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University Programs Knowledge Base


Summary: This page contains the technical information for the FRDM-JAM shield.    This includes the Schematics, Bill of Materials (BOM),  Gerber Files and raw design files. See the attachments section.   There are 2 versions long this page.  Rev Gamma and Rev Delta. Rev Gamma:      This was the version for designed around the K20D50 FRDM board.   At the time of the design,  the FRDM-K64F did not exsist Rev Delta This version added IO connections to be able to use the FRDM-K64F.    The FRDM-K64F uses a different I2S pinout so a jumper had to be added as well as the QSPI RAM devices in Gamma had to be remove Other Special Notes about Rev Delta Rev Delta was design such that a FRDM-K64 could be used.      There is not yet firmware available but the hardware now allows connection to the K64F I2S interface. Rev Delta requires that J16 must be cut on the FRDM-K20D50 PCB.  There is a trace connecting the pads of J16 on the bottom side of the FRDM-K20D50.      This cut allows the audio transmit frame sync to work properly.   The signal INT2_ACCEL on the FRDM-K20D50 was interfering with the signal on the FRDM-JAM Rev Delta Introduced an I/O mapping bug.  IO Epsilon connects to PTC9 of the K20D50.     This also maps to the I2S RXD if using with the K64F and is also routed to PTC5 of the K20D50.     Do not use IO epsilon in your code unless you make the proper PCB modifications. Example software, video tutorials tutorials, cool demos, etc are location on the page for MonkeyJam project located here. MBED Support coming *very soon* Notes: You can order PCBs through OSHPark or your favorite board house.   There is a special .zip file with files ready to go for OSHPark (using their preferred naming convention). There is a complete design package which has the raw design files (Altium Designer Format) as well as gerbers,  a Bill of materials,  assembly plots etc.  Look in the "BUILD_PACKAGE" folder for the stuff needed to make the board. A PDF Schematic is also provided for easy reference. If you are interested in a low cost pre-fabbed board or a fully assembled version,  please leave a comment.  A kickstarter project may follow to get a bunch built!
The Kwikstik board is a great board for use in a Freescale Cup car! This page has some videos and example code to get you up and running quickly. For novice embedded developers it is recommended you use the FRDM-KL25Z for your Freescale Cup car. Board Tips The General Purpose TWRPI socket on the Kwikstik K40 board provides access to I2C, SPI, IRQs, GPIOs, timers, analog conversion signals, TWRPI ID signals, reset, and voltage supplies. The pinout for the TWRPI Socket is defined in Kwikstik User's Manual, but the user manual does not describe how to order a connector. Soldering and directly connecting to the pins on the socket itself is very risky and not recommended. When browsing for connectors that interface with the TWRPI sockets you have two main options. 1. The first is a surface mount chip, that is a female connector to connect with the male pins on the board. There are surface mount lead on the top of the chip which will be easier to solder to. The part number is: SFC-110-T2-L-D-A 2. The second option is a female connector which mates with the male connection on the board and is then terminated with a wire for each pin. This option can greatly simplify your wiring challenges on your car as any additional lengths or wires can easily be trimmed off. The part number is: SFSD-10-28-G-12.00-S Image of the SFSD-10-28-G-12.00-S with corresponding Kwikstik TWRPI socket. Connectors can be ordered from Samtec as samples at this website: [http://www.samtec.com/suddenservice/samples/samples.aspx] Useful Videos:   Creating a new baremetal project for a Freescale KwikStik http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8X079Qs7cg&feature=g-upl&context=G2f166b6AUAAAAAAADAA   Debugging a bare metal project on the Freescale Kwikstik. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQhhfNJZL_o&feature=g-upl&context=G2dcfcd5AUAAAAAAAEAA   Importing projects and merging code. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_h9W-QRHp8&feature=g-upl&context=G2354416AUAAAAAAACAA   A discussion of the header files (and how to use them!) for Kinetis Devices in Codewarrior V10. This is the first of 2 videos. I had to split them up as I cannot upload videos greater than 15 minutes in length. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EP2FydCX9tY&feature=g-upl&context=G2fdf3fcAUAAAAAAABAA   Second part of the Kinetis Header file discussion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygjx-OkJuS4&feature=g-upl&context=G2792e97AUAAAAAAAAAA   Discussion on getting the Clock setup on the Kwikstik http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FQzXhLDP2w&feature=youtu.be   How to setup GPIO on the Kinetis. Includes discussion on enabled clocks to peripherals and setting up the pin control registers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXjRpsGJJt4&feature=youtu.be   How to use the SysTick peripheral in the Cortex core with interrupts http://youtu.be/8SRqlDkJwGU   Discussion of how to setup interrupts on the NVIC. The Flex timer is used as an example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mClHzxm0Wk&feature=youtu.be   Example Programs: All of the programs are bare metal examples for CodeWarrior 10.1 that can be used on the Kwikstik board. Make sure to read all of the comments in the C files! How to Load Programs In CodeWarrior: Copy only the source files and header files into a new folder. Import that new folder into CodeWarrior to avoid debug problems.   ClockSetup - Systick This example will demonstrates how to enable the 4MHz Crystal on the Kwikstik. Early versions of the Kinetis silicon had bug in which the device could crash if the clock dividers are changed while executing from FLASH (errata e2448). This code places clock initialization code in RAM. The clock code is based upon routines from Kinetis Peripheral Module Quick Reference (Freescale document KQRUG.pdf). It also shows how to enable the SysTick module in the Cortex Core. The SysTick is used to provide a delay Function. ClockSetup - SysTick.zip     FlexTimer_NVIC_IRQ This code shows how to use the NVIC in the Cortex Core. The Flex Timer module is used to generate a periodic interrupt (similar to the SysTick example). FlexTimer_NVIC_IRQ.zip   LCD_Example This code will turn on segments on the LCD on the Kwikstik. The LCD driver code is derived from the MQX based example on the Kwikstik page. LCD_Example.zip   PWM_Test This code shows how to setup the flex timers to generate different styles of PWM. Note: One of the examples sets up the flex timer for pseudo-complementary PWM. It DOES NOT use the hardware based complementary mode. It writes 2 individual registers in a software routine. One should use this a starting point to enable full hardware based complementary mode. PWM_Test.zip   CameraTest This example is a basic example on how to interface to the Freescale Linescan Camera. It will display a rough approximation of the output on the LCD. CameraTest.zip Note: The code does not run with the camera by default. This is because the AOUT is set to the pin with the pull up resistor (J15 pin 4). Once changed it will work smoothly.
All information can be found in this document
Project Summary Skills Developed: Materials: Step 0: Prerequisite Videos Step 1: Get a FRDM-JAM Step 2: Put it Together Step 3: Download Step 4: Hack and Slash! Sound Samples Utilities, etc: Project Summary MonkeyJam will use the FRDM-K20D50 board (which has a Cortex M4 core with DSP instructions) along with the FRDM-JAM shield so you can  make your very own guitar /bass  stomp box.  The end result will be a functional DSP system that will allow you to do high quality amplifier simulation and effects. The FRDM-JAM does not limit you to DSP on musical instruments!  There are 3.5mm stereo jacks to DSP filtering any type of audio signal.    You could even use the USB interface to create a USB-MIDI Synthesizer!  Lastly,  no need to bring the house down.....  a headphone amplifier circuit is provided so you can jam out without bothering the neighbors. MBED Support coming *very soon* Skills Developed: Real Time Processing DSP Algorithms Fixed Point Mathematics 24-bit I2S Data Converter Interfacing Soldering SOIC8 and 1206 Surface mount devices Cortex CMSIS DSP Library Materials: FRDM-K20D50 FRDM-JAM Development Tools Install Codewarrior 10.5 for Microcontrollers (Eclipse) Special Edition to your  machine Example Code Get the latest copy from Github Step 0: Prerequisite Videos The videos are organized into a nice YouTube playlist: H.I.T 1: Monkey Jam - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWM8NW5LEukgM-D5eRMtKZ8R2WfXnqKGp MonkeyJam Watch Me 1st FRDM-JAM Hardware Overview MonkeyJam Software Overview Introduction to Fixed Point Math for Embedded Systems - Part 1 of 3 Introduction to Fixed Point Math for Embedded Systems - Part 2 of 3 Introduction to Fixed Point Math for Embedded Systems - Part 3 of 3 Real Time Signal Processing Part 1 of 3 Real Time Signal Processing Part 2 of 3 Real Time Signal Processing Part 3 of 3 q31_t (Q0.31) Number Format for the CMSIS DSP Libraries and the MonkeyJam Software Guitar physics in a nutshell Ideas for hacking the MonkeyJam Step 1: Get a FRDM-JAM MonkeyJam Build Package on the FRDM-JAM site.    Please let us know if you are interested in a pre-assembled version.  If there is enough demand we will get some preassembled for purchase, I will get a Kickstarter going!   Don't be afraid to build it yourself,  Soldering is fun!  There is plenty of good stuff on the web on how to do SMT soldering.  All of the parts on the board are fairly simply once you get the hang of it and everything can be hand soldered  The key is having some decent tools. Step 2: Put it Together Attach the FRDM-JAM to the FRDM-K20D50.  The FRDM-K20D50 comes with female headers that you can solder on so the boards can be easily separated.  Note that as of Rev Gamma (current version),   it is possible to connect to a K64F.    The software isn't quite there but it hardware connections are available.   If you are unsure,  stick with the FRDM-K20D50 Step 3: Download Download the Example Software from Github.  The video "Loading and Configuring the MonkeyJam Example Software" will step you though downloading the program and doing some basic configuration. Step 4: Hack and Slash! Plug In and jam! Sound Samples Each sound sample was my Carvin Ultra-V guitar plugged direct into the MonkeyJam Board.  The output was fed to a Zoom Handy Recorder H4n (Thanks to Brandin Claar of Remodulate LLC for the recorder).  The H4N recorded the signal at 44.1KHz Sample rate @16-bit.  The sound files were converted to mono format via Goldwave.  No processing (other than a  volume boost on the files) was performed.   I listen to the recording in real-time via a line out on the H4N.  File (See Attachments) Patch Notes STE-003-Neck-a12b12g12-mlike.wav PATCH_TUBEY_CLEAN Neck Pickup Alpha Pot - 12 O'Cock Beta Pot - 12 O'Cock Gamma Pot - 12 O'Cock Pattern Similar to Metallica Sanitarium STE-005-Neck-a7b5g5-mlike.wav PATCH_TUBEY_CLEAN Neck Pickup Alpha Pot - 7 O'Cock Beta Pot - 5 O'Cock Gamma Pot - 5 O'Cock Pattern Similar to Metallica Sanitarium STE-006-Neck-a12b7g5-mlike.wav PATCH_TUBEY_CLEAN Neck Pickup Alpha Pot - 12 O'Cock Beta Pot - 7 O'Cock Gamma Pot - 5 O'Cock Pattern Similar to Metallica Sanitarium STE-007-Neck-VariousSettings-d-g-em_strum.wav PATCH_TUBEY_CLEAN Neck Pickup The pots were moved around throughout the file Strummed D-Major, G-Major and E-Minor STE-008-Neck+Bridge-VariousSettings-d-g-em_strum.wav PATCH_TUBEY_CLEAN Neck + Bridge Pickup The pots were moved around throughout the file Strummed D-Major, G-Major and E-Minor STE-009-Bridge-VariousSettings-d-g-em_strum.wav PATCH_TUBEY_CLEAN Bridge + Bridge Pickup The pots were moved around throughout the file Strummed D-Major, G-Major and E-Minor STE-010-Neck-VariousSettings-Jammy.wav PATCH_TUBEY_CLEAN Neck + Bridge Pickup The pots were moved around throughout the file B-Minor Type Jam STE-011- Bridge - Various Settings - On-Off Demo-RandomDroppedD.wav PATCH_OVERDRIVE Bridge Pickup Alpha Pot - 5 O'Cock Beta Pot - 12 O'Cock Gamma Pot - 12 O'Cock Random Dropped D twiddling STE-012- Neck - Various Settings - On-Off Demo-Jammy.wav PATCH_OVERDRIVE Neck Pickup Alpha Pot - 5 O'Cock Beta Pot - 7 O'Cock Gamma Pot - 7 O'Cock Random B-Minor twiddles (bluesy) PATCH_OVERDRIVE             +––––––––––––––––––+      +––––––––––––––––––––––––––+      +–––––––––––––––––––––+                               |                  |      |                          |      |                     |                    Signal In  |    IIR BiQuad    |      |      Hard Overdrive      |      |      IIR BiQuad     |  Signal Out       +–––––––––+>|                  +––––+>|                          +––––+>|                     +–––––––––––––+>                |   [Peaking EQ]   |      | [atan24pi Look Up Table] |      |  [Low Pass Filter]  |                               |                  |      |                          |      |                     |                               +––––––––––––––––––+      +––––––––––––––––––––––––––+      +–––––––––––––––––––––+                                                                                                                                                     0.1 < Q < 1.5    [Pot Alpha]                                     Q = 0                                                                                                                                                              50 < Fs < 750    [Pot Gamma]                                   Fs = 2000                                                                                                                                                          -20 < dbGain < 20  [Pot Beta]                                                                                                                                                                                        PATCH_TUBEY_CLEAN              +––––––––––––––––––+      +––––––––––––––––––––––––––+      +–––––––––––––––––––––+                               |                  |      |                          |      |                     |                    Signal In  |    IIR BiQuad    |      |      Soft Overdrive      |      |      IIR BiQuad     |  Signal Out       +–––––––––+>|                  +––––+>|                          +––––+>|                     +–––––––––––––+>                |     [LowShelf]   |      | [atan4pi Look Up Table]  |      |  [Low Pass Filter]  |                               |                  |      |                          |      |                     |                               +––––––––––––––––––+      +––––––––––––––––––––––––––+      +–––––––––––––––––––––+                                                                                                                                                     0.05 < Q < 2.58   [Pot Alpha]                                     Q = 2.0                                                                                                                                                             1000 < Fs < 4000    [Pot Beta]                                   Fs = 2500                                                                                                                                                      -15 < dbGain < 15  [Pot Gamma]                                                                                                                                                                                    Utilities, etc: Biquad Filter View - A IIR Biquad Filter Design &amp; Visualization Tool
1. Overview 2. Hardware 3. Set up the Hardware: Line Scan Camera/Microcontroller Hardware Setup 4. Build the Code 5. Download/Debug/Run 6.Example Code Functions ImageCapture(); ReadADCChannel() Initialize the ADC Header File Definitions Initialize the GPIO Other Tutorials: This tutorial covers the details of obtaining data from the line scan camera on the Kinetis K40 using the TWR-K40X256-KIT evaluation board. General details of the line scan camera not related to the Kinetis can be found in the general Line Scan Camera Theory article. This tutorial will help students familiarize themselves with how to interface the camera with the microcontroller, how to configure GPIO pins to create clock signals and also how to utilize the microcontroller's ADC to read the data from the camera. Outside of control algorithms, configuring the camera is one of the more complex tasks necessary to create a Freescale Cup Vehicle. 1.  Overview In this exercise students will access the line scan camera, create a clock signal and create the initialization pulse which tells the camera to begin the exposure period. This tutorial will not describe line recognition or line following algorithms - these concepts are beyond its scope. Students will: Create the code using Codewarrior Build a project Download the code to the board connect the microcontroller to the camera. Run the program view the camera data, clock and Si pulse on an oscilloscope view the data from the camera in the CodeWarrior Debugger for verification purposes   To successfully complete this exercise, the following software and hardware are required: The K40 Tower card, TWR-K40x256 CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers Freescale Line Scan Camera Motor Board Tower Prototyping board Soldering Iron Solder Tower Elevators USB Cord 2. Hardware   Read the Line Scan Camera Overview article for general information on the camera, ADC, and GPIO microcontroller configuration settings. 3. Set up the Hardware: Line Scan Camera/Microcontroller Hardware Setup It is crucial for an engineer to have the proper test equipment and tools for the job. In this case, without an oscilloscope, students will not be able to verify whether the proper signals are being sent to the camera. 4. Build the Code If there is more than one project in your project view, make sure the proper project is the focus. The most reliable way to do this is to right click the project and choose Build Project as shown below. You can also go to the Project menu and choose the same command. If errors are encountered, look in the Problems view and resolve them. For now ignore any warnings. 5. Download/Debug/Run Download the code to your board, once this process is complete resume the project so that the code runs. If you want more information on how to complete this step see the download debug run section of the Kinetis Blinking Led tutorial. 6.Example Code What will happen: the function ImageCapture() is called in main.c with a pointer to the first element in the array. This function completes the processes necessary to capture images using the camera. To become more familiar with Pointers and Arrays - navigate to the C Programming Tutorial. Knowledge of Pointers and Arrays is a pre-requisite for understanding the Camera Code. Functions The camera code utilizes the following function: within main.c ImageCapture(&Line.RawCameraData[0]); is called to initiate the step of capturing an image into the first position of the array. ImageCapture(); from Camerainterface.c This function captures the images by creating the SI Pulse, and clock signals, capturing the data into an Array using the ADC features of the K40. It calls the function ReadADCChannel() at the proper time which then inputs data from the camera AO line. void ImageCapture(int * ImageData){//this is a pointer to a single character in memory   unsigned char i;   TAOS_SI_HIGH;   TAOS_EXPOSURE_DELAY;   TAOS_CLK_HIGH;   TAOS_EXPOSURE_DELAY;   TAOS_SI_LOW;   TAOS_EXPOSURE_DELAY;   ImageData[0] = (int)ReadADCChannel(19);// inputs data from camera (first pixel)   TAOS_CLK_LOW;   for(i=1;i<128;i++)   {   TAOS_EXPOSURE_DELAY;   TAOS_EXPOSURE_DELAY;   TAOS_CLK_HIGH;   TAOS_EXPOSURE_DELAY;   TAOS_EXPOSURE_DELAY;   ImageData[i] = (int)ReadADCChannel(19); // inputs data from camera (one pixel each time through loop)   TAOS_CLK_LOW;   }   TAOS_EXPOSURE_DELAY;   TAOS_EXPOSURE_DELAY;   TAOS_CLK_HIGH;   TAOS_EXPOSURE_DELAY;   TAOS_EXPOSURE_DELAY;   TAOS_CLK_LOW;  } ReadADCChannel() from readADC.c this function does the analog to digital conversion and returns a value between 0 and 255. It takes the proper ADC channel, in this case 19. Channel 19 corresponds to analog input pin ADC1_DM0 (see page 117 in the K40 Sub-Family Reference Manual). unsigned char ReadADCChannel(unsigned char Channel)   {   ADC1_SC1A = Channel;   while((ADC1_SC1A & ADC_SC1_COCO_MASK) == 0)   {   }   return ADC1_RA;    } Initialize the ADC Before utilizing the ADC it must be calibrated and initialized. The details for how to do this can be found in Chapter 19 Using Peripheral Delay Block (PDB) to Schedule Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) Conversions of the Kinetis Peripheral Module Quick Reference manual. The PDB portions of the code have been removed for the Cup Car Demo Code. Header File Definitions from k40_TOWER_BOARD_SUPPORT.h The following code enables the GPIO on the two pins: #define TAOS_CLK_LOC (1<<28) #define TAOS_SI_LOC (1<<18) Initialize the GPIO From K40_TOWER_BOARD_SUPPORT.c The InitK40GPIO Function sets up the ports for use: Relevant code SIM_SCGC5 = SIM_SCGC5_PORTA_MASK | SIM_SCGC5_PORTB_MASK | SIM_SCGC5_PORTC_MASK | SIM_SCGC5_PORTD_MASK | SIM_SCGC5_PORTE_MASK; //CLK and SI signal PORTC_PCR18 = PORT_PCR_MUX(1) | PORT_PCR_DSE_MASK; PORTE_PCR28 = PORT_PCR_MUX(1) | PORT_PCR_DSE_MASK; //Make Sure the GPIO is setup to be an output GPIOC_PDDR |= LED_E1_LOC | LED_E2_LOC | LED_E3_LOC | TAOS_SI_LOC; GPIOE_PDDR |= TAOS_CLK_LOC; GPIOB_PDDR |= LED_E4_LOC; Other Tutorials: K40:Blinking LED Tutorial K40:Drive DC Motor Tutorial K40:Turning a Servo Tutorial   
This video will examine how can design speed sensing into their vehicle platform.   An example of magnet and sensor placement is shown.
Entrenamiento acerca de Code Warrior 10.4 presentado por Carlos Musich.
As a maker and a professional engineer I always try to keep up with new tools to tinker with.  Being a Freescaler I get especially jazzed about ones using our chips.  But, with so many fish in the sea it's hard to get the word out about all the options out there.  So for your viewing pleasure below is a list of up and coming "development boards" for both Makers and Professionals.  All of these boards use Freescale silicon, but the actual board/product is not made by Freescale.  Add comments below with anything I should be made aware of and any reviews or comments of the ones I mentioned. In the microcontrollers corner... Teensy 3.1 -Weighing in at 2.95 grams, don't be fooled by this one's size; it really packs a punch.  But the board is just the beginning, you can program the board using Arduino Sketch, and Paul has cooked up some cool new audio and video libraries that take advantage of the extra horsepower in the Kinetis K20 chip. WunderBar -This one wins the award for creative naming and packaging.  Basically, you have a main board and several sensor boards.  You snap off the sensor boards (like breaking off a piece of chocolate) and attach them to your desired application.  Out of the box, basic board level stuff is taken care of so you can spend more time working on your tablet/smartphone application. Enter the hybrid cross-overs These two boards have both MCU and MPU's onboard for the best of both worlds.  Generally speaking the MPU handles more multimedia rich tasks, while the MCU handles real-time operations such as controlling motors, monitoring sensors and other various functions. UDOO - After coming off a very successful Kickstarter campaign the UDOO board is gaining some serious traction. You can pick from a dual or quad core Freescale i.MX6 processor with the Atmel SAM32 (aka the Arduino chip) and let the fun begin.  UDoo has a thriving community and really caters well to the "Maker" community. Freedog -  Combines a Atheros AR9331 and Kinetis KL25Z  The Atheros processor supports Linino, a Linux distribution based on OpenWRT. The board has built-in Ethernet and WiFi support, which is a huge plus! The future of personal computing Things are really heating up in the microprocessor corner with lots of new i.MX enabled development boards.  These boards may not go toe-to-toe with your laptop or desktop PC, but the size to performance ratio is just incredible.  For grins I have listed the boards below from largest to smallest. Riot Board- Another SBC (Single Board Computer) solution featuring a single core i.MX 6 application processor.  This board is capable of many things but the focus is for Android development.  I had Netflix and Pandora running on my home TV in less than 30 minutes.  Cool if used for nothing more than a media center! Wand Board - You can pick between single, dual and quad core flavors.  Under the hood this platform is a SOM (System On Module) allowing you to pop this super small plug into your creation and accessorize!  The dual and quad core flavor comes with built in WiFi  and Bluetooth provides a lot of connectivity options. [NEW: Added 7/2/2014] Hummingboard - Several people contributed this in the comments section and I was notified this is now available for purchase.  On paper it looks pretty sweet, same price as the Rasberry Pi but with a much more powerful from a processor performance and peripheral perspective.  I am going to try to get my hands on one and will update you! CuBox - I would put this in more of the finished products camp and not really a development tool, but it is still VERY cool.  A 2 inch cube mini-computer.  Nicely polished packaging and Android O/S, it makes my desktop PC look like a relic. Warp Board - Aimed squarely at wearables, this thing is so small and oh by the way it runs Android and is cranking away at 1 GHz.  It's slated for a end of summer release, but you can start getting updates now from their website!
This page will guide you through the attachment of the servo to the Freescale Cup chassis.   The servo steers the vehicle and is controlled using Pulse-width modulation . Video Tutorial (no sound): Step-by-Step: (Click any image to enlarge) Servo Plate Inside the kit are various mounting options for different servo manufacturers. Look for the bushing of the servo that you are using. You will need the three pieces shown below. You will screw this into the servo. Pieces are notched, so assembly is straight forward. Remove the screw and black servo plate. Mount the yellow servo plate assembly to the servo as shown below. Make sure to add the small yellow washer (pictured below) in between the servo plate and the screw. Tighten well, a servo produces a good amount of torque and will slip if not tight. Steering Bar Assembly Assemble the short arm. Assemble the long arm.   Putting the Two Together Attach the short arm to the yellow bracket. First, insert the bearing into the control arm. This allows the joint to flex and move. Screw this assembly into the servo plate. Attach the long arm to the yellow bracket. Mounting the Servo Motor Attach the motor mount blocks to the back of the servo on both sides. Screw in the attachment blocks from the bottom of the car. Words of Wisdom Be sure to have servo motor in the 0 degree position before securing the control arms. Failure to do so will result in not being utilize the full range of motion. Do not change the position of the steering servomotor by hand. The position of the steering servomotor should be changed through electrical input only. Don’t move the steering servo motor beyond the maximum limit of the movement and this will damage the servo motor
Here is a simple example developed at Politecnico di Torino, to show how the NXP CUP car can be managed using Simulink-generated code. The Simulink model is intended to move the car forward and backward for 20 seconds, or until an obstacle is found. Any comment is welcome.
Continue showing how to start a project from scratch.  In this second part,  we will see how to import new files into a CodeWarrior project to build a project. View Video Link : 1458
One of the finalist vehicles for the Freescale Cup China 2012 event. In 2012, we switched the black lines to the outer edges for a new challenge twist for the students to adapt to.
This tutorial will introduce you to I 2 C and provide a framework that you can use to start communicating with various devices that use I 2 C. This tutorial is meant for the Kinetis K40 and will probably not work on any other Kinetis chip. DISCLAIMER: This has not been fully tested and may not work for you and for all devices. The header file provided does not handle errors and should not be used for critical projects. 2C signaling I2C header file Example of I2C communication using Freescale MMA8452Q 3-axis accelerometer Introduction to I 2 C signaling I 2 C is a simple two wire communication system used to connect various devices together, such as Sensory devices and microprocessors using 8 bit packets. I 2 C requires two wires: the first is called SDA and is used for transferring data, the second is called SCL and it is the clock used to drive the data to and from devices. I 2 C uses an open drain design which requires a pull up resistor to logic voltage (1.8,3.3,5) on both SDA and SCL for proper operation. I 2 C is a master-slave system where the master drives the clock and initiates communication. The I 2 C protocol has 5 parts. The Start signal which is defined as pulling the SDA line low followed by pulling SCL low. The slave device address including the Read/Write bit The register address that you will be writing to/ reading from the data The acknowledgement signal which is sent from the receiving device after 8 bits of data has been transferred successfully. the Stop signal, which is defined by SDA going high before SCL goes high. 1. The start signal is sent from the Master to intiate communication on the bus. The start and stop signals are the only time that SDA can change out of sync with SCL. Once the start signal is sent no other device can talk on the bus until the stop signal is sent. If for whatever reason another device tries to talk on the bus then there will be an error and the K40 can detect this. 2. The slave device is a 7 bit (sometimes 10bit but this will not be covered in this tutorial) address provided by the device and is specific to the device. The type of data operation (read/write) is determined by the 8 th bit. A 1 will represent a write and a 0 a read operation. 3. The register addresses are provided by the device's specifications. 4. The data you will send to a device if you are writing or the data that you receive from the device when reading. This will always be 8 bits. 5. After 8 bits of data has been transferred successfully the receiving device will pull the SDA line low to signify that it received the data. If the transmitting device does not detect an acknowledgement then there will be an error. The K40 will be able to detect this. 6. The stop signal is sent from the Master to terminate communication on the bus. Some devices require this signal to operate properly but it is required if there will be more than one master on the bus (which will not be covered in this tutorial) I2C header file This header file only has functions for reading and writing one byte at a time. Most devices support reading and writing more than one byte at a time without sending the Stop signal. Typically the device will keep incrementing the register's address to the next one during read/writes when there is no stop signal present. See your device's user manual for more information. /* * i2c.h * * Created on: Apr 5, 2012 * Author: Ian Kellogg  * Credits: Freescale for K40-I2C example */  #ifndef I2C_H_  #define I2C_H_  #include "derivative.h"  #define i2c_EnableAck() I2C1_C1 &= ~I2C_C1_TXAK_MASK #define i2c_DisableAck() I2C1_C1 |= I2C_C1_TXAK_MASK  #define i2c_RepeatedStart() I2C1_C1 |= I2C_C1_RSTA_MASK  #define i2c_Start() I2C1_C1 |= I2C_C1_TX_MASK;\    I2C1_C1 |= I2C_C1_MST_MASK  #define i2c_Stop() I2C1_C1 &= ~I2C_C1_MST_MASK;\    I2C1_C1 &= ~I2C_C1_TX_MASK  #define i2c_EnterRxMode() I2C1_C1 &= ~I2C_C1_TX_MASK;\    I2C1_C1 |= I2C_C1_TXAK_MASK  #define i2c_write_byte(data) I2C1_D = data  #define i2c_read_byte() I2C1_D  #define MWSR 0x00 /* Master write */  #define MRSW 0x01 /* Master read */  /* * Name: init_I2C * Requires: nothing * Returns: nothing * Description: Initalizes I2C and Port E for I2C1 as well as sets the I2C bus clock */  void init_I2C()  {    SIM_SCGC4 |= SIM_SCGC4_I2C1_MASK; //Turn on clock to I2C1 module    SIM_SCGC5 |= SIM_SCGC5_PORTE_MASK; // turn on Port E which is used for I2C1    /* Configure GPIO for I2C1 function */    PORTE_PCR1 = PORT_PCR_MUX(6) | PORT_PCR_DSE_MASK;    PORTE_PCR0 = PORT_PCR_MUX(6) | PORT_PCR_DSE_MASK;    I2C1_F = 0xEF; /* set MULT and ICR This is roughly 10khz See manual for different settings*/    I2C1_C1 |= I2C_C1_IICEN_MASK; /* enable interrupt for timing signals*/  }  /* * Name: i2c_Wait * Requires: nothing * Returns: boolean, 1 if acknowledgement was received and 0 elsewise  * Description: waits until 8 bits of data has been transmitted or recieved */  short i2c_Wait() {    while((I2C1_S & I2C_S_IICIF_MASK)==0) {    }     // Clear the interrupt flag    I2C1_S |= I2C_S_IICIF_MASK;  }  /* * Name: I2C_WriteRegister * Requires: Device Address, Device Register address, Data for register * Returns: nothing * Description: Writes the data to the device's register */  void I2C_WriteRegister (unsigned char u8Address, unsigned char u8Register, unsigned char u8Data) {    /* shift ID in right position */    u8Address = (u8Address << 1)| MWSR;    /* send start signal */    i2c_Start();    /* send ID with W/R bit */    i2c_write_byte(u8Address);    i2c_Wait();    // write the register address    i2c_write_byte(u8Register);    i2c_Wait();    // write the data to the register    i2c_write_byte(u8Data);    i2c_Wait();    i2c_Stop();  }  /* * Name: I2C_ReadRegister_uc * Requires: Device Address, Device Register address * Returns: unsigned char 8 bit data received from device * Description: Reads 8 bits of data from device register and returns it */  unsigned char I2C_ReadRegister_uc (unsigned char u8Address, unsigned char u8Register ){    unsigned char u8Data;    unsigned char u8AddressW, u8AddressR;    /* shift ID in right possition */    u8AddressW = (u8Address << 1) | MWSR; // Write Address    u8AddressR = (u8Address << 1) | MRSW; // Read Address    /* send start signal */    i2c_Start();    /* send ID with Write bit */    i2c_write_byte(u8AddressW);    i2c_Wait();    // send Register address    i2c_write_byte(u8Register);    i2c_Wait();    // send repeated start to switch to read mode    i2c_RepeatedStart();    // re send device address with read bit    i2c_write_byte(u8AddressR);    i2c_Wait();    // set K40 in read mode    i2c_EnterRxMode();    u8Data = i2c_read_byte();    // send stop signal so we only read 8 bits    i2c_Stop();    return u8Data;  }  /* * Name: I2C_ReadRegister * Requires: Device Address, Device Register address, Pointer for returned data * Returns: nothing * Description: Reads device register and puts it in pointer's variable */  void I2C_ReadRegister (unsigned char u8Address, unsigned char u8Register, unsigned char *u8Data ){    /* shift ID in right possition */    u8Address = (u8Address << 1) | MWSR; // write address    u8Address = (u8Address << 1) | MRSW; // read address    /* send start signal */    i2c_Start();    /* send ID with W bit */    i2c_write_byte(u8Address);    i2c_Wait();    // send device register    i2c_write_byte(u8Register);    i2c_Wait();    // repeated start for read mode    i2c_RepeatedStart();    // resend device address for reading    i2c_write_byte(u8Address);    i2c_Wait();    // put K40 in read mode    i2c_EnterRxMode();    // clear data register for reading    *u8Data = i2c_read_byte();    i2c_Wait();    // send stop signal so we only read 8 bits    i2c_Stop();    }  #endif  Example of I2C communication using Freescale MMA8452Q 3-axis accelerometer This example is very simplistic and will do nothing more than read the WHO AM I register to make sure that I 2 C is working correctly. To see more check out the Freescale MMA8452Q Example /* Main. C */ #include <stdio.h> #include "derivative.h" /* include peripheral declarations */ #include "i2c.h" int main(void) {      // checking the WHO AM I register is a great way to test if communication is working      // The MMA8452Q has a selectable address which is either 0X1D or 0X1C depending on the SA0 pin      // For the MMA8452Q The WHO AM I register should always return 0X2A      if (I2C_ReadRegister_uc (0x1D,0x0D) != 0x2A {           printf ("Device was not found\n");      } else {           printf ("Device was found! \n");      } }
Connection Diagram for TRK-MPC5604B to Rev. 1 Motor Control "Shield" Board Connection Diagram for TRK-MPC5604B to Rev. 0 Motor Control Board For the TRK-MPC5604, connect the flat ribbon cable to PortB as seen in the picture below. Make the cable connections as shown below for dual motor with independent drive connection Make the cable connections as shown below for dual motor with series drive connection Make the cable connections as shown below for Single motor connection Protect your electronics 1. Try not to stop the wheels while in motion.  This can cause current spikes. 2. Don’t disconnect or connect any cable when board is powered [ON]. 3. Don’t discharge the battery below 5.5V 4. Don’t hit stationary objects
Assembly Of The Freescale Cup Car Chassis Before you start building your program for your car, It would be better if you can assemble your car chassis first. With your car correctly assembled, you can easily test it with your different programs in the later tutorials. The followings are all the tutorials about car chassis assembly. A step-by-step car chassis assembly manual & hints (pub)  (PDF) Servo and steering assembly directions DIY Board mounting template for the TRK-MPC5604B DIY Board mounting template for the Tower System Board mounting suggestions for the FRDM-KL25Z with shield DIY Camera Mounts Wiring connections for the TRK-MPC5604B Hints and notes to chassis assembly Freescale Cup Innovation Challenge EMEA Model B car assembly file in attachment below Exploded Assembly Diagrams Chassis Build Directions [PPT] Original Manufacturer Directions [PDF]
These are the 2015 Freescale Cup Worldwide Challenge Rules. The Finals will take place in Erlangen Germany on September 14-15, 2015. The Worldwide Rules are to be used for all challenges unless the University Programs Coordinator modifies the rules for your specific region. Update on Rules V6: highlighted the fact that no wireless connectivity is allowed during the race. Any wireless connectivity module must be removed before the technical inspection
Find the complete material at https://community.freescale.com/docs/DOC-95205
DIP breakout board for the Kinetis Microcontrollers   2 layer board of 0.65x1.35 inches (16.54x34.29 mm).  Minimal component requirements. You can buy the board from Osh Park ($4.95) or download the design files here! Thanks dgd for sharing the link!
This is the Academic Training that took place for Professors at Guadalajara.  Freescale Engineers provided this training that was detailed enough for the new Freescale technology users. Find below the slides, the presentation videos (in Spanish) and the lab tutorials with the CodeWarrior projects compressed in the attached file. Module Slides Training Videos in Spanish Lab Tutorial 2014 Training Slides DownloadAll Open SDA OPENSDA Flash a binary file OpenSDA Code Warrior 10.4 CodeWarrior10.4 CodeWarrior 10.4 CW Installation My first KL25 project CodeWarrior 10.x ARM Cortex M0+ ARM CortexM0+ ARM Cortex M0+ Cortex M0+ General Purpose Input Output Module GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO Multipurpose Clock Generator Module MCG MCG MCG MCG Video Low Power Timer Module LPTMR LPTMR LPTMR LPTMR Timer PWM Module TPM Overflow   OutputCompare  PWM TPM Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller Module NVIC NVIC NVIC NVIC Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter Module UART UART UART UART Inter-Integrated Circuit Module I2C I2C I2C Analog to Digital Converter Module ADC ADC No Video ADC SampleCode If you have any question on suggestion, please comment below. Also available in the Faculty Portal