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      The article will describe how to configure Access Point Based On NXP platform and WIFI chipset step by step. Users can easily make her AP based on NXP WIFI module work normally by following steps in the article. 1. Environment for the validation - Hardware Platform     i.MX8MN-EVK - Software    Kernel version: L5.4.70_2.3.0    rootfs : imx-image-multimedia -WiFi module   AW-CM358SM: NXP 88W8987 chipset 2. Diagram for Connections   For More detailed information, See attached document, please!   NXP CAS-TIC Wireless MCU team Weidong sun 04-16-2021  
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Where can I find the KW20-30-40 radio certification documents?     FRDM-KW40 platforms have passed the CE RED & FCC radio certification (BLE & 15.4).  Find below for information the certification documents and test reports.  For further information on the FRDM board and the product please refer to the corresponding KW40 Product Summary page and FRDM-KW40.
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KW39_38_37 radio certification information 
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Introduction   This post explains how to create a BLE GATT database using FSCI commands sent to the BLE Server device. Additionally, this document explains how to set up the fields of each FSCI command used to create the BLE GATT database for the BLE Server.   Main FSCI commands to create the BLE GATT DB in the BLE Server device   The following, are the main commands to create, write and read the GATT DB from the BLE Server perspective. The purpose of this post is to serve as a reference and summary of the most important commands. The full list of commands FSCI commands can be found in the Framework Serial Connectivity Interface (FSCI) for Bluetooth Low Energy Host Stack documentation within your SDK package. GATT-InitRequest This command is used to initialize the GATT database at runtime, and it must be sent before any other command to declare a database in your BLE Server device. GATTServer-RegisterCallback.Request This command installs an application callback for the GATT Server module, enabling the device to respond to the FSCI request from the CPU application through an FSCI indication. GATTDBDynamic-AddPrimaryServiceDeclaration.Request It adds a primary service to the database. It has 3 parameters that should be configured, the desired handle, the UUID type (16 bits, 32 bits, 128 bits), and the UUID value. Usually, the desired handle should be set to zero and the stack will assign the handle of the primary service automatically.   If the GATT application callback was installed through the GATTServer-RegisterCallback.Request command, the GATT Server responds to the GATTDBDynamic-AddPrimaryServiceDeclaration.Request command with a GATTDBDynamic-AddPrimaryServiceDeclaration.Indication that contains the handle assigned to the primary service. The following example shows how to prepare this command to define the battery service in the database. GATTDBDynamic-AddCharacteristicDeclarationAndValue.Request It adds a characteristic and its value to the database. It has 7 parameters that should be configured, the UUID type (16 bits, 32 bits, 128 bits), the UUID value, characteristic properties, the maximum length of the value (only for variable-length values), the initial length of the value, the initial value of the characteristic and value access permissions. The characteristic declared using this command, belongs to the last primary service declared in the database. For values with a fixed length, the maximum length parameter should be set to 0, and the length is obtained from the initial length of the value parameter.   If the GATT application callback was installed, the response of this command is indicated by the GATTDBDynamic-AddCharacteristicDeclarationAndValue.Indication command. The following example shows how to prepare this command to define the battery level characteristic in the database with a fixed length of 1 byte and an initial value of 90%. GATTDBDynamic-AddCharacteristicDescriptor.Request It adds a characteristic descriptor to the database. It has 5 parameters that should be configured, the UUID type (16 bits, 32 bits, 128 bits), UUID value, length of the descriptor value, descriptor’s value, and descriptor access permissions. The descriptor declared using this command, belongs to the last characteristic declared in the database.   If the GATT application callback was installed, the response of this command is indicated by the GATTDBDynamic-AddCharacteristicDescriptor.Indication command. The following example shows how to prepare this command to add the characteristic presentation format descriptor of the battery level characteristic in the database.   GATTDBDynamic-AddCccd.Request It adds a CCDD into the database. This command does not have parameters. The CCCD declared using this command, belongs to the last characteristic declared in the database. The response of this command is indicated by GATTDBDynamic-AddCccd.Indication.   GATTDB-FindServiceHandle.Request This command is used to find the handle of a service previously declared in the database. It has 3 parameters that should be configured, the handle to start the search (should be 1 on the first call), the UUID type of the service to find (16 bits, 32 bits, 128 bits), and the UUID value of the service that you are searching.   If the GATT application callback was installed, the response of this command is indicated by the GATTDB-FindServiceHandle.Indication command, which contains the handle of the found service. The following example shows how to prepare this command to find the handle of the battery service declared in the previous examples. Notice that the result of the search corresponds to the handle returned by the GATTDBDynamic-AddPrimaryServiceDeclaration.Indication as expected.   GATTDB-FindCharValueHandleInService It finds the characteristic´s handle of a given service previously declared in the database. It has 3 parameters that should be configured, the handle of the service that contains the characteristic, the UUID type of the characteristic to find (16 bits, 32 bits, 128 bits), and the UUID value of the characteristic that you are searching for.   If the GATT application callback was installed, the response of this command is indicated by the GATTDB-FindCharValueHandleInService.Indication command, which contains the handle of the found characteristic’s value. The following example shows how to prepare this command to find the handle of the battery level value. Notice that the result of the search corresponds to the handle returned by the GATTDBDynamic-AddCharacteristicDeclarationAndValue.Indication plus one, because the AddCharacteristicDeclarationAndValueIndication command returns the handle of the characteristic and, on the other hand, FindCharValueHandleInService returns the handle of the characteristic’s value. GATTDB-FindDescriptorHandleForcharValueHandle.Request It finds the descriptor´s handle of a given characteristic previously declared in the database. It has 3 parameters that should be configured, the handle of the characteristic’s value that contains the descriptor, the UUID type of the descriptor to find (16 bits, 32 bits, 128 bits), and the UUID value of the descriptor that you are searching.   If the GATT application callback was installed, the response of this command is indicated by the GATTDB-FindDescriptorHandleForCharValueHandle.Indication command, which contains the handle of the found descriptor. The following example shows how to prepare this command to find the handle of the characteristic presentation format descriptor. The result corresponds to the handle returned by the GATTDBDynamic-AddCharacteristicDescriptor.Indication   GATTDB-FindCccdHandleForCharValueHandle.Request It finds the CCCD’s handle of a given characteristic previously declared in the database. It has only one parameter, the handle of the characteristic’s value that contains the CCCD.   If the GATT application callback was installed, the response of this command is indicated by the GATTDB-FindCccdHandleForCharValueHandle.Indication command, which contains the handle of the found CCCD. The following example shows how to prepare this command to find the handle of CCCD. The result corresponds to the handle returned by the GATTDBDynamic-AddCccd.Indication.   GATTDB-WriteAttribute.Request It writes the value of a given attribute from the application level. It has 3 parameters that should be configured, the handle of the attribute that you want to write, the length of the value in bytes, and the new value.   In the following example, we will modify the battery level characteristic’s value from 90% to 80%.   GATTDB-ReadAttribute.Request   It reads the value of a given attribute from the application level. It has 2 parameters that should be configured, the handle of the attribute that you want to read, and the maximum bytes that you want to read. The GATT application callback must be installed, since the response of this command indicated by the GATTDB-ReadAttribute.Indication command contains the value read from the database. In the following example, we will read the battery level characteristic’s value, the result is 80%.      
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This post covers the below details. Introduction to Framework Serial Communication Interface (FSCI). BLE Server. Useful Commands to create a GATT database. Demonstrate the heart rate sensor profile using the FSCI black box application with Test Tool. Framework Serial Communication Interface The Framework Serial Communication Interface (FSCI) is a software module and a protocol that supports interfacing the Protocol Host Stack (i.e. BLE, Thread, and ZigBee) with a host or a PC tool (Test Tool for Connectivity Products) using a serial communication interface (e.g. UART, USB, SPI, and I2C). The below figure shows interaction between different layers.  Figure 1. System Overview The Host Processor (Application layer and control for Connectivity Stack) The Black Box application (APIs to interact with the Connectivity Stack) The below figure illustrates Interfacing between the host processor and black box application.  Figure 2. Protocol stack separation The Test Tool software for the connectivity products is an example of a host processor that can communicate with FSCI black boxes at various layers. The figure below shows FSCI based application structure.  Figure 3. FSCI based Application Structure The FSCI module executes in the context of the Serial Manager task. For more details regarding FSCI and Serial Manager module refer to the ‘Connectivity Framework Reference Manual.pdf’ document available inside SDK Documentation at location <SDK_Documentation\docs\wireless\Common>. The detailed description of the Bluetooth Low Energy Host Stack serial commands, communication packet structure, and usage of the Framework Serial Communication Interface is provided inside the ‘Bluetooth Low Energy Host Stack FSCI Reference Manual.pdf’ document available inside SDK Documentation at location <SDK_Documentation\docs\wireless\Bluetooth>. The detail about FSCI Host is described here. An example of FSCI based BLE temperature sensor application is described in AN12896. Bluetooth Low Energy Server Bluetooth Low Energy allows exchange of information using the Generic Attribute Profile (GATT), GATT defines below two roles: Server: Device that stores the information. Client: Device that request for information from the server. Going forward, this post describes how to implement a BLE Server using the FSCI black box application with Test Tool. The server device can implement the GATT Database using below two methods. Static database: MACROs are used to add services, characteristics, etc. Dynamic database: APIs are used to add services, characteristics, etc. It is useful when runtime database update is required. This is the approach used by FSCI for the management of GATT databases. The below figure shows an example of database hierarchy.  Figure 4. GATT Database Service: It is a set of information. i.e., sensor location, sensor read value, etc. Bluetooth SIG has defined universally unique identifier (UUID) for various services and characteristics. This UUID will be useful to add services and characteristics to the database. Heart Rate, Battery Information, Device Information are examples of the service. Characteristic and value: It is the actual entity where information and its value are stored when the characteristic and value are added into the database. i.e., Device information service can have characteristics like manufacturer name, model string, Hardware version, etc. Descriptor: It is used to provide additional information regarding the characteristic and its value, e.g. format, scale, unit, etc. Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor (CCCD): It is a descriptor used by the client device to enable or disable the notifications or indications. When the specific component is added using GATT_DB APIs, the stack will assign a handle to that component to index it in the database. Useful commands to create GATT database FSCI provides a set of commands for the management of the GATT Database. The most used ones are described below. Table 1 Some of the Basic GATT_DB Command Command Description No. of Handle assigned GATTDBDynamic-AddPrimaryServiceDeclaration.Request To add the primary service. 1 GATTDBDynamic-AddCharacteristicDeclarationAndValue.Request To add the characteristic and its value. It will be added as part of previously added service. 2 GATTDBDynamic-AddCharacteristicDescriptor.Request To add the descriptor for the previously added characteristic. 1 GATTDBDynamic-AddCccd.Request To add the CCCD for the previously added characteristic. 1 The attached Test Tool macro file demonstrates steps and setup required to implement a Heart Rate Sensor profile. The steps to execute it are described in the attached lab guide.
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802.11 Security This post covers the following topics: 802.11 authentication processes Open System Authentication Shared Key Authentication Encryption methods Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code (CBC-MAC) Protocol or CCM mode protocol (CCMP) WPA/WPA2/WPA3 Robust Security Network (RSN) 802.1X authorization framework Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) 4-way handshake process Authentication Authentication is the second step required for connecting to the 802.11 Basic Service Set (BSS). Authentication and association must occur between Access Point (AP) and client. The 802.11 authentication establishes an initial connection between the client and the access point, basically validating or authenticating that the station (STA) is a valid 802.11 device for AP. The 802.11 standard specifies two methods for the authentication: Open System authentication and Shared Key authentication. Open System authentication: In this type of authentication, client and AP exchange authentication frames, total two frames exchange in this process. It occurs after a client STA detects an Access Point (AP) by either passive or active scanning. The client node that wants to join the network initiates the authentication process by sending first message. The first message contains the sending node’s 802.11 capabilities. In the response, authentication result is received. If the authentication is successful, then the client and AP will be declared mutually authenticated. The client cannot make the association request if it is not authenticated. Once the Open System authentication and association is successful, the client becomes a member of the BSS. Figure 1. Open System authentication Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) encryption is optional with Open System authentication. For data privacy, WEP encryption can be used with Open System Authentication. In other words, WEP is not used as part of the Open System authentication process, but WEP encryption can be used to provide data security after a successful authentication and association. Shared Key Authentication: Shared Key authentication utilizes four authentication messages exchange between client and AP. Shared Key authentication uses WEP encryption to authenticate the client. The four authentication messages are described below. The client sends the authentication request to the AP. The AP sends a clear-text challenge to the client station using an authentication response frame. The client station then encrypts the clear-text challenge and sends it back to the AP by using the frame body of the authentication frame. The AP decrypts the station’s response and compares it to the challenge text. If it matches, the AP will send the final authentication frame to the client and confirms the successful authentication. Once the Shared Key authentication is successful, the same static process will be used to encrypt the 802.11 data frames. This Shared Key authentication has security risks. If someone captures the clear-text challenge phrase and then captures the encrypted challenge phrase in the response frame, then could potentially derive the static WEP key. If the static WEP key is compromised, now all the data frames can be decrypted. Figure 2. Shared Key Authentication WLAN Encryption Methods The 802.11 standards define three encryption methods. These methods are used to encrypt the MAC Service Data Unit (MSDU) payload of the data frame. 802.11i specification divides security algorithm in two types that are Robust Security Network Association (RSNA) and Pre-RSNA. RSNA: This type of security algorithm consists of two protocols for the data confidentiality, as mentioned below. Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) Counter Mode with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code (CBC-MAC) Protocol or CCM mode Protocol (CCMP) Both of these protocols are discussed in detail in later section of this post. Pre-RSNA: This type of security consists of authentication methods as mentioned below. Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) 802.11 entity authentication WEP: Wired Equivalent Privacy protocol works on second layer of the OSI model. It utilizes RC4 algorithm for the encryption. Originally in 802.11 standard, 64-bit WEP and 128-bit WEP were defined as supported encryption methods. Figure 3. WEP Encryption Process WEP encryption process is explained below. WEP Concatenates Initialization Vector (IV) and Secret Static key, the combination of the same is used as seed to Pseudo random number generator, as a result of this the keystream is generated. WEP runs Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) on plain-text that generates Integrity Check Value (ICV). Cipher text is generated after applying RC4 c to the generated Key stream and ICV. The final encrypted message is made by attaching the IV in front of the Cipher text. TKIP: As the security failures found in WEP, enhancement of WEP is introduced and that is known as TKIP. As per the 802.11i specification, TKIP uses 128 bits long key for encryption. TKIP is a combination of various algorithms wrapping WEP to offer the best security that can be obtained for the WEP-based devices. Below algorithms are added to WEP: New Initialization Vector sequencing to protect against replay attacks. A cryptographic 64-bit Message Integrity Check (MIC also called Michael) for the integrity of data. Per-packet key mixing (secret key and IV) function to de-correlate IVs from weak keys. Rekeying mechanism to provide fresh encryption. In WEP, Secret Static key has to be set manually so refreshing/rekeying is not the scope there, but in TKIP key rekeying mechanism is there, and that is why it can dynamically modify the keys within wireless LANs. This dynamic key is Pairwise Transient Key (PTK) for unicast traffic and Group Temporal Key (GTK) for multicast/broadcast traffic generated through 4-way handshake. Refer section 4-way handshake for more details. CCMP: Counter mode with Cipher-Block Chaining Message Authentication Code protocol (CCMP) is mandatory for RSN compliance. The AES Counter with CBC-MAC (CCM) process uses the same key for encrypting the MSDU payload and provides for a cryptographic integrity check. WEP and TKIP use RC4 and CCM uses the AES block cipher. Although AES is capable of using different key sizes, but when it is implemented as part of the CCMP encryption method, CCM combines the Counter mode (CTR) and Cipher-Block Chaining Message Authentication Code (CBC-MAC) for data confidentiality and for authentication and integrity respectively. New temporal key for every session, and a unique nonce value for each frame protected by a given temporal key is required by CCM, it also uses a 48-bit packet number (PN) for this purpose. Reusing the PN with the same temporal key nullifies all security guarantees. WPA/WPA2/WPA3: Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is the evaluation of WEP. Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) is improvisation for WPA, and same way WPA3 is improvised version of WPA2. WPA is introduced by Wi-Fi alliance in order to achieve better security in network. WPA: When WEP was used, it was relatively easy to break the security, so the Wi-Fi Alliance developed WPA to give network connections an additional layer of security. The WPA certification only required support for TKIP/RC4 dynamic encryption key generation, but the numbers of attacks were done on TKIP. The Beck-Tews attack can recover the MIC and the plain text from an encrypted packet; it can also inject forged frames. These attacks are not used to recover the encryption key but instead are used to recover the MIC checksum that is used for packet integrity. These exploits can usually be prevented by changing TKIP settings as keying intervals on a WLAN controller or AP, or the better solution is to stop using TKIP and upgrade to CCMP with AES. WPA2: The Wi-Fi Alliance revised the previous WPA specification to WPA2, to ensure better security incorporated the CCMP/AES cipher. So, the only practical difference between WPA and WPA2 has to do with the encryption cipher. WPA and WPA2 both use the Pre-Shared Key (PSK) authentication method; however, WPA specifies TKIP/RC4 encryption, and WPA2 specifies CCMP/AES. WPA2 integrates the AES algorithm in CCMP, providing more reliable security compared to previous encryption methods. WPA2 is backward compatible with WPA and it supports 802.1X/EAP authentication or pre-shared keys. WPA and WPA2 have two options for authentication, the personal mode and the enterprise mode. Personal Mode: The personal mode is based on key-sharing to avoid installing an authentication server, so it’s used for Small Office Home Office (SOHO) cases. Enterprise Mode: The enterprise mode is based on using an authentication server (802.1X/EAP frameworks) such as RADIUS in order to offer access control. Note: WPA is vulnerable to attacks in both, personal and enterprise modes. WPA3: WPA3 is the latest generation of Wi-Fi security and provides cutting-edge protocols for security. It has been built on the bases of the WPA2, to simplify security in Wi-Fi. Previous versions of WPA uses PSK authentication method but WPA3 uses Simultaneous Authentication of Equals (SAE). Because of SAE WPA3-Personal networks that are configured with weak/simple passphrase are not that easy to crack using attack like brute-force. In case someone determines/guess the passphrase, it is not possible to examine the exchange and get the session keys; so even if passphrase is guessed, snoop on someone’s WAP3-Personal traffic is not possible. WPA3 is backward compatible with WPA2 devices, it is a mandatory for Wi-Fi CERTIFIED devices. There are two versions of WPA3: WPA3-Personal WPA3-Enterprise WPA3-Personal: This version provides password-based authentication, even when users choose short or weak passwords good security is maintained. It doesn’t require an authentication server and is the basic protocol for home users and small businesses use. Uses 128-bit encryption. Makes use of a Simultaneous Authentication of Equals (SAE) handshake that protects against brute force attacks. Incorporates Forward Secrecy means that a new set of encryption keys are generated every time a WPA3 connection is made, so if the initial password is compromised, security won’t be compromised. WPA3-Enterprise: WPA3 Personal and WPA3-Enetrprise don’t have much difference but the Enterprise version is more secure compared to Personal version. As the enterprise version is focused on large enterprises and protect more sensitive data compare to SOHO cases. 192-bit security mode, this optional mode specifies configuration for cryptographic component to maintain overall network security. WPA3 Personal is not the most secure option but it is easier to deploy and use than the WPA3 Enterprise. Robust Security Network (RSN) Robust security network association requires two 802.11 stations to establish procedures to authenticate and associate with each other and create dynamic encryption keys through the 4-Way Handshake process. Any two stations must share dynamic encryption keys that are unique between those two stations. CCMP/AES encryption is the mandatory encryption method, and TKIP/RC4 is an optional encryption method. When RSN security associations are used within a BSS, there are two keys that both the devices install. Each client has unique encryption key that is shared with the access point. That key is Pairwise Transient Key (PTK) used to encrypt unicast traffic. There is a Group Temporal Key (GTK) shared between all the associated devices with the AP. It is used to encrypt multicast and broadcast traffic. All the client stations have undergone a unique RSNA process called the 4-Way Handshake, this process will be discussed in detail later in this post. Refer Figure 4 below for the better understanding of key sharing between the AP and clients.   Figure 4. RSN security in BSS RSN security in IBSS The 802.11 standard also defines a WLAN topology known as an Independent Basic Service Set (IBSS). In this topology multiple client stations in one physical area communicating in an ad-hoc pattern. All the stations within the IBSS goes through the 4-Way Handshaking process with each other, because of peer to peer communication within the IBSS. Each station has the unique dynamic TKIP/RC4 or a CCMP/AES PTK; when the station connects to another station within the IBSS the same key is shared between them. Each stations defines its own GTK, the same is used for broadcast/multicast transmissions within the IBSS. Each station will use the 4-Way Handshake process or the Group Key Handshake to generate GTK and distribute it to the peer stations. To seed the 4-way handshake, PSK authentication is used within the IBSS. So, whenever a client joins the IBSS, (for both the traffic types, unicast and multicast/broadcast). Refer to Figure 5 below that represents RSN in an IBSS. Figure 5. RSN security in IBSS RSNIE: Robust Security Network Information Element (RSNIE) is a field present in 802.11 management frame, this field is used to identify RSN security. An information element is an optional field of variable length that can be found in like beacon management frames, probe response frames, association request frames, and re-association request frames. For details on different frames refer the [802.11] Wi-Fi Basic concepts. The RSN information element indicates if the authentication used is 802.1X/EAP or pre-shared key (PSK). 