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  i.MXRT系列具有内部ROM,并且ROM中暴露出了一些功能接口可供用户直接使用。 本文介绍了Flexspi Nor ROM APIs, 并且列举了API相关的参数及示例程序。 通过这些API可以很方便的操作外部Flexspi Nor Flash。用户无需关系细节。   Products Product Category NXP Part Number URL MCU MIMXRT1060 https://www.nxp.com/products/processors-and-microcontrollers/arm-microcontrollers/i-mx-rt-crossover-... MCU MIMXRT600 https://www.nxp.com/products/processors-and-microcontrollers/arm-microcontrollers/i-mx-rt-crossover-...   Tools NXP Development Board URL i.MX RT1060 Evaluation Kit https://www.nxp.com/design/development-boards/i-mx-evaluation-and-development-boards/mimxrt1060-evk-... i.MX RT600 Evaluation Kit https://www.nxp.com/design/development-boards/i-mx-evaluation-and-development-boards/i-mx-rt600-eval...   SDK SDK Version URL MCUXpresso SDK Builder https://mcuxpresso.nxp.com/en/welcome
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Explore the MC34937, an industrial-grade 3-phase gate pre-driver for BLDC and PMSM motor control. The MC34937 can support 12V, 24V, and 36V motor control applications and easily interfaces to standard MCUs and DSPs. The demo shows the implementation of the MC34937 with Kinetis Microcontrollers E in a 36V battery-operated electric bike (eBike) application. This same system can be modified to be used in other industrial applications such as electric garden tools, industrial fans and pumps, and electric wheelchairs. Features Demo shows capability of Kinetis KE02 connecting to an MC34937 Motor Driver MC34937 able to drive 12V, 24V, 36V, 48V systems Featured NXP Products Kinetis E - KE02Z64 MC34937 3-phase gate pre-driver Block Diagram MC34937 Schematics and Software:
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Demo Owner: David Chung Intended to demonstrate how one can leverage NXP technology to safely transport loads in a range of settings from a shipyard to an assembly line. Demo runs a Seavus developed application that pre-calculates a path based on environmental input given by the QorIQ LS1021A.  It then moves the load according to that path, adjusting for unforeseen hazards such as people who move in the way during transport.  It ensures that the landing area is clear before dropping the load. Demo is entire self-contained.     Features QorIQ LS1021A FPU for precise mathematical computation IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol to sync clocks within system WiFi connectivity to Human-Machine Interface SEC 5.5 crypto accelerator for maximum security Dual core for redundancy i.MX6 Specialized imaging processor Used as camera interface to facilitate trajectory calculation Kinetis Microcontroller K40 General purpose low power MCU Utilized to control the crane's stepper motor Green Hills INTEGRITY RTOS Certified EAL6+ High Robustness by NSA Separates critical and non-critical tasks Seavus Crane Application Efficient algorithm for trajectory calculation and load transport Block Diagrams Organizational Structure Algorithm Diagram Function Allocation  
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This demo shows the interaction among MCUs, motor drivers, and sensors using simple mbed code and various communication protocols, namely Ethernet, I2C, and PWM to simulate real-world applications on a smaller scale       Features Motor driver with Brushed DC motor driver with current feedback and thermal regulation 6-Axis sensor FXOS8700 (Accelerometer + Magnetometer) and 3-Axis Gyroscope FXAS21002 Kinetis K64 MCU 120 MHz ARM® Cortex®-M4 core with Ethernet and USB Complete system consisting of an MCU, a sensor, and a motor driver _______________________________________________________________________________________________________   Featured NXP Products Product Link Sensor Toolbox Development Boards for a 9-Axis Solution using FXAS21002C and FXOS8700CQ https://www.nxp.com/design/development-boards/freedom-development-boards/sensors/sensor-toolbox-development-boards-for-a-9-axis-solution-using-fxas21002c-and-fxos8700cq:FRDM-STBC-AGM01?&lang_cd=en Freedom Expansion board for MC34931- Brushed DC Motor Driver, H-Bridge, 20kHz https://www.nxp.com/design/development-boards/analog-toolbox/freedom-expansion-board-for-mc34931-brushed-dc-motor-driver-h-bridge-20khz:FRDM-34931S-EVB?&lang_cd=en Freedom Development Platform for Kinetis® K64, K63, and K24 MCUs https://www.nxp.com/design/development-boards/freedom-development-boards/mcu-boards/freedom-development-platform-for-kinetis-k64-k63-and-k24-mcus:FRDM-K64F?&lang_cd=en _______________________________________________________________________________________________________   Software Links Accelerometer code Motor driver code   For more detailed information about this demo, please download attached PDF
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本文探讨了如何解决i.MX8MP EMC测试遇到的问题,主要针对辐射超标问题。除了硬件方案,着重探讨了LVDS展频等软件方案。
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Description With the growing consumption of energy worldwide, particularly in the residential market, utility providers need increasingly accurate and cost-effective energy metering solutions. The electricity meter is used for measurement and registration of active and reactive energy in single-phase, two-wire networks for direct connection. NXP’s connectivity solutions for smart metering address the challenges smart cities face for reliable, secure communications for remote metering and home energy management. We enable remote metering with NAN technologies like IEEE® 802.15.4 and Wireless MBUS. Additionally, NXP fosters smart energy management inside homes with HAN technologies like ZigBee®. Features All measurements performed by SD ADC Shunt resistor measurements amplified by Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA) Phase shift between phase voltage and phase current measurements compensated by phase shifter block Active and passive tamper detection with time stamping Highest-resolution AFE with 4 x 24-Bit SD ADC LCD controller Block Diagram Product Category Name 1: MCU Product URL 1 Arm® Cortex®-M0+|Kinetis® KM3x 50-75 MHz 32-bit MCUs | NXP  Product Description 1 Kinetis® KM3x MCUs enable single-chip one-, two-, and three-phase electricity meters, as well as flow meters and other precision measurement applications. Category Name 2: Sensor Product URL 1 ±8g, Low g, Digital Accelerometer | NXP  Product Description 1 The NXP® MMA8491Q 3-axis accelerometer is an ultra-low-power tilt sensor that is ideal for smart meters. Product URL 2 Digital Sensor - 3D Accelerometer | NXP  Product Description 2 The 14-bit accelerometer and 16-bit magnetometer are combined with a high-performance ASIC to enable an eCompass solution capable of a typical orientation resolution of 0.1° and sub-5° compass heading accuracy for most applications. Category Name 3: Secure Product URL 1 A71CH | Plug and Trust for IoT | NXP  Product Description 1 A71CH is a ready-to-use secure element for IoT devices providing a root of trust at the IC level and delivers, chip-to-cloud security right out of the box, so you can safely connect to IoT clouds and services, including AWS, IBM Watson IoT™ Platform, and Google Cloud™ IoT Core without writing security code or exposing keys. Category Name 4: Zigbee Product URL 1 Zigbee and IEEE 802.15.4 wireless microcontroller with 512 kB Flash, 32 kB RAM | NXP  Product Description 1 The JN5169 is an ultra-low-power, high-performance wireless MCU suitable for ZigBee applications. Category Name 5: NFC Product URL 1 PN5180 | Full NFC Forum-compliant frontend IC | NXP  Product Description 1 The PN5180 is a high-performance full NFC Forum-compliant frontend IC for various contactless communication methods and protocols. Category Name 6: Power management Product URL 1 TEA172x | NXP  Product Description 1 These highly integrated devices enable low no-load power consumption below 10 mW, reduce component count for a cost-effective application design, and provide advanced control modes that deliver exceptional efficiency. Documentation Filter-Based Algorithm for metering applications:  https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/application-note/AN4265.pdf Tools Product Link TWR-KM34Z75M: Kinetis M Series Tower System Module TWR-KM34Z75M|Tower System Board|Kinetis MCUs | NXP  Single-Phase Metering Single Phase Meter | NXP  Two Phase Power Meter Reference Design Two Phase Power Meter Reference Design | NXP  Three-Phase Power Meter Reference Design Three Phase Power Meter | NXP 
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Smart Pump Monitor Demo This demo shows a small water pump rig consisting of a water pump and 3 valves put together to collect data for supervised machine learning. Normal operation as well as abnormal conditions may be simulated with the rig. There are 2 sensor boards attached by clamps to the water pipe. Each sensor board has many sensors on it, but only the accelerometer will be used to gather the data. One board is used for data logging.  The other runs a model which was generated via machine learning based on data logged from the first board.  Pump vibration measurements are processed through the model by the MCU on that board to determine the operating state of the system Features Use of accelerometer to measure pipe vibration Sensing algorithm detects when the pump is clogged or drawing on air How to find patterns in data taken by NXP Sensors Links Sensor Fusion 10-Axis Sensor Data Logger http://www.nxp.com/files/sensors/doc/user_guide/RD-KL25-AGMP01-UG.pdf Related demos NXP Sensor Toolbox Demo Vibration Monitoring - Prediction using NXP Sensors Sensor Fusion for Kinetis MCUs
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Description Earlier this year NXP organized a promotional opportunity for amateur radio enthusiasts to use their creativity and build their own power amplifier designs. NXP received numerous creative submissions in this competitive Homebrew RF Design Challenge. We appreciate the dedication and enthusiasm from the community that made this contest a success. First place winner An MRF101AN broadband amplifier design with 1 W Input, 100 W Output 1.8-54 MHZ Amplifier deck. (For more information visit:NXP MRF-101 - RFPowerTools )  It is an amplifier with a bandwidth of 1.8MHz to 54MHz. Maximum output power of 100W up to 30MHz and 70W up to 50MHz. Maximum power supply 50V to 4A, with a Voltage Standing Wave Ratio of 1.5:1 maximum. The design dimensions of the PCB is 5x5 cm (2x2 in). and 310g weight including fan and heat sink. Second place winner A 600W broadband HF amplifier using affordable LDMOS devices (For more information visit: https://qrpblog.com/2019/10/a-600w-broadband-hf-amplifier-using-affordable-ldmos-devices/  ) This project is meant to demonstrate the capabilities of the MRF300 transistors as linear broadband devices in the 2-50MHz range and to be used by radio amateurs as a starting point for a medium-high power amplifier. This is also my entry to the NXP Homebrew RF Design Challenge 2019. To achieve the target of 600W output while also minimizing the level of even-number harmonics, a “push-pull” configuration of two transistors is used. Luckily, the manufacturer made it easy to design the PCB layout for such a thing by offering two versions (the MRF300AN & MRF300BN) that have mirrored pinout. The common TO-247 package is used, with the source connected to the tab. Each individual MRF300 LDMOS transistor is specified at 330W output over a 1.8-250MHz working frequency range, a maximum 28dB of gain and over 70% efficiency. The recommended supply range is 30-50Vdc. By studying the specifications, it looks like with correct broadband matching and some operational safety margin we can get close to 600W output at a voltage of around 45V across a resonably large bandwidth; the aim is to cover 1.8 to 54MHz. Main challenges when designing this amplifier are related to achieving good input and output matching over the entire frequency range as well as maintaining high and flat gain. Good linearity and a low level of harmonic products are mandatory. As the TO-247 is not a package specifically designed for high-power RF, there are some challenges with thermal design and PCB layout as well. Information taken from the essay by the winner. Third place winner A High Efficiency Switchmode RF Amplifier using a MRF101AN LDMOS Device for a CubeSat Plasma Thruster (For more information visit: Research - SuperLab@Stanford ) The Class E amplifier utilizes the active device as a switch, operating in only cutoff (off) and saturated (on) conditions. This minimizes the overlap of voltage and current, reducing losses in the active device. To further reduce loss the Class E amplifier utilizes an inductively tuned resonant network to achieve zero voltage switching, bringing the voltage across the switch to zero before turn on, eliminating energy stored in the output capacitance of the active device that would otherwise be dissipated. This is achieved with an inductively tuned series resonant output filter.  In the Class E amplifier losses are almost entirely determined by the current conducted by the active device so a high drain impedance is desired to maximize efficiency. The drain impedance is ultimately limited by the voltage rating of the switch. For our desired output power of 40W and the maximum voltage rating of 133V for the MRF101AN this impedance is still less than 50 ohms, so a L match circuit is used to match the drain impedance to 50 ohms. The load network in our design provides a drain impedance of 15.4+12.8j. As the MRF101AN will operate in saturation a high drive level is desired. To eliminate the need for a preamplifier and allow for digital control, we use a high speed gate drive chip typically used in switch-mode power supplies, LMG1020, to drive the MRF101AN instead of a RF preamplifier. A resonant network is used to provide voltage gain at the fundamental and third harmonic, providing a quasi-square wave on the gate which helps insure the device remains in saturation. Conclusion It was a close call and highly competitive! Each participant had their own creative, unique and impressive way of displaying the capabilities of these new parts. NXP is always up for new design challenges. Ready for the next challenge?
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See how to use the Tower Kinetis 70 development hardware and programmed with PEG GUI, MQX Software Solutions RTOS and processor expert software development tools to create this touch screen controlled, wireless motor control demonstration.   Features Hardware and software modular system that NXP provides for the Kinetis Microcontrollers K series One TWR-K70F120M board communicates with another TWR-K70F120M board wirelessly and then the second TWR-K70F120M board controls a motor Usage of LCD touch panel to control the speed of the motor   Featured NXP Products CodeWarrior Development Tools|NXP Processor Expert Software and Embedded Compon|NXP Kinetis K70 120 MHz Tower System Module|NXP MQX
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The Attach demo consists of a 3 board stack up using the Arduino connectors on the Kinetis FRDM-KL26Z board. The demo runs from a Li Ion polymer battery and consists of 1x FRDM-KL26Z board, 1x FRDM-BATT board (including battery and loudspeaker) and 1x Arduino LCD touch screen board. The code builds using either CodeWarrior V10.6 or IAR EWARM V7.20.2. The software uses eGUI to drive the Arduino LCD and runs demos for the following Sensors - FXOS8700 (combined 3-axis Accelerometer and Magnetometer) and FXAS21000 (3-axis MEMs Gyro). The demo also includes 7-element eCompass code for which full source code is available. Finally, the board also uses the MC34673 1.2A charger for Li Ion batteries, charging is accomplished via either of the USB ports on the FRDM-KL26Z. All datasheets, schematics, source code and bill of materials are included in the zip archive. NOTE: software update which now includes 10-element eCompass software and Kalman filtering code creating a far more accurate eCompass solution. Recommended Products Product Link Freedom Development Platform for Kinetis® KL16 and KL26 MCUs (up to 128 KB Flash) FRDM-KL26Z|Freedom Development Platform|Kinetis® MCU | NXP 
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Demo Owner: b14714 The motor control development toolbox is a comprehensive set of tools that plug into the MATLAB™/Simulink™ model-based design environment for rapid application development on MCUs.  The SFIO Toolbox is a new addition that can control Simulink system models by SFIO algorithms running directly on NXP DSC and Kinetis MCU hardware. NXP FreeMASTER debug monitor and data visualization tool interfaces provide an interface to monitor signals in real time for data logging and signal calibration. Features The motor control development toolbox is a comprehensive set of tools that plug into the MATLAB™/Simulink™ model-based design Auto code generation straight to the Micro. NXP developed a library and embedded target to interface with MATLAB and SimuLink Customers can directly go from the model based environment to the MCU without having to write C code by hand Featured NXP Products Motor Control
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Memtool is a useful debug tool which can read/write some i.MX register. It is default supported in Linux while not supported in Android. This article describse how to integrate memtool into i.MX8MM Android 12 platform, which is also similar in other i.MX new android platform.  
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Background:  ➢ IP protection is important for most customers, Kinetis, LPC54 series and i.MX RT have necessary security features that help us to win customers and markets. ➢ LPC55 series is a new generation of IoT MCU which is used for consumer and industrial market. LPC55 non-S parts are adopted by most customers due to its low-cost and easy-to-use features, but its secure features are different with S parts and is significantly simplified. ➢ LPC55 is designed for secured IoT application, so it’s supposed to hide the SWD/ISP ports after development work is finished. If the SWD/ISP ports are secured, they couldn’t be used any more. While for LPC54 & Kinetis MCU, mass erase command can be used to recover the MCU after the MCU is secured. ➢ However, Customers need the feature to secure the debugging/ISP ports, but they also need to recover them in some cases: - Reprogramming to update firmware - Investigate and analyze failed parts returned from end market - Rescue the MCU if it’s locked and stuck ➢ According to customers’ requirements, NXP support team raised the proposal to implement a solution which can be used to secure and recover the SWD/ISP ports with an IAP backdoor method. Solution: By Operating PFR region, LPC55 could switch between secure and recovery mode.   lpc5506_debug_isp_test_20220714: demonstrate how to operate this region to lock Debug Port then how to recovery it. The user interaction could be raised by UART or button;         2.hmac_test_20220714: demonstrate one full security flow,      ➢ This is a complete solution to secure & recovery debugging/ISP ports on LPC55, and it uses host machine challenge mechanism to implement security features: ▪ Challenge Host machine against unknown host probe; ▪ Generates dynamic seeds, so that the final encrypt information will be dynamically changed; ▪ The image hash value is device related, that avoids same encrypt info for different image/product; ➢ Customer also could clip the solution to simplify application complexity: ▪ Use UUID for device information only, no seed is needed; ▪ Host machine can use fixed keys instead of image hash values to do info encryption; ▪ Host machine can use UUID lookup table to find out verification key; Every device is programmed with dedicated verification key during production.  Demonstration: The attached demos could run at LPC55S06 EVK, and could easily migrate to other LPC55 series.
