MCUXpresso IDE知识库

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MCUXpresso IDE Knowledge Base



As a heads-up: several uses reported a problems with downloading the MCUXpresso IDE setup/installer program. If pressing the 'Download' button, you might come back to the login screen (to log into your NXP user account): The likely reason for this is that your NXP account needs re-activation. You should see a link to open a SR (Service Request) which you could use. Otherwise post a comment here so your account can be re-activated. I hope this helps, Erich
MCUXpresso SDK packages are downloaded as .zip files. If you are using a 3 rd party IDE such as IAR or Keil, then the package must be unzipped in order to access the project files. Also an unzipped SDK folder must be available for the MCUXpresso Config Tools. This is why the default recommendation is to go ahead and unzip a downloaded SDK package.   However if using MCUXpresso IDE, then either the zipped or unzipped SDK can be imported into the MCUXpresso IDE. A zipped SDK will save disk space and can be imported into the IDE more quickly than an unzipped SDK folder. MCUXpresso’s IDE part support is extended by importing MCUXpresso SDKs into the IDE, so this can save some time if you need to add a new device. Also note that your SDK package must support MCUXpresso, and thus must have been recently created in the SDK Builder (after March 24th) with explicit support for MCUXpresso in the package, else you will get an error when trying to import it.  When an MCUXpresso SDK zip package or folder is drag-and-dropped into the IDE, a copy of that zip/folder is made and put into the C:\Users\<user_name>\mcuxpresso\SDKPackages directory. Thus you can delete the original copy that was downloaded to save disk space.     If the imported SDK was zipped, then when creating or importing example projects, the SDK source files are always copied into the workspace. If the imported SDK was unzipped, then you are given the option to either copy the SDK source files into the workspace (which is the default), or the SDK files can be referenced directly as linked references.   If an SDK is imported as a zipped file, it can be later unzipped from inside the MCUXpresso IDE. This unzipping has been optimized so it’s much faster than unzipping it via a program like WinZip. When unzipping inside the MCUXpresso IDE, the zip file that was in the MCUXpresso SDKPackages folder will automatically be deleted from the hard drive once its finished unzipping. You can then use this unzipped folder for that SDK location when using the MCUXpresso Config tools.       You can also add MCUXpresso SDKs by placing an SDK package (zipped or unzipped) into that default SDKPackages directory (C:\Users\<user_name>\mcuxpresso\SDKPackage) and restarting the MCUXpresso IDE.    Finally you can also specify additional directories that MCUXpresso IDE should search for SDK files (both zipped or unzipped) by going to Window -> Preferences -> MCUXpresso IDE -> SDK Options. This can be useful for keeping a repository of SDKs in a special location on your hard drive. For SDKs stored outside the default location though, the "Delete SDK" function is disabled inside the IDE, and the extra search paths are only saved per workspace, so if you choose another workspace, it won't know about the new SDK folders until you re-add the path. If multiple SDKs are found for the same device in different locations, the IDE select the package to use by priority on the list (top has priority).    More detailed information on pre-installed part support and importing SDKs can be found in Section 4 of the MCUXpresso IDE User's Guide, as well as in this informative training video. 
Semihosting printf with MCUXpresso IDE When importing MCUXpresso SDK projects into MCUXpresso IDE, they will be configured by default to use “semihosting” for the terminal output. This means the project will use the debugger connection to send terminal characters instead of the UART. More information on semihosting can be found on this Community document and in Section 11.4 of the MCUXpresso User Guide.   Note that the information in this post is only applicable when using the MCUXpresso IDE, as the projects for other IDEs will use the UART by default when opening up their respective MCUXpresso SDK projects. Also semihosting only works when there is an active debug connection to the device.    printf with semihosting:   printf with UART Terminal (with TeraTerm):   How to choose UART output during the project import In order to use the UART for MCUXpresso IDE projects, some configuration settings need to be modified when importing in the project. First, you will need to uncheck the “Enable semihosting” option to clear the box. This will tell the project to use the normal libraries and not the semihosting libraries.   Then on the next screen, you’ll want to uncheck the “Redirect SDK “PRINTF” to C library “printf”” box to clear it. This will tell the project to use the MCUXpresso SDK source files for printf instead of the generic C files. This allows you to debug, and modify if desired, the printf functionality found inside the MCUXpresso SDK. Section 5.1.2 of the MCUXpresso IDE User Guide describes the options on this screen in more detail.     Switching between semihosting and UART If you’re already imported the project and wish to switch between using semihosting or the UART, you can do this from the “Quick Settings” menu inside the Quickstart panel.    If moving from semi-hosting to UART, this will change the library used to “nohost-nf” and set SDK_DEBUGCONSOLE define to 1 inside the pre-processor settings. If moving from UART to semi-hosting, this will change the library to “semihost-nf” and set SDK_DEBUGCONSOLE define to 0.    If you're not seeing any printf output, double check you have the right settings.    Note that when importing the project initially and “Enable semihosting” is deselected and “Redirect SDK “PRINTF” to C library “printf”” is deselected in order to use the UART for terminal output, there is no SDK_DEBUGCONSOLE defined in the project settings. However inside the debug console SDK code itself, there is a #if statement so that if that value is not defined, then that define is set to 1, and hence why the SDK debug console is still used in that case.
This document provides some sample codes and steps for relocating Code and Data into RAM/FLASH. Please look at them with projects in attachment. It is based on “MCUXpresso_IDE_User_Guide.pdf”, so about the understanding of some macros, you can check on that document. This document is based on FRDM-K64, MCUXpressoIDE_10.0.2_411. You can use it on other chips too.   1. Introduce the “Memory configuration editor” 2.1. Relocating Data into RAM 2.1 Relocating Code into RAM 2.3 Relocating Code into Flash 3.Reference  
The MCUXpresso IDE has a versatile way to create different binary files (S-Record/S19, Intel Hex or raw Binary) which then can be used by other tools like flash programmer or bootloaders. Check out the IDE documentation (menu Help > MCUXpresso IDE User Guide): where you can search for any topics like this: See as well the following article (external link) on that subject: MCUXpresso IDE: S-Record, Intel Hex and Binary Files | MCU on Eclipse  Enjoy!
This document contains a history of the releases of MCUXpresso IDE, with links to the announcement blog for each release.   Receive email notification for new releases If you would like to receive notifications when a new version of MCUXpresso IDE is released, please make sure to follow this document.   Release History   July 2024 MCUXpresso IDE v11.10.0 April 2024 MCUXpresso IDE v11.9.1 January 2024 MCUXpresso IDE v11.9.0 October 2023 MCUXpresso IDE v11.8.1 August 2023 MCUXpresso IDE v11.8.0  March 2023 MCUXpresso IDE v11.7.1  January 2023 MCUXpresso IDE v11.7.0  October 2022 MCUXpresso IDE v11.6.1  July 2022 MCUXpresso IDE v11.6.0  April 2022 MCUXpresso IDE v11.5.1  January 2022 MCUXpresso IDE v11.5.0  September 2021 MCUXpresso IDE v11.4.1  August 2021 MCUXpresso IDE v11.4.0 b6224 replaced by b6237 to fix an eclipse updater issue. July 2021 MCUXpresso IDE v11.4.0  April 2021 MCUXpresso IDE v11.3.1  January 2021 MCUXpresso IDE v11.3.0  October 2020 MCUXpresso IDE v11.2.1  July 2020 MCUXpresso IDE v11.2.0   March 2020 MCUXpresso IDE v11.1.1  December 2019 MCUXpresso IDE v11.1.0  MCUXpresso IDE v11.1.0 SDK Handling Hotfix (January 2020) September 2019 MCUXpresso IDE v11.0.1 MCUXpresso IDE v11.0.1 Segger-LPC Debug Hotfix (September 2019) MCUXpresso IDE v11.0.1 LPC55xx Debug Hotfix (October 2019) June 2019 MCUXpresso IDE v11.0.0 February 2019 MCUXpresso IDE v10.3.1 December 2018 MCUXpresso IDE v10.3.0 July 2018 MCUXpresso IDE v10.2.1 May 2018 MCUXpresso IDE v10.2.0 January 2018 MCUXpresso IDE v10.1.1 November 2017 MCUXpresso IDE v10.1.0 July 2017 MCUXpresso IDE v10.0.2 March 2017 MCUXpresso IDE v10.0.0
View Webinar Recording
For the previous KDS or CodeWarrior users, they may not create and use static library under MCUXpresso IDE without a hitch, because the methods are not exactly same. MCUXpresso IDE supports adding static library in user project with “Smart Update” wizard. This feature is derived from LPCXpresso IDE.  However, “Smart Update” wizard is only available for natively supported LPC products in MCUXpresso 10.1.0 and lower versions.  It will support all LPC and Kinetis product in MCUXpresso IDE future release. For MCUXpresso natively supported LPC product, using “Smart Update” to add library is very convenient. User can learn its usage from this article: Creating and Linking to Library Projects For Kinetis product, the only way to add library to project is by hand. This article will take an example with MK64F demo, illustrating how to create and use static library under MCUXpresso IDE step by step.  It will also be good for all LPC and Kinetis users to understand how user project works with external static libraries under MCUXpresso.  If user needs demo code of this article, please send me community internal message. Thanks for the suggestion from LPCX support        
Dear Community, The purpose of this document is to show how to integrate projects from the file system to MCUXpresso IDE. It is actually not that complicated as you might have imagined.  Let's begin... The import project(s) from file system option is included in the Quickstart Panel, which is located in the lower left corner of the IDE. Type / Paste the location of the folder (either zipped or unpacked). Then, click Next button. Finally, select all the project folders / examples you want to be imported. Now, they will be accessible and available from the Project explorer. Happy development! Best regards, Ivan R.
