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Kinetis Microcontrollers Knowledge Base


最近搞了一个基于TWR-K20D50M的的USB MSD device bootloader, 可以打开文件夹CW中的K20D5下的.project来查看。 在原始的MSD的基础上移植了FAT过来。 其他IAR和Kinetis的其他chip没有测试,如果需要使用,一个是新增相关头文件,二是在bootloader.h中修改相应的MCU_K20D50M定义下的flash及ram配置
  对于 Kinetis 芯片来说,发生在工程师调试,小批及量产阶段都经常发生的一个问题就是Kinetis Lock(锁住),尤其是在刚用这个芯片设计及小批的客户身上,这个错误几乎都会遇 到。附件中的文档将对这个问题作出详细的讨论。
Hello all,      So, this time there is a query on implementing IRDA communication by bit banging the GPIOs. So, I come up with an experiment to do so. Before that, why bit banging when KE02 supports IR communication right away by using FTM at TX and ACMP at RX? something similar to this Implementing infrared functions on UART0 with FRDM-KE02Z platform.        The answer lies in the waveform attached. In the code from the above discussion, the PWM modulation is performed on FTM channel for transmission, while the communication that customer required was different and the waveform required is the one attached.                                                                                           Note that the IRDA transmitter on FRDM-KE02Z is connected to UART0. But, in the attached code, UART0 is not configured for IRDA_TX. while ACMP is used for RX.      This post is intended to be a reference to those who want to implement IRDA with 3/16th bit width by bit banging.      Here is the schematic snapshot of the FRDM-KE02.   There are 2 sets of codes attached. 1. FRDM_KE02_singleboard_IRDA_BITBANGING_TX_RX - IRDA on a single board. 2. FRDM_KE02_interboard_IRDA_BITBANGING_TX_RX - IRDA between 2 boards.   To run a single board demo, the orientation of IRDA Transmitter and IRDA receiver is already taken care as both are on the same board. But, to run the second demo, the orientation is supposed to be something like this.   Both the demos are configured for 9600baud to communicate with PC. And the IRDA communication is at 2400baud.      The figure in page 13 of this document is referred while development.                                                                            Transmission - 1. The bit width is calculated depending on the required IRDA baud and PIT1 modulo is adjusted accordingly. There are 3 MOD values initialized one after the other to generate required IR frame. 2. The data to be transmitted is sent over the HyperTerminal @ 9600baud. This data is accordingly transmitted on PTB1.      The green waveform in the below oscilloscope snap is the IR frame from the above picture. The data being sent is 'e', the hex value of which is 0x65 which can be made out from the waveform. 0x65 is 0xa6 in reverse since LSB is sent out first in the IRDA protocol[The first logic high is the start bit. In IRDA transmission, logic low is data '1' and logic high is data '0'].                                                                                      Reception - 1. ACMP0 is configured to generate interrupts on either the rising edge or the falling edge. 2. The falling edge of the start bit triggers ACMP. 3. The logic received on PTA1 is decoded to arrive at the received data. 4. The falling edge on ACMP channel decides logic 0 and the PIT0 interrupt decides the logic 1.      The below waveform is the one probed at PTA1.                                                                     Thanks, Pramod TM
为了提高我们FAE对客户支持的效率,我们有必要将我们在客户支持过程中遇到的问题和解决方法以FAQ的形式列出来,方便大家查阅和参考。FAQ的形式比较灵活,大家可以以简单问答的形式言简意赅的描述,也可以是参考文章的链接,众人拾柴火焰高,希望大家能多收集问题并及时更新到该帖子中。 版本更新说明: Version 22: Rename "软件和例程" with "软件和文档", Add "常用的应用笔记" into "软件和文档" list; Version 20, 21: Remove "WIFI" solution, Add "SPI接口读写SD卡"; Version 19: Replace "iBeacon" with "BLE"; More version informations, please go to "Kinetis M0+ FAQ 版本更新历史" FAQ使用规范 1.FAQ Notes(Internal Use Only) 芯片选型 1.Kinetis L、E、V、W、M系列选型指南 软硬件开发环境 1.调试工具 2.量产工具 3.开源工具 4.IDE开发环境 5.开发板 硬件设计 1.电路设计注意事项 软件和文档 1.外设模块相关 2.Kinetis SDK 3.Kinetis Bootloader 4. 常用的应用笔记​ 参考设计及解决方案 1.Wireless Charging 2.Motor Control 3.BLE​ 4.M0+ 与Android手机通讯(基于AOAP协议) 5.SPI接口读写SD卡​ 常用网站资料 1.Amobbs(阿莫电子技术论坛) 2.与非网飞思卡尔技术社区 3.21IC飞思卡尔论坛 4.苏州大学教材光盘资料下载区 5.针对飞思卡尔单片机的快速上手指南 6.飞思卡尔MAPS开发板资料​ 7.FAE Technical Blogs​
Here you can find the code and project files for the GPIO example, in this example the 3 colors of the RGB led are turned on sequentially when the SW2 push button is pressed, the led pin definition is shared throughout all the freedom platforms. The wait function can be defined in seconds, miliseconds or microseconds. Code: #include "mbed.h" //Delay declared in seconds /*GPIO declaration*/ DigitalOut Red(LED1);         DigitalOut Green(LED2); DigitalOut Blue(LED3); DigitalIn sw2(SW2); int main() {     /*Leds OFF*/     Red=1;     Green=1;     Blue=1;         while(1)     {         if(sw2==0)         {             Red = 0;             wait(.2);             Red = 1;             wait(1);                                Green=0;             wait(.2);             Green=1;             wait(1);                         Blue=0;             wait(.2);             Blue=1;             wait(1);         }     } }
CONVOCATORIA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Convoca al primer concurso de proyectos “Kinetis L MCU Challenge México” “Kinetis L MCU Challenge México” es una competencia de proyectos tecnológicos basado en la herramienta de desarrollo Kinetis Freedom en la cual el participante construye una aplicación alineada a una de las futuras tres tendencias Salud y Seguridad, Efecto Net o Going Green. Los proyectos finalistas serán presentados durante la final del Freescale Cup 2013 el día 7 de Diciembre, a las 9:00hrs en el Centro de Congresos del Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Guadalajara.  Si resultas ganador, viajarás con todos los gastos pagados al Freescale Technology Forum (FTF) en Dallas, Texas. ¿Cómo puedo participar? Regístrate en Kinetis Challenge antes del 15 de Noviembre de 2013 Crea una aplicación utilizando la herramienta de desarrollo Freedom (en caso de no contar con ella, puedes adquirirla a través de Element 14 (entrega al siguiente día laborable), Mouser (entrega en 4 semanas), o Digikey (entrega de 3 a 5 días hábiles) . Tienes hasta el 15 de Noviembre para subir la información de tu aplicación a la comunidad de Freescale (es necesario hacer log in con tu cuenta en😞 Nombre de la aplicación 1 párrafo descriptivo de la aplicación Un video descriptivo de hasta 2 minutos El código fuente en formato .zip Subir el proyecto como documento en la sección de Kinetis Microcontrollers en el siguiente formato: El proyecto deberá contener el tag: "Kinetis L MCU Challenge México" para ser identificado como proyecto participante del concurso. Freescale seleccionará 10 proyectos finalistas basándose en los criterios descritos en la convocatoria. Éstos se presentarán en el evento Freescale Cup 2013 el próximo 7 de Diciembre de 2013. Para conocer a los finalistas ingresa aquí. El proyecto ganador, será elegido durante el evento Freescale Cup 2013 por los asistentes al evento, a través de la comunidad Freescale y redes sociales, basándose en los criterios descritos en la convocatoria. El anuncio del proyecto ganador y la entrega de certificados será el  día del evento. La elección del ganador está en tus manos, sigue las instrucciones aquí. ¡Descubre quién es el ganador aquí! Links de interés: Acerca de Otros Recursos Registro Freedom Development Platform Ejemplos de proyectos con Kinetis FRDM-KL25Z Compra de FRDM-KL25Z en Element14 Kinetis L Microcontrollers Compra de FRDM-KL25Z en Mouser Freescale Cup 2013 Compra de FRDM-KL25Z en Digikey FTF Americas 2014 Cómo subir tu proyecto
