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How to start with SDK v.2.0 for LPC5411x using LPCXpresso IDE This document gives an overview of SDK v.2.0 for LPC5411x and also describes the steps required to build, run, and debug an example application provided in the SDK using LPCXpresso IDE. The steps described in the document are for the LPCXpresso54114 board (OM13089).   SDK for LPC5411x Derivatives Overview   The Software Development Kit (SDK) provides comprehensive software support for Microcontrollers. The SDK includes a flexible set of peripheral drivers designed to speed up and simplify development of embedded applications. Along with the peripheral drivers, the SDK provides an extensive and rich set of example applications covering everything from basic peripheral use case examples to full demo applications. The SDK also contains RTOS kernels and various other middleware to support rapid development on devices. SDK board support provides example applications for development and evaluation boards. Board support packages are found inside of the top level boards folder, and each supported board has its own folder (a SDK package can support multiple boards). Within each <board_name> folder there are various sub-folders to classify the type of examples they contain. These include (but are not limited to): demo_apps: Full-featured applications intended to highlight key functionality and use cases of the target MCU. These applications typically use multiple MCU peripherals and may leverage stacks and middleware. driver_examples: Simple applications intended to concisely illustrate how to use the SDK’s peripheral drivers for a single use case. These applications typically only use a single peripheral, but there are cases where multiple are used (for example, ADC conversion using DMA). rtos_examples: Basic FreeRTOS examples showcasing the use of various RTOS objects (semaphores, queues, and so on) and interfacing with the SDK’s RTOS drivers multicore_examples: Applications for both cores showing the usage of multicore software components and the interaction between cores.   Build, run and debug a SDK example   This section describes the steps required to configure LPCXpresso IDE to build, run, and debug an example application. The hello_world demo application targeted for the LPCXpresso54114 is used as an example, though these steps can be applied to any example application in the SDK.   1. Download and install the latest LPCXpresso version from the next link: http://www.nxp.com/products/software-and-tools/software-development-tools/software-tools/lpc-microcontroller-utilities/lpcxpresso-ide-v8.2.2:LPCXPRESSO 2. Follow the steps describe here to download the Software Development Kit (SDK) v2.0 for LPCXpresso54114: Generating a downloadable MCUXpresso SDK v.2 package  3. Select "File -> Import" from the LPCXpresso IDE menu. In the window that appears, expand the "General" folder and select "Existing Projects into Workspace". Then, click the "Next" button.       4. Click the "Browse" button next to the "Import from file:" option, and point to the example application project, which can be found using this path: <install_dir>/boards/<board_name>/<example_type>/<application_name>/lpcx/cm4 For this example, the specific location is: <install_dir_SDK_2.0_LPCXpresso54114>\boards\lpcxpresso54114\demo_apps\hello_world\lpcx\cm4 Then Click the "Finish" button. 5. There are two project configurations (build targets) supported for each SDK project: Debug – Compiler optimization is set to low, and debug information is generated for the executable. This target should be selected for development and debug. Release – Compiler optimization is set to high, and debug information is not generated. This target should be selected for final application deployment. So it is necessary to choose the appropriate build target. For this example, select the "Debug" target.   6. Build the project using the hammer icon. 7. Connect the development platform to your PC via USB cable between the Link2 USB connector (named Link for some boards) and the PC USB connector. If connecting for the first time, allow some seconds for the devices to enumerate.   8. In the Windows operating system environment, open the terminal application on the PC and connect to the debug serial port number. For this example it is used Tera Term.   Configure the terminal with these settings: 115200 No parity 8 data bits 1 stop bit    9. In LPCXpresso IDE, click on “Debug Configurations”. In the Debug Configurations dialog box, select the debug configuration that corresponds to the hardware platform you’re using. In this example, select is the CMSIS-DAP option under C/C++ (NXP Semiconductors) MCU Application. 10. After selecting the debugger interface, click the "Debug" button to launch the debugger. 11. Additional dialog windows may appear to select LPC-INK2 CMSIS-DAP emulator and core in case of multicore derivatives. Select it and click the "OK" button. Then select the Cortex-M4. The application is downloaded to the target and automatically run to main():    12. Start the application by clicking the "Resume" button. The hello_world application is now running and a banner is displayed on the terminal. Enjoy!!   Related links: Introducing MCUXpresso SDK v.2 for LPC54xxx Series  Generating a downloadable MCUXpresso SDK v.2 package  MCUXpresso Config Tools is now available!  
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Introducing MCUXpresso SDK v.2 for LPC54xxx Series What's New in MCUXpresso SDK v.2 for LPC54xxx? The Software Development Kit (SDK) 2.0.0 is a collection of software enablement for microcontrollers that includes peripheral drivers, multicore support, and integrated RTOS support for FreeRTOS OS and μC/OS. In addition to the base enablement, the SDK is augmented with demo applications and driver example projects, and API documentation to help the customers quickly leverage the support of the SDK. Development Tools The MCUXpresso SDK v.2 for LPC54xxx 2.0.0 was compiled and tested with these development tools: - LPCXpresso 8.2.0 - IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM® platform version 7.60.2 - MDK-ARM Microcontroller Development Kit (Keil)® 5.20 Supported Development Systems Development boards MCU devices LPCXpresso54114 LPC54114J256BD64, LPC54114J256UK49, LPC54113J128BD64, LPC54113J256BD64, LPC54113J256UK49 LPCXpresso54608 LPC54605J256ET180, LPC54605J512ET180, LPC54606J256ET180, LPC54606J512BD208, LPC54607J256ET180, LPC54607J512ET180, LPC54607J256BD208, LPC54608J512ET180, LPC54608J512BD208   SDK Board Support Folders SDK board support provides example applications for development and evaluation boards. Board support packages are found inside of the top level boards folder, and each supported board has its own folder (a SDK package can support multiple boards). Within each <board_name> folder there are various sub-folders to classify the type of examples they contain.   demo_apps: Full-featured applications intended to highlight key functionality and use cases of the target MCU. These applications typically use multiple MCU peripherals and may leverage stacks and middleware. driver_examples: Simple applications intended to concisely illustrate how to use the SDK’s peripheral drivers for a single use case. These applications typically only use a single peripheral, but there are cases where multiple are used (for example, ADC conversion using DMA). rtos_examples: Basic FreeRTOS examples showcasing the use of various RTOS objects (semaphores, queues, and so on) and interfacing with the SDK’s RTOS drivers usb_examples: Applications that use the USB host/device/OTG stack. multicore_examples: Applications for both cores showing the usage of multicore software components and the interaction between cores. Example Application Structure This section describes how the various types of example applications interact with the other components in the SDK. To get a comprehensive understanding of all SDK components and folder structure, see the SDK v.2.0 API Reference Manual document (SDK20APIRM). Each <board_name> folder in the boards directory contains a comprehensive set of examples that are relevant to that specific piece of hardware. We’ll discuss the hello_world example (part of the demo_apps folder), but the same general rules apply to any type of example in the <board_name> folder. In the hello_world application folder you see this: All files in the application folder are specific to that example, so it’s very easy to copy-paste an existing example to start developing a custom application based on a project provided in the SDK. Related links: For information on how to import and debug the MCUXpresso SDK example projects using LPCXpresso or generate your MCUXpresso SDK package take a look to this document: How to start with SDK v.2.0 for LPC5411x using LPCXpresso IDE Generating a downloadable MCUXpresso SDK v.2 package https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-333369  MCUXpresso Config Tools is now available!  
