LPC Microcontrollers Knowledge Base

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LPC Microcontrollers Knowledge Base


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This is a quick introduction that shows how to interface the LPC845 Breakout Board with an OLED display based on the popular SSD1306 controller, using SDK drivers for SPI. With this application, you can print a text string or draw a bitmap image.   SPI Protocol The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) protocol is asynchronous serial data standard, primarily used to allow a microprocessor to communicate with other microprocessors or ICs such as memories, liquid crystal diodes (LCD), analog-to-digital converter subsystems, etc.   The SPI is a very simple synchronous serial data, master/slave protocol based on four lines:       • Clock line (SCLK)       • Serial output (MOSI)       • Serial input (MISO)       • Slave select (SS)   Adafruit Monochrome OLED Graphical Display This display is made of 128x64 individual white OLED pixels, each one is turned on or off by the controller chip. Because the display makes its own light, no backlight is required. This reduces the power required to run the OLED and is why the display has such high contrast; we really like this miniature display for its crispness!     OLED Display Example NXP provides an example package for the LPC845 Breakout that includes projects to use the principal's peripherals that the board include: ADC, I2C, PWM, USART, Captouch, and SPI   What we need: LPC845 Breakout Board MCUXpresso IDE V10.3.0 SDK_2.5.0_LPC845 NXP example package OLED Display from Adafruit (also available via NXP distributors) LCD assistant software to convert bitmaps Micro USB cable   Once downloaded, we import the library project into the workspace using the ''Import project(s) from file system... from the Quickstart panel in MCUXpresso IDE: Figure 1. Import Projects.   Then browse the examples packages archive file: Figure 2. Select Example Package.   Press next, and see that are a selection of projects to import, in this case, only keep select the LPC845_BoB_OLED how it looks in the picture below: Figure 3. Select the OLED Project.   Press finish and the project example shows up in the workspace: Figure 4. OLED Project in workspace. Create Bitmaps Bitmap (BMP) is an image file format that can be used to create and store computer graphics. A bitmap file displays a small dots in a pattern that, when viewed from afar, creates an overall image. A bitmap image is a grid made of rows and columns where a specific cell is given a value that fills it in or leaves it blank, thus creating an image out of the data. First, you have to create the image using any kind of graphics software such a paint, Photoshop, etc and save the picture as Monochrome Bitmap (bmp), make sure that the image size match whit the OLED size.       Figure 5. Save picture as Bitmap.   Now inside the LCD software assistant, this program will help us to convert an image from Bitmap to data array, we have to load the image by click on file >> load image, and select the appropriate size.   Figure 6. LCD Assistant    To import the array go to file >> save the output, choose the place where are going to save. Then inside the example, go to fsl_Font5x7.h and paste the array.   Figure 7. Data Array.      *Note: Inside the example, the array for the NXP logo is already there, if you want another image, delete this array and pas the new.   Connections Now, with the project already in the workspace, it is time to set up the connection between the LPC845 Breakout board and the OLED Display. The table below shows which LPC845 Breakout pin are routed each line of the SPI interface and the pins for reset and Data/Command select.   Table 1. Connections.   You can check the Datasheet of the board, of bases on the picture below to see where the pin are, note that GND and 3.3V also needed for the OLED display: Figure 8. LPC845 Breakout to OLED Connection.   Debug. Now, with the demo in the workspace and the connections done, connect a micro USB cable from connector CN2 to a host computer and debug the application.   Figure 9. Run example
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This blog posting is an introduction to Capacitive Touch provided for the LPC845 MCU device. We are going to take advantages of the features that the LPC845 Breakout Board to show how to interface with the onboard Cap touch button using SDK drivers.    The Capacitive Touch module measures the change in capacitance of an electrode plate when an earth-ground connected object (for example, the finger or stylus) is brought within close proximity. Simply stated, the module delivers a small charge to an X capacitor (a mutual capacitance touch sensor), then transfers that charge to a larger Y capacitor (the measurement capacitor), and counts the number of iterations necessary for the voltage across the Y capacitor to cross a predetermined threshold.   Figure 1. Mutual Capacitive Touch   A pulse is applied between the transmitting and receiving electrode to generate an electromagnetic field. When a finger comes into close proximity, part of the electromagnetic field moves to the finger where the decrease in electromagnetic field strength is detected by the electrodes. The capacitance is detected and captured and recognized as a finger presence.   LPC845 MCU Capactive Touch Features Up to nine mutual-capacitance touch sensors. Both GPIO port pin and analog comparator measurement methods are available. DMA for continuous sequential polling of all sensors with no CPU intervention. Wake up from sleep, deep-sleep, and power-down modes.   