       RSA is a major cryptosystem in the public key cryptography. It is wildly used nowadays.  But why are we interested in elliptic    curve cryptography?   1. The smaller parameters can be used in elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) than with  RSA systems at a given security level.       2. In particular, private-key operations (such as signature generation and decryption) for ECC are many times more efficient        than RSA private-key operations.     3. Public-key operations (such as signature verification and encryption) for ECC are more efficient than RSA if a  bigger       encryption exponent e is selected for RSA.           The advantages offered by ECC can be important in environments where processing     power, storage, bandwidth, or power consumption is constrained.              KL26Z MCU is 48 MHz ARM Cortex-M0+ core, there are only 128K ROM and 16K RAM on chip. When you want to use the    public key cryptography, the elliptic curve cryptography may be a good choice for this low cost MCU.        This example implements a simple ECC certification from PC to USB.  After certification,     USB can get encrypted data from PC and decrypt these data to plain text.   KL26-Freedom : 1.   Open the porject file at folder kecc/build/cw/KECC/kl26_ecc/test   2.  Build the image and flush it with OpenSDA.   3. Open the Tera Term and start running image on KL26Z     PC running environment:     1. Install  these packets on PC:         python-2.7.3.msi, pycrypto-2.6.win32-py2.7.exe, pyserial-2.7.win32.exe and pywin32-219.win32-py2.7         2. Connect USB cable to KL26Z Freedom and install the CDC driver with       Freescale_CDC_Driver_Kinetis.inf driver     3. Open the application folder and run the                 4. If USB admits  PC certification message, then PC can put encrypted data to USB.               This  demo only tested on WIN7 64bit. IF you can't open the CDC port, you need reset the KL26Z freedom board and restart the     This ECC demo uses a library including some security toolkits for ECC certification.     1. Signature and verify : ECDSA     2. Key exchanging         :ECCRYPT    3.  Digest                         : SHA1    4. Symmetric   cipher     : AES and base64      All tools and codes are in following Original Attachment has been moved to:
The documentation is only for eFlexPWM module of KV58, it describes the feature of nano-edge PWM, the mechanism of nano-edge PWM, and give the waveform which can describe the feature of nano-edge PWM. The attachment includes the brief introduction of nano edge PWM, the waveform of nano edge PWM, and the code which runs on TWR-KV58 and KDS3.0. Original Attachment has been moved to: eFlexPWMNanoEdgeKV58_2.rar
Many customers reported that their ADC function works on FRDM-KL27Z board but meet issue on their own board. We need to pay attention to the difference between the ADC reference voltages of different packages (on board MKL27Z64VLH4 is 64LQFP package). This tip introduce the ADC Reference Options on KL17/KL27 32/36pin package Part number involved: 32-pins 36-pins MKL17Z32VFM4 MKL17Z32VDA4 MKL17Z64VFM4 MKL17Z64VDA4 MKL27Z32VFM4 MKL27Z32VDA4 MKL27Z64VFM4 MKL27Z64VDA4 PTE30/VREF_OUT- connected as the primary reference option on 36-pin and below packages VDDA/VSSA - connected as the VALT reference option   ADCx_SC2[REFSEL] selects the voltage reference source used for conversions.   About the primary reference option: When on-chip 1.2V VREF is enabled, PTE30 pin must be used as VREF_OUT and has to be configured as an analog input, such as ADC0_SE23 (PORTE_PCR30[MUX] = 000). Notice: this pin needs to connect a capacitor to ground.   PTE30 can also be used as an external reference voltage input as long as PTE30 is configured as analog input and VREF module is disabled. It means you can connect external reference voltage to PTE30 pin and use it as ADC reference voltage. (For example 3.3V) KL17P64M48SF2RM     Kinetis KL17: 48MHz Cortex-M0+ 32-64KB Flash (32-64pin) (REV 4.1) KL27P64M48SF2RM     Kinetis KL27: 48MHz Cortex-M0+ 32-64KB Flash (32-64pin) (REV 4.1)
The USB OTG module in Kinetis parts uses a Buffer Descriptor Table (BDT) in system memory to manage USB endpoint communications, the BDT is a a 512-byte buffer and there are 3 registers in USB module to contain the base address for it, and it must be 512-byte aligned otherwise there would be issue during transfer. In USB stack ver 4.1.1, some Kinetis old parts like K60N512, K20D72M have the demo project basked on CodeWarrior ARM compiler, and in khci_kinetis.c, bdt is defined as following: #define _BDT_RESERVED_SECTION_ #if(defined _BDT_RESERVED_SECTION_) #ifdef __CWCC__ #pragma define_section usb_bdt ".usb_bdt" RW __declspec(usb_bdt) uint_8_ptr bdt; but since the base address is defined as below: #define BDT_BASE               ((uint_32*)(bdt)) so the bdt definition is not correct , and we have to change it as below: #define _BDT_RESERVED_SECTION_ #if(defined _BDT_RESERVED_SECTION_) #ifdef __CWCC__ #pragma define_section usb_bdt ".usb_bdt" RW __declspec(usb_bdt) uint_8 bdt[512];//uint_8_ptr bdt; and the definition for usb_dbt section can be found in MK20X256_flash.lcf. with above modification, we can make the demo of "msd_mfs_generic" work well as expected. Please kindly refer to the following result got from TWR-K20D72M. FAT demo Waiting for USB mass storage to be attached... Mass Storage Device Attached ****************************************************************************** * FATfs DEMO * * Configuration:  LNF Enabled, Code page =1258 * ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** * DRIVER OPERATION * ****************************************************************************** 1. Demo function: f_mount   Initializing logical drive 0...   Initialization complete ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Demo functions:f_getfree, f_opendir, f_readdir getting drive 0 attributes............... Logical drive 0 attributes: FAT type = FAT16 Bytes/Cluster = 2048 Number of FATs = 2 Root DIR entries = 512 Sectors/FAT = 250 Number of clusters = 63858 FAT start (lba) = 36 DIR start (lba,clustor) = 536 Data start (lba) = 568 ... 127716 KB total disk space. 