Powertrain and Electrification Analog Drivers Knowledge Base

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Powertrain and Electrification Analog Drivers Knowledge Base


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Demo Direct Fuel Injection (DFI) is a critical  technology for improving performance  and fuel and emissions efficiency of modern gasoline and diesel engines. The MC33PT2000 is our latest programmable solenoid driver designed to meet the needs of  next-generation 3-cylinder and 6-cylinder DFI engines.  This demo introduces the  many flexible HW and diagnostic capabilities of the MC33PT200, including the integrated end of injection (EOI) detection for precise control of DFI  injectors.   If you have any questions regarding this device please contact the owner: Pierre Calmes     Features Controls 3, 4, or 6 solenoids in three banks and 72 V DC/DC boost Integrated End of Injection (EOI) measurement for precise real-time control Security and safety through integrated code encryption and advanced diagnostics   Featured NXP Products Programmable Gate Driver for Solenoid Control   Development Hardware Used Product Link PT2000 Evaluation Kit with KL25Z for 3 Cylinder with Freewheeling https://www.nxp.com/design/development-boards/analog-toolbox/pt2000-evaluation-kit-with-kl25z-for-3-cylinder-with-freewheeling:KITPT2000FRDM3C?&fasp=1 PT2000 Evaluation Kit with KL25Z for 4/6 Cylinder https://www.nxp.com/design/development-boards/analog-toolbox/pt2000-evaluation-kit-with-kl25z-for-4-6-cylinder:KITPT2000FRDM6C?&fasp=1
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直喷发动机的喷油器在开启喷油时需要迅速打开,我们知道喷油器实质是电磁阀, 那么要想快速开启就需要有一个大的电流加载到喷油嘴,但是我们的系统电压只有 一个12V(车载12V电瓶),电磁阀的电感量一定,那个最大的电流能力也一定, 这时要加大电流就需要一个DCDC将12V电压boost 到一个高压(一般是DFI喷油器 设计时boost电压是 65V或 48V)
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1. Add 1.5µF or 2.2µF ​100V capacitor between B+A and GND. Better performance of X7R capacitor. 2. connect backside of die to AGND. both of these two recommendations are for EMC concern.​ If die has no back metal. we recommend customer use epoxy technology (silver glue), and also connect backside to GND​. For epoxy technology (silver glue 银浆工艺), please refer to attachment.
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For die sales products, we only accept CQC that already no gel above the die. Because: Before starting FA, we need to remove the die from brush holder or PCB. And then rebond into a special package. If gel is not removed, the die cannot be rebond. Please make sure the die is totally gel removed. Otherwise, FA cannot do wire bond. Gel remove recipe: Can be: MOMENTIVE Silopren* Silicone Remover TP 3888 https://www.momentive.com/products/showtechnicaldatasheet.aspx?id=10807 DOE parameters: Soak time: 1-24h Temperature (60°) Chemical Product refresh (3cycle)
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If we take the example of a 100A alternator and a blind zone at 12%. 100% DC corresponds to 100A load on the stator, so that means the LRC will be started only if the load increase is more than 12A. This is a rough estimation that does not take into account the alternator efficiency (which is low at low speed).
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When customer get a parameter documents form OEM, some parameter may have different name with NXP Alternator Regulator Spec. Here is a brief guide to help you understand, who of them are talking about the same thing.   CTM option Unit NXP option 中文解释 Example 1 Regulation Voltage V Vreg 目标调节电压 14.5 2 Regulation Voltage (With "C") V none option value RVS端为低电压时的调节电压 12.8 3 Temperature Compensation mV/°C TC  温度补偿(在温度超多热补偿临界点的时候,每上升一度,目标电压值下降的电压) -7 4 Alternator pole Pole Pair of poles 发电机爪级对数[n(rpm)=60f(Hz)/p(Pole)] 6 5 PHASE Single/Dual Phase number Phase 输入端的个数(取决于刷架(Brusholder)的设计) Dual 6 LAMP BULB / LED Lamp/LED LAMP端是灯泡还是LED取决于整车 LED 7 Terminal - Sense Pad use&  RVS/Sense 与ECU连接的端子 FR: FM pin L: Lamp pin C: RVC/Sense=RVS FR / L / C 8 Field Monitoring FR / DF FM type 磁场反馈(EXC的波形同向或者反向复制到FM端,输出给ECU用于判断当前励磁电流) FR:反向 DF:同向 FR 9 FSDF (PreExc) % Pre_Exc DC  预励磁: 在正式发电以前的励磁 电机在转速达到切入转速(cut-in speed)或者在自启动(selfstart)模式达到自启动转速(Nself start)之后开始发电 12.5 10 Regulation ramp Steps Ramp type 励磁DC从Min DC到Max DC分成了多少步 CPNG 一步是1.5mV 160 11 EXC Minimum Duty % Min DC  最小占空比 1.5 12 EXC Maximum Duty % none option value 最大占空比 100 13 FM Duty Range % FM clamp FM的范围(FM是EXC波形的同向或者反向) 1.5 ~ 98.5 14 FM  Swtching Frequency HZ FM freq FM的频率 112.5 15 Cut-in speed RPM Nstart 切入转速 1200 16 Self-start of Alternator RPM Nselfstart  自启动转速 1920 17 LRC SEC Tlrc/cp 负载响应控制从0%(理想)到100%的时间 5 18 LRC Deactivation RPM LRC disable  负载响应截止频率(转速在此之上时,不会出项LRC现象) 3100 19     WOT(Wide Open Throttle) 正常行驶中关闭发电 active 20     PWT(Power train) 启动时关闭发电 active 21     Aux(Auxiliary load ) 将Lamp的电压通过一个继电器反馈给ECU active 22     Thermal Gradient 温度补偿下降速度(刷新一个新的温度补偿点的时间) No gradient,refresh on the fly 23     Number of poles for IIR filter IIR(无限数字响应)滤波器的极点数--消除噪音用// 不开放客户选择 1 24     Spread spectrum 展频--消除电磁干扰用//不开放给客户选择 No      
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​see LIN 2.0 spec. Chap. 2.5.1 or LIN 2.1 spec. chap. Assign frame ID range is used to set or disable PIDs up to four frames. It is important to notice that the request provides the protected identifier, i.e. the frame identifier and its parity. Furthermore, frames with frame identifiers 60 (0x3C) to 63 (0x3F) can not be changed (diagnostic frames and reserved frames).
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​Vset: Set voltage. In LIN mode, The regulation voltage​ set by LIN RX frame. //设定调节电压。LIN调节模式下,Vset为LIN协议RX帧设定的调节电压值;默认模式下,Vset为OTP中写入的默认调节电压。 Vreg:Regulation voltage. the actual value that device regulate. During Thermal compensation or LIN timeout, Vreg is not equal to Vset. //调节电压。芯片实际工作中调节的目标电压值。温度补偿或者LIN超时,实际的调节电压Vreg会不等于Vset。  
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In pre excitation mode 2, you can have any duty cycle between pre exc value and 100% depending on battery and Vset voltage. On some alternators, with high duty cycles, the switching of excitation causes so much noise through the phase that this noise can be interpreted as valid phase signal. Thus, the device can go to regulation. To avoid that, we added the ability to deglitch the phase input only in pre excitation mode 2 to be sure that the signal we have are real phase signals. Depending on the duration of the noise our customer can see during pre excitation mode2, they can set the value of deglitcher. If they don't use pre excitation mode2, this value is "don't care".      
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前言: 本应用文档说明了如何在典型的四缸内燃机(ICE)应用中使用PT2001诊断功能。 动力总成需要以非常高的速度完成诊断功能。PT2001诊断程序可以管理这个四个 独立的微核。 本应用说明旨在解决不同的故障情况,并说明如何在预诊断和诊断模式下 对微码进行编程并检测故障。 PT2001是一款专为汽车发动机控制应用而设计的12通道门驱动器芯片。 该芯片由五个外部MOSFET高边侧预驱动器和七个底边MOSFET预驱动器组成 PT2001为MOSFET提供了一个灵活的解决方案,具有多功能控制和优化延迟时间功能。 通过四个独立的微核、两个代码RAM和两个数据RAM区完成门级驱动、诊断和保护等功能。  
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If you want to use MC33AR6000 to replace MC33TC80310 in a mature platform, should pay attention to some small difference on actions and diagnoses. See attachment for details.
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MC33AR6000(LIN2112 is nick name) have advanced Excitation current feedback and protection. But different current value is been used in different condition. 1. Current measurements: Excitation control is a MOS ON/OFF PWM. During MOS ON, current raise, during MOS OFF, current decrease, as motor parasitic inductance. Current measurement only happens during MOS ON. IC catch sample current value Sn in every 10-15us, . When MOS OFF, current measurement value Iexc=ΣSn/n.  2. Iexc current feedback by LIN MC33AR600 can report Iexc value by LIN. The report value Iexc_LIN= ΣIexcx/X, X is number of excitation cycles happens during two LIN current command. 3. Current limitation current limitation is compare Iexc to Iexc_limit threshold. Be careful, Iexc is an average value. Iexc>Iexc_limit trigger limitation on next excitation cycle. So current limitation dose not mean limitation action happen once current real time value reach the limitation threshold.     EXC current measurement: 1. sampling Iexc every 10-15μs when MOS ON. (S0,S1,...Sn) 2. calculate average value of the sampes in one period. ( D=(S0+S1+S2+..Sn)/n) 3.report D to digital core. D = Iexc. 4. calculate average of D value in Ffilter_Iexc (selected by OTP) period. Reprot to ECU by LIN. (Iexc_LIN=(D0+D1+...Dx)/X    EXC current limitation: 1. once detect Iexc(D)>Ilimit, the duty cycle(DC) in next period is minimum duty cycle(celected by OTP). 2.  once Iexc<Ilimit , the next duty cycle back to normal regulation DC. -- other words, the current limit function is refreshed by regulation requency(200Hz).
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Blind Zone is designed a current gap when excitation start raising at very beginning.  This feature is designed for a mechanical coupling delay time when engine start. Customer can fuse the blind zone as initiation, or config/inhibit blind zone by LIN command. Customer can refer to the attachment truth table find the blind zone result.   LIN have higher priority. when BZI(OTP)=BZI(LIN)=1, BZ output=0% For other cases: 1. LIN mode: BZ=BZ(LIN) 2. Defult mode: BZ=BZ(OTP) BZI(OTP) BZ(OTP) BZI(LIN) BZ(LIN) BZ output Version A & B 0 X X 0 3% 0 X X 1 12% 1 X 0 0 3% 1 X 0 1 12% 1 X 1 0 0% 1 X 1 1 0% version C X X   00 0% X X   01 3,125% X X   10 6,25% X X   11 12,50% version E X X   0 3% X X   1 6% No LIN X 00 X X 0% X 01 X X 3,250% X 10 X X 6,00% X 11 X X 12,00%  
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MC33AR6000 Excitation duty cycle control in different working status. vertical: 0%-100% Duty cycle horizon: time  
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1. Any of three kinds of fault trigger fault bit toggle to 1 OT: Temp>155℃ OC:short to battery/supply or over-current condition. OL:open load when OUTPUT OFF 2. base on truth table below, user can recognize the fault type   Output OFF(0) Output ON(1) HS Open load/ short to BAT(OC) short to GND(OC)/OT LS Open load/ short to GND(OC) short to BAT(OC)/OT   Open load(OL) and Short circuit base on Vds><Vout(FLT-TH) 33879   33880   OL: Vds<VFLT-TH && Output OFF Short to BAT: Vds > VFLT-TH && OC Short to GND: Vds< VFLT-TH &&OC  
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This attachment helps you develop MC33879 replace MC33880.
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MC33AR6000 support OTP (one time program).  IC has a RAM register and a Fuse array.  Customer can write configuration data into RAM (Power off erase), check the data is write correct, then burn into fuse array. Follow the guide in attachment. it will become easy for you.
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MC33AR6000 Driving code and Fusing code develop guide and example. Chinese version. MC33AR6000 驱动和烧录代码开发指导以及示例。中文版本。
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MC33AR6000 Chinese Datasheet
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  In this attachment you will better understand how does MC33813/4 works.   Contents 1 Power.................................................................................................................................................... 2 2 Low side driver (LSD)....................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Open Load................................................................................................................................. 4 2.2 Short to Battery/Over current ............................................................................................. 4 2.3 Short to Ground....................................................................................................................... 5 2.4 Open Load Current Sink ....................................................................................................... 5 2.5 Over Temperature................................................................................................................... 6 3 Pre-Driver ........................................................................................................................................... 7 3.1 Open Load/Short to Battery................................................................................................ 7 3.2 Over current.............................................................................................................................. 8 4 VRS........................................................................................................................................................ 9 4.1 Manuel and Automatic mode............................................................................................. 9 4.1.1 Manuel Mode.................................................................................................................. 9 4.1.2 Automatic Mode ..........................................................................................................10 4.2 GND VRSN and Dis 2.5Vref................................................................................................11 4.2.1 VRS single-ended input.............................................................................................11 4.2.2 Hall Sensor .....................................................................................................................11 4.2.3 Others ..............................................................................................................................12
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