Advantages Cap-touch interfaces can be incorporated into products with curved surfaces allowing for greater design flexibility. No moving parts allow for increased durability and reduce the number of components, thus lowering overall costs. Provides a smooth, sleek appearance without raised surfaces or button openings allowing for ease of cleaning and sealed designs. Can be a complete plug-and-play interface or simply a graphic bonded to a cap-touch circuit that interfaces with the microcontroller.   Pin usage The Capacitive Touch module uses one standard GPIO pin for YL and up to nine standard GPIOs for X0 through XMAX.    YH, YL, and X functions are typically enabled on their pins using the switch matrix or IOCON, depending on the product family. Additionally, the set of X pins that the application will use must be enabled or identified to the module by writing ‘1’s to their bit positions in the XPINSEL field of the control register.   Registers Programming of all these registers is performed only during initialization.   Table 1. Capacitive Touch Registers. Capacitive Touch with the LPC845 Breakout Board.   The LPC845 Breakout Board include an on-board Cap Touch button that enables easy evaluation of the capacitive touch features of the LPC84x family of devices.   The connections for the capacitive touch button are shown in Table 2 below. If the Cap Touch button is not being used, the ports connected to it can be used for other purposes (such as GPIO), but note that PIO0_30 and PIO0_31 are effectively shorted together through resistor R19. If this zero ohm resistor may be removed if the Cap Touch button is not required.   Table 2. Capacitive touch button signals   Capacitive Touch Example    What we need: LPC845 Breakout Board MCUXpresso IDE V10.3.0 SDK_2.5.0_LPC845 NXP example packages Micro USB cable   The NXP example package includes projects to use the principal's peripherals that the board includes: ADC, I2C, PWM, USART, Captouch, and SPI. We are going to use the Captouch example include here, this after an initial calibration, once the cap touch button is touched, the RGB's Red led will turn on.   Once downloaded, we import the library project into the workspace using the ''Import project(s) from file system... from the Quickstart panel in MCUXpresso IDE:   Figure 2. Import Projects.   Then browse the examples packages archive file:   Figure 3. Select Example Package.   Press next, and see that are a selection of projects to import, in this case, only keep select the LPC845_BoB_CAPTouch how it looks in the picture below:   Figure 4. Select CapTouch Project   Now with the project in the workspace, we are going to build and run the example, you are going to see instructions in the IDE console for the calibration. Put your finger in the captouch button and press enter to start the calibration, once finished, you are going to see a message, and with that the demo is ready, you are going to see the RGB red led on when the when the cap touch button is touched and off then it´s not.
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This document is an introduction to the Programmable Logic Unit (PLU) provided for the LPC804 MCU device. PLU is used to create small combinatorial and/or sequential logic networks including simple state machines. This allows to replace external components like the 74xx series, which are used for the glue logic with the microcontroller and external devices, making simple the PCB and saving design costs. Figure 1. LPC80x MCU families The PLU is comprised of an array of 26 inter-connectable, 5-input Look-up Table (LUT) elements, and 4 flip-flops.  Each LUT element contains a 32-bit truth table (look-up table) register and a 32:1 multiplexer. During operation, the five LUT inputs control the select lines of the multiplexer. This structure allows any desired logical combination of the five LUT inputs. Figure 2. PLU Features The PLU is used to create small combinatorial and/or sequential logic networks including simple state machines. The PLU is comprised of an array of 26 inter-connectable, 5-input Look-up Table (LUT) elements, and 4 flip-flops. Eight primary outputs can be selected using a multiplexer from among all of the LUT outputs and the 4 flip-flops. An external clock to drive the 4 flip-flops must be applied to the PLU_CLKIN pin if a sequential network is implemented. Programmable logic can be used to drive on-chip inputs/triggers through external pin-to-pin connections. A tool suite is provided to facilitate programming of the PLU to implement the logic network described in a Verilog RTL design.   Advantages Some advantages of the PLU are: Replace the combinational logic of the 7400 series. State machine design using Flip-flop. Address decoder. Pattern match. Low-power application. PLU works in deep-sleep and power-down mode. Programmable so PLU can be reprogrammed and reused. Seamless connection using SWM and PLU. Pin description There are up to six primary inputs into the PLU module, one clock input, and eight primary outputs. All the inputs are connected directly to the package pins via chip-level I/O multiplexing.  