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S32 Design Studio Knowledge Base


Users can now get the AMMCLib for S32K3 in S32DS 3.4 if they manually add the following URL to the list of “Available S32DS Software Sites”: http://www.nxp.com/lgfiles/updates/Eclipse/AMMCLIB/S32DS_3.5 (the URL will be auto-added with the upcoming S32DS 3.5 release). From within S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform 3.4, launch S32DS Extensions and Updates menu (Help -> S32DS Extensions and Updates), then select 'Add Update Sites'. Please note that the S32K3XXMCLUG.pdf User’s Guide incorrectly indicates that the library is available as a standalone SDK, which is incorrect. AMMCLib for S32K3 is part of the “PlatformSDK” system which means that users must use the RTD for S32K3 in their S32DS project to gain access to AMMCLib:   Then they must activate the „S32 Configuration Tool“ (CT):   Within the CT, they must click on the „Peripherals“, then „Libraries“, and select „AMMCLib“ from the list:   Then they must click on „Update code“, to update the paths in the project:    
The NXP device S32R41 has accelerators that can be programmed. The S32 Debugger included within the S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform IDE with the S32 Debug Probe provides the ability to debug these accelerators. The accelerator covered in this document: Signal Processing Toolbox (SPT).   Section map: Preparation             Setup the software tools             Setup the hardware Procedure             Create A New Debug Configuration                                Start A Debug Session                         Multi-Core Preparation Setup the software tools Install S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform Install the S32R41 development package and the Radar extension package for S32R41. Both of these are required for the SPT3.5 accelerator. Setup the hardware Confirm the setup of the S32R41 evaluation board. Connect the power supply cable Setup the S32 Debug Probe. Refer to the S32 Debug Probe User Guide for installation instructions. Connect the S32 Debug Probe to the evaluation board via JTAG cable. Connect the S32 Debug Probe to the host PC via USB cable OR via Ethernet cable (via LAN or directly connected and configured for static IP address) and power supply connected to USB port. Launch S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform Open existing project or create a new project and check that it successfully builds. If creating a new project, be sure the S32 Debugger is selected in the New Project Wizard.   Procedure The procedure for starting a debug session and accessing the associated accelerator-specific registers is detailed here. Debugging SPT is only conducted through the multi-core method. The SPT executable is included within A53 executable, the A53 application loads the SPT executable to the SPT core and both A53 and SPT core are available for debugging. The debug connection is made to the two cores through the Baremetal/Bareboard method. The debugger connects to both the A53 and SPT cores using the probe over JTAG. Before a debug session can be started a debug configuration must exist.   Create A New Debug Configuration If the New Project Wizard was used to create the project using the S32DS Application Project option, then there was an opportunity to select the desired debugger from within the wizard. If the desired debugger option was selected at this time, then the needed configuration already exists and will only require adjustments to the hardware connection settings.   If the New Project Wizard was not used to create the project OR the currently desired debugger was not the one selected at the time of project creation, a new debug configuration must be created. With the existing project selected in Project Explorer, open the Debug Configurations Menu: Run -> Debug Configurations Having the existing project selected in the Project Explorer view will make the creation of a new launch configuration easier as many settings will be imported from the selected project. To select a project, click on it so it becomes highlighted. Next, select the debugger for which the new debug configuration will be created. To create the new configuration, either click on the ‘New launch configuration’ button from the toolbar at the top and to the left, or right-click on the ‘S32 Debugger’ and select ‘New Configuration’ from the menu. Once the configuration is created it will be displayed and any errors with the configuration will be shown. If the project was selected in the Project Explorer, then the Name of the debug configuration will contain the project’s name and the Project and C/C++ Application fields may be populated as well. The C/C++ Application field will only be populated if the build output executable exists. Confirm these values are correct before moving on. If the C/C++ Application field is empty, just click ‘Browse..’ button (The ‘Search Project…’ button is setup to identify standard executable file types, not the SPT’s ‘aspt’ file type) and navigate to the folder containing the build output <project name>.aspt. If you like, the tool already knows the project directory path, so you could shorten the path to start with from the ‘Debug’ folder, as shown here. There is an error showing that the Device core ID is not specified on the Debugger tab. Switch to the Debugger tab and click on the button ‘Select device and core’. From the Select Target Device and Core window, expand the listing until all cores are listed. Notice that all supported cores on the S32R41 are listed. Select the SPT35 core and click OK. Now that the device and core are selected, the attach script is selected automatically. The attach script will allow to start debugging on a core that is already initialized. This is correct for the SPT core as it is always launched in multicore scenario. Refer to the document 'README.txt' located in the same folder as these script files for details on all of the provided scripts. Confirm the setting of the ‘Initial core’ checkbox. This box should be checked within the debug configuration that establishes the first connection to the target device via S32 Debug Probe. When this box is checked, the Debug Probe Connection interface and GDB Server settings become available. The probe connection only needs to be configured once and only one GDB Server needs to be running for each debug session. When debugging the SPT3.5 core, the A53 core will always launch first, so this box should be checked for the A53 debug configuration and should not be checked for the SPT debug configuration. Check that the GDB Client section has the correct path to the SPT GDB executable. It should point to the variable ‘S32DS_R41_GDB_SPT_PATH’. Startup tab check the following settings Load image is NOT checked for multicore debugging. Basically, if it is loaded by A53 core (SPT executable is contained within A53 ELF file), then it does not need to be loaded. Load symbols is NOT checked. The SPT source file is assembly code, so there are no symbols to load. Set breakpoint at main and Resume are NOT checked for multicore debugging. After saving the new configuration with the ‘Apply’ button, SPT debugging can be performed. Start A Debug Session For convenience, the S32DS Application Project wizard was used to create a new project for demonstrating multi-core A53/SPT debugging. The SPT core does not support standalone debugging. For instructions on loading this example project to your workspace, see ‘HOWTO: S32 Design Studio - Create New Application Project’, selecting instead the Processor option Family S32R41 -> S32R41xxx Cortex-A53 SPT3 from the wizard menu. A53 / SPT Multi-Core For multi-core debugging, the A53 core is running an executable which also contains the SPT code. The A53 code will make a call into the SPT to load the SPT code to memory and to start the SPT execution. So the A53 must be started first. The EVB settings are irrelevant as the debugger will take control of the target via the JTAG connection. Before beginning the debug sessions, be sure each project is built clean. Start A53 debug. From the menu at the top, select Run -> Debug Configurations… In the Debug Configurations menu, from the configuration list, look for the ‘S32 Debugger’ group and select the A53 Debug_RAM configuration for the project to be debugged. In the case of our example, the ‘New_S32R41_SPT_Project_A53_Debug_RAM_S32Debug’ configuration. On the Debugger tab, check that the Debug Probe Connection settings match with the current hardware connection configuration for the S32 Debug Probe. Use the ‘Test connection’ button to confirm. Click Debug to start debugging on the A53 core. The debugger will launch and execute until the first executable line in main(). See Debugger tab in Debug Configurations menu to adjust this setting. Once the A53 debug session is running, advance the program counter to a line after the desired SPT kernel is loaded to memory but before the SPT kernel is launched. In the example here, this would be in ‘main.c’, line 57, where ‘StartSptProgram()’ function is called. This can be done by setting a breakpoint on the line and clicking Resume.  After the breakpoint is reached, the SPT debug session can be started. Return to the Debug Configurations menu, select the SPT debug configuration. In the case of this example, ‘New_S32R41_SPT_Project_SPT35_Debug_S32Debug’, and click Debug. Wait for the SPT debug session to launch and stop in the disassembly. Use the Step Over command one time in the A53 debug thread to complete the SPT launch. Select the SPT debug thread to change the context of the Disassembly, Registers and etc.views. Notice the SPT code is not loaded yet. Enable Instruction Stepping Mode and step one time. Notice the SPT code is now loaded. Now you can step through the assembly code, access registers, etc.
      Product Release Announcement Automotive Microcontrollers and Processors S32 Design Studio 3.1  Update 2          What is new? S32 SDK for S32S247TV EAR 0.8.1 - be installed on top of the previous EAR 0.8.0 This is a cumulative update -  it includes all the content of previous updates (Update 190508 , Update 190708 ) This update is ONLY applicable to S32 Design Studio 3.1 (DO NOT APPLY IT TO S32 Design Studio 3.2 or later) Installation instructions The update is available only via offline installation (direct download link)  offline installation:   go to S32 Design Studio product page -> Downloads section or use direct link to download the update archive zip file Start S32 Design Studio and go to "Help" -> "S32DS Extensions and Updates" Add a new "Add.." S32DS Software Site and browse to select the downloaded update archive .zip file you downloaded in the previous step          Select from available items and click "Install/Update" button. This will start the update installation process.
The Vision SDK root is contributed to the Design Studio as a dynamic path variable “S32DS_VSDK_DIR”. Several Design Studio services use this variable to access the resources inside the Vision SDK. By default, this variable points to “${eclipse_home}../S32DS/s32v234_sdk”, i.e. to the Vision SDK shipment bundled with Design Studio. Technically you can change this variable to point to another instance of Vision SDK using the following steps: 1. Go to the main menu "Window -> Preferences" 2. Filter the preference dialog with "sub" keyword or just navigate to "Run/Debug -> String Substitution node. 3. Edit Variable "S32DS_VSDK_DIR" to assign another value to be substituted as Vision SDK root
      Product Release Announcement Automotive Microcontrollers and Processors S32 Design Studio 3.2  Update 191219          What is new? S32 SDK for S32V234 RTM 1.0.1 package (Windows only) Installation instructions The update is available for online (via Eclipse Updater) or offline installation (direct download link)  online installation:  go to menu "Help" -> "S32DS Extensions and Updates" dialog  select from available items and click "Install/Update" button   offline installation:   go to S32 Design Studio product page -> Downloads section or use direct link to download the update archive zip file Start S32 Design Studio and go to "Help" -> "S32DS Extensions and Updates" Add a new "Add.." S32DS Software Site and browse to select the downloaded update archive .zip file you downloaded in the previous step         Select from available items and click "Install/Update" button. This will start the update installation process.
Trace functionality is supported in the S32 Debugger for A53 cores on the S32R, RAM-target builds. With Trace, you can record some execution data on an application project and then review it to determine the actions and data surrounding an event of interest.   This document outlines the method to begin using Trace on the S32R45 device. We start by creating a project on which to execute the trace, however, you may start at step 2, if you are starting with an existing project. Please note, you will need to have debug configurations for the S32 Debugger setup for each core which you intend to capture trace. If you do not already have such configurations, you may copy them from another project and adapt them to the new project as shown in HOWTO: Add a new debugger configuration to an existing project.   Create a new application project, selecting the 'S32R45 Cortex-A53' processor and 'S32 Debugger' options.  There should now be 4 new application projects in your workspace. One for each A53 core. The first core of the S32R45, A53_0_0, is also a possible boot core, so this project will have build configurations for RAM and FLASH. The other A53 cores (0_1, 1_0, 1_1) will not. Build all projects for Debug_RAM and check that they build clean before proceeding. Open 'Debug Configurations...' and select the 'Debug_RAM' configuration for the first core (A53_0_0_Debug_RAM_S32Debug). Select the 'Debugger' tab. Enter the Debug Probe Connection settings as appropriate for your hardware setup. Click Apply. Now select the Launch Group configuration for 'Debug_RAM'. It is important to use the launch group to start the debug for each core, not just because it makes it easier, but also because it is necessary to allow for some delay after the first A53 core is started before bringing the other A53 cores from reset to debug state. Press Debug Once the code is loaded to the target and the debugger has started each core and executed to the first line within main(), then it is ready to perform any of the standard debug functions including Trace. Trace does not start automatically, it must be turned on before it will start logging data. To do this, it is necessary to add the view 'Trace Commander'. It can be found by either Window -> Show View -> Other, then search for 'Trace Commander' or enter 'Trace Commander' in the Quick Access field of the toolbar and select Trace Commander from the list. The Trace Commander view will show in the panel with the Console, Problems, etc. Double-click on the tab to enlarge it. Click on the configure button to change settings. Click on the Advanced Trace Generators configuration button For each core to be logged, set the associated ELF file. Select the core, click Add, then '...', and select the elf file for that core. Select Data Streams. Now it is possible to change how the data is captured. Since the buffers have finite memory, they can be set to collect data until full, or to overwrite. If set to One buffer, the data will be collected until the buffer is full, then data collection stops. It is useful to gather data when starting logging from a breakpoint to gather data during execution of a specific section of code. If set to Overwrite, the data collection continues and starts overwriting itself once the buffer is full. This is useful when trying to gather data prior to a breakpoint triggered by a condition.  To turn on the Trace logging, click on the 'Close this trace stream' button. The Trace is now enabled. To collect trace data, the cores must be executing. First double-click the Trace Commander tab to return to the normal Debug Perspective view. Then, one by one, select the main() thread on each core and press Resume to start them all. If collecting from a breakpoint, start the code first with Trace disabled, wait for the breakpoint to be reached, then enable the Trace. Allow the cores to run for a period of time to gather the data, then press Suspend on each one until they are all suspended. Look to the Trace Commander tab to see that the data icon is no longer shaded and click on it to upload the trace data. A new tab, Analysis Results, has appeared. Double-click this tab to see it better. Click on the arrow next to ETF 0 to show the data collected in the trace buffer. Notice there are 5 separate views on the captured data: Trace (raw data), Timeline, Code Coverage, Performance, and Call Tree. Trace - this is the fully decoded trace data log Timeline - displays the functions that are executed in the application and the number of cycles each function takes, separate tabs for each core Code Coverage - displays the summarized data of a function in a tabular form, separate tabs for each core Performance - displays the function performance data in the upper summary table and the call pair data for the selected function and it's calling function Call Tree - shows the call tree for identification of the depth of stack utilization See the S32DS Software Analysis Documentation for more details on settings, ways to store the logged data, etc.
In this document, we show the steps to use the New Project Wizard to create a new application project for APEX2, ISP, or both.   1. Launch S32DS for Vision 2. Select 'S32DS Application Project' 3. Enter a name for the project 4. Select the 'A53 APEX2/ISP Linux' processor option 5. Click Next 6. Select the APEX2/ISP options you need.       a. APEX2 programming - will add support to your project for an APEX2 application, you need this for any new APEX2 project       b. APEX2 visual modeling - will create a separate project for your APEX2 program diagram, you need this to connect your APEX2 graph diagrams together. But you could also create it separately later. The APEX graph diagram must be created separately with another New Project Wizard.       c. ISP programming - will add support to your project for an ISP application, you need this for any new ISP project       d. ISP visual modeling - will create a separate project for your ISP data flow diagram, you will not need this if you plan to use an existing graph diagram. This can also be created later.       e. ISP static sequencer - by default, a dynamic sequencer is generated from your graph diagram, enable this to generate a static sequencer instead. This can be set/changed later in the Emit Configurations. 7. Click Finish 8. You now have a project or set of projects for development on the S32V234.
1) Prepare the evaluation board hardware You can use the S32 Debug Probe to download code to target Connect S32 Debug Probe to S32V234 EVB using JTAG connector Connect S32 Debug Probe to PC via USB cable OR ethernet (if connected via ethernet, then USB power cable must also be connected) Connect the S32V234 EVB to PC via ethernet (typically via LAN) Connect power cable to evaluation board and switch on the power     2) Build the project using the TEST_A53 build option. 3) Start debug on A53 core. Project is now built, ELF file is read to be loaded to EVB for execution. 4) Before a debug session can be started, we must complete HOWTO: Setup A Remote Linux Connection in S32DS for Vision. 5) Select the debug drop-down menu and click Debug Configurations     6) Make sure the Debug_Remote_Linux debug configuration is selected and the connection setup in step 4 is selected (points to the IP address of your EVB). Click Debug     7) The first time you connect to a new IP address (i.e. the first time you debug after booting the board), you will receive a warning message, Click Yes and proceed.     The executable file is copied to Linux file system and gdbserver starts. You may get an error message on the first try, this is normal. Just try it again and it will work. 😎 Once the Linux GDB has started on A53 core and the initial breakpoint is reached in main(), we need to set a breakpoint at the function apu_hal_Enable().    This breakpoint has already been created for you, you just need to enable it! Locate the breakpoint in the Breakpoints view. Due to some known issues with Eclipse CDT, it is necessary to enable->disable->enable the breakpoint so it will work properly. The issue only affects this breakpoint, due to the way it is provided, and will not affect breakpoints which you set. 9) Press Resume twice, so that the breakpoint which was set at apu_hal_enable() is reached for the 2nd time. 10) Open Debug Configurations. You will see a debug configuration within the 'S32 Debugger' group (FAST9COLOR as shown below). This is the debug configuration we will use, however, it will require some setup.     11) You should notice the error message at the top of the window, just below the title and a red 'X' on the Debugger tab. Click on the Debugger tab to select it. We must setup the Debug Probe Connection before we can proceed. There are two options: Ethernet USB   If connecting the Probe via Ethernet, please refer to the Quick Start Guide or S32 Debug Probe User Guide provided with the S32 Debug Probe for instructions on how to connect it and determine the Hostname or IP address.     If connecting the Probe via USB, then the COM port will appear in the Port selection setting. If you have more than one S32 Debug Probe connected, you will need to determine which COM port is the correct one, otherwise, only the COM port for your S32 Debug Probe will appear.       12) Click Apply then Debug. It may take a few moments for the APEX core debug to launch.   13) It may take a moment or two before the APEX2 debug thread launch is complete, see the Thread listed within the <kernel_name>[S32 Debugger] in the Debug window. Also note, a new breakpoint is listed in the Breakpoints view. This breakpoint is set for you at the start of the APEX2 graph function. 14) The debugger context is still on the A53 thread. Press RESUME and then select the APEX2 thread to see that it has stopped on the graph function break point. Now you can step through the graph. 15) To step through a kernel, locate the call to the kernel function in the graph function and set a break point on the line. 16) Press RESUME to advance the program counter to the new break point 17) Press STEP INTO to advance the program counter into the kernel. It may take several steps as the optimizations performed by the compiler produce some synchronization inconsistencies. 18) You may need to help the IDE to locate the source files. Now you can see the kernel wrapper function... and the kernel! 19) Step through, monitor variables and registers and set breakpoints.
Example contains modified startup code to be able run in BookE only mode. For GNU gcc and as you need to add -mno-vle parameter in project properties:  For debugging with PE Micro you need to use modified Initialization script in Advanced options: Please note that there is no STD C BookE only library available:
On some versions of Windows 10, there is an issue which could impact your ability to open documents from the Getting Started page in S32 Design Studio. While we have resolved this issue in some of the newer releases, not all editions of S32 Design Studio have been updated since this issue was discovered. Also, you may required to use an older release. The problem occurs when a document linked within the Getting Started window of S32 Design Studio. The S32 Design Studio is configured to use the Windows default web browser to open the files. For some Windows 10 installations, Microsoft Edge is the default browser and it is unable to correctly open the requested file. The typical error message is as shown below: To resolve the issue, it is necessary to change the default browser within your Windows preferences. Here are some steps to do that: 1) Click on 'Settings' from the Windows Start Menu 2) Type 'browser' in the search bar, then select 'Choose a default web browser' 3) Click on the currently selected Web browser to bring up the selection menu and select 'Internet Explorer' or 'Google Chrome' 4) Relaunch S32 Design Studio and try again to open the document from the link in Getting Started page.
This tutorial walks a user through the steps to create a new application for the S32V234 MCU using S32DS (with S32V2xx development package and Vision extension package for S32V2xx) and the built in APEX2 Visual Graph tool. The completed application will take a PNG image, upscale and downscale it using APEX engines and return the processed images. Prerequisites: Some knowledge of the S32V234 System on a Chip (SoC) Have an understanding of the APEX architecture and APEX Core Framework (ACF) Refer to UG-10267-03-14-ACF_User_Guide.pdf to learn about ACF Path: s32ds_install_dir\S32DS\software\VSDK_S32V2_RTM_x_x_x\s32v234_sdk\docs\apex\acf Be familiar with the NXP Vision SDK software Looking for Interactive Tutorial? You can view this tutorial as a video, go to Getting started with S32 Design Studio IDE including Vision Extension Package for S32V processors | NXP and select '4 | Create a new APEX2 application'
So you have created a project in S32DS with target of S32V234 Cortex-A53 APEX2/ISP Linux . You have built the project and now want to execute it on the S32V234-EVB2, which is running the Linux BSP for the VSDK on a microSD card. There are many ways to do this, however, the simplest is to use the built-in support within S32DS to run and/or debug over an Ethernet connection to the Linux BSP OS running on the EVB. In order for S32DS to connect to the Linux BSP OS, the following steps should be followed: 1) First, we must complete the steps in HOWTO: Setup S32V234 EVB2 for debugging with S32DS and Linux BSP . 2) With the Linux running on the EVB, start a terminal program (for ex. PuTTY) on your PC 3) Set Connection type to Serial 4) Set speed to 115200, Data bits 8, Stop bits 1, Parity None 5) Set Serial line to the COM port associated with the USB port setup in step 1 of this document. (for ex. COM3) 6) Click Open to start the terminal session 7) Press enter key to bring up login prompt 😎 Log into Linux (login name is "root") 9) Get IP address, enter command:    ifconfig       Make note of the IP address 10) Launch S32DS for Vision. From the C/C++ Perspective, select Run->Debug Configurations... 11) From 'C/C++ Remote Application'. Select '<project_name>_Remote_Linux' debug configuration. 12) Select New to create new debug connection. 13) Select SSH 14) Enter the IP address noted earlier 15) Enter user ID as "root". The Linux BSP uses Password based authentication, but by default, no password is set. So the password can be left blank. 16) Select Finish 17) Select Apply, and then if you wish, Debug This connection is stored within the workspace. It can be added to any projects within the workspace. If a new workspace is created, then this connection will not appear in the selection list.
1) Prepare the evaluation board hardware You can use the S32 Debug Probe to download code to target Connect S32 Debug Probe to S32V234 EVB2 using JTAG connector Connect S32 Debug Probe to PC via USB cable OR ethernet (if connected via ethernet, then USB power cable must also be connected) Connect the S32V234 EVB2 to PC via ethernet (typically via LAN) Connect power cable to evaluation board and switch on the power     2) Build the project using the A53 build option. 3) The project is now built, and the ELF file is ready to be loaded to the EVB for execution. Before a debug session can be started, we must complete HOWTO: Setup A Remote Linux Connection in S32DS (S32V234). Start A53 Debug 4) Select the debug drop-down menu and click Debug Configurations     5) Make sure the '{project_name}_Remote_Linux' debug configuration is selected and the Connection (see step 3) is selected (points to the IP address of your EVB). Click Debug     6) The first time you connect to a new IP address (i.e. the first time you debug after creating a new workspace), you will receive a warning message, Click Yes and proceed.     The executable file is copied to Linux file system and gdbserver starts.   You may get an error message on the first try, this is normal. Just try it again and it will work. 7) Once the Linux GDB has started on A53 core and the initial break point is reached in main(), it is almost ready for to start debug on ISP. Click Resume as the A53 must be running before we can attach the ISP debug thread. 😎 Return to the Debug Configurations menu and locate the ISP debug configuration. You will see a debug configuration within the 'S32 Debugger' group (in our example, isp_sonyimx224_csi_dcu_mipi_simple_IPUS0 as shown below). This is the debug configuration we will use, however, it will require some setup.     9) You should notice the error message at the top of the window, just below the title and a red 'X' on the Debugger tab. Click on the Debugger tab to select it. We must setup the Debug Probe Connection before we can proceed. There are two options: Ethernet USB   If connecting the Probe via Ethernet, please refer to the Quick Start Guide or S32 Debug Probe User Guide provided with the S32 Debug Probe for instructions on how to connect it and determine the Hostname or IP address.     If connecting the Probe via USB, then the COM port will appear in the Port selection setting. If you have more than one S32 Debug Probe connected, you will need to determine which COM port is the correct one, otherwise, only the COM port for your S32 Debug Probe will appear.   10) This is already done for our example, but for your application, it may be necessary to setup the symbols for the ISP engine. Go to the Startup tab and:    a) Check the box for 'Load symbols'    b) Select the option for 'Use file', click Workspace... and locate the object file (.opius) for the ISP engine you wish to debug.   11) Click Apply then Debug. It may take a few moments for the ISP core debug to launch.   12) Wait for the ISP debug launch to complete. You may notice the A53 thread has terminated. This is normal and expected since the camera input cannot be suspended. When the launch completes, the context of the Debug window will switch to the ISP debug thread. 13) Enable Instruction Stepping mode and then step one time to load the object file which was setup in step 6. 14) The ISP debugging is now running and you can step through the ISP engine, look at registers, set a break point, etc. Note: only one hardware break point is supported for ISP.
So you've just installed the S32DS and are using it for the first time and would like to see how it works. Here is a quick and simple project to get you started. Prerequisite Before following the steps in this HOWTO, ensure you have the S32V2xx development package installed to S32DS. 1. Launch S32DS for Vision 2. Select 'S32DS Application Project' 3. Enter a name for the project 4. Select the 'A53 Linux' processor option 5. Click Next 6. Click the '...' next to the SDKs field 7. Check the box next to 'VSDK_MODULE_WIN' for Windows OS or 'VSDK_MODULE_LINUX' for Linux OS and click OK. 8. Click Finish 9. Build the project for Debug 10. Project is now built, ELF file is ready to be loaded to EVB for execution. However, if we have not prepared the EVB, we must first complete HOWTO: Setup S32V234 EVB2 for debugging with S32DS and Linux BSP. 11. Once the EVB is properly prepared, we must complete HOWTO: Setup A Remote Linux Connection in S32DS (S32V234)  12. With the project debug configuration and remote linux connection selected, select the debug dropdown menu and click Debug Configurations 13. Make sure the Debug_Remote_Linux debug configuration is selected and the connection setup in step 10 is selected (points to the IP address of your EVB). Click Debug 14. The first time you connect to a new IP address (i.e. the first time you debug after booting the board), you will receive a warning message, Click Yes and proceed. 15. The executable file is copied to Linux file system and gdbserver starts. 16. The Debug perspective is opened. You can now step through the code*     *Only debugging of the A53 code is supported by Linux GDB. For multicore debugging, including ISP and APEX2, additional debugger and probe(S32 Debugger with S32 Debug Probe, Lauterbach, etc) will be required.
UART communication is supported in the KEA64 Bootloader .rbf file  + Supported UART0: PTA2-PTA3 pins(Speed: 115200b/s) Tested on the dev board:   Development Board TRK-KEA64 Processor PKEAZN64 MLH 2N22J
Before you can start debugging an S32DS project for S32V234 Cortex-A53 APEX2/ISP Linux target on the S32V234-EVB2, we must first setup the hardware connections and start the Linux BSP OS. 1) Connect (1) S32V234 USB Micro B port to (2) USB A port on your PC. This allow you to connect to the Linux BSP OS via a terminal program to issue commands and to obtain the IP address. 2) Insert microSDHC card (with U-boot, Linux kernel, devicetree, and root file system loaded*) into (3) the S32V234 EVB2 microSD card slot   3) Connect (1) Ethernet port on S32V234 daughter card to (2) LAN**. This will allow S32DS to communicate with the Linux BSP OS for flashing and GDB debugging.   4) Connect the power supply to (3) S234V234 EVB 5) Turn on the (4) power switch, this will start the Linux BSP OS *Instructions for preparing the SD card are provided in the VisionSDK document: ..\S32DS.x.x\S32DS\software\VSDK_S32V2_RTM_x_x_x\s32v234_sdk\docs\vsdk\S32V234-EVB_SetupGuide.pdf or refer to HOWTO: Prepare A SD Card For Linux Boot Of S32V234-EVB2 Using BSP For VisionSDK  **Ensure PC is connected to LAN as well (either hardwired or wireless)
UART0 communication is supported in the latest version of MPC5746R Bootloader .rbf file (attached below) + Supported UART0/LINFlexD_0: PD13-PD14 pins(Speed: 115200b/s)   Tested on the dev boards:   Development Board MPC5746R-252DC MPC57xx-MOTHERBOARD Processor PPC5746RTMMT5 - 1N83M  
Eclipse caches some settings within the workspace directory. After installing a new version of S32DS, some settings in old workspaces may not match the requirement of the new version. The result is often errors reported on new as well as previously existing projects located in an existing workspace which you selected when launching S32DS. The best way to resolve this is to create a new workspace and then import your projects. This will ensure the workspace is created using all the correct settings for the version you have installed.
The S32 Debugger included within the S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform IDE provides the capability to access the flash programming capabilities of the S32 Debug Probe via GTA command line and the GDB. This instruction details the steps to perform flash programming of the S32R41 EVB via the JTAG interface with the S32 Debug Probe.   Note: currently only QSPI flashing is supported.   Preparation Setup the software tools Install S32 Design Studio IDE Install the Development Package for the device you are debugging. In this case, the S32R41 development package. This is important as the S32 Debugger support within it contains the device-specific Python scripts required for initialization of the cores. Setup the hardware Confirm the setup of the S32R41 evaluation board. Connect the power supply cable Setup the S32 Debug Probe Connect the S32 Debug Probe to the evaluation board via JTAG cable. Refer to the S32 Debug Probe User Manual for installation instructions. Connect the S32 Debug Probe to the host PC via USB, or Ethernet (via LAN or directly connected and configured for static IP address) and power supply connected to USB port. Launch S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform Create new or open existing project and check that it successfully builds. If creating a new project, be sure the S32 Debugger is selected in the New Project Wizard.   Procedure Launch GTA server. From command prompt or Windows File Explorer run the command:{S32DS Install Path}\S32DS\tools\S32Debugger\Debugger\Server\gta\gta.exe Should see a window appear like this: Ensure Environment Variable for Python is set. From command prompt, run the command: set PYTHONPATH={S32DS Install Path}\S32DS\build_tools\msys32\mingw32\lib\python2.7;{S32DS Install Path}\S32DS\build_tools\msys32\mingw32\lib\python2.7\site-packages Start GDB. In a command window, run the command: Windows OS: {S32DS Install Path}\S32DS\tools\gdb-arm\arm32-eabi\bin\arm-none-eabi-gdb-py.exe (for arm32) OR {S32DS Install Path}\S32DS\tools\gdb-arm\arm64-eabi\bin\aarch64-none-elf-gdb-py.exe (for arm64) Linux OS: arm-none-eabi-gdb-py A (gdb) prompt should now be displayed in the command window: Configure the EVB's Boot Mode switches for Serial Boot. Issue the following commands, replacing the PROBE_IP address and FLASH_NAME, as appropriate: source {S32DS Install Path}/S32DS/tools/S32Debugger/Debugger/scripts/gdb_extensions/flash/s32flash.py py _FLASH_TYPE = "qspi" py _PROBE_IP="" py _JTAG_SPEED=20000 py _GDB_SERVER_PORT=45000 py _GDB_TIMEOUT=7200 py _REMOTE_TIMEOUT=30 py _RESET_DELAY=1 py _RESET_TYPE="default" py _INIT_SCRIPT="{S32DS Install Path}/S32DS/tools/S32Debugger/Debugger/scripts/s32r41/s32r41_generic_bareboard.py" py _FLASH_NAME="W25Q64J" py _IS_LOGGING_ENABLED=False py flash() Note: Replace the {S32DS Install Path} in the commands above with the actual path to your installation of S32 Design Studio. Now flash commands may be used. fl_blankcheck -- blank check fl_close -- close command fl_current -- current device command fl_dump -- dump command fl_erase -- erase section of memory command, will erase whole sectors starting from 'offset' through 'size' contiguously, so to erase only one sector, ensure that the 'offset' address is within the desired sector and 'size' does not extend into the following sector fl_erase_all -- erase all memory command fl_info -- info command, shows list of registered devices fl_protect -- protect section of memory command fl_unprotect -- unprotect section of memory command fl_write -- write memory command, hex or binary are supported, options to erase first and verify after write fl_write_elf -- write elf file to memory command, options to erase first, verify after, and rearrange flash base Type 'help fl_<command>' to print the help info on the specified command Type 'help support' to print a list of the fl_ commands For example, you may wish to write a binary file: fl_write -e 0x0 C:\\Users\\<userid_folder>\\workspaceS32DS\\hello_world\\Debug_RAM\\hello_world_blob.bin Happy flashing with S32DS Flash Programmer!
In this document, we show the steps to use the New Project Wizard to create a new application project for APEX2, ISP, or both.   1. Launch S32DS for Vision 2. Select File -> New -> S32DS Application Project 3. Enter a name for the project 4. Select the 'A53 APEX2/ISP Linux' processor option 5. Click Next 6. Select the APEX2/ISP options you need.       a. APEX2 programming - will add support to your project for an APEX2 application, you need this for any new APEX2 project       b. ISP programming - will add support to your project for an ISP application, you need this for any new ISP project       c. ISP visual modeling - will create a separate project for your ISP data flow diagram, you will not need this if you plan to use an existing graph diagram. This can also be created later. 7. Select the SDK(s) as appropriate for your setup. For example, 'VSDK_MODULE_WIN' for Windows OS or 'VSDK_MODULE_LINUX' for Linux OS, the one which corresponds to your OS is selected for you by default. 7. Click Finish 8. You now have a project or set of projects for development on the S32V234.