Important Note. Previously announced MCUXpresso IDE v11.4.0 build 6224 has been replaced by build 6237 to address a potential problem related to the Eclipse updater mechanism which under some circumstances could inadvertently update the Java Runtime Environment to a newer version (jre-15) which is incompatible with the IDE. When this problem arises the MCUXpresso IDE will no longer start. In the case you have previously installed MCUXpresso IDE build 6224, it is highly recommended to uninstall it and install build 6237 instead.   We are pleased to announce that MCUXpresso IDE v11.4.0 (build 6237) is now available. This is a major new version of the IDE and contains new features, enhancements and bug fixes over the previous versions, including latest announced MCUXpresso IDE v11.3.1.   Installer Downloads To download the installers for all platforms, please login to our download site via:   Documentation Additional information can be found in the updated User Guide and other documentation, which can be accessed from the built in help system available via IDE's Help menu and in PDF form from within the installation directory or downloaded from:    Notification of future releases To receive notifications about future releases, please follow: MCUXpresso IDE - Release History    Summary of Changes - version 11.4.0 - July 2021 Upgraded: Eclipse version to 2020.12 (Eclipse Platform 4.18.0 /  CDT 10.1.0). Upgraded: IDE now integrates with OpenJDK11 (HotSpot engine,  v11.0.10). Upgraded: GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain to 10-2020-q4-major. Note that on top of GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain 10-2020-q4-major,  gcclib was recompiled using the bug fix from This patch prevents the run-time application corruption when using -mcmse support (applied for armv8m only). Upgraded: Version v10 of MCUXpresso Config Tools. Upgraded: Newer SEGGER J-Link software (v7.50, 32-bit version on Windows, 64-bit version on Linux/macOS). Note that v7.50 comes with a 64-bit version of Windows. This 64-bit version is compatible and can be used if desired, but please note that the MCUXpresso IDE 11.4.0 installation does not include this and only partial testing has been possible due to timing of the release. If you prefer to use the 64-bit version on Windows: Install 64-bit Windows SEGGER J-Link software Go to IDE -> Preferences -> MCUXpresso IDE -> Debug Options ->  J-Link Options -> J-Link Server executable and change it from the existing path to the 64-bit version installation path, i.e. for the default installation path:  C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLink\JLinkGDBServerCL.exe Upgraded: Newer PEmicro plugin (v5.0.4). Upgraded: FreeRTOS TAD synchronization with FreeRTOS v10.4.3. Added: MKE1xZ support. Feature: [Azure RTOS ThreadX] Added GDB thread awareness. The user is able to see threads in Debug view (only when using all-stop debug mode, similar to FreeRTOS usage) and also the register context associated with the current selected thread. Feature: [Azure RTOS ThreadX] Added views, similar to the FreeRTOS, for: Thread list, Message queues, Semaphores, Mutexes, Event flags, Timers, Memory block pools, Memory byte pools. These views are available under a new menu group called "RTOS", where older FreeRTOS views can be also found. Feature: [Azure RTOS ThreadX] Added the ability to export trace data generated by the application at run-time. Decoding of exported data is done using Microsoft's Azure RTOS TraceX host-based analysis tool. Detailed procedure is described in the Azure RTOS User Guide. Feature: [Energy Measurement] Added measurement/plot capability for MCU-Link Pro and on-board probes. Power measurement can be done using: The new MCU-Link double channel measurement capability (simultaneously measured current and voltage); Existing capability (used over LPC-Link2 probes) of caching voltage measurement to use on power computation over current measurement. Feature: [Offline Peripherals] Added offline peripheral view. With this view, the peripheral registers can be inspected outside of a debug session. A device selector or the current project selection can be used to load register information for a particular device. Additionally, an SVD file can be imported. Feature: [Debugger][MCU-Link] Differentiation of MCU-Link product names used when MCU-Link probes enumerate on USB: Example: base model: MCU-LINK (r0FF) CMSIS-DAP V2.219 Pro model : MCU-LINK Pro (r0C7) CMSIS-DAP V2.219 on-board  : MCU-LINK on-board (r0CF) CMSIS-DAP V2.219 Feature: [Debugger][J-Link] Added possibility to connect to a remote gdb server. In launch configuration -> J-Link Debugger tab -> GDB Server Settings, use Server execution option to set a remote server. Improvement: [Debugger][J-Link] Add nickname for J-Link probes in Probes Discovered Dialog and in J-Link Debugger tab. Improvement: [Debugger][PEmicro] Added nickname for PEmicro probes in Probes Discovered Dialog. Feature: [SDK Integration] UART console is the default debug console when importing a project. Feature: [Flash Programmer] External flash drivers for i.MX RT500 and i.MX RT600 available as examples in <install_dir>/ide/Examples/Flashdrivers/NXP/iMXRT. Improvement: [Peripherals+] Peripherals+ view design was changed to support register group expansion directly into the Peripherals+ view, with no extra Memory View usage. Consequently, all elements shown before in Memory View are now available directly in the Peripherals+ view: values, bitfields, details. Reset value can be inspected as well together with the rest of the register elements. Improvement: [IDE] Added a link to MCU-Link firmware page in 'Additional resources' menu entry under Help's main menu. Improvement: [IDE] Toolbar naming and grouping: some icons re-grouped to reflect better categories and functionalities. Improvement: [SWO] Adapt SWO trace config error to better reflect possible causes. Improvement: [Flash Programmer] Use probe serial number instead of probe index when generating command line. Fixed: [Flash Programmer][Command Prompt] Wrong usage of double quotes in GUI Flash Tool Command Line generates errors in command prompt execution. Fixed: [Flash Programmer][J-Link][Command Prompt - Windows] GUI Flash Tool preview command - lower pane script not working when project name contains spaces. Fixed: [Flash Programmer] Cannot program flash from Quickstart Panel if "preview command" is checked in launch config. Fixed: [Flash Programmer] Wrong usage of double quotes in GUI Flash Tool Command Line. Fixed: [Debugger] Cannot relaunch (using "Terminate and Relaunch") a running session. Fixed: [Debugger] Suspend "bubble" project crashes debugger connection on LinkServer when using Non-Stop mode. Fixed: [Debugger] Debugger sets two breakpoints at the same address when debugging with J-Link. This generates a warning when trying to restart the debug session. Fixed: [Debugger] Always meet "Not Responding" issue when clicking the debug button without build first (for larger projects). Fixed: [Debugger] J-Link debug button does nothing when load image is set. Fixed: [Debugger] hello_world doesn't read the input from the console. Fixed: [Debugger] "Interrupt failed" pop-up error window during debug with FRDM-K64F and LPC-Link2 for some projects. Fixed: [Debugger] First attempt to manually modify the PC register is ignored. Fixed: [Debugger] Exceptions occurring while closing a project with an active debug session. Fixed: [Debugger] Restart not working in attach mode. Fixed: [Debugger][88MW320] Attach to a running target with PEmicro on FreeRTOS projects starts with faults. Fixed: [Debugger][88MW320] Cannot debug twice with J-Link and PEmicro. Fixed: [Debugger][FreeRTOS] Heap and Stack Usage View shall work with FreeRTOS enabled projects. Fixed: [Debugger] Multiple J-Link instances (named as "3rd party CMSIS-DAP") appear in Probes Discovered view: now these are filtered out. If a user still wants to see them, check the option from Preferences -> Debug Options -> J-Link Options -> Enable discovering of "3rd party CMSIS-DAP" probes. Fixed: [Debugger][J-Link] Master core in multicore context will be attached (instead a regular debug session) to target after debugging. Fixed: [Debugger][iMX RT595] Unable to flash application using crt_emu_cm_redlink raw command: Added preconnectscript argument to stub; Added --preconnectscript in the IDE's flash tool preview command window bottom; Note: Preconnect scripts have been changed to use variable a% instead of p% to receive the probe index. The user might need to update custom preconnect scripts. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Format Y axis using a scale suitable for all displayed values (when having large Oy scale to represent data). Fixed: [Energy measurement] Unable to exit probe discovery for boards with unsupported firmware for SWO. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] The Energy measurement cannot collect if associated with a debug session and SWO is not initialized. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Making a selection on the plot may lose part of the status line. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Negative zero (-0.00) values shown. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Lot of remaining allocated heap after clearing a plot. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Incorrect representation of individual samples when the probe has been booted for some time: there are multiple values represented at the same point in time. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Table containing analog sources not empty after terminating analysis session. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] When a view is already connected to a board and the underlying board is changed (without using the Terminate button), a subsequent operation will cause an error dialog with two entries and no useful information. View becomes unusable after this point. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Export contains much more data than intended. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Power/energy info in status line does not follow the currently visible part of the measurement. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] IDE now reports an error in the case the connection was interrupted while collecting power measurement data. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Wrong resistor values displayed for QN9090 measurement circuit. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Fixed 'None' in Tooltip for Cursor options in the Energy measurement toolbar. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Export contains much more data than intended (from previous measurements). Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Old recorded values displayed on the graph. This makes a starting graph to look having unexpected data. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Reading from target never finishes in some situations. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Not all plotted values are using the same scale. This results into some values being displayed with wrong values. Fixed: [SWO][RT1010/RT1170/RT1160] Fixed SWO support for LinkServer. Fixed: [SWO] detecting clock feature is not overwriting the value. This is inducing some errors on enabling SWO features. Fixed: [SWO] Misleading error message when trying to enable SWO on sub-cores in a multicore environment. Fixed: [FreeRTOS] Sometimes cannot suspend FreeRTOS application using LinkServer. Fixed: [FreeRTOS] Modifying a register causes it to be set to 0. Fixed: [FreeRTOS] Attach to a FreeRTOS application returns faults. Fixed: [FreeRTOS] Empty tooltip for "Runtime" column from Tasks list view. Fixed: [FreeRTOS] Queue items incorrectly decoded in the Queues list view. Fixed: [FreeRTOS] No FreeRTOS queue data details shown. Fixed: [FreeRTOS] LinkServer FreeRTOS awareness does not activate in case of secure projects. Fixed: [FreeRTOS] GDB shuts-down when restarting RTOS debug session while stopped at BP. Fixed: [SDK Integration] The 'Open SDK handling preference page' button opens an unexpected option from Preferences. Fixed: [SDK Integration] SDK component replacement options is ignored. Fixed: [SDK Integration] It is not possible to disable "--sort-section=alignment" linker option from SDK generators. Fixed: [SDK Integration][SDK Details Page] Various NPE when using the details in Outline view. Fixed: [SDK Importer] Sometimes, board memory ranges are missing when importing an example project. Fixed: [SDK Importer] MCUXIDE mixes files from different versions of packages while importing examples. Fixed: [SDK Importer] All SDKs are present after clicking on the outside of SDKs image areas. Fixed: [SDK Importer] The linked example from Board SDK Wizard is not visible in Import SDK example Wizard. Fixed: [SDK Importer] Selected SDK, in the case of multiple SDKs using the same device, is not honored when importing or creating an example project. Fixed: [SDK Importer] SDK Import Wizard gives the wrong selection after it's opened and choose expand arrow. Fixed: [SDK Importer] CMSIS component with "type: CMSIS" is ignored when importing sdk project. Fixed: [SDK Importer] Boards vs device filter doesn't work when clicking in "Available boards" section but outside the board picture areas. Fixed: [SDK Importer] Non-multicore projects of boards with multicore support have master decorator when created. Fixed: [SDK Importer] Doc folder is declared as source folder in versions 2.9.x of the RT SDK. Fixed: [SDK Importer] SDK cannot set default launch config options for J-Link. Fixed: [SDK Importer] Fail to use an SDK with "/" included in the family name. Fixed: [SDK Importer] Project-specific linker file is ignored for MCUXIDE. Fixed: [SDK Importer] Default components are now displayed for a device project. Fixed: [SDK Importer] "Select SDKs for selected MCU" widget is not correctly populated when 2 SDK are installed for the same device. Fixed: [SDK CLI] command exits with null pointer exception when use.all.components is set on true. Fixed: [SDK CLI] command not working on multicore projects. Fixed: [SDK CLI] Command line will generate project name with not allowed character ("(", ")"). Fixed: [SDK CLI] Null pointer exception when using sdk.validate command. Fixed: [SDK CLI] Null pointer exception obtained when using -help argument. Fixed: [NPW] Creating a project using "Makefile Project using Existing Code" template, fails at debugging with LinkServer. Fixed: [NPW] Device project template is not correctly referred when using NPW to create a project with "selected device without board". Fixed: [NPW] Unable to create a project for the second board when 2 SDK for the same device are installed. Fixed: [Image Info] missing functions from CallGraph building in release build configuration. Fixed: [Image Info] CallGraph doesn't display stack info for c symbols located within cpp sources. Fixed: [IDE] Key binding conflict reported with new workspace. Fixed: [IDE] Tooltips missing for PEmicro Debugger Launch Configuration Startup Tab. Fixed: [Dark Theme] Usage in Heap and Stack Usage view. Fixed: [Dark Theme] pop-up hover not readable for longer preference text. Fixed: [Dark Theme] Selection is not visible in the Installed SDKs list. Fixed: [Dark Theme] MCUXpresso Icon in Smart Import Wizard shows white corners. Fixed: [Installer] Uninstaller error in the case of uninstall with a started eclipse session.   Known issues LPC55S16 TrustZone examples might not work with J-Link. Workaround: Use LPC-Link2 FW on on-board probes for TrustZone projects. SWO issues on iMX RT500 / iMX RT600 / LPC55xx when debugging with J-Link. Workaround: Choose other debugger probes for SWO usage on that particular list of devices. ITM console does not work as input console. Workaround: none, this will be fixed in a further release version. While installing the product, users may encounter a security alert from the operating system stating that some of the software comes from an unknown publisher. Workaround: If this happens it is safe to allow access. This will be corrected in a future release. In the case of an SDK component removal, the build process will fail if the component was also containing linked libraries. Workaround: Manually remove the libraries referenced by that component at project settings -> MCU Linker -> Libraries, then rebuild. 88MW320 with PEmicro and SDK version 2.9.5 or older: Debugging a project linked to flash with a PEmicro probe stops with faults at the start of the debug session. The target does reach main() if the execution is continued after the faults. Workaround: To remove the faults, enable "Launch Configuration -> Startup tab -> Set PC (absolute hex address or symbol)" and set it to "ResetISR". This workaround should not be used when attaching. "Open MCUXpresso SDK Builder" web link (from "Installed SDKs" view) is not correctly rendered within Eclipse's Internal Browser feature due to discontinued support for Internet Explorer for NXP web pages. Workaround: Go to Preferences -> General -> Web Browser and select "Use external web browser".
We are pleased to announce that MCUXpresso IDE v11.7.1 (build 9221) is now available. This is a maintenance release that builds upon the previous MCUXpresso IDE v11.7.0 release, and we recommend that all existing users download and install this new version.   Installer Downloads  To download the installers for all platforms, please login to our download site via:   Documentation  Additional information can be found in the updated User Guide and other documentation, which can be accessed from the built in help system available via IDE's Help menu and in PDF form from within the installation directory or downloaded from:   Notification of future releases  To receive notifications about future releases, please follow: MCUXpresso IDE - Release History    Summary of Changes - version 11.7.1 - March 2023 Upgraded: Newer SEGGER J-Link software (v7.86e). Upgraded: Newer PEmicro plugin (v5.5.5). Upgraded: Version v13.1 of MCUXpresso Config Tools. Added support for LPC553x/S3x revision A1 device. Added support for LPC860 revision A1 device. Added support for KW45/K32W1 revision A2 device. Improvement: [SWO] Added preference for SWO ITM rxBuffer reading timeout in Preferences -> MCUXpresso IDE -> SWO Trace -> ITM_RxBuffer send timeout. This is intended to allow timeout increase in case user determines the application is not able to consume full amount of (so it will appear to lose) data sent by host debugger with the current timeout settings. Fixed: [Debug] Can't create a new launch configuration after using GUI Flash Tool on PEmicro. Fixed: [X-KW45B41Z-EVK][MCU-Link] Debug error reported when using MCU-Link firmware 3.x. Fixed: [Debug][PN7642] Update reset script to fix Restart behavior in the IDE (not fully performing reset on certain clocks / peripherals). Fixed: [Energy Measurement][Power Profile] Trigger configuration is visible for LPC-Link2 probes. Fixed: [SWO] Starting debug session with SWO counters or interrupts views opened results in error. Known issues Please follow the KnownIssues.txt file from installation layout for a detailed list. Note. Additional issues that will be found post-release will be added in an online version also aiming to describe workarounds when available.
This video shows how to create, build and debug a new SDK project with MCUXpresso IDE. Enjoy!
We are pleased to announce that MCUXpresso IDE v11.6.0 (build 8187) is now available. This is a major new version of the IDE and contains new features, enhancements and bug fixes over the previous versions, including latest announced MCUXpresso IDE v11.5.1.   Installer Downloads To download the installers for all platforms, please login to our download site via:   Documentation Additional information can be found in the updated User Guide and other documentation, which can be accessed from the built in help system available via IDE's Help menu and in PDF form from within the installation directory or downloaded from:    Notification of future releases To receive notifications about future releases, please follow: MCUXpresso IDE - Release History    Summary of Changes - version 11.6.0 - July 2022 Upgraded: Newer SEGGER J-Link software (v7.66e). Upgraded: Newer PEmicro plugin (v5.2.6). Upgraded: Newer xPack Windows Build Tools (v4.3.0-1). Upgraded: Update for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. Upgraded: Eclipse version to 2021.12 (Eclipse Platform 4.22.0 / CDT 10.5.0). Upgraded: GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain to version 10.3-2021.10. Upgraded: Version v12 of MCUXpresso Config Tools. Added: [NPI] IMXRT1040 support. Feature: [Power Profile] Added Power Profile feature aiming to correlate energy/power measurement with SWO trace. Note. This feature requires firmware version MCU-LINK CMSIS-DAP v2.263 (or greater).       Feature: [Energy Measurement][Power Profile] Add analog data traffic statistics information for energy/power based views. Feature: [Zephyr RTOS] Added GDB thread awareness for LinkServer debug connection and Threads view support.       Feature: [SDK Integration] Support to allow sub-manifest under the same SDK. Adapted SDK Creator for creating split manifest. Update "Contribute project to SDK Git repository" feature to work with the new sub-manifests. Improvement: [IDE] Ability to control enablement of map/linker parser. Added three options in Preferences -> MCUXpresso IDE -> Editor Awareness which allow users to enable or disable the map parser, the GNU linker parser and the Linker Script template parser. IDE needs restart in order for the changes to take effect. This only works when starting the IDE in clean mode (for example, adding -clean in the .ini file). Improvement: [SDK Integration] Display multiple suggested remote GitHub NXP repos. Improvement: [SDK Integration] Create a unique name for a SDK Git Repository. Improvement: [SDK Integration] Make all project components optional. In this way the user may select any component that goes in the generated project so "minimal project" can be achieved. Improvement: [SDK Integration] Highlight unsatisfied dependency on core specific component. Improvement: [Energy Measurement] Mark the non-plotable area (suspended or trigger-off) as not available - no plots or lines. Improvement: [Peripherals+] Highlight the field(s) that changed when the register has changed. Improvement: [IDE] strip and symdefs command missing in Preferences -> MCUXpresso IDE -> Utilities. Fixed: [IDE] "Save As" Perspective makes Restart toolbar group to disappear. Fixed: [IDE] IDE freezes for too long if opening the Global Variables View. Fixed: [IDE] Blue debug icon only enabled if QuickStart View is present. Fixed: [IDE] Trying to use QuickStart View debug buttons can easily trigger flash erase when QuickStart View window is smaller. Fixed: [Debugger][LinkServer] Restart of suspended FreeRTOS application fails on LPC55S16. Fixed: [Debugger][LinkServer] Suspend timeout in "all-stop" mode while stepping over assembly loop. Fixed: [Debugger][LinkServer][macOS] Support for simultaneous debug sessions is broken. Fixed: [Debugger] "GDB crash - internal-error: virtual memory exhausted" debugger reported error. This was indirectly fixed by: Fix FreeRTOS SP offset (LinkServer GDB thread awareness reported an incorrect value for the SP register with FreeRTOS applications); Document the LR stack unwind issue on FreeRTOS. Fixed: [Debugger][LinkServer][RT1170] When RT1170 is configured to use CM4 as primary (booting) core, flashing application fails if the default VECTREST is used as flash driver reset handling. Fixed: [Debugger][LinkServer] Sometimes the semihost console does not completely print or is empty. Fixed: [Peripherals+][RT1170] CCM registers incorrect base addresses for GPR and OSCPLLx registers. Fixed: [SWO][Debug console] [LPC812] Wrong ROM base table address. Fixed: [SWO][ITM Console] If "clear console" button is used, a lot of items are then lost. Fixed: [SWO][ITM Console] Output is slow and duplicated on LinkServer. Fixed: [Image Info] Callgraph fails to display information for linked folders. Fixed: [Dark theme] Some table entries in "Heap and Stack Usage" view display light theme colors. Fixed: [FreeRTOS] Failed to populate TaskList View in FreeRTOS when backward compatibility flag is set. Fixed: [Flash Programmer] Flash driver "ChecksumSectors" error Ef(38) using LPC845-BRK board. Fixed: [SDK Integration] Import project wizard option "Use floating point version of printf" does not properly set preprocessor macros. Fixed: [SDK Integration] Incorrect FPU settings in threadx_lib project. Fixed: [SDK Integration][GitHub] A project created from an exported C library project does not build. Fixed: [SDK Integration][SDK 2.11] In certain situations, adding components to project might result in missing header file compile errors. Fixed: [Global Variables] Wrong values (sometimes negative ones) appear on the plot's Oy axis. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Sometimes, cancelling the measurement export does not work. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Negative values on t0 label for Ox axis might be encountered after board configuration. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Channel switch (power -> current) will show wrong scale values.   Known issues Please follow the KnownIssues.txt file from installation layout for a detailed list. Note. Additional issues that will be found post-release will be added in an online version also aiming to describe workarounds when available.
We are pleased to announce that MCUXpresso IDE v11.8.0 (build 1165) is now available. This is  a major new version of the IDE and contains new features, enhancements and bug fixes over the previous versions, including latest announced MCUXpresso IDE v11.7.1.   Installer Downloads  To download the installers for all platforms, please login to our download site via:   Documentation  Additional information can be found in the updated User Guide and other documentation, which can be accessed from the built in help system available via IDE's Help menu and in PDF form from within the installation directory.   Notification of future releases  To receive notifications about future releases, please follow: MCUXpresso IDE - Release History    Summary of Changes - version 11.8.0 - August 2023 Upgraded: Eclipse version to 2022.12 (Eclipse Platform 4.26.0 / CDT 11.0.0). Upgraded: MCUXpresso IDE integrated with OpenJDK Runtime Environment Temurin-17.0.5+8. Upgraded: GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain to version 12.2.Rel1. Upgraded: Version v14 of MCUXpresso Config Tools. Upgraded: ARM CMSIS-Pack Eclipse Plug-ins 2.8.0. Upgraded: Newer SEGGER J-Link software (v7.88m). Upgraded: Newer PEmicro plugin (v5.6.7). Synchronization with SDK v2.14.x. Added support for MCXN9xx devices. Added support for RW61x devices. Feature: New IDE build for Mac with native Apple silicon support. See download section for the new product. Feature: LinkServer LPC-Link2 firmware now softloaded as v5.460 which offers support for powering certain RT1xxx EVK boards (which incorporate on-board debug probes based on LPC-Link2 hardware) through the USB debug connection. Feature: [Open-CMSIS-Pack] Extended integration with ARM CMSIS-Pack Eclipse Plug-ins.  Now adding a new Open-CMSIS-Pack component is managed by ARM CMSIS-Pack Eclipse Plug-in. This brings support for: components dependency. multiple component selection. automatically check dependencies in the new multiple component selection view. copy configuration and template files to project. Note. If a project was created with the previous version of Open-CMSIS-Pack support, you'll be asked to remove or to keep the added components. Choosing "keep" involves preserving sources only, not the links with Open-CMSIS-Pack Manager. If you need to have them managed by ARM CMSIS-Pack Eclipse Plug-in (for the above mentioned available features) please choose "remove" and add them back. Feature: Added support for selecting library type in SDK CLI. Now redlib, newlib, newlib_nano can be selected as options when generating a project. Check MCUXpresso_IDE_Command_Line_User_Guide.pdf for details. Improvement: [SDK Integration] Allow the possibility to switch a project from one MCU device to another. Improvement: [SDK Integration] Reduced time required to import examples from zipped SDKs. Improvement: [SDK Integration] Optimize initial SDK GitHub cloning time by deferring cloning of examples until actually needed. Improvement: [Debugger] Discover Probes dialog warns if using MCU-Link probes running firmware which is incompatible with the current IDE version. Improvement: [Debugger] Add possibility to disable auto-debug of secondary project based on target name in Debug Options preferences. Improvement: [RTOS] Add preferences to control enablement of RTOS TAD logging consoles. This prevents showing up unwanted or not used consoles. Go to Preferences -> MCUXpresso IDE -> RTOS TAD -> (Desired) RTOS -> Logging configuration and select or unselect "Create logging console and log messages from TAD plugin". Improvement: [SWO] Error caused by input in the ITM console now should also be displayed inside the console. Improvement: [IDE][Quickstart Panel] Added link to executable import wizard in Quickstart Panel. Improvement: [IDE] Add 'bash' shell executable in buildtools/bin folder on Windows. Improvement: [Installer] Support silent installation for Linux installers (deb.bin packages). This can be executed using: <install_package>.deb.bin -- --acceptLicense. Fixed: [SDK Integration] Unexpected disk space consumption at "Refresh" operation. Fixed: [SDK Integration] Error reported when creating a project from GitHub SDK with a board selection from a standalone SDK. Fixed: [SDK Integration] Include Paths list is duplicated after refreshing SDK components. Fixed: [SDK Integration] New Project Wizard incorrectly computes anyOf dependency for multi core component. Fixed: [SDK Integration] C startup file is incorrectly added in C++ project after refreshing SDK components. Fixed: [SDK Integration] App SW Packs fail to import on IDE starting with IDE v11.7.0 and SDK v2.12 and v2.13. Fixed: [SDK Integration] Exception error is displayed when user scrolls in component list from SDK Wizard window. Fixed: [SDK Integration] Cloning more than one GitHub SDK repository makes the second repository unusable. Fixed: [SDK Integration] Deselecting components with dependencies doesn't display warnings. Fixed: [SDK Integration] Unable to deactivate an already installed Git SDK repository from Installed SDKs view. Fixed: [SDK Integration] Build error is obtained when some specific components (serial_manager_*) are changed from SDK Management -> Manage SDK Components view. Fixed: [SDK Integration] Progress is incorrectly reported in NPW and SDK Import Wizard. Fixed: [SDK Integration] Importing projects may introduce wrong dependencies between SDK components which result in build failure. Fixed: [Toolchain integration] Building some projects may be shown as failed due to linker warnings misinterpreted as errors. Fixed: [Toolchain Integration] Project is always rebuilt after restarting the IDE. Fixed: [Executable Importer] Cannot use Binary Utilities with the imported ELF. Fixed: [Managed Linker Script] Sometimes .bss sections are unexpectedly part of the output bin/s19 images. These are now declared as NOLOAD in the linker scripts. Fixed: [Flash Programmer] KW45B41Z board should not have Resurrect locked Kinetis device option. Fixed: [Flash Programmer] Flash tool not writing .flash_config section from ELF. Fixed: [Debug][LPC55S36 A1] Restart does not work. Fixed: [Debug] Null pointer exception when creating new launch config for LinkServer. Fixed: [Debug] Broken SWO functionality on non LPC-Link2/MCULink probes (Arm ULINKplus). Fixed: [Debug][Multicore] "Step Return All Debug sessions" throws error while in source code. Fixed: [Debug][ARMv6-M] The default VECTRESET set for flash reset has no effect since it is not supported for ARMv6-M MCUs. Use SOFT reset instead. Fixed: [Debug][PEmicro & LinkServer] GUI Flash Tool fields are pre-filled with wrong information for PEmicro when a debug launch is previously created, or are not implemented when using LinkServer debug probes. Fixed: [Debug][PEmicro] TrustZone projects cannot be debugged because non-secure image is not programmed in flash. Fixed: [Debug][LinkServer] Semihosting operations fail while debugger is detached and may not recover when re-attaching. Fixed: [Debug][LinkServer] Various semihosting operations fail when using LinkServer debug probe. Fixed: [Debug][LinkServer][SWO] Support for SWO trace using CMSIS-DAP1.1 SWO probes is broken. Fixed: [Debug][LinkServer] Debug session launch is very slow on LinkServer compared to other probes on some Windows PCs. Fixed: [Debug][Linkserver] Cannot boot LPC-Link1 when a LPC-Link2 probe configured for DFU booting is also present. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] View should not allow attaching to debug session on targets with no measurement support. Fixed: [Enery Measurement] Error might be encountered when successively connecting various probes and using "Out of debug" mode. Fixed: [FreeRTOS] Exception occasionally encountered when resuming or pausing the debug session of a FreeRTOS project with non-stop GDB option disabled and Peripherals Window open. Fixed: [FreeRTOS] In 'freertos_hello' example application, 'hello' task is shown as "Running" even before having the scheduler running. Fixed: [SWO] When SWO Counters view is resumed, also the SWO Data view is resumed automatically. Fixed: [IDE] IDE Linker File Parser fails for question mark operator. Fixed: [IDE] Update icons to address some problems on dark theme and high DPI (macOS Retina) displays.   Known issues  Please follow the KnownIssues.txt file from installation layout for a detailed list. Note. Additional issues that will be found post-release will be added in an online version also aiming to describe workarounds when available
We are pleased to announce that MCUXpresso IDE v11.5.0 (build 7232) is now available. This is a major new version of the IDE and contains new features, enhancements and bug fixes over the previous versions, including latest announced MCUXpresso IDE v11.4.1.   Installer Downloads To download the installers for all platforms, please login to our download site via:   Documentation Additional information can be found in the updated User Guide and other documentation, which can be accessed from the built in help system available via IDE's Help menu and in PDF form from within the installation directory or downloaded from:    Notification of future releases To receive notifications about future releases, please follow: MCUXpresso IDE - Release History    Summary of Changes - version 11.5.0 - January 2022 Upgraded: Eclipse version to 2021.06 (Eclipse Platform 4.20.0 / CDT 10.3.0). Upgraded: MCUXpresso IDE integrated with OpenJDK11 (HotSpot engine build 11.0.11+9). Upgraded: GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain to version 10.3-2021.07. Upgraded: Version v11 of MCUXpresso Config Tools. Upgraded: Windows 11 and macOS 12.0.1 (Monterey) support. Upgraded: Newer SEGGER J-Link software (v7.60b, 64-bit version). Upgraded: Newer PEmicro plugin (v5.1.6). Synchronization with SDK v2.11.x and manifest schema version 3.9. Synchronization with FreeRTOS 10.4.3. Added: LPC55S36 support. Added: PN7640 support. Added: IMXRT685-AUD-EVK support. Feature: [FreeRTOS] Added Task Notifications view. Separate FreeRTOS view was added to display task notification list for each task, including status and value properties.      Feature: [SDK Integration] Integration with GitHub SDK repository: Support for installing a remote SDK GitHub repository. Support for installing an already cloned repository. Ability to contribute a project back to SDK GitHub repository.      Feature: [SVD] User can specify a custom SVD file location inside of a project. This can be achieved from Project Properties -> Run/Debug Settings -> MCU Settings -> SVD Selection. The file will be used by Peripherals+ view when debugging that project.      Feature: [Energy Measurement] Extensions and improvements: Data gathering enabled / disabled by trigger signal MCU-Link Pro and on-board probes with energy measurement circuitry can use a GPIO signal as a trigger/enable (input) for the energy measurement. Note. This feature requires firmware version MCU-LINK CMSIS-DAP v2.249 (or greater).                    Increase the maximum analog data collection time limit from 5 minutes previously to unlimited time, depending on the available space on disk. Note. Exported energy measurement session from an older MCUXpresso version is not compatible within MCUXpresso v11.5.0 version. Improve the performance of retrieving measurement data from the probe. This minimizes the chance of experiencing lost data packets which, in earlier versions, sometimes manifested as gaps (of few ms in length) in the data plot when sampling at high data rates. Even in the unlikely circumstances of still missing some measurement data packets, the IDE can now supplement the missing data by reconstructing it from a lower resolution version of the same data (averaged at probe level) to correct the energy/power calculation. When this situation arises the corresponding range on the plot is drawn as a compact area (due to lacking variation between samples normally present in the high resolution measurement data).      Feature: [SWO] Target configuration is now optional within SWO functionality. Depending on debug probe type, the user may choose not to automatically configure the target inside the "SWO Trace Config" view, so the user can then make his own registers configuration within the application. Feature: [SWO] A new console named "SWO and Trace Console" displays all configuration and register settings performed while configuring SWO. Feature: [Debugger][J-Link] Auto-debug secondary project(s) for multicore is now added for J-Link debug session too (now all debug connection types are offering this support). Option is set by default on: Window -> Preferences -> MCUXpresso IDE -> Debug Options -> J-Link Options -> Enable Auto-debug secondary project(s) for multicore projects. Feature: [Flash Programmer][RT1170] Add flash driver for the (non-default) Octal flash device on the EVK board. Feature: [IDE] The IDE does not internally use WMI command line utility anymore (deprecated as of Windows 10, version 21H1). PowerShell will be used instead. Fixed: [Project Manager] "Remove path from __FILE__" option not working for projects with linked sources (not copied into workspace). Fixed: [Project Manager] Project-relative connect and reset scripts do not work. Fixed: [Project Manager][LPC55S69] Changing RAM size from project properties results in build errors. Fixed: [Project Manager] "Restart" or "Terminate and Relaunch" are not enabled for custom made PEmicro launches. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Unable to export data after terminating current analysis and cleaning up debug processes. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Cancelling an import data operation is not working. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Can't start a new measurement session if there is a measurement connection left active in another IDE instance. Fixed: [Debugger] Terminate button throws exception after the debug session using LinkServer. Fixed: [Debugger][CM33] `cmbreakset` doesn't work from redlinkserv console. Fixed: [Debugger][RT1160/RT1170] CPU doesn't halt on faults. Fixed: [Debugger][RT1160/RT1170] CM4 example does not reach main. Fixed: [Debugger][J-Link] Restart not working when debugging an application executing from SRAM (debugger not initializing program counter and stack pointer). Fixed: [Debugger][LinkServer] Debug connection uses excessive host CPU power. Fixed: [Debugger][LinkServer] SWD/JTAG pins are now disabled after terminating a LinkServer debug session. Fixed: [Debugger][LinkServer] Launch configurations referring absolute paths of ELF files are considered invalid. Fixed: [SDK Integration] Unable to select UART with single click when using "Import SDK example(s)" wizard. Fixed: [SDK Integration] [RT1170] Project building fails after adding SSARC driver. Fixed: [SDK Integration] Synchronize Semihost/UART option check with library type (semihost/nohost) selection. Note. This behavior applies to both GUI and CLI. Even if the example description specifies a default IO library type, this will be overwritten by the IDE if the chosen IO model is incompatible with it. Fixed: [SDK Integration] Build fails after removing SDK components that have additional libraries. Fixed: [Azure RTOS ThreadX] Threads view shows odd values for stack usage on all threads. Fixed: [SWO] Profiling counters view displays some wrong values. Fixed: [SWO] Profiling counters are created and accessed even when SWO not configured or available, causing memory access errors. Fixed: [SWO] Statistics (from SWO Trace Config view) indicates wrong information. Fixed: [SWO] IDE freezes for a period when detecting/setting SWO clock. Fixed: [SWO] ITM console does not work. Fixed: [Quick start panel] Copy-paste and multiple selection does not work for project properties. Fixed: [Peripherals+] Most of PWM registers are not shown. Fixed: [Dark Theme] Some of the view names inside SWO Views are not readable. Fixed: [IDE] Sometimes, ConcurrentModificationException exception message is seen when starting MCUXpressoIDE 11.4.1. Improvement: [IDE] Auto-resize columns from Probes Discovered dialog to accommodate length of displayed strings. Improvement: [IDE] Memory configuration editor dialog is now resizable. Fixed: [ImageInfo] Various features indicate files/information from the wrong project in the case of multiple projects having similar names within the workspace. Fixed: [ImageInfo] CallGraph indicates wrong (negative) stack usage value for the "Exception Handlers" virtual node. This field should be empty for virtual (non-existent) nodes. Fixed: [Global Variables] Sometimes the decimal number format displays empty values in the view. Fixed: [Installer][macOS] Re-installing the same MCUXIDE build version results in errors when launching the product. Fixed: [Installer] Uninstall sometimes fails when processes associated with current installation are open.   Known issues Please follow the KnownIssues.txt file from installation layout for a detailed list. Note. Additional issues that will be found post-release will be added in an online version also aiming to describe workarounds when available.
This tip will show you how to re-trigger a full probe discovery.  The feature is very useful for the customer who may use multiple debug probes. The first time you debug a project, MCUXpresso IDE will perform a probe discovery operation and display the discovered Debug Probes for selection. This will show all Supported Probes that are attached to your computer. (Here you can see the default P&E Micro OpenSDA of FRDM-KL25Z board was found.) For any future debug sessions, the stored probe selection will be automatically used to match the project being debugged with the previously used debug probe. This greatly simplifies the case where multiple debug probes are being used. However, if a debug operation is performed and the previously remembered debug probe cannot be found, then a debug probe discovery operation will be performed from within the same family e.g. MCUXpresso IDE LinkServer, P&E Micro or SEGGER J-Link. (Here you can see there are two Probe search options: Search for PEMicroDBB97E74 again and Search for other attached PE Micro probes.) But if you want to use a different debug probe(for example: debug FRDM-KL25Z board with SEGGER JLink), click this blue debug icon will meet problem. Supported Probes dialog only show P&E Micro probes, it will not search other family of debug probes e.g. MCUXpresso IDE LinkServer or SEGGER J-Link.   Once a launch configuration file has been created, it will be used for the projects future debug operations. If you wish to use the project with a different debug probe, then simply delete the existing launch configuration and allow a new one to be automatically used on the next debug operation. Now click blue debug icon re-trigger a full probe discovery, and it show all Supported Probes that are attached to your computer again.
We are pleased to announce that MCUXpresso IDE v11.7.0 (build 9198) is now available. This is a major new version of the IDE and contains new features, enhancements and bug fixes over the previous versions, including latest announced MCUXpresso IDE v11.6.1.   Installer Downloads To download the installers for all platforms, please login to our download site via:   Documentation Additional information can be found in the updated User Guide and other documentation, which can be accessed from the built in help system available via IDE's Help menu and in PDF form from within the installation directory or downloaded from:    Notification of future releases To receive notifications about future releases, please follow: MCUXpresso IDE - Release History    Summary of Changes - version 11.7.0 - January 2023 Upgraded: Eclipse version to 2022.06 (Eclipse Platform 4.24.0 / CDT 10.7.0). Upgraded: MCUXpresso IDE integrated with JRE Eclipse Temurin (HotSpot engine, build 11.0.17+8). Upgraded: Windows 10/11 version 22H2 and macOS 13 (Ventura) support. Upgraded: Version v13 of MCUXpresso Config Tools. Upgraded: Synchronization with SDK v2.13.x. Upgraded: Newer SEGGER J-Link software (v7.84a). Upgraded: Newer PEmicro plugin (v5.4.1). Added MIMXRT1170-EVKB board support. Added K32W1, KW45, PN7642 devices support. Note. [KW45] Because ECC RAM is enabled by default, debug application in RAM might not work if the application image contains unaligned sections. In order to avoid this situation be sure at least one of the following rules is considered: - enable the ECC RAM initialization in the connect script (< layout >/ide/binaries/Scripts/KW45B41_connect.scp - see the comment from line 6). - use at least 4-byte aligned data structures/variables. Feature: [LinkServer] Support MCU-Link probes running V3.x firmware versions (based on CMSIS-DAP 2.1, using bulk/WinUSB endpoints). Feature: [Boot Configuration] Added Target Boot Control option (in LinkServer launch configuration) to configure device boot mode on the reset requests (issued during a debug session). This feature is only available on MCU-Link debug probe having ISPx boot control features implemented. See "Changing target boot configuration" section from User Guide. Feature: [Open-CMSIS-Pack] Added possibility to explore Open-CMSIS packs and import (middleware) components into an Eclipse project. Note that in the current version of the feature, component dependencies shall be manually added by users. A future version will automatically resolve dependencies and add them into the project: Set a path to work with Open-CMSIS Packs: Preferences ->  CMSIS-Packs -> CMSIS-pack root folder (you can let the existing  one as default) Load/Download/Import Packs: Perspective -> Open Perspective -> Other -> CMSIS-Pack Manager. From Packs view (toolbar) you can: Reload, Check for updates on Web, Import Packs from disc, etc. Once desired packs are available, you can add them into the Eclipse project by right-click on project entry in Project Explorer -> SDK Management -> Add components from Open-CMSIS-Pack and select the desired one from the "Add Open-CMSIS component to project" wizard. The component will be then available on Project Explorer view (the sources being linked to the original pack location), and also on Project Settings with details about its hierarchical path. Components can be deleted from project by selecting the component from Project Explorer -> < select project > -> Project Settings -> Open-CMSIS components, right-click on it, and choose "Delete Open-CMSIS component". Feature: [SDK Integration][SDK GitHub] Added support for paths relative to the manifest file inside the example projects. Feature: [Elf Importer] Import ELF binary/executable. This is available from File -> Import -> C/C++ -> MCUXpresso Executable Importer. Feature: [MQX RTOS] Support for MQX RTOS GDB thread awareness to allow multithread debugging. Note that Task Aware Debug (TAD) views in Eclipse will be added in a future IDE version. Feature: [SDK Integration][Complex dependencies] Support for < not > operator in the dependency conditions. Feature: [SDK Integration] Migrated to new site. Feature: [SDK Integration] Provide CLI utility to merge sub-manifest files: added the manifest.merge command: Running the headless mode with -help manifest.merge generates a template property file, which contains the following: manifest.xml (location of the manifest containing references to sub-manifests). repo.location (repository where the manifest specified in the manifest.xml property is located). merged.manifest.xml (location of the result manifest file). All properties from the template file must be specified for the command to run. The manifest specified in the manifest.xml file must be inside the repository specified. Improvement: [NPW][NHS3xxx] Added NHS3xxx support on Preinstalled MCUs section. Improvement: [Flash Drivers] Various size optimization for flash drivers binaries. Improvement: [SDK Integration] Right Click on Installed SDKs pane provides new option to link with "Download and Install SDKs" feature. Improvement: [Energy Measurement / Power Profile] Display the currently configured measurement range for MCU-Link probes. Improvement: [SWO] Both trace clock and core clock are now exposed for user, for devices that have a TRACECLK different than the core clock (i.e. Cortex-M7). Improvement: [IDE][Quickstart Panel] Added preferences to control activation and auto-selection inside Project Explorer. Check these options on Preferences -> MCUXpresso IDE -> Quickstart Panel ->  Project Explorer activation and auto-selection of a project. Improvement: [IDE] Add watchpoint capability from the Peripheral (memory rendering) view. Improvement: [Power Profile] Add new configuration tab for data gathering controlled by trigger in Power profile. Power Profile and Energy Measurement views now both have the UI that allows collecting data based on a trigger; the two views do not share the configuration but they each hold their own user input. This configuration UI will be disabled if either Power profile or Energy Measurement is in play mode. Improvement: [Multicore] A post build step in an multicore environment is now calling a new utility tool (called mcux-fixelf) for multicore image processing purpose. The invoked command can be identified in Preferences -> MCUXpresso IDE -> Default tool settings -> Multicore slave template. This is intended for now to replace previous dd utility call plus some additional patches (like fixes for linker's forced relaxation on exidx/extab sections, shifting on secondary core's sections performed when linking full multicore image). Fixed: [RTOS] Add preferences to control persistence of RTOS TAD logs. Fixed: [Zephyr RTOS] When using J-Link and a Zephyr application built with CONFIG_INIT_STACKS=y, after opening the Zephyr TAD View, the view defaults to not showing the stack high water marks. Fixed: [FreeRTOS] "Tasks" and "Heap Usage" views throw errors after resume. Fixed: [FreeRTOS] Timer List view displays a Java exception instead of a user friendly error message. Fixed: [SWO] Silent error (in log) reported after using the SWO Data view and pressing the "Terminate" button. Fixed: [SWO] Continuous refreshing in SWO Config view when opening a debug session. Fixed: [SWO] After terminating a debug session, if one of the SWO views is left running, an error message will continuously appear in the error log. Fixed: [SWO] The timeline in SWO Interrupts View may be inaccurate for Cortex-M7 based devices. Fixed: [SWO][Power Profile] Missing some of the available rates for PC sampling. Fixed: [SWO] SWO not properly closed/disposed when the view is closed. This spoils the data collected when the view is reopened and a next SWO data collection session is started. Fixed: [SWO] "Unlock access" operation for CoreSight components configuration is missing from the "SWO and Trace console" log. Fixed: [SWO] NPE thrown in error log when debug session starts with SWO Data view opened. Fixed: [Power Profile][SWO Profile] Wrong initial values displayed for profile sample rates (0.0Hz). Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Previously used probe/debug context not displayed/kept after terminating session. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Voltage "Read from target" fails if analog source is selected first. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] IDE crashes when Auto Scale button is pressed before doing any configuration. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Unable to interact with the view (zoom in/out, export data) after terminating a running debug session while collecting analog data. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Attaching to a debug session while data collection is in progress discards data already collected. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Canceling an import archive will corrupt the already loaded plot. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Wrong status message after changing to an out-of-debug probe while linked to debug context. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] t_last (the last time for the x-axis of the graph) label displays incorrect values when zooming in. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] Cannot re-export Energy Measurement data after import. Fixed: [Energy Measurement] "Horizontal Measurement" does not work properly. Fixed: [Install MCUXpresso SDKs] IDE filters now compatible SDKs versions. Note. The fix is working for IDE versions no older than MCUXpresso IDE 11.5.0. Fixed: [SDK Integration] Unexpected "Memory type EEPROM for project 'null' is not supported" error message displayed after a project is created. Fixed: [SDK Integration] On the "MCUXpresso IDE SDK uninstall" view, the buttons are no longer visible. Fixed: [SDK Integration] The component dependencies are not correctly solved in the case of switching cores when creating a new (multicore) project. Fixed: [SDK Integration] The generated linker script file name shall follow the project name. Fixed: [SDK Integration] Cannot find J-Link debugger script referenced in SDK (e.g. for RT1170 multicore projects). Fixed: [SDK Integration] Multiple SDKs are unexpectedly enabled / disabled if they share the same identifier (so pointing to the same device target). Note. The behavior after this fix is that for older workspaces, all the SDKs will be enabled. User will have to manually disable (or uninstall) undesired SDKs. Fixed: [SDK Integration] Missing source paths when adding components within SDK Component Manager view. Fixed: [SDK Integration][Ubuntu] Project names and descriptions are not displayed in the correct format on certain boards. Fixed: [SDK Component Management] Changed the handling of the "Cancel" button during "Refreshing SDK Components". If the user pressed "Cancel" to abort comparison, the file was silently not replaced and the update mechanism continued with the next file. Fixed: [NPW][SDK components selector] Board template cannot be deselected. Fixed: [NPW] Errors after creating a new project with the same name. Fixed: [Debugger][LPC541xx][PEmicro] Starting a multicore debug session, the secondary cores are not able to execute application (wrong suspended state is shown instead). Fixed: [Global Variables] The panning option in the graph is not enabled by default. Fixed: [Global Variables] View not loading globals from ELFs specified in Other Executables section of a debug config. Fixed: [Linker scripts] Some projects could produce axf files which fail to program in GUI Flash Tool. Fixed: [Multicore] Unexpected secondary core's data sections shifting in the final multicore application image. Fixed: [Multicore] Command line build in headless mode fails for multicore projects. Fixed: [Project Manager] Missing header files in Project Explorer when using linked sources. Fixed: [IDE][Probes discovered] The "OK" and "Cancel" buttons change location after a while or after clicking in different places. Fixed: [IDE] Creating "baremetal" project fails and gives internal error. Fixed: [IDE] NPE for Heap & Stack view with using make file project. Fixed: [IDE] Different syntax coloring when project sources are copied vs linked. Fixed: [IDE][PEmicro] IDE freezes while doing flash erase after a plain load image error encountered. Fixed: [Dark Theme] Project highlight in Project Explorer is white.   Known issues Please follow the KnownIssues.txt file from installation layout for a detailed list. Note. Additional issues that will be found post-release will be added in an online version also aiming to describe workarounds when available.
We are pleased to announce that MCUXpresso IDE v11.3.0 (build 5222) is now available. This is a major new version of the IDE and contains new features, enhancements and bug fixes over the previous versions, including latest announced MCUXpresso IDE v11.2.1.   Installer Downloads To download the installers for all platforms, please login to our download site via:   Documentation Additional information can be found in the updated User Guide and other documentation, which can be accessed from the built in help system available via IDE's Help menu and in PDF form from within the installation directory or downloaded from:    Notification of future releases To receive notifications about future releases, please follow : MCUXpresso IDE - Release History    Summary of Changes - version 11.3.0 - January 2021 Upgraded: Eclipse version to 2020.06 (Eclipse Platform 4.16.0 /  CDT9.11.1). Upgraded: IDE now integrates with OpenJDK8. Upgraded: GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain to GCC9-2020-q2-update. Integrated: GNU test coverage (gcov) and performance analysis (gprof) tools and Eclipse plugins. Upgraded: Version v9 of MCUXpresso Config Tools. Upgraded: Newer SEGGER J-Link software (v6.88c). Upgraded: Newer PEmicro plugin (v4.8.5). Added: i.MX RT1170 B0 support. Added: i.MX RT1024 support. Added: RT500 B2 support. Added: K32W061 support. Added: K32W041AM support. Added: LPC55S06 support. Added: MCU-Link probe debug support. Feature: Added Energy Measurement view, aiming to replace the Power Measurement view. Main capabilities: The new view comes with the same feature-set as the old Power Measurement view; From a GUI perspective, it offers consistent look & feel with other views that display and controls graphs (e.g. Global Variables, SWO-related views); Compatible with existing LPCXpresso boards having on-board power measurement circuits; Power and energy estimation capability: in order to enable power/energy measurement/estimation the user should add a reference voltage in the Config tab section from Energy Measurement view. For convenience and more precise measurement, the user can press "Read from target" which will automatically generate a reference voltage computed as an average value (of the voltage) measured for the last 500msec. Energy and power will be displayed in the status line of the plot area, showing the min/max/average power values and the energy value for the measurements visible in the graph, or over a particular time range selection. Multiprobe and multiview support: the feature is capable to open multiple views, each view can be connected to a different probe (that is capable to measure analog). The probe can be selected from Probe Discovery feature available in the Energy Measurement view toolbar. Data collecting during an out-of-debug session and also during an active debug session; Data collecting with an active debug session while the core is in debug mode. Behavior is controlled via toolbar buttons; Configuration of the server-side (rltool) and of the IDE using the Config tab within the view; Import/Export data functionality for offline analysis: (buttons on the Energy view toolbar). The user is able to save (Export data, in a zip format) the data collected within the view, having the possibility to load the saved data (Import data) later, in the same view or another one. Loading saved data in the Energy Measurement is not requiring physical connection to the target; Extended LPC-Link2 support for all targets having onboard measurement circuit: LPCXpresso546x8/540xx/54S0xx, LPCXpresso54102, LPCXpresso51U68/54114, QN90x0/JN518x/K32W0x1. As a side note, if there is any other LPC-Link2 board having power measurement capability, the user can use an existing configuration (and change the resistor value if necessary); See MCUXpresso_IDE_Energy_Measurement.pdf (or Help -> Help Contents) for details. Feature: Auto-debug slave project(s) for multicore projects option becomes default option for multicore debug purpose (for LinkServer debug connection only). That means, in the case of multicore projects on which primary project refers one or several secondary projects, debug sessions will be automatically started for secondary projects after initiating debug with the primary project. Option is set by default on: Window -> references -> MCUXpresso IDE -> Debug Options -> LinkServer Options -> Miscellaneous -> Enable Auto-debug slave project(s) for multicore projects. If you don't want to have this feature enabled (so if you want to start debug sessions for each core independently), uncheck this option. Similar, Auto-debug slave project(s) for multicore projects option becomes default option for multicore debug purpose for PEmicro too. Option is set by default on: Window -> Preferences -> MCUXpresso IDE -> Debug Options -> PEMicro Options -> Enable Auto-debug slave project(s) for multicore projects. Improvement: Enhance SWO views: SWO Config: added new Tab for data traffic statistics, configuration for ITM Stimulus ports; SWO Profile: added samples and details tabs; SWO Data: added plot (similar to Global Variables); SWO Stats: moved inside SWO Config; ITM Console: added one tab for each stimulus port. Improvement: [RT600] Clean up on RT600 flash drivers: Add drivers for MXIC_OPI connected via FlexSPI_A port; Add drivers for QSPI drivers (SFDP) connected via FlexSPI_B port; Add drivers for QSPI drivers (SFDP) connected via FlexSPI_A port; Remove MIMXRT600_SFDP_* drivers generated by the old project (SDK now references the new drivers). Improvement: Drop-down boxes from several tables require two user operations for reaching the actual items from the list. Reduced now to a single operation (single click). Improvement: Extend CLI functionality - Add new