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This document describes how to create a new LPC project using LPCOpen v2.xx, LPCXpresso v8.2.2 and LPC11U24 LPCXpresso board. In addition describes how to create 2 simple example codes. Blinking LED. Set the LED using a push bottom.  LPCOpen LPCOpen is an extensive collection of free software libraries (drivers and middleware) and example programs that enable developers to create multifunctional products based on LPC microcontrollers. After install LPCXpresso, the LPCOpen packages for supported board(s)/device(s) can be found at the path: <install_path>\lpcxpresso\Examples\LPCOpen > This directory contains a number of LPCOpen software bundles for use with the LPCXpresso IDE and a variety of development boards. Note that LPCOpen bundles are periodically updated, and additional bundles are released. Thus we would always recommend checking the LPCOpen pages to ensure that you are using the latest versions. This example was created using the LPC11U24 LPCXpresso board in this case the drivers selected is lpcopen_v2_00a_lpcxpresso_nxp_lpcxpresso_11u14.zip Importing libraries In order to create a new project, it is necessary to first import the LPCOpen Chip Library for the device used and optionally the LPCOpen Board Library Project. For do that it is necessary to follow these steps: 1. Click on Import project(s). 2. Select the examples archive file to import. In this case, the projects imported are contained within archives .zip.  3. For this example the LPC11U14 LPCXpresso board is selected. Click Open. Then click Next 4. Select only the LPCOpen Chip Library and LPCOpen Board Library Project. Click Finish. The same steps are required for any LPC device and board you are used. Creating a new LPC project.   The steps to create a new LPC project are described below: 1. In Quickstar Panel, click "New project"   2. Choose a wizard for your MCU. In this case LPC1100/LPC1200 -> LPC11Uxx -> LPCOpen-C Project This option will link the C project to LPCOpen. Then click Next.   3. Select the Project name and click Next.   4. Select the device used (LPC11U24 for this case) and click Next.   5. Select the LPCOpen Chip Library and LPCOpen Board Library, these projects must be present in the workspace.   6. You can set the following option as default clicking Next, then click Finish.   7. At this point, a new project was created. This project has a src (source) folder, the src folder contains: cr_startup_lpc11uxx.c: This is the LPC11Uxx Microcontroller Startup code for use with LPCXpresso IDE. crp.c: Source file to create CRP word expected by LPCXpresso IDE linker. sysinit.c: Common SystemInit function for LPC11xx chips. <name of project> my_first_example: This file contains the main code.     8. LPCXpresso creates a simple C project where it is reading the clock settings and update the system core clock variable, initialized the board and set the LED to the state of "On". 9. At this point you should be able to build and debug this project.   Writing my first project using LPCXpresso, LPCOpen and LPC11U24.   This section describes how to create 2 simple example codes. Blinking LED. Set the LED using a push bottom. The LPCOpen Chip Library (in this case lpc_chip_11uxx_lib) contains the drivers for some LPC peripherals. For these examples, we will use the GPIO Driver. The LPCOpen Board Library Project (in this case nxp_lpcxpresso_11u14_board_lib) contains files with software API functions that provide some simple abstracted functions used across multiple LPCOpen board examples. The board_api.h contains common board definitions that are shared across boards and devices. All of these functions do not need to be implemented for a specific board, but if they are implemented, they should use this API standard.   After create a new project using LPCXpresso and LPCOpen, it is created a simple C project where it is initialized the board and set the LED to the state of "On" using the Board_LED_Set function.   int main(void) {   #if defined (__USE_LPCOPEN)     // Read clock settings and update SystemCoreClock variable     SystemCoreClockUpdate(); #if !defined(NO_BOARD_LIB)     // Set up and initialize all required blocks and     // functions related to the board hardware     Board_Init();     // Set the LED to the state of "On"     Board_LED_Set(0, true); #endif #endif       // TODO: insert code here       // Force the counter to be placed into memory     volatile static int i = 0 ;     // Enter an infinite loop, just incrementing a counter     while(1) {         i++ ;     }     return 0 ; }       a. Blinking LED. In board_api.h file there is an API function that toggle the LED void Board_LED_Toggle(uint8_t LEDNumber);  LEDNumber parameter is the LED number to change the state. The number of the LED for the LPCXpresso LPC11U24 is 0. It is easy to create a delay function using FOR loops. For example: void Delay (unsigned int ms) {         volatile static int x,y;           while (ms)         {                 for (x=0; x<=140; x++)                 {                         y++;                 }                 ms--;         } } In order to have the LED blinking, it is necessary to call these functions in an infinite loop. while(1) {                 Board_LED_Toggle(0);                 Delay (10000);         } Complete code (Blinking LED). int main(void) { #if defined (__USE_LPCOPEN)         // Read clock settings and update SystemCoreClock variable         SystemCoreClockUpdate(); #if !defined(NO_BOARD_LIB)         // Set up and initialize all required blocks and         // functions related to the board hardware         Board_Init();         // Set the LED to the state of "On"         Board_LED_Set(0, true); #endif #endif          while(1) {                 Board_LED_Toggle(0);                 Delay (10000);         }         return 0 ; }  void Delay (unsigned int ms) {         volatile static int x,y;         while (ms)         {                 for (x=0; x<=140; x++)                 {                         y++;                 }                 ms--;         } }      b. Set the LED using a push bottom. For this example it is necessary to configure a pin as input.  The gpio_11xx_1.h file contains all the function definitions for the GPIO Driver. The example uses the pin 16 of port 0 to connect the push bottom. The function Chip_GPIO_SetPinDIRInput(LPC_GPIO_T *pGPIO, uint8_t port, uint8_t pin) sets the GPIO direction for a single GPIO pin to an input. In order to configure the Port 0, pin 16 as input we can use this function: Chip_GPIO_SetPinDIRInput(LPC_GPIO, 0, 16); Then, it is necessary to check the status of this pin to turn-on/turn-off the LED. The function Chip_GPIO_GetPinState(LPC_GPIO_T *pGPIO, uint8_t port, uint8_t pin) gets a GPIO pin state via the GPIO byte register. This function returns true if the GPIO is high, false if low. State_Input=  Chip_GPIO_GetPinState (LPC_GPIO, 0, 16);   Complete code (Set the LED using a push bottom). int main(void) {         bool State_Input;   #if defined (__USE_LPCOPEN)     // Read clock settings and update SystemCoreClock variable     SystemCoreClockUpdate(); #if !defined(NO_BOARD_LIB)     // Set up and initialize all required blocks and     // functions related to the board hardware     Board_Init();     Chip_GPIO_SetPinDIRInput(LPC_GPIO, 0, 16);     // Set the LED to the state of "On"     Board_LED_Set(0, false);  #endif  #endif      while(1) {           State_Input=  Chip_GPIO_GetPinState (LPC_GPIO, 0, 16);              if (State_Input==0){                 Board_LED_Set(0, true);             }             else {                 Board_LED_Set(0, false);             }     }     return 0 ; }   I hope this helps!! Regards Soledad
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LPCXpresso54608 development board up and running out of the box with our unified software development kit (SDK)!
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SCTimer implement traffic signal Overview      The State Configurable Timer (SCTimer/PWM) is a peripheral that is unique to NXP Semiconductors. It can operate like most traditional timers, but also adds a state machine to give it a higher degree of configurability and control, in another word, the SCTimer/PWM can be considered as consist of Stand Timer and State/Event Logic (Fig 1). This allows the SCT to be configured as multiple PWMs, a PWM with dead-time control, and a PWM with reset capability, in addition to many other configurations that can’t be duplicated with traditional timers. Once the SCTimer/PWM has been configured, it can run autonomously from the microcontroller core, unless the SCTimer/PWM interrupt has been enabled which requires the core to service the interrupt. Fig 1       The first time you look at the SCTimer/PWM, it may appear to be a very complex peripheral, but you will see that it is actually not that difficult to use. Understanding the Event and State is critical to understanding the SCTimer/PWM.        Event:        The following conditions define possible events: a counter match condition, an input (or output) condition, a combination of a match and/or an input/output condition in a specified state, and the count direction. Events can control outputs, interrupts, DMA requests and the SCTimer/PWM states. They can also cause timer limit, halt, start, or stop conditions to occur.        State:         The state variable is the main feature that distinguishes the SCTimer/PWM from other counter/timer/PWM blocks. Events can be made to occur only in certain states. Events, in turn, can perform the following actions: a)    Set and clear outputs; b)   Limit, stop, and start the counter; c)    Cause interrupts; d)   Modify the state variable;         Regarding the event and state mechanism (Fig 2 show a basic example), The SCT allows the user to group and filter events, thereby selecting some events to be enabled together while others are disabled. A group of enabled and disabled events can be described as a state, and several states with different sets of enabled and disabled events are allowed. Changing from one state to another is event driven as well and can happen without software intervention. Formally, the SCTimer/PWM can be programmed as state machine generator. The ability to perform switching between groups of events provides the SCT the unique capability to be utilized as a highly complex State Machine engine. Events identify the occurrence of conditions that warrant state changes and determine the next state to move to. This provides an extremely powerful control tool - particularly when the SCT inputs and outputs are connected to other on-chip resources (comparators, ADC triggers, other timers etc.) in addition to general-purpose I/O. Fig 2 Traffic signal implementation             Fig 3 illustrates the application of the SCT to simulate the traffic signal. Fig 3 v Demo create         LPCOpen is an extensive collection of free software libraries (drivers and middleware) and example programs that enable developers to create multifunctional products based on LPC microcontrollers. In this article, I will illustrate the steps of creating a new demo in the LPCOpen, for instance, create a demo by using the IAR IDE. Since the selected hardware board is the LPCXpresso824, the creating work is based on the corresponding LPCOpen.              Creates a new project Fig 4   2.    Create the example and lib groups, then add the startup and board initialization files under the example group and add the library files: board_nxp_lpcxpresso_824.a and chip_82x_lib.a under the lib group. Next, create a main.c file: traffic_signal_demo.c. Fig 5 3.     Add the corresponding paths $PROJ_DIR$\..\..\..\..\..\..\software\lpc_core\lpc_chip\chip_8xx\config_82x $PROJ_DIR$\..\..\..\..\..\..\software\lpc_core\lpc_chip\chip_common $PROJ_DIR$\..\..\..\..\..\..\software\lpc_core\lpc_chip\chip_8xx $PROJ_DIR$\..\..\..\..\..\..\software\lpc_core\lpc_board\board_common $PROJ_DIR$\..\..\..\..\..\..\software\lpc_core\lpc_board\boards_8xx\nxp_lpcxpresso_824                $PROJ_DIR$\..\..\..\..\..\..\software\CMSIS\CMSIS\Include 4.     Miscellaneous settings For instance, target selecting, adds the linker file, add other c files (Fig 6),etc. Fig 6   v Crucial code                                                          Table 1 main.c /**  * @brief             Application main program  * @return          Nothing (This function will not return)  */ int main(void) {                 /* Generic Initialization */                 SystemCoreClockUpdate();                   /*Set system clock div as 30*/                 Chip_Clock_SetSysClockDiv(30);                                 /*Assign SCT_out to board LED pin*/                 Chip_SWM_MovablePinAssign(SWM_SCT_OUT1_O, 13); // assign SCTOUT_0 to P0_13 YELLOW_LED                 Chip_SWM_MovablePinAssign(SWM_SCT_OUT2_O, 27); // assign SCTOUT_0 to P0_27 GREEN_LED                 Chip_SWM_MovablePinAssign(SWM_SCT_OUT0_O, 17); // assign SCTOUT_0 to P0_17 RED_LED                                 /* Initialize the SCT clock and reset the SCT */                 Chip_Clock_EnablePeriphClock(SYSCTL_CLOCK_SCT);                 Chip_SYSCTL_PeriphReset(RESET_SCT);                   /*Initialize SCT*/                 sct_fsm_init();                   /* Start the SCT counter by clearing Halt_L in the SCT control register */                 Chip_SCT_ClearControl(LPC_SCT, SCT_CTRL_HALT_L);                /* Enter sleep mode */                 while (1) {                                 __WFI();                 } }                                                     Table 2 sct_fsm_init(void) void sct_fsm_init (void) { /*The SCT operates as a unified 32-bit counter*/ LPC_SCT->CONFIG = (LPC_SCT->CONFIG & ~0x00060001) | 0x00000001; /* UNIFIED */   /* MATCH/CAPTURE registers */ LPC_SCT->REGMODE_L = 0x00000000;           LPC_SCT->MATCH[0].U = entry_mat;             /* entry_match */ LPC_SCT->MATCHREL[0].U = entry_mat; LPC_SCT->MATCH[1].U = flash;                       /* flash_mat0 */ LPC_SCT->MATCHREL[1].U = flash; LPC_SCT->MATCH[2].U = flash1;                    /* flash_mat1 */ LPC_SCT->MATCHREL[2].U = flash1; LPC_SCT->MATCH[3].U = delay;                     /* match0 */ LPC_SCT->MATCHREL[3].U = delay; LPC_SCT->MATCH[4].U = yel_delay;              /* yel_delay_mat */ LPC_SCT->MATCHREL[4].U = yel_delay; LPC_SCT->MATCH[5].U = yel_flash;               /* yel_flash_mat */ LPC_SCT->MATCHREL[5].U = yel_flash;   /* OUTPUT registers */ /*Event 1 set the output*/ LPC_SCT->OUT[5].SET = 0x00000002;        /* out_track */ /*Event 3 clear the output*/ LPC_SCT->OUT[5].CLR = 0x00000008; /*Event 0 and 3 set the output*/ LPC_SCT->OUT[2].SET = 0x00000009;        /* turn_green */ /*Event 7 clear the output*/ LPC_SCT->OUT[2].CLR = 0x00000080; /*Event 1 set the output*/ LPC_SCT->OUT[0].SET = 0x00000002;        /* turn_red */ /*Event 0 and 6 clear the output*/ LPC_SCT->OUT[0].CLR = 0x00000041; /*Event 0, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 set the output*/ LPC_SCT->OUT[1].SET = 0x000000F5;        /* turn_yellow */ /*Event 1, 3, 4, 5 set the output*/ LPC_SCT->OUT[1].CLR = 0x0000003A;   /* Unused outputs must not be affected by any event */ LPC_SCT->OUT[3].SET = 0; LPC_SCT->OUT[3].CLR = 0; LPC_SCT->OUT[4].SET = 0; LPC_SCT->OUT[4].CLR = 0;   /* Conflict resolution register */ LPC_SCT->RES = (LPC_SCT->RES & ~0x0000000C) | 0x0000000C;   /*  Set COMBMODE = 0x1. Event 0 uses match condition only.  Set MATCHSEL = 0x0. Select match value of match register 0. The match value of MAT0 is associated with event 0 Set STATEV bits to 1 and the STATED bit to 1. Event 0 changes the state to state 1 */ LPC_SCT->EV[0].CTRL = 0x0000D000;     /* U: --> state RED */ LPC_SCT->EV[0].STATE = 0x00000001; /*  Set COMBMODE = 0x1. Event 1 uses match condition only.  Set MATCHSEL = 0x3. Select match value of match register 3. The match value of MAT3 is associated with event 1 Set STATEV bits to 2 and the STATED bit to 1. Event 1 changes the state to state 2 */ LPC_SCT->EV[1].CTRL = 0x00015003;     /* U: --> state YELLOW */ LPC_SCT->EV[1].STATE = 0x00000002; /*  Set COMBMODE = 0x1. Event 1 uses match condition only.  Set MATCHSEL = 0x4. Select match value of match register 4. The match value of MAT4 is associated with event 2 Set STATEV bits to 4 and the STATED bit to 1. Event 1 changes the state to state 4 */ LPC_SCT->EV[2].CTRL = 0x00025004;     /* U: --> state YELLOW_FLASH */ LPC_SCT->EV[2].STATE = 0x00000004; /*  Set COMBMODE = 0x1. Event 1 uses match condition only.  Set MATCHSEL = 0x3. Select match value of match register 3. The match value of MAT3 is associated with event3 Set STATEV bits to 2 and the STATED bit to 1. Event 1 changes the state to state 2 */   LPC_SCT->EV[3].CTRL = 0x00015003;     /* U: --> state YELLOW */ LPC_SCT->EV[3].STATE = 0x00000008; /*  Set COMBMODE = 0x3. Event 6 uses when match and I/O condition occur.  Set MATCHSEL = 0x5. Select match value of match register 5. Set OUTSEL = 1. Select output. Set IOSEL = 5. Select output 5. Set IOCOND = 0x0. Output 0 is Low The match value of MAT5 is associated with event 6 Set STATEV bits to 1 and the STATED bit to 1. Event 1 changes the state to state 1 */ LPC_SCT->EV[6].CTRL = 0x0000F165;     /* U: --> state RED */ LPC_SCT->EV[6].STATE = 0x00000010; /*  Set COMBMODE = 0x3. Event 6 uses when match and I/O condition occur.  Set MATCHSEL = 0x5. Select match value of match register 5. Set OUTSEL = 1. Select output. Set IOSEL = 5. Select output 5. Set IOCOND = 0x3. Output 0 is High The match value of MAT5 is associated with event 7 Set STATEV bits to 3 and the STATED bit to 1. Event 7 changes the state to state 3 */ LPC_SCT->EV[7].CTRL = 0x0001FD65;     /* U: --> state GREEN */ LPC_SCT->EV[7].STATE = 0x00000010; /*  Set COMBMODE = 0x1. Event 1 uses match condition only.  Set MATCHSEL = 0x1. Select match value of match register 1. The match value of MAT1 is associated with event4 Set STATEV bits to 4 and the STATED bit to 1. Event 1 changes the state to state 4 */ LPC_SCT->EV[4].CTRL = 0x00025001;     /* U: --> state YELLOW_FLASH */ LPC_SCT->EV[4].STATE = 0x00000010; /*  Set COMBMODE = 0x1. Event 1 uses match condition only.  Set MATCHSEL = 0x2. Select match value of match register 2. The match value of MAT2 is associated with event5 Set STATEV bits to 4 and the STATED bit to 1. Event 1 changes the state to state 4 */ LPC_SCT->EV[5].CTRL = 0x00025002;     /* U: --> state YELLOW_FLASH */ LPC_SCT->EV[5].STATE = 0x00000010;   /* STATE registers */ LPC_SCT->STATE_L = 0;   /* state names assignment: */   /* State U 0: U_ENTRY */   /* State U 1: RED */   /* State U 2: YELLOW */   /* State U 3: GREEN */   /* State U 4: YELLOW_FLASH */   /* CORE registers */ LPC_SCT->START_L = 0x00000000; LPC_SCT->STOP_L =  0x00000000; LPC_SCT->HALT_L =  0x00000000; /* Event0, 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7 reset the counter register */ LPC_SCT->LIMIT_L = 0x000000CF; LPC_SCT->EVEN =    0x00000000; LPC_SCT->DMAREQ0 = 0x00000000; LPC_SCT->DMAREQ1 = 0x00000000;   } v Result demonstrate          The demo runs on the LPCXpresso824-MAX board, and using the Blue led replaces the Yellow led, and the video shows the demo working. Fig 7 LPCXpresso824-MAX board Video's link: SCTimer implement traffic signal - YouTube 
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Hello community!   Attached is a document that explains how to build and run the LPCOpen Ethernet example projects, it also explains the needed board and PC connections and configurations. The steps described in the document were done using the LPC1769 MCU like the one in the LPCXpresso board for LPC1769 with CMSIS DAP probe, but the same principles are applicable to any LPC MCU. The steps described in this document are valid for the following versions of the software tools: o    LPCXpresso v8.1.4 o    LPCOpen v2.xx Boards o    LPCXpresso board for LPC1769 with CMSIS DAP probe o    EA LPCXpresso BaseBoard o    LPC-Link2 Contents 1. Overview and concepts    1.1    LPCOpen       1.1.1 Core driver library       1.1.2 Middleware       1.1.3 Examples       1.1.4 LPCOpen with an RTOS 2. Running the lwip_tcpecho and webserver demo applications    2.1 Downloading a LPCOpen package    2.3 Setting up the hardware       2.3.1 LPCXpresso board for LPC1769 with CMSIS DAP probe       2.3.2 EA LPCXpresso BaseBoard    2.2 Importing the LPCOpen examples    2.4 Building the demo applications    2.5 Running the demo applications       2.5.1 lwip_tcpecho_sa demo       2.5.2 webserver demo Appendix A - References I hope you can benefit from this post, if you have questions please let me know.   Best Regards! Carlos Mendoza
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Hello community!   Attached is a document that explains the steps to use LPCXpresso with the LPCOpen projects for your preferred device and platform. The steps described in the document were done using the LPC54102 MCU like the one in the LPCXpresso Board for the LPC54100 family of MCUs, but the same principles are applicable to any LPC MCU. The steps described in this document are valid for the following versions of the software tools: o    LPCXpresso v8.1.4 o    LPCOpen v3.xx Contents 1. Overview and concepts    1.1    LPCOpen       1.1.1 Core driver library       1.1.2 Middleware       1.1.3 Examples       1.1.4 Using LPCOpen with an RTOS 2. Running the demo applications    2.1 Downloading a LPCOpen package    2.2 Importing the LPCOpen examples    2.3 Building and debugging blinky project Appendix A - References I hope you can benefit from this post, if you have questions please let me know.   Best Regards! Carlos Mendoza
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