HOWTO: Activate S32 Design Studio
S32 Design Studio is free-of-charge software that just requires to be activated. The activation process is incorporated into the S32DS installer. Before you proceed to the installation you always need to get an activation code. The activation code is typically sent automatically to your email registered on account when you proceed to downloading of S32DS installer. The example of notification email is below:
There are two types of activation you can choose from - online and offline. If your machine is connected to the Internet then in most cases you just select online activation and S32DS gets activated automatically without any additional steps required.
Anyway if the computer that you are installing S32 Design Studio into has no internet access or there are some firewall/antivirus/infrastructure restrictions that voids the online activation you can select offline activation type instead. This document describes the offline activation process step-by-step:
Step 1. S32 Design studio for Arm/Power/Vision installer pops up the "S32DS Activation" dialog where you first enter your activation ID and select activation type as offline
Step 2. The Offline process will require to save an activation request file -"request.xml". Please save this file into a local folder or an USB drive.
Step 3. Software will then require an activation response. To get this file move to a station with the Internet connection. We will get back here once we have activation response file ready.
Step 4. Look for the Internet connection and take the "request.xml" file with you. Go to click on Apps and Services > "Software Licensing and Support > Click on View Accounts
Step 5. In product information page look for the "Offline Activation" option on the left menu.
Step 6. Click on "Choose File" and select the "request.xml" file generated in Step 2. Press "Process" button to get the "activation.xml" file. This file will be downloaded.
Step 7. Save "activation.xml" file and take it to the original offline station, go back to the Activation response dialog described by Step 3.
Step 8. Load file and installation will be finished. S32 design studio will be activated with your activation ID.
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would it be possible to have a second license? I'm currently moving my current Win 10 VM content to a new Win 10 VM. Offline XML activation didn't work, neither online, I assume it's the machine limit, right?
Kind regards
I'm testing with key posted in:
Online activation worked suddenly, Done
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I can't find the fifth step on this interface. Can you tell me how to find it?
Software & Support, I can't find.
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Is there a way to install S32DS_Vision_Linux_v2 from console and not using GUI/wizard. And if so is there a way to pass in the activation code as an option to it ?
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in my case, it just because when i input activation code, i miss the letter '-'.
as far as mine, my activation is code C585-C849-4BA6-E5A3, i must input code C585-C849-4BA6-E5A3 rather than C585C8494BA6E5A3
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Who can help!
I didn't even have the "offline" option in the first step, the installer will automatically quit...
I think it may be a problem with the activation key, but I don't know where to fix it...
However, the log file shows...
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Hi Carter,
Have you tried the online activation? are you installing the software for the first time?
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I have tried it in Win8.1 several times and can't install it.
Then I installed another computer(WIN7)... Is working.....
But my computer(Win8.1) still can't be installed... like in video......
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Its seem that web pages had changed. Where is the page which is used for submiting the request.xml?/sad
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Find it. Software & Support : Offline Activation
It takes me 3h to solve this problem. Remeber to generate the activation.xml through the request.xml that is generated by the setts.(Reference another official method)
Good Luck !
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I wanted to install S32Design Studio 3.5. I cannot find the installer file. Whenever I am searching, I am only finding the Platforms for it and those downloads don't have any executable. Someone please help me here.
Thank you!