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[中文翻译版] 见附件   原文链接: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-342059 
gst-launch is the tool to execute GStreamer pipelines. Task Pipeline Looking at caps gst-launch -v  <gst elements> Enable log gst-launch --gst-debug=<element>:<level> gst-launch --gst-debug=videotestsrc:5 videotestsrc ! filesink location=/dev/null
When working with IPU applications, sometimes image format converter is needed to check images generated by IPU that are not readable by PC (e.g. RGB565, common i.MX framebuffer format -> png or jpg) or generate a RGB picture from an encoded file to be read by IPU (e.g. png -> RGB565 framebuffer). There are some useful tools on Linux and some also available on Windows that can perform these conversions. I listed 5 tools with some usage examples below. IMAGEMAGICK // Display a 800x600 rgb image display -size 800x600 -depth 8 rgb:output.rgb // Show information of output.rgb identify -size 1296x972 -depth 8 output.rgb // Convert a 640x480 grayscale raw rgb file to png convert -size 640x480 -depth 8 imagefile.rgb image.png // To list all available color formats identify -list format For more information about Imagemagick and its format support. access: http://www.imagemagick.org/script/formats.php FFMPEG // List available formats for ffmpeg ffmpeg -pix_fmts // Convert raw rgb565 image to png ffmpeg -vcodec rawvideo -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb565 -s 1024x768 -i freescale_1024x768.raw -f image2 -vcodec png screen.png // Convert png to raw rgb565 ffmpeg -vcodec png -i image.png -vcodec rawvideo -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb565 image.raw // Convert a 720x480 NV12 (YUV 420 semi-planar) image to png ffmpeg -s 720x480 -pix_fmt nv12 -i image-nv12.yuv -f image2 -pix_fmt rgb24 image-png.png // Convert a 640x480 uyvy422 image to png ffmpeg -s 640x480 -pix_fmt uyvy422 -i image-uyvy422.yuv -f image2 -pix_fmt rgb24 image-uyvy422.png MENCODER http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/HTML/en/encoding-guide.html TRANSCODING http://www.transcoding.org/cgi-bin/transcode?Examples GRAPHICSMAGICK http://www.graphicsmagick.org/
Display on LVDS0 or LVDS1 is normal, but some customer need  larger screen and they need the dual LVDS work on the same time. In another word, it is to use the dual 8 connection. Here I give the simple introduction on this. Environment Board: MCIMX6Q-SDP (Or the board customer design) BSP:  Linux or Android BSP provided by Freescale Screen: M190PW01-V8 19(Take this as example) Steps: 1\ Hardware connection Make sure the hardware connection is right. The 4 pairs of difference signals on both LVDS0 and LVDS1 work, but in our reference board MCIMX6Q-SDP only 3 pairs of difference signals work. To make this screen working well the connection must be proper connect. Take the screen M190PW01-V8 19 as a example, the connection is as follow: 2\ Software modify Here we can know the screen works on the RGB24 mode not the RGB666, as the connection is already right. So the next step is to modify the code. As customers use differently screens, they have to porting the screen driver first.  About porting customers need to modify the  ldb.c  according to the datasheet of the screen in BSP. The parameters and timing should be set right.  Also the board.c need to be modified, RGB24 mode should also be set. About the porting Lvds screen steps, details you can refer to the Porting LVDS LCD With Low Resolution to i.MX6  in our community. 3\ Command special in u-boot After porting success the LVDS  and build the BSP. The run the images built on the board then boot up the board. In the u-boot the command should be set, about the display section is : video=mxcfb0:dev=ldb,LDB-1080P60,if=RGB24 ldb=spl0. The default BSP provided by Freescale is support dual LVDS display, but the display mode should be right so it can work well. Hope this can give some help to you.