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第一章 简介 MCU 闪存加载器是一个可配置的闪存烧写实用程序,可通过 MCU 上的串行通讯进行操作。 它可以在整个产品生命周期(包括应用程序开发和最终产品制造等)中对 MCU 进行快速轻 松编程。 MCU 闪存加载器将以高度可配置的二进制或完整源代码形式提供。主机端命令行 和 GUI 工具可用于与闪存加载器进行通信。用户可以利用主机工具通过闪存加载器上传和/ 或下载应用程序代码。 第二章 闪存加载器协议 本节介绍主机和 MCU 闪存加载器之间数据包传输的通用协议。介绍包括不同事务的数据包 传输,例如无数据阶段的命令以及带传入或传出数据阶段的命令。 第三章 闪存加载器数据包类型 MCU 闪存加载器设备以从机模式工作。所有数据通信均由主机发起,该主机可以是 PC 主 机,也可以是嵌入式主机。 MCU 闪存加载器设备是接收命令或数据包的目标机。主机和目 标机之间的所有数据通信均采用分包形式。 第四章 MCU闪存加载器API 所有 MCU 闪存加载器命令 API 均遵循由成帧数据包打包的命令数据包格式,如前几小节所 述。 第五章 支持的外设 本小节介绍 MCU 闪存加载器支持的外设。 第六章 外部存储器的支持 本小节介绍 MCU 闪存加载器支持的外部存储器设备。要正确使用外部存储器设备,必须使 用相应的配置文件启用该设备。闪存加载器无法访问未启用的外部存储设备。 MCU 闪存加 载器使用存储器标识符启用特定的外部存储设备,如下所示。 第七章 安全实用程序 MCU 闪存加载器支持某些安全实用程序,用于轻松生成与安全性相关的块。请注意,必须 首先对闪存加载器本身进行签名才能正确启用安全实用程序。
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1. 引言 众所周知,我们一般使用调试器下载程序或调试设备。 FRDMK64在板上具有OpenSDA调试接口,因此不需要额外的调试器。但是如果我们要设计一个没有调试器但可以下载程序的电路板,则可以使用引导加载程序(Bootloader)。引导加载程序是一个小程序,目的是通过UART,I2C,SPI等接口更新MCU的应用程序。 本文将描述一个基于FRDMK64F的简单SD卡引导程序,使用SD卡更新MCU的应用程序。用户可以将二进制文件放入卡中。卡插入目标板后,板子将自动更新应用程序。本设计提供了对应的引导加载程序和应用程序代码,以便您可以在自己的板上进行测试。 2. Bootloader的实现 SD卡的示意图如下所示。该板使用SDHC模块与SD卡通信。 图1. SD卡示意图 我们使用FRDM-K64F的2.6.0版本的SDK。您可以在我们的网站上下载该SDK。 链接是“mcuxpresso.nxp.com”。 引导加载程序使用SDHC和fafts文件系统,因此我们应该添加文件来支持它。 图2.支持文件 在主代码中,程序将等待直到插入卡。然后它将在SD卡中找到名为“ a000.bin”的文件以更新应用程序。如果文件不存在,则开发板将直接执行该应用程序。如果没有应用程序,程序将结束。 以下代码显示了程序如何等待插入sd卡,此外它还将检查该地址是否包含应用程序的地址。 图3.代码-等待插入卡 以下代码显示了程序如何打开二进制文件,如果sd卡没有该文件,则程序将跳转到该应用程序开始执行。 图4.打开二进制文件 如果程序正常打开文件,则更新将开始,它将从0xa000擦除200k的空间,您可以根据自己的实际代码工程大小进行调整。 现在我将详细说明更新的方法。我们的数据被写入称为“ rBUff”的缓冲区,缓冲区大小为4K,在向其中写入数据之前,需要先将其擦除。 请注意,在擦除和编程闪存之前应该先禁用所有中断,当操作完成后再重新使能中断。 文件大小将决定将数据写入闪存的方式。 1.如果大小小于4k,我们只需读取文件数据进行缓冲,然后判断文件大小是否与8个字节对齐。如果不是,我们增加“readSize”的大小以读取称为“rBuffer”的数据缓冲区中的更多数据,这些多读出来的数据内容为0。 2.如果大小> 4K,我们使用“ remainSize”来记录剩余的数据量。每次读取4k直到其大小小于4k,然后重复步骤1。一次完成操作后,我们应清除缓冲区并增加扇区编号以准备下一次发送。   图5:写Flash操作代码 清除空间的方法如图所示。它将初始化闪存并从给定地址擦除给定大小。 “ SectorNum”用于显示要擦除的扇区。 图6.擦除操作代码 下图显示了如何将数据写入闪存。 图7.程序操作代码 在转到应用程序之前,我们应该修改在引导加载程序中所做的配置。 关闭Systick时钟并清掉其计数; 将VTOR中断向量寄存器恢复为之前的默认值; 我们的引导程序以PEE模式运行。因此,我们应该将其更改为FEI模式; 禁用所有引脚。 运行这些代码时,应禁用全局中断,并且不要忘记重新使能全局中断。 图8. 反初始化代码 然后我们可以转到应用程序。 图9.转到应用程序 3. 内存重定位 FRDMK64具有1M闪存,从0x00000000到0x00100000。如图10所示,我们使用0xa000作为应用程序的起始地址。 图10:内存映射 现在,我将向您展示如何在不同的IDE中为用户应用程序修改链接文件。 在IAR中: 图11:IAR的ICF 在MDK中: 图12.MDK的SCF 在MCUXpresso中: 图13. MCUXpresso的闪存配置 4. 运行演示 1)首先下载引导程序; 2)准备一个用户应用程序。 我们以“led blinky”为例; 3)修改链接文件; 4)用您的IDE生成二进制文件,请将其命名为“a000.bin”; 5)将其放入SD卡中,如图5所示。 图14:SD卡的内容 6)插入卡,并打开电源。请稍等片刻,该应用程序将自动执行。 5. 参考资料 1) Kinetis MCU的bootloader解决方案 2) KEA128_can_bootloader
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Most of the Ethernet PHY support multi-functions and provide much more flexible configure capability to fine tune timing or function enable by configure their registers. Ethernet PHY registers tool provide a simple way to read/write PHY registers by MDC/MDIO. This will help in development or issue debug. 
