MCUXpresso IDE v11.3.0 Now Available

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MCUXpresso IDE v11.3.0 Now Available

MCUXpresso IDE v11.3.0 Now Available

We are pleased to announce that MCUXpresso IDE v11.3.0 (build 5222) is now available. This is a major new version of the IDE and contains new features, enhancements and bug fixes over the previous versions, including latest announced MCUXpresso IDE v11.2.1.


Installer Downloads

To download the installers for all platforms, please login to our download site via: 



Additional information can be found in the updated User Guide and other documentation, which can be accessed from the built in help system available via IDE's Help menu and in PDF form from within the installation directory or downloaded from:


Notification of future releases

To receive notifications about future releases, please follow : MCUXpresso IDE - Release History 


Summary of Changes - version 11.3.0 - January 2021

  • Upgraded: Eclipse version to 2020.06 (Eclipse Platform 4.16.0 /  CDT9.11.1).
  • Upgraded: IDE now integrates with OpenJDK8.
  • Upgraded: GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain to GCC9-2020-q2-update.
  • Integrated: GNU test coverage (gcov) and performance analysis (gprof) tools and Eclipse plugins.
  • Upgraded: Version v9 of MCUXpresso Config Tools.
  • Upgraded: Newer SEGGER J-Link software (v6.88c).
  • Upgraded: Newer PEmicro plugin (v4.8.5).
  • Added: i.MX RT1170 B0 support.
  • Added: i.MX RT1024 support.
  • Added: RT500 B2 support.
  • Added: K32W061 support.
  • Added: K32W041AM support.
  • Added: LPC55S06 support.
  • Added: MCU-Link probe debug support.
  • Feature: Added Energy Measurement view, aiming to replace the Power Measurement view. Main capabilities:
    • The new view comes with the same feature-set as the old Power Measurement view;
    • From a GUI perspective, it offers consistent look & feel with other views that display and controls graphs (e.g. Global Variables, SWO-related views);
    • Compatible with existing LPCXpresso boards having on-board power measurement circuits;
    • Power and energy estimation capability: in order to enable power/energy measurement/estimation the user should add a reference voltage in the Config tab section from Energy Measurement view. For convenience and more precise measurement, the user can press "Read from target" which will automatically generate a reference voltage computed as an average value (of the voltage) measured for the last 500msec. Energy and power will be displayed in the status line of the plot area, showing the min/max/average power values and the energy value for the measurements visible in the graph, or over a particular time range selection.
    • Multiprobe and multiview support: the feature is capable to open multiple views, each view can be connected to a different probe (that is capable to measure analog). The probe can be selected from Probe Discovery feature available in the Energy Measurement view toolbar.
    • Data collecting during an out-of-debug session and also during an active debug session;
    • Data collecting with an active debug session while the core is in debug mode. Behavior is controlled via toolbar buttons;
    • Configuration of the server-side (rltool) and of the IDE using the Config tab within the view;
    • Import/Export data functionality for offline analysis: (buttons on the Energy view toolbar). The user is able to save (Export data, in a zip format) the data collected within the view, having the possibility to load the saved data (Import data) later, in the same view or another one. Loading saved data in the Energy Measurement is not requiring physical connection to the target;
    • Extended LPC-Link2 support for all targets having onboard measurement circuit: LPCXpresso546x8/540xx/54S0xx, LPCXpresso54102, LPCXpresso51U68/54114, QN90x0/JN518x/K32W0x1. As a side note, if there is any other LPC-Link2 board having power measurement capability, the user can use an existing configuration (and change the resistor value if necessary);
    • See MCUXpresso_IDE_Energy_Measurement.pdf (or Help -> Help Contents) for details.
  • Feature: Auto-debug slave project(s) for multicore projects option becomes default option for multicore debug purpose (for LinkServer debug connection only). That means, in the case of multicore projects on which primary project refers one or several secondary projects, debug sessions will be automatically started for secondary projects after initiating debug with the primary project.
    • Option is set by default on: Window -> references -> MCUXpresso IDE -> Debug Options -> LinkServer Options -> Miscellaneous -> Enable Auto-debug slave project(s) for multicore projects.
    • If you don't want to have this feature enabled (so if you want to start debug sessions for each core independently), uncheck this option.
    • Similar, Auto-debug slave project(s) for multicore projects option becomes default option for multicore debug purpose for PEmicro too. Option is set by default on: Window -> Preferences -> MCUXpresso IDE -> Debug Options -> PEMicro Options -> Enable Auto-debug slave project(s) for multicore projects.
  • Improvement: Enhance SWO views:
    • SWO Config: added new Tab for data traffic statistics, configuration for ITM Stimulus ports;
    • SWO Profile: added samples and details tabs;
    • SWO Data: added plot (similar to Global Variables);
    • SWO Stats: moved inside SWO Config;
    • ITM Console: added one tab for each stimulus port.
  • Improvement: [RT600] Clean up on RT600 flash drivers:
    • Add drivers for MXIC_OPI connected via FlexSPI_A port;
    • Add drivers for QSPI drivers (SFDP) connected via FlexSPI_B port;
    • Add drivers for QSPI drivers (SFDP) connected via FlexSPI_A port;
    • Remove MIMXRT600_SFDP_* drivers generated by the old project (SDK now references the new drivers).
  • Improvement: Drop-down boxes from several tables require two user operations for reaching the actual items from the list. Reduced now to a single operation (single click).
  • Improvement: Extend CLI functionality - Add new command to list SDK info:

  -filter=<string> : filters the available information based on regex expression string. e.g. -filter=K64 will display all data containing K64 string. See SDK command line documentation within the layout (MCUXpresso_SDK_Command_Line_User_Guide.pdf).