All these pins can be enabled by configuring the relevant SWM register (PINASSIGN_FIXED0). A particular logic network may not require all of the available inputs or outputs. The user can specify which inputs and outputs to use, and which package pins those inputs and outputs will connect to as part of the overall top-level IO configuration. Registers Programming the PLU to implement a particular logic network involves writing to the various Truth Table registers to specify the logic functions to be performed by each of the LUT elements, programming the Input multiplexer registers to select the five inputs presented to each LUT, and programming the Output multiplexer register to select the eight primary outputs from the PLU module. Programming of all of these registers is performed only during initialization. Table 1. PLU registers PLU Shield board with LPCXpresso804 The OM40001 package includes a shield board for use with the LPCXpresso804 board when prototyping programmable logic unit (PLU) designs. The PLU shield provides the following features to assist with this type of development: 5 slide switches to enable 5 possible PLU inputs to be connected to VDD (marked as VCC on the Shield) or GND through a resistor (to set those inputs to a logic 1 or zero). 8 LEDs with jumpers to connect/disconnect possible PLU outputs for visual status indication. Push button option for momentary / edge signal inputs. Low-frequency oscillator with 1024Hz and 8Hz outputs. The PLU shield also includes a test circuit that can be used to implement a simple continuity tester. Several signals from the LPC804 used on the PLU Shield are shared with other functions on the main LPCXpresso804 board. Please review jumper settings on the LPCXpresso804 board carefully before installing the PLU Shield. https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/user-guide/UM11083.pdf  Figure 3. LPCXpresso804 + PLU Shield = PLU demo board   PLU input options On/off switches S1 through S5 connect possible PLU inputs to VDD or GND via a resistor, enabling those inputs to be driven to a known, fixed state. PIO0_8 is connected to a push button (S6) and a 100kohm pull up to VDD; PIO0_8 will be grounded when the button is pressed. Table below shows these connections. Table 2. PLU input on/off switches. A digital oscillator circuit is also included on the Shield, with 1.024kHz and 8Hz outputs available. LPC804 signal PIO0_1 can be connected to these oscillator signals in order to provide a low-speed clock to the flip-flops in the PLU block. The center pin (2) of JP12 connects to PIO0_1, so a jumper can be placed onto JP12 to connect this signal to the required clock (see markings on the Shield silk screen.) An external clock can be provided to the PLU by connecting it to the center pin of JP12. PLU output options LEDs are used to monitor the PLU outputs. Due to the limited number of pins on the chip/board, some of the inputs and outputs are shared. Table 3. PLU shield LEDs. PLU examples You have two options to find a PLU example: Using the SDK for the LPCXpresso804. You can download the SDK for the LPCXpresso804 from Welcome | MCUXpresso SDK Builder The PLU project is a simple demonstration program of the SDK PLU driver. In this example, a number of switches are used act as PLU inputs and LEDs are used to monitor the PLU outputs to demonstrate the configuration and use of the Programmable Logic Unit (PLU). Using the LPC804 Example Code Bundle. Code Bundle, containing source code for drivers, example code and project files. You can download it from LPCXpresso804 board for LPC804 Microcontroller (MCU)|NXP  It is recommended to use the PLU configuration tool. Please check the following links for more details. PLU Tool Direct, LUT-based design: https://www.nxp.com/video/part-2-plu-tool-direct-lut-based-design:Part2-PLU-config-tool-verilog PLU Tool Schematic design: https://www.nxp.com/video/part-3-plu-tool-schematic-design:Part3-PLU-config-tool-schematic PLU Tool Importing Verilog files: https://www.nxp.com/video/part-4-plu-tool-importing-verilog-files:Part4-PLU-config-tool-directlut
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The LPC800 series is a 32-bit, Arm® Cortex®-M0+-based MCU portfolio offering a range of low-power, space efficient, low-pin-count options for basic microcontroller applications. Unique among low-end devices, the LPC800 series MCUs include differentiated product features, such as an NFC communication interface, programmable logical unit (PLU), mutual capacitive touch, switch matrix for flexible configuration, patent-approved SCTimer/PWM, and more – including a comprehensive enablement offering to help you get to market faster. LPC80x 15 MHz|Arm Cortex-M0+|32-bit Microcontrollers (MCUs)|NXP  Webinar series are now available for on-demand viewing, you can get access to the webinars by clicking on the following links:   (5/31) Part I: Thinking about migrating from 8-bit? Wait no longer - LPC80x MCUs are your 32-bit answer! Learn more about the LPC80x MCU family, discover the features, target applications, tools, software and how to get started right away with your 32-bit design.   (6/07) Part II: Creative ways to leverage the LPC804 MCU’s integrated programmable logic feature Continuing its history of innovation in MCUs, NXP introduces a programmable logic unit (PLU) to the LPC family for the first time with the LPC804 MCU. We'll show you how easy it is set up the PLU as we will explore several real-world examples of the challenges many face, but can be overcome with this unique feature.   (6/14) Part III: Get started fast with this comprehensive enablement offering for LPC800 MCUs In May 2018, NXP expanded the MCUXpresso suite of software and tools to include full support for the LPC800 MCU family. Learn about the MCUXpresso IDE, configuration tools and SDK support that is now available for the most cost-effective and compelling family of Arm-based 8-bit replacement microcontrollers available.   (6/21) Part IV: Got NFC? LPC8N04 does - Learn how to leverage this unique feature in your next design? Learn more about the LPC8N04 MCU, its features, and how to get started with NFC quickly by leveraging the available development   Presentations for the webinars are also available now!
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The documentation discusses how to generate phase-shift PWM signals based on SCTimer/PWM module, the code is developed based on MCUXpresso IDE version 10.3 and LPCXpresso5411x board. The LPC family has SCTimer/PWM module and CTimer modules, both of them can generate PWM signals, but only the SCTimer/PWM module  can generate phase-shift PWM signals. In the code, only the match registers are used to generate events, I/O signals are not used.  The match0 register is set up as (SystemCoreClock/100), which determines the PWM signal frequency. The the match1 register is set up as 0x00, which generate event1. The the match2 register is set up as (SystemCoreClock/100)/2;, which generate event2. The duty cycle is (SystemCoreClock/100)/2-0x00= (SystemCoreClock/100)/2, which is 50% duty cycle, the cycle time is (SystemCoreClock/100). The event1 sets the SCT0_OUT1, event2 clears the SCT0_OUT1, so SCT0_OUT1 has 50% duty cycle. The the match3 register is set up as (SystemCoreClock/100)/4;, which generate even3. The the match4 register is set up as 3*(SystemCoreClock/100)/4, which generate event4. The duty cycle is 3*(SystemCoreClock/100)/4  -  (SystemCoreClock/100)/4= (SystemCoreClock/100)/2, which is 50% duty cycle. The event3 sets the SCT0_OUT2, event4 clears the SCT0_OUT2, so SCT0_OUT2 has 50% duty cycle. The phase shift is (SystemCoreClock/100)/4 - 0x00= (SystemCoreClock/100)/4, which corresponds 90 degree phase shift. PWM initilization code: //The SCT0_OUT1 can output PWM signal with 50 duty cycle from PIO0_8 pin //The SCT_OUT2 can output PWM signal with 50 duty cycle fron PIO0_9 pin //The SCT0_OUT1 and SCT0_OUT2 PWM signal has 90 degree phase shift. void SCT0_PWM(void) {     SYSCON->AHBCLKCTRL[1]|=(1<<2); //SET SCT0 bit     SCT0->CONFIG = (1 << 0) | (1 << 17); // unified 32-bit timer, auto limit     SCT0->SCTMATCHREL[0] = SystemCoreClock/100; // match 0 @ 100 Hz = 10 msec     SCT0->EVENT[0].STATE = 0xFFFFFFFF; // event 0 happens in all states     //set event1     SCT0->SCTMATCHREL[1]=0x00;     SCT0->EVENT[1].STATE = 0xFFFFFFFF; // event 1 happens in all states     SCT0->EVENT[1].CTRL = (1 << 12)|(1<<0); // match 1 condition only     //set event2     SCT0->SCTMATCHREL[2]=(SystemCoreClock/100)/2;     SCT0->EVENT[2].STATE = 0xFFFFFFFF; // event 2 happens in all states     SCT0->EVENT[2].CTRL = (1 << 12)|(2<<0); // match 2 condition only     //set event3     SCT0->SCTMATCHREL[3]=(SystemCoreClock/100)/4;     SCT0->EVENT[3].STATE = 0xFFFFFFFF; // event 3 happens in all states     SCT0->EVENT[3].CTRL = (1 << 12)|(3<<0); // match 3 condition only     //set event4     SCT0->SCTMATCHREL[4]=3*(SystemCoreClock/100)/4;     SCT0->EVENT[4].STATE = 0xFFFFFFFF; // event 4 happens in all states     SCT0->EVENT[4].CTRL = (1 << 12)|(4<<0); // match 4 condition only     //PWM output1 signal     SCT0->OUT[1].SET = (1 << 1); // event 1 will set SCT1_OUT0     SCT0->OUT[1].CLR = (1 << 2); // event 2 will clear SCT1_OUT0     SCT0->RES |= (3 << 2); // output 0 toggles on conflict     //PWM output2 signal     SCT0->OUT[2].SET = (1 << 3); // event 3 will set SCT1_OUT0     SCT0->OUT[2].CLR = (1 << 4); // event 4 will clear SCT1_OUT0     SCT0->RES = (3 << 4); // output 0 toggles on conflict     //PWM start     SCT0->CTRL &= ~(1 << 2); // unhalt by clearing bit 2 of the CTRL } Pin initialization code: //PIO0_8 PIO0_8 FC2_RXD_SDA_MOSI SCT0_OUT1 CTIMER0_MAT3 //PIO0_9 PIO0_9 FC2_TXD_SCL_MISO SCT0_OUT2 CTIMER3_CAP0 - FC3_CTS_SDA_SSEL0 void SCTimerPinInit(void) {     //Enable the     SCTimer clock     SYSCON->AHBCLKCTRL[0]|=(1<<13); //set IOCON bit     //SCTimer pin assignment     IOCON->PIO[0][8]=0x182;     IOCON->PIO[0][9]=0x182;     IOCON->PIO[0][10]=0x182; } Main Code: #include <stdio.h> #include "board.h" #include "peripherals.h" #include "pin_mux.h" #include "clock_config.h" #include "LPC54114_cm4.h" void SCT0_Init(void); void SCTimerPinInit(void); void P1_9_GPIO(void); void SCT0_PWM(void); int main(void) {       /* Init board hardware. */     BOARD_InitBootPins();     BOARD_InitBootClocks();     BOARD_InitBootPeripherals();     printf("Hello World\n");    // SCT0_Init();    // P1_9_GPIO();     SCTimerPinInit();     SCT0_PWM();     /* Force the counter to be placed into memory. */     volatile static int i = 0 ;     /* Enter an infinite loop, just incrementing a counter. */     while(1) {         i++ ;     }     return 0 ; } The Yellow channel is PIO0_8 pin output signal, which is SCT0_OUT1 PWM output signal. The Bule channel is PIO0_9 pin output signal, which is SCT0_OUT2 PWM output signal.
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The following document contains a list of documents, questions and discussions that are relevant in the community based on the amount of views they are receiving each month. If you are having a problem, doubt or getting started in LPC or MCUXpresso you should check the following links to see if your doubt have been already solved in the following documents and discussions. MCUXpresso MCUXpresso Supported Devices Table  FAQ: MCUXpresso Software and Tools  How to create a new LPC project using LPCOpen and MCUXpresso IDE  Introducing MCUXpresso SDK v.2 for LPC54xxx Series  Generating a downloadable MCUXpresso SDK v.2 package  Using the MCUXpresso Pins Tool   MCUXpresso Config Tools is now available!   LPC55xx Multicore Applications with MCUXpresso IDE  LPC information LPC5460x MCU Family Overview  USB with NXP Microcontrollers LWIP memory requirements  LPC800 Four-Part Webinar Series!  The LPC804 Programmable Logic Unit (PLU)   LPC84x Technical Training - Now Available Guides and Examples Flashing and Installing the new firmware and drivers for LPC11U35 debug probes  Enabling debug output  USB FLASH download, programming, and security tool (DFUSec)  DMA Ping-Pong application  Getting start with LPCXpresso54608 &amp; emWin Graphics;  Capacitive Touch example using the LPC845 Breakout Board  OLED Display Application Example using LPC845 Breakout Board and SPI  Mixed-Signal Logic Analyzer &amp; Oscilloscope (Lab Tool) Solution  LPC FAQ How to calculate the value of crystal load capacitors? Can I send a message with X/Y/Z bits in the ID?  What is the difference between error active and error passive? What is the sample point for?  How can I verify the configured CAN bitrate, using an oscilloscope? 
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This article introduces how to create a custom board MCUXpresso SDK and how to use it, mainly includes three parts: Part1: Generating a Board Support Configuration (.mex) Part2: Create a Custom Board SDK Using the Board SDK Wizard Part3. Using the Custom SDK to Create a New Project   Requirements: MCUXpresso IDE v11.1.1, MCUXpresso SDK for LPC845, LPC845-BRK board. This method works for all NXP mcu which support by MCUXpresso SDK. About detail steps, please refer to attachment. Thanks!
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Do you want to know more about one of our hottest products in the LPC800 series portfolio? Take a look at this technical presentation featuring the LPC84x MCU family. Based on the Arm Cortex-M0+ core, the LPC84x Family of MCUs is a low-cost, 32-bit MCU operating at frequencies of up to 30 MHz. The LPC84x MCU family supports of up to 64 KB of flash memory and 16 KB of SRAM. In addition, to make things easier, the LPC800 series McUs are supported by our free example code bundles and now, they're also supported by the MCUXpresso Software Develpment Kit (SDK).  Fig 1. LPC84x MCU Family Block Diagram
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Hello Community! This document is provided as a hands-on lab guide.  The intent of the lab is to demonstrate how to program and use the LPC8N04 development board by using the LPC8N04 board support package demo application and make use of the read, write and energy harvesting capabilities of the NFC tag. Setup The following items are needed to complete the lab: Software: •    LPC8N04 Board Support Package MCUXpresso, can be downloaded at this link: https://www.nxp.com/downloads/en/lab-test-software/LPC8N04-MCUXpresso-BSP.zip •    MCUXpresso IDE version 10.2.1, can be installed from here: https://www.nxp.com/mcuxpresso/ide •    LPC8N04 NFC Demo Android application, can be installed at the link below: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nxp.lpc8nxxnfcdemo   Hardware: •    LPC8N04 Development Board for LPC8N04 MCU (OM40002): https://www.nxp.com/products/processors-and-microcontrollers/arm-based-processors-and-mcus/lpc-cortex-m-mcus/lpc800-series-cortex-m0-plus-mcus/lpc8n04-development-board-for-lpc8n04-mcu:OM40002 •    Android Phone with NFC •    1 Micro USB cable   Hope this guide is helpful! Any comments are welcome.   Best Regards, Carlos Mendoza Technical Support Engineer
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Hello Community! This document is provided as a hands-on lab guide.  The intent of the lab is to demonstrate how to program the LPCXpresso804 board with the MCUXpresso IDE making use of the SDK examples and the PLU module drivers. The PLU configuration tool will be used to create a new schematic design that will be programmed to the PLU. Setup The following items need to be installed on your computer to complete the lab: Software: •    SDK_2.4.1_LPCXpresso804: -    Copy link into browser: https://mcuxpresso.nxp.com/en/select?device=LPCXpresso804 -    Select ‘MCUXpresso IDE’ or ‘All Toolchains’ in the Toolchain IDE drop-down -    Select ‘Download SDK’ •    MCUXpresso IDE version 10.2.1: -    Can be installed at following link: https://www.nxp.com/mcuxpresso/ide •    PLU configuration tool -    Can be installed at this link: https://www.nxp.com/products/processors-and-microcontrollers/arm-based-processors-and-mcus/i.mx-applications-processors/i.mx-rt-series/i.mx-rt1060-crossover-processor-with-arm-cortex-m7-core:i.MX-RT1060?tab=Design_Tools_Tab   Hardware: •    LPCXpresso804 Development Board (OM40001): https://www.nxp.com/support/developer-resources/evaluation-and-development-boards/lpcxpresso-boards/lpcxpresso804-for-the-lpc804-family-of-mcus:OM40001?tab=Design_Tools_Tab •    PLU Shield Board •    1 Micro USB cable Hope this guide is helpful! Any comments are welcome. Best Regards, Carlos Mendoza Technical Support Engineer
