重启MCUX IDE之后可以在工程配置中看到该变量:
创建一个脚本文件crc_add.txt,放在debug目录下,用于填充app后的flash空余位置为0xFF, 并后续生成CRC32值并放置0x00037FFC位置。最终生成的srec文件为包含所有内容的image。
# srec_cat command file to add the CRC and produce application file to be flashed
# Usage: srec_cat @filename
#first: create CRC checksum
lpcxpresso55s06_hello_world_image_length_MCUX.srec # input file
#-fill 0xFF 0x00000000 0x00038000 # fill blank code area with 0xff from 0x00000000 to 0x00038000 (0x00038000是把LPC55S06的末尾地址稍往前提,实际因为0x0003D7FF)
-fill 0xFF 0x00000000 0x00037FFC #填充0-0x37FFC区间的未用地址为0xff
-crop 0x00000000 0x00037FFC # just keep code area for CRC calculation below , 保留这段区间的内容,排除除此范围内的其他数据
#-CRC16_Big_Endian 0x00037FFE -CCITT # calculate big endian CCITT CRC16 at given address., 为以上空间数据计算CRC16,并放置在0x00037FFE地址,2字节
-CRC32_Little_Endian 0x00037FFC -CCITT #CRC32
-crop 0x00037FFC 0x00038000 # keep the CRC itself
#second: add application file
lpcxpresso55s06_hello_world_image_length_MCUX.srec # input file
-fill 0xFF 0x00000000 0x00037FFC # fill code area with 0xff
-crop 0x00000000 0x00037FFC
#-crop 0x10000000 0x10000170 0x10000172 0x10010000 #keep all except CRC
#finally, produce the output file
-Output # produce output
# srec_cat command file to add the CRC and produce application file to be flashed
# Usage: srec_cat @filename
#third: create bin file
lpcxpresso55s06_hello_world_image_length_MCUX_crc.srec -o lpcxpresso55s06_hello_world_image_length_MCUX_crc.bin -binary
在IDE的Post build栏目添加如下命令:
arm-none-eabi-size "${BuildArtifactFileName}" 默认自带的统计image size功能
arm-none-eabi-objcopy -v -O binary "${BuildArtifactFileName}" "${BuildArtifactFileBaseName}.bin" 将image转成bin文件,用于后续使用和比对
arm-none-eabi-objcopy -v -O srec "${BuildArtifactFileName}" "${BuildArtifactFileBaseName}.srec" & srec_cat.exe @CRC_add.txt 填充image,计算CRC32,整合成新的srec image
srec_cat.exe @CRC_file_convert.txt 将上一步得到的srec image转化为bin文件,用于后续使用和比对
这里需要注意的是,由于MCUX IDE是借助于外部工具来填充flash和计算CRC32,所以默认IDE调试和下载选择afx文件并不包含这些信息。当校验程序开始运行,会发生: