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LPC Microcontrollers Knowledge Base


In some early LPC products, such as LPC11xx, LPC17xx, LPC18xx, LPC40xx, LPC43xx, LPC8xx, etc, CRP is used to utilize code protection. CRP has three different security levels: Figure 1 shows the security levels of CRP1, CRP2, and CRP3. Figure 1 The LPC55 series (LPC55(S)0x, 1x,2x, and 6x) uses Secure boot and Protected Flash Region (PFR) configuration instead of CRP for security protection. The part number with S (eg. LPC55S) supports Secure boot, for instance, LPC55S28 and LPC55S06. However, non-S series products, such as LPC5506, LPC5528,  can only utilize code protection by configuring FPR related fields. CRP2 is the most commonly used protection level. With CRP2, SWD access is blocked, so users can not read, write, or erase Flash via SWD or ISP. In addition, users cannot erase part of Flash to modify existing code. Once in CRP2 mode, Flash can only be recovered by Mass Erase Flash, which effectively prevents attacker from reading and modifying the Flash code. Unfortunately, the LPC5500 device such as LPC55(S)0x, 1x,2x,6x doesn't have exactly the same functional mechanism as the CRP2, which is questioned by many users. However, if we need to achieve the same functionality as CRP2, we can configure CMPA to disable ISP and SWD debugging port. 1.   Disable ISP Customer Manufacturing/Factory Configuration Area (CMPA) is part of the PFR, Configure BOOT_CFG to select whether the ISP mode is enabled. Table 1 shows the field table starting with 9E40 word address in CMPA. ISP control domains have been marked in red (as shown in Table 1). Table 2 shows the mode selection of ISP domains, 111 is ISP disabled. If the ISP mode is disabled, set BOOT_CFG to 0b1110000. Word Address(HEX) Byte Address Field Description 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9E40 9E400 BOOT_CFG Default ISP mode 0 0 0 0 9E404 SPI_FLASH_CFG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9E408 USB_ID USB Vendor ID 9E40C SDIO_CFG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9E41 9E410 CC_SOCU_PIN ISP_CMD_EN MCM33_DBGEN 0 0 0 0 0 9E414 CC_SOCU_DFLT ISP_CMD_EN MCM33_DBGEN TAPEN SPIDEN SPNIDEN DBGEN NIDEN Table 1 Default ISP mode Bit 【6:4】 Auto ISP 000 USB_HID_MSC 001 UART ISP 010 SPI Slave ISP 011 I2C slave ISP 100 Disable ISP 111 Table 2 2.   Disable SWD The DCFG_CC_SOCU is a configuration that specifies debug access restrictions per debug domain. These access restrictions are also referred as constraint attributes in this section. The debug subsystem is sub-divided into multiple debug domains to allow finer access control. Figure 2 shows debug domains and their corresponding control bit position in DCFG_CC_SOCU. Logically, DCFG_CC_SOCU has two components: SOCU_PIN and SOCU_DFLT. The SOCU_PIN and SOCU_DFLT registers are used together to define SWD debug access for the module. Which is logically composed of two components: SOCU_PIN: A bitmask that specifies which debug domains are predetermined by device configuration. SOCU_DFLT: Provides the final access level for those bits that the SOCU_PIN field indicated are predetermined by device configuration. In another words, set the corresponding bit of SOCU_PIN and SOCU_DFLT register to 1 at the same time to enable the module. This module is disabled by setting the corresponding bits of the SOCU_PIN and SOCU_DFLT registers to 0 simultaneously. See Figure 2. Figure 2 Note that the default value of CC_SOCU_PIN and CC_SOCU_DFLT in LPC55 PFR are all zeros. Therefore, in this case, although SOCU_PIN and SOCU_DFLT are both 0, the bit reverse rule is not met (Figure 3 below). Therefore, all debugging permissions are enabled by default when CC_SOCU_PIN and CC_SOCU_DFLT are all 0. Figure 3 Note: the distinction between CC_SOCU_PIN(CC_SOCU_DFLT) and SOCU_PIN(SOCU_DFLT). The former with CC_ includes the reverse bit of the latter. For example, if SOCU_PIN and SOCU_DFLT are set to all zeros and the reverse bit is set to 1, all SWD modules are disabled. Figure 4 3. Implementation The following uses LPC5506 as an example to configure the CMPA field: 3.1  Disable ISP and SWD Figure 5 Keep the default CMPA values except for the two highlighted in red in Figure 5. 1) Set BOOT_CFG to 0x70 to disable ISP. 2) Set all SOCU_PIN and SOCU_DFLT to 0, and set all reverse bits to 1. That is, disable all debug accessing subdomains. 3.2 Enable ISP and SWD Figure 6 Keep the default CMPA values except for the two highlighted in red in Figure 6. 1) Set BOOT_CFG to 0x00 to enable Auto ISP. 2) Restore the default values of DCFG_CC_SOCU, that is, CC_SOCU_PIN and CC_SOCU_DFLT to all zeros. in this case, all debug permissions are restored (turned on) because the rule of bit reversal is not met (see Part 2 of this article). 3.3 Code Implementation Enable or disable the SWD and ISP functions by serial command (1 or 0). Figure 7 The demo code is attached. This routine has been tested on the LPCXpresso55S06 development board. NOTE:     As system security requirements and the attack surface evolves, it is important for customers to understand the types of attacks (especially advanced physical attacks) which NXP does not claim to protect against, or strongly mitigate, so that appropriate mitigation can be taken by the customer at the system level if necessary.  
The minimum saturation current spec of Inductor is 300mA in the LPC55xx internal DC/DC converter, why is it 300mA, what is the actual current flowing through the inductor? 1)This is internal DC/DC converter block diagram for LPC55xx, on the LX pin, the 4.7uH inductor and 22uF capacitor are required, the FB pin is the detected pin to sense the output voltage, the DC/DC converter provide about 1.1V power for the VDD_PMU power supply pin. Let's discuss the current flowing through the inductor L1 via LX pin   2)compute the actual current flowing the inductor The above circuit is the illustrating block diagram, the control regulation uses PWM signal to control the MOSFET, but the high time of the PWM signal is constant for each PWM cycle, in other words, the on-time of the MOSFET is constant, for the LPC55S69 internal DC/DC converter, the on-time Δt is 0.52us, which means that the interval of MOSFET turning-on time is 0.52us. Assume that the VDC_IN is 3.3V, the output voltage of the DC/DC converter is 1.1V, the constant high time of the PWM signal is 0.52uS. when the MOSFET is on, the capacitor will be charged.   The above figure is the waveform tested on the LX pin of LPC55S68 on the LPC55S69-EVK board, you can measure via scope that the high time of the yellow PWM signal is 0.52uS, during which the MOSFET turns on, the capacitor is charged. The inductor works in DCM mode(discontinuous current mode)   The incremental current flowing the inductor during the MOSFET turns on: ΔI= (VDC_IN-VDC_OUT)* Δt/L=(3.3V-1.1V)*0.52*10**(-6)/4.7*10**(-6)=243mA.   3)The actual flowing current through the inductor is about 250mA for each PWM cycle, so when you select the inductor, the saturation current spec must be greater than actual current, the minimum required saturation current spec for the 4.7uH inductor is 300mA, when you select inductor for the DC/DC converter, you should select the inductor with 300mA or above saturation current .
