Software Licensing Knowledge Base

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Software Licensing Knowledge Base



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Freescale customer license management web page was changed since Dec, 2014.     This document introduced How to rehost CodeWarrior suite license( Node-Lock and Floating License) .
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Freescale customer license management web page was changed since Dec, 2014. This document introduced How to register a CodeWarrior suite licenses( Node-Lock and Floating License) .
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How to install/use USBdongle license under Win 8.1?     Configuration used:                 Native installation Win 7 Enterprise 64 bit                 Oracle VM VirtualBox V4.3.28 r 100309                                 Windows 8.1 Enterprise 64 bit     This doc will answer the question:             Can we use USBdongle license under Win 8.1 ?   There are 2 parts: - How to install the Dongle driver and check it ? - How to use a development tool with USBdongle license file under Win8.1 ?     Attached you will find 2 videos explaining the processes.   - How to install the Dongle driver and check it ? Refer to the USBDongle_driver_installation.avi      BEFORE Phase 4, to avoid problem we recommend to un-plug ethernet cable or switch-off wifi.      If network connection is not switched-off, for Phase 4 and Phase 5, a wrong driver could be installed.                 Right Driver version (USBDongle + FlexID Driver installed + Windows 7 64bit)     - How to use a development tool with USBdongle license file under Win8.1 ? To test it I used:      -  CW for MPC55XX V2.7           Refer to the USBDongle_win8_MPC55XX.avi                               - CW for HC12 V5.1                                    Refer to the USBDongle_win8_hc12v5.1.avi                                     Include example project ->   Hope this will help. Pascal
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Quick guide on how to generte a license with a new host information. ## codewarrior‌ #rehost‌ #codewarrior license‌
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This document, is a short guide for the installation of USB Dongle Drivers and explain how  to generate a license. #usb dongle‌ dongle #license manager‌ #floating license‌ #license issues‌
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How to install/check if my floating license file is running ?                                                   + Known issues for CW for PA V10.4, CW for MCU V10.6, CW for HC12 V5.1, ...       Most of the time the “Product Licenses” is working fine but there are some cases where the information provided in the Product Licenses dialog are wrong. This is the case for: USBdongle license file is used for NL, Floating license file.     What’s about the Floating License file ? A Floating license requires a PC defined as server (which can be a client too) and other PC(s) defined as client(s).     How to install a floating license file ?   A client has 3 ways to contact the server (in fact the service running on server): Using license.dat file – same file used by server and client Using Environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE= port@host  (METROWKS_LICENSE_FILE=port@host) Using Environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE= port-daemon@host  (METROWKS_LICENSE_FILE=port-daemon@host)     On server side On server you must have a service managing the floating license file. You must download the Flexlm tool available on web site:   Please have a look to the documentation for more details:   The license must be locked on the Server DiskID (vol C:) or HostID. You can check if the license is running by: Server Status + Perform Status Enquiry, Server Diags + Perform Diagnostics     On Client side The client has 3 ways to contact the server but only 1 of these ways must be used. Sometimes the 3 ways are running and sometimes only the port@host or port-daemon@host can be used. This is directly linked to your LAN structure.     How the tool is checking the license ?   Case A: By default the tool tries to find the license.dat in the installation folder. It could be C:\Freescale\CW_PA_v10.4.0\PA\license.dat -> this is the first way   Else if a LM_LICENSE_FILE or METROWKS_LICENSE_FILE environment variable is defined, the system will check all variables defined in this environment variables. Here there are 2 ways to define the license.dat.   Case B: If the license.dat is not placed in the default folder (Case A). You must set the environment variable. For instance the license.dat is placed in C:\Freescale\license_all\license.dat You should have: LM_LICENSE_FILE=C:\Freescale\license_all\license.dat or METROWKS_LICENSE_FILE=C:\Freescale\license_all\license.dat   Case A and B required than the same license file used by the server is used on the client.   