CodeWarrior Development Tools Knowledge Base

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CodeWarrior Development Tools Knowledge Base



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Sometimes we don't use external debugger but OpenSDA on-board . The debugger controller clock setting need more attention because of slow debug by OpenSDA on-board. if you set the bus clock too high to make step by OpenSDA. The Non error will report at the stage of download(Fig2) and pause, even stop(Fig1). Fig 1  Pause and stop error  Fig 1  Download error  when you encounter. you can set debugger follow some steps. 1 open debug configurations-Target setting-Edit... 2 In Edit you need remove the selection of 'use bus clock as debug controller clock source ' and then reopen the CW and project debug fine works. Enjoy!
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Recently we helped a customer resolve a question related with “asm_enhance”command line option usage. It’s strange there is no documentation of this knowledge in CodeWarrior help manual. After many discussions with development team, it gets clear to me. So I wrote an article on this topic for sharing.   “ -asm_enhance” option is added in ColdWarrior10 /CodeWarrior11 “compiler setting”, “General”, “Other Flags”:   "-asm_enhance" command line option can be used for two distinct aspects: Enabling inline assembly data optimizations Enabling stack effect computation through inline assembly code. These two aspects were all gathered under the same option because they both are referring to enhanced inline assembly – i.e. inline assembly code that gets handled almost as C code). Thank for the great support from Bogdan Ditu . For more information on -asm_enhance, see attached document.
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Digital Signal Controllers (DSC) is populated in motor control, Power conversion, automotive and wireless charger, etc. Digital Signal Controllers|NXP    1. CodeWarrior Eclipse v11 Nearly all the DSC products can be supported by CodeWarrior eclipse. The latest CodeWarrior v11 can support DSC naturally on 64bit Windows 10 and windows 7 for all recommend run control interface. CodeWarrior eclipse v11 is our recommendation. CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers-Eclipse IDE 11.0|NXP  CodeWarrior 11.0.1 update just released in end of June, with this update, Unlimited License for all Code Size.         CodeWarrior Classic v8.3 Aside from CodeWarrior eclipse v11, we also have some customers prefer using classic CodeWarrior v8.3.  For some very old DSC product, for example DSP56F80x, it is supported by classic CodeWarrior for DSC v8.3 only. CodeWarrior® Development Tools for 56800/E DSC|NXP  CodeWarrior for DSC v8.3 doesn’t support 64bit Windows 10 and Windows7 naturally, because the ccs driver included in CodeWarrior v8.3 package only support old windows platform. We will explain how to configure the USB TAP run control interface on Windows 7 and Windows 10 64-bit for those using CodeWarrior development tools based on the Classic IDE rather than the Eclipse IDE. This workaround was tested and verified on Windows 7 64-bit and Windows 10 64-bit  for CodeWarrior DSC V8.3. Installation steps:        Install CodeWarrior v8.3 on a Windows 7 or Windows 10 64bit system. At the end of installation, three or four error messages appear regarding a problem installing the USB drivers. Ignore these errors.        Acquire latest ccs driver from CodeWarrior eclipse. Install CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers-Eclipse IDE 11.0|NXP  to a computer, Copy ccs folder from CodeWarrior v11 installation folder to CodeWarrior v8.3 install folder, replace original ccs folder.        Uninstall CodeWarrior eclipse v11. This step is optional.   Now you can use CodeWarrior v8.3 on new windows platform. Please NOTE: Officially CodeWarrior 8.3 was not designed for win7/10.  This doc is just a personal technical sharing. If user meets windows compatible issue of 8.3 on win7/10. Please move to CodeWarrior 11.
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Recently I have two customers asking me same questions – How to use S12Z Burner under CW10 for S12Z. Unlikely CW10 for S08, S12Z build process does not use the Burner to generate S-Record file. By default, after a successfully build, S12Z build tool chain generates elf file only. The Burner panel has remained as part of the S12Z properties since the build tools configuration panels were imported from S08 build tools. Thus even users configure it, it doesn’t generate bbl file and s19/hex/bin files. Fortunately we have workaround to integrate burner tool into CodeWarrior10 post build steps. doc and demo code is attached. We can also refer article from Erich. S-Record, Intel Hex and Binary Files | MCU on Eclipse 
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Some customers often ask where or how to download previous version CodeWarrior(CW), for example the CW for HCS12Z(X) v5.1, the CW for MCUs v10.5 or some patch packages. It is really hard to find sometimes. So I write this document to introduce how to download them step by step. Also we can refer to this process  to download other old version for Kinetis Design Studio(KDS). This DOC mainly includes two parts: - How to Download Previous Version CodeWarrior: -  How to Download Patch for  CodeWarrior: About the detail steps please check the attachment. BR Alice
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This post will step by step show how to report a software  defect or problem to NXP support team. Please take a few minutes to read it. This will help us investigate the issue more efficiently and quickly. Basically we need prepare:      1. Your IDE version: - If you use classic version: Start the IDE and click on Help | About Freescale CodeWarrior. Click on Installed Products. Save all info displayed into a txt file. - If you use eclipse version: Start the IDE and click on Help | About CodeWarrior Development Studio or About Kinetis Design Studio. Save the version and build id. 2. Demo Code: - Create a demo project to show the problem.  Then send the entire sample code folder in zip format. - If the problem is in NXP SW package, for example SDK package, please provide the SW version or download link.      3. Mention how to reproduce the problem step by step with the demo code.      4. Error screenshot.     Steps of submitting the case: 1. Go to Sales and Support page, click on Hardware & Software for Submit new ticket:    2. Then click on “Add a new case”   3. Fill the New Case form. Here is an example:                                                         
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Inside {CW10 install folder}\eclipse there is ecd.exe which is used to run build projects from command line. this article focuses on ecd.exe usage with examples. Especially How to use ecd.exe command to build, generateMakefiles,make and reference a project.