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Continuously reducing the power consumption of integrated circuits is a constant topic in the development of integrated circuits. Reduced power consumption helps save power, extend standby time and reduce product heat, etc. Needless to say, low power consumption has become one of the important factors to measure product performance.   We usually recommend customers to refer MCUXpresso SDK power_mode_switch_lpc demo as low power design reference code. With this demo, customers can use serial terminal to control MCU to enter four low power consumption modes:Sleep mode,Deep Sleep mode,Power Down mode and deep power down mode. Meanwhile, user can also choose a variety of wake-up methods to wake up MCU through UART command.   However, when customers take use of power_mode_switch_lpc demo to measure lower power static characteristics, they find discrepancies with data sheet. Take example with LPCXpresso845MAX board. In power down mode, the demo board current reaches to around 100uA in debug mode. But data sheet states the typical current value is 1.5uA, no more than 10uA (see the Table below). Where is the problem? The purpose of the power_mode_switch_lpc demo is to demonstrate several low power modes and multiple wake-up methods to customers. We can’t get similar low power current value with default demo board as spec shows, but let's walk through a step-by-step demonstration and modify the routine to get the data sheet values.   LAB ENVIRONMENT: Demo Board: LPCXpresso845MAX SDK: SDK_2.11.0_LPCXpresso845MAX Demo Code: power_mode_switch_lpc IDE:MCUXpresso IDE v11.5.0   STEP: 1. Download power_mode_switch_lpc to LPC845 development board and run it. The serial port selects low power mode, press (SW2 button) to wake up. The program runs into power down mode, with debugger connected, the measured Idd is 99.5uA To enter low power mode, the following code is used: POWER_EnterPowerDown(DEMO_ACTIVE_IN_DEEPSLEEP); In order to wake up, parameter DEMO_ACTIVE_IN_DEEPSLEEP is configured with PDSLEEPCFG. BOD and watchdog oscillator power domains are turned on. All these setting results in potential current loss, causing power supply current higher than expectation.   2. In this step, we will remove wakeup initialization code // DEMO_InitWkt(); Replace this line of code //POWER_EnterPowerDown(DEMO_ACTIVE_IN_DEEPSLEEP); //enter power down mode with BOD and watchdog osc with POWER_EnterPowerDown(0); //power down BOD and watchdog osc   The modification is to turn off BOD power domain and watchdog clock in power down mode, compile and download the code again and enter the power down mode. At this time, the measured Idd is 57.3uA   In this way, Idd is significantly reduced. However, 57.3uA is still far from the typical value of 1.5uA stated in the data sheet. This is due to MCU debug power domain is turned on by IDE debugger, which leads to extra current consumption.  3. Thus we disconnect debugger and let the development board work in stand-alone mode (power off and re-power on). After power on, LPC is in power down mode. At this time, the measured Idd is 1.4uA. This is quite similar as the current value in datasheet. Consider GPIO configuration: The spec data shown in datasheet are tested under a dedicated test board with almost no external peripheral devices, and unused pins are basically in a floating state. For custom board or  LPCXpresso804 EVK. Some of its IO pins have external pull-up resistors and LEDs. If the GPIO is configured to output low power, the small light will be lit, resulting in additional power consumption. So we configure all pins as pull-up inputs for low power measurement.   Consider package: The test is based on LPCXpresso845MAX equipped LPC845 64pin package. It also applies to LPC845 48pin package. 33 package doesn't have VDDA pin. Due to VDD and VDDA pin design are not exactly the same as other package, for instance, 33pin low power consumption in power down mode is slightly higher than 64/48pin, but no more than 10uA as our spec in DS. Summary: Low power current parameters of the data sheet are measured with all MCU oscillators and analog domains off. Besides, reasonable configuration of GPIO can further reduce MCU power consumption. Before entering the low power consumption mode, it is recommended to set the unused GPIO as a pull-up input according to the actual situation (It can also be set to output low when the pin is floating). In applications with high requirements for low power consumption, users need to carefully optimize the code design to obtain the best low power consumption design.