Case C: No license.dat file is used on client. Using LM_LICENSE_FILE or METROWERKS_LICENSE_FILE environment variables allow you to define a server and a port. This information must be compliant with the license file defined on server. Example of license file: SERVER My_server_name 00123456789A 1710 Server Name: My_server_name Port: 1710 To access this server you must use: LM_LICENSE_FILE=1710@My_server_name or METROWKS_LICENSE_FILE=1710@My_server_name   Case 😧 Now depending of your LAN, this is the case for complex architecture (different subnets, access via VPN, etc),the Case C (as case A & B) could not work. The solution is to define a port on the daemon. Extract of new license file: SERVER My_server_name 00123456789A 1710 VENDOR metrowks port=27000 To access the license file you can use port-daemon@host LM_LICENSE_FILE=27000@My_server_name or METROWKS_LICENSE_FILE=27000@My_server_name   Most of the time we recommend to check floating license in order: - Case A, - Case B, if it's not working then you can try - Case C, - Case D.     How to check if a license file is running ?   For floating license, the info provided in the License details could be corrupted. You can have a message saying the license file is not found or not running whereas the tool is working fine. The information is not really relevant for Floating license. The right way to check if the license is running is to: - open/create a project, - build the project. On the server, the log file captures all accesses done to the service If there is an issue, the problem will be captured in the log file.   The log file contains lot of information to understand what is the problem (If there is one). To generate this file, on the server, launch lmtools and select Config Services tab. Inside "Path to the debug log file" field define a file as - for instance CW for PA v10.4: If the C:\FSL_FlexLM\license_PA_10_4.log is already generated, I recommend you to: - stop the service, - delete the log file via explorer, - re-start the service, - reproduce the problem on client, - try with an example project requiring a license file, - stop the service.   Open the log file to check how the floating license file is used.       Specific trouble for CW for PA V10.4 & CW for MCU V10.6     Under PA V10.4 for instance when the port@host environment variable is used and the service is running on server, when we launch Eclipse we get a wrong license information: According to the message the license file is not found.   For MCU V10.6, the Help + Freescale Licenses menu is not available. PA v10.4 and MCU V10.6 using port@host protocol gives you the same message than if no license file was used/defined. It seems the Product is not detect when the LM_LICENSE_FILE Environment variable is using port@host.   Most of the time the license file is running fine. Is there a way to check it ?                 ……….. YES, generate the log file as explained above.   You can use the project examples for CW for MCU V10.6 and CW for PA V10.4 provided in the                          Attached a video showing the behavior when port@host is used with CW for MCU V10.6       Specific trouble for CW for HC12 V5.1   As explained above a client has 3 ways to contact the server:      - Using license.dat file – same file used by server and client      - Using Environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE= port@host (METROWKS_LICENSE_FILE=port@host)      - Using Environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE= port-daemon@host  (METROWKS_LICENSE_FILE=port-daemon@host)   We used the following configuration:           Server: Win 7 64 bit           Client: Win XP 32 bit           CodeWarrior for HC12 v5.1 using a project requiring a suite Basic or higher (attached - using the simulator)   Description Using the license.dat or the LM_LICENSE_FILE= port@host, we can build the project but not debug it:      - When the IDE is launched, we got a message “This is the last day …”      - We can build the project without problem. The license file is reconized      - When we launch the debugger we got an error saying the debugger is running at demo mode. If we check the log file generated by the server, we see the client is asking for compiler and linker keys but no entries for the debugger key. If the Server and Client is the same PC, the license is working as expected. The problem occurs only when the server and client are different PCs   Solution: We found the LM_LICENSE_FILE= port-daemon@host is working. The IDE is launched without message (This is the last day …) and we can build and debug an application without problem.
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This guide explain how to use the invitation tool for shared software accounts. ## codewarrior‌ #licensing‌
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We changed the web license system since Monday. After to be logged under your Freescale account and clicked on Software Licensing and Support     To list all your registrations:   Refer to FAQs for more information.   Problems: Only Freescale account associated to a registration have been imported on the new web licensing. If your Freescale account was not linked to a registration (suite), your Freescale account was not created in the new web license system. In this case when you click on Software Licensing and Support you will see:   This is true if you create a new Freescale account too.   How to import your Freescale account under Web license system ? If you've purchased a registration you can register it via this dialog. Else you just need to download a development tool evaluation via your Freescale account. For my test I've downloaded Eval for HC12 v5.1:   then ... Now when you click on Software Licensing and Support you will see:   Your account is now imported on new web licensing.
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How To purchase your support renewal for multi-seat Software .   Order the appropriate part number from the chart below. Renewal for Perpetual Licenses CWT-BASIC ($195) CWT-STANDARD ($495) CWT-PRO ($995) Annual Subscription* Renewal CWA-BASIC-R ($395) CWA-STANDARD-R ($995) CWA-PRO-R ($1995)      2. Identify the number of seats your Registration Id has.           2.1 Log to            2.2 Click On Software Licensing & Support           2.3 Click On Order History on Software & Support           2.4 Locate  your Registration Code and Check Additional Details           2.5 Available Quantity will define the number of Seats needed to renew your Software.          3.     On shopping Cart match the Quantity to the available quantity and update your basket.        4.     Complete  your purchasing process      5.      When you receive your physically shipped renewal certificate or digital e-mail confirmation, go to      6.     Enter the registration code for your support renewal.      7.     Select the parent suite to which your support renewal will apply. Only Software with the number of seats matching the renewal part will appear.               8.     Once selected, the Registration Confirmation screen will appear, showing that the upgrade was successfully registered.
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New Web license system – Registering your physical shipment Software and Support contracts. Physical Shipment parts for software and support contracts can be registered following the next steps For Software: Locate the Entitlement ID/ Registration ID  in the received shipment card or DVD case. Go to . (If you have not already registered, it will be necessary to do so at this time) Enter Registration Code and Click Register Product >> Add Product to an Account Confirmation page should appear.   For support Contracts: Locate the Entitlement ID/ Registration ID  in the received shipment card or DVD case. Go to . (If you have not already registered, it will be necessary to do so at this time) Enter Registration Code and Click Register Product >> Add Product to an Account Complete the Support Form and Click Submit>>, which will provide us with the details and contact information to complete  your support environment Once this is completed our support team will contact you.
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Online installer This image contains the CW MCU v10.5 core tools and an installer, which assumes your computer has internet access. During the installation process the core tools will be installed and you will be asked to select the Freescale architecture support you want installed. The installer will automatically access the internet, download the necessary archives and install them in your CodeWarrior directory. Click here to start the download. This archive size is 400 MB. Offline installer This image contains the complete CW MCU v10.5 tool suite and an installer, which assumes your computer does NOT have internet access. All data needed by the installer will be downloaded now and no other download will be performed. Click here to start the download. The total archive size is 1.3 GB Note: The Evaluation Edition license is automatically installed with your product and you do not need to register it. This license allows you to develop projects as Professional Edition within the 30-day evaluation period. After 30 days, the license works as Special Edition license (free permanent, but feature limited) which supports unlimited assembly code; up to 64KB of C code for ColdFire+, V1 ColdFire, DSC, Kinetis L Series, RS08, S08 derivatives; up to 128KB of C code for Kinetis K Series and V2-V4 ColdFire derivatives; and up to 512KB for Qorivva and PX derivatives.   Note: The Special Edition license is automatically installed with your product and you do not need to register it. This license allows you to develop projects with unlimited assembly code; up to 64KB of C code for ColdFire+, V1 ColdFire, DSC, Kinetis L Series, RS08, S08 derivatives; up to 128KB of C code for Kinetis K Series and V2-V4 ColdFire derivatives; and up to 512KB for Qorivva and PX derivatives.   This document was generated from the following discussion: What is the difference between the Offline and the Online Installer for MCU 10.5
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If you have been invited to Join a Software account follow the process attached to complete the invitation.   Regards.