  • Improvement: Merge c_include path section into cpp_include path section for cpp project in project settings.
  • Improvement: New project wizard is now capable to handle HW with dual primary/secondary roles (i.e. RT1170). From SDK Wizard page, any core can be selected according with the secondary/primary SDK description, plus it can be selected as standalone (application).
  • Improvement: Community forum accessible now from the main toolbar too (together with the older link from Help->MCUXpresso IDE support forum). The default selection will open the community web inside the IDE. If you want to set the default browser as external browser, use Window->Preferences->General->Web browser->"Use external web browser".
  • Fixed: [RT500] QSPI flash drivers: driver was incorrectly using QSPI DDR instead of SDR.
  • Fixed: [RT500][RT600] J-Link launch config default resets:
    • Re-enable resets in J-Link launches for RT500/RT600
    • The most recent J-Link versions properly handle resets for RT500 & RT600 devices.
  • Fixed: [RT500] Unable to Restart flash-based session on EVK RevC1 board.
  • Fixed: [RT685] "Unsupported or unrecognized format error" dialog when using the installed SDK.
  • Fixed: [LPC55S69] Implemented DWT (Data Watchpoint and Trace) component for ArmV8. This fixes the SWO Data trace not working issue.
  • Fixed: [LPC55S06] SWO support.
  • Fixed: [LPC55xx] LinkServer debug cannot recover LPC55xx from deep sleep.
  • Fixed: [LPC845] Debug fails when SRAM is split into sub-blocks.
  • Fixed: [LPC4337] Flash programming over JTAG not working on the M4 core.
  • Fixed: [LPC54114] SWO Trace is not working with PEmicro.
  • Fixed: [FRDM-K64] Removed unexpected warning reported in map file in a project.
  • Fixed: [JN5189/QN9090/KW32W041AM] Improve OOB experience with (factory) erased devices.
  • Fixed: IDE 'Utility' menu does not work for linked Folders.
  • Fixed: Defined symbols are added prematurely (even when no component is selected in NPW).
  • Fixed: Selection of a driver in NPW makes the Library Type and Floating Type to become empty.
  • Fixed: "ERROR: fatal error: board.h: No such file or directory" error reported if build a new created project with no board support.
  • Fixed: Library type is not changing correctly when using SDK Wizard.
  • Fixed: SDKs for older LPCs failing to set CRP up correctly.
  • Fixed: Outline view displays empty table header when selecting an SDK.
  • Fixed: Issues when uninstalling a SDK plugin. Now "Installed SDKs" and "Install MCUXpresso SDK" views are in sync and report the right installation status of a SDK.
  • Fixed: On explicit include paths in the project setting, the include paths are mixed between asm and c type.
  • Fixed: Outline view displays empty table header when selecting an SDK.
  • Fixed: Null pointer exception on generating example xml.
  • Fixed: Build error when use MCUXpresso IDE command line with non-existing include.
  • Fixed: SDK command line: pre and/or post build steps options not available in example.xml file.
  • Fixed: J-Link scripts needed by SDK examples are not copied correctly when installing the SDK from a folder.
  • Fixed: MCUXpresso linked projects compile errors on multicore platforms.
  • Fixed: Compile errors reported on a project imported from a generate example.xml. Also fixed the CLI build failing on the same example.xml scenario.
  • Fixed: Unexpected memory usage reported (over 100% occupied memory) by Image Info.
  • Fixed: Programming empty pages for ERASE_WO devices when flash hashing is enabled.
  • Fixed: 'debug interface type' identification shown in the "Debug messages" console.
  • Fixed: "Terminate" operation does not kill the redlinkserv.exe process.
  • Fixed: "Terminate" button appears disabled after the first "Suspend" for PEMicro and J-Link debug connection.
  • Fixed: J-Link auto selection results in not working connection.
  • Fixed: Flash programming using J-Link via JTAG.
  • Fixed: The running environment (PC/SP) for RAM applications is now properly initialized by the debugger when using J-Link/PEmicro.
  • Fixed: Debugger Console output stops working when debugging secure project.
  • Fixed: Error reported when SWO clock speed dialogue cancelled.
  • Fixed: FreeRTOS tasks list not populated correctly in some situations.
  • Fixed: SVD viewer shows-up with empty peripherals list.
  • Fixed: Live Variables: Unable to create expression with casts.
  • Fixed: Global Variables: T0 will remain -0 while moving the Graph to the right.
  • Fixed: [Dark Theme] highlighting makes text unreadable.
  • Fixed: [Dark Theme] Text is not visible for Blocked jobs in FreeRTOS.
  • Fixed: [Dark Theme] Peripherals view - some registers have yellow background making it hard to read.
  • Fixed: [Dark Theme] Line highlighting in editor makes variables text unreadable.
  • Fixed: [Dark Theme] Display issue for the "Probes discovered" window on Mac.
  • Fixed: [Dark Theme] Low contrast on text vs. background when a word is high-lighted by having cursor selection on it.
  • Fixed: [Dark Theme] Manage SDK Components window is not updated.
  • Fixed: [Dark Theme] Various improvements on Disassembly, Memory, Peripherals, headers in views, editor, git plugin.
  • Fixed: [Dark Theme] Install plugin SDKs window shows white rectangles around icons.
  • Fixed: [Dark Theme] Line number background is too bright.
  • Fixed: [Dark Theme] Install MCUXpresso SDK view shows white background while selecting table headers.
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Version history
Last update:
‎01-15-2021 01:17 PM
Updated by: