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S32 Design Studio Knowledge Base


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How to Download, Install, Activate and 1st time use of S32 Design Studio 3.6.0
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The release notes of S32K RTD usually mention which dependent software packages need to be installed. Taking SW32K1_S32M24x_RTD_R21-11_2.0.0_P04_D2404_ReleaseNotes.pdf as an example, we can see that the following software packages need to be installed: You must be logged into your account on NXP.com to gain access to the download link. 1. Download and install S32Design Studio 3.5: Click S32 Design Studio 3.5 – Windows/Linux -> 3.5 S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform v.3.5 -> S32DS.3.5_b220726_win32.x86_64.exe Note: For Windows OS, the user account designated for installing S32 Design Studio for the S32 Platform must be a member of the local Administrators security group. 2. Download and Install S32 Design Studio 3.5 Update 4 D2307: SW32_S32DS_3.5.4_D2307.zip (com.nxp.s32ds.update_3.5.4.20230707034206.zip) Since the SW32K1_S32DS_3.5.4_D2307.zip downloaded in step3 already contains the files of the SW32_S32DS_3.5.4_D2307.zip in the step2, we will skip this step here. 3. Download and Install S32 Design Studio 3.5 development packages for offline use, support for S32K1 (3.5.4_D2307): SW32K1_S32DS_3.5.4_D2307.zip  (com.nxp.s32ds.s32k1.dev.repository_1.0.0.202307062245.zip) Unchecking Contact all update sites during install to find required software can complete offline installation faster. 4. Click Real-Time Drivers for S32K1 -> Automotive SW - EB tresos Studio / AUTOSAR Configuration Tool Select and install one of the following updatesite.zip for S32K1 RTD 2.0.0: The latest S32K1 RTD version is usually recommended. However, if you need to use Reference Software or Premium Software (such as FreeRTOS, LIN Stack, TCP/IP Stack Structural , Core Self-Test (SCST), Automotive Math and Motor Control Library (AMMCLib), S32K ISELED), it is recommended to install the specific version of S32K1 RTD according to their release notes. 4.a) Download and install S32K1_S32M24X Real Time Drivers AUTOSAR 4.4 & R21-11 Version 2.0.0: SW32K1_S32M24x_RTD_4.4_R21-11_2.0.0_D2308_DS_Updatesite.zip 4.b) Download and install S32K1_S32M24X Real Time Drivers AUTOSAR 4.4 Version 2.0.0 P01: SW32K1_S32M24x_RTD_4.4_R21-11_2.0.0_P01_D2308_DS_Updatesite.zip 4.c) Download and install S32K1_S32M24X Real Time Drivers AUTOSAR R21-11 Version 2.0.0 P04: SW32K1_S32M24x_RTD_R21-11_2.0.0_P04_D2404_DS_updatesite.zip
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The release notes of S32K RTD usually mention which dependent software packages need to be installed. Taking SW32K3_S32M27x_RTD_R21-11_4.0.0_D2311_ReleaseNotes.pdf as an example, we can see that the following software packages need to be installed: You must be logged into your account on NXP.com to gain access to the download link. 1. Download and install S32Design Studio 3.5: Click S32 Design Studio 3.5 – Windows/Linux -> 3.5 S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform v.3.5 -> S32DS.3.5_b220726_win32.x86_64.exe Note: For Windows OS, the user account designated for installing S32 Design Studio for the S32 Platform must be a member of the local Administrators security group.   2. Download and Install S32 Design Studio 3.5 Update 8 D2311: SW32_S32DS_3.5.8_D2311.zip (com.nxp.s32ds.update_3.5.8.20231116041033.zip) Since the SW32K3_S32DS_3.5.8_D2311.zip downloaded in step3 already contains the files of the SW32_S32DS_3.5.8_D2311.zip in the step2, we will skip this step here.   3. Click S32K3 Standard Software -> Automotive SW - S32K3 - S32 Design Studio Download and Install S32 Design Studio 3.5.8 Development Package with support for S32K3xx devices (3.5.8_D2311): SW32K3_S32DS_3.5.8_D2311.zip  (com.nxp.s32ds.s32k3xx.update_3.5.8.20231116045533.zip) Unchecking Contact all update sites during install to find required software can complete offline installation faster.   4. Download and install S32 Design Studio 3.5.6 RTM with support for S32K39x devices(3.5.6_D2309): SW32K39x_S32DS_3.5.6_D2309.zip   5. For users who need to use S32M27x(Otherwise, go to step 6), please click S32M2 Standard Software -> Automotive SW - S32M2 - S32 Design Studio Download and Install S32 Design Studio 3.5.8 Development Package with support for S32M2xx devices(3.5.8_D2311): SW32M2_S32DS_3.5.8_D2311.zip (com.nxp.s32ds.s32m2.update_3.5.8.20231116044631.zip)   6. Click S32K3 Standard Software -> Automotive SW - S32K3/S32M27x - Real-Time Drivers for Cortex-M Select and install one of the updatesite for S32K3 RTD 4.0.0.  The latest S32K3 RTD version is usually recommended. However, if you need to use Reference Software or Premium Software (such as FreeRTOS, LIN Stack, TCP/IP Stack, AWS Libraries for S32K3, S32 Safety Software Framework (SAF) for S32K3xx, Structural Core Self-Test (SCST), HSE Premium Firmware, ISELED Driver), it is recommended to install the specific version of S32K3 RTD according to their release notes. Since there are many versions of S32K3 RTD 4.0.0, only one version of RTD will be installed here. Download and install S32K3_S32M27x Real-Time Drivers AUTOSAR R21-11 Version 4.0.0: SW32K3_S32M27x_RTD_R21-11_4.0.0_D2311_DS_updatesite.zip Then in S32DS v3.5, click File -> New -> S32DS Project from Examples and you should be able to see the example projects for S32K3 RTD 4.0.0.
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There are 2 errors which produce the FNP error 0 message for which we have identified solutions:   1) That activation request yields no right to a license If you receive the following error message following an attempt to activate S32 Design Studio, this is a known issue and we have a solution.     This issue is due to a recent event. On October 1st, 2019, Flexera made this change. Since NXP uses Flexera for product activations, we were affected.   The solution to the issue is to enable support for TLS 1.2 within your Internet Properties.   2) com.acresso.activation.handler.ServerException If you receive the following error message following an attempt to activate S32 Design Studio, this is a known issue and we have a solution. This issue is known to occur on older releases of S32 Design Studio.     The version of FlexNet Publisher (FNP) used to activate the S32 Design Studio on your PC has an issue on some users machines. While we don't fully understand what change is happening to cause this issue, we have determined that an update to the version of FNP will resolve it. We have incorporated a newer version in the 3.5 release of S32 Design Studio.   Attached is a package of files (Activation.7z) which will allow you to update the version of FNP on your machine.   Enter the following command replacing the paths as noted. It should be possible to execute from CMD window located at any path. Make sure to use the ‘/’ instead of ‘\’ and if you have any paths with spaces, then enclose the full path with “.   For 64-bit OS: C:/NXP/S32DS.3.5/jre/bin/java  -Djava.library.path="{path to where you extracted the activation.zip}/Activation/cll/x64"  -jar "{path to where you extracted the activation.zip}/Activation/license.jar" activateUI   For 32-bit OS: C:/NXP/S32DS.3.5/jre/bin/java -Djava.library.path="{path to where you extracted the activation.zip}/Activation/cll/i86" -jar "{path to where you extracted the activation.zip}/Activation/license.jar" activateUI   If you have no existing S32DS installation from which to use Java, then please use the attached package (CLL_FNP. and follow the instructions in the included .txt file. This package only works on Windows OS 64-bit.
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S32 Design Studio (S32DS) supports IAR Eclipse plug-in that enables users to build and debug a S32DS project with IAR toolchain for ARM. This document describes how to install this plugin and how to enable IAR in the new project wizard. Current version of S32DS 3.4 supports IAR compilers v9.x. After the IAR eclipse plugin installation is finished you should be able to create, build and debug a new S32DS project (including SDKs) using IAR compiler/debugger interface directly under S32DS Eclipse environment.   Installation instructions First of all make sure you have IAR Embedded Workbench installed with a valid license from IAR. Now let's proceed to eclipse plug-in installation. 1. Install IAR Plugin manager  Go to menu "Help" -> "Install New Software"         Click on "Add..." button to add a new IAR repository located here: http://eclipse-update.iar.com/plugin-manager/1.0                   Tick "I Accept the terms of the license agreement" and click "Finish" to accept unsigned content software Finally you proceed to the installation. When the plugin is installed you will be asked to restart S32DS Again, go to menu "Help" -> "Install New Software" and  click on "Add..." button to add a new IAR repository located here: http://eclipse-update.iar.com/arm/9.10/                   Tick "I Accept the terms of the license agreement" and click "Finish" to accept unsigned content software Finally you proceed to the installation. When the plugin is installed you will be asked to restart S32DS Anytime you create a new workspace you will be asked to enter path to IAR Embedded Workbench IDE. Go to menu "Window" -> "Preferences", click on "IAR Embedded Workbench" menu, select “IAR Toolchain for Arm – (9.x)” in the “Installed IAR Toolchains”, and then input the IAR Embedded Workbench IDE installation path.            2. Configure IAR plugins in IAR Embedded Workbench plugin manager Start the IAR plugin manager (Menu "Help" -> "IAR Embedded Workbench plugin manager")          Select the ARM version (9.10-) and click "Install" button.           Select all the IAR components displayed and proceed to installation by clicking "Next" button.   3. New IAR project in the project wizard You can now create a new project in S32DS and select IAR toolchain for ARM instead of default GCC compiler.          There should appear a new item it the Debugger selection - "IAR plugin Debugger". Please choose this option if you intend to debug using IAR supported probes (e.g. I-jet)          IAR specific panels and settings are now displayed in the project properties for a new S32DS project with the IAR options enabled (see below).          There is a new category "IAR C-SPY Application" in the debug configurations panel that contains all the debug configurations for projects with IAR debug plugin option selected.          The Debugger perspective now offers several IAR specific Views and features.   Enjoy building and debugging with IAR Eclipse plug-in in S32DS!
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          Product Release Announcement Automotive Processing S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform v3.4           Austin, Texas, USA Dec 22, 2020   The Automotive Processing's Software Development Tools Engineering Team at NXP Semiconductors is pleased to announce the release of the  S32 Design Studio v3.4 Here are some of the major features: Eclipse Neon 2019.12 Framework GNU tools: GCC version 6.3.1 20170509, build 1620 revision g01b30c3 GCC version 9.2.0 20190812, build 1649 revision gaf57174 NPW support for GCC 9.2 toolchain (available for selected devices only) S32 Configuration Tool framework 1.3 with the Pin, Clock, Peripheral, DCD, IVT, DDR and QuadSPI Configuration tools (SDK/RTD packages required to get support for particular device)  The wizards for creating application, library projects and projects from project examples for the supported processor families The S32DS Extensions and Updates tool S32 Trace Tool S32 Debugger support PEMicro® debugger support Lauterbach Trace32® support Green Hills compiler support S32 Flash Tool Peripheral and System Registers view SDK management Support for importing MCAL configuration to a custom SDK Support for migration: project with GCC 6.3.1 toolchain to GCC 9.2 toolchain S32DS for ARM  projects for S32K1 device to S32DS 3.3, including SDK* * available with S32K1 package, not yet released, more details could be found in Release Notes  Release is available for download on NXP web and from S32DS 3.4. Please make sure that you get new activation ID for this version. Support for S32S247TV and S32V23x is available on public update site and release location. S32V23x support: S32SDK S32V234 RTM 1.0.1  S32 Configuration tools - Pins, Clocks, Peripheral (installed with SDK package) S32 Debugger (with S32 Debug Probe) support for ARM cores S32 Trace for A53 cores GCC version 6.3.1 20170509, build 1574 S32 Flash Tool support AMMCLIB 1.1.20 P&E and Lauterbach debuggers support Note: Vision Extension package 1.2.0 with support for S32 Design Studio 3.4 is not yet available, if you need to work with VSDK and Vision tools - it is recommended to stay on S32DS 3.3 until a new version of Vision Extension package is released   S32S247TV support: Support for S32S247TV new project wizards, GCC 6.3.1 and GHS compilers S32SDK S32S247TV EAR 0.8.1  S32 Configuration tools - Pins, CLocks, Peripheral, DCD, IVT (installed with SDK package) S32 Debugger (with S32 Debug Probe) support  S32 Flash Tool support Lauterbach support S32K1 support: Support for S32K1xx new project wizards, GCC 6.3.1, IAR and GHS compilers NXP GCC version 6.3.1 20170509, build 2017 S32SDK S32K1xx RTM 4.0.1 AMMCLIB 1.1.22 S32 Configuration tools - Pins, CLocks, Peripheral (installed with SDK package) PEmicro, iSystem, Segger, IAR, Lauterbach  debuggers support Support for S32V23x, S32S247TC, S32K1xx is provided on update site and archive SW32_S32DS_3.4.0_D2012.zip for offline use    Complete S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform v3.4 release notes and Installation Guide are attached.   Installation To download the installer please visit the S32 Design Studio product page download section or click the direct here.     The installer requires the Activation ID to be entered. You should receive a notification email including the Activation ID after the download of the installation package starts.   The installer installs just the base tools/package. In order to start development it is necessary to install at least one Development package. Currently the only development packages available are S32S2xxTV and S32V2xx. The application packages are managed by S32DS Extensions and Updates.         Technical Support S32 Design Studio issues are tracked through the S32DS Public NXP Community space. https://community.nxp.com/community/s32/s32ds  
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        Product Release Announcement Automotive Microcontrollers and Processors S32 Design Studio v3.3 Vision Extension Package for S32V234 1.2.0          What is new? Integrated VSDK 1.6.0   Installation instructions The update is available for online installation (via S32DS Extensions and Updates) or offline installation (direct download link)  installation:  go to menu "Help" -> "S32DS Extensions and Updates" dialog  select from available items and click "Install/Update" button offline installation:   go to S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform product page -> Downloads section or use direct link to download the update archive zip file        Start S32 Design Studio and go to "Help" -> "S32DS Extensions and Updates", then click 'Go to Preferences' link And add a new site "Add..." repository and browse to select the downloaded update archive zip file you downloaded in the previous step       Select the 'S32 Design Studio for Power Architecture Device Package' and 'Update with S32 SDK 3.0.2 for Power Architecture' packages and click "Install/Update" button.   This will start the update installation process.
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