The example demos how to use ARM TX Event to trigger ADC based on LPC55S69-EVK board and MCUXPresso IDE and SDK. As the Table 753, the “ARM tx event” is the one of the ADC triggering source, although it is a hardware triggering, but the mechanism is the same as software triggering, after ADC configuration, you execute the instruction asm(“SEV”); the ARM tx event will be generated and trigger ADC to sample. The ADC of LPC55xx support hardware trigger mode, each hardware trigger source corresponds to a trigger register, as the Table 753, the ARM tx event ASC triggering source index is 11, so you have to initialize the ADC trigger control register TCTRL11. In the TCTRL11 register, you can assign the command ID, select the FIFO0 or FIFO1 to save the ADC result, enable hardware triggering.    
Contents     Introduction to OPAMP. ........................................1     Usage of LPC5536-OPAMP. ................................2 2.1 Follower OPAMP. .................................................2 2.2 Non-inverting OPAMP. .........................................3 2.3 Differential OPAMP. ..............................................3     Test Preparation of LPC5536-EVK. ......................4     Test Result ............................................................5 4.1      Follower Test ....................................................6 4.2      Non-inverting Test ............................................7 4.2.1 Error Analysis. ...................................................7 4.2.2 Gain Error and Output Offset Error ...................8 4.2.3 OPAMP Output Error .........................................9 4.4 Differential Test ...................................................10     Conclusion. .........................................................11   The Article shows the OPAMP performance test that the precision of LPC5536-OPAMP matches the description in the product data sheet. The gain error is less than 5%, and the input offset voltage is less than 5mV, which can meet the presicion need to a certain extent. It is worth mentioning that the output error of LPC5536-OPAMP is very small at low magnification. For example, the full-range error is just single-digit mV at the magnifications of 2X and 5X in non-inverting mode. For scenarios requiring higher precision, users can connect the external high-precision resistors to achieve higher output precision.  The article includes detailed test steps and EVK board settings. For detail, see attached article.  
Because the LPC55S69 has PowerQuad, in SDK example code, the FFT/FIR/IIR and the other DSP function are implemented by the Powerquad module instead of the Cortex-CM33 core.  This is the Powerquad example to implement the DSP function:'   But if customers want to use CMSIS-DSP to implement the DSP function based on Cortex-CM33 instead of Powerquad module, customers can not import SDK example, he has to create a new project, this is the procedures: 1)Create a new project by clicking New->Create a new C/C++ Project   2)select the processor like LPC55S69 3)In the following menu,click CMSIS Driver, and check the CMSIS_DSP_Library and CMSIS_DSP_Library_Source You have to click the Driver which can select your peripherals driver you will use.    3)as the following screenshot, after completion, you can see the CMSIS-DSP source code and library have included in the project    
As a free and open-source graphics library, LVGL provides great convenience for related series of chips in creating animations, building advanced graphics and building various blocks. LVGL has been integrated into the MCUXpresso SDK package, which can be imported either through the SDK download or directly in the GUI Guider. GUI-Guider is a ready-to-use GUI from NXP. On the basis of being free for NXP equipment, it has a series of advantages such as convenient operation, automatic programming, Chinese and English interface and input. The following takes the LPC54S018 development board as an example, by creating a simple UI interface, to let everyone familiar with its basic operation process and usage. Create new project Select V8 lvgl version, LPC54S018 development board, EmptyUI, set the name and path, click Finish Fig.1 Set the overall background Drag Widget Tab to the GUI Editor, and resize it to full screen size. Fig.2 Add time display and to-do functions. 1) Change the Tab Content1 name to Clock in the red box on the right. Fig.3 2) Drag aclock into editor, adjust its size and position, and set the time according to the red box in Figure 4. Fig.4 3) Drag the dclock clock into the editor, adjust its size and position, and set the time according to the red box in Figure 5. Fig.5 4) Drag the checkbox into editor, adjust its size and position, and edit its content according to Figure 6. Fig.6 In the second Tab content, add a simple counting function and set the progress bar to interact with it. 1) Add a background. Click Import to import the background image, in the widget, drag the image into the editor, set the size and position, select the imported image in the image path and set its transparency, as shown in Figure 7. Fig.7 2) Add count value, progress bar and button. Figures 8, 9 and 10. In Figure 8, when adding a progress bar, set the starting value in the second step. The range value of the progress bar is set by lv_bar_set_range(guider_ui.screen_progress_bar, 0, 100) which can be added to a key event, executing on every click. Therefore, it is recommended to add this code to the subsequent export file costomer.c, and set it once during initialization. Fig.8 Fig.9 Fig.10 3) Add some explanatory text to the progress bar. The operation steps are shown in Figure 11. Fig.11 4) Create an event in the corresponding button, select Customer Code, write the corresponding code, and complete the interaction. Take the ADD button as an example, as shown in Figure 12. Fig.12 In the Tab third content, 3D animation effect is shown. 1) Set the 3D picture. Select 3Dimg, drag it into the editor, set the image in the image path, and then select the rotation center and rotation angle, as shown in Figure 13. Fig.13 2) Set the display switch. Turn on the switch to display the 3D picture, and when the switch is turned off, the picture disappears. Such as Figure 14. Fig.14 In the fourth Tab content, add “help”. 1) Add logo. Add img, import image to set transparency. Fig.15 2) List the first three modules. Drag the list Widget into the editor, create new lines and modify pictures and texts. After completion, generate the code as shown in Figure 16. The results can be directly displayed by simulation or imported into the development board. Figure 17 shows the simulator and selectable target. The simulation results are shown in Figure 18. There are two ways to download the design to the development board. One is to select the available IDE in Figure 17 and download it directly through GUI Guider. The second is to export the source files first, replace them one by one in the relevant SDK demo code, build with application code in IDE and download/debug with IDE debugger. Fig.16 Fig.17 Fig.18 Video Class : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QM52Nu16zKQ  