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This is a quick introduction that shows how to interface a popular GPS module to the LPC845 Breakout Board using the UART drivers from the MCUXpresso SDK. This example reads and parses GPS data from the module when the user button is pressed and outputs the information to a host computer console via the board's VCOM interface.    UART Protocol The UART function uses two TPU channels to provide a 2-wire (TxD and RxD) asynchronous serial interface. One TPU channel is configured to function as the serial transmitter (TxD), and another TPU channel is configured to function as a serial receiver (RxD).    Adafruit Flora Wearable GPS The module used for this example is built around the MTK3339 chipset, a no-nonsense, high-quality GPS module that can track up to 22 satellites on 66 channels, has an excellent high-sensitivity receiver. It can do up to 10 location updates a second for high speed, high sensitivity logging or tracking. Power usage is very low, only 20 mA during navigation. Adafruit took this module and mounted it on one of their super-compact Flora boards, which are very easy to connect up to the LPC845 Breakout:     Figure 1. Flora Wearable GPS.   GPS Module Example NXP provides example packages that include projects to use the principal's peripherals that the board include: ADC, I2C, PWM, USART, Captouch, and SPI.   What we need: LPC845 Breakout Board MCUXpresso IDE V10.3.0 SDK_2.5.0_LPC845 NXP example packages Adafruit Flora Wearable GPS Micro USB cable   Once downloaded, we import the library project into the workspace using the ''Import project(s) from file system... from the Quickstart panel in MCUXpresso IDE:     Figure 2. Import projects   Then browse the examples packages archive file:     Figure 3. Select Example package.   Press next, and see that are a selection of projects to import, in this case, only keep select the LPC845_BoB_GPS how it looks in the picture below:     Figure 4. Select GPS project   Connections Now, with the project already in the workspace is time to set up the connection between the LPC845 Breakout board and the GPS module, as shown in the table below:     Table 1. LPC845 to GPS module.   The Flora module has the signals clearly printed on their silkscreen which really helps .     Figure 5. LPC845 Breakout Board to GPS module connections.   Once the connections are made, its time to build and run the example code, use the build and debug button inside the IDE. Now open a terminal program and connect to the COM port the board enumerated as. Configure the terminal with these settings:  115200 baud rate.   No parity.  8 data bits  1 stop bit   Place the GPS module outside. Once the GPS has located the satellite data, the red LED on the GPS will stop blinking. If you see the LED blinking once a second, it does not yet have a fix! It can take many minutes to get a fix if the module sees any satellites immediately. Once it has a fix, press the user button (K1) to display the GPS data in the serial monitor, which includes the current date and time in UTC. It will also give you your latitude, longitude and approximate altitude with the Serial monitor. Figure 6. GPS Print Out.
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In newer version of LPC Boot ROM , checksum is added in location 7 ( offset 0x0000001C in vector table ) of Boot ROM. For some LPC device, for example LPC8N04, older Boot ROM version 0.12 (equipped in Rev B board) doesn’t contain checksum but newer version 0.14( equipped in Rev C board ) adds it. Boot ROM checksum is a criteria for valid user code. Bootloader can jump to user code only when detects checksum value correct. Otherwise, it stays at boot code.   Scenario: User may have this annoying problem: the program runs well if download code to LPC flash with debugger. However power off and on again, the code won’t run any more. If you also experience same in field, you may consider the possibility of Boot ROM checksum failed. This document tells how overcome this problem. 1. calculate checksum value by hand 2. calculate checksum value with Keil elfdwt.exe For detail, see attached article.
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This article mainly introduces how to config CTIMER match 3 trigger ADC in LPC804, includes how to config related registers, and the code under SDK. Other LPC serials, also can refer to this DOC. 1.How To Configure ADC Part. 2.How to Configure CTIMER Part 3.Project Basic Information 4.Reference   Project is attached, it base on MCUXpresso IDE v11.1.1,  LPCXpresso804 board.  
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Recently, customers reported that the number of PWM generated by SCTimer module was inconsistent between LPC55s06 user manual and data sheet. There are many kinds of PWM generation formats, so the maximum number of PWM generated by SCTimer is also different. I think the user manual and data sheet are not very clear, so this paper makes a specific analysis. It mainly depends on SCTimer resources, such as the number of events and output channels. For all LPC series, the mechanism of SCTimer generating PWM is the same. Therefore, this paper takes LPC55s6 as an example. LPC55s06 user manual: The SCTimer/PWM supports: – Eight inputs. – Ten outputs. – Sixteen match/capture registers. – Sixteen events. – Thirty two states. According to the different control modes of generating PWM wave, this paper is divided into single-edge PWM control, dual-edge PWM control and center-aligned PWM control. 1. Single-edge PWM control The figure below shows two single-edge control PWM waves with different duty cycles and the same PWM cycle length.   It can be seen from the above figure that the two PWM waves require three events: when the counter reaches 41, 65 and 100 respectively. Because of the same PWM cycle length, all PWM outputs need only one period event. Summary: The cycle length of all PWM waves are the same, so only one period event is required. The duty cycles of each PWM are different, and each PWM requires an event. The SCTimer of LPC55s06 has 16 events, one is used as PWM period event, and there are 15 left. Theoretically, 15 channels of PWM can be generated. However, LPC55s06 has only 10 outputs, so it can generate up to 10 single-edge control PWM waves. 2. Dual-edge PWM control The figure below shows three Dual-edge control PWM waves with different duty cycles and the same PWM cycle length.   It can be seen from the above figure that the three PWM waves require seven events: when the counter reaches 1, 27, 41, 53, 65, 78, 100.  Summary: PWM cycle length control needs one event, and each PWM duty cycle needs two events to trigger. The SCTimer of LPC55s06 has 16 events, one as PWM frequency event, and the remaining 15, so it can generate up to 7 dual-edge control PWM waves. 3. Center-aligned PWM control Center-aligned PWM control is a special case of dual-edge PWM control. The figure below shows two center-aligned PWM waves with different duty cycles and the same PWM duty length.   It can be seen from the above figure that the two center-aligned PWM waves need three events in total, which are the PWM cycle length and the duty cycle trigger of the two PWM waves. Because the left and right are symmetrical, only one event is needed to control the duty cycle of one PWM. Summary: All PWM have the same cycle length, so an event is required. The duty cycle of each PWM circuit is different, but the left and right are symmetrical, and an event trigger is required for each circuit. The SCTimer of LPC55s06 has 16 events, one is used as PWM cycle length, and there are 15 left. Theoretically, 15 channels of PWM can be generated, but LPC55s06 has only 10 outputs, so it can generate up to 10 channels of unilateral control PWM wave. Summary:   Maximum number of PWM generated by LPC55s6 SCTimer: Single-edge PWM control: 10 Dual-edge PWM control: 7 Center-aligned control: 10   The number of SCTimer events and output channels is different with different chips, but the analysis method is the same. Customers can analyze whether the SCTimer in a certain chip meets the requirements.
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For the LPC8xx family, the peripheral module input or output signals are not connected to external pads fixedly as most processor does . With SWM module, the peripheral module input or output signals can be routed to any external GPIO pins via software configuration There is special requirement that one peripheral output signal functions as the input signal of another peripheral, in the case, the peripheral output signal and the peripheral input signal can be routed to the same pad via SWM so that the input and output signals are connected internally without external cable. The LPC802 has ACOMP module, CTimer module and SWM module, per customer requirement, the ACOMP output signal and CTimer0 capture 0 input signal can be routed to the same GPIO pin without external connection so that the ACOMP output signal can trigger CTimer0 capture 0 event internally. In the doc, I give the code to configure the CTimer, ACOMP and the SWM, explain the configuration,introduce the tools, board and result.  
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LPCXpresso804 board has a on-board debugger developed with LPC11U35. Old batches of the board uses the old firmware for LPC11U35 debugger. The old firmware has some issues such as that when you send a string through the debug COM port the LPC804 only can receive the first byte. The solution is easy. We can download the newest firmware for LPC11U35 and update the firmware for LPC11U35. Download the fimware. The firmware and driver can be download from this link. Update the firmware.(Details can be found in UM11083: User Manual for LPCXpresso804 Board) Hold down the reset button and keep it held down while applying power to the board. Release reset. Using File Explorer (or equivalent on Mac/Linux platforms), look at the available drives on your system. A device called CRP_DISABLED will appear. Delete the firmware.bin file on the CRP_DISABLED drive. Drag and drop the firmware.bin file you downloaded from nxp.com on to the CRP_DISABLED drive. Re-power the board. The board should now enumerate on your system - allow 20-30 seconds for this to complete.
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[中文翻译版] 见附件   原文链接: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-341477
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[中文翻译版] 见附件 原文链接: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-342406
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