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1. Download service manager. License Manger for Windows LMTOOLS   Installation Guide  2. License Manger update If your license manager have the following view, an update is needed. Updated License Manager view In the previous links the updated License Manager can be downloaded. 3. Open LM Tools / Go to Config Services tab  Service Name: Please type a new service name. Service Name: Please type a new service name. Path to the license: select the location of the license file. Path to log file: create a file to save the log file from server. Uncheck Start Server at power-up. Check Use Service. 4. Open Start/Stop/Reread tab Select the new created service and click on reread License file. Check on the license status on the low left side of the windows. License read successfully is expected. 5. License path information Review the license.dat file in in the installation path location. Make sure you have the same copy that holds the server, so the serve information referenced in license.dat file can be the same. Classic CodeWarrior IDE, save the license.dat file in the directory where you installed the software (usually C:\Program Files\NXP\Code Warrior for XYZ\). Eclipse IDE, save the license.dat file in the directory where you installed the software (usually C:\Program Files\NXP\CW XYZ v10.x\XZY\license.dat). CodeWarrior for Networking C:\Freescale\CW4NET_v2018.01\Common  6. How to set an environment variable  Go to System within control panel. Click on advanced system settings. Go to Environment Variables. Look for METROWKS_LICENSE_FILE – if there is no variable please click on add. Assign value to for client Classic CodeWarrior IDE, save the license.dat file in the directory where you installed the software (usually C:\Program Files\NXP\Code Warrior for XYZ\). Close and test
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Dongle drivers for Win 7 or Win 10 working with eclipse-based CodeWarrior versions.   How to install dongle drivers haspdinst Download and Extract in a know folder. Open CMD Go to extraction directory path Type haspdinst.exe -? Type haspdinst.exe -install  C:\Users\n760\Downloads\dongle11.16.0.0_v6\x64_n6\FLEXID9_Windows_v7_80_x64>haspdist.exe -install Operative System supported Windows 7 SP1 Windows 7 SP1 Embedded standard (x86) Windows 8.1 SP1 Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows Server 2016 Windows 10 Version 1709
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So, you are new to CodeWarrior and don't know how to register the Development Suite you got? It is not complicated at all, I'll explain briefly   There is no need of extra information or documents you must keep handy, only the stuff you are already familiar with like your account username and password, the CodeWarrior suite you acquired and the product ID that can be found (physically) on a sticker at the back of the product or (digitally) in the "View my Orders" section of your home page.   The next steps are basically following the lead in the registration process thru the webpage, providing the information of the product and submiting the request.   There is also a part of the process in which you must enter the information in the cmd, but don't panic! It's just matter of locating and synchroinizing files so you don't have any complication when using the IDE.   This video here can show you complete details and guide you step by step with the registration process   This document was generated from the following discussion: HOW TO register CodeWarrior? ~
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this document guide user  to install floating license with Step By Step Screenshots. It's very simple and readable.
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These are CodeWarrior Licensing Community Document list:   Web License System: New Web license system - December 8th, 2014 & Problems with Freescale Account. New Web license system - Registering your physical shipment Software and Support contracts. How to download a Service Pack / Patch / Update from Web License System?   Register and Purchase: How to register and retrieve CodeWarrior suite licenses How to complete a Software Activation Share Account Invite. Are you getting an Error that your registration code does not exist? How to extend my evaluation license file for CodeWarrior   Renewal: How to apply renewal code on registration? How to renew support for CodeWarrior suite licenses How to purchase your support renewal for multi-seat software registration. How to renew MQX RTOS add-on SW IPv6 DL-MQXIPV6-SR-PS   Rehost: How to rehost CodeWarrior suite license Cannot Re-host a license - License Lists is empty  (valid to generate a license file associated to a registration too).   Floating License Related: How to install/check if my floating license file is running ? (known issues) Step Byt Step Screenshot Guide Floating license FlexLM for CodeWarrior.pdf   USB Dongle Related: How to install/use USBdongle license under Win 8.1? (Include test with CW for MPC55xx V2.7 & CW for HC12 v5.1) USBdongle license is not running for CW for PA V10.4 and MCU V10.4 (sometimes) ->  "LM_NOTTHISHOST"   Misc: How to merge multiple floating and NL license files in 1 file What is the difference between the Offline and the Online Installer for MCU 10.5   License FAQ: Licensing and Registration FAQ|NXP   More CodeWarrior Licensing Discussions: CodeWarrior Licensing Community
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Guide to generate a license file for your software. #license issues‌ #codewarrior; software; licenses issue‌
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Option A Multiple license generation 1. Login 2. Click SW Licensing & Support 3. Select your account if you have multiple 4. Click on Order History , Find the entitlement you need and click 5. Go to licenses options 6. Check mark the license needed 7. Generate license file 8. Copy in the app folder C:\Freescale\CW4NET_v2016.01\Common Option B Multiple entitlement license generation, Files downloads 1. Login 2. Click SW Licensing & Support 3. Click on the product list needed 4. Select the version you want to license or download 5. Go to license tab 6. Assig a host 7. Generate license 8. Copy in the app folder C:\Freescale\CW4NET_v2016.01\Common
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