This article mainly introduces how to re-enable SWD after disabled. 1.Problem description The Enhanced Code Read Protection (ECRP) of the LPC546xx series is used to configure different security levels for user programs. It is configured when the startup image file offset is 0x20 and is used in combination with OTP. Users of LPC546xx can disable SWD and ISP by configuring ECRP values. Some users need to re-enable SWD after disabling SWD, you can use the J-link commander "unlock LPC5460x" command or re-enable SWD based on LPC-LINK2 CMSIS-DAP these two methods, this article will introduce the two methods in detail. 2.Theoretical analysis and solutions Customer’s example: LPC54605:Configure ECRP to 0x00015800. After disabling SWD, it needs to be restored. When the ECRP value is 0x00015800, we analyze from high to low through  user manual. In ECRP, 31:18 bits are reserved, and 17:16 bits determine the status of SWD. In this example, 17:16=01 ,this means that SWD is disabled.   15: 14 =01, it is not allowed to enter ISP through IAP call.   13: 12 = 01, it is not allowed to enter ISP through pin.   11: 10 = 10, IAP sector erase / write protection is disabled, so sector protect (5:0) is ignored.   At this point,  SWD (17:16) is DISABLED, ISP Entry from ISP (15:14) is DISABLED, and ISP Entry from Bootloader (13:12) is DISABLED, the IAP Mass Erase can still be used to erase the entire Flash to recover a device. as long as the OTP MASS ERASE is ENABLED. If the OTP has been configured and bit 4 is set to 1, that is, disabled mass erase command, the SWD can never be recovered again. When Mass Erase is enabled, the Debug Mailbox is also enabled and allows a debugger to communicate with the bootloader to execute a Mass Erase.   Therefore, the Debug Mailbox can be used to perform Mass Erase operation and restore ECRP settings. To achieve the purpose of re-enabling SWD. 3. Re-enable SWD 3.1 Use "unlock LPC5460x" command re-enable SWD If use J-link debug probe, use "unlock LPC5460x" command to re-enable SWD. Open the J-Link commander and enter unlock to view supported devices. Enter the corresponding chip command. In this paper, the command is unlock LPC5460x. As shown in the picture below:   However, for some chips, this method still fails to re-enable SWD. The following is a method of SWD recovery based on LPC-LINK2 CMSIS DAP. If the unlock LPC546xx command does not work, use the following method. 3.2 LPC-LINK2 CMSIS-DAP re-enable SWD If use CMSIS-DAP debug probe, use below steps to re-enable SWD. IDE: MCUXpresso IDE v11.7.1_9221 or other version. IDE installation path: C:\nxp\ MCUXpresso IDE v11.7.1_9221. The development board emulator firmware uses LPC-LINK2 CMSIS-DAP. Tool script: LPC546xxMassErase.scp. Tool script path: C:\nxp\ MCUXpresso IDE v11.7.1_9221 \ide\binaries\Scripts. The operations are the same for other versions of MCUXpressoIDE and other installation paths. 1) Put LPC546xxMassErase.scp script in the path: C:\nxp\MCUXpressoIDE_11.7.1_922\ide\binaries\Scripts 2) Open a command prompt window. 3) Change the path to C:\nxp\ MCUXpresso IDE v11.7.1_9221 \ide\binaries.   4) Run the redlinkserv -commandline command. 5) After running the redlinkserv -commandline command, you should see the redlink> prompt.   6) Run the load command "C:\nxp\MCUXpressoIDE_11.7.1_9221\ide\binaries\Scripts\LPC546xxMassErase.scp". 7) After executing the load command, you should see that "LPC546xxMassErase.scp" is being loaded. 😎 Execute the run command. 9) After executing the run command, you should see the following message.   In this case, the SWD interface can be used normally. 4.Query ECRP level In the LPC546xx user manual, we can see  ISP-AP command, one function is query the ECRP  level, that is, to view the ECRP configuration of this chip.   From the log in part 3, we can see the returned ECRP level:   However, there is no explanation in the user manual, so here we show the meanings of each bit. There is a table translation from the ECRP level user defined and the ECRP definition used by the ROM code: /* Feature bit defines */ #define CRP_JTAG_EN_BIT         (1 << 6) #define CRP_MASS_ERASE_DIS_BIT  (1 << 7) #define CRP_IAP_PROT_EN_BIT     (1 << 😎 #define CRP_ISP_PINS_EN_BIT     (1 << 9) #define CRP_ISP_IAP_EN_BIT      (1 << 10) #define CRP_DBG_MBOX_EN_BIT     (1 << 11) #define CRP_COUNT_MASK          0x3F #define CRP_DEFAULT_FEATURES    0xFFFFFFFF #define CRP_MASS_ERASE_ONLY     (CRP_SECT_ERASE_DIS_BIT) For example: In CRP_JTAG_EN_BIT, 1 is JTAG/SWD enabled and 0 is disabled. It’s corresponding to ECRP value bit 17 and 16. In CRP_MASS_ERASE_DIS_BIT, 0 is Mass Erase allowed and 1 is disallowed. It’s corresponding to the combination of ECRP value bit 0~5, bit 10~11, and bit 14~15. In CRP_IAP_PROT_EN_BIT, 1 is IAP protection enabled and 0 is disabled. It’s corresponding to ECRP value bit 14~15. In CRP_ISP_PINS_EN_BIT, 1 is ISP pin enabled and 0 is disabled. It’s corresponding to ECRP value bit 12~13. In CRP_ISP_IAP_EN_BIT, 1 is ISP in IAP mode enabled and 0 is disabled. It’s corresponding to ECRP value bit 14~15. In CRP_DBG_MBOX_EN_BIT, 1 is ISP-AP or debugger mailbox enabled and 0 is disabled. It’s corresponding the combination of some reserved ECRP bits and OTP setting. Of course, all these ECRP value used by the ROM not only look into the user defined ECRP value but also check the OTP setting. When “Query ECRP Level” is called, it returns the value used by the ROM code, but not the ECRP value programmed in the image by the user. 5.Summary: In the LPC546xx series, even if SWD is disabled, the debugger can communicate with LPC5460x through the Debug mailbox. As long as OTP does not disable Mass Erase, the debugger can ask LPC5460x to perform mass erase through the Debug Mailbox to re-enable SWD functionality. In addition, the article also adds the specific meaning of the value returned by the ISP-AP command.    
  需求: 客户需要对Image文件做出完整性检测,利用IDE固有功能添加这类信息简便且可靠,以往有类似的link提到了这些配置,对于LPC55系列,需要做一些更新。 CRC Checksum Generation with MCUXpresso IDE - NXP Community Solution 基于MCUX环境 下载 SRecord http://srecord.sourceforge.net/ srec_cat.exe是下载后我们主要使用的工具,通过为其添加一个系统变量名,将SRecord目录加入系统路径     重启MCUX IDE之后可以在工程配置中看到该变量:       创建一个脚本文件crc_add.txt,放在debug目录下,用于填充app后的flash空余位置为0xFF, 并后续生成CRC32值并放置0x00037FFC位置。最终生成的srec文件为包含所有内容的image。           # srec_cat command file to add the CRC and produce application file to be flashed # Usage: srec_cat @filename #first: create CRC checksum lpcxpresso55s06_hello_world_image_length_MCUX.srec # input file #-fill 0xFF 0x00000000 0x00038000 # fill blank code area with 0xff from 0x00000000 to 0x00038000 (0x00038000是把LPC55S06的末尾地址稍往前提,实际因为0x0003D7FF) -fill 0xFF 0x00000000 0x00037FFC #填充0-0x37FFC区间的未用地址为0xff -crop 0x00000000 0x00037FFC # just keep code area for CRC calculation below , 保留这段区间的内容,排除除此范围内的其他数据 #-CRC16_Big_Endian 0x00037FFE -CCITT # calculate big endian CCITT CRC16 at given address., 为以上空间数据计算CRC16,并放置在0x00037FFE地址,2字节 -CRC32_Little_Endian 0x00037FFC -CCITT #CRC32 -crop 0x00037FFC 0x00038000 # keep the CRC itself #second: add application file lpcxpresso55s06_hello_world_image_length_MCUX.srec # input file -fill 0xFF 0x00000000 0x00037FFC # fill code area with 0xff -crop 0x00000000 0x00037FFC #-crop 0x10000000 0x10000170 0x10000172 0x10010000 #keep all except CRC #finally, produce the output file -Output # produce output lpcxpresso55s06_hello_world_image_length_MCUX_crc.srec      创建一个crc_file_convert.txt文件,也放在debug目录下,用于将上一步生成的最终image的srec文件转换为bin文件,用于生成或者比对 # srec_cat command file to add the CRC and produce application file to be flashed # Usage: srec_cat @filename #third: create bin file lpcxpresso55s06_hello_world_image_length_MCUX_crc.srec -o lpcxpresso55s06_hello_world_image_length_MCUX_crc.bin -binary 在IDE的Post build栏目添加如下命令:     arm-none-eabi-size "${BuildArtifactFileName}"   默认自带的统计image size功能 arm-none-eabi-objcopy -v -O binary "${BuildArtifactFileName}" "${BuildArtifactFileBaseName}.bin"    将image转成bin文件,用于后续使用和比对 arm-none-eabi-objcopy -v -O srec "${BuildArtifactFileName}" "${BuildArtifactFileBaseName}.srec" & srec_cat.exe @CRC_add.txt 填充image,计算CRC32,整合成新的srec image srec_cat.exe @CRC_file_convert.txt  将上一步得到的srec image转化为bin文件,用于后续使用和比对   《hello_world_image_length_MCUX》例程会自行统计应用程序的CRC32值,并于IDE产生的CRC32值做比对   这里需要注意的是,由于MCUX IDE是借助于外部工具来填充flash和计算CRC32,所以默认IDE调试和下载选择afx文件并不包含这些信息。当校验程序开始运行,会发生: 读写未写入的flash,对于LPC55系列会发生hardfault CRC32值并不存在 所以测试这个程序需要单独下载包含所有的srec文件或者bin文件,而不是默认的afx文件。      
1    introduction The doc demonstrates how to use MRT(Multi-rate Timer) module to implement the delay function, the delay time is programmable. The MRT has a One-shot stall mode, with the mode, while the MRT channel counter counts down, the core stalls until the MRT channel counter reaches to zero. After the MRT channel counter reaches to zero, the MRT channel becomes idle, the core continues to work.   2 delay function description Sometimes, it is expected that there is a programmable delay between two instructions, for example Instruction 1 Delay Instruction 2 In general, the delay function can be implemented by forcing the core to execute __asm(“NOP”) instructions This code is like: Void delay(uint32_t interval) {        Uint32_t counter;        Counter=ConvertTimeToCounter(interval);        For(uint32_t i=0; i<counter); i++)        {        __asm(“nop”)        } }   The macro convertTimeToCounter is used to convert a time to a number of loop   1.   MRT feature The MRT module of LPC family provides a unique feature called One-shot stall mode, because the test is based on LPC55S69-EVK board, so I referred to the section 27.5.3 One-shot stall mode in UM11126.pdf. The MRT does not have external pad.   One-shot stall mode: Bus stall mode can be used when a short delay is need between two software controlled events, or when a delay is expected before software can continue. Since in this mode there are no bus transactions while the MRT is counting down, the CPU core stalls, consumes a minimum amount of power during that time until the MRT counter reaches to zero. Therefore the One-shot stall mode of MRT can make core stall during the MRT counting down process, the delay function can be implemented.   3 MRT clock source and delay time For the LPC55S69, the clock source of MRT module is the AHB Bus clock, which is the same as the core clock. For the LPC55S69 example, there is the code to set up the core clock void BOARD_InitBootClocks(void) {     BOARD_BootClockPLL150M(); } So the  MRT clock frequency is 150MHz.       The delay time is a time, but the MRT is a counter, so the delay time must be converted to the counter value. The counter value is dependent on the MRT clock frequency. The MRT clock source is AHB bus clock, or the core clock. The LPC55S69 core clock frequency is 150Mhz, so we can define #define MRT_CLOCK_FREQUENCY 150MHz If the required delay time is delay_time variable in second unit, the required MRT counter value is   MRT counter value=delay_time/(MRT clock cycle time)=delay_time* MRT_CLOCK_FREQUENCY.   For example, assume the required delay_time is 1mS or 1*10**(-3)  Second, the corresponding counter value is 1*(10**-3)*150*(10**6)=150 000   The MRT delay time restriction. The MRT counter register is 24 bits, the maximum counter value is 2**24= 16,777,216, the maximum delay time is 16777216/(150*10**6)=0.111848 S or 111 mS.     3 source code description MRT delay function source code is based on SDK package SDK_2_11_1_LPCXpresso55S69.zip, the tools is MCUXpresso IDE v11.5.0. The example is run on LPC55S69-EVK The example uses MRT to delay 100mS(0.1 Second), after the delay, a LED is toggled The MRT counter value is 0.1S*150*(10**6)=15 000 000   For the mrt_init() api function, it initializes the MRT and set the MRT channel0 in OneShotStall mode. Once the core executes the line MRT_StartTimer(MRT0, kMRT_Channel_0, 15000000); the MRT channel0 counter will count down from 15000000, during the counting process the Cortex-M33 will stall. After the counter reach to ZERO, the core finishes the stalling mode and continues to execute the next line, the MRT channel0 counter will be in idle mode.       /**  * @file    LPC55S69_Project_mrt_stall.c  * @brief   Application entry point.  */ #include <stdio.h> #include "board.h" #include "peripherals.h" #include "pin_mux.h" #include "clock_config.h" #include "LPC55S69_cm33_core0.h" #include "fsl_debug_console.h" #include "fsl_mrt.h" #include "fsl_iocon.h"   /* TODO: insert other include files here. */ #define BOARD_LED_PORT BOARD_LED_BLUE_GPIO_PORT #define BOARD_LED_PIN  BOARD_LED_BLUE_GPIO_PIN /* TODO: insert other definitions and declarations here. */ void mrt_init(void); /*  * @brief   Application entry point.  */ int main(void) {       /* Init board hardware. */     BOARD_InitBootPins();     BOARD_InitBootClocks();     BOARD_InitBootPeripherals(); #ifndef BOARD_INIT_DEBUG_CONSOLE_PERIPHERAL     /* Init FSL debug console. */     BOARD_InitDebugConsole(); #endif     mrt_init();     PRINTF("Hello World\n");     for(;;)     {     MRT_StartTimer(MRT0, kMRT_Channel_0, 15000000);     GPIO_PortToggle(GPIO, BOARD_LED_PORT, 1u << BOARD_LED_PIN);     __asm("nop");       }     /* Force the counter to be placed into memory. */     volatile static int i = 0 ;     /* Enter an infinite loop, just incrementing a counter. */     while(1) {         i++ ;         /* 'Dummy' NOP to allow source level single stepping of             tight while() loop */         __asm volatile ("nop");     }     return 0 ; }   uint32_t mrt_clock; mrt_config_t mrtConfig; void mrt_init(void) {           /* mrtConfig.enableMultiTask = false; */         MRT_GetDefaultConfig(&mrtConfig);           /* Init mrt module */         MRT_Init(MRT0, &mrtConfig);           /* Setup Channel 0 to be repeated */         MRT_SetupChannelMode(MRT0, kMRT_Channel_0, kMRT_OneShotStallMode);           //MRT_StartTimer(MRT0, kMRT_Channel_0,  15000000);   }       }                                                                                                              When the above code is running, user can see the blue LED toggles on the LPC55S69-EVK board. Connecting the PIO1_4 pin signal ( the pin 5 of P18 connector) on LPC55S69-EVK, the PIO1_4 signal toggling frequency is 5Hz, the cycle time is 200mS, so the delay is 100mS.      
For the LPC8xx family, the peripheral module input or output signals are not connected to external pads fixedly as most processor does . With SWM module, the peripheral module input or output signals can be routed to any external GPIO pins via software configuration There is special requirement that one peripheral output signal functions as the input signal of another peripheral, in the case, the peripheral output signal and the peripheral input signal can be routed to the same pad via SWM so that the input and output signals are connected internally without external cable. The LPC802 has ACOMP module, CTimer module and SWM module, per customer requirement, the ACOMP output signal and CTimer0 capture 0 input signal can be routed to the same GPIO pin without external connection so that the ACOMP output signal can trigger CTimer0 capture 0 event internally. In the doc, I give the code to configure the CTimer, ACOMP and the SWM, explain the configuration,introduce the tools, board and result.  
The document describes how to use DMA triggering mode to transfer data between memory and peripheral. In detail, the CTimer0_match0 is configured to generate matching event with programmable period, the CTimer0 matching event triggers DMA, the DMA transfer data between a variable in memory and GPIO Toggling register(the GPIO is connected to a LED), so user can see the LED toggling. The DMA Ping-Pong modes are used, so user can observe different LED toggles. The Example code is developed on SDK package, run on LPC55S69-EVK, the tools is MCUXpresso ver11.5.  
The power measurement board includes eight measurement channels which support for eight programmable gain amplifiers(LTC6915) and two ADC converters(AD7175). The measurement board measures the voltage drop across sampling resistor, and send to the ADC after the voltage drop is processed by amplifier and make it available via SPI. Microcontroller LPC55S69 collects the data from the measurement circuit and send it to the host computer via USB VCOM port. The MCU can control the gain value of programmable gain amplifiers by SPI when different power circuit are measured. The host computer connects to the power measurement board through the USB virtual serial port, the MCU initializes and configures the measurement unit by SPI, and starts to measure the inside current and monitor the voltage. MCU adjust the gain parameter and then transmit current and voltage data to MCU by SPI, then MCU transmits the data to the host computer for processing and display through the virtual serial port. The voltage drop of the measured circuit to be measured is firstly amplified by the programmable amplifier LTC6915, and MCU monitor the state which whether the data is abnormal at the same time. R0 is the sampling resistor, LTC6915 is a selectable programmable amplifier, the gain can be set to 14 kinds, PGA gain parameter is adjusted when the current changes. ADC7175 is the 24-bit high-precision ADC, which is more advantageous in the application of small current measurement. When the MCU switches the low power mode to the normal mode, and the LTC6915 will reduce the gain value by SPI. The power measurement board provides easy connection method by two-wires cable. For example, the MIMXRT1180EVK and MIMXRT1020EVK are connected with power measurement board. The USB virtual COM is used for data transfer, and display by PMT(power management tool) or other PC GUI, the measurement power data include current, voltage and power. There are more detailed descriptions in the attachment.
New update to errata will be published regarding the vendor_usage field in the PFR. In ROM, the 16-bit monotonic counter is implemented in the upper 16 bits of the 32-bit VENDOR_USAGE field and the inverse of the monotonic counter is in the lower 16 bits. Users must take care when using the ROM API to increment the upper end of this field and write the inverse on the lower 16 bits in order for ROM to validate the value correctly. The initial value that shall be written is 0x0000FFFF. Then the updates will be as follows: 0x0001FFFE 0x0002FFFD . . 0x0005FFFA . . 0x1010EFEF . . 0xFFFF0000   Example Code using ROM API: *This example demonstrates the increment of the version in CFPA page as well as the vendor usage, it does not cover all use cases, so please use this as a reference only* case APP_INCREASE_VENDOR_USAGE_ONLY: PRINTF("Disable Flash Protect...\r\n"); /* Initialize flash driver */ FLASH_Init(&flashInstance); if (FFR_Init(&flashInstance) == kStatus_Success) { PRINTF("Flash init successfull!!. Halting...\r\n"); } else { error_trap(); } status = FFR_GetCustomerInfieldData(&flashInstance, (uint8_t *)g_CFPAData, 0x0, FLASH_FFR_MAX_PAGE_SIZE); PRINTF("\r\n"); PRINTF("Header 0x%08x , Version 0x%08x , SecureFW Version 0x%08x , NonSecureFW Version 0x%08x\r\n", g_CFPAData[0], g_CFPAData[1], g_CFPAData[2], g_CFPAData[3]); PRINTF("ImageKey Revoke 0x%08x , Reserved 0x%08x , RothRevoke 0x%08x , Vendor Usage 0x%08x\r\n", g_CFPAData[4], g_CFPAData[5], g_CFPAData[6], g_CFPAData[7]); PRINTF("NS PIN 0x%08x , NS DFLT 0x%08x , Enable FA Mode 0x%08x , Reserved1 0x%08x\r\n", g_CFPAData[8], g_CFPAData[9], g_CFPAData[10], g_CFPAData[11]); PRINTF("\r\n"); /* Clean-up CFPA area */ g_CFPAData[8] = 0; g_CFPAData[9] = 0; /*Increase Monotonic counter*/ p32 = (uint32_t *)(uint32_t)g_CFPAData; version = p32[1]; if (version == 0xFFFFFFFFu) { return kStatus_Fail; } version++; p32[1] = version; PRINTF("Version to write: 0x%08x \r\n", version); /*Increase Vendor Usage*/ uint32_t vendor_usage = p32[7]; if(vendor_usage == 0x0) { vendorUsage_right = 0xFFFF; vendorUsage_left = 0x0000; } else { vendorUsage_right = vendor_usage & 0xFFFF; vendorUsage_left = vendor_usage >> 16; } vendorUsage_left += 0x1; vendorUsage_right -= 0x1; vendor_usage = (vendorUsage_left << 16) | vendorUsage_right; p32[7] = vendor_usage; PRINTF("Vendor_Usage to write: 0x%08x \r\n", vendor_usage); Status = FFR_InfieldPageWrite(&flashInstance, (uint8_t *)g_CFPAData, FLASH_FFR_MAX_PAGE_SIZE); if (kStatus_FLASH_Success == Status) { status = kStatus_Success; PRINTF("CFPA Write Done!\r\n"); } else { status = kStatus_Fail; }
Contents 1. Principle of energy measurement 2. Energy measurement test   2.1 Use in non-Debug state   2.2 Use in Debug state   During the operation of MCU, real-time measurement of board current and voltage is of great significance to the stability of system power consumption. Especially in scenarios that are sensitive to voltage and current fluctuations, it is particularly important to collect and analyze high-frequency samples. MCUXpresso IDE integrates the power measurement function, which can measure the current and voltage of the development board in real time and calculate the real-time power consumption. Based on MCUXpresso IDE v11.5.0, this article mainly explains power measurement function usage. 1.   Principle of energy measurement Currently the MCUXpresso IDE energy measurement function supports the following development boards: -LPCXpresso546x8/540xx/54S0xx -LPCXpresso54102 -LPCXpresso51U68/54114 -QN9090-DK006/ JN5189-DK006/IOTZKB-DK006 -QN9080DK The power measurement actually uses the LPC-Link2/MCU-Link debugger on the development board to collect the conversion value of the A/D conversion chip, and perform software calculation to obtain the power measurement result. Taking LPCXpresso54628 development board as an example, the following is the circuit diagram of the power measurement part: Fig.1 The MAX9634TEUK+T is a precision current amplifier. And ADC122S021 is a 12-bit A/D converter with dual-channel sampling, its rate can reach 200ksps. ADC122S021 collects LPC54xx_CURR and SHLD_CURR voltages, IDE sets Target resistor (Total Rvsense in the figure) and Shield resistor (resistance value corresponding to SHLD_CURR) in advance. The LPC-Link2 debugger can calculate the voltage, current and power consumption information by collecting AD conversion values. 2.   Energy measurement test Taking LPCXpresso54628 development board as an example. Open the menu bar : Analysis->Energy Measurement. The Energy Measurement interface will appear in the lower right corner of the screen, which is divided into Plot drawing and Config configuration interface. It can be used in Debug state or in non-Debug state during measurement. Test the case of LED small light flickering and observe the changes of voltage, current and energy consumption. Note that the LPC-Link2 debugger version should be CMSIS-DAP probe version 5.147 and above. 2.1 Use in non-Debug state Click the button  in energy measurement interface and select the measured in the config interface. You can select the target voltage, target current and shielding current. The sampling rate can be selected as 50ksps, 62.5ksps or 100ksps. First select the model of the development board to be tested, and then continue to select the target resistance and shielding resistance. The target resistance value is selected according to the jumper cap description in Figure 1. The resistance value of the shielding resistance is the fixed resistance value of development board. As shown in the figure below: Fig.2 Select the target voltage to be measured, and click the button to run the Energy Measurement interface. You can see the slight fluctuation of voltage in the plot interface and view the average voltage through the delimited area of horizontal measurement, as follows: Fig.3 Select the target current to be measured. Before measuring the target current, click Read from target on the config interface to calculate the average value of the target voltage within 0.5s for subsequent power consumption calculation. Click the run button to see that the target current fluctuates slightly with the flashing of the small light in the plot interface. At the same time, check the average current, power consumption and energy consumption through the delimited area of horizontal measurement, as follows: Fig.4 2.2 Use in Debug state When used in the debug state, you can use MCUXpresso IDE or KEIL to enter the debugging state. Click the button on the energy measurement interface to read the power consumption in the debug state. The measurement process is the same as the non-Debug state, as follows: Fig.5 This is a general enablement document of how to use energy measurement feature in debug and non-debug mode. For more, please refer  MCUXpresso_IDE_Energy_Measurement. pdf under MCUXpresso IDE install folder.    
  Contents 1.Problem description      2.  Reason analysis      3. Solutions    3.1   SRAM power down problem solution    3.2   Alarm timer interrupt enable problem solution   3.3   Downcounter register write problem solution    4. Verification Considerations   1.     Problem description When LPC43xx series runs the LPCOpen low-power demo “misc_pmc_states”, the two modes of power down and deep power down cannot successfully wake up through the Alarm Timer. This paper analyzes the series of problems and provides corresponding solutions. The same problem and solution exists for waking up via RTC. 2.     Reason analysis The reasons for wake-up failure include the following three aspects. - SRAM power down problem: In the power down mode of LPC43xx series, only the 8K SRAM is not powered down, and other SRAMs are powered down. After waking up from power down mode, the program continues to execute backwards, not reset. Therefore, it should be ensured that when entering power down, the data is in the 8K SRAM that does not lose power, so after wake up, it can continue running. - Alarm timer interrupt enable problem: The LPC43xx  Alarm timer interrupt enable need a while to take effect. If it is not successfully enabled before entering low power, it cannot wake up from low power mode. - Downcounter register problem: In LPC43xx series, in order to ensure the wake-up at the specified time, it is necessary to judge that the set value is successfully written into the Downcounter register. The table of reasons for wake-up failures in power down and deep power down modes is summarized as follows:   3.     Solutions For power down wake-up failure, it needs to be solved according to three problems. There is no data loss problem for deep power down wakeup. Because after waking up from deep power down mode, the program is reset and executed again, and the previous data is not needed. So the solution skips the first and only needs 3.2 and 3.3. 3.1  SRAM power down problem solution As shown in the manual, only 8kB local SRAM will not lose power in LPC43xx series Power-down mode. Note: Chips with and without internal flash have different 8K SRAM address ranges.   For LPC4330/LPC4350/LPC4370 series products without internal flash, the 8K SRAM address range is 0x10090000– 0x10092000 (8KB). The address range of chips with internal flash such as LPC4337/LPC4367 is 0x10088000 – 0x1008A000 (8KB).   Placing data in this 8K SRAM area can solve the problem of lost data. Taking LPC4350 as an example, the setting method in MCUXpressoIDE is as follows: Find the following interface according to Project \ Properties \ C\C++ Build\MCU settings path, define this 8K SRAM separately, the address is 0x10090000, and the size is set to 0x2000. At this point, the setting of the power loss problem in the SRAM area is completed. 3.2  Alarm timer interrupt enable problem solution To ensure that the Alarm timer interrupt is enabled, add a while loop poll after it until it is successfully enabled. Enter the function in the src\pmc_states.c path. And add while((LPC_ATIMER->ENABLE& 0x01) != 0x01){} after the Chip_ATIMER_IntEnable(LPC_ATIMER); function statement in the corresponding case mode.   3.3  Downcounter register write problem solution The solution to this problem is similar to 3.2. Still enter the function with the src\pmc_states.c path, and find LPC_ATIMER->DOWNCOUNTER= RTC_ALARM_TIME*1000 in the case of the corresponding mode (consistent with the 3.2 position). Add a while statement after it: while(LPC_ATIMER->DOWNCOUNTER != RTC_ALARM_TIME*1000); As shown below.   4.     Verification Considerations When there is no internal flash development board for testing (eg: LPC4370, LPC4350…), such as the Hitex LPC4350Evaluation board, it is necessary to configure the startup as external flash startup. The reference picture is as follows.   When starting, you need to set the pins P2_9, P2_8, P1_2, P1-1 to the form of low, low and high, and start in the form of SPIFI. Jumper settings are shown in the figure.  
Recently, customers reported that the number of PWM generated by SCTimer module was inconsistent between LPC55s06 user manual and data sheet. There are many kinds of PWM generation formats, so the maximum number of PWM generated by SCTimer is also different. I think the user manual and data sheet are not very clear, so this paper makes a specific analysis. It mainly depends on SCTimer resources, such as the number of events and output channels. For all LPC series, the mechanism of SCTimer generating PWM is the same. Therefore, this paper takes LPC55s6 as an example. LPC55s06 user manual: The SCTimer/PWM supports: – Eight inputs. – Ten outputs. – Sixteen match/capture registers. – Sixteen events. – Thirty two states. According to the different control modes of generating PWM wave, this paper is divided into single-edge PWM control, dual-edge PWM control and center-aligned PWM control. 1. Single-edge PWM control The figure below shows two single-edge control PWM waves with different duty cycles and the same PWM cycle length.   It can be seen from the above figure that the two PWM waves require three events: when the counter reaches 41, 65 and 100 respectively. Because of the same PWM cycle length, all PWM outputs need only one period event. Summary: The cycle length of all PWM waves are the same, so only one period event is required. The duty cycles of each PWM are different, and each PWM requires an event. The SCTimer of LPC55s06 has 16 events, one is used as PWM period event, and there are 15 left. Theoretically, 15 channels of PWM can be generated. However, LPC55s06 has only 10 outputs, so it can generate up to 10 single-edge control PWM waves. 2. Dual-edge PWM control The figure below shows three Dual-edge control PWM waves with different duty cycles and the same PWM cycle length.   It can be seen from the above figure that the three PWM waves require seven events: when the counter reaches 1, 27, 41, 53, 65, 78, 100.  Summary: PWM cycle length control needs one event, and each PWM duty cycle needs two events to trigger. The SCTimer of LPC55s06 has 16 events, one as PWM frequency event, and the remaining 15, so it can generate up to 7 dual-edge control PWM waves. 3. Center-aligned PWM control Center-aligned PWM control is a special case of dual-edge PWM control. The figure below shows two center-aligned PWM waves with different duty cycles and the same PWM duty length.   It can be seen from the above figure that the two center-aligned PWM waves need three events in total, which are the PWM cycle length and the duty cycle trigger of the two PWM waves. Because the left and right are symmetrical, only one event is needed to control the duty cycle of one PWM. Summary: All PWM have the same cycle length, so an event is required. The duty cycle of each PWM circuit is different, but the left and right are symmetrical, and an event trigger is required for each circuit. The SCTimer of LPC55s06 has 16 events, one is used as PWM cycle length, and there are 15 left. Theoretically, 15 channels of PWM can be generated, but LPC55s06 has only 10 outputs, so it can generate up to 10 channels of unilateral control PWM wave. Summary:   Maximum number of PWM generated by LPC55s6 SCTimer: Single-edge PWM control: 10 Dual-edge PWM control: 7 Center-aligned control: 10   The number of SCTimer events and output channels is different with different chips, but the analysis method is the same. Customers can analyze whether the SCTimer in a certain chip meets the requirements.
1. General Jointly developed by NXP and Embedded Artists, the MCU-Link Pro is a fully featured debug probe that can be used with MCUXpresso IDE and 3rd party IDEs that support CMSIS-DAP and/or J-Link protocols. MCU-Link Pro is based on NXP’s MCU-Link architecture, found in the MCU-Link low cost debug probe and on board evaluation boards, and runs the same firmware as all these implementations. In addition to SWD debug, SWO profiling and a USB to UART bridge features (VCOM) found in the base MCU-Link, the Pro model adds a J-Link LITE firmware option, energy measurement, analog signal monitor, USB to SPI and I2C bridging capability and an on-board LPC804 for peripheral emulation. MCU-Link Pro is based on the dual Arm® Cortex-M33® core LPC55S69 microcontroller, and features a high speed USB interface, providing high performance debug at low cost. The USB bridging feature is supported by the free LIBUSBSIO host library from NXP. MCU-Link Pro is compatible with Windows 10, MacOS and Linux. The product comes with the necessary firmware installed, with free utilities provided to enable future firmware updates from NXP to be installed. MCU-Link Pro kit provides all parts that need to be used. Kit Contains MCU-Link Pro debug probe 10 pin to 10 pin Cortex debug cable 10 pin to 20 pin Cortex debug cable Digital port / analog input adapter cable Spare jumpers 2. MCU-Link Pro Overview MCU-Link Pro has complete functions. This article mainly introduces the usage and precautions of several basic functions, including SWD debugging, UART (VCOM) and energy measurement. The following figure is the reference diagram of MCU Link Pro, covering all functions, and the highlighted part is the function used in this article.   2.1 SWD debug As a debugger, the most basic function of MCU Link Pro is debugging, and now commonly used is SWD debug. When you get the development board, you can see that there are three SWD interfaces on it. Only J7 is the SWD interface to debug target board. It is on the opposite side of the USB interface to facilitate the connection and debugging of the target board. The other two interfaces J3 and J11 are SWD interfaces of LPC55s69 and LPC804 respectively. Another important function of this debugger is that it can supply power to the target board. The use method is to connect J6 with jumper, and 1.8V and 3.3V power supply can be selected through J5. The specific connection is shown in the figure below: - Connect the SWD interface of J7 and target board with debug line. - J6 connecting jumper cap (supplying power to target board).  The USB cable connects J1 and the computer, so you can debug with MCUXpresso IDE or other IDEs. CMSIS-DAP and J-Link debugging protocols are supported. For how to update the debugger firmware, please refer to:https://www.nxp.com/document/guide/getting-started-with-the-mcu-link-pro:GS-MCU-LINK-PRO   2.2 UART (VCOM) Usage In the development and debug stage, users often need to print information through the serial port. Using MCU Link Pro, without additional hardware, directly connect the TX and Rx of target UART with the Rx / TX of UART of MCU Link Pro. Through the VCOM function, you can print information from the USB port to the serial port assistant at the PC end. The specific connection is shown in the figure below: - J19-8 (purple line) connects UART TX of target board - J19-9 (gray line) connects the UART RX of the target board - J19-1 (GND) connect GND of target board - J14 disconnected - J6 plug in the jumper cap (supply power to the target board)   2.3 Energy measurement The MCU Link Pro board contains a circuit that can measure the current or voltage of the target board, and it can be calibrated automatically every time it is powered on without manual intervention. There are two maximum measurement ranges for energy measurement. If the data is higher than the maximum range, the measurement result is inaccurate. The two maximum measurement ranges are as follows, which need to be configured with J16, J17 and J18.   Energy measurement needs to be used with MCUXpresso IDE, and the results are displayed in the IDE interface. Use J9 port on the board. The specific connection is shown in the figure below: - J9-1 connects the power supply end of the target board. - J9-3 connects the chip ends of the target board. - J9-2 connects the GND of the target board For details on how to use the MCU Xpress IDE interface, please refer to:<MCUXpresso_IDE_Energy_Measurement.pdf> 3. Test result The test results are as follows:          
1.     Problem description When we debug a new designed LPC55 custom board through SWD, if IDE throws out error messages such as connection failure or no available device being found, normally we must check below two points: Whether the debug circuit design is correct.(https://community.nxp.com/t5/LPCXpresso-IDE-FAQs/Design-Considerations-for-Debug/m-p/469565#M44) Whether LPC55 power supply system is correct. Regarding to the second point of power supply system, we received many feedback from customers that even they read UM for times they still can’t well-understand LPC55xx DCDC power supply system. Therefore we prepare this article to analyze LPC55xx power supply circuit and introduce detection method. 2.     Problem Analysis The difference of power supply circuit between LPC55xx series and other LPCs is that LPC55xx uses DCDC circuit inside to provide core voltage. It lowers the input 1.8V-3.6V voltage to around 1.1V to supply LPC55xx internal system. The DCDC converter is efficient and reduces the internal power consumption. The disadvantage is that it generates a certain ripple. LPC55xx power supply circuit is as follows: In order to analyze, We divide LPC55xx power supply circuit into 4 regions and will introduce them one by one according to the different functions.   1)  Input voltage: In this part, VBAT_PMU provides input voltage to RTC and internal analog components. VBAT_DCDC provides input voltage to internal DCDC circuit. 2)  A set of filter capacitors: To filter out the burrs and glitch at the voltage input. 3)  DCDC circuit: Work with LPC55xx internal DCDC circuit together to generate 1.1V output voltage. 4)  VDD_PMU: Provides the 1.1V output voltage of the DCDC circuit to the LPC55xx core. Note: The design of region 3 is to work with the internal DCDC converter. The inductance L1 of 4μ7H and the capacitance C1 of 22μF are calculated by LPC55xx internal circuit. When designing, we must strictly follow the parameters recommended in the manual, otherwise DCDC circuit can’t work normally. 3.     DCDC Circuit Detection LPC55xx power supply system current direction is shown in the diagram below. See arrow in red. In order to ensure the normal operation of the DCDC circuit, the following two detection points are recommended. 1)  Detection point 1: External 1.8 to 3.6V voltage input, normally it’s 3.3V. 2)  Detection point 2: Output of the DCDC converter. If the DCDC works normally, we can get 1.1V voltage output here. The output voltage supplies power to the core components such as the central processing unit through the VDD_PMU. If DCDC convert input is correct but output wrong, we suggest checking inductor L1 and the capacitor C1 and related solder issue. If the voltage of two detection points are correct, the power supply circuit problem can be ruled out. 4.     summary: For custom designed LPC55xx board, if SWD design is correct and power supply system works well, IDE can connect, download and debug target without issue.  
Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. USB Demo based on MCUXpresso SDK 1     2.1 Update USB device demo: USB0->USB1 2     2.2 Update USB host demo: USB0->USB1 2     2.3 Update USB ROM demo: USB0-> USB1 3 3. USB Demo based on LPCOpen 3 4. Notes and Recap 4  1.     Introduction Most of LPC devices integrate USB module. NXP LPC currently integrates full-speed USB (FS, Full Speed, 12Mbps) and high-speed (HS, High Speed, 480Mbps) USB. Specifically, for the LPC series: - Some LPCs such as LPC55xx and LPC54xxx integrate both HS USB and FS USB. Usually USB0 is FS USB and USB1 is HS USB. - Some LPCs such as LPC43xx and LPC18xx integrate two HS USBs, so USB0 and USB1 are both HS USBs. The two most well-known NXP software packages for LPC series are MCUXpresso SDK and LPCOpen. MCUXpresso SDK is mainly for LPC products launched in recent years, while LPCOpen is used for earlier LPC derivatives. The USB demos included in these two packages run on USB0 by default. Most of NXP USB demos are for USB0 by default. This article is to introduce how to switch a USB0 demo to USB1 demo based on different software packages. 2.     USB Demo based on MCUXpresso SDK (e.g. LPC54XXX, LPC55XX) The MCUXpresso SDK USB demo codes are categorized as: - USB as Device: e.g. usb_device_cdc_vcom, usb_device_hid_generic, etc. - USB as Host: e.g. usb_host_hid_mouse, usb_host_msd_fatfs, etc. - USB demo based on USB ROM API: e.g. usb_rom_device_audio,usb_rom_device_cdc, etc. 2.1  Update USB device demo: USB0->USB1 Taking usb_device_cdc_vcom demo as an example. To switch to USB1, simply change the corresponding code in usb_device_config.h file as follows. /*! @brief LPC USB IP3511 FS instance count*/ #define USB_DEVICE_CONFIG_LPCIP3511FS (0U) /*! @brief LPC USB IP3511 HS instance count*/ #define USB_DEVICE_CONFIG_LPCIP3511HS (1U) After the change, recompile the program to run. The program was updated to USB1 device demo. 2.2   Update USB host demo: USB0->USB1 Taking usb_host_hid_mouse demo code as an example, to switch to USB1, modify the macro definition in usb_host_config.h as follows: #defineUSB_HOST_CONFIG_KHCI (0U) #defineUSB_HOST_CONFIG_EHCI (0U) #define USB_HOST_CONFIG_OHCI (0U) #define USB_HOST_CONFIG_IP3516HS (1U)   The program is recompiled and run. The program was updated to USB1 host demo. 2.3  Update USB ROM demo: USB0-> USB1 ( e.g. LPC54XXX Series) USB ROM demo calls the USB ROM API, there is no way to switch the default USB0 to USB1 by modifying macro definitions. In order to update code to USB1 demo, the recommended steps are as below: -USB HS DEVICE and USB PHY clock configuration -Change to use USB HS ISR -Locate the related buffer into USB RAM. -Set the USB ROM handle to be HS If user has difficulties in revising the code by self, user can apply demo code from NXP LPC online support team by creating a private case. 3.     USB Demo based on LPCOpen (e.g. LPC43XX, LPC18XX) Some legacy LPCs run on LPCOpen, such as LPC43xx series, LPC18xx series. Their USB0 and USB1 are both high-speed. The default USB demo is for USB0 as well. To switch to USB1, we can uncomment #define USE_USB1 and comment #define USE_USB0 in app_usbd_cfg.h. // #define USE_USB0  #define USE_USB1 Taking usbd_rom_cdc_uart demo as an example:   Recompile and run, the program is updated to USB1 demo. 4.     Notes and Recap The focus of this article is on software modification of converting USB0 to USB1 on NXP SW package. Regarding the hardware, customer needs to check the specific demo board user guide. For example, when we use HS USB, it may be necessary to provide an external power supply, and the jumper also needs to be adjusted to build a well hardware environment for HS USB operation. I will not dwell on them here. This article summarizes methods of switching USB0 to USB1 for several commonly used LPC series on MCUXpresso SDK and LPCOpen package. customers who need USB1 demo code can find the corresponding modification methods in this article for their own software and chips. Official routines are only used for demo board demos and chip learning. If for commercial usage, user needs to learn USB in depth and be responsible for own application.  
The article introduces the RSA theory, how to get the RSA parameter, how to encrypt/decrypt with the RSA algorithms. RSA is an asymmetric cryptographic algorithm and widely used in encryption/decryption application and signature application. It completes encryption and decryption operations by encrypting the message with the public key and decrypting with the private key. In order to support security requirements, it is also used in many places in the LPC55 series, such as: -  RSA digitally signs the application code with the private key, and verifies the authenticity of the code through RSA signature verification in secure boot. This is implemented in LPC55 secure boot. For the LPC family, the mbedtls library is used to implement the RSA algorithms with software.