command to list SDK info:   -filter=<string> : filters the available information based on regex expression string. e.g. -filter=K64 will display all data containing K64 string. See SDK command line documentation within the layout (MCUXpresso_SDK_Command_Line_User_Guide.pdf). Improvement: Merge c_include path section into cpp_include path section for cpp project in project settings. Improvement: New project wizard is now capable to handle HW with dual primary/secondary roles (i.e. RT1170). From SDK Wizard page, any core can be selected according with the secondary/primary SDK description, plus it can be selected as standalone (application). Improvement: Community forum accessible now from the main toolbar too (together with the older link from Help->MCUXpresso IDE support forum). The default selection will open the community web inside the IDE. If you want to set the default browser as external browser, use Window->Preferences->General->Web browser->"Use external web browser". Fixed: [RT500] QSPI flash drivers: driver was incorrectly using QSPI DDR instead of SDR. Fixed: [RT500][RT600] J-Link launch config default resets: Re-enable resets in J-Link launches for RT500/RT600 The most recent J-Link versions properly handle resets for RT500 & RT600 devices. Fixed: [RT500] Unable to Restart flash-based session on EVK RevC1 board. Fixed: [RT685] "Unsupported or unrecognized format error" dialog when using the installed SDK. Fixed: [LPC55S69] Implemented DWT (Data Watchpoint and Trace) component for ArmV8. This fixes the SWO Data trace not working issue. Fixed: [LPC55S06] SWO support. Fixed: [LPC55xx] LinkServer debug cannot recover LPC55xx from deep sleep. Fixed: [LPC845] Debug fails when SRAM is split into sub-blocks. Fixed: [LPC4337] Flash programming over JTAG not working on the M4 core. Fixed: [LPC54114] SWO Trace is not working with PEmicro. Fixed: [FRDM-K64] Removed unexpected warning reported in map file in a project. Fixed: [JN5189/QN9090/KW32W041AM] Improve OOB experience with (factory) erased devices. Fixed: IDE 'Utility' menu does not work for linked Folders. Fixed: Defined symbols are added prematurely (even when no component is selected in NPW). Fixed: Selection of a driver in NPW makes the Library Type and Floating Type to become empty. Fixed: "ERROR: fatal error: board.h: No such file or directory" error reported if build a new created project with no board support. Fixed: Library type is not changing correctly when using SDK Wizard. Fixed: SDKs for older LPCs failing to set CRP up correctly. Fixed: Outline view displays empty table header when selecting an SDK. Fixed: Issues when uninstalling a SDK plugin. Now "Installed SDKs" and "Install MCUXpresso SDK" views are in sync and report the right installation status of a SDK. Fixed: On explicit include paths in the project setting, the include paths are mixed between asm and c type. Fixed: Outline view displays empty table header when selecting an SDK. Fixed: Null pointer exception on generating example xml. Fixed: Build error when use MCUXpresso IDE command line with non-existing include. Fixed: SDK command line: pre and/or post build steps options not available in example.xml file. Fixed: J-Link scripts needed by SDK examples are not copied correctly when installing the SDK from a folder. Fixed: MCUXpresso linked projects compile errors on multicore platforms. Fixed: Compile errors reported on a project imported from a generate example.xml. Also fixed the CLI build failing on the same example.xml scenario. Fixed: Unexpected memory usage reported (over 100% occupied memory) by Image Info. Fixed: Programming empty pages for ERASE_WO devices when flash hashing is enabled. Fixed: 'debug interface type' identification shown in the "Debug messages" console. Fixed: "Terminate" operation does not kill the redlinkserv.exe process. Fixed: "Terminate" button appears disabled after the first "Suspend" for PEMicro and J-Link debug connection. Fixed: J-Link auto selection results in not working connection. Fixed: Flash programming using J-Link via JTAG. Fixed: The running environment (PC/SP) for RAM applications is now properly initialized by the debugger when using J-Link/PEmicro. Fixed: Debugger Console output stops working when debugging secure project. Fixed: Error reported when SWO clock speed dialogue cancelled. Fixed: FreeRTOS tasks list not populated correctly in some situations. Fixed: SVD viewer shows-up with empty peripherals list. Fixed: Live Variables: Unable to create expression with casts. Fixed: Global Variables: T0 will remain -0 while moving the Graph to the right. Fixed: [Dark Theme] highlighting makes text unreadable. Fixed: [Dark Theme] Text is not visible for Blocked jobs in FreeRTOS. Fixed: [Dark Theme] Peripherals view - some registers have yellow background making it hard to read. Fixed: [Dark Theme] Line highlighting in editor makes variables text unreadable. Fixed: [Dark Theme] Display issue for the "Probes discovered" window on Mac. Fixed: [Dark Theme] Low contrast on text vs. background when a word is high-lighted by having cursor selection on it. Fixed: [Dark Theme] Manage SDK Components window is not updated. Fixed: [Dark Theme] Various improvements on Disassembly, Memory, Peripherals, headers in views, editor, git plugin. Fixed: [Dark Theme] Install plugin SDKs window shows white rectangles around icons. Fixed: [Dark Theme] Line number background is too bright. Fixed: [Dark Theme] Install MCUXpresso SDK view shows white background while selecting table headers.
MCUXpresso IDE combines the best features of the LPCXpresso IDE and Kinetis Design Studio. For users more familiar with KDS, here’s a high level overview of some of the things that are different in basic interactions with this new tool.   Quickstart Panel. One of the biggest and most useful changes is the Quickstart panel in the lower left hand corner of the IDE. This is where users import MCUXpresso SDK projects, build projects, debug projects, and modify some project settings.   Importing SDK Example Projects This is now done via the Quickstart Panel, and by default will create a unique copy of the project inside the workspace directory with all the necessary source files for the board, drivers, and source so it can be easily shared.   Debugging SDK Projects This is also now done via the Quickstart Panel, and is straightforward. One important thing to note though is that if you want to change the debugger protocol (ie move from CMSIS-DAP to Segger JLink) you need to delete both the .launch files in the project so that the debugger settings will reset.   Semihosting If default options are kept when importing in SDK projects, semihosting is used for printf commands. See this Community post for details on how to use the UART for printf instead (which is connected to the OpenSDA circuit on development boards), as well as how to switch between the two options.   Importing SDKs New device support is added to MCUXpresso IDE by importing SDK packages. There’s an XML file inside the SDK packages that tell it all the information the IDE needs to know. Reference this Community post for some of the options you have in how to import an SDK into the IDE, and also refer to Section 4 of the MCUXpresso User Guide or this in-depth training video.   MCUXpresso SDK This is just a re-branding of Kinetis SDK 2.x now that it supports more than just Kinetis devices, so there are no significant differences with this new name change.   Porting a KDS project to MCUXpresso There is no automatic tool to take a KDS project and convert it to a MCUXpresso project, so there is some manual work involved in porting a KDS project to MCUXpresso IDE. The recommended path would be to import/create the closest MCUXpresso SDK project, and then copy in the custom source code and other modifications. Minimal code re-write should be required since the drivers are the same. They are also both Eclipse/GCC based IDEs so predefines should be straight forward to port over. 
We are pleased to announce that MCUXpresso IDE v11.6.1 (build 8255) is now available. This is a maintenance release that builds upon the previous MCUXpresso IDE v11.6.0 release, and we recommend that all existing users download and install this new version.   Installer Downloads  To download the installers for all platforms, please login to our download site via:   Documentation  Additional information can be found in the updated User Guide and other documentation, which can be accessed from the built in help system available via IDE's Help menu and in PDF form from within the installation directory or downloaded from:   Notification of future releases  To receive notifications about future releases, please follow: MCUXpresso IDE - Release History    Summary of Changes - version 11.6.1 - October 2022 Upgraded: Newer SEGGER J-Link software (v7.70d). Upgraded: Version v12.1 of MCUXpresso Config Tools. Improvement: [Flash drivers] Included K32W041AM flash driver in layout examples. Fixed: [SWO][RT1170] SWO trace timing is not accurate when the trace clock is different from the core clock (e.g. for Cortex-M7 based devices). This misbehavior is visible in SWO Interrupts view. Fixed: [SWO][Counters] Cycle counter does not update while running and the Total value is wrong. Fixed: [NPW] Failed to create correct project for K22FX512 and SDK 2.3.1. Fixed: [NPW] Can’t use New Project wizard with two SDKs for the same board. Fixed: [NPW] SDK_DEBUGCONSOLE_UART option (which redirects the standard printf to UART) ignored when importing SDK examples. Fixed: [SDK Integration] Error thrown at build on FRDM-KL0Z from Import SDK example. Fixed: [Flash drivers] In provided /ide/Examples/Flashdrivers/NXP/iMXRT/, the octal flash RST control pin needs to be 0xOD (1.8V) instead 0x0A (3.3V). Fixed: [Project Manager] Missing Floating Point options for Cortex-M33 architecture. Known issues Please follow the KnownIssues.txt file from installation layout for a detailed list. Note. Additional issues that will be found post-release will be added in an online version also aiming to describe workarounds when available.