can be activated. When you are capturing all the packets in the air, you will notice 3 adv packets. Each packet will show the adv channel that is getting the adv frame.       One of the three sniffers will capture the Connection Request. In this case, it happens on channel 38.       You will be able to follow the connection, see all the data exchange.   For a better reference, you can look at the USB-KW41 Getting Started     Hope it helps   Regards, Mario