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Overview This document has links to videos to give tutorials on how to getting started *from scratch* with the freedom board.    In these tutorials we build projects with bare metal code to see how things work!   It includes the basics on how to get clocks running,  lights blinking and interrupts firing *from scratch*. For more code/peripheral examples that use a "bare metal" approach,  check out the page on the FRDM-TFC board. ERRATA!!!   While working with a large number of Freedom boards in a course,  it was observed that the InitClockRoutines would *sometimes* not work.    *Some* of the crystals on the freedom boards do NOT like "HIGH_GAIN" mode.   The new code is uploaded to this page but you could also change the code yourself:   pll_init(8000000, HIGH_GAIN, CRYSTAL, 4, 24, MCGOUT); to   pll_init(8000000, LOW_POWER, CRYSTAL, 4, 24, MCGOUT); Projects From Scratch for the Freedom Board with Codewarrior 10.3 Projects From Scratch - Part 2 - Importing other projects Using the Freescale Header Files and Blinking the LED Source code for video (Codewarrior 10.3) is in the attached files at the bottom of this document. Clock Distribution Source Code for the Clock Distribution video is in the attached files at the bottom of this document. Interrupts Part 1 - Background Interrupts Part 2 - ARM Systick Timer Source Code for the ARM Systick Timer video is in the attached files at the bottom of this document. Interrupts Part 3 - TPM (Timer Pulse Width Modulator) Overflow Source Code for the TPM Overflow Interrupts video is in the attached files at the bottom of this document
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Project Summary Skills Developed: Materials: Step 0: Prerequisite Videos Step 1: Get a FRDM-JAM Step 2: Put it Together Step 3: Download Step 4: Hack and Slash! Sound Samples Utilities, etc: Project Summary MonkeyJam will use the FRDM-K20D50 board (which has a Cortex M4 core with DSP instructions) along with the FRDM-JAM shield so you can  make your very own guitar /bass  stomp box.  The end result will be a functional DSP system that will allow you to do high quality amplifier simulation and effects. The FRDM-JAM does not limit you to DSP on musical instruments!  There are 3.5mm stereo jacks to DSP filtering any type of audio signal.    You could even use the USB interface to create a USB-MIDI Synthesizer!  Lastly,  no need to bring the house down.....  a headphone amplifier circuit is provided so you can jam out without bothering the neighbors. MBED Support coming *very soon* Skills Developed: Real Time Processing DSP Algorithms Fixed Point Mathematics 24-bit I2S Data Converter Interfacing Soldering SOIC8 and 1206 Surface mount devices Cortex CMSIS DSP Library Materials: FRDM-K20D50 FRDM-JAM Development Tools Install Codewarrior 10.5 for Microcontrollers (Eclipse) Special Edition to your  machine Example Code Get the latest copy from Github Step 0: Prerequisite Videos The videos are organized into a nice YouTube playlist: H.I.T 1: Monkey Jam - YouTube MonkeyJam Watch Me 1st FRDM-JAM Hardware Overview MonkeyJam Software Overview Introduction to Fixed Point Math for Embedded Systems - Part 1 of 3 Introduction to Fixed Point Math for Embedded Systems - Part 2 of 3 Introduction to Fixed Point Math for Embedded Systems - Part 3 of 3 Real Time Signal Processing Part 1 of 3 Real Time Signal Processing Part 2 of 3 Real Time Signal Processing Part 3 of 3 q31_t (Q0.31) Number Format for the CMSIS DSP Libraries and the MonkeyJam Software Guitar physics in a nutshell Ideas for hacking the MonkeyJam Step 1: Get a FRDM-JAM MonkeyJam Build Package on the FRDM-JAM site.    Please let us know if you are interested in a pre-assembled version.  If there is enough demand we will get some preassembled for purchase, I will get a Kickstarter going!   Don't be afraid to build it yourself,  Soldering is fun!  There is plenty of good stuff on the web on how to do SMT soldering.  All of the parts on the board are fairly simply once you get the hang of it and everything can be hand soldered  The key is having some decent tools. Step 2: Put it Together Attach the FRDM-JAM to the FRDM-K20D50.  The FRDM-K20D50 comes with female headers that you can solder on so the boards can be easily separated.  Note that as of Rev Gamma (current version),   it is possible to connect to a K64F.    The software isn't quite there but it hardware connections are available.   If you are unsure,  stick with the FRDM-K20D50 Step 3: Download Download the Example Software from Github.  The video "Loading and Configuring the MonkeyJam Example Software" will step you though downloading the program and doing some basic configuration. Step 4: Hack and Slash! Plug In and jam! Sound Samples Each sound sample was my Carvin Ultra-V guitar plugged direct into the MonkeyJam Board.  The output was fed to a Zoom Handy Recorder H4n (Thanks to Brandin Claar of Remodulate LLC for the recorder).  The H4N recorded the signal at 44.1KHz Sample rate @16-bit.  The sound files were converted to mono format via Goldwave.  No processing (other than a  volume boost on the files) was performed.   I listen to the recording in real-time via a line out on the H4N.  File (See Attachments) Patch Notes STE-003-Neck-a12b12g12-mlike.wav PATCH_TUBEY_CLEAN Neck Pickup Alpha Pot - 12 O'Cock Beta Pot - 12 O'Cock Gamma Pot - 12 O'Cock Pattern Similar to Metallica Sanitarium STE-005-Neck-a7b5g5-mlike.wav PATCH_TUBEY_CLEAN Neck Pickup Alpha Pot - 7 O'Cock Beta Pot - 5 O'Cock Gamma Pot - 5 O'Cock Pattern Similar to Metallica Sanitarium STE-006-Neck-a12b7g5-mlike.wav PATCH_TUBEY_CLEAN Neck Pickup Alpha Pot - 12 O'Cock Beta Pot - 7 O'Cock Gamma Pot - 5 O'Cock Pattern Similar to Metallica Sanitarium STE-007-Neck-VariousSettings-d-g-em_strum.wav PATCH_TUBEY_CLEAN Neck Pickup The pots were moved around throughout the file Strummed D-Major, G-Major and E-Minor STE-008-Neck+Bridge-VariousSettings-d-g-em_strum.wav PATCH_TUBEY_CLEAN Neck + Bridge Pickup The pots were moved around throughout the file Strummed D-Major, G-Major and E-Minor STE-009-Bridge-VariousSettings-d-g-em_strum.wav PATCH_TUBEY_CLEAN Bridge + Bridge Pickup The pots were moved around throughout the file Strummed D-Major, G-Major and E-Minor STE-010-Neck-VariousSettings-Jammy.wav PATCH_TUBEY_CLEAN Neck + Bridge Pickup The pots were moved around throughout the file B-Minor Type Jam STE-011- Bridge - Various Settings - On-Off Demo-RandomDroppedD.wav PATCH_OVERDRIVE Bridge Pickup Alpha Pot - 5 O'Cock Beta Pot - 12 O'Cock Gamma Pot - 12 O'Cock Random Dropped D twiddling STE-012- Neck - Various Settings - On-Off Demo-Jammy.wav PATCH_OVERDRIVE Neck Pickup Alpha Pot - 5 O'Cock Beta Pot - 7 O'Cock Gamma Pot - 7 O'Cock Random B-Minor twiddles (bluesy) PATCH_OVERDRIVE             +––––––––––––––––––+      +––––––––––––––––––––––––––+      +–––––––––––––––––––––+                               |                  |      |                          |      |                     |                    Signal In  |    IIR BiQuad    |      |      Hard Overdrive      |      |      IIR BiQuad     |  Signal Out       +–––––––––+>|                  +––––+>|                          +––––+>|                     +–––––––––––––+>                |   [Peaking EQ]   |      | [atan24pi Look Up Table] |      |  [Low Pass Filter]  |                               |                  |      |                          |      |                     |                               +––––––––––––––––––+      +––––––––––––––––––––––––––+      +–––––––––––––––––––––+                                                                                                                                                     0.1 < Q < 1.5    [Pot Alpha]                                     Q = 0                                                                                                                                                              50 < Fs < 750    [Pot Gamma]                                   Fs = 2000                                                                                                                                                          -20 < dbGain < 20  [Pot Beta]                                                                                                                                                                                        PATCH_TUBEY_CLEAN              +––––––––––––––––––+      +––––––––––––––––––––––––––+      +–––––––––––––––––––––+                               |                  |      |                          |      |                     |                    Signal In  |    IIR BiQuad    |      |      Soft Overdrive      |      |      IIR BiQuad     |  Signal Out       +–––––––––+>|                  +––––+>|                          +––––+>|                     +–––––––––––––+>                |     [LowShelf]   |      | [atan4pi Look Up Table]  |      |  [Low Pass Filter]  |                               |                  |      |                          |      |                     |                               +––––––––––––––––––+      +––––––––––––––––––––––––––+      +–––––––––––––––––––––+                                                                                                                                                     0.05 < Q < 2.58   [Pot Alpha]                                     Q = 2.0                                                                                                                                                             1000 < Fs < 4000    [Pot Beta]                                   Fs = 2500                                                                                                                                                      -15 < dbGain < 15  [Pot Gamma]                                                                                                                                                                                    Utilities, etc: Biquad Filter View - A IIR Biquad Filter Design &amp; Visualization Tool
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WARNING If you stumble across the "getting started page" FREEDOM BOARD / CORTEX M0+ GETTING STARTED Please take note: While working with a large number of Freedom boards in a course,  it was observed that the Init Clock Routines would *sometimes* not work.    *Some* of the crystals on the freedom boards do NOT like "HIGH_GAIN" mode.   change the line   pll_init(8000000, HIGH_GAIN, CRYSTAL, 4, 24, MCGOUT); to   pll_init(8000000, LOW_POWER, CRYSTAL, 4, 24, MCGOUT);
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Harvard Extension School CSCI E-251, Fall 2012: Principles of Operating Systems Final Project Presentations Introduction by Prof. James L. Frankel
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Check out my website for more:
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El presente proyecto busca solucionar de una manera práctica y divertida actividades de terapia que pueden ser parte de la vida de cada persona con necesidades especiales, especialmente infantes. Por medio de este proyecto se pretende desarrollar la memoria y el orden lógico. Utilizando un sensor óptico para la lectura de pequeños Cubos de colores, el carro donde será transportado el sensor óptico emitirá una nota musical, misma que dependerá del color del cubo. El equipo de trabajo está conformado por cuatro   estudiantes del Tecnologíco de Monterrey de primer semestre de la carrera de mecatronica.
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Este proyecto está siendo desarrollado por alumnos del Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Guadalajara, el cual está orientado para servir como un tipo de terapia para personas discapacitadas. El proyecto en sí consiste en el control de un vehículo de juguete por medio de pulsaciones que serán realizadas con pelotas anti-estrés, de esta forma la persona podrá realizar un ejercicio de fortalecimiento en sus extremidades superiores de una forma más entretenida y menos tediosa que las clásicas terapias. Es importante mencionar que para poder realizar este proyecto es necesario el uso de dos tarjetas Freedom KL25Z de Freescale®, dos módulos Bluetooth®, dos servomotores de rotación continua y dos sensores de presión, los cuales serán incorporados dentro de las pelotas anti-estrés. El vehículo de juguete estará compuesto por los servomotores, que servirán como llantas; un módulo Bluetooth®, el cual recibirá las señales del otro módulo; y una de las tarjetas Freedom KL25Z. Por otro lado una de las tarjetas Freedom KL25Z estará conectada con los sensores integrados en las pelotas anti-estrés y a un módulo cuya función es mandar la información capturada por los sensores al vehículo de juguete. La mecánica del proyecto depende de la pelota que sea presionada, pues si se presiona solamente una pelota, el vehículo avanzará, por otro lado si se presiona la otra pelota, el vehículo girará sobre su propio eje. Este proyecto tiene como fin la implementación de conocimiento prácticos y teóricos en busca de una aportación en beneficio de la sociedad. También es relevante comentar que las visiones a futuro de este proyecto es que pueda ser implementado como una especie de control para una silla de ruedas, con el fin de facilitar la movilidad y aumentar la comodidad al momento de usar este tipo de vehículo. Original Attachment has been moved to:
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Hi,     I will present to you my first personal initiated project named Spectrum analyzer. This spectrum is based on sampling signal and calculating his spectrum using FFT algorithm. Attached here presentation, documentation (french), electrical scheme of amplification circuit and source code of both programs (Computer and PXS20)   Picture of the spectrum analyzer with TWR-PXS20, TWR-SER and TWR-PROTO :   Picture of amplification circuit :   Picture of signal collected by the ADC :   And here we have the spectrum :   Thank you, and I hope you like it
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Harvard Extension School CSCI E-251, Fall 2012: Principles of Operating Systems Final Project Presentations Presentation by Ram Garlapati
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Harvard Extension School CSCI E-251, Fall 2012: Principles of Operating Systems Final Project Presentations Presentation by Eric Pedersen
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Harvard Extension School CSCI E-251, Fall 2012: Principles of Operating Systems Final Project Presentations Presentation by Ethan Tavan
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Harvard Extension School CSCI E-251, Fall 2012: Principles of Operating Systems Final Project Presentations Presentation by Timothy O'Keefe
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Harvard Extension School CSCI E-251, Fall 2012: Principles of Operating Systems Final Project Presentations Presentation by David Lieberman
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Harvard Extension School CSCI E-251, Fall 2012: Principles of Operating Systems Final Project Presentations Presentation by Kate Fischl
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Harvard Extension School CSCI E-251, Fall 2012: Principles of Operating Systems Final Project Presentations Presentation by Victor Petrov
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Here is a short update via video of the activities done at the University Programs demo area at the Embedded World 2014 Exhibition that was held on 25-27 March 2014 in Nuremberg (Germany).
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EGR280 sophomore design and ECE470/570 Microprocessor based system design at Oakland University (in South East Michigan). Using CW HC12(x) special edition and Wytec Dragon12 dev boards.
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Data acquisition system for Kinetis K Family Author : Mauro Padin (Student) Supervisors : Professor Daniel A. Jacoby, Juan Pablo Vega (Teacher Assistant)   Summary:   This project is based on the FRDM-K64F board, a HC-05 Bluetooth module, and a smartphone. In this application, an analog signal is sampled and transmitted wirelessly to a smartphone, using an external Bluetooth module, where it is displayed. The complete CodeWarrior C code and MIT App Inventor code can be found in the .zip file. System Structure SysTick Module: Periodically triggers ADC conversions and UART transmissions. ADC Module: Samples the analog signal and manages the ADC input buffer. UART Module: Manages the UART output buffer and transmits the digitized data. Bluetooth Module: When connected, wirelessly transmits the data coming from the UART module. Smartphone App: Handles Bluetooth connection, receives the digitized data and manages the display.   Software Structure   A project template is provided to the students in order to establish a simple, and easy, program organization for the duration of the course. A portion of the template was built with the help of the Processor Expert so that, later on, the students would be able to understand its structure and limitations, and transition to this new tool. A wrapper was built around this auto-generated code and the resulting function, void __LDM_init (void), is to be used at the very beginning of the project given. This function mainly configures internal processor registers related to clock configuration.   The project is composed of separate files for each hardware and software module:   The template is composed of four files: LDM.c/h, main.c, and misc.h. The application is found in: App.c/h RTI, ADC, UART, LED Drivers are defined in: RTI.c/h, adc.c/h, uart.c/h, and LED.c/h.   The basic Driver structure consists of a void DRV_init(void) initialization, a set of void DRV_x_ISR(void) interrupt handlers, a set of void DRV_x_PISR(void) periodic interrupt handlers, and a set of void DRV_x services function. Only the initialization function is mandatory, the others being optional and dependent on the driver purpose. Service functions are interfaces between the application and the Driver and do not necessarily access any subjacent hardware. Indeed, this Driver structure can be nested and thus not handle any hardware at all. When a Driver function does access hardware, it is recommended to further use a Hardware Abstraction Layer to enhance productivity and improve portability.   Extracts of the system   As an example of the Driver Structure, the LED Driver is described below:   init void LED_init  (void)   ISR N/A   PISR void LED_PISR  (void)    Services void LED_write  (color_t color, bool value) void LED_set  (color_t color) void LED_clear  (color_t color) void LED_toggle (color_t color)   The entire application is interrupt driven, so that only initialization are necessary and the run loop is empty:   void App_init(void) {   LED_init();  // LED driver init function   uart_init();  // UART driver init function   adc_init();  // ADC driver init function   RTI_init();  // RTI driver init function }   void App_run(void) { }       Hardware interrupts are not serviced in their specific handler but referred to external handlers for readability and organization. The SysTick interrupt handler is composed of a ISR and a Service:   ISR_t SysTick_Handler(void) {   LED_isr code   ADC_conv code } The code for the smartphone side is depicted below:     Finally, a screenshot of the result:       Original Attachment has been moved to:
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GEORG is the Rescue Robot from the Freescale Robotics Lab of the Georg-Simon Ohm University of Applied Sciences of Nuremberg (Germany). During last week's, the student team led by Prof. Stefan May have attended the Worldwide RoboCup finals in Eindhoven (The Netherlands) and scored #12. Quite a good result for GEORG as it is it's first entry into the world finals. The Robotics team has been working since last year porting ROS (Robotic Operating System) to the Freescale i.MX platform to save space and power vs. an onboard PC. They are also working in developing distributed ROS computing systems using Freedom boards as modules. See GEORG's progress on the Robotics page of the university
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TFC2015 UCDavis Team Young Tortoise Final Report Thanks for sharing Lance Halsted​
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