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Overview With this application we create a proposal to automate the click and collect service in the wholesale warehouses, taking into account the operation as a large vending machine. Working as a vending machine, it has the characteristic of managing inventories, modules for secure connection to a server to receive orders and at the same time make re-stock orders, nfc reader modules to read wholesale customer cards. All this driven internally by a system of conveyor belts managed by motors. With current technologies we can present the evolution of wineries to Industry 4.0 powered by NXP.   We have a control by sections managed by a main controller, we have the following sections: Inventory reception: It consists of a reader of an NFC tag or a QR code to read the product and be able to move it to its corresponding storage section Inventory management: Connection to the cloud to be monitoring in real time to use algorithms handling orders, inputs and outputs Internal logistics: It consists of motor control by section for the mobility and arrangement of articles. It uses sensors for safety in mobility and accident prevention. Customer interface: NFC or QR code reader for package pickup reading indicator, touch screen to display data and customer confirmation. Block Diagram     Products MCU Link i.MX RT1060 i.MX RT1060 Crossover MCU with Arm® Cortex®-M7 Core   Wireless Link Wi-Fi 88W8801: 2.4 GHz Single-Band 1x1 Wi-Fi® 4 (802.11n) Solution NFC Reader PN7462: NFC Cortex®-M0 All-in-One Microcontroller with Optional Contact Interface for Access Control NFC Tag NTAG213F, NTAG216F: NFC Forum Type 2 Tag Compliant IC with 144/888 B User Memory and Field Detection   Secure Element Link EdgeLock™ SE051 EdgeLock™ SE051: Proven, Easy-to-Use IoT Security Solution with Support for Updatability and Custom Applets   Power Management Link PMIC PCA9420: PMIC for Low Power Applications AC-DC Controller TEA19161T: Resonant Power Supply Control IC   Sensors Link Accelerometer MMA8450Q: ±2g/±4g/±8g, Low g, Digital Accelerometer Temperature sensor PCT2075: I2C-Bus Fm+, 1 Degree C Accuracy, Digital Temperature Sensor And Thermal Watchdog   Motor Driver Link HB2001 HB2001: SPI Programmable 10 A H-Bridge Brushed DC Motor Driver   Demo Motor control: Download the software AN12214SW Unzip and install   Open MCUXpresso Import project   Look in the AN12214SW software installation folder   Click on finish Build project Open the freemaster folder in the software installation folder and open the pmsm_ref_sol   Change mode expert a basic   Click on app control and run   Extra links PN710 reader demo Getting Started with NXP Wi-Fi® modules using i.MX RT platform NXP Tech Session - Implementing Graphics in Real-time Industrial HMI Systems with NXP MCUs and Embedded Wizard
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该Demo运行在MIMXRT1062-EVK上。MIMXRT1062跨界处理器 运行FreeRTOS操作系统,系统同时创建 88W8801 wifi stack 任务和 LVGL v7.3 GUI库任务,能够在LCD屏幕上实现GUI输入输出。用户可以通过LCD触摸操作,对WiFi的SSID和密码进行输入,从而完成设备入网Provision的功能。 Product Category NXP Part Number URL MCU   WiFi SoC MIMXRT1060   88W8801 https://www.nxp.com/products/processors-and-microcontrollers/arm-microcontrollers/i-mx-rt-crossover-... 88W8801: 2.4 GHz Single-Band 1x1 Wi-Fi 4® (802.11n) Solution | NXP Semiconductors   SDK SDK Version URL MCUXpresso SDK mcuxpresso.nxp.com   Demo Video