802.1X authorization framework The 802.1X is a port based access control standard which provides an authorization framework. The Authorization Framework involves three components to ensure only valid users and devices can access the network: Supplicant, Authenticator, and Authentication Server. In 802.1X framework, Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) is used to validate users at layer 2 (of OSI model). Supplicant: A host with software requests authentication and access to network. Authentication server verifies authentication credentials that are unique for each supplicant. Laptop or wireless handheld device trying to access the network is used as supplicant in WLAN. Supplicant can communicate with authentication server using EAP protocol. The supplicant is not allowed to communicate with the upper layers (layer 3 to 7 of OSI model) until authentication server (at layer 2) validates supplicant’s identity. Authenticator: Traffic is allowed or blocked to pass through Authenticator’s port. Authenticator allows Authentication traffic to pass through it, while all other traffic is allowed after supplicant’s identity is verified. The authenticator maintains two virtual ports. Uncontrolled port: Used for EAP traffic. Controlled port: Used for all other traffic. Initially, only port that is open and passing traffic is the uncontrolled port. A successful 802.1X authentication opens controller port so that other traffic can traverse the network. Usually, AP or a WLAN controller is used as the authenticator in WLAN. The authenticator plays intermediator role by passing messages between supplicant and the authentication server. Authentication server provides guest list services to authenticator. When AP or WLAN controller is configured as authenticator, one should consider authenticator as authentication server. Authentication Server: Credentials of the supplicant (requesting access and notifies the authenticator) is validated by Authentication server. User database is maintained by authentication server, or external user database(s)can be requested to authenticate user credentials. EAP authentication protocol is used to communicate between the authentication server and the supplicant. The 802.1X standard defines the authentication server as a RADIUS server, when configuring a RADIUS server, you need to be able to point the authentication server back in the direction of the authenticator.  Figure 6. Components of 802.1X   EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol(EAP) is a layer 2 (of OSI model) protocol. Some EAP are proprietary and others are standards. EAP-MD5 provides only one-way authentication, while EAP TLS, EAP-LEAP provide two-way authentication (also called mutual authentication). Mutual authentication requires that the client credentials are validated by authentication server and that the validity of the authentication server is authenticated by supplicant. EAP protocol is used within an 802.1X framework. The EAP messages are encapsulated in EAP over LAN (EAPOL) frames. EAPOL is used between the supplicant and the authenticator, but the EAPOL encapsulation is translated to EAP in RADIUS between the authenticator and the authentication server, as described in Figure 6. EAPOL messages are described below.   Table 1. EAPOL Message Description Packet type Name Description 0000 0000 EAP-Packet This is an encapsulated EAP frame. The majority of EAP frames are EAP-Packet frames. 0000 0001 EAPOL-Start This is an optional frame that the supplicant can use to start the EAP process. 0000 0010 EAPOL-Logoff This frame terminates an EAP session and shuts down the virtual ports. Hackers sometimes use this frame for denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. 0000 0011 EAPOL-Key This frame is used to exchange dynamic keying information. For example, it is used during the 4-Way Handshake. 0000 0100 EAPOL- Encapsulated - ASF- Alert This frame is used to send alerts, such as Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) traps to the virtual ports. Supplicant and the authentication server use the EAP protocol to communicate with each other at layer 2. An is between the Supplicant and Authentication server devices. When the controlled port is open, upper layers 3–7 of the OSI model can pass the traffic through it. Once the controlled port is open DHCP is used for Dynamic IP addressing. Figure 7 shows generic EAP message exchange process. Figure 7. Generic EAP messages exchange flow 4-Way Handshake The 4-Way Handshake exchange four EAPOL-Key frame messages between authenticator and supplicant, that is used to generate Pairwise Transient Keys (PTK) for encryption of unicast transmissions and a Group Temporal Key (GTK) for encryption of broadcast/multicast transmissions. Terminologies used in 4-way handshake are listed below. AP/Authenticator Nonce (Anonce): Random number generated by authenticator. Station/Supplicant Nonce (SNonce): Random number generated by supplicant. Master Session Key (MSK): First key that is generated during the 802.1X/EAP authentication or derived from PSK authentication. This key information is sent via a secure channel from Authenticating Server to Authenticator. Pairwise Master Key (PMK): This key is generated based on MSK (PMK is first 256bits (0-255) of MSK) and will be used as one of the input to generate the PTK.PSK (Pre-Shared Key) will be the PMK for the WPA2/PSK security. Group Master Key(GMK): This key is also generated from the MSK and is used to generate the GTK. Authenticator device creates this key and refreshes it at the configured time interval to reduce the risk of GMK being compromised. Pairwise Transient Key(PTK): This key is used to encrypt unicast traffic between the AP and a client station. This key is unique between a client and AP. It is generated using below equation. PTK = PRF (PMK + ANonce + SNonce + MAC Address of Authenticator + MAC Address of Supplicant) Here, PRF is a pseudo-random function that applies to all the input. Group Temporal Key(GTK): As PTK is used to encrypt unicast traffic, GTK is the key used to encrypt multicast and broadcast traffic between clients and AP. For each access point different GTK will be there, and with be shared with devices connected to AP. This key is derived on Authenticator and shared with supplicant during 4-way handshake (Message 3). Figure 8 below shows message exchange in 4-way handshake. Figure 8. 4-Way Handshake message exchange In the case of PSK, 4-Way handshake starts just after Open System Authentication and if it is 802.1X/EAP, 4-way handshake starts once EAP authentication is completed. Figure 9 shows the sniffer log of the 4-Way Handshake process, here Marvell device is authenticator, and Xiaomi device is supplicant. Each message exchanged in this process is described below in detail. Figure 9. Key Exchange Procedures in 4-Way Handshake Message 1: This message is sent from authenticator to supplicant. It carries ANonce. Once supplicant receives this message it can generate the PTK. Message 2: This message is sent from supplicant to authenticator. As the supplicant generated the PTK, now it will send SNonce to AP(authenticator), so this second message carries SNonce, RSN information element capabilities and Message Integrity Check (MIC) is set. The MIC is used to check that the received message is not corrupted. Once authenticator receives this message it will generate the PTK, validate MIC and generate GTK. Message 3: This message is sent from authenticator to supplicant. It carries ANonce, Authenticator’s RSN information element capabilities and MIC is set. GTK is also delivered and it is encrypted using PTK. This message is for supplicant to install temporal keys. Message 4: This message is sent from supplicant to authenticator. Final EAPOL-Key frame is sent to authenticator to confirm that temporal keys have been installed. Once this process gets completed all the messages after that will be encrypted using PTK or GTK (based on unicast or broadcast message).
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I want to share with you the information that I found about Indication and notification. I hope this information help you to understand more about these topics. Indication and notifications are commands that could be send through the attribute(ATT) protocol. So, there are two roles defined at the ATT layer: Client devices access remote resources over a BLE link using the GATT protocol. Usually, the master is also the client but this is not required or mandatory. Server devices have the GATT database, access control methods, and provide resources to the remote client. Usually, the slave is also the server. BLE standard define two ways to transfer data for the server to the client: notification and indication. Maximum data payload size defined by the specification in each message is 20 bytes. Notifications and indications are initiated by the Server but enabled by the Client. Notification don't need acknowledged, so they are faster. Hence, server does not know if the message reach to the client. Indication need acknowledged to communicated. The client sent a confirmation message back to the server, this way server knows that message reached the client. One interesting thing defined by the ATT protocol is that a Server can't send two consecutive indications if the confirmation was not received. In other words, you have to wait for the confirmation of each indication in order to send the next indication. Figure 1. Indication/Notification Nevertheless, server are not able to send indications or notifications at the beginning of the communication. First, client must enable notifications and indications permissions on the server side, so, the server is allowed to send indications or notifications. This procedure involves the client to write the Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor (CCCD) of the characteristic that will be notified/indicated. In other words, the client may request a notification for a particular characteristic from the server. Once the client enabled the notifications for such characteristic in the server, server can send the value to the client whenever it becomes available. For example, thinking in a heart rate sensor application connecting to Heart Rate smartphone application. Heart Rate Service can notify its Heart Rate Measurement Characteristic.  In this case, the sensor is the server while the smartphone is the client. Once devices are connected, smartphone application must set the notifications permissions of the Heart Rate Measurement Characteristic through its CCCD. Then, when smartphone application(client) set the CCCD withe notifications enabled, Heart Rate Sensor (server) is able to send notifications whenever a heart rate measurement is available. This same procedure is needed if the characteristic has indication properties.  At the end, the client is the one that allow the server to indicate or notify a characteristic. Finally, it is worth to comment that unlike notification, the indication is more reliable, but slower, because the server sends the data but the client must to confirm when data is received.
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This Document describes the additional changes needed for JN-AN-1229 ZigBee PRO Application Template for ZigBee version 1002 to be able to compile correctly with the latest update SDK JN-SW-4170 Version 1745 and JN-SW-4270 Version 1746. Note:  These modifications can be also found in the JN516x ZigBee 3.0 SDK Release Notes v1745 (Chapter 4.3 Modifications Required) Tool modifications The .zpscfg file contains all the information available of the setup of the ZigBee network, this file it’s located in C:\...\...\workspace\ JN-AN-1229\Common The first step is to add the MAC Interface List to The ZigBee devices (Co-ordinator, Router, and Sleeping End Device) in the .zpscfg file. Then, add the MAC Interface selecting the New Child option. In the Properties tab, the Co-ordinator and the Router should have the Router Allowed option set to True. Stack modifications The new stack has support for better throughput and automatic buffering of data packets during route discovery. This requires the addition of a new queue in the application. Open the app_common.h file which it’s located in the Common folder. This queue should be tied to the stack definition: extern PUBLIC tszQueue zps_msgMcpsDcfm; After that, open the app_router.c and app_sleeping_enddevice.c. The ZPS_tsAplAib structure has been changed, so, the vStartup function should be modified Old version /* Set channel to scan and start stack */ ZPS_psAplAibGetAib()->apsChannelMask = 1 << u8Channel; Update needed /* Set channel to scan and start stack */ ZPS_psAplAibGetAib()->pau32ApsChannelMask[0] = 1 << u8Channel; Add the next code to the app_start.c(Coordinator and Router) and app_start_SED.c(Sleeping End Device) The buffer of the Router device should be modified. The size of the queue is defined as: #define MCPS_DCFM_QUEUE_SIZE 5 The storage of the queue must be defined: PRIVATE MAC_tsMcpsVsCfmData asMacMcpsDcfm[MCPS_DCFM_QUEUE_SIZE]; In the APP_vInitResources function an additional queue must be added: ZQ_vQueueCreate(&zps_msgMcpsDcfm, MCPS_DCFM_QUEUE_SIZE,  sizeof(MAC_tsMcpsVsCfmData),(uint8*)asMacMcpsDcfm);  
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The SMAC & IEEE 802.15.4 protocol stacks are a KSDK add-on, therefore you need the installation of the KSDK 1.2 before installing these connectivity stacks. Install the Kinetis SDK 1.2: Software Development Kit for Kinetis MCUs|Freescale After installing the KSDK 1.2, download the desired protocol stack. The connectivity software for this platform can be found in the board webpage, in the downloads tab: Modular Reference Boards for Kinetis KW0x|Freescale The installation window will guide you through an easy way to install the software. Best regards, Luis Burgos.