127624 KB available. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ****************************************************************************** * DRECTORY OPERATION * ****************************************************************************** 1. Demo functions:f_opendir, f_readdir Directory listing...     ----A 2014/04/16 17:25     32253  tek00000.png     ----A 2014/04/16 17:34     31451  tek00001.png     ----A 2014/07/04 14:57     20549  tek00002.png     DR--- 2010/12/25 23:30         0 DIRECT~1     D---- 2010/01/01 00:00         0 DIRECT~2 3    File(s),     84253 bytes total 2    Dir(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Demo functions:f_mkdir 2.0. Create <Directory_1> 2.1. Create <Directory_2> 2.2. Create <Sub1> as a sub directory of <Directory_1> 2.3. Directory list Directory listing...     ----A 2014/04/16 17:25     32253  tek00000.png     ----A 2014/04/16 17:34     31451  tek00001.png     ----A 2014/07/04 14:57     20549  tek00002.png     DR--- 2010/12/25 23:30         0 DIRECT~1     D---- 2010/01/01 00:00         0 DIRECT~2 3    File(s),     84253 bytes total 2    Dir(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Demo functions:f_getcwd, f_chdir 3.0. Get the current directory     CWD: 0:/ 3.1. Change current directory to <Directory_1> 3.2. Directory listing Directory listing...     D---- 2010/01/01 00:00         0  .     D---- 2010/01/01 00:00         0  ..     D---- 2010/01/01 00:00         0  sub1 0    File(s),         0 bytes total 3    Dir(s) 3.3. Get the current directory     CWD: 0:/Directory_1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Demo functions:f_stat(File status), f_chmod, f_utime 4.1. Get directory information of <Directory_1>     DR--- 2010/12/25 23:30         0 Directory_1 4.2  Change the timestamp of Directory_1 to 12.25.2010: 23h 30' 20 4.3. Set Read Only Attribute to Directory_1 4.4. Get directory information (Directory_1)     DR--- 2010/12/25 23:30         0 Directory_1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Demo functions:f_rename Rename <sub1> to <sub1_renamed> and move it to <Directory_2> Directory listing...     D---- 2010/01/01 00:00         0  .     D---- 2010/01/01 00:00         0  ..     D---A 2010/01/01 00:00         0 SUB1_R~1 0    File(s),         0 bytes total 3    Dir(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Demo functions:f_unlink Delete Directory_1/sub1_renamed Directory listing...     D---- 2010/01/01 00:00         0  .     D---- 2010/01/01 00:00         0  .. 0    File(s),         0 bytes total 2    Dir(s) ****************************************************************************** * FILE OPERATION * ****************************************************************************** 1. Demo functions:f_open,f_write, f_printf, f_putc, f_puts, fclose 1.0. Create new file <New_File_1> (f_open)     File size =    0 1.1. Write data to <New_File_1>(f_write) 1.2. Flush cached data     File size =   52 1.3. Write data to <New_File_1> (f_printf) 1.4. Flush cached data     File size =  103 1.5. Write data to <New_File_1> (f_puts) 1.6. Flush cached data     File size =  152 1.7. Write data to <New_File_1> uses f_putc function 1.8. Flush cached data     File size =  199 1.9. Close file <New_File_1> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Demo functions:f_open,f_read, f_seek, f_gets, f_close 2.0. Open <New_File_1> to read (f_open) 2.1. Get a string from file (f_gets)     Line 1: Write data to  file uses f_write function 2.2. Get the rest of file content (f_read)     Line 2: Write data to file uses f_printf function Line 3: Write data to file uses f_puts function Line 4: Write data to file uses f_putc functionûöF¬ â•:7Rz}™ yzjw8¸×áÀ—»ÃЭ¹òÍ­ ä‹Hïk¨Wã½c'     ²7këÞÑ%VrC×»Ô¼ÒSÈÑèR+NjD¡¾òû>ú3‰SËþo^ÎI Pë±ñ‰þ/Directory_1[1] 2.3. Close file (f_close) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Demo functions:f_stat, f_utime, f_chmod 3.1. Get  information of <New_File_1> file (f_stat)     ----A 2010/01/01 00:00       199  New_File_1.dat 3.2  Change the timestamp of Directory_1 to 12.25.2010: 23h 30' 20 (f_utime) 3.3. Set Read Only Attribute to <New_File_1> (f_chmod) 3.4. Get directory information of <New_File_1> (f_stat)     -R--A 2010/12/25 23:30       199  New_File_1.dat 3.5. Clear Read Only Attribute of <New_File_1> (f_chmod) 3.6. Get directory information of <New_File_1>     ----A 2010/12/25 23:30       199  New_File_1.dat ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Demo functions:f_ulink Rename <New_File_1.dat> to  <File_Renamed.txt> Directory listing...     D---- 2010/01/01 00:00         0  .     D---- 2010/01/01 00:00         0  ..     ----A 2010/12/25 23:30       199  FILE_R~1.TXT 1    File(s),       199 bytes total 2    Dir(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Demo functions:f_truncate Truncate file <File_Renamed.txt> 5.0. Open <File_Renamed.txt> to write 5.1. Seek file pointer     Current file pointer:    0     File pointer after seeking:  102 5.2. Truncate file     File size =  102 5.3. Close file ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Demo functions:f_forward 6.0. Open <File_Renamed.txt> to read 6.1. Forward file to terminal Line 1: Write data to  file uses f_write function Line 2: Write data to file uses f_printf function 6.2. Close file ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Demo functions:f_ulink Delete <File_Renamed.txt> Directory listing...     D---- 2010/01/01 00:00         0  .     D---- 2010/01/01 00:00         0  .. 0    File(s),         0 bytes total 2    Dir(s) *------------------------------ DEMO COMPLETED    ------------------------ * ******************************************************************************
Overview          KBOOT v2.0 had been released in the Q2 of the 2016 and it has a lot of new features versus the previous version. For instance, the USB peripheral can work as Mass Storage Class device mode now, not just only supports the HID interface. And in following, USB MSD Bootloader implementation will be illustrated. Preparation FRDM-K64F board Fig1 FRDM-K64F KBOOT v2.0 downloading: KBOOT v2.0 IDE: IAR v7.50 Application demo: KSDK v2.0   Flash-resident bootloader           The K64_120 doesn’t contain the ROM-based bootloader, so the flash-resident bootloader need to be programmed in the K64 and the flash-resident bootloader can be used to download and program an initial application image into a blank area on the flash, and to later update the application.         I. Open the the bootloader project, for instance, using the IAR and select the freedom_bootloader demo         The Fig 2 illustrates the bootloader project for K64 which resides in ~\NXP_Kinetis_Bootloader_2_0_0\NXP_Kinetis_Bootloade r_2_0_0\targets\MK64F12. Fig 2      II. After compiles the demo, then clicks the  button to program the demo to the K64 Linker file modification       According to the freedom_bootloader demo, the vector table relocation address of the application demo has been adapted to the 0xa000 (Table 1), however the default start address of the application is 0x0000_0000. So it’s necessary to modify the linker file to fit the freedom_bootloader and the Table 2 illustrates what the modifications are.                                                     Table 1 // The bootloader will check this address for the application vector table upon startup. #if !defined(BL_APP_VECTOR_TABLE_ADDRESS) #define BL_APP_VECTOR_TABLE_ADDRESS 0xa000 #endif                                                   Table 2 define symbol __ram_vector_table_size__ = isdefinedsymbol(__ram_vector_table__) ? 0x00000400 : 0; define symbol __ram_vector_table_offset__ = isdefinedsymbol(__ram_vector_table__) ? 0x000003FF : 0; //define symbol m_interrupts_start       = 0x00000000; //define symbol m_interrupts_end         = 0x000003FF; define symbol m_interrupts_start       = 0x0000a000; define symbol m_interrupts_end         = 0x0000a3FF; //define symbol m_flash_config_start     = 0x00000400; //define symbol m_flash_config_end       = 0x0000040F; define symbol m_flash_config_start     = 0x0000a400; define symbol m_flash_config_end       = 0x0000a40F; //define symbol m_text_start             = 0x00000410; define symbol m_text_start             = 0x0000a410; define symbol m_text_end               = 0x000FFFFF; define symbol m_interrupts_ram_start   = 0x1FFF0000; define symbol m_interrupts_ram_end     = 0x1FFF0000 + __ram_vector_table_offset__; define symbol m_data_start             = m_interrupts_ram_start + __ram_vector_table_size__; define symbol m_data_end               = 0x1FFFFFFF; define symbol m_data_2_start           = 0x20000000; define symbol m_data_2_end             = 0x2002FFFF; /* Sizes */ if (isdefinedsymbol(__stack_size__)) {   define symbol __size_cstack__        = __stack_size__; } else {   define symbol __size_cstack__        = 0x0400; } if (isdefinedsymbol(__heap_size__)) {   define symbol __size_heap__          = __heap_size__; } else {   define symbol __size_heap__          = 0x0400; } define exported symbol __VECTOR_TABLE  = m_interrupts_start; define exported symbol __VECTOR_RAM    = isdefinedsymbol(__ram_vector_table__) ? m_interrupts_ram_start : m_interrupts_start; define exported symbol __RAM_VECTOR_TABLE_SIZE = __ram_vector_table_size__; define memory mem with size = 4G; define region m_flash_config_region = mem:[from m_flash_config_start to m_flash_config_end]; define region TEXT_region = mem:[from m_interrupts_start to m_interrupts_end]                           | mem:[from m_text_start to m_text_end]; define region DATA_region = mem:[from m_data_start to m_data_end]                           | mem:[from m_data_2_start to m_data_2_end-__size_cstack__]; define region CSTACK_region = mem:[from m_data_2_end-__size_cstack__+1 to m_data_2_end]; define region m_interrupts_ram_region = mem:[from m_interrupts_ram_start to m_interrupts_ram_end]; define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __size_cstack__   { }; define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __size_heap__     { }; define block RW        { readwrite }; define block ZI        { zi }; initialize by copy { readwrite, section .textrw }; do not initialize  { section .noinit }; place at address mem: m_interrupts_start    { readonly section .intvec }; place in m_flash_config_region              { section FlashConfig }; place in TEXT_region                        { readonly }; place in DATA_region                        { block RW }; place in DATA_region                        { block ZI }; place in DATA_region                        { last block HEAP }; place in CSTACK_region                      { block CSTACK }; place in m_interrupts_ram_region            { section m_interrupts_ram }; SB file generation     I. Brief introduction of SB file         The Kinetis bootloader supports loading of the SB files. The SB file is a Freescale-defined boot file format designed to ease the boot process. The file is generated using the Freescale elftosb tool. The format supports loading of elf or srec files in a controlled manner, using boot commands such as load, jump, fill, erase, and so on. The boot commands are prescribed in the input command file (boot descriptor .bd) to the elftosb tool. The format also supports encryption of the boot image using AES-128 input key.          And right now, the USB MSD bootloader only support SB file drag and drop.    II. Generate the BIN file         After open the hello_world demo in the IAR, using project options dialog select the "Output Converter" and change the output format to "binary" for outputting .BIN format image (Fig 3). Next, build the application demo, then the .BIN file will be generated after the building completes. Fig 3      III. Create BD file There is a template BD file which resides in the ~\NXP_Kinetis_Bootloader_2_0_0\NXP_Kinetis_Bootloader_2_0_0\apps\led_demo\src. Next, adapt the BD file by referring to the Kinetis Elftosb User's Guide, the following table shows the BD file content.                                                    Table 3 sources {         # BIN File path         myBINFile = "hello_world.bin"; } section (0) {         #1. Erase the internal flash         erase 0x0000a000..0x0010000;         #2. Load BIN File to internal flash         load myBINFile > 0xa000;         #3. Reset target.         reset; }      IV.  SB file generation          After creating the BD file shown in the following figure, copy the "hello_world.bin", elftosb.exe, and the BD file into the same directory. Then, open the window with command prompt and invoke elftosb such as “elftosb –V –c –o”. The elftosb processes the file and generates an file. Elftosb also outputs the commands list as shown in Fig 4. Fig 4     V. Application code updating       Plug a USB cable from the PC to the USB connector J26 to power the board , then keep holding the button SW2 down until press and release the Reset button SW1, it can force the K64_120 enter the BOOTLOADER mode. Next, plug another USB cable from the PC to the USB connector J22 (Fig 5), the FSL Loader will come out after completes the enumeration and it will appear as a removable storage driver (Fig 6).  Copy & paste or drag & drop the to the FSL Loader drive to update the application code, and the Fig 7 illustrates the result of application code runs. Fig 5 Fig 6 Fig 7
The Multipurpose Clock Generator module explained by Ali Piña, Freescale TIC. MCG Module Explanation Connection Diagram Operation Modes Hands On Toggle a LED in FEI (FLL engaged Internal) switch to PEE (PLL Engaged External). Watch changes. Switch from different operation modes. El Módulo de MCG (Multipurpose Clock Generator) presentado por Ali Piña, Freescale TIC. Explicación del Modulo MCG. Diagrama de conexiones Modos de operación. Hands-On Togglear un LED en modo FEI (FLL engaged Internal) y cambiar a PEE(PLL Engaged External). Observar cambios. Moverse entre varios modos de operación
This years annual hacker security conference known as DEFCON used a couple of NXP devices for this years electronic badge. This document is to explain how to program the device and add extra components. The badge was developed by Grand Idea Studio, with engineering help from NXP, and this presentation has details about the development of the badge. I'm the NXP systems engineer that was helping people get started with reprogramming their badge at Defcon, and wanted to create something that gives all the details on how to do that yourself.  Full schematics and firmware source code can be found at:   The badge has these two NXP devices:  KL27  - MKL27Z64VDA4 - 48Mhz ARM Cortex M0+ microcontroller w/ 64KB flash (Datasheet and Reference Manual) NXH2261UK- Near Field Magnetic Induction (NFMI) chip for the wireless communication. Has a range on the badge of about 6 inches (15cm), but the technology can work a bit further. It's often found in high end headphones because BLE waves are disrupted by your head but these waves aren't. Also less power consumption. Using the serial port: There's a serial interface which prints out helpful information and there's some "secrets" available if you have a completely leveled up badge. It'll also be really helpful if you're writing new code to hack your badge for printf debugging. Note that you cannot program the board by default over the serial port. This particular chip doesn't support that, though some of our other chips do. It of course would be possible to write a serial bootloader for it, but that's definitely not beginner level. You'll need two pieces of hardware: 1) Header Pins 3) Serial-to-USB converter Header Pin: You can solder on a header to the PCB footprint. Because of the quartz, the leads would need to be flat on the PCB. A Harwin M20-8770442 will fit the footprint and is what was provided at the soldering village and what you see in the photos below. You could also try creating your own header.  Serial to USB Converter: Since almost no computer today comes with a serial port, a serial to USB converter dongle is needed. It'll have four pins: GND, Power, TX, and RX. The DEFCON badge runs at 1.8V, but the chip itself is rated up to 3.6V, so a 3.3V dongle can be used *as long as you do not connect the power pin on the serial header*. You only need to connect GND, RX, and TX. In a production design you would not want an IO voltage above VCC, but for hacking purposes it'll work, and I've used it all week without an issue on multiple boards.  There's a lot of options. Here's a 1.8V one if you want to be extra cautious or a 3.3V one that already comes with connectors for $8. Anything that transmits at 1.8V or 3.3V will work so you may already have one, but again, just don't connect the power pin.    Software: You'll need to install a serial terminal program like TeraTerm or Putty.  1) Plug the 3.3V or 1.8V USB converter dongle into your computer and it should enumerate as a COM port.  2) Connect the GND line on the dongle to GND on the header 3) Connect the TX pin on the dongle to the RX pin on the header 4) Connect the RX pin on the dongle to the TX pin on the header (it is not RX to RX, I spent 2 whole days tearing my hair out over that during my robotics project in college) 5) DO NOT CONNECT THE POWER PIN  5) Should look like the following when finished 6) In your serial terminal program, connect to the COM port your dongle enumerated as 7) Find the serial port settings menu (in TeraTerm it's in Setup->Serial Port from the menu bar) , and set the baud rate to 115200. The other settings should not need to be changed (8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit).  😎 In the terminal, press enter. You should get a > prompt 9) In the terminal, press the '?' key on your keyboard, and hit enter, you'll see the menu.         10) Note that the key you press won't show up in the terminal, but just press Enter and then the command will be run 11) Hit Ctrl+x to exit interactive mode and turn back on the radio.  12) While not in interactive mode, the terminal will display the transmit packet of any badge you bring close to it.  Reprogramming Your Badge: Hardware:  There's two pieces of hardware needed: 1) Programmer/debugger 2) Programming cable Program Debugger: Most any ARM Cortex M debug programmer can be used, as the KL27 chip has a ARM M0+ core. I'd recommend the LPC-Link2 as it's only $20 and can be bought directly from NXP or from most distributors (like Mouser or DIgikey). Search for "OM13054". But you could also use a J-Link, PEMicro, or others if you already have an ARM programmer. Cable: The DEFCON badge has the footprint for a Tag Connect TC2050-IDC-NL-050-ALL. Because this cable is meant for manufacture programming and not day-to-day debugging, if you plan on stepping through code, you'll also want to pop off the the quartz front and get some retainer clips to keep the programmer connected to the board. If you just simply want to reprogram the board, you can just snip off the 3 long guide clips, and press the cable against the PCB while holding your hand steady for the ~5 seconds it takes to flash it each time.  Alternatively if you already have a JTAG/SWD cable and have soldering skills, you can use some fine gauge wire and hack up your own converter to your board like /u/videlen did with some true hacker soldering. However as /u/int23h pointed out, because it's using Single Wire Debug (SWD) you only need to really solder 2 of the pins, SWDIO and SWDCLK. However nRESET is also recommended as it'll let you take control of the device if it's in sleep mode (which it is most of the time). Power (which is needed so the programmer knows what voltage to send the signals at) and GND you can get from the serial header. Software There's three pieces of software you'll need:  1) Compiler 2) MCUXpresso SDK for the KL27  3) Badge source code Compiler: Recommended Option: Latest version of MCUXpresso IDE - available for Windows, Mac, and Linux Second Option: Download older version of MCUXpresso IDE for Windows from the DEFCON media server  Third Option: If you use the latest SDK, you can easily use ARM-GCC, IAR, or Keil tool chains as well.  MCUXpresso SDK: Recommend Option: Download latest SDK version for KL27 - includes setup for MCUXpresso IDE, ARM-GCC, IAR, and Keil compilers Other option: Download the older 2.4.2 SDK version on the DEFCON server which only has MCUXpresso IDE compiler support.  Badge Source: Recommended Option: Download zip off Joe Grand Website:  Other option: Download from DEFCON media server. However the .project and .cproject files do not show up by default, so you must make sure to explicitly download them as well and put them in the main firmware folder (at the same level as the .mex file). These are the exact same files as in the zip.  wget -r -np -R "index.html*" wget wget  Getting Started with MCUXpresso IDE:      1) Open up MCUXpresso IDE. When it asks for a workspace directory to use, select (or make) a new empty directory that is in a different location than where you          downloaded the firmware source.       2) Drag and drop the SDK .zip file from your file system into the MCUXpresso IDE "Installed SDKs" window. This is how the compiler learns about the KL27 device and the flash algorithms.  3) Drag and drop the badge firmware folder from a file explorer window into the MCUXpresso IDE "Project Explorer" window 4) In the Quickstart panel hit Build 5) In the Console tab, you should see the message that it compiled successfully 7) In the Quickstart panel hit Debug.  If you're not using a LPC Link2 for programming, you'll need to hold Shift when clicking this the first time so it'll rescan for your debugger.  If using the latest MCUXpresso IDE, you'll see a dialog box that the launch configuration needs to be updated. Click on "Yes".    7) A dialog box will come up confirming your debug probe. 😎 Connect the programming cable to the board and press to make a good connection. Make sure the alignment pins match up with the alignment holes on the PCB, and that pin 1 (the red stripe) matches the photo below. You may hear the badge beep, as it's being reset. 9) Then hit OK in the dialog box to start programming. Make sure to keep the probe held there until the programming is finished - about 5 seconds. 10) You should see it program successfully and hear the board beep as it reboots.  Programming Troubleshooting/Tips: If you're not using a LPC Link2, hold down the Shift key when you hit the Debug button, and it'll re-search for new probes. Also make sure your debug settings and probe is using SWD mode and not JTAG mode.  If you have the programming cable not lined up with the pads, you'll see this error. Re-align your probe and try again. Also you must have power from the battery as the MCU needs to be turned on while programming. You can hit the GUI flash programmer at the top for a quicker download experience since it won't load the debug view. Useful if just flashing the device without wanting to step through code.  Finally, some of the game state variables are stored in the non-volitale internal flash, and may not automatically get erased when reprogramming the firmware as the programmer doesn't realize that area of flash memory is being used and thus to save time, doesn't bother to erase it. You can force a complete erase of the flash to wipe all the game variables by setting the mass erase option. Double click on the dc27_badge LinkServer Debug.launch file which contains the debug settings, and go to GUI Flash Tool->Program and set Program (mass erase first).  Getting Started with ARM-GCC: To make this easier, you'll need to download the latest SDK from the NXP website first.  Follow the instructions in Section 6 of the MCUXpresso SDK User Guide for how to setup the environment and test it out on Hello World. You can then use that project for copying the badge source code into. I'm sure someone can put together a Makefile for the badge specifically. See this series of blog posts on how to use the SDK (compiling/debugging) with arm-gcc in Linux. My badge isn't working: First thing to try is power cycling the badge by gently prying the battery out (with a butter knife or something) and putting it back in. A couple of things might happen: If nothing at all happens, you battery might be dead. Try replacing the battery.  If nothing at all happens still, the battery holder might be loose. Use a multimeter ot measure the voltage between GND and VCC on the serial header, it should read 1.8V. If it does not, check the battery holder. If you hear beeps, all 6 LEDs light up, and then 4 LEDs (2 on each side) flash in sync a few times, it means there was an issue communicating with the NFMI device. This could be due to a loose solder joint on one of the chips or the I2C pull up resistors (SCL and SDA on the pinout image). You could also do a reflow if you have the equipment, but it may not be fixable. Also could see if see any I2C communication on those SCL/SDA pins. If you hear a normal startup beep, the lights flash, and then it goes back to the startup beep, and so on, forever, something is causing the MCU to keep resetting. Could be a short or ESD damage. Check soldering. Connecting your board to a serial terminal and see how far it gets in the boot process to help narrow down the cause.  Sometimes the flags don't get saved properly. A power cycle usually works, and could also try reflashing the badge.  If your badge isn't responding to other badges with the NFMI, it could be one of two things: Your copper antenna is loose/broken/missing. This happened a lot. Solder it back on. If missing, it's a Sunlord MTNF6040FS3R7JTFY01 but it's not available online anywhere at the moment. Datasheet is here. See this post for more details on possible alternatives. If you were previously in interactive mode, you have to explicitly exit it with Ctrl+X to receive packets again.  Further hacking: For basic hacking of the code, try changing your game flags to trick it to giving you a fully unlocked badge. From there, you could try to make your own chameleon badge like others have done ( and and among others if you want ideas). Or make your own songs with the piezo. Or some ASCII art on the terminal. For more advanced hacking on the badge, PTE22 and PTE23, the TX and RX pins on the serial header, could be programmed to be ADC input pins instead. Or timer inputs or outputs for PWM or input capture.  And with some good soldering, you could even add an additional I2C device by soldering to the resistor points. t.   Finally if you want a more flexible platform for exploring embedded development, you can pick up a FRDM-KL27Z dev kit for $20 which has the same chip as the badge. You can buy it direct or all major distributors online. The programmer and serial interface are built into the board so you only need to use a USB cable to do all the programming. The KL27 SDK also includes dozens of example programs that show how to use all the features of the chip and there's some getting started videos (mostly what I covered already in this post though). While it does not have a NFMI chip on it, it does have USB support, as well as an Arduino hardware footprint on it so it can be easily expanded with extra boards. You can find the example programs by going to "Import SDK examples" from the Quickstart panel window.  If you have any more questions about the badge, post a response! 
    感谢Baolei之前在weekly meeting上分享的关于在Codewarrior环境下实现printf的重定向技巧,从而在CW调试环境下的Console上实现调试信息的打印功能,我将其移植到IAR环境下并进行了测试,可以实现调试信息的交互,完全可以替代串口的功能,在这里写出来分享给大家,再次感谢baolei的分享~     通过串口打印调试信息或者实现上下位机交互是我们最常使用的调试手段之一,毕竟实现起来无论是硬件成本(接出两根线Txd和Rxd,外加一个电平转换芯片)还是软件成本(下位机写好UART驱动,上位机直接超级终端或者一些第三方串口调试助手)都是相对较低的,所以这种方式还是灰常受广大“攻城师”们欢迎的。不过如果由于I/O资源紧缺串口被用做其他用处或者板子直接没有引出串口的话(是不是产生共鸣了,呵呵),那该怎么办呢?     当然,所谓时代不同了(liao)(顺口想说“男女都一样呢”,呵呵,哎,都是生在旧社会长在红旗下的孩子啊),随着嵌入式开发生态系统越来越完善,目前也是有越来越多的Poweful开发工具支持丰富的调试功能(支持打印调试信息和交互等),但是涉及到一些版权的问题价格上还是有点小贵的(对一些小企业来说还是难以接受的),所以这个时候就需要我们动动脑筋去摸索摸索其他的方法(所谓路是探索出来的),事实证明破釜沉舟下人的潜力是无限的,呵呵,这里就分享一个折衷的办法去解决大家一直苦恼的问题,即使用IAR虚拟的串口终端来实现信息的交互和打印,下面进入正题: 测试平台:IAR6.6 + FRDM KE02开发板(我目前手里有这个,其他平台都可以) 测试代码:KE驱动库(KEXX_DRIVERS_V1.0.1_DEVD\kexx_drv_lib_release_r1.0.1\build\iar\ke02\platinum) 这里稍微提一句,我测试的是KE驱动库的代码,但是实际上只要你看懂了我下面的解决方法(授之以渔而不是鱼),其他代码都是类似的。 1)打开KE02 platinum的IAR工程,进入到platinum.c文件,找到main函数如下图1,可以看到其调用了printf打印函数,而该工程是默认调用底层串口的,我们跳转到该函数的定义如图2,再继续跳转到out_char的函数定义如图3,这下就屡清楚了,我们可以很直观的看到工程默认是调用UART底层的,呵呵,下面我们就要动手改造它对printf进行重定向; 2)首先我们需要注释掉printf的实现函数,将其屏蔽掉,然后需要给printf一个重新指向的地址,下面就该我们常见的<stdio.h>这位老兄出场了(貌似当初自打我开始接触Turbo C的时候就已经用到它了,老生常谈的“Hello world”就是调用它内部的printf来实现的)。我们找到Common.h文件,将<stdio.h>添加到其中,如下图,这样凡是需要printf的文件只需要添加common.h头文件即可: 3)这里先说说stdio.h文件的作用,我们打开stdio.h文件可以看到其内部定义了标准输入输出函数,包括我们常见的scanf和printf等函数,而这些函数所调用的底层即为IAR提供的链接到其Terminal的驱动,所以……懂的,呵呵。除此之外,我们肯定不满足只输出打印(给人略显低端的感觉有木有),所以为了体现我们不是“土豪”,我觉着有必要让它交互起来,实现真正的串口功能(因为一些类似bootloader或shell之类的还是需要输入参数的进行交互的),我在main函数添加了scanf语句用来测试输入功能,如下: 4)准备工作就绪,编译链接整个工程,然后下载到KE02的板子中并进入到Debug调试环境中,点击View->Terminal I/O调出虚拟终端,然后全步运行,就可以看到Terminal下开始打印调试信息,如下图1。当然显示输出有点小case了,我们再试试输入功能,在input框中输入‘a’,然后回车,如下图2,perfect: 5)还没完,我们要玩就玩高端大气上点档次的,我们再探索探索呢,结果又发现个小惊喜,我们点击上图右下角的“Input Mode”,弹出设置框如下,很高端啊有木有: 呵呵,看完之后是不是有种跃跃欲试的兴奋呢,呵呵,just have a try and enjoy it~ 附件为我修改之后的工程代码,仅供参考~
Background: NXP SC18IS602B I2C bus to SPI bridge chip is using TSSOP16 package, which is 16 leads; 0.65 mm pitch; 5 mm x 4.4 mm x 1.1 mm body. Customer requires to use a smaller package to emulate the SC18IS602B function. Kinetis L series MKL03Z16VFK4R product uses QFN24 package with 4 mm x 4 mm x 0.58 mm body. Demo Overview The I2C to SPI Bridge demo provides a replacement solution demo of SC18IS602B chip. The demo is based on FRDM-KL03Z board using I2C0 module as I2C slave and SPI0 module as SPI master. Provided data buffer size is 400bytes. The demo software is based on KSDK V2.0 for FRDM-KL03Z software. I2C slave interface: Pin number                 Function              FRDM-KL03Z jumper PTB3                          I2C0_SCL           J2-10 PTB4                          I2C0_SDA           J2-9   SPI master interface: Pin number                 Function              FRDM-KL03Z jumper PTA5                           SPI0_SS             J2_3 PTA6                           SPI0_MISO         J2_5 PTA7                           SPI0_MOSI         J2_4 PTB0                           SPI0_SCK           J2_6   INT pin (indicates if I2C to SPI Bridge allows i2c master start a new i2c transfer, low is active) Pin number                 Function              FRDM-KL03Z jumper PTB11                        GPIO output         J2_2   Connect I2C master with FRDM-KL03Z I2C slave interface and connect SPI slave with FRDM-KL03Z SPI master interface; Connect FRDM-KL03Z GND to I2C master and SPI slave before add power to those boards.  Below is the hardware platform connection way: I2C to SPI Bridge Demo Function For the KL03 chip with one SPI0_PCS0 chip select pin, I2C to SPI Bridge demo only supports function ID 0x01 as SPI write command. For example: if i2c master want to write 8bytes (0x21,0x22...0x28) to SPI slave, the i2c master needs to send below data to FRDM-KL03Z board:   [START] + [I2C Slave address+/W] + [0x01](Function ID) + [0x21](data 1) + [0x22](data 2) + ... +[0x28](data 😎 + [STOP]     I2C to SPI bridge demo supports Function ID 0xF0 to configure SPI interface: There provides four SPI baud rate: 6Mbps/3Mbps/1.5Mbps/1Mbps. More detailed info, please check below picture (picture abstracted from SC18IS602B datasheet): For example: customer could configure SPI baud rate to 3Mbps with send below data to FRDM-KL03Z board:        [START] + [I2C Slave address+/W] + [0Xf0](Function ID) + [0x01](data 1) + [STOP] Hardware Platform The demo is based on FRDM-KL03Z board, using internal IRC48M clock as system and bus clock source. There doesn’t need external clock source. Toolchain supported - IAR embedded Workbench 7.60.1  (Tested) - Keil MDK 5.18a - GCC ARM Embedded 2015-4.9-q3 - Kinetis Development Studio IDE 3.2.0 Running the Demo Connect a USB cable between the host PC and the USB port on the target board. Open a serial terminal with the following settings:     - 9600 baud rate     - 8 data bits     - No parity     - One stop bit     - No flow control Download the program to the target board. I2C master start to configure SPI interface      I2C to SPI bridge board I2C address is 0x7E. I2C master write data to SPI slave    I2C master write 10bytes to SPI slave, it will send 11bytes (includes one function ID 0x01). The first data is 0xAA and the last data is 0x22.    After I2C to SPI Bridge receive the data, it will send 10bytes to SPI slave.        I2C to SPI Bridge receive 10 bytes     I2C to SPI Bridge send 10bytes to SPI slave I2C master read data from SPI slave    I2C master read 10bytes(0x10 to 0x19) from SPI slave need to write data to SPI slave at first, then read data from I2C to SPI bridge data buffer directly.    Here just shows read 10bytes from I2C to SPI bridge data buffer. Attached I2C to SPI Bridge demo software default location is: ..\SDK_2.0_FRDM-KL03Z\boards\frdmkl03z\user_apps\i2c_to_spi
Since the mbed Ethernet library and interface for FRDM-K64 have not yet been fully tested, instead of using mbed we will use one of the latest demo codes from MQX specifically developed for the FRDM-K64 platform. Before starting please make sure you have the following files and software installed in your computer: CodeWarrior 10.6 (professional or evaluation edition) MQX 4.1 for FRDM-K64 (it is not necessary to install full MQX 4.1) JLink_OpenSDA_V2.bin (this is the debugger application) * If you don't have a valid license, you can find a temporary license below, it will only be valid until 7/30/2014 and it will only be available online until 7/05/2014. Building the project The first step to use an MQX project is to compile the target/IDE libraries for the specific platform: 1. Open CodeWarrior and drag the file from the following path C:\Freescale\Freescale_MQX_4_1_FRDMK64F\build\frdmk64f\cw10gcc onto your project area: This will load all the necessary libraries to build the project, once they are loaded build them it is necessary to modify a couple of paths on the BSP: 2. Right click on the BSP project and then click on properties 3. Once the properties are displayed, expand the C/C++ Build option, click on settings, on the right pane expand the ARM Ltd Windows GCC Assembler and select the directories folder, this will display all the libraries paths the compiler is using 4. Double click on the "C\Freescale\CW MCU v10.6\MCU\ProcessorExpert\lib\Kinetis\pdd_100331\inc" path to modify it, once the editor