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Overview   NXP has a proud heritage of supplying solutions for automotive and aerospace applications. Many of these solutions also apply to the rapidly evolving field of mobile robotics. Whether your system operates on the ground, under the sea or in the sky, NXP offers a complete portfolio of sensors, controllers and communications solutions. NXP® processing solutions for transportation systems communication scale from MCUs to multicore MPUs. The transponder is designed to provide high performance and great reliability. Its user-friendly interface enables an intuitive handling of complex features AIS class A delivers. This solution will cover a wide range of uses for vehicular, marine and flight applications. This solution is based on i.MX RT technology. Use Cases Solutions for connecting functional modules within a vehicle or transportation system and connecting them to external networks. Some applications for this could be: Service-Oriented gateways Transponders V2X Communication Ethernet Chassis Switch Block Diagram Products Category MCU Product URL 1 i.MX RT1050 Crossover MCU with Arm® Cortex®-M7 core  Product Description 1 The i.MX RT1050 is the industry's first crossover MCU and combines the high-performance and high level of integration on an applications processors with the ease of use and real-time functionality of a microcontroller. Product URL 2 K22_120: Kinetis® K22-120 MHz, Cost Effective, Full-Speed USB Microcontrollers (MCUs) based on Arm® Cortex®-M4 Core  Product Description 2 Kinetis® K22 MCUs have been optimized for cost-sensitive applications requiring low power flexibility and processing efficiency.   Category Ethernet PHY Product URL TJA1101: 2nd generation Ethernet PHY Transceivers - IEEE 100BASE-T1 compliant  Product Description TJA1101 is a high-performance single port, IEEE 100BASE-T1 compliant Ethernet PHY Transceiver.
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Overview   In the power supply and distribution system, TTU (Transformer Terminal Unit) is used to collect and control the information of the distribution transformer. It can monitor the operation condition of the distribution transformer in real time and transmit the collected information to the main station or other intelligent devices to provide the data needed for the operation control and management of the distribution system. NXP provides many solutions on electricity conversion, including AC to AC, AC to DC and DC to DC converters NXP has a broad portfolio of software and processors for Smart Grid market. Regarding software, NXP has original LSDK Linux with Docker supporting and Edgescale solution for edge computing; Regarding processors, NXP has scalable solution from 1xA53 to 16xA72.   Block Diagram Products Category MPU Product URL Layerscape® 1043A and 1023A Multicore Processors  Product Description The LS1043A processor was NXP's first quad-core, 64-bit Arm®-based processor for embedded networking.   Category Bluetooth Product URL QN9090/30(T): Bluetooth Low Energy MCU with Arm®Cortex®-M4 CPU, Energy efficiency, analog and digital peripherals and NFC Tag option  Product Description The QN9090 and QN9030 are the latest microcontrollers in the QN series of Bluetooth low energy devices that achieve ultra-low-power consumption and integrate an Arm®Cortex®-M4 CPU with a comprehensive mix of analog and digital peripherals.   Category Power Management Product URL MC34VR500: Multi-Output DC/DC Regulator  Product Description The NXP® MC34VR500 power management solution for network processor systems is a high-efficiency, quad buck regulator with up to 4.5 A output and five user-programmable LDOs.   Category Peripherals Product URL 1 PCF85063B: Tiny Real-Time Clock/calendar with alarm function and SPI‑bus  Product Description 1 The PCF85063BTL is a CMOS Real-Time Clock (RTC) and calendar optimized for low power consumption. Product URL 2 SA56004X: SMBus-Compatible, 8-Pin, Remote/Local Digital Temperature Sensor  Product Description 2 The NXP Semiconductors SA56004X is an SMBus compatible, 11-bit remote/local digital temperature sensor with over-temperature alarms. Product URL 3 NTS0101: Dual supply translating transceiver; open drain; auto direction sensing  Product Description 3 The NTS0101 is a 1-bit, dual supply translating transceiver with auto direction sensing, that enables bidirectional voltage level translation.
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