KW45 Knowledge Hub

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KW45 Knowledge Hub

KW45 Knowledge Hub

KW45’s three-core architecture integrates a 96 MHz CM33 application core, dedicated CM3 radio core and an isolated EdgeLock Secure Enclave. The Flash-based radio core with dedicated SRAM delivers a highly configurable and upgradeable software-implemented radio, freeing resources on the main core for customer application space.

The Bluetooth Low Energy 5.3-compliant radio supports up to 24 simultaneous secure connections. The EdgeLock Secure Enclave’s isolated execution environment provides a set of cryptographic accelerators, key store operations and secure lifecycle management that minimizes main core security responsibilities.

The KW45 MCU additionally integrates FlexCAN, helping enable seamless integration into an automobile’s in-vehicle or industrial CAN communication network. The FlexCAN module can support CAN’s flexible data rate (CAN FD) for increased bandwidth and lower latency.


KW45 Block Diagram


KW45 Architecture Block Diagram


Bluetooth Specifications

Evaluation boards

Application Notes

Software, Hardware and Peripherals:

  • AN14122 : How to use RTC on KW45 This application note describes how to configure and use the RTC peripheral in a BLE demo
  • AN14141 : Enabling Watchdog Timer Module on KW45 Bluetooth Low Energy Connectivity Stack This application note describes the process to implement the WDOG timer in a Connectivity Stack demo.
  • AN13855 : KW45/K32W1 Integrating the OTAP Client Service into a Bluetooth LE Peripheral Device This Application note provides the steps and process for integrating the Over the Air Programming Client Service into a BLE peripheral device.
  • AN13584 : Kinetis KW45 and K32W1 Loadpull Report This application note describes measurement methodology and associated results on the load-pull characteristics.
  • AN13860 : Creating Firmware Update Image for KW45/K32W1 using OTAP tool This application note provides the steps to create and upgrade the image on the KW45 board via OTAP.
  • AN14077 : Steps to migrating KW45 (1MB) to KW45 (512kB) This application note describes the initial steps require to migrate from 1MB flash to 512kB flash.

Power Management:

  • AN13230 : Kinetis KW45 and K32W1 Bluetooth LE Power Consumption Analysis This application note provides information about the power consumption of KW45 wireless MCUs, the hardware design and optimized for low power operation.
  • AN13831 : KW45/K32W1 Power Management Hardware This application note describes the usage of the different modules dedicated to power management in the KW45/K32W1 MCU.


  • AN13687 : K32W1 Connectivity test for 802.15.4 Application This application note describes how to use the connectivity test tool to perform K32W1 802.15.4 RF performance.
  • AN13728 : KW45 RF System Evaluation Report for Bluetooth LE and IEEE 802.15.4 Applications This application note provides the radio frequency evaluation test results of the KW45 board for BLE (2FSK modulation) and for IEEE 802.15.4 (OQPSK modulation) applications. Also describes the setup and tools that can be used to perform the tests. 
  • AN14098: KW45-LOC RF Test Report This application note provides basic RF test result of the KW45B41Z localization board. 
  • AN13228 : KW45-EVK RF System Evaluation Report for BLE Applications This application note provides the RF evaluation test result of the KW45B41Z-EVK for BLE application using two frequency Shift Keying modulation.
  • AN13229 : KW45-EVK Co-existence with RF System Evaluation Report for BLE application This application note provides the RF evaluation test results of the KW45B41Z-EVK for BLE application (2FSK modulation)
  • AN13512 : Kinetis Wireless Family Products BLE Coexistence with Wi-Fi Application This application note provides the K32W1/4X low energy family products immunity on Wi-Fi signals and methods to improve coexistence with Wi-Fi 


  • AN13859 : KW45/K32W1 In-System Programming Utility This application note provides steps to boot KW45/K32W1 MCU in ISP mode and establish various serial connections to communicate with the MCU.
  • AN1403 : Programming the KW45 Flash for Application and Radio Firmware via Serial Wire Debug during mass production This application note describes the steps to write, burn and programming all the necessary settings via SWD in mass production. 


If you have questions regarding KW45, please leave your question in our Wireless MCU Community! here


Useful Links

The best way to build a PCB first time right with KW45 (Automotive) or K32W1/MCXW71 (IoT/Industrial)... Community : In this community provides the important link to build a PCB using a KW45 or K32W148 and MCXW71 and all concerning the radio performances, low power and radio certification (CE/FCC/ICC)

How to use the HCI_bb on Kinetis family products and get access to the DTM mode:  This article is presenting two parts:

  • How to flash the HCI_bb binary into the Kinetis product.
  • Perform RF measurement using the R&S CMW270

BLE HCI Application to set transmitter/receiver test commandsThis article provides the steps to show how user could send serial commands to the device.

Bluetooth LE HCI Black Box Quick Start Guide : This article describes a simple process for enabling the user controls the radio through serial commands.

Kinetis (K32/38/KW45 & K32W1/MCXW71) Power Profile Tools:  This page is dedicated to the Kinetis (KW35/KW38/KW45) and MCX W7x (MCX W71) Power Profile Tools. It will help you to estimate the power consumption in your application (Automotive or IoT) and evaluate the battery lifetime of your solution.

KW45/K32W1 32MHz & 32kHz Oscillation margins: this article provides the properly configuration for the Oscillation margins for the circuit.

KW45 Based CS 1 to Many Demo

NXP - Channel Sounding


<<Link to training community Post>>



Wireless Equipment: This article provides the links to the Equipment that helps to the project development 

Development Tools 

SDK builder: The MCUXpresso SDK brings open-source drivers, middleware, and reference example application to speed your software development.

NXP MCUXpresso: MCUXpresso IDE offers advanced editing, compiling and debugging features with the addition of MCU-Specific debugging. Supports connections with all general-purpose Arm Cortex-M. 

NXP SPSDK: Is a unified, reliable, and easy to use Python SDK library working across the NXP MCU portfolio providing a strong foundation from quick customer prototyping up to production deployment.

NXP SEC Tool: The MCUXpresso Secure Provisioning Tool us a GUI-based application provided to simplify generation and provisioning of bootable executables on NCP MCU devices.

NXP OTAP Tool: Is an application that helps the user to perform an over the air firmware update of an NXP development board.

Config Tool: MCUXpresso Config Tools, an integrated suite of configuration tools, these configuration tools allow developers to quickly build a custom SDK and leverage pins, clocks and peripheral to generate initialization C code or register values for custom board support.

SDK Examples for Wireless MCUs: The wireless examples feature many common Bluetooth configurations.

**For secure files is necessary to request additional access. 

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‎11-20-2024 07:19 AM