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Standalone Programming is widely used when user doesn’t need a debugger for programming in CodeWarrior 10. Thus people only uses elf/s19 file to program target without using project and source files. There is a very famous article written by Erich Styger regarding using “Flash File to Target” as a standalone programmer for target programming.   Besides this method, Flash Programmer Task is also good for standalone programming.  As I know some customers prefer to use this method because it can also do checksum, dump flash,etc during programming. I will introduce how to utilize Flash Programmer Task step by step in the following for brainstorming. This article is based on CodeWarrior 10.6.4 and FRDM-K64 board, but the method is same for all Kinetis,HCS08,HCS12Z,etc devices   For detail, see attached article and video.
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This project is an example of using the DSC CodeWarrior linker to place code in a different area of memory.  In this case, the FlexNVM flash block is used. The example uses three different methods in the linker command file to force specific code to a different memory segment, see examples below.  For more information on the linker syntax, see the manual installed with CodeWarrior at \CW MCU v10.6.x\MCU\Help\PDF\MCU_DSC_Compiler.pdf     This project was developed for the TWR-56F8400 Tower development board, using CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers v10.6.6.  The project was created using Processor Expert, and blinks an LED using the PIT timer interrupt.     The linker command file is located at \Project_Settings\Linker_Files\FLASH_SDM.cmd.Here are the key changes to the project:     MEMORY {         # Added .p_FlexNVM memory segment         .p_FlexNVM(RWX) : ORIGIN = 0x00068000, LENGTH = 0x00004000 }     # Added .FlexNVM_Code memory section .FlexNVM_Code : {   TI1_c.obj (.text) # Place whole source file in this section   OBJECT (FPE_low_level_init, cpu_c.obj) # Place individual function in this section   * (FlexNVM_code.text) # Place from section defined in source code, see main.c     } > .p_FlexNVM     and in main.c: #pragma define_section FlexNVM_code "FlexNVM_code.text"  RX #pragma section FlexNVM_code begin void main(void) {   /* Write your code here */ } #pragma section FlexNVM_code end
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CodeWarrior Development Studio for HCS12(X) Microcontrollers (Classic IDE) v5.2 has been released for several months.   Recently, since v5.2 release, I have received many questions from customers. These questions are almost similar: how to add the missing devices back to my CodeWarrior v5.2 ?   From my side I think there is one workaround if a specific device has a service pack. For detail, please see attached document.
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The following is a list of our documents in regards to developing MCU on CodeWarrior platform.   If you need to log an issue in Case System,  or obtain a license for your CodeWarrior product, please refer to:  How to log an issue in Case system instead CRM (Service request - not used anymore)?   1.  CodeWarrior Common Feature   1.1 Reversion Release History CodeWarrior for MCU V10.6 Update 3.0.0 available New CodeWarrior for MCU v10.6.4 available CodeWarrior v10.6.4 Update 5 available   1.2 IDE and Installation How install (or check availability) patch and update under Eclipse ? How to solve “IDE failed to start …” message - Classic version on Windows OS (most of the time 64 bit as Win 7 or Win 8.1)   1.3 Project Management Convert a Processor Expert project from linked mode to standalone mode   1.4 Build Tool Chain (Assembler, Compiler, Linker) Linking and compiling with CodeWarrior Classic - How to use dashboard (Jenkins) to build a CodeWarrior project?   2. CodeWarrior for Kinetis   2.1 Board Bring-up  How to work KV10 with CW10.5   2.2 RTOS  MQX at this, too?~   2.3 Build Tool Chain (Assembler, Compiler, Linker) How to fill unused memory for CW for 8/16bit and kinetis Gnu. Interrupt Vector Redirection Method in Kinetis Relocating Code and Data Using the CW GCC Linker File for Kinetis Relocate Code (configuration linker files) - CW10.6 - Kinetis Extended inline assembly with GCC in CodeWarrior   2.4 Programmer and Debugger Preserve Memory Ranges In CodeWarrior v10.6   3. CodeWarrior for MPC5xxx   3.1 Build Tool Chain (Assembler, Compiler, Linker) Generate CRC value for MPC56xx in CodeWarrior for MCU v10.6.4   3.2 Programmer and Debugger Debug code using CodeWarrior 10.5 Flash two .elf files using CodeWarrior 10.6   4. CodeWarrior for DSC   4.1 Project Management How to migrate PE project from Classic CodeWarrior to Eclipse CodeWarrior How to solve PE bean migration for 56F84xxx in CodeWarrior V10.3   4.2 Build Tool Chain (Assembler, Compiler, Linker) To use 56F800EX new additional 32bit multiplication instructions on CodeWarrior V10.3/V10.5/V10.6.   4.3 Programmer and Debugger Workaround for programming 56F8323 in CodeWarrior v10.6 debugger   4.4 External Tool Integration Integrate Quick Start 2.6 for DSC with CodeWarrior 10.6.4 Using TWR-56f8400 board with FreeMASTER via USBTAP interface   5. CodeWarrior for Coldfire   5.1 Build Tool Chain (Assembler, Compiler, Linker) Relocating code with CodeWarrior CodeWarrior and ColdFire get optimized!   5.2 Programmer and Debugger Problem with Multilink Rev C  - not running after MCU V10.6 Update3 installed & CW for MCF V7.2   6. CodeWarrior for 8/16bit MCU   6.1 IDE and Installation CW MCU v10.5 for 8bit MCU Banked Memory Patch Installation   6.2 Build Tool Chain (Assembler, Compiler, Linker) Classic - Is it possible (How) to use HCS12 on Eclipse? How to fill unused memory for CW for 8/16bit and kinetis Gnu.
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How to log an issue in Case system instead CRM (Service request)?     After the merge of Freescale and NXP, technical support cases are answered in a different system. To submit your case into the new system, please follow below steps:    1) Go to    2) On the bottom of the page under Submit New Issues, click Hardware & Software.    3) Register with your business email to access NXP technical online support.    4) A verification email will be sent to your account. Click the link embedded in that email to verify your access.    5) On the NXP online support page, select Contact Support from the top menu and click “submit a new case” to start the process.   Attached you will find a video explaining the process to follow.
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Taking TWR-56F8400 as an example, this document shows how to create a project in CodeWarrior v10.6 and get its global data visualization in FreeMaster through USBTAP. This example shows three global variables (test8, test16, test32) in ‘Variable Watch Window’ of FreeMASTER , displays the changing curve of test8 in scope, and displays test16 as curve in Recorder.   
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There is a problem in programming 56F8323 with CodeWarrior 10.6 and USBTAP.  The attached document gives a workaround before the update release is available.
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Hello!   I'm currently trying to adapt a MC56F8356 Project on the Codewarrior 8.3. When I try to download my programme into the DSP,I failed with a outcom like this picture uploaded.   I doubt it's the hardware circuit problem,but I do not know where the problem is.   Can you tell in what situation this may be ?   Thank you for help! YANQING YU
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Interrupt technology is an important method to improve the efficiency of real-time CPU. In Kinetis, interrupt vector table is allocated in lowest ROM address of whole memory.   However in some application, we need move vector table to other address. A typical usage is developing boot loader code. The boot loader code occupies the first region of the FLASH memory (the lowest memory address space starting from 0x0000000). This placement moves at the beginning of the available memory space and it is necessary to shift this address in the user application.   The CM0+ and CM4 core adds support for a programmable Vector Table Offset Register (VTOR) to relocate the exception vector table, which is not existing in Freescale 8/16bit MCU. This device supports booting from internal flash and RAM. Kinetis supports booting from internal flash with the reset vectors located at addresses 0x0 (initial SP_main), 0x4 (initial PC), and RAM with relocating the exception vector table to RAM.   for detail, see attached document and demo project made under CW10.6, and KDS
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Greetings, The third update for CodeWarrior for MCU V10.6 is available. This update includes the previous 1.0.0 and 2.0.0 updates, and applies to CodeWarrior for MCU v10.6 only. New device support: •             S12Z: S12ZVC96, S12ZVCA128, S12ZVCA192, S12ZVCA64, S12ZVCA96 •             DSC: MWCT1012, MWCT1212, MWCT1111 Updated support for silicon revisions: •             Kinetis K Series: K11DN512A,  K11DX128A, K11DX256A, K21DN512A, K21DX128A, K21DX256A, K21FN1M0A, K21FX512A See attached release notes for further details.   There are two ways of installation: Offline or Online. Offline installation is recommended as the size of the installation files is up to 900 MB (depending on the installed architectures).   Offline Installation: Go to Click on the 'Downloads' tab and select the product download: Select 10.6: Download the Update 3: From CodeWarrior for MCU10.6, select the menu Help > Install new Software and select the downloaded archive file: Check the MCU 10.6 Updates and go through the installation with 'Next >' button. Restart Eclipse as prompted.   Online Installation In CodeWarrior, use the menu Help > Install New Software Use the following Eclipse update site: Install the update Restart CodeWarrior as prompted   Full release notes are attached to this document.
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