window is open, change the path from "pdd_100331" to "pdd" 5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the ARM Ltd Windows GCC Compiler 6. Now you can build the libraries, build them one at a time by right clicking on the library and selecting build project, build them in the following order, it is imperative you do it in that order. BSP PSP MFS RTCS SHELL USBD USBH 7. Once all the libraries are built, import the web hvac demo, do it by dragging the .project file to your project area; the project is located in the following directory:                     C:\Freescale\Freescale_MQX_4_1_FRDMK64F\demo\web_hvac\build\cw10gcc\web_hvac_frdmk64f 8. Once the project is loaded, build it by right clicking on the project folder and select Build project Debugging the project To debug the project it is necessary to update the FRDM-K64 debugging application: Press the reset button on the board and connect the USB cable Once the board enumerates as "BOOTLOADER" copy the JLink_OpenSDA_vs.bin file to the unit Disconnect and reconnect the board On CodeWarrior (having previously compiled the libraries and project) click on debug configurations 5. Select the connection and click on debug 6. Open HVAC.h and change the IP Address to Now the demo code has been downloaded to the platform you will need the following to access all the demo features: Router Ethernet Cable Serial Terminal The code enables a shell access through the serial terminal, it also provides web server access with a series of options to simulate an Heating Air Conditioning Ventilation System, the system was implemented using MQX and a series of tasks, for more details on how the task are created, the information regarding how to modify the code please check the attached document: Freescale MQX RTOS Example guide.
Installation file containing training examples - unpack and run this file to install code examples.
Hi All, NXP provides a software drivers library for Kinetis M devices, the KM bare-metal drivers. It includes support for peripherals and FreeRTOS. Follow the instructions to download and install the software package. Go to the KM3x section in the NXP webpage. Click on the documentation tab In the Application Notes section look for the API reference manual for Kinetis M bare-metal drivers and software examples, download: HTML > Reference Manual and documentation ZIP > Software package Unzip the file into a computer location. Inside the folder you will find several .exe files, select the appropriate file for your application and follow the installation instructions. By default a folder named KMxxxSWDRV_Rx_x_x is created. You can see the folder structure like this build: Build examples project files for the selected IDE. refman: Source files of the HTML Reference Manual src: Source files for drivers: common – common files for projects: device headers, startup routines, etc. drivers – peripheral drivers source code. freemaster – Freemaster source files for communication functions with Freemaster software. freertos – FreeRTOS files, kernel and RTOS support. projects – example projects demonstrating peripherals and modes. toolchain – toolchain support. template – Base projects for supported IDEs and make_project.exe file to create new project for different supported IDEs. If you need support for a different IDE or KM device you just need to extract the appropriate .exe file from the SW package. Hope information helps! Happy Downloading and installing! Regards, Adrian Cano NXP FAE
Hi everyone,      I have got customer queries on unavailability of complementary mode PWM on KL25Z . So, I thought let me experiment something and post it onto the community.      The timer module on KL25 is TPM, not FTM!. There are 3 TPMs, TPM0 with 6 channels, TPM1 and TPM2 with 2 channels each. To generate a PWM signal, PWM component can be used. But the PWM bean doesnot provide option to generate complementary PWM. So, we need to configure different channels to get the complementary PWM. Again, there is a limitation for this. PWM component doesn't allow to generate initial polarity high. It says "the inherited component doesnot support this feature". But in run time can set or clear value on the PWM output pin using the SetValue() and ClrValue(). But again the inherited component"TimerUnit_LDD" doesn't support generating SetValue() and ClrValue().      So, I came to a conclusion 'not to use PWM component' and started using Init_TPM. Using this component, 2 channels are configured to have opposite polarity during initialization. They are configured to have the same period. Deadtime is also inserted by configuring different duty cycle on each channel. But methods are not available since the component only provides the initialization function which is good enough to start . Dynamically if dutycycle needs to be changed, methods have to be written explicitly     Project and oscilloscope captures are attached for reference. Hi Note that this is also supported in the uTasker project - see See specifically the final page - this is compatible for K and KL processors. Regards Mark This document was generated from the following discussion: Complementary PWM on FRDM-KL25Z using processor expert
The following (after the "- - - - - -" is debugged code for flashing Green, Red, and Blue LEDs on the FRDM-K22F module. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #include "fsl_device_registers.h" #include "board.h" static int i = 0; int main(void) {   // LEDs are common-anode, with cathodes connected to port pins.   // Therefore, logic high (1) turns them off, and logic low   // (0) turns them on.   short OFF = 1;   short ON = 0;         hardware_init();           GPIO_DRV_SetPinDir(kGpioLED1, kGpioDigitalOutput); //Green LED      GPIO_DRV_SetPinDir(kGpioLED2, kGpioDigitalOutput); //Red LED      GPIO_DRV_SetPinDir(kGpioLED3, kGpioDigitalOutput); //Blue LED      GPIO_DRV_WritePinOutput(kGpioLED1, OFF); //Green LED initially off      GPIO_DRV_WritePinOutput(kGpioLED2, OFF); //Red LED initially off      GPIO_DRV_WritePinOutput(kGpioLED3, OFF); //Blue LED initially off      while (1)           {           for (i = 0; i<0xFFFFFF; i++)           {           }           GPIO_DRV_WritePinOutput(kGpioLED1, ON); //Green LED on           for (i = 0; i<0xFFFFFF; i++)           {           }           GPIO_DRV_WritePinOutput(kGpioLED1, OFF); //Green LED off           for (i = 0; i<0xFFFFFF; i++)           {           }           GPIO_DRV_WritePinOutput(kGpioLED2, ON); //Red LED on           for (i = 0; i<0xFFFFFF; i++)           {           }           GPIO_DRV_WritePinOutput(kGpioLED2, OFF); //Red LED off           for (i = 0; i<0xFFFFFF; i++)           {           };           GPIO_DRV_WritePinOutput(kGpioLED3, ON); //Blue LED on           for (i = 0; i<0xFFFFFF; i++)           {           }           GPIO_DRV_WritePinOutput(kGpioLED3, OFF); //Blue LED off           }      return 0; }