We are pleased to announce that MCUXpresso IDE v11.5.0 (build 7232) is now available. This is a major new version of the IDE and contains new features, enhancements and bug fixes over the previous versions, including latest announced MCUXpresso IDE v11.4.1.
Installer Downloads
To download the installers for all platforms, please login to our download site via:
Additional information can be found in the updated User Guide and other documentation, which can be accessed from the built in help system available via IDE's Help menu and in PDF form from within the installation directory or downloaded from:
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Summary of Changes - version 11.5.0 - January 2022
- Upgraded: Eclipse version to 2021.06 (Eclipse Platform 4.20.0 / CDT 10.3.0).
- Upgraded: MCUXpresso IDE integrated with OpenJDK11 (HotSpot engine build 11.0.11+9).
- Upgraded: GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain to version 10.3-2021.07.
- Upgraded: Version v11 of MCUXpresso Config Tools.
- Upgraded: Windows 11 and macOS 12.0.1 (Monterey) support.
- Upgraded: Newer SEGGER J-Link software (v7.60b, 64-bit version).
- Upgraded: Newer PEmicro plugin (v5.1.6).
- Synchronization with SDK v2.11.x and manifest schema version 3.9.
- Synchronization with FreeRTOS 10.4.3.
- Added: LPC55S36 support.
- Added: PN7640 support.
- Added: IMXRT685-AUD-EVK support.
- Feature: [FreeRTOS] Added Task Notifications view. Separate FreeRTOS view was added to display task notification list for each task, including status and value properties.
- Feature: [SDK Integration] Integration with GitHub SDK repository:
- Support for installing a remote SDK GitHub repository.
- Support for installing an already cloned repository.
- Ability to contribute a project back to SDK GitHub repository.
- Feature: [SVD] User can specify a custom SVD file location inside of a project. This can be achieved from Project Properties -> Run/Debug Settings -> MCU Settings -> SVD Selection. The file will be used by Peripherals+ view when debugging that project.
- Feature: [Energy Measurement] Extensions and improvements:
- Data gathering enabled / disabled by trigger signal MCU-Link Pro and on-board probes with energy measurement circuitry can use a GPIO signal as a trigger/enable (input) for the energy measurement. Note. This feature requires firmware version MCU-LINK CMSIS-DAP v2.249 (or greater).