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One of the most difficult part of creating connected medical applications is, actually, keep it connected. Different protocols are available to transmit information from a medical device to a database or user interface. Sometimes integrating our application to the current communication protocols can be as difficult as developing the device itself. Freescale has launched its Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) chips, and with them, a complete software stack that integrates most of the available profiles for BLE oriented applications. Using this set, it becomes easy to integrate your current medical application to use BLE as communications method. Freescale Connectivity Software Examples The connectivity software includes examples to demonstrate BLE communications with a smartphone device. Using these examples as a base facilitates the integration with an existing application and reduces the required time it takes to have a fully connected application. This post uses as an example the Heart Rate Monitor demo to show how these applications can be customized. Modifying general device information The BLE services information reported by the device is stored in a file named “gatt_db.h”. This services information is what is shown on a smartphone when the device has connected. The Generic Access Profile service includes the device name reported when advertising. To change it just replace the device name between “” and update the character count. Detailed device information is accessed via the Device Information Service including the manufacturer name, model and serial number etcetera. This information can also be adjusted to the custom device requirements by modifying the string between “” and updating the character number. Adapting example code to report application data The connectivity software includes some predefined services that can be used to customize the server to report our application data. These predefined services already include structures with the information that needs to be reported to the client. On the application example file app.c some of these services are configured. For the heart rate service, a variable of type hrsConfig_t is created containing configuration information of the heart rate sensor such as the supported characteristics and sensor location. All of these characteristics are described in the heart rate service file heart_rate_interface.h /* Service Data*/ static basConfig_t      basServiceConfig = {service_battery, 0}; static disConfig_t      disServiceConfig = {service_device_info}; static hrsUserData_t    hrsUserData; static hrsConfig_t hrsServiceConfig = {service_heart_rate, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, gHrs_BodySensorLocChest_c, &hrsUserData}; static uint16_t cpHandles[1] = { value_hr_ctrl_point }; /*! Heart Rate Service - Configuration */ typedef struct hrsConfig_tag {     uint16_t             serviceHandle;     bool_t               sensorContactSupported;     bool_t               sensorContactDetected;     bool_t               energyExpandedEnabled;     hrsBodySensorLoc_t   bodySensorLocation;     hrsUserData_t        *pUserData; } hrsConfig_t; This information is used to configure the server when the function BleApp_Config is called. /* Start services */ hrsServiceConfig.sensorContactDetected = mContactStatus; #if gHrs_EnableRRIntervalMeasurements_d    hrsServiceConfig.pUserData->pStoredRrIntervals = MEM_BufferAlloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * gHrs_NumOfRRIntervalsRecorded_c); #endif    Hrs_Start(&hrsServiceConfig); basServiceConfig.batteryLevel = BOARD_GetBatteryLevel(); Bas_Start(&basServiceConfig); /* Allocate application timers */ mAdvTimerId = TMR_AllocateTimer(); Once the server is configured, the application is stated by entering the device in advertising state in order to make it visible for clients. This is done by calling the function BleApp_Advertise that configures the server to start advertising. void BleApp_Start(void) { /* Device is not connected and not advertising*/ if (!mAdvState.advOn) { #if gBondingSupported_d if (mcBondedDevices > 0) { mAdvState.advType = fastWhiteListAdvState_c; } else { #endif mAdvState.advType = fastAdvState_c; #if gBondingSupported_d } #endif BleApp_Advertise(); } #if (cPWR_UsePowerDownMode)    PWR_ChangeDeepSleepMode(1); /* MCU=LLS3, LL=DSM, wakeup on GPIO/LL */ PWR_AllowDeviceToSleep(); #endif       } Once the server has been found and a connection has been stablished with the client, the configured services must be started. This is done by calling the “subscribe” function for each service. For heart rate sensor, the function Hrs_Suscribe must be called. This function is available from the heart_rate_interface files. /* Subscribe client*/ Bas_Subscribe(peerDeviceId);        Hrs_Subscribe(peerDeviceId); #if (!cPWR_UsePowerDownMode)  /* UI */            During connection, the application measurements can be reported to the client by using the “record measurement” functions included in the service interfaces. For the heart rate sensor this is the Hrs_RecordHeartRateMeasurement function. static void TimerMeasurementCallback(void * pParam) { uint16_t hr = BOARD_GetPotentiometerLevel(); hr = (hr * mHeartRateRange_c) >> 12; #if gHrs_EnableRRIntervalMeasurements_d    Hrs_RecordRRInterval(&hrsUserData, (hr & 0x0F)); Hrs_RecordRRInterval(&hrsUserData,(hr & 0xF0)); #endif if (mToggle16BitHeartRate) { Hrs_RecordHeartRateMeasurement(service_heart_rate, 0x0100 + (hr & 0xFF), &hrsUserData); } else { Hrs_RecordHeartRateMeasurement(service_heart_rate, mHeartRateLowerLimit_c + hr, &hrsUserData); } Hrs_AddExpendedEnergy(&hrsUserData, 100); #if (cPWR_UsePowerDownMode) PWR_SetDeepSleepTimeInMs(900); PWR_ChangeDeepSleepMode(6); PWR_AllowDeviceToSleep();    #endif } This updates the current measurement and sends a notification to the client indicating that a new measurement report is ready. Many profiles are implemented in the connectivity software to enable already developed medical applications with BLE connectivity. APIs are easy to use and can significantly reduce the development times.
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802.15.4 wireless sniffers like the USB-KW41Z are capable of capturing over-the-air traffic. The captured packets are passed to a network protocol decoder like Wireshark over a network interface tunnel built by the Kinetis Protocol Analyzer.   Hardware  One USB-KW41Z preloaded with sniffer firmware ( instructions found at www.nxp.com/usb-kw41z )  Software Download & Install Thread Wireshark from wireshark.org which is an open-source network protocol analyzer capable of debugging over the air communication between Thread devices. Kinetis Protocol Analyzer is a software that provides a bridge between the USB-KW41 and Wireshark.  Wireshark Configuration  Open Wireshark from the Program Files Click Edit and select Preferences  Click Protocols to expand a list of protocols Select IEEE 802.15.4, click the Decryption Keys Edit... button Create a new key entry by pressing the plus button, then set the following values and click OK       Decryption key = 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff      Decryption key index = 1      Key hash = Thread hash Find CoAP and configure it with CoAP UDP port number = 5683 Click Thread and select Decode CoAP for Thread  with Thread sequence counter = 00000000 as shown below At the 6LoWPAN preferences, add the Context 0 value of fd00:0db8::/64 Click OK and close Wireshark Configure Kinetis Protocol Analyzer  Connect the USB-KW41Z to one of the USB ports on your computer Open the device manager and look for the device connected port Open the "Kinetis Protocol Analyzer Adapter" program Make sure, you have a USB-KW41Z connected to your PC when opening the program because the Kinetis Protocol Adapter will start looking for kinetis sniffer hardware. Once the USB-KW41Z is detected, the previously identify COM port will be displayed Select the desired IEEE 802.15.4 channel to scan in the Kinetis Protocol Analyzer window. This guide selects channel 12 as an example  Click on the Wireshark icon to open Wireshark Network Protocol Analyzer An error may appear while opening Wireshark, click OK and continue Wireshark Sniffing Wireshark Network Analyzer will be opened. On the "Capture" option of the main window, select the Local Area Connection that was created by the Kinetis Protocol Analyzer, in this example, Kinetis Protocol Analyzer created "Local Area Connection 2", then click "Start" button. USB-KW41Z will start to sniff and upcoming data will be displayed in the "Capture" window of the Wireshark Network Protocol Analyzer.
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This document describes how to add additional cluster to the router application in the AN12061-MKW41Z-AN-Zigbee-3-0-Base-Device Application Note.   The Router application's main endpoint contains Basic, Groups, Identify and OnOff server. The steps below describe how to add two clusters to Router: Temperature Measurement server and OnOff client. Note that these changes only go as far as making the new clusters added and discoverable, no functionality has been added to these clusters. Router/app_zcl_cfg.h The first step is to update the application ZCL Configuration file to add the new clusters (OnOff Client, Temperature Measurement Server) to the Router application endpoint. The HA profile already contains few clusters but Temperature Measurement cluster was added:   /* Profile 'HA' */ #define HA_ILLUMINANCEMEASUREMENT_CLUSTER_ID (0x0400) #define HA_DEFAULT_CLUSTER_ID                (0xffff) #define HA_OTA_CLUSTER_ID                    (0x0019) #define HA_TEMPMEASUREMENT_CLUSTER_ID        (0x0402) Router/app_zcl_globals.c The OnOff client was already present in Router endpoint but made discoverable and the Temperature Measurement cluster was added and made discoverable into Router application endpoint.The clusters are added to the Input cluster list (Server side) and output cluster list (Client side) and made discoverable using DiscFlag only for the cluster list for which it is enabled. So, assuming you need to add OnOff cluster client, you would need to use add the cluster id (0x0006 for OnOff) into input cluster list (Server side of cluster) and output cluster list (Client side of the cluster) and make it discoverable for output cluster list as it is a client cluster. For temperature measurement, you need to make it discoverable for input Cluster list as below: PRIVATE const uint16 s_au16Endpoint1InputClusterList[6] = { 0x0000, 0x0004, 0x0003, 0x0006, HA_TEMPMEASUREMENT_CLUSTER_ID , 0xffff, }; PRIVATE const PDUM_thAPdu s_ahEndpoint1InputClusterAPdus[6] = { apduZCL, apduZCL, apduZCL, apduZCL, apduZCL, apduZCL, }; PRIVATE uint8 s_au8Endpoint1InputClusterDiscFlags[1] = { 0x1f }; PRIVATE const uint16 s_au16Endpoint1OutputClusterList[5] = { 0x0000, 0x0004, 0x0003, 0x0006, HA_TEMPMEASUREMENT_CLUSTER_ID, }; PRIVATE uint8 s_au8Endpoint1OutputClusterDiscFlags[1] = { 0x08 }; Now update Simple Descriptor structure (see the declaration of zps_tsAplAfSimpleDescCont and ZPS_tsAplAfSimpleDescriptor structures to understand how to correctly fill the various parameters) to reflect the input cluster and output cluster list correctly as below : PUBLIC zps_tsAplAfSimpleDescCont s_asSimpleDescConts[2] = { {    {       0x0000,       0,       0,       0,       84,       84,       s_au16Endpoint0InputClusterList,       s_au16Endpoint0OutputClusterList,       s_au8Endpoint0InputClusterDiscFlags,       s_au8Endpoint0OutputClusterDiscFlags,    },    s_ahEndpoint0InputClusterAPdus,    1 }, {    {       0x0104,       0,       1,       1,       6,       5,       s_au16Endpoint1InputClusterList,       s_au16Endpoint1OutputClusterList,       s_au8Endpoint1InputClusterDiscFlags,       s_au8Endpoint1OutputClusterDiscFlags,    },    s_ahEndpoint1InputClusterAPdus,    1 }, }; Router/zcl_options.h This file is used to set the options used by the ZCL. Enable Clusters The cluster functionality for the router endpoint was enabled: /****************************************************************************/ /*                             Enable Cluster                               */ /*                                                                          */ /* Add the following #define's to your zcl_options.h file to enable         */ /* cluster and their client or server instances                             */ /****************************************************************************/ #define CLD_BASIC #define BASIC_SERVER #define CLD_IDENTIFY #define IDENTIFY_SERVER #define CLD_GROUPS #define GROUPS_SERVER #define CLD_ONOFF #define ONOFF_SERVER #define ONOFF_CLIENT #define CLD_TEMPERATURE_MEASUREMENT #define TEMPERATURE_MEASUREMENT_SERVER Enable any optional Attributes and Commands for the clusters /****************************************************************************/ /* Temperature Measurement Cluster - Optional Attributes */ /* */ /* Add the following #define's to your zcl_options.h file to add optional */ /* attributes to the time cluster. */ /****************************************************************************/ #define CLD_TEMPMEAS_ATTR_TOLERANCE /****************************************************************************/ /* Basic Cluster - Optional Commands */ /* */ /* Add the following #define's to your zcl_options.h file to add optional */ /* commands to the basic cluster. */ /****************************************************************************/ #define CLD_BAS_CMD_RESET_TO_FACTORY_DEFAULTS /****************************************************************************/ /* OnOff Cluster - Optional Commands */ /* */ /* Add the following #define's to your zcl_options.h file to add optional */ /* commands to the OnOff cluster. */ /****************************************************************************/ #define CLD_ONOFF_CMD_OFF_WITH_EFFECT  Add the cluster creation and initialization into ZigBee Base device definitions The cluster functionality for some of the clusters (like OnOff Client) is already present on ZigBee Base Device. For Temperature Measurement cluster the functionality was added into ZigBee Base Device. <SDK>/middleware/wireless/Zigbee_3_0_6.0.6/core/ZCL/Devices/ZHA/Generic/Include/base_device.h The first step was including the Temperature Measurement header files into base device header file as shown below:  #ifdef CLD_TEMPERATURE_MEASUREMENT #include "TemperatureMeasurement.h" #endif The second step was adding cluster instance (tsZHA_BaseDeviceClusterInstances) into base device Instance as shown below: /* Temperature Measurement Instance */ #if (defined CLD_TEMPERATURE_MEASUREMENT) && (defined TEMPERATURE_MEASUREMENT_SERVER) tsZCL_ClusterInstance sTemperatureMeasurementServer; #endif The next step was to define the cluster into the base device structure (tsZHA_BaseDevice) as below: #if (defined CLD_TEMPERATURE_MEASUREMENT) && (defined TEMPERATURE_MEASUREMENT_SERVER) tsCLD_TemperatureMeasurement sTemperatureMeasurementServerCluster; #endif <SDK>/middleware/wireless/Zigbee_3_0_6.0.6/core/ZCL/Devices/ZHA/Generic/Include/base_device.c The cluster create function for Temperature Measurement cluster for server was called in ZigBee base device registration function:   #if (defined CLD_TEMPERATURE_MEASUREMENT) && (defined TEMPERATURE_MEASUREMENT_SERVER)    /* Create an instance of a Temperature Measurement cluster as a server */    if(eCLD_TemperatureMeasurementCreateTemperatureMeasurement(&psDeviceInfo->sClusterInstance.sTemperatureMeasurementServer,                                                    TRUE,                                                    &sCLD_TemperatureMeasurement,                                                    &psDeviceInfo->sTemperatureMeasurementServerCluster,                                                    &au8TemperatureMeasurementAttributeControlBits[0]) != E_ZCL_SUCCESS)   {       return E_ZCL_FAIL;    } #endif Router/app_zcl_task.c Temperature Measurement Server Cluster Data Initialization - APP_vZCL_DeviceSpecific_Init() The default attribute values for the Temperature Measurement clusters are initialized: PRIVATE void APP_vZCL_DeviceSpecific_Init(void) {    sBaseDevice.sOnOffServerCluster.bOnOff = FALSE;    FLib_MemCpy(sBaseDevice.sBasicServerCluster.au8ManufacturerName, "NXP", CLD_BAS_MANUF_NAME_SIZE);    FLib_MemCpy(sBaseDevice.sBasicServerCluster.au8ModelIdentifier, "BDB-Router", CLD_BAS_MODEL_ID_SIZE);    FLib_MemCpy(sBaseDevice.sBasicServerCluster.au8DateCode, "20150212", CLD_BAS_DATE_SIZE);    FLib_MemCpy(sBaseDevice.sBasicServerCluster.au8SWBuildID, "1000-0001", CLD_BAS_SW_BUILD_SIZE);    sBaseDevice.sTemperatureMeasurementServerCluster.i16MeasuredValue = 0;    sBaseDevice.sTemperatureMeasurementServerCluster.i16MinMeasuredValue = 0;    sBaseDevice.sTemperatureMeasurementServerCluster.i16MaxMeasuredValue = 0; }
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I was investigating about how to create a current profile and I found interesting information I would like to share with the community. So, I decided to create an example to accomplish this task using BLE stack included in the MKW40Z Connectivity Software package. The demo to create is an Humidity Collector which make use of the Humidity custom profile and is based on the Temperature Collector demonstration application. The first thing to know is that the Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) establishes in detail how to exchange all profile and user data over a BLE connection. GATT deals only with actual data transfer procedures and formats. All standard BLE profiles are based on GATT and must comply with it to operate correctly. This makes GATT a key section of the BLE specification, because every single item of data relevant to applications and users must be formatted, packed, and sent according to the rules.                                      GATT defines two roles: Server and Client. The GATT server stores the data transported over the Attribute Protocol (ATT) and accepts Attribute Protocol requests, commands and confirmations from the GATT client. The GATT client accesses data on the remote GATT server via read, write, notify, or indicate operations. Notify and indicate operations are enabled by the client but initiated by the server, providing a way to push data to the client. Notifications are unacknowledged, while indications are acknowledged. Notifications are therefore faster, but less reliable. Figure 1. GATT Client-Server      GATT Database establishes a hierarchy to organize attributes. These are the Profile, Service, Characteristic and Descriptor. Profiles are high level definitions that define how services can be used to enable an application and Services are collections of characteristics. Descriptors defined attributes that describe a characteristic value. To define a GATT Database several macros are provided by the GATT_DB API in the Freescale BLE Stack, which is part KW40Z Connectivity Software package. Figure 2. GATT database      To know if the Profile or service is already defined in the specification, you have to look for in Bluetooth SIG profiles and check in the ble_sig_defines.h file if this is already declared in the code. In our case, the service is not declared, but the characteristic of the humidity is declared in the specification. Then, we need to check if the characteristic is already included in ble_sig_defines.h. Since, the characteristic is not included, we need to define it as shown next: /*! Humidity Charactristic UUID */ #define gBleSig_Humidity_d                      0x2A6F      The Humidity Collector is going to have the GATT client; this is the device that will receive all information from  the GATT server. Demo provided in this post works like the Temperature Collector. When the Collector enables the notifications from the sensor, received notifications will be printed in the serial terminal. In order to create the demo we need to define or develop a service that has to be the same as in the GATT Server, this is declared in the gatt_uuid128.h.If the new service is not the same, they will never be able to communicate each other. All macros function or structures in BLE stack of KW40Z Connectivity Software have a common template. Hence, we need to define this service in the gatt_uuid128.h as shown next: /* Humidity */ UUID128(uuid_service_humidity, 0xfe ,0x34 ,0x9b ,0x5f ,0x80 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x80 ,0x00 ,0x10 ,0x00 ,0x02 ,0x00 ,0xfa ,0x10 ,0x10)      During the scanning process is when the client is going to connect with the Server. Hence, function CheckScanEvent can help us to ensure that peer device or server device support the specified service, in this case, it will be the humidity service we just created in the previous step. Then, CheckScanEvent needs to check which device is on advertising mode and with MatchDataInAdvElementList to verify if it is the same uuid_service_humidity, if the service is not in the list, client is not going to connect. CheckScanEvent function should look as shown next: static bool_t CheckScanEvent(gapScannedDevice_t* pData) { uint8_t index = 0; uint8_t name[10]; uint8_t nameLength; bool_t foundMatch = FALSE; while (index < pData->dataLength) {         gapAdStructure_t adElement;                 adElement.length = pData->data[index];         adElement.adType = (gapAdType_t)pData->data[index + 1];         adElement.aData = &pData->data[index + 2];          /* Search for Humidity Custom Service */         if ((adElement.adType == gAdIncomplete128bitServiceList_c) ||           (adElement.adType == gAdComplete128bitServiceList_c))         {             foundMatch = MatchDataInAdvElementList(&adElement, &uuid_service_humidity, 16);         }                 if ((adElement.adType == gAdShortenedLocalName_c) ||           (adElement.adType == gAdCompleteLocalName_c))         {             nameLength = MIN(adElement.length, 10);             FLib_MemCpy(name, adElement.aData, nameLength);         }                 /* Move on to the next AD elemnt type */         index += adElement.length + sizeof(uint8_t); } if (foundMatch) {         /* UI */         shell_write("\r\nFound device: \r\n");         shell_writeN((char*)name, nameLength-1);         SHELL_NEWLINE();         shell_writeHex(pData->aAddress, 6); } return foundMatch; } The humidity_interface.h file should define the client structure and the server structure. For this demo, we only need the client structure, however, both are defined for reference. The Client Structure has all the data of the Humidity Service, in this case is a Service, characteristic, descriptor and CCCD handle and the format of the value. /*! Humidity Client - Configuration */ typedef struct humcConfig_tag { uint16_t    hService; uint16_t    hHumidity; uint16_t    hHumCccd; uint16_t    hHumDesc; gattDbCharPresFormat_t  humFormat; } humcConfig_t; The next configuration structure is for the Server; in this case we don’t need it. /*! Humidity Service - Configuration */ typedef struct humsConfig_tag { uint16_t    serviceHandle; int16_t     initialHumidity;        } humsConfig_t;     Now that the Client Structure is declared, go to the app.c and modify some functions. There are functions that help to store all the data of the humidity service. In our case they are 3 functions for the service, characteristic and descriptor. You have to be sure that the service that you create and the characteristics of humidity are in the functions. The Handle of each data is stored in the structure of the client. The three functions that need to be modify are the next: BleApp_StoreServiceHandles() stores handles for the specified service and characteristic. static void BleApp_StoreServiceHandles (     gattService_t   *pService ) {     uint8_t i;           if ((pService->uuidType == gBleUuidType128_c) &&         FLib_MemCmp(pService->uuid.uuid128, uuid_service_humidity, 16))     {         /* Found Humidity Service */         mPeerInformation.customInfo.humClientConfig.hService = pService->startHandle;                 for (i = 0; i < pService->cNumCharacteristics; i++)         {             if ((pService->aCharacteristics[i].value.uuidType == gBleUuidType16_c) &&                 (pService->aCharacteristics[i].value.uuid.uuid16 == gBleSig_Humidity_d))             {                 /* Found Humidity Char */                 mPeerInformation.customInfo.humClientConfig.hHumidity = pService->aCharacteristics[i].value.handle;             }         }     } } BleApp_StoreCharHandles() handles the descriptors. static void BleApp_StoreCharHandles (     gattCharacteristic_t   *pChar ) {     uint8_t i;         if ((pChar->value.uuidType == gBleUuidType16_c) &&         (pChar->value.uuid.uuid16 == gBleSig_Humidity_d))     {            for (i = 0; i < pChar->cNumDescriptors; i++)         {             if (pChar->aDescriptors[i].uuidType == gBleUuidType16_c)             {                 switch (pChar->aDescriptors[i].uuid.uuid16)                 {                     case gBleSig_CharPresFormatDescriptor_d:                     {                         mPeerInformation.customInfo.humClientConfig.hHumDesc = pChar->aDescriptors[i].handle;                         break;                     }                     case gBleSig_CCCD_d:                     {                         mPeerInformation.customInfo.humClientConfig.hHumCccd = pChar->aDescriptors[i].handle;                         break;                     }                     default:                         break;                 }             }         }     } } BleApp_StoreDescValues() stores the format of the value. static void BleApp_StoreDescValues (     gattAttribute_t     *pDesc ) {     if (pDesc->handle == mPeerInformation.customInfo.humClientConfig.hHumDesc)     {         /* Store Humidity format*/         FLib_MemCpy(&mPeerInformation.customInfo.humClientConfig.humFormat,                     pDesc->paValue,                     pDesc->valueLength);     }   }      After we store all the data of the Humidity Service, we need to check the notification callback. Every time the Client receives a notification with the BleApp_GattNotificationCallback(),  call the BleApp_PrintHumidity() function and check the Format Value; in this case is 0x27AD  that mean percentage and also have to be the same on the GATT server. static void BleApp_GattNotificationCallback (     deviceId_t serverDeviceId,     uint16_t characteristicValueHandle,     uint8_t* aValue,     uint16_t valueLength ) { /*Compare if the characteristics handle Server is the same of the GATT Server*/     if (characteristicValueHandle == mPeerInformation.customInfo.humClientConfig.hHumidity)     {            BleApp_PrintTemperature(*(uint16_t*)aValue);     }  } BleApp_PrintHumidity() print the value of the Humidity, but first check if the format value is the same. static void BleApp_PrintHumidity (     uint16_t humidity ) {     shell_write("Humidity: ");     shell_writeDec(humidity);      /*If the format value is the same, print the value*/     if (mPeerInformation.customInfo.humClientConfig.humFormat.unitUuid16 == 0x27AD)     {         shell_write(" %\r\n");     }     else     {         shell_write("\r\n");     } } Step to include the file to the demo. 1. Create a clone of the Temperature_Collector with the name of Humidity_Collector 2. Unzip the Humidity_Collector.zip file attached to this post. 3. Save the humidity folder in the fallowing path: <kw40zConnSoft_install_dir>\ConnSw\bluetooth\profiles . 4. Replaces the common folder in the next path: <kw40zConnSoft_install_dir>\ConnSw\examples\bluetooth\humidity_sensor\common . Once you already save the folders in the corresponding path you must to indicate in the demo where they are and drag the file in the humidity folder to the workspace. For test the demo fallow the next steps: Compile the project and run. Press SW1 for the advertising/scanning mode, and wait to connect it. Once the connection finish, press the SW1 of the Humidity Sensor board to get and print the data. Enjoy the demo! NOTE: This demo works with the Humidity Sensor demo. This means that you need one board programmed with the Humidity Sensor application and a second board with the Humidity Collector explained in this post. Figure 3. Example of the Humidity Collector using the Humidity Sensor.
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All FSCI packets contain a checksum field to verify data integrity. Every time a FSCI packet is created (by the Host or a Kinetis device) a new CRC is calculated based on every data byte in the FSCI frame. Compute CRC for TX packet The CRC field is calculated by XORing each byte contained in the FSCI command (opcode group, opcode, payload length and payload data). Checksum field then, accumulates the result of every XOR instruction.    In the firmware, the CRC is calculated in the 'FSCI_transmitPayload()' function wich is located in '<HSDK project>/framework/FSCI/Source/FsciCommunication.c' file. See FSCI_computeChecksum(). Example: TX: AspSetXtalTrim.Request 02 95 0A 01 30 AE    Sync            [1 byte] = 02    OpGroup     [1 byte] = 95    OpCode      [1 byte] = 0A    Length         [1 byte] = 01    trimValue     [1 byte] = 30    CRC            [1 byte] = AE     <------- (0x95) XOR (0A) XOR (0x01) XOR (0x30) = 0xAE Disable CRC field validation Every time a FSCI packet is received, the device verifies the checksum value.  The next changes will allow the board to receive FSCI packets without verifying the CRC field. However, the board will send the FSCI responses to the Host with this CRC field. Go to 'FsciCommunication.c' file. Search for 'fsci_packetStatus_t FSCI_checkPacket( clientPacket_t *pData, uint16_t bytes, uint8_t* pVIntf )' function. Comment all line codes related to checksum verifying. The image below shows what has to be commented. Compile project and load it to the board. Verify functionality with Test Tool. Select any command and check Raw Data checkbox. Delete the CRC data field and send the FSCI message pressing Send Raw. The loaded command set will vary depending on the demo you are using (Thread, ZigBee, BLE, etc.). The FSCI message is sent without a CRC field and the board responses to the command successfully.
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Overview The Bluetooth specification defines 4 Generic Access Profile (GAP) roles for devices operating over a Low Energy physical transport [1]: Peripheral Central Broadcaster Observer The Bluetooth Low Energy Host Stack implementation on the Kinetis KW40Z offers devices the possibility to change between any of the 4 roles at run time. This article will present the interaction with the Bluetooth Low Energy Host API needed to implement a GAP multiple role device. General Procedure instructions Running the GAP roles requires the application to go through the following 3 steps: Configuration - Stack configuration for the desired GAP role The application needs to configure the stack parameters, e.g. advertising parameters, advertising data, scan parameters, callbacks. Note that configuration of the advertising parameters or scanning response and advertising data can be done only once if the values don’t change at runtime. The configuration is always made in the Link Layer Standby state. Start - Running the role The application needs to start advertising, scanning or initiate connection. Stop - Return to Standby state When changing between roles, the Link layer must always go through the Link Layer Standby state. Running as a GAP Broadcaster or GAP Peripheral The GAP Broadcaster or Peripheral sends advertising events. Additionally, the GAP Peripheral will accept the establishment of a LE link. This is why the GAP Observer will only support the Non Connectable Advertising mode (gAdvNonConnectable_c). Both roles requires configuration of advertising data, advertising parameters. The configuration (gAppAdvertisingData, gAppScanRspData and gAdvParams) usually resides in app_config.c. The confirmation events for setting these parameters is received in BleApp_GenericCallback. The confirmation event for the changing state of advertising is received in BleApp_AdvertisingCallback. Configuration /* Setup Advertising and scanning data */ Gap_SetAdvertisingData(&gAppAdvertisingData, &gAppScanRspData); /* Setting only for GAP Broadcaster role */ gAdvParams. advertisingType = gAdvNonConnectable_c; /* Set advertising parameters*/ Gap_SetAdvertisingParameters(&gAdvParams); Start App_StartAdvertising(BleApp_AdvertisingCallback, BleApp_ConnectionCallback); Stop Gap_StopAdvertising(); Running as a GAP Observer The GAP Observer receives advertising events. Unlike the GAP Peripheral or Broadcaster, it does not need to set scanning parameters separately. It passes the configuration with the start procedure. The configuration (gAppScanParams) usually resides in app_config.c. The confirmation event for the changing state of scanning is received in BleApp_ScanningCallback. Configuration and Start App_StartScanning(&gAppScanParams, BleApp_ScanningCallback); Stop Gap_StopScanning (); Running as a GAP Central The GAP Central initiates the establishment of the LE link. Like the GAP Observer, it passes the configuration with the start procedure. The configuration (gConnReqParams) usually resides in app_config.c. The confirmation event for the changing state of link is received in BleApp_ConnectionCallback. Configuration and Start Gap_Connect(&gConnReqParams, BleApp_ConnectionCallback); Stop Gap_Disconnect(deviceId); Example An out-of-the box example for multiple role is attached. The application named blood_pressure_multi_role implements a Blood Pressure GATT client and server and can switch between the following GAP roles: Peripheral, Observer and Central. The contents of the archive needs to be copied to the following location: <Installer Path>\KW40Z_Connectivity_Software_1.0.1\ConnSw\examples\bluetooth\ The application can be found at: <Install Path specified>\KW40Z_Connectivity_Software_1.0.1\ConnSw\examples\bluetooth\blood_pressure_multi_role\frdmkw40z\bare_metal\build\iar\blood_pressure_multi_role.eww Running as GAP Peripheral Press SW4. LED1 will start flashing and the console will show that the Link Layer enters Advertising. If the Link Layer was in a previous state, it will go through Standby. static void BleApp_Advertise(void) {     /* Ensure Link Layer is in Standby */     BleApp_GoToStandby();         shell_write(" GAP Role: Peripheral\n\r");     mGapRole = gGapPeripheral_c;         /* Start GAP Peripheral */     App_StartAdvertising(BleApp_AdvertisingCallback, BleApp_ConnectionCallback); } Running as GAP Observer Press SW3. A chasing LED pattern will start and the console will show that the Link Layer enters Scanning. If the Link Layer was in a previous state, it will go through Standby. static void BleApp_Scan(void) {     /* Ensure Link Layer is in Standby */     BleApp_GoToStandby();         shell_write(" GAP Role: Observer\n\r");     mGapRole = gGapObserver_c;         /* Start GAP Observer */     App_StartScanning(&gAppScanParams, BleApp_ScanningCallback); } Running as GAP Central If the Link Layer is in scanning and finds a Blood Pressure Sensor, it will go through Standby and initiate connection. static void BleApp_Connect(void) {     /* Ensure Link Layer is in Standby */     BleApp_GoToStandby();         shell_write(" GAP Role: Central\n\r");     mGapRole = gGapCentral_c;         /* Start GAP Central */     Gap_Connect(&gConnReqParams, BleApp_ConnectionCallback); } Returning to Standby Pressing SW3 for more than 2 seconds, brings the Link Layer back in Standby. static void BleApp_GoToStandby(void) {     /* Check if connection is on */     if (mPeerInformation.deviceId != gInvalidDeviceId_c)     {         /* Stop GAP Central or Peripheral */         Gap_Disconnect(mPeerInformation.deviceId);     }     if (mAdvOn)     {         /* Stop GAP Peripheral or Bradcaster */         Gap_StopAdvertising();     }         if (mScanningOn)     {         /* Stop GAP Observer */         Gap_StopScanning();     } } References [1] BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 4.2 [Vol 3, Part C], 2.2 PROFILE ROLES
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Document Purpose This post entry provides an example of a hybrid application (Wireless_UART + GFSK Advertising) by covering Bluetooth Low Energy multiple node connections in parallel with GFSK (Generic Frequency Shift Keying) communication.  This is an additional example for the SDK where we have defined a Hybrid application for Bluetooth LE advertising and scanning in parallel with GFSK communication. Audience The goal of this post is to serve as a guide for software developers who want to use, adapt and integrate GFSK functionality in a Bluetooth Low Energy application.    Setting up the development environment Toolchain:           - IAR Embedded Workbench 8.32 or newer;            https://www.iar.com/iar-embedded-workbench/   SDK:          - This version of firmware has been tested using SDK_2.2.1_FRDM-KW36, that can be downloaded using the following link: https://mcuxpresso.nxp.com/en/select            (please consider to select as Toolchain/IDE: All toolchains);             Hardware:       - 2 to 5 FRDM-KW36 development board:  FRDM-KW36 Development Kit KW36/35 MCUs | NXP  Implementation This demo application is design for the FRDM-KW36 platform and can be easily integrated into any board that is using KW35/36 MCU family. The functionality is based on the coexistence mechanism available on the SDK (Mobile Wireless System - MWS module). Based on the HW link-layer implementation, the Bluetooth Low Energy has a higher priority than the GFSK protocol and as the effect, the GFSK communication is executed during the Idle states (inactive periods) of the Bluetooth LE.  For more details related to the MWS module, please refer to connectivity framework documentation from SDK (Connectivity Framework Reference Manual.pdf). As for functionality on the Bluetooth low energy, both roles, central and peripheral, are supported.  Integration to the KW36 SDK - download the attached file and unzip to ...\SDK_2.2.1_FRDM-KW36\boards\frdmkw36\wireless_examples\hybrid folder: - open IAR project (SDK_2.2.1_FRDM-KW36_2019_07_19\boards\frdmkw36\wireless_examples\hybrid\ble_w_uart_gfsk\freertos\iar\ble_w_uart_gfsk_freertos.eww). - the project is organized like below: Functionality Switches functionality:     - functionality is defined in main.c file, BleApp_Handle Keys function;    - on the FRDM-KW36 we have:                 - SW2 - start scanning - Central device;                 - Long SW2 - start advertising - Peripheral device; (long SW2 - SW2 pressed for more than 3 seconds)                 - SW3 - start/stop GFSK TX operation (advertising);                 - Long SW3 - start/stop GFSK RX operation (long SW3 - SW3 pressed for more than 3 seconds) Logs:    - Serial events for different states of the board;    - BaudRate 115200; Validation The solution has been validated using 1 Master and 4 Slave devices as below: 1. Create the network:     a. Open serial communication of all devices. After reset you will see the following message:    b. On the Central device press SW2 to start scanning;    c. On the Peripheral device press Long SW2 to start advertising and wait for the confirmation on the serial port:   d. Repeat steps b. and c. for all of the slave devices.   e. When the network is completed on the Central device you will see something like below:   f. Check the over the air connections (connection interval = 312.5 ms): 2. Validate functionality on the Bluetooth LE: - from each slave (Peripheral) serial terminal write a message (e.g: testslaveX) and check that the message is printed on the master serial port. - do the same test from the master (Central) serial terminal. - Below is an example of this step:   - over the air log: 3. Initiate GFSK communication: - in one of the board's press SW3 to start GFSK TX operation (Advertising packet with AdvAddress = 0909090909); At every 1 second (gGenFskApp_TxInterval_c), an ADV packet will be sent over the air. - Select other board and press Long Sw3 to initiate GFSK RX operation (RX interval = 100ms = gGenFskApp_RxInterval_c); - Each time an ADV packet from address = 0909090909 is received this will be listed on the serial port as below: - over the air the GFSK TX packets will be listed as a ADV_NONCONN_IND: 4. Validate Bluetooth LE in parallel with GFSK: - write a message on the Master (Central) serial terminal and check the feedback on the slave(Peripheral) serial terminals: Attached is the source code for this application. Regards, Ovidiu
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By default the clock configuration on the KW2xD demos is set to PLL Engaged External (PEE). In this mode the system clock is derived from the output of the PLL and controlled by an external reference clock. The modem provides a programmable clock source output CLK_OUT that can be used as the external reference clock for the PLL. In the Figure 1 we can see that the CLK_OUT modem signal is internally connected to EXTAL0 in the MCU.   The CLK_OUT output frequency is controlled by programming the modem 3-bit field CLK_OUT_DIV [2:0] in the CLK_OUT_CTRL Register. The default frequency is either 32.787 kHz or 4 MHz depending on the state of the modem GPIO5 at reset determined by the MCU. See section 4.4.2 and 5.6.2 from the MKW2xD Reference Manual for more information on the clock output feature. If the GPIO5 modem pin is low upon POR, then the frequency will be 4 MHz. If this GPIO5 modem pin is high upon POR, then the frequency will be 32.78689 kHz.   In the KW2xD demos, the GPIO5 (PTC0) is held low during the modem reset so the CLK_OUT has a frequency of 4MHz. The clock configuration structure g_defaultClockConfigRun is defined in board.c. Figure 1. Internal Functional Interconnects   In this example project, another clock configuration will be added to the Connectivity Test Project: FLL Engaged Internal (FEI). In this mode, the system clock is derived from the FLL clock that is controlled by the 32kHz Internal reference clock.   In FEI mode the MCU doesn’t need the clock source output CLK_OUT from the modem, so we can disable the radio’s clock output and then set the radio to Hibernate to save power when we are not using the radio.   If the low-power module from the connectivity framework is used to go to a low-power mode, the clock configuration is changed automatically when entering a sleep mode (See the Connectivity Framework Reference Manual for more information about the low-power library).   System Requirements Kinetis MKW2xD and MCR20A Connectivity Software (REV 1.0.0) TWR-KW24D512 IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM 7.60.1 or later Attached project files Application Description The clock configuration can be changed with shortcuts on the serial console: Press “c” to use the PEE clock configuration (default). Press “v” to use the FEI clock configuration and set the radio to Autodoze. Press “b” to use the FEI clock configuration and set the radio to Hibernate.   You must be in the main menu in order to change the radio mode, the mode automatically changes to Autodoze when entering a test menu.   Hibernate mode can only be changed when in FEI mode. This is because in hibernate the radio disables the CLK_OUT and the PEE configuration needs this clock.   Current Measurements The following measurements were done in a TWR-KW24D256 through J2 5-6 to measure the radio current. Table 1. Radio Current Measurements Clock mode/Radio mode Radio Current PEE/Autodoze 615µA FEI/Autodoze 417µA FEI/Hibernate 0.3µA   Code Modifications The following modifications to the source files were made: \boards\twrkw24d512\Board.c Added clock user configuration Added array of clock configs and configuration struct for clock callback   \boards\twrkw24d512\Board.h Include for fsl_clock_manager.h Declaration of clock callback and configuration array used in CLOCK_SYS_Init() function.   \boards\twrkw24d512\Hardware_init.c Added calibration code after BOARD_ClockInit(), this is to calibrate internal clock using the bus clock.   \examples\smac\Connectivity_Test\common\Connectivity_TestApp.c Initialize the clock manager. Disable PTC0 because it is only used at modem reset to select the CLK_OUT default frequency (4MHz). Return clock configuration on idle state. Prepare radio to go to Autodoze when entering a test menu.   \examples\smac\Connectivity_Test\twrkw24d512\common\Connectivity_Test_Platform.c Changed length of the lines to be erased in PrintTestParameters() from 65 to 80 Added clock config and radio mode to be printed in the test parameters. Added the cases in the shortcut parser to change the clock and radio configuration with the keys “c”, “v” and “b”. Added functions at end of file (Explained in the next section).   \examples\smac\Connectivity_Test\twrkw24d512\common\Connectivity_Test_Platform.h Macros for the clock and radio modes. Function prototypes from the source file.   \examples\smac\Connectivity_Test\twrkw24d512\common\ConnectivityMenus.c Shortcuts descriptions.   The modified source files can be found attached to this document.   Functions added The functions PWRLib_Radio_Enter_Hibernate() and PWRLib_Radio_Enter_AutoDoze() were taken from the file PWRLib.c located at <Connectivity_Software_Path>\ConnSw\framework\LowPower\Source\KW2xD. The PWRLib.c file is part of the low-power library from the connectivity framework.   The Clock_Callback() function was implemented to handle when the clock configuration is updated. Inside the function there is a case to handle before and after the clock configuration is changed. Before the clock configuration is changed, the UART clock is disabled and if the clock configuration is PEE, the radio is set to AutoDoze and the CLK_OUT is enabled. After the clock configuration has changed, the Timer module is notified that the clock has changed, the UART is re-initialized and if the clock configuration is FEI, the CLK_OUT is disabled. This behavior is shown in Figure 2. Figure 2. Clock callback diagram   The prepareRadio() function is used when entering a test mode to make sure the radio is set to AutoDoze in case it was in hibernate. The restoreRadio() function is used when leaving the test menu and going to hibernate if it was previously set.
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Customer is designing QN9090 module. They have IQxel non-signaling equipment and ask if QN9090 can be tested with IQxel-MW. We co-work with ACE Solution Taiwan Co.Ltd. to Integrate QN9090 and IQxel to perform 1M bps, 2M bps and Frame error rate test. This document will address the QN9090 setup and IQxel connection setup. Finally we show the 1M bps, 2M bps and packet error rate results.
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Different 802.11 standards are used in Wi-Fi and they differ in terms of operating frequency and data rates. This post provides information about the different terms used in Wi-Fi, 802.11 standards and the three types of 802.11 MAC frames.   Wi-Fi Standard basic terms Station (STA): Stations comprise of all devices that are connected to the wireless LAN. Station is any device that contains 802.11-compliant MAC and PHY interface to the wireless medium. A station may be a laptop, desktop PC, Access Point (AP) or smartphone. A station may be fixed, mobile or portable. Access Point (AP): An access point is a device that creates a wireless local area network. It has station functionality and provides access to the distribution services via the wireless medium. An access point is a device that allows Wi-Fi clients and Wi-Fi enabled routers to connect to a wired network. Access point connects to a wired router, switch or hub via an Ethernet cable and projects Wi-Fi signal to the defined area. An access point receives data by wired Ethernet, and converts to a 2.4GHz or 5GHz wireless signal. It communicates with nearby wireless clients. In a Wi-Fi network, wireless client communicate to other wireless clients via the AP. Client: A device that connects to a Wi-Fi (wireless) network. Any device that transmits and receives Wi-Fi signals, such as a laptop, printer, smartphone is a Wi-Fi client. Basic Service Set (BSS): A group of stations that are successfully synchronized for 802.11 communications. BSS contains one AP and one or more client stations. In BSS, stations have layer 2 connection with AP and are known as associated. Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID): All basic service sets can be identified by a 48-bit (6-octet) MAC address known as the Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID). The BSSID address is the layer 2 identifier of each individual basic service set. Most often the BSSID address is the MAC address of the access point. Distribution System (DS): A system that interconnects a set of basic service sets and integrated Local Area Networks (LANs) to create an Extended Service Set (ESS). It is used to extend wireless network coverage. Extended Service Set (ESS): In extended service set, one or more basic service sets are connected. An extended service set is a collection of multiple access points and their associated clients. Independent Basic Service Set (IBSS): An IBSS consists only of client stations that do peer-to-peer communications. An IBSS is a self-contained network that does not have an access point. SSID/ESSID: The logical network name of an Extended Service Set (ESS) is often called a Service Set Identifier (SSID). This name allows stations to connect to the desired network when multiple independent networks operate in the same physical area. Roaming: It is a process of a client moving from one access point to another access point within the same Extended Service Set (ESS) without losing connection. It is described in detail in 802.11 connection disconnection process post: [802.11] Wi-Fi Connection/Disconnection process .   Below figure shows DS, AP, Station, BSS, SSID, BSSID and ESS. Figure 1. Overview of Distribution system   802.11 Standards / Wi-Fi Generations 802.11 standard defines an over the air communication interface between the wireless base station and clients. The 802.11 family has various specifications and it has been categorized in several versions as shown in table below. Details of Wi-Fi generations with 802.11 specifications   Table 1. Wi-Fi Generation Overview Generation Technology Operating Frequency Data rates - 802.11b 2.4 GHz 1 - 11 Mbps - 802.11a 5 GHz Up to 54 Mbps - 802.11g 2.4 GHz Up to 54 Mbps Wi-Fi 4 802.11n 2.4 and 5 GHz Up to 600 Mbps Wi-Fi 5 802.11ac 2.4 and 5 GHz Up to 3.5 Gbps Wi-Fi 6 802.11ax 2.4 and 5 GHz Up to 9.6 Gbps   802.11b: This technology is focused on achieving higher data rates within the 2.4GHz ISM band and that is achieved by using a different spreading/coding technique called Complementary Code Keying (CCK) and modulation methods using the phase properties of the RF signal. 802.11b devices support data rates of 1, 2, 5.5 and 11 Mbps. 802.11a: This technology uses 5GHz frequency band. It supports data rate up to 54Mbps with the use of a spread spectrum technology called Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). 802.11a can coexist in the same physical space with 802.11b and 802.11g devices as these devices are using different frequency ranges (5GHz and 2.4GHz respectively). 802.11g: This Technology is an enhancement of 802.11b Physical layer to achieve the greater bandwidth yet remain compatible with 802.11 MAC. The technology that was originally defined by the 802.11g amendment is called Extended Rate Physical (ERP), So the term ERP can be used in the place of 802.11g. Data rate differs with different 802.11g PHY technology, there are two mandatory ERP PHYs and two optional ERP PHYs. The First mandatory PHY technology called Extended Rate Physical-OFDM (ERP-OFDM) is used to achieve data rate up to 54Mbps. Second mandatory PHY technology called Extended Rate Physical DSSS (ERP-DSSS/CCK) is used to maintain backward compatibility and achieve data rate up to 11Mbps. ERP-PBCC and DSSS-OFDM are the two optional PHYs. ERP-PBCC PHY offers same data rates as the ERP-DSSS/CCK physical layer. It is used to provide higher performance in the range (the 5.5 and 11 Mbps rates) by using DSSS technology with Packet Binary Convolution Code (PBCC) scheme. DSSS-OFDM PHY is a hybrid combination of DSSS and OFDM. The transmission of packet physical header is done by DSSS, whereas the transmission of packet payload is performed by OFDM. Usage of this physical layer is to cover interoperability aspects. 802.11n: This Technology is an improvement of the 802.11 standard to get the higher throughput. 802.11n has a new operation known as High Throughput (HT) which provides MAC and PHY enhancements to provide data rates up to 600Mbps. 802.11n supports Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) technology in unison with OFDM technology. MIMO uses multiple radios and transmitting and receiving antennas called radio chains. It capitalizes on the effects of multipath as opposed to compensating for or eliminating them. Transmit Beamforming can be used in MIMO system to steer beams & provide greater range & throughput. 802.11ac: Wi-Fi certified 802.11ac devices are dual band, operating in both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. 802.11ac is built on the foundation of 802.11n. 802.11ac devices use the 5 GHz band, while 802.11n products use the 2.4 GHz frequency band, so 802.11b and 802.11g compatibility can be achieved with 802.11ac. 802.11ac provides high-performance through Multi-User Multiple Input Multiple Output (multi-user MIMO), wider channels, and support for four spatial streams. 802.11ax: Wi-Fi certified 802.11ax provides improved data rates, power efficiency and support for eight spatial streams. Target Wake Time (TWT) feature helps to improve battery performance.   802.11 Frame types 802.11 frames are used for wireless communication and is much more involved because the wireless medium requires several management features and corresponding frame types that are not found in wired networks. There are three major frame types that are discussed below. For details regarding 802.11 layer architecture, please refer to [802.x.x] IEEE 802.x.x and Wi-Fi basics.   Management Frames Management frames are used by wireless stations to join and leave the basic service set. 802.11 management frame is also called Management MAC Protocol Data Unit (MMPDU). It has a MAC header, a frame body, and a trailer. It doesn’t carry any upper layer information. There is no MAC Service Data Unit (MSDU) encapsulated in the MMPDU frame body, it carries only layer 2 information fields and information elements, it does not carry higher layer (Layer 3 to 7 of OSI model) data. A management frame must have fixed length information fields and it may have information elements that are variable in length. Management/MMPDU frame body content depends on the sub type field, based on the sub type field it has payload like Status/Reason code, device capability information etc. Few of the management frames i.e. Beacon, Authentication, Association are described in the Connection setup process post [802.11] Wi-Fi Connection/Disconnection process. Below figure shows management frame structure.   Figure 2. Management Frame structure   Type field available in frame control field, that is set to 00 for the management frame. Management frames have 24-bytes long MAC header and header contains three addresses. DA field is the destination address of the frame, it can be broadcast or unicast depending upon frame subtype. SA field is MAC address of the station transmitting the frame. BSSID is MAC address of AP. Frame body is variable size. Size and content of the body depend on the management frame subtype.   Figure 3. Management Frame   Table 2. Management Frame description Frame SubType SubType Value [B7 B6 B5 B4] Initiator (AP/Station) Association request 0 Station Association response 1 AP Reassociation request 10 Station Reassociation response 11 AP Probe request 100 Station Probe response 101 AP/Station Beacon 1000 AP Announcement Traffic Indication Message (ATIM) 1001 Station (IBSS) Disassociation 1010 AP Authentication 1011 Station Deauthentication 1100 AP/Station Action 1101 AP/Station Action no ack 1110 AP/Station   Control Frames Control frames are associated with the delivery of data and management frames, it does not have a frame body. Control frames contain PHY, preamble, layer 2 header and trailer. Control frames can be transmitted at different data rates as they perform many different functions. All control frames use the same Frame Control field that is shown in the figure below.   Figure 4. Control Frame structure   Figure 5. Control Frame   The type field value for the control frame is 01 and subtype fields identify the function of a frame. Table below shows the different types of control frames.   Table 3. Control Frame description Subtype description Subtype value [B7 B6 B5 B4] Reserved 0000 - 0110 Control wrapper 0111 Block ack request (BlockAckReq) 1000 Block ack (BlockAck) 1001 PS-Poll 1010 RTS 1011 CTS 1100 ACK 1101 CF-End 1110 CF-End and CF-Ack 1111   Data Frames Data frames carry the higher level protocol data in the frame body. Data frames are categorized according to function. Total 15 sub types of data frames are defined in 802.11 standard. Type field value for the data frames is 10. One such distinction is between frame that carries data and frame that does not carry data (perform management function). Figure below shows data frame structure.   Figure 6. Data Frame structure   Figure 7. Data Frame   Each bit of the SubType field available in the frame control field has specific meaning as below. Bit 4 (B4): Changing it from 0 to 1 indicates the data subtype includes +CF-Ack. Bit 5 (B5): Changing it from 0 to 1 indicates the data sub type include +CF-Poll. Bit 6 (B6): Changing it from 0 to 1 indicates that the frame contains no data, specifically, that it contains no Frame Body field. Bit 7 (B7): Changing it from 0 to 1 indicates Quality of Service (QoS) data frame.   Data frames that appear only in the contention-free period can never be used in an IBSS. Below is the list of data frames.   Table 4.Data Frame Details Frame SubType SubType Value B7 B6 B5 B4 Consists Data Contention Free Service Data (simple data frame) 0 Yes No Data + CF-Ack 1 Yes Yes Data + CF-Poll 10 Yes Yes(AP only) Data + CF-Ack + CF-Poll 11 Yes Yes(AP only) Null 100 No It can be contention based and free both CF-Ack 101 No Yes CF-Poll 110 No Yes(AP only) CF-Ack + CF-Poll 111 No Yes(AP only) QoS Data 1000 Yes No QoS Data + CF-Ack 1001 Yes Yes QoS Data + CF-Poll 1010 Yes Yes(AP only) QoS Data + CF-Ack + CF-Poll 1011 Yes Yes(AP only) Qos Null 1100 No It can be contention based and free both QoS CF-Poll 1110 No Yes(AP only) QoS CF-Ack + CF-Poll 1111 No Yes(AP only)   References 802.11 Specification: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7786995 Certified Wireless Analysis Professional: https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/cwap-certified-wireless/9781118075234/ Community posts [802.x.x] IEEE 802.x.x and Wi-Fi basics   [802.11] Wi-Fi Connection/Disconnection process
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